NL-06-1358, Inservice Inspection Program, Owner'S Activity Report for Outage 1R22

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Inservice Inspection Program, Owner'S Activity Report for Outage 1R22
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/2006
From: Stinson L
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IR22, NL-06-1358
Download: ML062070312 (25)


L M. Stinson (Mike) Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating Company, Inc.

40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.5181 Fax 205.992.0341 SOUTHERN ri COMPANY June 29, 2006 Energy to Serve Your World Docket No.: 50-321 NL-06-1358 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit I Inservice Inspection Program Owner's Activity Report for Outage IR22 Ladies and Gentlemen:

The 3rd inservice inspection interval for Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit I ended on December 31, 2005. Southern Nuclear Company (SNC) completed the remaining 3 rd interval examinations during the 2 2 "drefueling outage (designated as IR22), which began during February 2006 (just after the scheduled end of the 3' interval). The extension of the examinations beyond the end of the interval to coincide with the refueling outage was allowable per IWB-2412 of the 1989 Edition of Section XI and per IWA-2430 in more current Section XI Codes. SNC also started the 4t' interval examinations during the same outage (designated as I R22a); therefore, both 3Pa and 4h interval examinations were performed. In no case was an examination used to satisfy the requirements of both intervals.

Enclosed are the ASME Section XI Code Case N-532-1 OAR-1 Owner's Activity Reports for the closeout of the 3 rd Interval ISI activities (Interval 3, Period 3, Outage 2) and the beginning of the 4t Interval ISI activities (Interval 4, Period 1, Outage 1).

This letter contains no NRC commitments. If you have any questions, please advise.

Sincerely, L. M. Stinson LMS/PAH/daj


1). ASME Section XI Code Case N-532-1 OAR-I Owner's Activity Reports for the closeout of the 3 rP Interval ISI activities (Interval 3, Period 3, Outage 2) 2.) ASME Section XI Code Case N-532-1 OAR-1 Owner's Activity Report for the beginning of the 4 1h Interval ISI activities (Interval 4,Period 1, Outage 1)

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL-06-1358 Page 2 cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. J. T. Gasser, Executive Vice President Mr. D. R. Madison, General Manager - Plant Hatch RTYPE: CHA02.004 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dr. W. D. Travers, Regional Administrator Mr. C. Gratton, NRR Project Manager - Hatch Mr. D. S. Simpkins, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch

Enclosure I Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant ASME Section XI Code Case N-532-1 OAR-I Owner's Activity Reports for the Closeout of the 3 rd Interval ISI Activities (Interval 3, Period 3, Outage 2)

PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1R22 OUTAGE FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number 1-3.3-2 (Unit 1, 3o Interval. 3'" Perlod, 2nd Report)

Owner Southern Nuclear O.erating Co. (as agent for Georgia Power Comoanv), 40 Inverness Center Parl*way. Blrmingham, AL 35242 (Name and Address of Owner)

Plant Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, P. O. Box 2010, Baxley. Georgia 31515 (Nam{e and Address of Plant)

Unit No. 1 Commercial service date 1213if75 Refueling outage no. I R22 (if applicable)

Cuvrent inspection Interval (Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. other)

Current Inspection period 31n~

(I1st. 2nd, 3fd)

Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to the Inspection plan 1989 Edition/- aoAddenda Date and revision of inspection plan 12/15/05, Revision 8 Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to repairs and (eplacements. if different than the Inspection plan Same CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that the statements made In the Owners Activity Report are correct, and that the exams, tests, repairs, repta.eements, evaluations, and corrective measures represented by tIs report conform to the requirements of Section XI.

Cet ,rcale,i Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date NIA (Ifapplicable)

Own or O0}nees Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned. holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ,Geapia and employed by Hartford Steam Wtier Insoection & Insurance Cornoa n of Hartford. CT have Inspected the items descrbed In this OwneCs Act ivty Report, fr Floteling Outage "R22. and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has pertformed all actvritles represented by this report in accordance with the requirements of Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes arny warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the exams, tests, repaIrs, replacements, evaluations a"d corrective measures described in this report. Firthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be Ilable In any manne" for any personal lny or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this n.

Commissions 494 5Y4~

Inspector's Si lure National Board. State. Province, and Endorsements Date ______ ______

This form (EQ0127) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Faiffeld, NJ 07007-2300. (Modified for an ouae frequency versus a period frequency)

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1 R22 OUTAGE - 3n° INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Exam Total Total Total Total Exams Category/Item Exams Exams Exams Credited (%) To Number Required Credited Credited Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

(See Note 3) for for (%) Interval 3 Interval 3 Period 3 for Period 3 (See Note 2)

B-A/B.1 1 0 0 00% 0% NRC approved Relief Request RR-38 allows deletion of exams per BWRVIP-05.

B-A/B1.12 11 0 n./o 100% Third Interval exams were completed in the 15' Period as allowed by 10 CFR 50,55a(g)(6)(ii)(A). 100% of all the accessible welds have been examined. Weld C-4-B was inaccessible due to a tie rod obstruction.

B-A/B1.21 2 1 50% 100% Exams are deferrable until the end of the 3"' Interval. There is a total of three B1,21 welds; however, weld C-8 is completely inaccessible, and relief has been submitted. Both accessible welds have been examined, B-AN/B1.22 16 8 50% 100% There is a total of 22 B13.22 welds; however, six welds are inaccessible and relief has been submitted. Exams are deferrable until the end of the 3F1 interval.

B-A/B1.30 1 0 00% 100% Code Case N-598 percentages not applicable for one weld. See NRC approved Relief Request RR-28.

B-A/B1.40 1 0 0% 100% Code Case N-598 percentages not applicable for one weld. See Relief Request RR-28.

B-A Total NA NA NA NA Each item was either deferrable, required to be examined in a specific period, or there was less than 3 items. Therefore, N-598 percentages did not apply. See Relief Request RR-28.

B-D/B3.90 28 4 14% 100% There are 29 nozzles; however, the N15 RPV drain nozzle is located inside the support skirt and is not accessible. NRC approved Relief Request RR-3 allows deletion of the N15 examination. Therefore, 28 exams were scheduled.

B-D/B3.100 28 4 14% 100% There are 29 nozzles; however, the N15 RPV drain nozzle is located inside the support skirt and is not accessible. NRC approved Relief Request RR-3 allows deletion of the N15 examination. Therefore, 28 exams were scheduled.

B-D Total 56 8 14% 100% Exams were per Table IWB-2500-1, Category B-D, Footnote 2 which states, "At least 25% but no more than 50% (credited) of the nozzles shall be examined by the end of the 1ST Period, and the remainder by the end of the inspection interval."

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1 R22 OUTAGE - 3"D INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Exam Total Total Total Total Exams Category/Item Exams Exams Exams Credited (%) To Number Required Credited Credited Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

(See Note 3) for for (%) Interval 3 Interval 3 Period 3 for Period 3 (See Note 2)

B-13.5B4.11 NA NA NA NA Performed as part of the Category B-P pressure tests.

B-E/B4.12 B-E/84.13 B.F/B5.10 NA NA NA NA NRC approved Relief Request RR-39 allows exemption from Code B-F/B5.20 exam percentage requirements of dissimilar metal welds (4" and larger B-F/B5.130 in diameter). In lieu of the Code requirements, the number of welds examined and the frequency of the exam was as specified in BWRVIP-075.

.3-G-11B6.10 52 18 35% 100% NRC approved Relief Request RR-1 allows performance of a VT*1

-exam in lieu of the surface exam.

1B3G-1/B6.20 52 52 100% 100% NRC approved Relief Request RR-35 implements Code Case N-307-3 and allows the deferral of these stud exams until the end ol the interval as long as there is no more than 10 years behteen inspections 13-G-1/136.40 52 52 100% 100% NRC approved Relief Request RR-35 allows the deferral of these flange ligament exams until the end of the interval as long as there are no more than 10 years between inspections.

B-G-1IB6.50 52 18 35% 100% Washer exams B-G-1/B6.50B 4 4 100% 100% Bustling Exams. There are 52 bushing; however, only four are made

.. __ _ _ accessible by removal of the studs.

B-G-1/B6.180 NA NA NA NA These exams are not deferrable; however, they are required only when 1.G-1(B6.190 the B-L-2 visual exam of the internal surfaces of a pump are performed.

B-G-1/B6.200 During the 2NE Period, the B-L-2 visual exam was performed on RC Pump B and the Item B6.180 pump studs, Item B6.190 flange surface, and Item B6.200 nuts were examined. Only one pump is required to be examined per B-L-2 requirements, thus, B-G-1 requirements were satisfied.

B-G-1 Total NA NA NA NA Each item was either deferrable or was required only in conjunction with another exam. Therefore, N-598 percentages do not apply.

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1 R22 OUTAGE - 3no INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Exam Total Total Total Total Exams Category/Item Exams Exams Exams Credited (%) To Number Required Credited Credited Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

(See Note 3) for for (%) Interval 3 Interval 3 Period 3 for Period 3 (See Note 2)

B-G-2/B7.50 8 2 25% 100% Piping Flange Bolting examinations are required for flange bolting located on piping subject to examination.

B-G-2/B7.70 NA NA NA NA Examination of pressure-retaining valve bolting is required only when Category B-M-2 visual exams are performed. Category B-M-2 exams have been performed on 10 valves (one in the,30 ,Period)

B-G-2/B7.80 NA NA NA NA CRD bolting is required to be examined when disassembled. A VT-1 is performed of existing bolting (for CRD's swapped out) prior to any bolting being replaced following removal of the bolting. A final VT-1 is performed for replacement bolting (for CRD's swapped out) prior to the bolting being installed.

B-G-2 Total NA NA NA NA B-H NA NA NA NA Code Case N-509 used for selection. Re-named as Category B-K.

B-J/89.12 NA NA NA NA Code Case N-524 provides alternate examination criteria for longitudinal B-J13/9.22 welds.

B-J/B9.11 88 36 41% 100% NRC approved Relief Request RR-39 allows exemption from Code B-J/B9.21 examination percentage requirements for stainless steel Category B-J B-J/B9.31 piping (4" and larger in diameter). Therefore, only carbon steel welds B-J/B9.32 are shown in this row.

B-K/B10.10 1 0 0% 100% NRC approved Relief Request RR-24 implements Code Case N-323-1 for the RPV skirt weld. The NRC also approved Relief Request RR-41 to allow the use of N-700 to select RPV welded attachments for examination versus Code Case N-509 footnote 4 requirements. As a result only one of the five was required to be examined (RPV skirt)

B-K'B10.20 8 3 38% 100% Selected per Code Case N-509.

B-KIB10,30 1 0 0% 100% Code Case N-509 was used; therefore, one integral attachment on one B-K Total recirculation pump was examined during the 1T Period.

10 3 30% -"100%

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1R22 OUTAGE - 3no INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Exam Total Total Total Total Exams Category/Item Exams Exams Exams Credited (%) To Number Required Credited Credited Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

(See Note 3) for for (%) Interval 3 Interval 3 Period 3 for Period 3 (See Note 2)

B-L-2 NA NA NA NA Category B-L-2 applies only to the 2 RC pumps. During the 2r'u Period, the B-L-2 visual exam was performed on RC Pump B. Only one pump in a group is required to be examined per B-L-2 requirements, thus, B-L-

.... ,,,,,,,,,,2 requirements were satisfied.

B-M-2 NA NA NA NA Category B-M-2 applies to 17 groups of valves. Examination of the valve internal surface is limited to one valve in a group and is required only when a valve is disassembled for maintenance or repair. To-date

............. _examinations have been performed in 10 of the valve groups.

3B-N-1/B13.10 3 1 33% 100% Examination of vessel interior performed once per period.

B-N-2/ B13.20 38 9 24% 100% Exams are deferrable until the end of the 3"' interval. Item numbers B-N-2/ B13.30 are combined because a VT.1 is performed on all attachment welds.

B-N-2/B13.40 NA 16 NA NA Exams are deferrable until the end of the 3ý'u interval; therefore, N-598 percentages do not apply. The accessible surfaces of the Shroud, Shroud Support Ledge, Control Rod Housing & Stub Tubes, are

........ __ _ examined during the 10-year interval.

B-PIB13.110 NA NA NA NA A system leakage test is performed each refueling outage.

B-P/B1 5.50 B-P/B15.60

...B-"P/15-70 . .............. _______________________________

B-P1315.111 NA NA NA NA The system leakage test with extended boundary (to 2"L' isolation B-P/S1i5.51 valve) is deferrable to the end of the interval and was performed during B-P/B15.61 IR22 for the 3 no Interval per ISI-CODE-1. Therefore, reporting B-P/B 15.71 percentage completion for this pressure test is not appropriate.

C-NC1.10 3 1 33% 1100% The Code requires that the equivalent of one RHR Heat Exchanger be C-N/C1.20 examined in the 10-year interval.

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1R22 OUTAGE - 3n' INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Exam Total Total Total Total Exams Category/item Exams Exams Exams Credited (%) To Number Required Credited Credited Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

(See Note 3) for for (%) Interval 3 Interval 3 Period 3 for Period 3 (See Note 2)

C-B!C2.21 4 2 50%/ 100% There are two nozzles on each of the two RHR Heat Exchangers (4 C-B1C2.22 exams). The Code requires that the equivalent of one RHR Heat

.......... , Exchanger be examined in the 10-year interval. I C-C/C3.10 1 0 0% 100% Code Case N-509 was used; therefore, one integral attachment on one

..... _RHR ......... Heat Exchanger was examined during the 2No Period.

C-C/C3.20 21 5 24% 100% Code Case N-509 was used. 10% of the non-exempt piping integral attachments are reuired to be examined.

C-C/Total 22 5 23% 100% Code Case N-509 was used. 10% of the non-exempt piping integral attachments are required to be examined.

C-F-2/C5.52 NA NA NA NA Code Case N-524 provides alternate examination criteria for longitudinal C- F-2/C5.62 welds.

C-F-21C5.82 C-F-2/C5.51 97 26 27% 100%

C-F-2/C5.81 C-H/C7.10 NA NA NA NA These operating pressure tests are performed twice each inspection C-H/C7.30 interval (two out of three inspection periods). Therefore, reporting C-H/C7.50 percentage completion for these pressure tests is not appropriate.

C-H/C7.70 C-H/C7.20 NA NA NA NA Plant Hatch utilized Code Case N-498.1 to moot hydrostatic test C-H/C7.40 requirements during 3s) Interval. Remaining 3 RD Interval pressure C-H/C7.60 tests to be completed per IWA-2430(d). Since these tests are C-HIC7.80 performed once per interval and since deferral to the end of the interval is permitted, reporting percentage completion of these pressure tests is not appropriate.

Pa~e 6 of 8

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1 R22 OUTAGE - 3no INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Exam Total Total Total Total Exams Category/Item Exams Exams Exams Credited (%) To Number Required Credited Credited Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

(See Note 3) for for (%) Interval 3 Interval 3 Period 3 for Period 3 (See Note 2)

F.A Total 122 54 44% 100% These numbers do not include Class 1 and 2 snubber visual examinations.


HNP utilized Code Case N-491-1 for examination of component supports and para. -1220 states: 'The inservice inspection requirements for snubbers shall be in accordance with the Section XI Edition and Addenda specified in the Owner's ISI Program".

Therefore, per the 1989 Edition of Section XI, IWF-1 220, neither Table IWF-2500-1 (SC XI) nor Table -2500-1 (N-491-1) percentages are applicable. IWF-5000 requires snubber examinations in accordance with ASMEJANSI OM-1 987, Part 4. OM-1987, Part 4 does not contain any requirements for reporting of snubber examinations. Additionally, HNP utilizes Code Case N.532-1 for reporting of ISI for Class 1 and 2 pressure retaining components and their supports. N-532-1 does not require reporting of snubber examinations or activities other than repairs or replacements. HNP evaluated the snubber examination requirements of OM-1987, Part 4 and determined that the requirements of the snubber program contained in the Technical Requirements Manual (TRM), Section 3.7.1 exceeds the requirements of OM - 1987, Part 4, except the VT-3 inspection method required by ASME XI, Therefore, HNP performed snubber inspections in accordance with TRM 3.7.1 and approved Relief Request RR-1 1 as an alternative to performing a VT-3 during the 3f'ISI Interval.

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1R22 OUTAGE - 3no INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS NOTES Note 1: Interval 3 requirements (NDE and visual exams performed during an outage) were completed during 1R22.

Note 2: NRC approved Code Case N-598 was used to determine the required percentage of exams, except in cases where there were less than three items or welds to be examined in an Exam Category. In this case the item or welds could be examined in any two periods, or in any one period ifthere was only one item or weld. (See NRC approved Relief Request RR-28).

Note 3: Those Category/Items not shown in Table 1 are not applicable to Plant Hatch.

PIage 8 of 8

TABLE 2 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATION FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Examination Item Item Flaw Flaw or Relevant Condition Category Number Description Characterization Found During Scheduled (IWVA-3000) Section XI Examination or Test (Yes / No)

B-D B3.90 Main Steam Nozzle "A" (N3A) nozzle Subsurfiace Yes to RPV shell weld documented two Section XI defects, which were evaluated as acceptable per IWB-3600 without scope expansion (N-586) or re-examination (N-526)

-- A~

Repair Flaw or Relevant Condition Replacement Found during Schduled Deft Repair/

Code Corrective item Section XI Examination or C l Replacement Class Measure Description Description of Work Test (YesINo) Comple Plan Number Repair 4" Piping Downstream of IE21-FOISA, leak existed at the 3/16,2006 1060698001 branch location where the 4" RHR line downstream of IEI I-FOI 1A comes into the 10" CS test. The leak was at the weld joining the 4" RHR piping to the 10" CS piping. The degraded portion of the weld was ground out and then rewelded. Most likely cause of leak was porosity in weld during fabrication. Reference CR 2006102619.

Replacement Main Steam Line Supp During ISI VT-3 exam of support, 3 base plate nuts Yes 3/22i2006 1060604201 were found loose and cracking was noted in the paint for the 2" x 2" structural steel to base plate weld.

Corrective measures performed were not Section X!

R&R applicable, but due to the conditions being noted during an ISI exam and corrective measures being performed. this activity has been designated for inclusion in the R122 OAR-I, Table 3. NIS-2A not required for this activity. Reference CR 2006102066.

3 Replacement CRD Room Cooler During internals inspection of CRD room cooler with I1112006 1052613701 end cover removed, several Nelson studs were noted as being degraded due to normal inservice conditions. To ensure continued cooler performance, 10 Nelson studs were replaced by welding in new ones (attached to tube sheet of room cooler). Reference CR 2005110437, S. ..

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 Wednesday, June 28,2008

  • .,..g,-V'3> ......................... ~..,-.:-.....

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Repair Flaw or Relevant Condition Replacement Found during Schduled Date Repair/

Code Corrective Item Section XI Examination or Replacement Class Measure Description Description of Work Test (Yes/No) Plan Number 3 Replacement 3" AOV I Globe Valve Replaced valve body due to degradation from normal 3"24!2006 1041660801 inservice conditions. Valve did not rail but body was replaced as preventative measure. Also, pressure retaining bolting for various mechanical connections and a portion of piping Nas replaced to Facilitate replacement activities. Reference CR's 2006102675 &

2006103101. Note- valve steam'plug vwas not replaced (parts returned to warehouse). Additionally, R&R Plan for WO 1041660802 covered by plan in 3 Replacement 1.5" Globe Valve Replaced valve Iody due to degradation from normal 3,27t2006 10.11660601 inservice conditions. Valve did not fail but body was replaced as preventative measure. Reference CR 2006101940. Additionally, R&R Plan for WO 1041660602 covered by plan in WO 104166060 1.

3 Replacement 1.5" Globe Valve Replaced valve body due to degradation from normal 3127T2006 1041660-101 inservice conditions. Valve did not fail but body replaced as preventative measure. Reference CR 2006101940. Additionally, R&R Plan for WO 1041660.102 covered by plan in WO1041660101.

S................ . .

Wednesday, June .28, NOG Wednesday, June 28, 2006 .................... , ,. ,.......

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Repair Flaw or Relevant Condition Replaceme nt Found during Schduled Repaird Code Corrective Item Date Section XI Examination or Replacement Class Measure Complete Description Description of Work Test (YesINo) Plan Number Replacement 1.5" Globe Valve Replaced valve xydv due to degradation from normal 1~27.12006 I1040683901 inservice conditions. Valve did not fail but body wvas replaced as preventative measure. Reference CR 2006101756. Additionally, R&R Plan for WO 106057740! covered by plan in WOl010069390l.

3 Relacement 1.5" Globe Valve Replaced valve body due to degradation friom nonnal Y~2712000 10-106it3801 inservice conditions. Valve did not fail hut body was replaced as preventative measure. Reference CR 2006101756. Additionally, R&R Plan for WO 1060577301 covered by plan in WO 104068330 1.

3 Replacement H"Gate Valve Replaced valve IP4 I-FO50 due to normal inservice 3!27./2006 1040001OI degradation. Wedge seating surface was pitted, and the scat pattern wvas high on the wedge, as well as the wedge guides in the body were worn. This valve is the outboard PCIV for return PSW piping for the Drywell Coolers. Reference CR 200410230 !.

........................................... Page 3 of 4 Wednesday, June 28,12006

Repair Flaw or Relevant Condition Replacement Found during Schduled Repair/

Code Corrective Item Date Section XI Examination or Replacement Class Measure Complete Description Description of Work Test (YesiNo) Plan Number 3 Replacement 6" Swing Check Valve Replaced swing check valve bonnet due to thinning :s 3i2212006 1040386601 noted by spot 3/14" UT thickness measurement. Ref CR 2004102026.

2) Replacement 20" Swing Check Valv Replaced disc of swing check valve due to worn 8!.18&2005 10.10188601 conditions of spad threads to which nut flstens to join and hold disc to the swing check valve nmi.

Conditions noted during IST check valve internals examination per 42SV-SUV-040-1. Reference CRs 2005108 188 and 2005108184.

3 Replacement 18" Butterfly Valve Replaced I studs due to condition noted during 3/W62006 I 020025301 disassembly and inspvction for leakage past valve seat noted on CR 2002000652. RefCR 20061026,17.

Wed es day, June 28,20  : ".. . ,0.0 .... ..... ".. .. .-. .: .. ' , ,. . Pago 4 of 4

Enclosure 2 Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plant ASME Section XI Code Case N-532-1 OAR-I Owner's Activity Reports for the beginning of the 4t Interval ISI activities (Interval 4, Period 1, Outage 1)

PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1R22a OUTAGE FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number 1-4-1-1 (Unit 1,4" Interval, 1st Period, 1st Report)

Owner Southern Nuclear Operating Co. (as agent for Georgia Power Company), 40 Inverness Center Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242 (Name and Address of Owner)

Plant Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant.I P. O. Box 2010.I Baxlev. Georala 31515 (Name and Address of Plant)

Unit No. 1 Commercial service date 12/31/75 Refueling outage no. 1R22a (it applicable)

Current Inspection Interval 4th (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. other)

Current Inspection period 1st (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to the Inspection plan 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda the 2003 Addenda Date and revision of Inspection plan 2/06/06, Revision 1 Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to repairs and replacements, If different than the inspection plan Same CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that the statements made In the Owner's Activity Report are correct, and that the exams, tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations, and corrective measures represented by this report conform to the requirements of Section XI.

Ce 'icate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A (if applicable)

Signerr Designee,_Titl - Date L; _

Owne~br%GnesDsignee, TitleI CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Georgia and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Insoection & Insurance Comoanv of Hartford, CT have Inspected the items described In this Owner's Activity Report, for Refuelina Outaae 1R22a, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report In accordance with the requirements of Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the exams, tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations and corrective measures described In this report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Ins rCn.n Inspector's Sngnas'e National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _

This form (E001 27) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300. (Modified for an outage frequency versus a period frequency)

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1R22a OUTAGE - 4th INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Total Exams Exam Total Exams Total Total Exams Credited (%)To Category/tem Required for Exams Credited (%) Date 4 Interval Remarks (See Note 1)

Number Interval 4 Credited for for Period I (See Note 3) Period I (See Note 2)

B-A/B1 .11 0 0 0% 0% Relief to be submitted to the NRC to delete exams per BWRVIP-05.

B-AIB1.12 12 0 0% 0% Fourth Interval exams to be completed in the 1 ' Period as allowed by 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii) (A).

B-A/B1.21 2 0 0% 0% Exams are deferrable until the end of the 4th interval. Weld C-8 is completely inaccessible and relief will be requested.

B-ANB1.22 16 00% 0,,% There Is a total of 22 B1.22 welds; however, six welds are inaccessible and relief will be requested.

B-A/B1.30 1 1 100% 100%/

B-ANB1.40 1 1 100% 100%

B-A Total NA NA NA NA Each item Is either deferrable, required to be examined in a specific period, or there are less than 3 items. Therefore, N-598 percentages do not apply.

B-D Total 56 22 39% 39% There are 29 nozzles; however, the N1 5 RPV drain nozzle is located Inside the support skirt and Is not accessible. Relief will be required.

Therefore, 28 nozzles will be examined. Exams were scheduled per Table IWB-2500-1, Category B-D, Footnote 2 which states, "At least 25% but no more than 50% (credited) of the nozzles shall be examined by the end of the first inspection period, and the remainder by the end of the inspection interval."

B-F1I/5.20 2 1 50% 50% NRC approved ISI Alternative ISI-ALT-3 allows exemption from Code exam percentage requirements of dissimilar metal welds (4" and larger In diameter). In lieu of the Code requirements, the number of welds examined and the frequency of the exam are as specified in BWRVIP-075. There are four small diameter welds in this B-F scope. However, the N1 6B Safe-End to nozzle weld (1 C41-1 INST-2B-1) and the N1 5 Bottom Head Drain Nozzle to Safe-End weld are inaccessible and relief is required. Therefore, the scope shown for this table is two.

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1R22a OUTAGE - 4" INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Total Exams Exam Total Exams Total Total Exams Credited (%) To CategoryfItem Required for Exams Credited (%) Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

Number Interval 4 Credited for for Period I Interval 4 (See Note 3) , _ Perod I (See Note 2)

B-G-1/B6.10 52 0 0% 0% Closure Head Nuts - Deferrable B-G-1/B6.20 52 0 0% 0% Studs - Use Code Case N-307 Deferrable B-G-1/B6.40 52 0 0% 0% Threads in Flange- Deferrable B-G-1IB6.50 52 0 0% 0% Washers- Deferrable B-G-1/B6.50B 4 0 0% 0% Bushings - Only required to be examined when studs are removed.

B-G-1/B6.180 NA 0 0% 0% These exams are required only when the B-L-2 visual exam of the B-G-1 /1B6.190 internal surfaces of a pump are performed.

B1-G-11B6.200 B-G-1 Total NA NA NA NA B-G-2/B7.50 NA 1 NA NA Piping Flange Bolting examinations are required only when a flange is disassembled. Exams may be limited to one flange In a group of bolted connections similar in design, size, function, and service. An examination was performed on 1B21 -F01 3B flange bolting during 1R22a, thus completing 4th Interval Group 2 flange bolting requirements.

B-G-2/1B7.70 NA 2 NA NA Examination of pressure-retaining valve bolting is required only when Category B-M-2 visual exams are performed (and the valve is disassembled). Valve bolting was examined on 1B21 -F028D during 1R22a, thus completing 4 th Interval Group 4 valve bolting revuirements.

1B21-FO13B valve bolting was examined, thus completing 4 Interval Group 3 valve bolting requirements.

B-G-21B7.80 NA NA NA NA CRD bolting is required to be examined if bolting is reused.

B-G-2 Total NA 3 NA NA Page 3 of 6

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1 R22a OUTAGE - 41h INTERVAL TABLE I ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Total Exams Exam Total Exams Total Total Exams Credited (%) To Categorylitem Required for Exams Credited (%) Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

Number Interval 4 Credited for for Period 1 Interval 4 (See Note3 Period I (See Note 2 B-J/B9.1 1 88 6 7% 7% NRC approved ISI Alternative ISI-ALT-3 grants relief from Code B-J/B9.21 examination percentage requirements for stainless steel Category B-J B-J/B9.31 piping (4" and larger in diameter). Therefore, only carbon steel welds B-J/B9.32 are shown in this row.

B-Ji/B9.21 29 1 3% 3% Small diameter welds previously exempted during the Y3 Interval per B-J/B9.32 IWB-1 220(a).

B-J/B9.40 B-J Total 117 7 6% 6%

B-K Total 14 0 0% 0%

. . ... AX B-L-2 NA NA NA NA Category B-L-2 applies only to the 2 RC pumps. Only one pump in a group is required to be examined per B-L-2 requirements.

B-M-2 NA 2 NA NA Category B-M-2 applies to 17 groups of valves. Examination of the valve internal surface is limited to one valve in a group and is required only when a valve is disassembled for maintenance or repair. During 1R22a, 1B21-F028D was examined thus completing 4 tUInterval Group 4 B-M-2 requirements. 1B21-F013B valve bolting was also examined, thus completing 4th Interval Group 3 B-M-2 requirements.

B-N-1/B13.10 3 0 0% 0% Examination of vessel interior performed once per period.

B-N-2/ B13.20 38 0 0% 0% Exams are deferrable until the end of the 4th interval. Item numbers B-N-2/ B13.30 are combined because a VI-I is performed on all attachment welds.

B-N-2/813.40 NA 0 NA NA Exams are deferrable until the end of the 4n Interval; therefore, N-598 percentages do not apply. The accessible surfaces of the Shroud, Shroud Support Ledge, Control Rod Housing &Stub Tubes, are examined during the 10-year interval.

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1 R22a OUTAGE - 4 h INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Total Exams Exam Total Exams Total Total Exams Credited (%) To Categoryfltem Required for Exams Credited (%) Date for Remarks (See Note 1)

Number Interval 4 Credited for for Period 1 Interval 4 (See Note 3) Period I (See Note 2)

B-0/B14.10 8 0 0% 0%

B-P/B1 5.10 NA NA NA NA A system leakage test is performed each refueling outage.

C-A/C1.10 3 0 0% 00%

C-A/C1.20 77777777)_ .-- ;T F. '.-..' -77v .-..

C-B/C2.21 4 0 0% 0% There are two nozzles on each of the two RHR Heat Exchangers and C-B/C2.22 there are two exams per nozzle. The Code requires that the equivalent of one RHR Heat Exchanger be examined.

C-C Total 22 3 14% 14%

C-F-2/C5.51 91 14 15% 15%

C-F-2/C5.81 C-H/C7.10 NA NA NA NA These operating pressure tests are performed each inspection period; therefore they are performed three times per inspection interval.

Therefore, reporting percentage completion for these pressure tests is not appropriate.

F-A/Total 151 15 10% 10%

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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT PLANT HATCH UNIT 1, 1 R22a OUTAGE - 4" INTERVAL TABLE 1 ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS NOTES Note 1: During 1R22, Interval 3 requirements were completed, and Interval 4 requirements were initiated. For clarity of reporting, Interval 3 requirements have been designated and reported as 1 R22, and Interval 4 requirements have been designated and reported as 1R22a.

Note 2: NRC approved Code Case N-598 is used to determine the required percentage of exams.

Note 3: Those Category/Items not shown in Table 1are not applicable to Plant Hatch.

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TABLE 3 Abstract of Repairs, Replacements, or Corrective Measures Required for Continued Service FOR 1R22/1R22a, ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN OAR-1, TABLE 3 FOR 1R22 (1-3-3-2)