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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217A98130 October 1999Forwards Sept 1999 Performance Indicator Data Rept for Revised Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Program.Rept Includes Data Through Aug 1999 (two-thirds of 3rd Quarter of 1999) for 13 Units at 9 Pilot Sites
ML20212C07615 September 1999Notification of 990930 Meeting with Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Recent Submittal Requesting Five Percent Power Uprate
ML20210F69827 July 1999Discusses 990430 Request for Waiver of 10CFR170 Fees for Certain Insp Efforts Re NRR Pilot Regulatory Oversight Program.Determined That Thirteen Plants in Pilot Program Will Be Exempted from 10CFR170 Fees for Insp Efforts
ML20196H84928 June 1999Forwards June 1999 Performance Indicator (PI) Data Rept for Revised Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Program.Rept Constitutes Second Monthly PI Data Submittal from Pilot Plant Licensees,Which Includes Data Through May 1999
ML20212J32023 June 1999Forwards Proposed Change to STSs for Review & Comment.Change Would Remove TS Requirements for ESF Features to Be Operable After Sufficient Radioactive Decay Has Occurred to Ensure Off Site Doses Remain Below SRP LimitsStroke time
Anticipated operational occurrence
Qualified Offsite Circuit
Fuel cladding
Recently irradiated fuel
Offsite Circuit
ML20210F70230 April 1999Requests Waiver of Fees for Thirteen Dockets That Compromise Plant Population for NRR Pilot Regulatory Oversight Program. Purposes of Pilot Program Described in Commission Papers SECY-99-007 & SECY-99-007A
DD-99-05, Forwards Monthly Rept on Status of 10CFR2.206 Petition as of 990331.During March,Director'S Decision (DD-99-06) on Browns Ferry & DD on Army Corps of Engineers Was Issued & (DD-99-05) on Diablo Canyon Became Final Agency Action20 April 1999Forwards Monthly Rept on Status of 10CFR2.206 Petition as of 990331.During March,Director'S Decision (DD-99-06) on Browns Ferry & DD on Army Corps of Engineers Was Issued & (DD-99-05) on Diablo Canyon Became Final Agency Action
ML20205P62714 April 1999Notification of 990428 Meeting with Util to Discuss Proposed Asset Transfer Between Duquesne Light Co & First Energy Nuclear Operating Co & Associated License Transfer of Beaver Valley Power Station Per 10CFR50.80
ML20205B88726 March 1999Notification of 990415 Meeting with Utils in Knoxville,Tn to Visit Test Site & Discuss Test Program for ECCS Suppression Pool Suction Strainer.Context of Meeting Considered Entirely Proprietary
ML20207L19016 March 1999Informs That NRC Staff Set Up Single Electronic Mail Address to Receive All Communications (Including Service of Filings) Re CP&L Proceeding.All Electronic Communications Should Be Sent to Counsel for NRC Staff at New Electronic Address
ML20199L05121 January 1999Notification of 990222 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md for Ucs to Present Addl Info & Clarify Issues Raised in Two 10CFR2.206 Petitions Re River Bend Station & Perry Nuclear Power Plant
ML20207G56212 January 1999Requests That Nc Denr & Div of Radiation Protection Use Whatever State Sources Necessary to Do Thorough Independent Technical,Regulatory,Safety,Risk & Engineering Review of Proposed Amend.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990309
ML20198R8837 January 1999Forwards SER Accepting Licensee 971015 Request to Amend Perry Nuclear Power Plant TSs 5.2.2.e to Remove Reference to GL 82-12 & Require Administrative Controls Be Established Which Will Ensure Adequate Shift Coverage
ML20196D94530 November 1998Notification of 981204 Meeting with Centerior Svc Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Revs to Licensing Basis for Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves
ML20195B8559 November 1998Notification of 981119 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Revisions to Licensing Basis for Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves
ML20238F8661 September 1998Forwards Licensee Revs to Svc List for Placing in PDR
ML20238F33431 August 1998Notification of 980915 Meeting W/Centerior Service Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Submittal Based Upon Revised Accident Source Term That Deletes MSIV Leakage Control Sys & Relaxes MSIV Leakage Limits
ML20238F58628 August 1998Notification of 980909 Meeting w/BWR/6S:EOI & Listed Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss W/Nrc Planned Applications by Licensees to Reduce Operability Requirements During Refueling Outages
ML20238F18628 August 1998Notification of 980910 Meeting W/Centerior Service Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Revs to Licensing Basis for Feedwater Containment Isolation Valves
ML20248F4572 June 1998Notification of 980625 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Analytical Testing Bases for Mark III ECCS Suction Strainer
ML20216D85514 April 1998Forwards Signed Original of Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty.Addl 5 Copies & Disk Encl,For Use.W/O Encl
ML20197B7836 March 1998Notification of 980331 Meeting W/Ceic in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Testing Program for ECCS Suction Strainer. (Proprietary Info Will Be Discussed)
ML20217B8446 March 1998Notification of Cancellation of 980331 Meeting in Rockville, MD to Discuss Proposed Testing Program for ECCS Suction Strainer
ML20199A30713 November 1997Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept (Included Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered During Wk of 970825Safe Shutdown
Job Performance Measure
Feedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
Fire Protection Program
Power change
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
Water hammer
ML20199A32913 November 1997Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-440/97-309OL on 970825-30 w/as-given Written Exam
ML20198F1477 August 1997Discusses Dam Safety Audit at Plant Auxiliary Reservoir Dam. Draft Ltr for Use in Transmitting FERC Rept to Licensee, Action List of NRC Requested Licensee Actions,Info Re Natl Inventory of Dams & Insp Rept,Dtd 970630,encl
ML20205M33328 July 1997Provides Final Agenda for Region II Enforcement Meeting to Be Held on 970730.OI Attendance Requested for Issue Involving Termination of Turkey Point Radwaste Operator Who Failed to Follow ProcedureFire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
ML20138D84529 April 1997Notification of 970508 Meeting W/Clei in Rockville,Md to Discuss Priorities & Schedules of Licensing Issues for Plant
ML20147J22710 April 1997Forwards for Transmittal Notice of Proposed Merger for Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1
ML20136F97413 March 1997Notification of 970324 Meeting W/Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Emergency Core Cooling Sys Suction Strainer 1/4 Scale Test Rept & to Discuss Acoustic Methodology Applied to Upper Lift Load
ML20135E4785 March 1997Notification of 970306 Meeting W/Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co in Rockville,Md to Review Emergency Core Cooling Sys Suction Strainer 1/4 Scale Test Rept.Meeting Cancelled
ML20134Q12725 February 1997Notification of 970306 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Review Emergency Core Cooling Sys Suction Strainer 1/4 Scale Test Rept & to Discuss Acoustic Methodology Applied to Upper Lift Load Reduction
ML20138J7675 February 1997Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Generic Fundamentals Exam Section of Written Operator Licenseing Exam on 970409. Ltr W/Copy to Chief,Operator Licensing Branch Must Be Submitted to Listed Address in Order to Register PersonnelGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML20134P90126 November 1996Notification of 961204 Meeting W/Clei & Teco in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential Submittals Concerning Proposed Merger of Centerior Energy Co & Oec
ML20134E91929 October 1996Forwards Rationale for Inital Plants Selected for Design Insps & for Plants Considered for Second Quarter FY97 Design Insps
ML20128G5753 October 1996Forwards Ltr to Be Sent to Licensees of Six Pressurized Water Reactor Plants That Have Used Fuel Mfg by Siemens Power Corp Since 1986.Licensees Requested to Verify Compliance of 10CFR50.46 W/RegulationsBackfit
ML20134B79224 June 1996Discusses Results of Audit Review of Changes to Siemens Large Break ECCS Evaluation Model
ML20149E8162 August 1994Forwards Fr Notice of License Amend Requests Proposed Merger of Toledo Edison Co & Cleveland Electric Illumianting Co Antitrust Determination
NUREG-1299, Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl29 June 1994Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl
ML20059E5036 January 1994Forwards Results of on-site EQ Review of Related Info at Plant in Support of Staff Task Action to Identify & Address Existing EQ Issues & Concerns.Encl 1 Provides Results of Staff Review.Encl 2 Provides Draft Ltr to Transmit InfoCommercial Grade Dedication
Fire Protection Program
ML20058N48115 December 1993Informs of Decision to Expand Senior Mgt Oversight of Selected Plants,Per Recent Meeting W/J Martin & H Miller. Lists Assignment of Managers,Effective Immediately
ML20058M03513 December 1993Notification of 931214 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Fuel Failure Root Cause Analysis
ML20057G30015 October 1993Notification of 931028 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Course of Action Plan to Improve Performance of Plant Over Next Several Yrs
ML20057D5251 September 1993Forwards 2.206 Petition Submitted by Capella,Wene & O'Connell Re Poor Performance of Plant.W/O Encl
ML20056G01826 August 1993Notification of 930902 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Facility IST
ML20056E71419 August 1993Notification of 930831 Meeting w/BWR-6 Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Pending Amend Submittals to Adopt Improved Standardized TS
ML20062C28518 October 1990Forwards Stipulation of Agreed Facts Between Licensee,Nrc Staff & Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy, Signed by Three Parties.Original Stipulation Returned to Silberg. W/O Encl
ML20059M02717 September 1990Forwards Amend to Facility License,Removing cycle-specific Parameters from Tech Specs.W/O Encl
ML20059H2095 September 1990Provides Recipients & Hiatt W/Util Proposed Amend to Delete Values of cycle-specific Parameters of Each Core from Tech Specs
ML20056A36424 July 1990Requests Addition of Listed Name to Svc List for Plant Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900726