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Safety Evaluation Accepting Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1998
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20248H993 List:
NUDOCS 9806080344
Download: ML20248J003 (5)



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By letter dated December 30,1997, the Northeast Nuclear Energy Company (the licensee) submitted Revision 24 to the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS) Emergency Plan (the Plan) for the NRC's review and approval. In the letter, the licensee stated that the revision was in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q) and did not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan, and, as revised it continued to meet the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirements of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. However, the licensee requested NRC review and approval of Revision 24 to resolve concems raised over the licensee's emergency plans as documented in NRC Inspection Report Numbers 50-245/97-81,50-336/97-81, and 50-423/97-81.

By letters dated March 24, April 15, and May 13,1998, the licensee submitted Change 1, Change 2, and revised Change 2, respectfully, to the Plan. These changes were updates to Revision 24 submitted on December 30,1997.


The licensee implemented Revision 22 of the Plan in June 1997. Revision 22 was issued as a complete revision of the Plan. In August 1997, the licensee implemented Revision 23 of the Plan to correct problems the licensee had subsequently identified in Revision 22.

During an inspection conducted in August 1997, as documented in NRC Inspection Report Numbers 50 245/97-81,50 336/97-81, and 50-423/97-81, the inspectors reviewed selected portions of Revisions 22 and 23 of the Plan. The inspectors concluded that, with the implementation of Revision 22, the licensee made changes to the Plan, which decreased its effectiveness. The changes were made without Commission approval, in some instances, the MNPS Emergency Plan, as changeci, no longer continued to meet some of the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b), and some of the requirements of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50. The inspectors identified several items that were omitted from Revisions 22 and 23. The licensee stated that Revision 24 provided enhancements to the Plan, and requested NRC's review and approval of 1

the Plan. '

The staff evaluated Revision 24 of the Plan against the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the

. requirements of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50 using the guidance provided by NUREG-0654,

. " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, dated November 1980, and the guidance contained in NUMARC/NESP-007, " Methodology for Development of Emergency Action 9906000344 980604 PDR ADOCK 0 5

2 Levels," Revision 2, dated January 1992. The staff also considered in the review process the information contained in NUREG-1031, Supplement No. 4, " Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3," dated November 1985.

3.0 DISCUSSION AND STAFF EVALUATION 3.1 Assianment of Responsibility (Omanizational Control)

The Plan describes the on-shift and augmented organizations that are intended to be part of the overall response organization in the event of an emergency at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station. The Plan identifies a specific individual by title who is in charge of emergency response and includes 24-hour a day coverage in support of the normal shift organization, the licensee maintains the capability to provide additional sepport, including senior personnel, facilities, equipment, and financial resources. Local agency and support services are identified as well as copies of letters of agreement listing support organization responsibilities and arrangements.

The staff has reviewed the Plan and concludes that the planning standard regarding responsibilities for emergency response is adequately addressed.

3.2 Onsite Ememency Organization The Plan describes the normal plant organization and the Station Emergency Response Organization (SERO). The SERO consists of on-shift staff, on~ call staff (33-to 60-minute response), and subject-to-call staff (6-hour response with provision for 90-minute response for positions as determined necessary). The licensee has provided a description of the emergency response positions. The Plan identifies the Director of Station Emergency Operations responsibilities, including emergency classification, offsite notifications, command and control, and authorization of onsite protective actions.

The planning standard regarding onsite facility licensee responsibilities for emergency response is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.3 Emeroency Response Sucoort and Resources The licensee has arrangements with local support agencies for ambulance services, hospital facilities, fire fighting assistance, and radiological laboratories, which are identified in the Plan.

Letters of agreement are found in Appendix B of the Plan.

The planning standard regarding emergency response support and resources for emergency response is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.4 Emersency Classification System Appendix I of the Plan provides an emergency classification and emergency action level scheme, including initiating conditions associated with possible events at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station that would result in the declaration of a notification of unusual event Alert, Site Area Emergency or a General Emergency. Specific instruments, parameters, and equipment conditions are detailed in the Station Emergency Assessment procedure Emergency Plan implementing Procedure (EPIP) 4400.




. The Plan adequately addresses the planning standard for emergency classification and action levels for the Millstone Nuclear Power Station.

3.5 Notification Methods and Procedures The Plan specifies methods to notify State and local govemments officials of emergency events within 15 minutes, and the NRC subsequently, of an emergency classification. Simultaneous I

notification of State officials and site augmentation personnelis outlined. The content of notification messages is specified, and provisions are made for verification of notifications.

The Plan adequately addresses the methods and procedures for notification of emergency response personnel, State, local, and Federal organizations.

3.6 Emeraency Communications The Plan specifies that systems are in place for prompt notification: of the SERO and offsite authorities. Backup communications are available using commercial telephone lines. Two way radios are available in-plant between the control room and in-plant teams. A public address system is also available in-plant to link the Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center, control room, and in-plant teams. The NRC will be notified via the emergency notification system. Communication with fixed and mobile medical support facilities is described.

l The planning standard for prompt communications among response organizations is adequately


addressed in the Plan.

3.7 Public Education and Information Under the Plan, specific emergency instructions for residents and the transient population are distributed annually through the telephone directory serving effected communities. A media information program is also provided for annually.

The planning standard for public education and information is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.8 Emeroency Facilities and Eauioment The Plan identifies the Control Room, Technical Support Center / Operational Support Center (TSC/OSC), and OSC Assembly Area as the onsite emergency response facilities. There is a near-site Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) described. Arrangements have been made to accommodate offsite officials at the EOF. The station has various appropriate monitoring systems as needed for the evaluation of the condition of plant systems, meteorological conditions, seismic activity, and radioactive materials. The provisions for, and the maintenance of, emergency equipment and supplies are established.

The planning standard for adequate emergency facilities and equipment to support an emergency response effort is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.9 Accident Assessment The Plan calls for onsite systems and equipment to allow for radiological accident monitoring and assessment of radiological conditions, and the performance of dose projections. The Plan

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provides an example of the emergency action levels (EALs) that are based on the methodology outioned in NUMARC/NESP-007. The specific details of parameter values for the EALs are found in Station Emergency Assessment Procedure, EPIP 4400.

The planning standard for methods, systems and equipment to be used in accident assessment and radiological monitoring is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.10 Protective Response The Plan outlines protective actions to be taken to wam personnel of hazard conditions, call for the relocation of onsite staff when necessary, maintain accountability of emergency responders, and limit site access when needed. The Plan has a goal to complete accountability of onsite personnel within 45 minutes. The Plan establishes a mechanism for recommending protective actions to State and local authorities.

The planning standard for protective actions is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.11 Radiological Exposure Q9.Ok21 The Plan establishes responsibility for emergency radiological protection activities for plant staff and support personnel. Exposure limits and authorization required for exceeding limits are defined. Contamination control measures and provision 'or decontamination are established.

The planning standard requiring means to control the radiological exposure of emergency workers is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.12 Medicel and First Aid Sucoort First aid and other medical supplies are provided for at the plant. Shift personnel, trained in first aid, are available on a 24-hour per day basis. The Plan contains arrangements for transportation of potentially contaminated injured individuals to offsite medical facilities. Two hospitals are identified in the Plan for the treatment of these individuals.

The planning standard for medical services is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.13 Recovery and Reentry Plannino The Plan contains general criteria for determining when to establish recovery operations. The Plan identifies the appropriate authority by position and title for initiating recovery actions.

The planning standard for general plans for recovery and reentry is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.14 Exercises'and Drills l

It is specified in the Plan that an annual exercise of the Plan will be conducted. The Plan l

specifies that annual drills will be conducted in the following areas: medical, radiological monitoring, health physics, and post-accident sampling. The Plan calls for the testing of communication links to State and local govemmontal authorities, among onsite emergency response facilities, and with the NRC.

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a 5-The planning standard for periodic exercises is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.15 Radiological Emeroency Response Trainina The Plan identifies a training program to ensure that personnel assigned to the emergency response organizations are trained prior to assuming emergency plan responsibilities and are retrained annually. The program covers basic as well as specialized training for those emergency response personnel with specific assignments. Training for participating onsite agency personnel involved in emergency response is made available annually.

The standard for radiological response training is adequately addressed in the Plan.

3.16 MNPS Emeroency Plan Development and Review The requirement for an annual review of the Plan, procedures, practices, training, equipment, readiness testing, drills and exercises, letters of agreement, and adequacy of interface with onsite oNicials is specified in the Plan. An annualindependent review of the Plan is also to be conducted. Responsibilities for maintaining the emergency response facilities, plans and procedures, staffing the emergency response organization, and training of responders, are specified in the Plan.

. The planning standard for plan development and review is adequately addressed in the Plan.


S The NRC staffs review of Revision 24 of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan found that the Plan adequately addressed each of the planning standards identified in 10 CFR 50.47(b). The requirements of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50 are sufficiently encompassed in the Plan as it has been revised. The items identified as having been omitted from the previous revision have been included in Revision 24 where appropriate. The criteria of NUREG-0654 have been adhered to as described in Appendix G of the MNPS Emergency Plan. The emergency action levels are consistent with the methodology outlined in NUMARC/NESP-007.

On the basis of its review of Revision 24 of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan, the staff concludes that the Plan provides an adequate planning basis for an acceptable state of onsite emergency preparedness in accordance with the requirements oi 10 CFR 50.47(b), and Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50 and is, therefore, acceptable.

Principal Contributor. Daniel M. Barss Date: June 4,1998 i

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