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 Issue dateTitleTopic
RS-03-240, Units 1 & 2, Clarification of Compensatory Actions Associated with a License Amendment Request for a One-Time Extension of the Essential Service Water Train Completion Time30 December 2003Units 1 & 2, Clarification of Compensatory Actions Associated with a License Amendment Request for a One-Time Extension of the Essential Service Water Train Completion TimeHigh winds
IR 05000454/200301029 December 2003IR 05000454-03-010(DRS); 05000455-03-010(DRS); 12/01/03 - 12/05/03; Byron Station; Units 1 and 2; Emergency Preparedness Specialist Report
ML08028060623 December 2003CR 19852 - AMAG-Westinghouse Letter CAE-03-107 Not Accurate
ML03352056018 December 2003Re Information Request for an NRC Biennial Permanent Modifications and 10 CFR 50.59 Baseline InspectionCommercial Grade Dedication
ML04009013317 December 2003GFE Registration Letter 12/17/04 Re March 2004 Examination (Multiple Addressees)Generic Fundamentals Examination
BYRON 2003-0116, November 2003 Monthly Operating Report for Byron Station Units 1 and 215 December 2003November 2003 Monthly Operating Report for Byron Station Units 1 and 2Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
BYRON 2003-0114, Sixty-Day Response to NRC Bulleting 2003-02, Leakage from Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head Penetrations and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity.12 December 2003Sixty-Day Response to NRC Bulleting 2003-02, Leakage from Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head Penetrations and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity.Boric Acid
Through-Wall Leak
ML03342015112 December 2003Bryon, Unit 1, Evaluation of Steam Generator Inservice Inspection Summary Report, TAC No. MC0962
TAC:MC096212 December 2003
BYRON 2003-0115, Sixty-Day Response to NRC Order EA-03-009, Issuance of Order Establishing Interim Inspection Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads at Pressurized Water Reactors.12 December 2003Sixty-Day Response to NRC Order EA-03-009, Issuance of Order Establishing Interim Inspection Requirements for Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads at Pressurized Water Reactors.Boric Acid
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
ML08028060312 December 2003NRC Question, Regarding Amag Common Header Installation
ML04013081610 December 2003Initial SRO Examination 12/2003Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Loop seal
Power change
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
ML04013081510 December 2003Initial RO Examination 12/2003Safe Shutdown
Loop seal
Power change
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
ML0334403489 December 2003Meeting Handout to Discuss Licensing Issues and Upcoming Licensing Activities with the Exelon Fleet of Nuclear PlantsSurveillance Frequency Control Program
ML0335603029 December 2003Exelon/Amergen 180-Day Response to NRC Generic Letter 2003-01, Control Room Habitability.Safe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Fire Barrier
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
High Energy Line Break
Design basis earthquake
Fire Protection Program
Power Uprate
Control Room Habitability
ML0824702538 December 2003Ltr from Hauser to Printz, Exelon Nuclear Byron and Braidwood Nuclear Stations Exelon Frequency Spectrum Analysis RecordsPower change
ML0334212895 December 2003Westinghouse - NSAL 03-12 - 12/05/03 Crossflow Ultrasonic Measurement System
RS-03-228, Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment for One-Time Extension of Essential Service Water Train Completion Time5 December 2003Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment for One-Time Extension of Essential Service Water Train Completion TimeHigh winds
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Job Performance Measure
Large early release frequency
RS-03-190, Request for License Amendment to Revise Lead Test Assembly Burnup Limits for Byron Station, Unit 1 Cycle 135 December 2003Request for License Amendment to Revise Lead Test Assembly Burnup Limits for Byron Station, Unit 1 Cycle 13Exemption Request
Fuel cladding
Coast down
ML0333502693 December 2003G20030688, G20030689, G20030691 - 12/18/03, Visit by Mr. John Skolds, Chief Nuclear Officer for Exelon Nuclear and Mr. Jeffrey A. Benjamin, Vice President, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs; Nrc'S Oversight & Assess Chart
ML0333606882 December 2003Response to Order for Compensatory Measures Related to Access Authorization
ML0402800181 December 2003Miscellaneous Correspondence for Byron Initial Examination - December 2003Job Performance Measure
Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML0402800211 December 2003Documents Related to Initial Exam Submittal and NRC Comments on Operating Test and ES-401-9 for NRC Comments on Written Exam for Byron Initial Examination - December 2003Power change
Overspeed trip
ML0401407231 December 2003Initial Submittal of Walkthrough Jpms for Byron Initial Examination - Dec 2003Job Performance Measure
Overspeed trip
ML0402800201 December 2003Examination Outline Submittal for Byron Initial Examination - December 2003Shutdown Margin
Job Performance Measure
ML0402800151 December 2003Various Checklist for Byron Initial Examination - December 2003
ML0401407871 December 2003Final as Administered Scenarios for Byron Initial Examination - Dec 2003Boric Acid
Post Accident Monitoring
Power change
Manual Operator Action
ML0401407861 December 2003Final As-Administered Walkthrough Jpms for Byron Initial Examination - Dec 2003Job Performance Measure
Overspeed trip
ML0401407781 December 2003Final As-Administered Administrative Jpms for Byron Initial Examination - Dec 2003Shutdown Margin
Nuclear Accident Reporting System
Job Performance Measure
ML0401407521 December 2003Initial Submittal of Written Exam for Byron Initial Examination - Dec 2003Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Loop seal
Deep Dose Equivalent
Power change
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
ML0401405511 December 2003Initial Submittal of Administrative Jpms for Byron Initial Examination - Dec 2003Shutdown Margin
Nuclear Accident Reporting System
Job Performance Measure
ML0401407461 December 2003Initial Submittal of the Scenarios for Byron Initial Examination - Dec 2003Boric Acid
Post Accident Monitoring
Power change
ML03316052021 November 2003Notice of Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Re Licensing Activities
ML03330021120 November 2003FOIA/PA-2003-0444 - Resp 1 - Final
TAC:MB656919 November 2003
ML03283045519 November 2003Units 1 and 2, Package, Re Completion Time from 24 Hours to 7 Days for One Inoperable Instrument Bus InverterSafe Shutdown
High winds
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
ML08238096819 November 2003Briefing, Subject: Byron and Braidwood Recent Potential Over Power IssuesMeasurement Uncertainty Recapture
ML03297010219 November 2003Orders Modifying Licenses for Revised Design Basis Threat and for Training and Physical Fitness Enhancements Applicable to Security Force Personnel
ML07268018319 November 2003Recent Potential Over Power Issues
ML03325055619 November 2003Units 1 and 2, Technical Specifications, Re Completion Time from 24 Hours to 7 Days for One Inoperable Instrument Bus Inverter
ML03323028018 November 2003Notice of Licensee Meeting with Exelon Generation Co., LLC Re Licensee Decision-Making Process
ML08028059418 November 2003Public Meeting Notice
ML03323027718 November 2003Letter to Licensees Confirming Public Meeting on Byron Station Dtd 12/02/03
ML03324016418 November 2003Response to Request for Additional Information - WCAP-15872-NP, Rev. 0 Use of Alternate Decay Heat Removal in Mode 6 Refueling.Ultimate heat sink
RS-03-220, Confirmation of Completion of Actions Implementing the Compensatory Measures Related to Security Force Fitness-for-Duty14 November 2003Confirmation of Completion of Actions Implementing the Compensatory Measures Related to Security Force Fitness-for-Duty
BYRON 2003-0110, October 2003 Monthly Operating Report for Byron Station, Units 1 and 214 November 2003October 2003 Monthly Operating Report for Byron Station, Units 1 and 2Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML03323022512 November 2003Submittal of WCAP-16084-NP, Development of Risk-Informed Safety Analysis Approach and Pilot Application.Anticipated operational occurrence
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fuel cladding
Coast down
ML0331804369 November 2003G20030685/LTR-03-0729 - Bob Meyer Ltr. Fatigue Rule - 16 Hour WordingFatigue Rule
RS-03-215, Units 1 and 2, Revision to Technical Specification Change Request - Extension of Completion of Time for Instrument Bus Inverters7 November 2003Units 1 and 2, Revision to Technical Specification Change Request - Extension of Completion of Time for Instrument Bus Inverters
RS-03-213, Thirty-Day Report of the Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Model Changes and Errors Required by 10 CFR 50.46, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems for light-water Nuclear Power Reactors.7 November 2003Thirty-Day Report of the Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Model Changes and Errors Required by 10 CFR 50.46, Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems for light-water Nuclear Power Reactors.