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INFORHATION CODING FOR COHPUTER DISPLAY SYSTEMS REV. 0 P. D. Moods  S S. Eckert October, 1980 g506i004io 850581 05000Si PDR  ADOCH
l 0 lt
Summary Introduction Characteristics of  a Good Code Coding Functions Codes can aid search process Codes can  amplify information Codes  can organize dispersed, information Codes  can aid information reduction Coding Dimensions Symbology Alphanumeric Size Line Structure Brightness Highlighting
Orientation Blink Time  - varying codes Auditory  Codes Col or Color Coding Strengths Cautions Associated with Color Coding Color Code Al,phabet Size Recommended Approach to Color Coding Interactive Techniques Candidates  for Coding in Process Control References
2.0  Introduction This document, sponsored by the Control  Room and Computer Development group  of the Strategic Operations Division, presents Human  Factors criteria for the development  of information coding schemes  in computer display systems.
0 Information display systems should support    a  quick and accurate transfer of information to the user.      Coding information  is one technique available to the designer to meet this goal.
Coding methods should be incorporated when any      of the following three conditions are applicable:
              ~ when a dense  presentation of information is required
              ~ when  the task requirements are    difficult or  precise when a  quick response time is essential Coding techniques  should be viewed as one option    among many  to facilitate information    processing and interpretation. The arrangement of" the information  and the mode  of presentation will  have dramatic impacts on information transfer.      One cannot incorporate coding    into badly formatted displays and expect dramatic operational improvements.
Therefore. coding should      be one  of the last  elements display  design-the best format should be developed      for presenting the information to the operator prior to including the coding features.
Characte'ristics of    a Good Code Detectability -    Any  stimulus used in the coding of information must be detectable or perceivable by the user.
Discriminability (1) The user must be able to discriminate between different coding techniques; (2) within a given coding modality, the user must be able to discriminate      different values or states.
The number    of discriminable stimuli within a coding dimension      changes across  dimensions and of the type of task - either a re]ative        or an  absolute discrimination.
A  person's    ability  to detect differences between stimuli (to            make a  relative judgement) is      much keener    than one's    ability to detect      a difference with    a remembered      comparison. Introducing reference points such as perceptual      anchors can increase the      effective resolution within a  coding class by allowing        relative judgements.
~  Compatibility -      The code chosen      should be compatible with the type of data or information being          coded. Thus a qualitive    code (symbols, color) should    be used    for qualitive data; a quantitative codino technique (length, intensity, size) is better for presenting quanti  tati ve in formati on.
          'For example, color could be used to code          a  quantitative dimension such as temperature      as  in  an  infrared photograph.      This  is  a  good way    to represent differences in temperature.            However,'his is        a poor way to indicate temperature            values since there is no obvious relationship      between  color  and  quantity. Mhen  the value of    a  data point represented by green doubles, what color should result?
o  Association - Symbol codes should physically represent the actual object being portrayed.
~  Standardization -      The use  of  codes should be standardized        throuahout the display system and the surrounding user work              station. If red    is used as an alarm      color in the indicator lights about the control station, red should .also be reserved as an alarm color on the              CRT  displays    if at all possible.
~  Redundancy    -  It is    advantageous      to use redundant coding: two or more coding dimensions are used in combination to designate a                        particular condition.
~  In addition,      a  code should        not introduce fatiguing or distracting effects',
and it should      be  relatively        easy to incorporate      into the    machine system.
If these      guidelines are met, the coding              scheme    adopted should be easy to  interpret with        little intercode      confusion.
Coding Functions
: 1. Codes can      aid search          rocess The  time to search          a  set of candidates for        a  particular target increases    as  set size increases.            (Steinberg ).      Therefore search tasks become more      difficult (take            longer and are more error orone)        as the information density of            a    display increases.        Codes  can increase search speed and accuracy through                a category effect.
Mhen    the target      is  a member    of clearly defined subset of the total display, search          speed ahd accuracv        is  a  function only of subset      "
size not of the total number of display elements (Egeth, Jonides,                          and 6
N Mall, 1872).        This    is true      as long as the number        of different subsets or categories is small (less than 4). For example, searching for                        a  red target  among    a'few red and          many  white display elements is faster and more  accurate than searching for the                same  target      when  all display elements are monochromatic.
In. general, items of            a  given category are detected faster and more  accurately against            a  background consisting      of items from    a different
category as compared to      a  background    of items from the    same  cateaory (Oeutsch, 1977).
: 2. Codes  can  am  lif  information.
Codes  fulfill a    highlighting function        by  attracting the user's attention to important information.            For example, codes, can be used to emphasize anomalies. and abnormal      states.
: 3. Codes  can or anize dis ersed        information.
Coding techniques    are    particularly valuable to integrate information that is spread across the display              page as opposed    to information that is already organized            by 'rows, columns,    or quadrants.
: 4. Codes  can aid information reducti'on A flexible.display    should    facilitate    several types of viewing tasks; what is relevant to        one  task  may  not  be  relevant to another.
The  user  may be  required to block out information that is not per-tinant to the task at      hand. Displays should      be  structured  so  that information reduction is        a  gating task rather than        a condensation    task.
Gating requires only that the user ignore irrelevant stimulus dimensions.
This  activity is part of      normal and often automatic perceptual mechanisms  that the brain routinely        uses  to prevent information overload. Condensation    tasks place      a  burden on the user's      cognitive capacity since the information must          be combined    in complicated    ways
{Norse, 1979; Posner, 1964).
For example, red    triangles    and blue squares  may have  to  be  mentally grouped together and treated      differently  from  a group  of red    squares and blue triangles.
Another way to aid information reduction is to structure displays into foreground    and background.      This approach takes advantage of automatic perceptual processes        which differentiate figure from      ground.
When  important and unimportant or reference information (for examole, scales or grid patterns) is undistingushed,          the user  may  suffer from information overload or      he may be  required to use  up mental    capacity in order to distinguish the priority level.          Just  as an  information hierarchy supplies layers of information from the general to th detailed, individual displays should provide layers of information going from reference or background to important to          critical inform-ation. Note  that information reduction techniques are          one means  for keeping display density within the optimum range.
In order for the display designer to match his code selection and an  overall coding    scheme  to the user's tasks,    he must  determine what 1
information the user needs to extract from each          display.'his      can be accomplished through      a task analysis which determines the user          activities each  display must support.
Coding Dimensions Symbology (Shape).
Graphic or  pictorial    symbols and shapes    as data  identifiers.
Symbols should represent      the  object being portrayed. This is called iconic coding    and  it reduces    training time as compared to arbitrary symbol codes.,    Iconic coding also heightens      symbol  recoqnition    and strenqthens  the association between the symbol and the actual object.
This  effect increases    the transparency of the interface.
Symbols should be simple but        detailed  enough  to  be  discriminable and  to prompt associations      and accurate    identification. The number of  shapes  that  can be    correctly identified is quite large, limited primarily  by the  ability of    an  observer to associate    the symbols with the corresponding objects.          This  ability is  dependent  uoon the fidelity of    the symbol shape, user      training,  and  stress (Oda, 1977).
Generally  a maximum    of  10  to  15  different  symbols are recommended      for most  applications.
: 2. Alphanumeric Alphanumeric coding      is frequently used to present quantitative information, tag    numbers    or similar identifiers. Any abbreviations or acronymns should      be  readily associated with the total word,          and they should be standardized        throughout the system (both on the control panel and on    all  CRT  display pages).      Alphanumerics should    ideally    be three characters or less          because  of the propensity of operators.
To  minimize transoosition errors in          identifiers  such as iag numbers, alphabetic characters or other seperators should            be  interspersed among  long runs  of digits.
: 3. Size The  actual size of    a  character or symbol can      be  varied to convey information to the user.        An  operator can differentiate between approximately four or five different size variations on an absolute basis. However,  for  most  applications,    two size options are    re-comnended,  enabling    a  user to readily discriminate and        identify  the size being presented.        Logarith<<c      .  (constant ratio) size variations are more accurately      differentiated than linear.
Size coding is best used to    differentiate      between  information of differing importance or symbols/components in differing states (i.e.,  on  or off). One drawback    of size coding is    the larger space requirements to present the information.
: 4. Line Structure.
Varying line structures can      be used  to convey different messages to the user. guantitative information      can be coamunicated    bv  varying the length or the width    of the line. gualitative information          can be conveyed by changing the      texture of the line (solid      vs dashed  vs  dotted).
Line structure coding can be      effectively    used on graphic    display presentations    such as mimic displays    to differentiate between flow and no  flow states for the    fluid or electrical current lines of          the diagram.
A  line structure  code can be expanded    into  a  texture code.      Texture works well as    a code  for large fields    such as areas    on a graph  or to indicate states    on large symb'ols.
: 5. Brightness/Itensity Many CRT systems    have  multiple levels of intensity which        can be used  in display coding.      In general two levels of intensity are recomnended    for display coding. The  effectiveness of brightness as a coding method    is dependent    upon the  contrast of the    dimmer level. If this  contrast is poor, fatigue      may  result  and  information may be  overlooked. If the  contr ast of the low-intensity option        is adequate,  brightness coding can    be  profitably used to    suppress  back-ground  or less important information, like grid lines          and  labels,
which are only      infrequently required          by the experienced      user.
: 6. Highlighting Monochromatic displays provide some standard                  highliqhting techniques which can be used to designate important information on a  display or attract        a  user to  a  change    of state requiring his attention.      Underlininq or underscoring are commonly available                for highlighting information.            Video reverse      is  an  effective tool to attract  an  operator's attention to          an  important piece of information.
Special symbols can be used to designate important information                      (i.e.
arrows or    bullets); Critical data.          values can have boxes or        circles circumscribed around them to highlight them to the user.                      All of these methods    of highlighting      and  attention-gettinq facilitate user interpretation of high density,            complex    display presentations.
: 7. Orientation The  angular orientation of          a  symbol  or line can    be  varied to.
convey information to the user,            for  example clocks and      dials.
Orientation is      a  suitable coding technique            as  long as only relative discriminations are required.            Error rates for absolute identification of angle are high for        more than a few        categories.
: 8. Flash Rate or Blink Coding Blink coding is      an  effective attention getting tool.              However blinking    a message    reduces      its readability (flashing        an  adjacent symbol can solve      this problem).        Blinking also tends to        be  very fatiguing    and annoying    to users.      Therefore blink coding should
only  be used    to call the user's attention to              critical  events. Flash rates should    be between    1  and 5 Hz (3Hz      is a typical    recommendation) and  only one rate should          be used.      Because    of the  drawbacks    to blink
coding, event acknowledge or blink suppression should              be quickly available to the user.
: 9. Time-varying codes Animation  is  a powerful way to display time-varying data.
Instead of representing time with          a  spatial dimension    on a  graph, simulation time can      be used  to encode real time.        Fast time, slow motion and freeze frame techniques          can  highlight information that would otherwise    be'difficult for    the user to process.        However the designer must be careful here because changes in time frame can also distort the real time information. Another example of time                codes is 'display aiding which shows a trail of displacements that              fade over time, so that    a  moving  object or  a  changing data point leaves      a  trail of fading footprints which indicates its position or value in the recent past. Note that this example combines brightness coding with a  time code to 'communicate trend information to the user.              The  critical variable for time-varying displays is the duration of the blank interval between frames.      No time gap is best and      if the  gap exceeds  1  second, memory  aiding  may be    necessary  to provide continuity.
: 10. Auditory codes The  auditory modality is usually underestimated            as a coding medium. However, several    dimensions    of sounds are  available to convey information to the user        in  an  effective  way  (frequency,    itensity, quality, pattern, rhythm).        The  ear possesses    tremendous    powers  of temperal resolution (Green, 1978).            Auditory codes should take ad-vantage    of these abilities.
Because  auditory codes are usually used      as warning    signals,  a more detailed discussion of auditory coding techniques will            be reserved for  a  separate  report  on Human Engineering    criteria for    alarm and annuciation systems.
: 11. Color Color is not the ultimate answer to      all  coding problems.      Color should not be used to the exclusion of achromatic coding methods, rather they should. be used  to supplement  and complement one another.
Color Coding Strengths
~  Color can increase detection accuracy and sneed by reducing the size of the set to    be  searched. This is true only when less than        4 colors occur    on any  given display.- For larger alphabet sizes, color coding can    actually increase search times (Christ, 1975).
Color is  a good  attention focuser    when used  judiciously. The  utility of color coding for higliohting information is        enhanced when there are only  a  few colors presented    on the  display  so  that  a  change  in color from  a  normal condition to a    highlighted condition will      be readily detectable.
Color is  an  effective tool for integrating physically separate pieces, of data.      Color coded dispersed data can easily by organized into  a  single perceptual unit for further analysis        as a    group.
~  Color can be used to separate      displays into figure      and g ound areas.
o      Color is  an  effective  means    of information reduction    by seoarating foreground and reference information.          Sidorsky (1979) found that color was  of value primarily for grouping data at          a first level of analysis, i.e. the  initial  grouping  of  which data pieces are related to which.
However Sidorsky found      color  was no  better  and perhaps  worse than shape  or alnh numeric coding for subsequent levels of analysis.
Therefore, color coding can      be effectively    used  to structure displayed information for subsequent analysis        and  interpretation.
Color coding can be used to enhance natural representations.
In  some  applications color is the most desirable coding modality because    it most  naturally represents the physical reality        bein@
encoded. For example, the red/yellow/green color assignment" are most naturally associated with danger/caution/normal          designations than other, achromatic coding dimensions.
Color displays are often subjectivelv oreferred over corn"letel:
achromatic displays (Grist, 1975; Chase, 1970; Schutz, 1961).
Color backgrounds as well      as  color sy..bnls can  Le used  to co"e information.      For example, changing the background from. black to dark blue could be used to indicate changes in plant or system mode.
However, displays should be evaluated with the color, background because    of possible flicker effects which increase as field size increases and  because of possible contrast effects on legibility.
~ ~
Cautions Associated wi th Col or Codi nq
    ~      Abnormal Color Vision
          ?t is estimated that      8X  of the    males and  0.4".of the female population poss ss      some form    of  abnormal    color vision.      The most common  form  of color deficiency      i's aromalous trichromat',sm whe~e        a person is sensitive to three chromatic stimuli but thei. matches do not  fall within'he      normal range of var',ation.          The mo. t  cordon deficiency entai ls    .a weak  green response      (deuterar o"..aly) which accounts for  4.9X  of the  males and 0.38K    of the females.        A weak    red response (protaronaly) accounts for another          1,;  of the ~ale population.        potential solutiors include screening 'users          by color    deficiencies    and choosin".
choosing colors which are not affected bv the more comon forms of  abnormal  color vision.
          ~Hard Co In applications where hard copies of displays are required, all  color coding must    b  used redundantly        with monochromatic technioues.
Dec eased  R  solution Display resolution can be reduced on color              CRTs  because  of the requirement to place three phosphor dots of              different colors    on the display face. To compensate    for this, character        and s rm'-ol  sizes must be increased    to accurately convey color information to the user.
Misre  istration The need  to align- 3  beams  can cause    misregistration problems.
Periodic adjustments      will be required.
~    ~No< se  Code.
The very    factors which contribute to color's effectiveness      as a code make    it a  real nuisance and hinderance to the user  if not  aporop-riately    used. When  not used judiciously, color coding can, in fact, degrade performance.
Soectial Sensitivit! Functio.".s.
The ey~    is not equally sensitive to al'; w<svelengt"s  (s";e ."i "ure 1).
This  m ar<s  that diff::r=-nt colors o< id ntical piy ical irt.=nsi i."s will not appear equally bright. When a variety of colours are us. d in the sam pictur, the relative intensity lev.l of th v.rious colours should be in accordance with the spectral        sensitivitv o. the eye    in ord  r to  avoid unintend    d dominance of one  kind of information over anoth r.
. However, note    that these brightne'ss    cues as a  function of wavelength can be used by    color-d~ficient individuals to distinguish different colors.
Color      hoto  ic vision)    ence  tion  has a hi her    threshold than achromatic (scoto    ic vision)    erce  tion.
Perceived colors    will  change and may become achromatic        if the display intensity      is too low. This      means  that higher    symbol and character luminance is required for color displays than achromatic ones.
Ambient ?11umination      Re  uirements.
Color  CRTs  are generally more sensitive to ambient          illumination.
Contrast or luminance are usually less          for color  versus monochromatic CRTs and  corresponding decreases      in the intensity of ambient illumination may be  required. The color of the ambient illumination        can  also dramatically effect the perceived color of          a CRT. The  selection of colors for information coding should          be made  in a  situation which stimulates both the color      a'nd  intensity of the anticipated        ambient
'illumination in the operational setting.
Color Contrast.
When  color displays are viewed for long time periods apparent hue and  saturation can change      due  to contrast effects.      The  visual system processes      color information in opponent pairs: red-green, blue-yellow    and  black-white. Prolonged viewing    of  one  color reduces the eye's  sensitivity to that color        and increases    the eye's  sensitivity to the complementary color.        Simultaneous contrast effects can also produce changes    in perceived colors      due  to the influence of the color of surrounding areas.      Contrast effects      will be  most pronounced when
~ ~
there are large, colored fields on the displays.
    ~    Chromatic Aberration.
j The lens  of the  eye focuses  light or different    wavelengths at different depths.      This is called chromatic aberration.        If there are many  different wavelength colors    on a given  display, the    eye cannot focus  all of the colors at the same time. The        accomodation    (focusinq) mechanisms will continually adjust in order to        attempt to maintain proper focus.      This  effect is  one major source  of  eye  fatigue. To the extent possible, colors of very        different  wavelengths should be avoided in displays that      will be viewed  for long periods    of time. This problem    is the  reason Human Factors guidelines often recommend        miniral use  of blue colors.
Contrast Ratio Contrast ratio is not independent of foreground        and background    colors.
Figure/ground color relationships can increase the effective contrast ratio  and thereby increase    legibility. However a poor choice    of colors can  destroy  visibility; for    example, dark blue on    a black ground is virtually invisible.
There may be times when less    visible  symbols can be    useful. For example, software considerations      may  require that  a certain  symbol mark each tab    point  on a  display. Choosing  a  poorly visible symbol color can  effectively  gate out  this irrelevent information.
  ~ ~
      ~      Tes~troons. d  ~~i;ala s.
Because  of illcAnation, luminance, contrast effects                      and chromatic aberration      it is  essential that proposed displays              be  tested    on the    actual display medium,        i.e. on the CRT chosen        for the aoplication, in the appropriate environment.            There    is  no reason    that    a  colored drawinq of    prooosed disolays      will corresoond at all          to the actual          CRT  dis-lay:.
A C~T    display is    a li ht    e~i'.ter  and a draw n,"    i "s  a  4 "h      r  f!e=t'r.
t:le  tWO CaSs'S  dO  nOt nrOduCe perC=ptiOnS        t;:at  ai e autOnatiCasl"        equ-'.al~-t.
0  her Comments.
If single    failure criteria        are imnortant,      cZ  eosing colors based on    i bea;.s  can i~crease      r  durdancy.      Howev=-r  cult-;p'e      '"earn  colo:s, p=rticusarl"      w'.".ite, increase con:erqencs        p. o~le~s "-hich decrease            I."-
effective contrast of th di splay.
      "olor C".d= A p,a.e-. Siz:-.
h"r" i.-    a ta~d".ncy    for dis"l~y ".e"i-ners      t~  u"-e    "o"e ro'.ors      thorn  's op    rationally w:rrant;".d. D:s'ig.".ers;.hcu:d:o-. f::e:                c  m-elled      t utilized all of        the colors that      a  given  CRT  provides.          The number      of colors that can      be  discriminat    d  accurately depends          on    'avelen~t.".,
saturation, bri~htness, illumination,                symbol    size and contrast effects.
While hundreds      of colors    can be    discriminated      on a      relative basis, Haeusin." (1976) found        that only    4  colors  wo re  reliably discr'.min-t:d on an    absolute basis using test displays that are typical of current CRT    displays.
Because  of this result    and because  of the caution noted in the previous section, the color      code alphabet should not exceed 3      or 4 hues  (Myszecki and  Stiles,  1967; Burdick    et al, 1965).
Recomnended    Approach to Color Coding There are many coding schemes which can meet          Human Factors criteria. The  following is    one general  approach  that  fulfills these cri teria.
Color should    be used    to organize displays    and focus the  user's attention    on  important information.      An  analogy can be made between levels of  an  information hierarchy      and  levels of  a  color code. An information hierarchy aids the operator to separate relevent from less relevent information      by  providing displays of different levels of detai      l.
A  color  code should help the user separate        important from unimportant information    by  providing different levels of organization within each display.
: 1. Reference or back round color..        This color should be clearly      visible but subdued.      It should  not  be the most salient color    (i.e. not the brightest color or the        one  with the best contrast) available      on  the CRT. Static or reference material should        make up  this category.
: 2. For'e round  color. This color should be the most salient (brightest, r
best contrast) color available.          This category should include dynamic, important information, information that is necessary to            fulfill the tasks the display is designed to support.
3;  Hi  hli ht colors    (up  to  2  colors    . These  colors should clearly      demand the user's    attention      for  example, red    for alarm information.        This category should contain the least number of items, only                3  or 4 per page. If this  is  exceeded    the color    will no  longer    fulfill its attention getting function.
This schema organizes the information on            a  page  into layers-almost adding    a  depth dimension onto the page.
(Actually perceptual- research        shows    that figures    do tend    to stand out on depth    in front of the ground; Coren, 1976).              The pyramid    of layers focuses the user's attention        directly    onto important (foreground) and critical (highlighted) information. Within              each coding    level, dispersed information is organized into          a  single unit.
This approach can be expanded to other coding techniques as well.
For example, achromatic        highlighting techniques could        be used and 2 levels of brightness could represent the foreground                and reference information levels.        However there should be a          ceiling of    4  coding levels.
The coding scheme presented          here  fulfills each    of the coding functions described earlier in          a  systematic way.      Search performance is  enhanced  since information is categorized at            an optimum    level (3 or 4 categories).      Critical information stands out through the              pyramid structure    and each    color level pulls together dispersed but related information.      The coding    levels aid information reduction          by organizing information according to        priority levels.'inally          it takes    advantaoe of the user's perceptual        and  attentional    mechanisms.
Human  Factors reconmendations    on coding  usually provide      an annotated    list of eight  colors (the eight colors usually available on CRT  systems). Each  color is matched    as  best suited for    different types  of information. No  such  list  is provided  here because    it encourages    the overuse  of color coding    and because    the appropriate colors for each application should        be  determined by    test trials with the actual    CRT,  displays  and visual environment.
Interactive Techni ues.
Coding techniques    are not the only means available to        facilitate operator processing and interpretati on of complex di spl ays.              Interacti ve capabilities    can be  incorporated into the system to enable users to separate    relevent from irrelevent information.          On some  CRT    systems, multiple graphic planes      can be  utilized for different      groups    of information    so that  an operator can suppress or request information            as required.      Gridlines, labels, units, scales,      and  limits  are    all candidates    for suppression by an experienced operator. An operator,
. should  also be able tointeractively request supplemental information that  does  not warrant continuous display.        For example, on    a  graohical display,    an  operator could request    a  digital display of actual or historical parameter values.        Interactive techniques cari be effectively used  in addition to coding    methods  to reduce the density of complex di spl ays.
Table  1 - Alternative  Coding Dimensions  for  CRT  Applications Recomnended Dimension        Number of Levels          Alternative  A  lications Symbology              10  - 15 max        Identify different cnmoonents and  their operational status Size                                        Highlight dynamic vs. static data Highlight operational vs.
non-operational components Differentiate piping with fl'ow vs. no flow Highlight  more important data, symbols, or lines Differentiate monitored vs.
non-monitored data Line Structure            3-4              Differentiate flow vs. no flow Brightness/                                Suppress  background  info Intensity Highlight caution    and warning information Differentiate operatational      vs.
non-operational components Differentiate piping with flow vs. no  flow Color                  3 -  4 recom.      Differentiate    dynamic vs.
static  data Highlight caution    and wa'ming information Achromatic              on/off            Highlight caution    and Highlighting                              warning information Differentiate operational      vs non-operational components
Candidates    for Coding in Process  Control Various media    (steam,  water...)
Conditions or states (on/off, running/stopped, open/closed, flow/no flow. available/unavailable)
Control modes (manual/automatic,      remote/local)
Plant status    (pre-trip/post-trip, terminate/mitigate)
Information    priority  (alarms)
Background or reference      information versus foreground in formati on Data qual  i ty (good/inconsi stent/bad/manually entered)
~ Information state (normal/cautioning/abnormal)
There are many useful ideas on how to apply codinq techniques        to different applications.      It is  not sufficient to match one coding candidate to one coding dimension until the set      of candidates is exhausted. This approach  will guarentee  an unsatisfactory coding scheme. Coding questions    must be examined as an integrated set together with information transfer requirements generated via task analysis.
This approach    will prevent conflicts  between  individual  codes and it will prevent coding    schemes  which increase,  not reduce, display compl exi bi i ty.
I 1 e 4 j}}

Latest revision as of 02:33, 4 February 2020

Rev 0 to Man-Machine Interface Design Basis Document:Info Coding for Computer Display Sys.
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Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1980
From: Eckert S, Woods D
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INFORHATION CODING FOR COHPUTER DISPLAY SYSTEMS REV. 0 P. D. Moods S S. Eckert October, 1980 g506i004io 850581 05000Si PDR ADOCH

l 0 lt

Summary Introduction Characteristics of a Good Code Coding Functions Codes can aid search process Codes can amplify information Codes can organize dispersed, information Codes can aid information reduction Coding Dimensions Symbology Alphanumeric Size Line Structure Brightness Highlighting

Orientation Blink Time - varying codes Auditory Codes Col or Color Coding Strengths Cautions Associated with Color Coding Color Code Al,phabet Size Recommended Approach to Color Coding Interactive Techniques Candidates for Coding in Process Control References

2.0 Introduction This document, sponsored by the Control Room and Computer Development group of the Strategic Operations Division, presents Human Factors criteria for the development of information coding schemes in computer display systems.

0 Information display systems should support a quick and accurate transfer of information to the user. Coding information is one technique available to the designer to meet this goal.

Coding methods should be incorporated when any of the following three conditions are applicable:

~ when a dense presentation of information is required

~ when the task requirements are difficult or precise when a quick response time is essential Coding techniques should be viewed as one option among many to facilitate information processing and interpretation. The arrangement of" the information and the mode of presentation will have dramatic impacts on information transfer. One cannot incorporate coding into badly formatted displays and expect dramatic operational improvements.

Therefore. coding should be one of the last elements display design-the best format should be developed for presenting the information to the operator prior to including the coding features.

Characte'ristics of a Good Code Detectability - Any stimulus used in the coding of information must be detectable or perceivable by the user.

Discriminability (1) The user must be able to discriminate between different coding techniques; (2) within a given coding modality, the user must be able to discriminate different values or states.

The number of discriminable stimuli within a coding dimension changes across dimensions and of the type of task - either a re]ative or an absolute discrimination.

A person's ability to detect differences between stimuli (to make a relative judgement) is much keener than one's ability to detect a difference with a remembered comparison. Introducing reference points such as perceptual anchors can increase the effective resolution within a coding class by allowing relative judgements.

~ Compatibility - The code chosen should be compatible with the type of data or information being coded. Thus a qualitive code (symbols, color) should be used for qualitive data; a quantitative codino technique (length, intensity, size) is better for presenting quanti tati ve in formati on.

'For example, color could be used to code a quantitative dimension such as temperature as in an infrared photograph. This is a good way to represent differences in temperature. However,'his is a poor way to indicate temperature values since there is no obvious relationship between color and quantity. Mhen the value of a data point represented by green doubles, what color should result?

o Association - Symbol codes should physically represent the actual object being portrayed.

~ Standardization - The use of codes should be standardized throuahout the display system and the surrounding user work station. If red is used as an alarm color in the indicator lights about the control station, red should .also be reserved as an alarm color on the CRT displays if at all possible.

~ Redundancy - It is advantageous to use redundant coding: two or more coding dimensions are used in combination to designate a particular condition.

~ In addition, a code should not introduce fatiguing or distracting effects',

and it should be relatively easy to incorporate into the machine system.

If these guidelines are met, the coding scheme adopted should be easy to interpret with little intercode confusion.

Coding Functions

1. Codes can aid search rocess The time to search a set of candidates for a particular target increases as set size increases. (Steinberg ). Therefore search tasks become more difficult (take longer and are more error orone) as the information density of a display increases. Codes can increase search speed and accuracy through a category effect.

Mhen the target is a member of clearly defined subset of the total display, search speed ahd accuracv is a function only of subset "

size not of the total number of display elements (Egeth, Jonides, and 6

N Mall, 1872). This is true as long as the number of different subsets or categories is small (less than 4). For example, searching for a red target among a'few red and many white display elements is faster and more accurate than searching for the same target when all display elements are monochromatic.

In. general, items of a given category are detected faster and more accurately against a background consisting of items from a different

category as compared to a background of items from the same cateaory (Oeutsch, 1977).

2. Codes can am lif information.

Codes fulfill a highlighting function by attracting the user's attention to important information. For example, codes, can be used to emphasize anomalies. and abnormal states.

3. Codes can or anize dis ersed information.

Coding techniques are particularly valuable to integrate information that is spread across the display page as opposed to information that is already organized by 'rows, columns, or quadrants.

4. Codes can aid information reducti'on A flexible.display should facilitate several types of viewing tasks; what is relevant to one task may not be relevant to another.

The user may be required to block out information that is not per-tinant to the task at hand. Displays should be structured so that information reduction is a gating task rather than a condensation task.

Gating requires only that the user ignore irrelevant stimulus dimensions.

This activity is part of normal and often automatic perceptual mechanisms that the brain routinely uses to prevent information overload. Condensation tasks place a burden on the user's cognitive capacity since the information must be combined in complicated ways

{Norse, 1979; Posner, 1964).

For example, red triangles and blue squares may have to be mentally grouped together and treated differently from a group of red squares and blue triangles.

Another way to aid information reduction is to structure displays into foreground and background. This approach takes advantage of automatic perceptual processes which differentiate figure from ground.

When important and unimportant or reference information (for examole, scales or grid patterns) is undistingushed, the user may suffer from information overload or he may be required to use up mental capacity in order to distinguish the priority level. Just as an information hierarchy supplies layers of information from the general to th detailed, individual displays should provide layers of information going from reference or background to important to critical inform-ation. Note that information reduction techniques are one means for keeping display density within the optimum range.

In order for the display designer to match his code selection and an overall coding scheme to the user's tasks, he must determine what 1

information the user needs to extract from each display.'his can be accomplished through a task analysis which determines the user activities each display must support.

Coding Dimensions Symbology (Shape).

Graphic or pictorial symbols and shapes as data identifiers.

Symbols should represent the object being portrayed. This is called iconic coding and it reduces training time as compared to arbitrary symbol codes., Iconic coding also heightens symbol recoqnition and strenqthens the association between the symbol and the actual object.

This effect increases the transparency of the interface.

Symbols should be simple but detailed enough to be discriminable and to prompt associations and accurate identification. The number of shapes that can be correctly identified is quite large, limited primarily by the ability of an observer to associate the symbols with the corresponding objects. This ability is dependent uoon the fidelity of the symbol shape, user training, and stress (Oda, 1977).

Generally a maximum of 10 to 15 different symbols are recommended for most applications.

2. Alphanumeric Alphanumeric coding is frequently used to present quantitative information, tag numbers or similar identifiers. Any abbreviations or acronymns should be readily associated with the total word, and they should be standardized throughout the system (both on the control panel and on all CRT display pages). Alphanumerics should ideally be three characters or less because of the propensity of operators.

To minimize transoosition errors in identifiers such as iag numbers, alphabetic characters or other seperators should be interspersed among long runs of digits.

3. Size The actual size of a character or symbol can be varied to convey information to the user. An operator can differentiate between approximately four or five different size variations on an absolute basis. However, for most applications, two size options are re-comnended, enabling a user to readily discriminate and identify the size being presented. Logarith<<c . (constant ratio) size variations are more accurately differentiated than linear.

Size coding is best used to differentiate between information of differing importance or symbols/components in differing states (i.e., on or off). One drawback of size coding is the larger space requirements to present the information.

4. Line Structure.

Varying line structures can be used to convey different messages to the user. guantitative information can be coamunicated bv varying the length or the width of the line. gualitative information can be conveyed by changing the texture of the line (solid vs dashed vs dotted).

Line structure coding can be effectively used on graphic display presentations such as mimic displays to differentiate between flow and no flow states for the fluid or electrical current lines of the diagram.

A line structure code can be expanded into a texture code. Texture works well as a code for large fields such as areas on a graph or to indicate states on large symb'ols.

5. Brightness/Itensity Many CRT systems have multiple levels of intensity which can be used in display coding. In general two levels of intensity are recomnended for display coding. The effectiveness of brightness as a coding method is dependent upon the contrast of the dimmer level. If this contrast is poor, fatigue may result and information may be overlooked. If the contr ast of the low-intensity option is adequate, brightness coding can be profitably used to suppress back-ground or less important information, like grid lines and labels,

which are only infrequently required by the experienced user.

6. Highlighting Monochromatic displays provide some standard highliqhting techniques which can be used to designate important information on a display or attract a user to a change of state requiring his attention. Underlininq or underscoring are commonly available for highlighting information. Video reverse is an effective tool to attract an operator's attention to an important piece of information.

Special symbols can be used to designate important information (i.e.

arrows or bullets); Critical data. values can have boxes or circles circumscribed around them to highlight them to the user. All of these methods of highlighting and attention-gettinq facilitate user interpretation of high density, complex display presentations.

7. Orientation The angular orientation of a symbol or line can be varied to.

convey information to the user, for example clocks and dials.

Orientation is a suitable coding technique as long as only relative discriminations are required. Error rates for absolute identification of angle are high for more than a few categories.

8. Flash Rate or Blink Coding Blink coding is an effective attention getting tool. However blinking a message reduces its readability (flashing an adjacent symbol can solve this problem). Blinking also tends to be very fatiguing and annoying to users. Therefore blink coding should


only be used to call the user's attention to critical events. Flash rates should be between 1 and 5 Hz (3Hz is a typical recommendation) and only one rate should be used. Because of the drawbacks to blink


coding, event acknowledge or blink suppression should be quickly available to the user.

9. Time-varying codes Animation is a powerful way to display time-varying data.

Instead of representing time with a spatial dimension on a graph, simulation time can be used to encode real time. Fast time, slow motion and freeze frame techniques can highlight information that would otherwise be'difficult for the user to process. However the designer must be careful here because changes in time frame can also distort the real time information. Another example of time codes is 'display aiding which shows a trail of displacements that fade over time, so that a moving object or a changing data point leaves a trail of fading footprints which indicates its position or value in the recent past. Note that this example combines brightness coding with a time code to 'communicate trend information to the user. The critical variable for time-varying displays is the duration of the blank interval between frames. No time gap is best and if the gap exceeds 1 second, memory aiding may be necessary to provide continuity.

10. Auditory codes The auditory modality is usually underestimated as a coding medium. However, several dimensions of sounds are available to convey information to the user in an effective way (frequency, itensity, quality, pattern, rhythm). The ear possesses tremendous powers of temperal resolution (Green, 1978). Auditory codes should take ad-vantage of these abilities.

Because auditory codes are usually used as warning signals, a more detailed discussion of auditory coding techniques will be reserved for a separate report on Human Engineering criteria for alarm and annuciation systems.

11. Color Color is not the ultimate answer to all coding problems. Color should not be used to the exclusion of achromatic coding methods, rather they should. be used to supplement and complement one another.

Color Coding Strengths

~ Color can increase detection accuracy and sneed by reducing the size of the set to be searched. This is true only when less than 4 colors occur on any given display.- For larger alphabet sizes, color coding can actually increase search times (Christ, 1975).

Color is a good attention focuser when used judiciously. The utility of color coding for higliohting information is enhanced when there are only a few colors presented on the display so that a change in color from a normal condition to a highlighted condition will be readily detectable.

Color is an effective tool for integrating physically separate pieces, of data. Color coded dispersed data can easily by organized into a single perceptual unit for further analysis as a group.

~ Color can be used to separate displays into figure and g ound areas.

o Color is an effective means of information reduction by seoarating foreground and reference information. Sidorsky (1979) found that color was of value primarily for grouping data at a first level of analysis, i.e. the initial grouping of which data pieces are related to which.

However Sidorsky found color was no better and perhaps worse than shape or alnh numeric coding for subsequent levels of analysis.

Therefore, color coding can be effectively used to structure displayed information for subsequent analysis and interpretation.

Color coding can be used to enhance natural representations.

In some applications color is the most desirable coding modality because it most naturally represents the physical reality bein@

encoded. For example, the red/yellow/green color assignment" are most naturally associated with danger/caution/normal designations than other, achromatic coding dimensions.

Color displays are often subjectivelv oreferred over corn"letel:

achromatic displays (Grist, 1975; Chase, 1970; Schutz, 1961).

Color backgrounds as well as color sy..bnls can Le used to co"e information. For example, changing the background from. black to dark blue could be used to indicate changes in plant or system mode.

However, displays should be evaluated with the color, background because of possible flicker effects which increase as field size increases and because of possible contrast effects on legibility.

~ ~

Cautions Associated wi th Col or Codi nq

~ Abnormal Color Vision

?t is estimated that 8X of the males and 0.4".of the female population poss ss some form of abnormal color vision. The most common form of color deficiency i's aromalous trichromat',sm whe~e a person is sensitive to three chromatic stimuli but thei. matches do not fall within'he normal range of var',ation. The mo. t cordon deficiency entai ls .a weak green response (deuterar o"..aly) which accounts for 4.9X of the males and 0.38K of the females. A weak red response (protaronaly) accounts for another 1,; of the ~ale population. potential solutiors include screening 'users by color deficiencies and choosin".

choosing colors which are not affected bv the more comon forms of abnormal color vision.

~Hard Co In applications where hard copies of displays are required, all color coding must b used redundantly with monochromatic technioues.

Dec eased R solution Display resolution can be reduced on color CRTs because of the requirement to place three phosphor dots of different colors on the display face. To compensate for this, character and s rm'-ol sizes must be increased to accurately convey color information to the user.

Misre istration The need to align- 3 beams can cause misregistration problems.

Periodic adjustments will be required.

~ ~No< se Code.

The very factors which contribute to color's effectiveness as a code make it a real nuisance and hinderance to the user if not aporop-riately used. When not used judiciously, color coding can, in fact, degrade performance.

Soectial Sensitivit! Functio.".s.

The ey~ is not equally sensitive to al'; w<svelengt"s (s";e ."i "ure 1).

This m ar<s that diff::r=-nt colors o< id ntical piy ical irt.=nsi i."s will not appear equally bright. When a variety of colours are us. d in the sam pictur, the relative intensity lev.l of th v.rious colours should be in accordance with the spectral sensitivitv o. the eye in ord r to avoid unintend d dominance of one kind of information over anoth r.

. However, note that these brightne'ss cues as a function of wavelength can be used by color-d~ficient individuals to distinguish different colors.

Color hoto ic vision) ence tion has a hi her threshold than achromatic (scoto ic vision) erce tion.

Perceived colors will change and may become achromatic if the display intensity is too low. This means that higher symbol and character luminance is required for color displays than achromatic ones.

Ambient ?11umination Re uirements.

Color CRTs are generally more sensitive to ambient illumination.

Contrast or luminance are usually less for color versus monochromatic CRTs and corresponding decreases in the intensity of ambient illumination may be required. The color of the ambient illumination can also dramatically effect the perceived color of a CRT. The selection of colors for information coding should be made in a situation which stimulates both the color a'nd intensity of the anticipated ambient

'illumination in the operational setting.

Color Contrast.

When color displays are viewed for long time periods apparent hue and saturation can change due to contrast effects. The visual system processes color information in opponent pairs: red-green, blue-yellow and black-white. Prolonged viewing of one color reduces the eye's sensitivity to that color and increases the eye's sensitivity to the complementary color. Simultaneous contrast effects can also produce changes in perceived colors due to the influence of the color of surrounding areas. Contrast effects will be most pronounced when


~ ~

there are large, colored fields on the displays.

~ Chromatic Aberration.

j The lens of the eye focuses light or different wavelengths at different depths. This is called chromatic aberration. If there are many different wavelength colors on a given display, the eye cannot focus all of the colors at the same time. The accomodation (focusinq) mechanisms will continually adjust in order to attempt to maintain proper focus. This effect is one major source of eye fatigue. To the extent possible, colors of very different wavelengths should be avoided in displays that will be viewed for long periods of time. This problem is the reason Human Factors guidelines often recommend miniral use of blue colors.

Contrast Ratio Contrast ratio is not independent of foreground and background colors.

Figure/ground color relationships can increase the effective contrast ratio and thereby increase legibility. However a poor choice of colors can destroy visibility; for example, dark blue on a black ground is virtually invisible.

There may be times when less visible symbols can be useful. For example, software considerations may require that a certain symbol mark each tab point on a display. Choosing a poorly visible symbol color can effectively gate out this irrelevent information.


~ ~

~ Tes~troons. d ~~i;ala s.

Because of illcAnation, luminance, contrast effects and chromatic aberration it is essential that proposed displays be tested on the actual display medium, i.e. on the CRT chosen for the aoplication, in the appropriate environment. There is no reason that a colored drawinq of prooosed disolays will corresoond at all to the actual CRT dis-lay:.

A C~T display is a li ht e~i'.ter and a draw n," i "s a 4 "h r f!e=t'r.

t:le tWO CaSs'S dO nOt nrOduCe perC=ptiOnS t;:at ai e autOnatiCasl" equ-'.al~-t.

0 her Comments.

If single failure criteria are imnortant, cZ eosing colors based on i bea;.s can i~crease r durdancy. Howev=-r cult-;p'e '"earn colo:s, p=rticusarl" w'.".ite, increase con:erqencs p. o~le~s "-hich decrease I."-

effective contrast of th di splay.

"olor C".d= A p,a.e-. Siz:-.

h"r" i.- a ta~d".ncy for dis"l~y ".e"i-ners t~ u"-e "o"e ro'.ors thorn 's op rationally w:rrant;".d. D:s'ig.".ers;.hcu:d:o-. f::e: c m-elled t utilized all of the colors that a given CRT provides. The number of colors that can be discriminat d accurately depends on 'avelen~t.".,

saturation, bri~htness, illumination, symbol size and contrast effects.

While hundreds of colors can be discriminated on a relative basis, Haeusin." (1976) found that only 4 colors wo re reliably discr'.min-t:d on an absolute basis using test displays that are typical of current CRT displays.

Because of this result and because of the caution noted in the previous section, the color code alphabet should not exceed 3 or 4 hues (Myszecki and Stiles, 1967; Burdick et al, 1965).

Recomnended Approach to Color Coding There are many coding schemes which can meet Human Factors criteria. The following is one general approach that fulfills these cri teria.

Color should be used to organize displays and focus the user's attention on important information. An analogy can be made between levels of an information hierarchy and levels of a color code. An information hierarchy aids the operator to separate relevent from less relevent information by providing displays of different levels of detai l.

A color code should help the user separate important from unimportant information by providing different levels of organization within each display.

1. Reference or back round color.. This color should be clearly visible but subdued. It should not be the most salient color (i.e. not the brightest color or the one with the best contrast) available on the CRT. Static or reference material should make up this category.
2. For'e round color. This color should be the most salient (brightest, r

best contrast) color available. This category should include dynamic, important information, information that is necessary to fulfill the tasks the display is designed to support.

3; Hi hli ht colors (up to 2 colors . These colors should clearly demand the user's attention for example, red for alarm information. This category should contain the least number of items, only 3 or 4 per page. If this is exceeded the color will no longer fulfill its attention getting function.

This schema organizes the information on a page into layers-almost adding a depth dimension onto the page.

(Actually perceptual- research shows that figures do tend to stand out on depth in front of the ground; Coren, 1976). The pyramid of layers focuses the user's attention directly onto important (foreground) and critical (highlighted) information. Within each coding level, dispersed information is organized into a single unit.

This approach can be expanded to other coding techniques as well.

For example, achromatic highlighting techniques could be used and 2 levels of brightness could represent the foreground and reference information levels. However there should be a ceiling of 4 coding levels.

The coding scheme presented here fulfills each of the coding functions described earlier in a systematic way. Search performance is enhanced since information is categorized at an optimum level (3 or 4 categories). Critical information stands out through the pyramid structure and each color level pulls together dispersed but related information. The coding levels aid information reduction by organizing information according to priority levels.'inally it takes advantaoe of the user's perceptual and attentional mechanisms.

Human Factors reconmendations on coding usually provide an annotated list of eight colors (the eight colors usually available on CRT systems). Each color is matched as best suited for different types of information. No such list is provided here because it encourages the overuse of color coding and because the appropriate colors for each application should be determined by test trials with the actual CRT, displays and visual environment.

Interactive Techni ues.

Coding techniques are not the only means available to facilitate operator processing and interpretati on of complex di spl ays. Interacti ve capabilities can be incorporated into the system to enable users to separate relevent from irrelevent information. On some CRT systems, multiple graphic planes can be utilized for different groups of information so that an operator can suppress or request information as required. Gridlines, labels, units, scales, and limits are all candidates for suppression by an experienced operator. An operator,

. should also be able tointeractively request supplemental information that does not warrant continuous display. For example, on a graohical display, an operator could request a digital display of actual or historical parameter values. Interactive techniques cari be effectively used in addition to coding methods to reduce the density of complex di spl ays.

Table 1 - Alternative Coding Dimensions for CRT Applications Recomnended Dimension Number of Levels Alternative A lications Symbology 10 - 15 max Identify different cnmoonents and their operational status Size Highlight dynamic vs. static data Highlight operational vs.

non-operational components Differentiate piping with fl'ow vs. no flow Highlight more important data, symbols, or lines Differentiate monitored vs.

non-monitored data Line Structure 3-4 Differentiate flow vs. no flow Brightness/ Suppress background info Intensity Highlight caution and warning information Differentiate operatational vs.

non-operational components Differentiate piping with flow vs. no flow Color 3 - 4 recom. Differentiate dynamic vs.

static data Highlight caution and wa'ming information Achromatic on/off Highlight caution and Highlighting warning information Differentiate operational vs non-operational components

Candidates for Coding in Process Control Various media (steam, water...)

Conditions or states (on/off, running/stopped, open/closed, flow/no flow. available/unavailable)

Control modes (manual/automatic, remote/local)

Plant status (pre-trip/post-trip, terminate/mitigate)

Information priority (alarms)

Background or reference information versus foreground in formati on Data qual i ty (good/inconsi stent/bad/manually entered)

~ Information state (normal/cautioning/abnormal)

There are many useful ideas on how to apply codinq techniques to different applications. It is not sufficient to match one coding candidate to one coding dimension until the set of candidates is exhausted. This approach will guarentee an unsatisfactory coding scheme. Coding questions must be examined as an integrated set together with information transfer requirements generated via task analysis.

This approach will prevent conflicts between individual codes and it will prevent coding schemes which increase, not reduce, display compl exi bi i ty.


I 1 e 4 j