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 Issue dateTitleTopic
NLS2024051, Supplement to the Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-374, Revision to Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program3 July 2024Supplement to the Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-374, Revision to Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program
NLS2024025, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications Table, Control Rod Block Instrumentation9 May 2024License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications Table, Control Rod Block Instrumentation
NLS2023029, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Support Inspection of Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks6 September 2023License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Support Inspection of Diesel Fuel Oil Storage TanksSafe Shutdown
High winds
Mission time
Water Inventory Control
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Qualified Offsite Circuit
Abnormal operational transient
License Renewal
NLS2023018, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-580, Provide Exception from Entering Mode 4 with No Operable RHR Shutdown Cooling3 May 2023Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-580, Provide Exception from Entering Mode 4 with No Operable RHR Shutdown CoolingSurveillance Frequency Control Program
NLS2023007, Technical Specification Bases Changes17 April 2023Technical Specification Bases ChangesSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Stroke time
Water Inventory Control
Post Accident Monitoring
Qualified Offsite Circuit
High Energy Line Break
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Control of Heavy Loads
Power Operated Valves
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Offsite Circuit
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
Water hammer
NLS2022005, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-554, Revision 1, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage Requirements16 June 2022Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-554, Revision 1, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage RequirementsSurveillance Frequency Control Program
Pressure Boundary Leakage
NLS2021056, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-551, Revise Secondary Containment Surveillance Requirements16 November 2021Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-551, Revise Secondary Containment Surveillance RequirementsSurveillance Frequency Control Program
NLS2021015, (CNS) - Technical Specification Bases Changes16 April 2021(CNS) - Technical Specification Bases ChangesSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Half scram
Grab sample
Water Inventory Control
Incorporated by reference
Missed surveillance
Abnormal operational transient
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Feedwater Controller Failure
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Offsite Circuit
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
NLS2020004, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application Rules1 April 2020Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application RulesTime of Discovery
Incorporated by reference
Missed surveillance
NLS2020007, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-566, Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling Subsystems Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process1 April 2020Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-566, Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling Subsystems Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement ProcessSurveillance Frequency Control Program
NLS2019020, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit Mcpr.23 May 2019Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit Mcpr.Reactor Vessel Water Level
Anticipated operational occurrence
Abnormal operational transient
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Process Control Program
Fuel cladding
NLS2019022, Application for Technical Specifications Improvement to Eliminate Requirements for Hydrogen/Oxygen Monitors (TSTF-447, Rev. 1)23 May 2019Application for Technical Specifications Improvement to Eliminate Requirements for Hydrogen/Oxygen Monitors (TSTF-447, Rev. 1)Reactor Vessel Water Level
Post Accident Monitoring
Incorporated by reference
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
NLS2017048, Submittal of Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Revision 2, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control7 August 2017Submittal of Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Revision 2, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory ControlSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Stroke time
Water Inventory Control
Post Accident Monitoring
Operating Basis Earthquake
Qualified Offsite Circuit
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Scram Discharge Volume
Excess Flow Check Valve
Power Operated Valves
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Recently irradiated fuel
Offsite Circuit
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
Water hammer
NLS2017033, Technical Specification Bases Changes7 April 2017Technical Specification Bases ChangesUnanalyzed Condition
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Stroke time
Anticipated operational occurrence
Post Accident Monitoring
High Energy Line Break
Abnormal operational transient
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Scram Discharge Volume
Feedwater Controller Failure
Fuel cladding
Recently irradiated fuel
Operational leakage
NLS2016002, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF 535, Revise Shutdown Margin Definition to Address Advanced Fuel Designs.11 March 2016Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF 535, Revise Shutdown Margin Definition to Address Advanced Fuel Designs.Shutdown Margin
NLS2015040, Technical Specification Bases Changes15 April 2015Technical Specification Bases ChangesUnanalyzed Condition
NLS2014028, License Amendment Request to Move Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) and Single Loop Operation LHGR Limit from Technical Requirements Manual to Technical Specifications17 July 2014License Amendment Request to Move Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) and Single Loop Operation LHGR Limit from Technical Requirements Manual to Technical SpecificationsAnticipated operational occurrence
High Energy Line Break
Abnormal operational transient
Process Control Program
Feedwater Controller Failure
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
NLS2013050, Submittal of Technical Specification Base Changes25 April 2013Submittal of Technical Specification Base ChangesSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Half scram
Ultimate heat sink
Post Accident Monitoring
Qualified Offsite Circuit
High Energy Line Break
Abnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
Feedwater Controller Failure
Excess Flow Check Valve
Battery sizing
Fuel cladding
Recently irradiated fuel
Offsite Circuit
Power change
Subsequent actuation
ML12319A05521 November 2012Correction to Amendment No. 242 Technical Specification (TS) and Safety Evaluation, Revise TSs to Implement a 24-Month Fuel Cycle and Adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)-493, Revision 4, Option aReactor Vessel Water Level
Post Accident Monitoring
Scram Discharge Volume
Operability Determination
NLS2011093, Submittal of Technical Specification Bases Changes14 October 2011Submittal of Technical Specification Bases ChangesReactor Vessel Water Level
Battery sizing
Fuel cladding
Offsite Circuit
NLS2010029, Technical Specifications Bases Changes15 April 2010Technical Specifications Bases ChangesSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
Grab sample
Stroke time
Incorporated by reference
High Energy Line Break
Missed surveillance
Abnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
Feedwater Controller Failure
Fuel cladding
Offsite Circuit
Water hammer
NLS2008091, Technical Specification Bases Changes for Time Period from 03/15/2007 Through 09/04/200813 October 2008Technical Specification Bases Changes for Time Period from 03/15/2007 Through 09/04/2008Reactor Vessel Water Level
Half scram
Scram Discharge Volume
Feedwater Controller Failure
ML08303024424 September 2008Copper Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application, Appendix D, Technical Specification ChangesLicense Renewal
NLS2008002, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.7.3, Reactor Equipment Cooling System24 March 2008License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.7.3, Reactor Equipment Cooling SystemSafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Mission time
High Energy Line Break
Fuel cladding
NLS2008009, Application to Revise Technical Specifications Regarding Control Room Envelope Habitability in Accordance with TSTF-448-A, Revision 3, Using the Consolidated Item Improvement Process14 January 2008Application to Revise Technical Specifications Regarding Control Room Envelope Habitability in Accordance with TSTF-448-A, Revision 3, Using the Consolidated Item Improvement ProcessSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Post Accident Monitoring
Incorporated by reference
High Energy Line Break
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Deep Dose Equivalent
ML07228031510 August 2007Cooper - License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications - Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power RatioReactor Vessel Water Level
Anticipated operational occurrence
Abnormal operational transient
Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Fuel cladding
NLS2007032, SSP-07/405-C, Rev. 1, Gardel BWR - Power Distribution Uncertainties, Enclosure 511 May 2007SSP-07/405-C, Rev. 1, Gardel BWR - Power Distribution Uncertainties, Enclosure 5
NLS2007036, Technical Specification Bases Changes30 April 2007Technical Specification Bases ChangesSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
Qualified Offsite Circuit
Missed surveillance
Abnormal operational transient
Excess Flow Check Valve
Fuel cladding
Recently irradiated fuel
Offsite Circuit
NLS2006042, License Amendment Request for Revision of Technical Specification 3.10.1, Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic Testing Operation16 June 2006License Amendment Request for Revision of Technical Specification 3.10.1, Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic Testing OperationShutdown Margin
ML0722803164 May 2006Cooper, Gnf Additional Information Regarding the Requested Changes to the Technical Specification SLMCPR - Cooper Cycle 24 (GNF-A Report No. eDRF-0000-0046-6413), Enclosure 2
ML0612304672 May 2006Technical Specifications Inoperability of Snubbers
NLS2006010, Request for Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J and Corresponding Change to Technical Specifications 5.5.12, Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, Cooper Nuclear Station15 March 2006Request for Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J and Corresponding Change to Technical Specifications 5.5.12, Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, Cooper Nuclear StationLocal Leak Rate Testing
Exemption Request
ML06017062327 October 2005Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 212 Revision of the Required Channels Per Trip System for Primary and Secondary Containment Isolation and Control Room Emergency Filter System Instrumentation
NLS2005061, Letter to Provide Changes to Plant Technical Specification Bases Implemented Without NRC Approval25 July 2005Letter to Provide Changes to Plant Technical Specification Bases Implemented Without NRC ApprovalSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Stroke time
Abnormal operational transient
Fuel cladding
Offsite Circuit
NLS2004088, Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports22 November 2004Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Occupational Radiation Exposure ReportsIncorporated by reference
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
NLS2004122, License Amendment Request to Revise the Required Channels Per Trip System for Primary and Secondary Containment Isolation and Control Room Emergency Filter System Instrumentation25 October 2004License Amendment Request to Revise the Required Channels Per Trip System for Primary and Secondary Containment Isolation and Control Room Emergency Filter System InstrumentationReactor Vessel Water Level
Fuel cladding
NLS2004099, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications - Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio25 October 2004License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications - Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power RatioReactor Vessel Water Level
Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Anticipated operational occurrence
Abnormal operational transient
Fuel cladding
ML0425100921 September 2004Tech Spec Page for Amendment 206 Regarding LOCA Dose Methodology and Resolution of Remaining License Condition 2.C.(6)Safe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
NLS2004007, License Amendment Request - One-Time Extension of Surveillance Requirements30 January 2004License Amendment Request - One-Time Extension of Surveillance RequirementsReactor Vessel Water Level
Large early release frequency
Battery sizing
Fuel cladding
NLS2004005, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.9 Pressure Temperature (P/T) Curves Figures 3.4.9-1, 3.4.9-2, and 3.4.9-329 January 2004License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.9 Pressure Temperature (P/T) Curves Figures 3.4.9-1, 3.4.9-2, and 3.4.9-3Unanalyzed Condition
Finite Element Analysis
Abnormal operational transient
Power Uprate
NLS2003098, Technical Specification Bases Changes5 September 2003Technical Specification Bases ChangesHalf scram
Missed surveillance
Scram Discharge Volume
Feedwater Controller Failure
Offsite Circuit
Power change
NLS2003066, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.5.1 to Incorporate TS Task Force (TSTF) 318 for One Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) Pump Inoperable in Each of the Two Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) Divisions25 August 2003License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.5.1 to Incorporate TS Task Force (TSTF) 318 for One Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) Pump Inoperable in Each of the Two Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) Divisions
NLS2003077, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification (TS) Surveillance Requirement (SR) and TS Table for Mathematical Symbols and Use of Allowable Values25 August 2003License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification (TS) Surveillance Requirement (SR) and TS Table for Mathematical Symbols and Use of Allowable ValuesAffidavit
NLS2003022, License Amendment Request to Revise TS Surveillance Requirements for Locked, Sealed, or Secured Secondary Containment Isolation Valves15 July 2003License Amendment Request to Revise TS Surveillance Requirements for Locked, Sealed, or Secured Secondary Containment Isolation ValvesHigh Radiation Area
ML03203061015 July 2003Issuance of License Amendment 200 Re. Changes to Title of Shift Supervisor to Shift Manaager and Changes Plant-Specific Titles to Generic Titles Consistent with TSTF-65, Rev. 1
NLS2002098, Application for Technical Specification Change Regarding Missed Surveillance Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process26 September 2002Application for Technical Specification Change Regarding Missed Surveillance Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement ProcessTime of Discovery
Incorporated by reference
Missed surveillance
ML0213004679 May 2002Tech Spec Pages, Amendment No. 191 Correction of Errors in Technical SpecificationFuel cladding
ML02045003112 February 2002Technical Specification Page for Correction of Typographical Error in Amendment 178