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| issue date = 09/28/1984
| issue date = 09/28/1984
| title = Forwards Endorsements 99 & 100 to Nelia Policy NF-170 & Endorsements 84 & 85 to Maelu Policy MF-47
| title = Forwards Endorsements 99 & 100 to Nelia Policy NF-170 & Endorsements 84 & 85 to Maelu Policy MF-47
| author name = GOLDEN M P
| author name = Golden M
| author affiliation = MARSH & MCLENNAN, INC.
| author affiliation = MARSH & MCLENNAN, INC.
| addressee name = SALTZMAN J
| addressee name = Saltzman J
| addressee affiliation = NRC OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS (OSP)
| addressee affiliation = NRC OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS (OSP)
| docket = 05000244
| docket = 05000244
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{{#Wiki_filter:REGULATORY      ORMATION DISTRIBUTION SY.                     M  (RIDS)
ACCESSION NBR;8410090049          DOC ~ DATE: 84/09/28                NOTARIZED; NO              DOCKET FACIL'.50-244 Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Pl anti Unit 1i Roc hester BYNAME                                                                                  G 05000244 AUTH                AUTHOR  AFFILIATION GOLDEN    M.P.       Marsh  8 McLennani Inc, REC IP r NAME        RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SALTZMANzJe          Assistant Director for State                    8  Licensee Relations

Forwards Endorsements 99 8 100 to NELIA Policy                        NF "170 Endorsements 84 8 85 to MAELU Policy MF-47,'ISTRIBUTION CODE: M001D    COPIES RECEIVED!LTR                      ENCL TITLE: Insur ance: Indemni ty/Endorsement      Agreements NOTES:NRR/DL/SEP',1cy,                                                                         05000244 OL:09/19/69 RECIPIENT          COPIES            RECIPIENT                          COPiES ID CODE/NAME<       LTTR ENCL        ID CODE/NAME                      LTTR ENCL NRR ORB5  LA          1      1 INTERNA                    01      1      1    SP                                    1    1 EXTERNAL; LPDR            03      1      1    NRC'DR                        02      1    1 NTIS          04      1      1 NOTFS:                             1      1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED ~ LTTR          7  ENCL                    7
<t4R Marsh&McLennan,Incorporated1221AvenueoftheAmericasNewYork,NewYork10020Telephone212997-2000September28,1984Mr.JeromeSaltzmanAssistantDirectorState-&LicenseeRelationsOfficeofStateProgramsU.S.NuclearRegulatoryCommissionsWashington,D.C.20555ROCHESTERGAS&ELECTRICCORPANI/MAELUPOLICIEMF170,MF47

<t 4 R

NUCLEARENERGYLIABILITYINSURANCEI+totog~c5a8setoo~0r"tm,S4OS~r'NS4el%peOpeeo~-'esOII>4Se~Mt'gC'A~>totoe1g>~se~estoo~ople4SMtjTUALATOMICENERGYLIABILITYUNDERWRITERSRestorationofLimitofLiabilitEndorsementItisagreedthat:ThelimitofliabilitystatedinEndorsementNo.80whichhasbeenreducedisherebyrestoredto$36000000.00~ThisrestoredlimitappliesonlywithrespecttooxgaMonsassumedorexpensesincurredbecauseofbodilyinjuryorpropertydamagecausedbythenuclearenergyhazardaftertheeffectivedateofthisendorsement.cls+'~~)tetmiO~Thelimitsofliabilitystatedinthepolicyshallnotbecunulative.Eachpaymentmadebythecctrpaniesaftertheeffectivedateofthisendorsementforanylossorexpensecoveredbythepolicyshallreducedbytheamuntofsuchpaymenteverylimitofliability,regardlessofwhichlimitofliabilityapplieswithre~tothebcdilyinjuryorpr~ydamageoutofwhichsuchlossorexpensearises.Payrrentsmadeandexpensesincurredbythecctt1paniesunderthispolicyhavereduced,inaccordancewithCondition3ofthepolicy,thelimitsoftheccmpanies'iabilitystatedinItem4oftheDeclarationsandinallIncreaseofLimitofLiabilityEndorsements.EffectiveDateofthisEndorsementJul1'984'oformapartfPolicyiso.HF-47IssuedtoRochesterGas8ElectricCororationpm~efJmUSeptembee18,1904ForthcSubscribingCompaniesMU'lyUALATOMICENERC;YLIABILITY~~-DERWRITERSI':ndorseine>>tHo.4NE-22b~yC>>1>>1tersig>>e1l'byLUAloelzroRrpkeSC'1ThTtvt b',~bIfbb NUCLEAREN1R(iYI..1AL'ILITYINSURANCIMUTUALATOMICENERGYL1ADILITYUNDERWRITERSl.AmendmentofAdvancePremiumEndorsement?.StandardPremiun>andRcscrvcPremiumEndorsement3.AdditionalPremiumDucl.~AdvancePremiumItisagreedthattheAmendedAdvancePremiumduethccornpanicsforthecalendaryear1984is96983302.StandardPremiumandReservePremiumSubjecttotheprovisionsoftheIndustryCreditRatingPlan,itisagreedthattheStandardPremiumandReservePremiumforthecalendaryeardesignatedaboveare:StandardPremium96983,30ReservePremium3.AdditionalPremium22.50EffectiveDateofthisendorsementToformapartofPolicyNo.NF-47IssuedtoRochesterGas8ElectricCororationDateofIssueSeptember18,1984FortheSubscribingCompaniesMUTUALATOMCENERGYLIABILITYUNDER''RITERS.ByEndorsemcntNo.85I'lE-36CountersignedbyAuthorizedRepresentativeThisistooertifythatthisisatruecopyoftheoriginalEndorsementhavingtheendorsementnumberadbeingmadepartoftheHuolearEnergyIiabilityPolicy(FaityForm)asdes-ignatedhereon.NInsuranoaider~JohnL.Quattrocchi,VicePresidentLiabiHtyUnderwritingAmericanNuclearlnsurcrs
Marsh & McLennan, Incorporated 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York10020 Telephone 212 997-2000 September        28, 1984 Mr. Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State-&Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions Washington, D.C. 20555 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC          CORP ANI/MAELU POLICIE MF 170,          MF 47
NttcIeerEnergyLiabilityInsuranceNUCLEARENERGYLIABILITYINSURANCEASSOCIATIONRESTORATIONOFLIMITOFLIABILITYENDORSEMENTItisagreedthat:1.Paymentsmadeandexpensesincurredbythecompaniesunderthispolicyhavereduced,inaccordancewithCondit.'on3ofthepolicy,thelimitsofthecompanies'iabilitystatedinItem4oftheDeclarationsandinallIncreaseofLimitofLiabilityEndorsements.2.ThelimitofliabilitystatedinEndorsementNo.95whichhas.beenreducedisherebyrestoredto$12000.Th'isrestoredlimitappliesonlywithrespecttoobligationsassumedorexpensesincurredbecauseofbodilyinjuryorproperty'amagecausedbythenuclearenergyhazardaftertheeffectivedateofthisendorsement.3.Thelimitsofliabilitystated-inthepolicyshallnotbecumulative.Fachpaymentmadebythecompaniesaftertheeffectivedateofthisendorsementforanylossorexpensecoveredbythepolicyshallreducebytheamountofsuchpaymenteverylimitofliability,regardlessofwhichlimitofliabilityapplieswithrespecttothebodilyinjuryorpropertydamageoutofwhichsuchlossorexpensearises.'hisistocertifythatthisisatruecopyoZtheoriginalEndorsementhavingtheendorsementnumberandbeingmadepartof'henuclearEnergyLiabilityPolicy'(acilityForm)asdes-ignatedhereon.Noinsuranceisaffordehereunder.o~4fohnLhi,VicePresident.LhbiTityUnderttrritingAmericanuclcarInsurcrsEffectiveDateoftnisEndorsementtssucdtoDateolissueetember112:01A.M.StandardTimeForthblesucringcopsnies777FndcrSCmcntNOByCountarstpnedbyGeneralManagerNE-22b ecI-hIl/Ii~  
==Dear    Jerry:==
'~~NuclearEnergyLlabllityInsuranceNUCLEARENERGYLIABILITYINSURANCEASSOCIATIONADVANCEPREMIUMANDSTANDARDPREMIUMENDORSEMENTCALENDARYEAR1984ItisagreedthatItemsla.andlb.ofEndorsementNo.98areamendedtoread:la.ADVANCEPREMIUM:ItisagreedthattheAdvancePremiumduethecompaniesfortheperioddesignatedaboveis:$334053.61lb.STANDARDPREMIUMANDRESERVEPREMIUM:IntheabsenceofachangeintheAdvancePremiumindicatedabove,Iitisagreedthat,subjecttotheprovisionsoftheIndustryCreditRatingPlan,theStandardPremiumissaidAdvancePremiumandtheReservePremiumis:$251555.4AdditionalPremium:$77.50Thisistooertil.'ythatthisisatruecopyoitheoriginalEndorsementhavingtheendorsementnumberandbeingmadepartoftheNuclearEnergyLiabilityPolicy(FacilityForm)asdes-ignatedhereon.NInsuranceisaffordedheunder.'JohnL.hi,VicePresMentLiabilit,i'tingAmericanNuclearInsureraEffectiveDateofthisEndorsementIssuedtoJul1,198412:0A..StandardTimeToformapartofPolicyNoRochas)arkasaE1ectricCorporationDateofIssueSePtember18,1984ForthesucribingcopaniesEndorsementNoNE-36100ByCountersignedbyGeneralManager 4'4t~l/'It\-,=P~*4~C~5I''  
On  behalf of Rochester        Gas  6 Electric, I'e enclosed two    certified      copies each of endorsements 99  and 100 to NF 170 and 84 and 85 to MF 47.
Regar s, M  chael P. Gold          n Assistant Vice President MPG:ns Enc.
cc:    D. Barrett 841OOiOO4i 84OVis PDR ADOCK Q5QQQ244 J                PDR
    +   to to g~     c5                            MtjTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS a 8 se  too 0 r" tm,   S4
Restoration of Limit of            Liabilit  Endorsement OS~r'                     It is  agreed    that:
NS4 el%
o ~
pe O  pee
          'es                      Payrrents made and expenses incurred by the cctt1panies under                      this OII>4                              policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the                        policy, Se~                                 the limits of the ccmpanies'iability stated in Item 4 of the Mt'gC'A                     Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.
    ~>to g> ~
to  e1
The limit of    liability stated in Endorsement            No. 80 which has too~o pl se      es been reduced    is hereby restored to $ 36 000            000.00         ~   This e4S
+'~~)       cls                    restored limit applies only with respect to                o xgaMons assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this  endorsement.
The  limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cunulative.     Each payment made by the cctrpanies after the effective te date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amunt of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with tmi  O  ~
loss or to the bcdily injury or pr~y damage out of which such expense    arises.
Effective Date of this Endorsement              Jul    1'984'o                      form a part f Policy iso.
HF-47 Issued    to          Rochester    Gas 8  Electric      Cor  oration pm~ ef      JmU Septembee    18, 1904 For thc Subscribing Companies MU UAL ATOMIC ENERC;Y LIABILITY                            DER W R ITE RS
                                                                      ~ ~
I':ndorseine>>t Ho.       4                C>>1>>1tersig>>e1l 'by LUAloelzro RrpkeSC'1ThTtvt NE-22b
                    ~ y
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b b
: l. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement
              ?. Standard Premiun> and Rcscrvc Premium Endorsement
: 3. Additional Premium Duc
: l.   ~
Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium                        due thc cornpanics for the calendar year 1984                      is 96 983 30
: 2.     Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are:
Standard Premium                      96 983,30 Reserve Premium
: 3.     Additional Premium              22.50 Effective Date of                                                            To form a part this endorsement                                                            of Policy No. NF-47 Issued to          Rochester  Gas 8    Electric      Cor    oration Date of Issue        September    18, 1984 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUALATOM C ENERGY LIABILITYUNDER''RITERS
                                      .By Endo r semcnt No.         85          Countersigned by Authorized Representative This is to oertify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number a d being made part I'lE-36        of the Huolear Energy I iability Policy (Fa ity Form) as des-ignated hereon. N    Insuranoa      i                          der  ~
John L. Quattrocchi, Vice President LiabiHty Underwriting American Nuclear  lnsurcrs
~,~ r g'I
: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies                              under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condit.'on 3                            of the policy, the limits of the companies'iability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.
: 2. The  limit liability stated in Endorsement No. 95 which has of                                                                              .
been reduced      is hereby restored to $ 12 0 00.                                     Th'is restored limit applies only with r espect to obligations assumed or expenses      incurred because of bodily injury or property'amage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement.
: 3. The limits of      liability stated-         in the policy shall not be cumulative.
Fach payment made by        the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises.'his is to certify that this is a true copy oZ the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of'he nuclear Energy LiabilityPolicy '( acility Form) as des-ignated hereon. No  insurance        is afforde      hereunder.
fohn L o~       4 hi, Vice President.LhbiTity Underttrriting American  uclcar Insurcrs Effective Date of tnis Endorsement                                                                                                      777 12:01  A.M. Standard Time tssucd to Date ol issue      e  tember  1 For th e su    cri bl ng co  psnies By General Manager FndcrSCmcnt NO                                                      Countarstpned by NE-22b
e I-c          h I
I i~
  ~ ~
Nuclear Energy Llabllity Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITYINSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1984 It  is agreed that Items la.           and    lb. of    Endorsement          No. 98 are amended to read:
la. ADVANCE PREMIUM:         It is  agreed      that the      Advance Premium due the companies            for the period designated                  above is:     $   334 053.61 lb. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM:                     In the absence    of  a  change  in the Advance          Premium      indicated above, it is    agreed I
that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard                Premium      is said        Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium              is:     $   251  555. 4 Additional Premium:         $ 77.50 This  is to oertil.'y that this is a true copy oi the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Nuclear Energy LiabilityPolicy (Facility Form) as des-ignated hereon. N Insurance is afforded he under.
Liabilit,  i    'ting John L.         hi, Vice PresMent American Nuclear Insurera Effective Date of this Endorsement                    Jul    1, 1984 12:0  A.. Standard Rochas)ar kas              Time To form a part of Policy No Issued to                                      a E1ectric Corporation Date of Issue  SePtember      18, 1984                                      For the su      cribing co panies By General Manager Endorsement No          100 Countersigned by NE-36
4 '
4 t ~l                   t \-,
                      'I          =P
        ~ *4
              ~ C~
5 I

Latest revision as of 11:34, 4 February 2020

Forwards Endorsements 99 & 100 to Nelia Policy NF-170 & Endorsements 84 & 85 to Maelu Policy MF-47
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1984
From: Golden M
To: Saltzman J
NUDOCS 8410090049
Download: ML17254A960 (12)



ACCESSION NBR;8410090049 DOC ~ DATE: 84/09/28 NOTARIZED; NO DOCKET FACIL'.50-244 Robert Emmet Ginna Nuclear Pl anti Unit 1i Roc hester BYNAME G 05000244 AUTH AUTHOR AFFILIATION GOLDEN M.P. Marsh 8 McLennani Inc, REC IP r NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SALTZMANzJe Assistant Director for State 8 Licensee Relations


Forwards Endorsements 99 8 100 to NELIA Policy NF "170 Endorsements 84 8 85 to MAELU Policy MF-47,'ISTRIBUTION CODE: M001D COPIES RECEIVED!LTR ENCL TITLE: Insur ance: Indemni ty/Endorsement Agreements NOTES:NRR/DL/SEP',1cy, 05000244 OL:09/19/69 RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPiES ID CODE/NAME< LTTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL NRR ORB5 LA 1 1 INTERNA 01 1 1 SP 1 1 EXTERNAL; LPDR 03 1 1 NRC'DR 02 1 1 NTIS 04 1 1 NOTFS: 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED ~ LTTR 7 ENCL 7

<t 4 R

Marsh & McLennan, Incorporated 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York10020 Telephone 212 997-2000 September 28, 1984 Mr. Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State-&Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions Washington, D.C. 20555 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP ANI/MAELU POLICIE MF 170, MF 47

Dear Jerry:

On behalf of Rochester Gas 6 Electric, I'e enclosed two certified copies each of endorsements 99 and 100 to NF 170 and 84 and 85 to MF 47.

Regar s, M chael P. Gold n Assistant Vice President MPG:ns Enc.

cc: D. Barrett 841OOiOO4i 84OVis PDR ADOCK Q5QQQ244 J PDR


+ to to g~ c5 MtjTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS a 8 se too 0 r" tm, S4


Restoration of Limit of Liabilit Endorsement OS~r' It is agreed that:

NS4 el%

o ~

pe O pee

'es Payrrents made and expenses incurred by the cctt1panies under this OII>4 policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, Se~ the limits of the ccmpanies'iability stated in Item 4 of the Mt'gC'A Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.

~>to g> ~

to e1


The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No. 80 which has too~o pl se es been reduced is hereby restored to $ 36 000 000.00 ~ This e4S

+'~~) cls restored limit applies only with respect to o xgaMons assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement.

The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cunulative. Each payment made by the cctrpanies after the effective te date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amunt of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with tmi O ~


loss or to the bcdily injury or pr~y damage out of which such expense arises.

Effective Date of this Endorsement Jul 1'984'o form a part f Policy iso.

HF-47 Issued to Rochester Gas 8 Electric Cor oration pm~ ef JmU Septembee 18, 1904 For thc Subscribing Companies MU UAL ATOMIC ENERC;Y LIABILITY DER W R ITE RS


~ ~

I':ndorseine>>t Ho. 4 C>>1>>1tersig>>e1l 'by LUAloelzro RrpkeSC'1ThTtvt NE-22b

~ y


', ~

If b

b b


l. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement

?. Standard Premiun> and Rcscrvc Premium Endorsement

3. Additional Premium Duc
l. ~

Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due thc cornpanics for the calendar year 1984 is 96 983 30

2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are:

Standard Premium 96 983,30 Reserve Premium

3. Additional Premium 22.50 Effective Date of To form a part this endorsement of Policy No. NF-47 Issued to Rochester Gas 8 Electric Cor oration Date of Issue September 18, 1984 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUALATOM C ENERGY LIABILITYUNDERRITERS

.By Endo r semcnt No. 85 Countersigned by Authorized Representative This is to oertify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number a d being made part I'lE-36 of the Huolear Energy I iability Policy (Fa ity Form) as des-ignated hereon. N Insuranoa i der ~

John L. Quattrocchi, Vice President LiabiHty Underwriting American Nuclear lnsurcrs

~,~ r g'I




1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condit.'on 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies'iability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.
2. The limit liability stated in Endorsement No. 95 which has of .

been reduced is hereby restored to $ 12 0 00. Th'is restored limit applies only with r espect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property'amage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement.

3. The limits of liability stated- in the policy shall not be cumulative.

Fach payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises.'his is to certify that this is a true copy oZ the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of'he nuclear Energy LiabilityPolicy '( acility Form) as des-ignated hereon. No insurance is afforde hereunder.

fohn L o~ 4 hi, Vice President.LhbiTity Underttrriting American uclcar Insurcrs Effective Date of tnis Endorsement 777 12:01 A.M. Standard Time tssucd to Date ol issue e tember 1 For th e su cri bl ng co psnies By General Manager FndcrSCmcnt NO Countarstpned by NE-22b

e I-c h I



I i~

~ ~

Nuclear Energy Llabllity Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITYINSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1984 It is agreed that Items la. and lb. of Endorsement No. 98 are amended to read:

la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 334 053.61 lb. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed I

that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 251 555. 4 Additional Premium: $ 77.50 This is to oertil.'y that this is a true copy oi the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Nuclear Energy LiabilityPolicy (Facility Form) as des-ignated hereon. N Insurance is afforded he under.

Liabilit, i 'ting John L. hi, Vice PresMent American Nuclear Insurera Effective Date of this Endorsement Jul 1, 1984 12:0 A.. Standard Rochas)ar kas Time To form a part of Policy No Issued to a E1ectric Corporation Date of Issue SePtember 18, 1984 For the su cribing co panies By General Manager Endorsement No 100 Countersigned by NE-36

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