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Regulation No. 106/1998 Sb., Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Assurance During Commissioning and Operation of Nuclear Facilities
Person / Time
Site: 07103103
Issue date: 08/31/1998
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Secured Transportation Services
To: Boyle R
US Dept of Transportation (DOT), Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Shared Package
ML23331A891 List:
CAC 001794, EPID L-2023-DOT-0004
Download: ML23331A899 (16)


R E G U L A T I O N No. 106/1998 Sb.

of the State Office for Nuclear Safety on Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Assurance during Commissioning and Operation of Nuclear Facilities

The State Office for Nuclear Safety stipulates according to § 47, par. 7 to implement § 9, par. 1 ad c), § 13, par. 3 ad d), § 14, par. 3, ad d), § 17, par. 1, ad d) and § 18, par. 1, ad a), c) of Law No. 18/1997 Sb., on peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy and ionising radiation (the Atomic Law) including supplements and amendments of related acts (further on the Law):

PART O N E Introductory Provisions

§1 Subject of Regulation

The Regulation determines the stages of commissioning the nuclear installation, the technical and organisational conditions for the assurance of nuclear safety of the nuclear installations during their commissioning and their operation, re-commissioning the nuclear reactor using the fissile chain reaction (further on only the nuclear reactor) into the criticality after the change of nuclear fuel, the extent and the manner of approved documentation for the licence delivery for the individual stages of commissioning and the operation of nuclear installation, and the procedure for the submission and assessment of documentation for the licence to the re-commissioning the nuclear reactor into the criticality after the change of nuclear fuel.

§ 2

(1) By the reactor criticality for the purposes of this Regulation there is understood the state, when in the reactor core there is running the fissile chain reaction, during which the neutron balance is steady in the reactor core, and the effective multiplication factor is equal to one.

(2) By the handling with the nuclear materials and with the radioactive waste for the purposes of this Regulation there is understood their transfer.

(3) The comissioning the nuclear installation is the process, during which there is verified if all equipment and systems of nuclear installation are performed and able of operation in accordance with the design and if they fulfil the requirements for the nuclear

1 safety in accordance with the special Regulation and Preliminary and Preoperational Safety Analysis Report.

(4) The individual stages of nuclear installation commissioning are:

a) the stage of inactive test of nuclear installation that includes the complex verification of function ability of nuclear installation and its final proof performed before the fuel loading into the reactor core of nuclear reactor at the construction, the part of which there is the nuclear reactor using the fissile chain reaction, or performed before the nuclear material loading or radioactive waste loading into the nuclear installation of the type according to § 2, ad h), items 2, 3, 4 of the Law.

b) the stage of active test that includes the tests performed from the start of nuclear fuel loading into the reactor core at the construction, the part of which there is the nuclear reactor using the fissile chain reaction, or performed from the start of the nuclear material loading or radioactive waste loading into the nuclear installation of the type according to § 2, ad h), items 2, 3, 4 of the Law, up to the termination of trial operation of nuclear installation; for the nuclear installations, the part of which there is the nuclear reactor, the stage of active test further consists of:

1. the physical start-up of nuclear installation, the purpose of which there is the verification of physical properties, especially the neutron - physical characteristics of reactor core of nuclear reactor, and of selected functions of protections of nuclear reactor, especially those that are dependent on the neutron - physical characteristics of the reactor core; as the initiation of the physical start-up there is understood the loading the first fuel assembly into the reactor
2. the power start-up of nuclear installation, the purpose of which there is the verification of design characteristics of installation on different power levels, and of design co-operation of all systems also in the transient processes,
3. the trial operation of nuclear installation, the purpose of which there is the verification of design parameters and of the operation stability in accordance with the approved program of trial operation.

PART T W O General Requirements on Nuclear Installation Commissioning and on Its Operation

§ 3 General Requirements on Assurance of Nuclear Safety and of Radiation Protection

(1) Nuclear Installation is only commissioned or operated in the modes considered by the safety reports according to the programs of commissioning or according to the operation procedures and in accordance with the limits and conditions of safe operation (§ 2, ad t) of the Law), approved by the State Office for the Nuclear Safety (further on only the Office).

In the case of origin of divergence from the procedural course, during the situation hazardous from the viewpoint of nuclear safety in the course of performance of tests during the installation commissioning or during its operation, it is necessary to carry out the

2 indispensable manipulations and measures so that the nuclear installation ought to be actuated without delay into the safe, stabilised and control state. In the case of origin of such situation it is possible to continue in the commissioning or in the operation after the clarification and removal of causes that resulted to the origin of such situation.

(2) The part of nuclear installation that is commissioned or operated shall be from parts, where the construction or inactive tests continue, separated by a manner so that mounting works or eventual incidents and accidents in constructed part could not influence the nuclear safety of installation commissioned or operated.

(3) During the whole time of the nuclear installation commissioning and during its operation the licensee shall have the licence for the commissioning the nuclear installation or for the operation (further on only the licensee), the view on the current state of installation and he / she shall have the installation under the control.

(4) The performance of activities important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety is only possible according to the written orders and the operation documentation. Their processing and issuing is in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the special Regulation 1) and it shall be in advance verified and documented that these activities do not fail and threat the nuclear safety.

1) Regulation 214/1997 Sb. of the State Office for Nuclear Safety of August 15, 1997 on quality assurance during activities connected with the use of nuclear energy and activities leading to radiation exposure and on stipulation of criteria for ranking and distribution of selected equipment into safety classes.

§ 4 Documentation for Commissioning and Operation

(1) Since the beginning of the nuclear installation commissioning and continuously during the whole time of its operation there are especially recorded the following facts important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety and radiation protection:

a) the adherence of limits and conditions during the commissioning and operation of nuclear installation, b) the results and the records on performed examinations, inspections, tests, maintenance and repairs of equipment and systems, c) the values of physical quantities and parameters that are at any time important from the viewpoint of sufficient information on the state of reactor core, the reactor and the other connected systems important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety, or on the nuclear materials or radioactive waste being in the nuclear installation, d) the originated failures and events, their consequences, the analyses of these failures and measures accepted, e) the qualification, the medical examinations, professional training and results of its verification at employee performing the activities important from the viewpoint of nuclear


3 f) the radioactive discharges, the levels of radiation in the nuclear installation area and exposure of persons, g) the existing and newly originated failures of equipment and their propagation, the transient states and the jump changes of parameters with the aim to assure in accordance with the special Regulation 1) the possibility of determination of ageing of selected equipment and of its residual service life, h) the operation ability of selected equipment, the manipulations on the selected equipment and the delivered proofs dealing with these equipment.

(2) During the installation commissioning and its operation there are the quantities, important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety and radiation protection, continuously recorded, so that the sufficient large time interval of their changes before, during and after the response of transient process might be recorded..

(3) The facts important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety and radiation protection, the documentation, records and reports given in this Regulation deposit at minimum within 10 years after the termination of operation of nuclear installation.

§ 5 Employee

(1) The employ, who perform in the nuclear installation the activities important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety during the nuclear installation commissioning and its operation, shall be demonstrable acquainted with the content of documentation according to § 3, par. 4, that is related to the activity performed by them and in this link trained before the performance of given activities.

(2) After the performance of change influencing the nuclear safety or the radiation protection, the design, operational or other involved documentation shall be reconciled with the actual state already including the given change. The employee of nuclear installation, at their activity the attention shall be paid to the given change, shall be demonstrable acquainted with all arrangements that are related to the given change and in this link trained before the start of utilisation of given change at the nuclear installation commissioning or its operation.

(3) The licensee shall stipulate and document the organisational structure for the planning, management and assurance of initiation of the nuclear installation commissioning and of its operation. In its frame there are clearly and in written form determined the duties and responsibilities of employee of the nuclear installation in the frame of all operational modes and especially in the frame of the solution of emergency states, the flows of information among them and the relations of superiority and of subordinity. The licensee shall distinguish the activities that assures himself / herself and those by the suppliers.

§ 6 Handling with Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste in Nuclear Installation

4 (1) The basic requirement during the handling:

a) with the fissile nuclear materials there is the elimination of possibility of development of fissile chain reaction and their escape into the environment, b) with the radioactive waste there is the elimination of possibility of their escape into the environment.

(2) At handling with the spent nuclear fuel there shall be accepted the measures that restrict to the lowest acceptable extent the risk of failure of sealing the fuel elements and that assure the residual heat removal with the aim to eliminate the damage of fuel by its influence.

(3) The nuclear safety and the radiation protection during the handling with the fissile nuclear materials and radioactive waste are especially assured by:

a) the use of equipment determined by the design and tested, b) the performance of handling in accordance with the operational documentation, c) the continuous supervision of handling with the nuclear materials and radioactive waste and of the state of nuclear installation, and further in the case of handling with the nuclear fuel in the reactor of nuclear installation by the continuous supervision of the reactor core, the flow density of heat neutrons, the concentration and the level of the boric acid and of the temperature of coolant.

(4) The handling with the fissile nuclear materials and radioactive waste in the nuclear installation and activities related to that are performed according to the documentation that always contains:

a) the procedure of individual operating steps, b) the requirements on the preparedness of equipment and systems, c) the information on the state of storage nuclear materials or radioactive waste, further in the case of nuclear materials the identifying data and the cartograms of their storage and in the case of the handling with the nuclear fuel in the reactor or in the storage pool also the data on the concentration of boric acid in the coolant of the primary circuit and the storage pool.

d) the data on the organisational measures for the assurance of nuclear safety and radiation protection and data on the indispensable complementary measures which are not included in the operating instructions,

(5) Each individual technological operation connected with the transport of nuclear materials shall be recorded in a separate log-book giving the initial and final places and the accepted safety measures, as far as it is not given in the operating documentation.

§ 7

5 (1) At the shipping and storage of fresh nuclear fuel in the containers the arrangement of the fuel sets shall be secured so that the subcriticality, at least 0.05 during the assumed emergency situations including the flooding by water, ought to be assured.

(2) At the shipping and storage of spent nuclear fuel the subcriticality, at least 0.05 during the assumed emergency situations, shall be secured.

PART THREE Technical and Organisational Conditions of Safe Nuclear Installation Commissioning

§ 8 Commissioning principles

(1) The nuclear installation commissioning is performed so that each stage would create the integral set of tests according to the commissioning program approved by the Office. The termination of all tests and the following documentation of fulfilment of all acceptance criteria stipulated for them, are one of the conditions for the continuation of next stage of commissioning. The subsequent stage must not be started before the termination and fulfilment of stipulated conditions of precede stage.

(2) Before the initiation of active test of nuclear installation the initial state of nuclear installation is documented on the basis of its check-up.

(3) During the active tests there is forbidden the disconnection of individual elements of the system of protection and control of the nuclear reactor, not even for the purpose of the replacement or repair, unless the remaining number of actuating elements of system of protection and control assures the fulfilment of set requirements given by the special Regulation and by the limits and conditions of safe operation.

(4) In the period of the physical start-up there is permitted the interlock of emergency signals from the technological systems that are not utilised during the performance of physical start-up.

§ 9 Documentation for the Licence for Individual Stages of Nuclear Installation Commissioning

(1) Each stage of the nuclear installation commissioning is performed according to the stage program that is processed in advance. The stage program is processed to assure that:

a) the stage program covers all important activities related to the selected equipment that will be performed in the given stage, b) all equipment will be step by step verified by tests and that the selected operational modes considered by the design and characteristics will be verified,

6 c) the manipulation on the equipment and the realisation of tests will be performed by the professionally qualified personnel, d) the individual equipment will be tested step by step, so that there ought to be created the conditions for the tests of other parts and for the successful complex functional verification of the whole nuclear installation before the initiation of the trial operation.

(2) The stage program contains:

a) the purpose, the description and the methodology of performance of works of given stage, b) the reciprocal time and logic relations among the individual activities of given stage, c) the requirements on the preparedness of technology and energy, d) the acceptance criteria and the methodology of the evaluation of their fulfilment, e) the description of initial and final state of stage, f) the organisational and personal assurance of given stage, g) the way of transient to the further stages, h) the list of partial programs, that for individual activities especially contain:

1. the aim, the description and the methodology of performance of individual activity,
2. the requirements on the preparedness of technology and energy,
3. the acceptance criteria and the methodology of the evaluation of their fulfilment,
4. the initial and final state for given activity,
5. the organisational and personal assurance of activity.

§ 10 Limits and Conditions of Safe Operation of Nuclear Installation

(1) The limits and conditions of safe operation of nuclear installation ( § 2, ad t) of the Law) consist of the following parts:

a) the safety limits, b) the protection system settings, c) the limit conditions for normal operating modes, d) the control requirements, e) the organisational measures, f) the justification of limits and conditions of safe operation.

(2) The safety limits are the limit values of those physical and technological parameters that directly influence the state of physical barriers defending to the leakage of radioactive substances from the nuclear installation into the environment and that must not be exceeded.

At the nuclear installation, the part of which there is the nuclear reactor, it is necessary in the case of exceedance of some of safety limits to shut down the nuclear reactor. The re-start of reactor into the criticality is possible after the clarification and the removal of causes that

7 resulted to the exceedance of safety limits and the performance of indispensable analyses to the determination of the state of nuclear installation after their exceedance.

(3) The adjustment of protection systems gives the values of physical and technological parameters important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety, the exceedance of which automatically start the individual protection and safety systems. These values are determined so that the controlled parameters also at the subsequent transient process could not exceed the safety limits.

(4) The limit conditions for the operation stipulate the conditions for the safety operation of nuclear installation in the modes considered (anticipated) and analysed in the safety reports of the given nuclear installation and especially include:

a) the ranges in which there is necessary to maintain the physical and technological parameters to be assured that in the operation it could not occur an undesirable exceedance of values of parameters of arrangement of the originating the functioning of the protection systems, and in which there could be evidenced the safety of nuclear installation, b) the requirements on the operational capability of the equipment important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety so that the equipment might fulfil the required functions in the frame of defined conditions, c) the values of other safety significant parameters, in the extent of which the safety of nuclear installation is evidenced.

(5) The inspection requirements determine the extent and the frequency of regular inspections of adherence of admissible parameters and mainly the safety limits, the conditions of operational capability of installation and the arrangement of protection systems.

(6) The organisational measures especially stipulate:

a) for the cases when the admissible parameters would be reached or exceeded or in which the requirements on the operational capability of installation would not be fulfilled or in which some of conditions of arrangement or actuation of protection systems would not be fulfilled, the necessary activities and measures that shall be performed and further the time for the performance of these activities and measures, b) the responsibilities of managers in the frame of licensees organisation, the qualification of selected personnel, the requirements on the minimum occupation of the shift, internal and external check-up of the adherence of limits and conditions and the obligation to transfer the information in the relation to the regulatory bodies.

(7) The limits and conditions of safe operation are arranged according to the reached level of science and technology and with the application of experience of practice.

§ 11 Initiation of Physical Start-up

8 (1) Before the initiation of the physical start-up the licensee shall check-up if the nuclear installation is prepared for the physical start-up (further on only the preparedness check-up). The preparedness check-up of the nuclear installation for the physical start-up is performed by the licensee in such a way to verify:

executed by the licensee so that he / she would verify:

a) whether all works and tests of the preceding stage are finished, b) whether all acceptance criteria of preceding stage are fulfilled in accordance with the approved programs, c) the preparedness of equipment given in the special Regulation 1) including the system of the dosimetric check-up and the storage of irradiated fuel, and the preparedness for the initiation of the physical start-up in accordance with the stage programs, d) the preparedness of personnel for the initiation of the physical start-up in accordance with the stage programs, e) the existence and correctness of documentation given in paragraph 3.

(2) After the performed check-up according to the paragraph 1 the licensee works up the summary document on the check-up results, that is a part of preparedness licence of installation and personnel for the fuel loading.

(3) Before the initiation of the physical start-up the licensee shall verify the existence and correctness of following documentation:

a) the stage program of the physical start-up and the partial programs of individual experiments, including the program of fuel loading, the contents of which is in accordance with § 9, b) the limits and conditions of safe operation, c) the operating instructions required for the physical start-up, including the instruction for the assurance of nuclear safety and radiation protection at the handling with the nuclear fuel, nuclear materials and radioactive waste, d) the on-site emergency plan, e) the documents on the fulfilment of prescribed qualification and the documents on the training and on the authorisation of employee to the activities connected with the function performance, including the overview on the shift occupation, f) the documents and protocols on the testing and preparedness of all systems and equipment influencing the nuclear safety and participating in the physical start-up, g) the document on the fulfilment of conditions of preceding licences issued by the Office, h) the quality assurance program for the given stage, i) the summary document on the results of check-up of the preparedness of nuclear installation and its personnel for the physical start-up.

§12 Initiation of Power Start-up

9 (1) Before the initiation of the power start-up there is performed and documented the preparedness check-up. The preparedness check-up is performed by the licensee in such a way to verify:

a) whether all works and tests of the physical start-up are finished, b) whether all acceptance criteria of the physical start-up are fulfilled in accordance with the approved programs, c) the preparedness of equipment, given in the special Regulation 1) for the initiation of the power start-up in accordance with the stage programs, d) the preparedness of personnel for the initiation of the power start-up in accordance with the stage programs, e) the existence and the correctness of documentation given in paragraph 3.

(2) After the performed check-up according to paragraph 1 the licensee works up the summary document on check-up results that is a part of licence of preparedness of installation and personnel to the initiation of the power start-up.

(3) Before the initiation of the power start-up the licensee shall verify the existence and the correctness of following documentation:

a) the stage program of the power start-up and partial programs of power start-up, the contents of which is in accordance with § 9 of this Regulation, b) the limits and conditions of safe operation, c) the complete set of operating instructions necessary for the performance of the power start-up and corresponding to the actual state of construction, d) the on-site emergency plan, e) the documents on the fulfilment of prescribed qualification and the documents on the training and on the authorisation of employee to the activities connected with the function performance, including the overview on the shift occupation, f) the documents and protocols on the tests and on the preparedness of all systems and equipment influencing the nuclear safety and participating in the power start-up, g) the document on the fulfilment of conditions of preceding licences issued by the Office, h) the quality assurance program for the given stage, i) the protocol on the performance of the stage of physical start-up and on the fulfilment of acceptance criteria, j) the summary document on the results of the preparedness check-up of nuclear installation and its personnel for the power start-up.

§ 13 Initiation of Trial Operation

10 (1) Before the initiation of the trial operation there is performed and documented the preparedness check-up The preparedness check-up of nuclear installation for the trial operation is performed by the licensee in such a way to verify:

a) whether all works and tests of the power start-up are finished, b) whether all acceptance criteria of power start-up are fulfilled in accordance with the approved programs, c) the preparedness of equipment, given in special Regulation 1) and of personnel for the initiation of trial operation according to the stipulated program, d) the existence and the correctness of documentation given in paragraph 3.

(2) After the performed check-up the licensee works up the summary document on the check-up results, that is a part of licence of preparedness of installation and personnel for the initiation of trial operation.

(3) For the initiation of the trial operation the licensee shall verify the existence and the correctness of the following documentation:

a) the time schedule and program of trial operation, b) the limits and conditions of safe operation, c) the complete set of operating instructions corresponding to the actual state of construction, d) the on-site emergency plan, e) the documents on the fulfilment of prescribed qualification and the documents on the training and authorisation of employee to the activities connected with the function performance, including the overview on the shift occupation, f) the documents and protocols on the tests and on the preparedness of all selected equipment, especially those systems influencing the nuclear safety and given in the special Regulation 1),

g) the document on the fulfilment of conditions of preceding licences issued by the Office, h) the program of in-service inspections and the appropriate programs of quality assurance, given in the special Regulation 1),

i) the list of changes, related to the nuclear safety and radiation protection and regarding to the approved design, that were performed in the preceding stages, j) the protocols on the performance of the stage of the power start-up and on the fulfilment of the acceptance criteria, k) the summary document on the results of the preparedness check-up of nuclear installation and its personnel for the trial operation.

PART Four Technical and Organisational Conditions of Safe Operation of Nuclear Installation


§ 14 Principles of Operation of Nuclear Installation

(1) The operation of nuclear installation is carried out according to the time schedule of operation in which there are also given planning shutdowns. The operation time schedule is regularly, once a year, submitted to the Office, so that possible changes of the time schedule are submitted at the latest to ten days after performed arrangement of change.

(2) The operation of nuclear installation is carried out according to the operating instructions and in accordance with the limits and conditions of safe operation. The operating instructions, limits and conditions of safe operation and their changes are elaborated by the licensee. The operating instructions are elaborated for the normal operating modes and for the emergency situations. The licensee re-evaluates and corrects the operating instructions according to the reached level of science and technology and with the application of experience of practice from the operation.

(3) The check-up of shutdown reactor with the fuel sets in the reactor core, including the loading period and the change of fuel sets, is continuously especially performed from the viewpoint of subcriticality of reactor core and heat removal of the reactor core of nuclear reactor.

(4) During the operation of nuclear installation, the part of which is the nuclear reactor, the licensee ensures:

a) so that there would be always known the efficiency of actuate elements of system of control and protection of nuclear reactor, of compensation elements, of emergency protection, and the efficiency of liquid absorber, b) so that the actual effectiveness of the actuate elements of system of control and of the protection of nuclear reactor might guarantee with the sufficient reserve the nuclear reactor shutdown and its maintenance in the subcriticality, c) so that there would be always known the maximum stock of reactivity of reactor core, and so that this would be compensated by the actuate elements of system of control and protection, d) so that there would be always assured the heat stock up to the emergency boiling in the extent approved by the limits and conditions of safe operation, e) so that the rate of introducing the positive reactivity would be such so that the output corresponding to the inspected level would be achieved with a period greater than that stipulated in the limits and conditions, so that the criticality on the momentary neutrons would not be reached, f) so that during the reactor power operation, there would not expire to the disconnection of more that one channel of protection system (power or power changes rate) or to the disconnection of individual actuating mechanisms of the protection and control system, not even for the check-up, the replacement or the repair, unless the remaining number of actuating elements of the protection and control system ensures the requirements fulfilment set by a special Regulation.

(5) Further the licensee ensures:

12 a) the regular re-evaluation and required modifications of operating instructions and of equipment taking into account the reached level of science and technology and with the application of experience of preceding operation, b) so that in the main control room there would be at disposal at least one complete and update set of operating instructions, c) an immediate transmission of information to the Office on the origination of operating modes dangerous from the viewpoint of nuclear safety, including the reactor shutdowns by the performance of emergency protection in the case of nuclear installations with the nuclear

reactor, d) the regular evaluation of operation and analyses of failures originated and the transmission of reports dealing with these analyses to the Office at least once a month, together with the proposals on the measures and with the information on the state of fulfilment of these measures.

§ 15 Maintenance, Testing, Inspections

(1) The maintenance, testing and inspections of all systems and equipment important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety are performed according to the operating instructions, procedures and programs and they have such technical level and frequency so that it would be assured, that the reliability and the function of these systems and equipment are in accordance with the special Regulation and with the design, and that all activities perform in accordance with the limits and conditions of safe operation.

(2) After the implemented maintenance or inspection there shall be the equipment or the system, important from the viewpoint of nuclear safety, prior to the re-commissioning tested according to in advance stipulated program and there shall be executed the corresponding record in the operational records.

(3) The programs and procedures of maintenance, operating inspections and of testing are elaborated by the licensee in accordance with the special Regulation 1).

§ 16 Repairs

(1) The repairs of equipment or systems having a influence on the nuclear safety are performed with respect to such measures that ensured so that the level of nuclear safety of nuclear installation would not be by the repairs reduced under the level, stipulated by the special Regulation and by the limits and conditions of safe operation.

(2) After the termination of repair there is carried out according to a stipulated program, the test if the equipment or system is able to fulfil reliable its function.


§ 17 Initiation of Permanent Operation of Nuclear Installation

(1) Before the initiation of permanent operation of nuclear installation the licensee performs the preparedness check-up of nuclear installation for a permanent operation in such a way to verify and to document:

a) whether there are terminated all works and tests of all stages of commissioning, b) whether there are fulfilled all acceptance criteria of preceding stages of commissioning in accordance with approved programs, c) the preparedness of installation and of personnel for the permanent operation, and the protocols on the performance of competency examinations of personnel, d) the existence and the correctness of documentation given in paragraph 3.

(2) After the executed check-up the licensee elaborates a summary document on the results of check-up that is a part of licence of preparedness of installation and personnel to the initiation of permanent operation.

(3) To the initiation of permanent operation the licensee verifies the existence and the correctness of the following documentation:

a) the documentation according to § 13, par. 3, ad b), c), d), e), f), h) and i),

b) the report on the results of trial operation, c) the document on the fulfilment of conditions and requirements of preceding licences issued by the Office, d) the annual time schedule of operation, e) a summary document on the preparedness check-up of the nuclear installation and its personnel for the operation.


Nuclear Reactor Re-commissioning into the Criticality after the Refuelling

§ 18 Principles Nuclear Reactor Re-commissioning into the Criticality after the Refuelling

(1) The nuclear installation re-commissioning into the criticality after the refuelling is possible to initiate if all equipment and systems, necessary for the operation, are in a state

14 of functional capability for the ensuring the reliable and safe operation in accordance with the design, with the pre-operational safety report, limits and conditions of safe operation of nuclear installation and with the special Regulation.

(2) Before the re-commissioning the nuclear reactor into the criticality there is performed and documented the preparedness check-up. The preparedness check-up for a reactor re-commissioning into the criticality after the refuelling is performed by the licensee in a such way to verify:

a) whether all works and tests, connected with the re-fuelling and corresponding to the parts of program of operating instructions, are finished, b) whether all acceptance criteria, connected with the activities under the item a), are fulfilled, c) the preparedness of equipment and of personnel for the re-commissioning of nuclear reactor into the criticality and for further operation.

§ 19 Documentation for Licence for Re-commissioning Nuclear Reactor into Criticality after Refuelling and Procedure at Its Submission and Assessment

(1) To the application for the re-commissioning the nuclear installation into the criticality after the refuelling the licensee submits:

a) the neutron-physical characteristics of reactor core, b) the documents on the preparedness of installation and of personnel to the nuclear installation re-commissioning, to which it belongs:

1. the supplements and amendments of safety report containing the changes performed in the preceding period,
2. the statement on the updating the limits and conditions of safe operation, and on the updating the complete set of operating instructions, performed on the basis of modifications in the preceding period,
3. the documents and protocols on the testing and preparedness of all selected equipment,
4. the documents and protocols on the results of in-service inspections and on the fulfilment of acceptance criteria,
5. the summary document on the results of the preparedness check-up of nuclear installation and of its personnel for the further operation, c) the schedule of further operation including the program of re-commissioning the nuclear installation and the programs of physical and power start-ups in necessary extent.

(2) The licensee submits the documentation according to paragraph 1, ad a) and c) step by step, however at least 1 month before the submission of application according to § 9, par.

1, ad e) of the Law. The other documentation is a part of application.

§ 20 Force

15 This Regulation comes into force by the day of proclamation.