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Amended Page 5 to Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period of Jul-Dec 1988
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1988
Shared Package
ML20245E083 List:
NUDOCS 8906270321
Download: ML20245E086 (1)


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P-89073 February 28, 1989 There were no unplanned radioactive gas waste releases made during this reporting period.

The following discussion correlates specific points mentioned in Fort St. Vrain Technical Specification 7.5.1.e to the contents of the WASTETRAK generated Regulatory Guide 1.21 Radioactive Waste Report for the Semiannual Effluent Report.

Total volumes and curie quantities are given for each waste type in Table 3.

The curie centent of aach container was estimated by the WASTETRAK computer code.

WASTETRAK calculated the concentration of gamma emitting nuclides from the measured radiation level on each container and, after applying the appropriate scaling factor to obtain the concentration of difficult to measure radionuclides summed the concentrations and calculated a total curie content for the container.

Principal radionuclides were estimated by the WASTETRAK computer code based on scaling factors and nuclide distribution determined from direct and representative samples as part of the 10CFR61 Waste Classification program performed in 1986.

One shipment of radioactive waste was made this reporting' period. This shipment was composed of process waste and dry active waste.

Process waste consisted of contaminated oil absorbed in a diatomaceous earth product called Superfine. Dry Active Waste consisted of contaminated miscellaneous waste, both compacted and noncompacted. All waste disposed of was low specific activity (LSA), class A waste packaged in LSA containers.

There were no major changes made to the radioactive waste systems during this reporting period.

There were no changes to the Process Control Program, SUSMAP-3, Issue 2, effective date November 13, 1984, during this reporting period.

Clarifications were made in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, SUSMAP-2 Issue 16, effective date May 3, 1988 in PDR 88-0763. These clarifications were for the descriptions of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program sampling sites F-9, R-4, R-11, A-7, A-11 A-22, A-26, F-16, and R-5.

These clarifications only affect the descriptions of the site locations and do not change the locations of the sampling sites.

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8906270321 890620 PDR ADOCK 05000267 R