U-601057, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-461/87-30.Corrective Actions:Startup & Control & Instrumentation Personnel Have Been Trained on Lessons Learned from Event.One Person in Charge of Maint Task

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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-461/87-30.Corrective Actions:Startup & Control & Instrumentation Personnel Have Been Trained on Lessons Learned from Event.One Person in Charge of Maint Task
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/1987
From: Spangenberg F
To: Davis A
U-601057, NUDOCS 8710260034
Download: ML20236B250 (3)



n, w-i4 U-601057 :

- L42-87 (10 -08 )- L.


,p6-lLLIN0/8 POWER 00MPANY CLINToN POWER STATloN. P,0. Box 678. CLINToN.lLLINols 61727

-r 0ctober. 8,11987'-

h-Docket No. 50-461 c.

Ne. w.

J i


.d Mr..A. B. Davis 9 y Regional-Administrator g

j W

Region III' p' c


W d

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission D

l 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 W




Response to the Notice of Violation in Inspection

'0-461/87030, dated September 10, 1987 j


Dear Mr. Davis:

This letter is in response to your letter,' dated September-10,-


1987, which contained Inspection. Report 50-461/87030. The Inspection Report detailed certain activities which appeared.to.be in violation of

J NRC requirements. Attachment A to this letter provides the Illinois Power Company response to this Technical' Specification. violation.'.

I trust that this response is adequate'to demonstrate compliance-with NRC requirements.

Should you have any questions, please contact me.

Sincerely yours, A

'. A. Spangenberg, II Manager - Licensing and Safety j

i KAB/krm Attachment cc:

B. L. Siegel, NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager

.NRC Resident Inspector y

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety

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Attachment A

' Illinois Power-Company'

~Clinton' Power'StationL i

The Notice.of, Violation states in part:

" Technical Specification 6.8.1.a. requires thatIwritten proce'dures

.j shall'be established and implemented; covering the' activities:

referenced ~in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33. Revision 2,'

. February 1978.' : Regulatory Guide '1.33,. Appendix A,' Item 9 lists" procedures for performing maintenance.

Contrary.to the above:'

On August 12. 1987, personnel performing maintenance on'the; Reactor:

Recirc Flow Control system in accordance with MaintenanceLWorkl Request (MWR) C-37643 failed to : implement the instructions of the 1

MWR in that prior to performing' work theydid not. ensure-that the'<

j Hydraulic Power Unit was" locked-out."

I i.

. t e

l Corrective Action Taken and Results Achieved


L On August 12, 1987, the reactor was scrammed on high flux when the."B" Reactor Recirculation Flow Control Valve (RRFCV). shut.and subsequently j

l opened causing an increase.in core flow and a corresponding. increase'in i

'i core neutron flux. The RRFCV movement was cause'd by removal and-subsequent reinsertion of the "B" RRFCV function generator card without

.j having the "B" Hydraulic Power, Unit (HPU) locked out.. The card-was moved by a Control and Instrumentation (C&I) technician working with a-Startup engineer to calibrate the funct1on generator'for the "A" RRFCV utilizing MWR C37643 and Clinton Power Station (CPS) procedure 8625.01, Recirculation Loop Flow Control Channel Calibration., The.MWR required 9

R that the HPU of the train being worked on be verified with Operations as Locked out.

This verification was not performed and the HPU was not' locked out.

Consequently, when the C&1 technician removed'the RRFCV "B" function generator card, the RRFCV "B" stroked to.the minimum position.

A Control Room Operatar observed indication'of the valve movement and I

approached the C&I technician to inquire if the work being performed had..

(f caused the actuation. The C&I technician, as' directed.by supervision, then reinserted the function generator card causing ~ the.RRFCV "B'! to.

j reopen, which caused an increase in core flow resulting.in the reactor:



l scram on high flux.

Operations immediately entered the scram procedure


and placed the plant in stable condition.

Corrective Action Taken.to Prevent Recurrence Startup and C&I personnel have been trained on lessons learned from this>

J l

event, including proper com.nunication with Operations, and the H

requirement to have one person clearly in charge of a maintenance task.

l Appropriate disciplinary actions were taken against the responsible 1

ly r


s 1

j 1

individual for failure to follow the MWR' requirements. Additionally, a memorandum was issued'to all Operations supervision stating the Clinton

.l Power Station policy regarding restoration of' plant conditions following

.j a maintenance related event.- This policy provides for stabilization of


plant configuration, stopping related' Maintenance activity, notification l

of the. Shift Supervisor and restoration only by direct 1on of the Shift j


Date When Full Compliance Will Be Achieved Illinois Power Company is in' full complianco.

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