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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 3PROPOSEDLICENSEAMENDMENT FORIMPLEMENTATION OF10CFR50'PPENDIX JOPTIONB1-23/46-1thru3/46-103/46-133/46-19thru3/46-233/46-31B3/46-1B3/46-26-15bInsertPages(InsertsA,B,andC)96iiOi0288 961028PDRADQCK05000389P 1.6-ACHANNELFUNCTIONAL TESTshallbethe'injection ofasimulated signalintothechannelasdosetotheprimarysensoraspracticable toverify.OPERABILITY including alarmand/ortripfunctions.
{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 3 PROPOSED LICENSE AMENDMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF 10 CFR 50'PPENDIX J OPTION B 1-2 3/4 6-1 thru 3/4 6-10 3/4 6-13 3/4 6-19 thru 3/4 6-23 3/4 6-31 B3/4 6-1 B3/4 6-2 6-15b Insert  Pages  (Inserts A, B, and C) 96iiOi0288 961028 PDR  ADQCK 05000389 P
1.7CONTAINMENT VESSELINTEGRITY shallexistwhen:a.Allcontainment vesselpenetrations requiredtobedosedduringaccidentconditions areeither.CapableofbeingdosedbyanOPERABLEcontainment automatic isolation valvesystem,or2.Closedbymanualvalves,blindflanges,ordeactivated automatic valvessecuredintheirdosedItionscetaovidecHn-Fabl 4cUptakes~ha4ai~4'penc~~nrnlev<,'SIcnkQ'ne'er-R8<i'n:Stm]l deCoo>rot.equtpmenhaearedosedandsealed,c.Eachcontainment, vesselairlockisincompliance withtherequirements ofSpecificatio,d.Thecontainment leakageratesarewithinthelimitsofSpecification 3.6.12,andIIe.Thesealingmechanism associated witheachpenetration (e.g.,welds,bellowsorO-rings)isOPERABLE.
1.8CONTROLLED LEAKAGEshallbethesealwaterflowsuppliedfromthereactorcoolantpumpseats.1.9COREALTERATiON shallbethemovementormanipulation ofanyfuel,sources,reactivity controlcomponents, orothercomponents affecting reactivity withinthereactorvesselwiththevesselheadremovedandfuelinthevessel.Exceptions totheaboveincludeshared(4fingered) controlelementassemblies (CEAs)withdrawn intotheupperguidestructure (UGS)orevolutions perfommdwiththeUGSinphcesuchasCEAlatching/unlatching orverification oflatching/unlatching whichdonotconstitute aCOREALTERATION.
1.6-         A CHANNEL FUNCTIONALTEST shall be the'injection of a simulated signal into the channel as dose to the primary sensor as practicable to verify.OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions.
Suspension ofCOREALTERATIONS shallnotprecludecompletion ofmovementofacomponent toasafeposition.
1.7          CONTAINMENTVESSEL INTEGRITY shall exist when:
: a. All containment vessel penetrations required to be dosed during accident conditions are either.
Capable of being dosed by an OPERABLE containment automatic isolation valve system, or
MODES1",2",3,and4.ACTION:WithoutprimaryCONTAINMENT INTEGRITY, restoreCONTAINMEHT INTEGRITY within1hourorbeinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithinthenext6hoursandinCOLDSHUTDOWNwithinthefollowing 30hours.SURVEILLANCE REUIREHENTS INTEGRITY shallbedemonstrated:
: 2. Closed by manual valves, blind flanges, or deactivated automatic valves secured in their dosed      Itions    ce t a  ovidecHn-Fabl Uptakes  ~ha4 ai~ 4'pen c ~ ~n rnlev <,'SIcnk 4c      Q'ne'er-   R8<i'n:Stm]l de    Coo>rot.
PAtleastonceper31daysbyverifying thatall.penetrations~
equtpmen ha      e are dosed and sealed,
notcapableofbeingclosedbyOPERABLEcontainment automatic isolation valvesandrequiredtobeclosedduringaccidentconditions areclosedbyvalves,blindflanges,ordeactivated automatic valvessecuredintheirpositipovvctlvcs>hatoy'QgloPA0~cNA<Ate.Imtklin0hasi'sQo~e~nJni'8>'5trR9ive Q~)roLyverifying ateacnrlockisincompliance.
: c. Each containment, vessel air lock is in compliance with the requirements of Specificatio,
withtherequirements ofSpecification,theRCBpolarcraneshallberenderedinoperable bylockingthepowersupplybreakeropen.Exceptvalves,blindflanges,anddeactivated automatic valveswhicharelocatedinsidethecontainment andarelocked,sealedorotherwise securedintheclosedposition.
: d. The containment leakage rates are within the limits of Specification 3.6.12, and II
Thesepenetrations shallbeverifiedclosedduringeachCOLDSHUTDOWNexceptthatsuchverification neednotbeperformed moreoftenthanonceper92days.ST.LUCIE-UNIT23/46-1Amendment
: e. The sealing mechanism associated with each penetration (e.g., welds, bellows or O-rings) is OPERABLE.
1.8          CONTROLLED LEAKAGEshall be the seal water flow supplied from the reactor coolant pump seats.
1.9          CORE ALTERATiONshall be the movement or manipulation of any fuel, sources, reactivity control components, or other components affecting reactivity within the reactor vessel with the vessel head removed and fuel in the vessel. Exceptions to the above include shared (4 fingered) control element assemblies (CEAs) withdrawn into the upper guide structure (UGS) or evolutions perfommd with the UGS in phce such as CEA latching/unlatching or verification of latching/unlatching which do not constitute a CORE ALTERATION. Suspension of CORE ALTERATIONS shall not preclude completion of movement of a component to a safe position.
ST. LUCIE- UNIT2                                  1-2
V        A
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~ombinedHeaka hy-wHght-of-4he-uced-pressure-o&P;,
ij a f
APPLICABILITY:       MODES  1", 2", 3, and 4.
Without primary      CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY, restore CONTAINMEHT INTEGRITY within 1 hour    or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours.
: 4. 6.1.1    Primary    CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY   shall be demonstrated:
P At least once per 31 days by verifying that all.penetrations~ not capable of being closed by OPERABLE containment automatic isolation valves and required to be closed during accident conditions are closed by valves, blind flanges, or deactivated automatic valves secured    in their positi pov vctlvcs >hat oy'Q    gloPA  0~ cNA <Ate.I mtklin0 hasi's Qo~e~ n Jni'8>'5trR9ive Q~)roL
: b. y verifying at eac                  n    r lock is in compliance. with the requirements of Specification
be a
                    ~ 0 ~
a In MODES 1 and 2, the RCB polar crane shall be rendered inoperable by locking the power supply breaker open.
Except valves, blind flanges, and deactivated automatic valves which are located inside the containment and are locked, sealed or otherwise secured in the closed position. These penetrations shall be verified closed during each COLD SHUTDOWN except that such verification need not be performed more often than once per 92 days.
ST. LUCIE   - UNIT 2                      3/4 6-1                  Amendment .'to.
It) 4 8 I ) .$ g Q f V I < ~ i' b
        'CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE LIMITING CONDITION    FOR OPERATION  Containment leakage rates shall be        limited'. i6        accordance. cuI'
        <he gyyfyinm~4/'ea4tg~ gp/c 7cyp;np i regrang.
                  ~-& ~~ ~&+i                  4I-1 I.   %6-p~mb              S, f-fJ y-wHghtof-4he-
                        ~nt-ament ai~per24-h                        uced-pressure-o&P;,
                  ~ombinedHeaka h
MODES1,2,3,and4.ACTION:Q~sgRgAg~b'-Typ.8d-e-Ig,priortoincreasin theReactorCoolantSystemtemperature above200F.Rcsio~e~he.meant(legs~~~vcxbe.~(ess,+4c~%ha,k-speci[(Q4hyt4Con4~fvlmenk Leq~c'Ra)c.Vcskang'ProgrR~
SURVEILLANCE REUIRNTS4.6.1.2Thecontainment leakageratesshallbedemonstrated atthe-$e44evAag-rqu'~~Atestscheduleandshallbedetermined inconformance withthecriteriaspecified in4ppen:~P,~~;~~<
MODES    1, 2, 3, and 4.
Lcw~~gi~-p,<<p,ck.~ptpic.ST.LUCIE-UNIT23/46-2Amendment No.36,81,N.P  
Q~sgRg Ag
                                                                          -Typ. 8  d-e-I b'
~i5c3/96"9i'sgAgflcpckIlnli'4page..IfanyperiodicTypeAtestfailstomeeteither.75Lor.75Lthetestscheduleforsubsequent TypeAtestsshallberevieweandpprovedbytheCommission.
Iftwoconsecutive TypeAtestsailtomeeither.75Lor.75Lt,aTypeAtestshallbeperfoedataleastvery18monthsuntiltwoconsecutive TypeAtestmeeteither.75L.75Latwhichtimetheabovetestschedulimayberesumed.c.TheaccuracyoeachTypeAtestshallbeverifdbyasupplemental testwhich:1.ConfirmstheacracyoftheTypeAstbyverifying thatthedifference betweesupplemental anypeAtestdataiswithin0.25Lor0.25Lt.2.Hasadurationsufficietostablishaccurately thechangeinleakageratebetweentheeAtestandthesupplemental test.3.Requiresthequantityogassectedintothecontainment or'bledfromthecontaintduringthesupplemental testtobeequivalent toatlet25KofthetalmeasuredleakagerateatP,41.8psigPt,20.9psig.d.TypeBandCtestsallbeconducted withgaatP,41.8psigatintervals nogreerthan24monthsexceptforttsinvolving:
                          , prior to increasin      the Reactor Coolant System temperature above 200 F.
l.Airloce.2.Pursupplyandexhaustisolation valveswithresientmerialseals.Pursupplyandexhaustisolation valveswithresilient mater1ssshallbetestedanddemonstrated OPERABLEperSurveillance equirements and4.
Rcsio~e   ~he. meant( legs~~~ v cxbe.
ST.LUCIE-UNIT23/46-3Amendnent No.ff,66  
4 y t h 4 Con4~fvlmenk
~~4E CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS Continued QECC.ranThecombinedbypassleageesallbedeterinined tobelessoualtoG.I2Lbyapplicable TypeBandCtestsatlenceper24monexceptforpenetrations whicharenoividually testable; penetrsnotindividually tesshallbedetermined tohavenodetectable ewhenteswithsoapbubbleswhilethecontainment ispressuriz
                                                                  ~    (ess, +4c~ %ha,k- speci[(Q Leq~c     'Ra)c. Vcskang'ProgrR~
,41.8psigduringeachTypeAtest.g.Airlocksshaltestedanddemonstrated OPERequi.6.1.3.erSurvei1lance~hieprovisions ofSpecification 4.0.2arenotapplicable.
SURVEILLANCE RE UIR        NTS rqu'~~A test specified in
.ST.LUCIE-UNIT23/46-4Amendment S).~  
                  ~p 4ppen:
The containment leakage rates shall be demonstrated at the -$ e44evAag-schedule and shall be determined in conformance with the criteria
                                                      ~ P,~~;~~<       Lc w~~     gi~ -p,<<p, ck.
t                                  pic.
ST. LUCIE   - UNIT  2                  3/4 6-2                    Amendment No. 36, 81, N.P
                  ~-             ~
8              ~ Q h
                    ~ ~ ~ f" 4
ill g~ ~
                    +<Q<S    Vl &   3 fhvough 3/g g-3 h~ge 4cez >FC~.~c"0.
                    ~i5c 3/9    6 "9 i's gAg flcpck Ilnli'4 page..
If any    periodic Type    A test fails to  meet  either .75 L or .75 L the test schedule for subsequent Type A tests shall be reviewe and pproved by the Commission. If two consecutive Type A tests ail to me      either .75 La or .75 Lt, a Type A test shall be perfo ed at least very 18 months until two consecutive Type A test meet either
          .75 L          .75 L at which time the above test scheduli may be resumed.
: c. The accuracy o        each Type A    test shall  be  verif  d by a supplemental test which:
: 1.     Confirms the ac racy of the Type A st by verifying that the difference betwee supplemental an ype A test data is within 0.25 L or 0.25 Lt.
: 2.     Has a    duration sufficie      to stablish accurately the change in leakage rate between the          e A test and the supplemental test.
: 3.     Requires the quantity o gas s ected into the containment or
                  'bled from the contai          nt during the supplemental test to be equivalent to at le        t  25K of the    tal measured leakage rate at P , 41.8 psig          Pt, 20.9 psig.
: d. Type    B  and  C tests    all  be conducted  with  ga  at P  , 41.8 psig at intervals    no  gre    er than  24 months except    for  t  ts involving:
: l. Air loc
: 2. Pur      supply and exhaust isolation valves with resi          ent m  erial seals.
: e. Pur      supply and exhaust isolation valves with resilient mater            1 s    s  shall be tested and demonstrated OPERABLE per Surveillance equirements and
ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2                          3/4 6-3                Amendnent No. ff, 66
    ~ ~
4 E
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS      Continued QECC.ran The combined bypass lea ge        e s all be deterinined  to be less o    ual to G.I2 L by applicable Type B and C tests      at le      nce per 24 mon      except for penetrations which are no        ividually testable; penetr        s not individually tes        shall be determined to have no detectable          e when tes    with soap bubbles while the containment is pressuriz            , 41.8 psig during each Type A test.
: g. Air locks shal        tested and demonstrated  OPE        er Survei 1 lance Requi          .6.1.3.
h    i e provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are not applicable.
. ST. LUCIE -  UNIT 2                    3/4 6-4                  Amendment S). ~
TABLE 3.6-1 CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to g  Penetrattnn ~S stem              Valve Ta  Number T  e    Containment Service              T    T  e*
t 7          Ma    up Mater      I-HCV-15-1 Globe          Outside    Primary Makeup Mat    BYPASS/
I-V-15-328 Check          Inside                            TYPE  C Station  A          I-V-18-794 Globe          Outside    Station  A    Supply BYPASS/
I-V-18-1270 Check          Inside                            TYPE C I-V-18-797 Globe          Annulus I-HCV-18-2 Globe          Outside Instrument Afr      I-  V-18-1 Globe          Outside    Instrument Air Supply BYPASS/
I-V-    195 Check          Insi                              TYPE C 10          Containment Purge    I-FCV-25-5 'FLY            Annulus    Containment          TYPE C I-FCV-25-4 B'              Inside      Purge Exhaust I
11          Containment Purge    I-FCV-25-2 B'F            Annulus    Containment          TYPE  C I-FCV-25-3    LY          Inside      Purge Supply 14          Maste Management    V-67    Globe              0    ide    N2 Supply to          BYPASS/
V    92 Check              Ins        Safety In). Tanks    TYPE C I'              Component Coolin    I-HCV-14-7 B'FLY          Outside    RC Pump  Cooling    BYPASS/
I-HCV-14-1 O'PLY-          Inside      ater Supply          TYPE C p4          Compon      Cooling. I-HCV-14-6 B'FLY          Outside    RC Pu    Cooling    BYPASS/
rt                                  I-HCV-14-2 B'FLY          Inside      Mater  Re  rn        TYPE C O
25          Puel Transfer Tube  Oouble Gasket Flange      Inside      Fuel  Transfer,      BYPASS/
TYPE C CVCS                I-V-2516 Globe            Inside      Letdown Line            YPASS/
I-V-2522 Globe            Outside                          T    C
TABLE  9;6-1 ~~untinued)
CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to rn Penet tien  ~S stem          Val ve Ta    Number/T  e      Containment Service                    Test T I
28A        . Sampling          ISE-05-1A,18,1C10 Globe      Inside      Safety/Injection              ASS ISE"05-lE Globe              Outside    Tank Sample                TYPE C 208          Samp            I-V-5200 Globe                Inside      RCS  Hot                    BYPASS I-V-5203 Globe                Outside    Leg Sample                  TYPE C 29A          Sampling        I"V-5204 Globe                Outside    Press      Surge          BYPASS I-V-5201 Globe                Inside      Sa    e                    TYPE C 298          Sampling            -5205 Globe                Outside    Pressure Steam              BYPASS I"V-  02 Globe                Inside      Sample  ~
TYPE C 4J 31          Waste Management I-V"6718  D    h              I  >de    Containment Vent            BYPASS I-V-6750 Oiap                    utside                        'eader TYPE C a  41           Safety Injection I"SE" 03" 2A,28  Glob        Inside      Safety Injection Tank      BYPASS I-V-3463 Gate                  Outside    Fill/Orain    agd          TYPE C Sampling 4
Waste Management I-LCV- 11A Globe              Insi        Reactor Cavity    Sump    BYPASS I-L 118 Globe              Outside    Pump  Discharge            TYPE C 43          Waste Management I-V-6341 Oi aph                Inside        actor Orain Tank        BYPASS I-V-6342 Oiaph                Outside    Pui  Suction              TYPE C 44          CVCS            I-V-2524 Globe                Inside      Reactor      lant  Pump    BYPASS I-V-2505 Globe                Outside    Controlled        edoff    TYPE C el Pool      I-V-07-206 Gate                Outside    Fuel Pool                  BYPASS I-V-07"189 Gate                Inside      Cleanup (inl et)            TYPE C 47          Fuel Pool        I-V"07-170 Gate                Outside    Fuel Pool                  B    SS I-V-07-188 Gate                Inside      Cleanup (outlet)            TYPE
      'll I
P hg r
                'h I
TABLE    3. 6  'Continued) e CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to m .Penetra n ~Setem      Valve Ta    Number/T  e      Containment Service              Test T I
g 48A        ampling    I-FSE-27-8,9,10-11 Globe      Inside      H2 Sampling          T    C I-FSE-27-15 Globe              Outside    Outlet 48B      Sampling    I-V-27-101 Check                Inside    H2 Sampling          TYPE C I-FSC.27-16 Globe              Outside    Inlet 51A      Sampling    I-FSE-27-12,13,14 Globe        Inside    Hz-Samp  ng          TYPE C
                          -FSE-27-18 Globe              Outside    Outl 518      Sampling    I-V- -102    Check            Inside      2 Sampling          TYPE C I"FSE-2    7  Globe          Outside    Inlet 52A      Sampling    I"FCV"26" 1  Glo              In    e  Containment Radiation BYPASS I-FCV-26-2 Globe                  tside  Honitoring            TYPE C M'28        Sampling    I-FCV-26-3 Globe              Inside      Containment Radiation BYPASS I-FCV-26-4 Globe                utside    Honitoring            TYPE C 52C      Sampling    I-FCV-26-5        be          Insi        Containment Radiation BYPASS I-FCV Globe                Outside    Honitoring            TYPE C 52D      ILRT        I-  0-140 Globe              Inside                            BYPASS
                          -V-00-143 Globe              Outside                          TYPE C 52E      ILRT        I-V-00-139 Globe              Inside      ILRT                  BYPASS I-V-00-144 Globe              Outside    ILRT                  TYPE C 54        ILRT        I-V-00-101 Gate                Outside    ILRT                  BYPASS/
Blind Flange                  Inside                            TYPE C 55        Containment I-FCV"25"26 B'FLY              Outside    Cont. Containment    BYPA Q H2  Purge  I-FCV-?5-36 B'FLY              Inside      H2 Purge Hakeup Inlet TYPE C~
i t
TABLE  3.6-1 {Continued)
CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to P    tratfon    ~Sstem                  Valve Ta    Number/T    e      Containment  Secvtce                    Test    e" 57              Containment              I"V"FCV-25" 20 B'FLY          Inside        Cont. Containment        B  ASS/
H~  Purge                I-FCV"25" 21 8'LY            Outside        Purge
                                                                                              - Exhaust          YPE C 67                  cuum                  I-V"25-20 Check              Inside        Containment  .          TYPE C Re  ef                  I-FCV"25"7 8'FLY              Outside      Vacuum    Relfef Vacuum                .I-V<<25-21 Check                Inside        Containme Rel fef                I"FCV"25"8 8'FLY              Outs! de      Vacuum      lief Personnel        HA                      Hone                          HA            In ess    and Egress Lock                                                                                    o Containment Escape Lock                                                                          Emergency Ingress and      TYPE 8 Egress    to Contafnment Maintenance      HA                      None                                        Vessel Maintenance        TYPE 8 Hatch Electrical      HA                      All Prfmary  Can    er                                                TYPE B Penetratfons                            .except welded spar 1              Main Steam Steel        Tap 1                          Outside      Expansion Bellows          TYPE 8 Containment Nozzle      Tap 2                              side Mafn Steam Steel        Tap 1                          Outs          Expansfon Bellows          TYPE 8 Containment              Te                            Outside Nozzles Feedwater Steel          Tap 1                          Outside      Ex    sion Bellows        TYPE 8 Containment H    les    Tap 2                          Outside Feedwater    eel        Tap 1                          Outside      Expansion      llows      TYPE 8 Contaf ent Hozfles      Tap 2                          Outside 25              F      Tube Steel        Tap 1                          Inside        Expansion Bellows          TYPE 8 ontafnment Hozzles 50              Temporary Services      Blind Flange                  Outside      Construction/Outage        T    8 Blind Flange                  Inside        Use ype    an  ypass    ests are conducted in the  same manner,    the only difference fs in the acceptance    criteria.
that fs applicable.
    ,r f
/      h
: a. Both doors closed except when the air lock is being used for normal transi% entry and exit through the containment, then at least one air lock door shall be closed, and
: b. An  overall air loc leakage rateof      loess-4han-o~ua4-4o-0&5-L            a4-again APPLICABILITY:      MODES  1, 2, 3, and 4.
With one containment      air lock  door inoperable~:
: 1. Maintain at least the OPERABLE air lock door closed and either restore the inoperable air lock door to OPERABLE status within 24 hours or lock the OPERABLE air lock door closed.
: 2. Operation may then continue until performance of the next required overa11 air lock 1eakage test provided that the OPERABLE air lock door is verified to be locked closed at least once per 31 days.
: 3. Otherwise, be in at least    HOT STANDBY within the next  6 in hours'nd COLD SHUTDOWN  within the following 30 hours.
: 4. The  provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not app1icable.
With the containment    air lock inoperable, except as the result of an inoperable air lock door, maintain at least one air lock door closed; restore the inoperable air lock to OPERABLE status within 24 hours or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours.
If the inner    air lock  door is inoperable, passage trough the OPERABLE outer air lock  door  is permitted to effect repairs to the inoperable inner air lock door. Ho  more than one airlock door shall be open at any time.
ST. LUCIE  -  UNIT 2                    3/4 6-9                  Amendment  No.W
0 J 1
1        Each containment air lock shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
jf  ~
ai  ~
4 At least once per 6 months by verifying that only one door in each air lock can be opened at a time.
: a.  'ey    ve~  I'y,'ng l&Lkeg~ rates          a~g                    Ao~
                                                                        ~;~    loci>.
oCcor d.~~c    e Lea <egaRa .la          Teskn~        P,'rg(ra~      a~ J ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2                            3/4 &10                    Amendment No. 86,~
v ~ f.               I I si      I              ~ ~ ~
I  1        I ~ " II
CONTAIINENT SYSTB6 CDHTAINHENT VESSEL STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY LIHITIHG COHOITION    FOR OPERATION The structural integrity of the contaireent vessel shall be aaintaincd at a level consistent ~ith thc acceptance criteria in Surveillance Rcqui~nt
APPLICABILITY:    DOGES  1, 2, 3 and 4.
With the structural      integrity of the containacnt vessel not conforming to the above requiresents, restore the structural integrity to within fM liaits prior to increasing the Reactor Coolant Systce teaperature above 2OOoF SURVEILLANCE RE UIRENEHTS
          ~'a ac~<~c~ ~,+ OAhe Gn4ai'AIr end L encage. 'Rale 7cz$ (ng 'Prop ra~
4.6.1. The structural integrity of the contaicment vessel shall be detcr-ained dur-in exposed accessible      interior  and exterior surfaces of the vessel and ver-fying no apparent changes    in  appearance of the surfaces or other abnormal degra-dation. i 5T. LUCIK    - UNIT 2                    3/4 6-13          Amendment l)o.
        'l E'
I        1
            $        &  ~
I    ~    ~ ~ ~          P 4
h t
conga'.n conf Mith one or more~-the isolation valve(s)                                      i noperabl e, maintain at least one isolation valve OPERABLE in each affected penetration that is  open and  either:
: a. Restore the inoperable valve(s)      to  OPERABLE  status within 4 hours, or
: b. Isolate each affected penetration within 4 hours by use of at least one deactivated automatic valve secured in the isolation position, or C. Isolate each affected penetration within 4 hours by use of at least one closed manual valve or blind flange; or
: d. Be  in at least HOT STANDBY within the next      6  hours and in COLD SHUTDOMN    within the following 30 hours.
OPERABLE  prior to returning the valve to service after maintenance, repair or replacement work is performed on the valve or.its associated actuator, control or power circuit by performance of a cycling test and verification of isolation time.
ST. LUCIE   - UNIT 2                      3/4 6-19
Cont~'n~ o~ 0    Each  automatic isolation valve                            shall  be dem-onstrated.OPERABLE during the    COLD SHUTDOMN or REFUELING MODE at least  once per 18 months by:
: a. Verifying that on a Containment Isolation test signal (CIAS) and/or a Safety Injection test signal (SIAS), each isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
: b. Verifying that  on a Containment Radiation-High test signal, each containment purge valve actuates to its isolation position.        .<<~~ ~,so<<1"~'anker 4.6. 3.3 The isolation time of each power operated or automatic valve ef-~He
~~      shall be determined to be within its limit when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5.
ST. LUCIE  -  UNIT 2                  3/4 6-20            peen Jeenh    Q0.
0 ~    1 4  ~ g g j
4s, 4 spgg 4~
                      ~    ~ ~ A% ~
                                                                                        . Haximu Penetration                                      Testable During  lsol  ion A) Con    nment Isolat I-HCV                  Primary Hakeup Mater (CIS)            Yes I-HCV-18-2                Station Air Supply I-HCV-18-1                Instrument Air Supply (CIS) 1-FCV-25-5,4  10          Containment Purge Exhaust          S) No I-FCV-25-2,3              Containment Purge Hak          (CIS)  No V-6741                    Nit en Supply          Safety        Yes Inject      Tank  (C IS)
I-HCV-14-7    23          Reactor  C      t Pump  Cooling I-HCV-14-1                Mater      ply (      )
I-HCV-14-6    24          R    tor Coolant  Pump    oling I-HCV-14-2                  ater Return (SIAS)
I-V-2516      26          Letdown Line (CIS)
I-V-2522 I-SE-05-1A)]B, IC,ID,IE    28          Safety Injection Tank Sample          Yes I-V-5200      28B        Reactor Coolant System Hot Leg        Yes I-V-5203                  Sample (CIS)
I-V-5204      29A        Pressurizer Surge                    Yes I-V-5                      Sample (CIS)
          -5205      29B        Pressurizer  Steam                  Yes I-V-5202                  Sample (CIS)
      'll I
C '4 t
J f
TABLE  3.6-2 (Continued)
CONTAINHENT ISOLATION VALVES Haximu Penetration                                  Testable Outing Iso    )on
'alve Ta  umber    Number        Function                                  ah I"V-6718      31            Containment Vent                Yes I"V-6750                    Header (CIS)
I"SE"03-2A,28 41            Safety Injection Tank Test Line Yes (CIS/SIAS)
I"LCV-07"11A  42            Reactor Cavity Sump            Yes I"LCV"07" 118              Pump  Oischarge (CIS/SIAS)
I-V-6341      43                T Pump  Suction (CIS        Yes            5 I"V"6342 I"V-2524                    RCP  Contro                    No I-V"2505                    Bleed-off    I I-FCV"26" 1  52A          Con    nment  Radiatio          Yes            10 I-FCU-26-2                      itoring (CIS)
I-FCV"26"3                  Containment Radiation          Yes            10 I-FCV-26-4                  Honitoring (CIS)
I-FCV"26-5                  Containment Radiation          Yes            10 I-FCV"26"6                  Monitoring (CIS)
I"FCV-25-26  56            Cont. Containment/Hz Purge      Yes I-FCV-2    6              Hakeup  Inlet  (CIS)
V"25-20  57            Cont. Containment/Hq Purge      Yes
      -FCV-25-21                Exhaust (CIS)
                'y l
V 1
TASLE  3.6-2 (Continued)
n M                                                                                            Haximum m                            Penetration                                    Testable 'During Isolat I    lve  Ta    Number      Number        Function                        ~P) t. II  t.l  li    S
: 8)  Ha    al  CR .
Remot      anual I"V"18"79                        Station Air Supply (Hanual)    Yes              NA I-V-18-1270                      Station Air Supply {Check)      No              NA I"V"3463                        Safety Injection Tank Test      Yes Line (Hanual)
I"V"07"206        46             Fuel Pool Cleanup  (Inl        Yes 4l          I-V-07-189                          nual)
I-V-07"170                      Fuel Po    Clea    (Outlet)    Yes              NA I                                                                        ~
tO          I-V"07"188                      {Hanual  )
I-FSE"27"8)9)10,  48          , Hq Sam    ng (Remo  Hanual)  Yes 11>15,16 I"FSE-27"12,13,14, 51            Hq  Sampling (Remote Hanual    Yes 17,18 I"V-00-140        520            ILRT (Hanual)
I-V-00"143 I-V-00"139        52E            ILRT (Hanual)                  Yes              NA I"V"00-144 O
I-V-00"      1                    ILRT {Hanual)                  Yes              NA
1I COHTAIHMEHT SYSTEMS SHIELD BUILDING STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY UNITING CONDITION    FOR OPERATION The structural integrity of the shield building shall be maintained at a level. consistent with the acceptance criteria in Surveillance Require-ment
ACTION With the structural integrity of the shield building not conforming to the above requirements, restore the structural integrity to within the limits within 24 hours or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 3O hours.
SVRYEILLAHCE RE UIREHEHTS 4.6.&.3  The  structural integrity of the shield building shall    be determined accessible  interior and  exterior surfaces of the shield building and verifying no apparent changes    in appearance  of the concrete su~faces or other abnormal degradation.
                                  'n accocdnncc w  CA IAc- Can'Arincccn/ICc~~
gl 4f<    AS FI'n  i inyra~
ST. LUCIE -  UHIT 2                    3/4 6-31            Amendment No.
    ,a II,
        ~ ~
            ~ f ll
3/4. 6.1  PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 3/      CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY Primary CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ensures that the release of radioactive materials from the containment atmosphere will be restricted to those leakage paths and associated leak rates assumed in the safety analyses.                      This restriction, in conjunction with the leakage rate limitation, will limit the site boundary radiation doses to within the limits of 10 CFR 100 during accident conditions.
LgdsEk7 Q5                                            (gt, g ps,'Q Mhi'ch rcs~llS 4io~
3/4.6. 1. 2 CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE                          y4~ );~,~;~~~tge basis, loss of Coo'l~~t ace.'ew+.
The limitations on containment leakage ra es ensure tha t e total P  k  **kh    P        .P.~~
containment leakage volte will not exceed the value assumed in the accident Pk
                                                                                      ',hh h  P<<Phh The  surveillance testing for measuring leakage rates~consistent with the requirements of Appendix 0 of 10 CFR 50 as modified by approved exemptions R
                          '-the-r~A4s 3/    CONTAINMENT AIR LOCKS 5 aod Qp f/~ )o~bc  R<g4 ta<o<1''44ide. l l(o3 >~)eel limitations    on  closure  and leak  r
                                                        'e p      e conta R5'he en      ocks are required to meet>> the restrictions on CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY and containment leak rate. Surveillance testing of the air lock seals provides assurance that the overall air lock leakage will not become excessive due to seal damage during the intervals between air lock leaka e tests.
3/      INTERNAL PRESSURE Cenkfnwonf Le<gcge, 'R~ic-        S~'") I J'"~q and I'5 The  limitations    on contaiaaent    interna pressure ensure that (1) the containment structure        is prevented  from exceeding its design negative pressure differential with respect to the annulus atmosphere of 0.7 psi and (2) the containment peak pressure does not exceed the design pressure of 44 psig during steam line break conditions.
The maximum peak      pressure expected to be obtained from a steam line break event is 43.4 psig. The limit of 0,4 psig for initial positive containient pressure will limit the total pressure to 43.99 psig which is less than the design pressure and is consistent with the safety analyses.                                ~ ~
ST. LUCIE    -  UNIT 2                    B  3/4 6-1                          Amendnent Ho.d  +
4                                                  ~4 4          ~    "~                    ~~ 'V
                                                    ~ ~
4    I V    4  4 ~          I
            ~ 4 ~    4 A
4    ~ ~ 4          ~  "V '
j  4    j I
CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6. 1. 5    AIR  TEMPERATURE CONTAINMENT VESSEL STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY This limitation ensures that the structural integr'
                                                                  'l The limitation on containment average air temperature ensures that the containment temperature does not exceed the design temperature of 264 F during steam line break conditions and is consistent with the safety analyses.
3/4.6.1. 6 l 8 of the containment steel vessel will be maintained ceaparable to the orig'nal design standards for the life of the facility. Structural integrity i required to ensure that the vessel will withstand the maximum pressure of . psig in the event of a A visual inspection in s      i  t to demonstrate this cap  ity.
/'.J i'd tg  g+ggg  &gal,'5  Ib5s oI Coolant Aoci'af
      / .6..          CONTAINMENT VENTILA      N  SYSTEM The 48-inch containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valves are required to be closed during plant operation since these valves have not been demonstrated capable of closing during a LOCA or steam line break accident.
Maintaining these valves closed during plant operations ensures that excessive quantities of radioactive materials will not be released via the contairaent purge system. To provide assurance that the 48-inch valves cannot be inadvertently opened,= they are sealed closed in accordance with Standard Review Plan 6.2.4 which includes devices to lock the valve closed, or prevent power from being supplied to the valve operator.
The use of the containment purge lines is restricted to the 8-inch purge supply and exhaust isolation valves since, unlike the 48-inch valves, the 8-inch valves will close during a LOCA or steam line break accident and therefore the site boundary dose guidelines of 10 CFR Part 100 would not be exceeded in the event of an accident during purging operations.
Leakage integrity tests with a maximum allowable leakage rate for purge supply and exhaust isolation valves will provide early indication of resilient material seal degradation and will allow the opportunity for repair before gross leakage failure develops. The 0.60 L leakage limit shall not be exceeded when the leakage rates determined 3y the leakage integrity tests of these valves are added to the previously determined total for all valves and penetrations subject to Type          B and  C tests.
ST. LUCIE      -  UNIT 2                  B  3/4 6-2            Atttendment No.
4 I ~
~ I J
,. ADMINISTRATIVE COHTRO than 8 days in gaseous effluents released from each unit to areas beyond the SITE BOUNDARY conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR  Part 50,
: 10)      Limitations  on  the annual dose or dose coaxnitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC    due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources conforming to 40 CFR Part 190.
: g. Radiol    ical Environmental Monitorin    Pr  ram A  prepam shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radio-nuclides in the environs of the plant. The program shall. provide (1) representative measurements of radioactivity in the highest potential exposure pathways, and (2) verification of the accuracy of the effluent monitoring program and modeling of environmental exposure pathways. The program shall (1) be contained in the ODCM, (2) conform to the guidance of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and (3) include the following:
: 1)      Monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting of radiation and radionuclides in the environment in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM,
: 2)      A Land Use Census    to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made    if required by the results of this census, and
: 3)        Participation in a Interlaboratory Coiparison Program to ensure  that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring.
ST. LUCIE  UNIT  1                      6-15b                      Amendment No. P
PNSERT A Unit 2]
With the containment leakage rate exceeding the acceptance criteria of the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, within 1 hour initiate action to be in at least HOT STANDBYwithin the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours.
[INSERT B Unit 2]
In accordance with Generic Letter 91-08, "Removal of Component Lists from Technical Specifications," the opening of locked or sealed closed containment isolation valves on an intermittent basis under administrative control includes the following considerations: (1) statio'ning an operator, who is in constant communication with the control room, at the valve controls, (2) instructing this operator to close these valves in an accident situation, and, (3) assuring that environmental conditions will not preclude access to close the valves and that this action will prevent the release of radioactivity outside the containment.

[INSERT C Unit 2]
~Sstemt7MaupMaterStationAValveTaNumberTeI-HCV-15-1 GlobeI-V-15-328 CheckI-V-18-794 GlobeI-V-18-1270 CheckI-V-18-797 GlobeI-HCV-18-2 GlobeLocationtoContainment OutsideInsideOutsideInsideAnnulusOutsideServicePrimaryMakeupMatStationASupplyTTe*BYPASS/TYPECBYPASS/TYPEC10I1114I'p4rtO25Instrument AfrContainment PurgeContainment PurgeMasteManagement Component CoolinComponCooling.I-V-18-1GlobeI-V-195CheckI-FCV-25-5
: h. Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program A program to implement      the leakage rate testing of the containment as required by 10 CFR 50.54(o) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, Option B, as modified by approved exemptions. This program is in accordance with the guidelines contained in Regulatory Guide 1.163, "Performance-Based Containment Leak-Test Program," as modified by the following exception:
'FLYI-FCV-25-4 B'I-FCV-25-2 B'FI-FCV-25-3 LYV-67GlobeV92CheckI-HCV-14-7 B'FLYI-HCV-14-1 O'PLY-I-HCV-14-6 B'FLYI-HCV-14-2 B'FLYCVCSI-V-2516GlobeI-V-2522GlobePuelTransferTubeOoubleGasketFlangeOutsideInsiAnnulusInsideAnnulusInside0ideInsOutsideInsideOutsideInsideInsideInsideOutsideContainment PurgeExhaustContainment PurgeSupplyN2SupplytoSafetyIn).TanksRCPumpCoolingaterSupplyRCPuCoolingMaterRernFuelTransfer, LetdownLineTYPECTYPECBYPASS/TYPECBYPASS/TYPECBYPASS/TYPECBYPASS/TYPECYPASS/TCInstrument AirSupplyBYPASS/TYPEC TABLE9;6-1~~untinued)
: a.     Bechtel Topical Report, BN-TOP-1 or ANS 56.8-1994 (as recommended by R.G.
CONTAINMENT LEAKAGEPATHSSamp29ASampling298Sampling4J31a41WasteManagement SafetyInjection WasteManagement 43WasteManagement 44CVCSelPoolrnPenettien~SstemI28A.Sampling208ValveTaNumber/TeISE-05-1A,18,1C10 GlobeISE"05-lE GlobeI-V-5200GlobeI-V-5203GlobeI"V-5204GlobeI-V-5201Globe-5205GlobeI"V-02GlobeI-V"6718DhI-V-6750OiapI"SE"03"2A,28GlobI-V-3463GateI-LCV-11AGlobeI-L-07-118GlobeI-V-6341OiaphI-V-6342OiaphI-V-2524GlobeI-V-2505GlobeI-V-07-206 GateI-V-07"189 GateLocationtoContainment InsideOutsideInsideOutsideOutsideInsideOutsideInsideI>deutsideInsideOutsideInsiOutsideInsideOutsideInsideOutsideOutsideInsideServiceSafety/Injection TankSampleRCSHotLegSamplePressSurgeSaePressureSteamSample~Containment Vent'eaderSafetyInjection TankFill/Orain agdSampling4ReactorCavitySumpPumpDischarge actorOrainTankPuiSuctionReactorlantPumpControlled edoffFuelPoolCleanup(inlet)TestTASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPEC47FuelPoolI-V"07-170GateI-V-07-188 GateOutsideInsideFuelPoolCleanup(outlet)BSSTYPE
1.163) willbe used for type A testing.
The peak calculated containment internal pressure for the design basis loss    of coolant accident, P is 41.8 psig. The containment design pressure is 44 psig.
TABLE3.6'Continued) eCONTAINMENT LEAKAGEPATHSm.PenetraIg48A48B51A51852AM'2852C52D52E5455n~SetemamplingSamplingSamplingSamplingSamplingSamplingSamplingILRTILRTILRTContainment H2PurgeValveTaNumber/TeI-FSE-27-8,9,10-11 GlobeI-FSE-27-15 GlobeI-V-27-101 CheckI-FSC.27-16 GlobeI-FSE-27-12,13,14 Globe-FSE-27-18 GlobeI-V--102CheckI"FSE-27GlobeI"FCV"26"1GloI-FCV-26-2 GlobeI-FCV-26-3 GlobeI-FCV-26-4 GlobeI-FCV-26-5 beI-FCV GlobeI-0-140Globe-V-00-143 GlobeI-V-00-139 GlobeI-V-00-144 GlobeI-V-00-101 GateBlindFlangeI-FCV"25"26 B'FLYI-FCV-?5-36 B'FLYLocationtoContainment InsideOutsideInsideOutsideInsideOutsideInsideOutsideInetsideInsideutsideInsiOutsideInsideOutsideInsideOutsideOutsideInsideOutsideInsideServiceH2SamplingOutletH2SamplingInletHz-SampngOutl2SamplingInletContainment Radiation Honitoring Containment Radiation Honitoring Containment Radiation Honitoring ILRTILRTILRTCont.Containment H2PurgeHakeupInletTestTTCTYPECTYPECTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASSTYPECBYPASS/TYPECBYPAQTYPEC~
The maximum allowable containment leakage rate,       Lat Pshall  be 0.50%  of containment air weight per day.
Leakage rate acceptance criteria are:
Containment leakage rate acceptance criterion is < 1.0 L,. During the first unit startup following testing in accordance with this program, the leakage rate acceptance criteria are < 0.60 L, for the Type B and C tests, < 0.75 L;for Type  A tests, and < 0.27 L, for secondary containment bypass leakage paths.
CONTAINMENT LEAKAGEPATHSPtratfon5767Personnel LockEscapeLockMaintenance HatchElectrical Penetratfons 12550~SstemContainment H~PurgecuumReefVacuumRelfefHAHAHAMainSteamSteelContainment NozzleMafnSteamSteelContainment NozzlesFeedwater SteelContainment HlesFeedwater eelContafentHozflesFTubeSteelontafnment HozzlesTemporary ServicesValveTaNumber/TeI"V"FCV-25"20B'FLYI-FCV"25"218'LYI-V"25-20 CheckI-FCV"25"7 8'FLY.I-V<<25-21 CheckI"FCV"25"8 8'FLYHoneNoneAllPrfmaryCaner.exceptweldedsparTap1Tap2Tap1TeTap1Tap2Tap1Tap2Tap1BlindFlangeBlindFlangeLocationtoContainment InsideOutsideInsideOutsideInsideOuts!deHAOutsidesideOutsOutsideOutsideOutsideOutsideOutsideInsideOutsideInsideTeste"SecvtceCont.Containment Purge-ExhaustContainment
: b.     Air lock testing  acceptance criteria are:
.VacuumRelfefContainme VacuumliefInessandEgressoContainment Emergency IngressandTYPE8EgresstoContafnment VesselMaintenance TYPE8BASS/YPECTYPECTYPEBExpansion BellowsExpansfon BellowsTYPE8TYPE8ExsionBellowsExpansion llowsExpansion BellowsTYPE8TYPE8TYPE8Construction/Outage T8Useypeanypassestsareconducted inthesamemanner,theonlydifference fsintheacceptance criteria.
: 1)      Overall air lock leakage rate is < 0.05 L, when tested at > P,.
: 2)       For each door seal, leakage rate is < 0.01 L, when pressurized to > P,.
/,rfi'l,/h CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSCONTAINMENT AIRLOCKSLIMITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION III3.6.1.3Eachcontainment airlockshallbeOPERABLEwith:a.Bothdoorsclosedexceptwhentheairlockisbeingusedfornormaltransi%entryandexitthroughthecontainment, thenatleastoneairlockdoorshallbeclosed,andb.Anoverallairlocleakagerateof-loess-4han-o~ua4-4o-0&5-L
The provisions of T.S. 4.0.2 do not apply to test frequencies in the Containment Leak Rate Testing Program.
The provisions  of T.S. 4.0.3 are applicable to the Containment Leak Rate Testing Program.
MODES1,2,3,and4.ACTlON:Withonecontainment airlockdoorinoperable~:
1.MaintainatleasttheOPERABLEairlockdoorclosedandeitherrestoretheinoperable airlockdoortoOPERABLEstatuswithin24hoursorlocktheOPERABLEairlockdoorclosed.2.Operation maythencontinueuntilperformance ofthenextrequiredovera11airlock1eakagetestprovidedthattheOPERABLEairlockdoorisverifiedtobelockedclosedatleastonceper31days.3.Otherwise, beinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithinthenext6hours'ndinCOLDSHUTDOWNwithinthefollowing 30hours.4.Theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.4arenotapp1icable.
Withthecontainment airlockinoperable, exceptastheresultofaninoperable airlockdoor,maintainatleastoneairlockdoorclosed;restoretheinoperable airlocktoOPERABLEstatuswithin24hoursorbeinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithinthenext6hoursandinCOLDSHUTDOWNwithinthefollowing 30hours.Iftheinnerairlockdoorisinoperable, passagetroughtheOPERABLEouterairlockdoorispermitted toeffectrepairstotheinoperable innerairlockdoor.Homorethanoneairlockdoorshallbeopenatanytime.ST.LUCIE-UNIT23/46-9Amendment No.W 0J11 airlockshallbedemonstrated OPERABLE:
4Atleastonceper6monthsbyverifying thatonlyonedoorineachairlockcanbeopenedatatime.a.'eyve~I'y,'ngl&Lkeg~ratesa~g~;~loci>.Ao~oCcord.~~ceLea<egaRa.laTeskn~P,'rg(ra~
a~JST.LUCIE-UNIT23/4&10Amendment No.86,~
v~f.IIsiI~~~I1I~"II CONTAIINENT SYSTB6CDHTAINHENT VESSELSTRUCTURAL INTEGRITY LIHITIHGCOHOITION FOROPERATION integrity ofthecontaireent vesselshallbeaaintaincd atalevelconsistent
~iththcacceptance criteriainSurveillance Rcqui~nt4.6.1.6.APPLICABILITY:
DOGES1,2,3and4.ACTION:Withthestructural integrity ofthecontainacnt vesselnotconforming totheaboverequiresents, restorethestructural integrity towithinfMliaitspriortoincreasing theReactorCoolantSystceteaperature above2OOoFSURVEILLANCE REUIRENEHTS
~'aac~<~c~~,+OAheGn4ai'AIr endLencage.'Rale7cz$(ng'Propra~4.6.1.Thestructural integrity ofthecontaicment vesselshallbedetcr-aineddur-inexposedaccessible interiorandexteriorsurfacesofthevesselandver-fying noapparentchangesinappearance ofthesurfacesorotherabnormaldegra-dation.i5T.LUCIK-UNIT23/46-13Amendment l)o.
MODES1,2,3and4.ACTION:conga'.nconfMithoneormore~-the isolation valve(s)inoperable,maintainatleastoneisolation valveOPERABLEineachaffectedpenetration thatisopenandeither:a.Restoretheinoperable valve(s)toOPERABLEstatuswithin4hours,orb.Isolateeachaffectedpenetration within4hoursbyuseofatleastonedeactivated automatic valvesecuredintheisolation
: position, orC.d.Isolateeachaffectedpenetration within4hoursbyuseofatleastoneclosedmanualvalveorblindflange;orBeinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithinthenext6hoursandinCOLDSHUTDOMNwithinthefollowing 30hours.SURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS C0nka:eagnew$OPERABLEpriortoreturning thevalvetoserviceaftermaintenance, repairorreplacement workisperformed onthevalveor.itsassociated
: actuator, controlorpowercircuitbyperformance ofacyclingtestandverification ofisolation time.ST.LUCIE-UNIT23/46-19 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSSURVEILLANCE REUIREMENTS (Continued)
Cont~'n~o~ isolation valveshallbedem-onstrated.OPERABLE duringtheCOLDSHUTDOMNorREFUELING MODEatleastonceper18monthsby:a.Verifying thatonaContainment Isolation testsignal(CIAS)and/oraSafetyInjection testsignal(SIAS),eachisolation valveactuatestoitsisolation position.
b.Verifying thatonaContainment Radiation-High testsignal,eachcontainment purgevalveactuatestoitsisolation position.
<<~~ timeofeachpoweroperatedorautomatic valveef-~He~~shallbedetermined tobewithinitslimitwhentestedpursuanttoSpecification 4.0.5.ST.LUCIE-UNIT23/46-20peenJeenhQ0.
.HaximuTestableDuringlsolionA)ConnmentIsolatI-HCV I-HCV-18-2 I-HCV-18-1 1-FCV-25-5,4 I-FCV-25-2,3 V-6741I-HCV-14-7 I-HCV-14-1 I-HCV-14-6 I-HCV-14-2 I-V-2516I-V-252210232426PrimaryHakeupMater(CIS)StationAirSupplyInstrument AirSupply(CIS)YesContainment PurgeHak(CIS)NitenSupplySafetyInjectTank(CIS)ReactorCtPumpCoolingMaterply()RtorCoolantPumpolingaterReturn(SIAS)LetdownLine(CIS)NoYesContainment PurgeExhaustS)NoI-SE-05-1A)]B, IC,ID,IE28SafetyInjection TankSampleYesI-V-5200I-V-5203I-V-5204I-V-5-5205I-V-520228B29A29BReactorCoolantSystemHotLegSample(CIS)Pressurizer SurgeSample(CIS)Pressurizer SteamSample(CIS)YesYesYes k'llIC'4t/Jf
'alveTaumberI"V-6718I"V-6750Penetration Number31TABLE3.6-2(Continued)
CONTAINHENT ISOLATION VALVESFunctionContainment VentHeader(CIS)HaximuTestableOutingIso)onahYesI"SE"03-2A,28 41SafetyInjection TankTestLineYes(CIS/SIAS)
I"LCV-07"11AI"LCV"07"118I-V-6341I"V"6342I"V-2524I-V"2505I-FCV"26"1I-FCU-26-2 I-FCV"26"3 I-FCV-26-4 I-FCV"26-5 I-FCV"26"6 I"FCV-25-26 I-FCV-26V"25-20-FCV-25-21 424352A5657ReactorCavitySumpPumpOischarge (CIS/SIAS)
TPumpSuction(CISRCPControBleed-off IConnmentRadiatioitoring(CIS)Containment Radiation Honitoring (CIS)Containment Radiation Monitoring (CIS)Cont.Containment/Hz PurgeHakeupInlet(CIS)Cont.Containment/Hq PurgeExhaust(CIS)YesYesNoYesYesYesYesYes5101010 PII'yl!/V/1//
InMmIlveTaNumber8)HaalCR.RemotanualPenetration NumberTASLE3.6-2(Continued)
CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVESFunctionHaximumTestable'DuringIsolat~P)t.IIt.lliSI"V"18"79 I-V-18-1270 StationAirSupply(Hanual)StationAirSupply{Check)YesNoNANA4lItOI"V"3463I"V"07"206 I-V-07-189 I-V-07"170I-V"07"188 46I-FSE"27"8)9)10, 4811>15,16I"FSE-27"12,13,14, 5117,18SafetyInjection TankTestLine(Hanual)FuelPoolCleanup(Inlnual)FuelPoClea(Outlet){Hanual),HqSamng(RemoHanual)HqSampling(RemoteHanualYesYes~YesYesYesNAOI"V-00-140 I-V-00"143 I-V-00"139 I"V"00-144 I-V-00"152052EILRT(Hanual)ILRT(Hanual)ILRT{Hanual)YesYesNANA 1I COHTAIHMEHTSYSTEMSSHIELDBUILDINGSTRUCTURAL INTEGRITY UNITINGCONDITION FOROPERATION integrity oftheshieldbuildingshallbemaintained atalevel.consistent withtheacceptance criteriainSurveillance Require-ment4.6.6.3.APPLICABILITY:
KIDES1,2,3and4.ACTIONWiththestructural integrity oftheshieldbuildingnotconforming totheaboverequirements, restorethestructural integrity towithinthelimitswithin24hoursorbeinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithinthenext6hoursandinCOLDSHUTDOWNwithinthefollowing 3Ohours.SVRYEILLAHCE REUIREHEHTS 4.6.&.3Thestructural integrity oftheshieldbuildingshallbedetermined accessible interiorandexteriorsurfacesoftheshieldbuildingandverifying noapparentchangesinappearance oftheconcretesu~facesorotherabnormaldegradation.
gl'naccocdnncc wCAIAc-Can'Arincccn/ICc~~
4f<ASFI'niinyra~ST.LUCIE-UHIT23/46-31Amendment No.
.Ig,aII,~fll\~~I 3/4.6CONTAINMENT STEMSBASES.3/4.6.1PRIMARYCONTAINMENT 3/ CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY PrimaryCONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ensuresthatthereleaseofradioactive materials fromthecontainment atmosphere willberestricted tothoseleakagepathsandassociated leakratesassumedinthesafetyanalyses.
Thisrestriction, inconjunction withtheleakageratelimitation, willlimitthesiteboundaryradiation dosestowithinthelimitsof10CFR100duringaccidentconditions.
LgdsEk7Q5(gt,gps,'QMhi'chrcs~llS4io~3/ LEAKAGEy4~);~,~;~~~tge basis,lossofCoo'l~~tace.'ew+.
Thelimitations oncontainment leakageraesensurethatetotalcontainment leakagevoltewillnotexceedthevalueassumedintheaccidentPk**khP.P.~~',hhPkhP<<Phhleakagerates~consistent withasmodifiedbyapprovedexemptions Thesurveillance testingformeasuring therequirements ofAppendix0of10CFR50R'-the-r~A4s 3/ CONTAINMENT AIRLOCKSThemaximumpeakpressureexpectedtobeobtainedfromasteamlinebreakeventis43.4psig.Thelimitof0,4psigforinitialpositivecontainient pressurewilllimitthetotalpressureto43.99psigwhichislessthanthedesignpressureandisconsistent withthesafetyanalyses.
ll(o3>~)eel'ep)o~bcR5'helimitations onclosureandleakrecontaenocksarerequiredtomeet>>therestrictions onCONTAINMENT INTEGRITY andcontainment leakrate.Surveillance testingoftheairlocksealsprovidesassurance thattheoverallairlockleakagewillnotbecomeexcessive duetosealdamageduringtheintervals betweenairlockleakaetests.3/ INTERNALPRESSURECenkfnwonf Le<gcge,'R~ic-S~'")IJ'"~qandI'5Thelimitations oncontaiaaent internapressureensurethat(1)thecontainment structure isprevented fromexceeding itsdesignnegativepressuredifferential withrespecttotheannulusatmosphere of0.7psiand(2)thecontainment peakpressuredoesnotexceedthedesignpressureof44psigduringsteamlinebreakconditions.
ST.LUCIE-UNIT2B3/46-1Amendnent Ho.d+
44~"~4I.V~~'V~44~I~~~4~4~4A4~~4~"V'j4jI CONTAINMENT SYSTEMSBASES3/ Thelimitation oncontainment averageairtemperature ensuresthatthecontainment temperature doesnotexceedthedesigntemperature of264Fduringsteamlinebreakconditions andisconsistent withthesafetyanalyses.
'll8Thislimitation ensuresthatthestructural integr'ofthecontainment steelvesselwillbemaintained ceaparable totheorig'naldesignstandards forthelifeofthefacility.
Structural integrity irequiredtoensurethatthevesselwillwithstand themaximumpressureof.psigintheeventofaAvisualinspection insittodemonstrate thiscapity./'.Jg+ggg&gal,'5Ib5soICoolantAoci'afi'dtg/.6..CONTAINMENT VENTILANSYSTEMThe48-inchcontainment purgesupplyandexhaustisolation valvesarerequiredtobeclosedduringplantoperation sincethesevalveshavenotbeendemonstrated capableofclosingduringaLOCAorsteamlinebreakaccident.
Maintaining thesevalvesclosedduringplantoperations ensuresthatexcessive quantities ofradioactive materials willnotbereleasedviathecontairaent purgesystem.Toprovideassurance thatthe48-inchvalvescannotbeinadvertently opened,=theyaresealedclosedinaccordance withStandardReviewPlan6.2.4whichincludesdevicestolockthevalveclosed,orpreventpowerfrombeingsuppliedtothevalveoperator.
Theuseofthecontainment purgelinesisrestricted tothe8-inchpurgesupplyandexhaustisolation valvessince,unlikethe48-inchvalves,the8-inchvalveswillcloseduringaLOCAorsteamlinebreakaccidentandtherefore thesiteboundarydoseguidelines of10CFRPart100wouldnotbeexceededintheeventofanaccidentduringpurgingoperations.
Leakageintegrity testswithamaximumallowable leakagerateforpurgesupplyandexhaustisolation valveswillprovideearlyindication ofresilient materialsealdegradation andwillallowtheopportunity forrepairbeforegrossleakagefailuredevelops.
The0.60Lleakagelimitshallnotbeexceededwhentheleakageratesdetermined 3ytheleakageintegrity testsofthesevalvesareaddedtothepreviously determined totalforallvalvesandpenetrations subjecttoTypeBandCtests.ST.LUCIE-UNIT2B3/46-2Atttendment No.
~IJ~4I~I e,.ADMINISTRATIVE COHTROthan8daysingaseouseffluents releasedfromeachunittoareasbeyondtheSITEBOUNDARYconforming toAppendixIto10CFRPart50,10)Limitations ontheannualdoseordosecoaxnitment toanyMEMBEROFTHEPUBLICduetoreleasesofradioactivity andtoradiation fromuraniumfuelcyclesourcesconforming to40CFRPart190.g.RadiolicalEnvironmental Monitorin PrramAprepamshallbeprovidedtomonitortheradiation andradio-nuclidesintheenvironsoftheplant.Theprogramshall.provide(1)representative measurements ofradioactivity inthehighestpotential exposurepathways, and(2)verification oftheaccuracyoftheeffluentmonitoring programandmodelingofenvironmental exposurepathways.
Theprogramshall(1)becontained intheODCM,(2)conformtotheguidanceofAppendixIto10CFRPart50,and(3)includethefollowing:
: sampling, analysis, andreporting ofradiation andradionuclides intheenvironment inaccordance withthemethodology andparameters intheODCM,2)ALandUseCensustoensurethatchangesintheuseofareasatandbeyondtheSITEBOUNDARYareidentified andthatmodifications tothemonitoring programaremadeifrequiredbytheresultsofthiscensus,and3)Participation inaInterlaboratory Coiparison Programtoensurethatindependent checksontheprecision andaccuracyofthemeasurements ofradioactive materials inenvironmental samplematricesareperformed aspartofthequalityassurance programforenvironmental monitoring.
ST.LUCIE-UNIT16-15bAmendment No.P PNSERTAUnit2]Withthecontainment leakagerateexceeding theacceptance criteriaoftheContainment LeakageRateTestingProgram,within1hourinitiateactiontobeinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithinthenext6hoursandinCOLDSHUTDOWNwithinthefollowing 30hours.  

[INSERTBUnit2]Inaccordance withGenericLetter91-08,"RemovalofComponent ListsfromTechnical Specifications,"
1 P
theopeningoflockedorsealedclosedcontainment isolation valvesonanintermittent basisunderadministrative controlincludesthefollowing considerations:
(1)statio'ning anoperator, whoisinconstantcommunication withthecontrolroom,atthevalvecontrols, (2)instructing thisoperatortoclosethesevalvesinanaccidentsituation, and,(3)assuringthatenvironmental conditions willnotprecludeaccesstoclosethevalvesandthatthisactionwillpreventthereleaseofradioactivity outsidethecontainment.
[INSERTCUnit2]h.Containment LeakageRateTestingProgramAprogramtoimplement theleakageratetestingofthecontainment asrequiredby10CFR50.54(o)and10CFR50AppendixJ,OptionB,asmodifiedbyapprovedexemptions.
Thisprogramisinaccordance withtheguidelines contained inRegulatory Guide1.163,"Performance-Based Containment Leak-Test Program,"
asmodifiedbythefollowing exception:
a.BechtelTopicalReport,BN-TOP-1orANS56.8-1994 (asrecommended byR.G.1.163)willbeusedfortypeAtesting.Thepeakcalculated containment internalpressureforthedesignbasislossofcoolantaccident, Pis41.8psig.Thecontainment designpressureis44psig.Themaximumallowable containment leakagerate,LatPshallbe0.50%ofcontainment airweightperday.Leakagerateacceptance criteriaare:Containment leakagerateacceptance criterion is<1.0L,.Duringthefirstunitstartupfollowing testinginaccordance withthisprogram,theleakagerateacceptance criteriaare<0.60L,fortheTypeBandCtests,<0.75L;forTypeAtests,and<0.27L,forsecondary containment bypassleakagepaths.b.Airlocktestingacceptance criteriaare:1)Overallairlockleakagerateis<0.05L,whentestedat>P,.2)Foreachdoorseal,leakagerateis<0.01L,whenpressurized to>P,.Theprovisions ofT.S.4.0.2donotapplytotestfrequencies intheContainment LeakRateTestingProgram.Theprovisions ofT.S.4.0.3areapplicable totheContainment LeakRateTestingProgram.

Latest revision as of 13:25, 4 February 2020

Proposed Tech Specs Rev to Allow Type A,B & C Containment Leakage Tests to Be Conducted at Extended Intervals Determined by performance-based Criteria
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1996
Shared Package
ML17229A108 List:
NUDOCS 9611010288
Download: ML17229A109 (45)


ATTACHMENT 3 PROPOSED LICENSE AMENDMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF 10 CFR 50'PPENDIX J OPTION B 1-2 3/4 6-1 thru 3/4 6-10 3/4 6-13 3/4 6-19 thru 3/4 6-23 3/4 6-31 B3/4 6-1 B3/4 6-2 6-15b Insert Pages (Inserts A, B, and C) 96iiOi0288 961028 PDR ADQCK 05000389 P

1.6- A CHANNEL FUNCTIONALTEST shall be the'injection of a simulated signal into the channel as dose to the primary sensor as practicable to verify.OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions.


a. All containment vessel penetrations required to be dosed during accident conditions are either.

Capable of being dosed by an OPERABLE containment automatic isolation valve system, or

2. Closed by manual valves, blind flanges, or deactivated automatic valves secured in their dosed Itions ce t a ovidecHn-Fabl Uptakes ~ha4 ai~ 4'pen c ~ ~n rnlev <,'SIcnk 4c Q'ne'er- R8<i'n:Stm]l de Coo>rot.

equtpmen ha e are dosed and sealed,

c. Each containment, vessel air lock is in compliance with the requirements of Specificatio,
d. The containment leakage rates are within the limits of Specification 3.6.12, and II
e. The sealing mechanism associated with each penetration (e.g., welds, bellows or O-rings) is OPERABLE.

1.8 CONTROLLED LEAKAGEshall be the seal water flow supplied from the reactor coolant pump seats.

1.9 CORE ALTERATiONshall be the movement or manipulation of any fuel, sources, reactivity control components, or other components affecting reactivity within the reactor vessel with the vessel head removed and fuel in the vessel. Exceptions to the above include shared (4 fingered) control element assemblies (CEAs) withdrawn into the upper guide structure (UGS) or evolutions perfommd with the UGS in phce such as CEA latching/unlatching or verification of latching/unlatching which do not constitute a CORE ALTERATION. Suspension of CORE ALTERATIONS shall not preclude completion of movement of a component to a safe position.



) Sl k>> ~ ~ ')L ~ I ply i Vp ~


ij a f


APPLICABILITY: MODES 1", 2", 3, and 4.


Without primary CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY, restore CONTAINMEHT INTEGRITY within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.


4. 6.1.1 Primary CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY shall be demonstrated:

P At least once per 31 days by verifying that all.penetrations~ not capable of being closed by OPERABLE containment automatic isolation valves and required to be closed during accident conditions are closed by valves, blind flanges, or deactivated automatic valves secured in their positi pov vctlvcs >hat oy'Q gloPA 0~ cNA <Ate.I mtklin0 hasi's Qo~e~ n Jni'8>'5trR9ive Q~)roL

b. y verifying at eac n r lock is in compliance. with the requirements of Specification

be a

~ 0 ~

a In MODES 1 and 2, the RCB polar crane shall be rendered inoperable by locking the power supply breaker open.

Except valves, blind flanges, and deactivated automatic valves which are located inside the containment and are locked, sealed or otherwise secured in the closed position. These penetrations shall be verified closed during each COLD SHUTDOWN except that such verification need not be performed more often than once per 92 days.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-1 Amendment .'to.

It) 4 8 I ) .$ g Q f V I < ~ i' b


'CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Containment leakage rates shall be limited'. i6 accordance. cuI'

<he gyyfyinm~4/'ea4tg~ gp/c 7cyp;np i regrang.

~-& ~~ ~&+i 4I-1 I. %6-p~mb S, f-fJ y-wHghtof-4he-

~nt-ament ai~per24-h uced-pressure-o&P;,


~ombinedHeaka h



MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Q~sgRg Ag


-Typ. 8 d-e-I b'


, prior to increasin the Reactor Coolant System temperature above 200 F.

Rcsio~e ~he. meant( legs~~~ v cxbe.

4 y t h 4 Con4~fvlmenk

~ (ess, +4c~ %ha,k- speci[(Q Leq~c 'Ra)c. Vcskang'ProgrR~

SURVEILLANCE RE UIR NTS rqu'~~A test specified in

~p 4ppen:

The containment leakage rates shall be demonstrated at the -$ e44evAag-schedule and shall be determined in conformance with the criteria

~ P,~~;~~< Lc w~~ gi~ -p,<<p, ck.

t pic.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-2 Amendment No. 36, 81, N.P

~- ~

8 ~ Q h


~ ~ ~ f" 4

ill g~ ~




~i5c 3/9 6 "9 i's gAg flcpck Ilnli'4 page..

If any periodic Type A test fails to meet either .75 L or .75 L the test schedule for subsequent Type A tests shall be reviewe and pproved by the Commission. If two consecutive Type A tests ail to me either .75 La or .75 Lt, a Type A test shall be perfo ed at least very 18 months until two consecutive Type A test meet either

.75 L .75 L at which time the above test scheduli may be resumed.

c. The accuracy o each Type A test shall be verif d by a supplemental test which:
1. Confirms the ac racy of the Type A st by verifying that the difference betwee supplemental an ype A test data is within 0.25 L or 0.25 Lt.
2. Has a duration sufficie to stablish accurately the change in leakage rate between the e A test and the supplemental test.
3. Requires the quantity o gas s ected into the containment or

'bled from the contai nt during the supplemental test to be equivalent to at le t 25K of the tal measured leakage rate at P , 41.8 psig Pt, 20.9 psig.

d. Type B and C tests all be conducted with ga at P , 41.8 psig at intervals no gre er than 24 months except for t ts involving:
l. Air loc
2. Pur supply and exhaust isolation valves with resi ent m erial seals.
e. Pur supply and exhaust isolation valves with resilient mater 1 s s shall be tested and demonstrated OPERABLE per Surveillance equirements and

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-3 Amendnent No. ff, 66

~ ~

4 E

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Continued QECC.ran The combined bypass lea ge e s all be deterinined to be less o ual to G.I2 L by applicable Type B and C tests at le nce per 24 mon except for penetrations which are no ividually testable; penetr s not individually tes shall be determined to have no detectable e when tes with soap bubbles while the containment is pressuriz , 41.8 psig during each Type A test.

g. Air locks shal tested and demonstrated OPE er Survei 1 lance Requi .6.1.3.


h i e provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are not applicable.

. ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-4 Amendment S). ~

TABLE 3.6-1 CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to g Penetrattnn ~S stem Valve Ta Number T e Containment Service T T e*

t 7 Ma up Mater I-HCV-15-1 Globe Outside Primary Makeup Mat BYPASS/

I-V-15-328 Check Inside TYPE C Station A I-V-18-794 Globe Outside Station A Supply BYPASS/

I-V-18-1270 Check Inside TYPE C I-V-18-797 Globe Annulus I-HCV-18-2 Globe Outside Instrument Afr I- V-18-1 Globe Outside Instrument Air Supply BYPASS/

I-V- 195 Check Insi TYPE C 10 Containment Purge I-FCV-25-5 'FLY Annulus Containment TYPE C I-FCV-25-4 B' Inside Purge Exhaust I

11 Containment Purge I-FCV-25-2 B'F Annulus Containment TYPE C I-FCV-25-3 LY Inside Purge Supply 14 Maste Management V-67 Globe 0 ide N2 Supply to BYPASS/

V 92 Check Ins Safety In). Tanks TYPE C I' Component Coolin I-HCV-14-7 B'FLY Outside RC Pump Cooling BYPASS/

I-HCV-14-1 O'PLY- Inside ater Supply TYPE C p4 Compon Cooling. I-HCV-14-6 B'FLY Outside RC Pu Cooling BYPASS/

rt I-HCV-14-2 B'FLY Inside Mater Re rn TYPE C O

25 Puel Transfer Tube Oouble Gasket Flange Inside Fuel Transfer, BYPASS/

TYPE C CVCS I-V-2516 Globe Inside Letdown Line YPASS/

I-V-2522 Globe Outside T C

TABLE 9;6-1 ~~untinued)

CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to rn Penet tien ~S stem Val ve Ta Number/T e Containment Service Test T I

28A . Sampling ISE-05-1A,18,1C10 Globe Inside Safety/Injection ASS ISE"05-lE Globe Outside Tank Sample TYPE C 208 Samp I-V-5200 Globe Inside RCS Hot BYPASS I-V-5203 Globe Outside Leg Sample TYPE C 29A Sampling I"V-5204 Globe Outside Press Surge BYPASS I-V-5201 Globe Inside Sa e TYPE C 298 Sampling -5205 Globe Outside Pressure Steam BYPASS I"V- 02 Globe Inside Sample ~

TYPE C 4J 31 Waste Management I-V"6718 D h I >de Containment Vent BYPASS I-V-6750 Oiap utside 'eader TYPE C a 41 Safety Injection I"SE" 03" 2A,28 Glob Inside Safety Injection Tank BYPASS I-V-3463 Gate Outside Fill/Orain agd TYPE C Sampling 4

Waste Management I-LCV- 11A Globe Insi Reactor Cavity Sump BYPASS I-L 118 Globe Outside Pump Discharge TYPE C 43 Waste Management I-V-6341 Oi aph Inside actor Orain Tank BYPASS I-V-6342 Oiaph Outside Pui Suction TYPE C 44 CVCS I-V-2524 Globe Inside Reactor lant Pump BYPASS I-V-2505 Globe Outside Controlled edoff TYPE C el Pool I-V-07-206 Gate Outside Fuel Pool BYPASS I-V-07"189 Gate Inside Cleanup (inl et) TYPE C 47 Fuel Pool I-V"07-170 Gate Outside Fuel Pool B SS I-V-07-188 Gate Inside Cleanup (outlet) TYPE




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TABLE 3. 6 'Continued) e CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to m .Penetra n ~Setem Valve Ta Number/T e Containment Service Test T I

g 48A ampling I-FSE-27-8,9,10-11 Globe Inside H2 Sampling T C I-FSE-27-15 Globe Outside Outlet 48B Sampling I-V-27-101 Check Inside H2 Sampling TYPE C I-FSC.27-16 Globe Outside Inlet 51A Sampling I-FSE-27-12,13,14 Globe Inside Hz-Samp ng TYPE C

-FSE-27-18 Globe Outside Outl 518 Sampling I-V- -102 Check Inside 2 Sampling TYPE C I"FSE-2 7 Globe Outside Inlet 52A Sampling I"FCV"26" 1 Glo In e Containment Radiation BYPASS I-FCV-26-2 Globe tside Honitoring TYPE C M'28 Sampling I-FCV-26-3 Globe Inside Containment Radiation BYPASS I-FCV-26-4 Globe utside Honitoring TYPE C 52C Sampling I-FCV-26-5 be Insi Containment Radiation BYPASS I-FCV Globe Outside Honitoring TYPE C 52D ILRT I- 0-140 Globe Inside BYPASS

-V-00-143 Globe Outside TYPE C 52E ILRT I-V-00-139 Globe Inside ILRT BYPASS I-V-00-144 Globe Outside ILRT TYPE C 54 ILRT I-V-00-101 Gate Outside ILRT BYPASS/

Blind Flange Inside TYPE C 55 Containment I-FCV"25"26 B'FLY Outside Cont. Containment BYPA Q H2 Purge I-FCV-?5-36 B'FLY Inside H2 Purge Hakeup Inlet TYPE C~








i t



TABLE 3.6-1 {Continued)

CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE PATHS Location to P tratfon ~Sstem Valve Ta Number/T e Containment Secvtce Test e" 57 Containment I"V"FCV-25" 20 B'FLY Inside Cont. Containment B ASS/

H~ Purge I-FCV"25" 21 8'LY Outside Purge

- Exhaust YPE C 67 cuum I-V"25-20 Check Inside Containment . TYPE C Re ef I-FCV"25"7 8'FLY Outside Vacuum Relfef Vacuum .I-V<<25-21 Check Inside Containme Rel fef I"FCV"25"8 8'FLY Outs! de Vacuum lief Personnel HA Hone HA In ess and Egress Lock o Containment Escape Lock Emergency Ingress and TYPE 8 Egress to Contafnment Maintenance HA None Vessel Maintenance TYPE 8 Hatch Electrical HA All Prfmary Can er TYPE B Penetratfons .except welded spar 1 Main Steam Steel Tap 1 Outside Expansion Bellows TYPE 8 Containment Nozzle Tap 2 side Mafn Steam Steel Tap 1 Outs Expansfon Bellows TYPE 8 Containment Te Outside Nozzles Feedwater Steel Tap 1 Outside Ex sion Bellows TYPE 8 Containment H les Tap 2 Outside Feedwater eel Tap 1 Outside Expansion llows TYPE 8 Contaf ent Hozfles Tap 2 Outside 25 F Tube Steel Tap 1 Inside Expansion Bellows TYPE 8 ontafnment Hozzles 50 Temporary Services Blind Flange Outside Construction/Outage T 8 Blind Flange Inside Use ype an ypass ests are conducted in the same manner, the only difference fs in the acceptance criteria.

that fs applicable.


,r f


/ h


a. Both doors closed except when the air lock is being used for normal transi% entry and exit through the containment, then at least one air lock door shall be closed, and
b. An overall air loc leakage rateof loess-4han-o~ua4-4o-0&5-L a4-again APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.


With one containment air lock door inoperable~:

1. Maintain at least the OPERABLE air lock door closed and either restore the inoperable air lock door to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or lock the OPERABLE air lock door closed.
2. Operation may then continue until performance of the next required overa11 air lock 1eakage test provided that the OPERABLE air lock door is verified to be locked closed at least once per 31 days.
3. Otherwise, be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 in hours'nd COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
4. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not app1icable.

With the containment air lock inoperable, except as the result of an inoperable air lock door, maintain at least one air lock door closed; restore the inoperable air lock to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

If the inner air lock door is inoperable, passage trough the OPERABLE outer air lock door is permitted to effect repairs to the inoperable inner air lock door. Ho more than one airlock door shall be open at any time.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-9 Amendment No.W

0 J 1

1 Each containment air lock shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

jf ~

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4 At least once per 6 months by verifying that only one door in each air lock can be opened at a time.

a. 'ey ve~ I'y,'ng l&Lkeg~ rates a~g Ao~

~;~ loci>.

oCcor d.~~c e Lea <egaRa .la Teskn~ P,'rg(ra~ a~ J ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 &10 Amendment No. 86,~

v ~ f. I I si I ~ ~ ~

I 1 I ~ " II

CONTAIINENT SYSTB6 CDHTAINHENT VESSEL STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY LIHITIHG COHOITION FOR OPERATION The structural integrity of the contaireent vessel shall be aaintaincd at a level consistent ~ith thc acceptance criteria in Surveillance Rcqui~nt



With the structural integrity of the containacnt vessel not conforming to the above requiresents, restore the structural integrity to within fM liaits prior to increasing the Reactor Coolant Systce teaperature above 2OOoF SURVEILLANCE RE UIRENEHTS

~'a ac~<~c~ ~,+ OAhe Gn4ai'AIr end L encage. 'Rale 7cz$ (ng 'Prop ra~

4.6.1. The structural integrity of the contaicment vessel shall be detcr-ained dur-in exposed accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the vessel and ver-fying no apparent changes in appearance of the surfaces or other abnormal degra-dation. i 5T. LUCIK - UNIT 2 3/4 6-13 Amendment l)o.

'l E'

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conga'.n conf Mith one or more~-the isolation valve(s) i noperabl e, maintain at least one isolation valve OPERABLE in each affected penetration that is open and either:

a. Restore the inoperable valve(s) to OPERABLE status within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, or
b. Isolate each affected penetration within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> by use of at least one deactivated automatic valve secured in the isolation position, or C. Isolate each affected penetration within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> by use of at least one closed manual valve or blind flange; or
d. Be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours and in COLD SHUTDOMN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.


OPERABLE prior to returning the valve to service after maintenance, repair or replacement work is performed on the valve or.its associated actuator, control or power circuit by performance of a cycling test and verification of isolation time.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-19


Cont~'n~ o~ 0 Each automatic isolation valve shall be dem-onstrated.OPERABLE during the COLD SHUTDOMN or REFUELING MODE at least once per 18 months by:

a. Verifying that on a Containment Isolation test signal (CIAS) and/or a Safety Injection test signal (SIAS), each isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
b. Verifying that on a Containment Radiation-High test signal, each containment purge valve actuates to its isolation position. .<<~~ ~,so<<1"~'anker 4.6. 3.3 The isolation time of each power operated or automatic valve ef-~He

~~ shall be determined to be within its limit when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 3/4 6-20 peen Jeenh Q0.



0 ~ 1 4 ~ g g j

4s, 4 spgg 4~

~ ~ ~ A% ~

. Haximu Penetration Testable During lsol ion A) Con nment Isolat I-HCV Primary Hakeup Mater (CIS) Yes I-HCV-18-2 Station Air Supply I-HCV-18-1 Instrument Air Supply (CIS) 1-FCV-25-5,4 10 Containment Purge Exhaust S) No I-FCV-25-2,3 Containment Purge Hak (CIS) No V-6741 Nit en Supply Safety Yes Inject Tank (C IS)

I-HCV-14-7 23 Reactor C t Pump Cooling I-HCV-14-1 Mater ply ( )

I-HCV-14-6 24 R tor Coolant Pump oling I-HCV-14-2 ater Return (SIAS)

I-V-2516 26 Letdown Line (CIS)

I-V-2522 I-SE-05-1A)]B, IC,ID,IE 28 Safety Injection Tank Sample Yes I-V-5200 28B Reactor Coolant System Hot Leg Yes I-V-5203 Sample (CIS)

I-V-5204 29A Pressurizer Surge Yes I-V-5 Sample (CIS)

-5205 29B Pressurizer Steam Yes I-V-5202 Sample (CIS)


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TABLE 3.6-2 (Continued)

CONTAINHENT ISOLATION VALVES Haximu Penetration Testable Outing Iso )on

'alve Ta umber Number Function ah I"V-6718 31 Containment Vent Yes I"V-6750 Header (CIS)

I"SE"03-2A,28 41 Safety Injection Tank Test Line Yes (CIS/SIAS)

I"LCV-07"11A 42 Reactor Cavity Sump Yes I"LCV"07" 118 Pump Oischarge (CIS/SIAS)

I-V-6341 43 T Pump Suction (CIS Yes 5 I"V"6342 I"V-2524 RCP Contro No I-V"2505 Bleed-off I I-FCV"26" 1 52A Con nment Radiatio Yes 10 I-FCU-26-2 itoring (CIS)

I-FCV"26"3 Containment Radiation Yes 10 I-FCV-26-4 Honitoring (CIS)

I-FCV"26-5 Containment Radiation Yes 10 I-FCV"26"6 Monitoring (CIS)

I"FCV-25-26 56 Cont. Containment/Hz Purge Yes I-FCV-2 6 Hakeup Inlet (CIS)

V"25-20 57 Cont. Containment/Hq Purge Yes

-FCV-25-21 Exhaust (CIS)



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TASLE 3.6-2 (Continued)


n M Haximum m Penetration Testable 'During Isolat I lve Ta Number Number Function ~P) t. II t.l li S

8) Ha al CR .

Remot anual I"V"18"79 Station Air Supply (Hanual) Yes NA I-V-18-1270 Station Air Supply {Check) No NA I"V"3463 Safety Injection Tank Test Yes Line (Hanual)

I"V"07"206 46 Fuel Pool Cleanup (Inl Yes 4l I-V-07-189 nual)

I-V-07"170 Fuel Po Clea (Outlet) Yes NA I ~

tO I-V"07"188 {Hanual )

I-FSE"27"8)9)10, 48 , Hq Sam ng (Remo Hanual) Yes 11>15,16 I"FSE-27"12,13,14, 51 Hq Sampling (Remote Hanual Yes 17,18 I"V-00-140 520 ILRT (Hanual)

I-V-00"143 I-V-00"139 52E ILRT (Hanual) Yes NA I"V"00-144 O

I-V-00" 1 ILRT {Hanual) Yes NA

1I COHTAIHMEHT SYSTEMS SHIELD BUILDING STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY UNITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The structural integrity of the shield building shall be maintained at a level. consistent with the acceptance criteria in Surveillance Require-ment


ACTION With the structural integrity of the shield building not conforming to the above requirements, restore the structural integrity to within the limits within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 3O hours.

SVRYEILLAHCE RE UIREHEHTS 4.6.&.3 The structural integrity of the shield building shall be determined accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the shield building and verifying no apparent changes in appearance of the concrete su~faces or other abnormal degradation.

'n accocdnncc w CA IAc- Can'Arincccn/ICc~~

gl 4f< AS FI'n i inyra~

ST. LUCIE - UHIT 2 3/4 6-31 Amendment No.




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3/4. 6.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT 3/ CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY Primary CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ensures that the release of radioactive materials from the containment atmosphere will be restricted to those leakage paths and associated leak rates assumed in the safety analyses. This restriction, in conjunction with the leakage rate limitation, will limit the site boundary radiation doses to within the limits of 10 CFR 100 during accident conditions.

LgdsEk7 Q5 (gt, g ps,'Q Mhi'ch rcs~llS 4io~

3/4.6. 1. 2 CONTAINMENT LEAKAGE y4~ );~,~;~~~tge basis, loss of Coo'l~~t ace.'ew+.

The limitations on containment leakage ra es ensure tha t e total P k **kh P .P.~~

containment leakage volte will not exceed the value assumed in the accident Pk

',hh h P<<Phh The surveillance testing for measuring leakage rates~consistent with the requirements of Appendix 0 of 10 CFR 50 as modified by approved exemptions R

'-the-r~A4s 3/ CONTAINMENT AIR LOCKS 5 aod Qp f/~ )o~bc R<g4 ta<o<144ide. l l(o3 >~)eel limitations on closure and leak r

'e p e conta R5'he en ocks are required to meet>> the restrictions on CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY and containment leak rate. Surveillance testing of the air lock seals provides assurance that the overall air lock leakage will not become excessive due to seal damage during the intervals between air lock leaka e tests.

3/ INTERNAL PRESSURE Cenkfnwonf Le<gcge, 'R~ic- S~'") I J'"~q and I'5 The limitations on contaiaaent interna pressure ensure that (1) the containment structure is prevented from exceeding its design negative pressure differential with respect to the annulus atmosphere of 0.7 psi and (2) the containment peak pressure does not exceed the design pressure of 44 psig during steam line break conditions.

The maximum peak pressure expected to be obtained from a steam line break event is 43.4 psig. The limit of 0,4 psig for initial positive containient pressure will limit the total pressure to 43.99 psig which is less than the design pressure and is consistent with the safety analyses. ~ ~

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 6-1 Amendnent Ho.d +

4 ~4 4 ~ "~ ~~ 'V

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4 I V 4 4 ~ I

~ 4 ~ 4 A

4 ~ ~ 4 ~ "V '

j 4 j I


'l The limitation on containment average air temperature ensures that the containment temperature does not exceed the design temperature of 264 F during steam line break conditions and is consistent with the safety analyses.

3/4.6.1. 6 l 8 of the containment steel vessel will be maintained ceaparable to the orig'nal design standards for the life of the facility. Structural integrity i required to ensure that the vessel will withstand the maximum pressure of . psig in the event of a A visual inspection in s i t to demonstrate this cap ity.

/'.J i'd tg g+ggg &gal,'5 Ib5s oI Coolant Aoci'af

/ .6.. CONTAINMENT VENTILA N SYSTEM The 48-inch containment purge supply and exhaust isolation valves are required to be closed during plant operation since these valves have not been demonstrated capable of closing during a LOCA or steam line break accident.

Maintaining these valves closed during plant operations ensures that excessive quantities of radioactive materials will not be released via the contairaent purge system. To provide assurance that the 48-inch valves cannot be inadvertently opened,= they are sealed closed in accordance with Standard Review Plan 6.2.4 which includes devices to lock the valve closed, or prevent power from being supplied to the valve operator.

The use of the containment purge lines is restricted to the 8-inch purge supply and exhaust isolation valves since, unlike the 48-inch valves, the 8-inch valves will close during a LOCA or steam line break accident and therefore the site boundary dose guidelines of 10 CFR Part 100 would not be exceeded in the event of an accident during purging operations.

Leakage integrity tests with a maximum allowable leakage rate for purge supply and exhaust isolation valves will provide early indication of resilient material seal degradation and will allow the opportunity for repair before gross leakage failure develops. The 0.60 L leakage limit shall not be exceeded when the leakage rates determined 3y the leakage integrity tests of these valves are added to the previously determined total for all valves and penetrations subject to Type B and C tests.

ST. LUCIE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 6-2 Atttendment No.

4 I ~

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,. ADMINISTRATIVE COHTRO than 8 days in gaseous effluents released from each unit to areas beyond the SITE BOUNDARY conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50,

10) Limitations on the annual dose or dose coaxnitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources conforming to 40 CFR Part 190.
g. Radiol ical Environmental Monitorin Pr ram A prepam shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radio-nuclides in the environs of the plant. The program shall. provide (1) representative measurements of radioactivity in the highest potential exposure pathways, and (2) verification of the accuracy of the effluent monitoring program and modeling of environmental exposure pathways. The program shall (1) be contained in the ODCM, (2) conform to the guidance of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and (3) include the following:
1) Monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting of radiation and radionuclides in the environment in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM,
2) A Land Use Census to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census, and
3) Participation in a Interlaboratory Coiparison Program to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring.

ST. LUCIE UNIT 1 6-15b Amendment No. P

PNSERT A Unit 2]

With the containment leakage rate exceeding the acceptance criteria of the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> initiate action to be in at least HOT STANDBYwithin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

[INSERT B Unit 2]

In accordance with Generic Letter 91-08, "Removal of Component Lists from Technical Specifications," the opening of locked or sealed closed containment isolation valves on an intermittent basis under administrative control includes the following considerations: (1) statio'ning an operator, who is in constant communication with the control room, at the valve controls, (2) instructing this operator to close these valves in an accident situation, and, (3) assuring that environmental conditions will not preclude access to close the valves and that this action will prevent the release of radioactivity outside the containment.

[INSERT C Unit 2]

h. Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program A program to implement the leakage rate testing of the containment as required by 10 CFR 50.54(o) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, Option B, as modified by approved exemptions. This program is in accordance with the guidelines contained in Regulatory Guide 1.163, "Performance-Based Containment Leak-Test Program," as modified by the following exception:
a. Bechtel Topical Report, BN-TOP-1 or ANS 56.8-1994 (as recommended by R.G.

1.163) willbe used for type A testing.

The peak calculated containment internal pressure for the design basis loss of coolant accident, P is 41.8 psig. The containment design pressure is 44 psig.

The maximum allowable containment leakage rate, Lat Pshall be 0.50% of containment air weight per day.

Leakage rate acceptance criteria are:

Containment leakage rate acceptance criterion is < 1.0 L,. During the first unit startup following testing in accordance with this program, the leakage rate acceptance criteria are < 0.60 L, for the Type B and C tests, < 0.75 L;for Type A tests, and < 0.27 L, for secondary containment bypass leakage paths.

b. Air lock testing acceptance criteria are:
1) Overall air lock leakage rate is < 0.05 L, when tested at > P,.
2) For each door seal, leakage rate is < 0.01 L, when pressurized to > P,.

The provisions of T.S. 4.0.2 do not apply to test frequencies in the Containment Leak Rate Testing Program.

The provisions of T.S. 4.0.3 are applicable to the Containment Leak Rate Testing Program.

1 P