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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20056E51731 August 1993Technical Review Rept, Tardy Licensee Actions
ML20248F00029 September 1989Debris in Containment Recirculation Sumps, Technical Review ReptBoric Acid
Foreign Material Exclusion
ML20248C13117 July 1989Diagnostic Evaluation Team Rept for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant,Units 1 & 2Safe Shutdown
Grab sample
Fire Barrier
Stroke time
Weld Overlay
Condition Adverse to Quality
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Operability Determination
Commercial Grade
Offsite Circuit
Hourly Fire Watch
Power Uprate
Water hammer
ML20245B60631 August 1988Inadequate NPSH in HPSI Sys in Pwrs, Engineering Evaluation Rept
ML20204J61431 August 1988AEOD/E807, Pump Damage Due to Low Flow CavitationIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Integrated leak rate test
ML20196G52515 June 1988Technical Review Rept T809, Blocked Thimble Tubes/Stuck Incore Detector
ML20245H96015 April 1988BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding, AEOD Engineering Evaluation ReptSafe Shutdown
ML20148D06717 March 1988Headquarters Daily Rept for 880317Local Leak Rate Testing
Eddy Current Testing
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
ML20148B32914 March 1988Headquarters Daily Rept for 880314
ML20196H6358 March 1988Headquarters Daily Rept for 880308Missed surveillance
ML20196G8883 March 1988Headquarters Daily Rept for 880303Half scram
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Liquid penetrant
ML20147E3966 January 1988Rept of Interview W/Rg Lagrange on 841206 & 14 to Discuss Info Contained in B Hayes 841017 Memo Identifying Series of Submittals Received from Util Between 1980 & 1984
ML20147E3216 January 1988Rept of Interview W/Rg Lagrange to Discuss Gpu 830520 & s Re Environ Qualification equipment.Marked-up 850409 Statement from H Hukill Also Encl
ML20237L30024 August 1987AEOD/E709 Engineering Evaluation Rept Re Auxiliary Feedwater Trips Caused by Low Suction Pressure.Draft Info Notice EnclEarthquake
ML20235L75910 July 1987LER Quality Evaluation for Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 During Feb 1986 - May 1987Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20235C93123 June 1987Rept to ACRS Re Humboldt Bay Unit 3 - Core II
ML20212F65831 December 1986Technical Review Rept, Degradation of Safety Sys Due to Component Misalignment &/Or Mispositioned Control/Selector SwitchesBoric Acid
Operator Manual Action
Overspeed trip
ML20212D90923 December 1986Localized Rod Cluster Control Assembly (Rcca) Wear at PWR Plants, Engineering Evaluation ReptShutdown Margin
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20212B03217 December 1986Emergency Diesel Generator Component Failures Due to Vibration, Engineering Evaluation ReptOverspeed trip
ML20214R4859 October 1986Initial OL Review Rept for Seabrook Station Unit 1Safe Shutdown
Non-Destructive Examination
Nondestructive Examination
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Integrated leak rate test
Eddy Current Testing
Exemption Request
Liquid penetrant
Fire Protection Program
Water hammer
ML20212K6647 August 1986Inadvertent Recirculation Actuation Signals at C-E Plants, Technical Review Rept
ML20206H0873 March 1986Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-85-A-013 Re Const Activities.Addl Info Requested from Alleger.Case Closed Due to Lack of Response.Related Info Encl
ML20206H07621 January 1986Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-085 Re Alteration of Personnel Records.Based on Resolution of Allegation 4-84-A-094,case Closed
ML20137X6159 January 1986Engineering Evaluation of Deficient Operator Actions Following Dual Function Valve Failures
ML20234F56017 December 1985Draft Hazards AnalysisEarthquake
ML20234F47517 December 1985Licensing of Power Reactors by Aec
ML20137Y7045 December 1985AEOD/T515, RHR Svc Water Booster Pump Air Binding at Brunswick Unit 1, Technical Review Rept.Licensee Will Change RHR Svc Water Vent Line During Next Plant Shutdown
ML20214T22125 November 1985Initial OL Review Rept:Millstone Point Unit 3Coatings
Nondestructive Examination
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20206H06215 October 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-85-A-045 Re Inadequate Handling/Installation Procedures for Equipment, Vendor Control Programs & Spare Parts.Based on Insp Rept 50-482/85-22,case Closed
ML20206H0372 October 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-85-A-044 Re Lack of Effective QA Programs & QC Insps.Based on Insp Rept 50-482/85-22,allegation Closed
IR 05000482/198501930 September 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-85-A-050 Re Mishandling of Document Control Program.Concerns Addressed in Insp Rept 50-482/85-19.Dept of Labor & Allegation Cases Closed
ML20206H01327 September 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-076 Re Vague Administrative Procedures,Calibr Program Not Working,Test Engineer Authority & Harassment.Based on Insp Rept 50-482/85-03,case Closed
ML20137B12316 September 1985HPCS Sys Relief Valve Failures, Engineering Evaluation Rept
ML20206G8433 September 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-013 Re Improper Termination of Employee Due to Refusal to Weld Laminated Pipe.Welding non-safety Related.Case Closed on 850827.W/ 840315 Telcon Record & Addl Info
ML20209G57629 August 1985AEOD/T509, Inadequate Surveillance Testing Procedures for Degraded Voltage & Undervoltage Relays Associated W/4,160- Volt Emergency Buses, Technical Review Rept.Further AEOD Action Required If Addl Events Identified
IR 05000482/198503128 August 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-85-A-077 Re 6 Rem Exposure in Containment Bldg Due to Pipe Break.Allegation Investigated During Insp 50-482/85-31 on 850715-19 & Found UnsubstantiatedOverexposure
ML20206G80527 August 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-114 Re Drugs Planted at Plant.Evidence Destroyed in Testing.Based on Insp Rept 50-482/85-03 & Mullikin 850429 Memo,Case Closed
ML20206G77827 August 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-195 Re Quality First.Fuel Load Issue Resolved in Insp Rept 50-482/85-10. Technical Issues to Be Resolved Prior to Full Power Licensing.Case Closed w/850815 Memo to File
ML20209G3059 August 1985Closure of ECCS Min Flow Valves, Engineering Evaluation Rept.Recommends IE Issue Info Notice to Remind Licensees of Importance of Min Flow Bypass Capability as Essential Pump Protection Feature
ML20206H10230 July 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-008 Re Improper Const Practices.Insp Rept 50-482/84-12 Issued on 841012 & Closeout Ltr Sent on 850405
ML20206H08030 July 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-007 Re Intimidation of QC Inspector.Forwards Documents Closing Allegation.W/O Encls
ML20147E44020 June 1985Rept of Interview W/Cw Smyth on 850510.Smyth Advised of Unfamiliarity W/Environ Qualification Program in Technical Sense & W/Documentation Needed to Qualify Individual components.Marked-up Lw Harding Statement Encl
ML20129G30313 May 1985Valve Stem Susceptibility to IGSCC Due to Improper Heat Treatment, Engineering Evaluation ReptAnchor Darling
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20199G0703 May 1985Partially Withheld Statement of Decision Re Allegation AQ-38 Concerning Alleged Harassment of QC Inspectors Upon Observation of Weld Defects on vendor-inspected Restraints. Allegation Substantiated.Addl Allegation Repts EnclCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20147H01016 April 1985Draft Summary Rept for Regional Evaluation of Texas Utils Electric Co,Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station
ML20206G91512 March 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-015 Re Harassment of Mechanical/Welding QC Inspector for Writing Nonconformance Rept Re Improper Welding Amperage by Superintendent.Util Rept Issued & Case Closed
ML20147G99031 January 1985Summary Rept for Regional Evaluation of Texas Utils Electric Co,Comanche Peak Steam Electric StationSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
High Energy Line Break
Control of Heavy Loads
Liquid penetrant
ML20205Q76918 January 1985Status Rept Mechanical/Piping Area. Related Info Encl
ML20206G8869 January 1985Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-85-A-004 Re Electrical Installations.Insp Required.Related Info EnclBoric Acid
Feedwater Heater
Exclusive Use
Overspeed trip
ML20214R56831 December 1984Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Initial OL Readiness AssessmentSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
Fire Protection Program