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Enclosure 4-1, Comparison Table of the 2019 Safety Evaluation Report (SAR) (J/61/B(U)F-96) and the 2023 SAR (J/2045/B(U)F) for the Model No. JRC-80Y-20T (Non-Proprietary)
Person / Time
Site: 07103035
Issue date: 04/03/2023
From: Boyle R, Neely R
Edlow International Co
Division of Fuel Management
Shared Package
ML23115A059 List:
CAC 001794, EPID L-2023-DOT-0006
Download: ML23115A082 (134)



Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note CONTENTS CONTENTS Chapter I : Package description Chapter I : Package description A. Introduction ********************************************************************************** (I)-1 A. Introduction ********************************************************************************** (I)-1 B. Type of package ***************************************************************************** (I)-2 B. Type of nuclear fuel package *********************************************************** (I)-2 Refinement of C. Package description-packaging ******************************************************** (I)-5 C. Package description-packaging ******************************************************** (I)-5 description D. Contents of package *********************************************************************** (I)-41 D. Contents of package *********************************************************************** (I)-41 Chapter II : Safety analyses **************************************************************** (II)-1 Chapter II : Safety analyses **************************************************************** (II)-1 A. Structural analysis ************************************************************************* (II)-A-1 A. Structural analysis ************************************************************************ (II)-A-1 A.1 Structural design*********************************************************************** (II)-A-1 A.1 Structural design ********************************************************************** (II)-A-1 A.1.1 General description ************************************************************** (II)-A-1 A.1.1 General description************************************************************** (II)-A-1 A.1.2 Design ******************************************************************************** (II)-A-2 A.1.2 Design ******************************************************************************* (II)-A-2 A.2 Weight and center of gravity ******************************************************* (II)-A-28 A.2 Weight and center of gravity ******************************************************* (II)-A-27 Changes of page A.3 Mechanical property of material ************************************************** (II)-A-29 A.3 Mechanical property of material************************************************** (II)-A-29 number A.4 Standard for package ***************************************************************** (II)-A-37 A.4 Standard for nuclear fuel package *********************************************** (II)-A-37 Refinement of A.4.1 Chemical and electrical reactions ******************************************* (II)-A-37 A.4.1 Chemical and electrical reactions ******************************************* (II)-A-37 description A.4.2 Low-temperature strength **************************************************** (II)-A-37 A.4.2 Low-temperature strength **************************************************** (II)-A-37 Changes of page A.4.3 Containment system ************************************************************ (II)-A-50 A.4.3 Containment system ************************************************************ (II)-A-51 number A.4.4 Lifting device ********************************************************************** (II)-A-50 A.4.4 Lifting device ********************************************************************** (II)-A-51 Same as above A.4.5 Tie-down device (influence of tie-down device upon package) ****** (II)-A-87 A.4.5 Tie-down device (influence of tie-down device upon package) ***** (II)-A-89 Same as above A.4.6 Pressure ***************************************************************************** (II)-A-96 A.4.6 Pressure ***************************************************************************** (II)-A-98 Same as above A.4.7 Vibration **************************************************************************** (II)-A-97 A.4.7 Vibration **************************************************************************** (II)-A-99 Same as above A.5 Normal conditions of transport **************************************************** (II)-A-99 A.5 Normal conditions of transport *************************************************** (II)-A-102 Same as above A.5.1 Thermal test *********************************************************************** (II)-A-99 A.5.1 Thermal test *********************************************************************** (II)-A-102 Same as above A.5.1.1 Summary of pressure and temperature ***************************** (II)-A-99 A.5.1.1 Summary of pressure and temperature ***************************** (II)-A-102 Same as above A.5.1.2 Thermal expansion ********************************************************* (II)-A-103 A.5.1.2 Thermal expansion********************************************************* (II)-A-106 Same as above A.5.1.3 Stress calculation *********************************************************** (II)-A-115 A.5.1.3 Stress calculation *********************************************************** (II)-A-119 Same as above A.5.1.4 Comparison of allowable stress***************************************** (II)-A-116 A.5.1.4 Comparison of allowable stress **************************************** (II)-A-120 Same as above A.5.2 Water spray ************************************************************************ (II)-A-122 A.5.2 Water spray ************************************************************************ (II)-A-127 Same as above A.5.3 Free drop **************************************************************************** (II)-A-123 A.5.3 Free drop *************************************************************************** (II)-A-128 Same as above A.5.4 Stacking test *********************************************************************** (II)-A-123 A.5.4 Stacking test*********************************************************************** (II)-A-128 Same as above A.5.5 Penetration ************************************************************************* (II)-A-132 A.5.5 Penetration ************************************************************************ (II)-A-137 Same as above A.5.6 Drop of square and edge******************************************************** (II)-A-133 A.5.6 Drop of square and edge ******************************************************* (II)-A-138 Same as above A.5.7 Summary and evaluation of the results *********************************** (II)-A-133 A.5.7 Summary and evaluation of the results ********************************** (II)-A-138 Same as above A.6 Accident conditions of transport*************************************************** (II)-A-136 A.6 Accident conditions of transport ************************************************** (II)-A-141 Same as above A.6.1 Mechanical test drop test I (9 m drop) ********************************** (II)-A-137 A.6.1 Mechanical test drop test I (9 m drop) ********************************* (II)-A-142 Same as above A.6.1.1 Vertical drop ****************************************************************** (II)-A-171 A.6.1.1 Vertical drop ***************************************************************** (II)-A-176 Same as above A.6.1.2 Horizontal drop ************************************************************** (II)-A-214 A.6.1.2 Horizontal drop ************************************************************* (II)-A-208 Same as above A.6.1.3 Corner drop ******************************************************************* (II)-A-263 A.6.1.3 Corner drop******************************************************************* (II)-A-249 Same as above A.6.1.4 Oblique drop ****************************************************************** (II)-A-267 A.6.1.4 Oblique drop ***************************************************************** (II)-A-253 Same as above A.6.1.5 Summary of the results *************************************************** (II)-A-268 A.6.1.5 Summary of the results*************************************************** (II)-A-254 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note A.6.2 Strength test drop test II (1m drop) ************************************* (II)-A-269 A.6.2 Strength test drop test II (1m drop)************************************* (II)-A-255 Same as above A.6.2.1 Summary of the result **************************************************** (II)-A-279 A.6.2.1 Summary of the result **************************************************** (II)-A-265 Same as above A.6.3 Thermal test *********************************************************************** (II)-A-280 A.6.3 Thermal test *********************************************************************** (II)-A-266 Same as above A.6.3.1 Summary of temperature and pressure****************************** (II)-A-280 A.6.3.1 Summary of temperature and pressure ***************************** (II)-A-266 Same as above A.6.3.2 Thermal expansion ********************************************************* (II)-A-280 A.6.3.2 Thermal expansion********************************************************* (II)-A-266 Same as above A.6.3.3 Comparison of allowable stress***************************************** (II)-A-286 A.6.3.3 Comparison of allowable stress **************************************** (II)-A-272 Same as above A.6.4 Water immersion ***************************************************************** (II)-A-301 A.6.4 Water immersion ***************************************************************** (II)-A-287 Same as above A.6.5 Summary and evaluation of the results *********************************** (II)-A-302 A.6.5 Summary and evaluation of the results ********************************** (II)-A-288 Same as above A.7 Enhanced water immersion test ************************************************** (II)-A-322 A.7 Enhanced water immersion test ************************************************** (II)-A-308 Same as above A.8 Radioactive contents ****************************************************************** (II)-A-331 A.8 Radioactive contents****************************************************************** (II)-A-317 Same as above A.9 Package containing fissile material ********************************************** (II)-A-333 A.9 Package containing fissile material********************************************** (II)-A-319 Same as above A.9.1 Package containing fissile material normal conditions of A.9.1 Package containing fissile material normal conditions of Same as above transport ************************************************************************************ (II)-A-333 transport ************************************************************************************ (II)-A-319 A.9.1.1 Water spray ****************************************************************** (II)-A-319 Refinement of A.9.1.2 0.3 m drop test ************************************************************* (II)-A-319 description A.9.1.3 Stacking test and 6 kg bar penetration****************************** (II)-A-319 A.9.2 Package containing fissile material accident conditions of A.9.2 Package containing fissile material accident conditions of transport ************************************************************************************ (II)-A-335 transport ************************************************************************************ (II)-A-321 Refinement of A. 9.2.1 Normal test conditions *************************************************** (II)-A-321 description A. 9.2.2 0.9 m drop test************************************************************** (II)-A-321 A. 9.2.3 1 m drop test **************************************************************** (II)-A-324 A. 9.2.4 Thermal test***************************************************************** (II)-A-324 A. 9.2.5 0.9 m immersion *********************************************************** (II)-A-324 A. 9.2.6 Summary of damage state of nuclear fuel package ************* (II)-A-325 A.10 Appendix ******************************************************************************** (II)-A-340 A.10 Appendix ******************************************************************************** (II)-A-326 Changes of page A.10.1 Appendix-1 A.10.1 Appendix-1 number Mechanical property of material used for drop impact analysis *********** (II)--341 Mechanical property of material used for drop impact analysis ********** (II)--327 Same as above A.10.2 Appendix-2 A.10.2 Appendix-2 Same as above Drop impact analysis of fins using dynamic analysis code LS-DYNA Drop impact analysis of fins using dynamic analysis code LS-DYNA Same as above and comparison with impact tests ************************************************** (II)--345 and comparison with impact tests ************************************************** (II)--331 Same as above A.10.3 Appendix-3 A.10.3 Appendix-3 Same as above Strength analysis of lifting instrument ******************************************* (II)--361 Strength analysis of lifting instrument ******************************************* (II)--347 Same as above A.10.4 Appendix-4 A.10.4 Appendix-4 Compatibility with the ASME Code under design conditions ************** (II)--362 Compatibility with the ASME Code under design conditions ************** (II)--348 Same as above A.10.5 Appendix-5 A.10.5 Appendix-5 Strength of the packaging when the external pressure equivalent Strength of the packaging when the external pressure equivalent to the water depth of 5,000 m acts ************************************************** (II)--378 to the water depth of 5,000 m acts************************************************** (II)--364 Same as above A.10.6 Appendix-6 A.10.6 Appendix-6 References ********************************************************************************** (II)--384 References ********************************************************************************** (II)--370 Same as above B. Thermal analysis ********************************************************************* (II)-B-1 B. Thermal analysis ********************************************************************* (II)-B-1 Same as above Omission Omission C. Containment analysis ********************************************************************* (II)-C-1 C. Containment analysis********************************************************************* (II)-C-1

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note Omission Omission D. Shielding analysis ************************************************************************** (II)-D-1 D. Shielding analysis ************************************************************************* (II)-D-1 D.1 Summary ********************************************************************************* (II)-D-1 D.1 Summary********************************************************************************* (II)-D-1 D.2 Source specifications ****************************************************************** (II)-D-3 D.2 Source specifications ***************************************************************** (II)-D-3 D.2.1 Gamma source ******************************************************************** (II)-D-8 D.2.1 Gamma source ******************************************************************** (II)-D-7 Changes of page D.2.2 Neutron source ******************************************************************** (II)-D-10 D.2.2 Neutron source ******************************************************************* (II)-D-9 number D.3 Model specifications ******************************************************************* (II)-D-13 D.3 Model specifications ****************************************************************** (II)-D-12 Same as above D.3.1 Analytical model ****************************************************************** (II)-D-13 D.3.1 Analytical model ***************************************************************** (II)-D-12 Same as above D.3.2 Atomic number density in each region of D.3.2 Atomic number density in each region of shielding analytical model ************************************************************* (II)-D-20 shielding analytical model ************************************************************ (II)-D-19 Same as above D.4 Evaluation of shielding ************************************************************** (II)-D-23 D.4 Evaluation of shielding ************************************************************** (II)-D-22 Same as above D.5 Summary of the results and the evaluation *********************************** (II)-D-32 D.5 Summary of the results and the evaluation ********************************** (II)-D-31 Same as above D.5.1 Shielding Design Features ******************************************* (II)-D-31 Refinement of description D.5.2 Results and evaluation ************************************************* (II)-D-31 D.6 Appendix ********************************************************************************** (II)-D-35 Changes of page D.6 Appendix ********************************************************************************* (II)-D-34 D.6.1 Appendix-1 Neutron yields due to (.n) reaction******************* (II)-D-36 number D.6.1 Appendix-1 Neutron yields due to (.n) reaction ****************** (II)-D-35 D.6.2 Appendix-2 Gamma streaming calculation ************************** (II)-D-39 Same as above D.6.2 Appendix-2 Gamma streaming calculation ************************* (II)-D-38 D.6.3 Appendix-3 References ***************************************************** (II)-D-53 Same as above D.6.3 Appendix-3 References***************************************************** (II)-D-52 E. Criticality analysis************************************************************************* (II)-E-1 E. Criticality analysis ************************************************************************* (II)-E-1 E.1 Summary ********************************************************************************* (II)-E-1 E.1 Summary ********************************************************************************* (II)-E-1 Changes of page E.2 Analytical object *********************************************************************** (II)-E-2 E.2 Analytical object ************************************************************************ (II)-E-3 number E.2.1 Contents **************************************************************************** (II)-E-2 E.2.1 Contents ***************************************************************************** (II)-E-3 Same as above E.2.2 Packaging ************************************************************************** (II)-E-5 E.2.2 Packaging *************************************************************************** (II)-E-7 Same as above E.2.3 Neutron poison******************************************************************** (II)-E-5 E.2.3 Neutron poison ******************************************************************** (II)-E-7 Same as above E.3 Model specification ******************************************************************** (II)-E-7 E.3 Model specification ******************************************************************** (II)-E-8 Same as above E.3.1 Analytical model****************************************************************** (II)-E-7 E.3.1 Analytical model ****************************************************************** (II)-E-8 E.3.1.1 Analytical model of nuclear fuel package in isolation*****(II)-E-7 Refinement of E.3.1.2 Analytical model of nuclear fuel package in array *********(II)-E-7 description E.3.2 Atomic number density in each region of analytical model ********* (II)-E-27 E.3.2 Atomic number density in each region of analytical model ********* (II)-E-18 Changes of page E.4 Subcriticality evaluation ************************************************************ (II)-E-29 E.4 Subcriticality evaluation ************************************************************ (II)-E-20 number E.4.1 Analytical condition************************************************************** (II)-E-29 E.4.1 Analytical condition ************************************************************* (II)-E-20 Same as above E.4.2 Water immersion into the package ***************************************** (II)-E-29 E.4.2 Water immersion into the package ***************************************** (II)-E-20 Same as above E.4.3 Calculation method ************************************************************** (II)-E-30 E.4.3 Calculation method ************************************************************** (II)-E-21 Same as above E.4.4 Calculation results *************************************************************** (II)-E-31 E.4.4 Calculation results ************************************************************** (II)-E-22 Same as above E.5 Benchmark experiments ************************************************************* (II)-E-32 E.5 Benchmark experiments ************************************************************ (II)-E-23 Same as above E.6 Summary of the results and the evaluation *********************************** (II)-E-34 E.6 Summary of the results and the evaluation*********************************** (II)-E-25 Same as above E.7 Appendix ********************************************************************************** (II)-E-35 E.7 Appendix ********************************************************************************* (II)-E-26 Same as above E.7.1 Appendix-1 E.7.1 Appendix-1 Safety of the package under routine conditions of transport *************** (II)-E-36 Safety of the package under routine conditions of transport *************** (II)-E-27 Same as above E.7.2 Appendix-2 E.7.2 Appendix-2

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note Safety of the package during the loading of the fuel elements ************* (II)-E-38 Safety of the package during the loading of the fuel elements ************ (II)-E-29 Same as above E.7.3 Appendix-3 E.7.3 Appendix-3 Safety of the package under accident conditions ******************************* (II)-E-46 Safety of the package under accident conditions ******************************* (II)-E-35 Same as above E.7.4 Appendix-4 E.7.4 Appendix-4 Investigation of the optimum water density in the criticality Investigation of the optimum water density in the criticality evaluation *********************************************************************************** (II)-E-50 evaluation ********************************************************************************** (II)-E-38 Same as above E.7.5 Appendix-5 E.7.5 Appendix-5 References ********************************************************************************** (II)-E-51 References ********************************************************************************** (II)-E-39 Same as above F. Consideration of Aging of Nuclear Fuel Package ********************************************** (II)-F-1 Addition of Consideration of aging F.1 Aging Factors to be Considered ****************************************************************** (II)-F-1 of nuclear fuel package F.2 Evaluation of Necessity of Considering Aging in Safety Analysis ******************** (II)-F-2 due to the revision of F.3 Aging Considerations in Safety Analysis ***************************************************** (II)-F-7 the regulations F.4 Appendix ************************************************************************************************ (II)-F-7 F.4.1 Appendix - 1 References ***************************************************************** (II)-F-7 Deletion due to moving to another chapter Chapter III : Basic policy for quality management ********************************** (III)-A-1 A. Quality management system *********************************************************** (III)-A-1 B. Applicants responsibilities *************************************************************** (III)-B-1 C. Education and training ******************************************************************* (III)-C-1 D. Design control ******************************************************************************* (III)-D-1 E. Manufacturing order of the packaging, etc. **************************************** (III)-E-1 F. Handling and Maintenance ************************************************************** (III)-F-1 Chapter IV : Maintenance conditions of transport packaging and Chapter III : Maintenance conditions of transport packaging and Modification for proper handling method of package **************************************************************** (IV)-A-1 handling method of package **************************************************************** (III)-A-1 description due to A. Handling method *************************************************************************** (IV)-A-1 A. Handling method *************************************************************************** (III)-A-1 deletion of the previous A.1 Loading method ************************************************************************ (IV)-A-1 A.1 Loading method ************************************************************************ (III)-A-1 chapter A.2 Prior to shipping inspection of package ***************************************** (IV)-A-3 A.2 Prior to shipping inspection of nuclear fuel package *********************** (III)-A-4 Same as above A.3 Unloading method ********************************************************************* (IV)-A-6 A.3 Unloading method ********************************************************************* (III)-A-7 Same as above A.4 Preparation of empty packaging ************************************************** (IV)-A-7 A.4 Preparation of empty packaging ************************************************** (III)-A-8 Same as above B. Maintenance conditions ****************************************************************** (IV)-B-1 B. Maintenance conditions ****************************************************************** (III)-B-1 Same as above B.1 Visual inspections********************************************************************** (IV)-B-1 B.1 Visual inspections ********************************************************************* (III)-B-1 Same as above B.2 Internal pressure inspections ****************************************************** (IV)-B-1 B.2 Internal pressure inspections****************************************************** (III)-B-1 Same as above B.3 Leakage inspection ******************************************************************** (IV)-B-1 B.3 Leakage inspection ******************************************************************** (III)-B-1 Same as above B.4 Shielding inspection******************************************************************* (IV)-B-1 B.4 Shielding inspection ****************************************************************** (III)-B-1 Same as above B.5 Subcriticality inspection ************************************************************* (IV)-B-2 B.5 Subcriticality inspection************************************************************* (III)-B-2 Same as above B.6 Thermal inspection ******************************************************************** (IV)-B-2 B.6 Thermal inspection ******************************************************************* (III)-B-2 Same as above B.7 Lifting inspection ********************************************************************** (IV)-B-2 B.7 Lifting inspection ********************************************************************** (III)-B-2 Same as above B.8 Operational inspection *************************************************************** (IV)-B-2 B.8 Operational inspection *************************************************************** (III)-B-2 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note B.9 Maintenance of auxiliary system ************************************************* (IV)-B-2 B.9 Maintenance of auxiliary system ************************************************* (III)-B-2 Same as above B.10 Maintenance of valve and gasket, etc., of containment vessel ********* (IV)-B-3 B.10 Maintenance of valve and gasket, etc., of containment vessel********* (III)-B-3 Same as above B.11 Storage of transport packaging ************************************************** (IV)-B-3 B.11 Storage of transport packaging ************************************************** (III)-B-3 Same as above B.12 Storage of records ******************************************************************** (IV)-B-3 B.12 Storage of records ******************************************************************** (III)-B-3 Same as above B.13 Others ************************************************************************************ (IV)-B-3 B.13 Others *********************************************************************************** (III)-B-3 Same as above Chapter V-I : Fabrication of packaging ************************************************** (V)-I-A-1 Chapter IV-I : Fabrication of packaging ************************************************ (IV)-I-A-1 Modification for proper Chapter V-II : Modification of packaging *********************************************** (V)-II-A-1 Chapter IV-II : Modification of packaging ********************************************** (IV)-II-A-1 description due to deletion of the previous chapter

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF FIGURES

()-Fig.A.1 Package transport condition ************************************************ (I)-4 ()-Fig.A.1 Transport condition of nuclear fuel package ***************************** (I)-4 Refinement of description

()-Fig.C.1 The external appearance of the package ******************************** (I)-7 ()-Fig.C.1 The external appearance of the nuclear fuel package ************** (I)-7

()-Fig.C.2 The general view of the packaging ************************************** (I)-8 ()-Fig.C.2 The general view of the packaging ************************************** (I)-8

()-Fig.C.3 Tie down device *************************************************************** (I)-9 ()-Fig.C.3 Tie down device *************************************************************** (I)-9

()-Fig.C.4 The containment boundary of the packaging ************************* (I)-10 ()-Fig.C.4 The containment boundary of the packaging ************************ (I)-10

()-Fig.C.5 The sectional view of the packaging ************************************ (I)-13 ()-Fig.C.5 The sectional view of the packaging ************************************ (I)-13

()-Fig.C.6 The sectional view of lateral fin ****************************************** (I)-14 ()-Fig.C.6 The sectional view of lateral fin ***************************************** (I)-14

()-Fig.C.7 Bottom fin and base plate *************************************************** (I)-15 ()-Fig.C.7 Bottom fin and base plate *************************************************** (I)-15

()-Fig.C.8 Configuration of bottom fin ************************************************ (I)-16 ()-Fig.C.8 Configuration of bottom fin *********************************************** (I)-16

()-Fig.C.9 The sectional view of vent and drain valves ************************** (I)-17 ()-Fig.C.9 The sectional view of vent and drain valves ************************* (I)-17

()-Fig.C.10 The plan of vent and drain valves (without protection cover) **** (I)-18 ()-Fig.C.10 The plan of vent and drain valves (without protection cover) **** (I)-18

()-Fig.C.11 Drain valve protection cover ************************************************ (I)-19 ()-Fig.C.11 Drain valve protection cover *********************************************** (I)-19

()-Fig.C.12 Body lifting lug ***************************************************************** (I)-20 ()-Fig.C.12 Body lifting lug***************************************************************** (I)-20

()-Fig.C.13 The sectional view of the lid ************************************************ (I)-23 ()-Fig.C.13 The sectional view of the lid************************************************ (I)-23

()-Fig.C.14 The plan of the lid ************************************************************* (I)-24 ()-Fig.C.14 The plan of the lid ************************************************************* (I)-24

()-Fig.C.15 Configuration of top fin ****************************************************** (I)-25 ()-Fig.C.15 Configuration of top fin ****************************************************** (I)-25

()-Fig.C.16 Leak test hole and plug ***************************************************** (I)-26 ()-Fig.C.16 Leak test hole and plug **************************************************** (I)-26

()-Fig.C.17 Vent valve protection cover ************************************************* (I)-27 ()-Fig.C.17 Vent valve protection cover ************************************************* (I)-27

()-Fig.C.18 Lid lifting lug ******************************************************************* (I)-28 ()-Fig.C.18 Lid lifting lug ******************************************************************* (I)-28

()-Fig.C.19 Basket for box type fuel ****************************************************** (I)-30 ()-Fig.C.19 Basket for box type fuel ***************************************************** (I)-30

()-Fig.C.20 The general view of the basket for box type fuel ******************** (I)-31 ()-Fig.C.20 The general view of the basket for box type fuel ******************** (I)-31

()-Fig.C.21 Basket for MNU type fuel ************************************************** (I)-32 ()-Fig.C.21 Basket for MNU type fuel ************************************************* (I)-32

()-Fig.C.22 The general view of the basket for MNU type fuel ***************** (I)-33 ()-Fig.C.22 The general view of the basket for MNU type fuel ***************** (I)-33

()-Fig.C.23 Configuration of the adapter *********************************************** (I)-34 ()-Fig.C.23 Configuration of the adapter *********************************************** (I)-34 Deletion of JRR-3

()-Fig.D.1 JRR-3 Standard Aluminide Type Fuel *********************************** (I)-42 ()-Fig.D.1 JRR-3 Standard Silicide Type Fuel ************************************** (I)-42 aluminide fuel and

()-Fig.D.2 JRR-3 Standard Silicide Type Fuel *************************************** (I)-43 ()-Fig.D.2 JRR-3 Follower Silicide Type Fuel *************************************** (I)-43 JRR-4 fuel Changes of

()-Fig.D.3 JRR-4 Low Enrichment Silicide Type Fuel ***************************** (I)-44 ()-Fig.D.3 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Top, Middle Fuel)***************************** (I)-44 drawing number and

()-Fig.D.4 JRR-4 High Enrichment Instrumented Fuel (HEU) **************** (I)-45 ()-Fig.D.4 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Bottom Fuel)*********************************** (I)-45 page number due to

()-Fig.D.5 JRR-3 Follower Aluminide Type Fuel ************************************ (I)-46 deletion of drawings

()-Fig.D.6 JRR-3 Follower Silicide Type Fuel **************************************** (I)-47

()-Fig.D.7 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Top, Middle Fuel) ***************************** (I)-48

()-Fig.D.8 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Bottom Fuel) *********************************** (I)-49 (II)-Fig.A.1 Center of gravity of the package ******************************************* (II)-A-27 (II)-Fig.A.1 Center of gravity of the nuclear fuel package************************** (II)-A-27 Refinement of (II)-Fig.A.2 Temperature dependency of mechanical property of SA-182 (II)-Fig.A.2 Temperature dependency of mechanical property of SA-182 description Type F304 and SA-240 Type 304 (equivalent to SUS304) ********* (II)-A-31 Type F304 and SA-240 Type 304 (equivalent to SUS304) ********* (II)-A-31 (II)-Fig.A.3 Temperature dependency of mechanical property of SA-564 ****** (II)-A-32 (II)-Fig.A.3 Temperature dependency of mechanical property of SA-564 ****** (II)-A-32 (II)-Fig.A.4 Yield stress of A1100-H14 **************************************************** (II)-A-33 (II)-Fig.A.4 Yield stress of A1100-H14 *************************************************** (II)-A-33

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Fig.A.5 High temperature strength of A 1050 ************************************ (II)-A-34 (II)-Fig.A.5 High temperature strength of A 1050 ************************************ (II)-A-34 (II)-Fig.A.6 Proof stress of A6061-T6 and AG3NE ************************************ (II)-A-35 (II)-Fig.A.6 Proof stress of A6061-T6 and AG3NE ************************************ (II)-A-35 (II)-Fig.A.7 Yield stress of metallic natural uranium ******************************** (II)-A-36 (II)-Fig.A.7 Yield stress of metallic natural uranium ******************************** (II)-A-36 (II)-Fig.A.8 Low temperature impact value of metallic materials **************** (II)-A-39 (II)-Fig.A.8 Low temperature impact value of metallic materials *************** (II)-A-39 (II)-Fig.A.9 Mechanical property of Aluminum alloy 1050 due to temperature (II)-A-39 (II)-Fig.A.9 Mechanical property of Aluminum alloy 1050 due to temperature (II)-A-39 (II)-Fig.A.10 Analytical model for fracture toughness of lid bolt ******************* (II)-A-42 (II)-Fig.A.10 Analytical model for fracture toughness of lid bolt ****************** (II)-A-42 (II)-Fig.A.11 Thermal expansion analytical model for hollow cylinder ********* (II)-A-43 (II)-Fig.A.11 Thermal expansion analytical model for hollow cylinder ********* (II)-A-43 (II)-Fig.A.12 Temperature distribution of the inner and outer surface of (II)-Fig.A.12 Temperature distribution of the inner and outer surface of the shell under ambient temperature -40 ************************** (II)-A-48 the shell under ambient temperature -40 ************************* (II)-A-49 Changes of page (II)-Fig.A.13 Temperature distribution in the basket for (II)-Fig.A.13 Temperature distribution in the basket for number box type fuel under ambient temperature -40********************** (II)-A-49 box type fuel under ambient temperature -40 ********************* (II)-A-50 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.14 Details of the body lifting lug for 2-point lifting ******************** (II)-A-52 (II)-Fig.A.14 Details of the body lifting lug for 2-point lifting ******************* (II)-A-53 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.15 Details of the hole of the body lifting lug for 2-point lifting ***** (II)-A-56 (II)-Fig.A.15 Details of the hole of the body lifting lug for 2-point lifting **** (II)-A-57 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.16 Load on the package lifted by one body lifting lug ***************** (II)-A-55 (II)-Fig.A.16 Load on the package lifted by one body lifting lug **************** (II)-A-58 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.17 Details of the body lifting lug for one point lifting ***************** (II)-A-59 (II)-Fig.A.17 Details of the body lifting lug for one point lifting **************** (II)-A-60 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.18 Details of the body lifting lug for one-point lifting ***************** (II)-A-62 (II)-Fig.A.18 Details of the body lifting lug for one-point lifting **************** (II)-A-63 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.19 State lifting the package ************************************************** (II)-A-66 (II)-Fig.A.19 State lifting the package ************************************************** (II)-A-68 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.20 Details of the lid lifting lug for 2-point lifting *********************** (II)-A-67 (II)-Fig.A.20 Details of the lid lifting lug for 2-point lifting ********************** (II)-A-69 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.21 Details of the lid lifting lug for 2-point lifting *********************** (II)-A-70 (II)-Fig.A.21 Details of the lid lifting lug for 2-point lifting ********************** (II)-A-72 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.22 Geometry of the lid bolt **************************************************** (II)-A-72 (II)-Fig.A.22 Geometry of the lid bolt *************************************************** (II)-A-74 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.23 Lead angle of the bolt ****************************************************** (II)-A-74 (II)-Fig.A.23 Lead angle of the bolt ****************************************************** (II)-A-76 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.24 Analytical model of the thread groove ********************************* (II)-A-77 (II)-Fig.A.24 Analytical model of the thread groove ******************************** (II)-A-79 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.25 State of lifting the lid by one lid lifting lug ************************** (II)-A-79 (II)-Fig.A.25 State of lifting the lid by one lid lifting lug ************************** (II)-A-81 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.26 Details of the lid lifting lug for one point lifting ******************** (II)-A-80 (II)-Fig.A.26 Details of the lid lifting lug for one point lifting ******************* (II)-A-82 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.27 Details of fastening parts of the tie-down device ******************* (II)-A-88 (II)-Fig.A.27 Details of fastening parts of the tie-down device ****************** (II)-A-90 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.28 Contact area of the fin shoe ********************************************** (II)-A-90 (II)-Fig.A.28 Contact area of the fin shoe ********************************************** (II)-A-92 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.29 Geometry and analytical model of the packaging (II)-Fig.A.29 Geometry and analytical model of the packaging supporting bottom fin ******************************************************* (II)-A-92 supporting bottom fin ****************************************************** (II)-A-94 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.30 Shock absorbing stand of the tie-down device ********************** (II)-A-92 (II)-Fig.A.30 Shock absorbing stand of the tie-down device ********************** (II)-A-94 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.31 Geometry of the shock absorbing stand to the traveling direction (II)-A-93 (II)-Fig.A.31 Geometry of the shock absorbing stand to the traveling direction (II)-A-95 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.32 Geometry of the shock absorbing stand to the lateral direction (II)-A-94 (II)-Fig.A.32 Geometry of the shock absorbing stand to the lateral direction (II)-A-96 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.33 Analytical model of the bottom fin ************************************* (II)-A-95 (II)-Fig.A.33 Analytical model of the bottom fin ************************************* (II)-A-97 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.34 Relationship between amplification factor and vibration ratio (II)-A-101 Addition of a drawing (II)-Fig.A.34 Temperature distribution of the packaging (II)-Fig.A.35 Temperature distribution of the packaging for aging assessment (Normal conditions of transport) **************************************** (II)-A-100 (Normal conditions of transport) **************************************** (II)-A-103 Changes of drawing (II)-Fig.A.35 Temperature distribution in the basket for box type fuel ******** (II)-A-101 (II)-Fig.A.36 Temperature distribution in the basket for box type fuel ******* (II)-A-104 and page number (II)-Fig.A.36 Temperature distribution in the basket for MNU type fuel ***** (II)-A-102 (II)-Fig.A.37 Temperature distribution in the basket for MNU type fuel **** (II)-A-105 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.37 Analytical model of the packaging ************************************* (II)-A-105 (II)-Fig.A.38 Analytical model of the packaging ************************************* (II)-A-108 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.38 Mises equivalent stress contours (Normal conditions of transport) (II)-A-106 (II)-Fig.A.39 Mises equivalent stress contours (Normal conditions of transport) (II)-A-109 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.39 Deformation (Normal conditions of transport) ********************** (II)-A-107 (II)-Fig.A.40 Deformation (Normal conditions of transport) ********************* (II)-A-110 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.40 Longitudinal stress contours of the lid bolt (II)-Fig.A.41 Longitudinal stress contours of the lid bolt (Normal conditions of transport) **************************************** (II)-A-108 (Normal conditions of transport) **************************************** (II)-A-111 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Fig.A.41 Location of stress classification lines************************************ (II)-A-117 (II)-Fig.A.42 Location of stress classification lines *********************************** (II)-A-121 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.42 Deformation of the contact surface of the lid and the body ******* (II)-A-120 (II)-Fig.A.43 Deformation of the contact surface of the lid and the body ****** (II)-A-125 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.43 Analytical model of the shell ********************************************** (II)-A-124 (II)-Fig.A.44 A8nalytical model of the shell ******************************************** (II)-A-129 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.44 Shape and dimensions of bottom fin for (II)-Fig.A.45 Shape and dimensions of bottom fin for supporting the packaging ************************************************** (II)-A-125 supporting the packaging ************************************************* (II)-A-130 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.45 Analytical model of the bottom plate under compression ******** (II)-A-127 (II)-Fig.A.46 Analytical model of the bottom plate under compression ******* (II)-A-132 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.46 Contact surfaces of the body and the lid ****************************** (II)-A-131 (II)-Fig.A.47 Contact surfaces of the body and the lid ***************************** (II)-A-136 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.47 Analytical model for 9 m top vertical drop analysis **************** (II)-A-142 (II)-Fig.A.48 Analytical model for 9 m top vertical drop analysis **************** (II)-A-147 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.48 Deformation of the package when the maximum (II)-Fig.A.49 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs in 9 m top vertical drop (at 6.9 ms) ********** (II)-A-143 displacement occurs in 9 m top vertical drop (at 6.9 ms) ********** (II)-A-148 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.49 Time history of displacement in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.50 Time history of displacement in the drop direction in 9 m top vertical drop***************************************************** (II)-A-144 in 9 m top vertical drop **************************************************** (II)-A-149 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.50 Time history of velocity in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.51 Time history of velocity in the drop direction in 9 m top vertical drop***************************************************** (II)-A-145 in 9 m top vertical drop **************************************************** (II)-A-150 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.51 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.52 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction in 9 m top vertical drop***************************************************** (II)-A-146 in 9 m top vertical drop **************************************************** (II)-A-151 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.52 Analytical model for 9 m bottom vertical drop analysis ********** (II)-A-148 (II)-Fig.A.53 Analytical model for 9 m bottom vertical drop analysis ********* (II)-A-153 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.53 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs (II)-Fig.A.54 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs in 9 m bottom vertical drop (at 4.9ms) ********************************** (II)-A-149 in 9 m bottom vertical drop (at 4.9ms) ********************************** (II)-A-154 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.54 Time history of displacement of top fin in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.55 Time history of displacement of top fin in the drop direction in 9 m bottom vertical drop ************************************************* (II)-A-150 in 9 m bottom vertical drop ************************************************ (II)-A-155 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.55 Time history of velocity in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.56 Time history of velocity in the drop direction in 9 m bottom vertical drop *********************************************** (II)-A-151 in 9 m bottom vertical drop *********************************************** (II)-A-156 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.56 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.57 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction in 9 m bottom vertical drop *********************************************** (II)-A-152 in 9 m bottom vertical drop *********************************************** (II)-A-157 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.57 Analytical model for 9 m horizontal drop analysis ****************** (II)-A-154 (II)-Fig.A.58 Analytical model for 9 m horizontal drop analysis ***************** (II)-A-159 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.58 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs (II)-Fig.A.59 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs in 9 m horizontal drop analysis (at 15.2 ms)*************************** (II)-A-155 in 9 m horizontal drop analysis (at 15.2 ms) ************************** (II)-A-160 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.59 Time history of displacement in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.60 Time history of displacement in the drop direction in 9 m horizontal drop******************************************************** (II)-A-156 in 9 m horizontal drop ******************************************************* (II)-A-161 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.60 Time history of velocity in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.61 Time history of velocity in the drop direction in 9 m horizontal drop******************************************************** (II)-A-157 in 9 m horizontal drop ******************************************************* (II)-A-162 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.61 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.62 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction in 9 m horizontal drop******************************************************** (II)-A-158 in 9 m horizontal drop ******************************************************* (II)-A-163 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.62 Analytical model for 9 m top corner drop analysis ****************** (II)-A-160 (II)-Fig.A.63 Analytical model for 9 m top corner drop analysis ***************** (II)-A-160 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.63 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs (II)-Fig.A.64 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs Same as above in 9 m top corner drop analysis (at 20.4 ms)*************************** (II)-A-161 in 9 m top corner drop analysis (at 20.4 ms) ************************** (II)-A-166 (II)-Fig.A.64 Time history of displacement in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.65 Time history of displacement in the drop direction Same as above in 9 m top corner drop ****************************************************** (II)-A-162 in 9 m top corner drop ****************************************************** (II)-A-167 (II)-Fig.A.65 Time history of velocity in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.66 Time history of velocity in the drop direction Same as above in 9 m top corner drop ****************************************************** (II)-A-163 in 9 m top corner drop ****************************************************** (II)-A-168 (II)-Fig.A.66 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.67 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note in 9 m top corner drop ******************************************************** (II)-A-164 in 9 m top corner drop ******************************************************* (II)-A-169 (II)-Fig.A.67 Analytical model for bottom corner drop analysis ******************* (II)-A-166 (II)-Fig.A.68 Analytical model for bottom corner drop analysis ****************** (II)-A-171 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.68 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs (II)-Fig.A.69 Deformation of the package when the maximum displacement occurs in 9 m bottom corner drop analysis (at 17.7 ms) ********************* (II)-A-167 in 9 m bottom corner drop analysis (at 17.7 ms) ********************* (II)-A-172 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.69 Time history of displacement in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.70 Time history of displacement in the drop direction in 9 m bottom corner drop*************************************************** (II)-A-168 in 9 m bottom corner drop ************************************************** (II)-A-173 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.70 Time history of velocity in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.71 Time history of velocity in the drop direction in 9 m bottom corner drop*************************************************** (II)-A-169 in 9 m bottom corner drop ************************************************** (II)-A-174 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.71 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction (II)-Fig.A.72 Time history of deceleration in the drop direction in 9 m bottom corner drop*************************************************** (II)-A-170 in 9 m bottom corner drop ************************************************** (II)-A-175 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.72 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange (II)-Fig.A.73 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange after top vertical drop ******************************************************** (II)-A-173 after top vertical drop******************************************************** (II)-A-178 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.73 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the body flange (II)-Fig.A.74 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the body flange after top vertical drop ******************************************************** (II)-A-174 after top vertical drop******************************************************** (II)-A-179 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.74 Time history of the axial stress in the lid bolt (II)-Fig.A.75 Time history of the axial stress in the lid bolt during 9 m top vertical drop ************************************************ (II)-A-175 during 9 m top vertical drop *********************************************** (II)-A-180 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.75 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange (II)-Fig.A.76 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange after bottom vertical drop *************************************************** (II)-A-177 after bottom vertical drop ************************************************** (II)-A-182 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.76 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the body flange (II)-Fig.A.77 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the body flange after bottom vertical drop *************************************************** (II)-A-178 after bottom vertical drop ************************************************** (II)-A-183 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.77 Time history of the axial stress in the lid bolt during (II)-Fig.A.78 Time history of the axial stress in the lid bolt during 9 m bottom vertical drop **************************************************** (II)-A-179 9 m bottom vertical drop **************************************************** (II)-A-184 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.78 Drain valve ********************************************************************* (II)-A-180 (II)-Fig.A.79 Drain valve ********************************************************************* (II)-A-185 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.79 Valve main bolt **************************************************************** (II)-A-181 (II)-Fig.A.80 Valve main bolt *************************************************************** (II)-A-186 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.80 Valve protection cover bolt ************************************************* (II)-A-183 (II)-Fig.A.81 Valve protection cover bolt ************************************************* (II)-A-188 Deletion due to re-(II)-Fig.A.81 Analytical model of the neutron poison of the basket evaluation for box type fuel **************************************************************** (II)-A-187 Changes of page (II)-Fig.A.82 Basket for MNU fuel type ************************************************** (II)-A-190 (II)-Fig.A.82 Basket for MNU fuel type************************************************** (II)-A-193 number due to addition (II)-Fig.A.83 Geometry of JRR-3 MNU type fuel ************************************** (II)-A-203 (II)-Fig.A.83 Geometry of JRR-3 MNU type fuel ************************************** (II)-A-201 and deletion of (II)-Fig.A.84 Boundary condition for drop to the A-direction ********************** (II)-A-205 (II)-Fig.A.84 Boundary condition for drop to the A-direction ********************** (II)-A-203 drawings (II)-Fig.A.85 Stress for drop to the A-direction ***************************************** (II)-A-206 (II)-Fig.A.85 Stress for drop to the A-direction **************************************** (II)-A-204 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.86 Boundary condition for drop to the B-direction ********************** (II)-A-208 (II)-Fig.A.86 Boundary condition for drop to the B-direction********************** (II)-A-206 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.87 Stress for drop to the B-direction **************************************** (II)-A-209 (II)-Fig.A.87 Stress for drop to the B-direction **************************************** (II)-A-207 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.88 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange (II)-Fig.A.88 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange after horizontal drop ********************************************************* (II)-A-216 after horizontal drop ********************************************************* (II)-A-210 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.89 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the body flange (II)-Fig.A.89 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the body flange after horizontal drop ********************************************************* (II)-A-217 after horizontal drop ********************************************************* (II)-A-211 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.90 Time history of axial stress in the lid bolt (II)-Fig.A.90 Time history of axial stress in the lid bolt during 9 m horizontal drop ************************************************* (II)-A-218 during 9 m horizontal drop ************************************************ (II)-A-212 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.91 Valve main bolt **************************************************************** (II)-A-220 (II)-Fig.A.91 Valve main bolt *************************************************************** (II)-A-214 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.92 Valve protection cover bolt ************************************************* (II)-A-222 (II)-Fig.A.92 Valve protection cover bolt ************************************************* (II)-A-216 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.93 Horizontal drop direction of the basket for box type fuel********** (II)-A-224 (II)-Fig.A.93 Horizontal drop direction of the basket for box type fuel ********* (II)-A-218 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Fig.A.94 Analytical model of the basket for box type fuel (II)-Fig.A.94 Analytical model of the basket for box type fuel at the X-direction drop******************************************************* (II)-A-227 at the X-direction drop ****************************************************** (II)-A-221 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.95 Deformation of the basket for box type fuel when (II)-Fig.A.95 Deformation of the basket for box type fuel when deceleration 167 g is acting ************************************************ (II)-A-228 deceleration 167 g is acting ************************************************ (II)-A-222 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.96 Deformation of the basket for box type fuel (II)-Fig.A.96 Deformation of the basket for box type fuel after deceleration 167 g acting ******************************************** (II)-A-229 after deceleration 167 g acting******************************************** (II)-A-223 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.97 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the basket for box type fuel (II)-Fig.A.97 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the basket for box type fuel after deceleration 167 g acting ******************************************** (II)-A-230 after deceleration 167 g acting******************************************** (II)-A-224 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.98 Analytical model of the basket for box type fuel (II)-Fig.A.98 Analytical model of the basket for box type fuel at the Y-direction drop ******************************************************* (II)-A-232 at the Y-direction drop ****************************************************** (II)-A-226 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.99 Result of stress analysis of the basket for box type fuel (II)-Fig.A.99 Result of stress analysis of the basket for box type fuel at the Y-direction drop ***************************************************** (II)-A-233 at the Y-direction drop ***************************************************** (II)-A-227 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.100 Analytical model at the weld zone of the basket (II)-Fig.A.100 Analytical model at the weld zone of the basket for box type fuel ************************************************************** (II)-A-235 for box type fuel************************************************************** (II)-A-229 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.101 Analytical model at the weld zone in the frame (II)-Fig.A.101 Analytical model at the weld zone in the frame of the basket for box type fuel ******************************************** (II)-A-238 of the basket for box type fuel ******************************************* (II)-A-232 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.102 Analytical model of the basket for MNU type fuel **************** (II)-A-239 (II)-Fig.A.102 Analytical model of the basket for MNU type fuel **************** (II)-A-233 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.103 Horizontal drop direction of the basket for MNU type fuel ***** (II)-A-240 (II)-Fig.A.103 Horizontal drop direction of the basket for MNU type fuel **** (II)-A-234 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.104 Extent of the square shape pipe supported by one support plate (II)-Fig.A.104 Extent of the square shape pipe supported by one support plate of the basket for MNU type fuel ***************************************** (II)-A-245 of the basket for MNU type fuel **************************************** (II)-A-239 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.105 Analytical model of the support plate of the basket (II)-Fig.A.105 Analytical model of the support plate of the basket for MNU type fuel *********************************************************** (II)-A-246 for MNU type fuel *********************************************************** (II)-A-240 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.106 Horizontal drop direction of Deletion of JRR-3 JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel *********************************** (II)-A-249 aluminide fuel (II)-Fig.A.107 Horizontal drop direction of (II)-Fig.A.106 Horizontal drop direction of Changes of drawing JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel **************************************** (II)-A-251 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel *************************************** (II)-A-243 number and page (II)-Fig.A.108 Horizontal drop direction of number due to addition JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel ************************************* (II)-A-252 and deletion of (II)-Fig.A.109 Horizontal drop direction of (II)-Fig.A.107 Horizontal drop direction of drawings JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel ***************************************** (II)-A-255 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel***************************************** (II)-A-245 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.110 Analytical model of JRR-3 MNU type fuel (II)-Fig.A.108 Analytical model of JRR-3 MNU type fuel at the time of the horizontal drop *************************************** (II)-A-257 at the time of the horizontal drop*************************************** (II)-A-247 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.111 Stress in the Y-direction of (II)-Fig.A.109 Stress in the Y-direction of JRR-3 MNU type fuel at the time of the horizontal drop********* (II)-A-258 JRR-3 MNU type fuel at the time of the horizontal drop ******** (II)-A-248 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.112 Horizontal drop direction of JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel ******************************* (II)-A-260 Deletion of JRR-4 (II)-Fig.A.113 Horizontal drop direction of JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) ***************** (II)-A-262 Changes of drawing (II)-Fig.A.114 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange (II)-Fig.A.110 Equivalent plastic strain generated in the lid flange number and page after 9 m top corner drop ************************************************** (II)-A-264 after 9 m top corner drop ************************************************** (II)-A-250 number due to addition (II)-Fig.A.115 Equivalent plastic strain generated (II)-Fig.A.111 Equivalent plastic strain generated and deletion of in the body flange after 9 m top corner drop ************************* (II)-A-265 in the body flange after 9 m top corner drop************************* (II)-A-251 drawings

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Fig.A.116 Time history of axial stress in the lid bolt (II)-Fig.A.112 Time history of axial stress in the lid bolt during 9 m top corner drop ************************************************ (II)-A-266 during 9 m top corner drop *********************************************** (II)-A-252 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.117 Analytical model for case where the packaging directly (II)-Fig.A.113 Analytical model for case where the packaging directly hits the mild steel bar ***************************************************** (II)-A-270 hits the mild steel bar **************************************************** (II)-A-256 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.118 Bending of the shell of the packaging ******************************** (II)-A-272 (II)-Fig.A.114 Bending of the shell of the packaging ******************************* (II)-A-258 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.119 Analytical model for the case when the (II)-Fig.A.115 Analytical model for the case when the bottom plate directly hits the mild steel bar ************************ (II)-A-274 bottom plate directly hits the mild steel bar *********************** (II)-A-260 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.120 Situation for case where the valve protection (II)-Fig.A.116 Situation for case where the valve protection cover directly hits the mild steel bar ********************************** (II)-A-276 cover directly hits the mild steel bar ********************************* (II)-A-262 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.121 Analytical model of the valve protection valve ********************* (II)-A-278 (II)-Fig.A.117 Analytical model of the valve protection valve ********************* (II)-A-264 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.122 Temperature distribution of the packing (II)-Fig.A.118 Temperature distribution of the packing (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident) ****************** (II)-A-282 (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident) ****************** (II)-A-268 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.123 Deformation (II)-Fig.A.119 Deformation (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident ) ****************** (II)-A-283 (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident ) ***************** (II)-A-269 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.124 Equivalent plastic strain distribution (II)-Fig.A.120 Equivalent plastic strain distribution (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident) ****************** (II)-A-284 (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident) ****************** (II)-A-270 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.125 Longitudinal stress contours of the lid bolt (II)-Fig.A.121 Longitudinal stress contours of the lid bolt (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident) ****************** (II)-A-285 (30 minutes after occurrence of the fire accident) ****************** (II)-A-271 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.126 Deformation of the contact surface of (II)-Fig.A.122 Deformation of the contact surface of the lid and the body ******************************************************** (II)-A-288 the lid and the body ******************************************************* (II)-A-274 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.127 Thermal expansion analytical model of the hollow cylinder **** (II)-A-291 (II)-Fig.A.123 Thermal expansion analytical model of the hollow cylinder *** (II)-A-277 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.128 Temperature history of the basket for box type fuel contained (II)-Fig.A.124 Temperature history of the basket for box type fuel contained JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel *********************************** (II)-A-295 fuel element A ************************************************************* (II)-A-281 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.129 Temperature distribution model to thermal expansion analysis of (II)-Fig.A.125 Temperature distribution model to thermal expansion analysis of the body at the time of fire accident *********************************** (II)-A-296 the body at the time of fire accident ********************************** (II)-A-282 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.130 Temperature distribution in the basket for box type fuel (II)-Fig.A.126 Temperature distribution in the basket for box type fuel (35 hours4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> after occurrence of the fire ) ********************************* (II)-A-298 (35 hours4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> after occurrence of the fire ) ******************************** (II)-A-284 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.131 Analytical model of the shell ******************************************* (II)-A-322 (II)-Fig.A.127 Analytical model of the shell ******************************************* (II)-A-308 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.132 Analytical model of the bottom plate ********************************* (II)-A-324 (II)-Fig.A.128 Analytical model of the bottom plate ******************************** (II)-A-310 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.133 The part of the O-ring and the leak tight test groove *********** (II)-A-330 (II)-Fig.A.129 The part of the O-ring and the leak tight test groove *********** (II)-A-316 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.1-1 Stress -strain curves *************************************************** (II)-A-344 (II)-Fig.A.10.1-1 Stress -strain curves *************************************************** (II)-A-330 Changes of page (II)-Fig.A.10.2-1 Stress -strain curves *************************************************** (II)-A-347 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-1 Stress -strain curves *************************************************** (II)-A-333 number (II)-Fig.A.10.2-2 Test piece form ************************************************************ (II)-A-349 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-2 Test piece form *********************************************************** (II)-A-335 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-3 Deformation of test piece ********************************************** (II)-A-350 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-3 Deformation of test piece********************************************** (II)-A-336 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-4 Analytical model ********************************************************* (II)-A-351 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-4 Analytical model ********************************************************* (II)-A-337 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-5 Analytical conditions *************************************************** (II)-A-352 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-5 Analytical conditions *************************************************** (II)-A-338 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-6 Deformation of analytical model 1 ********************************** (II)-A-355 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-6 Deformation of analytical model 1 ********************************* (II)-A-341 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-7 Time history of displacement of the fin**************************** (II)-A-356 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-7 Time history of displacement of the fin *************************** (II)-A-342 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-8 Time history of impact force generated on the fin ************** (II)-A-357 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-8 Time history of impact force generated on the fin ************* (II)-A-343 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-9 Deformation of analytical model 2 ********************************** (II)-A-358 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-9 Deformation of analytical model 2 ********************************* (II)-A-344 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-10 Time history of displacement of the fin ************************** (II)-A-359 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-10 Time history of displacement of the fin ************************* (II)-A-345 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.2-11 Time history of impact force generated on the fin ************ (II)-A-360 (II)-Fig.A.10.2-11 Time history of impact force generated on the fin************ (II)-A-346 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Fig.A.10.4-1 Geometry of the packaging******************************************** (II)-A-367 (II)-Fig.A.10.4-1 Geometry of the packaging ******************************************* (II)-A-353 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.4-2 Geometry of the lid ****************************************************** (II)-A-368 (II)-Fig.A.10.4-2 Geometry of the lid ***************************************************** (II)-A-354 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.4-3 Geometry of the lid bolt ************************************************ (II)-A-369 (II)-Fig.A.10.4-3 Geometry of the lid bolt *********************************************** (II)-A-355 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.4-4 Geometry of the valve disc ******************************************** (II)-A-370 (II)-Fig.A.10.4-4 Geometry of the valve disc******************************************** (II)-A-356 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.4-5 Geometry of the valve main bolt ************************************ (II)-A-372 (II)-Fig.A.10.4-5 Geometry of the valve main bolt ************************************ (II)-A-358 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.4-6 Geometry of the valve protection cover bolt********************** (II)-A-374 (II)-Fig.A.10.4-6 Geometry of the valve protection cover bolt ********************* (II)-A-360 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.5-1 Analytical model of the shell ******************************************** (II)-A-378 (II)-Fig.A.10.5-1 Analytical model of the shell ******************************************* (II)-A-364 Same as above (II)-Fig.A.10.5-2 Analytical model of the bottom plate ********************************* (II)-A-381 (II)-Fig.A.10.5-2 Analytical model of the bottom plate ******************************** (II)-A-367 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.1 The general view of the analytical model of the package (II)-Fig.B.1 The general view of the analytical model of the package containing the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing containing the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel) ********************************** (II)-B-15 fuel element A) *************************************************************** (II)-B-15 Change of description (II)-Fig.B.2 The longitudinal sectional view of the analytical model (II)-Fig.B.2 The longitudinal sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing containing the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel) *********************************** (II)-B-16 fuel element A) ****************************************************************** (II)-B-16 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.3 The radial sectional view of the analytical model containing (II)-Fig.B.3 The radial sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket for box type fuel(In case of containing the basket for box type fuel(In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel) *********************************** (II)-B-17 fuel element A) **************************************************************** (II)-B-17 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.4 The general view of the analytical model of the package containing (II)-Fig.B.4 The general view of the analytical model of the package containing the basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-B-19 JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ****************************************************** (II)-B-19 (II)-Fig.B.5 The longitudinal sectional view of the analytical model containing (II)-Fig.B.5 The longitudinal sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************** (II)-B-20 JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************** (II)-B-20 (II)-Fig.B.6 The radial sectional view of the analytical model containing (II)-Fig.B.6 The radial sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************** (II)-B-21 JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************** (II)-B-21 (II)-Fig.B.7 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.7 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel fuel element A (Longitudinal cross section) ************************************************ (II)-B-27 (Longitudinal cross section) *********************************************** (II)-B-27 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.8 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.8 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel (Radial cross section) ******* (II)-B-28 fuel element A (Radial cross section) ************************************ (II)-B-28 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.9 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.9 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel (Longitudinal cross section) **************** (II)-B-29 JRR-3 MNU type fuel (Longitudinal cross section) *************** (II)-B-29 (II)-Fig.B.10 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.10 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel (Radial cross section) ************************** (II)-B-30 JRR-3 MNU type fuel (Radial cross section)************************** (II)-B-30 (II)-Fig.B.11 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.11 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel fuel element A (Longitudinal cross section) ************************************************ (II)-B-34 (Longitudinal cross section) *********************************************** (II)-B-34 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.12 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.12 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel (Radial cross section) **** (II)-B-35 fuel element A (Radial cross section) *********************************** (II)-B-35 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.13 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.13 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note JRR-3 MNU type fuel (Longitudinal cross section) ***************** (II)-B-36 JRR-3 MNU type fuel (Longitudinal cross section) ***************** (II)-B-36 (II)-Fig.B.14 Temperature in solar insolation in case of JRR-3 MNU type fuel (II)-Fig.B.14 Temperature in solar insolation in case of JRR-3 MNU type fuel (Radial cross section)********************************************************* (II)-B-37 (Radial cross section) ******************************************************** (II)-B-37 (II)-Fig.B.15 Points shown in temperature history figures *********************** (II)-B-50 (II)-Fig.B.15 Points shown in temperature history figures *********************** (II)-B-50 (II)-Fig.B.16 Temperature history in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.16 Temperature history in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel ************************************ (II)-B-51 fuel element A ***************************************************************** (II)-B-51 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.17 Temperature history in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.17 Temperature history in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel ************************************ (II)-B-52 fuel element A ***************************************************************** (II)-B-52 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.18 Temperature history in case of containing (II)-Fig.B.18 Temperature history in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel *********************************** (II)-B-53 fuel element A ***************************************************************** (II)-B-53 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.6.1 Heat transfer in the package ********************************************* (II)-B-59 (II)-Fig.B.6.1 Heat transfer in the nuclear fuel package**************************** (II)-B-59 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.6.2 JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel in the basket *************** (II)-B-62 (II)-Fig.B.6.2 State of fuel element A in the fuel basket *************************** (II)-B-62 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.6.3 Direction of heat transfer in (II)-Fig.B.6.3 Direction of heat transfer in JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel *********************************** (II)-B-64 fuel element A **************************************************************** (II)-B-64 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.6.4 Air area where convection is dominant (II)-Fig.B.6.4 Air area where convection is dominant in the basket for box type fuel ****************************************** (II)-B-68 in the basket for box type fuel ***************************************** (II)-B-68 (II)-Fig.B.6.5 Heat transfer in the package ********************************************* (II)-B-76 (II)-Fig.B.6.5 Heat transfer in the nuclear fuel package**************************** (II)-B-76 Same as above (II)-Fig.B.6.6 Heat transfer at the outer surface of the package ****************** (II)-B-80 (II)-Fig.B.6.6 Heat transfer at the outer surface of the package ***************** (II)-B-80 (II)-Fig.B.6.7 Surface where geometrical factor is 1.0 ****************************** (II)-B-84 (II)-Fig.B.6.7 Surface where geometrical factor is 1.0 ***************************** (II)-B-84 (II)-Fig.B.6.8 Explanation of fin and ambient air ************************************* (II)-B-85 (II)-Fig.B.6.8 Explanation of fin and ambient air************************************* (II)-B-85 Omission Omission (II)-Fig.D.1 Gamma shielding analytical model (II)-Fig.D.1 Gamma shielding analytical model with basket for box type fuel (In case of containing with basket for box type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel) **************************************** (II)-D-16 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel) **************************************** (II)-D-15 Changes of page (II)-Fig.D.2 Neutron shielding analytical model with basket (II)-Fig.D.2 Neutron shielding analytical model with basket number for box type fuel (In case of containing for box type fuel (In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel) ******************************* (II)-D-17 fuel element B)***************************************************************** (II)-D-16 Change of description (II)-Fig.D.3 Gamma shielding analytical model with (II)-Fig.D.3 Gamma shielding analytical model with basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing basket for MNU type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-18 JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-17 Changes of page (II)-Fig.D.4 Neutron shielding analytical model with basket (II)-Fig.D.4 Neutron shielding analytical model with basket number for MNU type fuel (In case of containing for MNU type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-19 JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-18 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.5 Gamma dose equivalent rate [Basket for (II)-Fig.D.5 Gamma dose equivalent rate [Basket for box type fuel (Axial direction)] (In case of containing box type fuel (Axial direction)] (In case of containing JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel) **************************************** (II)-D-25 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel) **************************************** (II)-D-24 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.6 Gamma dose equivalent rate [Basket for (II)-Fig.D.6 Gamma dose equivalent rate [Basket for box type fuel (Radial direction)] (In case of containing box type fuel (Radial direction)] (In case of containing JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel) **************************************** (II)-D-26 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel) **************************************** (II)-D-25 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Fig.D.7 Gamma dose equivalent rate [Basket for (II)-Fig.D.7 Gamma dose equivalent rate [Basket for MNU type fuel (Axial direction)](In case of containing MNU type fuel (Axial direction)](In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-27 JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-26 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.8 Neutron dose equivalent rate [Basket for (II)-Fig.D.8 Neutron dose equivalent rate [Basket for box type fuel (Axial direction)] (In case of containing box type fuel (Axial direction)] (In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel) ******************************* (II)-D-30 fuel element B)***************************************************************** (II)-D-29 Change of description (II)-Fig.D.9 Neutron dose equivalent rate [Basket for (II)-Fig.D.9 Neutron dose equivalent rate [Basket for MNU type fuel (Axial direction)] (In case of containing MNU type fuel (Axial direction)] (In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-31 JRR-3 MNU type fuel) ******************************************************* (II)-D-30 Changes of page (II)-Fig.D.2.1 Evaluated Location of Gamma Streaming**************************** (II)-D-40 (II)-Fig.D.2.1 Evaluated Location of Gamma Streaming *************************** (II)-D-39 number (II)-Fig.D.2.2 Streaming analytical model for the drain hole ********************* (II)-D-42 (II)-Fig.D.2.2 Streaming analytical model for the drain hole ******************** (II)-D-41 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.2.3 Gap between the body and the lid ************************************* (II)-D-46 (II)-Fig.D.2.3 Gap between the body and the lid ************************************* (II)-D-45 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.2.4 Three routes of leakage *************************************************** (II)-D-47 (II)-Fig.D.2.4 Three routes of leakage ************************************************** (II)-D-46 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.2.5 Gamma streaming analytical model for (B) ************************ (II)-D-48 (II)-Fig.D.2.5 Gamma streaming analytical model for (B) ************************ (II)-D-47 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.2.6 Gamma streaming analytical model for (C) ************************ (II)-D-48 (II)-Fig.D.2.6 Gamma streaming analytical model for (C) ************************ (II)-D-47 Same as above (II)-Fig.D.2.7 Gamma streaming analytical model of the vent hole ************ (II)-D-51 (II)-Fig.D.2.7 Gamma streaming analytical model of the vent hole *********** (II)-D-50 Same as above (II)-Fig.E.1 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, (II)-Fig.E.1 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, Deletion of JRR-3 containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) aluminide fuel

[In case of containing [In case of containing Changes of drawing JRR-3 standard aluminide or silicide type fuel] ********************** (II)-E-11 JRR-3 silicide type fuel] ***************************************************** (II)-E-10 number and page (II)-Fig.E.2 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, (II)-Fig.E.2 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, number due to addition containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket) containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket) and deletion of

[In case of containing [In case of containing drawings JRR-3 standard aluminide or silicide type fuel] ********************** (II)-E-12 JRR-3 silicide type fuel] ***************************************************** (II)-E-11 (II)-Fig.E.3 Cross section of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel ***************** (II)-E-13 (II)-Fig.E.3 Cross section of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel ********************* (II)-E-12 (II)-Fig.E.4 Cross section of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel********************** (II)-E-14 Deletion of JRR-4 (II)-Fig.E.5 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction)

[In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel] ******************************* (II)-E-15 (II)-Fig.E.6 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket)

[In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel] ******************************* (II)-E-16 (II)-Fig.E.7 Cross section of JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel************* (II)-E-17 (II)-Fig.E.8 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction)

[In case of containing JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)] ****************** (II)-E-18 (II)-Fig.E.9 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note

[In case of containing JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)] ******************* (II)-E-19 (II)-Fig.E.10 Cross section of JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) ******************* (II)-E-20 (II)-Fig.E.11 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, (II)-Fig.E.4 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, Deletion of JRR-3 containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) aluminide fuel

[In case of containing [In case of containing Changes of drawing JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel] ************************ (II)-E-21 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel] ****************************************** (II)-E-13 number and page (II)-Fig.E.12 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, (II)-Fig.E.5 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, number due to addition containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket) containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket) and deletion of

[In case of containing [In case of containing drawings JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel] ************************ (II)-E-22 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel] ****************************************** (II)-E-14 Same as above (II)-Fig.E.13 Cross section of JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel *********** (II)-E-23 (II)-Fig.E.14 Cross section of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel **************** (II)-E-24 (II)-Fig.E.6 Cross section of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel *************** (II)-E-15 Same as above (II)-Fig.E.15 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, (II)-Fig.E.7 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, containing the basket for MNU type fuel (Axial direction) containing the basket for MNU type fuel (Axial direction)

[In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel] ********************** (II)-E-25 [In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel]********************** (II)-E-16 Same as above (II)-Fig.E.16 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, (II)-Fig.E.8 Analytical model of undamaged and damaged packages in array, containing the basket for MNU type fuel (Cross section of basket) containing the basket for MNU type fuel (Cross section of basket)

[In case of containing [In case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel] **************************************************** (II)-E-26 JRR-3 MNU type fuel]**************************************************** (II)-E-17 Same as above (II)-Fig.E.17 Arrangement plan of the core ***************************************** (II)-E-33 (II)-Fig.E.9 Arrangement plan of the core***************************************** (II)-E-24 Same as above (II)-Fig.E.2.1 Analytical model in case of containing the basket (II)-Fig.E.2.1 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction)[In case of containing for box type fuel (Axial direction)[In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide or silicide type fuel]******************* (II)-E-41 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel] ************************************ (II)-E-31 Same as above (II)-Fig.E.2.2 Analytical model in case of containing the basket Deletion of JRR-4 for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing Deletion of JRR-3 JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type or aluminide fuel high enrichment instrumented fuel]********************************** (II)-E-42 (II)-Fig.E.2.2 Analytical model in case of containing the basket Changes of drawing (II)-Fig.E.2.3 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing number and page for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel] ************************************** (II)-E-32 number due to addition JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel] ******************** (II)-E-43 (II)-Fig.E.2.3 Analytical model in case of containing and deletion of (II)-Fig.E.2.4 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel ****************************************** (II)-E-33 drawings the basket for MNU type fuel ******************************************* (II)-E-44 (II)-Fig.E.3.1 Maximum displacement of basket for box type fuel (II)-Fig.E.3.1 Maximum displacement of basket for box type fuel after 9 m drop test ********************************************************* (II)-E-36 Changes of page after 9 m drop test ********************************************************* (II)-E-48 (II)-Fig.E.3.2 Analytical model of basket for box type fuel number (II)-Fig.E.3.2 Analytical model of basket for box type fuel after 9 m drop test (Cross section of basket) *********************** (II)-E-37 Same as above after 9 m drop test (Cross section of basket) *********************** (II)-E-49 (II)-Fig.E.4.1 Influence of water density on effective (II)-Fig.E.4.1 Influence of water density on effective multiplication coefficient (Keff) **************************************** (II)-E-38 Same as above multiplication coefficient (Keff) **************************************** (II)-E-50 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (III)-Fig.B.1 Quality assurance organization for design of Deletion due to moving the packaging, etc. ********************************************************* (III)-B-4 to another chapter

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note LIST OF TABLES LIST OF TABLES (I)-Table D.1 Specification of contents ....................................................... (I)-50 (I)-Table D.1 Specification of contents ........................................................ (I)-46 Changes of page (I)-Table D.2 Quantities of major radionuclides (per package) ................. (I)-51 (I)-Table D.2 Quantities of major radionuclides (per package) .................. (I)-47 number (II)-Table A.1 Structural design conditions and analysis method (II)-Table A.1 Structural design conditions and analysis method Requirements of package1 .................................... (II)-A-5 Requirements of package1 .................................... (II)-A-5 (II)-Table A.2 Weight of Package ................................................................. (II)-A-28 (II)-Table A.2 Weight of nuclear fuel package ............................................. (II)-A-28 Refinement of (II)-Table A.3 Mechanical property of material ......................................... (II)-A-30 (II)-Table A.3 Mechanical property of material ......................................... (II)-A-30 description (II)-Table A.4 Dissimilar materials contacting ......................................... (II)-A-37 (II)-Table A.4 Dissimilar materials contacting .......................................... (II)-A-37 (II)-Table A.5 Standard usage for respective material of packings .......... (II)-A-40 (II)-Table A.5 Standard usage for respective material of packings ........... (II)-A-40 (II)-Table A.6 Loading condition, allowable stress and safety factor of (II)-Table A.6 Loading condition, allowable stress and safety factor of lifting lug ............................................................................. (II)-A-51 lifting lug .............................................................................. (II)-A-52 Changes of page (II)-Table.A.7 The maximum force applied to one bottom fin ..................... (II)-A-89 (II)-Table.A.7 The maximum force applied to one bottom fin ..................... (II)-A-91 number (II)-Table A.8 Summary of pressure and temperature (II)-Table A.8 Summary of pressure and temperature (Normal conditions of transport) ........................................ (II)-A-103 (Normal conditions of transport) ......................................... (II)-A-106 Same as above (II)-Table A.9 Thermal expansion in the longitudinal direction of each (II)-Table A.9 Thermal expansion in the longitudinal direction of each basket and the packaging, safety factor and safety margin (II)-A-110 basket and the packaging, safety factor and safety margin (II)-A-113 Same as above (II)-Table.A.10 Stress in Basket .................................................................. (II)-A-112 (II)-Table.A.10 Stress in Basket ................................................................... (II)-A-116 Same as above (II)-Table A.11 Maximum thermal stress generated in each basket .......... (II)-A-114 (II)-Table A.11 Maximum thermal stress generated in each basket ........... (II)-A-118 Same as above (II)-Table A.12 Thermal expansion in the radial direction of each (II)-Table A.12 Thermal expansion in the radial direction of each basket and the packaging, safety factor and safety margin (II)-A-114 basket and the packaging, safety factor and safety margin . (II)-A-118 Same as above (II)-Table A.13 Stress of lid bolt .................................................................... (II)-A-119 (II)-Table A.13 Stress of lid bolt ..................................................................... (II)-A-124 Same as above (II)-Table A.14 The analysis conditions of the drop analysis........................ (II)-A-139 (II)-Table A.14 The analysis conditions of the drop analysis ........................ (II)-A-144 Same as above (II)-Table A.15 Material characteristics of JRR-3 MNU type fuel ............... (II)-A-202 (II)-Table A.15 Material characteristics of JRR-3 MNU type fuel ................ (II)-A-200 Same as above (II)-Table A.16 Maximum stress, safety factor and safety margin of (II)-Table A.16 Maximum stress, safety factor and safety margin of JRR-3 MNU type fuel for the drop to A-direction .............. (II)-A-204 JRR-3 MNU type fuel for the drop to A-direction ............... (II)-A-202 Same as above (II)-Table A.17 Maximum stress, safety factor and safety margin of (II)-Table A.17 Maximum stress, safety factor and safety margin of JRR-3 MNU type fuel for the drop to B-direction .............. (II)-A-207 JRR-3 MNU type fuel for the drop to B-direction ............... (II)-A-205 Same as above (II)-Table A.18 Maximum impact deceleration of drop test-I ....................... (II)-A-268 (II)-Table A.18 Maximum impact deceleration of drop test-I........................ (II)-A-254 Same as above (II)-Table A.19 Summary of pressure and temperature (at fire accident) ... (II)-A-286 (II)-Table A.19 Summary of pressure and temperature (at fire accident) .... (II)-A-272 Same as above (II)-Table A.20 Result of structural analysis (Requirements of package) .... (II)-A-304 (II)-Table A.20 Result of structural analysis (Requirements of package) ..... (II)-A-290 Same as above (II)-Table A.21 Evaluation of the strain at the containment boundary (II)-Table A.21 Evaluation of the strain at the containment boundary between the lid and the shell flange under accident between the lid and the shell flange under accident conditions of transport ........................................................ (II)-A-321 conditions of transport ......................................................... (II)-A-307 Same as above (II)-Table A.22 Damage state of the package under normal conditions (II)-Table A.22 Damage state of the package under normal conditions of transport for packages containing fissile material ......... (II)-A-334 of transport for packages containing fissile material ......... (II)-A-320 Same as above (II)-Table A.23 Drop posture and procedure of sequence drop tests ........... (II)-A-337 (II)-Table A.23 Drop posture and procedure of sequence drop tests ........... (II)-A-323 Same as above (II)-Table A.24 Accumulated displacement value and impact deceleration (II)-Table A.24 Accumulated displacement value and impact deceleration of 9 m drop test .................................................................... (II)-A-337 of 9 m drop test .................................................................... (II)-A-323 Same as above (II)-Table A.25 Damage state of the package under the accident (II)-Table A.25 Damage state of the package under the accident conditions of transport for package containing conditions of transport for package containing fissile material....................................................................... (II)-A-339 fissile material ..................................................................... (II)-A-325 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Table A10.2-1 Peak load and deformation value of the fin (II)-Table A10.2-1 Peak load and deformation value of the fin

( Test results) ................................................................... (II)-A-349 ( Test results) ................................................................... (II)-A-335 Same as above (II)-Table A.10.4-1 Comparison between the allowable value and (II)-Table A.10.4-1 Comparison between the allowable value and the actual size.................................................................. (II)-A-377 the actual size .................................................................. (II)-A-363 Same as above Omission Omission (II)-Table D.1 Specification of fuel elements contained in the packaging .... (II)-D-6 (II)-Table D.1 Specification of fuel elements contained in the packaging .... (II)-D-5 Same as above (II)-Table D.2 Specification of fuel elements used in the shielding analysis (II)-D-7 (II)-Table D.2 Specification of fuel elements used in the shielding analysis (II)-D-6 Same as above (II)-Table D.3 Gamma source intensity......................................................... (II)-D-9 (II)-Table D.3 Gamma source intensity ......................................................... (II)-D-8 Same as above (II)-Table D.4 Neutron source intensity ...................................................... (II)-D-11 (II)-Table D.4 Neutron source intensity ....................................................... (II)-D-10 Same as above (II)-Table D.5 Neutron source spectrum ...................................................... (II)-D-12 (II)-Table D.5 Neutron source spectrum ...................................................... (II)-D-11 Same as above (II)-Table D.6 Volume ratio of materials in source region used in (II)-Table D.6 Volume ratio of materials in source region used in gamma shielding analysis .................................................... (II)-D-21 gamma shielding analysis ..................................................... (II)-D-20 Same as above (II)-Table D.7 Element density of each region used in gamma shielding (II)-Table D.7 Element density of each region used in gamma shielding analysis ................................................................................. (II)-D-21 analysis .................................................................................. (II)-D-20 Same as above (II)-Table D.8 Volume ratio of materials in source region used (II)-Table D.8 Volume ratio of materials in source region used in gamma shielding analysis ................................................ (II)-D-21 in gamma shielding analysis ................................................. (II)-D-20 Same as above (II)-Table D.9 Atomic number density in each region used in neutron (II)-Table D.9 Atomic number density in each region used in neutron shielding analysis ................................................................... (II)-D-22 shielding analysis .................................................................... (II)-D-21 Same as above (II)-Table D.10 Density of materials used in shielding analysis .................. (II)-D-22 (II)-Table D.10 Density of materials used in shielding analysis ................... (II)-D-21 Same as above (II)-Table D.11 Conversion coefficient of unit gamma flux into air absorbed (II)-Table D.11 Conversion coefficient of unit gamma flux into air absorbed dose equivalent rate .............................................................. (II)-D-24 dose equivalent rate .............................................................. (II)-D-23 Same as above (II)-Table D.12 Conversion coefficient of neutron dose equivalent rate ... (II)-D-29 (II)-Table D.12 Conversion coefficient of neutron dose equivalent rate .... (II)-D-28 Same as above (II)-Table D.13 Maximum dose equivalent rate in transport of the package (II)-Table D.13 Maximum dose equivalent rate in transport of the package with basket for box type fuel ............................................ (II)-D-33 with basket for box type fuel ............................................. (II)-D-32 Same as above (II)-Table D.14 Maximum dose equivalent rate in transport of the package (II)-Table D.14 Maximum dose equivalent rate in transport of the package with basket for MNU type fuel ......................................... (II)-D-34 with basket for MNU type fuel .......................................... (II)-D-33 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.1 Dose equivalent rate at each point of packaging ............. (II)-D-39 (II)-Table D.2.1 Dose equivalent rate at each point of packaging .............. (II)-D-38 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.2 Gamma flux at point P1 .................................................... (II)-D-41 (II)-Table D.2.2 Gamma flux at point P1 ..................................................... (II)-D-40 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.3 Gamma flux at point-P2 .................................................... (II)-D-43 (II)-Table D.2.3 Gamma flux at point-P2 ..................................................... (II)-D-42 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.4 Gamma flux at point-P3 .................................................... (II)-D-44 (II)-Table D.2.4 Gamma flux at point-P3 ..................................................... (II)-D-43 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.5 Linear attenuation coefficient µ ......................................... (II)-D-45 (II)-Table D.2.5 Linear attenuation coefficient µ.......................................... (II)-D-44 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.6 Gamma flux at point-P4 .................................................... (II)-D-45 (II)-Table D.2.6 Gamma flux at point-P4 ..................................................... (II)-D-44 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.7 Dose equivalent rate at point-P4 ....................................... (II)-D-46 (II)-Table D.2.7 Dose equivalent rate at point-P4 ....................................... (II)-D-45 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.8 Summary of streaming dose equivalent rate ................... (II)-D-49 (II)-Table D.2.8 Summary of streaming dose equivalent rate .................... (II)-D-48 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.9 Gamma flux at each point ................................................ (II)-D-50 (II)-Table D.2.9 Gamma flux at each point ................................................. (II)-D-49 Same as above (II)-Table D.2.10 Dose equivalent rate on the surface of the vent hole ....... (II)-D-52 (II)-Table D.2.10 Dose equivalent rate on the surface of the vent hole ........ (II)-D-51 Same as above (II)-Table E.1 Fuel element contained in the packaging ........................... (II)-E-5 (II)-Table E.1 Fuel element contained in the packaging ........................... (II)-E-3 Same as above (II)-Table E.2 Specification of fuel element used in the criticality (II)-Table E.2 Specification of fuel element used in the criticality analysis ................................................................................ (II)-E-6 analysis ................................................................................ (II)-E-4 Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Table E.3 Atomic number density of each region ............................... (II)-E-28 (II)-Table E.3 Atomic number density of each region ................................ (II)-E-19 Same as above (II)-Table E.4 Calculation results ................................................................ (II)-E-31 (II)-Table E.4 Calculation results ................................................................ (II)-E-22 Same as above (II)-Table E.2.1 Atomic number density used in the criticality analysis (II)-Table E.2.1 Atomic number density used in the criticality analysis in case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel ........... (II)-E-45 in case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel ............ (II)-E-34 Same as above (II)-Table F.1 Anticipated usage during the planned period of use ............ (II)-F-1 ddition of (II)-Table F.2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in Consideration of aging safety analysis (1/3) ............................................................... (II)-F-3 of nuclear fuel package (II)-Table F.2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in due to the revision of safety analysis (2/3) ............................................................... (II)-F-5 the regulations (II)-Table F.2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (3/3) ............................................................... (II)-F-6 (IV)-Table A.1 Prior to shipping inspection points....................................... (IV)-A-4 (III)-Table A.1 Prior to shipping inspection points ....................................... (III)-A-5 Modification for proper (IV)-Table B.1 Periodical inspection points ................................................ (IV)-B-4 (III)-Table B.1 Periodical inspection points ................................................. (III)-B-4 description due to deletion of the previous chapter

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note Chapter  : Package description Chapter  : Package description A. Introduction A. Introduction This packaging is dry type, and is named JRC-80Y-20T. The transportation This packaging is dry type, and is named JRC-80Y-20T. The transportation appearance is appearance is shown in ()-Fig.A.1. shown in ()-Fig.A.1.

The JRC-80Y-20T packaging is used to transport spent fuels from reactors for The JRC-80Y-20T packaging is used to transport spent fuels from reactors for research research (JRR-3, JRR-4) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (former Japan Atomic Energy (JRR-3) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (former Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute) to Deletion of JRR-4 Research Institute) to reprocessing plants in foreign countries. reprocessing plants in foreign countries.

A.1. Name of the packaging: JRC-80Y-20T A.1. Name of the packaging: JRC-80Y-20T A.2. Type: Type B(U) package for fissile material A.2. Type: Type B(U) package for fissile material A.3. Allowable number of packages and allowable arrangement of packages A.3. Allowable number of packages and allowable arrangement of packages Allowable number of packages : No restriction Allowable number of packages : Unlimited Allowable arrangement of packages : No restriction Allowable arrangement of packages : No restriction A.4. Transport index and criticality safety index A.4. Transport index and criticality safety index Transport index : Less than 5.8 Transport index : Less than 5.8 Criticality safety index : 0 Criticality safety index : 0 A.5. Maximum weight of the package: A.5. Maximum weight of the package: Modification for 23.2 x 103 kg (at loading the basket for box type fuel) Less than 23.2 tons (at loading the basket for box type fuel) proper description A.6. Size of the packaging (at body lifting lug): Diameter approx. 1.9m A.6. Size of the packaging (at body lifting lug): Diameter approx. 1.9m Height: approx. 2.1m Height: approx. 2.1m A.7. Maximum weight of the packaging: A.7. Maximum weight of the packaging: Modification for 22.8 x 103 kg (at loading the basket for box type fuel) Less than 22.8 tons (at loading the basket for box type fuel) proper description A.8. Materials A.8. Materials

1) Main parts : Stainless steel (SA-182 Grade F304) 1) Main parts : Stainless steel (SA-182 Grade F304)
2) Basket : Stainless steel (SA-182 Grade F304, SA-240 Type304), Boral plate 2) Basket : Stainless steel (SA-182 Grade F304, SA-240 Type304), Boral plate
3) Fin (for heat dissipation and shock absorbing) :Stainless steel (SA-240 Type 304) 3) Fin (for heat dissipation and shock absorbing) :Stainless steel (SA-240 Type 304)

A.9. Component of the packaging A.9. Component of the packaging

1) Body 1) Body
2) The basket (The following baskets are used for the fuel types below.) 2) The basket (The following baskets are used for the fuel types below.)

The basket for box type fuel The basket for box type fuel The basket for MNU type fuel The basket for MNU type fuel A.10. Fuel elements contained in the packaging. A.10. Fuel elements contained in the packaging.

The name and number of fuel elements contained in the packaging are as follows; Type, number of assemblies, and number of rods to be loaded in the transport container Modification for The basket for box type fuel 40 pieces (maximum) are shown below sorted by fuel basket: proper description

1) JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel The basket for box type fuel 40 pieces (maximum)
2) JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel Deletion of JRR-3
3) JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel 1) JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel Aluminide
4) JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) Deletion of JRR-4
5) JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel
6) JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel 2) JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel Changes of
7) Fuels combined the above fuels 1) through 6) 3) Fuels combined the above fuels 1) through 2) drawing number (Herein, these fuel elements 1) through 4) are called box type fuel elements, (Herein, the fuel element 1) is called the standard type fuel element, and the fuel due to deletion of

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note and these fuel elements 5) and 6) are called follower type fuel elements) element 2) is called the follower type fuel element) drawings The basket for MNU type fuel 160 pieces The basket for MNU type fuel 160 pieces

1) JRR-3 MNU* type fuel 1) JRR-3 MNU* type fuel A.11. Planned years of use Addition of
1) Planned years of use: 70 years evaluation of
2) Number of times used for transport per year: once or less Consideration of
3) Number of days required per transport: 365 days or less aging of nuclear Omission Omission fuel package due to the revision of C. Package description - packaging C. Package description - packaging the regulations Omission Omission C.2.3 Basket C.2.3 Basket (Omission) (Omission)

As shown in (I)-Fig.D.1 to (I)-Fig.D.6, the size in the section of the follower fuel As shown in (I)-Fig.D.1 to (I)-Fig.D.2, the size in the section of the follower fuel elements which elements which are loaded with the basket for box type fuel is smaller than that of the are loaded with the basket for box type fuel is smaller than that of the standard type fuel standard type fuel elements. A large space (19mm when the fuel element is put aside elements. A large space (19mm when the fuel element is put aside in the lodgement.) arises in the lodgement.) arises between the inside of the basket lodgment and the fuel between the inside of the basket lodgment and the fuel elements.Therefore, when follower type elements. Therefore, when the follower type fuel elements are loaded with the basket fuel elements are loaded in a basket for box type fuel, an aluminum alloy spacer shown in (I)-Fig. Modification for for type fuel, the adapter made of aluminum alloy shown in (I)-Fig.C.23 is inserted C.23 shall be placed between a fuel element and a fuel element insertion hole for the purpose of proper description between the fuel element and the basket lodgement. using it as a heat transfer component and reducing fuel shaking during transportation.

Omission Omission C.3.4 Basket (for box type fuel) C.3.4 Basket (for box type fuel)

(1) Neutron poison Boron carbide (1) Neutron poison Boron carbide (2) Frame Stainless steel (2) Frame Stainless steel (3) Bottom plate Stainless steel (3) Bottom plate Stainless steel (4) Compartment plate Stainless steel, (4) Compartment plate Stainless steel, Boral plate Boral plate (5) Partition plate Stainless steel (5) Partition plate Stainless steel As supplementary part, Modification for (6) Adapter Aluminum alloy (6) Adapter Aluminum alloy proper description Omission Omission C.5. Weight C.5. Weight (a) Body (with fins) a : 13.8x103 kg (a) Body (with fins) a : 13.8x103 kg (b) Lid, lid bolt (b) Lid, lid bolt (1) Lid (with fins) b1 : 6.7x103 kg (1) Lid (with fins) b1 : 6.7x103 kg (2) Lid bolt b2 : 0.2x103 kg (2) Lid bolt b2 : 0.2x103 kg (c) Basket (c) Basket (1) Basket for box type fuel c1 : 2.1x103 kg (1) Basket for box type fuel c1 : 2.1x103 kg (2) Basket for MNU type fuel c2 : 0.7x103 kg (2) Basket for MNU type fuel c2 : 0.7x103 kg (3) Spacer (40 pieces) c3 : 0.13x103 kg (d) Tie down device d  : 1.9x103 kg (d) Tie down device d  : 1.9x103 kg Addition of spacer (e) Lifting device e  : 0.2x103 kg (e) Lifting device e  : 0.2x103 kg weight

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (f) Fuel element (f) Fuel element (1) Standard type fuel element 40 pieces f1 : 0.4x103 kg (1) Standard type fuel element 40 pieces f1 : 0.4x103 kg (2) Follower type fuel element (with the adapters) 40 pieces f2 : 0.4x103 kg (2) Follower type fuel element (with the adapters) 40 pieces f2 : 0.4x103 kg (3) JRR-3 MNU type fuel element 160 pieces f3 : 1.6x103 kg (3) JRR-3 MNU type fuel element 160 pieces f3 : 1.6x103 kg Omission Omission D. Contents of package D. Contents of package Contents of the package are spent fuel elements of JRR-3 and JRR-4. Contents of the package are spent fuel elements of JRR-3. Deletion of JRR-4 The fuel meats of uranium aluminum or uranium silicone aluminum dispersion The fuel plates of standard type and follower type fuel elements are the fuel meats of uranium Modification for type or uranium aluminum alloy in the fuel plates of standard type and follower type silicone aluminum dispersion type alloy covered with aluminum alloy. proper description fuel element are all covered with aluminum alloy. The metallic natural uranium of JRR-3 MNU type fuel element is covered with aluminum due to deletion of The metallic natural uranium of JRR-3 MNU type fuel element is covered with alloy. The fuel elements are shown in ()-Fig.D.1 through () -Fig.D.4. The standard type fuel aluminum alloy. The fuel elements are shown in ()-Fig.D.1 through () -Fig.D.8. fuel element, the follower type fuel element and JRR-3 MNU type fuel element are shown in Changes of The standard type fuel element, the follower type fuel element and JRR-3 MNU type ()-Fig.D.1, ()-Fig.D.2 and ()-Fig.D.3 through () -Fig.D.4 respectively. drawing number fuel element are shown in ()-Fig.D.1 through () -Fig.D.4, ()-Fig.D.5 through () - due to deletion of Fig.D.6 and ()-Fig.D.7 through () -Fig.D.8, respectively. The standard type fuel elements are cut off its top and bottom portions which do not contain drawings The standard type fuel elements except JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel uranium, so as to be a prescribed length, before being loaded in the container, and then inserted Deletion of JRR-4 (HEU) are cut off its top and bottom portions which do not contain uranium, before being into the fuel basket.

loaded in the packaging. JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) is cut off only The follower type fuel elements are not cut off, and are loaded in the basket. JRR-3 MNU its bottom portion which does not contain uranium, before being loaded in the type fuels elements are cut into 3 pieces from the connection, and are loaded in the basket.

packaging. The follower type fuel elements are not cut off, and are loaded in the basket.

JRR-3 MNU type fuels elements are cut into 3 pieces from the connection, and are loaded in the basket.

()-Fig.D.1 JRR-3 Standard Aluminide Type Fuel Deletion of JRR-3

()-Fig.D.2 JRR-3 Standard Silicide Type Fuel ()-Fig.D.1 JRR-3 Standard Silicide Type Fuel Aluminide

()-Fig.D.3 JRR-4 Low Enrichment Silicide Type Fuel Changes of

()-Fig.D.4 JRR-4 High Enrichment Instrumented Fuel (HEU) drawing number

()-Fig.D.5 JRR-3 Follower Aluminide Type Fuel due to deletion of

()-Fig.D.6 JRR-3 Follower Silicide Type Fuel ()-Fig.D.2 JRR-3 Follower Silicide Type Fuel drawings

()-Fig.D.7 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Top, Middle Fuel) ()-Fig.D.3 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Top, Middle Fuel) Deletion of JRR-4

()-Fig.D.8 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Bottom Fuel) ()-Fig.D.4 JRR-3 MNU Type Fuel (Bottom Fuel) Changes of (Fig. omitted) (Fig. omitted) drawing number due to deletion of drawings

Comparison Table of SAR fOr T)pe JRC80Y20T befor(, after ModiacatiOn for proper description due to deletion of RR 3 alun nide g

JRR3 RR3 fuel and deletion

,RR3 ofJRR 4 fuel

¨ (picce)



/piece) l


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(I) Table I)l Speciacation oFcontents

Comparison Table of SAR fOr ttpe RC80 20T befor(, after Mod catiOn for proper descript on due to deletion of JRR 3 aluminide Cla a cation Basket Box t ,c Box t ,e( th Adapters) MNUt pe fuel and deletion Reactor RR 3 RR 3 RR 3 of RR 4 fuel

pe element Standard sihcide t Fouower dttcide t)e MNUt ,c

¨ Noble gas,etc

¨ 3

Kr85 1 129 1131 Xe131m

Heavy element Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Am241 Cm242 Cm244 RP Sr89 Sr90 Y90 Y91 Zr95 Nb95 Ru103 Ru106 Te129m (Ds 134 Cs137 Ba140 Ce141 Pr143 (De144 Pm147 Others Total (I)Table D 2 0uantities of maio4 radionuchdes tte4 packaFre)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Chapter  : Safety analyses Chapter  : Safety analyses This package is designed to comply with the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport This package is designed to comply with the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 2012 Edition concerning Type B(U) package containing fissile of Radioactive Material 2012 Edition concerning Type B(U) package containing fissile material. This chapter shows the summary of each analysis for the package. material. This chapter shows the summary of each analysis for the package.

(1) Structural analysis (1) Structural analysis In the structural analysis of the package, the evaluation of the thermal stress and In the structural analysis of the package, the evaluation of the thermal stress and internal pressure under normal and accident conditions of transport is performed by internal pressure under normal and accident conditions of transport is performed by means of finite element method code ABAQUS etc. Also, the evaluation for drop tests is means of finite element method code ABAQUS etc. Also, the evaluation for drop tests is performed by numerical analysis using finite element method code LS-DYNA. performed by numerical analysis using finite element method code LS-DYNA.

As the results, it is confirmed that the package sufficiently satisfies all the As the results, it is confirmed that the package sufficiently satisfies all the requirements specified in the regulation. Namely, the following is assured. requirements specified in the regulation. Namely, the following is assured.

Even if the package is subject to the pressure difference between inside and outside Even if the package is subject to the pressure difference between inside and outside of the packaging and thermal loads under normal and accident conditions of transport, of the packaging and thermal loads under normal and accident conditions of transport, the package has sufficiently the containment and shielding performance required in the the package has sufficiently the containment and shielding performance required in the regulation, and there is no change of the configuration which affects the criticality and regulation, and there is no change of the configuration which affects the criticality and thermal analysis. thermal analysis.

It is confirmed that there is no deformation which affects criticality analysis and It was confirmed that there is no deformation affecting the configuration which is the Modification for thermal analysis except the basket for box type fuels which suffers a slight plastic base for criticality analysis and thermal analysis, except the basket for box type fuel which proper description deformation partially in 9m horizontal drop. For the basket for box type fuels which suffers a slight plastic deformation partially in 9 m horizontal drop of the package.

suffers a slight plastic deformation, it is confirmed that there is no influence which causes It was confirmed that even under test conditions for package containing fissile criticality in the critically analysis. material, as the analytical results, there is no impact on the configuration which is the Even under test conditions for package containing fissile material, as the analytical base for the evaluation of the subcriticality, except the basket for box type fuel.

results, there is no change of the configuration which affects the evaluation of the subcriticality except the basket for box type fuels. For the basket for box type fuels which suffers a slight plastic deformation partially under the condition, it is confirmed that there is no influence on criticality also in a criticality analysis considered the plastic deformation. (2) Thermal analysis (2) Thermal analysis In the thermal analysis of the package, the temperature evaluation of each portion In the thermal analysis of the package, the temperature evaluation of each portion under normal and accident conditions of transport is performed by using ABAQUS code.

under normal and accident conditions of transport is performed by using ABAQUS code. As the results, it was confirmed that the package satisfies the criteria specified in the Same as above As the results, it is confirmed that the package satisfies the criteria specified in the regulation under normal and accident conditions of transport, and the temperature of regulation under normal and accident conditions of transport, and the temperature of each portion does not significantly affect the structural strength, the containment and each portion does not affect significantly the structural strength, the containment and shielding performance.

shielding performance. (3) Containment analysis (3) Containment analysis In the containment analysis of the package, the radioactive concentration in air inside In the containment analysis of the package, the radioactive concentration in air inside the package is assumed to be 3.7x10-6TBq/m3 and the leakage value of radioactive gas is the package is assumed to be 3.7x10-6TBq/m3 and the leakage value of radioactive gas is obtained by using the equation shown in ANSI - N 14.5 1997 edition.

obtained by using the equation shown in ANSI - N 14.5 1997 edition. As the results, it was confirmed that under normal and accident conditions of Same as above As the results, it is confirmed that the obtained leakage values are very smaller than transport, the obtained leakage values satisfied the criteria of radioactive material the criteria of radioactive material leakage value specified in the regulation. leakage value specified in the regulation and notification.

(4) Shielding analysis (4) Shielding analysis In the shielding analysis of the package, the source intensity of the package is In the shielding analysis of the package, the source intensity of the package is

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note calculated by using the ORNL isotope generation and depletion code ORIGEN or calculated by using the ORNL isotope generation and depletion code ORIGEN or ORIGEN-JR. Also, the gamma and neutron shielding calculation are performed by ORIGEN-JR. Also, the gamma and neutron shielding calculation are performed by using the point kernel code QAD-CGGP2R and two dimensional discrete ordinates using the point kernel code QAD-CGGP2R and two dimensional discrete ordinates transport code DOT 3.5, respectively. transport code DOT 3.5, respectively.

As the results, it is confirmed that the dose equivalent ratios on the surface of the As the results, it was confirmed that the dose equivalent ratios on the surface of the Same as above package and at points of 1 m from its surface are very small as compared with the criteria package and at points of 1 m from its surface are sufficiently small compared with the of each case specified in the regulations under routine, normal and accident conditions of criteria of each case specified in the regulations under routine, normal and accident transport. conditions of transport.

(5) Criticality analysis (5) Criticality analysis The criticality analysis is performed by using the three dimensional multigroup The criticality analysis is performed by using the three dimensional multigroup Monte Carlo KENO-Va code. Monte Carlo KENO-Va code.

As the results, it is confirmed that the subcriticality of the package in isolation is As the results, it was demonstrated that there is no deformation, etc. of the structure Same as above maintained under routine, normal and accident conditions of transport pertaining to affecting subcriticality evaluation under normal conditions of transport pertaining to package containing fissile material. And it is also confirmed that the subcriticality of the package containing fissile material, and it was confirmed that the subcriticality is package arrays is maintained under normal and accident conditions of transport maintained for the nuclear fuel package under routine conditions of transport, for the pertaining to package containing fissile material. nuclear fuel package in isolation, and for the package in isolation and in array under the normal and accident conditions of transport pertaining to package containing fissile material.

(6) Consideration of Aging of Nuclear Fuel Package Addition of evaluation As a result of the evaluation of aging effects due to the factors such as heat, radiation, and of Consideration of chemical changes under the conditions of use expected during the planned period of use, aging of nuclear fuel it was confirmed that such effects need not be considered in confirming compliance package due to the with the technical criteria. For the lifting and containment devices, it is necessary to revision of the consider aging effects due to fatigue as stress will be generated repeatedly. For the lifting regulations and containment devices, each fatigue was evaluated considering the conservative repeat count expected during the period of use, and it was confirmed that there is no impact on compliance with the technical criteria as fatigue failure does not occur.

The details of each analysis and the evaluations are described in Chapter A through Modification for Chapter F. proper description For the purpose of conservative evaluation, the safety analysis assumes the cases where Changes of description following fuel elements are loaded, which will pose more severe conditions than the current due to deletion of JRR-contents. 3 aluminide fuel and

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Fuel Element A: JRR-3 Standard Aluminide Type Fuel Element (decay heat, maximum JRR-4 fuel temperature)

Fuel Element B: JRR-4 Low Enrichment Type Fuel Element (LEU) (Neutron source intensity)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note A. Structural analysis A. Structural analysis omission omission Deletion due to re-evaluation

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and change due to moving from separate items descriptions

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Move of descriptions to separate lines and deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-4 fuel Changes of drawing number

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-4 fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel Changes of drawing number

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and JRR-4 fuel Deletion due to moving to separate items descriptions Changes of drawing number

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Changes of drawing number

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Changes of drawing number

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Changes of drawing number

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission Modification for proper description Deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and JRR-4 fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission A.4.2 Low-temperature strength A.4.2 Low-temperature strength omission omission a Clearance between the shell and the basket under the ambient temperature -40. a Clearance between the shell and the basket under the ambient temperature -40.

The temperature distribution obtained by thermal analysis under ambient The temperature distribution obtained by thermal analysis under ambient temperature temperature -40 of the package is applied. The temperature distribution of the of -40 of the nuclear fuel package is applied. The temperature distribution of the inner inner and the outer surface of the shell is shown in (II)-Fig A.12, and the temperature and the outer surface of the shell is shown in (II)-Fig A.12, and the temperature Modification for distribution of the basket is shown in (II)-Fig A.13. (II)-Fig.A.13 shows the distribution of the basket is shown in (II)-Fig A.13. Here, for the basket, in order to proper description temperature distribution of the basket for box type fuel, which has the maximum conduct a more conservative evaluation than in the case of the contents, it shows the due to deletion of expansion value, in the case of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel being contained. temperature distribution of the basket for box type fuel containing a fuel element JRR-3 aluminide assumed to have the largest expansion amount under normal conditions (hereinafter fuel referred to as fuel element A). Therefore, the evaluation for the relation between the displacement (expansion) of the basket and the displacement (shrink) of the shell is (omission made as follows.

) Clearance in the radial direction r between the shell and the basket Accordingly, the clearance r between the body and the basket is given as omission follows ; ) Clearance in the radial direction r between the shell and the basket r = 10.2640.492 = 0.244 (mm) Accordingly, the clearance r between the body and the basket is given as follows ;

Therefore, a clearance between the body and the basket at the r = 10.2640.492 = 0.244 (mm) Addition of ambient temperature of -40 is 0.244 mm. Therefore, a clearance between the body and the basket at the ambient temperature evaluation of of -40 is 0.244 mm. And even when considering the expected ambient temperature Consideration of change during transportation (from -40 to 38), since there will be no change in the aging of nuclear fuel No stress due to constraint will occur in each basket. temperature range for the same material, there is no difference in the expansion amount package due to omission of the transport container body nor that of the fuel basket, and no change in the amount revision of the A.4.4 Lifting device of gap either. regulations omission No stress due to constraint will occur in each basket.

In the design fatigue curve, the allowable number of cycles N corresponding to the omission value S'alt is as follows. A.4.4 Lifting device N = 7.4x105 times omission On the other hand, the number of cycles n of the lifting lug used during the life of the In the design fatigue curve, the allowable number of cycles N corresponding to the packaging is as follows. value S'alt is as follows. Modification for N= 7.4x105 times proper description On the other hand, assuming that the expected service life is 70 years, the frequency on the evaluation of n =x104 times of use is once a year, and the number of handling times per transportation is 100 times, "Consideration of Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) of the fatigue strength of the repeat count of lifting (n) will be n = 7000 times. Here, to conservatively consider the aging of nuclear fuel the body lifting lug are as follows. repeat count of lifting, the value to be used in the calculation will be package" due to 7.4 x 10 5 n =x104 times revision of the RF = = 74 1 x 10 4 Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) of the fatigue strength regulations MS = 741 = 73 of the body lifting lug are as follows.

Therefore, The integrity of the body lifting lug can be assured, since the allowable 7.4 x 10 5 RF = = 74 number of cycles of the body lifting lug N is sufficiently greater than the number of cycles 1 x 10 4 during the life of the packaging n. MS = 741 = 73

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Therefore, The integrity of the body lifting lug can be assured, since the allowable number of cycles of the body lifting lug N is sufficiently greater than the number of cycles during the life of the packaging n. Based on the above, as a result of the fatigue evaluation Modification for by setting the repeat count conservatively, it was confirmed that fatigue failure did not proper description occur.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission A.4.6 Pressure A.4.6 Pressure omission omission The change on the stress corresponding to the increase in the internal pressure is The change on the stress corresponding to the increase in the internal pressure is obtained from the result of stress calculation due to only the internal pressure in obtained from the result of stress calculation due to only the internal pressure in paragraph A.5.1.3. The maximum stress (stress intensity) occurs in the inner surface at paragraph A.5.1.3. The maximum stress (stress intensity) occurs in the inner surface at the center of the body bottom plate, and the value is 0.077 MPa (= 0.06x2.270.06). the center of the body bottom plate, and the value is 0.077 MPa (= 0.06x2.270.06). Modification for Therefore, if the ambient pressure is reduced to 6.0x104 Pa , the effect of the pressure Therefore, if the ambient pressure is reduced to 6.0x104 Pa , the effect of the pressure proper description reduction upon the packaging can be ignored. reduction upon the packaging can be ignored. due to re-evaluation As shown in paragraph ( )-C.3.1 2, the leaktightness test of the packaging is In addition, in the evaluation of the strain level of the lid sealing boundary for the special performed at the internal pressure of greater than 0.42 MPaG and has been verified that test conditions shown in (II)-Table A.21, it was confirmed that the sealing property was the containment of the packaging is secured. Therefore, the safety of the packaging can maintained since the recovery of the initial clamping stress was confirmed and the mouth be secured without affecting its containment. opening was less than 2.01 mm for an initial clamping allowance of 3 mm.

A.4.7 Vibration A.4.7 Vibration omission omission Therefore, Therefore, f1 = 999 Hz 1 999 Hz Since the natural frequency of the package is about 999 Hz against the maximum effective Modification for Since the natural frequency of the package is about 999 Hz against the maximum frequency (approx. 50 Hz)15) which is predicted during transportation, there will be no proper description effective frequency (approx. 50 Hz)15) which is predicted during transport, there will be no resonance during transportation.

resonance during transport.

The relationship24) between the amplification factor and the ratio of frequencies is given Modification for Therefore, various bolts used for the packaging will not cause resonance, and they will by the curve shown in (II)-Fig. A.34. Here, since the expected frequency of vibrations proper description not become loose because they are provided with antirotation keys.

during transportation is about 50 Hz, the amplification factor will be obtained as follows: on the evaluation of Ratio of frequencies f / fn "Consideration of 0.05 aging of nuclear fuel Where, fnNatural frequency of the package package" due to f: Frequency of vibrations during transportation revision of the Therefore, regulations Amplification factor 1 Therefore, since there is no influence of load amplification due to vibrations during transportation, in addition, in the stacking evaluation ((II)-A.5.4) under the normal test conditions, considering the fact that the transport container will not be deformed even when it is subjected to five times its own weight + its own weight load, there is no risk of cracks, damages, etc. to the transport container due to vibrations during transportation.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission

.5.1 Thermal test .5.1 Thermal test The results of thermal analysis of the package conducted under the normal conditions of The results of thermal analysis of the nuclear fuel package conducted under the normal transport are summarized as shown in (II)-B.4. test conditions are summarized as shown in (II)-B.4.

1) The maximum temperature and the maximum internal pressure are generated in 1) The maximum temperature and maximum internal pressure will occur, when Modification for an environment under the solar insolation when JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel with considering conservatively, under the environment where the fuel element As which have proper description the maximum decaying heat is contained. the greatest decay heat are contained and are subjected to the solar radiation heat. due to deletion of omission omission JRR-3 aluminide

.5.1.1 Summary of pressure and temperature .5.1.1 Summary of pressure and temperature fuel omission omission The temperature distribution of the packaging and basket is shown in (II)-Fig.A.34 The temperature distribution of the packaging and basket is shown in (II)-Fig.A.34 through Fig.A.36. The temperature distribution of the components of the packaging through Fig.A.36. The temperature distribution of the components of the packaging shown in (II)-Fig.A.34 denotes the values of the maximum temperature gradient when fuel shown in (II)-Fig.A.34 denotes the values of the maximum temperature gradient when elements are contained in the packaging. fuel elements are contained in the packaging.

The contained fuel is the JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel which is thermally The contained fuel was the fuel element A which was thermally analyzed under the analyzed under the conditions in an environment at 38 without the solar insolation. conditions in an environment at 38 without the solar insolation. same as above same as above omission

.5.1.2 Thermal expansion omission

1. Thermal stress and deformation of the packaging .5.1.2 Thermal expansion omission 1. Thermal stress and deformation of the packaging The maximum internal pressure 5.17'104 PaG (the value of the basket for box type omission fuel, when the JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel is contained, shown in (II)-Table A.8), The maximum internal pressure of 5.17x104 PaG when the fuel element A is contained is rounded conservatively as 6.0 '104 PaG. Temperature distribution is used in which (the value of the basket for box type fuel shown in (II)-Table A.8) was rounded same as above the greatest thermal stress is expected. Thus, the value having the greatest temperature conservatively as 6.0 x104 PaG. The temperature distribution in which the greatest gradient (when under 38°C of ambient temperature and JRR-3 standard aluminide type thermal stress would be expected, that is, temperature gradient would be the greatest fuel is contained in the packaging the absence of insolation) is used. (under ambient temperature of 38°C, without solar insolation and containing fuel same as above omission element A) was used.

The result of the analysis is as follows;.

b <0 + body (1.44 mm < 4.526 mm) omission Therefore, it becomes the following in any basket. The result of the analysis is as follows;.

b <0 + body b <0 + body (1.44 mm < 4.526 mm)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Therefore, the basket is not restricted between the bottom plate of the body and the Therefore, it becomes the following in any basket.

internal surface of the lid. Therefore, the stress generated in the basket is caused by the b <0 + body temperature gradient of the basket itself. And even when considering the expected ambient temperature changes during transportation (from -40 to 38), since there is no change in the temperature range of the same material, there is no difference in the expansion amount of the transport Addition of container body nor that of the fuel basket, and no change in the amount of gap either. evaluation of Therefore, the basket is not restricted between the bottom plate of the body and the Consideration of internal surface of the lid. Therefore, the stress generated in the basket is caused by the aging of nuclear fuel temperature gradient of the basket itself. package due to revision of the regulations

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission As a result of the calculation obtained by the above expressions, the elongations rb As a result of the calculation obtained by the above expressions, the elongations rb in the radial direction of the basket are shown in (II)-Table A.12. In the Table, the initial in the radial direction of the basket are shown in (II)-Table A.12. In the Table, the initial gap g0 at the room temperature, the safety factor, and the safety margin are also shown. gap g0 at the room temperature, the safety factor, and the safety margin are also shown.

Therefore, as apparent from the Table, there is still a gap between each basket and Therefore, as apparent from the Table, there is still a gap between each basket and the internal surface of the packaging even after thermal expansion. For this reason, the the internal surface of the packaging even after thermal expansion. For this reason, the Addition of stress due to restriction is not generated in each basket. stress due to restriction is not generated in each basket. evaluation of And even when considering the expected ambient temperature changes during Consideration of transportation (from -40 to 38), since there is no change in the temperature range of aging of nuclear fuel the same material, there is no difference in the expansion amount of the transport package due to omission container body nor that of the fuel basket, and no change in the amount of gap either. revision of the A.5.1.4 Comparison of allowable stress omission regulations (omission A.5.1.4 Comparison of allowable stress Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) on the stress omission classification line A of the body and the lid are as follows; Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) on the stress 411 classification line A of the body and the lid are as follows; RF = = 6.9 59.4 411 MS = 6.9 1 = 5.9 =


= 6.9 Therefore, the structural integrity of the packaging is maintained, because the stress which is generated on each part of the packaging is within the allowable stress. = 6.9 - 1 = 5.9 Therefore, the structural integrity of the packaging is maintained, because the stress which is generated on each part of the packaging is within the allowable stress.

In addition, the temperature change from room temperature (20) to 105 was Addition of studied. When considering the lowest ambient temperature of -40 expected during evaluation of transportation, the temperature difference between -40 and 105 is 145. The stress Consideration of in this case will be aging of nuclear fuel 59.4 x 145/85 101.3 102 MPa package due to Therefore, the safety factor RF and the margin factor MS are as follows:

revision of the 411 regulations

= = 4.0 102

= 4.0 - 1 = 3.0 Then, there is no risk of cracks or failures, etc. even when ambient temperature omission changes expected during transportation are considered.

On the other hand, the number of operating cycles n during the life of the packaging omission is 100 cycles.

On the other hand, the number of operating cycles n during the life of the packaging is The safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) of the fatigue strength of the lid 300 cycles.

bolt are as follows; Changes due to re-The safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) of the fatigue strength of the lid 3400 evaluation of RF = = 34 bolt are as follows; 100 "Consideration of MS = 34 1 = 33 3400 aging of nuclear fuel

= = 11.3 Therefore, the allowable number of cycles of the lid bolt is sufficiently greater than 300 package" due to the number of operating cycles during the life of the packaging, and the fatigue failure = 11.3 - 1 = 10.3 revision of the dose not occur in the lid bolt. regulations

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Therefore, the allowable number of cycles of the lid bolt is sufficiently greater than the number of operating cycles during the life of the packaging, and the fatigue failure omission dose not occur in the lid bolt.

A.6.1 Mechanical test drop test I (9 m drop)

  • Times of use N = 4/yearx70 yearsxmargin 300 times omission omission (2) The total mass of the package is a maximum when the basket for box type fuel such as A.6.1 Mechanical test drop test I (9 m drop)

JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel is contained. The maximum total mass of the omission package 23.2 x 103 kg is used as the total mass in the analysis. (2) The total mass of the package will be a maximum when the basket for box type fuel omission (contents: JRR-3 standard Silicide type fuel element, etc.) is contained. The Modification for A.6.1.1 Vertical drop maximum total mass of 23.2 x 10 kg is used in the analysis.

3 proper description omission omission due to deletion of

1. Containment at the contact surface of the lid and the body A.6.1.1 Vertical drop JRR-3 aluminide 1.1 Top vertical drop omission fuel 1.2 Bottom vertical drop 1. Containment at the contact surface of the lid and the body
2. Strength of the valve 1.1 Top vertical drop
3. Strength of the baskets 1.2 Bottom vertical drop 3.1 Basket for box type fuel 2. Strength of the valve 3.2 Basket for MNU type fuel 3. Strength of the baskets
4. Strength of the fuel elements 3.1 Basket for box type fuel 4.1 JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel 3.2 Basket for MNU type fuel 4.2 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel 4. Strength of the fuel elements 4.3 JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel 4.4 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel 4.1 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel 4.5 JRR-3 MNU type fuel 4.6 JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel 4.2 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel Change of item 4.7 JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) 4.3 JRR-3 MNU type fuel number due to deletion of JRR-3 omission aluminide fuel 3.1 Strength of the basket for box type fuel omission same as above 3.1.1 Strength of the basket 3.1 Strength of the basket for box type fuel omission 3.1.1 Strength of the basket Deletion of JRR-4 Accordingly, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) against buckling are as omission fuel follows; Accordingly, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) against buckling are 801 as follows; RF = = 20 40.0 801 M.S = 201 = 19 =


= 20 Therefore, no buckling will occur in the basket for box type fuel due to the vertical

= 20 - 1 = 19 drop.

Therefore, no buckling will occur in the basket for box type fuel due to the vertical Modification for drop. In addition, as shown in "(I) C. Transport Container," the neutron absorber is proper description surrounded by basket dividers, which means it will not be crushed and have no effect on subcriticality.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note 3.1.2 Strength of the neutron poison Deletion due to re-The neutron poison is as shown in (II)-Fig.A.81. evaluation It has length of 925mm, width of 314.5mm and thickness of 4.5mm.

In the case of vertical drop, the compressive stress occurs in the neutron poison due to inertia force.

This compressive stress (c) is given by the following formula.

F WgGv c = =


4.5 925 (Unit : mm)

F 314.5 (II)-Fig.A.81 Analytical model of the neutron poison of the basket for box type fuel where, c  : Compressive stress (MPa)

A  : Pressure area of the neutron poison to the vertical direction

= 314.5 x 4.5 =1.41 x 103 (mm2)

F  : Inertia force of the neutron poison

=WgGv (N)

W  : Mass of the neutron poison Since the density of neutron poison () is 2.67 x 10-6 kg/ mm3, the mass is given as follows; W = 2.67 x 10-6 x 925 x 314.5 x 4.5 = 3.50 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

Gv  : Impact deceleration = 445 (g)

Therefore, the compressive stress (c) on the neutron poison is given as follows; 3.50 x 9.8 x 445 c = = 10.9 MPa 1.41 x 103 The allowable compressive stress (ca) of the neutron poison is given as follows; ca= 1.5 x y = 1.5 x 44.1 = 66.1 MPa Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) of neutron poison are as follows; 66.1 RF = = 6.0 10.9 MS = 6.01 = 5.0 Consequently, the neutron poison is never crushed due to the vertical drop, and no influence is brought about to the subcriticality.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note

4. Strength of the fuel element 4.1 Strength of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel Deletion of JRR-3 The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element at the drop. aluminide fuel This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough to be resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never fall.

4.1.1 Strength of the fuel side plate The compressive stress (c) generated at the fuel side plate due to drop is given by the following equation.

F WgGv c = =

A A where, c  : Compressive stress (MPa)

A  : Pressure area of the fuel side plate to the vertical direction

= 76.2 x 4.8 x 2 = 7.31 x 102 (mm2)

F  : Inertia force of the fuel element = WgGv (N)

W  : Mass of the fuel element = 8 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

Gv  : Impact deceleration = 445 (g)

Consequently, the compressive stress (c) on the fuel side plate is as follows; 8 x 9.8 x 445 c = = 47.8 MPa 7.31 x 102 In this case, the yield stress (y) of 46 MPa of material A6061-T6 is used, since the yield stress of material A6061-T6 at the operating temperature of 240 is less than that of material AG3NE as shown in (II)-Fig.A.6.

Therefore, the allowable compressive stress (ac) of fuel element of the temperature of 240 is given as follows; ac = 1.5 x y = 1.5 x 46 = 69 MPa Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are as follows; 69 RF = = 1.4 47.8 MS = 1.41 = 0.4 Therefore, the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress due to the vertical drop.

4.1.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling The fuel plate is fixed to two fuel side plates by using ro11 swage method.

The impact force (F) applied to the fuel plate due to the vertical drop is given by the following equation; F = W x g x Gv where, W  : Mass of fuel element = 8.0 (kg)

Gv  : Maximum deceleration at the time of vertical drop = 445 (g)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Consequently, the following is given; F = 8.0 x 9.8 x 445 = 3.49 x 104 N On the other hand, the anchoring force (Fr) of fuel plate fixed to the fuel side plate by using roll swage method is given as follows; Fr = nLq where, n  : Number of fuel plate = 20 (pieces)

L  : Length of the fuel plate = 770 (mm) q  : Anchoring force of the fuel plate for each unit length in the fuel production specification = more than 26.5 (N/mm)

Consequently, the following is given; Fr = 20 x 770 x 26.5 = 4.08 x 105 N Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) against fixation of the fuel plate are as shown below; Fr 4.08 x 105 RF = = = 11 F 3.49 x 104 MS = 111 = 10 Therefore, the fuel plate is retained without falling.

Changes of item 4.1 Strength of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel 4.2 Strength of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel number and The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element.

The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element in the same description due to This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough to manner as the JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel. deletion of JRR-3 be resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never fall.

This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough aluminide fuel 4.1.1 Strength of the fuel side plate to be resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never (No change fall. same as above 4.1.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling No change 4.2.1 Strength of the fuel side plate same as above No change 4.2.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling Deletion of JRR-3 (No change aluminide fuel 4.3 Strength of JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel The inertia force acts on the fuel element in the case of the vertical drop in the same manner as JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel.

This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough to be resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never fall.

4.3.1 Strength of the fuel side plate The compressive stress (c) generated at the fuel side plate due to drop is given by the following equation.

F WgGv c = =

A A where, c  : Compressive stress (MPa)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note A  : Pressure area of the fuel side plate to the vertical direction

= 63.6 x 4.8 x 2 = 6.10 x 102 (mm2)

F  : Inertia force of the fuel element = WgGv (N)

W  : Mass of the fuel element = 5.2 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

Gv  : Impact deceleration = 445 (g)

Consequently, the compressive stress (c) on the fuel side plate is as follows; 5.2 x 9.8 x 445 c = = 37.2 MPa 6.10 x 102 In this case, the yield stress (y) of 46 MPa of material A6061-T6 is used, since the yield stress of material A6061-T6 at the temperature of 240 is smaller than that of material AG3NE as shown in (II)-Fig.A.6.

Therefore, the allowable compressive stress (ac) of fuel element of the temperature of 240 is given as follows; ac = 1.5 x y = 1.5 x 46 = 69 MPa Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are as follows; 69 RF = = 1.8 37.2 MS = 1.81 = 0.8 Therefore, the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress due to the vertical drop.

4.3.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling The fuel plate is fixed to two fuel side plates by using ro11 swage method.

The impact force (F) applied to the fuel plate due to the vertical drop is given by the following equation; F = W x g x Gv where, W  : Mass of fuel element = 5.2 (kg)

Gv  : Maximum deceleration at the time of vertical drop = 445 (g)

Consequently, the following is given; F = 5.2 x 9.8 x 445 = 2.27 x 104 N On the other hand, the anchoring force (Fr) of fuel plate fixed to the fuel side plate by using roll swage method is given as follows; Fr = nLq where, n  : Number of fuel plate = 16 (pieces)

L  : Length of the fuel plate = 770 (mm) q  : Anchoring force of the fuel plate for each unit length in the fuel production specification = more than 26.5 (N/mm)

Consequently, the following is given;

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Fr = 16 x 770 x 26.5 = 3.26 x 105 N Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) against fixation of the fuel plate are as shown below; Fr 3.26 x 105 RF = = = 14 F 2.27 x 104 MS = 141 = 13 Therefore, the fuel plate can be retained without falling.

4.2 Strength of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel 4.4 Strength of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element in the same manner Changes of item The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element in the same manner as JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel element. number and as JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel. This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough to description due to This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough to be be resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never fall. deletion of JRR-3 resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never fall. aluminide fuel 4.2.1 Strength of the fuel side plate 4.4.1 Strength of the fuel side plate No change same as above No change 4.2.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling 4.4.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling No change same as above No change

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note 4.5 Strength of JRR-3 MNU type fuel 4.3 Strength of JRR-3 MNU type fuel No change Modification for omission proper description 4.6 Strength of JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel due to deletion of The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element in the same manner JRR-3 aluminide as JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel. fuel This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough to be Deletion of JRR-4 resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never fall. fuel 4.6.1 Strength of the fuel side plate The compressive stress (c) generated at the fuel side plate due to drop is given by the following equation.

F WgGv c = =

A A where, c  : Compressive stress (MPa)

A  : Pressure area of the fuel side plate to the vertical direction

= 80 x 4.8 x 2 = 7.68 x 102 (mm2)

F  : Inertia force of the fuel element = WgGv (N)

W  : Mass of the fuel element = 5.6 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

Gv  : Impact deceleration = 445 (g)

Consequently, the compressive stress (c) on the fuel side plate is as follows; 5.6 x 9.8 x 45 c = = 31.8 MPa 7.68 x 102 In this case, the yield stress (y) of 46 MPa of material A6061-T6 is used, since the yield stress of material A6061-T6 at the temperature of 240 is smaller than that of material AG3NE as shown in (II)-Fig.A.6.

Therefore, the allowable compressive stress (ac) of fuel element of the temperature of 240 is given as follows; ac = 1.5 x y = 1.5 x 46 = 69 MPa Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are as follows; 69 RF = = 2.1 31.8 MS = 2.11 = 1.1 Therefore, the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress due to the vertical drop.

4.6.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling The fuel plate is fixed to two fuel side plates by using ro11 swage method.

The impact force (F) applied to the fuel plate due to the vertical drop is given by the following equation; F = W x g x Gv

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note where, W  : Mass of fuel element = 5.6 (kg)

Gv  : Maximum deceleration at the time of vertical drop = 445 (g)

Consequently, the following is given; F = 5.6 x 9.8 x 445 = 2.45 x 104 N On the other hand, the anchoring force (Fr) of fuel plate fixed to the fuel side plate by using roll swage method is given as follows; Fr = nLq where, n  : Number of fuel plate = 15 (pieces)

L  : Length of the fuel plate = 630 (mm) q  : Anchoring force of the fuel plate for each unit length in the fuel production specification = more than 26.5 (N/mm)

Consequently, the following is given; Fr = 15 x 630 x 26.5 = 2.50 x 105 N Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) against fixation of the fuel plate are as shown below; Fr 2.50 x 05 RF = = = 10 F 2.45 x 104 MS = 101 = 9 Therefore, the fuel plate is retained without falling.

4.7 Strength of JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)

The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element in the same manner as JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel.

This paragraph shows that the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength enough to be Deletion of JRR-4 resistible against the such inertia force, and further that the fuel plate never fall. fuel 4.7.1 Strength of the fuel side plate The compressive stress (c) generated at the fuel side plate due to drop is given by the following equation.

F WgGv c = =

A A where, c  : Compressive stress (MPa)

A  : Pressure area of the fuel side plate to the vertical direction

= 80 x 4.8 x 2 = 7.68 x 102 (mm2)

F  : Inertia force of the fuel element = WgGv (N)

W  : Mass of the fuel element = 6.0 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

Gv  : Impact deceleration = 445 (g)

Consequently, the compressive stress (c) on the fuel side plate is as follows; 6.0 x 9.8 x 445 c = = 34.1 MPa 7.68 x 102

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note In this case, the yield stress (y) of 46 MPa of material A6061-T6 is used, since the yield stress of material A6061-T6 at the temperature of 240 is smaller than that of material AG3NE as shown in (II)-Fig.A.6.

Therefore, the allowable compressive stress (ac) of fuel element of the temperature of 240 is given as follows; ac = 1.5 x y = 1.5 x 46 = 69 MPa Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are as follows; 69 RF = = 2.0 34.1 MS = 2.01 = 1.0 Therefore, the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress due to the vertical drop.

4.7.2 Evaluation of the fuel plate for falling The fuel plate is fixed to two fuel side plates by using ro11 swage method.

The impact force (F) applied to the fuel plate due to the vertical drop is given by the following equation; F = W x g x Gv where, W  : Mass of fuel element = 6.0 (kg)

Gv  : Maximum deceleration at the time of vertical drop = 445 (g)

Consequently, the following is given; F = 6.0 x 9.8 x 445 = 2.62 x 104 N On the other hand, the anchoring force (Fr) of fuel plate fixed to the fuel side plate by using roll swage method is given as follows; Fr = nLq where, n  : Number of fuel plate = 15 (pieces)

L  : Length of the fuel plate = 630 (mm)

Removing 6 width 5mm cuttings for measurement on the fuel plate, the net length of fuel plate comes to L=630-6 x 5=600mm q  : Anchoring force of the fuel plate for each unit length in the fuel production specification = more than 26.5 (N/mm)

Consequently, the following is given; Fr = 15 x 600 x 26.5 = 2.39 x 105 N Therefore, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) against fixation of the fuel plate are as shown below; Fr 2.39 x 105 RF = = =9 F 2.62 x 104 MS = 91 = 8 Therefore, the fuel plate is retained without falling.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note

.6.1.2 Horizontal drop .6.1.2 Horizontal drop Changes of item omission omission number due to

4. Strength of the fuel elements 4. Strength of the fuel elements deletion of JRR-3 4.1 JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel aluminide fuel 4.2 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel 4.1 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel 4.3 JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel same as above 4.4 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel 4.2 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel same as above 4.5 JRR-3 MNU type fuel 4.3 JRR-3 MNU type fuel Deletion of JRR-4 fuel 4.6 JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel 4.7 JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) omission omission 3.1 Basket for box type fuel 3.1 Basket for box type fuel 3.1.1 Strength of the compartment plate and the partition plate 3.1.1 Strength of the compartment plate and the partition plate The stress calculation for the horizontal drop of the basket for box type fuel is made The stress calculation for the horizontal drop of the basket for box type fuel is made for case when the basket drops to two directions of the X-direction and the Y-direction as for case when the basket drops to two directions of the X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)-Fig.A.93.

shown in (II)-Fig.A.93. The stress calculation for the basket is made by using the general-purpose finite The stress calculation for the basket is made by using the general-purpose finite element program ABAQUS.

element program ABAQUS. The analysis is also made on the shearing strength at the weld zone between the The analysis is also made on the shearing strength at the weld zone between the compartment plate and the partition plate.

compartment plate and the partition plate. Strength for the drop to the X-direction a) Strength for the drop to the X-direction In the analysis, the inertia force of the basket itself, the fuel element and the Modification for In the analysis, the inertia force of the basket itself, the fuel element and the neutron neutron poisons generated by the deceleration are taken into. proper description poisons generated by the deceleration are taken into. The partition plate and the compartment plate are modeled with the shell element. As due to deletion of The partition plate and the compartment plate are modeled with the shell element. As the mass of the fuel element in the analysis, the largest mass of standard type fuel JRR-3 aluminide the mass of the furl element in the analysis, the largest mass of standard type fuel element is used. JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel is assumed as a representative. fuel element is used. It is assumed JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel as a omission representative. b) Strength for the drop to the Y-direction omission Strength evaluation at the Y-direction drop is carried out. In the analysis, it is b) Strength for the drop to the Y-direction modeled in the same manner as the X-direction drop. Namely, the partition plate and Strength evaluation at the Y-direction drop is carried out. In the analysis, it is the compartment plate are modeled with the shell element, and the fuel element, whose modeled in the same manner as the X-direction drop. Namely, the partition plate and cross-sectional form is a rectangle (76.2 mmx76.2 mm), is modeled with the solid element the compartment plate are modeled with the shell element, and the fuel element, whose that has equivalent stiffness. As the mass of the fuel element in the analysis, the largest cross-sectional form is a rectangle (76.2 mm x 76.2 mm), is modeled with the solid mass of standard type fuel element is used. JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel is assumed same as above element that has equivalent stiffness. JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel that has the as a representative.

largest mass is used again as the fuel element in the analysis. omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note

4. Strength of the fuel elements 4.1 Strength of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel Deletion of JRR-3 As the horizontal drop direction, the X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)- aluminide fuel Fig.A.106 are considered. Since the pressure area of the fuel element to the X-direction is small as compared with that to the Y-direction, the drop to the X-direction is severer than that of the Y-direction. Consequently, this paragraph shows the compressive strength of the fuel side plate at the drop to the X-direction.

The compressive stress (c) due to the inertia force is given by the following equation; WgGH c =

A where, W  : Mass of the fuel element = 8.0 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

GH  : Impact deceleration = 167 (g)

A  : Cross-sectional area of the fuel side plate

= 4.8x770x2 = 7.39x103 (mm2)

Therefore, the following is given; 8.0x9.8x167 c = = 1.78 MPa 7.39x103 In this case, since the yield stress of material A6061-T6 at the temperature of 240 is less than that of material AG3NE, the yield stress of material A6061-T6 is used.

Consequently, the allowable compressive stress (ac) of the fuel element at the temperature of 240 is as follows; ac = 1.5xy = 1.5x46 = 69 MPa Consequently, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are as follows; 69 RF = = 38 1.78 MS = 38 1 = 37 As the above result, the fuel side plate of the fuel element has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress due to 9 m horizontal drop (II)-Fig.A.106 Horizontal drop direction of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel Fig. omitted 4.2 Strength of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel The horizontal drop direction of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel is considered to the 4.1 Strength of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)-Fig.A.107 in the same manner as JRR-3 The horizontal drop direction of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel is considered to the standard aluminide type fuel. The drop to the X-direction is severe, since the pressure X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)-Fig.A.106. The drop to the X-direction is Changes of item area to the X-direction is smaller than that to the Y-direction. severe, since the pressure area to the X-direction is smaller than that to the Y-direction. number and drawing Accordingly, this paragraph describes the compressive strength against the fuel side Accordingly, this paragraph describes the compressive strength against the fuel side number due to plate at the drop to the X-direction. plate at the drop to the X-direction. deletion of JRR-3 omission aluminide fuel 4.3 Strength of JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel omission The horizontal drop direction of JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel is considered to Deletion of JRR-3 the X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)-Fig.A.108 in the same manner as JRR- aluminide fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note 3 standard aluminide type fuel. The drop to the X-direction is severe, since the pressure area to the X-direction is smaller than that to the Y-direction.

Accordingly, this paragraph describes the compressive strength against the fuel side plate at the drop to the X-direction.

The compressive stress (c) due to the inertia force is given as follows; WgGH c =

A where, W  : Mass of the fuel element = 5.2 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

GH  : Impact deceleration = 167 (g)

A  : Cross-sectional area of the fuel side plate (mm2)

= 4.8x770x2 = 7.39x103 (mm2)

Therefore, the following is given; 5.2x9.8x167 c = = 1.16 MPa 7.39x103 In this case, the yield stress (y) of material AG3NE at the temperature of 240 is less than that of material A6061-T6, therefore, the yield stress (y) of 46 MPa of material AG3NE is used. Consequently, the allowable compressive stress (ac) at the temperature of 240 is given as follows ;

ab = 1.5xy = 1.5x46 = 69 MPa Consequently, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are as follows; 69 RF = = 59 1.16 MS = 59 1 = 58 As the above result, the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress due to 9 m horizontal drop.

(II)-Fig.A.108 Horizontal drop direction of JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel Fig. omitted 4.4 Strength of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel 4.2 Strength of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel The horizontal drop direction of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel is considered to the The inertia force due to the vertical drop acts on the fuel element in the same manner X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)-Fig.A.109 in the same manner as JRR-3 as JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel element. The horizontal drop direction of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel. The drop to the X-direction is severe, since the pressure follower silicide type fuel element is considered to the X-direction and the Y-direction as area to the X-direction is smaller than that to the Y-direction. shown in (II)-Fig.A.107 in the same manner as JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel element.

Accordingly, this paragraph describes the compressive strength against the fuel side The drop to the X-direction is severe, since the pressure receiving area to the X-direction Changes of item plate at the drop to the X-direction. is smaller than that to the Y-direction in terms of compressive stress on fuel elements. number and drawing No change in description below omission number due to 4.5 Strength of JRR-3 MNU type fuel 4.3 Strength of JRR-3 MNU type fuel deletion of JRR-3 No change in description below omission aluminide fuel 4.6 Strength of JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel The horizontal drop direction of JRR-4 low enrichment type fuel is considered to the Modification for X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)-Fig.A.112 in the same manner as JRR-3 proper description due to deletion of

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note standard aluminide type fuel. The drop to the X-direction is severe, since the pressure JRR-3 aluminide area to the X-direction is smaller than that to the Y-direction. fuel Accordingly, this paragraph describes the compressive strength against the fuel side plate to the horizontal drop of the X-direction. Deletion of JRR-4 The compressive stress (c) due to the inertia force is given by the following equation; fuel WgGH c =

A where, W  : Mass of the fuel element = 5.6 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

GH  : Impact deceleration = 167 (g)

A  : Cross-sectional area of the fuel side plate (mm2)

= 4.8x630x2 = 6.04x103 (mm2)

Therefore, 5.6x9.8x167 c = = 1.52 MP 6.04x103 In this case, the yield stress (y) of material A6061-T6 at the temperature of 240 is less than that of material AG3NE, therefore, the yield stress (y) of 46 MPa of material A6061-T6 is used.

Consequently, the allowable compressive stress (ac) at the temperature of 240 is given as follows ;

ac = 1.5xy = 1.5x46 = 69 MPa Consequently, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are given as follows; 69 RF = = 45 1.52 MS = 45 1 = 44 As the result, the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress at the time of 9 m horizontal drop. Deletion of JRR-4 (II)-Fig.A.112 Horizontal drop direction of JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel fuel Fig. omitted 4.7 Strength of JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)

The horizontal drop direction of JRR-4 low enrichment type fuel is considered to the X-direction and the Y-direction as shown in (II)-Fig.A.113 in the same manner as JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel. The drop to the X-direction is severe, since the pressure area to the X-direction is smaller than that to the Y-direction.

Accordingly, this paragraph describes the compressive strength against the fuel side plate to the horizontal drop of the X-direction.

The compressive stress (c) due to the inertia force is given by the following equation; WgGH c =

A where, W  : Mass of the fuel element = 6.0 (kg) g  : Gravitational acceleration = 9.8 (m/sec2)

GH  : Impact deceleration = 167 (g)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note A  : Cross-sectional area of the fuel side plate (mm2)

= 4.8x630x2 = 6.04x103 (mm2)

Therefore, 6.0x9.8x167 c = = 1.63 MP 6.04x103 In this case, the yield stress (y) of material A6061-T6 at the temperature of 240 is less than that of material AG3NE, therefore, the yield stress (y) of 46 MPa of material A6061-T6 is used.

Consequently, the allowable compressive stress (ac) at the temperature of 240 is given as follows ;

ac = 1.5xy = 1.5x46 = 69 MPa Consequently, the safety factor (RF) and the safety margin (MS) are given as follows; 69 RF = = 42 1.63 MS = 42 1 = 41 As the result, the fuel side plate has the sufficient strength against the compressive stress at the time of 9 m horizontal drop.

(II)-Fig.A.113 Horizontal drop direction of JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)

Fig. omitted

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission A.6.3.3 Comparison of allowable stress A.6.3.3 Comparison of allowable stress omission omission

4. Thermal expansion of the shell and the basket generated during the fire accident 4. Thermal expansion of the shell and the basket generated during the fire accident a) Clearance between the shell and the basket generated during the fire accident a) Clearance between the shell and the basket generated during the fire accident Modification for This paragraph shows the examination of JRR-3 standard aluminide fuel This section examines the case of a basket for box type fuel, assuming proper description contained for box type fuel in which the heat generated by the contents is maximized that it is loaded with fuel elements that have a higher calorific value than the contents due to deletion of and the clearance between the shell and the basket is minimized. and a minimum gap between the container body and the fuel basket (hereinafter JRR-3 aluminide omission referred to as fuel element A) in order to make the analysis more conservative. fuel (II)-Fig.A.128 Temperature history of the basket for box type fuel contained JRR-3 standard omission aluminide type fuel (II)-Fig.A.124 Temperature history of the basket for box type fuel containing fuel element A Fig. omitted Fig. omitted Same as above omission omission A.6.4 Water immersion A.6.4 Water immersion Since this nuclear fuel package is a package containing nuclear fuel material, etc. with an amount of radioactivity exceeding 100,000 times A2 value (the ratio of the Modification for radioactivity of the contents to be loaded to the 100,000 times A2 value is proper description approximately 4.5 so exceeds 1), it will be evaluated whether the containment device is not damaged for the 200m immersion test.

It has been confirmed that permanent deformation does not occur and containment It has been confirmed that permanent deformation does not occur and containment can be maintained at the water depth of 200 m (2.0MPa). can be maintained at the water depth of 200 m (2.0MPa).

Therefore the packaging has enough strength and containment capacity at the water Therefore the packaging has enough strength and containment capacity at the water depth of 15m because the condition of immersion at the water depth of 200m is more severe depth of 15m because the condition of immersion at the water depth of 200m is more than at the water depth of 15m. severe than at the water depth of 15m.

omission omission A.6.5 Summary and evaluation of the results A.6.5 Summary and evaluation of the results This paragraph shows summary and the evaluation of the results under accident This paragraph shows summary and the evaluation of the results under accident condition of transport in accordance with each test item. (II)-Table A.20 shows the condition of transport in accordance with each test item. (II)-Table A.20 shows the summary of the results of the structural analysis. summary of the results of the structural analysis.

1. Drop test (9 m drop) 1. Drop test (9 m drop)

This item shows the summary of the result of the test. This item shows the summary of the result of the test.

(1) In the packaging, the gasket portion of the lid flange is the severest part, where is (1) In the packaging, the gasket portion of the lid flange is the severest part, where is still in the state of the elasticity in any drop attitude, and the stress of the lid bolt is still in the state of the elasticity in any drop attitude, and the stress of the lid bolt restored after drop to the initial fastening stress. Therefore, the containment at the is restored after drop to the initial fastening stress. Therefore, the containment at contact surface of the lid and the body is maintained and the shielding performance the contact surface of the lid and the body is maintained and the shielding is not lost. performance is not lost.

(Refer to , , and of (II )-Table A.20.) (Refer to , , and of (II )-Table A.20.)

(2) In any drop attitude, the stress generated on the lid bolt is less than the yield stress (2) In any drop attitude, the stress generated on the lid bolt is less than the yield stress Changes of item of the material and the initial fastening stress is maintained after drop. of the material and the initial fastening stress is maintained after drop. number (Refer to , , and of (II )-Table A.20.) (Refer to , , and of (II )-Table A.20.)

(3) Among the baskets, though a slight plastic deformation occurs partially on the (3) Among the baskets, though a slight plastic deformation occurs partially on the Same as above basket for the box type fuel in the horizontal drop, in a criticality analysis that basket for the box type fuel in the horizontal drop, in a criticality analysis that

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note considers that plastic deformation, no influence is brought about to the subcriticality considers that plastic deformation, no influence is brought about to the as showing in appendix 3 of (II)-E.7.3. subcriticality as showing in appendix 3 of (II)-E.7.3.

(Refer to and of (II )-Table A.20.) (Refer to and of (II )-Table A.20.)

(4) Among the fuel elements, the severest stress is generated in JRR-3 MNU type fuel (4) Among the fuel elements, the severest stress is generated in JRR-3 MNU type Same as above contained in the basket during the vertical drop. Even in this case, it has the fuel contained in the basket during the vertical drop. Even in this case, it has the sufficient strength, since the safety factor against the stress is 1.2. sufficient strength, since the safety factor against the stress is 1.2.

(Refer to , , , and of (II )-Table A.20.) (Refer to , , and of (II )-Table A.20.)

Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note

2. Drop test-II (penetration test) 2. Drop test-II (penetration test)

The severest stress is generated when the mild steel bar directly hits the protection The severest stress is generated when the mild steel bar directly hits the protection cover. cover.

Since the safety factor against the stress is 1.08, the mild steel bar will not Since the safety factor against the stress is 1.08, the mild steel bar will not penetrate the packaging. penetrate the packaging.

Accordingly, the containment of the packaging can be maintained. Accordingly, the containment of the packaging can be maintained.

(Refer to and of (II )-Table A.20.) (Refer to of (II )-Table A.20.) Same as above

3. Thermal test 3. Thermal test The severest stress due to the maximum temperature gradient is generated on lid The severest stress due to the maximum temperature gradient is generated on lid bolt. bolt.

The safety factor against the stress is 1.58. The safety factor against the stress is 1.58.

Therefore, the packaging will not be damaged, and the containment can be Therefore, the packaging will not be damaged, and the containment can be maintained. maintained.

(Refer to of (II )-Table A.20.) (Refer to and of (II )-Table A.20.) Same as above

4. Water immersion test 4. Water immersion test The containment against the external pressure (0.15MP) equivalent to the water The containment against the external pressure (0.15MP) equivalent to the water depth of 15 m can be sufficiently maintained. depth of 15 m can be sufficiently maintained.

(Refer to of (II )-Table A.20.) (Refer to of (II )-Table A.20.) Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-4 fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-4 fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Deletion of JRR-3 aluminide and JRR-4 fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission A.7 Enhanced water immersion test A.7 Enhanced water immersion test The integrity of containment of the package at the water depth of 200m should be Since this nuclear fuel package is a package containing nuclear fuel material, etc. Modification for maintained because this package has more than 10 thousand times radioactivity of A2 with an amount of radioactivity exceeding 100,000 times A2 value (the ratio of the proper description value. radioactivity of the contents to be loaded to the 100,000 times A2 value is approximately 4.5 so exceeds 1), it will be evaluated whether the containment device is not damaged for the 200m immersion test.

omission omission Modification for A.8 Radioactive contents A.8 Radioactive contents proper description The contents of the package are seven kinds as follows. The contents of the package are three kinds as follows. due to deletion of

1) JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel JRR-3 aluminide
2) JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel 1) JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel fuel
3) JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel Same as above
4) JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel 2) JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel
5) JRR-3 MNU type fuel 3) JRR-3 MNU type fuel Deletion of JRR-4
6) JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel
7) JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)

JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel and JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel are plate-type fuels where the fuel meats of uranium aluminum dispersion type are covered with JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel and JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel are plate-type Modification for aluminum alloy. JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel, JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel and fuels where the fuel meats of uranium silicon aluminum dispersion type are covered with proper description JRR-4 low enrichment type fuel, are plate-type fuels where the fuel meats of uranium aluminum alloy. due to deletion of silicon aluminum dispersion type are covered with aluminum alloy. JRR-4 high JRR-3 aluminide enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) is plate-type fuels where the fuel meats of uranium fuel and JRR-4 aluminum dispersion type are covered with aluminum alloy Also, JRR-3 MNU type fuel is a cylindrical fuel which is the metallic natural uranium Also, JRR-3 MNU type fuel is a cylindrical fuel which is the metallic natural uranium covered with aluminum alloy.

covered with aluminum alloy. JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel are cut off its top and bottom portions, which do not JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel, JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel, JRR-4 low contain uranium, before being loaded in the packaging.

enrichment silicide type fuel are cut off its top and bottom portions, JRR-4 high enrichment The weight of those fuel elements are shown in paragraph (I)-C-5, (f), and the instrumented fuel are cut off its bottom portion, which do not contain uranium, before being configurations are shown in (I)-Fig.D.1 loaded in the packaging.

The weight of those fuel elements are shown in paragraph (I)-C-5, (f), and the configurations are shown in (I)-Fig.D.1 through (I)-Fig.D.4.

A.10.4 Appendix-4 A.10.4 Appendix-4

12. Cycle 12. Cycle As shown below, all requirements specified in NE 3221-5 (d) in the reference [7] are satisfied. As shown below, all requirements specified in NE 3221-5 (d) in the reference [7] are satisfied.

Consequently, no analysis is required. Consequently, no analysis is required.

12.1 Cycle between atmospheric pressure and operating pressure 12.1 Cycle between atmospheric pressure and operating pressure Sa = 3 x 137 = 411 MPa (42 kgf/ mm2) Sa = 3 x 137 = 411 MPa (42 kgf/ mm2)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note According to Fig. I-9.2.1 in the reference [1], the number of cycles corresponding to the above According to Fig. I-9.2.1 in the reference [1], the number of cycles corresponding to the above Sa value is about 13,000 cycles. Sa value is about 13,000 cycles.

Since the maximum predicted number of cycles used is 100 cycles, it follows that the Since the maximum predicted number of cycles used is 300 cycles, it follows that the Modification for requirements in the ASME Code are satisfied. requirements in the ASME Code are satisfied. proper description

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T B. Thermal analysis B. Thermal analysis B.1 Summary B.1 Summary omission omission Each fuel element has different decay heat as shown in ()-Table B.4. The decay Each fuel element has different decay heat as shown in ()-Table B.4. In the Modification for heat of the package has a maximum value 2.25 kW, when 40 pieces of JRR-3 standard evaluation, assuming a case where 40 assemblies of more conservative fuel element proper description due aluminide type fuel are contained. These decay heats are calculated by using ORIGEN (hereafter referred to as fuel element A) than the contents are loaded so as to maximize to deletion of JRR-3 and ORIGEN-JR code. the decay heat per nuclear fuel package, the value was set to 2.25 kW. These decay heats aluminide fuel The results of thermal analysis are summarized as follows. are calculated by using ORIGEN and ORIGEN-JR code.

(1) Normal conditions of transport The results of thermal analysis are summarized as follows.

The maximum temperature of the outer surface of this package without insolation (1) Normal conditions of transport is 70 at ambient temperature of 38 when JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels The maximum temperature of the outer surface of this package without insolation is Same as above are contained. This value does not exceed 85 , the standard value specified in the 70 at ambient temperature of 38 when Fuel element As are contained. The IAEA Regulations. The maximum temperature of the contents in the solar insolation maximum temperature of the contents in the solar insolation is 223 when Fuel Same as above is 223 when JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels are contained and this is less than element As are contained and this is less than melting point of Aluminum alloy, 660 ,

melting point of Aluminum alloy, 660 , that is used for fuel cladding. that is used for fuel cladding.

omission omission (2) Accident conditions of transport (2) Accident conditions of transport The temperatures rise up to 298 at the fuel element, 384 at the outer surface of The temperatures rise up to 298 at the fuel element, 384 at the outer surface of Same as above the package, 182 at the containment boundary of the drain valve when JRR-3 standard the package, 182 at the containment boundary of the drain valve when Fuel element As aluminide type fuels are contained under the accident conditions of transport. are contained under the accident conditions of transport.

omission omission The maximum thermal stresses and thermal deformation of the package, The maximum thermal stresses and thermal deformation of the package, Same as above occurring in the case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel in the absence of occurring in the case of containing Fuel element A in the absence of insolation under insolation under normal conditions of transport and in the case of containing JRR-3 normal conditions of transport and in the case of containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel MNU type fuel under accident conditions of transport, are far less than the allowable under accident conditions of transport, are far less than the allowable values.

values. omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T B.4.1.1 Analytical model B.4.1.1 Analytical model omission omission

()-Table B.4 Total decay heat Deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and JRR-4 fuel Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel 3 Analytical model 3 Analytical model This packaging can contain seven kinds of fuel elements in three types of baskets. Same as above This packaging can contain three kinds of fuel elements in three types of baskets.

The basket for box type fuel is used to transport JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel, The basket for box type fuel is used to transport JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel and JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel, JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel, JRR-3 follower JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel. The basket for MNU type fuel is used to transport silicide type fuel, JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel and JRR-4 high enrichment JRR-3 MNU type fuel. Namely, the package has two kinds of basket.

instrumented type fuel (HEU). The basket for MNU type fuel is used to transport JRR-3 MNU type fuel. Namely, the package has two kinds of basket.

omission omission Modification for 3.1 Analytical model when the basket for box type fuel installed 3.1 Analytical model when the basket for box type fuel installed. proper description due Two kinds of fuel elements, JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel and JRR-3 follower Six kinds of fuel elements, JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel, JRR-3 standard to deletion of JRR-3 silicide type fuel, are contained in the basket for box type fuel.

silicide type fuel, JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel, JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel, aluminide fuel JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel and JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented type omission fuel (HEU) are contained in the basket for box type fuel.

The fuel element used for the analytical model is Fuel element A that has the omission Same as above maximum decay heat as the fuel elements contained in the basket for box type fuel.

The fuel element used for the analytical model is JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel that has the maximum decay heat as the fuel elements contained in the basket for ()-Fig.B.1 The general view of the analytical model of the package containing Same as above box type fuel. the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing Fuel element A)

No change of drawing

()-Fig.B.1 The general view of the analytical model of the package containing ()-Fig.B.2 The longitudinal sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing Fuel element A) Same as above the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel)

No change of drawing

()-Fig.B.2 The longitudinal sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket ()-Fig.B.3 The radial sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket for box Same as above for box type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel) type fuel (In case of containing Fuel element A)

No change of drawing

()-Fig.B.3 The radial sectional view of the analytical model containing the basket for box type fuel (In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel) omission Fig. omitted 4.1 Heat transfer in the package when the basket for box type fuel installed omission In solid material, heat transfer takes place by conduction. For air gap in the package, Same as above 4.1 Heat transfer in the package when the basket for box type fuel installed. heat transfer takes place by either convection or conduction and by radiation. For In solid material, heat transfer takes place by conduction. instance, for the basket containing Fuel element A, the convection is dominant in the For air gap in the package, heat transfer takes place by either convection or lodgement for neutron source near center axis and the air gap above the fuel, and at other

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T conduction and by radiation. For instance, for the basket containing JRR-3 standard locations the conduction is superior to the convection.

aluminide type fuel, the convection is dominant in the lodgement for neutron source near center axis and the air gap above the fuel, and at other locations the conduction is superior to the convection.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T omission omission B.4.2 Maximum temperature B.4.2 Maximum temperature This paragraph shows about i) the evaluation in the absence of insolation and ii) the 1 Temperature evaluation in the absence of solar insolation.

evaluation of the maximum temperature. In this evaluation, the steady-state thermal analysis when the package is exposed to 1 Temperature evaluation in the absence of solar insolation. ambient temperature of 38 in the absence of solar insolation is performed.

In this evaluation, the steady-state thermal analysis when the package is exposed to The results obtained for the two kinds basket are shown in ()-Table B.5.

ambient temperature of 38 in the absence of solar insolation is performed. The The temperature distributions on the main parts of the analytical model of the basket for results obtained for the two kinds basket are shown in ()-Table B.5. the box type fuel containing Fuel element A and the basket for MNU type fuel containing Modification for The temperature distributions on the main parts of the analytical model of the basket JRR-3 MNU type fuel are shown in ()-Fig.B.7, ()-Fig.B.8 and ()-Fig.B.9, through ()- proper description due for the box type fuel containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel and the basket for Fig.B.10 respectively. to deletion of JRR-3 MNU type fuel containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel are shown in ()-Fig.B.7, ()-Fig.B.8 aluminide fuel and ()-Fig.B.9, through ()-Fig.B.10 respectively. As a result, the maximum temperature at the outer surface of the packaging is 70 As a result, the maximum temperature at the outer surface of the packaging is at the center of the body bottom plate in case of containing Fuel element A which has Same as above 70 at the center of the body bottom plate in case of containing JRR-3 standard the maximum decay heat.

aluminide type fuel which has the maximum decay heat.

Same as above

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T

()-Fig.B.7 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 ()-Fig.B.7 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing Fuel Same as above standard aluminide type fuel (Longitudinal cross section) element A (Longitudinal cross section)

Fig. omitted No change of drawing

()-Fig.B.8 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing Fuel Same as above

()-Fig.B.8 Temperature in the absence of solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 element A (Radial cross section) standard aluminide type fuel (Radial cross section) No change of drawing Fig. omitted

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T 2 Evaluation of the maximum temperature 2 Evaluation of the maximum temperature omission omission The temperature distributions on the main parts of the analytical model of the basket The temperature distributions on the main parts of the analytical model of the basket Modification for for box type fuel containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel are shown in ()- for box type fuel containing Fuel element As are shown in ()-Fig.B.11 and ()-Fig.B.12. proper description due Fig.B.11 and ( )-Fig.B.12. The temperature distributions on the main parts of the The temperature distributions on the main parts of the analytical model of the basket for to deletion of JRR-3 analytical model of the basket for MNU type fuel containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel are MNU type fuel containing JRR-3 MNU type fuel are shown in ()-Fig.B.13 and ()- aluminide fuel shown in ()-Fig.B.13 and ()-Fig.B.14. Fig.B.14.

Summarizing the results, the maximum temperature of the package is 223 at the Summarizing the results, the maximum temperature of the package is 223 at the Same as above fuel cladding when JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel which is the maximum decay fuel cladding when Fuel element A which is the maximum decay heat are contained. The heat are contained. The value is lower than the melting point of the fuel cladding value is lower than the melting point of the fuel cladding made of aluminum alloy, 660 .

made of aluminum alloy, 660 . omission omission Same as above

()-Fig.B.11 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 standard ()-Fig.B.11 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing Fuel element A Same as above aluminide type fuel (Longitudinal cross section) (Longitudinal cross section)

Fig. omitted No change of drawing

()-Fig.B.12 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing Fuel element A Same as above

()-Fig.B.12 Temperature in solar insolation in case of containing JRR-3 standard (Radial cross section) aluminide type fuel (Radial cross section)

No change of drawing Fig. omitted

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T omission omission B.4.4 Maximum internal pressure B.4.4 Maximum internal pressure This package is sealed up after the verification that it is under the thermal This nuclear fuel package is sealed up after the verification that it is under the Modification for equilibrium after containing the fuels. thermal equilibrium after containing the fuels. proper description due Therefore, the maximum internal pressure of the package under the normal Therefore, the maximum internal pressure of the package under the normal conditions of to deletion of JRR-3 conditions of transport occurs by the internal temperature difference between at the time transport occurs by the internal temperature difference between at the time of sealing up aluminide fuel of sealing up under solar insolation. The details are shown in appendix paragraph ()- under solar insolation. The details are shown in appendix paragraph ()-B.6.3. The results B.6.3. The results obtained are shown in ( )-Table B.6. The maximum internal obtained are shown in ()-Table B.6. The maximum internal pressure occurs when Fuel Modification based on pressure occurs when JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels are contained, and is 0.0517 element As are contained, and is 0.0517 MPaG. In addition, even when considering the the evaluation in MPaG. This valve is much smaller than the test pressure of 0.98 MPaG (10 kgf /cm2G). ambient temperature change expected during transportation (from -40 to 38), it is "Consideration of aging Therefore, it is assured that no problem of pressure rise exists under the normal 0.0460 MPaG. This value is sufficiently small compared to the pressure proof test pressure of Nuclear Fuel conditions of transport. of 0.98 MPaG (10 kgf/cm2G) or higher, then there is no problem due to pressure increase package" due to under general test conditions for this nuclear fuel package, and there is no risk of cracks or revision of the B.4.5 Maximum thermal stress failures to the package. regulations The maximum thermal stress of this package occur at the center of the body bottom Modification for proper plate under the normal conditions of transport in the absence of insolation when JRR-3 description standard aluminide type fuels are contained, and the value of the stress is 59.4 MPa and the safety margin MS is 5.9. B.4.5 Maximum thermal stress The stress of the lid bolts (due to the initial fastning force + the maximum internal The maximum thermal stress of this package occur at the center of the body bottom Modification for pressure + the thermal load) is 115 MPa, and the safety margin MS is 3.3. There is no plate under the normal conditions of transport in the absence of insolation when Fuel proper description due problem of the containment for the contact surface between the body and the lid. element As are contained, and the value of the stress is 59.4 MPa and the safety margin to deletion of JRR-3 The maximum thermal expansion of the basket occurs when JRR-3 standard MS is 5.9. aluminide fuel aluminide type fuels are contained in the same as the maximum thermal stress. In this The stress of the lid bolts (due to the initial fastning force + the maximum internal case, the expansion of the basket in the longitudinal direction and the radial direction are pressure + the thermal load) is 115 MPa, and the safety margin MS is 3.3. There is no 1.44 mm and 0.981 mm respectively. For the above values, the gap in the longitudinal problem of the containment for the contact surface between the body and the lid.

direction is 4.526 mm. The maximum thermal expansion of the basket occurs when Fuel element As are Same as above contained in the same as the maximum thermal stress. In this case, the expansion of B.4.6 Summary of the results and the evaluation under normal conditions of transport the basket in the longitudinal direction and the radial direction are 1.44 mm and 0.981

1. Surface temperature in the absence of solar insolation mm respectively. For the above values, the gap in the longitudinal direction is 4.526 The maximum surface temperature of the package in the absence of solar insolation mm.

is 70 when the packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels generating the maximum decay heat. The value is below 85 specified in the technical standard. B.4.6 Summary of the results and the evaluation under normal conditions of transport Same as above

2. Maximum temperature (Melting) 1. Surface temperature in the absence of solar insolation The maximum temperature of each location of the package under the normal The maximum surface temperature of the package in the absence of solar insolation conditions of transport is 223 at the fuel element when the packaging contains JRR- is 70 when the packaging contains Fuel element A generating the maximum 3 standard aluminide type fuel. This value is much below 660 , melting point of the decay heat. The value is below 85 specified in the technical standard.

fuel cladding, made of aluminum alloy, and also much below 1400 , melting point of 2. Maximum temperature (Melting) main parts of the packaging made of stainless steel. The maximum temperature of each location of the package under the normal Same as above 3 Maximum internal pressure, maximum thermal stress and thermal expansion conditions of transport is 223 at the fuel element when the packaging contains Fuel (deformation) element A. This value is much below 660 , melting point of the fuel cladding, made of

) The maximum internal pressure of this package under normal conditions of aluminum alloy, and also much below 1400 , melting point of main parts of the transports is 0.0517 MPaG when the packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide type packaging made of stainless steel.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T fuel. This value is much below the hydro test pressure of 0.98 MPaG (10 kgf/cm2G). 3 Maximum internal pressure, maximum thermal stress and thermal expansion Same as above (deformation)

) The maximum internal pressure of this package under normal conditions of transports is 0.0517 MPaG when the packaging contains Fuel element A. This value is much below the hydro test pressure of 0.98 MPaG (10 kgf/cm2G).

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T omission omission B.5.1.1 Analytical model B.5.1.1 Analytical model omission omission

3. Analytical model 3. Analytical model The analytical model is the same model as that used under normal conditions of The analytical model is the same model as that used under normal conditions of transport. transport.

The thermal analysis under this conditions is performed by using two kinds of The thermal analysis under this conditions is performed by using two kinds of analytical Modification for analytical models, namely, the analytical models of the basket for box type fuel containing models, namely, the analytical models of the basket for box type fuel containing Fuel proper description due JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels and the basket for MNU type fuel containing JRR- element As and the basket for MNU type fuel containing JRR-3 MNU type fuels. to deletion of JRR-3 3 MNU type fuels. aluminide fuel JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel, which is the maximum decay heat among seven As a fuel element to be analyzed in the evaluation of temperature distribution kinds of fuel elements and where the maximum temperature of the package occurs under and maximum internal pressure, the JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel element has Same as above the normal conditions of transports, is used in the evaluation of the temperature the largest decay heat among the three types, but more conservatively, we consider a fuel distribution and the maximum internal pressure. JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel element A, which has the highest temperature distribution in the maximum temperature and JRR-3 MNU type fuel are used in the evaluation of the maximum thermal stress. evaluation under normal conditions of transport. Fuel element A and JRR-3 MNU type fuel are used in the evaluation of the maximum thermal stress.

omission B.5.3 Temperature of the package omission The result of analysis under this condition, the values obtained for each portion of B.5.3 Temperature of the package the package are shown in ()-Table B.8 collectively. Also the temperature history of the The result of analysis under this condition, the values obtained for each portion of the main portion (refer to ()-Fig.B.15) is shown in ()-Fig.B.16 through ()-Fig.B.18. package are shown in ()-Table B.8 collectively. Also the temperature history of the As a result of the analysis, the maximum temperature of each portion of the package main portion (refer to ()-Fig.B.15) of the analytical model of the basket for box type Same as above occurs when the packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel generating the fuel containing Fuel element A is shown in ()-Fig.B.16 through ()-Fig.B.18.

maximum decay heat. In this case, the maximum temperature of each portion of the As a result of the analysis, the maximum temperature of each portion of the package Same as above package is 298 in the fuel, 216 in the basket, 783 in the edge of the fins, 384 occurs when the packaging contains Fuel element A generating the maximum decay heat.

in the outer surface of the body bottom plate and 182 in the packing of the In this case, the maximum temperature of each portion of the package is 298 in the containment boundary, drain valve. fuel, 216 in the basket, 783 in the edge of the fins, 384 in the outer surface of the body bottom plate and 182 in the packing of the containment boundary, drain B.5.4 Maximum internal pressure valve.

The maximum internal pressure is considered in the same way as that of the normal conditions of transport. The calculation method of the maximum internal pressure is B.5.4 Maximum internal pressure shown in paragraph ()-B.6.6. of the appendix. The maximum internal pressure occurs The maximum internal pressure is considered in the same way as that of the normal when the packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels, which is 0.0747 conditions of transport. The calculation method of the maximum internal pressure is Same as above MPaG. The result obtained is shown in ()-Table B.8 collectively. shown in paragraph ()-B.6.6. of the appendix. The maximum internal pressure occurs when the packaging contains Fuel element As, which is 0.0747 MPaG. The result obtained is shown in ()-Table B.8 collectively.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel omission omission

()-Fig.B.16 Temperature history in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel ()-Fig.B.16 Temperature history in case of containing Fuel element A Same as above Fig. omitted No change of drawing

()-Fig.B.16 Temperature history in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel ()-Fig.B.17 Temperature history in case of containing Fuel element A Same as above Fig. omitted No change of drawing

()-Fig.B.16 Temperature history in case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel ()-Fig.B.18 Temperature history in case of containing Fuel element A Same as above Fig. omitted No change of drawing omission omission B.5.5 Maximum thermal stress B.5.5 Maximum thermal stress omission omission In the basket for box type fuel, which has the maximum thermal stress under the In the basket for box type fuel, which has the maximum thermal stress under the accident conditions of transport, the safety margin for the heat stress is 0.45 even if the accident conditions of transport, the safety margin for the heat stress is 0.45 even if the conservative assumption is applied. The minimum gap of 0.152 mm between the shell conservative assumption is applied. The minimum gap of 0.152 mm between the shell body and the basket under the accident conditions of transport is caused in 35 hours4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> after body and the basket under the accident conditions of transport is caused in 35 hours4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> Same as above fire breakout when the packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels, which after fire breakout when the packaging contains Fuel element As, which have the have the maximum heat decay. Therefore, the basket is not restrained. maximum heat decay. Therefore, the basket is not restrained.

Therefore, there is no problem with this package against the maximum thermal Therefore, there is no problem with this nuclear fuel package against the maximum stress and the maximum thermal expansion. thermal stress and the maximum thermal expansion.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T B.5.6 Summary of the result and the evaluation under the accident conditions of B.5.6 Summary of the result and the evaluation under the accident conditions of transport transport omission omission

2. Maximum temperature (Melting) 2. Maximum temperature (Melting)

The maximum temperature of each location of the package under the accident The maximum temperature of each location of the package under the accident Modification for conditions of transport occurs when the packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide conditions of transport occurs when the packaging contains Fuel element A. The value proper description due type fuel. The value is 298 at the fuel element. It is much below 660 , melting is 298 at the fuel element. It is much below 660 , melting point of the fuel cladding to deletion of JRR-3 point of the fuel cladding made of aluminum alloy. Also, the maximum temperature of made of aluminum alloy. Also, the maximum temperature of the packaging occurs at the aluminide fuel the packaging occurs at the top of the fin made of stainless steel which is the main top of the fin made of stainless steel which is the main material of the packaging, and the material of the packaging, and the value is 783, which is much below 1400 , melting value is 783, which is much below 1400 , melting point of the stainless steel.

point of the stainless steel.

omission omission B.6.1 Appendix-1 Details relating to heat transfer in the package B.6.1 Appendix-1 Details relating to heat transfer in the package omission omission 1.1 Heat transfer in the fuel elements 1.1 Heat transfer in the fuel elements The standard type fuel element and the follower type fuel element have the sectional The standard type fuel element and the follower type fuel element have the sectional configuration, where more than ten thin fuel plates are put between two fuel side plates, configuration, where more than ten thin fuel plates are put between two fuel side plates, and the heat transfer is not constant in circumference. The evaluation of the heat and the heat transfer is not constant in circumference. The evaluation of the heat transfer in JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel, which has the maximum decay heat, is transfer in Fuel element A, which has the maximum decay heat, is performed Same as above performed First of all, the heat transfer of the air layer in the fuel element is examined.

First of all, the heat transfer of the air layer in the fuel element is examined. The thin air layers exist in the space of fuel plates in the fuel element. Therefore, it is The thin air layers exist in the space of fuel plates in the fuel element. Therefore, it is examined which is dominant in the air layer, convection or conduction. ()-Fig.B.6.2 Same as above examined which is dominant in the air layer, convection or conduction. ()-Fig.B.6.2 shows the position of Fuel element A in the basket.

shows the position of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel in the basket. omission omission ()-Fig.B.6.2 Fuel element A in the basket Same as above

()-Fig.B.6.2 JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel in the basket no change of drawing Fig. omitted omission omission Secondly, the heat transfer in the fuel is examined.

Secondly, the heat transfer in the fuel is examined. It is examined whether the heat transfer of the decay heat to the basket is dominant It is examined whether the heat transfer of the decay heat to the basket is dominant in the direction of the fuel side plate, or the fuel plate. The condition putting Fuel element Same as above in the direction of the fuel side plate ,or the fuel plate. The condition putting JRR-3 A in the basket is shown in ()-Fig.B.6.3.

standard aluminide type fuel in the basket is shown in ()-Fig.B.6.3. omission omission )-Fig.B.6.3 Direction of heat transfer in Fuel element A Same as above

()-Fig.B.6.3 Direction of heat transfer in JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel no change of drawing Fig. omitted omission omission 1.2 Air convection in the basket 1.2 Air convection in the basket Which is dominant, either convection or conduction, in the air layer which exists in Which is dominant, either convection or conduction, in the air layer which exists in the basket except for the portion of the fuel element is examined by the same way as the basket except for the portion of the fuel element is examined by the same way as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and the heat transfer coefficient is calculated for mentioned in the previous paragraph, and the heat transfer coefficient is calculated for the air layer which the convection is dominant.

the air layer which the convection is dominant. As the representation of the examination, the results for Fuel element As are Same as above As the representation of the examination, the results for JRR-3 standard aluminide presented.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T type fuel are presented. omission omission

()-Table B.6.1 Heat transfer coefficient of convection (In case of containing Fuel element Same as above

()-Table B.6.1 Heat transfer coefficient of convection (In case of containing JRR-3 A) standard aluminide type fuel) no change of drawing

( Table omission omission omission 1.4 Heat transfer between the bottom end surface of the fuel element and the upper 1.4 Heat transfer between the bottom end surface of the fuel element and the upper basket bottom plate basket bottom plate A slight air layer exists between the fuel element and the upper basket bottom plate, A slight air layer exists between the fuel element and the upper basket bottom plate, which is evaluated as follows.

which is evaluated as follows. The heat transfer area is considered as only the sectional area of the fuel side plate. Modification for The heat transfer area is considered as only the sectional area of the fuel side plate. The thickness of the air layer is considered as the gap that occurs when the fuel element proper description due The thickness of the air layer is considered as the gap that occurs when the fuel element is inclined to the utmost physically possible limit in the basket lodgment. For instance, in to deletion of JRR-3 is inclined to the utmost physically possible limit in the basket lodgement. For instance, case of Fuel element A, the inclination angle is 0.487 ° and the maximum air layer aluminide fuel in case of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel, the inclination angle is 0.487 ° and the thickness is 0.65 mm, and the mean value is 0.33 mm. Therefore, as the air layer maximum air layer thickness is 0.65 mm, and the mean value is 0.33 mm. Therefore, as thickness, the mean value (0.33 mm) is used.

the air layer thickness, the mean value (0.33 mm) is used. omission omission B.6.3. Calculation of the maximum internal pressure under the normal conditions of B.6.3. Calculation of the maximum internal pressure under the normal conditions of transport transport This package is sealed after loading the fuel elements and achieving thermal This package is sealed after loading the fuel elements and achieving thermal equilibrium. Since there is only the air as the internal fluid in the package, the maximum equilibrium. Since there is only the air as the internal fluid in the package, the internal pressure is obtained by calculating only the pressure increase due to the Same as above maximum internal pressure is obtained by calculating only the pressure increase due to temperature increase between the temperature of the internal air in the packaging under the temperature increase between the temperature of the internal air in the packaging the absence of insolation and that under solar insolation. For instance, when Fuel under the absence of insolation and that under solar insolation. For instance, when element A is contained, the minimum temperature of the internal air is considered to be JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel is contained, the minimum temperature of the equal to the temperature of the inner wall of the body in the results of Temperature internal air is considered to be equal to the temperature of the inner wall of the body in evaluation in the absence of solar insolation, 56 (refer to ()-Fig. B.7).

the results of Temperature evaluation in the absence of solar insolation, 56 (refer to omission

()-Fig. B.7). In addition, when the ambient temperature change expected during transportation Changes based on the omission (-40°C to 38°C) is considered, it is assumed that the fuel is loaded in a -40°C environment re- evaluation of B.6.5. Details with regard to calculation of the maximum temperature in the fuel element and pressure is adjusted in a -40 °C environment. The internal temperature during "Consideration of aging under the accident conditions of transport pressure adjustment is determined by subtracting the ambient temperature change from of nuclear fuel package" omission the average temperature inside the container: due to revision of the

1. In case that the basket for box type fuel is contained (in case of containing JRR- 200 + 91 regulations 78 68 3 standard aluminide type fuel in the packaging) 2 The temperature histories of each location under the accident conditions of transport On the other hand, if the maximum temperature of internal air when subjected to the are shown in ()-Fig.B.16 through ()-Fig.B.18, when the packaging contains JRR-3 solar radiation heat in the same manner as in the maximum internal pressure standard aluminide type fuel. calculation, is set to 223°C assuming it is equal to the maximum temperature of the fuel omission element in the maximum temperature evaluation results, then the internal pressure at B.6.6. Calculation of the maximum internal pressure under the accident conditions of this time will be transport The maximum internal pressure under the accident condition is evaluated in the

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T same way as that under the normal conditions of transport.

0.1013x1 x496 The case that JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuels are contained is described. From 2 341x2 Equation of paragraph B.6.4.

0.1473 (MPa abs) 0.0460 (MPaG)

Since this is smaller than the calculated maximum internal pressure under normal conditions of transport, this will be covered by the above results, then even when considering the ambient temperature changes expected during transportation, this nuclear fuel package does not have a problem due to pressure increase under normal conditions of transport.

omission B.6.5. Details with regard to calculation of the maximum temperature in the fuel element Modification for under the accident conditions of transport proper description due omission to deletion of JRR-3

1. In case that the basket for box type fuel is contained (in case of containing Fuel aluminide fuel element A in the packaging)

The temperature histories of each location under the accident conditions of transport are shown in ()-Fig.B.16 through ()-Fig.B.18, when the packaging contains Fuel element A.

omission B.6.6. Calculation of the maximum internal pressure under the accident conditions of Same as above transport The maximum internal pressure under the accident condition is evaluated in the same way as that under the normal conditions of transport.

The case that Fuel element As are contained is described. From Equation of paragraph B.6.4.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note

. Containment analysis C. Containment analysis omission omission C.2.1 Containment system C.2.1 Containment system omission omission

4. Pressure and temperature 4. Pressure and temperature As shown in ()-B Thermal Analysis, the pressure and temperature of this The pressure and temperature of this nuclear fuel package, as shown in (II)-B Thermal Modification for package containing forty JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel becomes severest Analysis, will be the severest conditions under normal and accident conditions of transport proper under normal and accident conditions of transport. when 40 fuel assemblies which have higher pressure and temperature (hereinafter referred description due omission to as fuel element A) than the fuel elements to be loaded are loaded to make the evaluation to deletion of more conservative. JRR-3 omission aluminide fuel Same as above omission C.3 Normal conditions of transport omission Since the leakage of radioactive materials from this package under normal C.3 Normal conditions of transport conditions of transport must be evaluated conservatively, JRR-3 standard aluminide Since the leakage of radioactive materials from this package under normal conditions type fuel that has maximum thermal condition is assumed to be contained in the of transport must be evaluated conservatively, fuel element A that has maximum thermal Same as above package. condition is assumed to be contained in the package.

omission C.3.2 Pressurizing the containment system omission omission C.3.2 Pressurizing the containment system

) Temperature rise of the air temperature omission This package shall be sealed hermetically after loading fuel elements and ) Temperature rise of the air temperature achieving thermal equilibrium. At this time, the temperature of inner gases is 56 This package shall be sealed hermetically after loading fuel elements and achieving

ºC (which shall be the lowest temperature of inner wall of packaging) when the thermal equilibrium. At this time, the temperature of inner gases is 56 ºC (which shall be packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel generating maximum the lowest temperature of inner wall of packaging) when the packaging contains fuel element Same as above decay heat. Under the normal condition of transport, the inner gas temperature A generating maximum decay heat. Under the normal condition of transport, the inner gas is raised to 223 ºC (which shall be the maximum temperature of fuel element) due temperature is raised to 223 ºC (which shall be the maximum temperature of fuel element) to solar heat. This temperature rise results in the pressurization of 0.0517 MPaG. due to solar heat. This temperature rise results in the pressurization of 0.0517 MPaG.

To sum up, the maximum inner pressure of the package shall be 0.0517 MPaG To sum up, the maximum inner pressure of the package shall be 0.0517 MPaG when Same as above when the packaging contains JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel. the packaging contains fuel element A.

omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note C.4.1 Fission product gas C.4.1 Fission product gas omission omission

2. Discussion and results of case when the temperature rise of fuel element 2. Discussion and results of case when the temperature rise of fuel element causes causes the fuel cladding to melt. the fuel cladding to melt.

The maximum temperature (298 ) of the fuel element in fire condition occurs The maximum temperature (298 ) of the fuel element in fire condition occurs by the Modification for by the loading of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel element which generates loading of fuel element A which generates maximum decay heat. Since the melting point proper maximum decay heat. Since the melting point of fuel cladding (aluminum alloy) is of fuel cladding (aluminum alloy) is 660 , the fuel cladding does not melt in this description due 660 , the fuel cladding does not melt in this condition. condition. to deletion of In manufacturing uranium aluminum dispersion type fuel such as JRR-3 standard aluminide In manufacturing uranium aluminum dispersion type fuel such as fuel element A and so on, the JRR-3 type fuel and so on, the element is held at 450 for an hour and its integrity is confirmed element is held at 450 for an hour and its integrity is confirmed by the blister test. According to aluminide fuel by the blister test. According to the data concerning the temperature at which blisters are the data concerning the temperature at which blisters are formed on irradiated fuel elements, the formed on irradiated fuel elements, the blister generating temperature is about 450 blister generating temperature is about 450 600 even for the maximum local fission density 600 even for the maximum local fission density of 1.0x1021 fiss/cm3, which corresponds of 1.0x1021 fiss/cm3, which corresponds to fuel element A. This is shown in ()-Fig.C.8. Same as above to JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel. This is shown in ()-Fig.C.8.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note D. Shielding analysis D. Shielding analysis omission omission Modification for D.2 Source specifications D.2 Source specifications proper description Seven kinds of the fuel elements are contained in the packaging. The burnup, the Three kinds of the fuel elements are contained in the packaging. The burnup, the due to deletion of power density and the cooling time of each fuel element are shown in ()-Table D.1. power density and the cooling time of each fuel element are shown in ()-Table D.1. JRR-3 aluminide fuel The specifications of the fuel element used for the shielding analysis are shown in ()- The specifications of the fuel element used for the shielding analysis are shown in ()- and deletion of JRR-4 Table D.2. Table D.2. In addition, in order to make the shielding analysis more conservative, the fuel evaluation was performed assuming the case where the fuel elements with a higher source intensity (hereinafter referred to as fuel element B) than the fuel elements to be In the JRR-3 (standard aluminide type fuel and follower aluminide type fuel), one cycle of loaded are loaded. Deletion of JRR-3 operation time is 35 days (27 days of operation and 8 days of shutdown). The packaging can aluminide fuel contain 40 fuel elements of after burnup of 5 cycles at the maximum power 29.0MW. The minimum cooling time is 300 days. Four fuels cooled for 35 days longer thereafter are contained in the case of the standard aluminide type fuel, and two fuels cooled for 35 days longer thereafter are contained in the case of the follower aluminide type fuel respectively.

29.0MW 27 days 27 days 27 days 27 days 27 days Cooling time300+35(n-1) days Standard type: n=1, 2, ,

0MW 8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days 10 Follower type: n=1, 2, ,

20 Cycle omission omission In the JRR-4 (low enrichment silicide type fuel), the one cycle of operation time is 7 days In the Fuel element B, the one cycle of operation time is 7 days (operation of 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> a (operation of 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> a day from Tuesday till Friday), and 42 cycles in a year. In the day from Tuesday till Friday), and 42 cycles in a year. In the calculation, the one cycle of calculation, the one cycle of operation period is assumed to be 365 days (49 days of operation period is assumed to be 365 days (49 days of operation, 316 days of shutdown) Modification for operation, 316 days of shutdown) by collecting the portion of 42 cycles. The packaging by collecting the portion of 42 cycles. The packaging can contain 40 fuel elements of after proper description can contain 40 fuel elements of after burnup of 8 cycles at the maximum power 4.7355MW. burnup of 8 cycles at the maximum power 4.7355MW. The minimum cooling time is 110 due to deletion of The minimum cooling time is 110 days. days. JRR-4 fuel 4.7355MW 49 days 49 days 49 days 49 days 49 days 49 days 4.7355MW 49 days 49 days 49 days 49 days 49 days 49 days Cooling time Cooling time 0MW 316days 316 days 316 days 316 days 110days 0MW 316days 316 days 316 days 316 days 110days Cycle Cycle In the JRR-4 (high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)), the one cycle of operation time is 7 days (operation of 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> a day from Tuesday till Friday), and 42 cycles in a Deletion of JRR-4 year. In the calculation, the one cycle of operation period is assumed to be 365 days (49 fuel days of operation, 316 days of shutdown) by collecting the portion of 42 cycles. The packaging can contain 40 fuel elements of after burnup of 2 cycles at the maximum power 4.032MW. The minimum cooling time is 10000 days.

4.032MW 49 days 49 days Cooling time 0MW 316days 10000days Cycle omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and deletion of JRR-4 fuel Same as above omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and deletion of JRR-4 fuel omission omission Same as above omission omission D.3.1 Analytical model D.3.1 Analytical model (1) Basket for box type fuel Modification for (1) Basket for box type fuel This basket can be loaded with 2 kinds of fuel elements. proper description This basket can be loaded with 6 kinds of fuel elements. For the gamma shielding calculation, JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel is used in the due to deletion of For the gamma shielding calculation, JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel is used in the analysis analysis because it has the maximum gamma source intensity per unit length. JRR-3 aluminide fuel because it has the maximum gamma source intensity per unit length. And for the neutron shielding analysis, in order to make the evaluation more conservative, and deletion of JRR-4 For the neutron shielding calculation, JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel is used in the the case will be studied where the fuel element Bs, which are assumed to have a higher fuel analysis because it has the maximum neutron source intensity per unit length. neutron source intensity per unit length than the contents, are loaded.

omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note

()-Fig.D.2 Neutron shielding analytical model with basket for box type fuel ()-Fig.D.2 Neutron shielding analytical model with basket for box type fuel Modification for (In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel) (In case of containing Fuel element B) proper description Fig. omitted Fig. omitted due to deletion of omission omission JRR-4 fuel D.5.2 Results and evaluation D.5.2 Results and evaluation The results are shown in ()-Table D.13 and ()-Table D.14 for each basket. The results are shown in ()-Table D.13 and ()-Table D.14 for each basket.

The maximum gamma dose equivalent rate of the package occurs when JRR-3 The maximum gamma dose equivalent rate of the nuclear fuel package occurs when standard silicide type fuels which has the maximum source intensity per unit length are JRR-3 standard silicide type fuels which has the maximum source intensity per unit length contained in the basket for box type fuel. The maximum neutron dose equivalent rate are contained in the basket for box type fuel.

occurs when JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel which has the maximum source The maximum neutron dose equivalent rate occurs when fuel element B which has the Same as above intensity per unit length. maximum source intensity per unit length.

omission omission D.6.1 Appendix-1 Neutron yields due to (,n) reaction D.6.1 Appendix-1 Neutron yields due to (,n) reaction (omission omission Element Ni JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-4 JRR-4 JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-3 Modification for Standard Low High proper description Standard Follower Follower aluminide enrichment enrichment MNU due to deletion of silicide aluminide silicide type silicide instrumented type type type type (HEU) type type JRR-3 aluminide fuel 5.20x1022 and deletion of JRR-4 Aluminum 4.80x1022 3.11x1022 3.80x1022 4.80x1022 3.11x1022 0 0

fuel Silicon 0 8.23x1021 6.03x1021 0 8.23x1021 0 Uranium 5.67x1021 1.23x1022 9.05x1021 1.55x1021 5.67x1021 1.23x1022 4.96x1022 omission Ymix JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-4 JRR-4 JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-3 omission Alpha High Standard Low emitter Standard enrichment Follower Follower aluminide enrichment MNU type silicide silicide instrumented aluminide silicide type Same as above type type (HEU) type type type Pu-238 7.39x10-7 6.03x10-7 6.50x10-7 7.39x10-7 7.39x10-7 6.03x10-7 0.0 Pu-239 3.74x10-7 3.07x10-7 3.30x10-7 3.74x10-7 3.74x10-7 3.07x10-7 0.0 Pu-240 3.80x10-7 3.12x10-7 3.35x10-7 3.80x10-7 3.80x10-7 3.12x10-7 0.0 Am-241 7.28x10-7 5.94x10-7 6.40x10-7 7.28x10-7 7.28x10-7 5.94x10-7 0.0 Cm-242 1.80x10-6 1.47x10-6 1.58x10-6 1.80x10-6 1.80x10-6 1.47x10-6 0.0 Cm-244 1.14x10-6 9.31x10-7 1.00x10-6 1.14x10-6 1.14x10-6 9.31x10-7 0.0

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Q (Bq=/package) Modification for JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-4 JRR-4 JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-3 proper description Alpha Low High due to deletion of emitter Standard Standard Follower Follower aluminide silicide enrichment enrichment aluminide silicide MNU JRR-3 aluminide fuel silicide instrumented type type type type (HEU) type type and deletion of JRR-4 type fuel Pu-238 1.39x1012 4.30x1012 6.79x1011 5.83x109 8.76x1011 2.75x1012 1.06x1011 Pu-239 2.72x1011 4.80x1011 1.51x1011 1.67x109 1.73x1011 3.07x1011 2.60x1012 Pu-240 3.53x1011 7.40x1011 2.26x1011 4.80x108 2.24x1011 4.73x1011 9.31x1011 Am-241 5.93x1010 1.99x1011 3.48x1010 2.43x108 5.03x1010 1.27x1011 1.63x1011 Cm-242 1.47x1011 4.44x1011 2.83x1012 6.59x104 5.68x1010 2.84x1011 1.35x108 Cm-244 1.49x10 8.09x1010 5.24x109 10 1.08x104 9.22x109 5.17x1010 3.34x107 QYmix (n/s/ package)

JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-4 JRR-4 JRR-3 JRR-3 JRR-3 Same as above Alpha Standard Low High emitter Standard Follower Follower aluminide enrichment enrichment MNU silicide aluminide silicide type silicide instrumented type type type (HEU) type type type Pu-238 1.03x106 2.59x106 4.41x105 4.31x103 6.47x105 1.66x106 0.0 Pu-239 1.02x105 1.48x105 4.99x104 6.25x102 6.47x104 9.43x104 0.0 Pu-240 1.34x105 2.31x105 7.58x104 1.82x102 8.51x104 1.48x105 0.0 Am-241 4.32x104 1.18x105 2.23x104 1.77x102 3.66x104 7.55x104 0.0 Cm-242 2.65x105 6.51x105 4.47x106 1.19x10-1 1.02x105 4.16x105 0.0 Cm-244 1.70x104 7.53x104 5.25x103 1.23x10-2 1.05x104 4.81x104 0.0 Total 1.59x106 3.82x106 5.07x106 5.29x103 9.47x105 2.44x106 0.0

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note E. Criticality analysis E. Criticality analysis omission omission E.2.1 Contents E.2.1 Contents Seven kinds of the fuel elements, which are shown in ()-Table E.1, are contained Three kinds of the fuel elements, which are shown in ()-Table E.1, are contained in the packaging. These fuel elements are contained in the two kinds of the baskets. in the packaging. These fuel elements are contained in the two kinds of the baskets. Modification for These two baskets with the fuel elements are analyzed individually. These two baskets with the fuel elements are analyzed individually. proper description The fuel specifications used for the criticality analysis are shown in ()-Table E.2. The fuel specifications used for the criticality analysis are shown in ()-Table E.2. due to deletion of With regard to the basket for box type fuel, the analyses are performed when JRR- With regard to the basket for box type fuel, the analyses are performed when JRR- JRR-3 aluminide fuel 3 standard aluminide type fuel, JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel, JRR-4 low enrichment 3 standard silicide type fuel and JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel are contained in the and deletion of JRR-4 silicide type fuel, JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU), JRR-3 follower packaging respectively. The maximum number of contained fuel elements is 40. fuel aluminide type fuel and JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel are contained in the packaging JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel are loaded with adapters.

respectively. The maximum number of contained fuel elements is 40.

JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel and JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel are loaded with adapters.

With regard to the basket for MNU type fuel, the analysis is performed when JRR- With regard to the basket for MNU type fuel, the analysis is performed when JRR-3 MNU type fuels are contained in the packaging. The maximum number of contained 3 MNU type fuels are contained in the packaging. The maximum number of contained fuel elements is 160. fuel elements is 160.

The extremities of JRR-3 standard aluminide and silicide type fuel, and JRR-4 low The extremities of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel where no fuel meat exists, are Same as above enrichment silicide type fuel, where no fuel meat exists, are cut off before these fuel cut off before these fuel elements are contained into the packaging.

elements are contained into the packaging.

The bottom extremities of JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU), where no fuel meat exists, are cut off before these fuel elements are contained into the packaging.

The configurations of the fuel elements after cut off are as follows. JRR-3 standard The configurations of the fuel elements after cut off are as follows. JRR-3 Same as above aluminide type fuel and JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel element are 80 cm long and its standard silicide type fuel element are 80 cm long and its extremities of 2.5 cm in length extremities of 2.5 cm in length are fuel structural materials. JRR-4 low enrichment are fuel structural materials.

silicide type fuel is 66 cm long and its top extremity of 3.5 cm and bottom extremity of 2.5 cm in length are fuel structural materials. JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) is 84.0 cm long and its top extremity of 21.5 cm and bottom extremity of 2.5 cm in length are fuel structural materials.

JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel and JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel are 88 cm JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel are 88 cm long and its bottom extremity of 9.05 long and its bottom extremity of 9.05 cm and its top extremity of 3.95 cm in length are cm and its top extremity of 3.95 cm in length are fuel structural materials. JRR-3 fuel structural materials. JRR-3 MNU type fuel is 93.3 cm long and its bottom MNU type fuel is 93.3 cm long and its bottom extremity of 2.8 cm and its top extremity extremity of 2.8 cm and its top extremity of 2.17 cm in length are fuel structural of 2.17 cm in length are fuel structural materials.


Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and deletion of JRR-4 fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and deletion of JRR-4 fuel omission omission E.2.3 Neutron poison E.2.3 Neutron poison omission omission The size and the positions to the basket lodgement are confirmed before installation. The size and the positions to the basket lodgement are confirmed before Therefore, the validity of the analytical models and the number densities shown in installation. Therefore, the validity of the analytical models and the number densities paragraph.E.3 is assured. shown in paragraph.E.3 is assured.

Furthermore, an evaluation will be made on the loss rate of 10B in a hypothetical case Changes due to re-of receiving neutron irradiation from the contents for 100 years to show that the boral evaluation of plates do not lose their efficacy. "Consideration of 10B absorbs thermal neutrons and produces 10B (n, )7Li reaction. aging of nuclear fuel The neutron absorption loss rate of 10B is expressed by the following equation: package" due to (Neutron absorption loss rate) = (Neutron irradiation dose) revision of the x (Absorption reaction cross-section of 10B) regulations For the neutron irradiation dose for 100 years, using the value for fuel element B, which has the maximum source intensity per unit length, as shown in (II)-Table D.4, it will be:

1.03x105 x100x365x24x3600 3.25x1014 n/cm2 Here, considering Absorption cross-section of 10B: 3837 x 10-24 (cm2) Note 1 Then, 3.25x1014 x 3837x10-24 x100 1.3x10-4 This means that the loss of 10B is negligible and the neutron absorbing ability of the boral Cadmium wire is used as the neutron poison for JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel, plate will not be lost.

and JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel, but this material is ignored in the analysis to Cadmium wire is used as the neutron poison for JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel, evaluate conservatively. and JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel, but this material is ignored in the analysis to evaluate conservatively.

Reference description Note 1: Radioisotope Pocket Data Book, 12th Edition (published by the Japan Radioisotope based on re-valuation

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note Association)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission E.3.1.2 Analytical model of packages in array E.3.1.2 Analytical model of packages in array omission omission (1) Basket for box type fuel (1) Basket for box type fuel The analytical models used in the criticality analysis are shown in ()-Fig.E.1 through The analytical models used in the criticality analysis are shown in ()-Fig.E.1 through Changes for drawing

()-Fig.E.14. The model mainly consists of 3 parts. ()-Fig.E.6. The model mainly consists of 3 parts. number omission omission position of the fuel elements position of the fuel elements The fuel elements are assumed to lean towards the center of the basket as shown The fuel elements are assumed to lean towards the center of the basket as shown in ()-Fig. E.2, E.6, E.9 and E.12. This assumption is conservative, since the critical in ()-Fig. E.2 and E.6. This assumption is conservative, since the critical size is size is assumed to be smaller. assumed to be smaller.

()-Fig.E.1 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel ()-Fig.E.1 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide or silicide type fuel] (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel] Changes due to Fig. omitted (No change of drawing) deletion of JRR-3

()-Fig.E.2 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of ()-Fig.E.2 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of aluminide fuel and basket)[In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide or silicide type fuel] basket)[In case of containing JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel] (No change of drawing) JRR-4 fuel Fig. omitted ()-Fig.E.3 Cross section of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel (No change of drawing)

()-Fig.E.3 Cross section of JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel (Fig. omitted

()-Fig.E.4 Cross section of JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel Fig. omitted

()-Fig.E.5 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Fig. omitted (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel]

(Fig. omitted)

()-Fig.E.6 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket) [In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel]

(Fig. omitted)

()-Fig.E.7 Cross section of JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel (Fig. omitted)

()-Fig.E.8 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)]

(Fig. omitted)

()-Fig.E.9 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket) [In case of containing JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)]

(Fig. omitted)

()-Fig.E.10 Cross section of JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU)

(Fig. omitted)

()-Fig.E.11 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel ()-Fig.E.4 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel] (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel]

(Fig. omitted) (No change of drawing)

()-Fig.E.12 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of ()-Fig.E.5 Analytical model of containing the basket for box type fuel (Cross section of basket) [In case of containing JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel] basket) [In case of containing JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel]

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note (Fig. omitted) (No change of drawing)

()-Fig.E.13 Cross section of JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel (Fig. omitted)

()-Fig.E.14 Cross section of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (Fig. omitted) ()-Fig.E.6 Cross section of JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (No change of drawing)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission E.3.2 Atomic number density in each region of analytical model E.3.2 Atomic number density in each region of analytical model The atomic number densities of the elements in each region used in the analytical The atomic number densities of the elements in each region used in the analytical models are shown in ()-Table E.3. models are shown in ()-Table E.3.

The boron content in the boral plate is conservatively assumed to be 75% of the The boron content in the boral plate is conservatively assumed to be 75% of the minimum guarantee value, 12.4 wt%. minimum guarantee value, 12.4 wt%. Changes due to JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel has fifteen fuel plates. Though the deletion of JRR-4 fuel uranium content in 13 pieces of the inside fuel plate is greater than that in 2 pieces of the outside fuel plate, all of 15 pieces are conservatively assumed to be the inside fuel plate in the analysis.

Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and deletion of JRR-4 fuel omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note E.4.4 Calculation results E.4.4 Calculation results Modification for proper description due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and deletion of JRR-4 fuel omission E.7.1 Appendix-1 omission Safety of the package under routine conditions of transport E.7.1 Appendix-1 The criticality safety is examined for the routine conditions of transport. Under the Safety of the package under routine conditions of transport routine conditions of transport, the analysis is performed when there is no water inside The criticality safety is examined for the routine conditions of transport. Under the and outside the packaging. routine conditions of transport, the analysis is performed when there is no water inside and outside the packaging.

Basket for box type fuel The analytical models are the same as those shown in ()-Fig.E.1 through ()- Basket for box type fuel Fig.E.14. The density of the space region shown in ()-Table E.3 is assumed to be that of The analytical models are the same as those shown in ()-Fig.E.1 through ()-

air. The KENO-Va code is used for the analysis. Fig.E.6. The density of the space region shown in ()-Table E.3 is assumed to be that Changes for drawing The results of the analysis are as follows; of air. The KENO-Va code is used for the analysis. number The results of the analysis are as follows; JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) Changes due to keff = 0.124 deletion of JRR-3

= 0.0002 aluminide fuel keff + 3 = 0.124 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note keff = 0.175 keff = 0.175

= 0.0002 = 0.0002 keff + 3 = 0.176 keff + 3 = 0.176 Changes due to JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) fuel element B (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) deletion of JRR-3 keff = 0.101 keff = 0.101 aluminide fuel and

= 0.0002 = 0.0002 JRR-4 fuel keff + 3 = 0.101 keff + 3 = 0.101 JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.068

= 0.0001 keff + 3 = 0.069 JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.084

= 0.0001 keff + 3 = 0.084 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements)

JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.124 keff = 0.124

= 0.0002

= 0.0002 keff + 3 = 0.124 keff + 3 = 0.124 From the above results, it can be concluded that the criticality safety is sufficiently From the above results, it can be concluded that the criticality safety is sufficiently kept.


Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission E.7.2 Appendix-2 E.7.2 Appendix-2 Safety of the package during the loading of the fuel elements Safety of the package during the loading of the fuel elements When the fuel element is being loaded in this packaging, the lid is opened and the fuel When the fuel element is being loaded in this packaging, the lid is opened and the element is perfectly surrounded by the water. In this state, the criticality safety is fuel element is perfectly surrounded by the water. In this state, the criticality safety is examined for each fuel basket. examined for each fuel basket. Changes due to Basket for box type fuel Basket for box type fuel deletion of JRR-3 The axial model of this basket is shown in ()-Fig.E.2.1 through ()-Fig.E.2.3. The axial model of this basket is shown in ()-Fig.E.2.1 through ()-Fig.E.2.2. aluminide fuel and The model of the fuel element region is the same as that shown in ()-Fig.E.2 , E.6, The model of the fuel element region is the same as that shown in ()-Fig.E.2 ~E.5. JRR-4 fuel E.9 and E.12. Also, the model of the cross section of each fuel element is the same as that Also, the model of the cross section of each fuel element is the same as that shown in ()-

shown in ()-Fig.E.3, E.4, E.7, E.10, E.13 and E.14, respectively. The density of each Fig.E.3 and E.6, respectively. The density of each component is the same as that shown component is the same as that shown in ()-Table E.3. in ()-Table E.3.

The thickness of surrounding water region is assumed to be 30 cm around the package, The thickness of surrounding water region is assumed to be 30 cm around the assuming the lid closed. The KENO-Va code is used for the analysis. package, assuming the lid closed. The KENO-Va code is used for the analysis.

The results of the analysis are as follows; The results of the analysis are as follows; JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) Changes due to keff = 0.736 deletion of JRR-3

= 0.0008 aluminide fue keff + 3 = 0.738 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements)

JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.868 keff = 0.868

= 0.0010

= 0.0010 keff + 3 = 0.870 keff + 3 = 0.870 JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) Changes due to keff = 0.767 deletion of JRR-3

= 0.0009 aluminide fuel and keff + 3 = 0.769 JRR-4 fuel JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.699

= 0.0009 keff + 3 = 0.702 JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.573

= 0.0008 keff + 3 = 0.576

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.695 keff = 0.695

= 0.0008 = 0.0008 keff + 3 = 0.697 keff + 3 = 0.697 From the above results, it can be concluded that the criticality safety is sufficiently From the above results, it can be concluded that the criticality safety is sufficiently kept. kept.

omission omission

()-Fig.E.2.1 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for box type fuel ()-Fig.E.2.1 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 standard aluminide or silicide type fuel] (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel]

Fig omitted (No change of drawing)

Changes due to

()-Fig.E.2.2 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for box type fuel deletion of JRR-3 (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type or high aluminide fuel and enrichment instrumented fuel]

JRR-4 fuel Fig omitted

()-Fig.E.2.3 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for box type fuel ()-Fig.E.2.2 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for box type fuel (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 follower aluminide or silicide type fuel] (Axial direction) [In case of containing JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel]

Fig omitted (No change of drawing)

()-Fig.E.2.4 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel ()-Fig.E.2.4 Analytical model in case of containing the basket for MNU type fuel Fig (No change of drawing) omitted

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission E.7.3 Appendix-3 E.7.3 Appendix-3 Safety of the package under accident conditions of transport Safety of the package under accident conditions of transport The basket for box type fuel of the package has very small deformation at 9 m drop The basket for box type fuel of the package has very small deformation at 9 m drop test under accident condition of transport. The criticality safety of the package under test under accident condition of transport. The criticality safety of the package under this condition is confirmed. this condition is confirmed.

As shown in ()-A.9.2, the basket for box type fuel deforms 0.7 mm in maximum As shown in ()-A.9.2, the basket for box type fuel deforms 0.7 mm in maximum under 9 m drop test. Fig. ()-E.3.1 shows the maximum displacement after having 9 under 9 m drop test. Fig. ()-E.3.1 shows the maximum displacement after having 9 m drop test, and the criticality calculation model of the basket for box type fuel after 9 m drop test, and the criticality calculation model of the basket for box type fuel after 9 m drop test is shown in Fig. ()-E.3.2. The model is same with the model shown in Fig. m drop test is shown in Fig. ()-E.3.2. The model is same with the model shown in Changes due to

()-E.1 through E.14 except the deformation of the basket. Calculations were performed Fig. ()-E.1 through E.8 except the deformation of the basket. Calculations were deletion of JRR-3 by KENO-Va. performed by KENO-Va. aluminide fuel and The results of the analysis are as follows; The results of the analysis are as follows; JRR-4 fuel JRR-3 standard aluminide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.737

= 0.0009 keff + 3 = 0.740 JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements)

JRR-3 standard silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.869 keff = 0.869

= 0.0009

= 0.0009 keff + 3 = 0.872 keff + 3 = 0.872 JRR-4 low enrichment silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.770

= 0.0009 keff + 3 = 0.772 JRR-4 high enrichment instrumented fuel (HEU) (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.698

= 0.0009 keff + 3 = 0.700 JRR-3 follower aluminide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.575

= 0.0008 keff + 3 = 0.577 JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) JRR-3 follower silicide type fuel (in case of containing 40 fuel elements) keff = 0.697 keff = 0.697

= 0.0009 = 0.0009 keff + 3 = 0.700 keff + 3 = 0.700

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note From the results above, it can be concluded that the criticality safety is sufficiently From the results above, it can be concluded that the criticality safety is sufficiently kept. kept.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before After note omission omission E.7.4 Appendix-4 E.7.4 Appendix-4 Investigation of the optimum water density in the criticality evaluation Investigation of the optimum water density in the criticality evaluation omission omission Changes to the figure due to deletion of JRR-3 aluminide fuel and deletion of JRR-4 fuel

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note F Consideration of Aging of Nuclear Fuel Package Newly added chapter This chapter describes the matters which are to be considered in the safety analysis in Chapter (II) with regard to aging of nuclear fuel package component materials during the planned period of use of the transport container.

F.1 Aging Factors to be Considered For the nuclear fuel package, based on the anticipated conditions of use as shown in (II)-Table F.1, possible aging factors to be considered for the component materials of the transport container are thermal degradation, degradation due to irradiation, degradation due to chemical changes, and fatigue due to repeated stresses during container storage, before shipment, and during transportation.

The period of use of this package is 70 years from the time of manufacture, the frequency of use is once per year, and the number of days required for transport per transportation is conservatively 365 days. Assuming the number of handling times per transportation is 100 times, the total number of planned lifting times throughout the planned period of use is 7,000 times (100 times x 70 years) (A.4.4).

II)-Table F.1 Conditions of use anticipated during the planned period of use Status contents Conditions of use Transport containers are stored indoors.

In order to confirm that the performance of the transport container is maintained, a periodic voluntary inspection based on "Chapter (III) Maintenance of In storage No transport containers and handling methods of nuclear fuel packages" described in the application for design approval of nuclear fuel packages (Appendix-1) is to be performed at least once a year.

Nuclear fuel packages are to be stored indoors within the controlled area of the facility for up to three months from the time the contents are loaded to the Before time they are transported.

Yes transportation Before shipment of the package, a pre-shipment inspection based on "Chapter (III) Maintenance of transport containers and handling methods of nuclear fuel packages" is to be conducted.

The package is to be transported by transport vehicle or During vessel.

Yes transportation The package is to be securely tied to the vehicle or vessel so that it can withstand the shock and vibration

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T EHIRUH DIWHU QRWH

expected during transportation.

The period of transportation is expected to be about 2 months.

After transportation, a visual inspection is to be After conducted in controlled area (indoor) of the facility to No transportation confirm the integrity of the transport container.

Transport containers are stored indoors.

F.2 Evaluation of Necessity of Considering Aging in Safety Analysis Based on the aging factors shown in F.1, the necessity of considering the aging of each component material of the nuclear fuel package was evaluated with regard to thermal, radiation, and chemical changes that are expected during the planned period of use.

Fatigue evaluation was also conducted for the lifting device, which is subjected to loads during handling, and for the sealing device, which is subjected to loads due to changes in internal pressure. The results of these evaluations are shown in (II)-Table F.2.

The Thhe component materials of this nuclear fuel package are shown in Chapter (I) C.

Transport container, 3. Materials. Among these materials, those for which aging is to be considered are listed below.

Stainless Steel Stainless


%RURQ&DUELGH Aluminum alloy (spacer Aluminum A (sspacer Note that aging of O-rings is not considered because they are replaced with each transportation.

Also, that aging of contents is not consider because they changes with each transportation.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Table F.2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (1/3)

Component Aging Evaluation material factors Although there may be mechanical property degradations such as creep, etc. (deformation) by high temperature embrittlement due to exposure to a high temperature environment, the results of thermal analysis indicate that the temperature near the fuel basket center axis is 200 (the highest temperature during Heat transportation is 223 for the fuel elements) (B.4.2), which is below the temperature (425 or higher) (1) at which deformation due to creep, etc. may occur. Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Although there may be effects on the mechanical properties due to microstructural changes (embrittlement, etc.) caused by neutron irradiation, the maximum neutron irradiation dose during the period of use is 2.27 x 1014 n/cm2, which is less than Radiation the dose of 1016 n/cm2(1) that may cause microstructural changes (embrittlement, etc.). Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Although there may be effects of corrosion on material Stainless strength, embrittlement, etc., stainless steel is a material that Steel forms a passive film on its surface and is not susceptible to corrosion. The depth of corrosion in air is estimated to be 1m Chemical (0.001mm)(2) per year with the maximum of 0.07mm during the changes period of use, which is a negligible amount of corrosion compared to the thicknesses of the component materials (310mm for a transport container body). Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

(1) Lifting device Assuming the frequency of handling of the lifting device is 100 times per year, the realistic assumed number of lifting times during the period of use will be 7,000 times. However, the number of lifting times in compliance with the technical Fatigue criteria is conservatively assumed to be 10,000 times, and the repeat count of 10,000 times covers the assumed number of uses. Based on the above, fatigue is evaluated with the repeat count being conservatively set to confirm that fatigue failure does not occur (A.4.4).

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (2) Sealing device Assuming the frequency of handling of sealing devices is 4 times per year, the repeat count in 70 years will be 280 times.

However, the repeat count in compliance with the technical criteria is conservatively assumed to be 300 times, and this repeat count of 300 times covers the assumed number of uses.

Based on the above, fatigue is evaluated with the repeat count being conservatively set to confirm that fatigue failure does not occur (A.5.1.4).

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Table F.2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (2/3)

Component Aging Evaluation material factors Although there may be a functional degradation to maintain subcriticality due to microstructural changes caused by exposure to a high temperature environment, the results of the thermal analysis indicate that the maximum temperature during Heat transportation is 223 (B.4.2), which is below the temperature at which this material melts (2450) (B.2). Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Although there may be a functional degradation to maintain subcriticality due to loss of 10B caused by neutron irradiation, Boron the neutron irradiation dose is 3.25 x 1014 n/cm2 assuming Carbide conservatively the period of use of 100 years, the loss of 10B is Radiation estimated to be about 0.00013% (E.2.3), which means that the loss of 10B due to neutron irradiation is negligible. Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Although there may be a functional degradation to maintain subcriticality due to corrosion, corrosion does not occur because Chemical it is in a sealed space within the basket dividers (stainless changes steel), and does not come in contact with the outside air. Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note (II)-Table F.2 Evaluation of necessity of considering aging in safety analysis (3/3)

Component Aging Evaluation material factors Although there may be effects on the heat transfer performance due to the microstructural changes caused by exposure to a high temperature environment, the results of the thermal analysis indicate that the maximum temperature Heat during transportation is 223(B.4.2), which is below the temperature at which this material melts (660) (B.2). Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Although there may be effects on the heat transfer performance due to microstructural changes (embrittlement, etc.) caused by neutron irradiation, the maximum neutron Aluminum irradiation dose during the period of use is 2.27 x 1014 n/cm2, alloy Radiation which is less than the dose of 1021 n/cm2(1) that may cause microstructural changes (embrittlement, etc.). Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Although there may be effects on the heat transfer performance due to corrosion, aluminum alloys form an oxide film on its surface and are not susceptible to corrosion (3). In Chemical addition, it is put to use after confirming that there are no changes abnormalities in its appearance before shipment. Based on the above, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in confirming compliance with the technical criteria.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T before after note F.3 Aging Considerations in Safety Analysis As described in F.2, the necessity of considering aging effects was evaluated for the component materials of the nuclear fuel package. As a result of the evaluation of aging effects, with regard to the factors of heat, radiation, and chemical changes, under the conditions of use expected during the planned period of use, it was confirmed that there is no need to consider their effects in confirming compliance with the technical criteria. For the lifting device and sealing device, it is necessary to consider aging effects due to fatigue because of repeated stresses. As a result of the evaluations of fatigue of the lifting device and sealing device, considering the conservative repeat count expected during the period of use, it was confirmed that fatigue failure did not occur, and therefore, there was no effect on conformance to the technical criteria.

F.4 Appendix F.4.1 Appendix-1 References (1) Transportation Technology Advisory Board, "Measures to Ensure Safety of Post-Storage Transportation for Interim Storage of Spent Fuel" (2010).

(2) Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. "Stainless Steel Handbook" (1979).

(3) Sumitomo Light Metal Industries, Ltd., "Aluminum Handbook (3rd Edition)" (1985).

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Changes due to Chapter IV : Maintenance conditions of transport Chapter III : Maintenance conditions of transport deletion of the previous chapter packaging and handling method of package packaging and handling method of package

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Chapter IV : Maintenance conditions of transport packaging and handling method of Chapter III : Maintenance conditions of transport packaging and handling method of package package to F), the pre-With regard to the maintenance of transport containers and the handling methods shipment inspection at of nuclear fuel packages that conform to the safety design of nuclear fuel packages each transportation to (including consideration of aging), based on the results of the safety analysis ((II)-A to F), confirm the integrity the pre-shipment inspection at each transportation to confirm the integrity of nuclear fuel of nuclear fuel packages and the periodic voluntary inspection to ensure the performance of transport packages and the containers for the planned period of use will be conducted. The details are shown below. periodic voluntary omission omission inspection to ensure the performance Addition of items for evaluation

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note omission omission

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Before after note Addition of items for inspection Addition of description of spacer

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Newly added chapters APP Type JRC-80Y-20T nuclear fuel Transport Package Basic policy for the quality management

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Basic policy for quality management Newly added chapters This quality management system stipulates the requirements for quality assurance activities by reference to the Rules of Quality Assurance for Safety of Nuclear Power Plants (JEAC4111-2009).

A. Quality management system A.1 General requirements (1) An organization shall establish, document, implement, and maintain a quality management system for transportation, etc. An organization shall also continue to improve the effectiveness of this quality management system.

(2) An organization shall implement the following matters:

(a) Clarifying processes required for a quality management system and their application to an organization.

(b) Clarifying the order and correlation of the processes.

(c) Defining required judgment criteria and methods to ensure that both operation and management of the processes are effective.

(d) Ensuring that the resources and information required to operate and monitor the processes are available.

(e) Monitoring, measuring, and analyzing the processes. However, the measurement can be skipped when it is difficult to measure.

(f) For the processes, taking measures required to obtain results as planned and continue to improve them.

(g) Matching the processes and the organization with a quality management system.

(h) Promoting work based on the knowledge of social science and behavioral science.

A.2 Requirements for documentation A.2.1 General The quality management system documents shall be each item of the following:

(1) Quality policy and quality objective (2) Primary document (quality assurance program)

(3) Secondary document (documents required by primary documents and documents such as rules determined necessary by an organization)

(4) Tertiary documents (documents such as procedures and guides determined necessary by an organization other than primary documents and secondary documents)

(5) Records required by documents of (1) to (4)

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T A.2.2 Quality assurance plan Newly added chapters The Director General shall develop, review as necessary, and maintain a quality assurance plan that includes the followings:

(1) Matters related to planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of the quality management system (2) Scope of application of the quality management system (3) Established "documented procedures" for the quality management system or information that makes it possible to refer to them (4) A description of the interrelationships among the processes of the quality management system.

A.2.3 Document management A director general and a manager (research reactor accelerator administration manager.

The same shall apply hereinafter) shall define procedures for the document and record management to certainly implement the following matters:

(1) Managing documents required by a quality management system. However, although records are a kind of documents, they are managed in accordance with the requirements specified in A.3 Record management.

(2) Specifying the management required for the following activities:

(a) Approving documents prior to the issuance from the viewpoint of whether they are appropriate.

(b) Reviewing, renewing as necessary, and reapproving documents.

(c) Clarifying the identification of document changes and the identification state of the currently effective version, by a management ledger, etc.

(d) Ensuring that the appropriate version of the corresponding document is available when and where it is required, by a management ledger, etc.

(e) Ensuring that documents can be easily read and easily distinguishable.

(f) Clarifying external documents determined to be required for the quality management system planning and operation and ensuring that their distribution is managed by a management ledger, etc.

(g) Preventing an abolished document from being used by mistake. Also, identifying it appropriately when it is retained for a certain purpose.

A.3 Quality record management A director general and a manager shall define procedures for the document and record

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T management to certainly implement the following matters: Newly added chapters (1)Clarifying the target for creating records and maintaining them to provide evidence of conforming to requirements and effectively operating a quality management system.

(2)Making records easy to read, easily distinguishable, and retrievable.

(3)Specifying the management required for identification, storage, protection, retrieval, storage time, and disposal of records.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T B. An applicant's responsibilities Newly added chapters B.1 Commitment A director general shall conduct the following matters as the top's commitment to construct and implement a quality management system and continue to improve its effectiveness:

(1) Making it public in an organization to observe laws and ordinances and regulatory requirements.

(2) Setting up a quality policy.

(3) Promoting activities for fostering nuclear safety.

(4) Ensuring that quality objectives are set up.

(5) Conducting a management review.

(6) Ensuring that resources are available.

B.2 Emphasis on nuclear safety A director general shall give top priority to nuclear safety, determine requirements for work, and ensure that they are met.

B.3 Quality policy and quality objective B.3.1 Quality record A director general shall certainly conduct the following matters concerning the quality policy related to transportation, etc.:

(1) Being appropriate in regard to Article 4 of the Act on the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Independent Administrative Agency (Purpose of the agency.)

(2) Being appropriate in regard to the quality policy concerning nuclear safety specified by the chief director.

(3) Incorporating the commitment to conform to requirements and continue to improve the effectiveness of a quality management system.

(4) Giving the framework for set-up and review of quality objectives.

(5) Making them transmitted to and understood by the whole organization.

(6) Reviewing to maintain their adequacy.

B.3.2 Quality objective The Director General should establish manuals for the management of quality objectives to ensure that the followings are implemented.

(1) The Director General shall have the Director set quality objectives. Such quality objectives shall include those necessary to meet the requirements for the work, if any.

(2) The quality objectives shall be consistent with the quality policy and the degree of the

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T achievement of those objectives shall be judgeable. Newly added chapters B.4 Responsibility and authority B.4.1 Structure The quality assurance organization for work concerning transportation containers, etc. is shown in (c)-Fig. B.2.

B.4.2 Responsibility and authority The following persons have responsibility and authority in the matters described for each:

(1) Director general A director general integrates and promotes quality assurance activities for transportation, etc. carried out at the research institute.

(2) Person in charge of quality assurance control A person in charge of quality assurance control has the following responsibility and authority:

(a) To ensure that a process required for a quality management system is established, implemented, and maintained.

(b) To report to a director general on the quality management system's implementation status and whether improvements need to be made.

(c) To ensure that the consciousness of compliance with applicable laws and ordinances and nuclear safety is enhanced across the organization.

(3) Manager A manager integrates and promotes quality assurance activities for transportation, etc. in a department under his/her jurisdiction.

(4) Section chief A section chief conducts quality assurance activities for transportation, etc. in a department under his/her jurisdiction.

(5) Quality assurance promotion committee The quality assurance promotion committee reviews important matters for promoting quality assurance activities and for quality assurance activities in the research institute and matters inquired by a director general.

(6) Safety review committee for nuclear facilities and safety review committee for facilities used The safety review committee for nuclear facilities and the safety review committee for facilities used review important matters for promoting operational safety activities and for operational safety activities in the research institute and matters inquired by a director general.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Newly added chapters B.4.3 Internal communication An organization shall use meetings, business communication memorandums, etc. to ensure information exchange to allow better internal communication. It shall also ensure that the information about the effectiveness of a quality management system is exchanged.

B.5 Management review A director general shall define procedures for the management review to certainly implement the following matters:

B.5.1 General (1) For the work concerning transportation, etc., a director general shall conduct a management review at least once a year to confirm that a quality management system continues to function appropriately, validly, and effectively.

(2) In this review, the evaluation of opportunities for improving a quality management system and the evaluation of the necessity for changes of a quality management system including a quality policy shall be conducted.

(3) Records of the result of a management review shall be maintained.

B.5.2 Input to a management review A person in charge of quality assurance control shall incorporate the following matters in the input to a management review:

(a) Audit results (b) How outsiders view the achievement of nuclear safety (c) Implementation status of a process (including the achievement status of quality objectives) and inspection and test results (d) Implementation status of activities for fostering the nuclear safety culture (e) Status of compliance with applicable laws and ordinances (f) Status of preventative measures and corrective actions (g) Follow-up to results of previous management reviews (h) Changes which may affect a quality management system (i) Proposals for improvement B.5.3 Output from a management review A director general shall incorporate the decisions and measures on the following matters in the output from a management review:

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T (a) Improvement of the effectiveness of a quality management system and its processes Newly added chapters (b) Improvements required for work planning and implementation (c) Necessity for resources

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T Newly added chapters (C)-Fig. B.2 Quality assurance organization concerning design, etc. of nuclear fuel package

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T C. Education and training Newly added chapters A manager shall define procedures for the education and training management to certainly implement the following matters:

(1) To clarify the competence required for the personnel engaged in the work.

(2) To assign a person capable of carrying out the work, using the required education, training, skills, and experience as the basis of judgment.

(3) To carry out education and training or OJT, etc. so that personnel can have the required competence.

(4) To evaluate the effectiveness of conducted education and training, etc.

(5) To make personnel recognize the meaning and importance of their activities and how they can contribute to achieving quality objectives.

(6) To maintain records concerning education and training track records, skills, and experience.

D. Design management D.1 Design and development program (1) A manager shall define procedures for design and development management to clarify processes required for designing and developing a transportation container (including a prototype container).

(2) A section chief shall formulate and manage a design and development program in accordance with the procedures for design and development management.

(3) A section chief shall clarify the following matters in the design and development program:

(a) Stage of design and development (b) Review, verification, and validation suitable for each stage of design and development (c) Responsibility and authority for design and development (4) The design and development program shall incorporate the following matters and clearly indicate them to those who carry out design and development (employees, etc. and contractors):

(a) To clarify design/development requirements, such as applicable laws and ordinances, standards, and design/development conditions, persons in charge of the review, approval, etc., and required design analysis, design verification, etc., as design documents.

(b) To define procedures for selecting the components important for transportation containers functions and the construction method applied to them and evaluating the validity, etc., and evaluate them.

(c) To define procedures for selecting, documenting, and approving an appropriate

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T disposition method when a change (including a deviation) from design and development Newly added chapters requirements arises.

(d) To assign those who have appropriate experience and knowledge to the design and development work and make the required information and means available.

(e) To allow the persons other than an original designer to evaluate design and development documents.

(5) A section chief shall clarify the following matters and operate and manage the interface between the organizations involved in design and development to ensure effective communication and clear assignment of responsibility. It shall incorporate the design interface with a section in charge of manufacturing transportation containers and a section in charge of maintaining transportation containers. The interface shall also be provided with contractors as necessary.

(a) Interface between organizations or between contractors (i) Clarifying the responsibility for the interface of design and development (ii) Clarifying methods for creating, reviewing, approving, issuing, distributing, and revising design documents on the interface of design and development and responsible organizations (b) Communication between organizations or between contractors (i) Clarifying methods to position, examine, and approve the information about design and development information communication (ii) Clarifying the interface between the organization carrying out design and development and the one related to each stage of procurement, manufacturing, and maintenance (or the external organization)

(6) A section chief shall renew the program formulated in accordance with the progress of design and development as appropriate.

D.2 Input to design and development (1) A section chief shall clarify the requirement-related input, reflect it in design and development, and keep and manage the records. The following matters shall be incorporated in the input:

(a) Requirements for the function and performance of a transportation container (including a prototype container)

(b) Requirements, such as applicable laws and ordinances (c) Requirements for a quality assurance program (d) Information obtained from a previous similar design when applicable (e) Other requirements essential for design and development

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T (2) A section chief shall clarify in writing and implement the method for review and approval Newly added chapters to prevent inappropriate data use in clarifying design and development requirements.

(3) A section chief shall review the input's adequacy. It shall be noted that there is no omission, no ambiguity, and no incompatibility in requirements.

D.3 Output from design and development (1) A section chief shall present the output from design and development in the form of a drawing, a specification, a report, a check sheet, etc. to allow the verification comparing it with the input to design and development. In that case, it shall be ensured that the output from design and development is in the following states:

(a) The requirements given in the input to design and development are satisfied.

(b) The information suitable for performing procurement and work is provided.

(c) The characteristics of a transportation container essential for safe use and proper use are clarified.

(d) When a demonstration test and manufacturing of prototype containers are outsourced for the validation of design and development, the judgment of acceptance of the related inspection and test is incorporated, or it is referenced.

(2) A section chief shall approve the output from design and development before proceeding to the next stage.

D.4 Review of design and development (1) A section chief shall perform a systematic review as planned, aiming at the following matters at an appropriate design and development stage. In this review, those who have screening skills, such as experts in other departments, shall be included, as necessary.

(a) To evaluate whether design and development results can satisfy the requirements.

(b) To clarify problems and propose necessary measures.

(2) A section chief shall keep and manage review result records and disposition records if any disposition is required.

D.5 Design and development verification (1) A section chief shall perform a verification as planned to ensure that the output from design and development satisfies the requirements given in the input to design and development at an appropriate design and development stage, considering the following matters:

(a) Method of design and development verification (i) The verification for one or more designs and developments, such as a review of design

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T and development, alternative calculation, a demonstration test, and the comparison Newly added chapters with previous similar designs, are performed as appropriate.

(ii) Design and development are verified by the persons other than an original designer.

(b) Alternative calculation The design and development requirements, the adequacy of a calculation code, etc. are confirmed as well as an original design.

(c) Demonstration test Tests, such as a verification test and a performance test, are carried out considering the structural material and the structural system of a transportation container, environmental conditions, etc.

(d) Comparison with previous similar designs and development The comparison with design and development requirements, a structural system, a calculation code, etc. for a comparison target is performed to confirm the validity of design and development.

(2) A section chief shall keep verification result records and disposition records if any disposition is required.

D.6 Validation of design and development (1) A section chief shall perform a validation as planned at an appropriate stage of design and development to ensure that the design documents as a result of design and development (including safety analysis reports) satisfy the requirements according to the designated use or the intended use. Whenever feasible, a validation shall be completed prior to delivering or providing design documents (including safety analysis reports).

(2) A section chief shall keep validation result records and disposition records if any disposition is required.

D.7 Change management of design and development (1) When changing design and development, an organization shall clarify the reasons for change, sections changed, changed contents, the existence of the influence due to the change, circumstances of the change, etc. before changing them, appropriately perform a review, verification, and validation, and approve the change before implementation in accordance with the procedure for design and development management.

(a) Changing design and development (i) Design and development are changed by the same management method of design and development as the one applied to the original design.

(ii) The influence of the change in design and development on the safety of a transportation

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T container (including components, etc.) and design documents (including safety analysis Newly added chapters reports) and the validity are evaluated.

(b) Transmitting changes of design and development The information concerning design change is transmitted to related organizations in writing as specified by a design and development program.

(2) An organization shall keep change review result records and disposition records if any disposition is required.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T E. Manufacturing order of a transportation container Newly added chapters E.1 Procurement management A director general shall define procedures for the procurement management to ensure the following matters:

E.1.1 Procurement process (1) An organization shall ensure that procured products, etc. comply with specified procurement requirements.

(2) The method and degree of management for suppliers, procured products, etc. shall be defined depending on the influence of procured products, etc. on nuclear safety.

(3) An organization shall evaluate and select a supplier, using the supplier's capability of supplying procured products, etc. in accordance with the organization's requirements as the basis of judgment, based on the criteria of selection, evaluation, and reevaluation defined in the procedure for procurement management.

(4) An organization shall keep evaluation result records and disposition records if any disposition is required by the evaluation.

(5) An organization shall define the method for obtaining the technical information concerning nuclear safety required for maintenance or operation after the procurement of procured products, etc. and the method for the necessary disposition when sharing them with other departments.

E.1.2 Procurement requirements (1) A section chief shall clarify the requirements for procured products, etc. and include the relevant items among the following when necessary:

(a) Requirements for the approval of a product, a procedure, a process, and equipment (b) Requirements for qualification confirmation of personnel (c) Requirements for a quality management system (d) Requirements for a nonconformity report and nonconformity disposition (e) Matters necessary for activities to foster a nuclear safety culture (f) Matters for information management (g) Other matters necessary for procured products, etc.

(2) An organization shall ensure that specified procurement requirements are valid before transmitting them to a supplier.

E.1.3 Verification of procured products (1) A section chief shall define and perform required inspections or other activities to ensure that procured products satisfy specified procurement requirements.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T (2) When a verification is performed at a supplier's facility, a section chief shall clarify the Newly added chapters verification procedure and procured products release method (permission for shipment) in procurement requirements.

(3) When receiving procured products, an organization shall make a procured products supplier submit a document recording the conformity status to procurement requirements.

F. Handling and maintenance An organization shall plan and conduct the handling and maintenance management of a transportation container in accordance with the following:

(1) Considering the following matters, a manager shall define a procedure for handling transportation containers to prevent erroneous operation of and damage on a transportation container while handling a transportation container under his/her jurisdiction.

(a) Inspection of handling equipment and preventive measures against erroneous operation of and damage on a transportation container during handling (b) Handling conditions of a transportation container (c) The shipping in/out conditions and method of a transportation container from a storage facility (d) Person responsible for handling (2) A section chief shall clearly indicate requirements while handling a transportation container and reflect them in preventing erroneous operation of and damage on a transportation container in accordance with a procedure for handling transportation containers.

(3) Considering the following matters, a manager shall define a procedure for maintenance management of a transportation container to maintain the design performance of a transportation container under his/her jurisdiction.

(a) Requirements of laws and ordinances, design documents, authorized or licensed matters, etc.

(b) Inspection method and procedure for a transportation container (c) Damage prevention measures in storage (d) Setting up storage method and storage areas considering environmental conditions, etc.

(e) Person responsible for maintenance and storage (4) A section chief shall clarify requirements of applicable laws and ordinances/regulations, design documents, authorized or licensed matters, etc. and reflect them in maintenance management of transportation containers in accordance with a procedure for maintenance management of transportation containers.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T (5) A section chief shall clarify and manage persons responsible for work to those who Newly added chapters perform maintenance or storage (employees, etc. and contractors).

(6) When maintenance work of transportation containers is outsourced, a section chief shall make a contractor submit management manuals clarifying the following matters and manage them after obtaining the manager's approval, as necessary.

(a) Requirements of laws and ordinances/regulations, etc.

(b) Persons responsible for approval, review, work instructions, etc. of rules, manuals, instructions, etc. required for management (7) Considering safety importance, etc., a section chief shall conduct witness confirmation and record confirmation in the maintenance inspection of transportation containers (including components).

G. Measurement, analysis and improvement G.1 General (1) Organization shall plan and implement the process for monitoring, measurement and improvement required for the following matters:

a) Verify conformity of requirements for the duties.

b) Ensure conformity of the quality management system.

c) Continuously improve effectiveness of the quality management system.

(2) This shall include statistical methods, applicable methods, and determination on the extent to which they are used.

G.2 Internal audit The Director General shall establish manuals for internal audits to ensure the following.

(1) The Director General shall conduct an internal audit at least once a year on transportation and other activities during the relevant fiscal year to verify whether the following items of the quality management system are fulfilled:

a) Whether the quality management system conforms to the plan of operations, the requirements of the quality assurance plan, and the quality management system requirements determined by the organization.

b) Whether the quality management plan has been effectively operated and maintained.

(2) The Director General should implement the internal program which specifies the following matters by taking into account the process to be the audited, its importance, the past audit results etc.

a) Criteria, scope and methods of audit b) Objectivity and fairness shall be ensured in selecting the auditor and implementing the

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T audit. Further, the auditor shall not audit his or her own duty. Newly added chapters (3) The manual for internal audits shall specify responsibilities and authorities (authority to order special internal audits) and requirements for planning and conducting audits, reporting results, and management of records.

(4) Records of audits and the results of them shall be retained.

(5) The person responsible for the audited area shall ensure that the necessary corrective and preventive actions are taken without delay to eliminate the nonconformity found and its cause. The follow-up shall include the verification of the actions taken and the report of the verification result.

G.3 Nonconformity control The Director General shall establish manuals for nonconformity management and corrective and preventive actions to ensure the followings:

(1) The organization shall ensure that nonconformities are identified and controlled to prevent them from being left unresolved. The manuals for nonconformity and corrective and preventive actions shall specify the controls over the handling of nonconformities and the responsibilities and authorities related thereto. The manual for internal audits shall specify the controls over, and the responsibility and authority for, the handling of nonconformities in quality assurance activities identified during internal audits.

(2) The organization shall take actions for nonconformity in either of the following ways:

a) Take action to remove detected nonconformity.

b) An authorized person may determine its use, release, or acceptance by special employment.

c) Take action to prevent its original intended use or application d) If a nonconformity is detected after delivery, the organization should take an appropriate action for the effects or possible effects of the nonconformity.

(3) The organization should maintain records of the nature of the nonconformity.

(4) When nonconformities are corrected, the organization shall reverify them to demonstrate conformance to the requirements.

(5) If a nonconformity is detected after delivery, the organization shall take appropriate action to address the effects or potential effects of the nonconformity.

G.4 Corrective actions The Director General shall establish manuals for nonconformity management and corrective and preventive actions, and for internal audits to ensure the followings.

(1) The organization shall take action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities to prevent

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T recurrence. Newly added chapters (2) Corrective actions shall be commensurate with the impact of the nonconformity that has been found.

(3) The following requirements shall be specified in the manuals for nonconformity management and corrective and preventive actions:

a) Confirmation of the nonconformity details b) Identification of the cause of nonconformity c) Evaluation of the necessity of the actions to certainly prevent nonconformity from occurring again d) Decision and performance of necessary actions e) Record of the results of the investigation and the corrective actions taken based on those results, when an investigation is conducted into corrective actions.

f) Review of activities performed in corrective actions (4) The following requirements shall be specified in the manual for internal audits:

a) Confirmation of the nonconformity details b) Identification of the cause of nonconformity c) Decision and performance of necessary actions d) Record of the results of actions that have been taken G.5 Preventative actions The Director General should establish manuals for nonconformity management and corrective and preventive actions, as well as manuals for horizontal deployment, to ensure the following.

(1) The organization should determine actions to eliminate the causes of possible nonconformities, including the acquisition and utilization of knowledge obtained through the implementation of safety activities and technical information obtained from inside and outside the institute, in order to prevent the occurrence of possible nonconformity. This utilization includes sharing the knowledge obtained through the implementation of nuclear safety and security-related activities with other organizations.

(2) Preventive actions shall be commensurate with the impact of possible problems.

(3) The organization shall specify requirements for the followings.

a) Identification of possible nonconformity and its cause b) Assessment of necessity of actions to ensure the prevention of non-conformity c) Determination and performance of necessary actions d) Record of the results of the investigation and the preventive actions taken based on those results, when an investigation is conducted into preventive actions.

Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T e) Review of activities performed in preventive actions Newly added chapters