RBG-47672, Submittal of Emergency Implementing Procedure
ML16096A356 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | River Bend |
Issue date: | 03/30/2016 |
From: | Clark J Entergy Operations |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
RBF1-16-0036, RBG-47672 EN-EP-801, Rev 13 | |
Download: ML16096A356 (79) | |
Entergy Operations, Inc.
River Bend Station 5485 U.S. Highway 61 N St. Francisville, LA 70775 Tel 225-381-4177 Joseph A. Clark Manager, Licensing March 30, 2016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 RBG-47672 RBF1-16-0036
Submittal of Emergency Implementing Procedure River Bend Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 License No. NPF-47
Dear Sir or Madam:
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(q), Appendix E,Section V and 10 CFR 50.4, enclosed is a copy of the following emergency implementing procedure:
EN-EP-801, "Emergency Response Organization", Revision 13 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q), the changes made to this procedure do not decrease the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Kristi Huffstatler at (225) 378-3305.
EN-EP-801, "Emergency Response Organization"
Submittal of Emergency Implementing Procedures RBG-47672 RBF1-16-0036 Page 2 of 2 cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76011-4511 NRC Senior Resident Inspector (w/o attachments}
P. 0. Box 1050 \.,
St. Francisville, LA 70775 Ms. Andrea George, Project Manager (w/o attachments}
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 r
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 1 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION Procedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES TC D Cancellation HQN Dean Burnett Mary Ann Wilson Effective Procedure Owner: Governance Owner:
Director, Emergency Director, Emergency Date
Programs Programs Site: Site:
3/25/2016 HON HON Site Site Procedure Champion Title ANO Robert Carey Manager, EP BRP N/A N/A CNS N/A N/A GGNS. Jeff Seiter Manager, EP IPEC Lori Glander ManaQer, EP JAF James Jones Manager, EP PLP Dan Malone Manager, EP PNPS Donna Calabrese Manager, EP RBS Tim Schenk Manager, EP VY N/A N/A W3 John SiQnorelli Manager, EP HON David Townsend Project Manager, EP For site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB usmg site tree view (Nav1gat1on panel)
Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This Revision Process Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: U Specific Sites: ANO 0 BRP 0 CNS 0 GGNS 0 IPEC1:8J JAF 0 PLP [8l PNPS1:8J RBS [8l VY 0 W3 [8l Change Statement
- 1. Added NEI 99-02, Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline as a reference.
- 2. Revised Attachment 9.1, Fleet Standard ERO Position Titles, to address site staffing of the IT Specialist position.
Added, "Site{s) may staff position in both facilities due to site specific needs" to footnote 1.
- 3. Ravised Attachment Q. 7, ANO Site Specific ERO Information, under the EOF added comment that the IT Specialist positon is staffed in the TSC or EOF.
- 4. Revised Attachment 9.12, PNPS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the statement in the Radiological Coordinator row that states "May perform back-up dose assessment". CR-PNP-2015-2405
- 5. Revised Attachment 9.12, PNPS Site Specific ERO Information, reduced the Phone Team, Admin Team, Media Assistants, and AN Assistants by 1 person per team in the JIC.
- 6. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the comment associated with Emergency Plant Manager which stated "Can perform ED functions".
- 7. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the comment associated with IT Specialist which stated "Can perform EOF offsite Communicator functions (3 of 4 communicators must report within 75 minutes)".
- 8. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the TSC Dose Assessor and all information associated as this position no longer exists in the. RBS TSC.
- 9. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the following positions and all information associated as they do not exist any longer in the RBS JIC: Information Coordinator, Log Keeper, JIC Logistics Coordinator, Inquiry Response Coordinator, Inquiry Response Staff, Credentialing, Admin Support.
Associated PRHQN #: CR-PRHON-2015-0326 I Procedure Writer: David K. Townsend Contains Proprietary Information: YES D NO l:8l
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE ~ OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 3
........_.......................................................................... 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................... 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................... 4 5.0 DETAILS ...........................,............................................... ~_............. 8 6.0 INTERFACES ................................................................................. 12 7.0. RECORDS ................. ~ .................................................................... 12 8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COllllMITMENTS .................................................... 13.
9.0 ATTACHMENTS .. ,.......................................................................... 13 ATTACHMENT 9.1 FLEET STANDARD ERO POSITION TITLES .......................... 14 ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ................... : .......... , ..... 15.
ATTACHMENT 9.3 TSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 19 ATTACHMENT 9.4 OSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 24 ATTACHMENT 9.5 EOF ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 28 ATTACHMENT 9.6 JIC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................. 34 ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................ 37 ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ......................... 42 ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ........................... 47 ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................. 52
. )
ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................. 57.
ATTACHMENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION .......................... 62 ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................ 67 ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................ 72 ATTACHMENT 9.15 MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS FOR EACH ERF FOR THE STANDARD ERO ............................................................ 72
[1] Every person's job at each fleet nuclear site has three compon~nts: everyday work, outage support and emergency response. This procedure outlines expectations and responsibilities for Emergency Response Organization (ERO) members, Site Management and the Emergency Planning staff to support the successful implementati.on of emergency response at any of the sites.
[2] It is the goal of Emergency Planning to maintain a response organization with four qualified ERO teams. *
[3] The procedure outlines responsibilities for personnel assigned to an ERO position and for other company personnel who may be called upon to support an emergency re~ponse effort, but are not directly assigned to an ERO position.
[1] 10CFR50.47(b)1, (b)2
[2] Emergency Plans
[3] EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations
[4] Company Policy No PL-108, Emergency Management Policy
[5] Company Policy No PL-147, Personnel Expectations Related to Emergency Response at Entergy Nuclear Sites
[6] EN-EP-310, Emergency Response Organization Notification System
[7] NEI 99-02, Regulatory Assessment Performance lndicator*Guideline 3.0 DEFINITIONS
[1] Activation - Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make it operational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel, equipment setup and equipment operability testing. *
[2] Augmentation - Actions taken to support on-shift personnel or the Emergency Response Organization
[3] Call-in ERO members - Personnel who are members of the ERO but are not on a
'rotational team for an assigned duty position. These ERO members do not normally carry pagers/cellular telephones and are not included in the automated ERO notification. They are called-in to respond to an emergency if needed to fill positions associated with their normal jo.b function.
[4] Emergency Response Organization (ERO)- Personnel who are qualified to respond to emergency events and perform duties as outlined in site emergency plans.
[5] Emergency Notification System (ENS) - Is part of the Federal telephone System (FTS) used to provide initial notification to, and ongoing communication with, NRG personnel in an emergency. The ENS is usually available in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF.
[6] Emergency Response Facility (ERF) - facilitie's dedicated to be used for responding to an emergency (i.e. Control Room, EOF, TSC, OSC, JIG).
[7] Minimum Staffing - The on-shift and augmented staff shown in the emergency plan table of minimum staffing (Table 8-1 equivalent) required to provide facility accident response capability in key functional areas.
[8] Operational - Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facility manager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment is setup and available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to that facility.
[9] Performance Indicator (Pl)- objective data regarding licensee performance in the ROP cornerstones of safety and security
[1 O] Response Time Goals - The emergency response facilities may be activated at any time and shall be activated at an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency declaration. Once activated, the facility shall become operational as soon as possible (without delay) after declaration of any of these emergency classifications. Otherwise, it is the goal to be operational within the response time goals established by the site emergency plan or procedure. Response time goals are.included in Attachments 9.7 through Attachment 9.14 of this procedure.
[11] Site Specific ERO Positions - ERO Positions assigned at an Entergy facility that are in addition to the fleet standard ERO.
- All employees who may respond to an emergency are responsible to:
[1] Maintain ERO qualifications current.
[2] Adhere to all of the applicable regulations and procedures.
[3] Maintain a constant awareness of the event status and aggressively pursue actions to mitigate and resolve emergency conditions.
[4] Apply radiological safety and ALARA concepts to minimize personnel exposure.
[5] Use human performance error prevention tools.
[6] Maintain an adequate knowledge and understanding of the assigned ERO position, emergency response facility and applicable procedures and the ability to carry out the assigned duties.
[7] Inform his or her supervisor and Manager, EmergencyPlanning (EP Manager) if:
- Qualifications lapse or failure of any training required for ERO position or employee job function that may be called upon to respond to an emergency,
- On short or long term disability,
- Any restricted duty status imposed due to medical conditions,
- Loss of access to the protected area,
- Any invoked radworker restrictions,
- Employment is terminated (if required by site termination processes).
4.2 Director. Regulatory &. Performance Improvement is responsible to:
[1] Act as the site Senior Management sponsor for Emergency Planning, where applicable.
4.3 Management and Supervisors are responsible to:
[1] Select individuals to fill ERO positions assigned to their area of expertise within the Emergency Plan.
[2] Ensure that each ERO member under their supervision remains qualified to respond to an emergency.
[3] Enforce accountability for emergency planning policy and procedure violations and individual performance weaknesses.
[4] Periodically discuss emergency planning issues at staff meetings, focus meetings and/or plan of the day meetings to ensure appropriate priorities are given to those
[5] Notify the EP Manager of known, or planned, departmental staffing changes that could affect the ERO.
[6] Support ERO members' required training, qualification, and all drill activity participation requirements.
[7] Include ERO participation as part of the annual performance planning and review (PP&R) process for employees.
4.4 Operations Shift Manager (SM) is responsible.to:
[1] Implement the emergency plan and procedures to make the initial emergency declaration and act as Emergency Director until relieved.
[2] Activate the ERO at the emergency classification level described in the emergency plan.
4.5 Manager. Emergency Planning (EP Manager) is responsible to:
[1] Ensure that.the ERO is maintained in accordance with the emergency plan.
[2] Complete a listing of ERO personnel that meets all requirements for staffing the ERO and the phone number or contact information at least quarterly.
[3] Maintain oversight of the ERO administration to ensure that sufficient numbers of personnel are qualified and available to staff the ERO on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s/day basis for extended duration events.
[4] Upon notification by an ERO member of any condition listed in 4.1 [7], determine if the ERO member qualification needs to be suspended and IF so THEN suspend the individual's qualifications.
[5] Ensure the "Personnel Actions Report" or equivalent is received from Human
.Resources and reviewed to consider impact on the Emergency Response Organization. Such personnel actions report should include:
- Pending retirements
- Reassignments/transfers
- On short or long term disability
- New hires
- T ermi nations/resignations
[1], Enforce standardization among ERO positions and the uniform implementation of best practices.
[2] Provide scenarios that challenge the ERO and effectively test major portions of the emergency plan.
[3] Provide the opportunity for all ERO members to participate in a drill as a player, controller, evaluator, or coach/mentor each calendar year.
[1] Revision to this procedure requires a 10CFR50.54 (q) review under EN-EP-305, Emergency Planning 10CFR50.54 (q) Review Program.
[1] All employees:
- Every company employee is eligible and responsible to support an emergency response position.
[2] All ERO Members:
- Maintain contact and call-in information up-to-date in their EverBridge Profile.
Report changes in home, work, cell phone or pager numbers and changes in drive time that impact ,timely response.
NOTE Call-in ERO members who perform job function activities and are not assigned a position shall' perform only those tasks for which they are qualified
- Attain qualification as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days, after a new assignment to an ERO position unless waived by the EP Manager under training procedures.
(1) An employee will not be assigned to fill an ERO position that requires task qualification in a job function (e.g., engineer job function that has areas of specialization) until qualified to perform the job function task.
(2) Such employees shall be assigned to an ERO position for which they can be quickly qualified as soon as possible but no later than 90 days.
The employee may be considered for re-assignment when job qualification is complete.
- Attend scheduled training or briefings, including pre-drill activities such as briefings and post drill activities such as critiques.
- Be fit-for-duty (FFD) when responding to an emergency response facility per the Fitness for Duty program.
- 5. 2 cont
- A person who transfers from one job to another at the same site shall continue to fill their assigned ERO position unless they are notified they are no longer an ERO member or they are reassigned and qualified in another position.
- Respond promptly to actual emergencies, site drills, quarterly off-hours/unannounced test and off-hours/unannounced drills when on-call. ERO
- members not on-call are expected to respond unless they are unavailable.'
- Always have your company issued ID badge with you when responding to your assigned emergency response facility during an emergency (road blocks may be set up to restrict public access to the area and ID may be required to pass).
- ERO members at non-affected nuclear sites may be called upon for assistance to the affected site to maximize management, control and mitigation of the emergency.
- Be prepared to be sequestered at the affected 'site when conditions, such as severe weather or strike contingency, are expected that may prohibit the ERO capability to safely arrive at the site if notified to respond to an emergency.
[3] Individuals in craft or administrative job functions that may be called upon to support an emergency response effort (RP Technicians, Chemistry Technidans, Electrical Maintenance Technicians, Mechanical Maintenance Technicians, l&C Technicians, Admin Services, etc.):
- Complete the fundam~ntal EP training, if required, and maintain qualifications to perform job functions.
- Personnel will be called out and assigned emergency roles and specific duties based on their qualifications.
[4] Additional instructions for ERO members filling an assigned position:
- Maintain ERO qualification for the assigned position including EP training, drill participation and additional position required training such as licenses, respirator qualificatior:is, radiation worker training (RWT), plant access training (PAT).
- Be on-call and available to respond to the appropriate emergency response facility, within the required response time, during an assigned duty period.
- Actively support the ERO as a participant, controller, evaluator or coach in drills or exercises (including pre-drill/exercise and post-drill/exercise activities) when scheduled to fill the role.
- If an ERO member is not available to support an assigned I scheduled drill or exercise, it is the ERO member's responsibility to find a qualified replacement and inform him or her of the assigned function in the drill and/or exercise and notify Emergency Planning of the change.
- It is the ERO member's responsibility to find a qualified replacement when an ERO member cannot cover an assigned duty period.
The* member filling in must clearly understand the responsibilities and for what time period they are assuming the duty.
- When applicable, management personnel qualified in some call-out positions may be on call to fill the position in an emergency until relieved by call-out staff.
- Be prepared to have your ERO participation evaluated as part of the annual Performance Planning and Review (PP&R) process.
[5] ERO pagers or other notification methods
- When on-call, keep the pager or other device turned on, on your person or within hearing range. Be able to recognize the page or call during noisy activities (i.e., mowing the lawn, taking a shower) or when asleep.
- Ensure the pager is in good material condition and the battery is fresh or your phone is in a working condition.
[6] ERO member on-call duty period
- Remain within a travel distance capable of meeting the required response time for the position and facility.
- Remain fit to meet the company fitness-for-duty program during the entire on-call duty period.
- Remain capable to respond to their emergency response facility promptly when notified.
[7] ERO members when NOT on-call:
- All ERO members are subject to call-in should an emergency occur. Respond to the ERO Notification system when contacted.
- If available and not filling a position during an emergency, be prepared to provide relief support to the ERO responding team.
- If you are in the area and otherwise would be able to respond, it is recommended that you leave your pager and/or phone turned on ..
[1] The ERO roster and schedule of on-call personnel is maintained up-to-date and available to ERO members. *
[2] It is the responsibility of the ERO member when assigned an on-call duty to be aware of the on-call schedule, their on-duty status and be aware of the call-out process and pager codes.
[3] It is the responsibility of the ERO member to ensure the published duty roster correctly identifies his or her duty period and position.
[1] See Attachment 9.2 for the on-shift ERO position initial responder responsibilities.
[2] See Attachment 9.3 for the Technical Support Center {TSC) ERO position responsibilities.
[3] See Attachment 9.4 for the Operations Support Center (OSC) ERO position responsibilities. *
[4] See Attachment 9.5 for the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) ERO position responsibilities.
NOTE Not all JIG Standard ERO positions are. required to be staffed if the site's JIG is located at a State/Local facility or co-iocated with offsite agencies. However, all functions/responsibilities listed for each position should be performed by other JIG staff or the State/Local agencies. Refer to Attachments 9.7 to 9.14 for the site's specific JIG positions.
[5] See Attachment 9.6 for the Joint Information Center (JIG) ERO position responsibilities.
[1] Site specific implementing procedures or check lists of ERO responsibilities are developed and maintained by each site.
[1] In the event of an emergency declaration, respond per the instructions made in a plant announcement or message delivered by the ERO Notification system.
[2] If filling an ERO position, take actions as required by the duty assignment aiid procedures.
[3] Upon hearing an emergency alarm or verbal announcement of an Alert or higher classification or when emergency facilities are activated, personnel performing a job task shall place the equipment in a safe condition, exit the area following normal radiological, safety and security rules, and report to their assigned facility unless directed otherwise by the announcement.
- The facility lead will provide instructions to ERO members that are not needed to fill positions for initial activation. (e.g., return to suspended work activity, report to a staging area, report to supervisor or work station, or leave the site and report back when directed or called to report back)
- Ensure the facility lead and Control Room Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor is informed of stopped work, status of the equipment and location of the worker.
[4] If escorting a visitor or contractor at an Alert or higher, upon hearing an emergency alarm or verbal announcement, escort the vfsitor out of the protecte~ area.
[5] Listen to all plant pages/announcements for directions on additional actions to take.
[1] The ERO will respond to the ERO Notification System messages per procedures or instructions.
[1] See Attachment 9.15 for the Minimum staffing levels to declare emergency response facilities Operational for each ERF for the Standard ERO.
[1] EN-NS-102, Fitness for Duty Program 7.0 RECORDS The quarterly listing of the qualified ERO personnel should be retained for the required period to support Performance Indicators, inspections and 50.54(t) audits. Records are retained under EN-AD-103.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL . PAGE 13 OF 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION 8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS Step Site DocL1ment Commitment Number or Reference 4.5 PNPS QA Audit Report 93-09 Establish a procedural mechanism to DR2031 ensure Emergency Response Organization is properlv staffed.
4.5[4] PNPS QA Audit Report 94-11 Ensure Security and Medical is informed of DR 2061 personnel assigned to the TSC, OSC and EOF so that FFD requirements can be met.
9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Fleet Standard ERO Position Titles 9.2 On-Shift ERO Responsibilities 9.3 TSC ERO Responsibilities 9.4 OSC ERO Responsibilities 9.5 EOF ERO Responsibilities 9.6 JIC ERO Responsibilities 9.7 ANO Site Specific ERO Information 9.8 GGNS Site Specific ERO Information 9.9 IPEC Site Specific ERO Information 9.10 JAF Site Specific ERO Information 9.11 PLP Site Specific ERO*lnformation 9.12 PNPS Site Specific ERO Information 9.13 RBS Site Specific ERO Information 9.14 WF3 Site Specific ERO Information 9.15 Minimum Staffing Levels for each ERF for the Standard ERO I
MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 140F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.1 FLEET STANDARD ERO POSITION TITLES Sheet 1of1 TSC EOF Emergency Plant Manager Emergency Director Security Coordinator Offsite Communicator TSC Manager Technical Advisor ENS Communicator Log Keeper EOF TSC Communicator EOF Manager Maintenance Coordinator Radiological Assessment Coordinator Radiological Coordinator Offsite Team Coordinator Operations Coordinator Dose Assessor Engineering Coordinator Offsite Monitoring Team 1 Reactor Engineer Offsite Monitoring Team 2 Mechanical Engineer EOF Communicator Electrical / l&C Engineer Administration & Logistics Coordinator 1 1 IT Specialist IT Specialist .
Lead Offsite Liaison osc Qffsite Liaison(s)
OSC Manager Public Information Liaison Operations Support 3
Log Keeper OSC JIC Work Control Coordinator Company Spokesperson Mechanical Coordinator Technical Advisor Electrical/l&C Coordinator JIC Manager Rad/Chem Coordinator Information Coordinator OSC Craft Support Staff Media Liaison Log Keeper JIC Logistics Coordinator:
CR /On-Shift 2 Inquiry Response Coordinator Shift Manager/~mergency Director Technical Assistant CR Supervisor Press Release Writer' CR Operators Media Monitoring Plant Operators Shift Technical Advisor RP technician(s).
Chemistry technician(s)
Maintenance Security 1
One on Standard ERO in either TSC or EOF. Site(s) may staff position in both facilities due to site specific needs.
2 Site on-shift member(s) are per the site emergency plan and may not reflect the staff listed here. On-shift staff may be assigned additional EP position functions of CR communicator, CR dose assessor, fire brigade, corrective actions, first responder/first aid or search/rescue 3
Not all JIC Standard ERO positions are required to be staffed if the site's JIC is located at a State/Local facility or co-located with offsite agencies. However, all functions/responsibilities listed for each position should be performed by other J IC staff or the State/Local agencies. Refer to Attachments 9. 7 to 9.14 for the site's specific JIC positions.
Site(s) may add additional positions specific to the site
Shift Manager I Emergency Director 1
i On-shift staffing outside of Control Control Room Staff Room.
- The site Emergency Plan describes the on-shift staffing.
Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions Shift Manager Communicator
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 16 OF 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 2 of 4 Standard ERO Responsibilities Position Shift Manager/ Provide overall command and control of the emergency response. Responsibilities include:
Emergency NOTE Director (ED) The Emergency Director (ED) may delegate responsibilities except for those designated below. The SM can transfer ED duties to another ED qualified person.
- 1. Classify and declare the emergency (cannot delegate)
- 2. Assume role of ED and overall command and control of the emergency response until relieved
- 3. Approve the offsite notification and message content (cannot delegate)
- 4. Direct correc~ and timely offsite notification
- 5. Direct and ensure timely augmentation of the ERO consistent with site procedures
- 6. Direct timely ENS notification and ensure NRC is kept informed of the emergency situation
- 7. Ensure others (Site Duty Manager, Corporate, etc) are kept informed of the emergency situation
- 8. Perform accident assessment and oversight of the corrective actions to mitigate the event
- 9. Direct and ensure dose assessment is performed if a release is occurring
- 10. Review and interpret offsite dose projections for accuracy and impact to the health and safety of personnel and the public
- 11. Make offsite protective action recommendations (PAR) (cannot delegate)
- 12. Direct protective actions for on-site personnel
- 13. Approve and ensure correct and timely PAR notification to offsite agencies (cannot delegate)
- 14. Authorize emergency radiation exposure and issuance of Kl.
- 15. Implement severe accident management procedures {where applicable) 1
- 16. Invoke 50.54(x)
- 17. Direct evacuation of area, building, protected area or owner controlled area
- 18. Request security to perform accountability
- 19. Direct first responders/first aid to respond to reported medical events
- 20. Direct qualified personnel to perform search and rescue operations
- 21. Request assistance from offsite fire and/or medical support agencies
- 22. Integrate off-site responders with on-site response efforts when required
- 23. Direct personnel to coordinate transportation of injured personnel to supporting hospital
- 24. Ensure/direct EROS activation within 60 minutes of an Alert or higher classification
- 25. Ensure reports of other non-emergency reportable events are made during emergency plan activation (hazardous material spills, contaminated injured personnel, and so forth).
- 26. Turnover command and control of responsibilities for notification, classification, PARs, and actions outside of the protected area to the relieving Emergency Director.
- 27. Turnover command and control of onsite accident mitigation and corrective actions, onsite protective actions, and ENS notifications to the Emergency Plant Manager.
- 28. Advise the relief ED on core safety and plant conditions for classification and PAR determinations.
- 29. Authorize press releases (cannot delegate)
- 30. Terminate the emergency (cannot delegate) 1 The decision to depart from the license or a technical spec1ficat1on in an emergency shall be approved, as a minimum, by a licensed senior operator. If more senior licensee personnel are available, the decision to depart from the license in an emergency would pass to them as higher authorities in the chain of command. The rule does not specify that the senior licensee personnel be licensed senior operators or that they obtain the concurrence of a licensed senior operator to make such a decision. [RIS 2008-26]
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 17 OF 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 3 of4 Standard* Responsibilities ERO Position Control Room Perform control room responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations (CR) and as directed by the ED.
Supervisor 1. Assume the responsibilities and authority of the ED if the SM becomes incapacitated or is absent.
- 2. Direct plant operations and assessment of operational aspects
- 3. Perform accident assessment and initiate actions to mitigate the event.
Shift Technical Perform control room responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations Advisor (STA) and as directed by the ED.
- 1. Provide advisory technical support to the SM in areas of thermal hydraulics, reactor engineering, and plant analysis with regard to safe operation of the unit.
- 2. Perform accident assessment
- 3. Other actions as directed by the ED to implement the emergency plan and procedures.
On-shift CR Perform licensed operator responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operators Operations and as directed by the ED.
- 1. Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan (e.g.,
fire brigade, OSC Operations Support)
- 2. Report to the OSC when activated if required to perform other functions outside the CR On-shift Plant Perform non-licensed operator responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operators Operations and as directed by the ED
- 1. Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan (e.g., .
fire brigade, communicator) *
- 2. Report to the OSC when activated or CR where applicable On-shift Perform functions as directed by the ED. Responsibilities include:
Chemistry 1. Collect and analyze samples Technician(s)
- 2. Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan
- 3. Report to the OSC (or other assiqned ERF) when activated On-shift Perform functions as directed by the ED to provide initial in-plant and near plant area Radiation radiological support actions. Responsibilities include:
Protection 1. Monitor and/or survey area for changing radiological conditions and radiological release Technician( s)
- 2. Perform radiological surveys for repair and corrective action teams, search and rescue, medical and fire-fighting activities when required.
- 3. Support evacuation and assembly (where applicable)
- 4. Provide dosimetry, as needed, and radiation exposure control support to on-shift
. personnel.
- 5. Provide dosimetry and radiation exposure control support to offsite agencies responding to provide assistance onsite such as medical, fire, and law enforcement (where applicable}
- 6. ' Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan
- 7. Report to the OSC (or other assioned ERF) when activated On-shift Perform functions as directed by the Emergency Director Maintenance 1. Perform repair and corrective actions
- 2. Report to the OSC when activated
ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet4of 4 Standard Responsibilities * *
- ERO Position Security Perform functions per the Security Contingency Plan and as requested by the Emergency (tasks that Director.
support the 1. Perform accountability of personnel in the protected area EPlan) 2. Support evacuations and assembly where applicable
- 3. Request assistance from local law enforcement to support emergency plan response
- 4. Sl!pport site access for medical, fire fighting,. or law enforcement offsite responders
- 5. Serve as liaison/coordinator for the incident command system 6~ Provide input to the Shift Manaqer/ED for security EALs *.
On-Shift CR The Control Room Communicator reports to the ED. (sites designate which on shift Communicator position(s) shown in Attachment 1 performs this function) Responsibilities include:
- 1. Make timely and correct notification to State and Local agencies using the primary and backup notification system when directed by the ED until relieved.
- 2. Prepare the NRC notification worksheet
- 3. Make timely NRC notifications when directed by the ED until relieved.
- 4. Complete notification forms and procedure/checklists where applicable.
- 5. Activate the ERO notification system when directed.
- 6. Make follow-up notifications
- 1. Turn over the State and locai notification responsibilities to the relief Offsite Communicator when. directed by the ED.
- 8. Turnover the ENS Communicator responsibilities to relief ENS Communicator when directed by the ED.
On-shift Dose Conduct on-shift dose assessment as directed .(sites designate which on shift position shown Assessor in Attachment 1 performs this function)
(filled by shift 1. Monitor or obtain meteorological and radiological data personnel assigned other 2. Monitor parameters, to detect changes that affect dose assessment duties) 3. Perform dose projection calculations using primary and backup methods
- 4.
- Evaluate dose projection output
- 5. Determine dose consequences
- 6. Communicate results to the ED to determine aooropriate classification or PAR Fire Brigade Perform fire fighting functions per the fire protection plan and procedures when directed by (filled by shift the SM/ED or OSC Manager where applicable. The Fire Protection Plan designates who fills personnel the fire brigade. When offsite assistance is requested:
assigned other duties) 1. Integrate fire fighting efforts with the fire fighting assistance provided by offsite fire fighting departments
- 2. (FBL) Brief the offsite fire fighting chief/leader when they arrive on scenec__
- 3. (FBL) Turnover fire fighting command and control to the offsite agency incident 0
- 4. (FBL) Provide technical suooort to the incident commander Rescue/First Perform functions per the search and rescue or medical response procedures Aid (filledby 1. Locate missing personnel following an evacuation.
shift personnel assigned other 2. Provide initial first aid/medical treatment on reported injuries.
Security Coordinator l
(Incident Command Center)
TSC Manager I
ENS I Communicator I TSC Communicator I
r-----------------t---------------~--- -----------------1--------~ I Reactor Maintenance ., Engineering Radiological Operations Engineer Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator
- 1 I Mechanical Electrical I l&C Engineer Engineer
- IT Specialist Engineering Team
- One IT Specialist required
~ for Standard ERO, may be in
, TSCorEOF Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions
Ops Coordinator
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 20 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.3 TSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet2 of 5 Standard Responsibilities ERO Position Emergency The EPM reports to the EOF ED. The EPM has the responsibility for the command and Plant Manager control of all accident mitigation actions at the site and performs these duties from the (EPM) Technical Support Center (TSC). Responsibilities include:
- 1. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation of the TSC
- 3. Provide information and recommendations to the ED regarding the classification of an emergency ,
- 4. Prepare and facilitate facility briefings
- 5. Verify event classifications
- 6. Ensure timely ENS notifications
- 7. Perform accident assessment to prioritize mitigation actions.
- 9. Direct personnel evacuation, assembly and accountability of non-essential personnel
- 10. Provide information and recommendations to the ED regarding plant activities
- 12. Direct the organization, coordination, and prioritization of repair corrective action teams
- 13. Direct onsite protective actions
- 14. Authorize emergency radiation exposure and issuance of Kl to recommended personnel in the CR, TSC or OSC or to Security personnel.
- 15. Make operational decisions involving the safety of the plant and its personnel and make recommendations to the Control Room Personnel
- 16. Initiate immediate corrective actions to limit or contain the emergency invoking the 1
provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) if appropriate
- 17. Implement severe accident management procedure strategies
- 18. Direct relocation to an alternate location.
- 19. Integrate offsite responders with on-site response efforts when required
- 20. Perform emerciencv termination duties TSC Manager The TSC Manager reports to the EPM. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Assure staffing/timely activation of the TSC.
- 2. Notify EPM when operational conditions exist.
- 3. Recognize and implement all technical aspects of accident mitigation for the emergency.
- 4. Perform technical assessments and communicate the conclusions to the EPM.
- 5. Set priorities for the TSC personnel/OSC Teams.
- 6. Assist the EPM to make operational decisions concerning the safety of the plant.
- 7. Oversee the activities for relocation to an alternate location.
- 8. Direct the tracking of plant configuration changes. ,
- 9. Deactivate the TSC when the emerciencv is terminated.
1 The decision to depart from the license or a technical specification man emergency shall be approved, as a minimum, by a licensed senior operator. If more senior licensee personnel are available, the decision to depart from the license in an emergency would pass to them as higher authorities in the chain of command. The rule does not specify that the senior licensee personnel be licensed senior operators or that they obtain the concurrence of a licensed senior operator to make such a decision. [RIS 2008-26]
- Responsibilities
Coordinator 1.. Overall coordination of the offsite assistance for the security related response.
- 2. Designated National Incident Management System (NIMS) Liaison between the Incident Command Post (ICP) and Site Organization.' *
- 3. Coordinate accountability
- 4. Keep security force advised of emergency status
- 5. Coordinate with Radiological Coordinator regarding protective actions for the security force.
- 6. Keep the ED/EPM informed of any security contingency event which may be occurring and response in progress
- 7. Coordinate the dispatch of security officers to evacuation assembly areas and keep the ED/EPM informed of evacuation accountability.
TSC This position reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Maintain facility log on WebEOC or other acceptable method.
- 2. Ensure timeliness of facility briefS by prompting EPM to develop and adhere to briefing schedule
- 3. Communicate between the ERF's if necessary regarding plant status or WebEOC entries.
- 4. Support the EPM/TSC Manager as requested.
ENS The ENS Communicator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Prepare the NRC notification worksheet.
- 2. Establish and maintain communications with the NRC via the ENS phone.
- 3. Prepare follow-up notifications
- 4. Monitor plant computer parameters and provide plant status to the NRC.
- 5. Use backup NRC notification method if ENS line fails.
IT Specialist This position reports to the Engineering Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Monitor facility equipment (computer related and commun!cations) to ensure adequate operation.
- 2. Resolve any IT related malfunctions.
- 3. Verify or perform EROS actjvation.
- 4. Assist with issues related to WebEOC Reactor The Reactor Engineer reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilit!es include:
Engineer 1. Determine and provide estimation of core damage.
- 2. Assist in Severe Accident Management Guideline implementation.
- 3. Provide core parameter information results back to the TSC Manager.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 22 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.3 TSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 4of 5 Standard Responsibilities ERO Position Operations The Operations Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Coordinate TSC efforts in determining the nature and extent of emergencies pertaining to equipment and plant facilities in support of Control Room actions.
- 2. Perform accident assessment activities.
- 3. Provide assistance to initiate immediate corrective actions to limit or contain the emergency invoking the provisions of.10 CFR 50.54(x) 1 if appropriate, and specifically when addressing Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG/SAG).
- 4. Recommend equipment operations checks and miscellaneous actions to the Control Room in support of restoration and accident mitigation.
- 5. Approve emergency special procedures, and implement as required under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) if qualified.
- 6. Recommend changes in plant priorities.
- 7. Assist the Maintenance Coordinator in determining the 'priority assigned to OSC activities.
- 8. Coordinate additional staffing for the Control Room if requested-by the SM.
- 9. Provide input on event classification.
- 10. Assist the EPM in evaluating changes in event classification.
- 11. At the direction of the EPM, assume the duties and responsibilities of the Evaluator, or Decision-Maker if qualified, when transition to Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG/SAG) is initiated.
- 12. Inform the TSC of the overall plant condition and significant changes to system and equipment status.
- 13. Ensure the Control Room, TSC, and EOF is informed of significant changes in event status (e.g. changes in classification, command and control, initiation of station assembly, accountability, evacuation, etc.).
- 14. Coordinate CR request for operations activities outside of the Control Room
- 15. Provide technical assistance to the Shift Manager.
- 16. Recommend strategies and actions to prevent severe core damage and containment failure and reduce radiological release.
Maintenance The Maintenance Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Communicate the request for repair and corrective teams to the OSC Work Control (Optional) Coordinator. Use WebEOC or other acceptable methods.
Note: Optional position for sites
- 2. Prioritizes the requests with the TSC Manager.
with co-located OSC/TSC.
Position responsibilities must be assigned to another position if not staffed.
1 The decision to depart from the license or a technical specification in an emergency shall be approved, as a minimum, by a licensed senior operator. If more senior licensee personnel are available, the decision to depart from the license in an emergency would pass to them as .
higher authorities in the chain of command. The rule does not specify that the senior licensee personnel be licensed senior operators or that they obtain the concurrence of a licensed senior operator to make such a decision. [RIS 2008-26]
- ERO Position Engineering The Engineering Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Provide technical guidance to support repair activities.
- 2. Recommend strategies and .actions to prevent severe core damage and containment failure and reduce radiological releases.
- 3. Coordinate Engineering work requests with the Engineering support team.
- 4. Provide results back to the TSC Manager.
- 5. Support SAMG activities and strategies.
- 6. Direct tracking and trending of parameters.
- 7. Direct the development of emergency repair procedures tb support emergency teams.
- 8. Track plant configuration changes.
Mechanical The Engineers report to the Engineering Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
Engineer 1. Respond to engineering requests from the Engineering Coordinator.
- 2. Evaluate SAM/SAG strateav implementation when designated Electrical I l&C The Engineers report to the Engineering Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
Engineer 1. Respond to engineering requests from the Engineering Coordinator.
- 2. Evaluate SAM/SAG strateav irnolementation when designated Radiological The Radiological Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities indude:
Coordinator 1. Assess radiological conditions to develop radiological plans.
- 2. Keep the TSC Manager informed of the radiological conditions.
- 3. Obtain and evaluate data on plant conditions such as meteorological and radiological monitoring readings, and other pertinent data.
- 4. Ensure that appropriate bioassay procedures have been implemented for onsite personnel when a radioactivity incident has occurred.
- 5. Recommend authorization of personnel emergency exposure limits.
- 6. Advise the TSC Manager when use of Kl should be considered and coordinate the issuance if approved. * *
- 7. Recommend evacuation based on environmental conditions
- 8. Advise the TSC Manager and EOF Radiological Assessment Coordinator of changes in radiological release status.
- 9. Assist in planning rescue operations and provide monitoring services as required, including the transfer of injured and/or contaminated personnel.
- 10. Coordinate with the Security Coordinator to determine the routes to be used for
~vacuation of non-essential personnel and BRE's.
- 11. Evaluate and request additional radiation protection personnel and/or equipment.
- 12. Advise the Rad Chem Coordinator in the OSC of changes in plant conditions or equipment that mav change radiological conditions onsite.
OSC Manager
I I Work Control Operations OSC Log Keeper Coordinator Support I I Mechanical RadChem l&C/Electripal Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator
.T I OSC Support and Teams Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions OSC Manager
OSC Manager The OSC Manager has the overall responsibility for the activation and operation of the Operational Support Center. The OSC Manager reports to the EPM located in the TSC and has the following responsibilities:
- 1. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation activities of the OSC.
- 2. Coordinate and/or prioritize assessment and corrective actions with the TSC.
- 3. Provide periodic briefi.ngs to the OSC personnel to include plant status, EALs, and plant priorities.
- 4. Support the formation, briefing and debriefing of repair/corrective action teams and onsite monitoring teams.
- 5. Maintain communications with the Control Room and the Technical Support Center to inform of OSC teams and activities via OSC Log Keeper WebEOC or Status Board entries.
- 6. Ensure timely dispatch of the repair/corrective action teams, search and rescue teams, onsite monitoring teams and mobilize other required support personnel.
- 7. Ensure work task priorities are being maintained.
- 8. Maintain OSC accountability.
- 9. Coordinate movement of OSC personnel to a habitable location or alternate OSC if conditions degrade.
- 10. Identify and request resources, equipment and supplies to support the OSC.
osc The Operations Support reports to the OSC Manager and has the following responsibilities:
1 Operations 1. Support the OSC as needed.
Support 2. Ensure the SM is informed of OSC teams and activities.
- 3. Identify potential operational support needs.
Work Control The Work Control Coordinator reports to the OSC Manager located in the OSC and has the Coordinator following responsibilities:
- 1. Coordinate the formation, briefing and debriefing of repair and corrective action teams and onsite monitoring teams.
- 2. Maintain communications with the Maintenance Coordinator in the TSC.
- 3. Ensure timely dispatch of repair and corrective action teams, search and rescue teams, onsite monitoring teams and mobilize other required support personnel. Use WebEOC or other acceptabl13 methods.
Mechanical The Coordinator reports to the Work Control Coordinator located in the OSC and has the Coordinator following responsibilities:
- 1. Assign team members to the repair and corrective action teams.
- 2. Conduct or participate in the pre-job briefing for the assigned tasks.
- 3. Ensure repair and corrective action teams are tracked.
- 4. Ensure communication with the teams is maintained.
- 5. Participate in debriefing of returning emergency teams.
' I Standard Responsibilities ERO Position Electrical/l&C The Coordinator reports to the Work Control Coordinator located in the OSC and has the Coordinator following responsibilities:
- 1. Assign team members to the repair and corrective action teams.
- 2. Conduct or participate in the pre-job briefing for the assigned tasks.
- 3. Ensure repair and corrective action teams are tracked.
- 4. Ensure communication with the teams is maintained.
- 5. Participate in debriefing of returning emergency teams.
Rad I Chem The RIC Coordinator reports to the Work Control CoordinatoL Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Coordinate RP activities, including on-site radiological assessment, personnel exposure control, and radiation protection programs.
- 2. Ensure use of protective clothing, respiratory protection, and access control within the plant is deemed appropriate to control personnel exposures.
- 3. Deploy onsite radiation monitoring teams to survey radiation levels and sample for contamination. *
- 5. Ensure that personnel are decontaminated, if necessary.
- 6. ConducUprovide assistance for the rad briefings to support the dispatch of the repair/corrective action teams and chemistry/ RP sampling.
- 7. Communicate rad/chemistry sample results to the TSC and/or CR.
- 8. Coordinate the transport of potentially contaminated or highly exposed personnel to off-site medical facilities.
- 9. Determine the necessity for emergency exposure limits and Kl issuance and communicate conditions to the TSC.
- 10. Provide radiological support for evacuations, medical response, fire response and search and rescue.
- 11. Ensure emergency ventilation filtration system is started per procedures (site specific).
- 12. Establish chemistry sampling priorities.
- 13. Debrief returning emergency teams.
Keeper 1. Maintain facility log on WebEOC or other acceptable method.
- 2. Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting the OSC Manager of the briefing schedule if necessary.
- 3. Support the OSC Manager as requested.
OSC Teams , Perform qualified job functions and/or emergency plan functions as directed by the OSC Manager or Coordinators. '
- 1. Perform initial actions per procedures upon arrival in the OSC.
- 2. Attend pre-job briefing prior to performing emergency maintenance.
- 3. Ensure status boards and/or WebEOC reflect the correct status.
4: Perform in-plant activities as directed by the OSC Coordinator(s).
- 5. Debrief team activity upon return to the OSC.
1 ----------------,
Radiological EOF Manager Assessment Coordinator I
Admin & Public Offsite Team Dose EOF Lea.d Offsite Logistics Information Coordinator Assessor Communicator Liaison Coordinator Liaison I
Offsite Offsite Offsite Monitoring Monitoring
- IT Specialist Liaison(s)
Team No.1 Team No. 2 Dose Assessment Team
- One IT Specialist required for Standard ERO, may be in TSCorEOF Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions Emergency Director Radiological Assessment Coordinator Offsite Communicator
. Emergency Provide overall command and control of the emergency response. Responsibilities include:
Director 1. Receive turnover from the ED and assume command/control of EOF and activities outside the area controlled by the TSC
- 2. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation of the EOF.
- 3. Prepare and facilitate facility briefings
- 4. Upgrade the emergency classification level. (cannot delegate)
- 5. Make protective action recommendations (PAR) to offsite agencies (cannot delegate)
- 6. Direct and approve offsite notification to State and local agencies (cannot delegate)
- 7. Communicate within and between the emergency response facilities
- 8. Ensure event information is communicated to other organizations (NRG, Entergy Corp, etc.) to keep them informed of the emergency situation.
- 9. Direct the activities of the EOF organization in support of the TSC and offsite response agencies. (County, Parish and State)
- 11. Request assistance from offsite agencies, excluding requests for offsite medical/fire, security assistance. (Coordinate request for Federal assistance through the State)
- 12. Integrate off-site responders with site response efforts when required.
- 13. Authorize issuance of Kl and radiation exposure in excess of 10CFR 20 limits for ERO members outside of the protected area.
- 14. Authorize press releases (cannot delegate)
- 15. Direct facility relocation to the alternate EOF (where applicable)
- 16. Determine reportability actions for non-emergency reportable events during an emergency (hazardous material spills, contaminated injured personnel, and so forth).
- 17. Conduct turnover of command and control to relief ED.
- 18. Terminate the event in accordance with procedures (cannot delegate)
- 19. Establish and direCt recovery actions
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 30 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT9.5. EOF ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 3 of 6 EOF Manager Reports to the Emergency Director and coordinates emergency response efforts outside Protected Area. Responsibilities include:
( 1. Direct activities of the EOF personnel
- 2. Assure staffing and timely ~ctivation of the EOF
- 3. Obtain additional resources through the Admin/Logistic5 Coordinator when necessary
- 4. Brief and assist offsite authorities responding to the EOF
- 5. Assist Rad Assessment Coordinator with facility habitability and emergency ventilation system operation per procedure (site specific)
- 6. Ensure correct and timely State and local notifications are made within regulatory requirements I
- 7. Ensure WebEOC or status boards are maintained
- 8. Notify Entergy Corporate Office and Corporate Emergency Center.
EOF Technical Reports to the Emergency Director. Responsibilities include:
Advisor 1. Maintain contact with the TSC anq Control Room to obtain current plant and emergency status
- 2. Monitor plant computer system parameters.
- 3. Recommend actions on classification of emergencies.
- 4. Support PAR decision making/determination.
EOF Log Keeper Reports to the Emergency Director. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Maintain a chronological log of emergency status and EOF activities on WebEOC or other acceptable method
- 2. Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting the Emergency DireGtor of the briefing schedule if necessary
- 3. Support the EOF Manager I ED as requested Offsite Reports to the Emergency Director. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Ensure the Emergency Director approves all notifications forms to State/Local agencies.
- 2. Make notification to the State and local agencies as required by regulations using primary and backup notification system.
- 3. Verify State and local agencies received and understand the notification
- 4. Make follow-up notifications
- 5. Maintain records of all notifications and communications
EOF The EOF Communicator reports to the EOF Manager. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Transmit and receive information from onsite ERF's.
- 2. Ensure EOF is notified of information received of significant changes in plant conditions (e.g., start of a release, LOCA, EAL conditions)
- 3. Document information on the required forms or WebEOC
- 4. Assist the EOF Manager with other non-reaulatory notifications or communications Admin & Logistics The Admin/Logistics Coordinator is responsible for providing support to the EOF Manager Coordinator and the TSC Emergency Response Organization. Responsibilities include
- 1. Manage 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> staffing of the emergency response facilities.*
- 2. Manage logistics for supp.orting the onsite and offsite emergency response such as additional support personnel or equipment,, meals, lodging, etc.
- 3. Coordinate access security measures in the EOF if applicable EOF IT Specialist The Information Technology (IT) Specialist reports to the Admin/Logistics Coordinator.
Responsibilities include:
- 1. Monitor facility equipment (computer related and communications} to ensure adequate operation
- 2. Resolve any IT related malfunctions
- 3. Verify or perform EROS activation.
- 4. Assist with issues related to WebEOC, if available Lead Offsite The Lead Offsite Liaison reports to the EOF Manager. Responsibilities include Liaison 1. Obtain plant information and ensure the offsite agencies located in the EOF and the offsite liaisons are briefed on the plant conditions.
Offsite Liaison(s) The Offsite Liaison reports to the Lead Offsite Liaison. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Obtain plant information and ensure the offsite agencies located in the EOC are briefed on the plant conditions.
- 2. Clarify plant conditions, respond to questions, etc. for the offsite agencies.
Public Information The Public Information Liaison reports to the EOF Manager and provides the primary Liaison interface between the JIC and EOF. Responsibilities include:
(Optional) 1. Ensure JIC is provided with current plant status Note: Optional position for sites with co-located
- 2. Ensure classification upgrades are communicated to Company Spokesperson to EOF/JIC. ensure media briefings are accurate
- 3. Review press releases and provide to the ED for aooroval
Radiological The Radiological Assessment Coordinator is responsible for conducting assessment Assessment activities for offsite radiological conditions. During operation of the EOF, the Radiological Coordinator Assessment Coordinator reports to the ED. Responsibilities include:
(RAC) 1. Direct the activities of the dose assessor and radiological offsite monitoring teams.
- 2. Evaluate dose assessment results and recommendations.
- 3. Determine dose consequences
- 5. Keep the ED appraised of offsite radiological conditions.
- 6. Maintain awareness of dose projections generated by NRC, statEl and utility models and recognize differences.
- 7. Provide overall liaison and coordination of efforts in the area of field team data with State Radiological Personnel.
- 8. Brief offsite authorities responding to the EOF on radiological information.
- 9. Contact the NRC on Health Physics Network (HPN) Line.(Can be designated to another staff member)
- 10. Direct possible predictive and worst-case dose projections.
- 11. Monitor or direct monitoring of ERF habitability.
- 12. Ensure facility emergency ventilation in service {where applicable)
- 13. Recommend EOF relocation based on environmental conditions and provide radiological guidance for the EOF evacuation, where applicable. '
- 14. Monitor information from displays or reports to detect changes that affect dose assessment.
- 15. Establish radiological controls for supplemental and relief personnel responding to the station.
- 16. Recommend emergency exposure limits and Kl for EOF ERO or offsite monitoring teams 17.Coordinate the administration of Kl.
Dose Assessor The Dose Assessor reports to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Support the radiological activities of the EOF
- 2. Obtain data from offsite monitoring team reports, meteorological and radiological data, and plant data
- 3. Perform dose projection calculations using plant data and offsite monitoring team data.
- 4. Perform possible predictive {what-if) and worst case dose .projections when directed
- 5. Provide offsite dose projection information to the RAC
- 6. Monitor available parameter indications to detect changes that affect dose assessment.
- 7. Perform dose projections using primary and backup methods
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 330F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.5 EOF ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 6 of6 Standard ERO Responsibilities Position Offsite Team The Offsite Team Coordinator reports to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.
Coordinator Responsibilities include:
- 1. Maintain communications with offsite monitoring teams (OMT).
- 2. Employ and direct OMT based on radiological /met information.
- 3. Supervise/develop a plume tracking strategy.
- 4. Log communications with OMT to include dose /air sample survey results, dosimeter reading, etc.
- 5. Ensure radiological information is communicated to the RAC for possible modifications to the dose calculations
- 6. Support coordination of efforts in the area of offsite monitoring team data with State radiological personnel
- 7. Ensure team is aware of changing plant I meteorological conditions
- 8. Ensure team is notified on Kl requirements Offsite Monitoring The Offsite monitoring team reports to the Offsite Team Coordinator (OTC). Responsibilities Teams No.1 & include:
No.2 1. Perform activities directed by the OTC to support plume tracking and measurements
- 2. Monitor self reading dosimeters and report results back to the OTC
- 3. Implement Kl protective measures when notified by the OTC
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATEO EN-EP-801. REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 340F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.6 JIC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 1 of3 JOINT INFORMATION CENTER STANDARD ERO Company Spokesperson Technical Advisor JIC Manager I I Information Media Liaison JIC Log Logistics Coordinator Keeper Coordinator I I I Inquiry Technical Press Media Response Release
- Credentialing Assistant Monitoring Coordinator Writer.
- Inquiry Responders
- Credentialing and In quiry Responders are site specific and not required for all sites Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions None
- Standard ERO Responsibilities Position Company The Company Spokesperson is responsible for overall public information. Responsibilities Spokesperson include:
- 1. Obtain briefing from the ED to ensure timely development of news releases.
- 2. Ensure that news media briefings are held regularly during the course of the emergency.
- 3. Serve as spokesperson at media briefings.
- 4. Keep the Entergy Vice President of Communications, or designee, informed throughout the emergency.
- 5. Resolve any known rumors or misinformation to the Media.
JIC Manager The JIC Manager reports to the Company Spokesperson. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation of the JIC.
- 2. Obtain ED approval for the developed new~ releases and revise accordingly.
- 3. Ensure press release information is communicated to the offsite agencies.
- 4. Ensure press releases are coordinated with the offsite agenciE;Js.
- 5. Ensure appropriate timing, content and distribution of news releases.
- 6. Ensure activation of rumor control/public inquiry activities for response to questions from the general public.
- 7. Establish or ensure media briefing schedule.
- 8. Notify the Corporate Emen::iencv Center (CEC).
JIC Technical The Technical Advisor (TA} reports to the Company Spokesperson. Responsibilities Advisor include:
- 1. Answer technical questions from the news media regarding the emergency situation.
- 2. Advise the Inquiry Response Coordinator on questions about radiation or nuclear technology to respond to phone questions from the public or media. 1
- 3. Assists the press release writer for technical accuracy, if JIC Technical Assistant position is not staffed.
JIC Media Liaison The Media Liaison reports to the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Verify the readiness of the JIC briefing area.
- 2. Ensures media is informed of protocol and schedules established for media briefings.
- 3. Receive and distribute press release information to the media in the JIC briefing area.
JIC Log Keeper This position reports to_ the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Maintain facility log on WebEOC or other acceptable method.
- 2. Support the JIC Manager as requested.
JIC Logistics The Logistics Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Activate facility security and briefing center.
- 2. Maintain access control to the JIC.
- 3. Ensure distribution of all press releases to the offsite agencies, JIC/EOF facilities and to the Media Liaison.
. Position . .<
JIC Information The Information Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Provide news bulletins I press releases for distribution
- 2. Supervise media monitoring and response activities.
- 3. Supervise public response activities.
- 4. Establish and maintain frequent contact with the communications personnel in the corporate office or CEC.
- Inquiry Response The Inquiry Response Coordinator reports to the Information Coordinator.
Coordinator Responsibilities include: ~
- 1. Ensure activation of rumor control activities for response to questions from the general public and media. .,
- 2. Monitor and respond to the public/media inquiry calls and track trends.
- 3. Refer questions on radiation or nuclear technology from Rumor Control Center to the Technical Advisor JIC Technical The TA reports to the Information Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
Assistant 1. Assists the press release writer for technical accuracy.
Note: Position duties must be performed by JIC Tech. Advisor if oosition is not staffed.
Press Release The Press Writer reports to the Information Coordinator and generates press releases as Writer directed by the JIC Manager.
- 1. Fax copies of press releases to the CEC/Corporate Communications Media Monitoring Media Monitor reports to the Information Coordinator:
- 1. Monitor-JV and radio broadcasts for inaccuracies
- 2. Report all inaccuracies to the Information Coordinator to ensure they are addressed in the media briefings.
Inquiry Reports to the Inquiry Response Coordinator and respond to telephone inquires from the 1
Responders general public and news media.
- 1. Log questions that require a callback
- 2. Log rumors and provide to the Inquiry Response Coordinator Credentialing Reports to the JIC Logistics Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
(Optional} 1. Establish security to restrict access to the JIC to authorized Utility/Government JIC responders.
- 2. Restrict access to the JIC media/briefing area to persons with media credentials.
1 May be performed by non-nuclear utility personnel such as a call center or at a company remote facility.
NUCLEAR NON*QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV.013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 370F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency on-shift Response Time Goals* Responders staff Position (for 1 unit)
Control Shift Manager I 1/shift on shift Room Emergency Director Control Room Supervisor 1/shift on shift Control Room 2/shift on shift Operator Plant Operator . 3/shift on shift 1 is waste control operator Shift Technical *an shift Fills core/thermal hydraulics engineer 1/shift Advisor function Control Room 1/shift on shift Non-Licensed Operator Communicator On-shift staff RP 4/shift on shift
- 2 positions filled by plant operators Maintenance (MM, on shift 3/shift Function performed by plant operators EM, l&C)
Chemistry on shift
- Fills dose assessment function Technician 1/shift Security Force Per* Security on shift Plan
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL Use PAGE 380F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet2 of 5 Faciiity Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the TSC at an Response Position Required Goals minutes Alert or higher unless noted below TSC Emergency Plant 1/team 90 Manager TSC Manager 1/team 90 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 Maintenance 1/team 90 Coordinator ENS Communicator# 1/team 90 TSC Communicator 1/team 90 Operations 1/team 90 Coordinator Radiological Coordinator 1/team 90 Engineering 1/team 90 Coordinator Engineering Elec/l&C 1/team 90 Engineering Mech# 1/team 90 Security Coordinator 1/team On shift IT Specialist 1/team 90 Status Board Site specific position not required for Communicator 1/team 90 standard ERO
.MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 390F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 90 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 90 OSC Operations 1/team 90 Support Work Control 1/team 90 Coordinator Mechanical 1/team 90 Coordinator l&C Coordinator 1/team ' 90 May be filled by the Electrical Coordinator Electrical 1/team 90 May be filled by the l&C Coordinator Coordinator Rad Chem Coordinator 1/team 90 Mechanics#
2/team 90 (craft)
Electricians# 2/team 60/90 1 required in 60 min. (craft) l&C# 2/team 60/90 1 required in 60 min. (craft)
- RP/HP# 6/team 60 Includes offsite monitoring team (craft)
RP/HP# 6/team 90 Includes offsite monitoring team (craft)
Chemistry 1/team 90 (craft)
Chemistry 1/team Technician# 60 (craft dose assessment) j
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 40 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the EOF at Response Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted Position below Emergency 90 EOF 1/team Director#
- EOF Manager 1/team 90 EOF Log Keeper 1/team 90 Technical Advisor 1/team 90 Radiological '"\
Assessment 1/team 90 Coordinator Dose Assessor # 4/team 90 Craft Offsite Team 90*
Coordinator# 1/team Offsite 1/team 90 CommunicatoL EOF 1/team 90 Communicator Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No.1 90 Craft dispatched from OSC Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No. 2 90 Craft dispatched from OSC IT Specialist 1/team 90 IT Specialist staffed in TSC or EOF Administration and Logistics 1/team 90 Coordinator Public Information 1/team 90 Liaison Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 90 1/offsite Offsite Liaisor(s)
EOG/team 90
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 41OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION I ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes Company 1/team 120 JIC Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120 Technical Advisor 1/team 120 Information 1/team 120 Coordinator Media Liaison 1/tearn 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 JIC Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120 Coordinator Technical Assistant 1/t(;lam 120 Press ReleaseI 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 120 Site addition not listed on standard ERO Staff
NUCLEAR NoN,QUALITY RELATED . EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 42 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing doc!Jment for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet
- the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: On Shift Emergency on-shift Response Required On Goals minutes Responders staff Position Shift The Shift Manager will cover both Control Shift Manager I . 1/shift on shift functions until relieved by responding On-Room Emergency Director call Manager as Emergency Director.
Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Control Room 2/shift on shift Operator Plant Operator 2/shift on shift Shift Technical 1/shift on shift Advisor Covered by On Shift RWO or operator, Control Room until relieved by responding Offsite 2/shift on shift Communicator Communicator. Once relieved, reports to the OSC On-shift on shift Reports to EOF or OSC at an Alert or HP 2/shift staff higher One Maintenance positions is filled by Maintenance (MM, 3/shift on shift Rad Waste Operator or Plant Operator.
EM, l&C) Reports to the OSC at an Alert or higher Chemistry Can provide CR Dose Assessment 1/shift on shift function, if needed. Once relieved, reports Technician to the OSC Per Security Security Force Plan on shift
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 43 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet2of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: .All report to the TSC at Response Position Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted below TSC Emergency Plant 1/team 90
- Manager TSC Manager 1/team 90
- Reactor Engineer# 1/team 75
- Maintenance 1/team 90
- Coordinator ENS Communicator# 1/team 75
- TSC Communicator 1/team 90
- Operations 1/team 90
- Coordinator Radiological 90
- 1/team Coordinator Engineering 90
- 1/team Coordinator Engineering 1/team 90
- Elect/l&C#
Engineering Mech # 1/team 90
- Per A Security Supervisor covers this Security Coordinator Security None function until relieved by Security Plan Management.
TSC IT Specialist NIA N/A IT Specialist staffed in EOF
- 45 minutes if onsite
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 440F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the OSC at Response Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted Position below osc OSC Manager 1/team 90
- osc 1/team 90
- OSC Operations 1/team 90
- Support Work Control 1/team I
Coordinator 90
- I Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 90
- Electrical/l&C 1/team Coordinator 90 *
'I Rad/chem 90
- 1/team Coordinator#
6 HP techs (4 of the 6 reporting HP's must be qualified as Senior HP's)
RP/HP Techs# 6/team Call in 90 *
' (drawn from a pool, not on four section rotation) .
Mechanic# (drawn from a pool, not on four section 2/team 90
- rotation) 2/team Call in 90 * (drawn from a pool, riot on four section Electrician #
rotation) .
90 * (drawn from a pool, not on four section l&C# 1/team Call in rotation)
Chemistry 1/team 90
- Technician #
OSC Planner 2/team 90
- Site addition not listed on standard ERO Site addition not listed on standard Onsite Monitor # 2/team 90
- 45 minutes if onsite 1
0n-shift craft, RP tech and Chemistry technician personnel are required for OSC minimum staffing
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 45 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the EOF at Response Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted Position below Emergency EOF Director#
1/team 75
- EOF Manager# 1/team 90
- EOF Log Keeper 1/team 90
- Technical Advisor 1/team 90
- Radiological Minimum staffing is RAC or Dose Assessment 1/team 75
- Assessor (1) Either may fill both Coordinator positions Minimum staffing is RAC or Dose Dose Assessor ( 1)
- 1/team 75
- Assessor (1) Either may fill both positions Dose Assessor (2) 1/team 90 * (One required for Standard ERO)
Offsite Team coordinator 1/team 90
- Offsite 1/team 75
- Communicator#
EOF 1/team 90
- Communicator Offsite Monitoring Minimum staffing is 1 team with a Team No. 1 #
2/team 90
- Monitor and a Driver Offsite Monitoring 2/team 90
- Team No. 2 IT Specialist 1/team 90
- Administration and Logistics 1/team 90
- Coordinator Public Information 1/team 90
- Liaison Lead Offsite 1/team 90
- Liaison '
These positions report to the State &
Offsite Liaison 4/team NA Local EOC's Fitness for Duty Site addition not listed on standard Administrator 1/team 90
- 45 minutes if onsite,
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 46 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at Response Position Required Time Goals an Alert or higher unless noted minutes below JIC Company 1/team 120 Spokesperson JIG Manager 1/team 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 120 Coordinator 1/team Technical Assistant 1/team 120 Press Release Writer 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 2/team 120 Staff
ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the-site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. ' These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Required Time Goals Responders Staff Position minutes Control Shift Manager I 1/shift/unit on shift Room Emergency Director Control Room 1/shifUunit on shift Supervisor, Control Room 2/shift/unit on shift Operator Plant Operator 5/shifUunit on shift Shift Technical ' 1/shifUunit on shift Advisor Control Room 1/shift on shift Provides notification for both units.
Communicator Facility Communicator 1/team 60 '
On-shift RP 1/shift/unit on shift staff Maintenance (MM, on shift Some MM & EM on second shift EM, l&C)
Chemistry 1/shifUunit Technician on shift Security Force Per Security on shift Plan Plant Operations Manager 1/team 60
NUCLEAR NON*QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 480F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes Emergency Plant TSC Manager 1/team 60 TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 ENS Communicator 60 Filled by POM in CCR or available personnel TSC Communicator# 1/team 60 Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 Radiological Coordinator 1/team 60 Engineering 60' Coordinator 1/team Engineering Elec/l&C # 1/team 60 Engineering Mech. # 1/team 60 Per Security Security Coordinator
NUCLEAR NON*QUALllY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 49 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 60 OSC Operations Support 1/team 60 Work Control 1/team 60 Coordinator Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 60 Electrical/l&C Coordinator 1/team 60 Rad Chem Coordinator 1/team 60 Mechanics# Drawn from a pool, not on four section 2/team 60 rotation Drawn from a pool, not on four section Electricians# 2/team 60 rotation Drawn from a pool, not on four section l&CTechs# 2/team 60 rotation Drawn from a pool, not on four section RP/HP# 8/team 60 rotation Chemistry Technicians 1/team 60 Drawn from a pool, not on four section
- rotation
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy* MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 50 Of 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at Position* Required Time Goals an Alert or higher unless noted minutes below Either the ED or EOF Mgr. is required EOF Emergency Director # 1/team 60 for augmentation Either the ED or EOF Mgr. is required EOF"Manager # 1/team 60 for augmentation EOF Log Keeper 1/team 60 Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator#
Dose Assessor 1/team 60 Offsite Team 1/team 60 coordinator#
Offsite Communicator# 1/team 60 EOF Communicator 1/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No. 1 #
60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No. 2#
60 IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and 1/team 60 Logistics Coordinator Public Information 1/team 60 Liaison Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 60 Offsite Liaisons 5/team N/A
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 51OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Goals minutes Alert or higher unless noted below Position JIC Company 1/team 120 Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120 Technical Advisor 1/team 120 Media Liaison 1/team 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 JIC Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120 Coordinator Technical Assistant 1/team '120 Press Release 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120 Performed by NYS Tax & Finance Inquiry Response Dept. Westchester deploys their own Staff Inquiry Response Rad Advisor 1/team 120 Site specific position in addition to standard ERO Site specific position in addition to AV Graphics 1/team 120 standard ERO
- NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 52 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The ERO staffing tables reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO.
ERO positions with# are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personhel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Position Required On Time Goals Responders Staff Shift minutes Control Shift Manager I 1/shift on shift Also communicator for Pl Room Emergency Director Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Control Room 3/shift on shift Operator Plant Operator 4/shift on shift Shift Technical 1/shift
- on shift Advisor Communication Aide 1/shift on shift (Site specific title for Communicator)
On-shift HP 1/shift on shift staff Maintenance (MM, N/A EM, l&C) 0 Chemistry on shift 1/shift Technician Per Security on shift Security Force Plan
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 53 Of 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes Emergency Plant TSC Manager 1/team 60 TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 May report to TSC or CR Maintenance Coordinator 1/team 60 ENS Communicator# 1/team 60 TSC Communicator 1/team N/A Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 May report to TSC or CR Radiological Coordinator 1/team 60 Engineering 60 -
1/team Coordinator Engineering Elec/l&C # 1/team 60 Engineering Mech # 1/team 60 Per Security Coordinator Security 60 Plan Telephone/ Telecopy/ Site position not listed on standard ERO.
2/team N/A Accountability Clerk Normally staffed by clerical support.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 540F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes r osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team N/A Staffed by off-shift operations personnel OSC Operations and/or personnel turned over to the Support 1/team 60 OSC from the shift once OSC operational Work Control Coordinator 1/team 60 I
Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 60 Electrical/l&C Coordinator 1/team 60 Rad Chem 1/team 60 Coordinator Electrical {drawn from a pool, not on four section Technicians#
2/team 60 rotation) l&C Technicians# 1/team 60 (drawn from a pool, not on four section rotation)
Mechanical Maintenance 2/team 60 (drawn from a pool, not on four section rotation)
RP/HP (drawn from a pool, not on four section Technicians#
8/team 60 rotation)
Chemistry 1/team . 60 (drawn from a pool, not on four section Technicians# rotation)
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 55 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ArrACHMENT 9.10. JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to fhe EOF at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes EOF Emergency 1/team 60 Director EOF Manager 1/team 60 EOF Log Keeper 1/team N/A Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator#
Dose Assessor # 1/team 60 Offsite Team 1/team 60 coordinator Offsite 1/team 60 Communicator#
EOF Communicator 1/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team Teams may be dispatched from TSC 60 Team No. 1 and/or EOF Offsite Monitoring 2/team "
Teams may be dispatched from TSC 60 Team No. 2 and/or EOF IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and Logistics 1/team 60 Coordinator Lead Offsite 1/team 60 Liaison 60 minute responder is for County I Offsite liaison 2/team 60 I >120 second responder is to State and takes
>120 minutes Dose Assessment Clerk 1/team NIA Site specific - not listed in standard ERO
Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below .
Position minutes JIC Company 1/team 60 Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 60 Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Information 1/team 60 Coordinator Media Liaison *11team 60 Log Keeper 1/team 60 JIC Logistics 1/team 60 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 60 Coordinator Technical Assistant 1/team 60 Press Release 1/team 60 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 60 Inquiry Response Site specific - not listed in standard ERO, Staff 1/team 60 answers phones
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 57 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table ..
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency Position Required Time Goals Responders minutes Control Shift Manager 1/shift on shift Room May be provided by shift personnel Emergency Director 1/shift on shift assianed other functions Control Room 1/shift on shift Suoervisor Control Room Ooerator 2/shift on shift Plant Operator 6/shift on shift c
Shift Technical Advisor 1/shift on shift Control Room I Notification 1/shift on shift Communicator Control Room Site Specific ERO position not in the fleet 1 60 Communicator standard ERO.
Technical Support May be provided by shift personnel (Core Thermal 1/shift on shift assigned other functions Hvdraulics)
Rad Waste 60 On-shift 1 Ooerator#
staff on shift RP 2/shift Maintenance May be provided by shift personnel (MM) 1/shift on shift assianed other functions May be provided by shift personnel .
Maintenance (EM) 1/shift on shift assianed other functions On-shift Chemistry 1 /shift on shift Technician Per Security ,
Security Force on shift Plan Rescue Operations 2/shift on shift May be provided by shift personnel and First Aid assigned other functions Firefighting Per Tech Specs
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 580F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes TSC Emergency Plant 1/team 60 Manager TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 Maintenance 1/team 60 Coordinator ENS Communicator# 1/team 60 TSC Communicator 1/team 60 Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator#
Engineering Coordinator 1/team 60 Engineering Elec/l&C # 1/team 60 Engineering Mech # 1/team 60 Security Coordinator Per Security 60 Plan TSC Log Keeper 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet 1/team standard ERO TSC Admin Support 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet 1/team standard ERO
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 59 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below Goals minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 60 OSC Operations Support 1/team 60 Work Control Coordinator 1/team 60 Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 60 Electrical/l&C Coordinator 1/team 60
- Rad Chem Coordinator 1/team 60 RP Technicians # 3 60 RP Technicians# 3 90 OSC Non-Traditional RP Site specific ERO position not in fleet Technician 1/team 60 standard ERO Onsite Monitoring Team# 1 60 Offsite Monitoring Team# 1 60 Offsite Monitoring Team# 1 90 /
OSC - FMT Drivers# 1 60 OSC - FMT Drivers # 1 90 OSC-Radio 1 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet Communicator standard ERO Maintenance (MM) # 1 60 Maintenance (EM) # 2 60 Maintenance (l&C) # 1 60 Chemistry Technician# 1 60 OSC Admin Support 1 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet standard ERO
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 60 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes EOF Emergency Director # 1/team 60 EOF Manager 1/team 60 EOF Log Keeper 1/team 60 Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator Dose Assessor 1/team 60 Offsite Team 1/team 60 Coordinator Offsite Communicator# 1/team 60 State/County /
1/team 60 Communicator#
EOF Communicator 1/team 60 IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and 1/team 60 Logistics Coordinator Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 60 Offsite Liaison (State) 1/team 150 Offsite Liaison (County) 3/team 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet Security Coordinator 1/team 60 standard ERO Site specific ERO position not in fleet Security Staff 2/team 60 standard ERO
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN*EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 61OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Alert Response Required Time Goals or higher unless noted below Position minutes Company JIC Spokesperson 1/team 90 JIC Manager 1/team 90 Technical Advisor 1/team 90 Information 1/team 90 Coordinator Media Liaison 1/team 90 Log Keeper 1/team 90 JIC Logistics 1/team 90 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 90 Coordinator Technical 1/team 90 Assistant Press Release Writer 1/team 90 Media Monitoring 1/team 90 Public Inquiry Site specific ERO position not in fleet Staff 2/team 90 standard ERO, answers phones.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 62 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with #are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Required Time Goals Responders Staff Position minutes Shift Manager I Control Emergency 1/shift on shift Room Director Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Licensed Nuclear 2/shift on shift Plant Operator Unlicensed Nuclear 2/shift on shift Plant Operator Engineer (Shift 1/shift on shift Site title for standard ERO Shift Technical Control Room) Advisor '
- Unlicensed Nuclear 1/shift on shift Control Room Communicator Plant Operator Unlicensed Nuclear 1/shift on shift Corrective Actions/Safe Shutdown Plant Operator Licensed Nuclear on shift Corrective Actions Plant Operator 1/shift On-shift RP Technician 1/shift on shift May perform back-up dose assessment staff Maintenance n/a Site specific EPlan staffing Radiochemistry Technician 1/shift on shift May perform back-up dose assessment Security Force Per Security on shift Plan ENS Communicator n/a on shift Filled by Ops staff I site specific for standard ERO augmented TSC position.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN*EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 63 Of 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes TSC Emergenc;r Plant 1/team 60 Manager i
TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 30 TSC Communicator 1/team 60 Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 Radiological 1/team 60 Coordinator Engineering 1/team 60 Coordinator Elec/l&C Engineer# 2/team 60 1 is regulatory required Mech. Engineer# 1/team 60 Per TSC Security 60 Security Coordinator Plan TSC IT Specialist 1/team 60 Site addition provides Engineering Ops Operations Engineer 1/team 60 support TSC SCRE 1/team 60 Site addition provides TSC Ops support
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 640F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTAC HM ENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 60 Operations Support 1/team 60 Work Control 1/team 60 Coordinator Mechanical 60 1/team Coordinator l&C/Electrical 60 1/team Coordinator Rad/Chem 1/team 60 Coordinator Maintenance 5/team 30 Call in (drawn from a pool, not on four (MM /EM /l&C ) # 2/team 60 section rotation) 4/team 30 Call in (drawn from a pool, not on four RP Technicians 4/team 60 section rotation)
Chemistry 1/team 60 Call in (drawn from a pool, not on four Technician # section rotation) 60 Site addition provides dosimetry Dosimetry Clerk 1/team support
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 65 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTAC HM ENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes EOF Emergency Director# 1/team 60 EOF Manager # 1/team 60 EOF Log Keeper 1/team 60 EOF Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 30 Coordinator#
Dose Assessor 2/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 1/team 60 Team Coordinator Offsite Communicator# 1/team 30 EOF Communicator# 1/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team 30 Team consists of driver and monitor Team No.1 #
- Offsite Monitoring 2/team 60 Team consists of driver and monitor Team No. 2#
EOF IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and 1/team 60 Logistics Coordinator Public Information 1/team 60 I I
Liaison Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 60 Offsite Liaison(s) 6/team 60
NUCLEAR. NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 66 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes JIC Company 1/team 120 Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120 JIC Technical 1/team 120 Advisor Information 120 1/team Coordinator Media Liaison 1/team 120 JIC Log Keeper 1/team 120 Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120.
Coordinator Public Info.
Technical 1/team 120 Assistant Press Release 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitor 2/team 120 Site addition not listed on standard ERO, Phone Team 2/team 120 answers phones Agency 1/team 120 Site addition coordinates offsite interface Coordin~tor AdminTeam 1/team 120 Site addition supports material distribution 120 Site addition assists media Media Assistants 1/team representatives NV Assistants 1/team 120 Site addition sets up JIC media briefing equipment
- Entergy MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 670F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SrrE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance:'
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO po~itions with #are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Required Time Goals Responders Staff Position minutes Control Shift Manager I Fills ED role until relieved by designated Emergency 1/shift on shift Room ED Communicator for Pl Director Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Nuclear Control 2/shift on shift Operator Nuclear Equipment 6/shift on shift At least one is Communicator qualified Operator Shift Technical 1/shift on shift Advisor Nuclear Equipment Operator or Control Room Communicator, SM is Pl 1/shift on shift Nuclear Control Communicator Operator On-shift RP 2/shift on shift Reports to the OSC at Alert or higher staff Maintenance 2/shift on shift Reports to the OSC at Alert or higher Chemistry 1/shift on shift Performs dose calculations .
Technician Security Force Per Security on shift Plan Site addition not listed on standard ERO, positioned in CR to communicate plant TSC/CR conditions and anticipated CR actions with 1/team 75/90 TSCand EOF
. Communicator#
[3 of 4 communicators (in CR, TSC & EOF) must report within 75 minutes]
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 68 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes Emergency Plant 1/team 75
- TSC Manager#
TSC Manager # 1/team 90
- Reactor Engineer # 1/team 75
- Maintenance Coordinator 1/team 90 *
(3 of 4 communicators must report within ENS Communicator# 1/team .75/90
- 75 minutes)
TSC Communicator 1/team 90*
Operations Coordinator# 1/team 90
- 75
- Can perform EOF RAC and Dose Radiological Coordinator# 1/team Assessor functions Engineering Coordinator# 1/team 90
- Engineering* Elec/l&C # 1/team 90
- Engineering Mech # 1/team 90
- 90
- An on-shift Security Supervisor fills this Security Coordinator 1/team function until relieved
- ~
TSC IT Specialist# 1/team 75/90 *
- Response time goal is 45 minutes when facility minimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel. *
~Entergy* .
PAGE 69 OF77 REV. 013 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 90
- OSC Log Keeper 1/team .90
- OSC Operations This position is filled by on shift operations 1/team On shift Support personnel Work Control 1/team 90
- Can fill OSC Manager position Coordinator Mechanical 1/team 90
- Coordinator Electrical/l&C 1/team 90
- Coordinator I Rad Chem 90
- Position filled by on-shift Senior RP 1/team Coordinator Technician until relieved Callin Electrician # 2/team 90 2/team Call in l&C#
90 2/team Call in '
90 Call in On-shift position fills minimum ~taffing RP Technicians# 9/team 75/90 On shift position fills minimum staffing. 2 are Chemistry Call in assigned to EOF Field Teams, 1 is assigned 3/team to OSC and 1 is assigned to TSC to assist Technicians# 90 with dose calculations
- Response time goal is 45 minutes when facility minimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 70 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Response . Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes EOF Emergency 1/team 75
- Director#
EOF Manager# 1/team 90
- EOF Log Keeper 1/team 90
- Technical Advisor 1/team 75
- Radiological Assessment 1/team 75
- Coordinator#
Dose Assessor # 1/team 75
- Offsite Team 1/team 90
- coordinator /
Offsite 1/team 75/90 * (3 of 4 communicators must report within Communicator# 75 minutes)
EOF 1/team 90
- Communicator#
Offsite Monitoring 2/team 75
- 2 RP techs will report as offsite team Team No. 1 # members in 75 minutes Offsite Monitoring 2/team 90
- Team No. 2 IT Specialist N/A N/A IT Specialist staffed in TSC Administration and Logistics 1/team 90
- Coordinator Public Information 1/team. 90
- Liaison Lead Offsite 1/team 90 *
. Liaison Offsite Liaison(s) 1/offsite 90 - 120* These positions report to the State and EOC/team Parish (5) EOCs
- Response time goal 1s 45 minutes when fac1hty mm1mum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 71OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 . RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Alert Response Required Time Goals or higher unless noted below Position minutes JIC Company 1/team 120*
Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120*
- Technical Advisor 1/team 120*
Media Liaison 1/team
- 120*
Technical 1/team 120*
Assistant Press Release 1/team ~20*
Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120*
- Response time goal is 60 minutes when facility position is onsite
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 72 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with #are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Response Time Comment:
Facility & Emergency Personnel Goals On Shift Emergency Responders On-shift Response Position Required minutes Staff Shift Manager fills both functions until Control Shift Manager I 1/shift on shift relieved by Duty EOF Emergency Room Emergency Director Director Control Room on shift Supervisor 1/shift Control Room on shift 2 /shift Operator Nuclear Auxiliary 5/shift on shift Operator Remote Shutdown on shift 2/shift Operator Shift Technical 1/shift on shift Advisor Emergency Function filled by NAO until relieved by on shift Communicator EOF Offsite Communicator On-shift HP on shift Reports to OSC at Alert or higher 2/shift staff Maintenance (MM, 2/shift on shift Reports to OSC at Alert or higher EM, l&C)
Chemistry Technician 1/shift on shift Reports to OSC at Alert or' higher Per Security Security Force on shift Plan
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 730F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below
~ Goals minutes Emergency Plant TSC 1/team 75/45*
Manager# J TSC Manager 1/team 90/45*
Reactor Engineer# 1/team 75/45*
Maintenance Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
ENS Communicator# 1/team 75/45*
TSC Communicator 1/team 90/45*
Operations Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Radiological Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Engineering Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
EnQineerinQ Electrical # 1/team 75/45*
EngineerinQ l&C 1/team 90/45*
Engineering Mechanical # 1/team 75/45*
IT Specialist 1/team 90/45*
Operations Site specific position in addition to 1/team 90/45*
' Communicator standard ERO Radiation Coordinator
- Site specific position in addition to 1/team 90/45*
Asst. standard ERO Site specific position in addition to TSC Chemistry Engineer 1/team 90/45*
standard ERO Site specific position in addition to TSC Status Board Keeper 1/team 90/45*
standard ERO
- Goal of 45 minutes if position is onsite.
NUCLEAR NON*QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-80.1 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 740F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below Goals minutes osc OSC Manager . 1/team 90/45*
OSC Log Keeper 1/team 90/45*
Work Control Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Filled by Control Room Training Shift on OSC Operations Support 1/team as needed/ as available basis Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Electrical Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
l&C Coordinator *11team 90/45*
Rad/Chem Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Mechanics# 2/team 75/45* All Craft techs Electricians# 2/team 75/45* All Craft techs l&CTechs# 2/team 75/45* All Craft techs RP/HP/ Techs# 11/team 75/45*
Chemistry Tech# 1/team 75/45*
Assembly Area Site specific position in. addition to 1/team 90/45*
Coordinator standard ERO Security Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
- Goal of 45 minutes if position is onsite.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 75 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below Goals minutes EOF Emergency Director# 1/team 75/45*
EOF Manaaer 1/team 90/45*
EOF Loa Keeper 1/team 90/45*
Technical Advisor 1/team 90/45*
Radiological Assessment 1/team 75/45*
Coordinator #
Dose Assessor # 1/team 75/45*
Offsite Team Coordinator# 1/team 75/45*
Offsite Communicator# 2/team 75/45*
EOF Communicator 1/team 90/45*
75/45* Team is 1 monitor required 75/45* and 1 Offsite Monitoring Team No. 1 . 2/team 90/45* driver 90/45*
75/45* Team is 1 monitor required 75/45* and 1 Offsite Monitoring Team No. 2 2/team 90/45* driver 90/45* ,
IT Specialist 1/team 90/45*
Administration I Logistics 1/team 90/45*
Coordinator Public Information Liaison 1/team 90/45*
Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 90/45 1/offsite Offsite Liaison(s) 90/45*
EOC/team Site specific position in addition to standard Field Team Communicator 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard EOF Habitability Assessor 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Licensing Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Entergy System Liaison 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard RAC Assistant 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Status Board Keeper 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Admin Assistant 1/team 90/45*
- Goal of 45 minutes if position is onsite.
NUCLEAR NON*CUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 76 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes Company 120 JIC Spokesperson 1/team JIC Manager 1/team 120 Technical Advisor 1/team 120 Information 1/team 120 Coordinator Media Liaison 1/team 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 JIC Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120 Coordinator Technical 1/team 120 Assistant Press Release 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 2/team 120 Not listed on standard ERO, answers Staff phones
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 770F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.15 MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS FOR EACH ERF FOR THE STANDARD ERO Sheet 1of1 This is typical minimum staffing to declare emergency response facilities operational. The site's staffing requirements may differ as needed to address site specific requirements. Site specific staffing requirements are listed in the site's emergency implementing procedures.
The ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the event regardless of facility manning or status.
Facility Emergency Response Comment:
Position tsc Emergency Plant Manager (EPM)
Reactor Engineer Radiol9gical Coordinator Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Appropriate staff to perform the facility's Engineers key function areas for the event ENS Communicator May be located in the Control Room EOF Emergency Director Radiological Assessment Coordinator RAC or Dose Assessor (1) Either may fill or Dose Assessor both positions Offsite Communicator osc OSC Manager Function may be assigned to RP staff Rad/Chem Coordinator position if person is qualified.
Maintenance (craft), RP and Chemistry Appropriate staff to perform the facility's personnel key function areas for the event JIC Company Spokesperson
Entergy Operations, Inc.
River Bend Station 5485 U.S. Highway 61 N St. Francisville, LA 70775 Tel 225-381-4177 Joseph A. Clark Manager, Licensing March 30, 2016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 RBG-47672 RBF1-16-0036
Submittal of Emergency Implementing Procedure River Bend Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 License No. NPF-47
Dear Sir or Madam:
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(q), Appendix E,Section V and 10 CFR 50.4, enclosed is a copy of the following emergency implementing procedure:
EN-EP-801, "Emergency Response Organization", Revision 13 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q), the changes made to this procedure do not decrease the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Kristi Huffstatler at (225) 378-3305.
EN-EP-801, "Emergency Response Organization"
Submittal of Emergency Implementing Procedures RBG-47672 RBF1-16-0036 Page 2 of 2 cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 East Lamar Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76011-4511 NRC Senior Resident Inspector (w/o attachments}
P. 0. Box 1050 \.,
St. Francisville, LA 70775 Ms. Andrea George, Project Manager (w/o attachments}
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 r
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 1 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION Procedure Contains NMM ECH eB REFLIB Forms: YES TC D Cancellation HQN Dean Burnett Mary Ann Wilson Effective Procedure Owner: Governance Owner:
Director, Emergency Director, Emergency Date
Programs Programs Site: Site:
3/25/2016 HON HON Site Site Procedure Champion Title ANO Robert Carey Manager, EP BRP N/A N/A CNS N/A N/A GGNS. Jeff Seiter Manager, EP IPEC Lori Glander ManaQer, EP JAF James Jones Manager, EP PLP Dan Malone Manager, EP PNPS Donna Calabrese Manager, EP RBS Tim Schenk Manager, EP VY N/A N/A W3 John SiQnorelli Manager, EP HON David Townsend Project Manager, EP For site implementation dates see ECH eB REFLIB usmg site tree view (Nav1gat1on panel)
Site and NMM Procedures Canceled or Superseded By This Revision Process Applicability Exclusion: All Sites: U Specific Sites: ANO 0 BRP 0 CNS 0 GGNS 0 IPEC1:8J JAF 0 PLP [8l PNPS1:8J RBS [8l VY 0 W3 [8l Change Statement
- 1. Added NEI 99-02, Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline as a reference.
- 2. Revised Attachment 9.1, Fleet Standard ERO Position Titles, to address site staffing of the IT Specialist position.
Added, "Site{s) may staff position in both facilities due to site specific needs" to footnote 1.
- 3. Ravised Attachment Q. 7, ANO Site Specific ERO Information, under the EOF added comment that the IT Specialist positon is staffed in the TSC or EOF.
- 4. Revised Attachment 9.12, PNPS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the statement in the Radiological Coordinator row that states "May perform back-up dose assessment". CR-PNP-2015-2405
- 5. Revised Attachment 9.12, PNPS Site Specific ERO Information, reduced the Phone Team, Admin Team, Media Assistants, and AN Assistants by 1 person per team in the JIC.
- 6. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the comment associated with Emergency Plant Manager which stated "Can perform ED functions".
- 7. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the comment associated with IT Specialist which stated "Can perform EOF offsite Communicator functions (3 of 4 communicators must report within 75 minutes)".
- 8. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the TSC Dose Assessor and all information associated as this position no longer exists in the. RBS TSC.
- 9. Revised Attachment 9.13, RBS Site Specific ERO Information, to remove the following positions and all information associated as they do not exist any longer in the RBS JIC: Information Coordinator, Log Keeper, JIC Logistics Coordinator, Inquiry Response Coordinator, Inquiry Response Staff, Credentialing, Admin Support.
Associated PRHQN #: CR-PRHON-2015-0326 I Procedure Writer: David K. Townsend Contains Proprietary Information: YES D NO l:8l
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE ~ OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 3
........_.......................................................................... 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................... 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................... 4 5.0 DETAILS ...........................,............................................... ~_............. 8 6.0 INTERFACES ................................................................................. 12 7.0. RECORDS ................. ~ .................................................................... 12 8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COllllMITMENTS .................................................... 13.
9.0 ATTACHMENTS .. ,.......................................................................... 13 ATTACHMENT 9.1 FLEET STANDARD ERO POSITION TITLES .......................... 14 ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ................... : .......... , ..... 15.
ATTACHMENT 9.3 TSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 19 ATTACHMENT 9.4 OSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 24 ATTACHMENT 9.5 EOF ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 28 ATTACHMENT 9.6 JIC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................. 34 ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................ 37 ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ......................... 42 ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ........................... 47 ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................. 52
. )
ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................. 57.
ATTACHMENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION .......................... 62 ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................ 67 ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION ............................ 72 ATTACHMENT 9.15 MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS FOR EACH ERF FOR THE STANDARD ERO ............................................................ 72
[1] Every person's job at each fleet nuclear site has three compon~nts: everyday work, outage support and emergency response. This procedure outlines expectations and responsibilities for Emergency Response Organization (ERO) members, Site Management and the Emergency Planning staff to support the successful implementati.on of emergency response at any of the sites.
[2] It is the goal of Emergency Planning to maintain a response organization with four qualified ERO teams. *
[3] The procedure outlines responsibilities for personnel assigned to an ERO position and for other company personnel who may be called upon to support an emergency re~ponse effort, but are not directly assigned to an ERO position.
[1] 10CFR50.47(b)1, (b)2
[2] Emergency Plans
[3] EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations
[4] Company Policy No PL-108, Emergency Management Policy
[5] Company Policy No PL-147, Personnel Expectations Related to Emergency Response at Entergy Nuclear Sites
[6] EN-EP-310, Emergency Response Organization Notification System
[7] NEI 99-02, Regulatory Assessment Performance lndicator*Guideline 3.0 DEFINITIONS
[1] Activation - Actions taken to staff and setup an emergency response facility to make it operational. Actions include but are not limited to notification of emergency personnel, equipment setup and equipment operability testing. *
[2] Augmentation - Actions taken to support on-shift personnel or the Emergency Response Organization
[3] Call-in ERO members - Personnel who are members of the ERO but are not on a
'rotational team for an assigned duty position. These ERO members do not normally carry pagers/cellular telephones and are not included in the automated ERO notification. They are called-in to respond to an emergency if needed to fill positions associated with their normal jo.b function.
[4] Emergency Response Organization (ERO)- Personnel who are qualified to respond to emergency events and perform duties as outlined in site emergency plans.
[5] Emergency Notification System (ENS) - Is part of the Federal telephone System (FTS) used to provide initial notification to, and ongoing communication with, NRG personnel in an emergency. The ENS is usually available in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF.
[6] Emergency Response Facility (ERF) - facilitie's dedicated to be used for responding to an emergency (i.e. Control Room, EOF, TSC, OSC, JIG).
[7] Minimum Staffing - The on-shift and augmented staff shown in the emergency plan table of minimum staffing (Table 8-1 equivalent) required to provide facility accident response capability in key functional areas.
[8] Operational - Status of an emergency facility declared by the appropriate facility manager upon determining that the facility is adequately staffed and equipment is setup and available to assume/perform the emergency functions assigned to that facility.
[9] Performance Indicator (Pl)- objective data regarding licensee performance in the ROP cornerstones of safety and security
[1 O] Response Time Goals - The emergency response facilities may be activated at any time and shall be activated at an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency declaration. Once activated, the facility shall become operational as soon as possible (without delay) after declaration of any of these emergency classifications. Otherwise, it is the goal to be operational within the response time goals established by the site emergency plan or procedure. Response time goals are.included in Attachments 9.7 through Attachment 9.14 of this procedure.
[11] Site Specific ERO Positions - ERO Positions assigned at an Entergy facility that are in addition to the fleet standard ERO.
- All employees who may respond to an emergency are responsible to:
[1] Maintain ERO qualifications current.
[2] Adhere to all of the applicable regulations and procedures.
[3] Maintain a constant awareness of the event status and aggressively pursue actions to mitigate and resolve emergency conditions.
[4] Apply radiological safety and ALARA concepts to minimize personnel exposure.
[5] Use human performance error prevention tools.
[6] Maintain an adequate knowledge and understanding of the assigned ERO position, emergency response facility and applicable procedures and the ability to carry out the assigned duties.
[7] Inform his or her supervisor and Manager, EmergencyPlanning (EP Manager) if:
- Qualifications lapse or failure of any training required for ERO position or employee job function that may be called upon to respond to an emergency,
- On short or long term disability,
- Any restricted duty status imposed due to medical conditions,
- Loss of access to the protected area,
- Any invoked radworker restrictions,
- Employment is terminated (if required by site termination processes).
4.2 Director. Regulatory &. Performance Improvement is responsible to:
[1] Act as the site Senior Management sponsor for Emergency Planning, where applicable.
4.3 Management and Supervisors are responsible to:
[1] Select individuals to fill ERO positions assigned to their area of expertise within the Emergency Plan.
[2] Ensure that each ERO member under their supervision remains qualified to respond to an emergency.
[3] Enforce accountability for emergency planning policy and procedure violations and individual performance weaknesses.
[4] Periodically discuss emergency planning issues at staff meetings, focus meetings and/or plan of the day meetings to ensure appropriate priorities are given to those
[5] Notify the EP Manager of known, or planned, departmental staffing changes that could affect the ERO.
[6] Support ERO members' required training, qualification, and all drill activity participation requirements.
[7] Include ERO participation as part of the annual performance planning and review (PP&R) process for employees.
4.4 Operations Shift Manager (SM) is responsible.to:
[1] Implement the emergency plan and procedures to make the initial emergency declaration and act as Emergency Director until relieved.
[2] Activate the ERO at the emergency classification level described in the emergency plan.
4.5 Manager. Emergency Planning (EP Manager) is responsible to:
[1] Ensure that.the ERO is maintained in accordance with the emergency plan.
[2] Complete a listing of ERO personnel that meets all requirements for staffing the ERO and the phone number or contact information at least quarterly.
[3] Maintain oversight of the ERO administration to ensure that sufficient numbers of personnel are qualified and available to staff the ERO on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s/day basis for extended duration events.
[4] Upon notification by an ERO member of any condition listed in 4.1 [7], determine if the ERO member qualification needs to be suspended and IF so THEN suspend the individual's qualifications.
[5] Ensure the "Personnel Actions Report" or equivalent is received from Human
.Resources and reviewed to consider impact on the Emergency Response Organization. Such personnel actions report should include:
- Pending retirements
- Reassignments/transfers
- On short or long term disability
- New hires
- T ermi nations/resignations
[1], Enforce standardization among ERO positions and the uniform implementation of best practices.
[2] Provide scenarios that challenge the ERO and effectively test major portions of the emergency plan.
[3] Provide the opportunity for all ERO members to participate in a drill as a player, controller, evaluator, or coach/mentor each calendar year.
[1] Revision to this procedure requires a 10CFR50.54 (q) review under EN-EP-305, Emergency Planning 10CFR50.54 (q) Review Program.
[1] All employees:
- Every company employee is eligible and responsible to support an emergency response position.
[2] All ERO Members:
- Maintain contact and call-in information up-to-date in their EverBridge Profile.
Report changes in home, work, cell phone or pager numbers and changes in drive time that impact ,timely response.
NOTE Call-in ERO members who perform job function activities and are not assigned a position shall' perform only those tasks for which they are qualified
- Attain qualification as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days, after a new assignment to an ERO position unless waived by the EP Manager under training procedures.
(1) An employee will not be assigned to fill an ERO position that requires task qualification in a job function (e.g., engineer job function that has areas of specialization) until qualified to perform the job function task.
(2) Such employees shall be assigned to an ERO position for which they can be quickly qualified as soon as possible but no later than 90 days.
The employee may be considered for re-assignment when job qualification is complete.
- Attend scheduled training or briefings, including pre-drill activities such as briefings and post drill activities such as critiques.
- Be fit-for-duty (FFD) when responding to an emergency response facility per the Fitness for Duty program.
- 5. 2 cont
- A person who transfers from one job to another at the same site shall continue to fill their assigned ERO position unless they are notified they are no longer an ERO member or they are reassigned and qualified in another position.
- Respond promptly to actual emergencies, site drills, quarterly off-hours/unannounced test and off-hours/unannounced drills when on-call. ERO
- members not on-call are expected to respond unless they are unavailable.'
- Always have your company issued ID badge with you when responding to your assigned emergency response facility during an emergency (road blocks may be set up to restrict public access to the area and ID may be required to pass).
- ERO members at non-affected nuclear sites may be called upon for assistance to the affected site to maximize management, control and mitigation of the emergency.
- Be prepared to be sequestered at the affected 'site when conditions, such as severe weather or strike contingency, are expected that may prohibit the ERO capability to safely arrive at the site if notified to respond to an emergency.
[3] Individuals in craft or administrative job functions that may be called upon to support an emergency response effort (RP Technicians, Chemistry Technidans, Electrical Maintenance Technicians, Mechanical Maintenance Technicians, l&C Technicians, Admin Services, etc.):
- Complete the fundam~ntal EP training, if required, and maintain qualifications to perform job functions.
- Personnel will be called out and assigned emergency roles and specific duties based on their qualifications.
[4] Additional instructions for ERO members filling an assigned position:
- Maintain ERO qualification for the assigned position including EP training, drill participation and additional position required training such as licenses, respirator qualificatior:is, radiation worker training (RWT), plant access training (PAT).
- Be on-call and available to respond to the appropriate emergency response facility, within the required response time, during an assigned duty period.
- Actively support the ERO as a participant, controller, evaluator or coach in drills or exercises (including pre-drill/exercise and post-drill/exercise activities) when scheduled to fill the role.
- If an ERO member is not available to support an assigned I scheduled drill or exercise, it is the ERO member's responsibility to find a qualified replacement and inform him or her of the assigned function in the drill and/or exercise and notify Emergency Planning of the change.
- It is the ERO member's responsibility to find a qualified replacement when an ERO member cannot cover an assigned duty period.
The* member filling in must clearly understand the responsibilities and for what time period they are assuming the duty.
- When applicable, management personnel qualified in some call-out positions may be on call to fill the position in an emergency until relieved by call-out staff.
- Be prepared to have your ERO participation evaluated as part of the annual Performance Planning and Review (PP&R) process.
[5] ERO pagers or other notification methods
- When on-call, keep the pager or other device turned on, on your person or within hearing range. Be able to recognize the page or call during noisy activities (i.e., mowing the lawn, taking a shower) or when asleep.
- Ensure the pager is in good material condition and the battery is fresh or your phone is in a working condition.
[6] ERO member on-call duty period
- Remain within a travel distance capable of meeting the required response time for the position and facility.
- Remain fit to meet the company fitness-for-duty program during the entire on-call duty period.
- Remain capable to respond to their emergency response facility promptly when notified.
[7] ERO members when NOT on-call:
- All ERO members are subject to call-in should an emergency occur. Respond to the ERO Notification system when contacted.
- If available and not filling a position during an emergency, be prepared to provide relief support to the ERO responding team.
- If you are in the area and otherwise would be able to respond, it is recommended that you leave your pager and/or phone turned on ..
[1] The ERO roster and schedule of on-call personnel is maintained up-to-date and available to ERO members. *
[2] It is the responsibility of the ERO member when assigned an on-call duty to be aware of the on-call schedule, their on-duty status and be aware of the call-out process and pager codes.
[3] It is the responsibility of the ERO member to ensure the published duty roster correctly identifies his or her duty period and position.
[1] See Attachment 9.2 for the on-shift ERO position initial responder responsibilities.
[2] See Attachment 9.3 for the Technical Support Center {TSC) ERO position responsibilities.
[3] See Attachment 9.4 for the Operations Support Center (OSC) ERO position responsibilities. *
[4] See Attachment 9.5 for the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) ERO position responsibilities.
NOTE Not all JIG Standard ERO positions are. required to be staffed if the site's JIG is located at a State/Local facility or co-iocated with offsite agencies. However, all functions/responsibilities listed for each position should be performed by other JIG staff or the State/Local agencies. Refer to Attachments 9.7 to 9.14 for the site's specific JIG positions.
[5] See Attachment 9.6 for the Joint Information Center (JIG) ERO position responsibilities.
[1] Site specific implementing procedures or check lists of ERO responsibilities are developed and maintained by each site.
[1] In the event of an emergency declaration, respond per the instructions made in a plant announcement or message delivered by the ERO Notification system.
[2] If filling an ERO position, take actions as required by the duty assignment aiid procedures.
[3] Upon hearing an emergency alarm or verbal announcement of an Alert or higher classification or when emergency facilities are activated, personnel performing a job task shall place the equipment in a safe condition, exit the area following normal radiological, safety and security rules, and report to their assigned facility unless directed otherwise by the announcement.
- The facility lead will provide instructions to ERO members that are not needed to fill positions for initial activation. (e.g., return to suspended work activity, report to a staging area, report to supervisor or work station, or leave the site and report back when directed or called to report back)
- Ensure the facility lead and Control Room Shift Manager or Control Room Supervisor is informed of stopped work, status of the equipment and location of the worker.
[4] If escorting a visitor or contractor at an Alert or higher, upon hearing an emergency alarm or verbal announcement, escort the vfsitor out of the protecte~ area.
[5] Listen to all plant pages/announcements for directions on additional actions to take.
[1] The ERO will respond to the ERO Notification System messages per procedures or instructions.
[1] See Attachment 9.15 for the Minimum staffing levels to declare emergency response facilities Operational for each ERF for the Standard ERO.
[1] EN-NS-102, Fitness for Duty Program 7.0 RECORDS The quarterly listing of the qualified ERO personnel should be retained for the required period to support Performance Indicators, inspections and 50.54(t) audits. Records are retained under EN-AD-103.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL . PAGE 13 OF 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION 8.0 SITE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS Step Site DocL1ment Commitment Number or Reference 4.5 PNPS QA Audit Report 93-09 Establish a procedural mechanism to DR2031 ensure Emergency Response Organization is properlv staffed.
4.5[4] PNPS QA Audit Report 94-11 Ensure Security and Medical is informed of DR 2061 personnel assigned to the TSC, OSC and EOF so that FFD requirements can be met.
9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Fleet Standard ERO Position Titles 9.2 On-Shift ERO Responsibilities 9.3 TSC ERO Responsibilities 9.4 OSC ERO Responsibilities 9.5 EOF ERO Responsibilities 9.6 JIC ERO Responsibilities 9.7 ANO Site Specific ERO Information 9.8 GGNS Site Specific ERO Information 9.9 IPEC Site Specific ERO Information 9.10 JAF Site Specific ERO Information 9.11 PLP Site Specific ERO*lnformation 9.12 PNPS Site Specific ERO Information 9.13 RBS Site Specific ERO Information 9.14 WF3 Site Specific ERO Information 9.15 Minimum Staffing Levels for each ERF for the Standard ERO I
MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 140F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.1 FLEET STANDARD ERO POSITION TITLES Sheet 1of1 TSC EOF Emergency Plant Manager Emergency Director Security Coordinator Offsite Communicator TSC Manager Technical Advisor ENS Communicator Log Keeper EOF TSC Communicator EOF Manager Maintenance Coordinator Radiological Assessment Coordinator Radiological Coordinator Offsite Team Coordinator Operations Coordinator Dose Assessor Engineering Coordinator Offsite Monitoring Team 1 Reactor Engineer Offsite Monitoring Team 2 Mechanical Engineer EOF Communicator Electrical / l&C Engineer Administration & Logistics Coordinator 1 1 IT Specialist IT Specialist .
Lead Offsite Liaison osc Qffsite Liaison(s)
OSC Manager Public Information Liaison Operations Support 3
Log Keeper OSC JIC Work Control Coordinator Company Spokesperson Mechanical Coordinator Technical Advisor Electrical/l&C Coordinator JIC Manager Rad/Chem Coordinator Information Coordinator OSC Craft Support Staff Media Liaison Log Keeper JIC Logistics Coordinator:
CR /On-Shift 2 Inquiry Response Coordinator Shift Manager/~mergency Director Technical Assistant CR Supervisor Press Release Writer' CR Operators Media Monitoring Plant Operators Shift Technical Advisor RP technician(s).
Chemistry technician(s)
Maintenance Security 1
One on Standard ERO in either TSC or EOF. Site(s) may staff position in both facilities due to site specific needs.
2 Site on-shift member(s) are per the site emergency plan and may not reflect the staff listed here. On-shift staff may be assigned additional EP position functions of CR communicator, CR dose assessor, fire brigade, corrective actions, first responder/first aid or search/rescue 3
Not all JIC Standard ERO positions are required to be staffed if the site's JIC is located at a State/Local facility or co-located with offsite agencies. However, all functions/responsibilities listed for each position should be performed by other J IC staff or the State/Local agencies. Refer to Attachments 9. 7 to 9.14 for the site's specific JIC positions.
Site(s) may add additional positions specific to the site
Shift Manager I Emergency Director 1
i On-shift staffing outside of Control Control Room Staff Room.
- The site Emergency Plan describes the on-shift staffing.
Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions Shift Manager Communicator
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 16 OF 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 2 of 4 Standard ERO Responsibilities Position Shift Manager/ Provide overall command and control of the emergency response. Responsibilities include:
Emergency NOTE Director (ED) The Emergency Director (ED) may delegate responsibilities except for those designated below. The SM can transfer ED duties to another ED qualified person.
- 1. Classify and declare the emergency (cannot delegate)
- 2. Assume role of ED and overall command and control of the emergency response until relieved
- 3. Approve the offsite notification and message content (cannot delegate)
- 4. Direct correc~ and timely offsite notification
- 5. Direct and ensure timely augmentation of the ERO consistent with site procedures
- 6. Direct timely ENS notification and ensure NRC is kept informed of the emergency situation
- 7. Ensure others (Site Duty Manager, Corporate, etc) are kept informed of the emergency situation
- 8. Perform accident assessment and oversight of the corrective actions to mitigate the event
- 9. Direct and ensure dose assessment is performed if a release is occurring
- 10. Review and interpret offsite dose projections for accuracy and impact to the health and safety of personnel and the public
- 11. Make offsite protective action recommendations (PAR) (cannot delegate)
- 12. Direct protective actions for on-site personnel
- 13. Approve and ensure correct and timely PAR notification to offsite agencies (cannot delegate)
- 14. Authorize emergency radiation exposure and issuance of Kl.
- 15. Implement severe accident management procedures {where applicable) 1
- 16. Invoke 50.54(x)
- 17. Direct evacuation of area, building, protected area or owner controlled area
- 18. Request security to perform accountability
- 19. Direct first responders/first aid to respond to reported medical events
- 20. Direct qualified personnel to perform search and rescue operations
- 21. Request assistance from offsite fire and/or medical support agencies
- 22. Integrate off-site responders with on-site response efforts when required
- 23. Direct personnel to coordinate transportation of injured personnel to supporting hospital
- 24. Ensure/direct EROS activation within 60 minutes of an Alert or higher classification
- 25. Ensure reports of other non-emergency reportable events are made during emergency plan activation (hazardous material spills, contaminated injured personnel, and so forth).
- 26. Turnover command and control of responsibilities for notification, classification, PARs, and actions outside of the protected area to the relieving Emergency Director.
- 27. Turnover command and control of onsite accident mitigation and corrective actions, onsite protective actions, and ENS notifications to the Emergency Plant Manager.
- 28. Advise the relief ED on core safety and plant conditions for classification and PAR determinations.
- 29. Authorize press releases (cannot delegate)
- 30. Terminate the emergency (cannot delegate) 1 The decision to depart from the license or a technical spec1ficat1on in an emergency shall be approved, as a minimum, by a licensed senior operator. If more senior licensee personnel are available, the decision to depart from the license in an emergency would pass to them as higher authorities in the chain of command. The rule does not specify that the senior licensee personnel be licensed senior operators or that they obtain the concurrence of a licensed senior operator to make such a decision. [RIS 2008-26]
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 17 OF 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 3 of4 Standard* Responsibilities ERO Position Control Room Perform control room responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations (CR) and as directed by the ED.
Supervisor 1. Assume the responsibilities and authority of the ED if the SM becomes incapacitated or is absent.
- 2. Direct plant operations and assessment of operational aspects
- 3. Perform accident assessment and initiate actions to mitigate the event.
Shift Technical Perform control room responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations Advisor (STA) and as directed by the ED.
- 1. Provide advisory technical support to the SM in areas of thermal hydraulics, reactor engineering, and plant analysis with regard to safe operation of the unit.
- 2. Perform accident assessment
- 3. Other actions as directed by the ED to implement the emergency plan and procedures.
On-shift CR Perform licensed operator responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operators Operations and as directed by the ED.
- 1. Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan (e.g.,
fire brigade, OSC Operations Support)
- 2. Report to the OSC when activated if required to perform other functions outside the CR On-shift Plant Perform non-licensed operator responsibilities in accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operators Operations and as directed by the ED
- 1. Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan (e.g., .
fire brigade, communicator) *
- 2. Report to the OSC when activated or CR where applicable On-shift Perform functions as directed by the ED. Responsibilities include:
Chemistry 1. Collect and analyze samples Technician(s)
- 2. Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan
- 3. Report to the OSC (or other assiqned ERF) when activated On-shift Perform functions as directed by the ED to provide initial in-plant and near plant area Radiation radiological support actions. Responsibilities include:
Protection 1. Monitor and/or survey area for changing radiological conditions and radiological release Technician( s)
- 2. Perform radiological surveys for repair and corrective action teams, search and rescue, medical and fire-fighting activities when required.
- 3. Support evacuation and assembly (where applicable)
- 4. Provide dosimetry, as needed, and radiation exposure control support to on-shift
. personnel.
- 5. Provide dosimetry and radiation exposure control support to offsite agencies responding to provide assistance onsite such as medical, fire, and law enforcement (where applicable}
- 6. ' Perform other assigned functions per emergency procedures or emergency plan
- 7. Report to the OSC (or other assioned ERF) when activated On-shift Perform functions as directed by the Emergency Director Maintenance 1. Perform repair and corrective actions
- 2. Report to the OSC when activated
ATTACHMENT 9.2 ON-SHIFT ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet4of 4 Standard Responsibilities * *
- ERO Position Security Perform functions per the Security Contingency Plan and as requested by the Emergency (tasks that Director.
support the 1. Perform accountability of personnel in the protected area EPlan) 2. Support evacuations and assembly where applicable
- 3. Request assistance from local law enforcement to support emergency plan response
- 4. Sl!pport site access for medical, fire fighting,. or law enforcement offsite responders
- 5. Serve as liaison/coordinator for the incident command system 6~ Provide input to the Shift Manaqer/ED for security EALs *.
On-Shift CR The Control Room Communicator reports to the ED. (sites designate which on shift Communicator position(s) shown in Attachment 1 performs this function) Responsibilities include:
- 1. Make timely and correct notification to State and Local agencies using the primary and backup notification system when directed by the ED until relieved.
- 2. Prepare the NRC notification worksheet
- 3. Make timely NRC notifications when directed by the ED until relieved.
- 4. Complete notification forms and procedure/checklists where applicable.
- 5. Activate the ERO notification system when directed.
- 6. Make follow-up notifications
- 1. Turn over the State and locai notification responsibilities to the relief Offsite Communicator when. directed by the ED.
- 8. Turnover the ENS Communicator responsibilities to relief ENS Communicator when directed by the ED.
On-shift Dose Conduct on-shift dose assessment as directed .(sites designate which on shift position shown Assessor in Attachment 1 performs this function)
(filled by shift 1. Monitor or obtain meteorological and radiological data personnel assigned other 2. Monitor parameters, to detect changes that affect dose assessment duties) 3. Perform dose projection calculations using primary and backup methods
- 4.
- Evaluate dose projection output
- 5. Determine dose consequences
- 6. Communicate results to the ED to determine aooropriate classification or PAR Fire Brigade Perform fire fighting functions per the fire protection plan and procedures when directed by (filled by shift the SM/ED or OSC Manager where applicable. The Fire Protection Plan designates who fills personnel the fire brigade. When offsite assistance is requested:
assigned other duties) 1. Integrate fire fighting efforts with the fire fighting assistance provided by offsite fire fighting departments
- 2. (FBL) Brief the offsite fire fighting chief/leader when they arrive on scenec__
- 3. (FBL) Turnover fire fighting command and control to the offsite agency incident 0
- 4. (FBL) Provide technical suooort to the incident commander Rescue/First Perform functions per the search and rescue or medical response procedures Aid (filledby 1. Locate missing personnel following an evacuation.
shift personnel assigned other 2. Provide initial first aid/medical treatment on reported injuries.
Security Coordinator l
(Incident Command Center)
TSC Manager I
ENS I Communicator I TSC Communicator I
r-----------------t---------------~--- -----------------1--------~ I Reactor Maintenance ., Engineering Radiological Operations Engineer Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator
- 1 I Mechanical Electrical I l&C Engineer Engineer
- IT Specialist Engineering Team
- One IT Specialist required
~ for Standard ERO, may be in
, TSCorEOF Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions
Ops Coordinator
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 20 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.3 TSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet2 of 5 Standard Responsibilities ERO Position Emergency The EPM reports to the EOF ED. The EPM has the responsibility for the command and Plant Manager control of all accident mitigation actions at the site and performs these duties from the (EPM) Technical Support Center (TSC). Responsibilities include:
- 1. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation of the TSC
- 3. Provide information and recommendations to the ED regarding the classification of an emergency ,
- 4. Prepare and facilitate facility briefings
- 5. Verify event classifications
- 6. Ensure timely ENS notifications
- 7. Perform accident assessment to prioritize mitigation actions.
- 9. Direct personnel evacuation, assembly and accountability of non-essential personnel
- 10. Provide information and recommendations to the ED regarding plant activities
- 12. Direct the organization, coordination, and prioritization of repair corrective action teams
- 13. Direct onsite protective actions
- 14. Authorize emergency radiation exposure and issuance of Kl to recommended personnel in the CR, TSC or OSC or to Security personnel.
- 15. Make operational decisions involving the safety of the plant and its personnel and make recommendations to the Control Room Personnel
- 16. Initiate immediate corrective actions to limit or contain the emergency invoking the 1
provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) if appropriate
- 17. Implement severe accident management procedure strategies
- 18. Direct relocation to an alternate location.
- 19. Integrate offsite responders with on-site response efforts when required
- 20. Perform emerciencv termination duties TSC Manager The TSC Manager reports to the EPM. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Assure staffing/timely activation of the TSC.
- 2. Notify EPM when operational conditions exist.
- 3. Recognize and implement all technical aspects of accident mitigation for the emergency.
- 4. Perform technical assessments and communicate the conclusions to the EPM.
- 5. Set priorities for the TSC personnel/OSC Teams.
- 6. Assist the EPM to make operational decisions concerning the safety of the plant.
- 7. Oversee the activities for relocation to an alternate location.
- 8. Direct the tracking of plant configuration changes. ,
- 9. Deactivate the TSC when the emerciencv is terminated.
1 The decision to depart from the license or a technical specification man emergency shall be approved, as a minimum, by a licensed senior operator. If more senior licensee personnel are available, the decision to depart from the license in an emergency would pass to them as higher authorities in the chain of command. The rule does not specify that the senior licensee personnel be licensed senior operators or that they obtain the concurrence of a licensed senior operator to make such a decision. [RIS 2008-26]
- Responsibilities
Coordinator 1.. Overall coordination of the offsite assistance for the security related response.
- 2. Designated National Incident Management System (NIMS) Liaison between the Incident Command Post (ICP) and Site Organization.' *
- 3. Coordinate accountability
- 4. Keep security force advised of emergency status
- 5. Coordinate with Radiological Coordinator regarding protective actions for the security force.
- 6. Keep the ED/EPM informed of any security contingency event which may be occurring and response in progress
- 7. Coordinate the dispatch of security officers to evacuation assembly areas and keep the ED/EPM informed of evacuation accountability.
TSC This position reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Maintain facility log on WebEOC or other acceptable method.
- 2. Ensure timeliness of facility briefS by prompting EPM to develop and adhere to briefing schedule
- 3. Communicate between the ERF's if necessary regarding plant status or WebEOC entries.
- 4. Support the EPM/TSC Manager as requested.
ENS The ENS Communicator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Prepare the NRC notification worksheet.
- 2. Establish and maintain communications with the NRC via the ENS phone.
- 3. Prepare follow-up notifications
- 4. Monitor plant computer parameters and provide plant status to the NRC.
- 5. Use backup NRC notification method if ENS line fails.
IT Specialist This position reports to the Engineering Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Monitor facility equipment (computer related and commun!cations) to ensure adequate operation.
- 2. Resolve any IT related malfunctions.
- 3. Verify or perform EROS actjvation.
- 4. Assist with issues related to WebEOC Reactor The Reactor Engineer reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilit!es include:
Engineer 1. Determine and provide estimation of core damage.
- 2. Assist in Severe Accident Management Guideline implementation.
- 3. Provide core parameter information results back to the TSC Manager.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 22 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.3 TSC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 4of 5 Standard Responsibilities ERO Position Operations The Operations Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Coordinate TSC efforts in determining the nature and extent of emergencies pertaining to equipment and plant facilities in support of Control Room actions.
- 2. Perform accident assessment activities.
- 3. Provide assistance to initiate immediate corrective actions to limit or contain the emergency invoking the provisions of.10 CFR 50.54(x) 1 if appropriate, and specifically when addressing Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG/SAG).
- 4. Recommend equipment operations checks and miscellaneous actions to the Control Room in support of restoration and accident mitigation.
- 5. Approve emergency special procedures, and implement as required under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) if qualified.
- 6. Recommend changes in plant priorities.
- 7. Assist the Maintenance Coordinator in determining the 'priority assigned to OSC activities.
- 8. Coordinate additional staffing for the Control Room if requested-by the SM.
- 9. Provide input on event classification.
- 10. Assist the EPM in evaluating changes in event classification.
- 11. At the direction of the EPM, assume the duties and responsibilities of the Evaluator, or Decision-Maker if qualified, when transition to Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG/SAG) is initiated.
- 12. Inform the TSC of the overall plant condition and significant changes to system and equipment status.
- 13. Ensure the Control Room, TSC, and EOF is informed of significant changes in event status (e.g. changes in classification, command and control, initiation of station assembly, accountability, evacuation, etc.).
- 14. Coordinate CR request for operations activities outside of the Control Room
- 15. Provide technical assistance to the Shift Manager.
- 16. Recommend strategies and actions to prevent severe core damage and containment failure and reduce radiological release.
Maintenance The Maintenance Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Communicate the request for repair and corrective teams to the OSC Work Control (Optional) Coordinator. Use WebEOC or other acceptable methods.
Note: Optional position for sites
- 2. Prioritizes the requests with the TSC Manager.
with co-located OSC/TSC.
Position responsibilities must be assigned to another position if not staffed.
1 The decision to depart from the license or a technical specification in an emergency shall be approved, as a minimum, by a licensed senior operator. If more senior licensee personnel are available, the decision to depart from the license in an emergency would pass to them as .
higher authorities in the chain of command. The rule does not specify that the senior licensee personnel be licensed senior operators or that they obtain the concurrence of a licensed senior operator to make such a decision. [RIS 2008-26]
- ERO Position Engineering The Engineering Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Provide technical guidance to support repair activities.
- 2. Recommend strategies and .actions to prevent severe core damage and containment failure and reduce radiological releases.
- 3. Coordinate Engineering work requests with the Engineering support team.
- 4. Provide results back to the TSC Manager.
- 5. Support SAMG activities and strategies.
- 6. Direct tracking and trending of parameters.
- 7. Direct the development of emergency repair procedures tb support emergency teams.
- 8. Track plant configuration changes.
Mechanical The Engineers report to the Engineering Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
Engineer 1. Respond to engineering requests from the Engineering Coordinator.
- 2. Evaluate SAM/SAG strateav implementation when designated Electrical I l&C The Engineers report to the Engineering Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
Engineer 1. Respond to engineering requests from the Engineering Coordinator.
- 2. Evaluate SAM/SAG strateav irnolementation when designated Radiological The Radiological Coordinator reports to the TSC Manager. Responsibilities indude:
Coordinator 1. Assess radiological conditions to develop radiological plans.
- 2. Keep the TSC Manager informed of the radiological conditions.
- 3. Obtain and evaluate data on plant conditions such as meteorological and radiological monitoring readings, and other pertinent data.
- 4. Ensure that appropriate bioassay procedures have been implemented for onsite personnel when a radioactivity incident has occurred.
- 5. Recommend authorization of personnel emergency exposure limits.
- 6. Advise the TSC Manager when use of Kl should be considered and coordinate the issuance if approved. * *
- 7. Recommend evacuation based on environmental conditions
- 8. Advise the TSC Manager and EOF Radiological Assessment Coordinator of changes in radiological release status.
- 9. Assist in planning rescue operations and provide monitoring services as required, including the transfer of injured and/or contaminated personnel.
- 10. Coordinate with the Security Coordinator to determine the routes to be used for
~vacuation of non-essential personnel and BRE's.
- 11. Evaluate and request additional radiation protection personnel and/or equipment.
- 12. Advise the Rad Chem Coordinator in the OSC of changes in plant conditions or equipment that mav change radiological conditions onsite.
OSC Manager
I I Work Control Operations OSC Log Keeper Coordinator Support I I Mechanical RadChem l&C/Electripal Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator
.T I OSC Support and Teams Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions OSC Manager
OSC Manager The OSC Manager has the overall responsibility for the activation and operation of the Operational Support Center. The OSC Manager reports to the EPM located in the TSC and has the following responsibilities:
- 1. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation activities of the OSC.
- 2. Coordinate and/or prioritize assessment and corrective actions with the TSC.
- 3. Provide periodic briefi.ngs to the OSC personnel to include plant status, EALs, and plant priorities.
- 4. Support the formation, briefing and debriefing of repair/corrective action teams and onsite monitoring teams.
- 5. Maintain communications with the Control Room and the Technical Support Center to inform of OSC teams and activities via OSC Log Keeper WebEOC or Status Board entries.
- 6. Ensure timely dispatch of the repair/corrective action teams, search and rescue teams, onsite monitoring teams and mobilize other required support personnel.
- 7. Ensure work task priorities are being maintained.
- 8. Maintain OSC accountability.
- 9. Coordinate movement of OSC personnel to a habitable location or alternate OSC if conditions degrade.
- 10. Identify and request resources, equipment and supplies to support the OSC.
osc The Operations Support reports to the OSC Manager and has the following responsibilities:
1 Operations 1. Support the OSC as needed.
Support 2. Ensure the SM is informed of OSC teams and activities.
- 3. Identify potential operational support needs.
Work Control The Work Control Coordinator reports to the OSC Manager located in the OSC and has the Coordinator following responsibilities:
- 1. Coordinate the formation, briefing and debriefing of repair and corrective action teams and onsite monitoring teams.
- 2. Maintain communications with the Maintenance Coordinator in the TSC.
- 3. Ensure timely dispatch of repair and corrective action teams, search and rescue teams, onsite monitoring teams and mobilize other required support personnel. Use WebEOC or other acceptabl13 methods.
Mechanical The Coordinator reports to the Work Control Coordinator located in the OSC and has the Coordinator following responsibilities:
- 1. Assign team members to the repair and corrective action teams.
- 2. Conduct or participate in the pre-job briefing for the assigned tasks.
- 3. Ensure repair and corrective action teams are tracked.
- 4. Ensure communication with the teams is maintained.
- 5. Participate in debriefing of returning emergency teams.
' I Standard Responsibilities ERO Position Electrical/l&C The Coordinator reports to the Work Control Coordinator located in the OSC and has the Coordinator following responsibilities:
- 1. Assign team members to the repair and corrective action teams.
- 2. Conduct or participate in the pre-job briefing for the assigned tasks.
- 3. Ensure repair and corrective action teams are tracked.
- 4. Ensure communication with the teams is maintained.
- 5. Participate in debriefing of returning emergency teams.
Rad I Chem The RIC Coordinator reports to the Work Control CoordinatoL Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Coordinate RP activities, including on-site radiological assessment, personnel exposure control, and radiation protection programs.
- 2. Ensure use of protective clothing, respiratory protection, and access control within the plant is deemed appropriate to control personnel exposures.
- 3. Deploy onsite radiation monitoring teams to survey radiation levels and sample for contamination. *
- 5. Ensure that personnel are decontaminated, if necessary.
- 6. ConducUprovide assistance for the rad briefings to support the dispatch of the repair/corrective action teams and chemistry/ RP sampling.
- 7. Communicate rad/chemistry sample results to the TSC and/or CR.
- 8. Coordinate the transport of potentially contaminated or highly exposed personnel to off-site medical facilities.
- 9. Determine the necessity for emergency exposure limits and Kl issuance and communicate conditions to the TSC.
- 10. Provide radiological support for evacuations, medical response, fire response and search and rescue.
- 11. Ensure emergency ventilation filtration system is started per procedures (site specific).
- 12. Establish chemistry sampling priorities.
- 13. Debrief returning emergency teams.
Keeper 1. Maintain facility log on WebEOC or other acceptable method.
- 2. Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting the OSC Manager of the briefing schedule if necessary.
- 3. Support the OSC Manager as requested.
OSC Teams , Perform qualified job functions and/or emergency plan functions as directed by the OSC Manager or Coordinators. '
- 1. Perform initial actions per procedures upon arrival in the OSC.
- 2. Attend pre-job briefing prior to performing emergency maintenance.
- 3. Ensure status boards and/or WebEOC reflect the correct status.
4: Perform in-plant activities as directed by the OSC Coordinator(s).
- 5. Debrief team activity upon return to the OSC.
1 ----------------,
Radiological EOF Manager Assessment Coordinator I
Admin & Public Offsite Team Dose EOF Lea.d Offsite Logistics Information Coordinator Assessor Communicator Liaison Coordinator Liaison I
Offsite Offsite Offsite Monitoring Monitoring
- IT Specialist Liaison(s)
Team No.1 Team No. 2 Dose Assessment Team
- One IT Specialist required for Standard ERO, may be in TSCorEOF Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions Emergency Director Radiological Assessment Coordinator Offsite Communicator
. Emergency Provide overall command and control of the emergency response. Responsibilities include:
Director 1. Receive turnover from the ED and assume command/control of EOF and activities outside the area controlled by the TSC
- 2. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation of the EOF.
- 3. Prepare and facilitate facility briefings
- 4. Upgrade the emergency classification level. (cannot delegate)
- 5. Make protective action recommendations (PAR) to offsite agencies (cannot delegate)
- 6. Direct and approve offsite notification to State and local agencies (cannot delegate)
- 7. Communicate within and between the emergency response facilities
- 8. Ensure event information is communicated to other organizations (NRG, Entergy Corp, etc.) to keep them informed of the emergency situation.
- 9. Direct the activities of the EOF organization in support of the TSC and offsite response agencies. (County, Parish and State)
- 11. Request assistance from offsite agencies, excluding requests for offsite medical/fire, security assistance. (Coordinate request for Federal assistance through the State)
- 12. Integrate off-site responders with site response efforts when required.
- 13. Authorize issuance of Kl and radiation exposure in excess of 10CFR 20 limits for ERO members outside of the protected area.
- 14. Authorize press releases (cannot delegate)
- 15. Direct facility relocation to the alternate EOF (where applicable)
- 16. Determine reportability actions for non-emergency reportable events during an emergency (hazardous material spills, contaminated injured personnel, and so forth).
- 17. Conduct turnover of command and control to relief ED.
- 18. Terminate the event in accordance with procedures (cannot delegate)
- 19. Establish and direCt recovery actions
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 30 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT9.5. EOF ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 3 of 6 EOF Manager Reports to the Emergency Director and coordinates emergency response efforts outside Protected Area. Responsibilities include:
( 1. Direct activities of the EOF personnel
- 2. Assure staffing and timely ~ctivation of the EOF
- 3. Obtain additional resources through the Admin/Logistic5 Coordinator when necessary
- 4. Brief and assist offsite authorities responding to the EOF
- 5. Assist Rad Assessment Coordinator with facility habitability and emergency ventilation system operation per procedure (site specific)
- 6. Ensure correct and timely State and local notifications are made within regulatory requirements I
- 7. Ensure WebEOC or status boards are maintained
- 8. Notify Entergy Corporate Office and Corporate Emergency Center.
EOF Technical Reports to the Emergency Director. Responsibilities include:
Advisor 1. Maintain contact with the TSC anq Control Room to obtain current plant and emergency status
- 2. Monitor plant computer system parameters.
- 3. Recommend actions on classification of emergencies.
- 4. Support PAR decision making/determination.
EOF Log Keeper Reports to the Emergency Director. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Maintain a chronological log of emergency status and EOF activities on WebEOC or other acceptable method
- 2. Ensure timeliness of facility briefs by prompting the Emergency DireGtor of the briefing schedule if necessary
- 3. Support the EOF Manager I ED as requested Offsite Reports to the Emergency Director. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Ensure the Emergency Director approves all notifications forms to State/Local agencies.
- 2. Make notification to the State and local agencies as required by regulations using primary and backup notification system.
- 3. Verify State and local agencies received and understand the notification
- 4. Make follow-up notifications
- 5. Maintain records of all notifications and communications
EOF The EOF Communicator reports to the EOF Manager. Responsibilities include:
Communicator 1. Transmit and receive information from onsite ERF's.
- 2. Ensure EOF is notified of information received of significant changes in plant conditions (e.g., start of a release, LOCA, EAL conditions)
- 3. Document information on the required forms or WebEOC
- 4. Assist the EOF Manager with other non-reaulatory notifications or communications Admin & Logistics The Admin/Logistics Coordinator is responsible for providing support to the EOF Manager Coordinator and the TSC Emergency Response Organization. Responsibilities include
- 1. Manage 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> staffing of the emergency response facilities.*
- 2. Manage logistics for supp.orting the onsite and offsite emergency response such as additional support personnel or equipment,, meals, lodging, etc.
- 3. Coordinate access security measures in the EOF if applicable EOF IT Specialist The Information Technology (IT) Specialist reports to the Admin/Logistics Coordinator.
Responsibilities include:
- 1. Monitor facility equipment (computer related and communications} to ensure adequate operation
- 2. Resolve any IT related malfunctions
- 3. Verify or perform EROS activation.
- 4. Assist with issues related to WebEOC, if available Lead Offsite The Lead Offsite Liaison reports to the EOF Manager. Responsibilities include Liaison 1. Obtain plant information and ensure the offsite agencies located in the EOF and the offsite liaisons are briefed on the plant conditions.
Offsite Liaison(s) The Offsite Liaison reports to the Lead Offsite Liaison. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Obtain plant information and ensure the offsite agencies located in the EOC are briefed on the plant conditions.
- 2. Clarify plant conditions, respond to questions, etc. for the offsite agencies.
Public Information The Public Information Liaison reports to the EOF Manager and provides the primary Liaison interface between the JIC and EOF. Responsibilities include:
(Optional) 1. Ensure JIC is provided with current plant status Note: Optional position for sites with co-located
- 2. Ensure classification upgrades are communicated to Company Spokesperson to EOF/JIC. ensure media briefings are accurate
- 3. Review press releases and provide to the ED for aooroval
Radiological The Radiological Assessment Coordinator is responsible for conducting assessment Assessment activities for offsite radiological conditions. During operation of the EOF, the Radiological Coordinator Assessment Coordinator reports to the ED. Responsibilities include:
(RAC) 1. Direct the activities of the dose assessor and radiological offsite monitoring teams.
- 2. Evaluate dose assessment results and recommendations.
- 3. Determine dose consequences
- 5. Keep the ED appraised of offsite radiological conditions.
- 6. Maintain awareness of dose projections generated by NRC, statEl and utility models and recognize differences.
- 7. Provide overall liaison and coordination of efforts in the area of field team data with State Radiological Personnel.
- 8. Brief offsite authorities responding to the EOF on radiological information.
- 9. Contact the NRC on Health Physics Network (HPN) Line.(Can be designated to another staff member)
- 10. Direct possible predictive and worst-case dose projections.
- 11. Monitor or direct monitoring of ERF habitability.
- 12. Ensure facility emergency ventilation in service {where applicable)
- 13. Recommend EOF relocation based on environmental conditions and provide radiological guidance for the EOF evacuation, where applicable. '
- 14. Monitor information from displays or reports to detect changes that affect dose assessment.
- 15. Establish radiological controls for supplemental and relief personnel responding to the station.
- 16. Recommend emergency exposure limits and Kl for EOF ERO or offsite monitoring teams 17.Coordinate the administration of Kl.
Dose Assessor The Dose Assessor reports to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Support the radiological activities of the EOF
- 2. Obtain data from offsite monitoring team reports, meteorological and radiological data, and plant data
- 3. Perform dose projection calculations using plant data and offsite monitoring team data.
- 4. Perform possible predictive {what-if) and worst case dose .projections when directed
- 5. Provide offsite dose projection information to the RAC
- 6. Monitor available parameter indications to detect changes that affect dose assessment.
- 7. Perform dose projections using primary and backup methods
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 330F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.5 EOF ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 6 of6 Standard ERO Responsibilities Position Offsite Team The Offsite Team Coordinator reports to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.
Coordinator Responsibilities include:
- 1. Maintain communications with offsite monitoring teams (OMT).
- 2. Employ and direct OMT based on radiological /met information.
- 3. Supervise/develop a plume tracking strategy.
- 4. Log communications with OMT to include dose /air sample survey results, dosimeter reading, etc.
- 5. Ensure radiological information is communicated to the RAC for possible modifications to the dose calculations
- 6. Support coordination of efforts in the area of offsite monitoring team data with State radiological personnel
- 7. Ensure team is aware of changing plant I meteorological conditions
- 8. Ensure team is notified on Kl requirements Offsite Monitoring The Offsite monitoring team reports to the Offsite Team Coordinator (OTC). Responsibilities Teams No.1 & include:
No.2 1. Perform activities directed by the OTC to support plume tracking and measurements
- 2. Monitor self reading dosimeters and report results back to the OTC
- 3. Implement Kl protective measures when notified by the OTC
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATEO EN-EP-801. REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 340F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.6 JIC ERO RESPONSIBILITIES Sheet 1 of3 JOINT INFORMATION CENTER STANDARD ERO Company Spokesperson Technical Advisor JIC Manager I I Information Media Liaison JIC Log Logistics Coordinator Keeper Coordinator I I I Inquiry Technical Press Media Response Release
- Credentialing Assistant Monitoring Coordinator Writer.
- Inquiry Responders
- Credentialing and In quiry Responders are site specific and not required for all sites Standard ERO Minimum Pl Key Positions None
- Standard ERO Responsibilities Position Company The Company Spokesperson is responsible for overall public information. Responsibilities Spokesperson include:
- 1. Obtain briefing from the ED to ensure timely development of news releases.
- 2. Ensure that news media briefings are held regularly during the course of the emergency.
- 3. Serve as spokesperson at media briefings.
- 4. Keep the Entergy Vice President of Communications, or designee, informed throughout the emergency.
- 5. Resolve any known rumors or misinformation to the Media.
JIC Manager The JIC Manager reports to the Company Spokesperson. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Direct the activation, operation and deactivation of the JIC.
- 2. Obtain ED approval for the developed new~ releases and revise accordingly.
- 3. Ensure press release information is communicated to the offsite agencies.
- 4. Ensure press releases are coordinated with the offsite agenciE;Js.
- 5. Ensure appropriate timing, content and distribution of news releases.
- 6. Ensure activation of rumor control/public inquiry activities for response to questions from the general public.
- 7. Establish or ensure media briefing schedule.
- 8. Notify the Corporate Emen::iencv Center (CEC).
JIC Technical The Technical Advisor (TA} reports to the Company Spokesperson. Responsibilities Advisor include:
- 1. Answer technical questions from the news media regarding the emergency situation.
- 2. Advise the Inquiry Response Coordinator on questions about radiation or nuclear technology to respond to phone questions from the public or media. 1
- 3. Assists the press release writer for technical accuracy, if JIC Technical Assistant position is not staffed.
JIC Media Liaison The Media Liaison reports to the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Verify the readiness of the JIC briefing area.
- 2. Ensures media is informed of protocol and schedules established for media briefings.
- 3. Receive and distribute press release information to the media in the JIC briefing area.
JIC Log Keeper This position reports to_ the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
- 1. Maintain facility log on WebEOC or other acceptable method.
- 2. Support the JIC Manager as requested.
JIC Logistics The Logistics Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Activate facility security and briefing center.
- 2. Maintain access control to the JIC.
- 3. Ensure distribution of all press releases to the offsite agencies, JIC/EOF facilities and to the Media Liaison.
. Position . .<
JIC Information The Information Coordinator reports to the JIC Manager. Responsibilities include:
Coordinator 1. Provide news bulletins I press releases for distribution
- 2. Supervise media monitoring and response activities.
- 3. Supervise public response activities.
- 4. Establish and maintain frequent contact with the communications personnel in the corporate office or CEC.
- Inquiry Response The Inquiry Response Coordinator reports to the Information Coordinator.
Coordinator Responsibilities include: ~
- 1. Ensure activation of rumor control activities for response to questions from the general public and media. .,
- 2. Monitor and respond to the public/media inquiry calls and track trends.
- 3. Refer questions on radiation or nuclear technology from Rumor Control Center to the Technical Advisor JIC Technical The TA reports to the Information Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
Assistant 1. Assists the press release writer for technical accuracy.
Note: Position duties must be performed by JIC Tech. Advisor if oosition is not staffed.
Press Release The Press Writer reports to the Information Coordinator and generates press releases as Writer directed by the JIC Manager.
- 1. Fax copies of press releases to the CEC/Corporate Communications Media Monitoring Media Monitor reports to the Information Coordinator:
- 1. Monitor-JV and radio broadcasts for inaccuracies
- 2. Report all inaccuracies to the Information Coordinator to ensure they are addressed in the media briefings.
Inquiry Reports to the Inquiry Response Coordinator and respond to telephone inquires from the 1
Responders general public and news media.
- 1. Log questions that require a callback
- 2. Log rumors and provide to the Inquiry Response Coordinator Credentialing Reports to the JIC Logistics Coordinator. Responsibilities include:
(Optional} 1. Establish security to restrict access to the JIC to authorized Utility/Government JIC responders.
- 2. Restrict access to the JIC media/briefing area to persons with media credentials.
1 May be performed by non-nuclear utility personnel such as a call center or at a company remote facility.
NUCLEAR NON*QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV.013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 370F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency on-shift Response Time Goals* Responders staff Position (for 1 unit)
Control Shift Manager I 1/shift on shift Room Emergency Director Control Room Supervisor 1/shift on shift Control Room 2/shift on shift Operator Plant Operator . 3/shift on shift 1 is waste control operator Shift Technical *an shift Fills core/thermal hydraulics engineer 1/shift Advisor function Control Room 1/shift on shift Non-Licensed Operator Communicator On-shift staff RP 4/shift on shift
- 2 positions filled by plant operators Maintenance (MM, on shift 3/shift Function performed by plant operators EM, l&C)
Chemistry on shift
- Fills dose assessment function Technician 1/shift Security Force Per* Security on shift Plan
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL Use PAGE 380F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet2 of 5 Faciiity Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the TSC at an Response Position Required Goals minutes Alert or higher unless noted below TSC Emergency Plant 1/team 90 Manager TSC Manager 1/team 90 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 Maintenance 1/team 90 Coordinator ENS Communicator# 1/team 90 TSC Communicator 1/team 90 Operations 1/team 90 Coordinator Radiological Coordinator 1/team 90 Engineering 1/team 90 Coordinator Engineering Elec/l&C 1/team 90 Engineering Mech# 1/team 90 Security Coordinator 1/team On shift IT Specialist 1/team 90 Status Board Site specific position not required for Communicator 1/team 90 standard ERO
.MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 390F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 90 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 90 OSC Operations 1/team 90 Support Work Control 1/team 90 Coordinator Mechanical 1/team 90 Coordinator l&C Coordinator 1/team ' 90 May be filled by the Electrical Coordinator Electrical 1/team 90 May be filled by the l&C Coordinator Coordinator Rad Chem Coordinator 1/team 90 Mechanics#
2/team 90 (craft)
Electricians# 2/team 60/90 1 required in 60 min. (craft) l&C# 2/team 60/90 1 required in 60 min. (craft)
- RP/HP# 6/team 60 Includes offsite monitoring team (craft)
RP/HP# 6/team 90 Includes offsite monitoring team (craft)
Chemistry 1/team 90 (craft)
Chemistry 1/team Technician# 60 (craft dose assessment) j
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 40 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the EOF at Response Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted Position below Emergency 90 EOF 1/team Director#
- EOF Manager 1/team 90 EOF Log Keeper 1/team 90 Technical Advisor 1/team 90 Radiological '"\
Assessment 1/team 90 Coordinator Dose Assessor # 4/team 90 Craft Offsite Team 90*
Coordinator# 1/team Offsite 1/team 90 CommunicatoL EOF 1/team 90 Communicator Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No.1 90 Craft dispatched from OSC Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No. 2 90 Craft dispatched from OSC IT Specialist 1/team 90 IT Specialist staffed in TSC or EOF Administration and Logistics 1/team 90 Coordinator Public Information 1/team 90 Liaison Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 90 1/offsite Offsite Liaisor(s)
EOG/team 90
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 41OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION I ATTACHMENT 9.7 ANO SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes Company 1/team 120 JIC Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120 Technical Advisor 1/team 120 Information 1/team 120 Coordinator Media Liaison 1/tearn 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 JIC Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120 Coordinator Technical Assistant 1/t(;lam 120 Press ReleaseI 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 120 Site addition not listed on standard ERO Staff
NUCLEAR NoN,QUALITY RELATED . EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 42 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing doc!Jment for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet
- the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: On Shift Emergency on-shift Response Required On Goals minutes Responders staff Position Shift The Shift Manager will cover both Control Shift Manager I . 1/shift on shift functions until relieved by responding On-Room Emergency Director call Manager as Emergency Director.
Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Control Room 2/shift on shift Operator Plant Operator 2/shift on shift Shift Technical 1/shift on shift Advisor Covered by On Shift RWO or operator, Control Room until relieved by responding Offsite 2/shift on shift Communicator Communicator. Once relieved, reports to the OSC On-shift on shift Reports to EOF or OSC at an Alert or HP 2/shift staff higher One Maintenance positions is filled by Maintenance (MM, 3/shift on shift Rad Waste Operator or Plant Operator.
EM, l&C) Reports to the OSC at an Alert or higher Chemistry Can provide CR Dose Assessment 1/shift on shift function, if needed. Once relieved, reports Technician to the OSC Per Security Security Force Plan on shift
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 43 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet2of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: .All report to the TSC at Response Position Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted below TSC Emergency Plant 1/team 90
- Manager TSC Manager 1/team 90
- Reactor Engineer# 1/team 75
- Maintenance 1/team 90
- Coordinator ENS Communicator# 1/team 75
- TSC Communicator 1/team 90
- Operations 1/team 90
- Coordinator Radiological 90
- 1/team Coordinator Engineering 90
- 1/team Coordinator Engineering 1/team 90
- Elect/l&C#
Engineering Mech # 1/team 90
- Per A Security Supervisor covers this Security Coordinator Security None function until relieved by Security Plan Management.
TSC IT Specialist NIA N/A IT Specialist staffed in EOF
- 45 minutes if onsite
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 440F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the OSC at Response Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted Position below osc OSC Manager 1/team 90
- osc 1/team 90
- OSC Operations 1/team 90
- Support Work Control 1/team I
Coordinator 90
- I Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 90
- Electrical/l&C 1/team Coordinator 90 *
'I Rad/chem 90
- 1/team Coordinator#
6 HP techs (4 of the 6 reporting HP's must be qualified as Senior HP's)
RP/HP Techs# 6/team Call in 90 *
' (drawn from a pool, not on four section rotation) .
Mechanic# (drawn from a pool, not on four section 2/team 90
- rotation) 2/team Call in 90 * (drawn from a pool, riot on four section Electrician #
rotation) .
90 * (drawn from a pool, not on four section l&C# 1/team Call in rotation)
Chemistry 1/team 90
- Technician #
OSC Planner 2/team 90
- Site addition not listed on standard ERO Site addition not listed on standard Onsite Monitor # 2/team 90
- 45 minutes if onsite 1
0n-shift craft, RP tech and Chemistry technician personnel are required for OSC minimum staffing
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 45 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the EOF at Response Required Goals minutes an Alert or higher unless noted Position below Emergency EOF Director#
1/team 75
- EOF Manager# 1/team 90
- EOF Log Keeper 1/team 90
- Technical Advisor 1/team 90
- Radiological Minimum staffing is RAC or Dose Assessment 1/team 75
- Assessor (1) Either may fill both Coordinator positions Minimum staffing is RAC or Dose Dose Assessor ( 1)
- 1/team 75
- Assessor (1) Either may fill both positions Dose Assessor (2) 1/team 90 * (One required for Standard ERO)
Offsite Team coordinator 1/team 90
- Offsite 1/team 75
- Communicator#
EOF 1/team 90
- Communicator Offsite Monitoring Minimum staffing is 1 team with a Team No. 1 #
2/team 90
- Monitor and a Driver Offsite Monitoring 2/team 90
- Team No. 2 IT Specialist 1/team 90
- Administration and Logistics 1/team 90
- Coordinator Public Information 1/team 90
- Liaison Lead Offsite 1/team 90
- Liaison '
These positions report to the State &
Offsite Liaison 4/team NA Local EOC's Fitness for Duty Site addition not listed on standard Administrator 1/team 90
- 45 minutes if onsite,
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 46 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.8 GGNS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at Response Position Required Time Goals an Alert or higher unless noted minutes below JIC Company 1/team 120 Spokesperson JIG Manager 1/team 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 120 Coordinator 1/team Technical Assistant 1/team 120 Press Release Writer 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 2/team 120 Staff
ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the-site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. ' These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Required Time Goals Responders Staff Position minutes Control Shift Manager I 1/shift/unit on shift Room Emergency Director Control Room 1/shifUunit on shift Supervisor, Control Room 2/shift/unit on shift Operator Plant Operator 5/shifUunit on shift Shift Technical ' 1/shifUunit on shift Advisor Control Room 1/shift on shift Provides notification for both units.
Communicator Facility Communicator 1/team 60 '
On-shift RP 1/shift/unit on shift staff Maintenance (MM, on shift Some MM & EM on second shift EM, l&C)
Chemistry 1/shifUunit Technician on shift Security Force Per Security on shift Plan Plant Operations Manager 1/team 60
NUCLEAR NON*QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 480F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes Emergency Plant TSC Manager 1/team 60 TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 ENS Communicator 60 Filled by POM in CCR or available personnel TSC Communicator# 1/team 60 Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 Radiological Coordinator 1/team 60 Engineering 60' Coordinator 1/team Engineering Elec/l&C # 1/team 60 Engineering Mech. # 1/team 60 Per Security Security Coordinator
NUCLEAR NON*QUALllY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 49 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 60 OSC Operations Support 1/team 60 Work Control 1/team 60 Coordinator Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 60 Electrical/l&C Coordinator 1/team 60 Rad Chem Coordinator 1/team 60 Mechanics# Drawn from a pool, not on four section 2/team 60 rotation Drawn from a pool, not on four section Electricians# 2/team 60 rotation Drawn from a pool, not on four section l&CTechs# 2/team 60 rotation Drawn from a pool, not on four section RP/HP# 8/team 60 rotation Chemistry Technicians 1/team 60 Drawn from a pool, not on four section
- rotation
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy* MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 50 Of 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at Position* Required Time Goals an Alert or higher unless noted minutes below Either the ED or EOF Mgr. is required EOF Emergency Director # 1/team 60 for augmentation Either the ED or EOF Mgr. is required EOF"Manager # 1/team 60 for augmentation EOF Log Keeper 1/team 60 Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator#
Dose Assessor 1/team 60 Offsite Team 1/team 60 coordinator#
Offsite Communicator# 1/team 60 EOF Communicator 1/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No. 1 #
60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team Team No. 2#
60 IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and 1/team 60 Logistics Coordinator Public Information 1/team 60 Liaison Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 60 Offsite Liaisons 5/team N/A
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 51OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.9 IPEC SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Time Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Goals minutes Alert or higher unless noted below Position JIC Company 1/team 120 Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120 Technical Advisor 1/team 120 Media Liaison 1/team 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 JIC Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120 Coordinator Technical Assistant 1/team '120 Press Release 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120 Performed by NYS Tax & Finance Inquiry Response Dept. Westchester deploys their own Staff Inquiry Response Rad Advisor 1/team 120 Site specific position in addition to standard ERO Site specific position in addition to AV Graphics 1/team 120 standard ERO
- NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 52 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The ERO staffing tables reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO.
ERO positions with# are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personhel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Position Required On Time Goals Responders Staff Shift minutes Control Shift Manager I 1/shift on shift Also communicator for Pl Room Emergency Director Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Control Room 3/shift on shift Operator Plant Operator 4/shift on shift Shift Technical 1/shift
- on shift Advisor Communication Aide 1/shift on shift (Site specific title for Communicator)
On-shift HP 1/shift on shift staff Maintenance (MM, N/A EM, l&C) 0 Chemistry on shift 1/shift Technician Per Security on shift Security Force Plan
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 53 Of 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes Emergency Plant TSC Manager 1/team 60 TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 May report to TSC or CR Maintenance Coordinator 1/team 60 ENS Communicator# 1/team 60 TSC Communicator 1/team N/A Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 May report to TSC or CR Radiological Coordinator 1/team 60 Engineering 60 -
1/team Coordinator Engineering Elec/l&C # 1/team 60 Engineering Mech # 1/team 60 Per Security Coordinator Security 60 Plan Telephone/ Telecopy/ Site position not listed on standard ERO.
2/team N/A Accountability Clerk Normally staffed by clerical support.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 540F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.10 JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes r osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team N/A Staffed by off-shift operations personnel OSC Operations and/or personnel turned over to the Support 1/team 60 OSC from the shift once OSC operational Work Control Coordinator 1/team 60 I
Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 60 Electrical/l&C Coordinator 1/team 60 Rad Chem 1/team 60 Coordinator Electrical {drawn from a pool, not on four section Technicians#
2/team 60 rotation) l&C Technicians# 1/team 60 (drawn from a pool, not on four section rotation)
Mechanical Maintenance 2/team 60 (drawn from a pool, not on four section rotation)
RP/HP (drawn from a pool, not on four section Technicians#
8/team 60 rotation)
Chemistry 1/team . 60 (drawn from a pool, not on four section Technicians# rotation)
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 55 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ArrACHMENT 9.10. JAF SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to fhe EOF at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes EOF Emergency 1/team 60 Director EOF Manager 1/team 60 EOF Log Keeper 1/team N/A Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator#
Dose Assessor # 1/team 60 Offsite Team 1/team 60 coordinator Offsite 1/team 60 Communicator#
EOF Communicator 1/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team Teams may be dispatched from TSC 60 Team No. 1 and/or EOF Offsite Monitoring 2/team "
Teams may be dispatched from TSC 60 Team No. 2 and/or EOF IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and Logistics 1/team 60 Coordinator Lead Offsite 1/team 60 Liaison 60 minute responder is for County I Offsite liaison 2/team 60 I >120 second responder is to State and takes
>120 minutes Dose Assessment Clerk 1/team NIA Site specific - not listed in standard ERO
Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below .
Position minutes JIC Company 1/team 60 Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 60 Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Information 1/team 60 Coordinator Media Liaison *11team 60 Log Keeper 1/team 60 JIC Logistics 1/team 60 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 60 Coordinator Technical Assistant 1/team 60 Press Release 1/team 60 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 60 Inquiry Response Site specific - not listed in standard ERO, Staff 1/team 60 answers phones
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 Entergy MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 57 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table ..
ERO positions with # are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency Position Required Time Goals Responders minutes Control Shift Manager 1/shift on shift Room May be provided by shift personnel Emergency Director 1/shift on shift assianed other functions Control Room 1/shift on shift Suoervisor Control Room Ooerator 2/shift on shift Plant Operator 6/shift on shift c
Shift Technical Advisor 1/shift on shift Control Room I Notification 1/shift on shift Communicator Control Room Site Specific ERO position not in the fleet 1 60 Communicator standard ERO.
Technical Support May be provided by shift personnel (Core Thermal 1/shift on shift assigned other functions Hvdraulics)
Rad Waste 60 On-shift 1 Ooerator#
staff on shift RP 2/shift Maintenance May be provided by shift personnel (MM) 1/shift on shift assianed other functions May be provided by shift personnel .
Maintenance (EM) 1/shift on shift assianed other functions On-shift Chemistry 1 /shift on shift Technician Per Security ,
Security Force on shift Plan Rescue Operations 2/shift on shift May be provided by shift personnel and First Aid assigned other functions Firefighting Per Tech Specs
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 580F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes TSC Emergency Plant 1/team 60 Manager TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 60 Maintenance 1/team 60 Coordinator ENS Communicator# 1/team 60 TSC Communicator 1/team 60 Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator#
Engineering Coordinator 1/team 60 Engineering Elec/l&C # 1/team 60 Engineering Mech # 1/team 60 Security Coordinator Per Security 60 Plan TSC Log Keeper 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet 1/team standard ERO TSC Admin Support 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet 1/team standard ERO
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 59 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below Goals minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 60 OSC Operations Support 1/team 60 Work Control Coordinator 1/team 60 Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 60 Electrical/l&C Coordinator 1/team 60
- Rad Chem Coordinator 1/team 60 RP Technicians # 3 60 RP Technicians# 3 90 OSC Non-Traditional RP Site specific ERO position not in fleet Technician 1/team 60 standard ERO Onsite Monitoring Team# 1 60 Offsite Monitoring Team# 1 60 Offsite Monitoring Team# 1 90 /
OSC - FMT Drivers# 1 60 OSC - FMT Drivers # 1 90 OSC-Radio 1 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet Communicator standard ERO Maintenance (MM) # 1 60 Maintenance (EM) # 2 60 Maintenance (l&C) # 1 60 Chemistry Technician# 1 60 OSC Admin Support 1 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet standard ERO
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 60 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes EOF Emergency Director # 1/team 60 EOF Manager 1/team 60 EOF Log Keeper 1/team 60 Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 60 Coordinator Dose Assessor 1/team 60 Offsite Team 1/team 60 Coordinator Offsite Communicator# 1/team 60 State/County /
1/team 60 Communicator#
EOF Communicator 1/team 60 IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and 1/team 60 Logistics Coordinator Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 60 Offsite Liaison (State) 1/team 150 Offsite Liaison (County) 3/team 60 Site specific ERO position not in fleet Security Coordinator 1/team 60 standard ERO Site specific ERO position not in fleet Security Staff 2/team 60 standard ERO
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN*EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 61OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.11 PLP SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Alert Response Required Time Goals or higher unless noted below Position minutes Company JIC Spokesperson 1/team 90 JIC Manager 1/team 90 Technical Advisor 1/team 90 Information 1/team 90 Coordinator Media Liaison 1/team 90 Log Keeper 1/team 90 JIC Logistics 1/team 90 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 90 Coordinator Technical 1/team 90 Assistant Press Release Writer 1/team 90 Media Monitoring 1/team 90 Public Inquiry Site specific ERO position not in fleet Staff 2/team 90 standard ERO, answers phones.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 62 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with #are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Required Time Goals Responders Staff Position minutes Shift Manager I Control Emergency 1/shift on shift Room Director Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Licensed Nuclear 2/shift on shift Plant Operator Unlicensed Nuclear 2/shift on shift Plant Operator Engineer (Shift 1/shift on shift Site title for standard ERO Shift Technical Control Room) Advisor '
- Unlicensed Nuclear 1/shift on shift Control Room Communicator Plant Operator Unlicensed Nuclear 1/shift on shift Corrective Actions/Safe Shutdown Plant Operator Licensed Nuclear on shift Corrective Actions Plant Operator 1/shift On-shift RP Technician 1/shift on shift May perform back-up dose assessment staff Maintenance n/a Site specific EPlan staffing Radiochemistry Technician 1/shift on shift May perform back-up dose assessment Security Force Per Security on shift Plan ENS Communicator n/a on shift Filled by Ops staff I site specific for standard ERO augmented TSC position.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN*EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 63 Of 77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes TSC Emergenc;r Plant 1/team 60 Manager i
TSC Manager 1/team 60 Reactor Engineer# 1/team 30 TSC Communicator 1/team 60 Operations Coordinator 1/team 60 Radiological 1/team 60 Coordinator Engineering 1/team 60 Coordinator Elec/l&C Engineer# 2/team 60 1 is regulatory required Mech. Engineer# 1/team 60 Per TSC Security 60 Security Coordinator Plan TSC IT Specialist 1/team 60 Site addition provides Engineering Ops Operations Engineer 1/team 60 support TSC SCRE 1/team 60 Site addition provides TSC Ops support
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 640F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTAC HM ENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 60 OSC Log Keeper 1/team 60 Operations Support 1/team 60 Work Control 1/team 60 Coordinator Mechanical 60 1/team Coordinator l&C/Electrical 60 1/team Coordinator Rad/Chem 1/team 60 Coordinator Maintenance 5/team 30 Call in (drawn from a pool, not on four (MM /EM /l&C ) # 2/team 60 section rotation) 4/team 30 Call in (drawn from a pool, not on four RP Technicians 4/team 60 section rotation)
Chemistry 1/team 60 Call in (drawn from a pool, not on four Technician # section rotation) 60 Site addition provides dosimetry Dosimetry Clerk 1/team support
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 65 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTAC HM ENT 9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Response Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes EOF Emergency Director# 1/team 60 EOF Manager # 1/team 60 EOF Log Keeper 1/team 60 EOF Technical Advisor 1/team 60 Radiological Assessment 1/team 30 Coordinator#
Dose Assessor 2/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 1/team 60 Team Coordinator Offsite Communicator# 1/team 30 EOF Communicator# 1/team 60 Offsite Monitoring 2/team 30 Team consists of driver and monitor Team No.1 #
- Offsite Monitoring 2/team 60 Team consists of driver and monitor Team No. 2#
EOF IT Specialist 1/team 60 Administration and 1/team 60 Logistics Coordinator Public Information 1/team 60 I I
Liaison Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 60 Offsite Liaison(s) 6/team 60
NUCLEAR. NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 66 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT9.12 PNPS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes JIC Company 1/team 120 Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120 JIC Technical 1/team 120 Advisor Information 120 1/team Coordinator Media Liaison 1/team 120 JIC Log Keeper 1/team 120 Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120.
Coordinator Public Info.
Technical 1/team 120 Assistant Press Release 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitor 2/team 120 Site addition not listed on standard ERO, Phone Team 2/team 120 answers phones Agency 1/team 120 Site addition coordinates offsite interface Coordin~tor AdminTeam 1/team 120 Site addition supports material distribution 120 Site addition assists media Media Assistants 1/team representatives NV Assistants 1/team 120 Site addition sets up JIC media briefing equipment
- Entergy MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 670F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SrrE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance:'
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO po~itions with #are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Facility & Emergency Personnel Response Comment: On Shift Emergency On-shift Response Required Time Goals Responders Staff Position minutes Control Shift Manager I Fills ED role until relieved by designated Emergency 1/shift on shift Room ED Communicator for Pl Director Control Room 1/shift on shift Supervisor Nuclear Control 2/shift on shift Operator Nuclear Equipment 6/shift on shift At least one is Communicator qualified Operator Shift Technical 1/shift on shift Advisor Nuclear Equipment Operator or Control Room Communicator, SM is Pl 1/shift on shift Nuclear Control Communicator Operator On-shift RP 2/shift on shift Reports to the OSC at Alert or higher staff Maintenance 2/shift on shift Reports to the OSC at Alert or higher Chemistry 1/shift on shift Performs dose calculations .
Technician Security Force Per Security on shift Plan Site addition not listed on standard ERO, positioned in CR to communicate plant TSC/CR conditions and anticipated CR actions with 1/team 75/90 TSCand EOF
. Communicator#
[3 of 4 communicators (in CR, TSC & EOF) must report within 75 minutes]
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 68 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below minutes Emergency Plant 1/team 75
- TSC Manager#
TSC Manager # 1/team 90
- Reactor Engineer # 1/team 75
- Maintenance Coordinator 1/team 90 *
(3 of 4 communicators must report within ENS Communicator# 1/team .75/90
- 75 minutes)
TSC Communicator 1/team 90*
Operations Coordinator# 1/team 90
- 75
- Can perform EOF RAC and Dose Radiological Coordinator# 1/team Assessor functions Engineering Coordinator# 1/team 90
- Engineering* Elec/l&C # 1/team 90
- Engineering Mech # 1/team 90
- 90
- An on-shift Security Supervisor fills this Security Coordinator 1/team function until relieved
- ~
TSC IT Specialist# 1/team 75/90 *
- Response time goal is 45 minutes when facility minimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel. *
~Entergy* .
PAGE 69 OF77 REV. 013 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes osc OSC Manager 1/team 90
- OSC Log Keeper 1/team .90
- OSC Operations This position is filled by on shift operations 1/team On shift Support personnel Work Control 1/team 90
- Can fill OSC Manager position Coordinator Mechanical 1/team 90
- Coordinator Electrical/l&C 1/team 90
- Coordinator I Rad Chem 90
- Position filled by on-shift Senior RP 1/team Coordinator Technician until relieved Callin Electrician # 2/team 90 2/team Call in l&C#
90 2/team Call in '
90 Call in On-shift position fills minimum ~taffing RP Technicians# 9/team 75/90 On shift position fills minimum staffing. 2 are Chemistry Call in assigned to EOF Field Teams, 1 is assigned 3/team to OSC and 1 is assigned to TSC to assist Technicians# 90 with dose calculations
- Response time goal is 45 minutes when facility minimum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 70 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Response . Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes EOF Emergency 1/team 75
- Director#
EOF Manager# 1/team 90
- EOF Log Keeper 1/team 90
- Technical Advisor 1/team 75
- Radiological Assessment 1/team 75
- Coordinator#
Dose Assessor # 1/team 75
- Offsite Team 1/team 90
- coordinator /
Offsite 1/team 75/90 * (3 of 4 communicators must report within Communicator# 75 minutes)
EOF 1/team 90
- Communicator#
Offsite Monitoring 2/team 75
- 2 RP techs will report as offsite team Team No. 1 # members in 75 minutes Offsite Monitoring 2/team 90
- Team No. 2 IT Specialist N/A N/A IT Specialist staffed in TSC Administration and Logistics 1/team 90
- Coordinator Public Information 1/team. 90
- Liaison Lead Offsite 1/team 90 *
. Liaison Offsite Liaison(s) 1/offsite 90 - 120* These positions report to the State and EOC/team Parish (5) EOCs
- Response time goal 1s 45 minutes when fac1hty mm1mum staffing can be accomplished with onsite personnel.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 71OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.13 . RBS SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Alert Response Required Time Goals or higher unless noted below Position minutes JIC Company 1/team 120*
Spokesperson JIC Manager 1/team 120*
- Technical Advisor 1/team 120*
Media Liaison 1/team
- 120*
Technical 1/team 120*
Assistant Press Release 1/team ~20*
Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120*
- Response time goal is 60 minutes when facility position is onsite
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 72 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 1of5 The Emergency Plan is the governing document for the Emergency Response Organization and should be referred to when implementing or assessing regulatory compliance.
The ERO staffing tables are administrative and reflect the site's implementation of the fleet standard for a fully staffed ERO. Site changes to the ERO may be implemented with follow-up revision to the procedure table.
ERO positions with #are designated as Regulatory Required personnel. These positions are required to meet the augmentation requirements of the emergency plan. ALL other ERO Positions are not required for augmentation and are designated as "support" personnel.
Response Time Comment:
Facility & Emergency Personnel Goals On Shift Emergency Responders On-shift Response Position Required minutes Staff Shift Manager fills both functions until Control Shift Manager I 1/shift on shift relieved by Duty EOF Emergency Room Emergency Director Director Control Room on shift Supervisor 1/shift Control Room on shift 2 /shift Operator Nuclear Auxiliary 5/shift on shift Operator Remote Shutdown on shift 2/shift Operator Shift Technical 1/shift on shift Advisor Emergency Function filled by NAO until relieved by on shift Communicator EOF Offsite Communicator On-shift HP on shift Reports to OSC at Alert or higher 2/shift staff Maintenance (MM, 2/shift on shift Reports to OSC at Alert or higher EM, l&C)
Chemistry Technician 1/shift on shift Reports to OSC at Alert or' higher Per Security Security Force on shift Plan
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 730F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 2 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the TSC at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below
~ Goals minutes Emergency Plant TSC 1/team 75/45*
Manager# J TSC Manager 1/team 90/45*
Reactor Engineer# 1/team 75/45*
Maintenance Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
ENS Communicator# 1/team 75/45*
TSC Communicator 1/team 90/45*
Operations Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Radiological Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Engineering Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
EnQineerinQ Electrical # 1/team 75/45*
EngineerinQ l&C 1/team 90/45*
Engineering Mechanical # 1/team 75/45*
IT Specialist 1/team 90/45*
Operations Site specific position in addition to 1/team 90/45*
' Communicator standard ERO Radiation Coordinator
- Site specific position in addition to 1/team 90/45*
Asst. standard ERO Site specific position in addition to TSC Chemistry Engineer 1/team 90/45*
standard ERO Site specific position in addition to TSC Status Board Keeper 1/team 90/45*
standard ERO
- Goal of 45 minutes if position is onsite.
NUCLEAR NON*QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-80.1 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT INFORMATIONAL USE MANUAL PAGE 740F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 3 of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the OSC at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below Goals minutes osc OSC Manager . 1/team 90/45*
OSC Log Keeper 1/team 90/45*
Work Control Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Filled by Control Room Training Shift on OSC Operations Support 1/team as needed/ as available basis Mechanical Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Electrical Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
l&C Coordinator *11team 90/45*
Rad/Chem Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
Mechanics# 2/team 75/45* All Craft techs Electricians# 2/team 75/45* All Craft techs l&CTechs# 2/team 75/45* All Craft techs RP/HP/ Techs# 11/team 75/45*
Chemistry Tech# 1/team 75/45*
Assembly Area Site specific position in. addition to 1/team 90/45*
Coordinator standard ERO Security Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
- Goal of 45 minutes if position is onsite.
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 75 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 4of 5 Facility Emergency Response Personnel Response Comment: All report to the EOF at an Position Required Time Alert or higher unless noted below Goals minutes EOF Emergency Director# 1/team 75/45*
EOF Manaaer 1/team 90/45*
EOF Loa Keeper 1/team 90/45*
Technical Advisor 1/team 90/45*
Radiological Assessment 1/team 75/45*
Coordinator #
Dose Assessor # 1/team 75/45*
Offsite Team Coordinator# 1/team 75/45*
Offsite Communicator# 2/team 75/45*
EOF Communicator 1/team 90/45*
75/45* Team is 1 monitor required 75/45* and 1 Offsite Monitoring Team No. 1 . 2/team 90/45* driver 90/45*
75/45* Team is 1 monitor required 75/45* and 1 Offsite Monitoring Team No. 2 2/team 90/45* driver 90/45* ,
IT Specialist 1/team 90/45*
Administration I Logistics 1/team 90/45*
Coordinator Public Information Liaison 1/team 90/45*
Lead Offsite Liaison 1/team 90/45 1/offsite Offsite Liaison(s) 90/45*
EOC/team Site specific position in addition to standard Field Team Communicator 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard EOF Habitability Assessor 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Licensing Coordinator 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Entergy System Liaison 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard RAC Assistant 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Status Board Keeper 1/team 90/45*
ERO Site specific position in addition to standard Admin Assistant 1/team 90/45*
- Goal of 45 minutes if position is onsite.
NUCLEAR NON*CUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 76 OF77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.14 WF3 SITE SPECIFIC ERO INFORMATION Sheet 5 of 5 Facility Emergency Personnel Response Comment: All report to the JIC at an Response Required Time Goals Alert or higher unless noted below Position minutes Company 120 JIC Spokesperson 1/team JIC Manager 1/team 120 Technical Advisor 1/team 120 Information 1/team 120 Coordinator Media Liaison 1/team 120 Log Keeper 1/team 120 JIC Logistics 1/team 120 Coordinator Inquiry Response 1/team 120 Coordinator Technical 1/team 120 Assistant Press Release 1/team 120 Writer Media Monitoring 1/team 120 Inquiry Response 2/team 120 Not listed on standard ERO, answers Staff phones
NUCLEAR NON-QUALITY RELATED EN-EP-801 REV. 013 MANAGEMENT MANUAL INFORMATIONAL USE PAGE 770F77 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ATTACHMENT 9.15 MINIMUM STAFFING LEVELS FOR EACH ERF FOR THE STANDARD ERO Sheet 1of1 This is typical minimum staffing to declare emergency response facilities operational. The site's staffing requirements may differ as needed to address site specific requirements. Site specific staffing requirements are listed in the site's emergency implementing procedures.
The ERO should take appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the event regardless of facility manning or status.
Facility Emergency Response Comment:
Position tsc Emergency Plant Manager (EPM)
Reactor Engineer Radiol9gical Coordinator Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Appropriate staff to perform the facility's Engineers key function areas for the event ENS Communicator May be located in the Control Room EOF Emergency Director Radiological Assessment Coordinator RAC or Dose Assessor (1) Either may fill or Dose Assessor both positions Offsite Communicator osc OSC Manager Function may be assigned to RP staff Rad/Chem Coordinator position if person is qualified.
Maintenance (craft), RP and Chemistry Appropriate staff to perform the facility's personnel key function areas for the event JIC Company Spokesperson