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Comment (41) E-mail Regarding Diablo Canyon Lr Draft EIS
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Site: Diablo Canyon Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/14/2024
From: Public Commenter
Public Commenter
Download: ML24350A001 (4)



susan <>


Saturday, December 14, 2024 9:07 PM To:

DiabloCanyonEnvironmental.Resource Cc:

Andrew Christie (


[External_Sender] Diablo Canyon NPP EIS comments Attachments:

Diablo EIS comments NRC.pdf Please find attached our comments re: Diablo Canyon NPP EIS.

Thank you.

Susan Harvey Santa Lucia Chapter Sierra Club Susan Harvey 805-239-0542 Pay attention. Someday, youll be the last one who remembers what happened.

Virginia Trimble, Astrophysicist

Federal Register Notice:

89FR87433 Comment Number:

41 Mail Envelope Properties (SJ0PR04MB84914539CC4F84DD2E288E98BA3A2)


[External_Sender] Diablo Canyon NPP EIS comments Sent Date:

12/14/2024 9:06:54 PM Received Date:

12/14/2024 9:07:07 PM From:

susan Created By: Recipients:

"Andrew Christie (" <>

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Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 282 12/14/2024 9:07:07 PM Diablo EIS comments NRC.pdf 540367 Options Priority:

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Page 1 of 2 Santa Lucia Chapter of the Sierra Club, P.O. Box 15755, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Office of Administration Mail Stop TWFN-7-A60M U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 November 19, 2024 Re: Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for renewing the operating licenses of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2

Dear Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

The Santa Lucia Chapter of the Sierra Club represents the Sierra Clubs members and supporters in San Luis Obispo County, the location of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.

The DSEIS states that the California Coastal Commission has not yet responded to the additional materials it requested from PG&E per the Commissions Dec. 7, 2023, notification of PG&Es incomplete application to determine the consistency of the extension of Diablos operating permit with the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). While the DSEIS may not be able to note the response of the Coastal Commission to PG&Es submission, it is obligated to address the concerns in the Commissions request for additional information based on how the proposed action would affect any land or water use or natural resource of the coastal zone.

Of those concerns, we note specifically:

The certification cites PG&Es most recent entrainment [to draw in and transport something, like fish, by the flow of a fluid] study showing that Diablo Canyons use of seawater for cooling results in a loss of productivity equal to almost 700 acres of rocky reef habitat each year. However, the actual loss is substantially higher, as that study used a calculation based on a 50% confidence level instead of the 95% confidence level now used by the Coastal Commission and other state agencies to determine the type and extent of entrainment impacts resulting from seawater intakes. Applying the 95% confidence level results in a loss of productivity during each year of operations roughly equal to that provided by well over 1,000 acres of reef habitat.

PG&E and other resource agencies have identified that Diablo Canyons thermal discharge is having adverse effects on nearby populations of black abalone, a species of special biological significance protected under the Endangered Species Act. Please provide relevant studies that describe those effects and identify the mitigation

Page 2 of 2 Santa Lucia Chapter of the Sierra Club, P.O. Box 15755, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 measures PG&E has implemented, or will implement, to avoid and reduce those effects.

Please provide an updated analysis or reevaluation of seismic hazards at DCPP which includes new information and science which has emerged since PG&Es last comprehensive evaluation. The analysis should include an assessment of whether the plant design basis continues to protect against seismic hazards, and what additional development (if any) would be necessary to protect plant facilities and operations against seismic hazards over the proposed relicensing period (at a minimum).

The Final EIS should address these issues.

Sincerely, Susan Harvey, Chair Conservation Committee Santa Lucia Chapter, Sierra Club Santa Lucia Chapter of the Sierra Club P.O. Box 15755 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 (805) 543-8717