Category:Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts
MONTHYEARML24320A1062024-11-20020 November 2024 Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation, November 20, 2024, Pmns 20241350 ML24323A0622024-11-19019 November 2024 Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed Alternative Request WBN-2-ISI-02 ML24312A0532024-11-0707 November 2024 FLEX HP Pump SDP for Nextera RUG Meeting - 11.7.2024 - Rev. 0 ML24312A1432024-11-0707 November 2024 SDP for Nextera RUG Meeting - 11.7.2024 - Rev. 0 ML24284A0042024-10-16016 October 2024 Application to Use Online Monitoring Methodology for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Session Slides ML24228A2312024-08-15015 August 2024 TVA Meeting Slides for August 19 Public Meeting Re QAPD Supplement ML24225A2542024-08-14014 August 2024 August 14, 2024 - TVA Pre-Sub Meeting Presentation - Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2; Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2 - License Amendment Request to Revise TS 3.5.2 ECCS - Operating ML24137A2872024-05-16016 May 2024 Pre-Submittal Meetingfor Proposed License Amendment Request for Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-276-A, Revision 2, Regarding TS 3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating to Clarify Requirements for Diesel Generator Testing ML24127A0412024-05-0606 May 2024 May 6, 2024 Meeting Slides ML24067A2832024-03-27027 March 2024 2023 Browns Ferry, Sequoyah and Watts Bar Annual Assessment Public Meeting Presentation Slides ML24044A0872024-02-14014 February 2024 TVA Slides - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request to Revise TS 3.7.11, Main Control Room Area Chilled Water System ML23291A1562023-10-18018 October 2023 NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting Watts Bar & Sequoyah LAR, TVA Presentation Slides ML23264A0412023-09-27027 September 2023 NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting WBN Rebaseline LAR, TVA Presentation Slides ML23251A1212023-09-12012 September 2023 RHR Flow Rate Reduction During Mode 6 Operation at 23 Ft. Refueling Water Level Technical Specification Change NON-PROPRIETARY Slides ML23251A1252023-09-12012 September 2023 Pre-submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request, Modify the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement ML23178A0832023-07-10010 July 2023 Pre-submittal Meeting Slides for License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Table 1.1-1 Regarding the Required Number of Fully Tensioned Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Closure Studs ML23128A2882023-05-0808 May 2023 TVA Nuclear Plants -2022 EOC Media Slides ML23052A0362023-02-22022 February 2023 February 22, 2023, Pre-Submittal Meeting for the License Amendment Request for Increased Tritium Production at Watts Bar (EPID L-2023-LRM-0010) - Meeting Slides ML23041A3562023-02-15015 February 2023 February 15, 2023 Pre-submittal Meeting for Expedited License Amendment Request Main Control Room (MCR) Chiller Completion Time Extension (EPID L-2022-LRM-0098) (Slides) ML23044A5182023-02-15015 February 2023 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides for Expedited License Amendment Request Re Main Control Room Chiller Completion Time Extension ML22318A1042022-11-14014 November 2022 Pre-submittal Meeting for American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Request for Alternative WBN-2-ISI-01 Slide Presentation ML22157A4132022-06-0606 June 2022 Plants - Pre-Submittal Teleconference for Proposed Amendment Request Regarding the Change for the Sequoyah and Watts Bar Nuclear Plants Technical Specification 3.4.12 Meeting Slides ML22102A3032022-04-12012 April 2022 Pre-submittal Meeting for Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) and 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) Slide Presentation ML22080A1662022-03-21021 March 2022 TVA Nuclear Plants -2021 EOC Media Loop Slides for Automatic Play ML21343A0282021-12-14014 December 2021 TVA Slide Presentation Regarding Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed Revision to Capsule Withdrawal Schedule ML21281A2282021-10-13013 October 2021 Tennessee Valley Authority Fleet Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request to Change Emergency Action Level Scheme Presentation - October 13, 2021 (EPID L-2021-LRM-0096) (Slides) ML21250A3652021-09-0808 September 2021 Meeting Slides - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2, Presubmittal Teleconference for Proposed License Amendment to Revise the Updated Final Safety Analyses Report (UFSAR) to Use a Tube Support Plate Locking/Displacement Analysis ML21217A2872021-08-19019 August 2021 TVA Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed License Amendment Request Re Application to Modify Technical Specification 3.7.8 Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) System, to Support Permanent Shutdown Board ML21229A1992021-08-19019 August 2021 Mid-Cycle SG Outage Strategy (EPID L-2021-LRM-0067) (Slides) ML21231A0972021-08-18018 August 2021 TVA Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed LAR Regarding Application to Modify Watts Bar Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification 3.7.8, Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) System, to Support Permanent Shutdown Board Cleaning ML21117A0722021-04-27027 April 2021 Meeting Slides for April 28, 2021 Meeting with TVA ML21096A1312021-04-0707 April 2021 Pre-submittal Meeting for Inservice Testing (IST) Program Request for One-Time Extension of Test Frequency of WBN Unit 1 Group 6 Relief Valves ML21041A1552021-02-11011 February 2021 Meeting Slides for February 11, 2021 Meeting with TVA ML20345A0262020-12-10010 December 2020 Replacement Steam Generator Project Planned License Amendment Request (Lars). LAR Descriptions and Submittal Schedule Meeting Slides ML20329A3722020-11-24024 November 2020 Pre-Submittal Teleconference for Proposed License Amendment Request Regarding Technical Specification 5.9.9, Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report, to Use Popcd Methodology ML20302A1232020-10-28028 October 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides Non-Voluntary Application to Modify WBN Unit 1 and Unit 2 TS Surveillance Requirement, Shield Building ML20239A8672020-08-27027 August 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides License Amendment Request for Technical Specification ML20175A0552020-06-23023 June 2020 TVA Slides for June 23, 2020, Emergency Plan Change Presubmittal Meeting ML20125A3242020-05-0505 May 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides for License Amendment Request - Main Control Room Chiller Completion Time Extension ML20049G1822020-02-18018 February 2020 February 20, 2020 - Pre-submittal Meeting Presentation - Transition to Westinghouse Fuel ML20009C3962020-01-0808 January 2020 Pre-Submittal Telecon for Expedited License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.3.5, LOP DG Start Instrumentation ML19347B0722019-12-12012 December 2019 TVA and Xcel Energy Slides for Joint Presubmittal Meeting to License Amendment Requests to Adopt WCAP-17661, Revision 1 ML19282A0082019-10-0909 October 2019 TVA Slides for Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request to Correct Unbalanced Voltage Relay Instrumentation Values ML19298A0042019-09-12012 September 2019 Presentation Slides for 9/12/19 Public Meeting ML19255H5522019-09-12012 September 2019 August 27, 2019, Summary of Public Meeting - Tennessee Valley Safety Conscious Work Environment Update at Watts Bar, Docket 50-390 and 50-391 ML19252A0532019-09-0909 September 2019 TVA Presentation Slides: Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request Revised Offsite Electrical Power Sources ML19235A2882019-08-23023 August 2019 2019 WBN SCWE Public Meeting Slides 8-27-2019 (NRC Slides) ML19235A2712019-08-23023 August 2019 2019 TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Public Meeting Slides 08-27-2019 (TVA Slides) ML19178A2462019-07-0101 July 2019 Presentation Material for July 1, 2019 Pre-submittal Meeting with TVA on Full Spectrum LOCA Methodology for Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2 ML19161A2412019-06-11011 June 2019 Pre-Application Meeting for Proposed License Amendment Request (LAR) Regarding Change to the WBN Unit 2 Technical Specifications (TS) 3.4.17, Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Steam Generator Program 2024-08-15
[Table view] Category:Slides and Viewgraphs
MONTHYEARML24320A1062024-11-20020 November 2024 Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation, November 20, 2024, Pmns 20241350 ML24323A0622024-11-19019 November 2024 Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed Alternative Request WBN-2-ISI-02 ML24312A0532024-11-0707 November 2024 FLEX HP Pump SDP for Nextera RUG Meeting - 11.7.2024 - Rev. 0 ML24312A1432024-11-0707 November 2024 SDP for Nextera RUG Meeting - 11.7.2024 - Rev. 0 ML24284A0042024-10-16016 October 2024 Application to Use Online Monitoring Methodology for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Session Slides ML24228A2312024-08-15015 August 2024 TVA Meeting Slides for August 19 Public Meeting Re QAPD Supplement ML24225A2542024-08-14014 August 2024 August 14, 2024 - TVA Pre-Sub Meeting Presentation - Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2; Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2 - License Amendment Request to Revise TS 3.5.2 ECCS - Operating ML24184B9162024-07-10010 July 2024 U.S. NRC Meeting Slides for Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Regarding NRC Questions Regarding Scope of Nuclear Quality Assurance Program ML24137A2872024-05-16016 May 2024 Pre-Submittal Meetingfor Proposed License Amendment Request for Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-276-A, Revision 2, Regarding TS 3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating to Clarify Requirements for Diesel Generator Testing ML24127A0412024-05-0606 May 2024 May 6, 2024 Meeting Slides ML24067A2832024-03-27027 March 2024 2023 Browns Ferry, Sequoyah and Watts Bar Annual Assessment Public Meeting Presentation Slides ML23291A1562023-10-18018 October 2023 NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting Watts Bar & Sequoyah LAR, TVA Presentation Slides ML23264A0412023-09-27027 September 2023 NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting WBN Rebaseline LAR, TVA Presentation Slides ML23251A1252023-09-12012 September 2023 Pre-submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request, Modify the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement ML23251A1212023-09-12012 September 2023 RHR Flow Rate Reduction During Mode 6 Operation at 23 Ft. Refueling Water Level Technical Specification Change NON-PROPRIETARY Slides ML23178A0832023-07-10010 July 2023 Pre-submittal Meeting Slides for License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Table 1.1-1 Regarding the Required Number of Fully Tensioned Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Closure Studs ML23128A2882023-05-0808 May 2023 TVA Nuclear Plants -2022 EOC Media Slides ML23052A0362023-02-22022 February 2023 February 22, 2023, Pre-Submittal Meeting for the License Amendment Request for Increased Tritium Production at Watts Bar (EPID L-2023-LRM-0010) - Meeting Slides ML23044A5182023-02-15015 February 2023 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides for Expedited License Amendment Request Re Main Control Room Chiller Completion Time Extension ML23041A3562023-02-15015 February 2023 February 15, 2023 Pre-submittal Meeting for Expedited License Amendment Request Main Control Room (MCR) Chiller Completion Time Extension (EPID L-2022-LRM-0098) (Slides) ML23010A2542023-01-12012 January 2023 Pre-submittal Meeting for Expedited License Amendment Request Main Control Room (MCR) Chiller Completion Time Extension -- Meeting Slides ML22318A1042022-11-14014 November 2022 Pre-submittal Meeting for American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Request for Alternative WBN-2-ISI-01 Slide Presentation ML22157A4132022-06-0606 June 2022 Plants - Pre-Submittal Teleconference for Proposed Amendment Request Regarding the Change for the Sequoyah and Watts Bar Nuclear Plants Technical Specification 3.4.12 Meeting Slides ML22103A0852022-04-14014 April 2022 And Watts Bar Plant Pre-submittal Meeting for Inservice Testing (IST) Program Request for Alternative for the Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Testing Following Maintenance During an Outage Per ISTB-3310 ML22102A3032022-04-12012 April 2022 Pre-submittal Meeting for Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) and 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) Slide Presentation ML22080A1662022-03-21021 March 2022 TVA Nuclear Plants -2021 EOC Media Loop Slides for Automatic Play ML22035A0002022-02-0404 February 2022 February 8, 2022, Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides Regarding Proposed Change to Modify the Allowable Value for Technical Specification Table 3.3.2-1, Function 6.e(1) ML22013A6432022-01-19019 January 2022 TVA Slides - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Schedule for the Development of a License Amendment Request (LAR) for Increased Tritium Production at WBN ML21343A0282021-12-14014 December 2021 TVA Slide Presentation Regarding Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed Revision to Capsule Withdrawal Schedule ML21281A2282021-10-13013 October 2021 Tennessee Valley Authority Fleet Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request to Change Emergency Action Level Scheme Presentation - October 13, 2021 (EPID L-2021-LRM-0096) (Slides) ML21250A3652021-09-0808 September 2021 Meeting Slides - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2, Presubmittal Teleconference for Proposed License Amendment to Revise the Updated Final Safety Analyses Report (UFSAR) to Use a Tube Support Plate Locking/Displacement Analysis ML21229A1992021-08-19019 August 2021 Mid-Cycle SG Outage Strategy (EPID L-2021-LRM-0067) (Slides) ML21217A2872021-08-19019 August 2021 TVA Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed License Amendment Request Re Application to Modify Technical Specification 3.7.8 Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) System, to Support Permanent Shutdown Board ML21231A0972021-08-18018 August 2021 TVA Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting for Proposed LAR Regarding Application to Modify Watts Bar Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification 3.7.8, Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) System, to Support Permanent Shutdown Board Cleaning ML21096A1312021-04-0707 April 2021 Pre-submittal Meeting for Inservice Testing (IST) Program Request for One-Time Extension of Test Frequency of WBN Unit 1 Group 6 Relief Valves ML21096A1002021-04-0606 April 2021 Annual Assessments ML21041A1552021-02-11011 February 2021 Meeting Slides for February 11, 2021 Meeting with TVA ML21019A5692021-01-19019 January 2021 Pre-Submittal Teleconference for Proposed License Amendment Requests (Lars) for the WBN Unit 2 Replacement Steam Generator (RSG) Project ML20352A0362020-12-17017 December 2020 Pre-Submittal Teleconference for Proposed License Amendment to Revise the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) to Use an Alternate Probability of Detection (POD) ML20329A3722020-11-24024 November 2020 Pre-Submittal Teleconference for Proposed License Amendment Request Regarding Technical Specification 5.9.9, Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report, to Use Popcd Methodology ML21050A1562020-10-21021 October 2020 Graizer - Presentation - Analysis of TVAs Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant Strong-Motion Records of the M 4.4 December 12, 2018 Decatur Tennessee Earthquake ML20239A8672020-08-27027 August 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides License Amendment Request for Technical Specification ML20220A2022020-08-0707 August 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides - Proposed License Approach Regarding a Change for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Technical Specification 3.3.2 Table 1 Function 6.e Auxiliary Feedwater Auto-Start from Loss of Main Feedwater Pumps(Epid L-2 ML20209A0702020-07-27027 July 2020 Pre-submittal Meeting for Inservice Testing (IST) Program Request for Relief from Increased Frequency Testing of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pump 1B-B Meeting Slides ML20169A5222020-06-25025 June 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request (LAR) Revised Steam Generator (SG) Inspection Intervals and TSTF-510 ML20175A0552020-06-23023 June 2020 TVA Slides for June 23, 2020, Emergency Plan Change Presubmittal Meeting ML20148M1452020-05-27027 May 2020 (Wbn)Proposed License Approach Regarding a Change for the WBN Units 1& 2 Technical Specification (TS) 3.3.2 Table 1 Function 6.e Auxiliary Feedwater Auto-Start from Loss of Main Feedwater Pumps ML20147A0132020-05-26026 May 2020 NRC Slides Final WBN-1 TS 3.3.3 LAR ML20134J0102020-05-14014 May 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting for License Amendment Request Technical Specification 5.9.6 Add NRC-approved Neutron Fluence Calculational Methodology ML20125A3242020-05-0505 May 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides for License Amendment Request - Main Control Room Chiller Completion Time Extension 2024-08-15
[Table view] |
Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 April 12, 2022 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 2 Pre-submittal Meeting for Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) and 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6)
- Basis for Proposed Exemption
- The purpose of the meeting is to provide information for a proposed one-time exemption pursuant to 10 CFR 26.9, Specific exemptions, for WBN Unit 2.
- The proposed exemption would allow the use of the less restrictive work hour limitations described in 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) to support activities required for the WBN Unit 2 steam generator replacement (SGR) project (i.e., Category A personnel).
- Additionally, TVA is requesting an exemption from portions of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) for those personnel that perform normal outage shutdown startup, maintenance, fuel handling, and modification activities that are not related to the SGR Project (i.e., Category B personnel).
- Further information on the Category A and B personnel is provided later in the presentation.
Introduction (contd)
- The WBN Unit 2 SGR outage (U2R4) outage commenced on March 1, 2022, and was originally planned to be completed in mid-May 2022. U2R4 is now scheduled to be completed in early June 2022.
- TVA is requesting these exemptions for a period not to exceed 60 days beyond the end of the current 60-day allowance of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) (i.e., no later than June 29, 2022).
Affected Regulations 10 CFR 26.9, Specific exemptions, states:
Upon application of any interested person or on its own initiative, the Commission may grant such exemptions from the requirements of the regulations in 10 CFR 26 as it determines are authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security, and are otherwise in the public interest.
Affected Regulations(contd) 10 CFR 26.4(a) defines the categories of individuals that are subject to the work hour controls specified in 10 CFR 26.205. These categories include:
Operating or onsite directing of the operation of systems and components that a risk informed evaluation process has shown to be significant to public health and safety; (2)
Performing health physics or chemistry duties required as a member of the onsite emergency response organization minimum shift complement; (3)
Performing the duties of a fire brigade member who is responsible for understanding the effects of fire and fire suppressants on safe shutdown capability; (4)
Performing maintenance or onsite directing of the maintenance of SSCs that a risk informed evaluation process has shown to be significant to public health and safety; and (5)
Performing security duties as an armed security force officer, alarm station operator, response team leader, or watchman, hereinafter referred to as security personnel.
The proposed exemption to 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) applies to item (4) above.
The proposed exemption to 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) applies to items (1), (2), and (4) above.
Affected Regulations (contd) 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) provides the following requirements:
During the first 60 days of a unit outage, licensees need not meet the requirements of
§ 26.205(d)(3) or (d)(7) for individuals specified in § 26.4(a)(1) through (a)(4), while those individuals are working on outage activities. However, the licensee shall ensure that the individuals specified in § 26.4(a)(1) through (a)(3) have at least 3 days off in each successive (i.e., non-rolling) 15-day period and that the individuals specified in § 26.4(a)(4) have at least 1 day off in any 7-day period ;
10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) provides the following requirement:
The 60-day periods in paragraphs (d)(4) and (d)(5) of this section may be extended for each individual in 7-day increments for each non-overlapping 7-day period the individual has worked not more than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> during the unit or security system outage or increased threat condition, as applicable.
Proposed Exemption Category A personnel [those directly related to performing or supporting the SGR project activities as defined in 10 CFR 26.4(a)(4)]
TVA requests the application of the less restrictive work hour limitations described in 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) to be applied to those support activities required for plant startup from the current extended outage, in lieu of the work hour limitations described in 10 CFR 26.205(d)(7). The proposed exemption would be applicable for a period not to exceed an additional 60 days to support the activities required for plant startup from the current U2R4 extended outage.
The proposed exemption would apply to the following personnel covered by 10 CFR 26.4(a)(4). During the period of exemption, TVA will apply the limitations of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) as applicable to the individuals performing the duties specified in 10 CFR 26.4(a)(4).
Category A personnel include pipefitters, boilermakers, operating engineers, and iron workers.
Proposed Exemption (contd)
Category B personnel (personnel that perform normal outage shutdown startup, maintenance, fuel handling, and modification activities that are not related to the SGR Project)
TVA requests an exemption from portions of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) for those personnel that perform normal outage shutdown startup, maintenance, fuel handling, and modification activities that are not related to the SGR Project covered by 10 CFR 26.4(a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(4). 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) states that the 60-day period in 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) may be extended for each individual in seven-day increments for each non-overlapping seven-day period the individual has worked not more than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> during the unit or security system outage or increased threat condition, as applicable. Category B personnel will have a rest period equivalent to or greater than the break workers gets between back-to-back outages to reset them for the reactor reassembly and startup portion of the outage.
Basis for Proposed Exemption l 10 The U2R4 SGR Outage commenced on March 1, 2022. Therefore, per 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4), the 60-day period allowed for continuous 72-hour work weeks will expire on April 30, 2022.
WBN Unit 2 is performing an SGR outage, which is an extensive complex outage involving the removal of the four original SGs (OSG) and replacing them with the four replacement SGs (RSG). This evolution involves complex highly skilled craft workers.
The U2R4 outage has experienced significant schedule delays in removal of the OSGs primarily due to the following:
Weather delays Emergent discovery issues Delays in site access W4 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY
Basis for Proposed Exemption (contd) l 11 The SGR Project re-baselined the outage schedule based on current available resources and projections on April 12, 2022.
This estimate depicts a completion of major SGR activities with a return of the polar crane and containment back to the plant to begin core reload activities in mid-May 2022 (Schedule Milestone SGM0184).
This projected timeline aligns with a breaker closed and generator synced to the grid in early June 2022 (Schedule Milestone CLOSEBREAKER).
The current revised schedule does not account for additional weather delays or emergent additional discovery issues with SG installation.
For the SGR project to complete without additional impact to the WBN Unit 2 return to service date, this exemption requests a one-time 60-day extension for the time allowed to work 72-hour work weeks. Fatigue impact mitigating actions will be taken as discussed later in the presentation.
Basis for Proposed Exemption (contd) l 12 Regulatory position C.10 of Regulatory Guide 5.73, Fatigue Management for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel, allows personnel to work extended hours during successive unit outages provided an adequate interval is provided between the unit outages to address the effects of cumulative fatigue.
Review of the hours worked during the period of the work hour exemption indicate that collectively individuals had periods of reduced hours, and the additional minimum 30-day period of working normal average hours provides assurance that cumulative fatigue will not compromise the ability of these individuals to safely and competently perform their duties.
Therefore, the proposed exemption will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security, and is otherwise in the public interest.
Mitigating Actions
- Category A Personnel During this extended period, prior to craft going to the field, the expectation will include performance and discussion of signs of fatigue with personnel for both self-awareness and keeping watch on crew members. The station will promote fatigue awareness and perform targeted observations of fatigue signs using an observation program.
- Category B Personnel Category B personnel will have their outage time reset back to 60 days of 72-hour work weeks after a rest period equivalent to performing the safe transition from one outage to another prior to the turnover of the polar crane from SGR Project team to the TVA outage team (Outage Milestone SGM0184).
- TVA is requesting a one-time exemption pursuant to 10 CFR 26.9, for WBN Unit 2 to allow the use of the less restrictive work hour limitations described in 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) to support activities required for the WBN Unit SGR project (i.e., Category A personnel)
- TVA is requesting these exemptions for a period not to exceed 60 days beyond the end of the current 60-day allowance of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) (i.e., no later than June 29, 2022)
- Additionally, TVA is requesting an exemption from 10 CFR 26.205(d)(6) for those personnel that perform normal outage shutdown startup, maintenance, fuel handling, and modification activities that are not related to the SGR Project (i.e., Category B personnel).
- On November 10, 2009, the NRC approved an exemption request for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 (D.C. Cook) which applied the requirements of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) for a 60-day period to encompass the restart from an extended outage (ML092630003 and ML09263004). The D.C. Cook exemption is relevant in that the provisions of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) were approved for application during the restart from an extended outage.
- On June 24, 2010, the NRC approved an exemption request for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS) Unit 1, which applied the requirements of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) and (d)(5) to support the restart from an extended outage (ML101730457). Davis-Besse is cited as precedent because it also sought an exemption because of an extended outage, for a period not to exceed 60 days. Davis-Besse personnel transitioned to an online schedule that complied with 10 CFR 26.205(d)(3) requirements.
- On October 28, 2013, the NRC approved an exemption request for the Fort Calhoun Station, Unit 1 from 10 CFR 26.205 (ML13274A025 and ML13274A026). Fort Calhoun is also cited as precedent because it also sought an exemption because of an extended outage. The exemption allowed the use of the less restrictive working hour limitations described in 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) to support activities required for plant startup from an extended outage, for a period not to exceed 45 days. Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1 also previously received an NRC approved exemption from 10 CFR 26.205 on June 11, 2013 (ML13157A135 and ML13157A139).
Schedule for Submittal l 16
- TVA requests NRC approval by April 30, 2022, which is when the 60-day requirement of 10 CFR 26.205(d)(4) expires.