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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-2023-075, Response to Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regarding Exemption Request, License Amendment Request and Revised Response in Support of a Risk-Informed Resolution of Generic Letter 2004-029 June 2023Response to Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regarding Exemption Request, License Amendment Request and Revised Response in Support of a Risk-Informed Resolution of Generic Letter 2004-02Boric Acid
Non-Destructive Examination
Weld Overlay
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Functionality Assessment
Condition Adverse to Quality
Aging Management
Stress corrosion cracking
Operability Determination
License Renewal
Exemption Request
Liquid penetrant
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Through Wall Leak
Through-Wall Leakage
Fire Protection Program
Dissimilar Metal Weld
DM weld
Grace period
Unidentified leakage
Unidentified leak
Power Uprate
Operational leakage
ML16081A18929 February 20160520025, Revision 16, Process Control Program.Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Process Control Program
License Renewal
L-2012-323, Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Protocol10 August 2012Strainer Fiber Bypass Test ProtocolGrab sample
L-2012-191, Responses to Requests for Additional Information Related to LAR 210, DC Sources30 April 2012Responses to Requests for Additional Information Related to LAR 210, DC SourcesBattery sizing
L-2012-077, License Amendment Request No. 220, Permanent Alternate Repair Criteria (H*) for Steam Generator Expansion Region30 April 2012License Amendment Request No. 220, Permanent Alternate Repair Criteria (H*) for Steam Generator Expansion RegionNondestructive Examination
Stress corrosion cracking
Power Uprate
Operational leakage
ML12024A37728 December 2011State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses, Staff Interface with Stakeholders
SBK-L-11044, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Renewal Environmental Report16 March 2011Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Renewal Environmental Report
ML04328032422 November 2004ATC Operating Instruction Revision 1: Transmission Line Right-of-Way Forestry Specification
ML0508800627 May 2004Licensee Procedure, HPIP 4.58, Issuance of Respiratory Equipment Revision 14
ML05192022021 April 2004Np 8.4.10 Exclusion of Foreign Material from Plant Components and SystemsTemporary Modification
Zebra Mussel
Foreign Material Exclusion
ML05088007019 March 2004Licensee Procedure HPIP 4.58 Issuance of Respiratory Equipment, Revision 13
ML04127028613 February 2004Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual, Revision 26
ML03086060818 March 2003Administrative Procedure, Site Perimeter and Offsite Monitoring and Environmental Sampling, Revision 29, Change 01Grab sample
ML0306305386 February 2003AFW Pump Normal Operation and Testing Pre-job Briefing Requirements
ML03079008230 October 2002Temporary Change Review and Approval, OI 62A, Rev 21, Motor-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater System (P-38A and P-38B
ML03079006030 October 2002Temporary Change Review and Approval, OI 62B, Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater System (P-29)High winds
Design basis earthquake
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
ML03087080729 October 2002Temporary Change Review and Approval, ECA-0.0, Rev 31, Loss of All AC Power
ML03087080224 October 2002Procedure Record and Field Copy Tracking, Procedure IT 10, Rev 45
ML03087078623 October 2002Procedure Record and Field Copy Tracking, Procedure IT 10, Rev 45
ML0307707106 October 2002Procedure IT 300B, Rev. 10, S/G B Mf Line Check Valves (Csd) Unit 1
ML03077063825 September 2002Temporary Change Review & Approval, OM 4.3.2, Eop/Aop Verification/Validation Process
ML03077062025 September 2002Temporary Change Review & Approval OM 4.3.1, Rev. 5, AOP & EOP Writer'S Guide.Boric Acid
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Process Control Program
ML03077039716 September 2002OI 150, Rev. 1, Heating Condensate Storage Tanks.
ML0308707003 June 2002Page 14 of Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-5B, Revision 21, Loss of Instrument Air
ML03087069016 May 2002Page 12 of Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-10A, Revision 33, Safe Shutdown - Local ControlSafe Shutdown
ML0307307476 March 2002Plant Procedure Np 7.2.3, Engineering Change Requests, Revision 6Temporary Modification
ML03073073818 February 2002Pages 6 & 8 of Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-1 0, Control Room Inaccessibility
ML03073073618 February 2002Pages 1-18 of Abnormal Operating Procedure AOP-1 0, Control Room Inaccessibility
ML0308705666 February 2002Temporary Change Review and Approval, IT 10, Temp Change No. 2002-0048Safe Shutdown
High winds
Fire Barrier
Stroke time
Manual Operator Action
ML0508800616 February 2002Licensee Procedure HPIP 4.40 TEDE ALARA Evaluation, Revision 0
ML0308705596 February 2002Temporary Change Review and Approval, IT 10, Temp Change No. 2002-0047
ML0307307316 February 2002Temporary Change Review and Approval, IT 10, Rev 43, Temp Change No. 2002-0048Safe Shutdown
High winds
Fire Barrier
Stroke time
Manual Operator Action
L-76-415, Forwards Preoperational Test Procedure No. 0700080B,, Steam Generator Feedwater Hammer Test.7 December 1976Forwards Preoperational Test Procedure No. 0700080B,, Steam Generator Feedwater Hammer Test.
L-76-184, Letter Transmitting Supplemental Information Related to Proposed Modification of Spent Fuel Storage Facility Originally Submitted on January 28, 197610 May 1976Letter Transmitting Supplemental Information Related to Proposed Modification of Spent Fuel Storage Facility Originally Submitted on January 28, 1976Earthquake
ML18227E2006 May 1976Submit Revised Field Manual, Groundwater Monitoring Program and Interceptor Ditch Operation.
ML18227D1354 May 1976Letter Transmitting Latest Proposed Revision to the Turkey Point Requalification Procedure, A. P. 0301License Renewal
L-76-178, Responding to Letter of 4/6/1976, Letter Transmitting Supplemental Information Related to Proposed Modification of Spent Fuel Storage Facility Originally Submitted on January 28, 197630 April 1976Responding to Letter of 4/6/1976, Letter Transmitting Supplemental Information Related to Proposed Modification of Spent Fuel Storage Facility Originally Submitted on January 28, 1976