U-600620, Forwards Response to IE Bulletin 79-18 Re Evacuation of Personnel from High Noise Areas.Audibility Survey Will Be Completed within 6 Months of Exceeding 5% Power & Mods to Communication Sys Prior to First Refueling Outage

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Forwards Response to IE Bulletin 79-18 Re Evacuation of Personnel from High Noise Areas.Audibility Survey Will Be Completed within 6 Months of Exceeding 5% Power & Mods to Communication Sys Prior to First Refueling Outage
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/08/1986
From: Spangenberg F
To: James Keppler
IEB-79-18, U-600620, NUDOCS 8607150157
Download: ML20202F388 (2)



'N U-600620 LO8-86 (07-08 )-L 1A.120 ILLINDIS POWER COMPANY CLINTON POWER STATION. P.o. box 678, CLINTON, ILLINOIS 61727 July 8, 1986 Docket No. 50-461


Mr. James G. Keppler l

Regional Administrator, Region III U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 l


IE Bulletin 79-18 j

Audibility Problems Encountered j

on Evacuation of Personnel j

from High Noise Areas

Dear Mr. Keppler:

This letter constitutes Illinois Power (IP) Company's program for evaluating audibility problems encountered on evacuation of personnel from t

high noise areas as identified in IE Bulletin 79-18.

The description of the program is enclosed as Attachment 1.

Illinois Power will complete the audibility survey within six months of exceeding 5% power and will have any modifications to the commanication system completed prior to completing the first refueling outage. This information was requested by Mr. W. G. Snell of your staff.

I hereby affirm that the information in this letter and the attachment is correct to the best of my knowledge.

4 Please contact me if you should have any questions on this matter.

Sincerely yours

  1. b 4


F. A. hang aberg l

Manager - Licensing and Safety I

SMK/pj r l

Attachment cc:

B. L. Siegel, NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager i

NRC Resident Office Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety NRC Document Control Desk 1

8607150157 860708 i

PDR ADOCK 05000461 g

$g G

PDR l\\ L ne

X IN Attachmsnt I to U-600620 Page 1 of 1 IE Bulletin 79-18 Illinois Power Company's program for responding to IE Bulletin 79-18 is divided into two major phases:


Verification that the current notification system is functional.

The volume level of the sirens was adjusted so that the alarms should be audible in low and moderate noise level areas of the plant. Decibel readings have been taken and recorded for each siren location.


Those plant locations for which it is anticipated that noise levels will increase as power level increases (e.g. steam lines, pump areas, etc.) will be surveyed during the startup test program after they have reached their maximum anticipated noise levels. Since this survey will not be completed until late in the start-up test program and some modifications may not be possible except during an extended shutdown period, all corrective actions will not be completed until the end of the first refueling outage. For those areas which are identified as having deficient siren audibility, temporary administrative measures will be taken to ensure that these areas are evacuated as required, l



