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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20058J88918 November 1993Confirmatory Action Ltr CAL-2-93-07 Re Actions Taken Concerning Crack on One Hinge on Super Tiger Shipping Container,Model 6400 Package,Certificate of Compliance 6400
ML20055C9407 May 1990Forwards Response to Questions Re Decommissioning of Pu Facilities
ML20151S37514 July 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents & Partially Withheld App B Documents (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5 & 6)
ML20234F5731 July 1987Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plutonium Accountability at Listed Facilities.Forwards App a Documents.Documents Also Available in Pdr.App B Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 3 & 4)
ML20236H4399 April 1987FOIA Request for Documents Re Proposed Stock Transfer,Mods, License Transfer,Renewals & Changes by Nuclear Assurance Corp or Other Entities Since 861001 & Info Concerning Acquisition of NFS Assets
ML20210T9541 October 1986Further Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Proposed Acquisition of Nfs.App B Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 4)
ML20234F4312 June 1986FOIA Request for Documents Re Listed Facilities,Including Risk Diversion Analyses or Repts Prepared from 741101-761231 That Discuss Risk That Plutonium Could Be Diverted from Facilities
ML20244D8955 May 1986Requests Performance of Medical Evaluation on Members of Oil,Chemical & Atomic Workers Union Who May Have Suffered U-induced Kidney Damage.Nfs Physican Found No Evidence of Kidney Damage in Workers
IA-86-823, Requests Performance of Medical Evaluation on Members of Oil,Chemical & Atomic Workers Union Who May Have Suffered U-induced Kidney Damage.Nfs Physican Found No Evidence of Kidney Damage in Workers5 May 1986Requests Performance of Medical Evaluation on Members of Oil,Chemical & Atomic Workers Union Who May Have Suffered U-induced Kidney Damage.Nfs Physican Found No Evidence of Kidney Damage in Workers
ML20210P10311 April 1986Further Response to FOIA Request for Itemized Listing of Fees Charged Per 10CFR170.31 & 170.32 for Specified Dockets. Forwards App B Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20203H08112 March 1986FOIA Request for Itemized Listing of Fees Charged Per 10CFR170.31 & 170.32,since 1978 for Listed Dockets
ML20199E90925 February 1986Partial Response to FOIA Request for Document Re Acquisition of NFS by Nuclear Assurance Corp.Forwards App a Documents. Documents Also Available in Pdr.Portions of Documents Deleted
ML20138B01018 February 1986Responds to NRC Re Violation Noted in Insp Rept 70-0143/85-44.Corrective Actions:Area Supervisors Reminded of Requirement to Complete out-of-control Investigation Repts within 1 Wk of Event
ML20199E89430 January 1986FOIA Request for Documents Re Acquisition of NFS by Nuclear Assurance Corp.Commission Should Hold in Abeyance Any Decision on Union Request for Hearing,Pending Response to FOIA Request
ML20140H5444 October 1985Responds to FOIA Request for All Correspondence Provided to & Received from Congress Re Pending or Escalated Enforcement Action Against Any Reactor Licensee or Applicant Since 840101.Encl App Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20137D26420 August 1985Responds to FOIA Request for J Vail FOIA Request 80-589 Re NFS of Erwin,Tx.J Vail Request & NRC 801216 & 24 Responses Encl.Documents Released in Response to Request Available in Pdr.W/O Encls
IA-85-578, Responds to FOIA Request for J Vail FOIA Request 80-589 Re Nfs of Erwin,Tx.J Vail Request & NRC 801216 & 24 Responses Encl.Documents Released in Response to Request Available in Pdr.W/O Encls20 August 1985Responds to FOIA Request for J Vail FOIA Request 80-589 Re Nfs of Erwin,Tx.J Vail Request & NRC 801216 & 24 Responses Encl.Documents Released in Response to Request Available in Pdr.W/O Encls
ML20137D24612 August 1985FOIA Request for Access to J Vail FOIA Request Re Pu Unaccounted for by NFS of Erwin,Tx
ML20133E42313 June 1985Requests Review of Concerns Identified in Encl Oil,Chemical & Atomic Workers Intl Union to Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission Re Activities at Facility & Similar Ltr to Aslab
ML20133E3898 May 1985Notifies That NRC Representative Will Not Participate in Negotiations W/Nuclear Fuel Svcs,Per 850426 Request.Nrc Does Not Become Directly Involved in Labor Negotiations Between Licensees & Employees
ML20140H7843 May 1985Forwards Press Release 85-63 Re NRC Proposed Fine Against Nuclear Fuel Svcs,Inc for Alleged Noncompliance W/Requirements Concerning Release of Radioactive Matl to Work Area
ML20140H94031 July 1984Forwards Press Release 85-95 Re NRC Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $100,000 Against Licensee for Failure to Identify & Correct Degradations of Matl Access Area Boundary
ML20141C76425 January 1980Advises That Statement Defining Book Record as Total Plant & Individual Matl Balance Area/Item Control Area Records Should Be Incorporated in Appropriate Sections of Chapters 5 & 6 of Fundamental Matl Control Plan
ML20141F88929 July 1977Notifies of NRC 770823-25 Meetings W/Fuel Cycle Licensees & Transportation Agents Near Richmond,Va to Discuss Proposed Rules 42FR25744 Re Contingency Planning & 42FR34310 Re Upgrading Safeguards in Fuel Cycle Facilities
ML20141F26213 July 1977Notifies That NRC Published for Comment,Proposed Rule That Would Require Licensees Possessing Strategic Quantities of SNM to Develop & Implement Plans for Responding to Threats, Thefts & Sabotage
ML20141G85012 February 1976Forwards Documents Re Matl Control Plan Per 760129 Request. Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20141G85411 February 1976Forwards Physical Security Data,Per 760129 Request.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20205H9622 February 1976Forwards Petition for Adoption of Emergency Safeguards Measures Or,Alternatively,For Revocation of LicensesStolen
ML20141C47622 October 1975Forwards Rev 0 to Certificate of Compliance 5442 for Model LA-36.Certificate Supersedes Amend 71-15 to License SNM-145
ML20198G79410 February 1975Forwards Certificate of Compliance 6400,Rev 0,for Model Super Tiger
ML20141C86715 May 1974Requests Schedule for Developing & Submitting Environ Rept in Connection W/License Renewal Application. Guide for Preparation of Environ Repts for Fuel Fabricating Facilities Encl.Schedule Requested within 30 Days.W/O Encl
ML20210A8129 May 1974Forwards List of Licensed Facilities for Processing & Reprocessing Pu & Pending Applications Per 740328 Request. List of Sites W/Plans for Similar Facilities & Licensees Authorized to Possess Pu for Specified Purposes Also Encl