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&i-OPUS rg C)bib/3cC(g~Proc~e~e e~e~~~~e Y(~'T I~e~~~~e~~~~~~~e e~~~~~~e~~~~6-1 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-4 TABLE 6.2-1 MINIMUM SHIFT CREM CQMPOSITIOH....................
&i-OPUS rg C)bib/3cC(g~Proc~e~e e~e~~~~e Y(~'T I~e~~~~e~~~~~~~e e~~~~~~e~~~~6-1 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-4 TABLE 6.2-1 MINIMUM SHIFT CREM CQMPOSITIOH....................
6.2.3 ONSITE NUCLEAR SAF=TY (QNS}UNIT F unc 1on..~~~e~~~e~e~~~~e~~e~~~e e e~e~e~e~~~~~e~C~O~omposs tron....'.................."...'......................
====6.2.3 ONSITE====
NUCLEAR SAF=TY (QNS}UNIT F unc 1on..~~~e~~~e~e~~~~e~~e~~~e e e~e~e~e~~~~~e~C~O~omposs tron....'.................."...'......................
6-5 R L esponslbll 1 tl es.......................................
6-5 R L esponslbll 1 tl es.......................................
-..6-5 Record~~~~~~~~e~~~~e~~e~~~e~ee~e~~~~~e e 6.2.4 SHIrt TeCHHICAL AOVISOR...............,....................
-..6-5 Record~~~~~~~~e~~~~e~~e~~~e~ee~e~~~~~e e 6.2.4 SHIrt TeCHHICAL AOVISOR...............,....................

Revision as of 23:09, 5 May 2019

Proposed Tech Specs,Including Tech Spec 6.2.1 Initially Deleted in 870612 Request & Expanding Tech Spec 6.2.2 to Specify Required Operator Licenses for Manager - Operations & Operations Supervisor
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1987
Shared Package
ML18022A592 List:
NUDOCS 8801050144
Download: ML18022A593 (7)


IROEX 6.0 AOMIH'I STRATIVE CONTROLS SECTION PAGe.6 1 RESPONSLBIL I Ye~~~~~e e~e~~~~e~e~~e~~~e~~e~e~~~~~e~~~~~~e~e~~6-1 6.2 6.2.1 6 C RC~~2e 2 UNIT oX t AFt~e~~e~~~~~~~e~~~~e e~~~~~~~~e~~~~~e~~e~FIGURE 6.2-1:,:.,::

.:, (D.k(FH.3......FIGURE 6.2-2...,.'::..CD.GRETA.).........


&i-OPUS rg C)bib/3cC(g~Proc~e~e e~e~~~~e Y(~'T I~e~~~~e~~~~~~~e e~~~~~~e~~~~6-1 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-4 TABLE 6.2-1 MINIMUM SHIFT CREM CQMPOSITIOH....................

6.2.3 ONSITE NUCLEAR SAF=TY (QNS}UNIT F unc 1on..~~~e~~~e~e~~~~e~~e~~~e e e~e~e~e~~~~~e~C~O~omposs tron....'.................."...'......................

6-5 R L esponslbll 1 tl es.......................................

-..6-5 Record~~~~~~~~e~~~~e~~e~~~e~ee~e~~~~~e e 6.2.4 SHIrt TeCHHICAL AOVISOR...............,....................

UN i t 5 I AF OUALIF~CA t i ON 6-5 6.<RAINING.~~~~~~e e~\~~~~e~~~~\~~~~6-7 6.5 REYI:"~'NO AUOi T.6.5.1 SAF~~Y AHO TECHNICAL REYIETES General Program Control..6" 7 T h I echnl ca l Eva l Uati ons~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6-7 gualified Safety Reviewers..............

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~~6-7 Safety Evaluations and Approval 6.5.2 PLANT NUCLEAR SAFARI Y COMMITTtEE s~~~~~~~~(PHSC}~e~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~.6"8 F unct>on...

~~~~~~~e~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~6-9 C omposltlon.......................

~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~.~~~~.~~M eetlng Frequency.........--.......


6"9 R'L~o~~espons s hs 1 s tl es............

~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ecords e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R e-9 e-U.esoioso~"" 5ooo4oo PDR ADOCK 050oPDR p SHEARON HARRIS-UNIT 1.xviii

'rf rb l 6;1.1 The Plan: General Hanag r shall be respcnsible for cve.aI)un.'t ace.a-tion and shall delegate in writing the suc=essian tc this respcnsibili y his absenc.6.1.2 TheShif Foreman (cr, during his absenc f-,m the c"n mi roam, a designated individual) shall be responsible for.the c"nt-.I r"ca ca~and func ticn.A marage en direc=ive ta this eifec->signed by t.".e Vice President-HarHs Huc'.ear shall be reissued tc ail st;an personnel on an annual basis.6.2 QRG~iVIZATiOH

'Rgpiam.mi4 Zmerk ((~ad~))<<~~<<0 Q<<~~ee<<<<~I lv~I I 4~vo~vl ve<<15 e~~<<1<<vv<<eev<<~<<vvv<<eC UVI7 STAFr 6.2.2, The uni crni-ation gang~+~$cOa~~g-shal I bc'-'v~'~~~~v ve ee V~Ve ae Eac.'".an-duty shif shall be composed af at, least the minimum shif c"=csi icn shown in T~Ie 6.2-:;A=Ieas one Iic n ed 0pe.a."".shall be in t".e c"n-.I r~when fuel i in".e r ac="r.In addition, wnile t.".e uni is in,".CQ=" 1, 2,"., cr'4, a-I+as-cne Iic"nsed 6enicr Opera--r shall b in"e c o~<<e<<I rc<<ca~C.An inc vid al q aIified as a Radsa-an C"nt.=i Te'".n;c ar.natl be cn si~when fuei is in t.".r ac="r;d.All C"R~AL>~Ai~QHS shall be observed and d;r ctly supervised by a I,icansed 6en;cr Opera"".cr lian ad 6cnicr Qpera"", Liai-d t" F ei Handling whc has nc o-".er c"nc...n-r spcnsib>11ties during t.",is operaticn;

~fY)an cr-gacrah'one rnus~hold P g~r gpr~r.4'cmice.VIt c OP~~'o<s rr)osF hofd.u 9&7lor~~~i~/~V'Ll'@ms<.~~ihe Radiatian C=nt~i Tec.".nician c csi icn may be less than t",e annum~re;ui~n~for a pericd cf time nc t" ax~2 hcu~, in order tc acc"~ace date unaxpec~d absence, pr vided imedia~ac=cn fs taken ta fill the re-quired positions.

6HEARCH HARRIS-UNIT L Insert 1 6.2.1 Onsite and Offsite Or anization An onsite and operation and shall include nuclear power an offsite organization shall be established for unit corporate management.

The onsite'and offsite organization the positions for activities affecting the safety of the plant.Lines of authority, responsibility and communication shall be established and defined from the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions.

Those relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts.These organizational charts will be documented in the FSAR and updated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e).b.There shall be an individual executive position (corporate, officer)in the offsite organization having corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety.This individual shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support in the plant so that continued nuclear safety is assured.C.There shall be an individual management position in the onsite organization having responsibility for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite resources necessary for safe ooeration and maintenance of the plant.Although the individuals wno train the operating staff and those who carry out the quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate manager on site, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to be independent from operating pressures.

e.Health physics individuals may report to the appropriate manager on site, however, for matters relating to radiological health and safety of employees and the public the health physics manager has direct access to that on site individual having responsibility for overall unit management.

Health physics personnel have the'uthority to cease any work activity when worker safety is jeopardized or in the event of unnecessary personnel radiation exposures.

I~cnnr AnWTr: nnf AH)7AT)oz I (IIAIPIIAllrPflf Sin(t II AI tl Iltx I (XI (ltllVf III I ICI A tlttIAQlltlKlfAR 5A(I 5 tu rcn tf x'll An, t<<cnIISlnllc Int I 5(lllnll Vlcf I1llSlllC llf 5llllnn VICf (1lf 5IIXIJ IX'In A f It@IS SIX'I'IIII f I I t(I f AA (il Ill n A A I VIIE Iikf Sir(tlf OIWAAflAIIS (IIVIAIXe~III AI sfnV tc(5 lkAIIQtit L (CCII Slxt'nnt IILIIirvn CCNPC(I at(nltill!V ASSIIIAIA c tIAIIAC4'A 0%5(AVK($Ittltiri(R IAAfAII Ia I II C Ill II vlcf pn(5ltf ttl IXI(I (AA fttluIII Alt(5 At(nl X(ttOtri tl JIIACO'A I(A II Alii.(Xlil II V IIAII Cyan Ilx'I Iuinul IIS lr4I.ltt I(A(I(R (Rxt f Jn 5 fit(SIIPPlFi T tliIIACi(n (O'IAA IIAII5 AA/Ar.orrsIrc~~O~~0~1~t~~~~~0(15l1 f~~OO~OQ O~OOOO~~O~O OOIOOOOO111

~OO~O~~~O~II~0~~~~~1044 OXI(C IIN r Otttllf IXKtfik 5A(f I lit li C fn Iltnnl5 Il>AXtiltft ttttf Vlcf PAISlnlll(inAIS I A 4'I (i(l I'&0 I(cf Oli(c IIXI n Aitif.-IIAAAIS PI Alt(~~0~0~0~OIO~0~~tl itt(ri(IIIRAI ItittACI(R CI(tl(A Jt.I tifIIA I'AILl I I l FlÃNl~~~~~~~~~I If 5n((IXX()IICAIIAII AntlIIASIRAIIVl (XICIAIIITAlXXI Iliw Ar IA AIX IIIIIS InA first Ililli(ifn ft Atllkt Ci 5 (.Atlllilt rrrl)nr: ri.Z-1-(If r5 HrMAAhlllVATlnll-DL=C'.W7Z'5


LJl oft<n RI Vl.x)ir nnnatittr r tn)t 1l ALI(~to oo~~~~~os~~o~oo h AIL(ILLLIJJL~IJJL ITCDJTl((LC 4H(l JI(I I ALLLA I MI LI III I'fli(IJllfff JI<f~Ill k JL IL~ILJClk l(QA l LAN I fll&WCL I , NIIOIIT 5 f I LVLL tg II JI LOCI A ysisaTII(u C 1 I Ol ALT J I CC4 I W 4.IL>ILJ&1 Ill~IL IIL>I l l II JILL((1 IT'LAAI ILLLL J(Th 11 LL I a JL III TOA 1 fI CLRIJCT hlJP JAIL J i l4 tl JJJI 4 fAOOR J4%IHVa(aallll J (IILOIIAI~l'I IVI14I tsla 4.1 LJI(L~ill(LLIVtl(jllllll Jl.1 II~Il Ill v ILL TILIILJIC1 ALIA'41LLTL Ll I (IA~.JA.IJLLTALIIIN I WlO LAA IM~ILIII JINNI~ooooooooo gf P gTI104AIKW t LIICSNA(llNDtTJLJIWLIK(LJL(lJI o AJACIDA QIJLAIIJIIIKINLT I I JILVA I f 1 I ILLNI Jl klVOAf ILTLAALLJL IL~AVID Jl~ot FICillAE 6.2" 2 Qualified Safe i Reviewe.s (Ccn inuedi C These individuals shall have a baccalaureate degree in an engine ring or related field or equivalent, and 2 years of related expe.ienc.uch desiana-tian shall include the disciplines or proc dur categories far which each indi-vidual is qualified.

guaIified individuals or graucs nat an the plant swf may he relied u cn ta perform safety reviews 1 f sa designated by the Plant Generai Hanager.6.5.1.<Safety Evaluations and Aper vals 6.5.3 4.1 The safety evalua ian prepared in ac""r"ance with Spec fication shall include a vri~~n de4rmina icn, wi 0 basis, af whether ar no the proc dures ar chanc s thereto proposed t s4 and exper'.ments and changes the~w and mcdificzt-'ons cons<<itute an unrevised safety ques ian as defined in Paracraoh 0.59 af 19 C."-R Par 5Q, or whether they involve a change ta t".e Final Safety Analysis Repar'he Tec."'.nical Spec-'c=-ticns, ar.e Operating Ll cense>> The safety evalua-ion shall he pre"ared by a qualified individual.

The safety evaluation shall he reviewed by a second qualified individual.. A safety evaluation and subsequent review tha c nclude-t",a the s>>" le~ac=;cn may involve an unrevised safety c~esticn, a chance ta the Tec."'.-nicai Scec--cz--'cns cr a~".ance t"~e Qce~:inc License, wiII be referred.".e Plan-Nuclear Safety C"-i=~(PN i".)for~".eir r view in aces-.-'anc wi 0 Seer f-,ca=an the PHSC r c--<<dation is t."'.at an i>>~m is an unr vie~ed safe r qua~ion, a c."'.ance tc~".e Te.".n czI Scar.';ca=.cps, cr a~g ci c'rcn t, e OcnwaT,'f enate t e ac<<cn'wl Ii be ref e~~~~f>>s a ar vaI pT iar t i<<Ipen>>.cn' Ay ra>>pi c un<<aI a=-r r view bv t.".e C=-.".~:a Nuclear Sa-.e.i Se=:a in ac=a-.=-nc"~--"'.ce;-I Ic<<>>~an 6r<<o<<o>>6-5.~.4.4 I a sa a~evaiua-;on ard suh eq en-r view c"rciuc that"he suc-je~ac=;on does no<<involve an unr viewed safe-y q es-;"n, a change tc t.e Technical Soec:-,cat;on, cr a c."'.area'" t",.e Qperat;ra License,".e ac=-an may be approved by the Plan-General Hanacer cr his designe cr, as appiicahle, by the Hanager of the primary func 4onai ar a affected by the a~;cn.ine individ-ual approving the ac ion shall assure that the reviewers c"Ilec-iveiy possess the background and quali icatian in all af the disciplines nacassary and important to the specific review far both sa.ety and technical aspecw-6.5.I.4.5 A safety evaluation and subsequent review that conclude that the suhjec ac ian involves a change in the Final Safety Analysis Repor>>shall be.referred to the Corporate Nuclear Safety Sec ian far review in accordance>>th Specification, hut implementation may proceed prior to the campleti<<of that revie~.6.5.XA.G Qe individual approving the proc dure, tes, or experiment or change thereto shall be other than those wha prepared tNe safety evaluation

<<performed the safety review.SHFARON HARRIS UNIT 1 6"8