IR 05000213/1989006

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Requalification Program Evaluation Rept 50-213/89-06OL on 890501-05.Audit Results:One Reactor Operator (RO) Failed Written Exam,Remaining Senior Reactor Operators & ROs Passed All Portions of Exam
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/1989
From: Bissett P, Eselgroth P
Shared Package
ML20246K049 List:
RTR-NUREG-1021 50-213-89-06OL, 50-213-89-6OL, NUDOCS 8909050355
Download: ML20246K057 (126)



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 > FACILITY LICENSE-N DPR-61 LICENSEE:    Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company P. O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141 FACILITY:. Haddam Neck Power Plant EXAMINATION DATES:    May 1-5, 1989 CHIEF EXAMINER:    N/m/

P461'Bissett7 Senior Operations Engineer M@ Irate '


APPROVE 0 BY: Peter Eselgroth, Chj(f, PWR Section


2h Date Operations Branch,6Mvision of. Reactor Safety ~ SUMMARY: The licensed operator requalification training program was rated as sati sfactory. Written requalification examinations and operating tests were administered to eight senior reactor open ators (SR0s)' and four reactor. opera-tors (R0s). The examinations were graded concurrently and. independently by the J4RC and the facility training staff. As graded by the NRC, one R0 failed the

  $ itten exami;.ation. The remaining SR0s and R0s passed all portions of the examination. As graded by the facility, one SR0 failea the simulator examina-tion, one SRO failed the Job-Performance-Measures examination, and one R0 (the

,~ same RO as identified by the NRC) failed the written examination. The remaining 9 operators passed all portions of the examination. Also, both the NRC and the facility evaluators judged all three crews as satisfactory during' the perform-ance of the simulator scenario The NRC also identified one facility evaluator as performing his assigned responsibilities unsatisfactoril PDR ADDCK 05000213 V PNU

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NRC; l R0 j. SRO l TOTAL l-Grading IPass/Faill Pas's/ Fail Pass / Fail l I I i l Written 'l '3/1 l 8/0 l 11/1 l' l l l l l l 1 I I I l Simulator l 4/0 l 8/0 l 12/0 l

 - l'    l  I  I l    -

1 I l l- Wal k-through l 4/0 l 8/0 l 12/0 l l l 1 l l


l- . l I i l l Overall- l 3/1 l 8/0 l 11/1 l l l l 1 1 I I l l Facility l RO l SRO l TOTAL l Grading IPass/Fa111 Pass /Fa111 Pass / Fail l . I I l l Written l 3/1 l 8/0 l 11/1 l l l- I 1 l l l Simulator l 4/0 l 7/1 l 11/1 l l l l l l 1 1 I I I l Walk-through l 4/0 l 7/1 l 11/1 l 1 1 I I I l l l l l l Overall l 3/1- l 6/2 l 9/3 l 1 l l I l 1.0 PERSONNEL CONTACTED OURING THE EXAMINATION / EVALUATION CHIEF EXAMINER AT SITE: P.-Bissett, Senior Operations Engineer (1,2,3,4) OTHER NRC PERSONNEL: A. Asars, Resident Inspector (4) P. Eselgroth, Chief, PWR Section (3) R. Gallo, Chief, Operations Branch, DRS (3)

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C. Casto, Chief (Acting), PWR Section, R:II (1,2) A. Lopez, (INEL) (1,2) R. Warner, (INEL) (1,2) CONNECTICUT' YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY PERSONNEL: J. Black,. Director,' Nuclear Training -(4) G. Bouchard, CY Unit Superintendent- .


M. Bray, Assistant Supervisor Operator Training (1,2,4) R. Heidecker, Training Supervisor- (1,2,3,4)

 .M. ' Ewers, SR0 Licensed ' Instructor   (1,2):

J. Rein, Requalification Program' Coordinator (1,2) R.'Tourville, Assistant Operations Supervisor . (2) N. Young, Senior Training Instructor (1,2) G. Waig, Training Instructor (2) LEGEND:

 (1) Participated in examination development (2) Participated-in examination acn. ministration (3) Attended' entrance meeting on March 9, 1989 at King of Prussia, P (4) Attended exit meeting on May 5, 1989 at the Northeast Utilities Training Center 2.0 PROGRAM EVALUATION RESULTS Overall rating: 'Satisf actory l

' The program for licensed operator requalification training at Haddam Neck was rated as satisfactory in accordance with the criteria established in the above draf t revision of NUREG-1021, ES-601. Those criteria are: A pass / fail decision agreement between the NRC and facility grading of 90% for the written and operating examinations, with the licensee not being penalized for holding a higher standard of operator

  . performanc NRC grading resulted in eleven operators passing the written examina-tio Facility grading also resulted in eleven operators passing the written examination. This satisfies criterion NRC grading resulted in twelve operators passing the operating examination. Facility grading resulted in ten operators passing the operating examination. One operator failed the simulator portion-of the examination and one operator failed the Job Performance Measures (JPMs) portion of the examination. This also satisfies criterion _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _


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p 4 l: At least 75% of all operators pass the examination.

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NRC grading is the only consideration for this criterion. Eleven of 12 operators passed the examination overall. This satisfies criter-ion b.

i; Failure of no more than one crew during the simulator portion of the operating examinatio .Again, NRC grading is the only consideration for this criterio ~ Three crews were evaluated and all three crews passed the simulator portion of the operating examination. This satisfies criterion . 0 SCENARIO EVALUATION The following was noted during the scenario portion of the operating examination A generic weakness was noted during the performance of simulator scenarios in that commur.ications between the SR0s and R0s were not always closed loop. The SR0s were primarily identified in failing to close the communi-cation loop in the majority of case Another. communication weakness identified throughout several scenarios observed involvec the announcement of transition from one emergency operating procedure (EOP) to-another E0P. The SR0s were identified in many instances of not informing all crew personnel of this transitio .0 WRITTEN EXAMINATION EVALUATION The following is a summary of generic deficiencies noted from the grading of the written examinations. This information is being provided to aid the licensee in upgrading licensed operator and operator requalification training programs. No licensee response is require PART A Question N Comment 1.0012(9) The ability to identify controlling signals to the 1.0014(9a) feedwater regulating control valves and the effects thereo .0003(6) The ability to explain, in detail, the effects of 1.0014(6a) changes in main steam pressur .0013(6) The effects of changes in various parameters on the 1.0003(6a) variable low pressure reactor trip setpoin .0008(6) The ability to correctly identify transi' on steps 1.0019(6a) within various emergency operating procedure , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - .



PART B Question N Comment 1.009(RO) The ability to correctly identify actions to be taken in the event cf reactor protection system failure .0014(RO) Emergency Operating Procedures rules of usag .0014(SRO) 1.0017(RO) 1.0017(SRO) C302(RO) The effects of various changes to calorimetric inputs 1.0002(SRO) 5.0 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURES (JPM) EVALUATION One facility evaluator was identified as unsatisfactory in his evaluation of operators during their performance of JPMs. This unsatisfactory evalu?. tion was attributable to the followin * Both verbal and non verbal cues were excessiv * Lacked professionalis * Did not document additional questions asked of the operator * Did not correct inadequate performance even after having been identi-fied and communicated by the NRC examine The licensee acknowledged the above comments and stated that the indivi-dual would be informed of his identified deficiencies and that necessary corrective actions would be taken to resolve these problems prior to his resuming evaluator dutie A generic deficiency was noted during the performance of JPMs performed on the simulator. Several individuals, as noted by the licensee and the NRC, experienced some difficulty in performing selected JPMs, especially one dealing with a segment of an Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP).

. Several operators faileo this particular JPM because they tended to place more emphasis on the rapid completion of the JPM rather the actual proce-dural steps involved. As a consequence, some steps were missed or were incorrectly performed. This was also identified as being the first time that JPMs were performed on the simulator. The licensee felt that this may have contributed to the problem. The NRC examiner was informed that JPM training utilizing the simulator would become a routine part of any future trainin ' Another JPM caused difficulty in satisfactory completion by several operators due to the fact that it was not valid in some respects. By procedure, this JPM could be satisfactorily completed without the operator . fully completing all of the steps detailed within the JPM. All JPMs are l expected to be validated against current plant procedures prior to their l use.

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        ' :The NRC'e_xpressed appreciation for the level of effort expended by a:  :the training department representatives in accommodating the NRC examination team. .This. level of effort, which included providing an adequate. working area,-. appropriate reference' materials, locked -

l storage capabilities, plant access badging, etc., helped in expedit-

 'ing thel review process and the conduct of the exam. Appreciation was also expressed for the cooperation ~and level of, effort expended by L  all those involved in the process, especially the facility team b  members who administered the examination.

t The NRC discussed the' topics addressed in Paragraphs'2 thru 5 abov . During the performance of in plant JPMs, several delays' were encountered as a: result of any one particular_JPM not being completed in the. time frame expected. It war, recommended that during the

 : performance of JPMs, that a coord'narr t-t assigned whose primary responsibility would be to track and adjust the JPM schedule as necessary to keep the process moving, thus avoiding unnecessary delay The licensee needs to apply Quality Control examination techniques to JPM questions in much the same manner that QC techniques were applied during'the written exam review performed by.the NRC during the exam-preparation review. week. Also, the JPMs should be reviewed in more detail as far as~ identification of critical tasks are concerne Although not discussed at the exit meeting, the reference material-supplied by the licensee to the NRC for examination preparation was more than adequate. All material was well indexed and tabbed which-allowed rapid access to specific topics and component informatio .0 There were minor changes made to the written examination answer keys after they were administered to the operators. Those changes as a result of further research have been made to the examinations attached to this
. repor Attachments:
, Simulator Examinations (cover sheets only) Job Performance Measures (cover sheets only) Written Examination and Answer Keys (R0 & SRO) Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Letter.(D. B. Miller to R. .Gallo) Dated June 5, 1989
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 .-      Attachment 1 l ,-







Change wind speed to 75 mph

   +5 CHRIS up to 90 mph over next 5 minute ED01A Loss of the 1772 line +10
   +20 SWR 33, 34, 35 & 36 Loss of all Service Water Closed Cr . .. , . , C , D Condenser tube sheet 50%
   +20     i 100% severity  blocke ED01B Loss of 1206 Line (Black out) +32

_ Pic.rudRES USED DURING SCENARIO AOP 3.2-5 Natural Disasters Emergency Assessment EPIP 1.5-1 Plant Information Report ACP.1.2-1 E-O Rx trip or SI ES-01 Rx trip response . ES- Natural Cire Cooldown ECA ? ration Black out AOP 3.2-19 Loss of Service Water Page 1 of 1

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    #1 Feed Water Hagan Xmitter
  +5 RXO9A @ 100% Fails high vacuum bkr 1-1.5% open
  ' +15 FWRO1 0 1-1.5% ~

RDOS Continuous Rod inserted + 25 inserted during load reduction as manual rod motion is occurrin \ Loss of vacuum Rx trip

  +35 fWR01 10% _

PROCEDURES USED DURING SCENARIO Loss of Feedwater (FW) Flow, Feedwater (PW) 1.- AOP 3.2-18 regulator valve failure AOP 3.2-33 Partial Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum . Malfunction of Rod Control System j ACP 3.2-23 Operational Safety Instrumentation and Control T.S. Sec System

:   Changing Plant Load NOP 2.2-1 Excessive turbine steam cycle air Inleakage .ODI #124 RX Trip or safety injectior l E -O RX Trip response ES- Complete Loss of Condenser vacuum EOP 3.1-8
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L EVErrf DESCRIPTION , TIME PALF' EVDff # IC#6 25% Power with xenon O L 1. . increasing Dropped rod #31

  +5 RD0132 MSLB Inside Containment, 100%
  +9540 ' MSO1D '

severity with no ramp i

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PROCEDURES USED DURING SCENARIO AOP 3.2-23 railure of Rod Control System (i . E-0,-Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-2, Fadited Steam Generator Isolation E-1,' Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant ES-1.1, SI Termination Fage 4 of 5

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  '3 RCS Surge line ruptur +25 RC06.0 10%-severity #4 S/G tube ruptur +35 SG02D 0 100%

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i PROCEDURES USED DURING SCENARIO Reactor Coolant System Leak AOP 3.2-31 3.1.4 Primary System Leakage Tech Specs Emergency Assessment EPIP 1.5-1 Plant Information Report ACP 1.2-1 Changing Plant load NOP 2.2-1 Rx trip or S . E-O ' Loss of Rx or secondary coolant E-1 Post loca cooldown and depressurization ES- Steam Generator tube rupture E-3 SGTR with loss of Rx coolant subcooled recovery 10. ECA desired, t Page 3 of 2

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Attachment 2




Facility: CONN YANKEE Examinee:- JPM Number: 35 Time to complete: 15 minutes Task Title: Calculate OPTR Task No. (CY) 002-103-01-01 Task No. (K/S) 015-000-A1.04 K/A N .5/ Applicable methods of testing: - Simulate performance _ Actual performance Classroom Simulator Plant <

 ' I will. explain the initial conditions, which step (s) to simulate o discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be ( satisfie Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at 100% power, all systems

_ " operating normally and in automatic. No equipment is out of service, no major evolutions planne Task Standards: Successfully and in a timely manner, calculate the core QPTR using the Excore Method in accordance with SUR 5.3-40.

I Required Materials: Calculator, SUR 5.3-40, Core Data Reference Boo Initiating Cues: The Reactor Engineering Department has just completed an incore flux map and incore QPTR calculatio The duty engineer has requested that you, as the Primary Side C.O., perform an excore QPTR calculation to verify their result ) t i Disk JPM #1 _ - - - _ _ - -

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Facility: Connecticut Yankee Examinee: JPM Number: g Time to complete: IV N minutes Task Title: Perform Process Rad Monitoring Instrumen't Functional Check

: Task.No. (CY)  073-001-02-01
' TASK NO. (K/S) 072-000-A4.02  K/A N .7/ Applicable' methods of testing:

Simulate performance Actual performance Classroom Simulator Plant


f .I will explain the initial conditions, which step (s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be I satisfie ' I \ Initial Conditions: Mode 1, 100% power, all system operating normally and in automati Task Standards: Successfully perform the daily Rad Monitoring Operator's Check (SUR 5.1-11) for R-14A, R-31, and CD- Required Materials: None Initiating Cues: You are the 00-08 shift primary side 'You have just completed logs and now must perform the Daily Rad Monitoring Checks for R-14A, R-31, and CD-1. No radiation releases are in progres ( l Fage 1 of 6 JPM #12.8 '

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Facility: CONNECTICUT _ YANKEE Examinee: JPM Number: 123 Time to complete: 15 minutes ' Task Title: Isolate a Steam Generator Locally _ ,.- Task N Task No. (K/S) 035-010-A4.06 K/A N .5/ Applicable methods of testing: Simulate performance X Actual performance Simulator Plant X Clacsroom __


I will explain the. initial condit>ns, which step (s) to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cue When you complete the task-( successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfie \

.:itial Conditions:  Reactor plant has tripped from 100%, safety T jection signal has occurred, a steam-line break inside containment from #2 SG has been identified. #2 MSIV, #2 feed line MOV and #2 FRV bypass valves are shu Task Standards:  With!.n the appropriate time requirements be able to locally isolate the #2 Steam Generator per E- Required Materials:

Initiating Cues: Hand operator the " Valves required to isolate a faulted steam generator" page from E-2 and inform that he must locally isolate #2 Steam Generato ( Page 1 of 6 Disk: JPM #1 _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _

      -._ _ _

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURELWORKSHEET l( racility:' connecticut' Yankee Examinee:- - JPM Number: 56' ., Time to complete: 15 minutes Task Title: Dump" Steam through the Atmospheric Dump I Task'N Task No. (K/S). 0 0 0'--0 5 5 EA 2 . 01 K/A N .4/3.7' - i Applicable'meth'ods of testing: - ,

' Simulate performance X Actual performance Simulator  Plant X
~ Classroom



I'will explain the initial conditions, which step (s) to simulate.or When you complete.the task lf- discuss,.and. provide initiating cue 'l successfully, the objective for this job. performance measure will be satisfie Initial' Conditions: Station' blackout in progress (plant formerly running 100% power).

' Task' Standards: Atmospheric Steam dump is' locally manually operated to the full open positio Required Materials: CY key, Operator Aid #88-11, Appropriate Wrenches (2), N, Bottl . Initiating Cues: Control. room has directed operator to locall ' manually open the Atmospheric Steam Dump.



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JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET J Facility: CONNECTICUT YANKEE Examinee: i , JPM Number: 4 Time to complete: 20 minutes , Task Title: Borate RCS Locally at MCC-8 Task N Task No. (K/S) 000-068EA 1.08 K/A N .2/ Applicable methods of testing: Simulate performance X Actual performance Classroom Simulator Plant X p * READ TO THE OPERATOR * I will explain the initial. conditions, which step (s) to simulate o discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfie Initial Conditions: Control Room evacuated, you have been directed by the SS to borate the RCS at MCC-8 as per AOP 3.2-8 step Task Standards: Perform steps 4.8.1 through 4.8.9 of AOP 3.2-8 borate RCS - OPS outside Control Roo Required Materials: AOP 3.2-8, fuse puller, goggles / face shield, rubber glove Initiating Cues: Per direction of S as AcP L2-6

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,- Facility:l CONNECTICUT YANKEE  Examinee:
.JPM Number:

2 Time to-complete: 15 - minutes


Task Title: ' Manual' Start EDG &LEnergize Bus 9 , Task No.- (CY) 401-403-04-01 Task No.E(K/S) 000-068-EA1.31 K/A N .9/4.0-


i-- E- Applicable methods of testing:


Simulate. performance 'X Actual performance Classroom Simulator Plant X


I will explain the initial conditions, which step (s) to simulate or discuss,;and provide initiating cues. When;you complete'the' task

- (- 'successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.-
. Initial conditions: . Mode 3, Reactor & Turbine tripped, Control Room evacuated,7you are assigned to proceed with step 4.5 AOP 3.2- Task Standards: Locate appropriate panels / switches using AOP=3.2-8 and start EDG2B and energize Bus Required Materials: Locked valve ke Initiating Cues: You are assigned to perform EDG startup per AOP
 .3.2- There is another operator in switchgear aligning 480V buses perlAOP 3.2-8 steps 4.5.5 thru 4.5.1 (-

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   " Examinee:



Facility: Connecticut Yankee


JPM Number: 33 Time to complete: 15 minutes Task Title: Operate the CVCS to Makeup To The RWST-Task'N (CY) 004-34-01-01 Task No. (K/S) Od4-020-A2.08 K/A N Applicable methods of testing: f Simulate performance Actual performance Classroom Simulator Plant


I will. explain the initial conditions, which step (s) to simulate or When you complete the task (-- discuss, and provide. initiating cue 'successfully, the objective for this job. performance measure will be satisfie Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at 100% power, all systems operating normally and in automatic. The boric acid mix tank concentration is 17,350 ppm boro Task Standards: Successfully and in a timely manner calculate the required blender ratio to makeup to the RWST, and perform a blended makeup to the RWS Required Materials: Calculator, NOP 2.6-3 General References: NOP 2.6-3 Initiating Cues: RWST level is 240,000 gallon The SCO has just requested that you, the Primary Side Co, makeup to the RWST to restore level to 248,000 gallon A recent chemistry sample of the RWST shows boron concentration to be 2600 ppm.

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Pacility: CONNECTICUT YANKEE Examinee: Time to complete: 15 minutes JPM Number: 19 4

, Task. Title: Perform Swapover from Injection to Recirculation Task N ,

Task No. (K/S) 0001 0ll-EAl-ll K/A No. 4.2/ Applicable methods of testing

. Simulate performance  Actual performance   J Simulator X Plant   j Classroom-       i

I will explain'the initial conditions, which' step (s) to simulate or When you complete the task-l l discuss, and provide initiating cue (.' successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be l


satisfie Initial Conditions: Mode 1, 100% power.EOL I h Task Standards: Properly implement Esl.3 transfer to RHR Recirculatio Required Materials: CY Simulator, Copy of EOP Book Initiating Cues: The plant has experienced a large break LOCA from 100% power. The operators enter E-O then transfer to E- While conducting E-1, the RWST level decreases to 130,000 gallons. The operators transfer to ES-1.3, containment pressure is 32 psig.

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. L y .. p JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET (. Facility: Conn Yankee Examinee: JPM Number:' 121 Time-to complete: 12 minutes Task Title:' Shutdown of EDG'After SI Task N Task-No. (K/S) 054-000-A4.05 K/A N .1/ Applicable methods of testing: Simulate. performance Actual performance Classroom Simulator Plant


I will explain the initial conditions, which step (s) to-simulate or When you complete the task

' discuss, and provide initiating cue ( successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfie Initial Conditions: The plant experienced a safety Injection due to a Feed Reg Valve failing open upon unit tri Normal station' service is available and all systems responded normall Task Standards: Locates all controls and indication Shutdown and returns EG2A to standby condition in accordance with SS- Required Materials: ES-1.1, Procedure to Shutdown a Diesel when not phased to its bu gr os 9tr Obser-
-Initiating Cues: The SCO has used the /(OP network and is presently in 1 ES-1.1 at step 22b. Oi th -54-reset-v You are directed to' shutdown EG2A in accordance with the opposite

pag ( Disk: 11.13 _ _ _ - _ - _ _

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Facility: CONN YANKEE Examinee: 24- Time to complete: 15 minutes JPM Number:


 . Task Title: START A RCP

Task No. (CY) 003-001-01-01 Task No. (K/S) . Od3-000-A14 K/A N .0/3.9 L


Applicable methods of testing:


Simulate performance X Actual performance l

Classroom Simulator Plan't X h


I will explain-the initial' conditions, which step (s) to simulate or When you complete the-task (, discuss, and provide initiating cue successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be


satisfie i Initial Conditions: . Mode 3, RCS temp >465'. Task Standards: Start #3 RCP per NOP 2.4- Required Materials: NOP 2.4-2 Initiating Cues: The SCO directs you to start #3 RC '( Page 1 of 6 JPM # _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _

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f Att:chment 3 Ma ,

"t WRITTEN EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Operator Training l-  Course Exam : LORT - RO Examination Category : 1 (

Examinee : Final Grade : Examination Number : RO : 890011 Developed : Date Administered : 05/01/89 Approved : N.T.D. Supervisor Instructions to the Examinee : Talking during the examination is strictly forbidde . If a Question is not understood, raise your hand so that a proctor / examiner may assist yo . All required reference materials will be provided by the proctor / examine . Cheating in any form may result in a recommendation for disciplinary actio . Each examination response sheet shall be numbered by you. You 7 shall write your name or initials on each examination response shee ( The passing grade requires a final grade of at least 80%. The total duration of this examination shall be 2.00 hour All work done on thir, examination is my own; I have neither given nor received ai Student's Signature L

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NuclearmTraining' Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Operator Training Course Exam : LORT - RO'


l -Examination Number ~: .RO :-890011 Date Administered  : 05/01/89.- ln "C0t0 gory:


5 of Student's % of Value~ Total Score Cat. Value Cateaory



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'f 0. 0  .0.00
  . .00 5 .00    Totals Final Grade  %
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ob ' , Pig WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training-Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/89 Qu;3-# / Pts _ Question Exam # : RO : 890011 1 0001 / The plant tripped one hour ago from an extended 100% power ru All recovery operations were normal except that when restarting

 #3 RCP, it tripped on an electrical fault. This'is under investigation'and the loop stop valve was re-opened. Data is 200 EFPD Tavs = 535 degrees, the process computer is not available and boron concentration is 840 ppm. Use SUR 5.3-19 to determin if adequate shutdown margin is being maintained. Complete all required data sheet =1.0002 / The Reactor Engineer calculates core thermal power using a heat balance but neglects the effects of RCP horsepower and of S/G blowdown being in service. How will the calculated value be-affected? Both effects make the calculated value higher than the actual core thermal powe Both effects make the calculated value lower than the actual core thermal powe Neglecting RCPs makes the calculated value higher; neglecting blowdown maker it lowe Neglecting RCPs makes the calculated value lower; neglecting blowdown makes it higher.

I 1.0003 / The plant is at 30% power after being shutdown for RCP seal replacement for 20 days. Prior to shutdown, power level was at 100% for 68 days. Which of the following power ascension guidelines would be used for these conditions? l % to 100% 3%/ hour % to 80% 10%/ hour 80% to 100% 3%/ hour % to 80% 15%/ hour 80% to 100% 10%/ hour % hour , - . _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _


! c . ,' i,-


' Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/89 !)uea # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890011

.I'.0004 / 1.4 A control room operator is returning from a special assignment which removed him from his watchstanding duties for.a period of six and one-half months. Which one of the following best describes the action (s) necessary for the operator to relieve the watch? Read and sign the turnover sheet, review the previous days Control Room log, and walkdown the main control board prior to relieving the watch, Read and sign the turnover sheet, review the control room logs back to the last watch stood, and walkdown the main control prior to relieving the watch, Stand 40 hours of watch under instruction, have a letter from the Station Superintendent reinstating the operator's license-to an " Active" status and then conducting a shift turnove The turnover includes reviewing the Control Room log back to the last watch, read and sign the turnover sheet, walkdown the main control board prior to relieving the watch, Have a letter from the Station Superintendent reinstating the operator's license to an " Active" status and then conducting a shift turnover. The turnover being review of the Control Room log back to the last watch, read and sign the turnover sheet and walkdown the main control board prior to relieving the watc .0005 / 1.5 A computer repair man from corporate has come to work on the plant computer in the computer roo In his repair kit are two pint 1 bottles of isopropal alcoho What actions must be taken to


allow the repair man to take the entire volume of alcohol into the computer room? LL _ -__ ___- _ . _ - - _ - _ . __ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



h ' Nuclear. Training' Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT - RO-


i i2u23f# / -Pts , Question Exam # : RO : 890011 1.0006 / criticality is being performed by means of control  ; rod withdrawl. The 50 stops control rod motion when the reactor  ; is close to'criticr.lity but still subcritica ! The SR count. rate should ...


j i Continue to increase, but at a slower rat The startup rate i


should stabilize at a lower positive value, Continue to increase for a short time and then platea The j startup rate should gradually decrease to zero, j

 . Stcp increasing and stabilize at its present valu The I startup rate should immediately decrease to zer i Begin to slowly decrease. The startup rate should gradually decrease to zero from a slightly negative valu ,

j j 1.0007 / WITH THE PLANT OPERATING AT 100% POWER A LINE FAULT ON THE 1206 { LINE RESULTS IN 4160V BUS 1-3 BEING POWERED FROM 4160V BUS 1-2 H VIA ACB 2T3. WHAT ACTIONS CAN THE OPERATOR TAKE TO REESTABLISH TWO STATION' SERVICE TRANSFORMER OPERATION ON THE 1772 LINE UNTIL i THE -1206 LINE IS RESTORED? l 1.0008 / The plant was operating at 100% power when "A" Vital bus was j lost. All equipment responded as expected. The primary side , operator notices that pressurizer level on Channels 2 and 3 is i increasing. List two reasons why pressurizer level is increasing?

1 _ l ._ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

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$2ge' '4

WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee. Operator Training

  . Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/89

_ 12uel # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890011 l1.0009-/ 2.3 The reactor is at 100% power. 'The lower detector in PR channel 34 failed low. Channel 34 was removed from servic Which one of the following statements is true concerning actions that must be taken at this time: The overpower trip bistables must be tripped within one hour, The rod stop must be reset to allow automatic outward rod motio Axial offset monitoring must be commenced within 15 minute A Quadrant Power Tilt calculation must be done every 24 hours using the remaining operable power range channel .0010 / 1.6 The plant is in a refueling condition with the reactor vessel drained down below the flange level in preparation to lift the head. Flow of the RHR system is increased when taking manual control of RH-FCV-602 (bypass flow control valve). The operator notices that the RHR pump amps are fluctuating 40 amps. Which of the following would best describe the actions that the operator should take? Start the non-operating RHR pum ! Decrease the flow of the operating RHR pump and start the second pum Stop the RHR pump that was running, increase the water level in the vessel, vent the pumps prior to restar Stop operating RHR pump, go solid and remove decay heat with the steam generators.

{ j l '1.0011 / The plant is in MODE 3 when a tctal loss of offsite power is experienced. Both diesel start and load normall All other conditions are norma How is natural circulation flow in the RCS confirmed? How would you classify this situation if these conditions still existed 20 minutes later? __ - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- - - - - - - - -

3:93 5 5 WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/89 Qu;O # / Pts .Question Exam # : RO : 890011 1.0012 / With the plant operating normal in MODE 1, a fire is reported on Emergency Bus 8. What actions must be taken by the control room


operators to .eenergize the bus? 1.0013 / With POST SOAK completed following a " Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition" you are required to maintain RCS pressure and cold leg temperatures within certain limit The event that just occurred was a multiple steam line break in containmen Using the following parameters determine if you are maintaining RCS pressure and cold leg temperatures within the operating zon Loop 1 TC 320 degrees F Loop 2 TC 322 degrees F PT 403 1015 psig Loop 3 TC 325 degrees F PT 404 1010 psig Loop 4 TC 320 degrees F Containment Pressure 3 psig CD 1/CD 2 reading less than 1 R/Hr 1.0014 / During the performance of ECA 2.1 " Uncontrolled Depressurization of all steam generators" it was noted that the Containment Pressure was reading 42 psig. What action is required at this time? l l l l w __ _ - _ _ _ _ - - -

- _ _ . - _ _  _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

__.-. _____ .___ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ,

',- >

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>Cg7 6:
:   WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training'

Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/G9 !)u C3 '# / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890011.

(1 . 0 0 1 5 / The control room operators are responding to a reactor trip


without SI when a red condition is indicated on subcriticality status tre The operators re-verify that the reactor and turbine have tripped, ensure that that the AFW pumps are running,. initiate emergency boration,.and begin checking for possible causes of the loss of subcriticalit Their investigation reveals the following:


RCS temperature and pressure are decreasing rapidl . The pressure in #1 S/G 16 decreasing uncontrollably.



The MSIVs and MSIV. bypass valves for all S/Gs are close . The normal dilution flow path isolation valve is close . The chemical addition tank inlet and outlet volves are close . The local makeup isolation valve is close Based on these indications, what is the probable cause of'this loss of subcriticality? Excessive cooldown caused by an unisolable ruptured S/G Excessive cooldown caused by an unisolable faulted S/G Inadvertent dilution flow path alignment Loss of secondary heat sink 1.0016 / A LOCA causes RCS pressure to drop to 1600 psi causing SI. How will following valves be effected? SI MOV 861A CD MOV 871A BA MOV 373 CH MOV 2928 LD MOV 200 CH MOV 257 CH MOV 32 Seal return MOVs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

- .
)Cg '

WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/89 Duca # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890011 1.0017 / 2.4 Following a safety injection, you are performing E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, and have just completed step 5 (Verify Feedwater Isolation) when you discover that there is no feed water flow to the steam generators and the AFW pumps cannot be started. Should you: Immediately 90 to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink Complete the immediate actions and then go to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink C. Go to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, as soon as the procedure tells you to commence monitoring the Critical Safety Function Status Trees '1tinue on in E-0 then Go to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat oink, when specifically directed by a procedure step in E- .0016 / 1.6 During transfer to two path recirculation, RHR discharge pressure is checked to be greater than 80 psi. Why is this step necessary? 1.0019 / 1.8 A small-break LOCA has occurred. The operators have completed implementation of procedure EOP E-O and are implementing procedure E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolan E-1 directs the operator's to check the intact S/G water level The purpose of this step is to ensure which of the following? S/G water levels are sufficient to cover a ruptursd S/G tub Sufficient S/G water inventory is available to provide an adequate heat sin S/G water level instrumentation is functioning properly, and the AFW throttle valves are adjusted correctl An excessive S/G cooldown does not complicate the recovery procedur . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 - .  -. -- - - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - . _ . .___-_ _ - __ _ - _ _ _ -

L3cge 8

 ; Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam - LORT - RO 05/01/89

.. !3uaa - # /. Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890011 l1.0020'/ The plant is in an emergency condition, and the control room operators are performing ES-0.3, Natural Circulation Cooldown with Steam Void in the Vessel (with RVLIS). The operators try unsuccessfully to RCP. They continue the RCS cooldown (cooldown rate is 10 degrees / hour).and intiate RCS-depressurization. To keep PZR level within the desired band at-this point, an operator establishes charging significantly greater than letdow With charging significantly greater than letdown, which of the following shoula occur under these conditions? PZR PRESSURE VESSEL VOID PZR LEVEL Increase Shrink Decrease Decrease Grow Increase Increase Grow Increase Decrease Shrink Decrease

1.0021 / The following questions pertain to a S/G Tube Rupture, Why should a ruptured S/G (secondary side) be isolated before starting RCS cooldown in the S/G Tube Rupture procedure E-3? Why do we try to keep a RCP running during the cooldown and depressurization of the S/G? '1.0022 /

~ You are assigneo to the relief crew and are doing surveillance testing when a station blackout occurs. An alert is declared and the evacuation alarm sounds. You should immediately:

e. Evacuate the site and repurt to the EO b. Evacuate the site and report to the INFO rynte c Report to the control room, 4 d. Proceed to the Diesel Room to help the AO qp restore power.

, e . . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _

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? ga 9-

.'    WRITTEN EXAMINATIO Nuclear 1 Training Department / Connecticut' Yankee Operator Training

i Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/89 d uC3 0 '/c Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890011- '1.0023 /- During the electrician is electrocuted while working on a 480 Volt bus that-he thought was deenergized. Classify the


event (RO and SRO) and determine the notification requirements for l (y this event.(SRO) l CV \

1.0024 / '1. 9 Following a line fault on the 1206 line, the plant continues to ,

operate at'100% power with Bus 1-3 being powered from Bus 1-2'via , ACB 2T CONVEX estimates 9 hours until the.1206 line can be i restore To comply with Technical Specifications, what actions '; must be performed?  ;


'11.0025 / 1.3- The plant is op0 rating at 80% power to do flux maps after' , reftelin PR channel 34 is tagged out of service because of a l powe* supply problem. Subsequently PR channel 32-lower detector l fail i Assuming that it wi'.1 take approximately 12 hours or longer to fix N34, what acticas should you take with respect to plant j operations? ,

          ! Do not change plant power level until at least one PR channel is restored to operable statu l Proceed to HOT STANDBY conditio The reactor must be shut  l down under these circumstance ! Continue normal power operations and increase load to 100%

when flux mapping is complet Verify that the plant is above Permissive P7 setpoint, and i


trip the Overpower Trip bistables on Channel N3 l l l I

,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ._ _ _

.           1 M a i- .:,. .



Nuclear Training Department./ Connecticut > Yank'ee. Operator Training Course Exam : LORT - RO 05/01/89~ !Quao1# 4 / . Pts ' Questio Exam #~: RO : 890011


1l.0026 / 2.1- The plant is in.STARTUP (MODE 2) with three-RCPs in' operatio The non-operating pump is operable ~and the loop is ready-to

  ' OPERABLE status. Is the plant in the proper mode to-allow for returning.of the ISOLATED loop to service? Justify.your-
  . answe .


     . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

, 4!e .1 - iRITTEN 51AQ]hAi!0N 4 5sE0 LEY fflhkWD nuclear Training Ee;artrent / C:nt.ecticut inntee 0:erater Training LORT - FC 05/01/!9 _ Ege hes t Nints Question MiwiL. _ _ h1LL 82;il2B1

:+03{f9 1.0001 ine glnt tr1::e: cre reur ago fra in exten:ec For given cata re:uire: Cb : B00 ::m +-

1001 c:ner run. All re::very ocerattens sere 5 cei751 ecreal except th!! unen restart 1a; v3 FCF It treref0re 50M 1s ace:cate 1251) trig;ec on an electrical fa d , inis 's uncer investigation at: tre 1::: ste: valve ans tPDEF: L35011 t/A FEF: 001000kt.19 re-operec. Data is 200 IFFD, Taeg : 535 84TihG: 3.5/3.3 ED: 5 :POC FEF: 5.4-1! cegrees, the pro:ess cer; ster is n:t avaliatle DIFf: 3 TINE: 5 MINUTES and toren concentration is 540 c a. Use LR 5.3-19 to cetermine if 1: equate snut:cen targin is teing raintairec. C x:lete ali recuire: cata sheet Core thermal ccwer is caicuiatea using a neat Botn effects rate tne calculate: values higher 003243 1.0002 talance. If one it.0! cr RCFs nigher (.5) and bicudcar .t neglects tre effects of RCP ncrse:: er an: SG (.5) ticudenn teing in will the calculated value te affectec? LPREF: :~+ 03 . t/AREF: 193%7ht,08 s/A RATIk3: . '.3.4 E0: 3 PROCREF: HTif NAh DIFF: 2 T!vE: 5 HlW TES 003359 1.0003 2.2 The plant tas teen at 30t ccier fer 46 trs after ceing unutecun B for RCP seal replacement for 20 cays. Fr$ r 1 snutd:wn, ;cuer level was at 1001 fer 50 days. uni:n Of tne '?REF:

     . Si ::3 U A FEF: 0010C0t5.10 t/A folloning;;wer   FATING: .7 E0:2 FROC REF: NOP2.2-1 ascensibn guidelines n cla te .;se: for trese 0!if: 3 ~:vE 3 MIWTES conditiens?

a. 301 to 1001 3 n:ar to 601 101/tcur 801 to 1001 hin:gr to 601 '51.hcut 801 to 1001 10tineur It tour




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~ Page ~ 2    -mRITTEN E W Ikii!CN 1hSsER v.EY NuclearTr:1nirg De:arttent / Connecticut Yankee 0:erater Train 1rg LORT - 90         .!

05/01/29 ) l i i 11eri Quess Peirts Ouestion 2nez Erar v3;i3:.011  !

008302- 1.0004 A centrol room c;erater is returnitg fr:m a C special assignment enich rem:ses hit fra 9ts satetstanding cuties f:r a :er10: :f sik an: cne-half montns, ant:n *e of tte fei'ening test descrites the a:ticnisi ne:essary fcr the  ! cperator to relieve tee wattn? LP EE : L55101 ,iA fif: 13401 A1.;3 U A l SATI!.3:2.5/3,4 E0: 4 ;30CFEF:001-1!ACP a. Stand 8 hours :f wat:n un:er instructio . H DIff: 2 TIME: 3 NINut!S Read and sign tre turr:ver sneet, review tne previous cays ControlRocelog,at: salk: wn tre main control board prict to relieving the wat: b. Stand 8 hours of mat:n un er instruction. Read an: sign the turnover sheet, review tre Centrol rect logs catk to tne last maten st:::. an: walkccan the main centrol prict to relieving tee matt c. Stand 40 hours of maten unter instruction, have a letter from tne Station Superintendent reinstating the 0;erator's license to an ' Active' status anc then Conducting B shift turnover.ine turnover incluces reviewing tre ControlRoom leg ta:t to the last wat:n, read anc sign the turn 0ver sheet, wahecin tne rain c:ntrol :: ara grier to relievir; tne mat: Stand 56 nrs cf maten uncer instruct 1:1. rave a letter frcs the Station Sc:erinte'1:ent reinstating tre operator's license to an 'Attive' status at: teen C0n u ting a shift turn 0ve The turnover teing rev'en f tre Centrol RC t 109 tack to tre last Wat0h, read ar: sign tte turncver sreet andWalkc0thtre rain Control 00ard prior 10 relieving tre I matCn.

l l i l I - . _ - . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ __

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. . .
[,:  "*L
$Phel /31      > :sRITTEh E M INATICN A% STER AEY

huclearTraining'Decartment-/ConnecticutYanleeOperatorTrainin RT - R0 05/01/69 Ites8'_913 Points Question Arper hp i P0:[gM11 003242 11.0005 1.5~ A'computerrepairenn.frcecorecratetascometourittenpermission'bySCOorSS(.33); Containe workon the pla'it ccacuter in tre cecuter res $n a suitacle container not to exceee 1 Inhisrepairtitarethec!nttottlesof cuartl.33);MusthaveaCedicatedfirewatch-'


isopropelalcohol, anat a:tions u s; ce taken' assigned to the activity.(.33) to allow tne re; air man to taxe the entire , volumeofalcoholintotrec:mputerroom?

         .LPREF: ADNSG A/AREF:194001K1.16'   t/A RAT!kG: 3.5/4.2 E0: N/A  PROCREF:'ACP1.0-33'



003240L 1.0006 ~ AnapproachtocriticalityisceingperformedcyB means of control red witecrawl. The R0 stops control rod motion then the reacter is close to criticality cut still sutcritica LP REF: 67- H 02 t/A REF: 19200BK1.03 K/A RATING:3.9:4.0 E0: 5 PROC REF: RXTH MAN The SR count rate should ... DIFF:2 TIME:3MINJES a. . Continue to increase, but at a sicuer rat Tiie startup rate should stabilize at a lower positive valu b. Continue to increase for a short time and then plateau. The startup rate should gracually cecrease to Zer c. Stop increasing and staotitre at its cresert value. The startup rate snould ttmeciately cecrease to Zero, d. Begin to slowly cecrease. Tre startus rate snould graoually decrease to zero frem a sligntly regative valu _ _ _ _ - - - - -_ __-- l

,._ _ ._ - -_ - _- _ _ _ _ - -_ - -- - - . _ - . - - - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ p ^:-


I.., L .



  . Nuclear.TrainingDepartment'/ConnecticutYankeeOperaterTraining
,     LORT - RO-     . 3 05/01/69 l

jltes# ' Ques 8 hints Question'- Anigtfr ErstiR0;iM011-

;003901T 1.000 .2: With the plant operating at 1001 poner a lin .N0ilFYCONVEX,REQUESTASWITCHINGORDER(.2)-

fault on 1206 line results in 4160V BUS 1-3 2.OPEN1206-12R-51.2)'

,   beingpoweredfrem4150VEUS1-2vlaACB2T . CLOSE.12R-IT-2 (389T399) (.2)

Whatactionsshouldtheoperatortaketo 4.CLOSE12R-2253-2(3991)(.2).

reestablishTWOSTATIONSERVICETRANSFORNE '5.OPEN2T3(.2)- OPERATION on the 1772 LINE until the 1206 LINE (must be,in correct secuence for full

  .is restored?    credit)

LP.REF:587504 .K/AREF056000GENK.5' EOBJTER K/ARATING3.3/ DIFF 3 PROCEDUREREF: ANN 4.13-4-TIME 10 002718- 1.0008 The plant was operating at 1001 power when T Theletdownvalves' shut (.5)andtheselected

  .Vitalbuswaslost.Allecuipmentrespondedas cnargingficacentrolvalvehasfailsaope expected.Theprimarysicecperatornoticesthat(.5).

(pressurizerlevelonChannels2and31s increasing.'Listtworeasonsnnypressurizer' .LP REF:Cf-03-LOCT-88-1-L88104 - K/A levelisincreasing? REF:0010 9 2.01 ELOREF: * K/A RATING;3.2/ OlFF: 3 PROCREF: A0P3.2-15 TIME: 3 mir = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ )

 - .  - _ - - . . _ _ _ _ ,_ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ - _
' *)u ?. '
  . ,



i NuclearTrainingDepartment/ConnecticutYankee0;eratorTrainin . LORT - RD


05/01/19 f $ Points ' inestion -Answer fram*R0:!!a011 Mf" Ques'sf

, , . * h. ' ., .. . .  .
(003263L .1.0009 1  2.3' The reactor is at 1001 Dewer., Tne lower  C
   .detectorinPRchannel34'fa11eciww.- Channel 34 was famoved from seroce.

l . .j c Nhichactionmustbetakenattetstime: ' LP REF: t!6604. K/A REF: 015000kt.0T : K/A - RAT!hG:'3.T/3.6 E0: $ PROC REF: ADP 3.2-14;

   - ..

The overpower trip tistacles must be tripped DIFF: 3 TIME:3NINUTES withinonehour,


b. The rod stop must be reset'to allcw automaticoutwardroo1 motio ' Axial offset monitoring must be commenced within15 minutes, d. .A Quedrant Power filt calculation ant te done every 24 hours using the remaining operable power range _ channel . 7003303l 1.0010 .1.6 -The plant is in a refueling condition witn tne C reactor vessel drained down telow tne flange levelinpreparationtoliftthenead. Ficw of

   .the RHR system is increased when taking manual centrolofRW-FCV-602(typassflowcentrol
   ~ valve). The operator notices tnat the RHR pume LP PEF: Bi- M 04 K/AREF:000025EK3.03 K/A amps are fluctuating 40 amps, which cf the RATING: 3. D .1 E0: 9  PROCREF: A0P 3,2-12 follcwing~wouldbestdescritethe.actionstnat  DIFF:2 TIME: 3 NINUTES

the cperator should tate? a. Stap the operating PHR pump and start the non-operatingRHR pump.- b. Decrease the flow of tre cperating RHR came and start the second pum c. Stop tre RHR. pump that was runring, increase the water leve inthevessel,venttnepumpspflerte


restar . d. Staa operating RER pump, go solic ano remove t decay heat with the steam generators.

__ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

    - -- ._ .-- __ -  - _ _ . - _ _ - _ _ _ -

c; f ., 7., :e < Ps'ge ? 6 : WRiffEN DAMlhATION Ak$sER KD P' NuclearTrainingDecartment/.ConcetticutYankeeOreraterTraining LORT - R0 i :05/01/89 l


jigg 8' Ques t- Points- Question Answer Erae s #01890011 s00SS25 1.0011' ' 1.8 < 1he plant is in M00E.3 enen a tctal icss of a.1.SteamreleasefromS/Gsiseffectively

   "offsitepower.tsexpertenced. BctndieselstartmaintainingS/G'

andloadnormally. .All ciner concitions ar pressure constant or decreasing norma . 1verage reading of CEis is teing maintained "


a, list four indications of. natural circulation er cecreasing flow in tne RCS? less than saturation temperature for the-cressurizerpressure

   . b .' How would you classify this situation, less 3.Coldlegtemperaturestacilizedator
   .ofoffsitepower,   cecreasingbelow
   ~if these conditions still existec 20 minutes saturation.temperatureforS/Gpressure-lattr?

4. Observed differential temperature across each active locp shouldbenogreatertnanfullpowerforced ficadelta (.125each)(creditforgivenA0P3.2-30at:d appropriate steps) b. UnusualEvent(.25).0-1(.25) LP REF: LB!603 K/A REF: 000017EA1.21 K/A RATING: a.t.!4.5 E0: 13 - PROC REF: A0P 3.2-30 DIFF:2 TIME: 3 MikUTES 003354 1.0012- With the plant operating in MODE 1, a . Opencircuit5enDCpanel(.2) fire is reported on Emergency Bus 8. unat actions must be takeri by tne centrol room . Closecre4TStreaker.(.2) Cperators to ceenergize the tus?

       . Opendisila!!0t.2)
       . Defeat' ate start of 'A' Emergency Diesel by cpenning A:

centrc' ccwer treaver on MCC-5 and DC centrol p:a r cresier on DC E s T or iP0 (.2),

       . Open A3 BT2 b eaker.(.2)
       (concept a:cile for AOP 3.2.-35 steps 4. a-n)

LPREF: 112000 K/AREF: 000067EK3.04 K/A RATING:3.3/4.1 KR: B PROC REF: A0P 3.2-35 DIFF; 2 11ME: 4 MINUTES

- _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

__ . ._ . _ _ _ - _ _ -_ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

' l . .. ..
      -JUN    3 1988-


     /      '/

2400 I /

     /      l 2200
     /     1
     /     /

2000 l I

    /    /


    /   2 1600 REACTOR COOLANT   [   [

PRESSURE / / 1400 ( PSIG) 7 I / 12 *

    /  /

e / / 1000 7 7 sm

   /  /
   /  >
   /  /
   )  /
  ** /  /
   /  /

200 200 300 400 500 600 700 INDICATED REACIOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE (* F) i




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.

_ - _ , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ - . _ - _ _ _ - _ . .-._ ---

 .        JUN 3 1988 l'. ! . .




       / zmE f 2200    /  /
       /  /

2000 / / __

       /  /


       !  !
       !  /


      /  [
  ( PSIG)

1200 i

   '"    l l


      !  !
      / /

e , / 400 200 200 300 400 500 600 700 INDICATED REACTORCOOLANT TEMPERATURE (* F)



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P j,

(Pete?. .eRITTENEXAMINATIONANSWERLEY NucDar Training Department / C',nnecticut Yankee Operator Training LORT - R0'

05/01/89-p - - ! Points eusstion Anggr fram 8 P0:B90011 4tes 4 Ques t 003002 : 1.0013 1.7.: With POST SCAL completed felicuing a ' Response Outside the operating zone . See plots for toIssinent correctdatapoint(1.0) Pressurized Thermal Shoca Coccir. ten * you are required to- LPREF: CY-0P-LO-EOP-LB8606 L/AREF: saintain RCS pressure anc cold leg temperatures' * -009 EK 3,08

  'within    E.OBJ: 6     t/ARATING:

c'ertain limits. The event that .1ust occurred 3.6/ was a mult ale DIFF:2 PROCEDURE.

L steselinebreakincontainmer.t. Using the REF:FR- followingparaseters -IINE:3sinutes determineifyouaresaintainingRCSpressure andcoldleg temperatures within the operatirig zone ey plottingparaseterson


the attached curve Loop 1 TC 320 cegrees F Loop 2 TC 322 degrees F PT 403 1015 psig loop 3 TC 325 degrees F FT 404 1010 psig loop 4 TC 320 degrees F Containment Pressure 3 psig-CD1/CD2readinglessthan1R/Hr

- 003047 1,0014 During the performance of ECA 2.1 ' Uncontrolled Exit ECA 2.1 and cotouct FR-I.1 because a orange Depressurization of all steam generators * it mas patn exits.!1.0)

noted that the Containment Pressure was reading 42psig. khat procedural action is recuired at LP REF: ECP-L36 K/AFEF: 000-040-EA1.20 thistime? E.OBJ: E' K/ARATING: 4.1/ DIFF:2 PROCEDUREREF:EC4- TIME:3HIN - _ _ _ _ _ _ - .

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l , 4 h8 I WRITTENEXAMINATIONANSWERXEY NuclearTrainingDepartment'/ConnecticutYankeeOperatorTraining LORT - R0 C5/01/89


lies 8- Ques 8 Points Questief Answer Eram8R0;190011 003i73 1.0015 2.7 Thecontrolracecperatorsarerespondingtoa B-reactertripwithout$1stenareaconditionis indicated on suecriticality status tree. The operatorsre-verifytnattnereactorandturbineLPREF: 587503 K/AREF:000029EK3.12 . K/A . have tripped, ensure tnat that the Afu pumps are RATING: 4.4/4.7 E0:-7 PROC REF: FR- running, icitiate emergency beration, and btgin '0IFF: TINE:3NINUTES-checking for possicle causes of tne loss of 4 subcriticality. Theirinvestigationrevealsthe following:

  . RCS temperature and pressure are decreasingrapidl )
  . ThepressureinIIS/Gisdecreasing-uncontrollabl .
  =. The MSIVs and MSIV typass valves for al S/Gsareclosed,       j

Thenormaldilutionflewpathisolation valveisclose 'i

  . The chemical addition tank inlet and outletvalvesare,        ;

close The local makeup isolatten valve is H


close Basedontneseindications,whatistreprotable causeofthislessofsubcriticality?  ; a. Excessive cooldown caused by an


unisolable ruptured S/G g Excessivecoolcewncausedtyan unisolablefaultedS/G c. Inadvertent dilution flow path alignment d. Losscfsecondaryheatsink 002736 1.0016 A LOCA causes RCS pressure to crea to 1600 csi MOV661A-CFit,S causingSI.Howwillthefolleningvalvesbe MOVB71A-OPENS  ! effected? MOV 373-0Pih5 l (cpen.close, asis,orthrttled) MOV 2925-0FikS j MOV200-CL35ES St MOV 661A MOV257-CLOSES )

CDMOV671A MOV 32-AS IS BA MOV 373 3EAL Reil!RkS-as is (.125 each) CH NOV 292B LD MOV 200 LPREF:C)-0P-LOCT-87-3-S87302 K/A CHMOV257 REF:013000A4.03 CH MOV 32 Sealretur 'Vs ELOREF: 13 K/A RAilhG:4.5 DIFF:3 PROC REF: E-D

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n i Page 519f, - WRITTEN EXAMINATION AhSWER KEY f- NuclearTrainingtecartment/ConnecticutYankee0;eratorTraining-LORT - R0

    '05/01/89 hig 8 ' Quas e Points Qn'estion'    Ansetr  him i R0:090011
-   ,
' 002741 : 1.0017- 2.4 l following's safety injecticn, you are cerforming 0.- Go to FR-H.1, Less of Seconcary riest Sink,~

E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety in;ection, ana have when specifically directed by a procecure just completed step 5 D erify feecnater ste Isolation)whenyouoiscoverthattrereisno _feedwaterflowtoteesteamgeneratorsandtee AFW pumps cannot te started. Shoule you: ~LP.REF: LB6105 EO 9 K/AREF:0000076ENA12 K/ARATIkG:3.8/ InsediatelygotoFR-n.1.LossofSecondary OlFF: 3 TIME:6Mik HeatSink n B. Complete the immediate actions anc tnen go te IR-H.1, Loss of Secencary heat Sink C. Go to FR-H.1, Less of Seconcary heet Sink, as soon as the procedure tells you to ecmmence menitoring U the,tritica 'SafetyFunctionStatusTrees

  .D. Continue on in E-0 then Go to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Hea Sink,~whenspecifically01recteccya procedure step in E- ' 1.0018 1.6, During transfer to two patn recirculation. RhR Cavitatice 'hecx:t There is a possibility that a discharge pressure is checkec to ce greater than foreign ec;r: >clogtheRHRsuctionline 80 est. thy.isthisstepnecessary?  free centa w rr. This could cause the EHR Dump cavitatienancicwdisenargepressure.)

(Graceraucretionreautred) LPREF: Si~ist EO 4 K/AREF: :00ttEA3.09 KiARATING:3.9/ DIFF:2 ' ME: 2 Miki.iTES 003059 1.0019 A small-treak LOCA nas cccurred. The operators B have completed implementation of prececure E0P E-0 and are implementing crocedure E-1, Less cf Reactor.orSecondaryCcciant. E-1 cirects tne operators to check tne intact S/G water levels. LP: 87-59759 E0: 4 KlA REF: UE9EK3.22 k/ARATING: 4.4/ The purpose of this stec is to ensure artch cf DIFF: 2 FROCED'JRE: E-1 the following? TIME:2 MIN s. S/G water levels are sufficient to cover h rupturedS/Gtute, b. Sufficient S/G mater inventery is ava11stle to provide an adecuate neat $1M . __ _ ___1_ M n$rs Icel intrstetton is _

m-' -

 . .,..... ..



tae aft it,rottle valves are acjustec




d. An extcisive S/G cocidewn does not . !~ , complicatetherecover procedure.

1 I l

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_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - h ye .- lL 'd t.'Pete/10; WRITTENEIANINATIONANSWERKEY NuclearTrainingCepartsent/ConnecticutYankeeOperatorTraining LORT -.R0 05/01/89 l Ites'8 -Ques i Pointa Question ~ g answer 'Exas i R0:890011 003387'(1.0020 2.6 The plant is in an emergency condition, and the A-

  . control roos operators are perforaing ES-0.3, L   Natural Circulation Cooldown with steam void in theVessel(withRVLIS).-inec;eratorstry   LP REF: t88603 K/A REF: 002000A2.03 K/A unsuccessfully to start an RCP. They continue RATING: 4.1/4.6 E0: TLO   PROCREF:ES- theRCScooldown(cocidcunrateis10   O!FF:3 TINE: 3 NINUTES degrees / hour)andintiateRCSdepressurizatio To keep PZR level within the cesired band at this point, an 0;erator estaolisnes charging


  .significantlygreaterthanletcor Withchargingsignificantlygreatertnan letdown, which of the following four cases best describes the systes response?

PZR PRESSURE VESSEL VOID PIR , LEVEL a.' Increase Shrink Decrease Decrease Gro Increase c. Increase - Grow increase d. Decrease- Shrink Decrease 00?*% .0021 2.6 The following Questions pertain to a SiG Tute a. Minis 1:e the radioactivity released to the Ruptur environmer !.25) orpreventoverfill(.25) Provides a more rapid and even coolcown of the a. List two reasons why a ruptured S/G RCS.I.25)cr (secondaryside)is It aisc orovices a tetter way to reduce RCS isolated before starting RCS tooldown in the pressure using ncrealsprayflow.(.25) S/GTube Rupture procedure E-3? (PREF: 537505 EO 5 UA REF: 000038EK3.06 K/ARATING: 4.2/ b. riive two reasons why it is desirable to keep DIFF: 3 TIME: 3 MINUTES aRCPrunning h ring the cocidewn and depressurization of theRCS? _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

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hagei11< . iRITTENEXANINATIONANSWEREEY-Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training LORT - R0


Ites t Ques t -Points lien answer E m i P0:910011 002730 1.0022 1.5 ~ You are assigned to tre relief crew and are c(1.0) doing surveillance testing when a station .. blackoutoccurs.Analertisceclareoandthe LPREF:CY-EP-L10 L/AREF:194001A1.16.

E evacuationalarssounds.Youseculdimmediately: n. Evacuate tre site and ELOREF: 15 K/ARATING:3.1/ reporttotheEO b. Evacuate the site and- DIFF: 2 PROCREF:EPIP1.5-14 report to the INFO- Center, c. Report to tre control . TINE: 2 min - roos, d.-Proceed to the Diesel Roos to help the A0 restore powe $

'0027861.0023 During the _ outage an ' electrician is electrocuted ECHO (1001)

whileworkingona480Voltbusthathethough was deenergized. Classify the even REF: EPlF 1.5-1 ATTACHNENT 12.1A LP: CY-EP-LIO EO 7,9 K/AREF: 134001A1.16 K/ARATING3.1/ TINE: 3 MINUTES DIFF: 2 002743 1.0024 1.9 Followingalinefaultonthe1206line,the verifyoperabilityoftheremainingACsources plant continues to operate at 1001 power with withinonenour.(1,0) Bus 1-3beingpoweredfresBus1-2viaACB2T CONVEXestimates9hoursuntil.the1206linecan berestored. TocomplywithTechnica LPREF: AC3-L17 E0 11 Specifications, what actions sust ce performed? t/A REFi ( H IEkA8' K/ARATING:2.9/ REF: Tech hec 3.12. DIFF:3 TINE: 3 NIYJTESGENA12 00U40 5840 5841F 03.60 10.20 1988102119861021A0P-3

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P ge 1 WRITTENEiANINATIONANSWERKEY Nuclear.TrainingDepartment/ConnecticutYankeeOperatorTraining-LORT - R0 05/01/89

:11 test ' Ques i Points ""--tion   Anagr  Exas l'P0:090011 003292; 1.0025 ; Theplantisoperatingat80spcwertodoflux B sacs after refueling. FR channel 34fis tagged'      .;

out'of service because of a power supply probles.' Subsequently PR channel 32 loner-detectorfail LP REF: L88604 K/AREF:000033EA2.10 K/A RATING: 3.1/3.8 E0: 5 PROCREF:TS I Assuming that it will take approximately 12 DIFF:3 TINE: 5 MINUTES hours or longer to fix N34, unat actions should youtakewithrespecttoplantoperations? a. Do not chaage plant power level until at least one PR channel isrestoredtooperablestatus, b. Proceed to HOT STANDBY condition. The reactor must be shut-  ; down under these circumstance ;


c. Continue,ormal power operations and increase 10 4 to 1001 whenfluxmappingiscomplete, d. Verify that the plant is above Fermissive P7 setpoint,and trip the Overpower Trip i bistables on Channel N3 J l i ..

.003263 1.0026 The plant is in STARTUP (MODE 2) with inree RCPs You cannot *estore an isolated loop unless you in operation. The non-operating pump is areinMoce3(.5)andthereactoris    j operable and the loop is ready to returned to subtritical oy 1000 ccm (.5) Or( sust comply   1 OPERABLE status. State two reasons that the with tech bec (.5) and NDP 2.4-7 (.5))

l plantisnotintheprcpermooetorestoretne  ; isolatedlooptoservic LP REF: L!i 57 K/A REF: 003GENK06 K/ARATING: 3.4/ E0: 5 PROCREF:TECHSPECS '! DIFF: 3 TIME: 3 MINUTES ! I


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 ?NuclearETraining Department /JConnecticutz Yankee Operator Training  -(

Operator Trainin ~l Course Exam : LORT-SRO l Examination Category : 1 1 l

      'l ;


Examinee : Final Grade : l

Examination. Number : RO : 890012 Developed.:  ! t

 . Date Administered .: 05/01/89' Approved :  )
     .N.T.D. Supervisor j i

Instructions to the Examinee :

 .1. LTalkingiduring the examination is strictly forbidde . If a question 1is'not understood, raise your hand so that a  ;

proctor / examiner may assist yo '! l , 3. -All required reference materials will be provided by the-l proctor / examiner.


 ' Cheating'in any form may result in a recommendation fo disciplinary actio ,

s Each examination response sheet shall be numbered by you. You shall write your name or initials on each examination response shee . The passing grade requires a final grade :f at least 80%. The total duration of this examination shall be 2.00 hour 'All work done on this examination is my own; I have neither given l L .nor received ai i 1: l i Student's Signature . . .

 - _____ ____- -

._- _ - _ . ATTACHMENT 1 WRITTEN EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Operator Training Course Exam : LORT-SRO Examination Number : RO : 890012 Oate Administered : 05/01/89 CCtegory % of Student's % of Value Total Score Cat. Value Cateoory 5 .00 LIMITS AND CONTROLS .00 .00 .00 5 .00 Totals Final Grade %

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ig5 '1I . I 't WRITTEN EXAMINATION k . Nuclear Training: Department / Connecticut-Yankee Operator Training .


Course Exam : LORT-SRO 05/01/89

--Quac #1/ Pts ' Question   Exam # : RO :-830012
=1.0001 / 2.O' The plant tripped one hour ago from an extended 100% All recovery operations were normal except that when restarting
 #3 RCP, it tripped on an electrical fault. This is under investigation and the loop stop valve was~re-opened. Data is'20'

EFPD, Tavg.: 535 degrees, the process computer is not available and boron concentration is 840 ppm. Use SUR 5.3-19 to determine if adequate shutdown margin is being maintained. Complete.all required data sheet /' Core' thermal power is calculated using a heat balance. If one neglects the effects of.RCP horsepower and SG blowdown being in service,how will the calculated value be affected? 1.0003 / The plant has been at 30% power for 48 hrs after being shutdown for RCP seal replacement for 20 days. Prior to-shutdown, power level was at 100% for 68 days. Which of the following power ascension guidelines would be used for these conditions? % to 100% 3%/ hour % to 80% 10%/ hour 80% to 100% 3%/ hour % to 80% 15%/ hour 80% to 100% 10%/ hour % hour

      - - _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

L PCse 2 I s WRITTEN EXAMINATION >' Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT-SRO 05/01/89 Qur'3 # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890012 1-.0004 / A control room operator is returning from a special assignment which removed him from his watchstanding duties for a period of six and one-half months. Which one of the following best describes the action (s) necessary for the operator to relieve the watch? Stand 8 hours of watch under instructio Read and sign the turnover sheet, review the previous days Control Room log, and walkdown the main control board prior to relieving the watch, Stand 8 hours of watch under instruction. Read and sign the turnover sheet, review the control room logs back to the last watch stood, and walkdown the main control prior to relieving the watch, Stand 40 hours of watch under instruction, have a letter from the Station Superintendent reinstating the operator's license to an " Active" status and then conducting a shift turnover.The turnover includes reviewing the Control Room log back to the last watch, read and sign the turnover sheet, walkdown the main control board prior to relieving the watc Stand 56 hrs of watch under instruction.Have a letter from the Station Superintendent reinstating the operator's licens to an " Active" status and then conducting a shift turnove The turnover being review of the Control Room log back to th last watch, read and sign the turnover sheet and walkdown th< main control board prior to relieving the watc .0005 / 1.4 A computer repair man from corporate has come to work on the plant computer in the computer room. In his repair kit are two pint bottles of isopropal alcohol. What actions must be taken t allow the repair me.n to take the entire volume of alcohol into the computer room? _ _ _ - _ _


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LP2931 3 Ae WRITTEN EXAMINATION '! Nuclear Training Department./. Connecticut. Yankee Operator Training i


h .

  -Course Exam : LORT-SRO 05/01/89-Qu30-# /L Pts' Question   Exam-# : RO :.890012
'1.0006'/_' ' 1. 6 An approach to criticality i:s being performed by means of contro,d

' rod.withdrawl. The-RO' stops control rod motion when'the-~' reactor; is.close to criticality but still subcritica ~ The SR count rate should ... Continue to increase, but at'a slower rate. The startup rate should stabilize at a lower positive value, Continue to increase for a short time and then platea The startup rate should' gradually decrease to zer Stop. increasing and stabilize at its present valu The startup rate'should immediately decrease to zer Begin to slowly decrease. The startup rate'should graduall decrease toLzero from a slightly negative value.:

-1.0007 / With the plant operating at 100%. power a'line fault on'1206 line results in 4160V BUS 1-3 being powered from 4160V BUS 1-2 via AC:

2T3. What actions should the operator take to reestablish TWO STATION. SERVICE TRANSFORMER OPERATION on the.1772 LINE until the1 1206 LINE is restored?


1.0008 / The plant was operating at 100% power when "A" Vital bus was lost. All equipment responded as expected. The primary side operator notices that pressurizer level on Channels 2 and 3-is increasing. List two reasons why pressurizer level is increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ -

O l} '( U4

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" Nuclear' Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam :-LORT-SRO 05/01/89'
?Qu:3L#j/L Pt Question   Exam # : RO : 890012 1.0009?/- 1 The reactor is at 100W powe The lower detector'in PR~ channel
 '34 failed-lo Chanr.el 34 was. removed from servic Which action must be'taken at this time:

E The overpower trip bistables'must be.tripoed within one hour b.- The' rod stop must be reset to allow' automatic outward rod motio Axial; offset monitoring must be commenced within 15 minutes, A Quadrant' Power Tilt calculation must be done every 24 hour using the remaining operable power range channels.,

-1. 0010 l /. , The plant is 'in a refueling condition with the reactor vessel drained down below the~ flange preparation to lift the head. Flow of the RHR increased when taking manual'

control-of RH-FCV-602 (bypass flow control-valve). The operator-notices that the RHR pump amps are fluctuating 40 amps. Which o the following would best describe the actions that the operator should1take? Stop the operating RHR pump and start the non-operating RHR pump, Decrease the flow of the operating RHR pump and start the second pum Stop the RHR pump that was runn7ng, increase the water level in the vessel, vent the cumps prior to restar Stop operating RHR pump, go solid and remove decay heat with the steam generator .1.0011 /- The plant is in MODE 3 when a total loss of offsite power is experienced. Both diesel start and load normall All other conditinns are norma List four indications of natural circulation flow in the RCS b.- How would you classify this situation, loss of offsite power if these conditions still existed 20 minutes later? -a--________-_- __

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LPzg3 LS ._o


WRITTEN EXAMINATION '- ' n Nuclear.-Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT-SRO 05/01/89 Quac # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890012

:1.0012~/ With the plant operating normal in. MODE 1, a fire is reported.on:

Emergency Bus What actions must be taken by the control room operators to deenergize the bue?

!1.0013 / With POST SOAK completed following a " Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition" you are required to-
 ' maintain RCS pressure and cold leg temperatures within certain limit The event that just occurred was'a multiple steam line break in containmen Using the following parameter determine if you are maintaining RCS pressure and cold leg temperatures within the operating zone by plotting parameters on the attached curve Loop 1 TC 320 degrees F Loop 2 TC 322 degrees F' PT 403 1015 psi Loop 3 TC_325 degrees F PT 404 1010 psig Loop 4 TC 320 degrees F Containment Pressure 3 psig CD 1/CD 2' reading less than 1 R/Hr 1 1.0014 / 1. During the performance of ECA 2.1 " uncontrolled Depressurization of all steam generators" it was noted that the Containment Pressure was reading 42 psig. What procedural action is require at this time?

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j . ' Pcg3 - 6: 3' 1 WRITTEN-EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department-/ Connecticut Yankee Dperator Training Course Exam : LORT-SRO , 05/01/89

. QUOD W./- Pts  Question- # : RO : 890012 1 '1. 0015 / .The control room operators are responding to a reactor trip without SI when a red condition ~i.s indicated on subcriticality i ..

' status tree. -The operators re-verify that the eactor and 4 turbine have tripped, ensure that that'the AFW pumps'are running initiate. emergency'boration, and,begin. checking for possible causes of the~ loss cf subcriticality. Their investigation


reveals the following:

/    .

RCS temperature and pressure are decreasing rapidl . The pressure in #1 S/G is decreasing uncontrollabl .- The MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves for all S/Gs are closed


The normal dilution flow path isolation valve is close .. The chemical addition tank inlet and outlet valves are close . The local makeup-isolation salve is-close Based on these indicat' ions, what ia the probable cause of this loss of subcriticality? Excessive cooldown caused by an unisolable ruptured S/G Excessive cooldown an unisolable faulted-S/G Inadvertent dilution flow path alignment d. . Loss of secondary heat sink 1.0016 / A LOCA causes.RCS pressure to drop to 1600 psi caLsing SI. How will the following valves be effected?

   (open,close,as is, or throttled)

SI MOV 861A CD MOV 871A BA MOV 373 CH MOV 292B LD MOV 200 CH MOV 257 CH MOV 32 Seal return MOVs

 . . _ _ _ _ - - .


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PCga '7

?*. . WRITTEN EXAMINATION-NuclearLTraining Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT-SRO 05/01/89 L-Qu;3 #c/: Pts  ' Question   Exam # : RO.: 890012 C'1'.0017-/ Following a safety injection,-you are performing.E-0, Reactor

, Trip or Safety Injection, and have just completed' step 5 (Verify L Feedwater Isolation) when you-discover that there is no feed e water flow ~to the steam generators and the AFW pumps cannot be started. Should you: Immediately go to-FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink' _ Complete the immediate' actions and then go co FR-H.1, Loss o~' Secondary Heat Sink Go to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, as soon as the procedure tells you to commence monitoring the Critical Safety Function Status Trees

< Continue on in E-0 then Go to FR-H.1, Loss'of Seconcary. Heat Sink, when specifically directed by a procedure step'in E- :1.0018 / During transfer to two path recirculation, RHR discharge pressur-
  ~is checked to be greater than 80 ps Why is this step necessary?

1.0019 /. 1. 8 - A small-break LOCA has occurre The operators have completed implementation of procedure EOP E-0 and are implementing procedure E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolan E-1 direct: the operators to check the intact S/G water level The purpose of this step is to ensure which of the following? S/G water levels are;sJfficient to-Cover a ruptured S/G tub Sufficient S/G wate'r' inventory is available to provide an adequate heat sin S/G water. level instrumentation is functioning properly, and the AFW throttle valves are adjusted correctl An excessive S/G cooldown does not complicate the recovery procedur ____ _ -

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Pcg3 8

,  WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT-SRO 05/01/89 Qucs-# / Pts Question   Exam # : RO : 890012
:1.0020'/ The plant is in an emergency condition, and the control room operators are performing ES-0.3, Natural Circulation Cooldown with Steam Vold in the Vessel (with RVLIS). The operators try'

unsuccessfully to start an RC They continue the RCS cooldown (cooldown rate is 10 degrees / hour) and intiate RCS depressurization. To keep PZR level within the desired band at this point, an operator establishes charging significantly greater than letdow With charging significantly greater than letdown, which of the following four cases best describes the system response? PZR PRESSURE VESSEL VOID PZR 50 VEL Increase Shrink Decrease Decrease Grow Increase Increase Grow Increase Decrease Shrink Decrease 1.0021 / The following questions pertain to a S/G Tube Rupture, List two reasons why a ruptureo S/G (secondary side) is isolated before starting RCS cooldown in the S/G Tube Rupture procedure E-3? Give two reasons why it is desiracle to keep a RCP running during the cooldown and depress',rization of the RCS? 1.0022 / The plant was operating at 100% power near the beginning of life when a reactor trip and SI occured. Classify the event and justif! your answer based on the following indications: CETS 365 F CONTAINMENT PRESSURE: 41 psig RCS PRESSURE: O psig CONTAINMENT TEMP: 250 F PZR LEVEL: 0% CONTAINMENT LEVEL: 1.6 FT PLENUM LEVEL: 100% HEAD LEVEL: 0% ALL SI pumps running CD-1/CD-2/ HATCH:1450R/HR ;1400R/HR;85R/H I- ' SG PRESSURES: 413/415/415/405poig SG LEVELS: 62/61/59/62

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P;g3: 9

%--   WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear-Training. Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT-SRO 05/01/89 l -Qu30 # / Pts Question    Exam # : RO : 890012
'1.0023 / While operating at 100% power, the seTondary side operator notices that al1 annunciators.are out, including two annunciator:

which were lit previously. Upon investigation, it is determined

, that the annunciators have lost power and the power cannot be restored immediatel How would you classify this situation per the Emergency Plan if annunciator power could not be_ restored for 30 minutes?
 (Include NRC classification and State Posture Code) How would you classify the situation in part A if a reactor trip occurred while trying to restore annunciator power?.
 (Include NRC Classification and State Posture Code)

1.0024 / The plant is operating at 100% power. Reactor Engineering discovers that the linear heat generation rate technical specification limit was exceeded on the monthly incore ma Which of the following' parameters monitored below should have prevented this from occuring? Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Axial Offset Nuclear Enthalpy Pise Hot Channel Factor DNB Parameters (RCS, Tavg, PZR Pressure) 1.0025 / Whilo the plant is operating at 88% power, the NIS Channel Deviation annunciator and the Rod Out of Step annunciator are both alarming. The Incore QPTR is calculated and results in a QPTR of'1.0 In response to the QPTR limits, the control room operators MUST perform which of the following? Calculate the OPTR each hour until it returns to within limits, Reduce thermal power to less than 50% within 2 hour Reduce PR Overpower Trip setpoint to 91% within 4 hour Immediately commence a power reduction and be in HOT STANDBY within 6 hour . _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ -

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pY,s i



; Nuclear Training 1 Department /' Connecticut Yankee. Operator Train'ing Course Exami: LORT-SRO 05/01/89 rQu03 #1/' Pts = Question'   Exam # : RO.: 890012-

i$k0026;/L . ' ~ While.the 100% power, the. air' operator for

 ' letdown containment isolation valve LD-AOV-230 develops a large--

air leak. .To fix the leak, air must be' secured-to the valve

,  operator. : Chemistry has requested'that' maximum letdown be
 .raintained because of high RCS activity levels. Maintenance suggests locking placing.a collar on the-val '

ste Plant management agrees and grants: approval for the' work to star How long can the plant remain in this configuration? What must be done'if the time ~~1imit is exceeded?'

 --__       l
'T .-

JUN 3 1988



      /  /

2200 - - ,! / 2m0 i  !

     /   /


    /_  OPERATING ZONE INDICA 1 /    /

REACTOR 1600 f f _

   '    '


( PSIO) 1400 7    7
   /    /

22m f f I / 1000 r


  /    >
 '* /    /
  /    /
 ** /  /
  /  /

200 200 300 400 500 600 700 INDICNIED REACIOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE (* F)



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_ _ ._ JUN 31986 -

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2400 1 OPERATING / ! f ZONE / 2200 / /

    /  /

20m / /

    /  /


    /  /

f / INDICATED 1600 f f REACIOR cOcnart I / PRESSURE 1400

    /  [
 ( PSIG)

1200 I  !

   /  /



l ! j


800 I / . a f /


400 200 --- 200 300 400 500 600 '700 INDICATED REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE (* F)



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Fhe 1 d lTTEN EAAdihAi!0N ANSt!R (fY huelearTrainingDe:artment/C:nnecticuttankee0: erat:rTraining LORT-SR0 05/01/89 Hem 8 gyggi Points Quittien _ 'rs'ir hat i 901iKER 003159 .1.0001 2.0 The clant trippe: cre hear ag ft:m an exter.:ed For gu en cata recuires C: : 300 :t +- 100t pener run. Ali *ecevery ::erations were 5::5i751), n:rmal except ttat ste* restartir; 83 PCD. 't treref:re SCH 1s 3:acuate !2511 tri::ed on an ele:trical fault. Ints is 'r:er invest 1;ation and the 100; st:0 valve nas LP#EF: t35011 t/ARE*:004000L5.19 f. A re-opened. Data is 200 EF D, Tavg : 535 FATI6: 3.5/3.s E0: 5 Fs00 RE : 5.3-19 degrees, tre process ter; uter 's n:' avaliarie 0!FF: 3 TINE: 5 WINUTES and baron con:entration is !d0 ccm. Use SW

 !.3-19 to :etermine if a:e::. ate snut::wn targin is being maintained. C;r;1ste all re:uirea :ata sheet ! Core trerral pcwer is calculated :. sing a rest B;th effe:ts case the calculatec values higher 003243 1.0002

talance. If one (1.0)crRCPshigter(5)andtlcadctnhigher I neglects tne effe:ts of CCF nerfe:Caer.and SG (.5) l tiewccan being in mill the e ,nc ,jt a ppl j l j ' calculatea value te affe: tea? LPFEF: s' + LO3 t/A REF: 193007K1.09 t/A RATING: 3.h 3.4 E0: 3 PROC REF: HIFF MAN g DIFF: 3 TIME:5NINUTES


003359 1.0003 The plant has teen at 301 p:eer fcr 48 nrs after 1


teing shutdern il for RCP seal repla:ement for 20 cays, rc ier to


shutd en, ;:ner i level as at 100X for 55 cays, unice of the LPREF: Si'n ! t.lA !F: 001000K5.10 %/A j foll:wirg ; ver FATIkG: 3.: 7 E0: 2 PROC REF: NOP 2.2-1 DIFF; 3 ':ME 3 MINUTES l ascension guicelines woul: te used for inese


conditi:ns? a. 301 to 1001 31/ neur l to SCI 10tincur i its to 1001 3ttneur

  . 301 to 801 15X/ tour 801 to 1001 10tlneur In tour


          . _ _ _ _ _ _

' Page - 2 Nuclear Training De;artment / Ocnte ticut tantee 0:erater Training LORT-iRO 05/01/89


Egei Ques 8 Points Question Answer it;;,,LcQiHMil i 003302 1.0004 A control room operat:r is returnit; frem a 0 special assignment ani:n rem:vec n;m ft:m nis watchstanding cuties for a cer10 cf six anc one-half months. ini:n one Of tre folientag test describes the actionis) necessary fer tne I operator to relle,e tne at.:n? LPFEF: Lis101 oA:EF: ;!4:01 0 .:3 un RATINE !.5/3.4 E0: A PROC FEF: CDI-t/ACP a. Stand 8 hours ;f nat:n uncer instru: tio .H DIFF: 2 TIME 3 NIkuTES Read and sign tte turn:ver sneet, review tre previousdays Centrol Room leg an: sir::wn tne main control board pr10r to relieving tre wat: b. Stand 8 hours of waten un:er instruction. Read and sign the turnover sneet, revten tre c:ntr:1 rc:e legs back to the last sattn st:0d, and walkdona the main control prior 13 relieving the nat: c. Stand 40 hours of wat:ti under instructi: have a letter frem the Station Suterintencent reinstating the c;erator's license to an "Attive" status and then conductingashift turnover.The turncver incluces reviemirg tre CentrolRoom leg back to the last match, reta ano sign the turn:ver sheet, walk:cwn the main c:ntrol c:ard art:r torelieving the wat d. Stand 56 hrs of waten un:er instru:ti:n.' ave aletterfrem the Station Su erinten:ent reinstatin3 ine operator'slicense to an " Active' status and tnen c:n:utting a shiftturn:ve The turnover teing review cf tte Control Re:m log cack to the last waten, reas an: sign tre turn:ver saeet andwalka:nnthe main control t:ar: ;ti:r te rellevirg tre Watc _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ '


Page 3 hsITTENEXANIhATIONAh!GRKEY Nuclear Training Decartment ! Connecticut Yankee Operator Training LORI-SR0 05/01/89 Poj Quntion' answer Ex n 8 R0;112211 L hem i hes 8 003242 1.0005 AcoeputerrepaircanfecmcerocratehascasetowrittenpermissionbySCOorSS(.33);Containes work an the plant comcuter in tre cercuter roce, in a suitable container net to exceed In his repair h t are two c:rt cattles of cuart(.33);Musthaveadecicatedfirewatch isoprocal alcohol. Wnat aco ces nust te taken assignectotheactivity(.33) to allcw the repair man to take the entire volume of elechal into the ccmouter room! 1.P REF: ACMSG K/AREF: 194001Kl.16 K/A RATI @ 3.5/4.2 E0: N/A FR00REF:ACP1.0-33 DIFF:2 TINE:2NINUTES 003240 1.0006 An sporcacn to criticality is teing cerformed by 8 mentis Of contr01 r00 sitnerawl. ine RC steps contr0I roc 20t100 when the reactor is Close to criticality cut still succritica LP REF: 67-1-t02 K/A FEF: 192008K1.03 K/4 RAtlkG: 3.9rd.0 E0: 5 PROCFEF:RXTHMAN The SR court rate should ... DIFF:2 TIME: 3 NINUTES a. Centinue to increase, cut at a sleser rat The startuo rate should stac11i e at a icwer ;csitive valu b. Continuetoincreaseferashorttusanc then plateau. The startup rate sncula graccally decrease to Zer Step Increasing and stac1Iiie et its Eresent value. The startup rate seculd Immediately cecreate to tero, Begintosiculydecrease. The stattuo rate secule gradually cecrease to :ere from a sligrtly negative 3 valu ]


i f j _____ -____ _ O

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 . - - - -  - _ . - - . . _ - - - - . .- _ __ --- -__-
;- .


   \f , . ,

i. Pose 1 - 41 , WaliTENExACINATIONANSsERKE _.kuclear Tra utng Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training LORT-SP0 05/01/69'

.Ites8 ' Ques 8 ' pgints' Question  ,


        [ne8PQ11}qq11, 2.2 . With the plant operating at 1001 ccwer a line 1.NOTIFYCONVEX,REQUESTASWITCHING0RDER(.2)


  ~.f ault en 1206 line results n Af 60v Ba5 i-3 2.OPEN1206-12R-5(2)

being powered frem 4160V 2'S J 1-2'via ACB 2T .CL0aE12R-1T-2(3B91399)(2) Whatactionsshouletnec;eratertaketo 4.CLOSE12R-2253-2(3991).(.2).

h reestablishTWOSTATIONSERVICETPAkSFORME . OPEN 2T3 (.2) OPERATION on the 1772 LINE until :ne -1206 LINE laustteincorrectsecuenceforfull' i; is restored? ' credit) LP.REF:$87504 K/AFEF056000GEN EOBJTERM f./ARATING3.3/ DIFF 3- PROCEDUREREF: A .13-4 TIME 10


L002716' 1.0008 2.i :Tffe plant was ccerating at 1001 pcmer when "A* TheietdownvalvesshutI.5)andtheselected Vitalbuswas1 cst.'Allecuipmentrespondeeas charging flew control valve nas failed open expected.Theprimarysicecceratornoticesthat(.5).

pressurizer level on Channels 2 and 3 is increasing.Listtworessensanypressari:er LPREF:CV-03-LOCT-BB-1-LB8104 K/A level is increasing? REF:0010Ch3.01


ELOREF:: K/A RATDG:3.2/ DIFF:3 PROCREF: A0P3.2-15-ilME:3mi-w__-___-_-_-_-___ _ - _ , _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ .-

'\  .,
[Page,.4   .  /WRITTENEXAMINAT10kANSWERLEY Nuclear.TrainingDecartment/ConnecticutYankee0;eratorTraining LORT-SR0 05/01/89
"Itas 8 Ques t  Points Question    Answer  - Eram s R0:090012 -

003289i-1.0009 2.3,Lihereactorisat10i,1cceer. Tne tener C detectorinPRchat.nel34failedIce. Channel 3 34'wasremovedfreeservic WhichactionsustcetakenatIn!stire: LP REF: L89604 L/AREF:015000k4.07 (/ A - RATING: 3.7/3.8 E0: PROCREF: A0P3.2-14 a. The overpower tric t:stacles must ce tripped DIFF: 3 TINE:3NINUTES


sithinonehour, i b. The rod stop must-ce reset to allcw




autosa',4 outward reo motio .c Axial offset monitoring must ce commenced within15 minute d. iA Quadrant'Pcwer Tilt calculation must be ~ done every.24 hours using the remaining operacle power range channel T003303 1.0010 Theplantisinarefuelingconditionwitntne C reactor vessel drairea ccan celcw the flange level in preparation to lift tne neas, Fica of the RHR system is increases when taking manual controlofRW-FCV-602(typassflowcontrol

   'talve). The c;erator notices tnat tne M pams LP REF: r '-t04 U A .REF: 000025E(3.03 ' (/A .

amps are fluctuating 40 arcs. shich of the FATIhG: 3. H .1 E0:g PROCREF:A0P3.2-12 iallcuing would best describe the actions tnat .DIFF: 2 IIFE: 3 NINUTES i the 0: erat:r should take? a. Stop the operating RHR pump and start the p non-operatingRHR pum b. Decrease the flon of the c;erating Rd pump and start the

<    second pum <

c. Stop the RHR ; ump that nas running, increase thematerlevel in the vessel, vent ite pumps prior to restar d. Stop c;erating M ;ur;. go sclic anc remove decay heat with the steam generator _--____-___-____-______D

r __ - . _ - . - __ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _


Psp 6 sEITTEN EXAMINATION ANSWER KEY WuclearTrainingDepartment/ConnecticutTankeeOperatorTraintng LORT-SR0 05/01/89

' Item 8' 9ges i  Points Questien     answer  hp i P0:990012 (-;as % mang grouw wl)
- 003325 1.0011 The plant is in F0;E 3 enen a tctal : css of a.1 Steam release free S/Gs is effectnely offstte power is ex:eriencea. !ctn ciesel start maintaining S/G andleadnormally. All otrer concitiens are  pressure constant er decreasing norta . Average reading of CETs is being raintained

a. List f our indicatlers cf ratural circulation or decreasing flew in the RCS? less than saturation tercerature for the pressurizer pressure b. How would you classify tnis situation, less 3.Coldlegtemperaturestabilizesator ofoffsitepower, decreasingbelow iftheseconditionsstillexisted20 minutes saturationtemperatureforS/Gpressure i later? 4. Otserved differential tes:erature acrcss each active lace seculd te no greater than fu?1 power forced fica delta T (.125 eacn)(credit for given A0P 3.2-30 and appropriate steps) , ' t. Unusual Event (.25) 0-1(.25) LP REF: t!!!D3 K/A PEF: 000017EA'. 21 K/A RATING: 4.4r4.5 E0: 13 FROCREF: A0P 3.2-30 DIFF;2 TIME: 3 WINUTES 003354 1.0012 with tre plant operating nereal in MODE 1, a . Opencircuit5enDCpanel(.2) fire is reported on Emergency Bus 8. vnat actions must be taken by the control rocs . Cicse se 4T5 treaker.l.2) eser.ators to ceenergi:e the cus?

       . Ocen4i!'!4850(.2)

Defeat ute start of T Emergency Diesel ty c;enning 1 centre cceer treaver en MCC-5 and DC centrol creaker on DC Ls T cr TP0 (.2).

. 0:enitsBT2treaker.(.2)

       (cenceptac;11ecferA0P3.2.-35stecs4. a-hl LP REF: T12000 K/A REF: 0000!7EK3.04 (/A RATING: 3.2!4.1 KR: B PROC REF: A0P3.2-35 DIFF: 2 TIVE: 4MIkUTES

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


'Paje 7   eRITTEN DAWIhATION ANSuER KEY Nuclear Training Departrent / Connecticut tankee Operator Training t0RT-SP0 05/01/89 11p i Ques s Points synus.!L   An}ir  ErseiEgdH0H______

003002 1.0013 sith POST SCAK c::clete: foil:w w ; a ' Response Outside the c;erating :ene . See picts fer toImminent corre:tcatapoint(1.0) Pressurized thermal Sn:: C:n:itt:n- you are re uired to LPREF: CY-0P-LO-EOP-LB8506 K/AREF: maintain RCS pressure se: :::: 'e: terceratures 000-009 EK 3.08 within E.OBJ: 6 K!ARATING: certain limits. Tre event trat p st ;;;urred 3.5/ was a multiple DIFF:2 FROCEDURE steam line treak in :::tainrent. Us ng the FEF:FR- followingparneters TINE:3 minutes determine if you are maintaining RCS cressure andcoldleg temperatures within the ::erattrg zone ey plotting parameters en the attached curve Loop 1 TC 320 degrees F tog 2 TC 322 cegrees F PT 4034015 :si Loop 3 TC 325 degrees F PT 404 1010 tsig loop 4 TC 320 cegrees F Centairment Pressure 3 psig CD1/002readinglessthan1R!.Hr 00304T 1.0014 During the :erformance of ECA 2.1 'Uccontr:llee Exit ECA 2.' at: c:nt:t FR-L1 te:ause a orange Depressurization :f all steam ;enerat:rs' it was :sth exits '0 . r:ted ttat tre Centairment Pressure nas reading 42 psig, snat prc:ecural action is recu1rea at LPFEF: E ;-J5 t/AREF: 000-040-EA1.20 this time? E.CEJ: E^c ' K/A RATING: 4.1/ CIFF: 2 FRCOE0LRE REF: ECA-L1 TIri 3 WB l i ( l l

        .___ - __ _ A

_ _ _ _


JUN 3 1988





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2m i 1 f f

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o JUN 3 1988



     / zmE /

2200 / /

     /  /

2m0 / /

     /  /


     !  [
     !  /

INDICA ~IED 1600 f f REACIOR COOvar / / = PRESSURE 1400

     /  [
 ( PSIG)
    !  !


    /  /
  '* *  / /

I /



    / /


    ) /

400 200 200 300 400 500 600 700 INDICATED REACTORCOOLANT

    ' TEMPERATURE ( * F)


   --    _

Pfle 6 WRITTEN EXAMINATION ANSWER KEY Wuclear Trainin3 Department / Conne:ticut Yankee 0;erator Training LORT-SRO 05/01/09 11p 8 Oges i Points Question Answer frams90:BDpl2 003173 1.0015 2.7 The centrol roce eterat:rs are res::ncing to a B reactor trip without SI aten a res concition is indicated on sut:riticality status tree. The operators re-verify trat the rea::er and tuttire LP REF: S87503 K/AREF:00C029EK3.12 K/A have tripped, ensure tnat ttat tre AFW cuans are RATING: 4.4/4.7 E0: 7 PROC REF: FR- ' running, initiate emergency tera 1:n, and begin DIFF: 3 IIME: 3 NINUTES checking for possit,le of tne less of sub:riticality. Their 1rvesti;a:1:n reveals the follcuing:


RCS tem;erature and pressure are decreasingrapicl . The pressure in #1 S!G 1s decrening uncontrollabl . The WSIVs anc MSIV ty: ass valves ter all S/Gsareclose . The normal dilutton f!cw patn 1salation valveisclose . The enemical additi n tank Inlet and cutlet valves are close . The local makeus 1selaticn valve is close Based on these inoicati:ns, wnst is the cr: table cause of this less cf su: criticality? a. Excessive cocid:wn caased :y an unisolable rupturec S/G b. Excessive cocidown causea by an unisclablefaultedSlG c. Inadvertent dilutten flew catn alignre".: d. Less of sec:ncary heat sid 002738 1.0015 A LOCA causes RCS cressure to :r:p to !! D cs1 uCV !5tA-: h5 causing St. How will the foll wing valves te MOV B7tA-0 hs effectea? MOV 373-F h s (c;en,clcse, asis,erthr:tled) MOV 292E-C:h5 MOV 200-CLh is SI POV !$1A MOV257-Ct0!ES CD MOV 67tA MOV 32-AS :3 EA Mov 3'l3 SEALFETunS-asis (.125estni CH NOV ?923 LD M0V 200 LP FEF D - N-LOCI 67-3-SB7302 t/A Cn MOV 25' REF: ....aa.03 CH MOV 32 Seal returt M0vs ELOREF: 0 t/A PATIkG:4.i' DIFF:3 PROCREF:E-0 _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ -

. - -_ _



i Page. 9 ilRITTEkEXAMINATIONAkStsRKEY huclear Training Decartment / Connecticut Yankee 0;erater Training LORI-SR0 05/01/i9 111e8 0y118 Points Question A"hir Ulm : 00:0900R 002741 1.0017 Following a safety injectic1. ycu are performing D. Go to FR-H.1, Loss of Seccndary neat Sink, E-0, Feactor Trip cr Safety k;ectice, anc have when specifically directed by a procecure just completed stes 5 tierify Feecwater ste Isolation)whenyouciscovertrattrereisno feed water flow to tne steam gertrators and the AFW pumps cannot te starteo. inci c pu: LP REF: LB9105 EO 9 L/A REF: 000007 GENA 12 K/ARAilhG:3.6/ Immediately go to FR-H.1, Loss cf Secondary DIFF; 3 ilHE: 6 HIN HeatSink B. Cceplete the 1tmediate acticns ad then go to FR-H.1, Loss of Seconcary Heat Sink C.'Go to FR-H.1, less of Secondary Heat $1nk, as soon as the procedure tells ycu to c:mmente monitoring theCritical Safety Function Status Trees D. Continue en in E-0 then Go to FR-H.1, L0ss of Secondary Heat Sink, when specifically airecteo Dy a procedurestepinE-0, 002749 1.0018 During transfer to two catn recirculatice. RnR Cavitation Cteci:t inere is a possibility that a discharge pressure is crecked to te greater tran foreign et;ect tay clog the RHR sucticn line 20 ps1. thy is tnis ste: necessary? frcm conta veent. inis could cause the RHR cump cavitaticeandIcwdistnargepressure.)

(Graderdis:<etionrequirec) LPREF: Si:504 50 4 t/A REF: ' ;01tEK3.08 KlARAilkG:3.9/ FF:2 :*E 2 NikUTES 003059 1.0019 A small-break LOCA has occurred. The cperators B have ccepleted implementation of procedure 20P E-0 and are irclementing procecure E-1, less of Reactor or Secen:ary Coolant. E-1 cirects tne operators to check the intact SlG water levels. LP: 67-5675:4 E0: 4 t/AFEF:tX009Et3.22 A/A RAllkG: 4.4/ The purpose of this step is t: ensure .hicn of DIFF:2 PPOCEDUFE: E-1 thefo1%uing? ilME: 2 wlN a. S/G mater levels are sufficient te cover a rupturedS/Gtub t. Sufficient 5/Gmaterinventory1savailable to provide an adequate heat sick, c. S/G inter level instrumentatten is _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ I

, _ _   _ _ - - - - - . - - - - - _ _
     -- _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 . :re Me :nrc;;ie ,si es are ::,csta:

'o correctly, d. An excessive S/G cool:cwn 600s r.ct
, complicate the recovery procedure.

I {

-- .__

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Page 10 WRITTEN EX/ C NATION AkSWER LEY Nuclear Training Decartment icone:tt:ut Yankee Operator Training LORT-SRO 0$!01/69 J1em8 09g1 i Points Question inswE E>p 8 70 !EL 2.5 The plant is in an ere ;ency candit :n. and the A or ) l 003381 1.0020 controlroceoperat:r,areperformingES-0.3, Natural Circulati:n ;;ol::en with Steam Void in theVessel(withRnIS), ire c;erators try LP PEF: LB8603 KIA REF: 002000A2.03 K/A unsuccessfully to start an PCD. Itey continue RATIhG: 4.1/4.6 E0:TLO PROCREF:ES- the RCS cooldenn !:::!::in rate is 10 .DIFF: 3 TIME:3 MINUTES degrees / hour)anointiateFCSte:resstrizatio TokeepPZRlevelsitt1ntnetesiredtandat this point, an cperat r estaclistes cnarging significantly greater than leta w Withenargirgsignificantlygreatertnan letdcun, which of the f:llowing four cases test descrites the system res;onse? P2R PRESSURE VE,SEL VOID P2R LEVEL _ a. Increase Shrin( Der.rarse Decrease Gr:w In:rease c. Increase Gr:n In:rease De:resse Strir* De:rease 002754 1.0021 The foli: wing cuestiens :ertain to a S/G Tate a. Hintr:: tse ra:1:::tivity released to the Ruptur envir:nmer: .25imd <#'crevent overfill (.25) Provices i t:re ra 10 and even c00ld:en Of tre a. List two reasofts any a ru;tured $/G RCS,( .25; U%d (secondaryside)1s It als :ren:es a :etter way to re:ute RCS isolated tefore starting FCS :::10:in in the :ressure .; ig n:rmals;rayflev.(.25) S/GTube Rupture procebre E-3? LP FEF 1:'505 EO ! A/A REF: . 0 32EK3.06 L!AFATIk3: 4.2/ Give two reas:ns any it is :esirable to seec DIFF: 3 TIME: 3 MINUTES a RCP running during tne eccle:=n anc ce: pressurization Of treRCS? l _ - _ _ -

. - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ r

.Page i kRITTEN EXAMINATION AkSeER LEY Nuclear Training Decartment / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training LORT-SRO 05/01/89 'ligef Qgts i Points Question Antwer EqesR0:01M12 302910 1.0022 2.7 The clant was cceratir; at 10a ccuer near the Site Area Emergency (.5)LCSSOFik0BAFRIERS teginning of life unen a rea:ter tr:c and SI t.5) occured.Classifytneeventancjustifyyour (LessofRCStarrierandCenttarrter) answer based on tne follening indications: LPREF:CY-EP-L10 KlAREF:194001A1.16 CETS 365 F CONT AIMEhi nFESSURE: 41 psig ELOREF: 1,T t/ARATING:3.1/ RCS PRESSURE: O csig CONTAIWENT TEMP: 250 DIFF: 3 PROCREF:EPIP1.5-1 F TIME: 4 minutes P2R LEVEL: 01 CONTAlhMENT LEVEL: FT PLENUM LEVEL: 1001 HEAD LD EL: 01


ALL SI put;s runnin) CD-1/CD-2iHATCH:1450R/HR

  ;1400R/HR;85R/HR SGPPESSURES:413/4tS/415/405;sig SG LEVELS:

62/61/59/62 003319 1.0023 nhile ccerating at 1001 cower, tre secencary a. Alert .25),C-1(.25) side operator nctices trat all ennunciatcrs are cut, including two annunciators unict were lit c. SiteAreaEmergency(.25),C-2(.25) previously. Up5n investigation, it is determined tnat tte annunciators rave lest ccwer and the pcuer cannot ce restered immediatel a. How would you classify this situaticn ;er LP REF: Li. :t UAREF:062GEu3 K/ARATING: the Erergercy Plan 2.7/3.6 E: 2 PROC REF: EPIP 1.5-1 DIFF; 2 if annunciator ccwer could not te resterec TIME: . v! wies for 30 minutes?

  (IncludehRCclassificaticnancState PestureCede)

b. How would you classify t*e $1tuatica in cart A if a reacter tric occurree unite trying to restere annunciator power?

  (Incluce AFC Classification anc State PostureCece)

o i

  , . _ _ _   _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _
% c
 ' ,

t, ,- n.


 .NuclearTrainingDepartment/ConnecticutYankeeOperatorTraining LORT-SRO 05/01/89 Points nuestion-    Answer  Exam s n0:e90012 has s :aues s l002055 1.0024' 2 . 0 .- Theplantisoperatingat1001cceer.~ Reactor B Engineering discovers tnat tne linear heat generationratetecnnicalspecificationlimit-was exceeded on tne menthly intere ma:.

Whichofthefollowingparametersmonitored LP:88-1-LB810T EO:9 below should have preventea :his from occuring? K/A REF: 015020K5.03 K/ARAilkG: 3.3/ a. Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio- DIFF: 3 - Axial Offset TIME:5 MIN PROCEDURE: TECH SPEC 3.17

'^  c. Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Cnannel Factor-d. DNB ParametersiRCS, Tavg, PZR Pressure)

003291':l.0025 2.0 Whiletheplantisoperatingat881Ocuer,the A-NIS Chancel D.eviation annunciator and tne Roo -

 'OutofStepannunciatorarebotnalarming.'The IncoreQPTRiscalculate0anoresultsinaQPTR of1.0 tPREF:L66604 K/AREF:015020K5.04 K/A RAT!kG:3.2!3.6.E0:5 PROC REF: TS 3.IT In response to the QPTR limits, the control room OlFF: 3 TIME: 4 MINUTES operaters Musi perform wnich of the follcuing?

a. Calculate the QPTR each hour until it returnstowithi limit b. Reduce thermal power to less than 501 within 2 hours, c. Reduce FR Overpower Trio setpoint to ill within 4 hours, d. Immediately commente a cuer reduction and beinHOTSTANDBY within6 hour .0026 thile tha plant is cperating at 1001 pcuer, the a. 4 hcurs (TS 3.11.G) (.5) air operator for letdown containment isolation valve LD-A0V-230 cevelops a large air lent. To Isolate ietscan by shutting letd:wn A0Vs or fixtheleak,airmustcesecuredtothevalve MOV200(.!! sg &m Ho+5 *a nol 4fh ; operator. Chemistry has reouested that maximum edm NuS644- w1w M h6 letdownbemaintainedtecauseofhignRCS W activity levels. Maintenance suggests locking LP REF: !T+d5 K! A REF: 000069GA K/A LO-A0V-230 open by placing a collar en tne valve RAilNG: 3.1/3.9 E0: # PROCREF:TS3.1 stem. Plant management agrees and grants DIFF:2 TIME: 5 MINUTES approval for the work to start, a, How long can the plant remain in this configuration?

, _ _ - - ._ ,. ____._ _. .._... _ .  - _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ = . _

J4 - . 0,'.H3; sus' te Ore 1: Lee 1150 ilml; 15

'*   tKCteded?

t ',-. [. ?'



l l


_ _ _ -_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - { NRC MASTER.

, tc-t WRITTEN EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training Department /-Connecticut Yankee Operator Training

'   Operator Training Course Exam : .SE 6 Examination Category : 1 l Examinee :    Final Grade :

Examination Number.: RO .: 890007 Developed : CV/N#C 5,M Date Administered : I4/ /8i Approved : N.T.D. Supervisor L Instructions to the Examinee : . Talking during~the examination is strictly forbidde . If a question is not understood, raise your hand so that a proctor / examiner may assist yo . All required reference materials will'be provided by the proctor / examine . ' Cheating in any form may result in a recommendation for disciplinary actio . Each examination response sheet shall be humbered by you. You-shall write your name or initials on each examination response shee . The passing grade requires a final grade >f at least 80%. The-total. duration of this examination stall be 0.75 hour . All work done on this examination is my own; I have neither given nor received ai Student's Signature _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ -

. _ . -    - _ . - - - . . _ _ . - - . - - . - - - - -
        - . - - - _ _ - - _ - - - - _ _

' l .* , l

- *
**       ATTACHMENT 1 WRITTEN EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Operator Training Course Exam : SE 6 Examination Number : RO : 890007  Date Administered  : SI//4 hk Cnt gory % of Student's t of Value Total Score Cat. Value Cateoory 2 .00   MINOR-#4 SG LEVEL TRANSMITTER FAILURE .00 .00 _ .00 2 .00   Totals Final Grade %
 - _ - -

s - Ot ;' > -,4

:Pige- 1


' Nuclear Training Department / connecticut YankeeiOperator. Trainin .

L Course Exam : SE 6 SC/f/8


LQubof # /J Pts- Question Exam # : RO : 890007 100001---/-

 ~ '

0.7= What MCB: alarm was a direct resulti of the'S/G narrow range level transmitter failing high?-

$1.0002 /' What-will trip the ReactorLif no~ operator actions are taken?

1.0003 // lDuring theutransient MWe had increased to 650 MWe. Explain wh this occure i0004 /. 1.82 Given~that steam line isolat1on w111 occur, will the RCS-pressund' drop be GREATER lTHAN, LESS THAN or'THE SAME as a manual reactor: trip from.100% power? Explain, u 1 0005'/ ' Explain why charging flow has decrease '1.0006 / Explain why has the loop de'lta T fcr the affected S/G decreased? l' 1.0007 / .What turned on all PZR backup heaters?


1.0 l ,: 1.0008'/ Indicate the procedural flow path from the point of reactor trip to the point of exit from the EOP network.Only indicate the procedure and the step at which a transition to another proceduna will occu .;-. = . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

%+ m .( ; -

i , P gl :2 ' 'O w WRITTEN EXAMINATION E' NU$ lear-Training Department-/' Connecticut. Yankee' Operator Training Course Exam : S El9/Vf JQu30-#J/j Pts- ' Question Exam #1: RO : 890007 l

       .. i
:1.0000 L / . 12.1 Priorito the reactor trip if you.were to manually spray the   :
  . pressurizer which spray valve would be more effective. Justify; your answe !
; Upon the reactorstrip from this event will-the feed regulating valves a shorter.or longer period of time when compared,l

to'a manual reactor trip. Explain your answe /j i I 1'.00111/, As the secondary side operator how would you have mitigated this:, malfunction at the time of the. instrument failur ;

        'l i
.1.0012 /- Why is Channel 4 VLPT setpoint so low if its' Tavg input is so   j



l q


I l

'1.0013 / i8ow are Channels 1, 2, & 3 VLPT setooints affected by the   j
  'following: (Increase, Decrease, No effect)    l-1 Delta T      j i PZR Pressure l Tavg i

l l

1.0014 / Why has steam flow increased on #1 2, & 3 S/Gs?


______E-----_ _ _ . - - J

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,: *
-Page 3- WRITTEN EXAMINATION y Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training

' Course Exam : SE 6 f/9 /89

.Quac # / Pts Question-   Exam # : RO : 890007 1.0015 / Wny would opening #4 S/G FRV bypass valve have very little effect on mitigating this accident ?

1.0016 / Why have.the levels in #1, 2, & 3 S/Gs increased? 1.0017 / List 6 MCB individual indications where we can see an effect froMl the decreased charging flo .0018 / In which direction should rod motion be at this time? a 1.0019 / A. Just prior to the reactor trip, any were rods moving? B. Why is rod speed > 5 in. per m1rute? 1.0020 / 10 . 8 After the reactor trip how many FR\ . will open ? 1.0021 / If the RO. were to open #4 FRV. the same amount as #1 ,2 & 3, why, would feed flow to #4 S/G be higher than to #1 ,2 & 3 S/Gs ? - - _-_ _

_. . _ _ . .-

, .f . - ,

. +


.. }'..

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:(2757 3:tt:DS are tken?
     .P REF:CV-07 t0CT-67-5-S!i505     *-A .,

REF:000~.r-i12.32 E'0FEF:

     .       P A 4 TING:

L.til.? DIFF: 2 100 REF: i,tSt. .. t v

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wee. Ex:ia:n uty tnis :::gre: :n:resse: ' 4e:S tien t: tr.e :gretrei.331 a n :tr In:- e: ;;.<:1se ;;wert.33! cono ,7ts m-J W p

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age; 21 < ku:learTrainingDe:s':ren ::ve:r:.: p r>se 0: tan:r'et ~;

      .. .
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jm_[ Ques t Points Questien . . . _ _-..._

         -%F   _

_lin_ iiiii;;.;- 02769;i1.0004 1.8- Given that stear "e ' n ts n r b :n.* - a: . **! :e:* esse .: :e ess P r .:. ~ if:: Pe the RCS pressure :rn :e P EA*i: * .'. . 55 -ik v : .:5 innae nest ?re s:'str .C

   . or THE SANE as a marai rer"' - - "" "i   3: ne v.e r.e: :e: r.s * .a r: .

power? Explai Pre're 205 :* . , n r= a: <:r


concepis app Iieci a

        .- : :::.av..a:...a.v.:7.. .:n ..:
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E.O N : . h/A a

        :A*?.tt 1. . .: t'. .

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I:Wi: *MINJi! 1.0 _ Explain any enargir; 3':e ets e *etsi . 'sve n: . mt: ar.ith cassec gressarizer !evel to '}02770 1.0005 tr:resse : c:vever;r:gramlevel1s'limite: y :! n i n 5:t level (.25) taas the

        ,:*:r:1:a* :/. :::n :targing flew to main:an level.t.2i
        .. ; ?i*:C'  .:; -17-? .05 tlA
        ::: . r o. . . . . .
        . . . . .  .
          ,4 i.0 :! '    (!4 RATING;3.U lIFF;2 r,. .e.. .

i ,-. :. i 002771 1.000E 1.2' Explain any has tre in : :et:1 ' f: re icelevelde.t.ensetasre:uce:ttearea affe::edS/Gce:rease::- sinticle a ve nets ;enerat:r for rest i- :rses'er. . . ~r( due. 4 de. crease. in


L' shmremootf heat Piw tr.D*+froMeam 4he . ceuhrimSe u acJ .

        :.cs- ....

4:; stem w a ll 'd e.t/t [ C,n,c g/a r. : . is -

         .. .. . m.-i.2.7.:. . 84: ;.. 3 ..
        {02$2[k6."* .

i.0 itEF: : alA2ATING: 2.3! _ - - - - - - - - - - _ = - D IFF:2

- . . . - _ _
 - _ , .
+,< ,.
., [ '


  - Nuclear Training De:artment ! Connecticut Yankee Operator Training'
    ' SE 6 I '

h . Answer Eram t R0:090007 tas 8 ~ Ques i Points--Question PIRLevelChannelI>521cr(PIRlevelhign)

-02772::1.00071  1.0 unat turnec on a" 314 cach: * esters? '

LPREF:CY-0P-LOCT-87-3-587303 K/AREF: r 011000K4.04 ELOREF: 10 : K/ARATING:



  :1.3J ledicatetreproceouralficacatnfremtrepointE-0tostep4(.33)     i

-)D2773 1.0006 of reactor trip to tne :oint of exit from the- TransitiontoES-0.1(.33) E0P networa.0nly incicate tne croceoure and tne ES-0.1 until step 17 (NOP 2.1-4) .(.33)


step at which a transition to anctner procedure or ES-0.1 STEP 10 to loss of vacaus, v111 occu LP REF:C~'-::-LOCT-67-3-587302. K/A REF:000-07 EK3.01 ELO REF: K/A RATING:4. . A.6 ' DIFF:2 TIME: 3 W h.*ES Friar to the reactor tr:c if you mere to ico; 3 sc o few !.51 :uld te more effective 002774 .1.0009 manually spray the pressuri:er anien spray valve :ecause *. .ater is colder (.5) 1 wouldbesoreeffective.Justifyyouranswe LF RE*:CY O .0CT-3!-t-c!8403 K/A REF:035-0-*.3.01 ELOREF:i K/A RAT!kG:4. DIFF:3 TIMi: 1 NIYJTE

      - . _ _ . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._U
.. .  .

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.'d,; .. L e

be page .4- WRITTEN EXANINATICN ANSWER KEY NuclearTrainingCecartmentlConnecticuttankeeOperatcrTraining ' SE! l l Points ' -tion Answer Exte f 90:990007 )

:tes s -Quas i b0fifS 1.0010  - Uponthereactortricfrcmtniseventwillthe ina! will stay open a longer seriod of   i feed regulating valves stay :cen a sa:rter or  t1ee.(.25)BecauseTevewillressinhigherthan longer period of. time aten ::e: area to a manual 545DegFforalongerperiodoftime.t.15)   'l reactor trip.-Explain your sesse C,oncepts oppHed   j
      .LPREF:CY-0P-LOCT-37-3-587302. K/AREF:

035010K3.03 j ELOREF: 13 t/ARATING: 3.0/ DIFF: 2


TIME:2NINUTES i i I 1.0011 As the secondary side ccerator new m:uld you Takemanualcontrolofthefeedreulatingvelv have sitigated tais malfun: tion at the t1se of (1.0)LPREF:587304 E0:3 K/A


the instrument failur REF:059-000-A2.11 l IIME: 12.if - K/A RATING:3.:*.3 DIFF:3 ^I i l 003488 1.0012 1.2 thyisChannel4vtFisetecintso1:wifits' It's celta T ::t;; tent dresced significantly I invg input is so high? .itn an :;: m oir; effec l

L8 REF: Si~ 24 UA REF: 002000A1.08 K/A RAilhG: 3. :.B E0: 3 FROCREF: } DIF : 2 * : 1 PIWiiS l I a

'003489 1.0013 0,9 How are Channels 1, 2, 8 3 VLPT sets:1nts  a. Increase 1.33)

affected ty tre foll: ming: (In:rease, Decrease, Noeffect). hoaf's:(.33) a. Delta i c. Increase t.33) PIR Pressure LPREF:S!"Z4K!AREF:012000K6.11 t/ARATIhG: 2.9/2.9 E0: 3 PROCREF: DIFF;2 c. .iavg TIME: 2 M:NUTES

 '- -
  . _ . _ . _ - _ _ -.

e . P r-4.- -

. .  <



age 5 sRITTEk DAMihATIGH AkSWER KEY Nuclear Training De:artment') Conneett:ut tankee Operator Training SE 6

    .o l

Points Guegion' Ansser Exas#P0:89407

1gai 'Quas 6 - __ ,

03498 1.0014 1,0 Why nas steam ft:n :ecrease: :q s1. 2.'4 3 S/Gs? Three Steam Generators trying to su: ply the same

     ' amountofsteamasfourSteamGeneraters.(


     - LPREF:687304 t/A REF: 035010A2.05 K/A
     - RATING:3.2/3.4 E0: 3 PROCREF:

OlFF:2 TINE: 1 MINUTES 103491 1.0015' 13 shy would ocening 84 S/G FRv typass valve have Bypassflowwillnotsupportstessdemandfor very little thispower.(1.0) effect en sitiga:Ing this accident ? LPREF:587304-K/AREF:000054EA2.06.K/Aj RATIkG: 4.0/4.3 E0: 3 PROCREF: OlFF: 2 TINE: 1 NINUTES


Theeffe::sof. swell (duetohigherstessing

.  ..
.003492 .. 1.0016 shy. nave the levels in si, i, 8 3 SIGs increaseJ?   rstel LP REF: S!!!'4 : n/A REF: 035010A2.03 K/A RATING: 3.4 1.6 E0: 3 PROCREF:

DIFF: 2 ~:vi: 1 NINUTES

.003493 1.0017  1.0 List 6 NCB tecividua! incitations stere ne can Any6frcr :slist.(.166es.)

seeaneffectfreethececreasedcrargingflo . PZR le .

      . WCT le si
      . VCI C'i35are
      . Cag bel:er Pressure
      . Chg P: a:s
      . L/0 Re: wx Outlet Temp
      . Chg *e : Regen Hx cutlet
      . Labyri n n telta P incicatters
      . f.hgfl:sIndicatienlocp2
      . Chgfi:sindicationcontroller(s) . PZRp*essore

, 1-

      . vctr Rate, of 'P
      . REF: 67-2-LO6 K/A REF: 004000A1.06 K/A RATING:3.0/3.OED:1 PROCREF:

01FF:2 'lWE: 1NINUTES EU__ _. _

v- -

    ' - ' ' ~


      - - - - - - - - - -

(% . -:q ---~~ - 7 , 5 $'

; tr , . ,

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:; o
tes t ' " Ques 0 - Points '--tion

Arsuer- Eras t 90:690007


LO3494; 1.00181 1,1 L In which directi:n s'euic r:: ectt:r :e'at this Inmard

 -  tise?.-

LPREF:.56f304;K/AREF:001000K4.03 K/A FATING: 3.5/3.8 E0: 3 PROCREF: DIFF: 2. TIME: 1 MINUTES .!




1034955 1.0019 : A. Just prior to tne rea:ter tri:. 9 were roos A. Tevg Tref cevistion ( >1.5 des F ) ( i $i B.- Why is rod speed ) 5 in. :er minute 5 -i

      .'LPREF:.561304 t/A REF:.001000K4.03 KIA .

RATING: 3.5/3.8 E0: 3- PROCREF: . l DIFF: 2' TIME: 1 MINUTES i


1034961L1.0020 0.8 'After'the rea:ter trip ecw many FRys will open 4 (1.C , :l



      -LPRi?::"..:4 O A REF:.059000K4.11 K/A

RATIN3: 2.- 2.3 E0: 3. PR00REF' DIFF; 2 T:vi: vihuTi$ -l I


l If the R0. were to c:en s4 FRV. the same tecnt 84 5!G ;re: /e 's less than the other tnr2e j

003497- 1.0021 1.0'

as 81 ,1 4 3, vny woulo feed fiew to st 5/G te t? := tsae' " e :st': Of least restiance er Flos ! o gner than to 81 ,2 1 3 5/Gs ? is crop:r- ti : trescuareoftheDIP.) i LF Ri?: Si .: U A REF: 059000A2.11 L/A PATING:3. ..: 50:3 FR00 REF: Ol?f: 2 P i: * W N TES j l l

, . .
 .______1__ _ _ . _

__- -- - -

  , -

L .



' Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut-Yankee Operator Training:

Operator: Training Course. Exam : LORT SE-6 Examination Category 1: '1

' Examinee :   Final Grade':

Examination Number': RO : 890017 Developed : CY / 6W c s ACFI Date. Administered' : F/ '/ / 87 Approved : % N'.T.D. Supervisor Instructions to'the Examinee : Talking during the examination is strictly forbidde . If'a question is not understood, raise your hand so that a proctor / examiner may assist'yo . All required reference materials will be provided by the proctor / examine . Cheating in any form may result in a recommendation for disciplinary actio . Each' examination response sheet shall be numbered by you. You shall write your name or initials on each examination response shee . The passing grade requires a final grade of at least 80%. The total duration of this examination shall be 0.75 hour All work done on this examination is my own; I have neither given nor received ai Student's Signature


.,... .. .



WRITTEN EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training Departments /. Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Operator Training Course Exam : LORT SE-6a Examination Number : RO : 890017 Date Administered : 5'/V /07 Catcgory % of Student's % of Value I.q131 Score Cat. Value Cateoory 25.0- 100.00 .00 _ .00 .00 2 .00 Totals Final Grade % l _ _ _ . _

W- .

'o;ga '1
' '

WRITTEN EXAMINATION f Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT SE-Sa

  / /

Qu;c # / Pts- Question Exam # : RO : 890017 1.0001 / As the secondary side operator how would you have mitigated this malfunction at the time of the instrument failur .0002 / Why is Channel 4 VLPT setpoint so low if its' Tavg input is so high? 1.0003 / How are Channels 1, 2, & 3 VLPT setpoints affected by the following: (Increase, Decrease, No effect) Delta T PZR Pressure Tavg 1.0004 / 1.0 Why has steam flow increased on #1, 2, & 3 S/Gs? 1.0005 / 1.3 Why would opening #4 S/G FRV bypass valve have very little effect on mitigating this accident 1.0006 / 1.1 Why have the levels in #1, 2, & 3 S/Gs increased?

    - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
 -- .-- _ _ .

_ _ _ _ . .

     ._ _ ._ _ _ . ..

oe *


PC93 2-

,l' . >a  .

WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee OperatorJTraining Course Exam : LORT SE-6a

    /^ /
   : g;
, . . .W Question
-Guacf#-/ Pts-     Exam # : RO : 890017 1.0007 /' . List'6:MCB individual indications where we can see an effect froM the decreased charging flo ~ 1.0008'/  1.1 ' In which direction should rod motion be at this time?.

, 1.0009 / A. Just the reactor trip, why were rods moving? f B. Why is rod speed > 5 in. per minute?  ?


1.0010'/ After the reactor trip how many FRVs. will open ? 1.0011-/ If'the RO. were to open #4 FRV. the same amount as #1 ,2 & 3, why would-feed flow to #4 S/G be higher than to #1 ,2 & 3 S/Gs ? l 1.0012 / What MCB alarm was a direct result of the S/G narrow range level transmitter failing high?

' 1. 0013 / What will trip the Reactor if no operator actions are taken?

- _ _ - _ .

,- _- . . .

L' < . P7g] 3 l

- 7 '

WRITTEN EXAMINATION l Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT SE-6a

   / /

Qu0s # / Pts Quet. tion Exam # : RO : 890017 )

.1.0014 /  1.4 During the transient MWe had increased to 650 MW9. Explain why this occure '1.0015 /  1.8 Given that steam line isolation will occur, will the RCS pressune drop be GREATER THAN, LESS THAN or THE SAME as a manual reactor trip from 100% power? Explai .0016 /. 1.0 Explain why charging flow has decrease !

1 I

. 1.0017 /- 1.2 Explain why has the loop delta T for the affected S/G decreased?

1.0018 / 1.0 What turned on all PZR cackup heaters? I 1.0019 / 1.3 Indicate the procedural flow path from the point of reactor trip l to the point of exit from the EOP network.Only indicate the procedure and the step at which a transition to another proceduna! will occu .0020 / 2.1 Prior to the reactor trip if you were to manually spray the pressurizer which spray valve woulc be more effective. Justify your answe l l l


_ _ _ . !'


Pc g'a 4

* ~' 

WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT SE-6a

   / /

Quso' # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 890017 1.0021./ Upon the reactor trip from this event will the feed regulating valves stay open a shorter or longer period of time when compared to a manual reactor trip. Explain your answe . E


__ ;, .


rge I a::"i.i if as:wI;*4 ed E; e

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as :re se::r:an s':e ::rt.: :w a:. : .:a 'eie !: : r . ::a: : :# tre ees: e/ s:t : . n ' /:: : n ; e 'e :' '

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me t'::; ate: r's . . oi

  :*e :tstr;ter: fa R e i:053-0C:-!!.!t
     "v:.. <w ...' L. . :
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Mi!G:5.0: . l' t .r. . ., any :s Crantel 4Jv' T set::in 50 i:w d *:s' It's :e!!s T ::rpenent arc;;e: si;ntficantly

:'011!! !.0002 favg in;ut is se nt;n?   n m an everri:in; effec LD 8EF: !!7304 (/A REF: 002000Al.08 K/A FAllG : 3.7/3.8 50: 3  FA00REF:

0 Ff: 2 TIN!: f NIN!!TES

.003409 1.0003 *:w are trac els 1. 2, 1 i v:.Pi set::1 cts s. Intruu !.33)

affe:te ty !.te f:il:w? g: :!neresse. :e:ralse, NO6Ife:tl h: sf#i: t.331 h tta i  :. Incren .33) LE fi : 35 '.4 C A EEE* 01200CK6.Il KiAFATING:

  . P!R Pressure 2.Ii2.3 :  1 FR3CFif:   Dl?I:2
  :. Tav;    ':HE 2 *: .'!S

'.003498 1,0034 thy tas sttas f kw in.rease: :r. f t. 2. I 3 3,Gs? Trree S;er Pt'n:rs :rying t: succly tne same at: art # ilt is f:Lt $ teat Gefterat:ts, t


Can:e::s n ::!e: t LFRif:Si :( KlA FEF: 03!i10A2.05 K/A FAT W: '. 3.i 13: 3 PROCFES: CIFF: 2 :v; ivIhgi[5 I


         . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _

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Jies s Ques

,z  _P oints Questien

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Why would :enic; 54 - : :.:iss . a *:.! .: 4.::: : : :: :e : : 133491 1.0005 verylittle - s ::.s . effect en sitiga :t; :e s ::: :e":

     : ::: . .:-   . . :::   . ..4::-
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03493 1.0007 List 6 WCB 1r.: ht:an! c:::st :*s **e's se :sr any 5 **:-


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203404 . 1.0008 In shicn cireetten st:i : *:: ?:U :r :e 1: : ts :c se: l t\re?

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soliTEN ErAnikAT:0h sh!iER LEY


Nuclear Training De:st. ett 0:r.ce :1:at Yankee Operater Training




tes t Ques f 19swer ,,Eram e 90.ggootr Points....bellion . A. Just prior '.c re res::: " : =ay mere rocs A, iarg Tref deviation i 11.5 ceg F i 10.51 03495 1.0009 eeving? 9.Pressurecercensation(hl.corensatlen) 10,5) (anu s.M ator3 5i $ad) 8. Why is red s;tec i E :tr rns:e! iPREF:567304 h/A REF: 001000K4.03 f/A RATIhG: 3.5/3.8 E0: 3 PROCEEF: DIFF: 2 TINE: 1NIWUil$ l

'03496  1.0010 After the resctor tric n:s rany FRVs. will 0;en 4 (1.0)

l LPREF:581304 K/AREF:059000td.1T t/A RAllhG: 2.5/2.8 E0: 3 PROCREF: DIFF: 2 TIME: 1HINUTES 103497 1.0011 if tne R0. were te c:en 44 FRV. tre sate u nnt 84 SIG : emre is less than the ether three as si ,2 4 3, uny s nic feea fice to s4 SiG ce (Flow t! : ;re Cath of least restiance er Ficw hi p,er than to s1 ,2 8 3 $/Gs ? Is cercc : " al to tre square of the D/P .) LF REF: F :4 UAREF: 059000A2.11 LiA FAilkG. 3. 2.3 EC: 3 FROC REF: DIFF: 2 "! ' d!WTES stat NCB alare was a cirect resalt t/ 9 e $13 E 1-1-3 cr l'3 .e<ei iranst.itter Signal Hig E 1.0012 i narres range level transri::er 'a1 4't: ni'ic?  ! J FIF: *:-t0CT-!? 1-l.C'. kla , . SEF:C53-0; -: 11 I ELOFEF. ~ K/A FATING:3.: .: f,' DIFF: 2 FROCREF: f ilte: 1 2 % te


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sRIifEN EXAMIhAi!ON ANSWER KEY-ses:T4: Nuclear Training Decartment > C:nre:ticut Yanket Operater Training LORT SE-!: l ! Points Question Answer- Exami00:890017 fas l' Ques # _

'02767.,1.0013 1.6' n at illi trip tre Rea:::t 'f ec ::e's:ct'  High steam flow gt 1105 cr(LPT(1.0)

actions are taken? LPREF:CY-0P-LOCT-87-5-587505 K/A




Ei0 REF: 4 K/ARATING: 4.6/ .: W DIFFi2 PROCREF: TIN!: 2 NINUTES Duringthetransten: Nee na: increase: to 550 Mainsteamheaderpressureincreased(.33) witch l)02768 - 1.0014 Mue. Explain why tnis :c:gre:. increasesmainsteamflowtotheturninet.33)- whichincreasedturhinepower(.33) ConMb a.99lied

      . LPEEF:C'-::-LOCT-87-5-587505 KlA REF:039-0:~-A1.06 ELOREF:1     K/ARATIN3:

" 3.0/ DIFF: 3 PROC REF: l TINE: 1 wit'E 002769 1.0015 1.8 Given that steam lire tselatten sill ecn r, will The cecrea: .111 te less than usual after the the RCS pressure cret ce GREATER i Ak, . 'iS$ i dk trip t.25 -:a'.se steam line Isolation will 1s: late tt: ::etsese;s.(ThusTaveand orTHESANEasamanualreactortri:frcm1001 pomer? Explain, tr.erefore ::5 cressure vill not crop as far.)

(.75) cre g ts a.pplied LP PEF:C1-:;-LOCT-87-5-587505 t/A REF:041-02~-d.02 . ELOREF:3 L/A RATING:3.El DIFF:3 TINE: 1 WIuTE _ ____________-_ - - _ -

 -  ___ . _ _ _ _ _ . _

___ _ Ykk 3 .

. ;g  so s, .- -

h . ,,_ see;i5f  : WRITTEN EXANihATION AhSWER KEY Nuclear Training De:artment / Connecticut Yau ee Operater 1 raining LORT SE-6a 1I tas # Ques't' Points Question _ Aesser Eras #P0:89QD17

    , Eiplainwhycharg:ngfic.nasce:tiase Taveincreasedunicacauseopressuri:erlevelic 0277011.0016L increase (.5)howeverprogramlevelislimited

orcl1Dpedat501 level (.25)thusthe centroller cut back cu rging flow to maintain level.t.251 LP REF:CY-0P-LOCT-87-1-LD5 K/A


REF:011-000-A1.04 ELO REF: 7 K/ARATING:3.1/3.3 g DIFF:2 TIME: 1 MINUT :


1 98711 >1.0017 1.2 Explainwhyenstre1cco:eitaifertee The level :e:rease tas reduced the area affectedS/Gdecreasee? availacis ine steam generater for heat

'3,        transfer, '.0)s,c'( A b k u '*'* k + * d m b h my siem e,eaer.f.c -N, heat remod , . gT, .'

g,_ w pr.m.s s sh *t0* wi ti Aussse.') Cawks LP FEF: 0 : .001-87- -587505 K/AREF: 002020K5.:! ELO PE: 1 K/ARATING: 3.tlL,1 DIFF: 2 TIME: ? P: 'i L002772 '1.0016 1.0 What turned on all PIR catsuo netters? P:RLevel.Tr,el1>521cr(PIRlevelh1gh) LP PEF:Ci .:: '001-57-3-587303 . K/AREF: . 01100CK , ELOREF: 1: K/ARATING: 3.0/ DIFF: 2 TIME: 1 N:uTE


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h,t i* [4 .4.. ' 2 age 6 LwRITTEE11AMIuTIONANSeER' LEY-

   -Nuclear.TrainingCe:artment/CGat:ticutYankeeOperatorTraining LORTLE-fa f      :

Answer Evas i F0:f90017

:tes 8 Ques 8   Points Questian-     .

302173 .1.0019 ' 1-.3 Inoicate the precs:ca'. M:= :ste f *:r tne point E-0 to step 4 (.33) of f eatter trip to tre ::ta: :' ett from the TransitiontoES-0.1(.33) E0P network.Only incita*e tra :rociaure and the ES-0.1 until step 17 (N0P 2.1-4).- (.33) ' step at which a transt'. : *.o anetner crocedure or ES-0.1 STEP 10 to loss of vacuus, willoccu LPRE*:CY-0P-10CT-87-3-S87302 K/A REF;000-007-EK3.01-ELOREF:13 - K/A RATING:4.0/ FF:2 TIME: 3 MINUTES

1;0020 Priortothereact:rtrip1fycuwereto Loop 3sprayfew(,5)wouldbescreeffective
   '. manuallyspraytnecressbrizerinicnscrayvalvececausetre.ateriscoldert.5)

would be more effective. Justify your answe . .. LPREF:Ct-; NOCT-!8-4-L88403.K/A REF:035-D:-'3.01 ELOREF:. K/A RATING:4.4 O!FF:3


TIME: 1MI*..E 002775- 1.0021 1.0 Upon the rea: tor tric from nis event will tre ireywill al ::en a 1:nger ;eriod of feed regulating valves stay ::en a snorter :r time.t.ii H :ause Tave will remain nigter tnan longer ceriod cf t me anee ::r:areo to a ranual 545 Seg F .* a 1:nger oeriod of time. (.75) rea: tor tric. Explain j: r answe Coneq4h

       .P FiF:CV-:NOCTgplied st-3-$67302 K/AREF:

035010K ELOREF: 11 K/ARATIhG: 3.0/ DIFF:2 TIME:2M1 wies _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

, -_ .- _- _-- - _ _-

' AIEC MASTEk f;. .


LA WRITTEN EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training-Department / Connecticut. Yankee Operator Training Operator. Training Course Exam : LORT SE-9a Examination Category : 1-Examinee : Final Grade : Examination Number : RO : 890015 Developed : CY/NAC SwM4:S Date Administered- : / / Approved : N82ul44 NAT.D. Supervisor Instructions to the Examinee : Talking during the examination is strictly forbidde . If a question is not understood, raise your hand so that a proctor / examiner may assist yo . All required reference materials will be provided by.the proctor / examine . Cheating in any form _may result in a recommendation for disciplinary actio . Each examination response sheet shall be numbered by you. You shall write your name or initials on each examination response shee . The passing grade requires a final grade of at least 80%. The total duration of this examination shall be 0.75 hour All work done on this examination is my own; I have neither given nor received ai Student's Signature

      - - _ _ _ _ - -
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> 35 ,

ATTACHMENT 1 i WRITTEN' EXAMINATION COVER SHEET i-Nuclear' Training Department /~ Connecticut Yankee! Operator Training 1 j

     -Operator Training-Course. Exam'::LORT ._ S E- 9 a          -j

l~ ,

                '- '

Date Administered


IEximination Number.: RO-:.890015-  : '/ -/




I iCatcgory'  %: of- _ Student's- .% of- 'j Value Total Score Cat,'Value _

           -Cateaorv      l l

2 .00 H i l

 : .00-l
                .[ -.

v _; J 0.0- 70.00-

   . .




                 , ~ 0 .' 0 0 ' . _

l i l 2 .00 Totals j i Final Grade  %


I i I


i l I




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P ge 1 1, WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear-Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training L -Course Exam : LORT SE-9a

   / /
~Qu;3 # / Pts Question   Exam # : RO : 890015 1.0001 / Why have the RCP labrynith seal d/p indications decreased ?

1.0002 / List two different indications that confirm that the turbine has trippe .0003 / List four of the RPS trip signals present up to now that should alone been able to trip the reacto .

1.0004 / Classify the event. A manual reactor tripped has been attempte ( Assume all efforts have been attempted to trip the RX and were unsuccessful . ) 1.0005 / The primary RO upon receipt of RCS Low Flow at 100% pwr and noticing the RX did not trip pushed the RX trip butto Is the RX in the process of tripping at this time. Explai .0006 / List two indications that #4 RCP did not trip ? 1.0007 / The RCP Low Flow alarm was due to wnich of the following events: i

        ' Undervoltage Bkr opening Rotor Shear      I Seized Rotor l


     . - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___-___ - __ _ _ O

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ -

;. *


: Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course' Exam : LORT SE-9a
   / /
-Qu;3 #'/ Pts Question   Exam # : RO : 890015 1.0008 / For the following-parameters indicate if they would be higher than, lower.than.or the same if this accident had occurred at EO!
 . condition ~A X p w r Tavg 1.0009 / The SRO based on~ feedback from his operators has told the SS "I have completed E-O am transiting to ES-0.1.".What~ procedure-should he be in at this tim E 1.0010 / List 3 different methods that could be taken at this time in the control room to. shutdown tne Reactor? (Assume both Reactor trip buttons have been pushed.)

-1.0011 /

' Steam line isolation occurred on high stm flow Delta Explain how loss of flow in loop 4 led to tnis conditio .0012 / Determine the status of the four feed regulating valves and explain any difference .0013 / After verifying >320 gpm AFW flow wnat effect, i f any, would the RO have on S/G 1evel if he shuts the feed line MOVs and leaves them shu Assume no other changes to plant conditions take place.

1-L' _._____._._____.__________m___- __ _ nrw- , . . . _ [! _l' .

. on L


'fcesi i
 ~' Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training D   Course Exam : LORT SE-9a
   / /

Ques #)/' Pts- Question Exac e : RO : 890015 150014 /- Why'are all.four feed regulating valve auto control signals on

  'the controllers indicating 0% output?

, . 51.C015'/ Why it PZR level setpoint 50% at this time? 1.0016-/ Why is charging flow at a minimum? 1';0017-/ 2.0- Neglecting the effects of control rods , What is presentl controlling.Reactorpower ?

(1,0018 /' Using all loop Taves calculate the actual plant tavg?

1'.0019 / Why were Pzr. spray valves ineffective in mitigating the RC pressure transient prior to the turoine trip? 1.0020 / Which RCS loops have reverse flow? B. Which RCS loops will develop reverse flow? Assume all automatic actions associated with the turbine trip occur _ -

, 77 - . .- _n

3: y


f.s%. 4o

;Page-' PRIiiEh E m lhAi!0N ANSiER KEY ka: lear Traintng tecartment / C:nte:ticut innsee 0;erater Training LORTSE-Ba

g e iless Ques s 'Niets Quitice . Egm : EWM M2452 ' t.0001 thy have tne P P lt:ryn tn seal c:: irtt:stians FCS pressure nas incretsac. t:0 greater inan ae:reasec ? that :f seal si,;;ly) 11.0) LPFEF:BT-2-t06 siAREF: 001000A1.03 nie FATING: 3.6/3.! ED:it0 PROCFEF: DIFF:2 TIME: 2 NIk'uTES 003451 1.0002 List tre cifferent inct:ations tnat confirm inat Step valves shut tne turcine has trippe Gev valves snut Low auto step oil pressure I.5ea:n) LPFEF:37-5-567502 t/AREF:045000A3.04 KiA RATING: 3.4/ E0:3 FROCREF:E-0 DIFF;2 TIME: 1 MINUi?S U


003450 1.0003 . wd %p PA M List fcur cf the FPS tris signals present up to Lew aute s::t cil new tnat secula alene teen acle to trte tne Low RCE f':. / ## 7 / M 7p) reacte steam lire 71; valve shut turcire s _: vaives stat

     :ressur1:e" a1;'t pressure tiign stear ' :w tia 2 cf 4 I.25each)

RC.P $kr o LPREF:57 5s7501 t!A REF:000007EA2.02 t/A RATING: 4.',r :3 FROCREF:!-D DIFF:2 TINE:1WSUTES

     & ACS 57w Z V V   ,'},;

=: _ i

_ __

- .

, Page ' 2 - *RITTEN EXAVIkATION Ak$nEP (EY kuclear Training Decartrent / Cctrecticut Yamee 0:erater Training LORT SE-ia

   'I lteri cgn s Peirts hestien    u sier  ine s 4:sf 15 003449 1.0004 Classify the event.. A manuti res:ter tr?;;ec +as St:e Area Emer;ency 10-2)11.0; teen attempte ( Assume all efforts rave ceen atterete te tric the RX sed were unsuccessful !

LFREF:EF-;10 t/AF.EF:00002 MEN 2 tiA 4AT!hG:3. ti EC- ' ;;00 FEF:EFI; 1-5,1 DIFF: 3 TINE: 1 HINUTE3 002924 1.0005 The primary RO upon recci;t of PCS tc= F1:w at kc. (.5) Scram tkrs still snut (0,5) 1001 pur and noticing the Rx ia oct tric castec the RX trip tutten. Is tre RX in tee crecess cf tripping at tnis time. Ex: lai LF REF: CY-0P-LCCT-67-5-SaiS03 t/AREF: 000-029-EA2.07 E.CB): 87 K/ARATING: 4.2/ DIFF: 2 FROCEDUPE REF: TIME:1 mitate 002926 1.0006 List in indications trat it FCP die not trip ? EAR. inc. Fec ligt ) 1.5)Pumpat:s.(.5) LDREF: C -CP-LOCI-87-3-S$73C5 t/AREF: 003-000-AI .2 E. OEJ: si t/ARATIkG: 2.t/ I!FF; 2 FP0CEDURE REF: TIFE:1 rir..e 002323 1.0007 ite PCP tcw Flew alarm was due to wnich cf tre (FcterStettiC(1.0) felicwing events: LP REF: C4-C"-LOCT-Ei-3-S!7305 (IA REF: Unde <veltage 000-015-E!.2:1 B. Skr c;ening E. OBJ: 15 K/A FATIh3: C. Reter Stear 3,0/ LIFF:3 FROCED'u RE 0. Sei:ec Retor EEF: TIFE:1 rir.te

       .________ _
        . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _

4 - J Page 3 WRITTikEJANIhATIONAkStERLEY ku: lear Traio rg De:arteert ' : rre:t :ut inniee C:erator Training LORTSE-Sa


l l


_ lteri Qges Poiets Question _ arper [,yte s 90;{g23

~002039 1.0008 For tte foll: win; :arste:ers m:': ate if they a. L .er. (.50)

would te higher tram ic.e* tran er :re same if :. Lever.1.50) this a::icent ta: c::arre: at ih ::ccitien a. RX pur LPFEF: OY-0F-LOCT-28-4-LE!4C2 K/AREF: Tavg (00-029-EK1.01 E.05): 815 k/ARATING: 2.9/ DIFF; 3 PROCEDURE REF: TIWE: 1 minute 002938 1.0009 TheSR0tasedenfee::ack'r:ents:: erat:rshasSh:uldteinFR-S.I.11.0) told the SS 'I have ::r:lete: E-0 at :ransiting to ES-0.1.' that gre:e:gre st:a': ce :e in at this tir LPFES: "0F-LOCT-si-1-L66105 t<A REF: 000-029 ,.12


E.OBJ: si KlA RATIN3: 4.4i DIFF: 2 FROCEDUFE PEF: TIME:1 mir e 002937 1.0010 List 3 :1fferent rett::s tra: ::ul: te taien n! Drne R::s. itergen:y t:rati:n,0;en Bas 4241 8 this tire 1971 E P : :ar: re, t.33 en:t-3 re:06 in tre :nntrol roce :: stst:: n tre Fea:::r?

 (Assuteb:th Fea:t:r tri: : :!0"s nave ;PFEF: , ?-LOCT-i7-5-S!?503 t/APEF-been$Usted.)   (20-[25-E' 2 E . OE.* :  t./ A FAIItiG:

4.4! LIFF: 3 FLOCEDURE FEF: IIFE:1 tir/e l _ -______

        - _ _ , _ _

Pde 4 eRITTEN EXAMINATION ANSWER KEY NuclearTrainingDepartment/ConnecticutYankeeOperatorTraining LORT SE-9a

   ! /
,&9emi Ques * Poin_ts Questicn    Answer  Ene i F0:H0015 0029:6 1.0011 Steam line isolation cccurrec cn high ste flev As flew in loco 4 cecreasec ters in that 1cco telta P. Explainnemicssofficwinlocp4leddecreasedstaficwsentcoun,~theether3S/Gs to this conditic picked up the sta flow thus tripping tre it (Conceptapplied)

LPREF: CY-0P-LOCT-BB-4-LBl403 K/ARATING: 003-000-K3.02 E.OBJ: #2 t/ARATING: 3.5/ DIFF: 2 TIME:2 minutes 9a2933 1.0012 DeterminethestatusofthefourfeecregulatingII,2&83arewidecpen(.25)84isshut.}4is valves and explain any difference shut (.25)tecauseofnighleveloverrideat691 (.5) LPREF: 0-0P-LOCT-ST-5-S!T503 K/A REF: 059-00044.0B E.OBJ: si K/A l RATING: :.0!2.9 i DIFF: 3 PROCEDUREFIF: TIME:1 tir;te DD2934 1.0013 After verifying >320 gpr AFe flew nrat effect, Leni cettsne in alt S/Gs (1.0)ct Evertual cry ifany,sculdtheROtageonS/G1evelifte cat of tre 3s 11.C) , shuts tre feed lire M0vs and leans trem stu Assure no cther charges to plar:t cercit1 cts take LP FEF: : -: N OCT-Bi-5-5BT503 K/AFEF: plac EA5 E.OBJ: si K/A D TIhG: 4.1/ DIFF: 2 FRXEDUFE REF: TIME:1 mir;'.e l l {

  -      - ._   - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

s# !'; <

  • ;

Pi;ge5 iRITiikEXAMIkATIONAkSWERLE Nuclear Training te:artment / C:nrecticut tantee Operator Training


, ,

      /- /
:ltee s' Ques i  Points Question     A"he'  EnriR0:610015  .
'002935' 1.0014  0.8 ey are all'four feec regulatirg~<ahe auto   theoutputsignaliscontrolledmytheAuto

centrcl signals en tre cettrcilers ircicating 01 setroint, and this is haced upon SF/FF i S/G cutput? level,81,213SFisicw(.5)#4Levelishigh M(a thusallfouroutputsignalsarelou(.5); ,


L LP REF: CY-0P-LOCT-87-5-S67503 K/AREF: 059-000-K4.18 E.OBJ: 86 K/ARATING: 2.8/ DIFF:2 PROCEDURE REF: IINE:3einutes

.002932 1.0015 h y is PIR levei setpoint 50s at this tiee?  Levelrefiscli;pedat562degF(1.0)orWe are in remete auto 1.0)

CAtY (Wf W * LPREF:C'-0P-LOCT-87-3-SB7302 A/A REF: 011-000-A1.04 E. OBJ si K/ARATING: 3.1/ DIFF: 3 PROCEDURE REF: TIFE:1 m1 N e 002931 1.0016 thy is cr.argin6 fica at a minitur? P2Rlevelsf:eesingprogrammedvalue.(1.0) LP REF: C--C-LOCT-57-5-SE7503 t/AREF: 011-000- !.13 E.OBJ: si t/A j RATIkC: 3.1/ Diff: 2 PROCEDURE:E:: TIPE:1 zie:;te of b z la u l'ns & s = v_' I {w f Q R. Re g 9 m ae.+,. 3) R Sr.wn Q tw SaaA El C. Cuma,lla, to) J SwXs

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 - _ - _ _ - - _ -
} it .

Peg'el L 6- - W

     . RITTEN EXAMINATION ANSWER $EY NuclearTrainingDe;artment-/Conne:ticutYatkee0;eratorTraining LORTSE-Ba l l

Ites t - Ques t' Points Questicn answer Exem s P0:090015

002230',1'.0017 2.0 Neglecting'the effe
ts of control re:s , atet is Feed flow and S/G safeties are controlling RX presentlycentrcilingRea:tercover? gwr,(0.5each) aoWe appi mtc. , FTc. , voict s LP REF: CY-0P-LOCT-87-5-SB7503 L/APEF: .

000-029-EA2.01 E.OBJ: 87 K/ARATIkG: 4.4/ DIFF: 3 FPOCEDURE REF: TINE:1 minutes

'002929 1.0018 Using all loop Taves calculate the a:tual plant loop 81 + Loop 82 + loop 13 + Leap 14 Tav tavg?   cevided ty four. Value to be determined on the daycfexam+/-5Deg cegrees 7- (.5)

LPREF: Ci-0F-L001-87-5-SBT503 K/AREF: 000-017-iA1.09 E.OBJ: :S K/A RAT 1kG: 2.2/ DIFF: 3 FROCEDUFE REF: TIME:2mirutes 546 & Es(,t 694 & 533 g

         'i 002922 1.0019    0.8 vny were Pzr. spray valves ineffective in Short cy:I rg :No fica in locp $4 , s;tay flew titigating the RCS. pressure transient prict te from 10:p C ::: throu the turbine trip?   #f WP 4 Y"3 **gh *'*' leegIu84' spray lite.)

LP FIF: C -0F-LOCT-!7-5-SE?503 t/AFEF: 000-029+.'.01 E.OBJ:s' t/A RATING:2.ii!.1 DIFF:2 FROCEDUEE*EF: a s anstrolke 'sn NE[M i t> Ac +he b dn o c.e ~ a m . S m a M. thift R.Br e I,) 7. Banks y L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - - -

- - _ -



M se Page 7 RITTEN EXAC AAT10h ANitER KEY WuclearTrainir;terartrant/Cenne:ticutYankee0; erat:rTraining LORT SE-!

    / /

Itess ggts Peiets Questien Artver EFem 8 F0:690015 002927 1.0020 Which FCS icc;s hn e reverse fici? (0.5) B. Which RCS loops will :evelop reverse fler? B. 81 183(0,5) Assumeall autcr.atic attices associatec with the turbine trip c::Lr LPREF: CY-0P-LOCT-67-5-187503 t/AREF: 000-D0?-EA1.04 E.OBJ: 86 K/A RATING: 3.6/ DIFF: 2 FROCEDUREREF: TIME:1 minute


I . l l i

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- - _ - _ _ _ _ _ .


      - WRITTEN EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Operator Training Course Exam : LORT SE-9 Examination Category : I Examinee : _

Final Grade : Examination Number : RO . 880045 Developed : CY/NAc S!7F# Date Administered : 7/ Y/ f,7 Approved : r[M < _ N.T.D. Supervisor Instructions to the Examinee : Talking during the examination is strictly forbidde . If a question is not understood, raise your hand so that a proctor / examiner may assist yo . All required reference materials will be provided by the proctor / examine . Cheating in any form may result in a recommendation for disciplinary actio . Each examination response sheet shall be nurnbered by you. You


shall write your name or initials on each examination response shee . The passing grade requires a final grade f at least 80%. The total duration of this examination sbill be 0.75 hour All work done on this examination 1s my own; I have neither given nor received aid.

l Student's Signature f

-_ _- -
 - , -
. .
**      ATTACHMENT 1 WRITTEN. EXAMINATION COVER SHEET Nuclear Training-Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Operator Training course Exam : LOPT SE-9 Examination Number : RO : 880045 Date Administered : f/ + /67 -

CatGgory % of Student's % of Value Total Score Cat. Value Cateoorv . 2 .00 MAJOR' EVENT- RCP SHAFT SHEAR /ATWS .00

   . .00 .00 2 .00   Totals Final Grade %


i l l _____________O

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. Pcg3 1 . WRITTEN EXAMINATION ! Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training l Course Exam : LORT SE-9

    / /

Quco # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 880045 1.0001 / 1.2 The primary RO upon receipt of RCS Low Flow at 100% pwr and noticing the RX did not trip pushed the RX trip button. Is the RX in the process of tripping at this time. Explai .0002 / 0.8 List two indications that #4 RCP did not trip ? 1.0003 / 1.4 The RCP Low Flow alarm was due to which of the following events: Undervoltage Bkr opening Rotor Shear Seized Rotor 1.0004 / 1.1 Which RCS loops have reverse f',cw? B. Which RCS loops will develop re-erse flow? Assume all automatic actions associated with t e turbine trip occur .0005 / 0.8 Why were Pzr. spray valves ineffective in mitigating the RC pressure transient prior to the turbine trip? _ __ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ -

. - - . . _ . .

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f:g3 2 WRITTEN EXAMINATION Nuclear Training Department / Connecticut Yankee Operator Training Course Exam : LORT SE-9

   / /

Quaa # / Pts Question Exam # : RO : 880045 1~.0006 / 1.4' Using all loop Taves calculate the actual plant tavg? 1.0007 / Neglecting the effects of control rods , What is presently controlling Reactorpower ? 1.0008 / Why is charging flow at a minimum? 1.0009 / Why is PZR level setpoint 50% at this time? l l l l 1.0010 / Determine the status of the four feed regulating valves and l explain any difference _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __-

m , . .

   - - _ - -  _ .


;jf!~  ,



PCg3, 1 3

-+s'    WRITTEN EXAMINATION-Nuclear Training Department /' Connecticut Yankee Operator. Training
   ' Course * Exam': LORT'SE-9=
    / /

Quos # /;-Pt Question- . Exam # : RO : 880045

.1.0011 /  1. 2- After verifying >320 gpm AFW flow what effect, if any, would the FK) have on S/G 1evel if he shuts the feed line MOVs and-leaves'

them shut. -Assume no other changes to' plant conditions take plac .0012 /' Why are all four feed regulating valve auto control signals:on the controllers indicating 0% output?


11.0013'/ Steam line isolation occurred on.hlgh stm flow Delta Explain how loss of loop 4 led to this conditio '1.0014 / List 3 different methods that could oe Laken at this time in the control room to shutdown the Reactor? (Assume both Reactor trip buttons have been pushed.)

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ -

.-- . __ _ - _ . . - _ _ _ - _ . _ _  .-
. ~ ' 1, :

P ga- L4-10 WRITTEN EXAMINATION ( -Nuclear Tr'ining


a Department / Connecticut' Yankee Operator Training' Course Exam : LORT SE-9

    / /
'Qu33-# / Pts Question    Exam # : RO : 880045

' 1.0015 / The.SRO based on feedback from his operators has told the.SS "I have completed E-O am transiting to ES-0.1." What procedure should he be'in at this tim .0010 / .For the'following parameters. indicate if-they would be higher than,. lower than or the same if this accident had occurred at EOL- - condition RX pwr Tavg 1.0017 / 1. 4 ' Classify the event. A manual reactor tripped has been attempte ( Assume-all efforts have been. attempted to trip the RX and were unsuccessful . )

-1.0018 / List four of the RPS trip signals present up to now that should  3 alone been able to trip the reacto {
~1.0019 / List two different indications that confirm that the turbine has tripped.

l _ _ _ . __ _ . _ - - _ - _ _ -

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W " ' '


WRITTEN EXAMINATION: j?!g- fNuclear Training' Department'/ Connecticut Yankee Operator. Training Course Exam :'LORT-SE-9 i


l: /- / 0iQubi s'--/ Pt : Question: - Exam # :.RO :' 880045

. ;, n

1.0020 /. 1 '. Why have'the RCP labrynith seal d/p'- indications' decreased ?



     --------Lsa,<__.-- __m___,___ _ _ _ , _ _ ___ _ _
          - _ . - _ - . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ . - _


., .

!Dege 1 a:*IiikiAid!NATIONAAStiRtif Na:! ear Ten:n:*gte:gr:rer: 0 rre:P eut *ansee 0:ers :r ira m tg

    . 05i SE-i

_ . -

[*ft8 OE15 1 _ 80 1P
5 h10.1E* ___ 1*ist' __i!!' s 4(;{{Ki[
'.!!!4 1.2001 ?.2 Tre Or mary ;0 ::n ae:e :: c' ;05 .:n ~!:n at s: i.: 5:rar :,rs s: ss : *i     .
 '*Et *me 1*: n";;;!Og **e D T * 9:~ ' " : *;.!Pe"
 :*e X tr' Out : s **e 47 'a tre O' :e55 #

tr *:ing 1: !':15 !* re . i': 3'a ) Ri". 2 -3; .0 I-F-i-ifs.: *- *i;:

     . . .c. . s. ..: t . r:-

E. 03J: si A . A s A ". G . A.2: m.;: v 3

      .     ::w .t..,:s. - . - .

i:ME:1 m:nu;e 002925 1.0002 List inc it:::::ttas : a: se ::P ::: c:t tri: i (.51 h e: ames (.5)

     >? sEF: 0-0P-t0CT-67-3-SB7305
     .      t/APEF:

003-000-A3.02 E.OBJ: si t/ARATING: 2.61 DIFF: .' FROCED'JRi REF: T!WE:1 r* .:e 002925 1.0003 Tre PCP L:n Fles alar: nas ::.e :: .ni:n :f te tP:ter Snti- 0!!.0) falle=1tg events: LPPEF: C  : .00~-!?- M B73:5 (!A PEF:

         ' Undervoltage   00 H t5-E:

B. Ekr opening i.02): si tAFAil%G: C. Rcter Stear 3.0/3.! D. Set:e: Ratcr 0:FF:3 FROCEDtFE FEF: T'ME:1 e" :e

    . _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ . __ _ ___. .___________________ _____________    _ -
 -_  . _ _   _   -  _ _

u, I

+        ,


.;,          '!

apITTEN EXAMIkAi!CN ANStER REY l age : 2 4 Nuclear Tralning De:Artment ! C:nte:11:ut YaS ee 0:6Pn:r irt":.rg 10RT !E-!

     .s y
    .  -

'tes t Ques i Points Question 1 3 6L, [1LM;ii345


02927 1.0004 1,1 phi:n RCS 100ts avt reve " : ' :=? :.i' s1 i s; 0.1: B. Which RCS lo::s et H tevei:: reverse C :.? Assume all an:rni a:n:ns ast:::ne: c:t the tuttine trip :::Lr .: :i: C'-0; .0C'-si SitiO2 * A si::

      .:0-:0'-i11.;4 i.:2); si   .4 AA 0 3: 2.i.1 '
      ;IFF: !


      *:wE:' m u ne

0.6 . shy mere Pzr. spray valves ineffe:t ne in g l.oef YSD N #' Short cy: ; the f t:w in loep 84 , scray fles . 302928 1.0005 ettigating tne RCS. cressure transie'it prior to fr:m 1::: s: :::x through latt 14 s:tay 11ce.)

tre tuttice trig? 6 M MS C N td N M LPREF: -::LO;i-n-5-587503 K/APEF: 000-025-i .01 @g

      : eBj-   a/A hATNG$s- 2.: L1 #^$*

kr0CEDUF:. , . L. TIVE:1 m" t 2* O C Ch. % t i k . I. tA Q% 4- % AM v. A. se m k '3 6Ms . Ustrg all io:p Takes :aicaine tre a:tual clart ; c: s1 .::: s2 + Ico; s1 + teet se Tave, .002929 1.0006 tavg? tevt:e: : ~: '. ulke to te :etermine: :n tre

      :ay Of en - 5 teg i :s;<ees F i .51 5 FS+ S W Sff9 533   m: C.-:;-t0CT-n+sn503 000-017-EP.09 uA m:

E.09): si r./A FATING: ;2/ P DURE:!:: _

   -   TIME: 2 m .tes

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ -

__ _ _ _ - - _

 .- '.;

si pop _ ~ 3 aRitiEN EsA C 4H CN AkSe!R KEY Nuclear Training :e:srite". ::" .:n:n vanee Operaty Trainte; ,


2 2-?


Ites s' Ques's Points Questien D S * E'It 'liBC01E ' 002930 1.0007 2.0 hellecting the e"e::3 :f :t':' ens , stat 's Fee: f!cw and S/G safeties are contr 11itg 81 cresently contrem 2ein:*nai' :tr. i0.5 en:nl defc%. VM , Mrc, FTU, s)otbs LPREFi CY-0P-LOCT-87-5-587503 (/A REF: 000-029-EA2.01 E. CBJ: si K/ARATING: 4.4/ DIFF: 3 PROCEDURE PEF: TIME:2 minutes n y is ctarging fica at a mini m ? PIR leve' 5 002931 1 0008 n ted<:e :irg ;r:Fameed vahe.'il.0) 4a na m L?REF: ;P .CC~-s?-5-587503 K/AEEF: 011-00C- 3 E. 08.:: :: g, g c ,. se s ,LiA

      ;25: ,

2 3' 2.w . 4 .. 3 R- thw

      'Ih!:  4W h E. C Co.utt.NA bT 844 k$ . sty is PIR level set n'rt i':s a: ttis * te? Le'.e1 re' n =e: 1. 562 a g ; U .0t Or se 002932 1.0009 s'e v. f e :.i an: t1 c.onen h app! W.u:

LPEEC: C - N OCT-!?-3-Sii302 Kl4 PEF: 0't-000-A' ;; E. OBJ: 33 K/A RATIkG: 3.u LIFF; 3 CFOCEDUFE


T!WE:1 m1*/,e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

_ i ji(Y

;;; :e
.9 I

' age;.4- WRITTENEXAMINATION.43WERKEY Nuclear Training Ce:artment / C nnecticut Yankee Coerator Training


Points Question Answer Eree 8 R0 880046 tes t Ques i _ 02933.1$010 Deterstnethe' status:ftneicurfee: regulating #1,'21#3arewidec:en(.25)641sshut.#4is valvesandexplainanycifference shut (.25) tecause of high level evern:e at 69%

     (.56 LP REF: CY-0P-LOCT-87-5-Sa'503 K/AREF:

059-000-A4.08 E.OBJ: 86 K/A - RATING: 3.0/ DIFF: 31 PROCEDUREREF: TIME:1 minute

      ,,= ,

i X2934 1.0011~ 1.2 Afterverifying>320g;mAFwft:witateffect, tevelce:*iaseinallS/Gs(1,0)erEventueltry if any, would the R0 have en Sls level if ne outeft'e'iGs(1,01 shutsthefeedlinePOVsandleavesthemshu . Assume no other ctanges to plant c:ncitiens take LP FEF: : -: % 0CT-!?-5-!!7503 t/AREF: i plac EP '5 E.CBJ: 85 K/ARAi!NG: 4.1/ D'F': 2 PROCEDURE FEF: TIWE:t el r e 0.5 iny are all four fee: reguistir; vehe aut: tre out;'.t

      . r;na! is c:ntrollec :y the Auto 4002935 -1.0012
  :entrol signals :n :ne ::ntr:H ers in: 1: sting On setecint, r : inis is case ucen SF/FF 1 S/G /

output? level, 11.. i 3 SF is 'cw ( 5) 84 Level is high ro r k u us all ':ar ut:ut sistals are icz ( 5) t S nteet a:: lied)

         (W LPREF: 0-0P-t0CT-87-5-SB7503 K/A REF:

059-000-u a8 E.OBJ: ss K/A bilNG: 2.8/ ' DIFF:2 PROCEDURE l FEF:

- - ---_-__- -_  _

TIM]:3 minutes .!

_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - - _ _.- - - - _ - - - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - - . - - _ _ - - - _ - _ _ . - 40 . F;.j '


f Fi t~,.... . _ 9a,f 5 : WRITTENEXANINATIONANSeERLEY, Nuclear. Training De:artment 1 Centecticut Yankee Operater Trainirg_



       .i I


   ' Points  ^--tion -      Anseer     Ene s 90:i60045
:tes 6 'Suas t d02936 21.0013 Steam line isolati:n :::urres ::m;e sta fles As flow in loc: 4 decreased tems in tnat 1000 Delta P. Explain neu 1:ss :r " : 't 100 4ledcecreasedsteflowmentdown,theciner.3s/Gs-

tothisconditio picked up the sta flow thus tr1;cing the WL ' (Conceptapplied) p-


LPREF: .CY-0P-LOCT-88-4-L68403 t/ARATING: 003-000-K3.02 < E.OBJ: s2 K/ARATIhG: 3.5/ DIFF: 2 TIME:2 minutes a

e 202937 1.0014 2.0 List 3 different metn cs trat ::alc te taten at DriveRecsfEmergencybaration,0penBus46418 this time 4911 Ehrs '": tuttina. (.33 eacn-3 reed) in the control rc:a t: shuto:wn tre React:r?

     (Assumeboth Reactor tr:p :sttens tave LP REF: .~:P-LOCT-87-5-567503-       K/AREF:

teenpushec.) 000-029 . 12

          .E.OBJ:       L/ARATING:'

L.4i DIFF: 3 PROCEDURE PEF: TIME:1 ria . !

'002938 1.0015- The SRC tased :n fee:ta:n it:m his :perat:rs has Snculo te ' :?-5.1. (1.0)

told the SS ~1 teve c:mplete: E-0 am transiting to ES-0.1.* n at prece:ure snoule ne te in at LPREF: C-;P-LOCT-i!-t-LBB105 t/AREF: tnis tim Et'12 E.CBJ: 89 K/ARATING: 4.4/ DIFF: 2 FROCEDURE REF: TIME:1 etate - _ _ _ _ - _ - . _-________-__-_____ _ -

. . . _



wRITTENEXANIkATIONANSWERKEY i aN 16-l Nuclear Training De:artment t.Ccnrecticut Yankee Operater Training .


t0RTSE-9 i I


Points Question answer fram t 20:!B0045 ! tes t Ques l' __ 02939 1.0016 - For the following ;arameters F 1:ste if they a. Lower. (.50) woule te higher tran. 'Oner can er. tee same if t. Lever,(50) this accident nac ::: arras at E0; :: :1tions, s. RX per LPREF: CY-0P-LOOT-B6-4-tB8402 t/AREF: , b. . Tavg . 000-029-EK1.01 ' E.OBJ: s16 K/ARAT!hG: 2.8/ DIFF:3 PROCEDURE REF: TIME: Isinute 103449 1.001T 1.4- Classifytneevent.Ar.anualrea:tertrip:echasSiteAreaEmergency(C-2)(1.0) teen attempte (Assumealleffortshaveteenattet:tedtotrip the RX and were unsu::essful ) LP REF:E; .'O t/AREF.:000029 GEN 2 K/A RATING:3.' E0: T PROCREF:EPIP1- O!FF;3 TINE:1 NINUTES


x KCP tskr e#6 - e.x Tde % sk kdhmL.~ & List four of the RPS trts stscals present u; to t:w aute si:: 11 l003450 1.0018 new that snould alcre teen stie to tri: tte Lew RCS f':. I/4 reacto stene lire - ; valve shut turd 1re s; talves shut pressurl:e' 9 ;h pr?ssure Hi;h stea+. ' :n 1101 2 of 4 (.25each)' Low R0.5 fina A/4 LPREF:B7-i-iB7501 t/A REF:000007EA2.02 K/A PATING: .6 E;;3 PROCPEF:E-0 DIFF:2 TIME:1 MINUTES l L l~ l 1 _ _ = _

 , ,.     . _ - _ _ _ ..


 "  , .*
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/s'kd:    WRITTENEXANIHTIONANSWERKEY NuclearTraintng De:artmentf Connecticut Yankee Coerator Trainutg


, ,    ./'/      i

l !

%,, c y a...'.# t Points "---tion-  . _ _

Answer Exas s 70:!B0(45 1.0 ' . List two differect inattstt:ns inn c:nbre that Stop valves sta j .003451 :1.0019 the turbine has v3::e:.


Gov valves shut l

,      Low auto stop oil pressure   -
          .. 1
      . .
p, LPREF:87-5-581502 ..t/AREF:C45000A3.04 . K/A

RAilh6:3.4/3,6 E0:3 PROCREF:E-0 :l O!FF:2 ilME:'1 MINUTES .l

          'l i -l i003452 ,1.0020'

11.1 Why have tne RCP latrynita seal elp indicationsRCspressurehasincreased.(togreatertha'h .! decreased? thatetsealsupply)(1.0) 'l

          .j -

LP REF:67-: .06 - K/A REF: 004000A1.03 K/A- l RATING:;'3,8 - l-l 3;;TLD PROCREF: -! ' DIFF:2 ***E:

       . 2 MINUTES
          :i i

l i !- i* E._______'.___1___E__.________._ _ _ _ }}