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Part 2-Response Acceptance Review, 2-27-23, Updated Document No. 4-1 (Non-proprietary) Comparison Table of SAR for Type JRF-90Y-950K
Person / Time
Site: 07103036
Issue date: 02/27/2023
From: Neely R
To: Boyle R
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, US Dept of Transportation, Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Shared Package
ML23058A255 List:
CAC 001794, EPID L-2023-DOT-0000
Download: ML23059A252 (129)


Revision Comparison Table for Type JRF-90Y-950K SAR The attached Table compares the following:

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR Japanese Certificate: J/119/B (U) F-96 (Rev. 2), This is the new version of the SAR Dated January 31, 2018 submitted in January 2023 to US DOT/ US NRC for review.

Endorsed by US Certificate USA/0452/B (U) F-96, Rev. 14 Dated April 4, 2018 National Institute of Japan Atomic Energy Agency

2017 version of SAR 2022 versiOn of SAR note Appendix 1 Modification for prOper dcscription Type JRF90Y950K Type RF90Y950K Apprication of Des gn Modif cation pprOVal for Nuclcar Fucl Transport Package ApplicttiOn ofDesign Approval fOr Nuclear Fuel Transport Package National lnstitute OfJapan AtoHic Enelgy Agency Nttional lnstitute ofJapan Atomic Energy Agency 2

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note A.5.1.2 ThcHnal expansion ( ) A73 A.5.1.2 Thell al eXpansion A76 Modiflcation (II) for prOper A.5.1.3 Stress calculation ( ) A74 A.5.1.3 Stress calculation (II) A77 description

( ) A82 A.5.1.4 Comparison ofallowable sttess A.5.1.4 Comparison ofallowable sttess I) A85 A.5.2 Waterspray . ,

(II) A84 A.5.2 Waterspray , 1 A88 (II)

A.5.3 Free drop , , ( ) A84 A.5,3 Free drop . A88 (II)

A.5.4 Stacking test ( ) A A.5.4 Stacking test A cI)

A.5.5 Penetration ( ) A A.5.5 Penettation, (II) A A.5.6 Comcroredge drop . A A.5.6 Comer oredge drop

( )

(II) A A.5.7 Summarisation ofthc rcsult and the evaluation

( ) A A.5.7 Sunl=narisation ofthe result and the evaluation ( ) A A.6 Accident tcst conditions ' ( )A A.6 Accident test conditions A (II)

A.6.l Mcchanicaltest D p ttsd(9m d p) ( ) A A.6.l Mechanic test Drop testI(9m d p) (II) A or mcchanic test Drop testIII(dynamiC presswe pickles) or mechanical tcst Drop te (dynamic pressllre pickles)

A.6.1.l Vcrtical drop ) A

( A.6.1.l Vertical drop (II) A A.6.1.2 Horizontal drop , ( ) A A.6.1.2 Horizontal drop , (II) A A.6.1.3 Comcrdrop 1 ( ) A A.6.1.3 Corlcr drop (II) A A.6.1.4 1nclned drop

( ) A A.6.1.4 1nchned drop = , (II) A A.6.1.5 Su1lnav ofhe results

( ) A A.6.1.5 Sunllnary ofhe results , (II) A A.6.2 Mechtticaltest Drop test (ln drOp) ( ) A A.6.2 Mechan al test Drop test (lm drOp) (II) A A.6.2.l Sunl14att Ofthe results , A Su lmary ofthe rcsults ,

( ) A.6.2.l (

) A A.6.3 The A A.6.3 Therlnaltest 1lal test' ( ) (II) A A

A.6.3.l Sunl:nary oftemperattres and pressllre ( ) A,6.3.l Sulnmary oftempcramres and pressure 1 A 1


A.6.3.2 Thei al expansion ,


) A A.6.3.2 ThettIIlal cxpansion , .(II) A E A.6.3,3 Comparison ofa1lowable sttesses

( ) A A.6.3.3 Comparison Ofallowable stresses' (II) A A.6.4 Waterimmersion (II) A A.6.4 Waterilnmersion , .

(II) A S A.6.5 Sunllnarisation ofthe result and thc cvaluation (II) A A.6.5 Summarisation ofthe result and the evaluation (II) A A.7 Reinforced immersion test .(II) A A.7 Rcinforced immersion test (II) A

) A A.8 Radioactive conttnt .(

A.8 Radioactive content A (II)

A.9 Fissile package cI) A A.9 Fissle package, . . A (II) 3

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note A.9.l Norlnal test conditions for flssionable transported articlcs (II) A A.9 1 Normal test conditions fOr assionable transpottcd articlcs (II) A247 Modification for prOper A.9.2 Special test conditions lbr flssionable transported articles (II) A A.9.2 special test conditions for flssiOnable transponed articlcs (II) A249 description (II) A253 A.10 Appendix A.10 Appendix . .

(II) A254 (II) B Themal analysis (II) B1

( ) B. Therlnal analysis , (II) B1 B l General description (II) B1 B l Gcnerar description . (II) B1 B.1.l Therrnal design .

(II) B1 B.1.l The:mal design '(II) B1 B.1.2 Conditions and lnethods ofthemal analyses (II) B5 B.2 herrnal propetties ofthe materials 1. B6 B.1.2 Conditions and rnethods ofthermal analyses (II) B5 (II)

B.2 Thcrrnal propettics ofhe materials . B6 B10 ..

B.3 Spcciflcations Of cOmponents (II) (II)

B.4 Norlnaltest cOnditions 1 (II) B11 B.3 SpcciicatiOns ofcOmponents

.(II) B10 B4.l Thc14al analytical mode .. (II) B H B.4 Nomaltest conditions (II) B H B4.1.l Analytical model (II) B H B.4.l Thcrinal analytical mOdel, ,. (II) B11 B.4.1 2 Test model .. .

(II) B13 B.4.1 l Analytical modcl (II) B11 B.4.2 Ma mkttm temperatures ( ) B13 B.4.1.2 Test model ,1 (II) B13 B.4.3 Minimum temperatures ,, ( ) B14 B.4.2 Ma mum temperatures . .

(II) B13 B.4.4 Maximum intemal prcssure

( ) B14 B.4.5 Maximum thcrlnal strcss B14 B4,3 Minimum temperatures (II) B14 (II)

B.4.6 SummarisatiOn ofthe resuit and thc cvaluation (II) B15 B.4.4 Maxinum intcmal pressure .. (II) B14 B.5 Accidenttcst conditions .

(II) B16 B.4.5 Ma mum thermal stress ,,

(II) B14 B5.l Thcrlnal analytical model 1. (II) B16 B.4.6 Summarisation ofhe resuit and hc evaluation (II) B15 B.5.1.l Analytical mOdel ( ) B16 B.5 Accident test conditions (II) B16 B.5.1.2 Tcst,lodcl l ,

(II) B20 B5.l Therlnal analytical model . .

(II) B16 B.5,2 Evaluation conditions for packages (II) B21 B.5.1.l Analytical mOdel (II) B16 B.5.3 Temperaturcs ofpackages , (II) B21 B.5 1.2 Tcst model (II) B20 B.5.4 Maxinurn internal presstlre (II) B23 B.5,2 Evaluation conditions fOr packages (II) B21 B.5.3 Temperatures ofpackagcs B21 (II)

B.5.4 Maximum intemal pressurc. ,

(II) B23 4

2017 version of SAR 2022 versiOn Of SAR note Addition due to revlslon of regulations ctc.

ssessment ofhe compliance wtth the rcgulation and hc notiacation ( ) F1 B ofthe cOmpliance vith the regulat10n and the noittattOn ( ) G1 Changes due to revision Of rcgurations e .

( )(Assessment ofthe compliance with the regulaObn and the nOtJttcat n ) G Repott on hc Test Rcs ts ofa prO pe COntainer br Typc JRF90 950 TranspoH Conttiner¨ ¨

) H



Changes due to revisiOn of regulations etc.

I Basic policy for hc quality management (I )1 Changes due III l Basic policy for qually management(Oarai Research and Development Center) ( I)1 to revision of A.Quality management system (m)1 regulations etc.

A.l Generalrequirements ' ( 1 A.2 Rcquirements for docLHlentation ( I)1 A,2.l General , , (lI)1 A.2.2 Basic policy implementation , ( I)2 A.2.3 Document control , (III)2 5

2017 version of SAR 2022 versiOn Of SAR note A.3 Record control (I )2 Changes due to revision Of B. AppLcants'responsibilities .. .(I

)3 regulations B,l Commitmcnt ofhe management

( )3 ctc.

B.2 Quality policy and quality ottect e (III)3 B.3 Quality otteCt e (I

)3 B.4 Rcsponsibility and auhonty (III)4 B.4.l Responsibility and authority (HI)4 B.4.2 Chiefadministrator (III)5 B.4.3 1ntemal audit responsiblc , (III)5 B.5 Management re ew (HI)5 C. Education and training , '(HI)8 C.1 0perationtal management ofresources (HI)8 C.1.l Resource supp y (I )8 C.1.2 Abilittt recognition,and education/training (IH)8 D. Design control (1 )8 D.l Duty plans (III)8 D.2 Design and development (III)9 D.2.l Dcsign and development planning ' (III)9 D.2.2 Design and development a1location (HI)10 D.2.3 1nput fbrthe design and development (III)10 D.2.4 0utput om he design and development (II) H D.2.5 Design and development examination

( I) H D.2.6 Vcriflcation and validation ofdesign and development ( I)11 D.2.7 Conttol ofdesign and development

( )12 E. Manufacturing order ofpackages (I )12 E.l Procurement con ol' (I )12 E.1.l Procurement process I (I )12 E.1.2 Procurement requirenents (III)13 6

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR nOte E.1.3 Veriflcation ofprocured products (III)13 Changcs due to revision of E.2 ManuFacttlrc contro (I )13 rcgulations E.2.l Gencral (I )13 etc.

E.2.2 Process control )14 E.2.3 Approval ofspecial process (III)14 E.2.4 Control ofncw method (III)14 E.2.5 ManuFacture verification ( I)14 E.3 1dentiacation and traceabilily (II)15 E.3.l ldentification and ttaceabihty ofhe packagng and transpott equipment (I )15 E.3.2 PaOkaging design,Inanufacture,handling, . . (HI)15 calculation code for storage,identification and ttaceability ofcomponents E.4 Storage ofprocured products (HI)16 E.5 Conttol ofmonitorhg instrument and measurhg insttulnent

( )16 E.6 Assessments and imp vement , ( )17 E.6.l Gencral , (I )17 E.6.2 Monitoring and measurement . (I )17 E.6.2.l lntemal audit 1

, '(III)17 E.6.2.2 Process lnonitoring and rneasllrement (III)18 E.6.2.3 1nspection and tcst , , (HI)18 E.6.3 Nonconformlty con ol ( I)18 E.6.4 Corective actions ( I)19 E.6.5 Preventative actions I)19


R Handling and maintenance (III)20 R l Handling con ol ( )20 R2 Maintcnancc and storage ofthe packaging ,.(I )20 7

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Handling mehOds and maintenance ofnuclear fbel pa kage Handling lnethOds and 4aintenance of nudear fuel package Changes due A1 to revisiOn of Package handhng:nehods A1 A.Package handling=nethods A1 regulations A.l Mcthod ofioading A1 A.1 [ethod Of10ading A1 etc.

A.2 Pa kage inspection prior to shipment A2 A.2 Package inspection pr r to shipment A2 A.3 MchOd ofrel oval A2 A.3 Method OfremOval A2 A,4 Prcparation ofempty packaging A2 A.4 Preparation ofempty packaging A2 B Mahten nce requirements 1. B1 B.Maintenance requirements B1 Changes due B.1 risual appearance inspection B1 B.1 sual appearance inspectiOn to rcvisiOn of B1 regulations B.2 Pressure dllr hty lnspection B1 B 2 Pressure dt rability lnspection B1 etc.

B.3 A tight leakage inspection B1 B.3 Airtight leakage inspectiOn B1 B.4 Shielding hspcction B1 B.4 Shielding lnspection B1 B.5 Subcriticality lnspection B1 B.5 Subcriticahty lnspection B1 B.6 Therinal lnspection B1 B.6 Thermallnspection ! B1 B.7 Lifting lnspection , B1 B,7 Lifting lnspectiOn ,

B1 B.8 Acttation d eck inspcction ,

B1 B.8 Actuation check nspectiOn B1 B.9 Mttntenance ofauxilia ry System B2 B.9 Maintenance of auxiliary System B2 B.10 Maintenance oFvalves,Gaskcts,etc.ofsealing devices B2 B.10 Maintenance Ofvalves,Gaskets,ctc.of sealing devices B2 B.1l Storage ofthe lranspott packaging ,

B2 B.1l Storage ofthe transport packaging B2 B.12 Retention ofrecords ,, B2 B.12 Retention ofrecords B2 B.13 0hers B2 B.13 0thers B2 ImpoHant Notice about a safe deslgn and he safe transponatiOn )1 ImpOrtant Notice abOut a safe design and the saFe transportation transportation 1 Changes due to revision Of regulations etc.

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (I) Fig.A,1 Rough dra ving ofpackage (I) A5 Modificadon fOr (I) Fig.A.1 Rough drawing Ofpackage (1) A6 prOpcr desciption (I) Fig.C.1 Rough dra ving ofpackage 1 . (I) C2 (I) Fig.C.1 Rough dra vlng ofpackage (I) C2 (I) Fig.C.2 Packagc under transport condition (I) C3 (I) Fig.C.2 Package tic dO vn cOndition cOndition (I) C3 (I) Fig C 3 Package under ttanspoi condition (I) C4 (I)

Fig.C.3 Packagc under transpott cOndition, (I) C4 (I) Fi8 C 4 Seal boundary ofpackagc.' ' ' , , , (I) C5 (I) FigoC.4 Seal boundary ofpackage (1) C5 (I) Fig.C.5 General dra ving ofpackagc (I) C9 (I) Fig.C.5 Gcneral dra ving ofpackage (I) C9 (I) Fig.C.6 Mttn body (I) C10 (I) Main body Fig.C.6 (I) C10 (I) Fig.C.7 Inner sheH lid .. . (I) C H (I) Fig.C,7 Inner shcH lid (I) C H (I) Fig.C.8 Basket for box typc Fuel (I) C12 (I) FigoC.8 Basket for box type tte (I) C12 (I) Fig,C.9 Outcr shell lid (I) C13 (I) FigoC.9 Outer shell lid,. . (I) C13 (I) Fig.D.1 JRR3 standard type ttel element (I) Fi8 D.1 JRR3 standard pe fLlel element (uranium silicon alminum dispersiOn a1loy) (I) D5 (uranium shcOn alminun dispcrsiOn a110y) (I) D5 (I) Fig.D.2 JRR 3 follower typc fuel elcmcnt (1) Fig.D.2 JRR3 follower type ttel elcment (uranium silicon alminun dispersion alloy) (1) D6 (uranium silicOn alminum dispersion alloy) (I) D6 Decrcasc in umber (I) FigD.3 JRR 4B pe ttel element (I) D7 ofpages duc tO (I) Fig.D.4 JttR 4L type ttel elcment (1) D8 rcductiOn oftablcs (I) Fig D.5 JRR4 el elemcnt atcrrcvicw Ofdlc contcHs (uranium silicon alminurn dispersion type alloy) (I) D9 (I) Fi8.D.6 JMTR standard fuel clcmen (I) D10 (I) Fig.D.3 JMTR standard ttel element ,

(I) D7 Modiication for (I) Fi3 D 7 JMTR follower type ttel element (I) D H propcr dcsciption (I) Fi8 D.4 JMTR follower type rilcl element (1) D8 (I) FigD.8 JMTRC stalldard ttel element(A type,B type,C typc) (I) D12 (I) Fig.D.9 JMTRC standard ttel element(pin iX pe)(B type,C type) (I) D13 (I) Fig D.10 JMTRC speci fucl clcment(special A type) (I) D14 (I) Fig.D.5 JMTRC special ttel clement(Special A pe) (I) D9 (I) Fig.D.H JMTRC speci fuel elemellt(Speci B type) (I) D15 (I) Fig.D 12 JMTRC special fucl element(Special C type,special D typc) (I) D16 (I) Fig.D13 JMTRC ttel follower( IF type) (I) D17 (I) Fig.D 14 JMTRC standard fuel element(MA,MB,MC type) (1) D18 (I) Fig.D.6 JMTRC standard litlel element(MA,MB,MC type) (I) D10 Modiication (I) Fig.D.15 JMTRC special Alcl element (I) Fig.D,7 JMTRC standard ttel element for prOpcr description 9

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note (SpeCial MB type,spccial MC type) (I) D19 (SpeCi MB typc spcci MC type) (I) D H Modiacation for prOpcr (I) Fig D 16 JMTRC ttd fo1lower(MFt)/pe) (I) D20 (I) Fig.D8 JMTRC Ald fol10wcr(MF type) (I) D12 description

( ) Fig.Al Position of ccnter of gravity (II) A33 (II) Fig A.1 Posttion OFcenter ofgravity (II) A33 (II) Fig.A,2 Va ions h mecha c properics ofSUdaccordingtO changes (II) Fig.A.2 vanadons h mechan prOpcrdesoFSUdaccornngtochangcs in temperature(1/5) (II) A37 in temperature(1/5) (II) A37 (II) Fig A.2 bns h mecha c propehies ofSUS }ccordng to changcs (II) Fig.A2 vanattons h mecha c prOpertiesofSUttccordngtochanges in temperature(2/5) (II) A38 in temperature(2/5) (II) A38 (II) F .A2 attons h mecha c propert s oFSU Bccordngtochanges (II) ng.A.2 a ons h mcchan prOpehics Of SU

}ccordng tO changes in temperature(3/5) (II) A39 in tempertture(3/5) (II) A39

( ) Fig A 2 vanattons h mecha c properdesoFSUaaccordngtOchanges (I) Hg.A2 Va attOns h mccha c prOperdcsOfSUdaccordngtOchanges in temperature(4/5) (II) A40 in temperature(4/5) (II) A40 (II) Fig A 2 Va attons h mccha c propcrdes of SU cCOrdhg to changcs (II) g.A2 Va adons h mechan properdesOfSUttccOrdhgtochanges in tcmperature(5/5) (H) A41 in temperature(5/5) (II) A41

( ) Fig.A3 ahons h mechan plopcrhcsofSUttccornngtOchanges (II) Fig.A.3 nanons h mecha c properdesofSUdaccordngtochangcs in tempertture(b01t material)(1/4) (II) A42 in temperattre(bOtt mttcnal)(1/4) (II) A42 (II) Fig A 3 vanadons h mecha c propehies of SU Daccordngtochanges (II) FigoA 3 nattons h mccha cal prOpe s oFS Daccordngtochanges in tcmpcraturc(b01t materia (2/4). .(II) A43 in temperature(b01t materia (2/4) ( ) A43

( ) Fig.A.3 vanaoons h mechan prOperdesofSUdacco ng tO changes (II) Fig,A3 nadOns h mechan propertiesOfSUdaccorangtochanges in tempertture(b01t matcrial)(3/4) (II) A44 in tcmpcrature(b01t material)(3/4) (II) A44 (II) Fig,A.3 nahons h mecha c properdesofSUdaccornngtO changes (II) Fi8 A.3 vanadons h mechan properttesofSUaaccordngtochangcs in temperature(bOtt mtterial)(4/4)

(II) A45 in tcmperature(bOh mate a (4/4) o(II) A45 (II) Fig,A.4 Va attons h mecha c properdes o cCOrdng tO changes (II) Fig A,4 iOns h mechan prOpertiesofSSdaccOrdngtOchanges in temperature(1/1) (II) A46 in temperature(1/1) (II) A46 (II) Fig.A5 Vari ons h mechan propemes o ccOrdng (II) Fig A.5 Vahadons h mechan prOperttes O accordhg to changes in temperature(1/1) (II) A47 to changes in temperatllrc(1/1) (II) A47 (II) Fig A.6 Design fatiguc ( ) Fig.A6 Dcsign fatigue cu e (II) A48 (II) A48 (II) Fig A 7 Design fatigue curve (II) A48 (H) Fig A.7 Design fatigue curve [2] A48 (II) 10

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note

( ) Fig.A.8 Stress strain curve oFshock absorbcr[4] (II) A49 (II) Fig.A8 Stressttstrain curve Ofshock absorber[4]

(II) A49 ModiflcatiOn fOr prOpcr (II) FiB.A.9 Analyticalrnodel fbr eye plate (II) A53 (II) Fig.A.9 Analytical rnOdel fOr eye plate l . ,, (II) A53 dcscription (II) Fig.A.10 Analyticalrnodcl ofwelded pai on cyc plate. (II) A56 (II) Fig.A,10 Analytical rnOdel ofwelded pa on eye plate. (II) A56 (II) Fig A.H Accelcration during transportation '

(II) A58 (II) Fig.A ll Acceleration during ttanspottation , , A59 (II)

(II) Fig.A.12 Analyticat FnOdel fbr eyc plate . ( ) A60 (II) Fig.A12 Analytical mOdel for eye plate (II) A61

( ) Fig.A.13 Analytical model for wclded part of eye plate ( ) A63 (II) Fig.A.13 Analytical mOdcl fbr vclded pai Ofeye platc . (II) A64 (II) Fig.A.14 ribration analytical rnOdet ofpackaging (II) A68 (IX) Fig.A.14 Vibration analytical rnOdel ofpackaging A69 1


(II) Fig.A.15 Analytical rnOdel oftherinal expansion (II) A73 (II) Fig.A.15 Analytical rnOde1 0FtheIIIIal cxpansion (II) A76 (II) Fi8 A16 Stress evaluation position under normal test conditions (II) A75 (II) Fig.A.16 Sttess evaluation positiOn under norlnal test cOnditions (II) A78 (II) Fig.A.17 Stress analysis model ofinner sheH center portion (II) A76 (II) Fig.A.17 Stress analysis lnOdel ofinner sheH center portion (II) A79 (II) Fi3 A.18 Sttess analysis rnodcl ofinner sheH botto l plate (II) A77 (II) Fig.A.18 Stress analysis l odel ofinner sheH bOttonl plate (II) A80

( ) Fig.A.19 Stress analysis modcl ofinner lid centcr portion (II) A78 (II) Fig.A.19 Strcss analysis model ofinner lid centcr portion A81 (II)

(II) Fig,A.20 Analytical rnodel ofinner lid O ring displacement (II) A79 (II) Fi8 A.20 Analytical rnodel ofinner lid O ring displaccment,. (II) A82 (II) Fig.A.21 Stress analysis model ofbolt ofinner lid (II) Fig.A.21 Stress analysis lnOdel ofbOlt oF inner lid (imtial clamping stress)

(II) A80 .

(initial clamping stress) (II) A83

( ) Fig.A.22 Stress analysis modei ofbolt of inner lid ( ) Fig.A.22 Sttess analysis mOdc1 0fb01t ofinncr lid (StteSS due to intemat pressure)

(II) A81 (StteSS due to intemal prcssure).1 (II) A84 (II) Fig.A.23 Sttess analysis model ofbolt ofinncr lid ( ) Fig.A.23 Stress analysis lnOdel ofbOlt ofinner hd (StreSS due to ther nal expansion) ( ) A82 (StrCSS due to themal expansion) (II) A85 (II) Fig.A.24 Acceleration evaluation position ofsteel plate ( ) Fig.A.24 Acccleration evaluation position of steel platc For horizontal drop , ( ) A88 for horizOntal drop . . . (II) A93 (II) Fi8 A.25 Acceleration analysis rnOdel ofouter she plate (II) Fig.A25 Acceleration analysis lnOdel of outcr shell platc fOr hOrizontal drop . (II) A89 for horizOntal drop , 1 .

( ) A94 (II) Fig.A.26 Cross section of outer shel lid rlange .

(II) A92 ( ) Fig.A.26 Cross scctiOn ofouter shell lid ttange ( ) A97 (II) Fig.A.27 Accclcration analysis lnodel ofouter shell head plate (II) Fig,A,27 AcceleratiOn analysis mOdel ofOuter shen head plate for horizontal drop . (II) A96 for horizo tal drop . , (II) A101 (II) Fig.A28 Cross section ofpaHition plate (II) A98 (II) Fig.A.28 Cross section Ofpartition plate (II) A103 (II) Fi8 A.29 Deforrnation analysis model of eye plate ... (II) A100 (II) Fig.A.29 DefoHnation analysis lnOdel ofeye plate , ( ) A105 11

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (II) Fig,A.30 Analytical model of eye plate axingplate (II) A101 (II) Fig.A.30 Analytical mOdel ofeye plate axingplate .(II) A106 Modiacation fOr prOpcr (II) Fi8 A.31 Analytical model of ange of outer shcll (II) A103 ( ) Fig.A.31 Analytical mOde1 0f ange OfOutcr shell (II) A108 description (II) Fig.A.32 Analytical model ofeye plate ttxing lug ( ) A105 ( ) Fig.A.32 Analytical mOdel ofeye platc ixing lug (II) A H0 (II) Fi8 A.33 Accelcration analysis model of steel plate for (II) Fi8 A,33 Accelcration analysis rnOdel of steel plate for vcrtical drop (II) A107 ve ical drop (II) A H2 (II) Fig A.34 Acccteration analysis rnOdel of stecl plate for (II) Fig.A.34 Acceleration analysis model of steel platc fOr comer drop (II) A 0 comer drop (II) A115 (II) Fig.A.35 Stress evaluation position for l.2m horizontal drop (II) Fig.A.35 Stress evaluation position fOr 1 2m horizOntal drop (main bOdy ofinner shell)

.(II) A H3 (main bOdy ofinner shell) (II) A H8 (II) Fig.A.36 Analytical rnodel ofintcrfercnce to inner shcll duc to shock absorber (II) Fig.A.36 Analytical mOdel ofinterferencc tO inncr shell duc to shOck absOrber deforinttion for l.2 m horizontal drop .(II) A H4 deforrnttion fOr l.2 m horizontal drop (II) A 9 (II) Fig.A.37 Sttess analysis modcl ofinner shen for l.2m (II) Fig.A.37 Sttcss analysis mOdel ofinner sheH lbr l.2m horizontal drop (II) A H5 horizontal drop (II) A120 (II) Fig.A.38 sress analysis rnodel ofinner shen bottom plate (II) Fig.A.38 Stress analysis lnodei of inner shell bOttOnl platc for l.2m horizontal drop (II) A116 for l.2m horizOntal drop (II) A121 (II) Fig.A.39 Stress analysis lnodel ofinner sheH upper pa ( ) Fig.A.39 Sttess analysis lnOde1 0finncr she upper pa of l.2n horizontal drop (II) A H7 ofl.2m horizOntal drop (II) A122 (II) Fig.A.40 SVcss analysis lnodel for inner lid clamping bolt (II) Fig A.40 Strcss analysis model fbr inner lid clamping bolt for l.2m horizontal drop (II) A119 for l.2m horizOntal drop (II) A124 (II) Fig.A.41 Analyticalrnodel of section modulus of ( ) Fi8 A.41 Analytical rnOdel of sectiOn inOdulus Of rectangular ttel basket (II) A120 rectangular ttel basket (II) A125

( ) Fi8 A.42 Evaluation of ttel elements for l.2 m horizontal drop (II) A124 (II) Fig.A.42 EvaluatiOn of fuel clements for l.2 mho zOntal drop .(II) A129 (II) Fi3 A43 Analytical r odel ofrectangular fuel clements I1.2 m horizontal (II) Fig.A.43 Analytical mOdel ofrectangular fuel clenents for l.2 l horizOntal drop pettendicular to ttcl platc (II) A125 drop perpendicular to ttel plate (II) A130 (II) Fig.A.44 Analytical lnodel ofrectangular fuel element fbr 1 2m ( ) Fig.A.44 Analytical rnOdei ofrcctangular ttel element For l.2m horizontal drop parallel to ttel plate (II) A126 hottzOntal drop parallei to fucl plate (II) A131 (II) Fig.A45 Analytical model ofholder (II) A127 (II) Fig.A.45 Analytical mOdel ofh01der (II) A132 (II) Fig.A.46 Stress evaluation position for l.2m iower side vertical drop ( ) Fig.A.46 Sttess evaluation position fOr l.2m lower side vertical drop 12

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (main bOdy Ofpackagin8) (II) A133 (main bOdy Ofpackaging) (II) A138 lodiication for prOpcr (II) Fi8.A.47 Analytical rnOdel ofinterference to inner shell duc to shock absorber (II) Fig.A.47 Analytical nOdel ofinterference to inner shen due to shOck absOrber description defomation for l.2 m lower side vertical drop (II) A134 defoI11lation for l.2 m lower side ve ical drop (II) A139 (II) Fig.A.48 Stress analysis model ofinner shell fbr l.2m lower side (II) Fi8 A.48 Stress analysis lnodel ofinner sheH fOr l.2m iower side vertical drop vertical drop ( ) A135 (II) A140

( ) Fig.A.49 Sttess analysis modcl ofinncr shett bottom plate l 1.2m ( ) Fig.A.49 Sttess analysis modci Ofinncr shell bOttOm plate for l.2m lower side venical drOp (II) A136 iower side vertical drop (II) A141 (II) Fig A 50 Sttess analysis modcl ofinncr lid for l.2m io vcr side (II) Fig.A.50 Stress analysis model ofinncr lid for l.2m lower side ve ical drop vettical d op (II) A138 (II) A143 (II) Fig.A.51 Sttess analysis FnOdCl ofrectangular ttel element Fbr l.2m (II) Fig.A.51 Stress analysis FnOdel ofrectangular ttel elcment fbr l.2m lower side vehical drop (II) A140 lower side vertical dl op (II) A145

( ) Fig.A.52 Analytical modcl of l.2m lower portion vertical drop (II) F ,A.52 Analytical nOdel of l.2m lo vcr portion vertical drop oflowly iradiated fuel element (II) A142 oflowly iradiated ttel element (II) A147 (II) Fig,A.53 Analytical model of l.2m iowerpo iOn veitical drop (II) Fig.A.53 Analyticallnodel of l.2m io vcr portion vertical drop oflowly:Fadiated fuel element (II) A144 oflowly irradiated ttel element (II) A149 (II) Fig,A.54 Analytical model ofhold down pa (II) A145 (II) Fig.A.54 Analytical mOdel ofhold dOwn pa ,(II) A150 (II) Fig A.55 Sttess evaluation position I rl,2m tid sidc vcrtical drOp (II) Fig.A.55 Stress cvaluation position for l.2m lid side vertical drop (main bOdy Of a packaging) (II) A152 (main bOdy Ofa packaging) (II) A156 (II) Fig.A.56 Analytical FnOdel oFinterference to inner shen due to shock (II) Fig.A.56 AnalyticalmOdelofintcrference toinncrshem duetoshock absorber defomation for l.2m lid side vertical drop ( ) A153 absorberdeFomation for l.2m tid sidc venical drOp (II) A157 (II) Fig.A.57 Sttess analysis F40de1 0finncr shcn for l.2m lid side (II) Fig.A.57 Stress analysis mOdel ofinner shcn for l.2m lid side venical drOp (II) A154 ve ical drop (II) A158 (II) Fig.A.58 Stress analysis rnodel ofinner she bottom plate for l.2m ( ) Fig.A.58 Stress analysis mOdel ofinner shcll bOtto41 platc fOr l.2m lid sidc vcnical drop (II) A155 lid side vertical drOp (II) A159 (II) Fig.A.59 Stress analysis model ofinner lid for l.2m hd side ( ) Fig.A.59 Stress analysis model ofinner lid for l.2n hd sidc vettical drop (II) A157 vcttical drOp (II) A161 (II) Fig A.60 Stress analysis model ofrectangular ruel clemcnt fbr l.2m (II) Fig.A.60 Stress analysis lnOdel ofrectangular ttel elemcnt fbr l.2m lid side vehical drop (II) A163 lid side vehical drop (II) A167 18

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note (II) Fig.A,61 Analyticalrnodel of 1 2m upper portion vertical drop oflo vly lodiicaiOn fOr (II) Fig.A.61 Analytical mOdc1 0f l.2m upper portion vertical drOp of prOpcr dcscttptiOn iradiated ttel element (II) A165 io vly iFadiated fuel element (II) A169

( ) Fig.A.62 Analytical rnodcl fbr l.2m upper pottion veltical drop oflo vly iradiated ttel element (II) A167

) Fig A 63 Analytical mOdel ofhold down pa .( ) A168 ) Fig,A.62

( ( Analytical mOdel ofh01d down part (II) A170 Modincalon fOr (II) Fig.A.64 Analytical rnodel ofintcrference to inner shell due to shock absorber (II) Fi3 A.63 Analytical rnOdel ofinterfercnce to inner shcn due to shOck absOrber PrOpCr dcsciption defomation for l.2m comcr drop (II) A175 defomation fOr l.2m comer drop (II) A177

( ) Fig.A.65 Analytical rnodcl of strcss On inner lid clamping b01ts lbr lid side ( ) Fig.A.64 Analytical rnOdel of sttess On inner lid ctamping bolts fbr lid sidc cOmer drop comcr drop (II) A177 ,(II) A179 (II) Fig.A.66 Analytical rnodei of interference vith inner shell due to shock absorber (II) Fig A.65 Analytical rnodel ofinterfercnce with inner shen due to shock absorber deforlnation for l.2m iower side inclincd drop ( ) A181 deforlnation for l.2m lower side inclined drop (II) A183 (I) Fig.A.67 Relationship betureen acceleration and drop anglc for l.2m ( ) Fi8 A,66 RelatiOnship bet veen acceleration and drop angle for l.2m lower side inclined drop (II) A182 iower side inclined drop (II) A184 (II) Fig.A.68 Analytical lnodel ofinterference vith inner shen due to shOck absorber (II) Fig.A.67 Analytical rnOdcl ofinterferencevith inner shen due to shock absOrber defoHnation fOr 1 2m defomation for l.2m upper side inclined drop 1.(II) A183 upper side inclined drop (II) A185 (II) Fig.A69 RclatiOnship between accereration and drop angle for l.2m (II) Fig.A.68 Relationship betwecn acccreration and drop angle for l,2m upper side inclincd drop (II) A184 upper side inclined drOp (II) A186 (II) Fig.A.70 Sttess evaluation position for compressive load (II) A186 (II) Fig.A.69 Stress evaluation posttion fOr compressive load (II) A188 (II) FiB A.71 Analytical modei ofinner lid under compressive load (II) A186 (II) Fig.A.70 Analytical mOdc1 0finner lid linder compressive 10ad (II) A188 (II) Fig.A72 Analytical model ofinner shell under compressive load (II) A188 (II) Fig.A.71 Analyticai mOdel ofinner shell under cOmpressive load (II) A190

( ) Fig.A.73 Pene,ation modcl (II) A191 ( ) Fig.A.72 Penetration model (II) A193

( ) Fig.A.74 Shcaring modcl, ( ) A192 ( ) Fig.A.73 Shearing model .(II) A194 (II) Fig.A.75 Analytical rnodel ofinterference to inner shen due tO shock absorber (II) Fig.A.74 AnalyticaI InOdel ofinterFerence tO inner sheH due tO shOck absorber defomation for 9m iowcr side venical d Op (II) A200 dcformation fOr 9m 10wer side vcrtical drop (II) A202 (II) Fig,A.76 Analytical rnodel ofinterference to inner shell duc tO shOck absorber ( ) Fig.A.75 Analytical rnOdel ofinterference to inner shen duc tO shOck absOrber defolillation for 9m upper side vertical drop .(II) A205 deFormttion for 9m upper side vertical drOp (II) A206

( ) Fig.A.77 Analytical rnodcl oFintcrfcrencc to inner shell due to shock absOrber (II) Fig.A.76 Analytical rnOdcl oFinterferencc tO inner shell due to shock absOrber deformation for 9m horizontal drop (II) A210 deforlnttion fOr 9m horizOntal drOp (II) A211 14

2017 version of SAR 2022 version Of SAR note Modiicaton for (II) Fig,A.78 Analytical mOdel ofinterference to inner sheH due to shock absorber ( ) Fig.A.77 Analytical rnodel ofintcrfcrence to inner shcll due to shOck absOrber propcr dcsciption deformation for 9m comer dl op (II) A215 deformatton for 9m cOmer drop (II) A216

( ) Fig.A.79 Analytical rnodel ofintcrference to inner shell due to shock absorber ( ) Fig.A,78 Analytical rnOde1 0finterfcrence to inner shen due to shOck absOrber dcforination for 9m lower side inclined d op (II) A218 deForlnation fOr 9m iower side inclincd d p (II) A219 (H) Fig.A.80 Relationship bet veen acceleration and drop angle for 9m iO ver (II) Fig.A.79 Relationship bet vcen accelcration and drop angle For 9m side inclined drop (II) A219 lower side inclined drop (H) A220

( ) Fig.A81 Analytical mOdel ofinterfercncc to inner shell duc to shock absOrber (II) Fi8 A.80 Analytical model ofinterference to inner shen due to shock absOrbcr deforinadon for 9 m upper sidc inclincd drop (II) A220 dcformation fOr 9 m upper side inclincd drop (II) A221 (II) Fig.A.82 RclatiOnship between acceleration and drop anglc for 9 m (II) Fig,A.81 Relationship bet veen acceleration and drop anglc fOr 9 m upper side inclined drop (II) A221 upper side inclined drop (II) A222 (II) Fi8 A.83 Analytical mOdel for drop tcst II ( ) A224 (II) Fig.A.82 Analytical model for drop test (II) A225 (II) Fi8 A.84 Analytical rnOdel fbr pcnettation strength under conditions (II) Fig.A,83 Analyticat rnodei fbr pcnetration strength under conditions Of ofdrop test II (II) A226 drop test (II) A227 (II) Fig A,85 Stress evaluation position ofinner shell for 15m (II) Fig A.84 Sttess evaluation position Ofinncr sheH for 15m immersion tcst (II) A234 immcrsiOn test (II) A235

( ) Fig.A.86 Analyticalrnodel of aHowable buckhng pressure (II) Fig.A.85 Analytical rnOdel ofa1lo vable buckling pressure for inner shell ,

(II) A235 fOr inner shell (II) A236

( ) Fig.A.87 Curve reprcscnting backling behavior lttctor ofinner sheH (II) Fig A.86 Curvc representing backhng behavior factor ofinncr she under extemal pressure (II) A236 under cxtemal prcssure (II) A238 (II) Fig A.88 Sttess an yds modd of center Ofinner shell (II) A237 (II) FiB.A.87 Stress analysis model ofcenter Ofinner shell (II) A239 (II) Fig.A.89 Strcss analysis model ofbottom platc ofinner shcll' (II) A238 ( ) Fig.A.88 Sttess analysis modc1 0fbOttom plate Ofinner shell (II) A240

( ) Fig.A90 Sttcss andy s modd ofcenter ofhnerlid (II) A239 (II) Fig.A.89 Sttess analysis mOdel ofcentcr Ofinller lid (II) A241

( ) Fig.A.91 Displacement analysis model ofO rings ofinner lid ( ) Fig.A.90 E)isplacement analysis mOdel ofO rings ofinncr lid under extemal pressure (II) A240 under externat pressure (II) A242

( ) Fig,A.92 Normal tcst conditions, (II) A246 ( ) FigoA.91 NorFnal test conditions (II) A247 (II) Fig.A.93 Accident test condition (II) A248 (II) Fig.A.92 Accident test condition ,1(II) A249

( ) Fig.A.94 Drop attitude and test order (II) A250 (II) Fig.A.93 Drop attitude and tcst Order (II) A251 (II) Fig.A,95 Analytical modcl of shock sorber (II) A254 (II) Fig A.94 Analytical model ofshock absorber (II) A255 15

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (II) Fig.A,96 AnalyOcal model by unia al displacement method (II) A255 (H) Fig,A.95 Analytical lnodci by uniaxial displacemcnt rncthod (II) A256 Modiicaticn for propcr dcscriptiOn (II) Fig A,97 Compress e stress/strain relationship of mtteria (II) A256 ( ) Fig.A96 Comprcss c stress/strain relationship Ofma hal (II) A257 (II) Fig A.98 Proportion of shock sOrbers 1 ( ) A259 (II) Fig A.97 Proportion OfshOck absorbers .

(II) A260 (II) Fig.A 9 Analytical modei ofinner lid for l.2m lid side (II) Fig.A.98 Analytical mOdel ofinner lid for l.2m hd side vcrtical drop (II) A261 vertical drop (II) A262 (H) Fig A,100 Stress/strain characteristics curves for shock absorber (II) Fig.A99 Stress/strain charactcristics curvcs for shock absorber at lo v temperatures[4] . (II) A266 atlow tcmperatures 4 (II) A267

( ) Fig.A.101 Stress/strain curves [4]

(II) A267 ( ) Fig A 100 Stress/strain curves (II) A268 (II) Fig.A.102 LowtemperaturestrengthofSUSEF6] (II) A268 ( ) Fig A 101 Lowtempcraturestrcngth ofSUa [ q '

(II) A269 (II) Fig.A103 Lov temperature impact valuc o 6] (II) A269 (II) Fig A.102 LowtcmpcratureimpactvatueofSUd [Iq (II) A270 (II) Fig A.104 Lov temperature impact valuc o [18] (II) A270 (II) Fig A 103 Low tempcrature impact value of SU (II) A271 ID[1 (II) Fig.A105 Analytical rnodcl fbr initial clamping force of inner lid ( ) Fig.A.104 Analytical naodel fbr initial clamping force ofinner lid clanaping bolts 1 ..

1.1 .

(II) A271 ciamping bolts (II) A272 (II) Fig.A.106 Triangle diagran for inncr lid clttmping bolt (II) A276 ( ) Fig.A.105 Triangle diagram for inncr lid clamping bo (II) A277 (II) Fig.B.1 Component ofpackaging (II) B3 ( ) Fig B.1 Component ofpackaging (II) B3 (II) Fig.B.2 Concept oFthermni transmission (II) B4 (II) Fig B.2 Concept ofthcrmal translnission ,, (II) B4 (II) Fig,B3 Two dimensional axis symmctrical mOdel (II) B17 (II) Fig,B.3 Two dimcnsional axis symmctrical mOdel ,

(II) B17 (II) Fig.B.4 Tempcrature time history under accident (II) Fig.B.4 Temperaturc tine histOry under accident tcst conditions (II) B22 test conditions ,, (II) B22 (II) Fig.B.5 TRUMP"nowchart(1/3) (II) B32 ( ) Fig.B.5 TRUMP"aowchart(1/3) (II) B32 (II) Fig B.5 TRUMP" owchart(2/3) (II) B33 (II) Fig.B.5 TRUMP" owchart(2/3)

(II) B33 (II) Fig.B5 TR )MP"aowchart(3/3) (II) B34 (II) Fig B.5 TRUMP"nowchart(3/3) (II) B34 (II) Fig.B6 Fuei basket rnodel l . (II) B35 ( ) Fig B 6 Fucl basket model , (II) B35 (II) Fig.B.7 Comparison ofprototypc packaging test results with (II) Fig.B.7 Comparison ofprotOtype packaging tcst results with analysis resuits

. (II) B43 analysis results l. . (II) B43 (II) Fig C.1 Containment boundary ofpackaging (II) C3 ( ) Fig.CI Containment bOundary ofpackaging ,, (II) C3

( ) Fig.D.1 Neutron flssion energy spectrum . . (II) D12 (II) Fig.D.1 Neutron flssiOn energy spectrun (II) D12 16

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (II) Fig.D.2 Gamma radiation shield calculation modcl (II) D16 (II) Fig,D.2 Gamma radiation shield calculatiOn mOdel ( ) D16 (II) Fi8 D.3 Relationship bet veen packaging surf ace an81es llux and (II) Fig.D.3 Relationship between packaging surface angles 1lux and calculation point calculation point ofpackaging surf acc (II) D17 ofpackaging surfacc .(II) D17 (II) Fig.D.4 Neutron shield calculation model . (II) D19 (II) Fi8 D.4 Neutron shield calculation modcl (II) D19 (II) Fig,D.5 Mesh distribution dra ving ) D31 (II) Fi8 D.5

( Mesh distttbution drawing (II) D31 (II) Fig E.1 Calculation model ofarayed packagcs for criticality (II) Fig.E.1 Calculation modcl ofaraycd packages fOr criticality with 10 bOx type fuel elemcnts ( ) E10 wih 10 bOx typc ttel elemcnts ( ) E10 (II) Fig.E.2 Calcul ion model ofpackagc for criticality with 10 box type (II) Fig.E.2 Caiculation mOdcl oFpackage for criticality with 10 bOx type el elcments , ) E H el clements . ..


(II) E H (II) Fig.E.3 Calculation model ofpackage for criticality (II) Fig.E.3 Calculation model ofpackage fOr criticality with HEU and MEU (II) E12 wih HEU and MEU E12 (II)

(II) Fig.E.4 Criticality calculation lnodel ofJRR3 standard (II) Fig.E.4 Criticality calculation mode1 0fJRR 3 standard Fucl element , (II) E13 ilel element ,

1 (II) E13 (II) FigoE.5 Criticality calcutation model ofJRR 4B type Decrease ln nuel element (II) E14 number of pages duc to (II) F .E.6 Criticality calculation model ofJRR 4L type reduction of fuel eiemcnt (II) E15 tables aner (II) FigoE.7 Criticali Calculation model JRR 4 typc review Ofthe contents cl element ( ) E16 (II) Fig.E.8 Criticality calculation model ofJMTR standard type (II) Fig.E.5 Criticality calculation model ofJMTR standard type Modiicaton for el elcment . .

(II) E17 el clement . ,, (II) E14 propcr descttpllOn

( ) Fig.E 9 Cttticality calculttion modcl ofJMTRC standard type fuel elcment(HEU) ( ) E18 (II) Fig.E.10 Criticality calculation model of JMTRC standard type (H) Fig.E.6 Criticality calculation mOdc1 0fJMTRC standard type cl element(MEU) (II) E19 fuel elcment(MEU) Els ModihcaiOn fOr (II) prOpcr dcscttptiOn (II) Fig.E.H Schematic aow of criticality analysis (II) E24 ( ) Fig.E.7 Schematic rIow ofcriticali analysis E20 (II)

(II) Fig.E.12 COnf18uration ofTCA criticali eXperimcnts . (II) E31 ( ) Fig.E.8 COnf18uration OfTCA criticality experiments E27 (II) 17

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note

( ) Fig.E.19 SPERT D ttel ) E32 ) SPERT D he Modiacatiom for

( (

(II) E proper descipion (II) Fig.E.13 SPERT D ttel(COntinued) ) E3' )

( ( SPERT D fuel(COntinued) (II) E (II) Fig.E.14i Core arangement ) E34 ) Fig. COre aFangernent

( (

(II) E (II) Fig.E.lS Fud element ( ) E35 ( ) Fuel etement (II) E Fig.E 0 Core arangement ) E36 (II) (

( ) Corc arange=nent (II) E (II) Fig.E.171 Relationship bcttccn erective multiplication factor(l(cff 3 )and (II) Relationship bettcen crect e multiplicatiOn factor(ker+/- 3

)and water density(contained ten JRR3 standard type ttel elemcnts(uranium water density(conta ed ten JRR3 standard type ttel dements silicon Aluninun dispcrsion type a1loy)) ( ) E41 (uranium silicOn Aluminum dispersion type alioy)) (II) E Changes due (I ) Fig.B.l Quahtyassl ranceorganizationfOrdesignofthenucieartransport packaging,etc to revision Of regulations

( )7 etc.

(III) Fig.B 2 Quality assurance organization concerning design,etc.Ofnuclear fuel package

( )29 18

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (I) Table A.1 Speciflcations ofnuclear fuel material contained in shipping (I) Table A.1 Specirlcations ofnuclear ttel material cOntained in shipping Modiflcttion for prOper container(1/2)(new ttel) (I) A3 container(1/2)(new fuel) (I) A4 description (I) Table A.1 Specitcations ofnuclear fuel material contained in shipping (I) Table A.1 SpeciflcatiOns ofnuclear ttel material cOntained in shipping coHainer(2/2)(Low iFadiated ttcl) (I) A4 container(2/2)(Low iraditted hcl) (I) A (I) Ta e c.1 Material ofpackaging (I) C15 (I) le c.1 Maten Ofpackaging (I) C15 (I) Table c.2 DimensiOn ofpackaging (I) C16 (I) Table c,2 DimensiOn ofpackaging (I) C16 (I) Table c.3 Wcight ofpackaging (I) C17 (I) Table c.3 Weight ofpackaging (I) C17 (I) Table D.1 Specittcation of fjcl elcmcnt (I) Table D.1 SpeciflcatiOn of fucl element (freSh ttCl clcmcnt) (I) D3 ( esh ttel elcmen .(I) D3 (I) Tablc D 2 Spcciflcation of fuel elcmcnt (I) Table D.2 SpcciflcatiOn of fhcl elcment (10Wly iradiatcd Fuci clcmcnt)

(I) D4 (10Wly iradiated fuel elemcnt) (I) D4

( ) Table A.1 Design standard for structwal analysis

) A4 (H) Tablc A.1

( Design standard fOr sttuctural analysis (II) A4

( ) Table A.2 Design ioad,combination ofload(1/2) ( ) A5 (II) Tablc A.2 Design 10ad,cOmbination of10ad(1/2) (II) A5 (II) Table A.2 Design load,combination ofload(2/2) (II) A6 (II) Table A.2 Design iOad,combinttiOn Of10ad(2/2) (II) A6

( ) Table A.3 Load conditions(1/2) , ( ) A7 (II) Table A.3 Load conditions(1/2) (II) A7 (II) Table A,3 Load conditions(2/2). ( ) A8 (II) Tablc A.3 Load conditions(2/2) (II) A8

( ) Table A.4 Design conditions,analytical rnehods of structural (II) Table A.4 Design cOnditions,analytical me ods Ofsttuctlral analysis(1/24) (II) A9 attalysis(1/24) (II) A9 (II) able A.4 Design conditions,analyttc mehods of tur ( ) Table A.4 Design cOnditions,analytical methOds Ofs ctural an ySs(2/24) ( ) A10 analysis(2/24) ( ) A10 (H) Table A.4 Design conditions,analytical lnehods ofsttuctural (II) Table A.4 Dcsign cOnditions,analytical rnehods Ofsttuctural analysis(3/24) ,

( ) A H andySs(3/24) (II) A H

( ) Table A.4 Dcsign conditions,analytical methods of sttuctural (II) Tablc A.4 Dcsign conditions,analytical lncthOds Ofsttuctural an yds(4/24) ( ) A12 an ys (4/24) (II) A12 (II) Table A.4 Design conditions,analytical rncthods of structural ( ) Table A.4 Design cOnditions,analytical rnethOds Ofsttuctural analysis(5/24) , (II) A13 andyds(5/24) (II) A13

( ) Table A.4 Dcsign cOnditions,analytical lnehOds OF struttwal ( ) Table A.4 Design cOnditions,analytical rnettOds Ofsttuctural analysis(6/24) ( ) A14 an ysis(6/24) (II) A14 19

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (II) Table A.4 Design conditions,analytical methods Of sttuctural ( ) Table A.4 Design cOnditiOns,analytical mehOds Ofsttuctural Modification for prOper analysis(21/24) (II) A29 analysis(21/24) (II) A29 description (II) Table A.4 Design conditions,analytical rnethods of sttuctural ( ) Table A.4 Design cOnditiOns analytical mchOds Of sttuctural analysis(22/24) (II) A30 analy s(22/24)

(II) A30 (II) Table A.4 Design conditions,analytical inethods of sructural (II) Tablc A.4 Design cOnditions,analytical methOds OFsttuctural an ysis(23/24) ( ) A31 analysis(23/24) A31 (II)

(II) Table A.4 Design conditions,analytical mehods oFsttuctural ( ) Tabie A.4 Design cOnditions,analytical methOds Ofstructural analytts(24/24) ( ) A32 analysis(24/24) , (II) A32 (II) Table.A.5 Mechanical propcrtics ofrnaterials (II) A35 (II) Table.A.5 Mechanical prope ies ofmatcrials (II) A35 (II) Table.A.6 Mechanical propertics ofrnaterials to be used as (II) Table.A6 Mcchanical propenics Ofmaterials tO be used as design standards 1 ,. (II) A36 design standards ,, i (II) A36 (II) Table A.7 List ofdifferent materials contacted (II) A50 (II) Tablc A.7 List oFdi rent materials cOntacted, .

(II) A50 (II) Table A.8 Minimun temperatures ofparts Ofpackage ( ) A51 ( ) Tablc A.8 Minimum temperaturcs Ofparts Ofpackage .

A51 (II)

(II) Table.A.9 Sunllnary of analyses under routine transport (II) A65 (II) Table.A.9 Summary of analyses underrOutine transport (II) A66 (II) Table A.10 Stresses evaluation under changed pressurc (II) A67 (H) Table A.10 stresses cvaluation under changed pressure (II) A68 (I) Table A.H Design temperature under non al test conditions (II) A71 ) Table A.H Design temperaturc under nollllaltest cOnditiOns


(II) A74 (II) Tablc A.12 Design pressurc under non4al teSt conditions . (II) A72 (II) Table A.12 Design prcssure under normaltest cOnditions (II) A75 (II) Table A.13 Stress evaluation under norinal test conditions (H) Tablc A.13 Strcss evaluatiOn undcr nOrinal test cOnditiOns (themaltest) (II) A83 (them test)

(II) A87 (II) Table A.14 DcFoHnation and acceleration oF shock absOrber ( ) Tabre A.14 DeForrnation and acceleratiOn Of shOck abso cr under normal test cOnditions. . A87 (II) undcr normal test cOnditiOns (II) A92 (II) Tablc A,15 Design accelcration under norl al tcst (II) Table A.15 Design acceleration under no lllal test conditions , (II) A H2 conditiOns .. (II) A117 (II) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizontal drOp(1/4). (II) A129 (II) Table A.16 Stress ewaluation fOr l.2 m hOrizOntal drop(1/4) (II) A134 (II) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizontal drop(2/4) ( ) A130 (II) Table A.16 Stress cvaluation fOr l,2 m horizOntal drop(2/4) (II) A135 (II) Table A.16 Stress evaluation for l.2 m horizOntal drop(3/4) (II) A131 (II)Table A.16 Stress evaluation fOr l.2 m hOttzontal drop(3/4) (II) A136

( ) Table A.16 Stress cvaluation for l.2 m horizontal drop(4/4) (II) A132 ) Table A.16

( Stress evaluation fOr l.2 m horizOntal drop(4/4) (II) A137 20

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note

( ) Table A.17 Stress evaluation l rl.2 m bottont side vertical ( ) Table A,17 Strcss evaluation fOr l.2 m bottOnl side vcrtical Decrease in number Of drOp(l ) (II) A148 drOp(1/3) (II) A153 pages due to

( ) Table A.17 Stress evaluation for l.2 m bottom side ve ical ( ) Table A.17 Strcss evaluation lbr l.2 m bottom side vcrtical reduction of drop(2/4) ( ) A149 drop(2/3) (II) A154 tables after revie v Ofthe (II) Table A.17 Stress evaluation for l.2 m bottoni sidc vcrtical (II) Table A.17 Stress evaluation for l.2 4 bOttO l side vertical contents dl op(3/4) ( ) A150 drop(3/3) (II) A155 (II) Table A.17 Sttess evaluation ) 1.2 rn bottom side ve ical drop(4/4) (II) A151 (II) Table A.18 Stress evaluation for l.2 m lid side vertical (II) Tablc A.18 Stress cvaluation fOr l.2 m lid side vertical drOp(1/4) ( ) A171 drOp(1/4) ( ) A173 Modincation (II) Table A.18 Stress evaluation fbr 1 2 1 lid side vertical (II) Tablc A.18 Strcss evaluation fOr l.2 m lid sidc vertical for prOpcr dcscription drop(2/4) (II) A172 drop(2/4) (II) A174 (II) Tablc A.18 Stress evaluation l rl.2 m lid side vcrtical (II) Table A.18 Strcss evaluation fOr l.2 rn lid side vettical drop(3/4) , ( ) A173 drop(3/4) ( ) A175 (II) Table A,18 Stress evaluation for l.2 m lid side vertical (II) Table A,18 Stress evaluation for l.2 m lid side vertical drop(4/4) (II) A174 drop(4/4) . (II) A176 (II) Table A.19 Design accclcration for corner drops (II) A176 (II) Table A.19 Design accelcration for cOrner drops . ..

(II) A178 (II) Table A,20 Sttess evaluttion for l.2 m lid side ( ) Table A.20 Stress evaluation fOr l.2 m lid side corncr drop (II) A180 comcr drop ., (II) A182 (II) Table A.21 Relationship bctwccn drop angle and acceleration (II) A182 (II) Table A.21 Relationship bet veen drop angle and accelcratiOn (II) A184

( ) Table A.22 Relationship bet veen drop angle and acceleration (II) A184 (II) Table A 22 Relationship betwecn drop anglc and acceleration (II) A186

( ) Table A.23 Stress evaluation for stacking test . (II) A190 (II) Table A.23 Stress evaluation fOr stacking test .

(II) A192 (II) Table A.24 DefoHnation and acceleration of shock absorber (H) Table A.24 DefoHnatiOn and acceleration OfshOck absOrbcr under accident test conditions 1 (II) A198 under accideFit teSt conditions (II) A200 (II) Tablc A.25 Design acceleration under accident tcst conditions (II) A199 ( ) Tablc A.25 Dcsign acceleration under accidenttest conditions (II) A201 Decrcase in umber

( ) Table A.26 Sttess evaluation for 9 m lower side ( ) Table A.26 Sttcss ewaluttiOn fOr 9 m 10wer sidc ofpagcs due tO vatical drop(1/4) (II) A201 vertical drop(1/3) ( ) A203 rcduction Oftablcs atcr rcvicw Ordie

( ) Tablc A.26 Stress evaluation for 9 m lower side ( ) Table A.26 Stress evaluation fOr 9 m 10 ver side contcnts 21

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note i T(2/4) I

(II) A 202 Dccrcase in number Ofpages ide (H)i 25 i ll l 1 1 ' duc to reduction
T'  : ! . 10 AT20B ( ). A 205 ofttbies aner FeF0 rcview Ofthe o,(4/4)i= i liif ,I :( ) 20 contcnts

( ) Table A.27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper side (II) Tablc A.27 Stress evaluation for 9 m uppcr side Modittcation ve ical drop(1/4) (II) A206 vcnical drOp(1/4) ( ) A for proper

( ) Table A.27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper sidc (II) Tablc A.27 Strcss evaluation for 9 m upper sidc description vehical drop(2/4) (II) A207 vc ical drop(2/4) ( ) A

( ) Table A.27 Stress evaluation for 9 m uppcr side (II) Tablc A.27 Sttess evaluation for 9 m upper side vettical drop(3/4) ( ) A208 venical d Op(3/4) ) A

( ) Table A.27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper side (II) Table A.27 Stress ev uttion fOr 9 1n uppcr side vertical d p(4/4) ( ) A vehical drop(4/4) A (II)

( ) Table A.28 Stress cvaluation for 9 m horizontal d op(1/4) (II) A211 (II) Tabie A.28 Sttess evaluation for 9 m hodzontal drop(1/4). (II) A

( ) Table A,28 Sttess evaluation for 9 m horizontal d p(2/4) ( ) A212 ( ) Table A.28 Stress evaluation for 9 m hOrizontal drop(2/4) A (II)

( ) Table A.28 Stress evaluation for 9 m horizontal drop(3/4) ( ) A213 ( ) Table A.28 Stress evaluation for 9 m hOrizontal drop(3/4) A (II)

( ) Table A.28 Sttess evatuation for 9 m horizontal d p(4/4) ( ) A214 (II) Table A.28 Sttess evaluation fOr 9 m h izontal drop(4/4) A (II)

( ) Table A.29 Design acceleration for comer drop (H) A2 (II) Table A.29 Design acceleration for corner drop (II) A

( ) Table A.30 Strcss evalu lon for 9 m upper comer drop ( ) A217 ( ) Table A.30 Sttess evaluation for 9 m upper comer drop (II) A 1 1  ;

Modiflcations fbr le morc appropriate

=II!! II descriptions tO ciariFy diO renccs bctteen Table 31 and Table 32 (II) TabL A.33 Relationsh bttWeen drop angle and acceleration (II) Table A.33 Relationship betteen drop angle and acceleration Modiacation for d op test ( ) A222 for drop testI ( ) A for propcr (II) Table A.34 Evaluation ofpenetration for drop testII ( ) A230 (II) Table A.34 Evaluation ofpenettation for drop tesdI A (II) dcscr tion 22

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (II) TabL A.35 Dcsign tcmpcrattrcs uscd ttr accident Modincation (II) Table A.35 Design tcmperatures used for accident for propcr test condition ' (II) A231 test condttion (II) A232 description

( ) Tablc A.36 Dcsign pressure cFpackage under accident condition (II) A231 (II) Table A.36 Design prcssure oFpackage undcr accident cOnditiOn (II) A232 (II) Table A.37 Strcss analysis and cvaluation under accident (II) Tablc A.37 Stress analysis and evaluation under accidcnt test condittons(thermal test) ( ) ¨ A 233 test condidOns(thermal test) (II) A234 (II) le A.38 Stresses evaluated for i5 m water immersion test ( ) A 242 (II) Table A,38 Stresscs evaluated fOr 15 m waterimmcrsiOn tcst (II) A244 (II) Table A 39 Damages ofthe flssile packagc under the normaltest (II) Table A 39 Damages ofthc rlssile package undcr the conditions ( ) A247 normal test condiOons (II) A248 (II) Table A40 Comphance ith requirements for flssile package (II) Table A40 Comphance ttrith requirements for ttssile package under normal test conditions ( ) A 247 undcr nOrmaltcst cOnditions (II) A252 (II) Table A.41 Deformations and design acceterations of shock absorber l nder ( ) Table A.41 DeformatiOns and design accelerations Of shock absOrbcr nder accident test ccnditions(combined evaluation) (II) A251 accidcnt test conditions(combined evaluation) (II) A252 (II) Tablc A.42 Damage ofthe rlssilc package under specialtest (II) Tablc A.42 Damagc ofthe assile package under specialtest condition 1 (II) A 252 condttion (II) A253 (II) Table A.43 Comparisons of analytical values byCASH IP'and (II) Table A.43 Comparisons Ofanalytical values byCASH IP'and experimental values ( ) A259 cxperimental values (II) A260 (II) Table A.44 Comparison of an lytical and cxperimentar resutts (II) A260 (II) Table A.44 Compa son of analyical and expcrimental results (II) A261 (II) Table A,45 Analysis results of displacement ofinncr O rings ( ) Table A.45 Analysis results Of displacemcnt Ofinncr O rings of inner lid (II) A265 ofinner lid (II) A266

( ) Tablc B.1 Conditions ofthermal analyscs (II) B5 (II) Tab B.1 Conditions ofthermal analyses (II) B5 (II) Tab B.2 Methods ofthermal analyscs (II) B6 (II) Tabtt B.2 MethOds Ofthcrmal analyses (II) B6 (II) le B.3 Themal properties of stainless steel (II) B7 (II) Table B.3 Thcrmal propcrties ofstainless stcel (II) B7 (II) Table B,4 Thermal prOperties of air 1 . (II) B7 ( ) Table B.4 Thcrmal properties Of atr . . (II) B7 (II) Table B 5 Thcmal propertics of shock absorb (II) B8 (II) TabL B.5 Thermal propertics Ofshock absOrbcr (II) B8 (II) Table B.6 Therlnal properties ofheat insul or (II) Table B.6 Thermal prOpertics ofheat insurator (II) B9 (II) B9 (II) Table B,7 SpeciflcatiOns O O ring ( ) B10 (II) Table B 7 Specittcations O oring (II) Blo 23

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (II) Tablc 3.8 (II) B10 Spccir cations of ausiblc plug (II) Table B.8 SpeciflcatiOns Offusible plug ( ) B10 (II) Table B.9 Ther:nai conditions under normal test conditions (II) B12 (II) Tablc B.9 Therinal conditions under norinal test conditions, (II) B12 (II) Table B.10 MaXiFnun temperaturcs ofeach pa ofpackage (II) B13 (II) Table B.10 Maximum temperaturcs ofeach p Ofpackage ,

(II) B13 (II) Table B.H Thcrlnal conditions under accident test conditions (II) B19 ( ) Table B.H Themal cOnditiOns undcr accidenttest cOnditions .

(II) B19

( ) Table B.12 Defo: Lation cottsidering supcrpoSition ofdrops as a FissJe lranspoH Package ( ) B20 (II) Table B.12 Maxil um temperatures ofpackage (II) Tablc B.13 MaXi: um temperatures oFpackage Modincation under accident test conditions ( ) B21 under accident test conditions (II) B21 for prOper (II) Table B.13 Maxi=num pressurc in packaging under accident tcst conditions ( ) B25 (II) Tablc B.14 Maxilnum prcssure packaging undcr accidcnt tcst conditions (II) B25 dcscription (II) Tablc B 14 Convection heat transfer cocfflcient bemcen package (II) Table B.15 Convection heat transfer coefttcient bet vecn package surface and ambient environment . (II) B37 surttce and ambient en ronment 1. ( ) B37 (II) Table B.15 Radiation factor and radiation morphological cocfflcient (II) B37 (II) Tab B.16 Radiation factOr and radiation motthO10gical cOctticient( ) B37 (II) Tablc B.16 Calculation resuit fbr packaging intemal prcssure '

(II) B40 (II) Table B.17 Calculation result for packaging internal pressurc ' (II) B40 (II) Table B.17 Design pressurcs ror speciflc test conditions (II) B41 (H) Table B.18 Design pressures for speciac test conditions (II) B41 (II) Table B.18 Comparison ofprototype packaging test results (II) Table B.19 ComparisOn OfprotOtype packaging tcstresults vith analysis results (II) B42 with analysis results ( ) B42 (II) Table C.1 Dcsign pressure and design temperature ( ) Table c.1 Design pressurc and design temperature of containmcnt system (II) C2 ofcontainment system . , C2 (II)

(II) Table C.2 The dimcnsions and:naterial ofthe gasket (II) C5 (II) Table C.2 The dimensions and material ofthe gasket (II) C5 (II) Table C.3 Inner sheH clamping bolt (II) C5 (II) Table C.3 Inner shcn clamping bolt C5 (II)

(II) Table C,4 Maximum pe missible leakagc ratc ofthe air (II) C7 (II) Table C.4 Maximum peI1llissible lcakage rate ofthe air (II) C7 (II) Tttblc C.5 The rnaxiFnum radius oflcak hole on lcakagc rate test ( ) C10 (II) Ta c c.5 Thc maximum radius oflcak h01c on leakage ratc test (II) C10 (II) Table C.6 The maxilnun gas leakagc rate under nomaltest (II) Table C.6 The maximum gas teakage rate under nomaltest conditions . .. (II) C11 conditions .. (II) C11 (II) Table C.7 Weight proportions of234U and 236U (II) Table C.7 Weight prOpO iOns Of234 J and 236U used for calculations (II) C13 used for calculatiOns (II) C13 (II) Tablc C.8 Surface conta lination level per ttel clement . ( ) C14 (II) Table C.8 Surface contaminatiOn lcvel per fucl elemcnt (II) C14 24

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note

( ) Table c.9 Leakage rate ofradioactive substances (II) Tablc C.9 Leakage rate ofradicactive substances undcr nomaltest conditions . 1.. (II) C15 under normal test cOnditions ,, ,(II) C15 (II) Table C.10 Nudide ofJMTRC ttel surface water and (II) Table C.10 Nudide ofJMTRC ttel surFace water and radioactive concenttation,, (II) C16 radioactive concenttation (II) C16 (II) Table C.H Surfacc act ity per one ttel element oflowly (II) Ta e c.H Surface act ity per Onc hel element of10wly ilTadiatcd fttel element (II) C17 iradiatcd ttel clement (II) C17 (II) Table C.12 Leak ratc ofthc radioactivity under (II) Table C.12 Leak rate oFthe radiOactivity under norllnai test condition ( ) C18 nonnal test cOndition . , (II) C18 (II) Table C.13 The maximum gasleakage rate under he accident ( ) Table c.13 The maxirnum gas lcakage rate under the accidcnt test conditions (II) C21 test conditions (II) C21 (II) Table C.14 Leakage rate ofradioactive substances (II) Table C.14 Leakage rate ofradiOactive substances undcr under norlnal test conditions ( ) C23 accident test condttions(Fresh ttcl elemcnt) . (H) C23 ModiScatiOns fOr more appropnatc (II) Tablc C,15 Leak rate ofradioactive substances (II) Tablc C.15 Leak rate ofradioactive substances under dcsciptions tO cla ,

under accident test condition (II) C23 accident tcst condition(Lowly iradiated ttel element)(II) C23 dlc typcs off icl clcments cOvered in rablcs c 14 and C 15 (II) Table D.1 Ganllna radiation e lission rate ofuranium isotope (II) D3 (II) Tab D.1 Gamma radiation cmissiOn rate ofuranium isOtOpe (II) D3

( ) Tablc D.2 GaFnma radiation source intcnsity for one ( ) Table D.2 Gamma radiation source intenslty for Onc el element (II) D3 el element , (II) D3 (II) Table D.3 Spcciflc activity uscd for calculatio4 (II) D4 ( ) Table D.3 Spcciflc activity used for calculatiOn (II) D4 234u and 236u weight rate used for calculation (II) Table D 4 (II) D4 (II) Table D.4 234u and 236u weight ratc used for calcul atiOn,, (II) D4

( ) Table D.5 Radioactivc nuchde weight per one elcmcnt used (II) Table D.5 Radioactive nuchdc weight per Onc elemcnt uscd in calculation , , (II) D4 im calculatiOn ,1. 1. (H) D4 (II) Table D.6 Gamma radiation emission rate ofuranium isotopc (II) D7 ( ) le D.6 Gamma radiatiOn emissiOn rate ofuraniun isOtOpe ( ) D7 (II) Table D.7 Gamma radiation source intensity per one m cd ( ) Table D.7 Gamma radiation sOurce intensity due tO uraniurn isOtOpes el element(actinOidS) (II) D7 per lowly iradiatcd ttel element (II) D7 (II) Table D 8 Spccittc activity uscd for calculation (IX) D8 ( ) Table D.8 Speciac acti ty used for calculation , ( ) D8 234u and 236u wei3htrate used for c culation (II) Table D.9 (II) D8 (II) Table D 9 234u and 236u wcight ratc used for calculatiOn

( ) D8 (II) Table D 10 Radioactive nuchde weight pcr one element used (II) Tablc D.10 Radioactive nuchde weight per one element used 25

2017 version of SAR 2022 version Of SAR note

( ) Table E.4 Requrements dcined in thc regulation and ( ) Table E.4 Requirelnents defined in the regulation and Modification for prOpcr Analysis conditions ( ) E20 Analysis conditiOns (II) E description

( ) Table E.5 Atom density ofrcgions uscd in criticality ( ) Table E.5 Atom density ofregions uscd in criticality calculation (H) E calculation 1 E

( ) Table E.6 Aton density ofttel element used in ( ) Tablc E.6 Atom density ofttel clement used in cttticality calculation ( ) E21 criticality calculation,

( ) Table E.7 Fuel elements to be analyzed ( ) E22 (II) Tablc E.7 Fucl elemcnts tO be ana zed

( ) Table E,8 Results ofcriticality analysis when immersed ( ) E26 (II) Table E.8 Results ofcriticality analysis when immersed

( ) Table E,9 Analysis result ofbenchmark criticality ttst i ( ) E a0 ( ) Table E.9 Analysis result Ofbenchmark cttticali teSt

( ) Table E.10 Effective multiplication factor fbr various ( ) Table E.10 EIfcctive multiplication factor for various water density ( ) E40 water densi E

( ) I Addition due to revision of rcgulations etc.

Addition due to revision of regulations etc.

(IV) Table A.l Procettres for pre shpmcnt inspectcion ofthe package , ( ) A3 ( ) Ta c A.1 Procedures for pre shipment inspectiOn ofthe package , , (III) A3 Modiications for more appropritte descripttons 26

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (I) Description Ofnuclear ilel package (I)DescriptiOn ofnucte el package (I) A,PuttOSe and conditions (1) A.Purpose and cOnd,ons This packaging is intended for carying fresh ttel elements to be charged intO JRR 3 instaHed at the Tokai This packaging is intcnded for carrying frcsh fuel elemcnts to bc chargcd into RR 3 installed at the Tokai Research lnstitute of he Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA)and intO JMTR alld JMTRC installed at he Oarai Research lnstitute ofthe Japan Atomic Encrgy Agcncy( AEA)and intO JMTR and JMTRC installed atthe Oarai Rescarch lnstitute,,Om fabrication plants,domestic and overseas,to JRR3 etc Research lnstitute,fronl fabrication plants,domestic and overseas,to JRR3 etc.

ln addition this is also intcnded to transpOrt JRR 4 installed atthc Nuclear Science Research lnstitute and the In additiOn,this is also intendcd tO transport JRR 3 instaled at the Nuclear Sciencc Research lnstitute and the DeletiOn of JRR4 fucl JMTR's new ttcl elementsinstalled at he Oarai Research and Dcvelopment Center,as well as fuels IOwittadiated JMTR's new ttel elementsinstalled tt he Oarai Research and Development Center,as well as fucls lowttiradiated in the in hc JMTRC ofthe Oarai Research and Devclopment Centerto ovcrscas counties or regions. JMTRC oFthc(Darai Research and Development Center to overseas counties or regions.

The cOnceptual drawing ofthis packaging is shown in(I) Fi .A,1, The conceptual drawin8 0fthis packaging is shown in fI) Fi .A.1.

(1)Name ofpackaging JRF90Y950K (1)Name ofpackagih8 RF90Y950K (2)Type BU type flssilc package (2) Type BU type flssile packagc (3)Allowable number ofpackages Unlilnited (3)Allowable numbcr Of packages Unlinlitcd (4)Allowable arrangement ofpackages Not specified (4)Allowable arrangcment ofpackages Not spccifled (5) TranSport index l.9 (5) TranSpon indcx l.9 oriess (6)C tiCality safety index 0 (6)CritiCality safcty indcx O (7) Wcight Ofpackage 950kg or less (7) Wcight Ofpackagc 950k80r less (8) Size Ofpackaging (8) Sizc Of packaging (a)Diamcter (a)Diameter (b)HCight (b) HCight (9)MaXimum wdght ofpackaging (9)MaXimum wcight ofpackagin8 (Rectangular ttel elcment 10aded) (Rcctangular fud dementioadcd)

(10)M n mttc s for pa aging (10)Main mate als for packaging (a)Main body Stainless (a) Main bOdy : Stainicss (b) Outer lid Stainless (b)Outer lid  : Stainiess (C) Inner lid Stainless (C) Inner lid i Staintess steel, (d) Fuel basket Stainless (d) Fuei basket i Staintcss steel, 27

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note (11)Nuclear ttels cOntained in p kaging (11)Nuclear fuels cOntained in packaging The packaging may contain low en ched uranilim(called LEU ttel"here in ane ,mcdmenttched The packaging may cOntain low enriched urantum(c led LEU fuel"here in after),medium enriched uranillm and high enrichOd llranium(reFerred to HEU aiel"hereaner).These ttds are divided intO hree uranium and high enriched uranium(refered tO HEU fuel"hereaner).These fuels are divided into three types typcs fuel on the using purposc,the standard ttel element,thc special fbel element and the tter fbllower. The fue1 0n he using purpose,the standard fuel element,the special fuel element and the fuel fol10wer.The types types ttad he quantities are following. and the quantities are fo owing.

(a)Fresh hels:10 or less (a)Fresh fuels 1 10 0r less The iesh fuels having he cqual nominal enrichlnent onty are contained. The fresh fuels having the equal no jnal enrichment only are OOntained.

(b)Lowly i adiatcd f els:10 orless (b)Lowly i adiated fuels i 10 0r less The lowly iradiated ttds,HEU and MEU,are contained togethcr. The lowiy, adiattd fuels,HEU and MEU,are contained tOgelher.

(12) SpeciflCatiOns for nudear ilels contained in packaging (12)Speciacations for nuclear fuels contained in packaging Thc specincmon for fuelis shOwn in(I) Table A.1. The speciacttion fOr fuelis shOwn in(I) Table A.1.

(13)Fom ofshipment (13)Form ofshipment (a)TranspOn mehod (a)Transport method Sea ttanspott is donc by seagoing vessds and ttanspo overland is done by caricr. Sea transpOn dOne by seagoing vessels and transpo over land is done by carrier,Each is exclus ely Each is exclusively loaded. loaded.

(b)Loading mehod (b)Loading method Thc packaging is tightly fastened win specially dcsigned tools. The packaging is tightly fastened with speci 1ly designed t 01s Addition of planned years ofusc 28

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Of DeletiOn Of Fuer element JRR 3 standar fuet elemenP RR3 foIIower type fuel etementF MTR standard fuel elementt' MTR tueifo owersp Fuel elemen s ndard fo ower RR4B type JR 4 type ttei JRR4 type ttel JMTR ttel Numbe of spent fue: RR4 cl JMTR standard ttei clementF] etementsretement oackan 10o tess, fuel type mel ftiel etement element, foliowers(

Fuel Core Uranium sircon Uanium s icont 10 oriess, atuminum disDerSiOn oe a ov atuminum dispersion De a OV 235u weight Fuel COFe (g/COntaine maximum)

U weight (g COntaine ,


maxlmum)0 2 ou weight (g/aSSembly, max,mum) ]

rcOntainer U weight (gFassembly, Weight, maximum)

Fn hmF r 1(M%or less (grassembly!

otal(rRRr1 0r tess/containe )

Acttviv Pttncipat contents adionuctide


less Ontaine )

To  !

AdF ily Total heat generatton ale V o tess,cOnlainer 0(neW tte:

Of radionuclide


! i of fuet etements of diFe ent Tctal heat ra weight and heat generadon 0(neW fud),

pttkage v h dreFent upes nuclearttd mattJ atttrttd for e h are he sarle P ha the same=

e i chT elitleveL Forthe nucl ruei mae t( m M RC,howeveri n tFed I d of eleT en of rentlypes and dlTerett ennchn,clit ieve a ovred P The v: ues ofwalght a generaton are EUlated pro,o ona:y tom the maxlnttm weight and heatgmeration fo each type ofmet Jefllent Bccort to the number of assemblies contained DeletiOn of fal Table A l SDeCiiCations of nt,ctear fuel naterlal con ined in shioDinC COntainer(2r2 (Low irradiated fttel r standard ttcl Reactof Reado element and FueI Elemeni Fuel enentr Standa d Spedap Standard, Followe Number or spenifuet elements umber of spentfuel 10o less (e Dent/packageP el fol10wer Type Fuet Co e( of MTRC FueI Corer 235 (HEU) ma mum),

max[ num)

Weighl Weighi weight(

(grassembly (gaSSembly,m9ximum)

Enttchment lu%Orlessl (grassembly TotaI(§ Or Enttchment tess iess container m OF Acuviv Of contents Pttncipal radionucrde (6an ess containerl Ad iv of contentsp Pttncip:II radionucttde Or less o itaineF =

heat generation rate(

4 30Xl( 3 29Xll>

l o I sconlalnerJ 430X10t] 329X10 ,

o same ennchmenttevet Loading a reactor onfy when aw the fuel elemetts the P St lI accotth9 he number or assemb"es contained('

same enttchmentlevel AF dose rate at ad19nce Ofl m ffom the su ace ofthe contents ssthan l cvhT For he mudearttei m tettal iom JMTRC,howeveL mtted lcading offuel elements of direrent pes and dtterent ennchmentievels is a owed P


° n are cal d o ma y ttol1l he ma mum vdgtt and heat gener on ttr each,pe ofttd demett accottng tt ne 29

2017 verslon of SAR 2022 version Of sAR note B.Kinds ofpackage (1) B Kinds Ofpackage (I)

(1) Requitements fOr different kinds Ofpackage (1)Requirements for different kinds Ofpackage Since thc radicactive substances stored arc rresh ttcl plates ofuraniun fucl and the radiOactivity lcvel cxcecds the Since thc radiOactive substanccs stored are fresh ttel plates ofuraniul cl and the radioactivity level valuc Of A2,thiS package must sais requirements for type BU package.

cxceeds the valuc OfA2,thiS package must satistt requirements for type BU package DeletiOn of (2)Requ emcnts fOr a Assile package standard nicl Since this package cOntains ttcl vith an enrichment level more than 15g of element and (2)Rcquirements for a nssile packagc 235u,it must satis requircments for nssile package ilel fO110wer Accordingly,this package cOrresponds tO a type BU rlssile packagc" Since this package contains hel vith an enrichmcnt level between and mOre than 15g ofJMTRC of 235u, must satis,requirements for issile packagc. (HEU)

Accordingly,this p lckagc corresponds to a type BU flssile package" Table C.3 Weittht ofpackagin I)

(I) Tablc c 3 WeiRht Ofpackatting No Nane Weight(kg) Notes 10 Name Weight(kg) Notes Inner shell l ain Inncr shell 11lain body 1 body 2 Inner shcH lid 2 Inner shcll lid 3 Fucl basket 3 Fucl basket 4 Outer shell hd 4 Outer shell lid 5 Total 5 Total The weights Ofthc contcnts arc shOwn in(I) Tablc D.l and(I) Table D.2,thc weight bccOmcs ma Thc weights Ofthe contents are shown in(I) Table D.l and(I) Tablc D 2,the wcight becomes ma mum of mum of AddtiOn Ofthe llkgwhcnthctcnJRR3 standard flld dcments arc cont ncd and the mttimum wcight of a transport packagc cxPlanation BgwhenthetenJRR 3 standard ttel demcnts are conttned and the maximum weight Ofthe package is 950kg.

(tOtalVeight ofthe transport cOntaincr and the cOntcnts in it)iS 950 k8 that it is the sum ofthc transpOrt containcr and its cOntent 30

2017 verslon of SAR 2022 version Of SAR note (I) D,Contents ofpackaging (I) D.Contents ofpackaging D.I Fresh hel Dl Fresh ttel The contents ofpackaging are lresh ttel plate to bc chargcd in RR3,JRR4,JMTR. There are three kind The contcnts ofpackaging are fresh ttel plate tO bc chargcd in JRR3 and ttWIT Delction Of

.It is lo v elariched uralllu 1 el JRR 4 fuel of enricl lcnt,high enrichcd uranium f lel(HEU tte ,nedium enriched uranium ttel(MEU ftlel),and iOW (LEU ttel).

Dcletion of cnichcd uraniun ftlel(LEU ilel) Thc ttel mcatis uranium silicon aluminun dispersion type alloy. uranlum The ttel meatis uranium aluminum alloy for HEU fllel,uraniulll atuminum dispersion type alloy for MEU The fuel meatis wanium aluninum aIIoy for HEU ttet,uttniun aturnin alunlinum m dispersion typc alloy for MEU ttcl, alloy, fllel,and urallium atuninum dispcrsiOn typc a1loy or uraniulll silicon aluminum dispersiOn type alloy fO LEU and uranium alun m dispersion type a1loy or uranium silicon aluninun dispersiOn type alloy for LEU fuel.

uranlum filel. Fuel plates arc processed as follows i a ttel meat sandwichcd by a lttame and cover(cladding material)Of aluninum Fucl plates are processed as fo110ws i a ttel meat sandwiched by a 'ame and cover(cradding material)of alu linu l aHOy's hot rOned. After being cold rOllcd to the required thickness,it is cut 10ngitudinaHy and dispcrsiOn a1loy and alunlinunl aHOy is hot rolled. Af cr being cold roHcd to the required thickness,it is cut iOngitudinally and transversely while being monitored by 1luOroscopy so that the ttcll cat can bc located within the rcquired zOne, uranlum transversely while being mOnitored by ttuoroscopy so that the fuel rneat can be locatcd Mttthin the required zOne. On side plate Or mOunting prate ofthe aluninu,l al10y,thc required nunber Of grooves are provided for mOunting aluminum On sidc plate or rnounting platc Ofthe alu linu l aHoy,the required number ofgroovcs are provided fOr thc rllel platcs. Thc width Of a groove is equalto the thickness Ofthe plate, Fucl plates are insertcd into these dispersiOn aHoy mounting thc ruel plates, The vidth Ofa gr00ve is cqualtO the thickness ofthe plate Fuel plates are inserted grooves and inechanicaly flxed sO that the ttcl plates can resist a tensile stress of265N/cm.

into these groOvcs and lnechanica y flxcd sO that the ttel platcs can resist a tensile stress of265N/cm Required lnOunting parts arc flxed by velding and Other lllethods tO cOmplete a standard type ttcl elemcnts and Required mOunting p ts are rlxed by Welding and other mcthOds to complete a standard type fuel clements follower pe ttel elemcnts(reFerred to as el elementshereinaRer) and followcr type fuel clcments(reFcrred to as el elementshereinaner). Thc ttel elementis wrapped by some buFfer,such as then putinto an organic high m01ccular The hel clementis vrapped by some buffer,such as then put into an organic high compound bag such as PrOtective sheets),and 10aded intO the ttel baskct Of packaging.

molccular compound bag such as Protective shccts),and 10aded into the nlel basket of packaging. When thc ttel element are loaded, spacers arc used to the upper and lower sides Ofthe hel element When the ttel element are loaded, spacers are used to the uppcr and lo ver sides ofthe ttel in Order tO absorb pOssiblc impact energy during transport,and also tO flx the ttel elcment elemcnt in Order to absorb possiblc impact cnergy during transport,and alsc to r x the fucl elemcnt. The specifications Of fucl elcments loaded in the packaging are shown in(I Table D.1 Thc speciications Offbel elements loaded in the packaging are sho vn in(I) Table D.1.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Delction Of Fuel Basket Ty: Box Ft,lB et Tvpe e ]o( JRR 4 and Rea ctor RR3 TR acto J 3p JMTR(]

Type FueI Element, JRR3 RR3 JRR4 RR4 JRR 4 J TR JttTR Ty Fuel Ele t' JRR3P JRR 3p JMT JMTR JMTR(MEU)

Standardr Fo H otterr Sta dara' Fonoher, ndwd, L Standa rd FoH ower St Fol10herp Axel

!ber of fuel ele,tents, Nunba oF Fuel elene ts, Nl, 10 or less, (eleme vPack o), 10 or le ,

01 kittdp Kind U 235 U235 el]ric eJ t U235 colita iliedP (g/e c onta (g/element)

B r,t Total heat ge ehtio P Total 0(Fresh fuel) (V P4 atte a 0(Fr h Fuel)'

(W/Package) t ime Coo me tXy,0 Activity Of rOtal activity Tota l corlte, ts oo tents' oF ot te ts Ura

( hottage)

Ura ]lum alminu il, SiliCo, Ura I sHicO lil Pri"iIlal ah un um altti al um Core atateria10 dis ,e disperslon i

rdditBuolide dispersion d isl er i OJ] a110y d isI r

o dis ersion isl,ersio, al10 al10y (8Bq hOlatte 4 al all al aH loy, MBq/ )'

U ium ilicmP Side plate, Fuel tte' Attached PIater Al inm alloy, al in diF iO pe a oy Cadlliun wire ul wire0 cross sectio plate, all Fuel Fuel oros secti ShaFe' Reota gular tyPe' ReF.drtti" 0 tI),Fig.).I .D.2 (1) Fi .D. ,

I/elene t)'

(I)Table D l Specification of fuel elemeut(fresh fuel elenent)

Fuel h8ket T ol Boxt' Box Reactor RR DcletiOn Of JrTRp JttRCP Type JRR3 JrTR Jttrnc, JRR JRR JRR F el E lettntr JIIIno Fuel Elel e ]t(

Standard 3 Followel JRR Standard S,ccie l B Standerd0 Foli r standard ttel B L Follower0 Type N mber o,T et elettents 10 or letttJ (e lefrFnt p o e) 10 or iess, elcment,part (elemen/Package HEU f et LEU fuel' LEU fuolr 23S ef r oFspeciat U235 gnricle ,

fuel,and hel ccnita ined (g/el foHo ver of U contalned, MTRC (g/ol(Ilttt generat ion, 320X101o, less, Total generat

( /Picttge) 0 (Fresh fuel) rOt I Bori or Ocntent

,ty (HEU)

(6ac packatte act cchents(J Ion IIde (6Bq p ao nge)o Uran l alhi al, il Uniun alltimm m almi 1

Core ttateria10 dittett icta dittelB ittl ditte icn a lloy a lloy, dispensi disperttilln dis,ettitti aHo) (a aHo a lloyp a l allo S10e,1 tt,,

ater al Side l)late, AI tt aHO),

Attached lat Bulmable atto el Cad iutt wir o(3!ig iar t ,e, cr s sect (1) F ig.D.6, (1) Fi . , (I) 1 .D.8 (1, F Is 9.S,

° (h

e lettnt) 32

Deletion Of (DelectiOn)

JRR 4 fuel DcletiOn Of (Delection)

JRR4 fuel 33

(Delection) Delction Of JRR4 ftlel Deletion Of MTR(MEU) rilcl 1 R3 d d tlip d elelll atli111 oll n ds el

}11 34

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (Delection)

Deletion Of JMTRC(HE U)Standard el clement (A type,B type and C typc)

DeletiOn of (Delection) JMTRC(HE U)Standard el element (pin fIXin3)

(B type and C pe) 85


Dcletion Of special fttel element (SpCCial B type)Of JMTRC(HE U)


Deletion Of special fuel element (SpeCial c type and special D type)Of MTRC(HE U) 86

2017 version of SAR 2022 versiola of SAR note (Delcction) Deletion Of JMTRC(HE U)Fuel Follo ver 37

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (II)Safety analysis ofnuclear ttel packages (II)Safety analysis ofnuclear fuel packa8es AdditiOns

3. Containment analysis 3. Containmcnt analysis according to ln the containment analysis,on the basis ofthe above mentioned conditions l and 2 and also on the basis Of ln the containmcnt analysis,on the basis ofthe cOnditions of l.Structural analysis and 2.Therlnal analysis and alsO the revisiOns Of aHo vable relcase rate ofleakage tests before shipment the leak rate ofradioactivc rnaterials under the normal and on the basis ofallowable rerease ratc ofleakage tests before shipment,the leak ratc Ofradioactivc materials undcr the the rulcs,ctc accident test conditions was evaluatcd to show that the standard values vere duly satis led. norlnal and accident test conditions was evaluated to shOw that the standard values vcre duly satisflcd.
4. Shicld analysis 4. Shield analysis Addition of ln thc shielding analysis,considering the above mentioncd conditions l and 2,the dose equivalcnt rate at the ln the shielding analysis,cOnsidering l.Structural analysis and 2.Thcmal analysis,thc dOse equivalcnt rate at the scctiOn titlcs surface ofpackages,or atthe iocations l meter apan frOna the surface ofthe packages during thc nomal surface ofpackages,or atthe 10cations l meter apart iona the surface ofthe packages during the normal condition of condition oftransport,under the normal and accidcnt test conditions, vas cvaluated to sho v that thc standard transp ,undcr the nomal and accidenttest conditions, vas evaluated to shO v thatthe standard values were duly walues vcre duly satisied. satistted
5. Criticality analysis 5, Criticality analysis Addition Of ln the criticahty analysis, it is indicated that no sttuctural change or the hke that may affect the criticahty ln hc criticality analysis,it is indicated hat no structural changc or the like that mtt affect thc criticality assessment section titles assessment will occur undcr the gencral tcst conditions For ttssionable ttansported articlcs based on the result of will occur under thc generaltest conditions fbr flssionable transpohed articles based On the resuit of l.Structural analysis l cited above, and that subcriticahty vill be ensurcd in cases of both isolated system and arranged system cited abOve and that subcriticality will be ensured in cases Of both is01ated systcm and aranged system transpol ted transponcd articles,under the general test conditions and special test conditions for ttanspoied anicles during articles,under the gencral test conditions and speciat tcst conditions for transpohcd aHicles during nOmal transport, norlnal transport,transpotted articlcs in an isolated system,andlssionable transported alticles, transported articles in an isolated syste 1,and flssionable transported articles.

AdditiOn of

6. Consideration of Agin8 0fNuclcar FueI Package section titles Consideration Ofaging ofnuclear fucl packages shO vs thatthe agin3 0fthe main materials ofthose packages do not aFttct thc above analysis
6. Ewaluation ofthe comphancc with the regulation and the nOtiacation 7.Evaluation ofthe compliancc vith the regulation and the notilcatiOn Bascd on he above cited results and dcscriptions regarding the nuclear fuel packages given in chapter A,it Addition of Based on the abovc cited results and descriptions regarding the nuclear fuel packages given in chapter A,it vas duly consideration was duly ellsured that the design ofthis packages vere compliance vith the technical standards vhich vas ensurcd that the design ofthis packages vere comphance ith the technical standards vhich vas cstablished by the Of aging established by thc rcgulation and the notiflcation ln the Following,chaptcr(II) A hrough(II) F will shOw regulation and the notiacation,In the following chapter(II) A through(II) Gw I show paniculars for each oF analyses particulars for each ofanalyses and evaluations. and evaluations.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note aI)Table A6 Mechanical pro,mcs Ofmateriats to be sed as desl n stttm rd (I)Table A 6 hanical properti of materials tO be used as design standardst Modiications Nomaicond ons orhal c d itio= s J

Accideat test ccaditons Non4alteSt cond (,lls Nornal tettt co, d itionst Accident test co, ditiO, sT for morc N Ev uatcd posl on Materl Accidcnt test condlods rexclud g ttcrmalttsF (Odv forttcn al tcs Accident test co, ditions (excluding thernal No( Eval1lated positiop0 MaterialD (o ly for ther al t ta) test8) appropriate T Sm y Su E 3 g(3 T Sm Sy Sup E 0 T( Shr y( Su' E0 r ShO S E(D 1 hner she ma SUS Ma l,, bOdy of the l, er dcscriptions

/ lil Gr m SUSIIII ir shell' S

0 DeletiOn of er lid SUSIIII IB, SU (D 0


nucP'inf el 3r Fuei basle Fvel Lasketp S ta elcment B" 4 Outcr s lllattl odyr SUSIIII r F Maltt bOdy of tbe outer 4

shell 8 (' D (JRR 4)

SUS 0 ter itt r DeletiOn of 5r Outer lid S 0 (

SUSIIII hacr ttd clant,lag bo (A)in 6 I er lid clanping bolt S (

el element 7 0 t d cl1,1 g olt' 8USIIII (3 i

3 Outer tid ciamping bo SUS 0 0 Fuel eleinenilrA A (A)

R4B ( 8(]IFuei elenent( A (

0 0 Fuel elelllent(B)' 1 cl olatc Fuel eienent hold down Fucl dcmcnt icid do pa r AIIIIII ( t' (D A (D 10(

p T:Te perature t ]s :Design tensile stre gth[W/mm2

Dettig4 StreSs intettsity m/mtt sy:Desigtt yteld point[ /


e FC] P 1]

T:Te 1, Dcsign tcnsilc sLcngti Sill:DcslEn Sttess latea s),:DesttnyieldPom N :Linear expattion factor t X 2


' B:Mod,lus of iO gitudinal elasticity[X18'N/m E:Mod lus ofion=1 d Ie [X10SNlmm2] Lmcar cxpa:ision actOr IX10 4] P

( ):Oodes fOr Nuclear Po er ge, eration Facilities:Rules o Of Materials Nuclear Power Plants(2012 edition)of the Japan Society of rer geller (lil Fac ltiett Rules oa cfttteriatt Nuciear Po er PIan

( COdes fOf Nuciear Po (2012 cditon)ofhe JaPan Socie,ofmeCha lcd Eagl=leersW 39

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (3)WeldCd part on the section B B (3)

/elded part on the section B B Changc Of the position for showing the fOrmula for Z Fi .A.10 Analvtical model of welded part on cvc plate.

H Thc bcnding stress b[N/mm2]generatcd on thc weldcd i ng part ofthc cye pl e shown in(II)

The bending stress ob[N/mm2]gcnCratcd on thc welded i ng part ofthe eyc pl c shown in(II)

Fig.A.10 is givcn by the folloving cquation Fig.A.10 is givcn by the folo ving cquation M F


1 M F b=

b= = Z Z Z Z Where, b;bending stress N/mm2 whcrc M;bending mOment N mm Z:Section modulus ofthe weldcd part[mm3]

Zi Section modulus ofthe welded part mm3 Z= 2a b2 F;maximum load 6 N

moment arm =50 mm a Weld throttthicknessllD[mm]

whcre bi Width ofa plate D[mm]

Z:Scction modulus ofthe weided part[mm3]

Thcrcforc, bvili bc Z 2a b2 b N/mm2] 6 a:Wcld throat thickncss,[mm]

b:Width of a plate, [mm]

This is icss than the dcsign standard v ue on the welded pa (0.45Snmm2)

Thereforc, b w H be Thc IS b



2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Thc shcaring stress gcncratcd on thc vcldcd part oFthe scction B B is given by the follo ving This is iess than the design standard valuc on thc weldcd part(0.45Sy= l J/mm2) Change of Thc margin of safety(MS)iS the pOsitiOn cquatlon.

for shOwlng

= F 699x 103=5,55 [N/mm2]

Ms=0.45 Sy 1 the forintlla A 2a,b 2x 7x 90 b for Z The shcaring strcss gencrated On thc wcldcd part ofthc scctiOn BB is givcn by thc following equation.

This is iess than thc design standard varue aH vable correspond to shearing strcngth on the wclded pttt(0,45x O.6x Sy=48.6N/mm2). FI= i The margin oF safcty(MS)iS This is lcss than thc dcsign standard value allo ablc corrcspond to shearing strength on thc vclded part 45x 0.6x Sy MS= 0 1

(0.45XO,6x Sy=III N/ lln2).

Thc margin ofsafc (MS)iS Thc composite stress [N/mm2]ofthC bCnding strcss mcntioned abovc 0.6x Sy Ms=0.45x 1 b and thc shcaring stress is givcn by thc foHoving cquation 2 2]

b +4 Thc compositc stress [N/mm2]ofthC bCnding strcss mcntioncd abovc Itis lcss than thc dcsign standard value on the wcldcd part(0,45S IDmm2) b and thc shearing stress is givcn by the fo1lowing equation The margin oF safcty(MS)iS, 2

= (

b +4 [N/mm2]

Ms=0.45Sy1 It is lcss than thc design standard valuc on the wclded part(0.45 Sy= rnm 2).

Thc rcsults of the analys is mcntioncd abovc is outlincd in dID Jablc A 9 The margin ofsaFcty(MS)iS, As indicttcd in(II) TablC A.9,thc marsin of safcty(MS)in CVCry analysis is positivc and thc eyc Ms=0.45Sy1=


plate is sound during hoisting Thc rcsuits ofthe analysis lnentioned above is outlincd in(II) Tab!cA.9 As indicatcd in(II) Table A.9,thc margin of safety(Ms)in evcry analysis is positive and thc eyc platc is sound during hoisting.

Wllen assunling thatthe numbcr ofycars ofusc is 60 years,the frcquency of usc is three til cs per ycar,and Addition Of the number of handling proccsscs per transportation is 100 tinlcs,thc repeat count of li ing will be 18,000 fatigue evaluatiOn Of times,The naximum strcss in thc cvaluation in(1)th10ugll(3)abovC iS 21.6[N/mm2],and the cyclic strcss is lilling dcvice 10.8 N/1 m2] whiCh iS lowcr tllan the pcak stress intenstty of 3.8x 102 p /mm2]at thC rcpcat cOunt of 18,000 in the dcsign fatiguc cu c in(11) Fig.A.6iso the aHo vablc repcat countis lnorc than the rcpeat count during thc planncd period of use.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note A.4.7 bration A.4.7 Vibration (omitting he beginning) (omitting the beginnhg)

Thsnatur ttequenttoEHz ow de the br n range ofO to 50 Hz which w prese h thc This naturtt tequenOy of z outs ethe vbrttion range ofO to 50 Hz,whtth he range ofhc br lon httthe veh vehiclc or ship during ttansport. Therefore,there is no possibility ofcoincidcntal vibration. Or Sh iS Suttcct tO during ttanspo .TherefOre,therc is nO possibility of cOincidental vibratiOn, Addhion ofthc explanalon that accclctttion expccted during tanspoHalon is includcd in S, Gencral Tcst Conditions A.5,1,4 Comparison ofallowable stress A.5.1,4 COmparison of allowable sttess The results of sttess cvaluttion reltted to each ofhe analyses conducted h section( )A.5.1.3 are summarized The results of sttess evaluation related to each ofthe analyses cOnducted in section(


A.5.1.3 are summarized in(II) T le A.13. in C Table A.13.

As is shown in his table, e margin oF safety agttnst he design standard value al10catcd to cach case,whether As is shOwn in his table,the margin OfsaFety against the design standard value allocated to each case,wheher they are silnple or rnuhiple loads,is positive. they are si:nple or rnultiple loads,is positive.

unincatiOn Thcrcfore,under normal test conditions(the. al test)9 he sOllndness ofthe package can be maintaincd. Even ifthe ambienttemperature changes frOm 40° C t0 38° C,there w l be no consequences On thermal expansiOn ofthe In addition,in thc case where the numbcr ofusage ofthe package is set at 5004,hc margin ofsafety in regard to and thermal sttess.

number Of allowable cydes is,as shown in(II) Table A.13,positive.Therefore,the soundness ofhe packaging will not be Therefore,under normal test conditions(thermal test),the sOundness Ofthe package can be maintained.

fatiguc lost through repeated loads. In addition,in the casc wherc thc 4umber ofusage ofthe package is set at 500

,the margin ofsafe in regard to evaluations allowable cycles is,as shOwn in( Table A,13,pOsit e.TherefOre,the soundness ofthe packaging will not be

) for tost through repeated loads.

contatxlment dcvlces wih thc number ofexpectcd uses in(I) A.

Purpose and conditions 42

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Si" u 1ls P Strs uttita J m:!


StttssP tnssP ,

Stre Str '

Strass Stress Sttti, Primary+s ondary Primary stittsp Impecti Prinlttry stre FatigueF e tO atr Fati uer DeletiOn Of l

1(J due to d( e tor tre i S

ltion itia l inter,in l rml N

tio inilialF i thermal A4(PL) 2/3 MS, stress. L) 2/98y MS,' PL+ MSI SyJ ar N Na DF MS be MS rs, Sa N Na DF MI


to be ev lu(Ited gt,rFaoc(

JRR 4 hel 1 sll:oo silicO, Axlal SurFacerJ elemeaJt(

ellicO 2 (Urattium si nco alumi ltim xial JMTR 0 R,4 B type '

stayttar elemmt' elment ,

Surf (oep JMTR JRR4 L typep 4 Follover elem( nt' el eitent JRR44 SurFace! Pm,Ceneral primary met tr ; PL, o l prinar menbrane bra ,Prinary betti r Q iSeco ry st i F iPttk str si!

(UraJitim ilioo

,Nmber of wttee; Wa,Pemittibl ,lber l

St Sa:Repeat9'peak tttre Of repetititti, DF,0 ulative fatime coefficimt,,

Axl IP alulni lum dispersio ant ,D i re8g intel,si"valuei S i Vield point of the d ignI M ,Mawin of ttfet ;Bendil stw ciC(ltt pr sion st Surf ce JttTRP 61 a: rdf Axl lJ elemmi SurF( oe(J JMTRr P tal lciver!


elem nt>

Pm,General primary membrane stressi PL:Local prim , Pb;Prlmary stess, F i Peak stresA,P a:Repeata peal mulative Fatigue coeFFicitl t, Sm:Desi stress "ess,lv itttettsl N:Nsmber 1lueiofSy,Viela uses, Na,Permissible ttmber of repetitimi DF;d

, 1 1 lhe desig : MS:,hrgin Or satety r,D, dittg stess .:COmpressio stresi, Str uni o Stttss uttits P (4) Ta ,eA. Stregs eval On for l,2 m hor o,ital dro (3/4)o ,N/m mm DeletiOn of t ss, Stre ttts Str , Stres8 Str Pdmar, eco ry StrettstJ Impaol Prittry stre Prlmary str s, Fatigue Fatiguer Hue to iue tot stress, standard ttel due to (

N l ter] al ltiO iitia intel benal thermal, '

i  !

Jllll 1(J ML) M PL Pbtt Sy' M 2/8 MS, strtt 2/3 Sy M Sar N Nar DFF M S MS(' Syp MS Sar Na DF VS clcment,part JMI !

Sta] dard fuol 0 1 olemo 1,J edal f lel

( ,C pe), Axlal? l el o of spccial (Special'A type)

J TR el,and niel 2,

Axi I,J Sta ard fuet 21 elenent JMTRC(

(M ,MB, type)' fo10wer Of Speotal fuel 84 eleme JJ (Speclal A type)

Axit(1 34 Special fuel element JMTRC (Sp ial ,o (HEU)

I)ecllxl Ft ol on inl Mtt iv ii 4( eleme 1 (Special B Iype> AxialFJ JMT 4t fuol fo (Ftter?

Surft oer, peoial Fuel (MF type)0 5, lemea t peolal C,,J xl( 1 Pm i Ceneral prittary hettbrane stre , PL;Local prinaw hembrane ttrel,8' 0'SOc Pb,Prinaw bo ling w ttre i

SI rfaoe' Sa,Repeatd peak atre : N,Number of ttesi Wa I Pomi ible nlhber Of repetitim, DF,Ounulative fatiale coeFFicienti ' F,Peak atrettsi JMTRC S, ruel Follower( :Yield polttt of the desi n, M8, rgin of saFety o :B ing stress .I COmprettio,) ress ,

(HF type)0 lxialt SurFaceF Fuel 74 Axlal J lype)

St,rFaceP pecl I Fuel at leme Jl Spectal MB, AxialFJ SurficeP JMTRC, 91 Fuel Follower, (MF type)0 Pm, neraI ditt stress; 9:Seco ry stre Primary meflbratte stles , PL:Local primary nembrane stttssi Pb i Primary bo , ak tttre ,P St(:Repeated I ,sX stre ; N;,Mttber or uses, Na,Permissible mumtt of repeti lo

, DF;Cumulative Fatigue ooeFFioient 8v:Yield pol t oF the desi , MS,Margitt or sarety .:Bettdi Stress .:Compresslo stress  ?


2017 version of SAR 2022 version Of SAR note Strtt unl(

(1) able A.16 rett evaluatlm for 1 2 hori2 nttl dr ) (4/4)0 l(

rett u DeletiOn rtts( Str Str Str Prlttaryttec dav( :t Impact Primary gtrttst' of some Fatigu:: ]  ; /m due to lue toT NIJ P hitln initia l inemal tttenlal P p r Str sP Str r ,

3S, MSp +

MS Ph (

Sj M 1'LIPb Sa, N, Wa? DF M Ittpan Primary stre sp Pr:marytteco I SytJ hold dOwn C IattF ir Fatiguer

' at nue tO lue to reseF h

Special f 91e191mt hQld initial itternal thettalJ dom trl 2/8 1  :,

tSpec l A type)0 h eva olatti nt(P ) MS MS0 Sy, MS, N,

a0 llFr VS, parts fOr 2

lRC ecial fl,el el ielit hQld dom ttrt 1

hQld 0 0 0 r special

( ecial A typ )

(Special B t),e) fue1 0f 3

MTRC, Special fuel el lel]t hdd dom ttit, 2 ri a

JMTRC(HEU) tSpecial C Si

,Dt ,9, l Mc type, (Special MR r MTRC Pm i Cenettl prittw me bttne str PL;Looal rittary bra B tttr Pb,Prittary beding ttretti Q,Secondary stte  ; F;Peak str ;

i l el(1lent hnl  ;


,P,peattt peak stre , W;N ber (Special m tt type, of ugeaI Wa,Pen iggible,1 ber of repetiti ni llF i Fatitte ac unutation efficienti
Yleld pllnt of the dettimi ttS,Margin of 8aFe" ;BFding stross tiC prettion ttres8' I PL;Lo l primary membrai]e stress, ,Prinary bending stress, 0,Secmdary str ; F,Poak str ;P t;Gttei4 1 primary henbrane stre
Repttt9,pe k ttre ; N,Wmber of i  ; Na i Pemissible i 1ber of rep ititi]: DF;Fatl e acculi,lation coefflciewt, Sy;Yield poiHt of the desig , MS,MargiD of ttfety ;B n g stro8 c i Compressio) str98 11 rtts unitt (1

Table A.17 St uatiO i for l.2 m Lott 1l sida verticai drop 2/3)

/m ,

Stttis, Prinary stress, Patigue to to( Str (

StrttFJ Stress lfl iti(1], iJ]itialt att due too ue to lllpact Primary str ,

be evaluat I

) 3 Sy M + MSP Sy M Sat Na DFt' M stre Fatigu I

I Syt No PositiOn(J i ,itia l, i tor ]ali themal str 2/3 MS, JRR3 stattrdP o 1l ted' clattpi , (

e !Lil 1 MSia Syt MS Sa( F a DF' MS, (Uraniun sllicm al 1,

l JRR3 stardardP dittettion aHc )

1 (Ura ,u 1 ,1,m "altti dittersi aH(x JRR3 foHower 81me (Urattiu llict4i al ni 2 t RRtt follower elttOntt dittelBion a H q l WIodincat, ns 2 t nil, ilic(m aluninun?

dittettit an )0 JRR4 B ttte elmm

rcttlccting thc JMTR 3

tattard eleno t 4 RR4 L type el p changcs tO thc JttTR 1

JRR4P follower ele Ont' 5

(Umniun si Hco aluhim contcnts di o io a n tty) PR;General primary hembraDe stres , PL;Local primav hettbttne ttress, Pb,Primary be,ding , O i Secondary Sti e15 )' F , ak 8 e ,,

Sa i Repeatal peak stre  ; ;Huttber of B , Na, Permi 1 le mmber Of rel,etiticm: DF i Cun ative Fatit le cOeFfi cielati?

TRt Sy;Vield Oittt Of the ttign;MS,Margin of Eafety 7,Sbear stress '

6 sta dard element TR follcwer ele m 7

P :Seneral primary membttne str i Local prittv hembrane P ,Primary bendi rttsi rtts: F,Pet i Sa;Reptttl k stre , N,N ber of us ; wa,Pernissible mttber repetitict lative tigue eFttci Int,?

Sy,Vield point oF the d ig, ;Vargin of safe"  : ( r ttre ' DF, 44

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note rl Tni 1 A l'

^ 1 ,^:^

( ) rable A 17 Stress evaluatio for 1 2 m bettOm side vertica drop(9/4) Strett units P

,N/m P ata +Secottaryr r s Stragr Stress( e to Primar stref;DF Fatigu Prittry str ,

dl atF due tOi e toP Fatigue, Nor itial 1 inter ]al 2/3S M80 MSO 0 PO itiO itialtJ iliter emal elamp hg(

P )

S MS Sa( Wr Na( DF(] M80 i Pm(PLl 2/3 WS, VS, be evaluatedp ctampi!


Sy VS0 a, DF MS JM Standam fu91 eleme, t(' JVT P'


( ,C ty,9) 11 lf 0 , F 0 JVT 2( ( ttbin,rix! 9)'

ttte, '

entr JMTR 2(

i e, t

g Special fu91 ele 9,)tFJ (SI)ecial A type)=

fl,e191uttent, 3

lm inI Mc Special fuel element?

4( (Spectal B t c)

JttT 5

J TR" Special fuel elementt 4

,1 er.

(Special C S ecial D t pe)

P ;(ettl primary membrane str98 ; PL, ocal pri ary membra, e etre

Pb i Primary bo ing tre , 0 ,8econdary strettgi JMTR F,Peak stress,!

& fuel fol10wer Sa,Repeatd peak tttr ; H,Wum r of mlttber Of re otiti ; DF,Cuttwlative fatitte coeFficittt; (HF type)0 ", wa i Pettiasible Sy,Yield Oittt oF ttt de n; ,Margin of ttfe o ;G prettgion strett  ; r tttresE Of the part of fuel plato,i o JMTR( =i Str 7( andard fl 91 element,

( B,MC ttte)

Special fuel elementp 1


9( fuel fo1lowert (MF type)

Pm,General prinary nentbrane stress, PL;Local prittar membrane stress, Pb i Primary bending stress, Q ;SecO, dary stress; F ,Peak stress, Sa,R9 9ated peak stress N ; umber of uses, Wa,Perm ist,lb19 umber of repetitio DF,Cttulative fatigue cocttici8, ti?

S :Yield pol, t of the design, MS,Margh of safe" ,Compr si O

,tress ,8 ear stres( o : rett of the l)an of fuel plate pl,,T 1 2 m bottOlt side verii J!I rn P 4/4 Stres Stress Stres I pa ct Primary streF, F(ltittu Stre J due to du9 1 '

, sitio" itial? tttermalt ter, al.

2/9 Modiacations 1,

MSp i,

PL) WS S ri WSr Sa0 NF Wa, DFp clampin (

JMTRCP Spectal fuel eleJtent ld 1( dott part( rcAecting thc (SpeciaI B ty c)0 Pm ;G811eral prinar membra e streSS, PL,Local l)rimary Pb;Prinary betting str f, Q :Secondary stress, F iPeak stressie Sa;Rel)eated peak stress, W,Nul(ber of uses, Na i Permissible number of re ,etition; DF:Fati e accumulatiOtt coefficie tp changcs tO thc S, i Vield poi, t of tbe design, Mtt i ttarttin of safet, o i Compressio

,treSS contents 45

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note A.5.3 Free drOp A.5,3 Free drOp (8)StreSS analysis fOr l.2m hd side verttcal drOp (8)StrcSS analysis for l.2m hd side vertical drop DeletiOn of (b)Fuel elements (b)Fuel elements standard ttel clement(pin (11)In casc of ttel platc ixed by pin (DclectiOn) flxing)of The stress ofthe pin Fixing the ttel plate ofthc 10wly irradiated ttel elcment,generated at l.2m JMTRC vertical drop,is analyzed (HEU)

There are 6 types oflowly irradiated ttel etcments including foHower typcs,in this sccttOn,thc stress analysis methOd for the pin a ng type n el elemcntis shown and i s result is shO vn in Tablc A.18.

The uraniuni aluminiunl anoy is treatcd to have the same strcngth as the clad matcrialin thc analysis, The analytical modclis shown in fII Fi .A.61.

=Fi .A,61 Analvtical model of l.2m upper portion vertical dro oflowiv iradiated ttcl element As shown in(II) FigrA.61,the ttel plate is ttxed with pin at he side platc This retaining force is given as Folows.

FH=T xA ]

Where, FH :Force for retaining hel plate[N a:Al wa e shear ttrcss ofph=N/mm A i Sectional area ofpin[mm2]


= xd2x n 4


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (Delection)

A=((Ll L2)/2 d)x tl Dcletion Of standard ttel L2 :Width of filel plate corc,L2 [mm element(pin tl Thickness of ttei plate,ta [mm]

flxing)of di Pin diametcr,da [mm] JMTRC A mm2] (HEU)

ThereFore,the fbllo ving value of stress is obtained.



Stetsintt Stre nitt P DetetiOn Of

( ) rable A 18 Strtt evalm On for l.2m lm si verdttl drop(2/4)!

Stress StesP Stess due StttsP pa Prnll 7 Fe r Strtts JRR 4 nlcl Str Primary ttr 0 J

due to = 14.

X t014temal PmeL lS, PL lS' lS' at, due to Fatigul et al S).D S, Sa N( Na DF lS, to PosI o J

l13 Sy 'b initiale lnteF 1' r 218 p

JRR 3 standttdelemg be evaluatedp cla ing MS Sy, WSp Sa' Nap llF 1( Ora=!!im shcon dunl fJ JRR 3 stattrd dement, asp.,1 4 aliO (U itt Silic ,al 1un4 0 (a 0

! 0 i ,allay),

dittel 1:r el 3 Fo o 2 eranlu shconalum lm(J

> JRR 3 fol10wer element(J Ion aV 2 (Umnit iliC ,allttinun t' ( p 0 F 0 ditte im a110 )p '

at JRR 4B ttTeelmeD JMlRT 31 (

standard elemen (S ' p F ped 4 JRR 4 L '

JRR 4F JMIRP eraalun s alumHJ p

cx 4 ( 0 0 5,

follower elemettt

( 0 di lon l

allo TR(J P :GeDeral pri raw 9 bratte ttre , PL;Loca l prittary 9abran9 8t ; Pb;Prittary bo ing stre ; Q iS o ry 8tr 8' F ,Peak ttre 6

ald el mtt Sa;Repeata peak strettI N,N ber OF l 98: Ha'Pemittible m ber Of repetiti ; llF,Cumulative fatime oeFficittt; Sy,Vield, int of the dttlgnI MS i Margin mfety ,Shear str ,


7 folo tr elaneutr, Pm'G Fttbttne stress: PL,Loc 4ne ttes PD,Prd4 fbEdlng ttes Q i SccOL F ' Pear=treg itJ Sa;R etted eSSi N;NdubEI OFuse Na:PlssI le m of mo DF,6 adE E fatgue cDe l tP s :rleld pOJ t ofhe demgni lS i gin oFsaFett ;Sl Stett P 48

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note r s ld SIess(

Stess Stess' d e to(J P a,stes Ftti Deletion of at duc tO stess Str 8J Str 8 PH NC hernal al, Str IF Prittw strttsp wttecondav tigueF standard ttel d,ld pFeSSure eX,aliSiO 3 MS( PL P Sy(1 MS( Syr S Sa N( Na DF ( atFJ due to tor stressF g n(a Sv b(]

No be evaltttedP initia interttlf el ittgI pretturet 1,

Pm(PL) 2/3 S

Syp MS, Syp MS Sa aF llF llS, elcment,part Sttdttd=uel eleinelltrJ (A ,

1 4 ( (J (

of special

(] (


! tV p 0 JM lRC 0, 0 F 8ta=la d=uel elenient 24 (] ( F 0 (] Fucl and ttel 0?

Ml C foHOwer of r Standard fuel eloment(J 0 (D F P F 3 (J (]

(MhMB,MC type,F '


' fuel el peclal 4 Cc (a antr

& p r p 0 (HEU) 5 Oc JVT 4 fuei fol10HeF' p , p p p p JMlkCr (MF type,p


3 el lo o ier (

(3 (

(11 tVpe)(J Pm;Genem,prhary nembra 9 8trttI PL i Lottl primary nab e str ;Pb;Prttary betting strtti n isec ,daw 8tress,F;Peak str ;P JMlkC(

dtatl(lard mel eleaxttt(J Sa iRepeattt pmk strttsi N;NuttL9r of usegi Wa IPenittible number of repetitioni llF,Olttulat"e Fatigue 9fFidenti!

7 (

lC pe,( Sy,Vie poitt of the dttign; MS,Margi OF 8aFety iShear ttr 8 l;00 pw lo ress ol,Strett OF th9 Part oF fuel plate pin ,

Cc (

JMl C 91 mell 0 ,er (] (J (MI Wpe Pm;General p 4 st 8s: PL; Q iS nda. es ; F;Peak ttes Sa;RcPeated PewAt SteStt N Number ofuses: Na;Peril sHJe ec fat icielltr Sy:Yield Pol t ofthe desiga, MS,Ma gH ofsafety i Sheargtess c i ConPresSl 1l Stetts ,stess oftte part ofhel,late Ph tJ (r

trtt unitg!


Stret,s! Stcss( Stcss(

Siess lm,y stess0 ler Str ary 0 aryI Fatig d e top r g!


Str r 8, Prinary str due to s

darv stess Patiguer DeletiOn of ltitialt al( due to tr



due t MS0 at(

,m cl lt exPttsio 3S MS sy 64 Sa Na' DF ISr inter Positio 2 Sy g0 prcsswc lb i itia clatti" IT thenal MS Sy MSp Sar W(d Wap DF0 WS(1 some hold P itio expttsio preaguF JMlRC J g n' to be evaluatedp (D down parts

( (D JM IRCr r

lI for special 1,

21 0 tSwcial A t pel' fuel of JMll(



Spccinl lcl clc:ncilt H

t 3(

ie 0 U) a Special luel eiement 4

P ;Ge l prttar)mttbrane str 8, PL i ocal primary abttne ,Pb :G,Seooldaw stress,F IPeak ,p i Prittary bentti stessi stressi sttessi Q ,SeCOndaly stessi F sttessi( Sa;Repeated pttk 8tre  ; N,Nttber of ; Na i Perttittible, l ber oF lepetitioni lF,Fttigue accl latitt ceefFicien peat strcssi N ;NumberofusesI Na:PcHllissibic n xlbcr ofrcpetitioa: DF I Faigue acctun llatioll cOcriCient( Sy,held point of tt dettign, MS I Margin 8aftt f,COn iOn tttre Yield Poih ofttc dcsign; MS,M gh ofsafety ,Comprc sion sutss(J 49

2017 version of SAR 2022 versiOn Of sAR note m !?

Sttess' Strcss J DeletiOn Of Str uni StressP hPactr Prtlitt stteSS F Ttthio A,A o v nI at duc toP ovA htttinn fn n 1  : r,Fn

/m ,

, i N

standard Alel Positio i al, itemalF res ,

P )f] 2/3 Sy MS i PL+Pbr Sy MS J g, to dalnolngF pressiret] ' Str s Str 0 I act, atp due tOl Primav str element,part C Nc initial J

( inten 1, 1 sta dard iuel elemeat, 4 pe)' be evallnted !amping' pre8 lre0 (PL) 2/3S oFspecial I SyP P MS,'

(A Tl c ti PLttPb VSp JRR 3 sta) an element

)tandard l el elcmeat, fllel,and mel 2(

(Uttnium s,lico altti i (

ditterttim aH ),

fo o vcr Of JRR 3 follower element 31 ]

F 2( (Uttniltt silicm aluminu P (a JMTRC dittersitt,aHay)

JAITRC, nP (HEU) 4 ] J TR, 3

standarn elehe 0 r


[1,(Ct 5


JVIRP 4( r J MRC, followerp 1 el iolio vcrt 0 6 F] (a

( type)0 Pl,General prinaly membrane stre , PL, ocal prittary 91brane 8tre  ; ;Prinav 8tre ;P Sy,Vield , MS IMargin Of ttfety ,Shear MRCP ittt Of ttte d strettP Standard mel element 3 (

(MA TR,Mc 7


81 Fa p J: TRC 9

cl lollo ver 0 (

( F ttpe Pm membrme sttess: PL:Loca' pF 4 stess:

Sy:Yield Po ofthe design: Ms:Marg ofsafe ct i Abiht'ofbolt stress cc i cOmpression stress ;shear stress, (J

Strett u :

(1) eA.28 trett ettltttim for 9 10 r si veru l drOp(V IN/mttZP DeletiOn Of (ID Tab A26 S cwdi(lII Fof 9=1 lo lcr sidc re d dlo Stra , Str sP 4/4 y P at duc toP Ittact Primaw stres 0 some hold initial inte )al StressF IttPact stress' ldi at be clttmping presttrep P ( ) 2/3 +Pb Syp MS' down parts ctamplng 2 S MS J TttP for special Spccial lilct elet lellt hQld dol u r Spe,ai fuel elttent PaO(

(Special A"pe,' '

(S,cclal B pe)0 fuc1 0f Pm i Ceneral,=ina m brane st es PL,LOfa bendmE stess:, JyT

,Yleld A d strcss 2r S ard fuel element, JMTRC(HE (MA,MB,MC t, e'P U)


'MI Special fu91 el ent Aal MC 9

1 b° 0 0

J TttP fu91 fOHower, 4

0 j (MF ty e,,

P ;Geneni prinaly ttenbrane 8tre ; PL:Local prittr mmblatte ttr9 : Pb I Primary bending stre

Yie'd oint of ttt dttigni ,Margin of mfety
:Abih ;0 nprettion Of b lt st stress ;Shar stress,



2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Stress units ,

DelctiOn of

,N/ ,)2 ,

StressP 8tres (

1 npact Prin)A st re ( ) ra e A.27 Stress evalm on for 9 upper dde veri l dr n!

rett unitt P JRR4 cl at? duc to (


1lo( tion initial internalJ stress Stra be evaluated clamping L) 2/3 SyF) MS PL tt Pb S ( MS( Strtts, Impact, Strtts, at ue to Primav stressp JRP3 standard clc ent hio initial( inter 1 (Uttniun silicon alu ,4un' 1 strettp 2/8 ,

lisllersiOn anoy) claLping' presttlrer P (PL)r MSP PLtt MS, JRR3 sta, ard element JRP3 foHo? er eleDentt' 2( (Uraniun silicon aluminun II (Uraniu 0 alttlllun i

l littersiOn aH oy) i8persion aHo )

)RR3 follow9r elemen 3 JPR 4 B type e16nent 2 (Uranir l silicon alttinun t lisperttiott al loy) 4 JPP4 L type clttent JMT

} sta, am elenent, p ,

JPR 4F 5 (Uranium silicon aluminun, dispersion allo )0 JVTR, 4t 1' ,

foHo"er JHTR 6

standard elenentr P i Setteral primaw mttbra 9 8trttSI P ,Local primary hembrane stressi Pb,Primav be ing tress Sy;Ylem paint oF the desigtt MS,Margin of saFety iShear str sP JXTRJ fOli 071er(]

Pn :General primary Denbrane stressi PL;LOcal prinar Primary bending stress: '

S7:Vield point Of the desisn: MS I Margin Of safety i Shear stressp o Strtt uni Stress utti Dcletion Of (H) ble A.27 trtt evaltttion for 9 uttr sme verd  ;

( Fablo A 27 Stress evaluation for 9 m upper side verti I drop(3/4), Vm l drOp(3 4)  !

Stress? Stress J standard nlcl StregsJ lmpact Prinary stress' tr r re ,

at,J duc tor Imttct No Str a dwe tol, Primary stttss' il itial i,aternal!

stress' hTL)' MS, S element,part cla pi g0 2/3 Sy PLtt Pb MS, h lon initial, Intel al str F yp be evaluatedP pre ttrep Pm(PL), 2/3S PL+PbJ JMTRC clampingp MSt MS oFspecial r Standard fuel eleme}tP d,C tyl)o)' JMT W


11 Spedal fu91 elttlentP fucl,and riler JMTRCFJ (Special type)

Standard fuel elementW '

2( ( A]in,hx pel J

follo ver of Ltt t e,,

JMTRC JMTttP JMTRC? 2( a, ard Fuel elenentP 0 3+ Si ecial fuel eleltejit (MA,MB,MC '

(Special A type)

"pe, (HEU)

J TttP J TRCt ial fuel element Special fue1 91 ent 4t Sl)o(

nI Mo tSpecia I R.

8t r

( ecial B type) typel JMTRC J 5, Special fuel elel ent, (Specia1 0 Special D tyJ e, JMTRCr fuci follower 0 (MF type, JVTRC 6( f l(,l follower (HF type)0 Pm;Gene141 prlttaw nembttne str  ; PL;Local primary m lblan9 8tr  ; Pb;Prhary bending str  ;


Sy,Vield point OF tl,design, MS, rgin oF safety c t iStrtt Of the part Of fu91 plate pin ,Shear stress ct;Oompre lon stre !

7 Standard fuel eleme ,t (MA M ,Mc type)

JttTRC, ecial fwl element 8

tSpecia pe, l Ml MC t


fuel follower (MF type, Pll,General primary membrane stress, PL i Local primary n Ilbrane stress, Pb,Prinary bending stre88'P Sy,Vield point of the dttign, MS,Mattin of 8afety t; restt of the part of fuel plate pi  ; ear stress c,Cottpressien stress, 51

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Strestt units ( Strett uni Deletion of Table A 27 evallntion fOr 9 m u

( 4),

trett )er side vertical d ,N/

(  :

somc hold Stress J Stress J StressP Inpact Prit,ar7 StreSs Str  ? P due tOFJ aCt Prihary stH down parts I

atP due to, initial( interrlal h '

in P L)' 2/3 Sy MS PL I Pb Sy MSk' itial, intemal, i

clal Str be dampin P (P ) 2/3 Sr PLttP Sy JMTRC(J for speci 1 Special fuel element h i J T  !

1( dOwn part(

(Special type) lt Special fu91 9191ent hQld dOW' ARIt' hcl of (Special A type)

XT2C Special fuel element hold J f JMTRC(HE 2 dOt,n part Special fuel elmett h (Special B type,P 2t dottn part, U) l1 JXTRC  !

Special fucl elenent h lA 3 dO 4 part Pn;Ceneral prinary menbFa iO tre , PL;Local pri1lary mcab ne 8tre , P ,Prinary bending str9 (Special C Special D type,

Sy,Vieid point of the de lgni MS,rargin l safety ,Comp ion ttre  !

,ecial fuel elenent h l 4

n,art,J Special MR i l xc


Pn,General prinar nenbrane stress, PL,LOcal prinary ned)brane stress, Pb i prinatt bendins stress,(

Sy,Vield point Of the des,8 irsin of safety c,Cttpression stress

' XS i Str s unl Strett units r n lnhlo A,R rattt o( 1 Ion far 9 m ttri n l Arn r,/4 IN/mm:P StrttP tress , Deletion of Str s J Ittac Prinar) stre di,e totJ rttg StrttsP No P ititm initial i iter al Str 8!

at due to 1 mCt' Prlmav ttress' RR4 el clamping P L) 2/3 PLttF initialr internal?

RR 3 a ard elol t stre 2/3 Syp Pb Sy, 4

be evaluated, ClaFtping presttreF '

PJ (PL) P MS (Ura i m sHicc, 1= a luhilaun JRR 3 stattard elettent AxialtJ dispersicn aHc ) (U

, liCOn lirprit JRRtt f 1lower el 1l mt Surface,, alttinuttP Axial 2,

(Urai il=t silicc, dispe ion allo10 1lra in a11, l Axial 1 !) T lf1 211 v )RR 3follover element riace, O 0 (Uranium silicon 1lr t

all inun Axial!

9, JRR B l,e elem9nt i rSion a y) 0 ira lin rlace, MTR di rectin 0

4( JRRJ L ivi,e elehmt, staldard ttemen Axial, Axlal, 0 0


+1 JRR P Surface rface, (Ura:]iut siliccn lir) lin 0 ( r 5t a llliti))m A,(ial loHow9rp

'rTR Axial("

dittersion aHc Oc( 0 1lr i 1

JMlRJ 41,Gettral primary bJane stressI PL i bcal prinav bmne ttr91,s, Pb I Primary bending st ,P ld el frla ign, MS,Vargin of mfe" ol;Bmdi 6

s Axlal ,Vield point Of the d tretts o l'OOF iOn st Surfac JXTRo' 7(

follower A,(iaI hI:Genera l pril ary h91bra e stre brane stre :o i Prinary bending strs ;

,Lo l priltary n
Yield olri of tbe desig :Margin oF safe o ,Bendi]ig ttrtts l,Ct ilprettim stre 52

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note rtts unlts Deletion Of h Strett uni W

) Ta e A. Stress e lmt for 9 rizOttal drop(3/4)P :N/m P some hold


r J I]

act Prllar Stre F e to, Stres d

it ia l= inten al.' StrttB!

I Impa  ? do vn parts ML) 2/3 1 PL+ P Strtts, at due toP Prittaw atress' Surfac No P itio ] i,itial intemal MTRCP tre 11 Standard fuel el ent clamping preSalFe' Pm(P ) 2/3 Sy' PL PbD Sy MS, for spccial (lIB,C type) Axialt Sur e,

JVT L( el of M ir IIn Speclal fuel elment Standard Fuel elenent 1(

Axial, 2(

t Axial, tSpecial A type),


,II l

, JMTRC(HE SurfaceP JMI ! p 3(

Special fuel el(Iten (Special A t,4)e),S ard fuel e19mentt lll, tin OL U)

A,(lal J 2t Sta (VA,MB,VC type), Axial!

lir, tin f

JM C ecial fuel e19tent,J JMT Surtacet 4

Special D type,f Speclal fvel elolent, lirectio r

31 xialJ JMTR ti i Special fuel eltrl=I trJ ti,1, Iin 5(

ttD A,(ial JMTRO Sur ce lirecti 0 p Surface 4( fu91 foHower J IRCJ Axial (MF type,p 6

fuel fo ower ir niin . r (l 0 ,o)F AxtalT Ih,General primary membttne stFeSSi PL;Local primary ttemb14ne Stru , Pb i Prinary bending str :

Surfaco MTRC, 7

Sta, rd fuel elenent, Sy;Vield point of t e dttig , MS,Margin of ttafety ;Betting ttr 8 o ;Cmp ic st (M B,MC t, pe,f JMTRC,J Special fuel elgt at 8

Axlal Sur ce MIRC, 9( fuel follower (MF 4)e) Axial

11:Genem l rimary hettbra,ie stress, PL iLo l primaw merlbrai]e stress, P ,Primary bending str :J Sy:Yield point of ed ign, MS i Margin of ttftt ,Del ing ttrett i COm ,re lon stwtt P r 1 Strtts il, itS (1) Lble A 28 Str e luat io i for 9 m horizo al drl (4/4) r Tnhio A 9R 17 0 ian far n m hri n nI rnb r4/4 ;N/
P Dclction of h ]!:,J StrJ Stress(

Str s pac Primary stre Str J rttr R4 cI l

at, di,e to '

( IhpanP NI iticnT 11 itia l 1 te 1, Str s, atP du9 to, Prinary stre88P be evaluattxl clampin PL)F 2/3 PL+ o plttitiO !

initial telnap Str JMTRC(

to be evalmted clampittgp pre88tlrer Pm(PL)' 2/8 MS' PL+P Syp MSF Special fuel elunent hQtt down 1( artJ l

( ecia l A ttte) JMI ?

Special fu 19191 t ittld down Special fuel el loit hnl!i down partl' , P l

p part, 2(

(Special B type,, (S,9cial A type, J TRC JMl Special fttel el Iielit h d down SpedaHuel ttment bld down

3. part, 0

( ecial C D ttte,p 2 ial ,

ecial fuel elment h I do!D Spedal MO pe' 4( part

( ecial l B, nA i Ceneral primar)mettb!4 9 8tr988' PL;Local prhaFy mettbttne stress, Pb,PriRary bending strttsi Special MC e)

I e stretti,Lo l primary brane stre l:Ge, eral prl,tary ngibra,  ; ;Prinary betading str 8' y;Yield olnt of the d98ign, M ,Margin oF saFety Bendittg stre88 J

,Yield poitt of the de igni MS IMargin oF safeu ;B Indi r s(j 53

2017 verslon of SAR 2022 version of SAR nOte A.10 Appendix 10Append A.10.1 Analysis prosPal for absorbing perfo l nce of tthocL Absorber : ASH " ( ) A25 A10.l Analysis prOgram for absorbing perfoFnanCe ofshock Absorberi CASH IP A249 1.10.2 Validity of the free drop amlyses of JRF90V950 ttchage ( A26C

( )

A10.2 Validity ofhe free drOp analyscs OfJRF90Y 950K package 256

( ) A 1.10.3 Dittplacement of inner lid O rings ( A261t A10.3 Displaccment ofinnerlid O ings (II) A 257 1.10,4 Stres strain chamcteristics of he ock absorber at low temperatures 1266 A.10.4 Sresysttain charactettstics ofhe shock absOrbcr at10w ttmperatures

( ) A 262 1.10.5 Stres strain dBracteristics of ttrd polyurethane foaJ ( 1267t A.10.5 Sttess/sttain characteristics (II) A263 1.10.6 Low tttperatures strensh of 8US ( A268 A10.6 LowttmperattessttengthofSUStlD ,. (II) A264 A.10.7 Low teJ perature i pttct Walue of SUS ( )1269 A10.7 Low tempcrattre hpact vttuc ofSU (II) A 265 Low ttmperatu pad v ucoFSUSl (I

A 0 1.10.8 Low teJlperature i pact walue of SUS A ( ) A 266 A.10,9 Method for calcul ting the torqwe of inner lid cla Bping bolt ( "C)

A2714 A.10,9 Method fOr calculating thc tOrquc ofinnerlid clanlping bolt (II) A 267 A.10.10 Literature A272 Deletion Of A.10.10 MeShanical characteristic8 0f RR=4B fuel Ellate

( )

JRR 4 el A.10,ll Literature ( )1279t A.10 10 Mechanical characteristics ofJRR 41 ilel plate (Deletion) Deletion Of ln order tO deine thc analysis criteria by which thc ptastic deformation vill never be generated in thc analysis of JRR4 el lllel plate,the proof strcss is takcn as the design standard valuc.

Thc pr00f stress ofthe JRR4B ftlcl plate which is the material for he ttcl clement(B)shall bC speciied as given betow, (1)le mcchanic prOper o hiCh is he matcrial ofttd element(A)isshOWnin IAEA Guidc Book, Vo1 2(rcFcrential document[14]),h whiCh itis spccittcd ti the design yielding point(Sy)iS nOtless than N/mm2 thcevaluatingtemperatureDC.

(2)JRR4B fuel has been suttected tO a tensile stFength test on thc basis Ofa tensile strength test piece which is mall Fact red ttom a sheet offR el plate sampled iom each r01l badge,hec tcnaofthetestbeind (N/mm2) inhetensilestrengthihatisamm2>

This test is cOnsidered as one ofthc sutteCtS Ofprecommissionhg test ofthe nuclcar reactor faciltty, (3)Besides hc above, e resuits ofmeasurements on 20 pieces ofsamples in the tensilc sttength test cited in the proceeding anicles(2)are aS f01lows.


2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note (Deletion) Deletion of RR 4 fuel Rcsuits ofmcasurements Minunum axullunl Avcratte Proof stress (0.20/0)(N/mm2)

Tcnsilc strength (N/mm2)

(4) 12 alaterials of JIS l100P alld A1200P,which arc thc raw materials of JRR 4B typc ttel plate ciadding materiat,are dccmcd to have he sttength nore than thosc agurcs shown in thc table g cn below.

Proof stress(N/mm2)

Tcns e sttength(N/11lm2)

Deletion of (5)Lookhg from he abOve,h ctt bc dcemed as he safcty sidc cstination that hc proofstress for he el plate (Deletion)

JRR 4 fucl havtt he tendL strength of /mm2 aS prC ous ed h he tticle(2)as hc pr00f stress of he mechanical propett of JRR 4B typc ttcl may be adoptcd as /mm2(Yidd point ofthe dcsign)WhiCh is equal proofstress mendoned h proccedhg articlc(1).


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Addition AdditiOn ofa cover pagc B Thel lal ttlalysis 56

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Addition AdditiOn ofa cover page C Containtttent analysis 57

2017 version of SAR 2022 versiOn of SAR note DeletiOn

( Table Ci3 SurFare(a mi,aatio l per fuel el enti of RR4 Radi oactivity(B Radioactivity(Bq) fuel Fue1 91gllmt ]

Fuel elenent]


= = u = U Tttltal 214u( 235u( 23Gu( 238u Total(

JRR3 Standard Type (Uraniun si icOn alum inu dis JFR3 FDl101Ver J persion type alloy)(

Ttterl JRR3 Fol10 er (Uraniur s iliconf Type(

a llttmirluh d is ,

Ilertti Rlt iVttn l ini (Uranium silicOng alun inuB dis persion type alloy)(

JFiR 4B Tttet TP Standard J Jm 4L Ttte (UranilJm a luhi7 V diSper810m type all JMTR(

Jm4( Folloner Fuel(

(Uraniutt silicO l J a luni un disR persi type allo)

JlrTR Stattdardi JrTR F llower Fuel J 58

2017 vcrsion of SAR 2022 version of SAR r ) Table c i Surface a ivity Fler Fuel elttle gf 10 ly note iated fl e DeletiOn of elenew ,

t JMTRC(HE element p U)fuCl Acti vity (B fol10wer EttU u

= Ul =4U" T8tal J fTRC J

Activity (Bq)

Staard fue1 919HIE t(J (Urttiun aluni aum all  ! 234u 29Su 239u(a

,C ttte Total JMTRC(J J TR8(

Specia Fuel element(

Stattdard fue l elelie Ura aiun aluminl l aHo (Special A type)

(Ltt type (Uraniu aluinu, al10y)


Special fuel el etttt Standa d fuel e eDent(

(Special A ttte (MA,MB,MC type)

(Uran ium alun inl a1lo (Uttniutt aluninun dispersion JWTttC( all j

Specini fue1 919mttt MTRC(J (Special B t  ! e J

Urarliun a luHLi 1 L allo3f).

JVT, Special 'tu fuBl ele tip 1 i

1 i

type al10y)(

(8 ecial C 9cial D 9)

JMTRC a1loy l

(Urar]iun allttmiy l Fuel fOl10wepe JrT ,

(MF type)

Ccntral rod fuel tu FollDWer( type (uraniun aluninun dispersiOn al (1 (Uraniurl aluttinl L a110y 1 v

JlttTRC Sta ard fuel elenie (MA, MB, MC tyFle) l (Urar iuh aluhi Jun dispersicm type all )

JttTttC Sp9cial fvel elg19nt l (Special MB,Special C tyFie UFarJiun aluminull dispersicn type allcv JttTRC Fuel follo ert MF ttte (Urattiun aluninun dispersiom ttte all 59

2017 ver.(lion of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (b)Radioact e material leak evaluation under nOrmal tcst condition (b)Radioact e materia eak evaluttion under normartest condhion lt is similarly assumed as the prc Ous scction of C 3.1.2(1) (a)that the all surttcc cOntaminated uranium Itis similarly assumcd as the prc ous section of C 3.1.2(1),(a)thatthe all surttce contaminated urantum adheres on thc ttel surttce is separated and unifOr 1ly dispersed in the air in the inncr container.

adhercs On the ttel suriace is separated and uniformly dispersed in thc air in the inner sheH The radiOactive cOncentration ofthe vater adheres on the fuel clement surface is 12Bq/cm3,and the nuclide is The radioactive cOncentration ofthe vater adhcres on the fuel elcmcnt surface is 12Bq/cm3,and the 60c nuclide is 60c .

The leak ratc Ofthe radicactivc rnaterial under the gcneral test cOndition is Obtained by multiplying thc The leak rate ofthe radioactive inaterial under the generai test condition is Obtained by multiplying thc concentration ofthc nuchde cxisting in the air ofthe inner container by the leak rate obtained in thc scction of concentration ofthe nuchde existing in the air ofthe inner sheH by the lcak rate obtained in the section Of C.311(2).

C.3.11(2). For JMTRC special ttel elements(Special MB and Special MC types),whiCh have the largest surfacc area and Changc tO The radiOact e concentration on the surfacc ofthe ttei for the HEU special ttel elencnt(Special C,D the highest radioactivity concentration,the radioactivity concentration adhered on the fllel surface is as shO vn in Spccial Fucls Table C 12 fII) Table C.12. (SpCCial MB, peS)9 WhiCh has the largest surface area, is shown in( )

MC Types)due The leak rate ofthc radioactive Fnaterial is Obtaincd by assun ng that the radloactive xnaterittr is uniformly The lcak rate Ofthe radioactive rnaterial is obtaincd by assuming that the radioactive material is to dclction of dispersed in the air ofthe inner cOntainer ofseal bOunda ,and is shown in(II) TablC C.12 uniformly dispersed in thc air ofthc inncr she1l of scal boundary,and is shown in(II) Table c 12. SpeciaI Fuels Asshown h( )

Table C.12,the leak rate ofthe radOact e mtte n is sm r than the As shown in( )

Table c 12,the leak rate ofthe radioact e material is smaller than the allowable val e (SpeCiai c,D allovable valuc under the nOrmal test cOndition Typcs) under the norinal tcst conditicn,


f ) Table C.12 Leak rtte ofthe radioact itv under normal test condition Same as Radioactive Lcak AHo vabre Rad ioactivep Leak( A1lo able Nuclide concentration ratc lue(A2x 10 6) Rate 6) above Nuclide( concentration( rate I Value(12 X l Rate(

(TBq/Cm3) (TBq/h) (TBq/h) (TBq/cn3)( (TBq/h) (TBq/h) 60c 41(lII 60c

.3 4,OXl 7 234u 23 u(

235u eSU 236u(a 236u 2eeu(a 238u Total(

1.05 X lCr Changc to Total 1.07X10 Use cm9 for the air volune in the inner container.<J F SpeciaI Fuels (SpedaI MB, MC Types) duc tO dclctiOn Of Spccial Fucls (SpeCial c,D Typcs) 60

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note


(H Table C.15 Leak rate ofradioactive substances under accident test condition T tive su Nuchdc Radioactive Leakage ratc AHo vable Rate Addition concentration valuc unde r accldent test oondition ted fuel ele (TBq m3) (TBq/Week) (TBq/WCCk) 60c 40x 10 1 Radioactiv9e Leakage ra Rate(a concentration( (

234u (TBq/cn3)( (TBq/ eek) 235u Change to Special Fucls 236u (SpCCi MB 238u MC Types) 205u(3 due to Total 1.26x 10'7 dclction of 296u(a Spccial Fucis (SpCCial c,D 238u(a Typcs) l.24X 7(




2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Addition Ofa E Shield attalysis cover page 62

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (2)In loadinB lowly irradiated ttet element (2)In loading lowly irradiated fuel elemcnt (a)Gamma radiation source by the isotope ttom uranium (a)Gamma radiation sOurcc by the isotopc from uranium Thc uranium isotope containcd in the packagc fucl are lnainly 234u,235u,236 ,and 238L ctc.,and these Thc uranium isOtOpe containcd in the package ttel are mainly 234u,235u,236u and 238u etC.,and gamma rT emisdon rates arc shown in(II) Tablc D.6.(1) these gamma ray emission rates are shown in fIII Table D.6(1)

Sincc it is possible that thc lowiy irradiated fllcls,which are HEU fuel and MEU fucl,arc loaded Thc ga nma radiatiOn sorce i ensi ofhe One equivalcnt ttel element(m Modiflcation ed ttel elemcnt )of togetheri comparing thc radioactivity bet vecn l EX fuel and MEU fuel,and considering the l ost for mOre thc JM (CH]U clement,wHcll has he highest radioactivi y and he MEU ttelelenient,by conservative conditions,thc radioactivity of MEU fuelis uscd for 235U,236U,and 238U vhile that of detailed assunhtt hcSe Ol elcments arc packagcd togetlier,is shottn i ( ) Table D.7:

description HEU ttclis used for 234U.

Thc gamma radiation sourcc intensi is obtained as follows. The gamma source intensi equiValellt to one lowly oflo vly i aditted fLlel elcme1lt is shown in(lI) Table i:radiated SE=CtW RE D.7.The gamma radittion source illtensi is Obtaincd as follows, cl elements Where, SE=C W RE SE:Gamma radiation source intensi ofenergy E(PhotOns/s) Where, SE:Gamma radiation source intcnsity of cner8y E(PhotOns/s)

C :Specittc activity(Bq/8),ShOWn in ttI Table D.8(2)

C :Spcciic activi (Bq/8),ShOWn in( ) Tablc D.8(2)

W:Wdght of Urallium isotopc(8)

W i Wdght of Uralaiun isotopc(8)

RE:Gamma ray emission rate of energy E(PhotOns/dccay)

RE:Gamma ray cmission rtte of cnctty E(PhotOns/dccay)

The weight ofthc uranium isotope is conservatively obtained as foHo vs.

The wcight ofthe uranium isotopc is conservativcly obtained as fbHo vs, 0)235u :MaXimum cont ned quand in the ttcl dement.

(1)235u :Ma mum containcd quanity in the Fucl ctement.

(11)238u :The quantity of238u is obtained,by assuming the quantiOes of234u and 236u are tO (11)238u :The quantity of238u is obtained,by assuming thc quantities of234u and 236u arC to be bc zcro,by using the quantity of235u obtained in(1)and the lower limit Ofthe zcro,by using thc quantity of235u obtaincd in(1)and thC towerlimit oFthc cnrichmcnt enrichment tolerance tolerancc.

(h)234u,236u:The quantities of234u and 236u are determincd when he Fuel clcmentis (lii)234u,236u:The qu ntitics of234u and 236u arC determined whcn thc fuel elemcntis produced, thc limit ofthe weigiht is not detennincd. Therefore the maxil um weight rate is produced,the lirnit ofthe weight is nOt detcJmined. Therefore the rnaxilnum selectcd l o n the past rnatcrial rccord sheet,and the veights of234u and 236u are veight rate is selected from the past rnaterial record sheet,and the veights of obtaincd by using thc conscrvatively roundcd up veight ratc, 234u and 236u are Obtained by using the conservatively rounded up veight rate In this case,the necessary total uraniunl wcight is the sum ofthc wci8ht Of235u ln this case,the necessa /total uraniunl veight is the su l ofthe veight of235u obtained in(1)and the weigh of238u obtained( ).ThC WCight rate of234u and obtaincd in(1)and he weight of238u obtained(ii) The Weight rate of234u 236u uSed in the cdculation are shown in(II)

Table D.9, and 236u uSed in hc calculation are shown in Table D.9. The weight of uranium isotope pcr onc fucl elcment used in the calcul ion is shown in(II) Tablc D.10.

The weight ofuranium isotope per one ttel elcment used in the calcul ion is shown in(II) Table D 10 63

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Table D.10 Radioactivc nuclide wciRht pcr one element used in calculation II (1) Table D.10 Radbact"e nuclide wettht per one elettent used h calcuLtbn Modification Uranium isotope Weight(g)

Uranlum isotoper Weight(g) a Type for more 234u detailed 234u HEU fuel(

235u dcscription MEU fuel 235u(a 236u ofio vly 296u ] irradiated 238u MEU fuel(a el elements 238u MEU fuel (b)Gamma ray ttom the assion product (b)Gamma ray iom the Assion product The irradiEHion timc and the cooling time ofthe JMTRC fllel clemcntis as follows.

Thc irradiation time and the coohng time ofthe JMTRC hcl clemcntis as folo vs.

(1)HEU fuel:302h irradittion(100W equiv ence)(0.0013MWd)aycarscooling (1)HEU ttcli 302h ttradadon(100W equiv ence)(0.0013MWd) years cooling (li)MEU fudi 100h irrad on(100W Cquiv cnce)(0.0005MWd) ears cooling (1)MEU fuel:1 00h ttrad ttOn(100W Cqu" cncc)(0,0005MWd) years coolhg The ttssion products ttc calculated by using ORIGEN forthe above 2 pes Of fllel elements with thc The ission products are catculatcd by using ORIGEN for the above 2 /pes Of fuel elements with fon ving Condition, the follo ing assumption Thc pcattng Factor ofthc fucl clcmcnt du ng opcr on is 2.00.

The peaking factor ofthe ilel element durin8 0peration is 2.00.

Thc effect ofthe radioaci t) cxcCptthc main nuclidc is considcrcd by sc ing thc radioacttvi The effect ofthe radioactivity exceptthe main nuclide is considercd by scahng thc ofthe inain nuchde to be 1000/ .

radioactivity ofthe rnain nuclide to be 100° / .

Sincc HEU ttcl elemcnt gavc higltcr rcsutts than MEU Illel elements forthe radioact i intenSi Of fISSion Modincation Thc radioacti ofhC flssion prOduct ofthc m cd ttel elements is determined from the ttel for more products,it vas assumed thatthere were ission prOducts equivalentto 10 HEU fucl elements inside the ttansport element which has thc highcr radioact i .

detailed container.

he radoact description and the gamma radittion sollrce intensi ofthC main nudidcs arc shown in From tlic above,the radioact iv and gamma ray intensi of he mttOr nuclidcs as ttssiOn products oflowly r ITablo D ll.

irradiated equ alcntto onc low irradiated fucl clement arc shown in(II) Ittblc D.H, fuel elements 64

2017 verslon of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (nOne)

E Cttticality attalysis Addition ofa cover page 65

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note E.2 PanstO be analyzcd E.2 Partsto be analyzed Change in E.2.l Content E12,l Contellt character size from halfto The package is designed to contain ten box type ttel elcmcnts maximllm as shown in f T'able E.1, The package is designed tO contain ten box type ttel clements maximun as shOwn in T le E.1.All fuel double All ttel elements to be loadcd havc he same cn dhmcnt. The maximum mass of235u loaded in a packageis elemcnts to be loaded have hc same cnFiChmC .Themaximummassof235uicadedinapackageisEwh h DwhtthcorespondstotheJRR 3 stand dtype ttd deme (Uran m tthcon Alulnhum ttpers n corcsponds to the JRR 3 standard typc ttel element ranium Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Typc Alloy).The ttcl Type Alloy) elemcntis composed ofthe ttcl plate which has a nttel mcat made ofan uranillm aluninllm silicon alloy The specinc ns Ofttel pltt arc shown in( )Table E.2. Thc spedacations ofFuel platc are shown in fII Table E.2.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note


Ta le E.l Specification of fuel elellent I Total Le!a Cross Secti 5 ass of B'SL axittunl Nuttber of Fuel( (11) Table Ell Specification of fuel elenente J 0 Enrichnent (g/one fuel Elements Loaded in, Renark lh Fuel elettent( ( m) ( )(J el ehent,(:D a Packager I Mass Of 236u Maxinun Nunber of Fuel(

t ,per (g/one fud Elenents Loaded inP Renark (Ura iutt si licon aluttittunf di a1lo ll F

Fuel elenent n elenent) a PackagetJ fo 10wer HH 3 standard type (Uran iutt si HcOn aluninuttF lllp ( Oranhn dli n ahnhung 10 (3

dispersion type alloy) dispersion ttDe aHOV)

HH3 1ollower typer (Urantun sth n aluninun 10 (


dispersion type alloy)(


standard fuel elenent 10 LEU DelctiOn of JVTR J JMTR(

elehentr lW LEU fuel follower

] 10( LEU JRR4 Alel J TR il140 LE Ur JMTRC(

fuel f01 10wettF B lo(D MEU(D standard fuel elenent C DelctiOn of MTRC(

standard n el fuel follower J TRC


lo(3 MEU standard fuel ele,te tF 1[

Eb element Of A(


10(a JMTRC 1 special fuel elenent MEU MEU(3 Cr (HEU)

HEU JlttTRCr 1 (

speciai fuel elementr Eb Deletion Of standard ttel Element,part of special fllcl,and ttel fOIIOwer of JMTRC (HEU) 67

2017 version Of SAR 2022 version Of sAR note Table E.2 Spacifiatitt of ttel pltte(1/2)


Itgl 1 Fuel plate el plate e Weig}r per ( ) Table E.2 SpQoification of fuel plate(1/2) total widthl thittn o e fltte l Wame f fue Remarkt' te! fJ p ate p at lttgth ateti Weisht per t idth thicknes thi


e' (

IFu ( )

(g one fuel H3 standard fuel iJ Nane o f fuel nenark(

Jl ( ( platert e1911e (UFanil m silico

'1 elemen ta m)ta (g)D a lunlir I ispersiclD(1 e ttte all '

e 1 eDen t ( U ran un S l l i COn ower aluninun dispersiOn '

B lenLttt(UBniun silicclD type aH oy) alumittum dittersim f 0 Otte r t yp e e allo n

e I elnen t ( U Pan um S I COn e Out r fueI aluninun dispersi on(1 plate aH )

I ner f el ue platei element JHX4L ttpe fuel elemeJati LEUt' Owter fuel plate d ue O o er IPner fl el LEU

,latef JttTRC standard f JH4 type fue l elemerat 9u or fuel ele" ent Af (uraniun silico J piate o u inuvL alttersiOnt lmer fuol al loyl plate J TR tattard fuel 1 B MEU(D MEU e lenke LEUt' JMI rttel ra110weri C LEU, JMI tandam fwel A JMl C fuel fOll otterr" e lenBtttiS B, HEU MEU Cr J TRC special fuel(

el ew ent A HEUt' B(D MOdincatlons ME B

C rerlecting thc JMTRCfuel follower HEU MEUt changcs tO the C

EU(a JMIRC special fue contents A

elemewt B e HEU C,

D Br, C

EU 68

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note T ble E.2 SPmifioiti f fuel plate(2 2 J hLight ot Fuel Fuei FueI PI te

F:U Per one PI te ,IBte core ( ) Table E 2 Specification of fuel plate(2/2)

FveI PI te core J fueI P13te care core th Rem rH mater i31 tevIF eiat oF Deletion Of N me of fuel (8 t lensth WidthJ mO Fuel Fu91 Fuel plate U er one plate plate core



elemttt (m Fuel late core JRR 4 rilel 3 stand r Ue Ura aium 8 ( fuel plate core core thicknesst RemarkFa material(

E lettnt(ur3nium silicon alumi aum disttrsio Nane of Fuel (g) le agtho idthe (mm)

B Iuminum disPers ionJ a1loy elenent (mm), ( m)

II JHH 3 standard ruel( uranium silicon (

vPe fuel Uranium lim1 E19ment (Ura ium silicon 0 r alu Jinun dispersion e lerttnt(ur nium silicon alumi um disper lo aluminun dispersion( alloy Iuminum disPers ian all y a1loy <

lI v er type ruel JHA(3 1ol o uranlum silicon(

element (Ura, ium silicon atuninun dispersion aluminum dispersio, alloy a1loy)(3 J TR sta, dard fuel( uraniun silicon (

element(3 aluw inuttdispersion LEU(

J TR ruel fOl10we alloy uraniun silicon (

atuB inun alloy(

dispersion LEU DeletiOn Of JMTRC standard fuel


element A( <

standard ttcl


element,palt Ur ntun aluninum(J g R r e Ura um alumittum B(D dittpersion alloy EU ofspecial e levttnt, disp sion ttte J

MEU Filel,and fllcl a110 ura aium silioo C(

fOttOwer of alumittum di rsio,a LEU all JMTRC fuel fol ow er uraniun aluninun ( JMTRC Ue 0 OWtr Ur 1 1

m I (

dispersion alloy(' MEU(3 alumi aum disttr LEU ( (HEU)

Rll V JrTRC special fuel T (

JM RC st nd rd i el element A( Uraniun aluminun (

HEU e le nt alioy IIIIIIIII B(a um Urantun aluminun (

no MEU(

dispersiDtt alloyJ dispersion alloy C(

MEU ct e O WeF ura 1lum aluml um MEU dittperttiutt alloy JM RC sPeci i fuel nt a um e le:! nt, Dy HEU um B

P S10 l y4 MEU C


2017 verslon of SAR 2022 version of SAR note E.3 Model speciflcation E.3 Model specification E.3.l Calculation model E.3.l Calculattion model This packaging ls designcd to contain slxteen types ofrectangular fllel elements.The ttel fbHower This packaging is desi8ned to contain eight types ofrectangular ilel elements. The ttel fb ower contains Change of the types Of contains less U235 per ttel element,compared wih he standard pe ttel elemcnt,so that the effective less U235 per fuel elemcnt,compared with thc standal dt),pe f lel elemcnt,sO that the effect e multiplication fRlel elenlents multiplicatiOn factor ofthe packaging wili become smaner,and conscquently ve win analyZe,here,s kinds factor ofthe packaging will becOme smaner,and consequently ve vin analyZe,here,3 kinds off el elements, due to of ftlel clements,excluding the fuel fbilower and the special fuel element. excluding the fuel fbHo ver and the special fucl element. dctetion of In thc evaluation of subcriticahty,under the assumption that aH ofthc gap cxisting inside and outside In the evaluation of subcriticanty,under thc assumption that an ofthe 3ap existing insidc and Outside ofthe JRR4 and JMTRC(HE ofthe packaging are rllled vith vater,investigation vill be conducted to select the package under severest packaging are ttlled with ater,investigation vill be conducted to select the package under severest condition U)ftlel condition among thc damaged package and undamaged package in isOlation and in aFays sO thatthe among he damaged package and undamaged package in isolation and in arays so thatthc analysis is to bc elelllents analysis is to bc executed under the severest conditions. executed under the severcst conditions.

(1)PaCkage in isOlation(danaged package vs,undamagcd package) The damagcd package used hcre is derlned as a transpo package placed under general and special test As fbr the packages in isolation thc zone surounding the packaging ofundamaged package consists conditions,and the undamaged package is deaned as a transpo package under intact conditions.

of insulaling naterial and thc damaged packages are assumed as those having insulation taken out,to be (1)PaCkage in isolation(damaged package vs undamaged package) replaced by watcr. As fbr the packagcs in is01ation,the zonc surounding the packaging Ofundamagcd package consists of In this context,the neutrOn renecting effect and neutrOn moderating efFcct ofthe water arc greater than insulahng rnaterial and the damaged packages are assumed as those having insulation takcn out,to be replaccd by those ofinsulating mraterial sO hatthe conditions to which he damaged packages to be suttected Will be watcr.

scvercr since they have larger ncutron rerlecting effect and moderating effect In this context,the neutron reflecting effect and ncutton moderating effect ofthe ater are greater than thosc oFinsultting matcrial so that he conditions to which he damaged packages to be suttected will be scverer since (2)AFays Ofpackages(damaged package vs undamaged package) they have larger ncutron reflecting cffect and rnoderating effcct.

In the aras ofpackages,the danaged packages which have no insulating materiat will be suttected tO the severer conditions,cOmpared vith the undamaged packages,becausc the distances bct veen the (2)Arays ofpackages(damaged package vs,undamaged package) attaCent packaging in thc arays Ofpackages are smaller and hc neutron mutualinterference effcct is In he aras ofpackagcs,the damaged packages which have no insulating material wiH be sutteCted to the larger. severer cOnditions,compared wih the undamagcd packages,becausc thc distances between he attacent packaging in thc arays ofpackages are smaller and the neutron mutual interference effect is larger.

(3)Damagcd packages in isolation vs.damaged packagcs in aray As fbr thc damaged packages in isolation and in aray,in case ofpackaging being fllled by vater,the (3)Damaged packages in isolatiOn vs.damaged packages in aF neutrons win bc sufflciently moderated in this lnodel,and the extent ofneutron ttoderation viH be almost As fbrthe damaged packages in isolatiOn and in attay,in case ofpackaging being fIHed by vater,the same in bOth ofthe cases,and thc arays ofpackagcs OFperfect rellection vith no leaks ofneutrons at all ncutrons will be sufficiently mOderated in this mOdel,and the extent ofneutron lnoderation win be allnost same in will be sutteCtCd to severer results than the packages in isolation in which the neutrons leaks are boh ofhe cases,and thc arays ofpackages ofperfect reRecion wtth nO Laks ofneutrons at I will be suttCCted to severer results than the packages in isolatiOn in vhich the neutrons ieaks are considered smaHer,taking the 70

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note considered smaller,taking the renecting cffect into account. reflecting cffect into account.

Consequently in thtt analySs he arrays ofpackages in radial dttectton will be takcn,as shown in(II) Consequently in his analysis he arays ofpackages in radial directton will be takcn,as shown in(II) Fig.E.1, Fig.E.1,as a ttiangular lattice type having the:nost densily aranged infinitive arays composcd of as a ttiangular iattice type having the FnOSt densily aranged infinitive arrays composed ofpackaging having packaging having extemal shock aborber and insulating materials removed completely. In the axial extemal shock aborber and insulating materials removed completely. In the axial directiOn,the evaluation wiII be direction,the evaluation vill bc conducted on the analysis rnodel of damaged packagcs in a ay placcd conducted on the analysis lnodei ofdanaged packages in aray placed under the sevcrest condition having inanite under the severest condition having inttnite length of fhel pa . lcngth of fuel part.

Therefore,the moderation ofneutrons is atthe same level in packages in isolation and thosc in a ay. ThereFore,the rnodcratiOn ofneutrons is at the same levclin patkages in isolation and hose in aray.

Packages in aray in which no leakage ofneuttons is supposed to occur may be suttected tO mOre Packagcs in aFay in which no leakage oFncuttons is supposed to occur may bc sutteCtCd to more severe sevcre conditions than those in isolation in whi h iess leakagc ofncuttons is supposcd to occur because of conditions than hose in isolatiOn in vhich less leakage ofneutrons is supposed to occur becausc ofthe rcnecting the rc ecting effect ofhe water. cffect Ofthe water.

Requirements deflned in he rc8ulation and Analysis conditions is shown in Requirenents deaned in he regulation and Analysis conditiO sis shown in(II) Fi .E.4.

2(bOX type ttel element)ShOWS the model ofthe ttel elemcntloaded in he inner shell. (II) F .E.2(box type fuel element)mOWS he model ofhe Fuel elemcntloaded in the inner shell.The inner The inner shellis ttlled and surounded wih water,hc dcnsity ofwhich is l.00g/cn3.Any sttucture shell is 1led and surounded witt water he density ofwhich is l.00g/cm3.Any structure materials except ttel matcrials except ttel baskets in inner sheH are replaced by watcr to nc81CCt neutron absotttion by thcse baskets in inner shen are replaced by water to neglcct neutron absorption by these materials.

materiats. As fbrthe JMTRC tteis,two kinds of ttels of different enrichment are lixed in the package,as a sample of As fbrthe JMTRC fuels, vo kinds of fuels of different enrichment are mixed in he package,as a his casc,(II Fi .E3shows the cnticality analysis model for mixed hels.

Change of sample ofhis case,( ) Fi .E.3 shows he criticality analysis model for mixed fucls.

he typcs of el clements due to deletion of JRR 4 and MTRC(HE U)lel elcments 71

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note

(Deletion) Deretion of JRR4 el element

( ) Fig.E 5 Criti li lculatim model JRR4B type fuel eleme 72

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (Deletion) Deletion of JRR4 cl elcment 73

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note

(Deletion) DcletiOn of JRR4 cI element

( ) igoE.7 Criticalitt calculation ndel JRR4 type ttel elg t 74

2017 version oF SAR 2022 version of SAR note


( ) Table E.6 Atom dellsity of fuel element used in criticality calculation Deletion of fue lcul JRR4, (atoms/barn cm)

MTR (atoms/barn cm) standard ilel JPR 3 JRR4 JRR4 LT)I,e Fuel Fuel MTR JMTR MTRC JMTRC & element and iul E16 nt (lttallit a ( U) (LEU) (HEU) (MEU) Standb d i JMTR( MTRC Nuc B Type Cladd ladd Silicol, i Silicon Standard Standard Standard Standard (im (LLU) (MLU,( JMTRC(HE lide Fuel lng Standard J Standard<

AILmiI tlm Alull nua Alu ua 1 Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Silim(

Elelllent Fuel Elenent R Dib erslola sp dc 1 , iOn Element Element Element Element AlunD Allcy) Fuel Elenent<a U)Standard lol) ilel clcment Al Al Si si(D Fe F

235u 23 238u 238u1

( ) Table E.7 Fuelele=lents to bQ 4alyzed (

Deletion of Item Enrichment Maxlmum number RR4,


of U235 of elements JMTR Fuel element (wt%)* per package

( ) Table E,7 Fud etemmts to be malyzed standrd l lel elemcnt and RR3 standard type fuel element (Uranium 10 Silicon Aluminum Dispersion Type Alloy) MTRC(HE EIttrichmellt( Maximum ilumber(

U)Standard of U235( of elements(

JRR4 B type fuel element 10

  • (] fucl elcment Fuel element(3 ( peF paCkage(a RR4 L type fuel element 10 JRR3 standard type fuel eleme,lt (tlranium RR4 fuel element (Uranium silicon 10(B 10 Silicoll Alumillum DisI ersioll Type Alloy) '

Alulainum Dispersion Type Alloy MTR standard type fuel element 10 JMTR standard type fuel element( 10(

JMTR standard type fuel element 10 JMTRC standard type fuel element( 10(

J lTRC standard type fuel element 10

  • Nomillal vatue(

JMTRC standard type fuel element 10

  • Nominal value 75

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note

( ) T le E 8 Resutts of criti nty analttis whimmetted mas Nu ew ( ) Table E.8 Resuits of criticalitv analysis when ilnlersed M t4 of tttri of Fue s Fuel Elanettt Keff+/- eff+/- 3 Material S tg/elemtt tthiV Enrichment( Mass Number(

lement Meat(

( Fue Material of ttbU*1( of U*l(J of uelsW( ( (

+/-3 (a uraniun si licom 8.917 ( ) /elemeno (blit ackage)

Jm Alwttittul 0.982 1 Uranium Silicon(

Sttnttrd Type dittersi 0.005 8.93rt' 0.917(4 JRR3(J AHoy Aluminun(J rype 10( 0,902+/- 0,005 Standard dispersion Alloy(a 0,939 (D J ITR(

Standard l ype(

Urantum Silicon(

luninun( 10(a 0,893+/- 0.004( 0,905(3 (LEU)( dispersion Alloy JMI RC(

Uranium Aluninun(

Standard l ype(J 1 0,812+/- 0.004 0,825(D dispersion Alloy(B (MEU)(a lMl'RC(

Urantum A uminumJ Alloy(

Standard ypet' 0.796+/- 01004(B 0.809 9EU,ME Uranium Aluminum(

dispersion Alloy(3 uraniun 5 ican *l i The value utilized in calculation(

TR Aluli 11J 0.893 *2 : Number of fuel elenlents loaded in a package(

Sttn rd Typet 1 0.905 ditterslom 0.004 *3 : Water density O,02g/cma(


Al lay4


uranlun Aluninttl J TRC(


Sttndard Type 1 0,825 ditterslom 0.004(a tMEU)

Al Q ura lun Alulinu TR Allq 0 .798 Sttn rd Type Uranlu 0,809 0.004 (HEU,MEU) u Aluti '

dispersiom AH 1: ePalue uttdttcamtion 2:N ber ofttl eleHttnts10aded h a pattg

'3:Water densi 0.02 cn 76

2017 verslon of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note (None)

Addition Of consideratiOn of aging Fo Consideration ofAging ofNuclear Fuel Package 77

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (None) (II) F. Consideration ofAgin8 0fNuclear FueI Package F.l Aging FactoFS tO be Considered Addition of This chapter considers agin8 0f the transpo package assOOiated with the conditiOns of use anticipated during the consideratiOn planned period Ofuse,The conditions ofuse anticipated duttng the period ofintended use are shown in(II)

Table F 1.

oFaging fII Table F.l Conditions ofuse anticipated duri4 thc planned pettod ofuse Status Contents ConditiOns ofuse Transpott containeFs are stored indoors, In order to conarrn thatthe performance ofthe transpo In stortte No contalner is lnaintalned,a periodic self inspecion based on the ttPeriodic Self inspection Proceduren descttbed in(HI) B is to be conducted atleast once a year, The tanspo ed package is expected to be stored indoors in the controlted area ofhe f ,lity for about one month between BeFore Yes packing and lranspottation ofthe content, transportation Before shipment oFthe package,apre shipment inspection based on(III)A is to be cOnducted.

The transpo package w11l be transpotted by transpOrt vehicle or vessef.

During Tlle package is tO be secvely tied to he vehicle or vesset s6 Yes trallsportadOn at it can vithstand tte shock and vibration expected during transpottation.

The period oftranspottation is expected to be abOut 2:nonths.

Aner transpoHation a visual inspection is to be conducted in After he contr01led area(ind00r)Ofthe ttcility to cOnarm the No transportatiOn integrity ofthe traasport container.

Transpo containers are stored indoorst The evaluation is to be conducted assu ling that the period of use Of the transport package is 60 years froln its fabrication,the Frequency of use is thFee dmes per year,and the number ofdays required per transpott is 100 days.

F 2 Evaluatton ofNecesslty ofConstterlng A81ng in SaFety Analysis Aging factors to be considered during the planned period of use of the transpoA package include heat,radiation, chemical changes, and fatigue duri4g stOrage, before transpottatiOn, and during transportation of the package.

Therefore,we evalutte these a8ing factors with respect tO tte mattrials used for the components of he transport package.

The materials used in he components ofthe tttnspott pack are nsted in(lI) Table A.5 in Chapter .Amo4g these l aterials,those For which aging is considered[re listed below.


2017 veFsion Of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (None)

Addition of conslderatiOn oFaging H


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note dovice, indicated dic ropeat collnt Of 8,000 es (None) Fatigue Fa gilo 1lure oftl10 ttatc BI is causcd by sutticlcndy Iowc than bc a1lowablc ropcat coi]nt Thus, win 40 bc aI oted bv ag it B due to fatlguc repeti04 0f10aduig s, s(D FordlcscBItng dc 'ioc.asindicatedin A.514,theassiniOdropeatcOutitdttngtIIe,lalinOdpOriod of uso(500 times)is ttrljOntiy lower tllan the allowabic ropeat,o dt ll us, will nOf bO Addition of aFFcctcd by aging duc to 8 o Bascd on diO above, was coll,11 aod aF dicmatOllal confOrm to uic teclullcal stan s,considerui at h01o l O aging ereo consideration ofaging Table F.2 Evalua on Ofnecessitv ofconsidettntt attintt in safetv analvsis(3/4)


C 11lp elit AgJnB NcccosiV OFconsideratiod ofaging Evaljttion oftting i erial factors He ins lator ne For the amoul l of wOigh cliangc h Sinco dlc nIBxlmutt tcmpeFailrC aderBcner st oondi o s with solar rttiatiOn hett is 65° C d orolit and hA m i doc ntt degradc it i cd aL , w notbe affcctcd by aglng BasOd on hO tempOtatros,lt has bced conlI ed hat above, was con 1 Cd diat ie m t oollfoknis to hc teclinJc stalldalds,considc 4ig hal here is a rapid chaligc at tOnipcraturOs therc is o aging erect abovcDC RaSIaion No sigiHicallt alecl,anical p10pel y ollanges E on ita spoc c101 12fa Structilral co pOncntis htcnsivcly rradiated by aeutons asslu uig areobsewcd up ttc aneut10a Oadiaton dose thtt tho co ,onellt is us d dMce d, Os ycar For 60 yoals,witli 10o days ttqui.ed fOr O of 101'li/cm'(3)i tialispo dx he nelltrOd Bra dOsc w b ID & Thu vill ttt c Fl{fe ed aging dilo to inadiatlo Basod on hc abovc, was co med thtt dic niate lal co fOmstO hc tOchilical stalidards,considoA4ng hat ulerc x O agmg e omic,1 s ttateial may absOlb moistrc ctc d c since nismatorinlis lil a sealodspace covcledwi laintOss ttccI d docsI Ot C01 ic to contact leactioII to cl)nttot with nioisttle wlh tllo cnteidc ar,lllcre is: o rldk Ofcorosion ctc,dlus it l aOt be attOcted by aglng Bascd on thc aboVe,l was coattH ed hi tic atc al oonttnis to he technical st ndald ,cO bidcl g at hcie O a81118 0 ect Fatigue Fttgre lure Of e l aterial is c1 sCd by Shce stesscs rcsulm intema1/oxttrnal pressur(,d es mdh[indmg dO nOt Occ ,

'o repetitloi oflo ding s"cs here is ilo Oed tO considcr aging offccts dne to "o Based On d10 abOvc,lt was coni!!attd thtt die mttoriaJ oonfonlas to he techical dards,considcjng that hcFe iS aO aging crcct Con ponont Aging NOccsslly OfcOl sidOratlo ofaging Evatuaticn Ofa8 ng matt,1lal factols S ock Heat For thc o ct Of tcmpcrattile ttm s st condito o SidOc he maxl! utxl te11,peratl,O wnder gelicl §t solal radia l hcatis 65° C, absolber ate, at, has beett co f mcd diat Orct,ts al d tttts matertal does nol degrade its Ainctionality, Wili not bc attccted by agllig,lSed On he OC 1 ,b no ag'1lg Orfec6 wih above,it was c 11,led tlint he ll,atci c 1lfo s to die d c Is ndaltis,cOnSdcllllg dkat rospect to"inp 1 e Clianttc alc obsewed at thcle is O aging eoti ule lower tclllpelanres tSI 80

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (None) Radiation No signiicant,ncchanical propett changcs Fol die cOntcnts loa(lcd ill llis,atispoH co,itainer shcc tlic nclit ()n iradiation dOsc tonl ncutJons arc obsc!wcd llp to a ncullon inadiation tiOsc cmited ttOm is csimatcd tO bc about Gy even h consOwatwe cOndions i w nOt bc Addition Of of3MGy )

arfcctcd by aging dnc tO irradialio i 3ascd On thc abovc,it was cOninilcd that dic naattiat considcration conforms tO tllc tcchlllcal staIIdards,co isidCring ttlat tlicrc is nc aging effcct ofaging Chel lcal Thls matcrial nay absOrb moisturc ctc duc Silcc dis matc,iahsin a scalcd spacc covcrCd Widi stainlcss stccl and dOcs nOt conic into cOntact i cactlon to conta widl mOist irc widi dic Outsidc air,diclc is nO risk OfcOriOsion ctc Thus,it will nOt bc arcctcd bv agillg Bascd on tllc abovc,it was cOnill cd diat hc niatcrial cOnfOmls to ttlc tccinical standards considering that tricrc is no ngi! g cffect Fatiguc Fatig c Fai141C Of thc matcrial is causcd by Sincc sticsscs rcsuithg iOm intcma1/cxtcinal prcsstirc di rcnccs and handling do not occ r, repctition ofloading stcss(S' hclc is no nccd to c01lsider aging cfFccts duc tO fatiguc Bascd on thc abovc. was cOnttn cd that thc inatcrial cOnfoHns tO tl,c tcclinical standal ds considcting that hcrc is nO aging cFfcct F.3 Aging Considcrations in Safety Analysis As indicated in F.2,the ncccssity Of considering aging for the matcrials used in the componcnts of this transpo packagc vas evaluated. As a rcsult, it vas conirmed that thcrc is no cffcct of aging on dle matcrials under the conditions of usc cxpected during the planncd period of usc, so the conirmation of confor,littF tO the tcchnical standards,vas made on thc assumption thatthere is no cffcct of aging.

Reference (1)The Japan Socie of MCChanical Engincers,WSpcnt Fud Storagc Facili ,Standard:Metal Cask Stmcture Standard (JSME S FA 2007)W(2007)

(2)The Japan socicty ofMechanical Engineers,WStandards foF Nuclear Powcr PIalats:Design and Constrllction Standards (2005 Edition),Part I,Light WVatcr Rcactor Standards(JSME S NC 2005(indudin8 2007 supplcmcntal edition))W (2007).

(3)K.FttreH,et at,An Evalu lon ofLow Tempcrature Radiation Embitticmcnt Mechanisms in Fcrritic AIIoys",J.of Nuclcar Materials,Vol.210,(1994).

(4)R.R,Gaugh, Strcss Corrosion Cracking of Prcscipitttion Hardcning Stainlcss Steels",Materials Pcrformancc Vol.26,No.2,(1987).

(5)The Japan socicty of Mechanical Engineers,WMechanical Engineering Handbook .FundancntalsW(2007).

(6)Ni kan Kogyo Shimbun, stainicss Steel Handbook"(1979) 81

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (None)

Addttion of chapter G Assessment ofthe compliance witt he regulation and the notiacttion 82

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note

) F,AsscssmCnt ofthe compliancc with the regulation alld the notiflcation (II) G.Assessmcnt ofthe compliancc with thc regulation and the notincation Modiflcation This transported article is in cOnfOrmity to the relevant items oftechnical standards stipulated in thc regulation This transported article is in cOnfor lity to the relevant items Oftechnical standards stipulated in the regulation and the of propcr and thc n Acttion as shown h fII)Ta e F.1. notirication as shown in cI)Table G.1. dcscription Itcm Itcm Itcl ofthe Ite l ofthe corresponding to Itcm ofthc Item ofthe corrcspOnding to Explanation Remarks Explanation Remarks regulation notincation description in the regulation noO cation description in the apphcation form hcatiOn form Article 311 Article 3 Article 311 Article 3 Since this ttanspott package is a BU t) pc it is not sub to this articlc.

Articie 312 Article 4 Since this transport packagc is a BU pc Article 3 2 Article 4 Not app able s Ce ttis tandpotted aride is it is not to his article aBU ic 0!

Article 3 3 Articlc 4 and The nuctear ilel material contained in this B Articlc 313 AHicle 4 and The nuclear Alel lnatcrial contained in this (I) B (I)

Appended transported articie corresponds to those Other Appendcd transported article corresponds to those othcr table l than special fortti nuclear ttel matcrials,and table l than special form nuclcar fhel Fnaterials,and is uranium aHOy vith cnrichment ofthc Alel is uraniu l alioy with enrichmcnt ofthe ttel mttettal being below vtO/0 matehalbeingbeloCwtO/O.

Since the amount Ofradioactivity cOntained Since the al ount ofradioactivity contained in the cask cxceeds the A2 Value,this in the cask exceeds thc A2 Value,this transpo cd article corresponds to a BU rpe transported articlc corresponds to a BU type articlc article Article 32 Articie 5 Since this transport package is a BU pe Article 3 2 Articlc 5 Not applicable since this transported article is onc,ltls not s cct to this article a orted article.

D Since this transport package is a BU type (I) D Shee thS trattspotted aHicle is tt BUitype (I)

Article 3 3 one,it is suttect tO thC technical criteria Articlc 33 transponed li iS e,t hC stipulated in Articic 7 ofthe regulation. F teChni 1,tttda t uttCd hAHicL 7 of (II)

In addition,since aging is required to be gulatiOn considercd when the conforni tO the technical criteria in Articlc 7 is evaluated,the evatuation vas performed as fOHOws:

1,For the transport package,itis assumed that the planned periOd of use is 60 years aFter manuFactLIre,the number oftimes uscd pcr year is 3 tunes,a ld the numbcr Of days required per transport is 1 00 days.

2 Since there is no aging effect during the days required to transport the cOntents,it vill bc considered for the components ofthe transpOrt package.

3,Factors of include 83

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Modiflcation ofproper descriptiOn 84

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Article 4 Nt appliOable dhce this ttFttpO ed ttide l Anicle 4 Since this transport package is a BU typc Modiacttion BV e trand d tti le. one,this is not suttect tO this article.

A icle 5 A icle 5 Sincc this transpo packagc is a BU ofproper pe this is not ect to this article.. description Aniclc 6 Not 01iCabie s Ce hi trattp9 ed IclO is Article 6 Since this transport packagc is a BU type a a e: this is not su to this article.

Article 71 T WeitttOf SpoH d (II) A.44 AHicle 4 1 Artictc 71 The transpoH package can be eastty and (IX) A.4.4 Article 41 ic10 is approxmately 950 k8. safely handlcd as follo vs.

2.To ith anSp ed eye plttc The lranspott package can be easily handled ShaH be use .9 ,eye pl e iS Sedgndto! becausc it has eyc plates on the contttncr have a load factor thrce times the standard body to facilitate lifting and 10 vering typ jttd is tttable ofwttst ding during handling,and cOnnccting the eye abmptlintt and loweri .

plate to a litting dcvice helps casy 3r tttrttcl e latC) SpO handling.The eye plate has a saFety factor arti110 is not attached wih any iSt of3 in considcration ofhandling,and is tOol may uSed tO lit thc designed to have the necesstty sttcngth Spotted arttcio, for the load considering the rnaxiFnum wcight Ofthc ttanspo packagc,which safe handI Anicle 71 There it a difforcmce bO een the nattFal (H) A.4.7 Article 42 Article 7 There is no risk ofcracking,breakage,etc.Of A.4.7 1

(II) Articlc 42 (COntinued) enC Of an aFt (COntinued) thc transport package due to temperature, ( ) A.5 CnCy expoctcdduFing O 04 d intcmal pressure,vibratiOn,etc.expccted the e t sbnttd ing lr during transportatiOn,as shown below.

4sp! fThe r,,damage suCh T!Pr king 1.The minimun tcmperature of each part of orbreakageoue bF 19nOrtte llke iS the transport package during transpottation is unttety OCC 40° C,and the maximum temperatllre is tllc anspO 1 iClo iS IIllttO, I OI (II) A.5 A icle 42 casevhere the transport package is placed damage su crac orttakag ttthe. undcr thc conditionvhere the anbient

emperattre, pSure m he OraI temperature is 38° C and the transpoH conditions,whiCh are sevcrer than the package is cxposed to solar radiation as perattre d sSe expett sd hg thei spccifled in Article 7,Itcm 2 ofthc traas rti regulations,so thc temperature ofeach palt ofthe transport package is unifOrElly 65° C because the decay heat ofthe contcnt can be ignorcd.At this temperature,the inte81'ity of the components ofthc transpon containcr is not impaired.

2.No signiflcant theHnal expansion direrences or thermal stresses occu between the componcnts ofthe transport container for the expccted temperatte changes during transpottation,even assumh8 thatthe ambicnt fl om40° C to 85

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note 38° C.

Modification 3.Regarding thc expccted changes in inttrnal pressurc dllring transponttiOn,he maximuin ofproper hternal prcssure ofthe transport package is dcscription hc sttength alid sealing perforlnance ofhe scal dcvice havc been evaluated under conditions wherc the lncr cOntaincr is suttected tO hc higher pressurcs,and it has becn cOnflrmed Article 9 hat thc sttuctural intcgrity and sealhg perfol llance are maintahed.

4.Regarding vibration etc,,the natural tcquency ofthc ttanspott packagc was caltulated,and thc result showcd that there is a largc direrence'om thc expcctcd equcncy ofinput to the transport packagc durng transportttion(Ot0 50 Hz),SO he load received dllring transpOrtation will not bc amplifled,In add ion,thc expected input load to the transpott package during transponatiOn is within die load durh8 ec fall and stack lg tests llnder he gencraltest conditions,so there is no risk oFcrackhg or llires ofthc (I) C Articlc 4 3 Article 7 Thcrc are no protrusions on hc surface of C Article 43 (I)

(COntinued) his transport package oher tlian cye plates uscd for llrandling etc.h addition,thc surfacc ofthc trarkspo packagc is snoodi finished stainicss steel,whidi nakes it easy to remove COnta nation,

( ) A.4.1 Article 44 Article 7 1 The componcnts ofthis ranspott package (II) A.4.1 Article 44 (COntinued) are rnade ofstainlcss (H) A.4.2 etc,,which are chcmically stable materials,and there is nO risk of hazardous physic or che14 htCra ons bcvcen thc mate ials compttsing he contaher or with the contcnts, 1.As indicatcd h Articlc 4,Item 2,therc is nO S18 iCant dircrence in tllermal expFnSiOn or ohers within the temperatwe range and therc ls no 86

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Modincation OfprOper dcscription (II) C.2.1 Article 4 5 Anicle 7 (II) C.2,1 Articic 4 5 (II) A.4.3 (COntinued) (II) A.4.3 Article 7 1 Article 9 It shall bc conttrmcd that he density ofthe A.2 Article 4 8 (III)

It shall be cont licd that tle density ofhe (IV) A.2 Article 4 8 radioactivc material on the surfacc ofthis (COHinued) radioacdve rnaterial on the surface ofhis anspOtted article docs not exceed the anspOrted article does not exceed he following value Jl a prc shipment inspectiOn.

followmg valuc h a pre sh ment hSpection.

1.Radioactive material emitting alpha ray:

1.Radioactive rnaterial emi hng alpha ray:

0.4 Bq/cm2 0.4 Bq/cm2 ha r 4 2.Radioactive mate al not e litting alpha 2.Radicact e matti not emittLtt a Bq/cm2 4 Article 7 1 The loading offbcls in the shipping caSk is (II) A,2 Article 4 10 Article 7 The loading of fuels in the shipphg cask is (IV) A.2 Article 4 10 (COnthued) perfoinicd in accordance with prescribed (COntinued) performed in accordance witt prescribed procedures.Further,a content inspectiOn is procedures.Furthe a content inspection is conducted as the pre shipment inspectiOn of C. Article 5 2 (I) conducted as the Of the amcle.Thererore,nO material (I)Fig,C.1 87

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note the transported article.ThcreForc,no matcriaI that may impair the saFety ofthe transportcd Modiflcation that ay impair the safet ofthe transported article vili bc roaded.

article lvili be loaded.

In this transported articlc,cach side ofthe of proper In this transported article,each sidc ofthc (I) C Articlc 5 2 circumscribcd cube is 10 c l or rnore as A43 Article 53 (II) description circumscribed cube is 10 cm or lnorc as (I)Fig C l indicated bclo v indicated belov JRF90Y 950K t) pe JRF 90Y 950K typc Hcighti Heighti Outer diameter Outcr dianl (H) A.43 Article 53 Article 71 As indicated in Artictc 4,Ite 12,the range of (H) A.3 Article 54 The components ofthis transported articlc (H) A3 Article 5 4 temperatures ofthe transpoH container (COntinued) (H) B,4.2 are linlikely to have daniagc such as cracking (H) A.4.2 components cxpected during transpottation is or breakage h he tempcrature range from from 40° CtOC.On thc other hand,in the 40 to+38° C.

temperaturc range of 40° C to C,which encompasses the abOve,the Fnaterials ofthc transpott package cOmponents do nOt undergo signittcant strcngth loss,embrittlcmentl etc.=

and the required l aterial strength viH nOt be afFectcd Therefore,thcrc is nO risk Of cracking or dallaage to the componcnts in the of 40° C to 75° C Article 7 1 006 MPa the difference bettveen the internal (H) A,4.6 Articlc 5 5 Even ifthe ambient prcssure reache (H) A,46 Article 5 5 (COntinued) and e prettu P On hc the soundness and the sealability ofthe inner other hand,because the evaluation was sheH, vhich is thc sealcd boundary ofthis performed assuming thatthe inncr pressure of transportcd article,wili be maintained, thehnercOntaineriaMPa,which is Thcrefore,no radicactive rnaterial vi be thc dcsign pressurc,and the external presstirc leaked frona this transported articlc.

drops to O.06 MPa,and then it vas cOnflrlned that the structural integrity and sealing perFoHnance ofthe scaling device vcre secured,thcrc is no leakagc ofradiOactive matcrial evenvhen external pressure drops to O.06 MPa.

This does not appl, to this Article 56 88

2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note Articlc 5 6 transport package because the package does Modification ot contain nuclear ttel rnaterial.

Articte 71 For this transpott package,he maximum ofpropcr (II) D.5 Articic 5 7 (II) D.5 Article 5 7 (COntinucd) dosc equivalent rate on the sllrface ofthe dcscription package has becn deteri lined using hc ANISN code etc,under the conse ativc conditions shOwn bclo v.In addition,in the analysis, e evaluttion was perfollJed Hldcr the conditions vhere frcsh ttels and lowiy irradiated ftlels vith highcr amount of uranium han thc contcnts that are loadcd The nlax4nllnl dosc cquivalent ratc On the surFacc ofthe ttansport package is O,169 mSv/h with iowly radiated alcl,which is lowerthan 2 mSv .

1.For 234 )and 236U, vhich havc a high contribution to the dose equivalent rate,the package contahs an amountthat excceds the ma m inl value of acmal results to dtte.

2.For lowly iradiated tteis,tliOse f lcls wi more ainount ofur um and higher activities than hc contents hat actuaIIy will be loadcd shali be assllmcd.

3,Thc outer surfacc ofthe inner containcr is considcrcd to be he surttcc Ofthe ttanspo containeL ignoring the str ctL ral rnaterials of the outer containe etc.

Articlc 71 This transport package is cvaluated On the ( ) D.5 Articlc 58 (II) D.5 Atticle 5 8 (COntinucd) dose cquivalcnt rate tt a distance of l m Om thc surFace based on the sane conse ativc conditions as thc m Xilnun dose equivatent rate at tlie surface.The maxHlum dose cquivalent rate at a distance of l m om he surface is 19 Sv/h,vhich is lowcrthan 100 Sv/11, Articlc 71 Thc anount ofradioactivity oftlae loaded ( ) A.6.4 Article 65 Article 71 (H) A6.4 Aiticle 65 (COntinucd) contentshtltistransportpackageisaD (COntinued)

EEvenassumingthttal10fthis radioacti ty comes lrom 234U(A2value:6 which has the lo vest A2 valuc,this 89

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR nOte Modiication Atticlc 7 2 Article 1 9 General test conditions for BU type ofproper A icle 7 2 Acle 19 Appendix 7 transportcd anicles description Append 7 Generaltest conditions for BU type Appendix 4 Appendix 4 ansportcd aHicles 1 (II) B.4.

1 (II),B.4,1 Appendix 4 .2 Appendix 4 .2 2 2

3 .5.3 90

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Appcndix 3 Freefarr drop.

(II) A.5.3 i The maximum total weight Ofthis transponed ilotaltteightlF Modiflcation 1i article is approxilnately 950 kg,and the drop I


! height is l.2m.Regarding the cOnditiOns Of of propcr i 1 the transport package whcn it is dropped a height of I.2 1,the acceleratiOn and om description d by the s p los defok nation caused to thc transport packagc are evaluated using the CASH fl code etc.In addhion,based on the acceleration obtained, the streng l ofthe transpo container and the content arc cvaluated.The fall postL reS Cover vertical,horizontal,come and inclined ttills.

As a resurt ofhc analysis,the maximun dettrlnttionoCmm obsyved h the transport packagc but the dcfolnatiOn is lirnited to the outcr containeL and no deformation occurs in the inner containet the inner container lid,the basket,Or the contents,tlie mouth opening ofthc inner contahcr hd is suttcicntl) smaH compared to the initial tightening anowance ofthe O ring, so the sttuctural ittegity and the sealing pcrformancc are ensllrcd.

Appendix 3 d,Stack test (II) A5.4 Appendix 3 Sttck test ( ) A5,4 I i'(3) Comparhg thc case vhere a load Of O.13 1 ii(3) S ap 10ttequiVJ Vei kg/cm2 is applied to thc prttected area ofhe l

transport container with thc case wherc 5 times the weight ofthc ttansport container is ttcng 1 lhol 1 applied,thc latter is a more severe condition.

,1 o l Thus,the transpoH containeF haS been evaluated undcr the lattcr cOndition.Asa resuit,nO plastic deformatiOn occurs in the transport containcL tlle integrity ofthe transport package is cnsured,and there is no darnage that affects thc scahng and shielding perfol nancc.

Appendix 31 e.Penettation test Anicle 59 Articlc 72 Appendix 3 1 ii(4)

For the casc vhere a 6 kg steelrOd OFthe (II) A55 11 (COntinued) ii(4) (II) A.5.5 outtr eofheO er cOntaher mm tllickness)is drOpped'om a hei3htOfl m, the ofthe steel rOd has been 91

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note comptted vith the eneFgy required to Modincation penetrates the stcel plate ofthe outcr contahe4 and it has been conflrmed thatthe of proper latter value is grcatett hcn the outer stecl description plate is not penctrated.Thcrcforc,there is no damagc that affects seahng and shielding Atticle 7 2 Considering thatthe outer container ofhe D.4 Article 6 2i (II)

Artictc 1 5 (H) D.4 Article 5 9 (COntinucd) transport package under gencral test conditions would defor 1,as in the cvaluation ofthc maxittl n dose equivalcnt rate undeF normal transportation,thc maximl11 dose equivalent rate for the surfacc ofthe container has been evaluated under the conscrvative conditions whcre the outcr sllrface ofthe inncr cOntaincr is seen as thc surfacc ofthe transport packagc,rcsuiting in thc nttaxllnunl dosc equivalcnt rate for thc surfacc ofO,169 1nSv/h,which is lowerthan 2 mSv/h, Article 7 2 For the transport packagc under general test C.3.1 Article 62 (II) rthe (II) C3.1 Articlc 62 (COntinued) condhions,hc structural intcgrittr alld seal performance Ofthe scaling device are ensured and the structural htegFi Ofhe COntc is also maintained.In the evaluation ofthe exceed amount ofradioactive material l akcd, assuming that there is ieakage cquivalent to the acceptancc criteria for the lcak tightness inspectiOn in thc pre shipment inspection, focusing on thc uranium isotopes that adhcre to the surfacc ofthe ttel durin8 el fabrication,undcr thc cOndition that these are dispersed inside thc inner contaheL assuH ng that the inner pressurc ofthe inner container excccds he mttimm tter prcssure o the evaluation ofthe amount ofradicactive FnatCrialleakcd pcr hour sho ved that the ratiO tO the standard fbr thc radiOact c materials(A2x 10 6)is l.05 x10 3 which satisies the standard.

Articlc 9 (II) B.4.2 Article 62 Atticle 7 2 The ttansport packages are transportcd by Articlo 15 (H) B,4.2 Article 6 2 (COntinucd) dcdicatcd loading,Even in the case wherc he 111 under test 92

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Modification ofprOper description The sealability ofthis tr lSpOned atticre A,2 Articlc 62 (II) A.2 Articlc 6 2 (I)

V would not docline even under the general test lV conditions.Thcrcforc,the contamination would not spread9 and the contrnination density on the sl rface which was obse ed in the the pre shipmentinspection wourd nOt be surfacc density will not cxceed the silrface exceeded. density limit becausc he surface density will bc conarmcd tO be below he surface dcnsity limit the Article 7i3 Article 20 Special test conditions for BU type Articie 7 3 Article 20 Special tcst conditions fOr BU type Appendix 8 transportcd articles (H) A,6 (H) A.6 Appendix 8 transported articles Appendix 5 Appendb(5 test I 1 1 1 i Drop test I Speciai test conditions for BU (H) A.6. typc ttansportcd articles (Ir) A.6.1 test I 93

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note thc are ensured Modittcation Article 7 3 Appendix 5 Drop test II Articlc 73 Appendix 5 Drop test (l m Penetration test) A6.2 (II)

(COntinued) 1 AnanalysisiS cttd WHCll ttS (H) A,6.2 (COntinucd) 1ti Regardhg he condition oftlie tttnsport ofpropcr nspOttcd c fa S a hc ofl m package whcn droppcd froHl a height ofl m dcscription abOvc aJ steel bar vcrtical alld ho n onto a 150 lm dianeter stccl rod,an dropswhttthecclatcrofgravityofh cvaruation Ofhe amOunt ofdcnt defOrmation nSp Od 1 d ly"ove he hild ofthc Outer container caused by the impact Of steeiround btt so llath anspOtted atticie the steel rOd dropped on thc ttanspo reCelvesthe max uln damagc. package has been evatuated.The evaluatiOn is based on the cases vhere the steel rod ilnpacts the Outer containcr lid,thc Outer containcr body and the outcr container bottom.As a resutt ofthe evaluation,it has been conflr11led that the stcel rod dOes nOt penetrate the outcr cOntaincr ptate in any case and that the stecl rod dOes not reach thc inller containcr or dtte hner container lid due to defornlatiOn Ofthe Outer container Tlius,thc structural integri and Sealing perfOFmanCe ofthc seahng device are ensurcd Appcndix 5 F reslstance test A,6.3 Appcndix (II) Article 73 Tllemar test (H) A6.3 2 i A4analys Oondu ed ttWh aterths (COntinued) 52 i 2 ii Regarding the cOnditions Ofthc transpOrt B.5 (II)

,o ed anidc isappttcd ttith dle same sol package placed in a thcrmal test atter drOp fa hcat as he gcnoraltcsttOnd lons at tests l and II are conductcd,the temperamre cnviromttontaitc14perattre Of38° C and of each part Ofthe transport package vas

,ChoS adlermal i1'm state, lc dc evaluated by the TR ,MP codc,using a

,ed Vhrttcnt conservative rnodcl superirnposed On the fO ?anditemp e oF890° C.4 addttOn, defollHntion Ofthe outer container caused by e suFace abSo O Ofhe ttansported the d Op test,resulting in partial burnout Of attEcle is O. :

the sl10ck absorber and insulatiOn Fnaterial, Appendix On perfomed ttr S transpOxted The tempcrature ofthc O ng becOmes 52ii o mpcrattres s 1 DC,wh h bdow he short term h a ttatc Ofnattral oli lcthe sanle he maxinum usable temperature,Thus,thermal inputas he abo e app4o 1 integrity is ensured.In addition,even vhen temperattre,f38PC aftcr dic lle StOpp the intcrnal air temperamre is set to the maximunl baskettcmperamre,the intcrnal pressure ofthe inner container which is IOwer fOF tlie strength evaluation.Thus,the sttuctural integrity and sealing performalace ofthe devlce arc ensured 94

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Appendix 5 Immcrsion test(water depth:15m) (H) A.6.4 Appendix 5 ImmersiOn test(wtter depth:15m)

Article 7 3 (II) A6.4 3

Modincation An analysis is conducted in which this (COntinued) 3 Regarding the transport packagc cOnditions transported atticle was immersed in water at placed at a depth of 151,the structural of propcr depth of 15 m for eight hours. strengll and thc amOunt ofrnoul1 0pening of dcscription the inner container lid werc cvaluated when the tter cOntainer and the hncr cOntainer lid,which are the scahng devices,were SuttCCted to an extcmal pressuc O DTheresuttsshowedthttthetter containcr and the inmer cOntainer lid wcre not damaged or buckled,and the amOunt of moull opcning ofthe inneF COntainer tid was less than thc initial tightcnhg allo vance of he O rhg.Thus, c stIcmral integttty and are cnsured (II) D.5 Article 63i Article 7 3 Regardhg the transport package placcd (II) D.5 Article 6 3i (COntinued) undeF SpeCial test conditions,bascd On the fact that thc outer containcr vould defoHn Rcgardhg thc transport package placcd under special test cOnditions,based On the factthat the outcr contaher would dcfOHn whereas the shock absorbeF and the insutation wOuld paltially burnout,as vith the evaluatiOn of the lnaximum dOse equivalent ratc during normai transportatiOn,cOnsidering the conservative conditions vherc the outer surfacc oFthe illncr containcr was seen as tlie sur ce ofthe transpott package,the maxunllnl dosc equivalcnt ratc at a distallcc ofl m om the sirfacc was evaluatcd using ANISN code etc.The result shOwcd thatthc maximt m equivalent vas be O.019 mSv/h, vhich is IOwer than 2 nlSv/h.

Article 7 3 Article 1 7 C.4.2 (II) Article 63 Article 7 3 Article 1 7 Rcgarding the lransport packagc placcd ( ) C4.2 Atticle 63 (COninued) (COntinued) under special tcst cOnditions,the structural 11 integrity and he scating pcrformance ofhe sealhg device are cnsured,and the stmctural intcgrity ofthc content is also maintained.In thc evaluation ofthc al ount ofradioactlve material lcaked assuming hatthcre was leakage cquivalent tO the acceptance criteria fOF thc leak tighttess inspectiOn in thc pre on the uranlum 95

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note isotopes that vas expected to be dispersed Modiflcation insidc thc inncr container and that attached to the ttel surface,assuning that the intcrnal of propcr pressure ofthe inner cOntaincr urould bc dcscription tll naxiinllm internal pressurc,the amOunt of radioactive material leaked per week evaluated showcd the ratiO tO the radiOactive matcrial leak criteria(A2)will be 1 24 X 10 7, hich satisfles the criteria Articlc 7 4 As explained in the cOnfOrmi tO technical ( ) A3 Articic 7 4 ThC COmponents ofhis transpolted article (II) A.3 criteria in Article 7,Xtem l(Anicte 4 Itein 2 (

I) B.4.2 are WnhkC y to have damage such as cracking ( ) Bi4.2 and Anicle 5 Iten 4),the naterial has no Or brcak,ge in the tcmperature range olll effect On the rcquired structural strengtll at 40 to+38° C. anlbient tempcratures in the rangc of 40° C tO 38° C For each part Ofthe transport package, In addition,thc internal pressure ofthe inner containcr ensures the structural integrity and sealing pcrforl ance under conditions that exceed the maxiFnunl pressure in the as above (11) B,1 Bl Article 7 5 For his ttanspottcd article,no ncchan al Articlc 7 5 The transport package is naturally cOOled (II)

,Odhg dC Will be used.hstead,it has a vithOut a coo etc.

structtlre that oFthe contenti Articic 7 6 For this transport package,since the B4

( )

Article 76 The maxiinum inner prcssurc ofthis (H) B4 differcnce in internal and cxternal pressurc (H) B.5 transported article is 0 016 MPa[gauge] (H) B.5 (gauge pressure)iS Iess than undcr thc gencral test conditions,or O.065 evcn ifthc temperature change and thc inner MPa tgaugel under special test conditions, and outcr pressure changes cxpected during and wili nOt exceed 700 kPa[Bauge] transportation are cOnsidered,the pressure excceding rnaxilnulll working prcssure OC Article 8 Not applicablc sincc hi tranttpOrted articrc Article 8 Since this transport package is a BU pe isa BU article. this is nOt ect to this article Article 9 Not applicablc shce this transpottcd anicle Article 9 Since this trallspott package is a BU pe a articic. this is not to this articie Articlc 1 0 Not applic"l ShCe this transpottcd anicL Articlc 1 0 Since this transpott packagc is a BU pe lS a articlc one,this is nOt sub to this aHiclc Artictc ll Articte 23 Since this transportcd articlc will contain 1 5 g (I) B Article ll Article 23 Since this transported ahicle vJl cOntain 15 g (I) B or rnore ofuraniun1 235,and thc enrichment of (I) D (I) D orrnore of235U,and thc enrichment Of235U uraniu 1235 vill be 19,95 to 9330/ ,it vill be it cOrresponds to the corrcsponds to the requirements fbr Fissionable requiremcnts fbr flssiOnable transported articles articics, 96

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Modiflcation ofproper descption Atticle l l 1 AHicle 24 (General test conditions) A icle l 1 Articte 24 (General test cOndttions) (II)=A.9.1 Appendix The erect ofspraying water equivalent to a Appendix The erect ofsprayh8 Water equivalcntto a l 2 preC itation of50 mm/h for one houris (II) A,9.1 ll 2 precipitation of50 ma1/h for one houris assessed. assessed.

The maximun tOtal wcight ofhis The 14aXi=nuin total weight ofdlis A.9,1 transpotted tticle is approximately 950 kg, (II) A.9.1 transpottcd tticle is app ximately 950 k8, and he d p heightis l.2m.An analysis is and he drop heightis l.2m.An analysis is conducted so hatthe maxunun damage conducted so hatthe maximun damage caused by he drop can be assessed. caused by the drop can bc assessed Anicle l 1 Appendix Since applying a load equivalentto ive (II) A.9.1 Anicle ll1 Appendix Since applying a bad equivalenttO ive A.9,1 (II)

(COntinued) l 3 times the ttansponed anicle in self welght (COntitted) l 3 tines the ttanspOttcd anide in sclf weight will represent a severer condition,the will represent a severer condition,the ofthe inner shem under this ofthe inner contttneF under this 97

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note condition is assessed. condition is assessed.

In this test,a mitd steel bar with a weight ModiicatiOn (II) A 9,1 In his tcst,a mild steel bar with a wcight ( ) A.9.1 of6 kg and a diameter of3.2 cm was drOpped of6 g and a dianctcr of3.2 cm was drOpped ofproper fr041 a height of l m to the weakest part of IIom a height Ofl m tO he weakest part of descriptiOn this article. this anicl .

( ),A.9,1 Articlc l l 1 i A.9,1 (II) and ii (II) A.9.1 0 C (1)Fig.C.1 I


2017 versiOn of SAR 2022 version of SAR note

Modiflcadon ofproper descrlption


2017 version of SAR 2022 version Of SAR note Modiacation ofprOper desc ption


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Test results oFprototype Modiflcation oFproper g methods ttd mttntenance ofnude d description Handling methods and maintenance ofnuclear fud package (Change Ofsection number )

mpo ant Notice out a safe deslgn and he safe ttanspottatio impoHantNo cc about a safe design and he safe transponatiOn(changc ofscction number )

S.ImpOnant Notice about a safe design and he safe,anspottation 101

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Addition ofa cover page 102

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note FhapterHI I Badcpohcy fOrhe qualitymanagement Basic policy for he quality management Dclction ofthc H Badc pdtty ttr qu i management(0 Searchi IDementcenter) Basic policy fOr quality management(Oarai Rcsearch and Development lnstitute)

Chapter I The basic policy fOr his quality managemcnt stipulates he ttquiremcnts fOr quality asswallcc activities by reference to he Nu PowerPl t JIS Q 9001 Quality management systerns Requireinents(2008).

Changc ofthc name Oaral Rcscarch and Dcvciopmcnt Ccntcr"toOarai Rcscarch lnstitute" Samc as abovc Change from quality assurance"to A. Quali managcment system A. Quality managenent stem quality A,l Gencral requirements A.l General rcquittments managcmcnt" (1)DIector Gcnerd ofOartt Rcsearch and Devdopment center(hcrcinaner refered to as DirectOr Ceneral") (1)Director Gcner of Oarai Research and Devdopmentln te(hereinaner rcfeFed tO as Director Gcncral")shall establsh shall cstabhsh thc quality assurancc system conceming design,manufacture,handhn8,Inaintenance and transpo the quality assuranoe system concerning dcsign,mmuttcture,handling,maintenance and transport Ofhe packaging,pcrfor n it C

ofthe packaging pcrfoHn it and lnai:ltain it.This quality assurance systenl shan also be imprOved continuously and mttntttn it.lhis quality assurance system sh l also be improved continuousiy through management review.

through lnanagement review. (2)Dttctor Ceneral and Dttctor ofDepaJttnent ofJMTR at Oarai Rescarch and Deveiopment lnstimtc(hereinaIIer refercd to (2)Director General and DircctOr ofDepa ment ofJMTR at Oarai Research and Dcvelopment Centy(hercinafter as D ettor)shall perform hc f0110wing:

rcFered to as DirectOr)Shall perfollH the following: B4.Responsib ity and Auhority"he dutics necessary for tlie qualtt assuranoe system,and its application to (a)Clari by (a)Claritt by B4.Responsibility andAuthority"the duties necessary for the qualit) assurancc system,and the organization.

its applicatiOn to the organization.

(b)COnf 4 by B.5 Managcmelltreiewalld G.2.l htemalaud "that the operation and management ofduties are Change ofthe (b)COnflrln by B.5 Management rcvicw" and E.6.2.l lnternal audit" that the operatipn and erective, scction umbcr managcment oFdutics are effective Ensure by C,l Rcsoll:rCe Operttion and Management"resources necessary for the Operttion and managcment (c

(c)Ensure by C.l Rcsource operation and Management"resources necessary for he operation and ofduties, Changc Ofthc management oFduties. (d)Ensure ttat resutts according tO he plan shall be obtained by surveillance and evaluation ofduties and dsO l be obt ned by survdllance and ev uation ofdudcs and also sectiOn numbcr (d)Ensure that results according to the plan sh that by G.Measure=nent,analysis and imp vement",necessary measllres are taken h order to obtain conttnuous that by E.6 Assessments and improvement, necessary measures are taken in Order to Obtain cOntinuous ilnprovemont and its title 103

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note ilnprovement (3)Director Gcneral,DirectOr and Ceneral Manager OfReactor operation Section l at Oarai Research and Dcvetopmcnt (3)Director Gcneral,D ector and General Manager of Reactor operation Section l Oarai Rescarch and ln e((httehatter referred to as Gencr Manager")shan manage he p curement hat could arectthe nudcar safc Dcvelopment Centcr((hereinatter reFcred to as Gcncral Manager)shall manage he procurcment that could (duties tO be commissioned to sub contractors such as design,manufacturc maintenance, ansport)aCCOrdhg to E.1 aect thc nudear safety(dutiCS tO be commissioned to sub contractors such as design,manufacture,mttntenance, Procurement control".

transpo )aCCOrding to E.l Procurement contror'.

A.2 Rcquire nents for documentation A2 Requirements for documentation A.2.l Gencral A.2.l General Change,om Dttector Gelaeral or DIector shttl deane documents rcgarding tlic qudi asSWanc,system. D ector Ceneral or Director shall deine docllments rcgard g he quality management systein, quahv (1)Qu ity policies and QuJity OtteCtiVe (1)Quality p01iCics and Quality obicct e assurancc"to (2)Quality assurance systeln (2)Quality assurallce system quality (3)Documcnts conceming thc fol10wing management and treatment requtted by he quality assurance plan: (3)Documents conceming he following management and tteathcnt requttd by hc quality assurancc plall:

management" (a)Documentcon ol (a)Documcnt con ol (b)Record conttol (b)Rccord con ol (C)Intemal audit (C)Internal audit (d)Non compliance con ol (d)Non comphance contol (e)COrcction treatment (C)COrcction tteattnent Change r Om

( Pre ettenl (O PreVent e actions PreventiOn (4)The abOVe(1) (3)in order tO ensllrc the effect"e plan,operation and con ol conceming the dudes forthe (4)The OVe(1) (3)in ordertO cnsve he effect c plan,operation and conttol conceming hc duties for he dcsign, treatmenttO dcsign,rnanufacturc9 handhng,rnaintcnance and ttansport ofthe packaging perfoHned by thc depanrnentin manufacture,handhng,rnahtenance and,anspo ofthe packaging perfoHned by the depanment in charge, as wctl as he d6cumttts nccded by thc dep lcnt in chalge Procationar chargc,as vell as the documcnts needed by the dcpartmentin charge (5)Record needed by the quality assurance ptan. (5)Record needed by the quali assl rance plan. y action" A.2.2 Basic policy implementation A.2.2 Basic pohcy implelnentation DirectOr(]eneral shan implement the quality assurance plan and review and lnaintain it as nccessary Director General shall implemcnt he quality asstlrance plan and review and maintain it as necessary A.2 3 Document control A.2.3 Document control (1)Dircctor General and Dircctor shall implement the control proccdurcs regarding he documents required (1)Dttctor General and DirectOr sh limplcme t hc control procedures regarding the dOcuments required by he qual Addition and by he quality assurance system including the following. ass ance systcl hcludhg he following.

clariflcatiOn Of (a)a PttOr to issuance,doc1lments shall be re ewed and approved for adequacy h terms ofappropriateness.

managcment (b)Documents shall be k cwed pcriodically for hc necessity ofrcvision.Whcn revisions are made as needed,hey shall be approvcd using the saFne prOcedures as vhen he dOcuments arc prepared. prOccdurcs 104

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note I1 dche1ldversion3) (C)When te cwing and sing the appropttateness oFdocumcnts,emp10yees,ctc.ofthe suttect implcmenting Addition alld deparments shan bc inv lved.

clariflcatiOn of (d)Identiication ofchanges in docllments and identification ofhe tate re sed version shall bc cnsurcd.

managcment (e)Ensurc tliat he latest rcvised or app p ate version ofthe applic le docunentis avttlable whcn and where needed.

procedurcs Sure htt documents are legiblc alld casily identin .

(8)Ensure hat docuinents from ext nd souroes dcterinincd to be necessary by tlle organization for he planning and operation ofhe quality management system are dearly ide iied and thtt thcir disttibution is conttolled.

(h)Ensure that obsoletc documcnts are not misused.Ifhey are retained For any purpose,they shall be properly idcntined and con ollcd.

(i)Ensure he rationale etc,used whcn he document was prepared can be hecked when necessary,such as when rc s the documcnt, (2)Dttector Gencr ,pcrson in charge ofmanagement,person in charge ofintem audit,Dttector and Gener (2)Dttector Gcneral,person in charge Ofmanagement,pcrson h charge ofintemal aud ,Dttctor and Ceneral Manager Manager shall perforin he cOntrO1 0Fdocunents based on he previous articles. shan perf 111l the control ofdocll lents based on the prcvious articlcs.

A.3 Record conttol A.3 Record con ol E)ircctor(3eneral and Director shallimplcment the control proccdures for the recOrd including the f0110wing itcms in D cctor GeneFar and D ector shall implcment the control procedures forttle record including the followhg ittms in o ler to order to show thc cvidcnce oFeffective operation ofquality assurance systenl and compliance tO thc requirements. show he evidence ofeffcctive operation ofquahty assurance systcm and compliance to hc requrelnents, (a)Keep a record(Record shall include the electtOnic media.) (a)Keep a record(Record shall hclude thc electronic media,)

(b)Record handling(inCluding submission to the outsidc and receipt from outside) (b)RecOrd handl (hcluding submission to the outside and receipt om outside)

(c)Record identincation,storage,protection,scarch,storage period,and disposal (c)Record idelltittcation,storage,protection,search,storage period,and disposal (2)Dircctor Gcnttal,person in charge of management,person in charge of intemal audit,DircctOr and General (2)DIector General,persOn in charge ofmanagement,person in charge ofintemal audit Drector and General Manager shall Managcr shall perfoHn the control ofrecord based on the previous anicles perform the contro1 0frecord bascd on thc previous alticlcs.

B. Apphcants'rcsponsibilities B. Applicants'responsibilities B,l Managementlnvolvcmcnt B.l Management lnvolvement Dircctor General shall perform the followings as commitments regarding establisttnent Of he quality assurance he Director shOuld establish and implement a qu tt managcment plall and demonsttate conthuous improvement h its Addition Of systcnl,its perfoHnance,and continuous improvement ofits effcctivcncss:

cffectivcness by: description Familiarize the organiztton wih compliance w the rclevant laws and regulatory requre 4entS.

(2)Set quality policy AdditiOn of Sctqu ity policy, management Perfom manage14entrev involvement 105

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Prowide necessary resources.

Addition Of Create an envinmcntin which employees and others can pttittate h erOrts to fostcr and maint a sound saFety description cuitlre, Ellsure hat eFnp10yees tt aWare ofhcir responsibilities with respect tO safety activities by understanding and Addition Of management perfoI ing thcir assigned tasks, involvement Ensure that decisions made at all veis take into accOunt prio tics and accowltabttity for cnsurng nudear safe B.2 Quality policy and quality ottect e B.2 Quality policy and quality ottect c Whcn he dudes based On the quality assurance plan tte perfomed,Dttector Ceneral shall speciI e qual pohcy When the duties based on he quality assurance plan are perfomcd,Drector Gcner sh l spedf the qu ity for tllc dcsign,manufacture,handling,mainte4ance and transpo ofthe packaging tak account ofhe policy for the design,rnanuFactllre,handhng,maintenance and ttansport ofthe packaging taking accOunt ofthe characteristics oftranspott and ttanspo packa g g alad make thislnO vn to hc employccs. Quality policyshall characteristics ofranspott and transport packaging and rnake this known to the cmp10yecs, Quality policyshan include tte followingsi include the fonowingS: (1)Assure he safcty and reliability ofhe packa8ing and,anspo .

(1)Assure he safety and reliabilit) ofhe packaging alld ransp .

(2)Compry wih the laws standttd,approvals,app vcd ittms,and safety a8reement uc.

(2)Comply Wih helaws,standard,approvals approved items,and safety agrccment ctc. (3)ContinuOusly mprotte he qu ity assurance system. MOdincati (3)ConttnuOusly improve he quality assurancc system. For the quality policy,a quality policy hatis sct h accordance wih he quality management plan forthe Oarai Rescarch and ns for rnore it Dcvclopment lnstitute's reactor facilities etc.shali bc apphcablei appropriate DliCy and hc Quahty OtteCtiVC"of the quality assurance descriptions plan,the quality ottect e Formulated based on hc quality assurance plan ofOarai Rescarch alld Development Center could be applicd, B.3 Quality otteCtiVe B.3 Quali 0 ect e (1) le Dttector shall sct a qualtty go every ye (1 ¶ic Director shali sct a quality 80al every yea (2)In sehinga quality goal,the Directorshall pay hccd to hc following mtters. (2)h sett a qual gO " e DttctOr sh l pay heed tO he followh3 mattcrs.

i) The gOal is consistent with he quality policy'1 i)The 80al is onsistcnt wit11 he quality policy'1 Modiflcatio

11) The 80alis consistent with thc quality policy'1 )The leve1 0fachievement Ofthe 8oal can be assessed. ns lor rnorc iti) Any mattcr nceded to satis,the requirement forthe work must be include. iii)Any matter needed to satisr the requirernent fOr he work must be includedI appropriate (3)The Director shall instructthe Ceneral Managerto implcment he roll out of the quality 80al (3)Tlie DtOr shall hstruct hc Cencral Managerto plclnent the roll out of he qual 80al".

descriptions For the quality 80al,a quality 80al ttatis setin accOrdance with he quality I For the quality goal,a quality goalthat is set h accordance wit1l hc qual y managenent plan for he Oarai Rcsearch and other facilities using nuclear ttel materials and Deveropment lnstitute's reactoF faCiltties,ctc.shall be applicable.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note shall be applicable.

B.4 RcspOnsibility and authority B4.l RespOnsibility and authority (1) SySttm Figlttre Hl B.l shows he quality assl rance organization which perfoms he duties re8arding he quality ass rance MOdiactti plan. ns for rnore (2) RespOnsibility and auhority appropriate The following pcople shall be in possession ofhe rcsponsibility and auhori aS Wrmcn below.

descriptions (a)Dttctor Ceneral shan super se and dr c hc quality assurance act ities conccming he design,manufacture,handling, maintenance and transpott ofthe packa8 8 perfolittled at (b)Director shan supervisc and d ve the quality assurance activities conccrning he desigtt manuFacmre, handlng maintcnance and transpon ofthe packaging perfoHned atthe Depttment ofJMTR.

(c)General Manager sham perfO quality assurancc act ides conceming he design,manufacture,h ndling mttntenance and transpo ofhe packaging peFfOmaed at Reactor Operation Section l.

(3) QualityAssurance Commttee Examine he ttcms signincant for the quality assllrance and also for he drive ofthe quality assurance activities,as well as items consulttd by Director Gcncral.

(4) Facilitt etc Safety Review Commmee Examhe itcms consulted by Director Ceneral conceming the sig icant items ofhe security ofhe nuclear material Change om facinty(hCluding he non applicable facility in thc catego ofAtticle 41 ofhe regulttion)and RI etc.facility.B.4.2 lquality Chiefadmhistrator assurance organization

toquality management orgm '


2017 verslon of SAR 2022 version of SAR note administratoi to quality manage:nent in accordance with this Quality Management Plan, Modinc lo (2)Chicfadministrator shal possess the responsibili and authOrity as follows regal'dless ofother assigncd (2)The Deputy General Director ofQuality shall possess he responsibility and authori aS fOllows regardlcss ofoher ns for morc responsibilities. assigned rcsponsibilities. appropriate (a)COnir11l compliallce ofregulations and he quality asswallcc plall. (a)Ensllre he cstablisttent,implcmentation,and mantcnance ofprocesses neccssary for he qudtt manageFnent System. descriptions (b)Reportto Dircctor General as to he necessi Ofimp vcment or performance status ofthe quality assurance (b)Repo to thc Drector Gener as to the nccessi Ofimprovemcntorperforlllancestatusofthequ ity managemellt activities systcm.

(c)Raise awareness ofnudear safety anlollg cmployees etc.

(d)Comply with all apphc le la vs and regulations.

i i Deletion (2)I emal spOns le Sha fomal S Fon dperttHn Oeof ierna dit lthe respons le rtheomal tiesi B.5 Management revicw B.5 anagement review (1)Regarding the dudes ofhe dcsign,manuFacture,handling,m ntenance and transpo ofthe packaging Director (1)Re8ardhg he duties ofhc dcsign,manuf re,handlh8,maintcnance and ttanspon oFthe packaging Director COneral General shall implcment the management revie v morc than oncc a ycar in order to cvaluate and conflm that thc shall lementthe management review more han once a yearin ordcrto evaluate and conalm hat hc quality assurance quanty assurance plan is appropriate and is ttnctioning crfectively. plan is appropriate and is ttctionh8 Cffectively.

(2)Dircctor Gcneral shall ttake the chicf administtator to report he Following items in order to implcment the (2)Dircctor General shali make thc ch fadministtator to report thc follow g ttcmsin orderto implement he management management review. revi 4odificatiOn of (a)Resutts ofhc intcm audt managcment (b)External organizations'opiniOn rcvicw details (C)Status Of plementtton incruding process results (d)Statlls ofachcverl,ent ofqualtt ta s (e)Results ofOperator inspections,vol ltary hspections,etc.

( Status Of fosterhg and maintahh8 a sound safety cutture (8)StattS OfCompHancc w el cd laws and re8ulations (h)Status Ofcorect e actions and prevent e actions (1)Folow up on he status ofactione t' kcn in response to hc rcsutts ofprevious management reviews O Changes hat may affect he qudi mana gelnent systern 108

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (3)Dircctor General shall make decisions and take actions for the following items based on the resuits of management rcviev (a)ImprOvemcnt ofelttct cness for the quality assurance plan and regulations etc.

(b)Required ttpFOVement for duty plans and its plementttion (c)Nccessity ofresOurces (4)Drcctor General shall instruct D ectorto ulprove he actions shown h(3) ovo through the chief administrator,dhen conflm its outcomes.

MOdiactti IatmalaH ,,

ns for rnore Internal auht group eF appropriate aS a ch fadmi strator 8 VWOmttr descriptions Quality assurance mm e Gttcla10fWaste Matiagemontadd Nuoleal, u"1.speO Ollcer Fac ity sattty re ew cOmmittee Depttentof Director ofDepartment Of lTR 91 0fA R Reactor 109

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note D. Dcsign cOntrol D. Design cOntrol ModificatiOn D2.2 Design and development anocation for prOper D2.2 Design and developmcnt aHocatiOn description General Managcr shall cla ,the f01lowing ttems,receive approvalr om Dttecto and appropriately manage them Gencral Mallager shall dttif the f01lowing itcms,receive approv ,om DirectOL and appropriatdy manage them regarding regarding aHocation and communication for design and dcvclopment vith intcmal other organizations Or extemal attocation and cOmmunication fOr design and developnent vith internal oher Organizations or extemal institutes other than insOtutes other than Oarai RceCarCh and Develop14e Center(or CXtCmal institutes);

Ottai Research and Development lnstitute(Or extemal institutes (1)A1location wtth intcmar organizations or external o anizations oher than Oarai Resech and (1)A1location wih intcmal o anizations or external o anizttiOns oher hal1 0 ai Research arld Development lnstitute(Or Dcvelopment Ccnter(or other extem tutes).

other extcmal institutcs)

(a)Claritty the responsibili re8arding design and devclopmcnt allocation with intemal organizations Or extemal (a)Claritty he responsibility rcgarding design and development allocation witt intcma1 0rganizttions or extcmalinstitutes insitutes other thal1 9arai Rescarch and Dcvelopment Center(or Other Organizations)that implement design and other thal1 0arai Research and Developmcnt lnstilute(Or Oher orgalliza Ons)hatimplement design and devclopment.


(b)Clari the responsible or3anizaions as well as the methods for documentation,examination,approval, (b)Claritt the responsibtt Ottanttations as weH as the mcthods for documcntation,examination,approva ,issua1lce, issuancc,distribution and revision Of design and development documents regarding the anocation of design distribution and revision Ofdesi l and dcve10pment documents rcgarding the anocation oFdesign and development.

and development.

(2)CommulliCation with intcmal o anizations or extemal institutes other than Oarai Research and (2)Communication with intemal orgatlizations or extcmal instttutes otherthan Oarai Reserch and Dcvelopment Devclopment Ce14ter(Or OthCr extem or8an ions).

lnSOtLite(Or Other external organizations).

(a)As for the communication for design and developmcnt,clari,thC method for positiOning of (a)As for the commullication fOr dcsign and dcvelopmcnt,clari,the mCthOd for podtiOning ofinformation,re c approval, infoHnation,revie I approval,etc.


(b)Clari,a110Cation for design and development between or8anizations which carly out design and (b)CItti ' 10Cation for design and development between organizadons which cary Out deSgn and dev opment development and oherintemal(or cxtemat org lniZations)being inv01ved in each stage ofsupply,manuFacture, and otherintemal(or extemal o anizations)being involved in each stage ofsuppty,manuFacture,use and use and maintenance.


D23 1nput fbr the design and devctopment Modiacation (1)General Managcr shall clari,the items required for progressing design and devclopment such as the D2.3 1nput fbr the design and dcvelopment for prOper requirements ofthc applicable lavs,speciricatiOns,and standards9 veH as conditions for the basic (1) The General Managtt shaH da the lems rcquired for p gressing dcsign and development such as the dcscription design and development such as license apphcation etc.and rcnection ofthe revie red items,requirements requirements ofthe applicablc ta vs,specittcations,and standards,ctc,as ven as conditions for the basic design and for he qualit) assurancc system.

dcvelopment such as license application and rettection ofthe revie ved items for liccnsing,rcquiremcnts fbr the quali (2)Gcner Manager sh l conttm ttc appropttateness ofthe requirements ofdcsign and dcvdOpment.

managcment system.and re ection ofthe re ewed items,rcquirements for the quality assurance systcm.

In case such apphcable standards do not exist,they shall prOpose it and obtain approval from E)irectOr.

(2) General Manager shall cOnflrin the apprOpriateness ofthe requirements OFdcsign and dcvelopmcnt,In case such (3)General Manager shall cI the requircments ofhc dcsign and dcvelopment and in Orderto prevent usc of apphcable standtts do not exist,they shall propose it and obtain apprOval from E)irectOr.

inappropriate data,shall claritt he methods ofreview and approval by document and exccute it.

(3) Gener Manager shall da the rcq ements ofhc design and devdopmellt and h orderto prevent use of inappropttate data,shttl da fy the mehods ofreview and approval by document and execute it.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note D2.5 Design and development examinttion D2.5 Design and development examinatiOn (1)Director shaH,atthe appropriate stage ofdcsign and dcvclopment,receive conflmatiOn that thc design and (1)Director shall,at thc approp atc stage ofdesign and developmcnt,reccive conarmation that tltte design and development development requirements have becn sLIrely reaected,from Facility,etc.Safety Re ew COmmittec at Oar requttements have been stlrety rettected, om Facili ,ctc.Sa Rc ew COmmittee at Oarai Research and Development Rcscarch and Development CentcL lnstitute.

(2)The eXamin on Of design alld devdopment sh l be donc by not only he representaOves ofthe rdated (2) c exan nation ofdesign and developlnent shall be dOne by not only the representatives ofthe related department but also department but also by peoplc vith exanlination ability and the exa ned results shan be recorded.

by people vith exa linatiOn ability and the examined results shall be recorded.

E. Manufacturing order Ofpackages E. Manufact ring order ofpackages E.1. Procurcment con 01 E.1. Procurement control E 1.l P ocuremcnt proccss E.1.l Procurement process (1)DirectOr General shal19 in Order to prOcure the appropriate products and ser ces(hereinallcr refer to as Products etc.),deine thc procurement procedure.Howeve this shall not be applicable to the procurement of (1)Director Ceneral shall,in order to procure the appropriate products and sttvices(hereinafter refer to asProducts etc.' ,

market standardized products and consumable goods. dcine the procurement procedure.In addition,among general supplies and consumables that arc standttdized in the rnarket (hCrCinater reFercd to as Wgcneral pu ose items ,thOSe items such as Omce supplies and Ottce PCs,etc.hat do not affect nuclcar saFe ,are Out ofthe scope ofhe procurement conttol.

(2)The supplier and the mchod and degrce of the control agttnst for the products tO be procured sh l be (2)The supplier and ttc methOd and degree ofthe control against for the p ducts to be procured sha be determined in dete mined in accordance vith the impact vhich the products be procured shan cause to thc transpo accordance with he impact which the PrOducts etctto bc prOcured shaH cause to he ttansport package,transpo saFe and package,transpo safet)/and ttnction. function, (3)Director Ceneral shall derlne the standard to evaluatc or rc evaluate thc supplier as a basis tO judge that the (3)DircctOr General shall deane the standard to evaluate or rc evaluate the supplier as a basis tojudge that the supplier has the supplier has the capability tO supply Products,etc.that are to be procurcd in accordance vith the requiremcnts of capability to supply P oducts,etc.that arc to be procured in accordance vith thc requirements of Gencral Managen Ccneral Gencral Manager.General Manager shan thcn cvaluate the suppher based on this. Manager shallthen evaluate the supplier based on this.

(4)Ma:lage sh l keep records ofcv uaOon resuhs and necessary acdons ifrequtted. (4)Mallage shdi kccp records Of evduation results alld necessar)actions ifrequired.

E.1.2 PrOcurement requircments E 1.2 Procurement requirements (1) Gcneral Manager shall daritt the requirements regardin8 Products be procured,by mcans Ofthe (1)Generd Manager sh l clari the rcqu ements regttdin8 Products be procured,by mcans Ofhc speOacation and if speciflcation and ifrequired,shaH inctude the fo1lo ving items as applicable:

requircd,shaH include the follo ving items as applicable:

( Requirements for he approval ofproduct9 procedure,proccss and facihty (a)Requirements forthe approval ofproduct,proccdure,process and facili (b)Rcquirements to conimn he suitabili ofhc tta (b)Requircments to conarm the suitabilit) fhe sta (c)Rcqurements regar hc quali ASSllran systenl (c)Rcquirements regarding the quali Ittallagement system(On the quality mallagencnt guideline for the production of transpo cOntainers(200806 10 NISA No.1,June 20,2008)(iit)COntents Ofquali management by colltainer 111

2017 versiOn Of SAR 2022 verslon Of SAR note (2) Gener Manager shall con 1 he app priateness ofthe procurement rcquirements before issuing he p cllrement specification.

E.2. Manufacture con ol E.2.5 ManuFacture vcritcation General Manager shall perfom the fo1lowings in ordcr to conarm hat thc packaging shall comply wih the requircmcnts given in the laws,specincations,standards,design docl mcnts,etc:

(1)Audtt ofthc supplier shall be conducted ifnecessa ,and in add on,thc stas ofsuppher's audit to the subcontractor shan be con IIled.As required,direct audit to he subconttactor shali be conducted under the agreexnentvih the supplier and subconttacto (2)For the inspec on ofmanufacmring the packaging and componen ,he witnessed check ttd record check Modiication shall be perfo led taking sarcty impOnancc ctc.into account.Themattersregarding the packaging are suttect for propcr to dhe 6.2.3 1nspection and ttstW descr tion Deletion Deletion 112

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Deletion Deletion Deletion 113

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Deletion Delction 114

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Deletion R.Handling and maintcnance Rl Handling con ol Dttcctor shall document he con ol mehods ofhandling includttg he fo1lowing itc s and p periy con ol it in order to prevent damagc or eroneous operation ofthe ttanspott paOkaging durh8 handlng.

General Manager shall clearly indicttc requirements ofhandlingtohcperson who isin charge ofhandling(emp10yee or conttactor)inOrdertocontrbuteforhepreventionofdamageanderroneousoperatiOnofhettansportpackaging.

(1)InSpCCtion ofhandling de cc,and measures to prcvcnt opcrational erors or damage during hmdling (2)Handlng COndlions ofthe packag  :

(3)ConditiOns and methods forttanspotthg the packaging htt or out ofthe storage ttdl (4)Peson in charge offacility 115

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note F.2 Maintenance and storage ofthe packaging F 2 Maintenance and storage ofthe packaging (1)Director shall,in orderto maintain conforrnity to requiremcnts ofthe packaging9 documcnt he methods (1)Dttector slla11,in orderto maintah confofmity to req ements ofhe packag 8,dOCument he mchods Ofmamcnance ofrnaintenance control and properly control it. contro1 9nd properly control it, (2)Director shall,in order to maintain conforlnity to rcquirements ofthe packaging,document hc methods (2)Drcctor sh 19 h ordcrto m ain conforlnity to requttmcnts ofhc packagh8,dOCumcnt he methods ofstorage con ol oF storage control including the foIIo ving itcms and properly conttol it.

incldding he following ttems and properly contror it.

(a)Measuresto prevent damage du ng ttorage (a)Meastxres to prevent damage during storage (b)StOrage method and setttng ofthe storage area conddering envttonment condhions ctc.

(b)StOrage mcttod and setth8 0fhe stoFage area considering en ental conditions etc.

lll (C)InSpection during storage (C)InSpectiOn during storage (d)PersOn responsible for the facility (d)PersOn responsblc for the facinty

1  : ager lent Deletion Addition G,Mcasl rement,analysis and Hlprovement G.l Genera Thc Director Cencral,the Director and Ceneral Manager shali plan and implement he process for monitorin8,measureme=lt and improvement required for the fo o vhg matters:

(1)Verir conformity ofrequirements for tte duties.

(2)Ensure conformity ofhe quality management pl .

(3)Co huOusly improve erecdveness ofthe quali mttagement plan, This hcludes a statistic method and an applicable mcthod and he extent oftts use will be considered.

G.2 Monitor 8 and measurement C,2.I Intemal auttt (1)The Diredor Oeneral shall perfom intcmal audit on design,manuf ture,handiin8,mahtenance and ttanspo of he packaging dur g he year concerEled h Orderto confrm whether or notthe following mahers regardh8 quality managclncnt activities have been 1 1led Whethcr he quali managettent system confortxls to he D.l Duty pl ns"and requiremetts of this quality management pla .

Wheher tte qualtt mana8ement plan has been erectively opertted and mttntaned.

(2)The D ector Gcncr shan impleinentthe ntemal p 8m i specines he f 1lowg matters by takhg into accountthe process to be a dited,its unpoFtanCe,the past audit results, Criteria,scope and methods ofaudit OtteCtiVtt and faimess sh l be ensured selecth8 hC auditor and implernen 8 the audit.


2017 version of SAR 2022 verslon of SAR note (3)The Director General shall prepare he procedllre deFinhg he requtterncnts and responsibility regarding the audit Addition plal1/perfomance,result repotting,and recOrd maintellance, (4)In order tO relnove any detectcd nonconfo .ity and its causc,he Director General shaX hsttuct he audited DirectOr to corectin the fom ofdOctlment and att him/hcr to vcriFy the actiOns t en and to rcpo he verttcatiOn rcsults.The foHow up shall hcludc he veFittCation ofhe actions taken and the repott ofhe verittcation rcsutts.

G,2.2 Process lnonitoring and measurement Addition (1)The DrcctOr General,Drector and cener Managcr shall monttor he p cess of quality management systel s h a prOp vay and appropriately measure it as necessary.

(2)h case that he planncd outcome cannot be achicved,depcnding on he extent of its impact,appropriate adiOns for modittcation and corection shan be taken.

Addition G.2.3 1nspectton and test The D tor Cenerai shall cstablish an inspectiOn system(independent inspcction organization)and desttnatC a person charge of Operator inspectiOns when operator inspections are conducted in accordance wih he Reactor RegwatiOn Law.h addition,he D ector Ceneral o he Dttector whO conducts voluntaFy hspeOions and tcsts shall establish a management guiddhe for hspecdons and testt to ven thtt he requirements For the manuFa ure and m enmce ofttanspoh contahers and proct Fed prOducts are rnet,and shan manage the fol,owhgs:

(1)ThC person in charge of operator inspections,the Directott and General Manager are to conduct operator inspcctions, voluntary insp tions,etc. apppriate stages h accordance wih the hdividual wOrk ptan(scc D.1)to VCri,hat he requirements for hc fabricJion,mttntenance,and proctlremcnt p ducts oftranspon containers are met.

(2)Crette and manage recOrds pettain tO tte results ofoperator hspections,voluntary hspccdons,etc,,which pro de he evidencc ofcompttance with he pasyfail criteria for inspe iOns and tests(see A.3).

(3)The reCOrds should clearly dicate who officially auhorized the rcrease(handOverto he next process).

(4)Thc transpon container concemed is notto be used until he spections and tests deterinined in he individual work plan are Completed without any h drancc.Howevcr,his should not apply ifthe person h charge ofhe relev nt authority app ves it according to the procedures speciaed in tho plan ofindividual operations.

(5)Thc persOn h charge OfOperatorinspections shall ensurc the indcpcndence ofhe persOnnel who conductinspections sc hat tlle neutrality and reliability ofoperator inspections are not impttred,according to tte impottance oftlie sect rity act ities.

h addition,the Director and Gener Manager shall apply mutatis mutarldis to the independence of hspedion and ttsting pcrsonnel for volunta inspectiOns etc.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note G.3 Noncon nity conttol Addition (1)The Diredor General shall implelnent he procedurc for the onconforinity contol including thc following it Is:

hordertOpreveathestatusofnoncontttinitytoherequrementsforsafetyassuranceandreliabilityre8ard he packaging and transpott tol being let negiectcd,swch reqdre=nents shall be identittcd.

ContrOlrel atin8 tO proccssing ofnonconfomi itS responsibilides and auttorides (2)The D ector and General Manager sh ltake a lo s For nOnconfortn h Sher Ofthc Following ways:

A oAs shall be taken to reFl10Ve detetted onconfoml Such acttO1ls(e.go idclltiication displ sOgre3ation and disposal)shall be taken so hat nonconfomance matters or nonconformance 800dS Shall not bc used nor app ed as ottghally intended.

(3)The Drector sh l keep records ofnonconfomity characteristics and attions taken.

(4)he Director shall perform re validation and re indpectton in order to veri,the COnfO ity to requittments in case noncOnforinity is corected.

(5)Thc Director and Generd Mana8er l httle nent approprtte atment for he hnuence orilkcly inttuencc caused by h nonconforml whcllncOnfomity is detected aier perfO.1 ance ofduties Or aner delivery to the outside regardng he process ofduties or products etc, G.4 Corect e actions (1)Ttt Director General shall 4plement he conttbl p cedllre For coective actions for dle following iteins:

Addition C)Confm 10n Ofhe nonconformity details ldentiacation ofhe cause(inCludttg rel ed factoA)ofl nCOnfom Cittic lon ofex nce ofsh ar nonconforlnhies or posd hty ofoccurrence ofsutt nonconfOmittes Decision and pttfor nance ofnecessary act ns Recordin8 0faction results Review oftte v idity ofcoFettiVe actbns (2) cn any n01lconfomi detected,he Director and Ceneral Manager shallimmediately ind he catlse ofnonconformi,y and take corective actions to prevent nonconformity tom occllrring agah.

(3) le Director ind General Manager shall appropriately ttte corrective a,donS in accOrdance wtt he con ol procedure of such corective actions.Those coFeCtiVc aotions shall be adequatc in hc ligh ofhe erect ofsuch found noncon mty (4)le ttatus ofcorective actions shali be he i ut infomtttion ofhe ttanagement review.

(5)The DirectoF Generai shalt have tte Deputy DirectOr Gener l of Quality itemize he infomation regardh8 Such nonconforin (hcludhg he inforination ofhe cottective a ons)ifSuch nOnconfOrinity is hough to be use l for ott depattncnts,andsubmitittoheDrectorGeneralsofhtegratcdSuppottforNuclearNonproliferationandNuclearsec ity 118

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note and the Dircctor of SaFety and Nuclear Sectrity Adminis ion Head Omce. AdditiOn G.5 Prevcntative actions (1)The DirectOr General shall establish con ol procedllre ofprcventat e actions for he followhg items:

ldentiacation ofposdble nOnconforrnity and its causc Assesshent ofnecessity ofa lons to ensure tlle prevelltion ofnon conforinity Dcten 1 tiOn and performance ofnecessaly a ons C)Rccording ofaction results Review ofvalidi OfCO ective a iOns (2)Thc Dector and Gtteral Manager shall take measurcs to prevent attay poss e nonconfo4nity om occllrm8,i4Cludhg utilization ofthe knowledge acqu ed by designing,1 allufacturing,h ndling,maintainil18 and transpong the packagin8, and the knowledge(e.8 Cascs oft uble)aCquired by other sources.

(3)The D e tor and General Manager shali perfoma the appropttate preventative actions h accordance wih the contoI procedure ofpreventat e actions.

(4)The reFuls Ofpreventative actiOns shall be he hput hfO mation Ofthe managcmentreviex h addition,f0110w the contents atter he review when Quality Management Systemis revised.

I2 Basic policy for quality managcment(Nuclear Scicnce Rcsearch lnstitute) Bttic p icy For qudity management(Nudear Science Research lnstitute) DcletiOn This quahty management system stipulates the requircments for quality assurance activities by rcferencc to the This quttity management system stipulatts hc requreme s for qualtty assurance

, ties by reference to he Rules of Rules ofQualityAssurance For Safcty ofNudear Power Plants(JEAC4H 2009). Quality Assurance for Safety ofNuclear Power PIants(JEAC41 2009)

A.Qu ity management system A.Quality management system A.l General requirements A.l General requirements (1)An organization shall establish,docurnent,implement,and maintain a quality managcment systcn for (1)An orgttzttion shail establish,docuent,implement and mttntttn a quality management system for transportation, ctc.An organization shall also continue to improve the effectiveness of this quality transportttiOn,e An organiz lon shall also continue to improve tte effectiveness ofthis quality management managcment system. systtm.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (2)An organization shall implcment he following matters: No Ohange 0)ClaF 8 p cesses reqred for a quttity managernent system and hctt applicttion to an olganization.

b)Clari ing he Order and correlation oftte prOcesscs.

c)Deining req redjudgment crtteria and mehodsto ensure hatbott operation and management of the processcs arc erective.

d)Ensuring that he resollrces and information required to operate and monitOr he processes are available.

e)MOn Oring,measuring,and analy ng the prOcesses.Howev the measllrcment can be skipped vhcn tt is difflcult to measure.

For he procOsscs,takhg measures required to obttn results as plamed and continue to lmprove heln.

g)MatChinghep cesses andhe organization with aqu managementsystem.

h)PrOmOtitt work based onthe knowiedgc oFsocid sciencc and bchavioral science.

A.2 Requttements for documentation A.2.l Ceneral The qualtty management systerrdocl mcnts shan be eath ttem ofthe following:

(1)Qualtt polioy and quality ttectiVe

)Pttmary docllmcnt(qu i aSSumce program)

(3)Secondary document(dOCuments required by pnmary documentt and documents.such as mles detemined neccssary by an organization)

(4)Tettia dOctiments(dOCllments such as procedures and guides determined necessary by an organ on otheFthtt primary documents and scconda doculnents)

(5)RccoFdS requttd by documents of(1)tO(4) 120

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note A.2.2 Quality assurance plan The Director Ceneral shali develop,re ew as necessary,and m Addition and 1lt n a quality assurance plan thtt includes he clarittcation followings:

Of (1)Matters related to pttmttin8,implement tion,evaluttion,and improvement ofthe qttality management system l14anagement procedures (2)Scope Ofapplicttion ofhe qu ity management system (3)Estabiisttd"docuinented procedure for he qualitty management system or information makes it possible to refer to them (4)A description ofhe interrelationships attnong the p cesses ofthe quality manttement system.

A.2.2 Document managemellt A.2.3 Documentlmanagemen Modiacation ofidc A director general and a managcr(research rcactor accelerator administration manager.The same shall A directtr general and a manager(research reactor acceleFatOr administtadon manage The same shall apply No changc OF apply hereinafter)shan dCanc procedures for the document and record managementto cettainly implement herdnaFteo shnl deine p Cedures foF he dOCuinent and record managementto ce nly lement he foWowillg desc ption the folowing lnatters: matterst (1)Managing documents required by a quality management system.Howcve alhough records are a (1)Managing dOcuments required by a quality mana gement systemo Howevett altltough records are a kind OF kind of documents,they are managed in accordance vith he requirements specifled in A.3 Record documents,they are managed in accordance with the requiremetts Specined in A3 Record managemellt.

managemcnt. (2)Specifying he mttagettent required fOr he following activide (2)Spedfying the management requircd for hc Following acttvtties: (a)AppFOVing documents p or to he issuance om thO ewpOint oFwheherthey are rOpritt a) Appro ng documents prior tO he issuance from the viewpoint of wheher hcy are (b)Reviewing,renewing as necessary,and reappro ng documents.

appropriate. (C)C i,ing he identitcation ofdocument changes and tte idcntincation sttte ofthe currentty effective version, b)Rcviewing,renewing as necessa ,and reapproving documcnts. by a nanagemcntttdger,e .

C) Claritting he identittcttion of documcnt changes and he identincation state ofthe curently (d)Ensuring that he app priate vcrsion ofthe corresponding documentis avallable when and where it is required, ettective vcrsion,by a lnanagcmentlcdgcL etc. by a manageme4tledget etc, d)Ensuring htt hc appropriate version ofthe coresponding documcntis available when and (e)Ensuring that dOcuments can be easily read aFld eaSily distinguishable.

where it is required,by a managementledger,etc. ( Clari,ing extemal documents determines to be required forthe quality management system planning and e)Ensuring that documents can be eadly read and ea01y disinguish lc. operation and ensuring that their distribution is lnanaged by a lnanagement iedger,etc.

O Clarif ing extemal documents detenmined to bc rcquired for he quality management (8)Preveing an lished document from being used by mistake.Also,identif i apprOp ety when itis system planning and opcration and ensuring that their disttibution is managcd by a retained for a certdn purpose, managementredger,etc.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note g)PreVcnting an abolishcd documcnt ttom being used by mistake.AIso,identiFying it No changc Of appropriately when it is retained for a cettain purpose.

desc ptiOn B.An applicantts responsibilides B.3 Quality policy and quality ottectiVe A director general shall ceiainly conduct he following matters conccrning he quality policy relatcd to Addhion ofa subitem transpottation,etc.:

(1)BeingapproprtteinregardtoAtticlc4ofheActonheJapttAtomicEnergyAgcncy, IndependentAdministtative Agency(PurpOSe Ofhe agency.)

(2)Being appropriate in Fogard to he quality poncy conccming nuclear safety speciaed by he chief directo (3)IncOrporating he comm ment to confo to requirements and continue to imp ve thc efFect cness ofa quality managcxncnt systern.

(4)Givhg he amework for s up and re ew ofqudity otteciveS.

(5)Making theln transmtted to and l nderstood by he whole organization.

(6)Re cwing to naintain their adequacy.

Addition of descr tion B,5 Management revlew 122

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note B.5,3 0utput iom a managemcntre ew B.5 Mallagemcnt rcvicw A director general shallincOrporatc the decisions and measures on the fOHO ving Fnatters in the Output f om B.5.3 0utput From a managemcntrcview Change ofthc namc(Oalal a management rcvie vi A director general shaH incorpoFate the decis,ons and incasures on the follo ving rnattcrs in the output fl'o la Rcscarch and a)ImprOvcment ofthc effectiveness oFa quali managcment system ttnd tts processes managemcnt rcview: Dcvclopmcnt b) ImprOvements required fOr work planning and implemcntttion (a)ImprOvcmcnt ofthc effectiveness Of a quati management system and its prOccsseS CcntcrtO Oarai Rcscarch C)Neccsstty for rcsOurces (b)ImprOvements rcquircd for work plallning and implcmentation lnstitutc" (c)Ncccssi fOr rCSOurces Changc ttOmthc DIector Cene l of he Nuctear chicfttministr'ator pe on in cnarge tothc dcputy Person h charge ofquB internBI COfitc dircctOr for o,Oantzato quahty

RR3 Supery,sor oF Reac:or Technics(

RR 4 SuFew o ol oecommiss na Fac lv II AddliOn of I ircctOr of Qu lty nssurance prom On EnvirOnmcntal C lefofth H :alsttto4 sarev reuew mmltee ror nudear on cil iesI Tcchnolov ChleFoFthe 3a 41nLtttOh J Dcvc10pmcnt

Ccntcr" Difecto 1 De,atment or Reseerch Reactor amd Changc ttOm Department cl Resear ReDCtO and i3 dem Acceterator t Gcncral ouanv Man3gemef,:Assurance Revte v OrOani=DdOn(

ranagcr of Rcactor Opcrations f

Scction lto Rcactor Sccion Managcr" Changcs duc to rcvision of rcgulations ctc and lnodincation (C>Hg.B.2 issivaace gT or= ha concerD ag d iga=etc OFaudear ttel pac for propcr dcscription 123

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note G.Measurement,analysis and improvement Addition G.l General (1)Organizttion shall plan and implement he process for monitOring,measurement and improvettent required for tlae following m rsi a)Verify confOrmity ofrequirements foF he dtlties.

b)Ensure conformity Ofthe quality management system.

C)COntinuously improve effectiveness ofhe quality mana8ement system.

(2)This Shall include staistical mettods,applicable methods,and determin lon on the extcntto which they are used.

G.2 1nternal audit The Director General shall establish manuals fOr intemal audits to ensure the following.

(1)The Direetor Oenerai shall conduct an internal audit tt least once a year on transpottation and Other activities during the relevant ascal year tO verif whether the following items Ofthe quality management system are fulilled:

O Whether he quatity manageme system conforlns to the plan ofoperatio ,the requirements ofthe qu ity assurance plan,and the quality management system requirements determinod by the organization.

b)Whether he qu ity management plan has been effecttvely operated and maintttned, (2)The Director General should implement tte in al prograln which specines the f 1lowing matters by taking intO accountthe process tO be the audited its impottance,the past audit FeSuits etc.

a)Criteria,scope and method Ofaudit b)0 eCtiVity and ttmess shall be ensured in selecting the auditOr and implementing the audit.FuttheL he auditor shali not audit his or her own duty.

(3)The mallual folintemal audits shali speci,reSponsibilides and authorities(auttOrity to order special intem audits)and requirem9 S fOr plarlning and conducting audits,reporting res,lts,and management ofrecords.

(4)Records ofaudits and the results ofhem shall be retained (5)The persOn responsible for the audited area shall ensure thtt thc necessary corrective alld preventive actiOns are taken withOut delay to eiiminate the nonconforinity found and its cause.The followup shall include the veriacatton of the actions taken and he repon Ofthe verincation result.

G.3 Nonconforality control The Ditector General shall est lish manuals for noncOnfo 11lity management and corrective and preventive acdOns t ensure the follo vingsi (1)The shall ensure that nonconfolli ities are identifled and controned t preventtllem from beh8 1efI 124

2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note unresOlved.The manuals fOr nonconformity and cOrect e and prevent e actiOns shall specify the controls over he AdditiOn handling oFnonconfO111 ities and the responsibilities and authorities related thereto.The Fnandai fbr illteriaal audits shall speciFy he con ols oveL and the responsibility and authority fott the handing oFnonconfOrrnities in qualtt assurance activities identifled during internal audits, (2)The oFganization shall take actiOns for nonconformity in etther Oftte f0110wing ways:

a)Take action to remove detected noncOnformity, b)An authorized person may deterlnine s use,release,or acceptallce by special emp10yment.

C)Take action to prevent its Original intended use or apphcation d)Ifa noncOnfO 1lity is detected aner del ery,the OF8anization should take an app pr e tiOn fOr the effects Or possible effects ofthe nOnconfOI 1lr.

(3)The organization shOuld m 4tttn recOrds ofthe nttllre ofthe nOncOnfo 11lityr (4)When noncOnfOmities are cottcted,he organiz On shl reveriFy them tO demO ate confOrFnance to the requirements.

(5)Ifa noncOnformity is detected after del eFy,the or8anizatiOn shall take appropttate actiOn tO address he effects Or potential erects Ofhe nonconlolnity.

G.4 Co eot e dOns The Director General shall establish manuals for nOnconfOnmity manageinent and cOFeCtiVe and preventive actiOns, and for internal audits to ensure the fOnowingS.

(1)The Organi2ation shali take action to eliminate he chuses OfnoncOnfOrmtties to prevent recurrence.

(2)Corective actiOns shali be cOmmentturate wih t1le impact Ofho nonconformity thtt has been follnd.

(3)The Following requiFements shall be specined in the manu s fOr nOnconfOmity management and cOrrective and preventive actiOns:

a)COni atiOtt ofthe noncOnformity details b)IdentitcatiOn otthe cause ofnoncOnfomity c)Evaluation ofthe necessity ofthe tiOns to ce nly prevent nonconfOrmity from Occurring again d)Decision and perfo 1lance ofnecessary actions e)Rec6rd ofthe resuits Ofthe investigation atd the corrective actiOns t based on thOse FeSults,when an inVeS ion condu ed ttO cO e ive acttOns; Review ofact ities performed in correct e actioIIs (4)The f01lowing requirements shall be speciied in the manual fOr intemal auditsi a)COnarmttion ofthe noncOnform details 125

2017 version of SAR 2022 version Of SAR note b) dentincation ofthe cause ofnonconfOmnity AdditiOn c)Decision and perforinance of necessary acdons d)Record ofttc results ofacdons that have been taken G.5 Preventative actions The JDirector General shouid establish Fnanuals for nonconfoHnity rnanagement and cOrrecdve and preventive actiOns, as well as manuals for horizontal deployment,tO ensl re he foHowing.

(1)The Or8anization shOuld determine actions to ehmintte he causes ofpossible nonconformities,including he quisitiOn alad utilizttion ofknowiedge obtttned hrOugh the implementttion ofsafety activiies and technical inforrnation o ned from inside and Outside institute,in order to prevett he occurrenoe ofpossible nonconfol lity.This utilization inctudes sharing he knowledge obt ned hrough the implementttion ofnuclear safety and security related act ities with OttOr organiz lons, (2)Preve e acti01ls shali be cO nmensurate witla the impact ofpossible p bleins.

(3)The organization shall specify retuirements foF he f01lowings.

a)IdentiicatiOn ofpossible nonconfOrmity and its callse b)Assessment ofnecessi ofactions to ensl ro he prevention ofmon conformity c)Determination and perfomance oFnecessary actions d)Record ofhe reSults ofhe investigatiOn and he prevent e actiOns taken based on those resuits,when an invesdgatiOn is conducted into preventive actions, e)Reew of tivities perFok led in prevent e tions G.Measurement,an ysis alad imp vement G l General The Director General, o DirectOr and Ceneral Manager shdl pltt and impttmentthe process for ionitOring, measurement and improvement required forthe follOwing matters:

(1)Verir conformity ofrOquirements for he d ies.

(2)Ensure confOrinity ofhe quality management plan, (3)Continl10usly improve effeOtiveness oftte quality mana8emeH plan.

his includes a statistic rnethod and an applicable inethod and the extcnt ofits use will be cOnsidered.

G 2 Monitoring and measurement G 2.l lnterllal audit (1)The DirectOr General shali perform internal audit on design,manufacture,handling,maintenance and trmspOtt Of the pttkaging during he year concemed in order to cOnarin whether or not the Following matters regarding quality mall elnent tttivities have been funlled,:


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note Whether he quality management system confoFmS tO theD l Duty plansand requirements oF this AdditiOn quality management plan.

etheFthe qu ity management plan has been effec vely operated and mttntttned.

(2)The Director Ceneral shalHmplement the intemal prograrn YhiCh Spedfles the following matters by taking into nccountthe process to be audited,its iFnpOHance,the pttt audit resuits.

Criteria,s pe and mehods Ofaudt O ettivtt and hess sh l be ensured h sdecing the audttOr and implementi e audt.

(3)The Direct6r General shall prepare the procedure deining the ttquirements and responsibility regarding he audit plan/perforinance,result repo ing,and recOrd mttntenance.

(4)In ordertO remov any dettcted nonconformity and s cause,the Director General shall insttuct the audited Director to corect in tlle form of dOcument alld ask him/her to vemfy he actions taken and to repott he verincttion results.The follow up shall include the veritcttion ofhe actions taken and tlae repOtt Of o vettflcation resuits, G.2,2 Process mOnitoring ttd measurement (1)The DiFectOr Oeneral,Director and General Ma1lager shall monitor the process ofquality management syttcms in a proper way and appFOpri o meaSure tt as necessaryI (2)in caSe the plamed out me cannot be acllieved,depending on he extent Ofitsimpact,appropriate actions fOr mOdincatiOn and co ecdon shall be taken.

G,2.3 1nspection and test le Directoroeneral shJr establish an insp cdOn systen cndependentinspcctionorganizttion)and desttntte a person in charge of Operator inspectiOns when operator inspectiOns are conducted in accordancc witt the Reattor Rcgulttion Latt ln addmon,he DitectOr Oenertt or the DirectoF WhO Conducts voluntary inspecdOns and tests shttl establish a managelnent gdceline fOr inspettiOns d tetts veri th e req irements For the nianufacmtt and maintenance of transpo cOntttners and procured p ducts are met ana sh l manage tte followi4gsI (1)Tlac persOn in charge ofoperator inspectiOns, c Directott and GeneFal Mallager are to conduct operator inspections,voluntary inspeci04S,etc,at apprOpriate stages in accOrdance with the individual work plan(See D.1)to Vedfy ttat he reqdrelnents fOr he fabricttion,maintenance,and p curernent products oftFanSpOrt cOntalners are rnet.

(2)Crette and ttnanage reOords pedaining to the results ofOperator inspcctions,vOluntary inspectiOns,etc.,

WIttiCh p Vide he evidence ofcompliance with the pass/ i cr4cria For inspections and tests(see A,3).

(3)The reCOrds should cleaFly indicate wl10 0mcially authOrized the rel ase(h dovertO the ne proceS ).

(4)Tlle transport cOntttner concerned is not tO be used until he inspecSons alld tests deteFlnined in the individuar workplan are cottpleted without att hindrallcO.However,thisshould not 4pply ifthe person in charge of the relevant authority approves it accord g to he procedllres pecined in he plan of individuat operations.


2017 version of SAR 2022 version of SAR note (5)The persOn in charge of operatOr inspectiOrls shall ensure the independence of the persOnnel wh Addition conduct inspections so that the neutFality and Feliability of Operator inspectiOns are not impttred, aocording to the imp ance of he ccuri aCdes.In ttdition,the DirectOr and General Manager sh l apply m is mutands tO the independencc Of inspe iOn and te ng personnd for voluntary inspectiOns etc.

C.3 Nonconformtt colltrol (1)The Dired r oeneral shall implement the procedwtt for tte noncttfo ity con ol ineluding the following itemsi ln order tO prevent tlle status Ofnonconfomlty tO he requirements fOr saFety assurance and reliability regarding the packa8ing and tralispon frOm being lei neglected,such requitements shall be identined.

ContrOl rdtting tO processing ofnOnconformitt its responsibilides ttd authOnttcs (2)The D ector and GeneraI Manager shalitake tiOns for nonconfo y in eithe Ofthe foHOwihg waysI Ac ns sh l be taken tO mOve detected noncOnforinin Such actiOns(e.g.idendacttion display,segrOgation and disposal)Shall be taken so thtt noncOnfOrmance mattcrs or nOnconform.ance gOOds sliall nOt be used nor ally intended.

'plied tt Or (3)The DirectOr sha1l keep records ofnonconfOrinity tharactenstics and actiOns taken.

(4)The reotor ttall perfOrm revalida on and reinspectiOn in order to verify he confo mity to requiremen h case nonconfOrlnity is cow ctedr (5)The Director and General M agr sh lh elneh apprepnatetreatlnent foF tte i uence 1 1lkely in uenco aused by th onconfo .11 when nOn onfOrmi isdetoctcd afteF perfOmance OfdudOs or aner delivery to the outtide rttard e process oFdudes or products etc.

G.4 CorFeCuVe actiond (1)The DirectOr ceneral shall implement the control procedure fOt cOttcCti e acttOns for the follOwing itemsi Conttrmtton Orthe nonc 4fOrinity det ls C) entittcttiOnOfhe cause(including rel ed ttctors)OfnOnconformity Ciarincation oFexistenceofsim1larnoncOnForln ies or pOssib ity OfOccllrrence ofsuch nonconfOrmmies Decision ttd perfOrlnancc ofnecessary ttiOns ReCor Of iOa reSult Rview OFhe Y idity ofc eive actions (2)When any nOnconfttmi is detected,he Director and General Manager shtt immediately ind the cause of noncopfon ity and take co ctive ns to prevent nonconformity froh Occurring attn.

(3) Director and Generd Manager shall app priately take cottectiventions in accordance with he ntrol procedur ofsuch cO ect e actions.ThOse cOttect e actiOns hall be adequtte in he ligllt ofthe o ect Of SuC4 Fou nOnCOnfO ity (4)The status ttfcorrecdve Ons shall be he inpllt information ofthe:nanttement reviei (5)The DirectOr General shall have the Dep y Director Ceneral ofQuality ite lize the information regardin8 128

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