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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML20106G44129 February 1996LaSalleInforms That Util Has Decided to Withdraw Proposed Footnote ' ' to SR & Bases
ML20097D9138 February 1996Quad CitiesProposed Amends to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,upgrading Existing TS 3/4.5, Eccs
ML20094P28222 November 1995Quad CitiesProvides Core Shroud Insp Plan for Unit 1 to Nrc,Per GL 94-03, IGSCC of Core Shrouds in Bwrs
ML20098C3413 October 1995Quad CitiesSubmits Suppl to Third Ten Yr ISI Plan
ML20071B2306 December 1993LaSalleConfirms Results of 931204 Telcon Between Commonwealth Edison Co & Nrc,In Which Ceco Requested Notice of Enforcement Discretion from TS 1.0.3 for LaSalle County, Unit 1
ML20059H31529 October 1993LaSalleRequest for Exigent Amend to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18, Revising TS 3.6.3,Table 3.6.3-1, PCIVs to Allow Completion & Operation of Rv Level Indication Ref Leg Backfill Mod by End of Current Unit 2 Refueling Outage
ML20057E03030 September 1993LaSalleForwards Rev 7 to LAP-1200-16, Core Operating Limits Rept for LaSalle County Station Unit 2,Reload 5 (Cycle 6), for Upcoming Cycle Consistent W/Gl 88-16
ML20057B46310 September 1993DresdenForwards Rev 2 to Dresden Station 3rd Interval IST Plan, in Response to NRC 920911 SER Re Relief Request RV-23H
ML20057A3662 September 1993LaSalleForwards Revised COLR for LaSalle County Station Unit 1, Reload 5,Cycle 6 & Revised COLR for LaSalle County Station Unit 2,Reload 4,Cycle 5, Per GL 88-16
ML20057A0732 September 1993LaSalleAdvises That Changes Associated W/Station Blackout Rule Were Completed on 930717,per 920717 Request
ML20056H1211 September 1993DresdenForwards Request for Addl Info Re Certified Fuel Handler Training Program for Unit 1
ML20056G35720 August 1993LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,deleting TS 3/, Primary Containment Structural Integrity & Adding TS Administration Controls Section 6.2.F.6,requiring That ISI Program for Post Tensioning Tendons Be Established
ML20056E23816 August 1993LaSalleForwards Suppl Info to Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18 Re Change in allowed-outage Time from 72 H to 7 Days for EDG 0
ML20056D84013 August 1993LaSalleForwards Corrected Submittal of Relief Request RI-29
ML20046C3104 August 1993LaSalleForwards Relief Requests RI-24,-25,-26,-27 & -28 from ASME Code Section XI in-service Insp Program
ML17179A7705 March 1993DresdenForwards GENE-770-26-1092, ...Lpci/Containment Cooling Sys Evaluation, Rev 0 to Calculation NED-M-MSD-43 & Rev 0 to Calculation NED-M-MSD-49,in Response to 930222 Enforcement Conference Re Insp Repts 50-237/92-34 & 50-249/92-34
ML20125C7224 December 1992Quad CitiesWithdraws Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30, App a & Informs That New Amend Requests Will Be Submitted for Both Facilities That Will Be Identical within Equipment & Design Limitations
ML20116C18227 October 1992DresdenForwards Inadvertently Omitted Attachment a from 921014 Suppl to IGSCC Program (GL 88-01) Refuel Outage Exam Plan
ML20115D36915 October 1992Quad CitiesWithdraws 910815 Application for Amends to Licenses DRP-29 & DPR-30,rewriting Standby Liquid Control Sys TS as Part of Overall TS Upgrade Program.New Amend Requests Will Be Submitted as Part of Overall TS Upgrade Program
ML20096C9135 May 1992LaSalleAuthorizes Release of Input Data Files for Plant PRA Study Conducted by Sandia to State of Il,Per 920429 Telcon.Util Does Not Fully Endorse Use of Data Since Info Does Not Reflect Current Plant Design & Performance
ML20096F10924 April 1992DresdenApplication for Amend to License DPR-19,changing Reporting Requirements of OL Section 2.G Re Notification of NRC of Violations
ML20091C46831 March 1992Quad Cities
Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-29,DPR-30,NPF-11 & NPF-18,changing TS to Include Commed Topical Rept NFSR-0085, & Suppls 1 & 2 to Section 6.6 to Describe Improved Analytical Methods Re Core Operating Limits Rept
ML20094K92718 March 1992LaSalleForwards Core Operating Limits Rept for LaSalle County Station,Unit 2,Reload 4 (Cycle 5), for Upcoming Cycle, Consistent W/Generic Ltr 88-16
ML20092G51710 February 1992LaSalleWithdraws 911011 one-time Request for Exemption from Need to Accelerate Schedule for Performing Addl Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test.Requests That Companion TS Amend for Surveillance Requirement Be Processed
ML20100Q16621 January 1992LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18, Requesting Change to Refueling Platform Hoist Interlock Setpoints in TS Surveillance Requirement 4.9.6
ML20091R8013 January 1992LaSalleForwards Revised Relief Request RV-19 from ASME Code Section IX Inservice Testing Program Requirements for Valve Sizes of 6 Inches & Larger,Per Generic Ltr 89-04.ECCS & RCIC Sys Will Be Pressurized W/Water to Min Pressure of 43.6 Psig
ML20085H54117 October 1991LaSalleSuppls 910913 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,modifying Surveillance Requirement,per Generic Ltr 88-01 & Telcons W/Nrc.Amend Covers Monitoring Primary Containment Sump Flow Rate at Least Once Per 12 H
ML20079L99916 October 1991LaSalleSuppl to 911010 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,removing Tech Spec Requirements for HPCS Condensate Storage Tank Suction Valve & Adding Containment Isolation Requirements for RCIC Sys Full Flow Test Line
ML20085E21411 October 1991LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,changing TS Surveillance Requirement to Address Containment Integrated Leak Rate Failures for as-found Conditions,Per NRC Info Notice 85-071 Re Type B & C Leakage Rates
ML20079G2171 October 1991LaSalleForwards Insp Plan to Be Implemented Every Other Refueling Outage W/Upcoming Outage for Unit 2 in Jan 1992 & in Oct 1992 for Unit 1 Re Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads.Util Will Visually Examine 100% Surface of Pressure Vessel Heads
ML20085E14323 September 1991LaSalleForwards Supplemental Response to Station Blackout Rule & Supporting Calculations,Consisting of Methodology Used to Determine Battery Capacity & Methods Used to Calculate Temp Rises.Calculations Withheld
ML20082V11513 September 1991LaSalleSuppl to Application for Amend to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18, App A,Tech Specs to Modify Surveillance Requirement of Tech Spec to Monitor Primary Containment Sump Flow Rate on Average Once Per 8 Hrs Not to Exceed 12 Hrs
ML20086A0786 September 1991LaSalleDiscusses Actions Taken to Account for Impact of Residual Reused Channels for Facility Cycle 5 & Forwards Evaluation of Residual Reused Channels on Thermal Margins for Facility Cycle 5.Facility Cycle 5 Bow Evaluation Results Also Encl
ML20090C16630 August 1991LaSalleProvides Proposed Temporary Battery Supply Arrangement Required to Support Replacement of Div 2,125-Volt Dc Batteries.Requests Approval by 911231 in Order to Support Installation of Batteries During Refueling Outage
ML20079D69115 July 1991LaSalleForwards Rev 6 to Facility Annex to Generating Stations Emergency Plan
ML20081L8153 July 1991LaSalleClarifies Commitment to Replace Instrumentation Associated W/Facility Radwaste Tanks & Updates Status of Decontamination of Radwaste Tank Rooms
ML20079C77621 June 1991LaSalleSubmits Util Test Results in Response to Insp Repts 50-373/90-22 & 50-374/90-23
ML20079B98212 June 1991LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,changes Engineered Safety Feature Div II 125 Volt DC Battery Specific Gravity Requirements & Update Tech Spec Reflecting Manufacturer'S Recommendations for Nominal Specific Gravity
ML20081F5634 June 1991LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,providing Enhancements to Tech Specs Which Reflect Improvements Made to ATWS-RPT Instrumentation & Logic Sys
ML20024H30522 May 1991LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-15,changing TS Per Generic Ltr 89-01 to Relocate Procedural Details of Current Radioactive Effluent/Environ Monitoring Program to ODCM & Process Control Program
ML20073G08929 April 1991LaSalleForwards Core Operating Limits Rept for LaSalle County Station Unit 1,Reload 4 (Cycle 5), Per Generic Ltr 88-16
ML20024G78824 April 1991LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,changing Tech Specs to Provide Allowed Outage Time for Scram Discharge Vol (SDV) Vent & Drain Valves & Removing SDV Level Instrumentation from Control Rod Operability Tech Specs
ML20084U78616 April 1991LaSalleForwards Table Listing Status of Actions to Address NRC Bulletin 88-010 Re Installation of molded-case Circuit Breakers Supplied by Farwell & Hendricks & Nutherm Intl
ML20070U6632 April 1991LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,changing Tech Specs to Eliminate Use of Rod Sequence Control Sys & Reduce Low Power Setpoint Initiation for Rod Worth Minimizer to 10% of Rated Power Per NEDE-24011-P-A-9-US
ML20070U6491 April 1991LaSalleApplication for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18, Incorporating Requirements of Generic Ltr 88-01 Re IGSCC in BWR Stainless Steel Piping Into Tech Specs to Enhance Early Detection of High Energy Piping Failures