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Final Significant Deficiency Rept 250-2 Re Use of Insulated Wire by Westinghouse in safety-related Motor Starters. Initially Reported on 881020.Defective Components Reworked & Corrected.Action to Prevent Recurrence Not Necessary
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/02/1988
From: Kowalski S
To: Russell W
SDR-250-2, NUDOCS 8812070044
Download: ML20196B828 (3)


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s. J. MOWALsKl December 2, 1988 VICE PRESIDENT


Docket No. 50-353 Mr. W. T. Russell, Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Cmmission Attention: Docunent Control Clerk Mall Station P-137 Washington, DC 20555


Limerick Generating Station - Unit 2 Significant Deficiency Report No. 250-2 Westinghouse Motor Starters Have Conductive Insulation Installed on Flexible Bralded Wires


1) Non Conformance Report 13686
2) Equipment Problem Report 2-52A-57
3) SDR-250-2 10 Telecon PEco to NRC 20-88 Flie: Qual 2-10-2 (SDR-250-2)

Dear Mr. Russell:

In ccrm11ance with 10CFR50.55 Ce), we are sutnitting our final Significant Deficiency Report concerning the use of the above subject insulated wire by Westinghouse l'n safety related motor starters. This item was verbally reported to H. Williams of your organizaticn by

. telephone on 10-20-88.

We trust this report satisfactorily resolves this item. If further Information is required, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, J

a WJC/ss/11168801 cc: W. T. Russell, USNRC, Region ! Mninistrator R. A. Grmm, USNRC, LGS 2 Senior Resident inspector R. J. Clark, USNRC. LGS 2 Project Manager p 8G12070044 881001 - /' l PDR ADOCK 050003% L S Poc

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NUCLEAR ENGINEERING ENGINEERING N2-1 2301 Market Street SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCY REPORT - SDR No. 250-2 WESTINGHOUSE MOTOR STARTERS HAVE CONDUCTIVE INSULATION INSTALLED ON FLEXIBLE BRAIDED WIRES LIMERICK GENERATING STATION, UNIT 2 NRC CONSTRUCTION PERM 1T NO. CPPR-107 DESCRIPTION OF DEFICIENCY During functional testing of Westinghouse motor starter 20020303 by Philadelphia Electric Ccrrpany (PECo) Fleid Eng!neering, a short circult across the coil nounting support caused a flash-over resulting in a fire and which damaged the contactor. This condition was reported and corrected under NCR 13649 and Equipment Problem Report No. 2-52A-54.

After . colacing the contactor with a new one, during further testing of the contactor by PECo Field Engineering, it was found that the Insulation on the flexible wire connecting the armature to the stationary part of the contactor was conductive. PECo initiated Equipment Problem Report No. 2-52A-57 and it was determined that four DC Motor Control Center (MCC) ccrroartments are affected: 20020301, 20020302, 20020303, and 2)D20117 (spare). Three circuits frcrn the MCC 200203 feed pcwor to Class 1E Motor Operated Valves (MOV) as described belcu.

20020301 - MOV HV55-2F006 - HPCI INBD ISO Valve 2C020302 - MOV HV55-2F007 - hPCI OUTBD ISO Valve 20020303 - MOV HV55-2F008 - HPCI Test Throttle Valve CORRECTIVE ACTION The scope of the deficiency was Inttlally confined to Unit 2 coulpment. However, the scope was later expanded to cover Unit 1 equipment as well as all spares in Unit I storage. A 100% inspection was porformed on both Units 1 and 2. Four Unit 2 MCC ccrnpartments were Ident! fled to have the defective wiring. No deficiency was found for Unit 1 Installed equipment. All spare contactors at Unit 1 storage have been inspected and defective contactors have been Identifled, segregated, and tagged for return to verdor.

Corrective actions for Unit 2 MCC3 have been impicmented to replace the defective wiring. All work has been ccurpinted and doctmented tnder NCR 13686.

In accordance with LGS QA Plan, Volume 1, Appendix Z, n reportability evaluation was initiated. On October 20, 1988, the ecodItton was reported to the NRC as a 10CFR50.55(e) reportable condition.

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-g-ACTION TO PREVENT RECURRENCE Limerick Unit 1 and Unit 2 safety related 250V de nutor control centers were inspected including the Unit 1 spare starters. The deficiencies f Identifled were reworked and corrected. The defective ccrroonents that v'ere replaced during the corrective action were returned to Westinghouse. This particular problem is germane to particular rrotor starters. ~here was not a breakdown with the PECo OA Program in terms ,

of our receipt inspection process. Action to prevent recurrence is not I necessary for this particular situation. l t


i Due to the defective Insulation on the flexible wire in the contactor, l a flash-over may develop and result in a fire in the MCC ccricartmr1t l possible affecting the operability of the circult. Further, due to  ;

' the nature of the deficiency, a ccrmion mode failure can be postulated -

i for all three circuits in MCC 200203 and the entire MCC may be t disabled due to fire, thereby Jeopardizing the safe shutdown i i' capability of the plant by disabling the HPCI system. Therefore, it l is concluded that the deficiency, assuning it reculned undetected, [

could have affected the safe operation of the plant.



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