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Enclosure 3-1 - Summary of Change of SAR for Model No. JRC-80Y-20T (J/2045/B(U)F) (Non-Proprietary)
Person / Time
Site: 07103035
Issue date: 04/03/2023
From: Boyle R, Neely R
Edlow International Co, US Dept of Transportation (DOT), Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Division of Fuel Management
Shared Package
ML23115A059 List:
001794, EPID L-2023-DOT-0006
Download: ML23115A084 (4)


Outline of Design Approval for Nuclcar Fuel Transport Package using Type JRC-80Y-20T TranspoÜ Container Outline This transport container has been used for transporting spent fuels fro l rcscarch reactors to the UoS.since 1981(manufactured in 1981)and has sO far been used for transpohation while taking necessary ticensing procedures such as having periodicany renewed the approval period and applying for approval amendmec for addition ofcontcnts(spent fuel).

With domestic adoption of the 2018 edition of IAEA's``Regulations for the Safe Transpoi of Radioactivc Material,"the regulations including those known as Outside Transport Regulations were revised on January l,2021 to add considerations of aging during the storage of transpoÜ containers and during the use of nuclear fuci transpo package(with the contents loaded in a transport container)B In accordance with this revision,A ve decided to add a description ofthe results of the considerations and evaluations of aging in the attachment which explains safety(an item to be descttbed in an attachment)and tO delete he registered contents which would not be transpohed in thc future and apply for the registration.In addition,it was decided that this apphcation was to be submitted as a new application(application for design approval)in aCCOrdance with the guidance from the Nuclear RegulØ lon Authority.

It is not necessary to consider the deletion of the registered contents and the aging effects,in conilllling comphance with the technical cÜ teria,and therefore the results ofhese safety analyses (StruCtural analysis,thellllal analysis,containment analysis,shield analysis,and criticality analysis) remain unchanged.

1.Deletion ofthe registered contents that will not be transpohed in the future Curel contents 7 typesContents in the future 3 typesLargest among the contents JRR]3 Silicide Standard Type Fuel ElementSpent Silicide Standard Type Fuel ElementWeight,gamma source strength9 etc.

JRR-3 Silicide Follower Type Fuel ElementSpent Silicide Follower Type Fuel Element JRR-3 Aluminide Standard Typc Fuel ElementDeleted Decay heat vRR-3 Aluminide Follower Type Fuel ElementDeleted JRR-4 Low Enriched Fuel Element (LEU)DeletedNeutron source strength per unit length JRR-4 High Enriched lnsttumentation Fuel Element(HEU)Deleted vRR-3hINU Fuel Spent WINU FucI s) Though the registration as contents is deletcd,parameter values ofthe fuel element used in the safety analysis are uscd as conseW atse design values.

2.Considerations ofAging ofNuclear Fuel Transport Package ln order to renectthe rcvisions ofg Rules on Transporting Nuclear Fuel Materials ctc.outsidc the Plant or Place of Business"and`lNotice on the Details of Technical Standards for Transport of Nuctear Fuel Materials etc,outside the Plant or Place of Business(for thOSe effects e by Januav l,2021),an eValuttion ofhe assumed usage conditions during the seW ice hfe and he subsequent aging was conducted and the resuits are described in W(II)\\ F.Considerations ofAging of Nuclear Fucl Transpon PackageW in Appendix-1.

Aging was evaluatcd assunling that the period of use is 70 years,a transport containcr is used once\\ a\\year,and a transportation period per transport is 365 days frorl a conseW ative vieA vpoint.

Aging factors to be considered for this transport container were heat,radiation,chemical changes, and fatigue due to repetitive loads,while materials considered for aging were stainlcss stecl(body, 1ld£baskct),neutrOn absorber and aluminum a1loy.

(1)Stainless steel Stainless steel is used as the structural strength member of this transport containei Aging assumed in thcllllal degradation may degrade the mechanical characteristics due to high\\

temperature embrmlemeO,such as creep(defOF lllation),caused by exposure to high temperature environments. IIowever, based on the results of thellllal analyses, the maximuni temperature duringtranspoHttion is aboutl C,which is bclow the temperature at which the strength could change due to creep etc.(425 C),sO there is no need to consider the effect ofaging in conililling comphance with the technical criteria.

Aging assumed in radiation degradation may affect the mechanical characteristics due to changes in material organization(embrittlement ctc.)cauSed by neutron iradiation.However,he mamum dose of neut_ n wili be on the order of ln/cm2£ which is below the dose of 1016 n/cm21/2 which material organization could change(embrittlement etc.).Thercfore,there is no need to consider the efFect ofaging in conilllling comphance with the technical criteria.

Aging assumed in chemical degrttation may affect he material strength and cause embrittlement due to corosion,Howevet stainless steel is a material hat forms a passive ilm on its surface and does not co ode easily,and the depth ofco osion in the air is estimated to be l m(0.001 mm)per year and a maximum of O.07 mm during the period of use,which is a negligible amount ofcorosion compared to the thickness ofthe member(apprOr matelyllmm for the body ofa transpon container).TherefOre,there is no necd to consider the effects of aging in conflraling comphance with technical critcria.

Aging assumed in fatigue degradation lnay cause a fatigue failure due to repeated loading.For a hiing device(main bOdy hfting ittings)£ the frequency ofits uses per yearis assumed to be100 tilnes,and the realstic frequency of cxpectcd linings during the pcriod of usc is 7,000 times,but the frequency of linings for confbllllance to technical criteria is conservatively assumed to be 10,000 times.Since the repeat count of 10,000 times covers the expected frequency of uses,the repeat count is conseW atively set in conducting fatigue evaluations.In addition,assunling that a containment de ce(container body,lid,and hd tightening bolt)iS handled 4 times per year,a repeat count will be 280 tilnes in 70 years,butitis conseW atively set at 300 tinles for compliance with the technical criteria.Since the repcat count of 300 tilnes covers the expected frequency of uscs,the repeat count is conseW atively set in conducting fatigue evaluations.

(2)Neutron absorber Neutron absorbers are used to maintain the subcriticality of a transpo package. Aging assumed in thellllal degradation may degrade the function for maintaining the subcriticality due to changes in thc material organization caused by exposure to high temperature environments.

However, based on the results of thellllal analyses9 the maxlllnun temperature during transportation is about ll C,which is below the temperature at which this material meits (2450C).Therefore,there is no need to consider the effect of aging in conilllling compliance with the technical criteria.

Aging assumed in radiation degradation may degrade the function for maintaining the subcriticality due to depletion of 10B caused by neutron irradiation. However, even on the conseW ative assumption that the period of use is 100 years,the maxilnurl dose of neutron will be onthe orderofIIln/cm2,and the depletion of10B is estimated to be about O.00013%,which is a negligiblc amount.Therefore,thcre is no nccd to consider the effect of aging in coniming comphance with the technical criteria.

Aging assumed in che lical degradation may dcgrade the function for maintaining the subcriticanty due to corosion.However,since it is in a sealed space inside the basket partition (Staintess steel)and dOes nOt come into contact with the outside ait co osion does not occu Therefore, there is no necd to consider the effects of aging in conflllling comphance with technical standards.

(3)Aluminum alloy(spaCer)

Aluminum alloy is used as spacers and heattransfer componentsin Follower Type Fuelloading.

Aging assumed in thel£ 1lal degradation may affect heat transfer perfoIj jjance due to changes in the material organization caused by exposure to high temperature environments.However,based on the results oftherlnal analyses,he maximum temperature duing transpo ationisaboutl C, which is below the temperature at which this material melts(660 C).Therefore,here is no need to consider the effect ofaging in coni111Ü ng compliance with the technical criteria.

Aging assumed in radiation degradation may affect the hcat transfer perfollllance due to changes in material organization(embrittlement etcB )cauSed by neutron iradiation,Howeve¿ the maximum doseofneutronwili be ontheorderofIIln/cm2,which is below the of1021 n/Cm2 at which material organizttion could change(embrittlement etc.).Therefore,here is no need to consider the effect of aging in confllllÜ ng comphanceA vith the technical criteria.

Aging assumed in chcmical degradation may affect heattransfer perfollllance due to corrosion.

However,aluminum anoy is a material that follHs an oxide 114 0n itS surface and is resistant to COOSiOn,and it wili be used¥ aner conillling that therey re no abnollllalities in its appearance prior to shipment. Therefore, there is no need to consider the effect of aging in coniR ming COFnpliance with the technical criteria.

3.Miscellaneous Numbers ofÜ 8ures,tables and pages were modiied as some of the registered contents were deleted.