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Significant Deficiency Rept L2-89-34 Re Tavis Pressure Differential Transmitters Installed W/O Connecting Internal Heaters.Initially Reported on 890418.Heaters Will Be Connected on All Tavis Pressure Differential Transmitters
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1989
From: Kowalski S
L2-89-34, NUDOCS 8906070025
Download: ML20247Q734 (4)



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2301 MARKET STREET P.O. BOX 8699 PHILADELPHIA. PA.19101 (zt s) e4s-4502

5. J. KOWALSKI VIC E-P R ESID E NT wuct. san meseemasmsme -

Mr.L. T. Russell, Administrator May 31, 1989 W

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmission 10CFR50.55Ce)

ATTN: Doctment Control Clerk Docket No.:

50-353 Mai1 Statlon'PI-137 CPPR-107 Washington, D.C.



_ Limerick Generating Station - Unit 2-Significant Deficiency Report - SDR No. L2-89-34.

Tavis Pressure Differential Transmitters Installed Without Connecting Internal Heaters


Telecon of PECO to NRC dated' April 18, 1989 File:

QUAL 2-10-2 CSDR No. L2-89-34)

Dear Mr. Russell:

With respect to the referenced telecon, we are submitting the attached Significant Deficiency Report SDR No. L2-89-34 concerning Tavis pressure differential transmitters installed without connecting interna; heaters. -This condition has been determined to be reportable per 10CFR50.55Ce).

Our corrective action will be to connect the internal heaters on all Tavis pressure differential transmitters.

In conclusion, we consider SDR No. L2-89-34 closed with the

' Issuance of this report.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

Sincerely, ws fK/ds/04258904 Attachrent W. T. Russell, USNRC, Region I Administrator Copy to: _

T. J. Kenny, USNRC, LGS 2 Senior Resident Inspector d

R. J. Clark, USNRC, LGS 2 Project Manager


. kR ~O6070025 890533

.g ADOCK 0500o35g PDC

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' i fir. W. T. Russ211,. Administrator May 31, 1989 L'

Page Two' i-l l'

f-I bec:

.C. A. McNeill, Jr. (S26-1)

S. J. Kcwalski (S25-1)

E. J. Bradley (S23-1)


B. Pyrlh (N2-1)

E. P. Fogarty (S7-1)'

D. R. Helwig (S7-1) e G. A. Hunger, Jr. (S7-1)

A. J. Marie (N2-1)

H. D. Honan (N2-1)

D. P. Helker (57-1)'

G. M. Leitch (LGS)

J. S. Kemper (S25-1)

P. J. Duca, Jr.' (LGS)

C. R. Endriss (LGS)

J. M. Corcoran (LGS)

R. M. Kritch (N7-1)

P. S. Thurman (N2-1)

R. J. Lees (N2-1)

D. B. Fetters (N4-1)

D. N. Sundt (N2-1)

W. J. Boyer (N2-1)

M. Kopistansky (N2-1)

J. W. Comell (N2-1)

DAC 06-8)










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N2-1, 2301 Market. Street Significant Deficiency Report SDR NO. L2-89-10 Tavis Pressure Differential Transmitters Installed Without Connecting Internal Heaters NRC Construction Permit No. CPPR-107 DESCRIPTION OF DEFICIENCY:

During the course of purchasing spare Tavis Corporation, Model P24C Pressure Differential Transmitters, the manufacturer indicated that an internal heater circuit which stabilizes the transmitter at 130 F nust be connected to eliminate the effects of temperature variations on the instnment operation accuracy.

Two transmitters were installed in the Reactor Enclosure Recirculation System (RERS) Unit 2 based on a letter received frcm Tavis in April 1984. This letter discussed temperature compensation and-accuracy of the transmitters without connecting the Internal heaters. Tavis stated that their Model P24C would meet the design requirements for accuracy without connecting the heaters.

Based on this, the transmitters were installed without connecting the heater circuits.

A letter frcm Tavis dated February 24, 1989, rescinded their statements nede in the April 1984 letter.

Tavis now indicates that the Model P24C requires the temperature stabilizing heater circuit be energized in order to ensure instrument operation within the required accuracy. The rnanufacturer will not provide any information or assistance concerning operation of the transmitters without connecting the heaters.


These pressure differential transmitters are installed as part of the flow control circuitry of the RERS whose function is to control the flow through the operating filter train at 60,000 cfm 110%. The RERS is a safety-related redundant filter system designed to reduce halogen and particulate concentrations in gases potentially present in the reactor enclosure following a Loss-Of-Coolant Accident (LOCA). The RERS is the initial cleanup system (the SGTS is the final cleanup system) before discharge of the gases from the reactor enclosure.

Without the required temperature stabilizing heater circuit, the ability of the flow controller to nnintain the RERS flow within the requi red accuracy could not be assured. Since the arrount of inaccuracy j

cannot be defined, this could potentially result in a loss of both l

trains of RERS.



p5SDR No. L2 34 Tavis Transmitters Page'2 of 2 i


A project change request has been initiated to connect the Internal heaters on the Tavis Model P24C Pressure Differential Transmitters in the Unit 2 RERS system. The conpletion date for this activity was May 1, 1989.


A walkdown has been performed to verify that all Tavis transmitters have their heater circuits connected. The walkdown has l

been ecmpleted and all discovered discrepancies ware resolved by May 10, 1989.

Based on both the corrective actions and actions taken to prevent recurrence, this issue is considered closed.

MK/ds/04278901 I


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