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| issue date = 06/05/1981
| issue date = 06/05/1981
| title = Interim Deficiency Rept Re Lack of Required Special Conduit Separation for Certain safety-related Electrical Circuits, Initially Reported on 810408.Safety-related Electrical Circuits Will Be Correctly Separated
| title = Interim Deficiency Rept Re Lack of Required Special Conduit Separation for Certain safety-related Electrical Circuits, Initially Reported on 810408.Safety-related Electrical Circuits Will Be Correctly Separated
| author name = CURTIS N W
| author name = Curtis N
| author affiliation = PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| author affiliation = PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = GRIER B H
| addressee name = Grier B
| docket = 05000387, 05000388
| docket = 05000387, 05000388
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{{#Wiki_filter:REGULATORY INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.                                     (RIDS)
NODOCKE.T'FACIL:50387Susquehanna SteamElectrfcStationsUnft1>Pennsylva0500~08750388Susquehanna SteamElectrfcStatfoneUnft2'PPennsylva05'I)038AUTH',NAME AUTHORAFFILIATTONCURTISEN~W~PennsylvanfaPowerLLfghtCo~RECIP~NAMElRECIPIENT AFFILIATION GRIERiB~H~RegioniiPhfladelphfar Office'ftheDirector(81/03/01)
ACCESSION NBR:8106090406                   DOC ~ DATE! 81/06/05 NOTARIZED: NO                                DOCKE.T' FACIL:50 387 Susquehanna Steam Electrf c Stations Unf t 1 > Pennsyl va                                      0500~087 50 388 Susquehanna              Steam Electr f c Statf one Unf t 2'P Pennsyl va                      05 'I)038 AUTH',NAME           AUTHOR AFFILIATTON CURTIS N ~ W ~
E              Pennsyl vanf a Power L Lf ght Co ~
RECIP ~ NAMEl        RECIPIENT AFFILIATION GRIERiB ~ H ~         Region          ii  Phfladelphfar    Office'f                      the Director (81/03/01)

Interimdeficiency reptrelackofrequiredspecialconduitseparation forcertain-safety>>rel'ated electrical cfrcuftsr fnftfally repor'tedon810408Safetyrelatedelectrical circuitswillbecorrectly separated, DISTRIBUTION CODE'::BOI9S'OPIES RECEIVEDiLTR
Interim deficiency rept re lack of required special conduit separation  for certain- safety>>rel'ated electrical cfrcuftsr fnftfally r epor'ted on 810408 Safety related electrical circuits will be correctly separated, DISTRIBUTION CODE'::   BOI9S'OPIES RECEIVEDiLTR ~NCI./                                             SIZE TITLE,: Construction     Deficiency Report (10CFR50 55K)                   ~
NOTES!Send     IEE 3 copfes          FSAR 5    al 1 amends,1            cytBWR>>LRG PM(L RIB')               05000387 Send    IEE 3 copies          FSAR 8    all  amends,i            cy:BWR~LRG PM(L ~ RIB)             05000388 RECIPIENT                  COPIES'            RECIPIENT'D COPIES ID'ODE/NAMEI                 TTR'NCL                      CODE/NAME"                LTTR'NCI.
ACTION:     A/D LICENSNG 04                  1      1    LIC            BR  ¹2'C          05        1    1 LIC  BR ¹2 LA 06                1      1    STARKERS                          07        1    1 INTERNAL'SLBP/J',HARD                               1    D/DIR            HUM                      1    1 f
FAC15'QUIP EDO  8 STAFF    19            1      1                      QUAL BR1              1        1 HYD/GEO BR                      1      1    ILE                              Oo        1    1 22'E/EES 1      1    LIC QUAL'R                                  1    1 02' 12'RC MPA            20              1      1                    PDR                          i. 1 OELD            21              1      1                          REV 13                1    1 QA BR            14            1      1      ,EG          FILE              01        1    1 STANDRDS DEY 21                  1      1 EXTERNAL: ACRS              1      6. 16    16      LPDR                              03        1    1 NSIC            08              1      1 gag 10 1981 TOTAL NUMBER. OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR                  ~$       v'g    ENCL
LTTR~ENCL TWONORTHNINTHSTREET,ALLENTOWN, PA.18101PHONE~(215)7/0-5151NORMANW.CURTISVicepfesidenl-Engineeting dConstruction-Nuclear 7705381June5,1981Mr.BoyceH.GrierDirector, RegionIU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission 631ParkAvenueKingofPrussia,PA19406r-'(gyes,

TWO NORTH NINTH STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. 18101        PHONE~  (215) 7/0-5151 NORMAN W. CURTIS Vice pfesidenl-Engineeting d Construction-Nuclear 770 5381 June 5, 1981                                                            r Mr. Boyce H. Grier Director, Region U. S.
ThisletterservestoprovidetheCommission withaninterimreportofadeficiency involving thelackofrequiredspecialconduitseparation forcertainsafety-related electrical circuits.
I Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Thedeficiency wasoriginally reportedtotheNRCiTLGeneralElectricletterTRR-26-81/MPN-065-91, datedApril8,1981undertheprovisions of10CFR21.Recognizing its'esponsibility toreviewthecondition forreportability under10CFR50.55(e),
                                                                          -'(gyes,              ',
PP&Ldetermined thisdeficiency tobepotentially reportable.
631 Park Avenue King of Prussia,              PA    19406                            0r S 1aI C0 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION FINAL      REPORT OF A DEFICIENCY RELATING TO ELECTRICAL SEPARATION ER's 100450/100508                        FILES 840-4/900-10 PLA-827
Consequently, Mr.C.Z.McVickerofPPaLsoadvisedNRCRegionIInspector Mr.L.Narrowbytelephone onApril14,1981.Theattachment tothislettercontainsadesription ofthedeficiency, itscause,safetyimplications, andthecorrective actiontakenandplanned.Theinformation issubmitted asafinalreportpursuanttotheprovisions of10CFR50.55(e).
WetrusttheCommission willfindtheinformation forwarded bythislettertobesatisfactory.
==Dear Mr.         Grier:==
Verytrulyyours,N.W.CurtisVicePresident-Engineering 6Construction-Nuclear yoi~5FLW/WHG/vs'.
PENNSYLVANIA POWERiLLIGHTCOMPANY Mr.BoyceH.Griercc:Mr.VictorStello(15)Director-Office ofinspection
This      letter serves to provide the Commission with an interim report of a deficiency involving the lack of required special conduit separation for certain safety-related electrical circuits. The deficiency was originally reported to the NRC iTL General Electric letter TRR-26-81/MPN-065-91, dated April 8, 1981 under the provisions of 10 CFR 21. Recognizing its to review the condition for reportability under 10 CFR 50.55(e),         'esponsibility PP&L determined this deficiency to be potentially reportable.                             Consequently, Mr. C. Z. McVicker of PPaL so advised NRC Region I Inspector Mr. L. Narrow by telephone on            April 14, 1981.
&Enforcement U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Mr.G.McDonald, Director(1)OfficeofManagement Znformation
The    attachment to this letter contains                a desription of the deficiency, its cause,       safety implications, and the corrective action taken and planned.
&ProgramControlU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Mr.GaryRhoadsU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission P.O.Box52Shickshinny, PA18655
The    information is submitted                as a final report  pursuant to the provisions of    10 CFR      50.55(e).
.~Attachment toPLA-827SUBJECTSpecialelectrical separation fortheG.E.suppliedPowerGeneration ControlComplexinvolving theHighPressureCoolantInjection (HPCX),ReactorCoreIsolation Cooling(RCIC),andAutomatic Depressurization Systems(ADS)asidentified inNRCZGEInformation Notice79>>32.DESCRIPTION OFDEFICIENCY Thedeficiency involvestheomissionofconduitonelectrical wiringtotheHPCXinboardsteamisolation valveE41-F002andRCICinboardsteamisolation valveE51-F007.
We    trust the        Commission          will find the information forwarded by this        letter to    be  satisfactory.
Theinstallation ofthiscondui.tisrequiredtomeetaspecificrequirement oftheGeneralElectricspecification forelectrical separation, applicable toSusquehanna 162.Thisdeficiency relatestoboththeGEscopeofsupply(i.e.thePowerGeneration ControlComplex)andtheBechtelCorp.scopeofsupply(i.e.BalanceofPlant)forthesecircuits.
Very    truly yours, N. W.     Curtis                                                                                yoi~
Note:AlthoughGE'sPart21report(ref.TRR-26-81/MFN-065-81 dated4/8/81)includedADScircuitsinthescopeofthereporteddeficiency, asdidtheirgenericresponsetoNRCZ&EInformation Notice79-32,ADShasnotbeenincludedinthescopeofthi.sreportbecausetheSusquehanna ADSdesign,unlikeearliervintageplants,hastworedundant powerandlogictrainsandiscapableofoperation withafailureineitherdivision.
Vice President-Engineering                   6 Construction-Nuclear                                       5 FLW/WHG/vs'.
CAUSETheGeneralElectricspecification forelectrical separation applicable toSusquehanna SES,requiresthatconduitbeinstalled toprovidespecialseparation oftheHPCZandRCXCinboardsteamlineisolation valvecircuitsfromothercircuitsassignedtothesamedivision(seeattacheddiagramofFig.5ofG.E.Doc.22A3052).
Theintent,ofthisspecialseparation require-mentistoprovideconduitseparation ofthe"Division I-X"circuitfromotherDivisionXcircuitsandconduitsseparation ofthe"Division ZZ-X"circuitsfromotherDivisionZIcircuitstherebypreventing apostulated singleelectrical failurefromdisabling boththeHPCXandRCXCsystems.GEandBechtelCorp.,fortheirrespective scopesofsupply,failedtoincorporate thisspecialelectrical separation requirement intothedesignoutputdocuments theypreparedandissuedforthemanufacture andconstruction oftheSusquehanna HPCZandRCZCsystems.ANALYSISOFSAFETYIMPLICATIONS TheintentoftheGErequirement forspecialseparation usingconduitonthesubjectHPCXandRCICcircuitswastopreventapostulated singleelectrical failurefromdisabling boththeHPCXandRCICsystems.Thereisapossibility thatafirecouldcauseahot-short circuitinthecabletotheHPCXinboardisolation valve(Division I)resulting intheclosureofthisvalveandatthesametime,disabling theRCZCsystemwhichisessentially aDivisionXsystem.Thisscenariocould'result inalossofcapability inboththeHPCXandRCIC'Page1of2 Attachment toPLA-827systems.TheRCICsystemisdesignedtoprovideReactorMakeupWaterduringalossofoffsitepowerandtoestablish andmaintainreactorwaterlevelduringshutdownconditions.
AlthoughtheADSwouldstillbeavailable intheeventofRCIC'systemfailure,itisnottheintendedfunctionoftheADStobeusedasabackuptoRCICduringareactorshutdown.
Mr. Boyce H. Grier cc: Mr. Victor Stello (15)
AtSusquehanna, theADSisprovidedwithtworedundant powerandlogictrainsandwouldalwaysbeavailable foralossofasingledivision.
Director-Office of inspection  & Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. G. McDonald, Director (1)
Therefore, nodeficiency existsintheADSdesign.Thishasbeenconfirmed throughdiscussions withGEinMay,1981.PPGLhasdetermined, however,thatthelackofinstalled conduittoprovideseparation fortheelectrical circuitstotheHPCIandRCICinboardisolation valvesdoesrepresent asignificant.
Office of  Management Znformation & Program Control U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Gary Rhoads U. S. Nuclear  Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 52 Shickshinny, PA  18655
deficiency infinaldesignasreleasedforconstruction andistherefore reportable under10CFR50.55(e).CORRECTIVE ACTIONG.E.sitepersonnel havewrittenFieldDeviation Disposition Requests(FDDR-522-12 andFDDR-KRX-542-9) toenclosethecircuitsforvalveE41-F002frompanelH12P617tothePGCCtermination cabinetandthecircuitsforvalveE51-F007frompanelH12P617tothetermination cabinetinflexibleconduit.BechtelhasissuedDesignChangePackage(DCP)308.1tothefieldforthereworkrequiredtoenclosetheremainder oftheHPCIandRCXCinboardvalvecontrolcircuitsinconduit.TheBechtelandGEdesigndocuments identified abovewillprovidethedirection toinstalltheconduitnecessary toachievecompliance withthecitedspecialseparation recpxirement for'heHPCXandRCICsystems.Page2of2 Isolntion InputsTemp6FlowDivIMireu~yRCICLogicCabinetlncl.Timer)Isolation InputsTemp6Flo"DivIIMirawnyLnclai"urc IsolvalvesLogicCabinetI>>cl.TimurIRIGIRL~r-LDurrier+Isolation InputsTemp6FlowID~BIIS\~Barrier.nrnclosurcIsolValvesLogicCabinetIncl.TlcccrIsolation InputsTempSFlowIIPC'ogic Chbinc:t(I>>cl.Timer)PzDivIDCPoucrDC>ICCDivIMireuayDiv"II-X"ConduitACHCCRCICOtlicrIsolIlaolValveValveItartecStnrtciDivIIMirewayDivIIACPowerDivIMirew~ypiv"I-X"ConduitDivIACPoucrDivIIDCPowACYACCOther~lll'CIIsolIIsolValvelValveitrta'sPtnrtcrsDClICCDivIIMircway~rrcr-InN)VToRCICTurbFgpPDiv"II-X"ConduitTo/therDivIIIsolValvecDRIMELI,F-007ToOthe:iDivIIsclValvesDiv"I-X"Co>>duit'CF+~+'RVIy.LL.
                      . ~
Attachment to PLA-827 SUB JECT Special  electrical separation for the    G.E. supplied Power Generation Control Complex  involving the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCX), Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC), and Automatic Depressurization Systems (ADS) as identified in NRC ZGE Information Notice 79>>32.
DESCRIPTION OF DEFICIENCY The  deficiency involves the omission of conduit    on  electrical wiring to the HPCX  inboard steam isolation valve E41-F002 and    RCIC  inboard steam isolation valve E51-F007. The installation of this condui.t is required to meet a specific requirement of the General Electric specification for electrical separation, applicable to Susquehanna 1 6 2. This deficiency relates to both the GE scope of supply (i.e. the Power Generation Control Complex) and the Bechtel Corp. scope of supply (i.e. Balance of Plant) for these circuits.
Note:   Although GE's Part 21 report (ref. TRR-26-81/MFN-065-81 dated 4/8/81) included ADS circuits in the scope of the reported deficiency, as did their generic response to NRC Z&E Information Notice 79-32, ADS has not been included in the scope of thi.s report because the Susquehanna ADS design, unlike earlier vintage plants, has two redundant power and logic trains and is capable of operation with a failure in either division.
CAUSE The General Electric specification for electrical separation applicable to Susquehanna SES, requires that conduit be installed to provide special separation of the HPCZ and RCXC inboard steam line isolation valve circuits from other    circuits assigned to the same  division (see attached diagram of Fig. 5 of    G.E. Doc. 22A3052). The intent, of this special separation require-ment is to provide conduit separation of the "Division I-X" circuit from other Division X circuits and conduits separation of the "Division ZZ-X" circuits from other Division ZI circuits thereby preventing a postulated single electrical failure from disabling both the HPCX and RCXC systems. GE and Bechtel Corp.,
for their respective scopes of supply, failed to incorporate this special electrical separation requirement into the design output documents they prepared and issued for the manufacture and construction of the Susquehanna HPCZ and RCZC  systems.
ANALYSIS OF SAFETY IMPLICATIONS The  intent of the    GE requirement for special separation using conduit on the subject  HPCX and RCIC  circuits was to prevent a postulated single electrical failure  from  disabling  both the HPCX and RCIC systems. There is a possibility that a fire could cause a hot-short circuit in the cable to the HPCX inboard isolation valve (Division I) resulting in the closure of this valve and at the same time, disabling the RCZC system which is essentially a Division X system.
This scenario could'result in a loss of capability in both the HPCX and RCIC Page 1 of 2
Attachment to PLA-827 systems. The RCIC system is designed to provide Reactor Makeup Water during a loss of offsite power and to establish and maintain reactor water level during shutdown conditions. Although the ADS would still be available in the event of RCIC 'system failure, it is not the intended function of the ADS to be used as a backup to RCIC during a reactor shutdown. At Susquehanna, the ADS is provided with two redundant power and logic trains and would always be available for a loss of a single division. Therefore, no deficiency exists in the ADS design. This has been confirmed through discussions with GE in May, 1981. PPGL has determined, however, that the lack of installed conduit to provide separation for the electrical circuits to the HPCI and RCIC inboard isolation valves does represent a significant. deficiency in final design as released for construction and is therefore reportable under 10 CFR 50.55(e) .
CORRECTIVE ACTION G.E. site personnel have written Field Deviation Disposition Requests (FDDR-522-12 and FDDR-KRX-542-9) to enclose the circuits for valve E41-F002 from panel H12P617 to the PGCC termination cabinet and the circuits for valve E51-F007 from panel H12P617 to the termination cabinet in flexible conduit.
Bechtel has issued Design Change Package (DCP) 308.1 to the field for the rework required to enclose the remainder of the HPCI and RCXC inboard valve control circuits in conduit.
The  Bechtel and GE design documents identified above will provide the direction to install the conduit necessary to achieve compliance with the cited special separation recpxirement   for'he HPCX and RCIC systems.
Page 2 of 2
P Isolntion                       Isolation                                  Isolation                        Isolation Inputs                          Inputs                                      Inputs                          Inputs                        z Temp 6  Flow                    Temp 6    Flo"                           Temp 6    Flow                  Temp S    Flow Div I RIG I
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Latest revision as of 17:28, 3 February 2020

Interim Deficiency Rept Re Lack of Required Special Conduit Separation for Certain safety-related Electrical Circuits, Initially Reported on 810408.Safety-related Electrical Circuits Will Be Correctly Separated
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1981
From: Curtis N
To: Grier B
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, PLA-827, NUDOCS 8106090406
Download: ML18030A048 (6)



ACCESSION NBR:8106090406 DOC ~ DATE! 81/06/05 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKE.T' FACIL:50 387 Susquehanna Steam Electrf c Stations Unf t 1 > Pennsyl va 0500~087 50 388 Susquehanna Steam Electr f c Statf one Unf t 2'P Pennsyl va 05 'I)038 AUTH',NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATTON CURTIS N ~ W ~

E Pennsyl vanf a Power L Lf ght Co ~

RECIP ~ NAMEl RECIPIENT AFFILIATION GRIERiB ~ H ~ Region ii Phfladelphfar Office'f the Director (81/03/01)


Interim deficiency rept re lack of required special conduit separation for certain- safety>>rel'ated electrical cfrcuftsr fnftfally r epor'ted on 810408 Safety related electrical circuits will be correctly separated, DISTRIBUTION CODE':: BOI9S'OPIES RECEIVEDiLTR ~NCI./ SIZE TITLE,: Construction Deficiency Report (10CFR50 55K) ~

NOTES!Send IEE 3 copfes FSAR 5 al 1 amends,1 cytBWR>>LRG PM(L RIB') 05000387 Send IEE 3 copies FSAR 8 all amends,i cy:BWR~LRG PM(L ~ RIB) 05000388 RECIPIENT COPIES' RECIPIENT'D COPIES ID'ODE/NAMEI TTR'NCL CODE/NAME" LTTR'NCI.

ACTION: A/D LICENSNG 04 1 1 LIC BR ¹2'C 05 1 1 LIC BR ¹2 LA 06 1 1 STARKERS 07 1 1 INTERNAL'SLBP/J',HARD 1 D/DIR HUM 1 1 f

FAC15'QUIP EDO 8 STAFF 19 1 1 QUAL BR1 1 1 HYD/GEO BR 1 1 ILE Oo 1 1 22'E/EES 1 1 LIC QUAL'R 1 1 02' 12'RC MPA 20 1 1 PDR i. 1 OELD 21 1 1 REV 13 1 1 QA BR 14 1 1 ,EG FILE 01 1 1 STANDRDS DEY 21 1 1 EXTERNAL: ACRS 1 6. 16 16 LPDR 03 1 1 NSIC 08 1 1 gag 10 1981 TOTAL NUMBER. OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR ~$ v'g ENCL

TWO NORTH NINTH STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. 18101 PHONE~ (215) 7/0-5151 NORMAN W. CURTIS Vice pfesidenl-Engineeting d Construction-Nuclear 770 5381 June 5, 1981 r Mr. Boyce H. Grier Director, Region U. S.

I Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-'(gyes, ',


Dear Mr. Grier:

This letter serves to provide the Commission with an interim report of a deficiency involving the lack of required special conduit separation for certain safety-related electrical circuits. The deficiency was originally reported to the NRC iTL General Electric letter TRR-26-81/MPN-065-91, dated April 8, 1981 under the provisions of 10 CFR 21. Recognizing its to review the condition for reportability under 10 CFR 50.55(e), 'esponsibility PP&L determined this deficiency to be potentially reportable. Consequently, Mr. C. Z. McVicker of PPaL so advised NRC Region I Inspector Mr. L. Narrow by telephone on April 14, 1981.

The attachment to this letter contains a desription of the deficiency, its cause, safety implications, and the corrective action taken and planned.

The information is submitted as a final report pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55(e).

We trust the Commission will find the information forwarded by this letter to be satisfactory.

Very truly yours, N. W. Curtis yoi~

Vice President-Engineering 6 Construction-Nuclear 5 FLW/WHG/vs'.


Mr. Boyce H. Grier cc: Mr. Victor Stello (15)

Director-Office of inspection & Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. G. McDonald, Director (1)

Office of Management Znformation & Program Control U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Gary Rhoads U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 52 Shickshinny, PA 18655

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Attachment to PLA-827 SUB JECT Special electrical separation for the G.E. supplied Power Generation Control Complex involving the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCX), Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC), and Automatic Depressurization Systems (ADS) as identified in NRC ZGE Information Notice 79>>32.

DESCRIPTION OF DEFICIENCY The deficiency involves the omission of conduit on electrical wiring to the HPCX inboard steam isolation valve E41-F002 and RCIC inboard steam isolation valve E51-F007. The installation of this condui.t is required to meet a specific requirement of the General Electric specification for electrical separation, applicable to Susquehanna 1 6 2. This deficiency relates to both the GE scope of supply (i.e. the Power Generation Control Complex) and the Bechtel Corp. scope of supply (i.e. Balance of Plant) for these circuits.

Note: Although GE's Part 21 report (ref. TRR-26-81/MFN-065-81 dated 4/8/81) included ADS circuits in the scope of the reported deficiency, as did their generic response to NRC Z&E Information Notice 79-32, ADS has not been included in the scope of thi.s report because the Susquehanna ADS design, unlike earlier vintage plants, has two redundant power and logic trains and is capable of operation with a failure in either division.

CAUSE The General Electric specification for electrical separation applicable to Susquehanna SES, requires that conduit be installed to provide special separation of the HPCZ and RCXC inboard steam line isolation valve circuits from other circuits assigned to the same division (see attached diagram of Fig. 5 of G.E. Doc. 22A3052). The intent, of this special separation require-ment is to provide conduit separation of the "Division I-X" circuit from other Division X circuits and conduits separation of the "Division ZZ-X" circuits from other Division ZI circuits thereby preventing a postulated single electrical failure from disabling both the HPCX and RCXC systems. GE and Bechtel Corp.,

for their respective scopes of supply, failed to incorporate this special electrical separation requirement into the design output documents they prepared and issued for the manufacture and construction of the Susquehanna HPCZ and RCZC systems.

ANALYSIS OF SAFETY IMPLICATIONS The intent of the GE requirement for special separation using conduit on the subject HPCX and RCIC circuits was to prevent a postulated single electrical failure from disabling both the HPCX and RCIC systems. There is a possibility that a fire could cause a hot-short circuit in the cable to the HPCX inboard isolation valve (Division I) resulting in the closure of this valve and at the same time, disabling the RCZC system which is essentially a Division X system.

This scenario could'result in a loss of capability in both the HPCX and RCIC Page 1 of 2

Attachment to PLA-827 systems. The RCIC system is designed to provide Reactor Makeup Water during a loss of offsite power and to establish and maintain reactor water level during shutdown conditions. Although the ADS would still be available in the event of RCIC 'system failure, it is not the intended function of the ADS to be used as a backup to RCIC during a reactor shutdown. At Susquehanna, the ADS is provided with two redundant power and logic trains and would always be available for a loss of a single division. Therefore, no deficiency exists in the ADS design. This has been confirmed through discussions with GE in May, 1981. PPGL has determined, however, that the lack of installed conduit to provide separation for the electrical circuits to the HPCI and RCIC inboard isolation valves does represent a significant. deficiency in final design as released for construction and is therefore reportable under 10 CFR 50.55(e) .

CORRECTIVE ACTION G.E. site personnel have written Field Deviation Disposition Requests (FDDR-522-12 and FDDR-KRX-542-9) to enclose the circuits for valve E41-F002 from panel H12P617 to the PGCC termination cabinet and the circuits for valve E51-F007 from panel H12P617 to the termination cabinet in flexible conduit.

Bechtel has issued Design Change Package (DCP) 308.1 to the field for the rework required to enclose the remainder of the HPCI and RCXC inboard valve control circuits in conduit.

The Bechtel and GE design documents identified above will provide the direction to install the conduit necessary to achieve compliance with the cited special separation recpxirement for'he HPCX and RCIC systems.

Page 2 of 2

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