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Letter Dated 8/24/23 from R. Neely (Edlow) to R. Boyle (Dot), Official Final Responses to RAIs Discussed at the Conference Call on 7/12/23 Regarding the Revalidation Requests of the Model Nos. JMS-87Y-18-5T and JRC-80Y-20T Japanese Packages
Person / Time
Site: 07103004, 07103035
Issue date: 08/24/2023
From: Neely R
Edlow International Co
To: Boyle R
US Dept of Transportation (DOT), Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Shared Package
ML24023A047 List:
001794, L-2023-DOT-0005
Download: ML24023A049 (2)


b b b

Edlow International Company 1666 Connecticut Ave ., N.W., Suite 201 Washington , D .C. 20009 U.S.A .

Tel (202) 483-4959 Fax (202) 483-4840 FMC License No . 019368F

August 24, 2023

Richard W. Boyle Chief Sciences Branch Division of Engineering and Research Office of Hazardous Materials Safety U .S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E .

Washington, DC 20590

Dear Mr. Boyle:

Su bjects: Docket No . 71-3004 EPID L-2023 - DOT-0005 Request for Additional Information for the Revalidation Request of the Japanese Certificate of Competent Authority No. J/2044/B(U)F, Model No .


Docket No. 71-3035 EPIC L-2023-DOT-0006 Request for Additional Information for the Revalidation Request of the Japanese Certificate of Competent Authority No. J/2045/B(U)F, Model No.


Please find attached the JAEA Official Response to the Requests for Additional Information (RAls) arising from a Conference Ca ll held on July 12, 2023 with US NRC. In addition, the following documents will be transmitted to you under separate cover due to size:

JMS Package:

rev3_2. English version of SAR for JMS-87Y-18 .5T rev4_2-1. Non-proprietary English version of SAR for JMS-87Y-18.5T revl_ 4-1. Non-proprietary version of Comparison Table of SAR for Type JMS-87Y-18.5T b

b b

4. Comparison Table of SAR for Type JMS-87Y-18.5T Additional Explanation for RAI-St-1_ The Fatigue of Lifting Device (Stainless Steel)

Revisions and Additions for RAI-St-2 Non-proprietary _Rev isions and Additions for RAI-St-2 Additional Explanation for RAI-St-3 Non-proprietary Explanation for RAI-St-3

JRC Package:

No.2 English version of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T_R1 No . 2-1 Non-proprietary version of English version of SAR_Rl No.4 Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T _Rl Revl_No.4-1 Non-proprietary version of Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRC-80Y-20T-R1

Thank you for your assistance.


~ ~

Chief Operating Officer

Attachment - JAEA Official Response to 7/12/2023 Conference Call with US N RC