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ML20217N42625 October 1999Forwards Amend 17 to License DPR-9 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TS by Deleting SR D.3.c,which Required Weekly Observation of Nitrogen Cover Gas Pressure within Sodium Storage Tanks Located in Sodium Building
NRC-99-0085, Forwards Rev 15 to Fermi 2 Security Personnel Training & Qualification Plan, IAW 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Without Encl22 October 1999Forwards Rev 15 to Fermi 2 Security Personnel Training & Qualification Plan, IAW 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Without EnclEmergency Lighting
NRC-99-0094, Forwards Safeguards Event Rept 99-S01-00 for Reportable Event That Occurred on 990922.Commitments Made by Util Listed22 October 1999Forwards Safeguards Event Rept 99-S01-00 for Reportable Event That Occurred on 990922.Commitments Made by Util ListedSignificance Determination Process
ML20217P16621 October 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-341/99-17 on 990927-1005.No Violations Noted
ML20217M07719 October 1999Confirms Discussion Between GL Shear,M Mitchell,E Kosky, D Williams,B Rumins,D Harmon & W Rutenberg in Public Meeting on 990923.Purpose of Meeting Was to Discuss Current Status RP Program at Enrico Fermi 2
ML20217N92315 October 1999Forwards Approved UFSAR Lcrs That Have Not Been Incorporated Into UFSAR Hardcopy (Sorted by Section), Rev 40
ML20217E56714 October 1999First Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App a Already Available in Pdr.App B Records Encl & Being Released in Entirety
ML20217F82313 October 1999Informs That on 990930,NRC Completed mid-cycle PPR of Catawba Nuclear Station.Based on Review,Nrc Did Not Identify Any New Areas That Warranted More than Core Insp Program Over Next Five Months.Historical Listing of Issues,EnclFire Barrier
ML20217H00413 October 1999Forwards MOR for Sept 1999 & Revised MOR for Aug 1999 for Catawba Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2
NRC-99-0087, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-341/99-10.Licensee Contests Subject Violation,Due to Listed Reasons12 October 1999Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-341/99-10.Licensee Contests Subject Violation,Due to Listed ReasonsSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Anticipated operational occurrence
Post Accident Monitoring
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20217F5937 October 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-341/99-11 on 990724-0908.Two Violations Re Failure to Follow Procedures While Sampling Standby Liquid Control Tank & Wear Dosimetry Properly Being Treated as Noncited Violations
ML20217D5337 October 1999Forwards Approved UFSAR Lcrs That Have Not Been Incorporated Into UFSAR Hardcopy (Sorted by Section), Rev 39
NRC-99-0083, Submits Requested Response to GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal7 October 1999Submits Requested Response to GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal
ML20217F1307 October 1999Forwards Rev 1 to Request for Relief 99-03 from Requirements of ASME B&PV Code,In Order to Seek Relief from Performing Individual Valve Testing for Certain Valves in DG Starting (Vg) Sys
ML20217B8264 October 1999Forwards Summary of Decommissioning Insp Plan for Fy 2000. Plan Will Be Updated Annually & May Be Revised at Any Time Based Upon Future Insp Findings,Events & Resource Availability
ML20212J8121 October 1999Discusses Plant,Unit 2 Completion of Licensing Action for GL 98-01 & Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Ack Efforts That Licensee Have Completed to Date in Preparing Plant for Y2K Transition
ML20212J3011 October 1999Forwards Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR54.17(c) Re Schedule for Submitting Application for Operating License Renewal.Se Also EnclAging Management
License Renewal
Exemption Request
ML20217K2651 October 1999Forwards Retake Exams Repts 50-413/99-302 & 50-414/99-302 on 990921-23.Two of Three ROs & One SRO Who Received Administrative Section of Exam Passed Retake Exam, Representing 75 Percent Pass Rate
ML20212K88830 September 1999Refers to 990928 Meeting Conducted at Fermi Unit 2 to Discuss Initiatives in Risk Area & to Establish Dialog Between SRAs & PSA Staff
ML20217A32630 September 1999Forwards Approved UFSAR Lcrs That Have Not Been Incorporated Into UFSAR Hardcopy (Sorted by Section), Rev 38
ML20212J83327 September 1999Responds to Licensee 990924 Request That NRC Exercise Discretion Not to Enforce Compliance with Actions Required in TS 3/ Documents 990923 Telcon with Util in Which NRC Orally Issued NOEDEnforcement Discretion
NRC-99-0091, Forwards NRC Form 536,in Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations27 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 536,in Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExaminationsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
05000414/LER-1999-004, Forwards LER 99-004-01,providing Correction to Info Previously Provided in Rev 0 of Rept.Planned Corrective Actions Contain Commitments27 September 1999Forwards LER 99-004-01,providing Correction to Info Previously Provided in Rev 0 of Rept.Planned Corrective Actions Contain Commitments
05000413/LER-1999-015, Forwards LER 99-015-00 Re Inoperability of Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Sys That Exceeded TS Limits Due to Improperly Positioned Vortex Damper.Commitments Are Contained in Corrective Actions Section of Encl Rept27 September 1999Forwards LER 99-015-00 Re Inoperability of Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Sys That Exceeded TS Limits Due to Improperly Positioned Vortex Damper.Commitments Are Contained in Corrective Actions Section of Encl Rept
ML20217A79124 September 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-413/99-05 & 50-414/99-05 on 990718- 0828 at Catawba Facility.Nine NCVs Identified Involving Inadequate Corrective Actions Associated with Degraded Svc Water Supply Piping to Auxiliary Feedwater Sys
ML20212E64724 September 1999Discusses GL 98-01 Issued by NRC on 980511 & DPC Responses for Catawba NPP & 990615.Informs That NRC Reviewed Response for Catawba & Concluded That All Requested Info Provided.Considers GL 98-01 to Be Closed for Catawba
ML20216G97924 September 1999Forwards Approved UFSAR Lcrs That Have Not Been Incorporated Into UFSAR Hardcopy (Sorted by Section), Rev 37
NRC-99-0092, Documents Util Request for Enforcement Discretion with Respect to Requirements of TS 3/ Re Drywell & Suppression Chamber Purge Sys24 September 1999Documents Util Request for Enforcement Discretion with Respect to Requirements of TS 3/ Re Drywell & Suppression Chamber Purge SysEnforcement Discretion
ML20216H35623 September 1999Informs That During 990914 Telcon,L Sanders & M Bielby Made Arrangements with NRC to Inspect Licensed Operator Requalification Program at Fermi Nuclear Station for Week of 991129 Which Coincides with Util Regularly Scheduled Exam
ML20216H45423 September 1999Informs That During 990914 Telcon L Sanders & M Bielby Made Arrangements for Administration of Licensing Exams at Fermi Nuclear Station for Week of Jan 31,2000.NRC Will Make Exam Validation Visit to Facility During Week of Jan 10,2000
ML20212F09421 September 1999Discusses Closeout of GL 97-06, Degradation of Steam Generator Internals for Cns,Units 1 & 2
ML20212M20020 September 1999Confirms 990913 Telcon Between M Purser & R Carroll Re Management Meeting to Be Conducted on 991026 in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Operator Licensing Issues
05000414/LER-1999-005, Forwards LER 99-005-00 Re Missed EDG TS Surveillance Concerning Verification of Availability of Offsite Power Sources Resulted from Defective Procedure.Planned Corrective Actions Stated in Rept Represent Regulatory Commitments20 September 1999Forwards LER 99-005-00 Re Missed EDG TS Surveillance Concerning Verification of Availability of Offsite Power Sources Resulted from Defective Procedure.Planned Corrective Actions Stated in Rept Represent Regulatory Commitments
ML20212F32420 September 1999Forwards Approved UFSAR Lcrs That Have Not Been Incorporated Into UFSAR Hardcopy (Sorted by Section), Rev 36
NRC-99-0081, Submits Eight Relief Requests Associated with Containment Inservice Exam Program for Fermi 2 Plant,Per Provisions of 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv).Requested Relief Does Not Adversely Affect Health & Safety of Public17 September 1999Submits Eight Relief Requests Associated with Containment Inservice Exam Program for Fermi 2 Plant,Per Provisions of 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv).Requested Relief Does Not Adversely Affect Health & Safety of PublicCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Moisture barrier
ML20212D53215 September 1999Informs That Duke Energy Corp Agrees to Restrict Max Fuel Rod Average Burnup to 60,000 Mwd/Mtu,In Order to Support NRC Final Approval & Issuance of Requested Amend
ML20212A41314 September 1999Informs That TR DPC-NE-2009P Submitted in 990817 Affidavit, Marked Proprietary,Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure, Pursuant to 10CFR2.709(b) & Section 103(b) of Atomic Energy Act of 1954,as AmendedAffidavit
ML20212B46414 September 1999Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 & Revised Monthly Operating Rept for Catawba Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2
ML20212M19313 September 1999Refers to 990909 Meeting Conducted at Region II Office Re Presentation of Licensee self-assessment of Catawba Nuclear Station Performance.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation Handout Encl
ML20212A37510 September 1999Informs That Postponing Implementation of New Conditions Improved by RG 1.147,rev 12,acceptable Since Evaluation on Relief Based on Implementation Code Case for Duration of Insp IntervalThrough-Wall Leakage
ML20217A9429 September 1999Informs That NRC Plan to Conduct Addl Resident Insps Beyond Core Insp Program Over Next 6 Months to Assess Improvements in Areas of Procedural Compliance & Quality of Work. Historical Listing of Plant Issues Encl
NRC-99-0079, Forwards Rev 15 to Fermi 2 ITS Submittal,Dtd 980403.Rev Provide Update for Remaining Open Issues Associated with NRC Review of ITS Submittal.Attachment 1 Contains Brief Abstract of Changes Included in Rev8 September 1999Forwards Rev 15 to Fermi 2 ITS Submittal,Dtd 980403.Rev Provide Update for Remaining Open Issues Associated with NRC Review of ITS Submittal.Attachment 1 Contains Brief Abstract of Changes Included in Rev
ML20212A5198 September 1999Requests NRC Approval for Relief from Requirements of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,1989 Edition,App VI,VI-2430(c) & 2440(b).Approval of 99-GO-002 Is Requested by 000301
NRC-99-0090, Forwards Proprietary Operator License Renewal Application, NRC Forms 398 & 396 for SW Burt,License SOP-30199-3. Proprietary Encls Withheld3 September 1999Forwards Proprietary Operator License Renewal Application, NRC Forms 398 & 396 for SW Burt,License SOP-30199-3. Proprietary Encls Withheld
ML20211Q0993 September 1999Forwards Rev 35 to Approved UFSAR Lcrs That Have Not Been Incorporated Into UFSAR Hardcopy (Sorted by Section)
05000413/LER-1999-014, Forwards LER 99-014-00, Missed Surveillance & Operation Prohibited by TS Occurred as Result of Defective Procedures or Program & Inappropriate TS Requirements. Planned Corrective Action Stated in Rept Represents Commitment1 September 1999Forwards LER 99-014-00, Missed Surveillance & Operation Prohibited by TS Occurred as Result of Defective Procedures or Program & Inappropriate TS Requirements. Planned Corrective Action Stated in Rept Represents CommitmentMissed surveillance
05000414/LER-1999-003, Forwards LER 99-003-01, Unplanned Actuation of ESFAS Due to a SG High Level Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance. Suppl Rept Provides Info Re Root Cause & Corrective Actions Associated with Event Developed Subsequent to Rev31 August 1999Forwards LER 99-003-01, Unplanned Actuation of ESFAS Due to a SG High Level Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance. Suppl Rept Provides Info Re Root Cause & Corrective Actions Associated with Event Developed Subsequent to Rev 0 of LER
ML20211M44530 August 1999Forwards Summary of Util Conclusions Re Outstanding Compliance Issue Re Staff Interpretation of TS SR 3.0.1,per Insp Repts 50-369/99-03 & 50-370/99-03,as Discussed with NRC During 990618 MeetingEnforcement Discretion
Temporary Modification
Operability Determination
ML20211H17430 August 1999Forwards Comments on Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 & McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 Specific Reactor Vessel Info Contained in Rvid.Ltr Dtd 990107,rept ATI-98-012-T005 & Partial marked-up Rept WCAP-14995 Encl
NRC-99-0066, Forwards semi-annual fitness-for-duty Rept for Fermi 2 for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)30 August 1999Forwards semi-annual fitness-for-duty Rept for Fermi 2 for Period of 990101-0630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty