RA-12-004, Oyster Creek - Revised Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2006

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Oyster Creek - Revised Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2006
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 12/05/2012
From: Massaro M J
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12354A418 (15)


Exeton Generation, --Oyster Creek Generating Station www.exeloncorp.com Route 9 South P0 Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731 10 CFR 50.36a(a)(2) 10 CFR 72.44 (d)(3)Technical Specification 6.9.1.d RA-1 2-004A December 5, 2012 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 -0001 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-16 NRC Docket No. 50-219


Revised Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2006 Enclosed with this cover letter is the revised copy of the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2006. The report includes the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility.

Revision bars have been used to indicate where changes were made to the reports.If any further information or assistance is needed, please contact Dave Chernesky, Chemistry Manager, at 609-971-4217.

Sincerely, Michael J. Massaro Site Vice President Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station


2006 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (Revision 3)cc: Administrator, USNRC Region I USNRC Senior Project Manager, Oyster Creek USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, Oyster Creek Craig Stewart, American Nuclear Insurers\D~C) 2006 ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION AMERGEN ENERGY COMPANY Revision 3 Issued 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ii EXECUTIVE



LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 Annual Offsite Doses due to Radionuclides 3 1A Gaseous Effluents

-Summation of all Releases 7 1 B Gaseous Effluents

-Elevated Releases 8 1C Gaseous Effluents

-Ground Level Releases 9 2A Liquid Effluents

-Summation~of all Releases 10 2B Liquid Effluents 11 3A Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments

-Summary*3B Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments*

4A Hours at Each Wind Speed and Direction*

4B Classification of Atmospheric Stability*

  • Not changed and not included ii EXECUTIVE


AMERGEN ENERGY COMPANY OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT JANUARY 1, 2006 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2006 This report summarizes the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents from the Oyster Creek Generating Station and the calculated maximum hypothetical radiation exposure to the public resulting from those effluents.

This report covers the period of operation from January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006.During 2006, there were two radiological liquid releases.

The first occurred during outage 1 F09 and involved an unplanned release of 5.54E-1 (0.554) curies of mostly tritium from the Condensate system over a duration of 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. The second discharge was also an unplanned release and occurred during 1 R21 and involved a discharge of 2.57E-6 (0.00000257) curies of cobalt-60 over a 16-hour period. Both unplanned releases were due to human performance errors by contract employees.

Corrective actions have been put into place to prevent the recurrence of either event.Radioactive gaseous releases from the plant are monitored by radiation monitors and filtering systems installed in the plant stack and vents. Utilizing gaseous effluent data, the maximum hypothetical dose to any individual in the vicinity of the plant was calculated using a mathematical model, which is based on the methods defined by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

These methods accurately determine the types and quantities of radioactive materials being released to the environment.

The maximum hypothetical doses (Table 1) are conservative overestimates of the actual off-site doses, which could occur. For example, wet deposition due to precipitation events decreases the off-site dose, but this phenomenon is not incorporated into the mathematical dose model.On April 7, 2010, the main stack Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System (RAGEMS) sample line was discovered separated at a Swagelok union at the 260 foot elevation.

The sample line was disconnected with the two ends separated by a distance of several inches, such that the sample line was open to the atmosphere.

Subsequent investigations revealed a second sample line separation at a Swagelok union lower in the stack. The tubing was held in place by the insulation and the heat trace. A root cause analysis concluded that the sample line was first separated about January 1, 2006. Since the insulation was in place, the sample line continued to provide a partial sample of the stack gas. Over the four years, the data indicates that the sample line separation increased slowly.1 This report estimates the 2006 releases based on the 2010 May to November releases that are corrected for 2006 power (all nuclides), 2006 Augmented Offgas System availability (nobles gases) and 2006 Offgas release rate (nobles gases and short lived fission products).

Corrected radioactive airborne discharges from the facility during 2006 consisted of 304 curies of noble gases, 3.76E-2 (0.0376) curies of radioiodines, 3.23E-2 (0.0323) curies of particulate activity, and 79.7 curies of tritium.Sixteen (16) solid, low level radioactive waste shipments, totaling approximately 607 cubic meters, were shipped in Type IP-1 and IP-2 Containers and General Design Packages from the Oyster Creek Generating Station during the reporting period.This material went to either a licensed burial site or to a waste processor for volume reduction.

No solidification agent was used in any of the 16 shipments.

The maximum hypothetical calculated organ dose (thyroid) from iodines and particulates to any individual due to gaseous effluents 4.42E-02 (0.0442)mRem/year) was approximately 2.95E-1 (0.295) percent of the annual limit (Table 1). The maximum hypothetical calculated whole body dose to any individual due to I gaseous effluents (3.67E-3 mRem/year) was 7.34E-4 percent of the annual limit.The total maximum hypothetical organ dose (thyroid) due to all radiological effluents from the Oyster Creek Generating Station of 4.79E-02 mRem/year received by any individual for the reporting period is over 6,300 times lower than the dose the average individual in the Oyster Creek area received from background radiation, including that from radon (200 mRem) during the same time period. The background radiation dose averages approximately 300 mRem whole body per year in the Central New Jersey area, which is made up of contributions of approximately 100 mRem/year from background radiation and approximately 200 mRem/year from naturally occurring Radon gas.Joint Frequency Tables of meteorological data, per Pasquill Category, as well as for all stability classes, are included.

All data were collected from the on-site Meteorological Facility.

Collection reliabilities for the 380-foot data and the 33-foot data were 98.63 percent and 97.6 percent, respectively.

The UFSAR commits to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.23 for Met Tower reliability.

RG 1.23 requires 90%reliability over the year.2 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2006 TABLE I ANNUAL OFFSITE DOSES DUE TO RADIONUCLIDES IN EFFLUENTS January 1, 2006 though December 31, 2066 Reference ODCM ODCM ODCM ODCM ODCM ODCM ODCM ODCM 3.11.22 3.112.2 Liquid Liquid Noble Gas Noble Gas H-3, Iodines, & Noble Gas Noble Gas 1-131, 1-133,&Total Body Liver Total Body Skin Particulates Gamma Dose Beta Dose Particulates Thyroid Thyroid mrem mrem mrem atrem mrem mRad mRad mrem ODCM LImit 3.0 mrero/year 10.0mrett/year 500 mrem/year 3000 mrem/year 1500 mrem/year 10 mRad/year 20 mRad/year 15 rnreem/year 3.53E-04 6.97E-04 3.67E-03 4.81 E-03 4.42E-02 7.54E-03 1.30E-03 4.42E-02 2006 Dose mrem mrem marem tnrem marem mRad maRad murem Percent of Limit 1.18E-02 6.97E-03 7.34E-04 Percent Percent Percent 1.60E-04 225E-03 I 7.54E-02 I 6.50E-03 I 2.95E-01 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT JANUARY 1, 2006 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2006 YEAR 2006 EVENT REPORT LIQUID EFFLUENT RELEASES During 2006, there were two radiological liquid releases.

The first occurred during outage 1 F09 and involved an unplanned release of 5.54E-1 (0.554) curies of mostly tritium from the Condensate system. The amount of radioactive water discharged was 11,250 gallons that was diluted with 234,000 gpm of non-radioactive circulation water over a duration of 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. The dose from this discharge was several orders of magnitude below limits contained in Oyster Creek's ODCM, Table 1.5.1-1.The second radiological liquid discharge was also an unplanned release and occurred during 1 R21 and involved discharge of 2.57E-6 (0.00000257) curies of cobalt-60.

The amount of radioactive water diluted with 115,000 gpm over a 16-hour period.CHANGES TO THE OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL There were no changes to the ODCM during 2006.EFFLUENT MONITORS OUT OF SERVICE GREATER THAN 30 DAYS No radiological effluent monitors were out of service for longer than 30 days during 2006.CHANGES TO THE PROCESS CONTROL PLAN There were no changes to the Process Control Plan (PCP) (RW-AA-100) during 2006.RELEASES FROM THE INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE FACILITY The Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISFSI) is a closed system and the only exposure would be due to direct radiation.

Because it is a sealed unit, no radioactive materials were released.

This includes iodines, particulates and noble gases. Therefore there is no dose from effluents from the facility.4

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. ......i " * , , : " , .. ...:'::: .;: .........SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Failfity:

Oyster Creek Generiting Station Licensee:

ArrierGen Energy ComrpanyV, L.L.C.1. Regulatory Limits a. Fission end activation gases: Technical Specification 3.6.E.l: The gross radioactivity in noble gases discharged from the main condenser air ejector shall not exceed 0.21/E Ci/sec after the holdup line where Eis the average gamm energy (Mev per atomic transformation).

ODCM The dose equivalent rate in the UNRESTRICTED AREA due to radioactive noble gas in gaseous effluent shall not exceed 500 rorem/yearto the total body or 3000 mresryear to the skin.Note: The total body dose limit of500 mrem/year has been superseded by 10 CFR 20.1301.a.l which states: The total effective dose equivalent to individual members of the public from the licensed operation does not exceed 0.1 rem (1 millisievert) in a year, exclusive of the dose contributions from background radiation, from any medical administration the individual has received, from exposure to individuals administered radioactive material and released in accordance with Sec. 35.75, from voluntary participation in medical research programs, and from the licensee's disposal of radioactive material.into sanitary sewerage in accordance with Section 20.2003.ODCM The air dose inthe UNRESTRICTED AREA due to noble gas released in gaseous effluent shall not exceed: 5 mRad/calendar quarter due to gamma radiation 10 mRadlcalendar quarter due to beta radiation 10 mRad/calendar year due to gamma radiation, or 20 mRad/c alendar ye ar due to beta radiation.

ODCM 3.11.4 The annual dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to radioactive material in effluent and direct radiation from the OCNGS in the Unrestricted Area shall not exceed 75 nrem to his/her thyroid or 25 mrem to his/her total body or to any other organ.b. Iodines ODCM dose equivalent rate inthe UNRESTRICTED AREA due to tritium (H-3, 1-131, 1-133, and to radioactive material in particulate form having half-lives of 8 days or more in gaseous effluents shall not exceed 1500 meremyear to any body organ when the dose rate due to H-3, Sr-S9, Sr-90, and alpha-emitting radionuclides is averaged over no more than3 months and the dose rate due to other radionuclides is averaged over no more than 31 days.ODCM dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from 1-131, 1-133, and from radionuclides in particulate form having half-lives of2 days or more in gaseous effluent in the UNRESTRICTED AREA shall not exceed7.5 muem to any body organ per calendar quarter or l15rrrem to any body organ per calendaryoar.

c. Particulates, half-lives

> 8 Days: ODCM dose equivalent rate in the UNRESTRICTED AREA due to tritium(H-41-131, 1-133, and to radioactive material in partculate form having half-lives of 8 days or more in gaseous effluents shall not exceed 1500 trrerm/year to any body organ when the dose rate due to H-3, Sr-SP, Sr-9D, and alpha-emitting radionuclides is averaged over no more than 3 months and the dose rate due to other radionuclides is averaged over no more than 31 days.ODCM dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from 1-131,1-133, and from radionuclides in particulate form having half-lives of 8 days or more in gaseous effluent, in the UNRESTRICTED AREA shall not exceed 7.5 mrem to any body organper calendar quarter or 15 mremto any body organ per calendaryear.

d. Liquid effluents:

ODCM concentration of radioactive material, other than noble gases, in liquid effluents in the discharge canal at the U.S. Route 9 brid shall not exceed 10 times the Liquid Effluent Concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20.1001-20.2401, Appendix B, Table II, Columr ODCM concentration of noble gases dissolved or entrained inliquid effluent in the discharge canal at the U.S. Route 9 bridge shall not exceed 2.0e-4 u Ci/mL.ODCM dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to radioactive material in liquid effluent in the UNRESTRICTED AREA shall not exc 1.5 to the Total Body during any calendar quarter, 5.0 mrem to any body organ during any calendar quarter, 3.0 mrem to the Total Body during any calendar year, or 10.0 mrem to anybody organ during any calendar year.ODCM 3.11A4 The annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to radioactive material in effluents from the OCNOS in the Unrestricted Area shall not exceed 75 mrem to his/her thyroid or 25 mrem to his/her total body or to any other organ.

...... ..... .~'- ... ...... .... ...... ..... ....ii:!:lOYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION[" :.1SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION

2. Maidmin Permissble Coneentairmons MPCs used in determining allowable release rates or concentrations:
a. Fission and activation gases: Per OCGS ODCM limits, no MPCs are used to calculate allowable fission and activation gas release rates or concentrations.
b. lodines: Per OCGS ODCM limits, no MPCs are used to calculate allowable iodine gaseous release rates or concentrations.
c. P atculate s, half-live s > 8 Days: Per OCGS ODCM limits, no MPCs are used to calculate allowable particulate gaseous release rates or concentrations.
d. Liquid effluents:

The MPC for Tritium (H-3) is 1 E-3 u Ci/mL.3. Average Energy The average energy (E) of the radionuclide mixture in releases of fission and activation gases: First Quarter: 5.38E-01 Mev(gamma-elevated release)SecondQuarter:

5.388-01 Mev (gamma -elevated release)Third Quarter: 5.38E-01 Mev(gamma-elevated release)FourthQuarter:

3.39E-01 Mev (gamma- elevated release)Annual: 5.38E-01 Mev (gamma- elevated release)4. Measurements and Approrimations ofTotal Radioactivity The methods used to measure or approximate the total radioactivity in effluents and the methods used to determine radionuclide compositionr, a. Fission and activation gases: I. Stack- The stack sample line was degraded during 2006. The releases were normalized to the releases of the last half of 2010.The releases are adjusted for AOO availability, plant power and offgas release rate as appropriate.

2. Augmented bttgas (AOG) Vent -The continuous recording of gross activity and the incorporation of isotopic data obtained from a weekly grab sample analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
3. Turbine Building Stack and Feedpump Room Vent- The continuous recording of gross activity and the incorporation of isotopic data obtained from a weekly grab sample analyzed using gamm spectroscopy
b. lodines: 1. Stack- The stack sample line was degraded during 2006. The releases were normalized to the releases of the last half of 2010.The releases are adjusted for plant power and offgas release rate. Values from 2006 report are used if greater than normalized values.2 Augmented OCffgas (AOG) Vent- Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
3. Turbine Building Stack and Feedpump Room Vent -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
c. Particulates:
1. Stack- The stack sample line was degraded during 2006. The releases were normalized to the releases of the last half of 2010.The releases are adjusted for plant power and offgas release rate. Values from 2006 report are used if greater than normalizedvalues.
2. Augmented Offgas (AO-qI Vent -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.

3 Turbine Building Vent and Feedpump Room Vent -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy

d. Liquid effluents:

Analysis per batch release using gamma spectrometry with a germanium detector, a low background beta counter, and a liquid scintillatioi counter.5. Batch Releases a. Liquid 1. Number of batch releases:

Two releases 2. Totaltimeperiodforbatchreleases:

64hours 3. Maxnmum time period for a batch release: 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> 4. Average time period for batch releases:

32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br /> 5. Minimumtime periodfor abatchrelease:

16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> 6. Average stream flow during periods of release of effluent into a flowing stream: 234,000 gallons.b. Gaseous*4. 1. Number ofbatchreleases:

No batchreleases

2. Total time period for batch release: N/A S 3. Maxiunumtime period for abatchrelease:

N/A 4. Average time period for batch releases:

N/A 5. Minimumatime period for abatch release: N/A 6. Abnormal releases a. Liquid 1. Number ofreleases:

Two (2) (See No. 5 above)2. Total activity released:

5.54&-1 (.534) Curies b. Gaseous 1. Number ofreleases:

None 2. Total activity released:


-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Yearly Est. Total 1 2 3 4 Total Error, %A. Fission & activation gases ,. ' -1. Total release Ci 1,10 2 7.77E+/-01 245E+01 304E,02 10 2. Average release rate for period uCi/sec 1.41+ 9.77E+00 109E,00 9.650 3. Percent of Technical Specification

' "'a. 0.21/Energy (average)-

gamma (elevated release only) % 361E-03 2.99I-0 2.50E-03 7.93-04 2.4 b. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent-

'"':=' , Total Body- 500 nrem/year

%Skin -3000 iraem/year

%c. Air dose due to noble gas in gaseous effluent -5 mRad/calendar quarter due to gamma radiation

% 6 .94-02 4 .606-0 4.36E.02 1.20E 02 10 mRad/calendar quarter due to beta radiation

% 806603 4.43E-03 2.87E-03 9.78E-04 10 mRad/calendar year due to gamma radiation

% " 7' "- 7 5 .6.2 20 mRad/calendar year due to beta radiation

%6 506 03 "" B. todines ~~2 V 1. Total iodine-131 Ci 3.62603 36103 3.0503 127603 1.16E-02 16 2. Average release rate for period uCi/sec 466604 469604 3.84E04 1.6004 3.66E-04 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent -Any body organ -1500 mlemnyear(H-3.1-131.I-133.&P-t.

T12> 8D) % I II b. Dose due to radioiodine and particulates in gaseous effluent --'Any body organ per calendar quarter -7.5 ronem % 2.210-01 01 1 66E01 2.41E-01 Any body organ per calendar year- 15 mrem n ." -,.~4C. Particulates

1. Particulates with half-lives>

8 days Ci 926E03 9.51E-03 8.87-03 4.65E-03 3 2. Average release rate for period uCi/sec 119603 1.21E-03 1.126-03 5.84- 1 0E 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent -Any body organ -1500 mrem/year (H-3.1-131.1-133.

& P.r. TI2 8 D) % I 4$.4 , 4$ 4< j : 3 b. Dose due to radioiodine and particulates in gaseous effluent -Any body organ per calendar quarter -7.5 Intern % 2.216-01 1.006-01 1.566-01 2.416-01 Any body organ per calendar year -15 mrem % 2 0 4. Gross alpha radioactivity Ci 1.66E-06 1.77E-06 1.84E-06 122E-06 6496 D. Tritium .. ' '" 4 I. TotalRelease Ci 2.10E+01 I 1.750134+01 1 34 ,0 01 709E01 -25 2. Average release rate for period sCi/sec 2.70E+00 2.22E+00 3.82E+00 1376+00 253E,00 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent -Any body organ -1500 mrem/year (H--3.1-131.

-133. & P.rt TIP > 8 D) .%p p -.no -u OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2006 TABLE IB GASEOUS EFFLUENTS -ELEVATED RELEASES 4~'. ~ FContinuous Mode Nuclides Released Unit Quarter Qure uater Quarter Toarl 1. Fission gases krypton-85 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD krypton-85m Ci 4.41E+00 3.70E+00 3.12E+00 9.86E-01 1.22E+01 krypton-87 Ci 1.92E+01 1.61E+01 1.36E+01 4.30E+00 5.32E+01 krypton-88 Ci 128E+01 1.07E.01 9.03E+00 2.86E+00 3.54E+01 xenon- 133 Ci < LLD <LLD <LLO <LLD <LLD xenon- 135 Ci 7.35E+01 6.17E+01I 5.19E+01 1.64E+01 2.04E+02 I xenon-I135m Ci < LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD xenon- 138 Ci < LLD < LLD <LLD < LLD < LLD Others Nose Total for period Ci 1 10E+02 9.22E+01 7.77E+01 2.45E+01 3.04Ei02 2. lodines iodine-131 Ci 3.62E-03 3.61E-03 3.05E-03 1.12E-03 1.14E-02 iodine-132 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD iodine- 133 Ci 8.35E-03 8.34E-03 7.03E-03 227E-03 2.60E-02 I iodine-135 I Ci <LLDI <LLD I<LLD < LLD <+/-LLD Total for period Ci 1.20E-02 1.20E-02 1.01E-02 3.39E-03 3.74E-02 3. Particulates strontium-89 Ci 1.51E-03 1.60E-03 1.67E-03 1.10E-03 5.88E-03 strontium-90 Ci 5.34E-06 5.67E-06 5.89E-06 3.90E-06 2.08E-05 cesium- 134 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 0.00E+00 cesium-137 Ci 2.46E-05 2.62E-05 2.72E-05 1.88E-05 9.68E-05 barium-140 Ci 4.78E-03 4.78E-03 4.02E-03 1.36E-03 1.49E-02 gross alpha Ci 1.66E-06 1.77E-06 1.84E-06 1.22E-06 6.49E-06 zirs-65 Ci 2.35E-04 2.50E-04 2.60E-04 1.81E-04 9.266-04 chromium-51 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD <LLD <LLD manganese-54 Ci 7.64E-04 8.12E-04 8.44E-04 6.1 5E-04 3.046-03 cobalt-58 Ci 4,28E-04 4.55E-04 4.73E-04 320E-04 1.68E-03 cnh-elt-60 Ci 1,15E-03 I 1.22E-03 I 127E-03 I 9.48E-04 I 4.59E-03 IK molybdenum.99 Ci I 3.59E-04I 3.59E-04I 3.02E-04 9.71E-05 1.12E-03 9.51E-03-03 1 3.23E-02 I OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2006 TABLE IC GASEOUS EFFLUENTS

-GROUND-LEVEL RELEASES Continuous ModeNuclides Released Unit Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Yearly] 1 ] 2 ] 3 ] 4 [Total 1. Fission gases -krypton-85 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD -LLD krypton-85m Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD <LLD krypton-87 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD <LLD krypton-88 Ci .LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD <LLD xenon- 133 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD .LLD <LLD xenon- 135 Ci 5.14E-03 <LLD < LLD < LLD 5.14E-03 xenon- 135m Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD xenon- 138 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Others None Total for period Ci 51E-3 <LD < LLD < LLD 5.14E-03 I 2. lodines Ci I 3.05E-08 <LLD I 5.18E-08 1.53E-04 I 1.53E-04 .iodine- 131 I iodine- 133 Ci < LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD iodine- 135 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Total for period Ci 3.05E-08 <LLD 5.18E-08 1.53E-04 1.5E-04 3. P articu lates = .... ..=== =........

.........=' = *strontium-89 Ci < LLD <LLD < LLD < LLD <LLD str'onti um-90 C i < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD cobalt-58 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD cesiumn- [137 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD barium-140 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD nickel-63 Ci < LLD < LLD < LD < L < LLU gross alpha Ci < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD a LLD nknganese-54 Ci < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD cobalt-60 Ci < LLD .LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD I--I* t t + I-Total for period Ci ~LLD aLLO a LLD Total for period C iýLLD ýLLD< LLD< LLD<LLD OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNU AL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -006 TABLE 2A UQU D) EFFLUENTS

-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit Quarter QuarQur Quarter IYearly Est.Total I ) 1 A T- -A. Fission & activation products , : iS I1. Total release (not including tritium, gases, alpha) Ci 2. Average diluted concentration during period U Ci/ml 3.- Percent of Technical Specification

a. Radioactivity Concentration in Liquid Effluent The concentration of radioactive material, other than noble gases shall not exceed 10 times the liquid effluent concentrations specified in 10CFR Part 20.1001-20.2401, Appendix B. Table II, Column 2 %b. Limit on Dose Due to Liquid Effluent Total Body -1.5 miem/calendar quarter %Any Body Organ -5.0 mrem/calendar quarter %Total Body -3.0 itern/calendar year %Any Body Organ -10.0 mrem/calendar year %1.4 L 1 5 --'E 1 1 -I I , I -F 1 2.34E-02 14 1.40E-02 --2.4 ,I ,") 1::: _ B. Tritium 1. Total release Ci I 5.54E-01 I NoRoa n oosI.LLD 5.54ýE-01

+2. Average diluted concentration during period u Ci/mL 2.17E-0" 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Shall not exceed 10 times the liquid effluent concentrations specified in I 0CFR Part 20.1001-20.2401, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 % 2.17E-0, ., b. Limit on Dose Due to Liquid Effluent .,+, Total Body -1.5 miem/calendar quarter % 2.34E-02 Any Body Organ -5.0 mrem/calendar quarter % 1.40E-02 Total Body -3.0 mrem/calendar year % 7.33E-05 Any Body Organ -10.0 mrem/calendar year % 1,20E-04 C. Dissolved and entrained gases I. Total release Ci <LLD NoRdean Noba~, oLLD <LLD 2. Average diluted concentration during period u Ci/mL " 3. Percent of Technical Specification
a. Shall not exceed 2.0 E-4 u Ci/mL % 885E -06 b. Limit on Dose Due to Liquid Effluent Total Body -15 mrem/calendar quarter %Any Body Organ -5.0 mrem/calendar quarter %Total Body- 3.0 mirem/calendar year %Any Body Organ -10.0 mtrem/calendar year %D. Gross alpha radioactivity
1. Total release Ci I LLD No Rae No Ro~aan .oLLD <LLO L. Volume of waste released (prior to dilution)

I item 4.26E+041 NoNýcua Noýeeca 2.38EOE 2.1-]L-5 F. Volume oftdilutinn water used during period I items 2585E,091 No.uoule .uo--a 4.188+08 2.97E+09-1 I OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2006 TABLE 2B LIQUID EFFLUENTS Batch Mode I Nuclides Released Unit Quarte Quate Quarter Quarter Yearly 1 2 3 1 4 Toa strontium-89 Ci <LLD NoRdeamse NO Relea es <LLD <LLD strontium-90 Ci I LLD No Rdeases No Releass <LLD <LLD cesium- 134 Ci <LLD No Rdeases No Reloass <LLD <LLD cesium- 137 Ci <LLD No Rlease No Releass <LLD <LLD iodine-131 Ci <LLD No R eeases No a s <LLD <LLD tritium (H-3) Ci 5.54E-01 No Rmea , No Releases <LLD. 5.54E-01 cobalt-60 Ci 4.24E-05 No Rdeass No Release 2.57E-06 4.50E-05 -iron-59 Ci <LLD No Redease No Releass oLLD. <LLD zinc-65 Ci 1.81E-05 No R6-ase No Releaes <LLD 1.81E-05 manganese-54 Ci 8.01E-05 No Releas No Releass <LLD 8.01E-05 nickel-63 Ci" 2.05E-07 'No RdeaWs No ReAoass <LLD 2.05E-07 zirconiu mn-95 C i " <LLD No Rd ea- ,s No R eoea se <LLD <LLD niobiumn-95 Ci <LLO No ROdoeas No Roloams <LLD <LLD technetium-99m Ci <LLD No Rdeams NO Releass <LLD <LLD barium-140 Ci <LLD No RMe- N-- Fileas <LLD <LLD lanthanum-140 Ci oLLD No Release No Releaes <LLD <LLD cerium- 141 Ci ,eLLD No Rdeaose No ReOes <LLD , o<LLD O ther C i -<LLD No Mele-se No Re ea ses <LLD <LLD unidentified Ci <LLD NoR7eases

<oeoas "LLD 'LLD Tables 3 and 4 were not changed and are not included in this submittal.