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Transmittal Letter from Edlow International Company to the U.S. DOT, Application for Validation of the Model No. JRC-80Y-20T Package (J/2045/B(U)F)
Person / Time
Site: 07103035
Issue date: 03/03/2023
From: Neely R
Edlow International Co
To: Boyle R
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, US Dept of Transportation, Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Admin
Shared Package
ML23115A050 List:
CAC 001794, EPID L-2023-DOT-0006
Download: ML23115A079 (1)


b b

b Edlow International Company 1666 Connecticut Ave ., N.W. , Suite 201 Washington , D.C. 20009 U.S.A.

Tel (202) 483-4959 Fax (202) 483-4840 FMC License No. 019368F March 3, 2023 Rick Boyle U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration East Building, PHH-21 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20590-0001 Edlow Ref: JRC-80Y-20T Validation Request

Dear Mr. Boyle,

We are planning a shipment from Japan utilizing the JRC-80Y-20T package that will enter the US. The package has been validated by the US in the past and will require a renewed US validation.

We confirm that there are no changes in the Safety Analysis Report or the structure and design of JRC-80Y-20T package from the last approval certificate. The only differences from the previous approval are as follows:

1. Certain fuel contents deleted (no new fuel added);
2. Planned Years of Use (70 years) added;
3. Quality Management Policy added; and
4. SAR complies with 2018 IAEA Edition of the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials (IAEA No. SSR 6)

Please see the attached Comparison Table for more detailed information. Also attached for your reference are the expired US Competent Authority Certificate USA/0208/ B (U) F-96, Revision 13 (revalidation of J/61/ B (U) F-96, Rev. 3) and the new Japanese validation J/2045/ B (U) F for which we are requesting US validation.

Thank you and please let us know if you require additional information to assist us with this request.

Sincerely yours,

~~y Russell Neely Chief Operating Officer Edlow International Company