NRC-91-0100, Discusses Withdrawal of Proposed Tech Spec Change Re Snubber Visual Insp Requirements,Per

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Discusses Withdrawal of Proposed Tech Spec Change Re Snubber Visual Insp Requirements,Per
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1991
From: Catola S
CON-NRC-91-0100, CON-NRC-91-100 TAC-77684, NUDOCS 9108060158
Download: ML20077K019 (2)


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July 31, 1991 NRC-91-0100 U. S.1Nelear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555


1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43
2) Detroit Edison letter to NRC. NRC-90-0057 dated March 26, 1990


Withdrawal of Proposed Technical Specification Change - Snubbers (TAC No. 77684)

In accordance with 10CFR2.107. Detroit Edison hereby requests that the Reference 2 Operating License Amendment application be withdrawn. The Reference 2 application proposed to change Technical Specification (TS) 4.7.5.c which concerns snubber visual inspection requirements.

TS 4.7.5.b currently requires that changes be made to snubber visual inspection intervals based upon previous inspection results and TS 4.7.5.c includes an allowance for excepting visual incpection f ailures f rom the requirement to reduce inspection intervals. A visual inspection failure need not be considered a failure for determining the subsequent interval provided the cause of the f ailure is established and remedied, and the snubber was determined to be operable when functionally tested in the as-found condition.

Detroit Edison proposed to change TS 4.7.5.c to allow this exception if either of the two criteria were satisfied. This would eliminate mid-cycle shutdowns to perform visual inspections due to previous visual inspection failures which either were adequately corrected or were determined to have not actually impacted the enubber's operability.

In a telephone conference on July 22. 1991, the NRC staff indicated that the current TS requirement to reduce the surveillance interval provides the benefit of requiring an earlier confirmation of the satisf actory resolution of visual inspection f ailures. It was agreed that there may be circumstances where a plant chutdown may not be necessary nor desirable solely for the purpose of visual inspection.

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o e s US!1RC July 31, 1991 l NRC-91-0100 Page 2 However, the staf f indicated that these cases should be addressed individually when and if they occur.

Det roit Edicon agreen that these cases can be addressed individually and is therefore requesting that the propoced change be withdrown.

If you have any questiono concerning this request, plesso contact Mr. Glen D. Ohleinacher at (313) $86-4275.


cc: A. B. Davis R. W. DeFayette J. F. St ang S. Stasek I

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