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| number = ML14177A086
| number = ML14177A086
| issue date = 06/26/2014
| issue date = 06/26/2014
| title = 06/26/2014 NRC Presentation Slides for Public Meeting with Southern on Seismic Reevaluation (GMRS)
| title = NRC Presentation Slides for Public Meeting with Southern on Seismic Reevaluation (GMRS)
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR
| author affiliation = NRC/NRR
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| docket = 05000321, 05000366
| docket = 05000321, 05000366
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person = Balazik M F, NRR/JLD, 415-2856
| contact person = Balazik M, NRR/JLD, 415-2856
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| page count = 21
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{{#Wiki_filter:Near-term Task Force Recommendation21SeismicRecommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard EvaluationSouthern June 26, 2014 ReferencesforMeetingReferences for Meeting*Licensee Presentation Slides -ML14176B239*NRC Presentation Slides -ML14177A086*Public Meeting Agenda -ML14169A437MtiFdbkF(tffb@)*Meeting Feedback Form (request from *May 9, 2014, NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for central and eastern US Licensees(ML14111A147)*May 21, 2014, NRC memo providing preliminary staff groundmotionresponsespectraforcentralandground motion response spectra for central and eastern Licensees(ML14136A126)*Meeting Summary to be issued within 30-day MeetingIntroductionMeeting IntroductionPurpose: support information exchange and begin dialog to have ddifhfhidiffcommon understanding of the causes of the primary differences between the preliminary NRC and licensee seismic hazard results
{{#Wiki_filter:Near-term Task Force Recommendation 2  2.1 1 Seismic Hazard Evaluation Southern June 26, 2014
References for Meeting
* Licensee Presentation Slides - ML14176B239
* NRC Presentation Slides - ML14177A086
* Public Meeting Agenda - ML14169A437
* M ti FFeedback Meeting     db k FForm ((requestt ffrom fb@        )
* May 9, 2014, NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for central and eastern US Licensees (ML14111A147)
* May 21, 2014, NRC memo providing preliminary staff ground motion response spectra for central and eastern Licensees (ML14136A126)
* Meeting Summary to be issued within 30-day
Meeting Introduction
support information exchange and begin dialog to have common understanding d      di off the h causes off the h primary i    diff differences between the preliminary NRC and licensee seismic hazard results

NRC and licensee seismic hazard require resolution to support a final seismic screening decision and to support related follow-on submittals Outcomes:
* Begin NRC and licensee resolution to support regulatory decisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as appropriate
* Establish resolution path, including timelines and identification of potential information needs
Potentiall Next Steps
* NRC will consider the meeting information
* Potential paths:
  - Licensee Li          submits b it supplemental l    t l iinformation f    ti bbased d
on public meeting dialog
  - NRC staff issues a request for information
  - Licensee sends a revision or supplement to the seismic hazard report
* NRC completes screening review and issues th fi the  finall screening i d determination t    i ti lletter tt
Hatch Units Nuclear Plant Sarah Tabatabai Office of Research June 26, 2014
* Screens in: Expedited Approach, Seismic Risk, High Frequency, SFP Evaluations
* Prioritization P i iti ti G  Group: 2 0.6 Licensee SSE (Unit 1)
Licensee SSE ((Unit 2))
0.5 Licensee GMRS NRC GMRS (Updated)
Specctral Acceleration (g) 0.4 0.3 02 0.2 0.1 0
0.1                        1                    10  100 Frequency (Hz)
Stratigraphy Site Geologic Column (Source: FSAR Figure 2.5-8, Rev. 19)
Control Point NRC                  Submittal SSE Control SS  Co o Point o El. 129 9 ft SSE Control SS  Co o Point o El. 129 9 ft
Vs Profile Development NRC                              Submittal Template velocity profile for      ISFSI data used to develop near Vs=400 m/s (1312 ft/sec) from      surface Vs profile (i.e. to a depth of SPID used for entire profile.      229 ft). Deeper portions of the Template velocity profile supported profile (i.e. below a depth of 509 ft) by Vs data found in the literature  were developed with nearby oil well exploration (Vp) data
Epistemic Uncertainty in Vs Profiles NRC                              Submittal Applied pp ed a sca scale e factor ac o oof 1.2 to o the e Applied pp ed a sca scale e factor ac o oof 1.57 5 to o the e
base case profile for development    base case profile for development of the upper and lower case profiles of the upper and lower case profiles

Vs Profiles Shear-Wave Velocity y ((ft/sec))
NRC and licensee seismic hazard require resolution to support a final seismic screening decision and to support related follow-on submittalsOutcomes: *Begin NRC and licensee resolution to support regulatory decisionsanddevelopmentofseismicriskevaluations,asdecisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as appropriate*Establish resolution path, including timelines and identification of potential information needs Look-ahead:lPotential Next Steps*NRCwillconsiderthemeetinginformationNRC will consider the meeting information*Potential paths:Libitltliftibd-Licensee submits supplemental information based on public meeting dialogNRCstaffissuesarequestforinformation-NRC staff issues a request for information-Licensee sends a revision or supplement to the seismichazardreportseismic hazard report*NRC completes screening review and issues thfilidtitilttthe final screening determination letter HatchUnitsNuclearPlantHatch Units Nuclear PlantSarah TabatabaiOfficeofResearchOffice of ResearchJune 26, 2014
Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)                                                        0  2000  4000    6000    8000 10000    12000 0  2000      4000          6000        8000                                      0 0
NRC-BC NRC-LBC                                                500 50 NRC-UBC Licensee-BC                                            1000 100 Licensee-LBC Licensee-UBC                                            1500 De epth Below Co ontrol Point (ftt) 150 Dep pth Below Con ntrol Point (ft) 200                                                                                      2000 250                                                                                      2500 300                                                                                      3000 350                                                                                      3500 NRC-BC 400                                                                                      4000      NRC-LBC NRC-UBC NRC UBC 450                                                                                      4500      Licensee-BC Licensee-LBC 500                                                                                      5000      Licensee-UBC
Information from other sites:                                                      Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 0    2000      4000      6000          8000    10000 Vs=2450 +/-200 ft/s in upper                                      0 50-100 ft (FSAR)                                                                          Saxena (2008) Vs=1500 -            Hawthorn Fm.
1900 ft/s (Hawthorn Fm.)
Fm )            TTampa FFm.
500                                                            Undifferentiated Oligocene Parker (2008) Vs=2296 ft/s Ocala Fm.
(Ocala Fm.)
Vogtle COL: Vs=2650 ft/s                                      1000 at 149 ft (Lisbon Fm.)                                                                                                        Lisbon Fm.
Odum et al (2003):                                           1500                                                            Tallahata Fm.
Wilcox Group Depth Below w Control Poin nt (ft)
Vs=2805 ft/s at 98 ft (Wilcox Group)                                                                                                                Clayton Fm.
2000 2500                                                          Post Tuscaloosa Deposits 3000 Odum et al (2003):
Vs=2840 ft/s at 98 ft                                                                                                        Tuscaloosa Fm.
3500 (Tuscaloosa Fm.)
4000                                                            Undifferentiated Early NRC-BC                                              Cretaceous Deposits NRC-LBC 4500                                                            Pre-Cretaceous NRC-UBC                                              Basement Rock Licensee-BC 5000
Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 0  2000      4000      6000          8000    10000 0
500 An averageg Poissons ratio of                                    1000 Lisbon Fm.
0.43 is reported for the Lisbon Formation at the                                          1500 Depth Below Control Point (ft)
Farley site 2000 NRC-BC 2500                                NRC-LBC NRC-UBC 3000 Licensee-BC (v=0.25)
Licensee-BC (v=0.33) 3500 Licensee-BC (v=0.45) 4000 4500 5000
Aleatory Uncertainty in Vs Profiles NRC                     S b itt l Submittal 60 Randomizations Using USGS 30 Randomizations Using USGS B Site Conditions          B C, B, C and D Site Conditions for the Upper-Range, Median, and Lower-Range Profiles, Respectively ln = 0.25 Upper 50 ft.      ln = 0.25 Upper 90 ft.
ln = 0.15 Below 50 ft.      ln = 0.15 Below 90 ft.
Epistemic Uncertainty in Shear Modulus and Damping Curves NRC                            Submittal M1                                M1 EPRI Soil: 0 - 276 ft            Av. of EPRI 50-120 ft & 120-250 ft:
EPRI Rock: 276 - 500 ft          0 - 129 ft Linear & No Damping:
p g > 500 ft    Av. of EPRI 120-250 ft & 250-500 ft:
129 - 279 ft M2                                Idriss & Boulanger Weathered Rock Peninsular: 0 - 276 ft            Curves: 279 to 509 ft Linear & 1% Damping: 276 - 500 ft Linear & Kappa Kappa-Based Based Damping: >
Linear & No Damping: > 500 ft    500 ft
Kappa and Epistemic Uncertainty NRC                                       Submittal Kappa was calculated for each                    Calculated a kappa distribution2 for base case profile using Q values                each base case Vs profile based on from Campbell (2009). A ln=0.2                  a median kappa of 0.04 sec (i.e. a was applied to determine the range              deep soil site) and a ln=0.4 of kappas for each base case profile.
Base Case Kappas                                Kappa Distribution LBC: 0.057 0 0571                                    kL: 0.024 0 024 BC: 0.040                                    kM: 0.040 UBC: 0.030                                      kU: 0.067 1Imposed    an upper limit of 0.04 sec based on the SPID Guidance 2Clarification needed
Amplification p          Functions 6
NRC (Input PGA = 0.01 g)
NRC (Input PGA = 0.2 g)
NRC (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 5 Licensee (Input PGA = 0.01 g)
Licensee (Input PGA = 0.2 g)
Licensee (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 4                                    NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)
NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)
Ampliffication NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)
Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g) 3 Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)
Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 2 1
0 0.1  1                      10                                        100 Frequency (Hz)
GMRS Comparison 1
Spe ectral Accelerattion (g) 0.1 NRC GMRS 0.01                              Licensee GMRS Hatch Unit 2 SSE Hatch Unit 1 SSE Licensee GMRS (NRC Calc.)
0.001 0.1  1                    10                          100 Frequency (Hz)

Screening*Screens in: Expedited Approach, Seismic Risk, High Frequency, SFP EvaluationsPiititiG2*Prioritization Group: 20.6Licensee SSE (Unit 1)Licensee SSE (Unit 2)0.40.5tion (g)()Licensee GMRSNRC GMRS (Updated)020.3ctral Accelera0.10.2Spec00.1110100Frequency (Hz)
Primary Differences
StratigraphySite Geologic Column (Source: FSAR Figure 2.5-8, Rev. 19)
* Kappa
ControlPointControl PointNRCSSE Control Point El. 129 ftSubmittalSSE Control Point El. 129 ftSSCooo9SSCooo9 VsProfileDevelopmentVsProfile DevelopmentNRCTemplatevelocityprofileforSubmittalISFSIdatausedtodevelopnearTemplate velocity profile for Vs=400 m/s (1312 ft/sec) from SPID used for entire profile.
  - Southern considered Hatch to be a deep soil site and used a median kappa of 0.04 sec, while the NRC placed an upper limit of 0.04 sec on kappa
Template velocity profile supported ISFSI data used to develop near surface Vs profile (i.e. to a depth of 229 ft). Deeper portions of the profile (i.e. below a depth of 509 ft) by Vs data found in the literature were developed with nearby oil well exploration (Vp) data Epistemic Uncertainty in VsProfilesProfilesNRCApplied a scale factor of 1.2 to the SubmittalApplied a scale factor of 1.57 to the ppedascaeacoooebase case profile for development of the upper and lower case profilesppedascaeacoo5oebase case profile for development of the upper and lower case profiles Vs ProfilesShear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)0500020004000600080001000012000y()05002000400060008000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)NRC-BCNRC-LBC10001500t)50100150NRC-UBCLicensee-BCLicensee-LBCLicensee-UBC150020002500ontrol Point (ft150200ntrol Point (ft)25003000epth Below Co250300pth Below Con35004000DeNRC-BCNRC-LBCNRC-UBC350400Dep45005000NRCUBCLicensee-BCLicensee-LBCLicensee-UBC450500 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)Hawthorn Fm.TFVs=2450 +/-200 ft/s in upper 50-100 ft(FSAR)Information from other sites:Saxena(2008) Vs=1500 -1900ft/s(HawthornFm)5001000Tampa  Fm.Undifferentiated OligoceneOcala Fm. VogtleCOL: Vs=2650 ft/s Parker (2008) Vs=2296 ft/s (Ocala Fm.)1900 ft/s (Hawthorn Fm.)1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm. TallahataFm. Wilcox GroupClayton 149 ft(Lisbon Fm.)Odumet al (2003): Vs=2805 ft/s at 98 ft(WilcoxGroup)20002500w Control PoinPost Tuscaloosa Deposits(Wilcox Group)30003500Depth BelowTuscaloosa Fm.Odumet al (2003): Vs=2840 ft/s at 98 ft35004000NRC-BCUndifferentiated Early Cretaceous Deposits(Tuscaloosa Fm.)45005000NRC-LBCNRC-UBCLicensee-BCPre-Cretaceous Basement Rock 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)5001000An average Poisson's ratio of 1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm. g0.43 is reported for the Lisbon Formation at the Farley site20002500w Control PoiNRC-BCNRC-LBC3000 3500Depth BeloNRC-UBCLicensee-BC (v=0.25)Licensee-BC (v=0.33)4000Licensee-BC (v=0.45)45005000 Aleatory Uncertainty in VsProfilesNRCSbittlNRC60 Randomizations Using USGS "B"SiteConditionsSubmittal30 Randomizations Using USGS "B""C"and"D"SiteConditionsfor"B" Site Conditions  "B", "C", and "D" Site Conditions for the Upper-Range, Median, and Lower-Range Profiles, Respectively ln= 0.25 Upper 50 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 50 ft.ln= 0.25 Upper 90 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 90 ft.
  - Classification as a deep soil site inconsistent with Vs base cases
Epistemic Uncertainty in Shear ModulusandDampingCurvesModulus and Damping CurvesNRCM1SubmittalM1M1EPRI Soil: 0 -276 ftEPRI Rock: 276 -500 ft Linear & No Damping:  > 500 ftM1Av. of EPRI 50-120 ft& 120-250 ft:
* Large differences in shear-wave shear wave velocities below a depth of approximately 500 ft due to an assumed Poissons Poisson s ratio}}
0 -129 ft Av. of EPRI 120-250 ft& 250-500 ft: pgM2Peninsular: 0 -276 ftLinear&1%Damping:276500ft129 -279 ft Idriss& Boulanger Weathered Rock Curves: 279 to 509 ftLinear&KappaBasedDamping:>Linear & 1% Damping: 276 -500 ftLinear & No Damping: > 500 ftLinear & Kappa-Based Damping: > 500 ft Kappa and Epistemic UncertaintyNRCKappawascalculatedforeachSubmittalCalculatedakappadistribution2forKappa was calculated for each base case profile using Q values from Campbell (2009). A ln=0.2 was applied to determine the range Calculated a kappa distribution2for each base case Vs profile based on a median kappa of 0.04 sec (i.e. a deep soil site) and a ln=0.4  of kappasfor each base case profile.Base Case KappasLBC:00571Kappa DistributionkL:0024LBC: 0.057BC: 0.040UBC: 0.030kL: 0.024kM: 0.040kU: 0.0671Imposed an upper limit of 0.04 sec based on the SPID Guidance2Clarification needed Amplification Functionsp56NRC (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.01 g)34ficationLicensee (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.5 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)23AmplifLicensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)010.1110100Frequency (Hz)
GMRS Comparison10.1tion (g)ectral AcceleratNRC GMRS0.01SpeLicensee GMRSHatch Unit 2 SSEHatch Unit 1 SSE0.0010.1110100Frequency (Hz)Licensee GMRS (NRC Calc.)
PrimaryDifferencesPrimary Differences*Kappa-Southern considered Hatch to be a deep soil site and used a median kappa of 0.04 sec, while the NRC placed an upper limit of 0.04 sec on kappaClassificationasadeepsoilsiteinconsistentwithVs-Classification as a deep soil site inconsistent with Vs base cases*Largedifferencesinshear-wavevelocitiesLarge differences in shearwave velocities below a depth of approximately 500 ftdue toanassumedPoisson'sratioto an assumed Poissons ratio}}

Latest revision as of 05:30, 5 December 2019

NRC Presentation Slides for Public Meeting with Southern on Seismic Reevaluation (GMRS)
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/26/2014
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Balazik M, NRR/JLD, 415-2856
Download: ML14177A086 (21)


Near-term Task Force Recommendation 2 2.1 1 Seismic Hazard Evaluation Southern June 26, 2014

References for Meeting

  • M ti FFeedback Meeting db k FForm ((requestt ffrom fb@ )
  • May 9, 2014, NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for central and eastern US Licensees (ML14111A147)
  • May 21, 2014, NRC memo providing preliminary staff ground motion response spectra for central and eastern Licensees (ML14136A126)
  • Meeting Summary to be issued within 30-day

Meeting Introduction


support information exchange and begin dialog to have common understanding d di off the h causes off the h primary i diff differences between the preliminary NRC and licensee seismic hazard results


NRC and licensee seismic hazard require resolution to support a final seismic screening decision and to support related follow-on submittals Outcomes:

  • Begin NRC and licensee resolution to support regulatory decisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as appropriate
  • Establish resolution path, including timelines and identification of potential information needs


Potentiall Next Steps

  • NRC will consider the meeting information
  • Potential paths:

- Licensee Li submits b it supplemental l t l iinformation f ti bbased d

on public meeting dialog

- NRC staff issues a request for information

- Licensee sends a revision or supplement to the seismic hazard report

  • NRC completes screening review and issues th fi the finall screening i d determination t i ti lletter tt

Hatch Units Nuclear Plant Sarah Tabatabai Office of Research June 26, 2014


  • Screens in: Expedited Approach, Seismic Risk, High Frequency, SFP Evaluations
  • Prioritization P i iti ti G Group: 2 0.6 Licensee SSE (Unit 1)

Licensee SSE ((Unit 2))

0.5 Licensee GMRS NRC GMRS (Updated)

Specctral Acceleration (g) 0.4 0.3 02 0.2 0.1 0

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Stratigraphy Site Geologic Column (Source: FSAR Figure 2.5-8, Rev. 19)

Control Point NRC Submittal SSE Control SS Co o Point o El. 129 9 ft SSE Control SS Co o Point o El. 129 9 ft

Vs Profile Development NRC Submittal Template velocity profile for ISFSI data used to develop near Vs=400 m/s (1312 ft/sec) from surface Vs profile (i.e. to a depth of SPID used for entire profile. 229 ft). Deeper portions of the Template velocity profile supported profile (i.e. below a depth of 509 ft) by Vs data found in the literature were developed with nearby oil well exploration (Vp) data

Epistemic Uncertainty in Vs Profiles NRC Submittal Applied pp ed a sca scale e factor ac o oof 1.2 to o the e Applied pp ed a sca scale e factor ac o oof 1.57 5 to o the e

base case profile for development base case profile for development of the upper and lower case profiles of the upper and lower case profiles

Vs Profiles Shear-Wave Velocity y ((ft/sec))

Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 0

NRC-BC NRC-LBC 500 50 NRC-UBC Licensee-BC 1000 100 Licensee-LBC Licensee-UBC 1500 De epth Below Co ontrol Point (ftt) 150 Dep pth Below Con ntrol Point (ft) 200 2000 250 2500 300 3000 350 3500 NRC-BC 400 4000 NRC-LBC NRC-UBC NRC UBC 450 4500 Licensee-BC Licensee-LBC 500 5000 Licensee-UBC

Information from other sites: Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Vs=2450 +/-200 ft/s in upper 0 50-100 ft (FSAR) Saxena (2008) Vs=1500 - Hawthorn Fm.

1900 ft/s (Hawthorn Fm.)

Fm ) TTampa FFm.

500 Undifferentiated Oligocene Parker (2008) Vs=2296 ft/s Ocala Fm.

(Ocala Fm.)

Vogtle COL: Vs=2650 ft/s 1000 at 149 ft (Lisbon Fm.) Lisbon Fm.

Odum et al (2003): 1500 Tallahata Fm.

Wilcox Group Depth Below w Control Poin nt (ft)

Vs=2805 ft/s at 98 ft (Wilcox Group) Clayton Fm.

2000 2500 Post Tuscaloosa Deposits 3000 Odum et al (2003):

Vs=2840 ft/s at 98 ft Tuscaloosa Fm.

3500 (Tuscaloosa Fm.)

4000 Undifferentiated Early NRC-BC Cretaceous Deposits NRC-LBC 4500 Pre-Cretaceous NRC-UBC Basement Rock Licensee-BC 5000

Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0

500 An averageg Poissons ratio of 1000 Lisbon Fm.

0.43 is reported for the Lisbon Formation at the 1500 Depth Below Control Point (ft)

Farley site 2000 NRC-BC 2500 NRC-LBC NRC-UBC 3000 Licensee-BC (v=0.25)

Licensee-BC (v=0.33) 3500 Licensee-BC (v=0.45) 4000 4500 5000

Aleatory Uncertainty in Vs Profiles NRC S b itt l Submittal 60 Randomizations Using USGS 30 Randomizations Using USGS B Site Conditions B C, B, C and D Site Conditions for the Upper-Range, Median, and Lower-Range Profiles, Respectively ln = 0.25 Upper 50 ft. ln = 0.25 Upper 90 ft.

ln = 0.15 Below 50 ft. ln = 0.15 Below 90 ft.

Epistemic Uncertainty in Shear Modulus and Damping Curves NRC Submittal M1 M1 EPRI Soil: 0 - 276 ft Av. of EPRI 50-120 ft & 120-250 ft:

EPRI Rock: 276 - 500 ft 0 - 129 ft Linear & No Damping:

p g > 500 ft Av. of EPRI 120-250 ft & 250-500 ft:

129 - 279 ft M2 Idriss & Boulanger Weathered Rock Peninsular: 0 - 276 ft Curves: 279 to 509 ft Linear & 1% Damping: 276 - 500 ft Linear & Kappa Kappa-Based Based Damping: >

Linear & No Damping: > 500 ft 500 ft

Kappa and Epistemic Uncertainty NRC Submittal Kappa was calculated for each Calculated a kappa distribution2 for base case profile using Q values each base case Vs profile based on from Campbell (2009). A ln=0.2 a median kappa of 0.04 sec (i.e. a was applied to determine the range deep soil site) and a ln=0.4 of kappas for each base case profile.

Base Case Kappas Kappa Distribution LBC: 0.057 0 0571 kL: 0.024 0 024 BC: 0.040 kM: 0.040 UBC: 0.030 kU: 0.067 1Imposed an upper limit of 0.04 sec based on the SPID Guidance 2Clarification needed

Amplification p Functions 6

NRC (Input PGA = 0.01 g)

NRC (Input PGA = 0.2 g)

NRC (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 5 Licensee (Input PGA = 0.01 g)

Licensee (Input PGA = 0.2 g)

Licensee (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 4 NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)

NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)

Ampliffication NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)

Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g) 3 Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)

Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 2 1

0 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

GMRS Comparison 1

Spe ectral Accelerattion (g) 0.1 NRC GMRS 0.01 Licensee GMRS Hatch Unit 2 SSE Hatch Unit 1 SSE Licensee GMRS (NRC Calc.)

0.001 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Primary Differences

  • Kappa

- Southern considered Hatch to be a deep soil site and used a median kappa of 0.04 sec, while the NRC placed an upper limit of 0.04 sec on kappa

- Classification as a deep soil site inconsistent with Vs base cases

  • Large differences in shear-wave shear wave velocities below a depth of approximately 500 ft due to an assumed Poissons Poisson s ratio