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{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES                 SSINS No.: 6870
                          NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION         Accessions Mo.:
                      OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT       7910250510
                              WASHINGTON, -D.C. 20555 December 31, 1979 IE Information Notice No. 79-35

==Description of Circumstances==
==Description of Circumstances==
:Enclosed is a copy of a recent enforcement action against Duquesne Light Company.A coDy of this action is being forwarded to all utilities with a power reactoroperating license or a construction permit. This is being done to apprise you ofa serious condition which revealed an apparent weakness in facility control ofmaintenance and essential equipment.You should review your existinq procedures and control for independent verificationof operability of redundant counterpart equipment when an essential component,subsystem, or system is determined inoperable. Operability is defined as follows:A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or haveOPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified functionts).Implicit in this definition shall be the assumption that all necessaryattendant instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency electrical powersources, coolinq or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipmentthat are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or deviceto perform its function(s) are also capable of performing their relatedsupport function(s).If you have any Questions reqardina this matter, please contact the Director ofthe NRC Regional Office in which your facilities are located. No written responseto this IE Information Notice is required.
Enclosed is a copy of a recent enforcement action against Duquesne Light Company.
A coDy of this action is being forwarded to all utilities with a power reactor
operating license or a construction permit. This is being done to apprise you of
a serious condition which revealed an apparent weakness in facility control of
maintenance and essential equipment.
You should review your existinq procedures and control for independent verification
of operability of redundant counterpart equipment when an essential component, subsystem, or system is determined inoperable. Operability is defined as follows:
      A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or have
OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified functionts).
Implicit in this definition shall be the assumption that all necessary
attendant instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency electrical power
sources, coolinq or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment
that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device
to perform its function(s) are also capable of performing their related
support function(s).
If you have any Questions reqardina this matter, please contact the Director of
the NRC Regional Office in which your facilities are located. No written response
to this IE Information Notice is required.
1. Letter to Duguesne Light Company
from V. Stello, Jr., dtd. 12/5/79
2. Recently Issued IE Information
IE Information Notice No. 79-35                                    Enclosure
===December ,31 1979===
                                  RECENTLY ISSUED
Information    Subject                        Date      Issued To
Notice No.                                    Issued
79-34          Inadequate Desiqn of            12/27/79  All holders of power reactor
Safety-Related Heat                      OLs and CPs
79-33          Improper Closure of            12/21/79  All power reactor facilities
Primary Containment                      holdinc OLs and CPs
Access Hatches
79-32          Separation of Electrical        12/21/79  All power reactor facilities
Cables for HPCI and ADS                  holding OLs and CPs
79-31          Use of Incorrect Amplified      12/13/79  All holders of power reactor
Response Spectra (ARS)                    OLs and CPs
79-30          Reportinq of Defects and        12/6/79  All power reactor facilities
Noncompliance, 10 CFR Part 21.            holding OLs and CPs and
vendors inspected by LCVIP
79-29          Loss of NonSafety-Related      11/16/79  All power reactor facilities
Reactor Coolant System                    holding OLs or CPs
Instrumentation During
79-28          Overloading of Structural      11/16/79  All power reactor facilities
Elements Due to Pipe Support              with an OL or CP
79-27          Steam Generator Tube            11/16/79 All power reactor facilities
Ruptures At Two PWR                      holdinq OLs and CPs
79-12A        Attempted Damane To New        11/9/79  All Fuel Facilities, Fuel Assemblies                          research reactors, and
power reactors with an
OL or CP
79-26          Breach of Containment          11/5/79  All power reactor facilities
Integrity                                holdina OLs and CPs
79-25          Reactor Trips At Turkey        10/1/79  All power facilities with
Point Units 3 And 4                      an nL or a CP
Docket No. 50-334              December 5, 1979
===Duquesne Light Company===
ATTN: Mr. Stanley G. Schaeffer
435 Sixth Avenue
===Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219===
On November 27, 1979, the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, was operated
for about two (2) hours in a condition which exceeded the Limiting Conditions
for Operation.
This matter was brought to the attention of our inspector at your facility in
a timely fashion, and your subsequent action to correct the condition was
expeditious. Nevertheless, this condition rendered a part of the emergency
core cooling system (ECCS) unavailable for automatic start and injection of
coolant into the reactor coolant system (RCS) if the need had occurred concur- rent with the loss of offsite power (the design basis). This unavailability
of ECCS constitutes a serious matter which reveals an apparent weakness in
your control of maintenance and essential equipment. Therefore, we propose
to impose a civil penalty for the item of noncompliance set forth in Appendix A
to this letter in the amount of $5,000. Appendix B is a Notice of Proposed
Imposition of Civil Penalties. You are required to respond to this letter and
in preparing your response, you should follow the instructions in Appendices A
and B.
In addition to the civil penalty, we are issuing the enclosed Order (Appendix C)
effective Immediately. This Order requires that your administrative control
of licensed activities involving operating and maintenance of safety equipment
verifies availability of all required equipment when a counterpart is removed
from an operable status. This Order further requires that you formally review
and report your actions to prevent recurrence: It also requires that you meet
publicly on January 25, 1980, with the Director, Office of Inspection and
Enforcement, at a location near the Beaver Valley Power Station, to discuss
your evaluation of this conditon and your corrective actions to prevent
recurrence. We will inform you of the location and time of the meeting.
Duquesne Light Company                -2 -
In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice", Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosures
will be placed in the Commission's Public Document Room.
Sincerely, Victor Stello, Jr.
Office of Inspection
and Enforcement
1. Appendix A, Notice of Violation
2. Appendix B, Notice of Proposed
Imposition of Civil Penalties
3. Appendix C, Order Modifying License
cc:  C. N. Dunn, Vice President, Operations Division
F. Bissert, Technical Assistant Nuclear
R. WIashabaugh, QA Manager
J. Werling, Station Superintendent
G. Moore, General Superintendent, J. J. Carey, Nuclear Technical Assistant
R. Martin, Nuclear Engineer
Duquesne Light Company                                Docket No. 50-334 Pittsburqh, Pennsylvania 15219                        License No. DPR 66 This refers to the inspection conducted by the NRC Resident Inspector at the
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, of activities authorized by NRC License
No. DPR 66.
During the inspection conducted on November 27, 1979, the following item of
noncompliance was identified.
Technical Specification 3.5.2 states that with the plant in Mode 1 (Power
Operation), two separate and independent ECCS subsystems shall be operable, and
further states in section 3.5.2.c that each subsystem shall include an operable
flow path caoable of taking suction from the refueling water storage tank upon
initiation of a safety injection signal.
Technical Specification 1.6 defines "operable" to include the assumption that all
necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electric power, cooling or seal
water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function(s) are also capable
of performing their related safety function(s).
Contrary to the above, on November 27, 1979, from approximately 8:30 a.m. to
10:30 a.m., maintenance activities rendered both ECCS subsystems inoperable in
that a) refueling water storage tank isolation valve MOV-CH-115D was closed and
incapable of automatic opening in response to a safety injection signal, and
b) refueling water storage tank isolation valve MOV-CH-115B, in the redundant
subsystem, was closed, had no emergency power available, and thus was incapable
of automatic opening In response to a safety injection signal if there had been
a condition of loss of offsite power.
This violation had the potential for causing or contributing to an occurrence
related to health and safety (Civil Penalty $5,000).
Duquesne Light Company                                  nocket No. 50-334 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15219                        License No. DPR-66 This office has considered the enforcement options available to the MRC
including administrative actions in the form of written notices of violation, civil monetary penalties, and orders pertaining to the modification, suspension
or revocation of a license. Based on these considerations, we propose to
impose civil penalties pursuant to Section 234 of the Atomic Energy Act of
1954, as amended, (42 USC 2282), and to 10 CFR 2.205 in the cumulative amount
of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the specific items of noncompliance set
forth in Appendix A to the cover letter. In proposing to impose civil penal- ties pursuant to this section of the Act and in fixing the proposed amount of
the penalties, the factors identified in the Statements of Consideration
published in the Federal Register with the rule-making action which adopted
10 CFR 2.205 (36 FR 16894) August 26, 1971, and the "Criteria for Determining
Enforcement Action," which was sent to NRC licensees on December 31, 1974, have been taken into account.
Duquesne Light Company may, within twenty (20) days of the receipt of this
notice pay the civil penalties in the cumulative amount of Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000) or may protest the imposition of the civil penalties in whole
or in part by a written answer. Should Duquesne Light Company fail to answer
within the time specified, this office will issue an order imposing the civil
penalties in the amount proposed above. Should Duquesne Light Company elect
to file an answer protesting the civil penalties, such an answer may (a) deny
the items of noncompliance listed in the Notice of Violation in whole or in
part, (b) demonstrate extenuating circumstances, (c) show error in the Notice
of Violation, (d) show other reasons why the penalties should not be imposed.
In addition, to protesting the civil penalties in whole or in part, such
answer may request remission or mitigation of the penalties.
Any written answer in accordance with 10 CFR 2.205 should be set forth
separately from the statement or explanation in reply pursuant to 2.201, but
may incorporate by specific reference (e.g., giving page and paragraph numbers)
to avoid repetition.
Duquesne Light Company's attention is directed to the other provisions of
10 CFR 2.205 regarding, in particular, failure. to answer and ensuing orders;
answer, consideration by this office, and ensuing orders; requests for
hearings, hearings and ensuing orders; compromise, and collection.
Upon failure to pay any civil penalty due which has been subsequently determined
in accordance with the applicable provisions of 10 CFR 2.205, the matter may
be referred to the Attorney General, and the penalty, unless compromised, remitted, or mitigated, may be collected by civil action pursuant to Section
234.c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2282).
In the flatter of                      )
DUOUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                              Docket No. 50-334 (Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1) )
                            ORDER MODIFYING LICENSE
The Duquesne Light Company (the "licensee") is the holder of Operating License
DPR-66 (the "license") which authorizes operation of the Beaver Valley Power
Station, Unit 1, at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of
2652 megawatts thermal (rated power). The license was issued on January 30,
1976. The facility consists of a pressurized light water moderated and cooled
reactor (PWR), located at the licensee's site in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, on the southern shore of the Ohio River.
On November 27, 1979, from about 6:30 AM to 1:20 PM while the reactor was
operating at about 30% of rated power, Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 1 was
out of service for routine maintenance. This EDG supplies emergency power to
suction valve, MOV-CH-115B, in the line from the refueling water storage tank
(RWST) to the High Pressure Safety Injection System (HPSIS) pumps. In addition
to the EDG being out of service, resulting in loss of one Emergency Core
Cooling System (ECCS) flow path, as described above, the redundant suction
valve, MOV-CH-115D, was removed from service for maintenance which resulted in
loss of the redundant ECCS flow path from the RWST from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
During this time the facility was operated in noncompliance with the Limiting
Condition for Operation specified in Technical Specification 3.5.2.c. This
condition resulted from inadequate control of maintenance activities and its
Appendix C                          -2 -
occurrence suggests that the licensee has not adopted appropriate controls
to assure that maintenance activities do not defeat required safety features.
This in turn undermines the basis for determining that there is reasonable
assurance that redundant safety features will function under design basis
conditions. In view of the significance to safety of adequate controls to assure
that maintenance activities do not defeat required safety features, I have deter- mined that the public health, safety, or interest requires, effective immediately, modification of License No. DPR-66 as stated in Part III of this Order.
Accordingly, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the
Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 2 and 50, License DPR-66 is modified
as follows:
(1) Administrative Procedures shall be adopted and implemented to require
redundant independent verification of the operability of the remaining
engineered safety features whenever any safety system, or subpart
thereof, is intentionally removed from service.
(2) A detailed review of existing procedures and controls shall be performed
to assure that limiting conditions for operation are not defeated by
maintenance or other activities.
(3) A report of the administrative procedures required by paragraph (1) above
and the detailed review required by paragraph (2) above shall be submitted
by January 11, 1980, to the Director of NRC's Region I office.
Appendix C                          -3 -
(4) The licensee shall meet with the Director, Office of Inspection and
Enforcement, on or before January 25, 1980, in a meeting open to the
public in the vicinity of the Beaver Valley site to describe how the
above requirements will be implemented. The Director, Region I, will
inform the licensee at least one week in advance of the specific time and
location of the meeting.
The licensee, or any other person who has an interest affected by this Order, may, within twenty-five days of the date of this Order, request a hearing. A
request for a hearing shall be addressed to the Director, Office of Inspection
and Enforcement, U.S.N.R.C., Washington, D.C. 20555. If a hearing is requested
by the licensee or an interested person, the Commission will issue an Order
designating the time and place of hearing. Such a request for hearing SHALL
Resumption of operation on terms consistent with this Order is not stayed by
the pendency of any proceeding on this Order. In the event that a need for
further enforcement action becomes apparent, either in the course of any
proceeding on this Order or at any other time, the Director will take appro- priate action.
In the event the licensee or any other interested person requests a hearing as
provided above and a hearing is held, the issues to be considered at such a
hearing shall be:
Appendix C                          -4  -
      (1) whether the facts set forth in Part II of this Order are correct;
      (2) whether this Order should be sustained.

Victor Stello, Jr.
1. Letter to Duguesne Light Companyfrom V. Stello, Jr., dtd. 12/5/792. Recently Issued IE InformationNotices IE Information Notice No. 79-35December ,31 1979EnclosureRECENTLY ISSUEDIE INFORMATION NOTICESInformationNotice No.SubjectDateIssuedIssued To79-3479-3379-3279-3179-3079-2979-28Inadequate Desiqn ofSafety-Related HeatExchangersImproper Closure ofPrimary ContainmentAccess HatchesSeparation of ElectricalCables for HPCI and ADSUse of Incorrect AmplifiedResponse Spectra (ARS)Reportinq of Defects andNoncompliance, 10 CFR Part 21.Loss of NonSafety-RelatedReactor Coolant SystemInstrumentation DuringOperationOverloading of StructuralElements Due to Pipe SupportLoadsSteam Generator TubeRuptures At Two PWRFacilitiesAttempted Damane To NewFuel AssembliesBreach of ContainmentIntegrityReactor Trips At TurkeyPoint Units 3 And 412/6/79All power reactor facilitiesholding OLs and CPs andvendors inspected by LCVIP11/16/79 All power reactor facilitiesholding OLs or CPs11/16/79 All power reactor facilitieswith an OL or CP11/16/79 All power reactor facilitiesholdinq OLs and CPs11/9/79 All Fuel Facilities,research reactors, andpower reactors with anOL or CP12/27/79 All holders of power reactorOLs and CPs12/21/79 All power reactor facilitiesholdinc OLs and CPs12/21/79 All power reactor facilitiesholding OLs and CPs12/13/79 All holders of power reactorOLs and CPs79-2779-12A79-2679-2511/5/7910/1/79All power reactor facilitiesholdina OLs and CPsAll power facilities withan nL or a CP Docket No. 50-334December 5, 1979Duquesne Light CompanyATTN: Mr. Stanley G. SchaefferPresident435 Sixth AvenuePittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219Gentlemen:On November 27, 1979, the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, was operatedfor about two (2) hours in a condition which exceeded the Limiting Conditionsfor Operation.This matter was brought to the attention of our inspector at your facility ina timely fashion, and your subsequent action to correct the condition wasexpeditious. Nevertheless, this condition rendered a part of the emergencycore cooling system (ECCS) unavailable for automatic start and injection ofcoolant into the reactor coolant system (RCS) if the need had occurred concur-rent with the loss of offsite power (the design basis). This unavailabilityof ECCS constitutes a serious matter which reveals an apparent weakness inyour control of maintenance and essential equipment. Therefore, we proposeto impose a civil penalty for the item of noncompliance set forth in Appendix Ato this letter in the amount of $5,000. Appendix B is a Notice of ProposedImposition of Civil Penalties. You are required to respond to this letter andin preparing your response, you should follow the instructions in Appendices Aand B.In addition to the civil penalty, we are issuing the enclosed Order (Appendix C)effective Immediately. This Order requires that your administrative controlof licensed activities involving operating and maintenance of safety equipmentverifies availability of all required equipment when a counterpart is removedfrom an operable status. This Order further requires that you formally reviewand report your actions to prevent recurrence: It also requires that you meetpublicly on January 25, 1980, with the Director, Office of Inspection andEnforcement, at a location near the Beaver Valley Power Station, to discussyour evaluation of this conditon and your corrective actions to preventrecurrence. We will inform you of the location and time of the meetin Duquesne Light Company-2 -In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice", Part 2,Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosureswill be placed in the Commission's Public Document Room.

Sincerely,Victor Stello, Jr.DirectorOffice of Inspectionand Enforcement

Office of Inspection and
1. Appendix A, Notice of Violation2. Appendix B, Notice of ProposedImposition of Civil Penalties3. Appendix C, Order Modifying Licensecc: C. N. Dunn, Vice President, Operations DivisionF. Bissert, Technical Assistant NuclearR. WIashabaugh, QA ManagerJ. Werling, Station SuperintendentG. Moore, General Superintendent,J. J. Carey, Nuclear Technical AssistantR. Martin, Nuclear Engineer APPENDIX ANOTICE OF VIOLATIONDuquesne Light Company Docket No. 50-334Pittsburqh, Pennsylvania 15219 License No. DPR 66This refers to the inspection conducted by the NRC Resident Inspector at theBeaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, of activities authorized by NRC LicenseNo. DPR 66.During the inspection conducted on November 27, 1979, the following item ofnoncompliance was identified.Technical Specification 3.5.2 states that with the plant in Mode 1 (PowerOperation), two separate and independent ECCS subsystems shall be operable, andfurther states in section 3.5.2.c that each subsystem shall include an operableflow path caoable of taking suction from the refueling water storage tank uponinitiation of a safety injection signal.Technical Specification 1.6 defines "operable" to include the assumption that allnecessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electric power, cooling or sealwater, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system,subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function(s) are also capableof performing their related safety function(s).Contrary to the above, on November 27, 1979, from approximately 8:30 a.m. to10:30 a.m., maintenance activities rendered both ECCS subsystems inoperable inthat a) refueling water storage tank isolation valve MOV-CH-115D was closed andincapable of automatic opening in response to a safety injection signal, andb) refueling water storage tank isolation valve MOV-CH-115B, in the redundantsubsystem, was closed, had no emergency power available, and thus was incapableof automatic opening In response to a safety injection signal if there had beena condition of loss of offsite power.This violation had the potential for causing or contributing to an occurrencerelated to health and safety (Civil Penalty $5,000).

APPENDIX BNOTICE OF PROPOSED IMPOSITION OF CIVIL PENALTIESDuquesne Light Company nocket No. 50-334Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 License No. DPR-66This office has considered the enforcement options available to the MRCincluding administrative actions in the form of written notices of violation,civil monetary penalties, and orders pertaining to the modification, suspensionor revocation of a license. Based on these considerations, we propose toimpose civil penalties pursuant to Section 234 of the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended, (42 USC 2282), and to 10 CFR 2.205 in the cumulative amountof Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the specific items of noncompliance setforth in Appendix A to the cover letter. In proposing to impose civil penal-ties pursuant to this section of the Act and in fixing the proposed amount ofthe penalties, the factors identified in the Statements of Considerationpublished in the Federal Register with the rule-making action which adopted10 CFR 2.205 (36 FR 16894) August 26, 1971, and the "Criteria for DeterminingEnforcement Action," which was sent to NRC licensees on December 31, 1974,have been taken into account.Duquesne Light Company may, within twenty (20) days of the receipt of thisnotice pay the civil penalties in the cumulative amount of Five ThousandDollars ($5,000) or may protest the imposition of the civil penalties in wholeor in part by a written answer. Should Duquesne Light Company fail to answerwithin the time specified, this office will issue an order imposing the civilpenalties in the amount proposed above. Should Duquesne Light Company electto file an answer protesting the civil penalties, such an answer may (a) denythe items of noncompliance listed in the Notice of Violation in whole or inpart, (b) demonstrate extenuating circumstances, (c) show error in the Noticeof Violation, (d) show other reasons why the penalties should not be imposed.In addition, to protesting the civil penalties in whole or in part, suchanswer may request remission or mitigation of the penalties.Any written answer in accordance with 10 CFR 2.205 should be set forthseparately from the statement or explanation in reply pursuant to 2.201, butmay incorporate by specific reference (e.g., giving page and paragraph numbers)to avoid repetition.Duquesne Light Company's attention is directed to the other provisions of10 CFR 2.205 regarding, in particular, failure. to answer and ensuing orders;answer, consideration by this office, and ensuing orders; requests forhearings, hearings and ensuing orders; compromise, and collection.Upon failure to pay any civil penalty due which has been subsequently determinedin accordance with the applicable provisions of 10 CFR 2.205, the matter maybe referred to the Attorney General, and the penalty, unless compromised,remitted, or mitigated, may be collected by civil action pursuant to Section234.c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2282).

APPENDIX CUNITED STATES OF AMERICANUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONIn the flatter of )DUOUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Docket No. 50-334(Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1) )ORDER MODIFYING LICENSEEFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELYIThe Duquesne Light Company (the "licensee") is the holder of Operating LicenseDPR-66 (the "license") which authorizes operation of the Beaver Valley PowerStation, Unit 1, at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of2652 megawatts thermal (rated power). The license was issued on January 30,1976. The facility consists of a pressurized light water moderated and cooledreactor (PWR), located at the licensee's site in Beaver County, Pennsylvania,on the southern shore of the Ohio River.ItOn November 27, 1979, from about 6:30 AM to 1:20 PM while the reactor wasoperating at about 30% of rated power, Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 1 wasout of service for routine maintenance. This EDG supplies emergency power tosuction valve, MOV-CH-115B, in the line from the refueling water storage tank(RWST) to the High Pressure Safety Injection System (HPSIS) pumps. In additionto the EDG being out of service, resulting in loss of one Emergency CoreCooling System (ECCS) flow path, as described above, the redundant suctionvalve, MOV-CH-115D, was removed from service for maintenance which resulted inloss of the redundant ECCS flow path from the RWST from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.During this time the facility was operated in noncompliance with the LimitingCondition for Operation specified in Technical Specification 3.5.2.c. Thiscondition resulted from inadequate control of maintenance activities and its Appendix C-2 -occurrence suggests that the licensee has not adopted appropriate controlsto assure that maintenance activities do not defeat required safety features.This in turn undermines the basis for determining that there is reasonableassurance that redundant safety features will function under design basisconditions. In view of the significance to safety of adequate controls to assurethat maintenance activities do not defeat required safety features, I have deter-mined that the public health, safety, or interest requires, effective immediately,modification of License No. DPR-66 as stated in Part III of this Order.IIIAccordingly, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and theCommission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 2 and 50, License DPR-66 is modifiedas follows:(1) Administrative Procedures shall be adopted and implemented to requireredundant independent verification of the operability of the remainingengineered safety features whenever any safety system, or subpartthereof, is intentionally removed from service.(2) A detailed review of existing procedures and controls shall be performedto assure that limiting conditions for operation are not defeated bymaintenance or other activities.(3) A report of the administrative procedures required by paragraph (1) aboveand the detailed review required by paragraph (2) above shall be submittedby January 11, 1980, to the Director of NRC's Region I offic Appendix C-3 -(4) The licensee shall meet with the Director, Office of Inspection andEnforcement, on or before January 25, 1980, in a meeting open to thepublic in the vicinity of the Beaver Valley site to describe how theabove requirements will be implemented. The Director, Region I, willinform the licensee at least one week in advance of the specific time andlocation of the meeting.IVThe licensee, or any other person who has an interest affected by this Order,may, within twenty-five days of the date of this Order, request a hearing. Arequest for a hearing shall be addressed to the Director, Office of Inspectionand Enforcement, U.S.N.R.C., Washington, D.C. 20555. If a hearing is requestedby the licensee or an interested person, the Commission will issue an Orderdesignating the time and place of hearing. Such a request for hearing SHALLNOT STAY THE IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS ORDER.Resumption of operation on terms consistent with this Order is not stayed bythe pendency of any proceeding on this Order. In the event that a need forfurther enforcement action becomes apparent, either in the course of anyproceeding on this Order or at any other time, the Director will take appro-priate action.VIn the event the licensee or any other interested person requests a hearing asprovided above and a hearing is held, the issues to be considered at such ahearing shall be:
===Dated at Bethesda, Maryland===
Appendix C -4 -(1) whether the facts set forth in Part II of this Order are correct;and,(2) whether this Order should be sustained.FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COW2IISSIONVictor Stello, Jr.DirectorOffice of Inspection andEnforcementDated at Bethesda, Marylandthis 5th day of December, 1979.}}
this 5th day of December, 1979.}}

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Latest revision as of 03:39, 24 November 2019

Control of Maintenance & Essential Equipment
Person / Time
Site: 05000000
Issue date: 12/31/1979
IN-79-035, NUDOCS 7910250510
Download: ML031180205 (10)




WASHINGTON, -D.C. 20555 December 31, 1979 IE Information Notice No. 79-35


Description of Circumstances

Enclosed is a copy of a recent enforcement action against Duquesne Light Company.

A coDy of this action is being forwarded to all utilities with a power reactor

operating license or a construction permit. This is being done to apprise you of

a serious condition which revealed an apparent weakness in facility control of

maintenance and essential equipment.

You should review your existinq procedures and control for independent verification

of operability of redundant counterpart equipment when an essential component, subsystem, or system is determined inoperable. Operability is defined as follows:

A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be OPERABLE or have

OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified functionts).

Implicit in this definition shall be the assumption that all necessary

attendant instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency electrical power

sources, coolinq or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment

that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device

to perform its function(s) are also capable of performing their related

support function(s).

If you have any Questions reqardina this matter, please contact the Director of

the NRC Regional Office in which your facilities are located. No written response

to this IE Information Notice is required.


1. Letter to Duguesne Light Company

from V. Stello, Jr., dtd. 12/5/79

2. Recently Issued IE Information


IE Information Notice No. 79-35 Enclosure

December ,31 1979



Information Subject Date Issued To

Notice No. Issued

79-34 Inadequate Desiqn of 12/27/79 All holders of power reactor

Safety-Related Heat OLs and CPs


79-33 Improper Closure of 12/21/79 All power reactor facilities

Primary Containment holdinc OLs and CPs

Access Hatches

79-32 Separation of Electrical 12/21/79 All power reactor facilities

Cables for HPCI and ADS holding OLs and CPs

79-31 Use of Incorrect Amplified 12/13/79 All holders of power reactor

Response Spectra (ARS) OLs and CPs

79-30 Reportinq of Defects and 12/6/79 All power reactor facilities

Noncompliance, 10 CFR Part 21. holding OLs and CPs and

vendors inspected by LCVIP

79-29 Loss of NonSafety-Related 11/16/79 All power reactor facilities

Reactor Coolant System holding OLs or CPs

Instrumentation During


79-28 Overloading of Structural 11/16/79 All power reactor facilities

Elements Due to Pipe Support with an OL or CP


79-27 Steam Generator Tube 11/16/79 All power reactor facilities

Ruptures At Two PWR holdinq OLs and CPs

Facilities79-12A Attempted Damane To New 11/9/79 All Fuel Facilities, Fuel Assemblies research reactors, and

power reactors with an

OL or CP

79-26 Breach of Containment 11/5/79 All power reactor facilities

Integrity holdina OLs and CPs

79-25 Reactor Trips At Turkey 10/1/79 All power facilities with

Point Units 3 And 4 an nL or a CP

Docket No. 50-334 December 5, 1979

Duquesne Light Company

ATTN: Mr. Stanley G. Schaeffer


435 Sixth Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219


On November 27, 1979, the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, was operated

for about two (2) hours in a condition which exceeded the Limiting Conditions

for Operation.

This matter was brought to the attention of our inspector at your facility in

a timely fashion, and your subsequent action to correct the condition was

expeditious. Nevertheless, this condition rendered a part of the emergency

core cooling system (ECCS) unavailable for automatic start and injection of

coolant into the reactor coolant system (RCS) if the need had occurred concur- rent with the loss of offsite power (the design basis). This unavailability

of ECCS constitutes a serious matter which reveals an apparent weakness in

your control of maintenance and essential equipment. Therefore, we propose

to impose a civil penalty for the item of noncompliance set forth in Appendix A

to this letter in the amount of $5,000. Appendix B is a Notice of Proposed

Imposition of Civil Penalties. You are required to respond to this letter and

in preparing your response, you should follow the instructions in Appendices A

and B.

In addition to the civil penalty, we are issuing the enclosed Order (Appendix C)

effective Immediately. This Order requires that your administrative control

of licensed activities involving operating and maintenance of safety equipment

verifies availability of all required equipment when a counterpart is removed

from an operable status. This Order further requires that you formally review

and report your actions to prevent recurrence: It also requires that you meet

publicly on January 25, 1980, with the Director, Office of Inspection and

Enforcement, at a location near the Beaver Valley Power Station, to discuss

your evaluation of this conditon and your corrective actions to prevent

recurrence. We will inform you of the location and time of the meeting.

Duquesne Light Company -2 -

In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice", Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosures

will be placed in the Commission's Public Document Room.

Sincerely, Victor Stello, Jr.


Office of Inspection

and Enforcement


1. Appendix A, Notice of Violation

2. Appendix B, Notice of Proposed

Imposition of Civil Penalties

3. Appendix C, Order Modifying License

cc: C. N. Dunn, Vice President, Operations Division

F. Bissert, Technical Assistant Nuclear

R. WIashabaugh, QA Manager

J. Werling, Station Superintendent

G. Moore, General Superintendent, J. J. Carey, Nuclear Technical Assistant

R. Martin, Nuclear Engineer



Duquesne Light Company Docket No. 50-334 Pittsburqh, Pennsylvania 15219 License No. DPR 66 This refers to the inspection conducted by the NRC Resident Inspector at the

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, of activities authorized by NRC License

No. DPR 66.

During the inspection conducted on November 27, 1979, the following item of

noncompliance was identified.

Technical Specification 3.5.2 states that with the plant in Mode 1 (Power

Operation), two separate and independent ECCS subsystems shall be operable, and

further states in section 3.5.2.c that each subsystem shall include an operable

flow path caoable of taking suction from the refueling water storage tank upon

initiation of a safety injection signal.

Technical Specification 1.6 defines "operable" to include the assumption that all

necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electric power, cooling or seal

water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function(s) are also capable

of performing their related safety function(s).

Contrary to the above, on November 27, 1979, from approximately 8:30 a.m. to

10:30 a.m., maintenance activities rendered both ECCS subsystems inoperable in

that a) refueling water storage tank isolation valve MOV-CH-115D was closed and

incapable of automatic opening in response to a safety injection signal, and

b) refueling water storage tank isolation valve MOV-CH-115B, in the redundant

subsystem, was closed, had no emergency power available, and thus was incapable

of automatic opening In response to a safety injection signal if there had been

a condition of loss of offsite power.

This violation had the potential for causing or contributing to an occurrence

related to health and safety (Civil Penalty $5,000).



Duquesne Light Company nocket No. 50-334 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 License No. DPR-66 This office has considered the enforcement options available to the MRC

including administrative actions in the form of written notices of violation, civil monetary penalties, and orders pertaining to the modification, suspension

or revocation of a license. Based on these considerations, we propose to

impose civil penalties pursuant to Section 234 of the Atomic Energy Act of

1954, as amended, (42 USC 2282), and to 10 CFR 2.205 in the cumulative amount

of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the specific items of noncompliance set

forth in Appendix A to the cover letter. In proposing to impose civil penal- ties pursuant to this section of the Act and in fixing the proposed amount of

the penalties, the factors identified in the Statements of Consideration

published in the Federal Register with the rule-making action which adopted

10 CFR 2.205 (36 FR 16894) August 26, 1971, and the "Criteria for Determining

Enforcement Action," which was sent to NRC licensees on December 31, 1974, have been taken into account.

Duquesne Light Company may, within twenty (20) days of the receipt of this

notice pay the civil penalties in the cumulative amount of Five Thousand

Dollars ($5,000) or may protest the imposition of the civil penalties in whole

or in part by a written answer. Should Duquesne Light Company fail to answer

within the time specified, this office will issue an order imposing the civil

penalties in the amount proposed above. Should Duquesne Light Company elect

to file an answer protesting the civil penalties, such an answer may (a) deny

the items of noncompliance listed in the Notice of Violation in whole or in

part, (b) demonstrate extenuating circumstances, (c) show error in the Notice

of Violation, (d) show other reasons why the penalties should not be imposed.

In addition, to protesting the civil penalties in whole or in part, such

answer may request remission or mitigation of the penalties.

Any written answer in accordance with 10 CFR 2.205 should be set forth

separately from the statement or explanation in reply pursuant to 2.201, but

may incorporate by specific reference (e.g., giving page and paragraph numbers)

to avoid repetition.

Duquesne Light Company's attention is directed to the other provisions of

10 CFR 2.205 regarding, in particular, failure. to answer and ensuing orders;

answer, consideration by this office, and ensuing orders; requests for

hearings, hearings and ensuing orders; compromise, and collection.

Upon failure to pay any civil penalty due which has been subsequently determined

in accordance with the applicable provisions of 10 CFR 2.205, the matter may

be referred to the Attorney General, and the penalty, unless compromised, remitted, or mitigated, may be collected by civil action pursuant to Section

234.c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2282).




In the flatter of )

DUOUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Docket No. 50-334 (Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1) )




The Duquesne Light Company (the "licensee") is the holder of Operating License

DPR-66 (the "license") which authorizes operation of the Beaver Valley Power

Station, Unit 1, at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of

2652 megawatts thermal (rated power). The license was issued on January 30,

1976. The facility consists of a pressurized light water moderated and cooled

reactor (PWR), located at the licensee's site in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, on the southern shore of the Ohio River.


On November 27, 1979, from about 6:30 AM to 1:20 PM while the reactor was

operating at about 30% of rated power, Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 1 was

out of service for routine maintenance. This EDG supplies emergency power to

suction valve, MOV-CH-115B, in the line from the refueling water storage tank

(RWST) to the High Pressure Safety Injection System (HPSIS) pumps. In addition

to the EDG being out of service, resulting in loss of one Emergency Core

Cooling System (ECCS) flow path, as described above, the redundant suction

valve, MOV-CH-115D, was removed from service for maintenance which resulted in

loss of the redundant ECCS flow path from the RWST from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

During this time the facility was operated in noncompliance with the Limiting

Condition for Operation specified in Technical Specification 3.5.2.c. This

condition resulted from inadequate control of maintenance activities and its

Appendix C -2 -

occurrence suggests that the licensee has not adopted appropriate controls

to assure that maintenance activities do not defeat required safety features.

This in turn undermines the basis for determining that there is reasonable

assurance that redundant safety features will function under design basis

conditions. In view of the significance to safety of adequate controls to assure

that maintenance activities do not defeat required safety features, I have deter- mined that the public health, safety, or interest requires, effective immediately, modification of License No. DPR-66 as stated in Part III of this Order.


Accordingly, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the

Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 2 and 50, License DPR-66 is modified

as follows:

(1) Administrative Procedures shall be adopted and implemented to require

redundant independent verification of the operability of the remaining

engineered safety features whenever any safety system, or subpart

thereof, is intentionally removed from service.

(2) A detailed review of existing procedures and controls shall be performed

to assure that limiting conditions for operation are not defeated by

maintenance or other activities.

(3) A report of the administrative procedures required by paragraph (1) above

and the detailed review required by paragraph (2) above shall be submitted

by January 11, 1980, to the Director of NRC's Region I office.

Appendix C -3 -

(4) The licensee shall meet with the Director, Office of Inspection and

Enforcement, on or before January 25, 1980, in a meeting open to the

public in the vicinity of the Beaver Valley site to describe how the

above requirements will be implemented. The Director, Region I, will

inform the licensee at least one week in advance of the specific time and

location of the meeting.


The licensee, or any other person who has an interest affected by this Order, may, within twenty-five days of the date of this Order, request a hearing. A

request for a hearing shall be addressed to the Director, Office of Inspection

and Enforcement, U.S.N.R.C., Washington, D.C. 20555. If a hearing is requested

by the licensee or an interested person, the Commission will issue an Order

designating the time and place of hearing. Such a request for hearing SHALL


Resumption of operation on terms consistent with this Order is not stayed by

the pendency of any proceeding on this Order. In the event that a need for

further enforcement action becomes apparent, either in the course of any

proceeding on this Order or at any other time, the Director will take appro- priate action.


In the event the licensee or any other interested person requests a hearing as

provided above and a hearing is held, the issues to be considered at such a

hearing shall be:

Appendix C -4 -

(1) whether the facts set forth in Part II of this Order are correct;


(2) whether this Order should be sustained.


Victor Stello, Jr.


Office of Inspection and


Dated at Bethesda, Maryland

this 5th day of December, 1979.