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{{#Wiki_filter:NRC FORM 366 (6-1998)U.S.NUCLEAR'REGULATORY COMMISSION LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)(See reverse for required number of digits/characters for each block)APPROVED BY OMB NO.3160-0104 EKPIREs 0 8/30/2001 Estimated burden per response to comply with th)s mandatory hformation coection request: 50 hrs.Reported lessons learned are ncorporated into the'Ecensing process and fed back to Industry.Forward comments regarding burden estimate to the Records Management Branch (TA F33), U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC FORM 366                           U.S. NUCLEAR'REGULATORY COMMISSION                       APPROVED BY OMB NO.             3160-0104             EKPIREs (6-1998)                                                                                        0 8/30/2001 Estimated burden per response to comply with th)s mandatory hformation coection request: 50 hrs. Reported lessons learned are ncorporated into LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)                                                                      the'Ecensing process and fed back to Industry. Forward comments regarding burden estimate to the Records Management Branch (TA F33), U.S.
Washington, OC 205554001.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washington, OC 205554001. and to the (See reverse for required number of                                                              Paperwork ReducUon Project (31500104). Offee of Management and digits/characters for each block)                                                                Budget, Washington. OC 20503.       If sn information coaection does not dispLIy a currently vaEd OMB control number. the NRC may not conduct or sponsor. and a person Is not required to respond to. the intormation collection.
and to the Paperwork ReducUon Project (31500104).
FACIUTY NAME l1)                                                                                 DOCKET NUMBER I2)                                        PAGE IS)
Offee of Management and Budget, Washington.
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2                                                                               05000260                                  1of5 TITLE I4)
OC 20503.If sn information coaection does not dispLIy a currently vaEd OMB control number.the NRC may not conduct or sponsor.and a person Is not required to respond to.the intormation collection.
Manual Reactor Scram due to an EHC leak EVENT DATE (5)                 LER NUMBER (6)                 REPORT DATE (7)                                 0 HER FACILITIES INVOL ED IB)
FACIUTY NAME l1)Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2 TITLE I4)Manual Reactor Scram due to an EHC leak DOCKET NUMBER I2)05000260 PAGE IS)1of5 EVENT DATE (5)MONTH DAY YEAR REVISION NUMBER LER NUMBER (6)SEQVENTIAL NUMBER REPORT DATE (7)IU NAM NA 0 HER FACILITIES INVOL ED IB)DOCKET NUMBER DOCKETNUMBER 09 15 99 1999 009 000 10 99 NA OPERATING MODE (9)POWER LEVEL (10)100 THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED PURSUANT To THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10 CFR rn (Check one or more)(11)50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) 50.73 (a)(2)(ii)50.73(a)(2)(iii) 20.2203(a)
MONTH      DAY    YEAR            SEQVENTIAL      REVISION                                          IU    NAM                                  DOCKET NUMBER NUMBER        NUMBER NA DOCKETNUMBER 09         15     99   1999         009           000         10                       99   NA OPERATING               THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED PURSUANT To THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10 CFR rn (Check one or more) (11)
(2)(v)20.2203(a)(3)(i)20.2203(a)(3)(ii) 20.2201(b) 20.2203(a)(l) 20.2203(a)
MODE (9)                  20.2201(b)                        20.2203(a) (2) (v)                            50.73(a)(2)(i)(B)                       50.73(a) (2)(viii)
(2)(i)50.73(a)(2)(viii)50.73(a)(2)(x) 73.71 20.2203(a)(2) lii)20.2203(a)
POWER                    20.2203(a)(l)                     20. 2203(a) (3) (i)                           50.73 (a) (2) (ii)                       50.73(a)(2)(x)
LEVEL (10)       100      20.2203(a) (2)(i)                 20.2203(a)(3)(ii)                             50.73(a)(2)(iii)                         73.71 20.2203(a)(2) lii)               20.2203(a) (4)                                 50.73(a)(2)(iv)                           OTHER 20.2203(a) (2)(iii)               50.36(c) (1)                                   50.73(a)(2)(v)                     Specify In Abstract below or in NRC Form 366A 20.2203(a)(2) (iv)                50.36(c)(2)                                   50.73(a)(2)(vii)
LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LER'(12)50.73(a)(2)(iv) 50.73(a)(2)(v) 50.73(a)(2)(vii)
NAME                                                                                                   TELEPHONE NUMBER ilndude Ares Code)
OTHER Specify In Abstract below or in NRC Form 366A NAME Anthony T.Rogers, Senior Licensing Project Manager TELEPHONE NUMBER ilndude Ares Code)(256)729-2977 COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT (13)CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT TG TBG MANUFACTURER G080 REPORTABLE TO NPRDS eels'%,: rd x:.'.:...z.':<
Anthony T. Rogers, Senior Licensing Project Manager                                                     (256) 729-2977 COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT (13)
.:%;CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFACTURER REPORTABLE TO NPRDS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED (14)YES (lf yes, complete EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE).X No EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE (15)MONTH DAY YEAR ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e., approximately 15 single-spaced typewritten lines)(16)On September 15, 1999, at 1825 CDT, Unit 2 operators manually scrammed the reactor from 54 percent power due to an Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC)tTG]leak that could not be isolated.The reactor had been at 100 percent power prior to the leak.As expected, the reactor scram caused reactor water level to go below the low level setpoint (level 3)which generated a redundant scram signal and initiated Primary Containment Isolation, Standby Gas Treatment, and Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems.All systems responded as expected and all control rods fully inserted.The cause of the leak was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection that was installed for the power uprate modification package to measure pressure perturbations in the EHC system.The damaged tubing was removed and the connection plugged.TVA is reporting this event in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(iv) as an event that resulted in a manual actuation of an engineered safety feature, including the reactor protection system.99i0200i98 99iOi4 PDR ADOCl('5000260 S PDR NRC FORM 366B (6-1996)
CAUSE       SYSTEM   COMPONENT   MANUFACTURER  REPORTABLE  TO                      CAUSE        SYSTEM      COMPONENT      MANUFACTURER         REPORTABLE NPRDS                                                                                              TO NPRDS TG        TBG          G080 eels
II h' NRC FORM 366A (6-I 998I LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)TEXT CONTINUATION U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FACILITY NAME 1 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant-Unit 2 DOCKET 05000260 LER NUMBER 6 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 1999,-009-000 PAGE 3 2 of 5 TEXT (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A/I17)I.PLANT CONDITIONS Prior to the initiation of the event, Unit 2 and Unit 3 were at 100 percent power.Unit 1 was shutdown and defueled.II.,DESCRIPTION OF EVENT A.Event: On September 15, 1999, Unit 2 developed an Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC)[TG]leak that could not be isolated, upon recognition of the problem, the operators took appropriate action by reducing reactor power and manually scramming the reactor prior to an automatic scram from a turbine trip.The reactor was initially at 100 percent power prior to the leak and was scrammed from 54 percent power after initial operator action.As expected, the reactor scram caused reactor water level to go below the low level setpoint (level 3)which generated a redundant scram signal and initiated a Primary Containment Isolation, Standby Gas Treatment, and Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems.All systems responded as expected and all control rods fully inserted.The cause of the leak was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection that was installed for the power uprate modification package to measure pressure perturbations in the EHC system.The scram resulted in the expected automatic actuation or isolation of the following PCIS[JE]systems and components:
                                                                                    '%,: rd x:.'.:...z.':< .:%;
~PCIS group 2, Shutdown cooling mode of Residual Heat Removal (RHR)[BO]system;drywell floor drain isolation valves;drywell equipment drain isolation valves[WP].~PCIS group 3, Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU)system[CE].~PCIS group 6, primaIy containment purge and ventilation
SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED (14)                                                   EXPECTED              MONTH          DAY          YEAR YES                                                                           No                        SUBMISSION X                                    DATE (15)
[JM], Unit 2 reactor zone ventilation
(lf yes, complete EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE).
[VB];refuel zone ventilation
ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces,           i.e., approximately 15 single-spaced typewritten lines) (16)
[VA];Standby Gas Treatment system[BH];Control Room Emergency Ventilation system[VI].~PCIS group 8, Traversing Incore Probe (TIP)[IG].This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(iv), as an event that resulted in a manual actuation of an engineered safety feature, including the reactor protection system.B.Ino erable Structures Com onents orS stems that Contributedtothe Event: None.C.Dates and A roximate Times of Ma or Occurrences:
On September 15, 1999, at 1825 CDT, Unit 2 operators manually scrammed the reactor from 54 percent power due to an Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) tTG] leak that could not be isolated. The reactor had been at 100 percent power prior to the leak. As expected, the reactor scram caused reactor water level to go below the low level setpoint (level 3) which generated a redundant scram signal and initiated Primary Containment Isolation, Standby Gas Treatment, and Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems. All systems responded as expected and all control rods fully inserted.
September 15, 1999, at 1758 hours CDT An EHC Reservoir Level Low alarm was received in the control room and personnel were dispatched to investigate.
The cause of the leak was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection that was installed for the power uprate modification package to measure pressure perturbations in the EHC system. The damaged tubing was removed and the connection plugged.
NRC FORM 366{6-199BI 41 Qi NRC FORM 366A I6.1998)LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)TEXT CONTINUATION U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FACILITY NAME 1 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant-Unit 2 DOCKET 05000260 LER NUMBER 6 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 1999-009-000 PAGE 3 3 of 5 TEXT llf more spece is required, use eddi tionel copies of lVRC Form 366AJ I 17)C.Dates and A roximate Times of Ma or Occurrences continued:
TVA is reporting this event in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(iv) as an event that resulted in a manual actuation of an engineered safety feature, including the reactor protection system.
September 15, 1999, at 1804 hours CDT Reactor power was lowered to 50-60%core flow upon receipt of report that the EHC reservoir level was reported low.September 15, 1999, at 1825 hours CDT Reactor manually scrammed.Expected PCIS signals and actuations occurred when reactor water reached level 3 following the scram.September 15, 1999, at 1844 hours CDT A four-hour non-emergency report is made to the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72 (b)(2)(ii).D.Other S stems or Seconda Functions Affected: None.E.Method of Discove Operators received alarms indicating an EHC leak had occurred.F.0 erator Actions: Operations personnel responded to the event in accordance with applicable plant procedures.
99i0200i98 99iOi4 PDR     ADOCl('5000260 S                           PDR NRC FORM 366B     (6-1996)
G.Safet S stem Res onse: All required safety systems operated as designed.III.CAUSE OF THE EVENT A.'Immediate Cause: The immediate cause of this event was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection in the heat affected zone of the weld.B.Root Cause: The root cause of the failure was poor fabrication and work practices used to install the stainless steel tubing.C.Contributin Factors: None.NRc FQRM 366 I6-1998) i' NRC FORM 366A (6.I 998 i LiCENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)TEXT CONTINUATION u.s.NucLEAR REGULATORY coMMissioN FACILITY NAME 1 Browns'Ferry Nuclear Plant-Unit 2 DOCKET 05000260 LER NUMBER 6 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 1999-009-000 PAGE 3 4 of 5 TEXT Iff more space is required, use additional copies of PIRC Form 366A/{17)IV.ANALYSIS OF THE EVENT As part of the installation for five percent power uprate during the Browns Ferry Unit 2 Cycle 10 refueling outage, a design change installed four EHC accumulator packages on the main turbine control valves to dampen EHC pressure peiturbations.
Part of this installation package included a 3/8 inch nominal outer diameter (0.035 inch nominal wall thickness) tubing connection which consisted of socket weld glands and standard nuts to connect the accumulator to a pressure transmitter on the number four main turbine control valve.This stainless steel tubing connection completely fractured at the toe of the weld and resulted in the necessity to initiate a manual scram.The subject tubing failure was evaluated in order to determine the failure mechanism and root cause for the failure.Plant personnel that initially discovered the failed EHC tubing failure indicated that the broken segments of the tubing were off-set at least 2-3 inches.This amount of offset would result in excessive cold springing for tubing of this diameter and.length.
II h'
A visual examination performed by Site Engineering on the inside of the tubing at the failure location showed evidence of weld melt-through at the root of the joint for almost the entire circumference of the tubing.The weld melt-through is the result of excessive heat input from welding during fabrication of the failed socket weld joint.Examination of the tubing fracture surfaces using a stereo microscope revealed a relatively flat fracture surface at the toe of the weld, ratchet marks and the absence of gross deformation.
Scanning electron microscopy, which was performed at TVA's Central Laboratories, on the tubing side of the fracture surface revealed striations.
NRC FORM     366A                                                                               U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (6-I 998I LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)
The features (i.e., relatively flat fracture surface, ratchet marks, striations and the absence of gross deformation) revealed by stereo and scanning electron microscopy on the fracture surface of the stainless steel tubing failure are indicative of a high cycle fatigue failure.This connection was exposed to constant vibration during plant operation.
TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME     1                               DOCKET             LER NUMBER 6             PAGE 3 YEAR     SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER           2 of 5 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2                                            05000260 1999, 009           000 TEXT (Ifmore space   is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A/ I17)
The excessive cold springing and weld melt-through resulted in additional residual stresses which attributed to this failure.Therefore, the root cause of this tubing failure is poor fabrication and.installation practices.
I. PLANT CONDITIONS Prior to the initiation of the event, Unit 2 and Unit 3 were at 100 percent power. Unit 1 was shutdown and defueled.
No other similar installations were identified on Unit 2 or Unit 3.V.ASSESSMENT OF SAFETY, CONSEQUENCES The evaluation of plant system and component responses to the event concluded that responses were as designed and within the time-frames expected.The normal heat removal path was not lost during this event since the condenser was used for decay heat removal and no main steam relief valves opened.Personnel performance was also evaluated and found to be timely, appropriate, and met expectations for performance during an event of this type.There were no equipment failures during or following the scram that complicated recovery.In addition, there were no radioactive material released and no actual or potential safety consequences as a result of this event.Therefore, this event did not adversely affect the safety of plant personnel or the public.NRC FORM 366 I6-1998)  
~I NRC FORM 366A I6-1998)LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER).TEXT CONTINUATION U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FACILITY NAME 1 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant-Unit 2 DOCKET 05000260 LER NUMBER 6 YEAR, SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 1999-009-000 PAGE 3 5 of 5 TEXT (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A/t17)VI.CORRECTIVE ACTIONS A.Immediate Corrective Actions: The Operations crew stabilized the reactor following the scram using the appropriate operating instructions.
On September 15, 1999, Unit 2 developed an Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) [TG] leak that could not be isolated, upon recognition of the problem, the operators took appropriate action by reducing reactor power and manually scramming the reactor prior to an automatic scram from a turbine trip. The reactor was initially at 100 percent power prior to the leak and was scrammed from 54 percent power after initial operator action. As expected, the reactor scram caused reactor water level to go below the low level setpoint (level 3) which generated a redundant scram signal and initiated a Primary Containment Isolation, Standby Gas Treatment, and Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems. All systems responded as expected and all control rods fully inserted.
The failed tubing was removed and the connections were plugged.An inspection of the area affected by the EHC fluid was performed and cleanup activities were completed prior to restart.B.Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence:
The cause of the leak was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection that was installed for the power uprate modification package to measure pressure perturbations in the EHC system.
General Electric will evaluate the cause of failure and provide recommendations to TVA to prevent recurrence.'VA will evaluate the design of the tubing and accumulator arrangement to determine the long term desired configuration.'he cabling contacted by the EHC fluid will be inspected during the next refueling outage to determine if any deterioration is evident.'II.
The scram resulted in the expected automatic actuation or isolation of the following PCIS [JE] systems and components:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A.Failed Com onents: None.B.Previous Similar Events: None.C.Additional Information:
                ~   PCIS group 2, Shutdown cooling mode of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) [BO] system; drywell floor drain isolation valves; drywell equipment drain isolation valves [WP].
This event did not result in loss of the normal heat removal path as described in draft NEI 99-02, Rev.C, since the.condenser was used for decay heat removal.D.Safet S stem Functional Failure: I This event did not result in a safety system functional failure in accordance with draft NEI 99-02, Rev.C.VIII.COMMITMENTS None.'TVA does not consider this corrective action a regulatory commitment.
                ~   PCIS group 3, Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) system [CE].
The completion of this item will be tracked in TVA's Corrective Action Program.NRC FORM 366 t6-1998) 0 I}}
                ~   PCIS group 6, primaIy containment purge and ventilation [JM], Unit 2 reactor zone ventilation [VB];
refuel zone ventilation [VA]; Standby Gas Treatment system [BH]; Control Room Emergency Ventilation system [VI].
                ~   PCIS group 8, Traversing Incore Probe (TIP) [IG].
This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(iv), as an event that resulted in a manual actuation of an engineered safety feature, including the reactor protection system.
B. Ino erable Structures           Com onents orS stems that Contributedtothe Event:
C. Dates and A           roximate Times of Ma or Occurrences:
September 15, 1999, at 1758 hours CDT               An EHC Reservoir Level Low alarm was received in the control room and personnel were dispatched to investigate.
NRC FORM   366 {6-199BI
41 Qi NRC FORM     366A                                                                                   U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I6.1998)
TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME     1                                   DOCKET             LER NUMBER 6               PAGE 3 YEAR   SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER               3 of 5 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2                                              05000260 1999    009        000 TEXT llfmore spece   is required, use eddi tionel copies of lVRC Form 366AJ I 17)
C. Dates and A           roximate Times of Ma or Occurrences             continued:
September 15, 1999, at 1804 hours CDT                 Reactor power was lowered to 50-60% core flow upon receipt of report that the EHC reservoir level was reported low.
September 15, 1999, at 1825 hours CDT                 Reactor manually scrammed. Expected PCIS signals and actuations occurred when reactor water reached level 3 following the scram.
September 15, 1999, at 1844 hours CDT                 A four-hour non-emergency report is made to the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72 (b) (2) (ii).
D. Other S stems         or Seconda         Functions Affected:
E. Method       of Discove Operators received alarms indicating an EHC leak had occurred.
F. 0 erator Actions:
Operations personnel responded to the event in accordance with applicable plant procedures.
G. Safet     S stem Res       onse:
All required safety systems operated as designed.
III. CAUSE OF THE EVENT A. 'Immediate Cause:
The immediate cause of this event was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection in the heat affected zone of the weld.
B. Root Cause:
The root cause of the failure was poor fabrication and work practices used to install the stainless steel tubing.
C. Contributin Factors:
NRc FQRM 366 I6-1998)
i' NRC FORM     366A                                                                             u.s. NucLEAR REGULATORY coMMissioN (6. I 998 i LiCENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)
TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME     1                               DOCKET           LER NUMBER 6           PAGE 3 YEAR     SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER           4 of 5 Browns'Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2                                            05000260 1999      009      000 TEXT Iffmore space     is required, use additional copies of PIRC Form 366A/ {17)
IV. ANALYSIS OF THE EVENT As part of the installation for five percent power uprate during the Browns Ferry Unit 2 Cycle 10 refueling outage, a design change installed four EHC accumulator packages on the main turbine control valves to dampen EHC pressure peiturbations. Part of this installation package included a 3/8 inch nominal outer diameter (0.035 inch nominal wall thickness) tubing connection which consisted of socket weld glands and standard nuts to connect the accumulator to a pressure transmitter on the number four main turbine control valve. This stainless steel tubing connection completely fractured at the toe of the weld and resulted in the necessity to initiate a manual scram.
The subject tubing failure was evaluated in order to determine the failure mechanism and root cause for the failure. Plant personnel that initially discovered the failed EHC tubing failure indicated that the broken segments of the tubing were off-set at least 2-3 inches. This amount of offset would result in excessive cold springing for tubing of this diameter and.length. A visual examination performed by Site Engineering on the inside of the tubing at the failure location showed evidence of weld melt-through at the root of the joint for almost the entire circumference of the tubing. The weld melt-through is the result of excessive heat input from welding during fabrication of the failed socket weld joint. Examination of the tubing fracture surfaces using a stereo microscope revealed a relatively flat fracture surface at the toe of the weld, ratchet marks and the absence of gross deformation. Scanning electron microscopy, which was performed at TVA's Central Laboratories, on the tubing side of the fracture surface revealed striations.
The features (i.e., relatively flat fracture surface, ratchet marks, striations and the absence of gross deformation) revealed by stereo and scanning electron microscopy on the fracture surface of the stainless steel tubing failure are indicative of a high cycle fatigue failure. This connection was exposed to constant vibration during plant operation. The excessive cold springing and weld melt-through resulted in additional residual stresses which attributed to this failure. Therefore, the root cause of this tubing failure is poor fabrication and.installation practices.
No other similar installations were identified on Unit 2 or Unit 3.
V. ASSESSMENT OF SAFETY, CONSEQUENCES The evaluation of plant system and component responses to the event concluded that responses were as designed and within the time-frames expected. The normal heat removal path was not lost during this event since the condenser was used for decay heat removal and no main steam relief valves opened. Personnel performance was also evaluated and found to be timely, appropriate, and met expectations for performance during an event of this type.
There were no equipment failures during or following the scram that complicated recovery. In addition, there were no radioactive material released and no actual or potential safety consequences as a result of this event. Therefore, this event did not adversely affect the safety of plant personnel or the public.
NRC FORM     366 I6-1998)
~I NRC FORM   366A                                                                                                 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I6-1998)
TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME          1                           DOCKET       LER NUMBER 6             PAGE 3 YEAR, SEQUENTIAL   REVISION NUMBER             5  of 5 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2                                                                  05000260 1999   009       000 TEXT (If more space         is required,             use additional copies   of NRC Form 366A/ t17)
VI. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS A. Immediate Corrective Actions:
The Operations crew stabilized the reactor following the scram using the appropriate operating instructions.
The failed tubing was removed and the connections were plugged.
An inspection of the area affected by the EHC fluid was performed and cleanup activities were completed prior to restart.
B. Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence:
General Electric will evaluate the cause of failure and provide recommendations to TVA to prevent recurrence.'VA will evaluate the design of the tubing and accumulator arrangement to determine the long term desired           configuration.'he cabling contacted by the EHC fluid will be inspected during the next refueling outage to determine if any deterioration is                           evident.'II.
B. Previous Similar Events:
C. Additional Information:
This event did not result in loss of the normal heat removal path as described in draft NEI 99-02, Rev. C, since the. condenser was used for decay heat removal.
D. Safet               S stem Functional Failure:
I This event did not result in a safety system functional failure in accordance with draft NEI 99-02, Rev. C.
            'TVA does not consider this corrective action a regulatory commitment. The completion of this item will be tracked in TVA's Corrective Action Program.
NRC FORM 366 t6-1998)
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Latest revision as of 23:01, 21 October 2019

LER 99-009-00:on 990915,manual Reactor Scram Was Noted Due to EHC Leak.Caused by Failure of Stainles Steel Tubing Connection.Removed Damaged Tubing & Connection Plug
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/1999
From: Rogers A
Shared Package
ML18039A897 List:
LER-99-009, NUDOCS 9910200198
Download: ML18039A898 (10)


NRC FORM 366 U.S. NUCLEAR'REGULATORY COMMISSION APPROVED BY OMB NO. 3160-0104 EKPIREs (6-1998) 0 8/30/2001 Estimated burden per response to comply with th)s mandatory hformation coection request: 50 hrs. Reported lessons learned are ncorporated into LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) the'Ecensing process and fed back to Industry. Forward comments regarding burden estimate to the Records Management Branch (TA F33), U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washington, OC 205554001. and to the (See reverse for required number of Paperwork ReducUon Project (31500104). Offee of Management and digits/characters for each block) Budget, Washington. OC 20503. If sn information coaection does not dispLIy a currently vaEd OMB control number. the NRC may not conduct or sponsor. and a person Is not required to respond to. the intormation collection.


Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2 05000260 1of5 TITLE I4)

Manual Reactor Scram due to an EHC leak EVENT DATE (5) LER NUMBER (6) REPORT DATE (7) 0 HER FACILITIES INVOL ED IB)


MODE (9) 20.2201(b) 20.2203(a) (2) (v) 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) 50.73(a) (2)(viii)

POWER 20.2203(a)(l) 20. 2203(a) (3) (i) 50.73 (a) (2) (ii) 50.73(a)(2)(x)

LEVEL (10) 100 20.2203(a) (2)(i) 20.2203(a)(3)(ii) 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 73.71 20.2203(a)(2) lii) 20.2203(a) (4) 50.73(a)(2)(iv) OTHER 20.2203(a) (2)(iii) 50.36(c) (1) 50.73(a)(2)(v) Specify In Abstract below or in NRC Form 366A 20.2203(a)(2) (iv) 50.36(c)(2) 50.73(a)(2)(vii)



Anthony T. Rogers, Senior Licensing Project Manager (256) 729-2977 COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT (13)


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(lf yes, complete EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE).

ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e., approximately 15 single-spaced typewritten lines) (16)

On September 15, 1999, at 1825 CDT, Unit 2 operators manually scrammed the reactor from 54 percent power due to an Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) tTG] leak that could not be isolated. The reactor had been at 100 percent power prior to the leak. As expected, the reactor scram caused reactor water level to go below the low level setpoint (level 3) which generated a redundant scram signal and initiated Primary Containment Isolation, Standby Gas Treatment, and Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems. All systems responded as expected and all control rods fully inserted.

The cause of the leak was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection that was installed for the power uprate modification package to measure pressure perturbations in the EHC system. The damaged tubing was removed and the connection plugged.

TVA is reporting this event in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(iv) as an event that resulted in a manual actuation of an engineered safety feature, including the reactor protection system.

99i0200i98 99iOi4 PDR ADOCl('5000260 S PDR NRC FORM 366B (6-1996)

II h'


TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME 1 DOCKET LER NUMBER 6 PAGE 3 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 2 of 5 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 05000260 1999, 009 000 TEXT (Ifmore space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A/ I17)

I. PLANT CONDITIONS Prior to the initiation of the event, Unit 2 and Unit 3 were at 100 percent power. Unit 1 was shutdown and defueled.


On September 15, 1999, Unit 2 developed an Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) [TG] leak that could not be isolated, upon recognition of the problem, the operators took appropriate action by reducing reactor power and manually scramming the reactor prior to an automatic scram from a turbine trip. The reactor was initially at 100 percent power prior to the leak and was scrammed from 54 percent power after initial operator action. As expected, the reactor scram caused reactor water level to go below the low level setpoint (level 3) which generated a redundant scram signal and initiated a Primary Containment Isolation, Standby Gas Treatment, and Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems. All systems responded as expected and all control rods fully inserted.

The cause of the leak was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection that was installed for the power uprate modification package to measure pressure perturbations in the EHC system.

The scram resulted in the expected automatic actuation or isolation of the following PCIS [JE] systems and components:

~ PCIS group 2, Shutdown cooling mode of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) [BO] system; drywell floor drain isolation valves; drywell equipment drain isolation valves [WP].

~ PCIS group 3, Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) system [CE].

~ PCIS group 6, primaIy containment purge and ventilation [JM], Unit 2 reactor zone ventilation [VB];

refuel zone ventilation [VA]; Standby Gas Treatment system [BH]; Control Room Emergency Ventilation system [VI].

~ PCIS group 8, Traversing Incore Probe (TIP) [IG].

This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(iv), as an event that resulted in a manual actuation of an engineered safety feature, including the reactor protection system.

B. Ino erable Structures Com onents orS stems that Contributedtothe Event:


C. Dates and A roximate Times of Ma or Occurrences:

September 15, 1999, at 1758 hours0.0203 days <br />0.488 hours <br />0.00291 weeks <br />6.68919e-4 months <br /> CDT An EHC Reservoir Level Low alarm was received in the control room and personnel were dispatched to investigate.

NRC FORM 366 {6-199BI



TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME 1 DOCKET LER NUMBER 6 PAGE 3 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 3 of 5 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 05000260 1999 009 000 TEXT llfmore spece is required, use eddi tionel copies of lVRC Form 366AJ I 17)

C. Dates and A roximate Times of Ma or Occurrences continued:

September 15, 1999, at 1804 hours0.0209 days <br />0.501 hours <br />0.00298 weeks <br />6.86422e-4 months <br /> CDT Reactor power was lowered to 50-60% core flow upon receipt of report that the EHC reservoir level was reported low.

September 15, 1999, at 1825 hours0.0211 days <br />0.507 hours <br />0.00302 weeks <br />6.944125e-4 months <br /> CDT Reactor manually scrammed. Expected PCIS signals and actuations occurred when reactor water reached level 3 following the scram.

September 15, 1999, at 1844 hours0.0213 days <br />0.512 hours <br />0.00305 weeks <br />7.01642e-4 months <br /> CDT A four-hour non-emergency report is made to the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72 (b) (2) (ii).

D. Other S stems or Seconda Functions Affected:


E. Method of Discove Operators received alarms indicating an EHC leak had occurred.

F. 0 erator Actions:

Operations personnel responded to the event in accordance with applicable plant procedures.

G. Safet S stem Res onse:

All required safety systems operated as designed.

III. CAUSE OF THE EVENT A. 'Immediate Cause:

The immediate cause of this event was failure of a stainless steel tubing connection in the heat affected zone of the weld.

B. Root Cause:

The root cause of the failure was poor fabrication and work practices used to install the stainless steel tubing.

C. Contributin Factors:


NRc FQRM 366 I6-1998)


TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME 1 DOCKET LER NUMBER 6 PAGE 3 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 4 of 5 Browns'Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 05000260 1999 009 000 TEXT Iffmore space is required, use additional copies of PIRC Form 366A/ {17)

IV. ANALYSIS OF THE EVENT As part of the installation for five percent power uprate during the Browns Ferry Unit 2 Cycle 10 refueling outage, a design change installed four EHC accumulator packages on the main turbine control valves to dampen EHC pressure peiturbations. Part of this installation package included a 3/8 inch nominal outer diameter (0.035 inch nominal wall thickness) tubing connection which consisted of socket weld glands and standard nuts to connect the accumulator to a pressure transmitter on the number four main turbine control valve. This stainless steel tubing connection completely fractured at the toe of the weld and resulted in the necessity to initiate a manual scram.

The subject tubing failure was evaluated in order to determine the failure mechanism and root cause for the failure. Plant personnel that initially discovered the failed EHC tubing failure indicated that the broken segments of the tubing were off-set at least 2-3 inches. This amount of offset would result in excessive cold springing for tubing of this diameter and.length. A visual examination performed by Site Engineering on the inside of the tubing at the failure location showed evidence of weld melt-through at the root of the joint for almost the entire circumference of the tubing. The weld melt-through is the result of excessive heat input from welding during fabrication of the failed socket weld joint. Examination of the tubing fracture surfaces using a stereo microscope revealed a relatively flat fracture surface at the toe of the weld, ratchet marks and the absence of gross deformation. Scanning electron microscopy, which was performed at TVA's Central Laboratories, on the tubing side of the fracture surface revealed striations.

The features (i.e., relatively flat fracture surface, ratchet marks, striations and the absence of gross deformation) revealed by stereo and scanning electron microscopy on the fracture surface of the stainless steel tubing failure are indicative of a high cycle fatigue failure. This connection was exposed to constant vibration during plant operation. The excessive cold springing and weld melt-through resulted in additional residual stresses which attributed to this failure. Therefore, the root cause of this tubing failure is poor fabrication and.installation practices.

No other similar installations were identified on Unit 2 or Unit 3.

V. ASSESSMENT OF SAFETY, CONSEQUENCES The evaluation of plant system and component responses to the event concluded that responses were as designed and within the time-frames expected. The normal heat removal path was not lost during this event since the condenser was used for decay heat removal and no main steam relief valves opened. Personnel performance was also evaluated and found to be timely, appropriate, and met expectations for performance during an event of this type.

There were no equipment failures during or following the scram that complicated recovery. In addition, there were no radioactive material released and no actual or potential safety consequences as a result of this event. Therefore, this event did not adversely affect the safety of plant personnel or the public.

NRC FORM 366 I6-1998)



TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME 1 DOCKET LER NUMBER 6 PAGE 3 YEAR, SEQUENTIAL REVISION NUMBER 5 of 5 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 05000260 1999 009 000 TEXT (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A/ t17)

VI. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS A. Immediate Corrective Actions:

The Operations crew stabilized the reactor following the scram using the appropriate operating instructions.

The failed tubing was removed and the connections were plugged.

An inspection of the area affected by the EHC fluid was performed and cleanup activities were completed prior to restart.

B. Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence:

General Electric will evaluate the cause of failure and provide recommendations to TVA to prevent recurrence.'VA will evaluate the design of the tubing and accumulator arrangement to determine the long term desired configuration.'he cabling contacted by the EHC fluid will be inspected during the next refueling outage to determine if any deterioration is evident.'II.



B. Previous Similar Events:


C. Additional Information:

This event did not result in loss of the normal heat removal path as described in draft NEI 99-02, Rev. C, since the. condenser was used for decay heat removal.

D. Safet S stem Functional Failure:

I This event did not result in a safety system functional failure in accordance with draft NEI 99-02, Rev. C.


'TVA does not consider this corrective action a regulatory commitment. The completion of this item will be tracked in TVA's Corrective Action Program.

NRC FORM 366 t6-1998)

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