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NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890517,discovered High Total Residual Chlorine Level from Sample Obtained on 890516 at Miscellaneous Cooling Waters Discharge Point.Caused by Improperly Functioning Valve.Valve Will Be Repaired
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1989
From: Hairston W
NUDOCS 8906120049
Download: ML20244A505 (3)


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  • Alabama Power Comoat y 600 North 18th E* red Pcs1011tce Box 264*.

BirminghGr Alabama 352910400 Telephone 2052501837 W. G. itwirston,Ill fr niorVicePresident e

tJucita Operations


the souttkni electnc system.

J une. 6, 1989 -

' Docket Nos. 50-348


-U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk -

l' Washington, D. C. 20555-R L

Joseph M.: Farley Nrclear Plant - Units I and 2 l

NPDES Noncompliance Reoort l


1 A copy of the attached report is provided in accordance with Subsection 3.2 of the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Environmental Protection' Plan (Units 1 and 2), Appendix B to Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-2 and NPF-8.,

s Should you have any questions or comments, please advise.

Sir.cerely, QL)).//J W We G..Hairston, III j

WGH,III/ JAM Enclosure l

i cc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter (w/ enclosure) 1 Mr. E. A. Reeves (w/ enclosure)

Mr. G. F. Maxwell '(w/ enclosure) i i

fk 5

8906120049 890606 PDR ADOCK 05000348 S



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l AlabamaPower the Southctn(4ectic systern May 22, 1980 i


1 Farley Nuclear Plant j

NPDES Permit No. AL 0024619 Mr. James W. Warr i

Alabama Department of' Environmental Management 1751 Cong. W. L. Dickinson Drive Montgomery, Alabama 36109

Dear Mr.-Warr:

In accordance with Part I.B.6a., of the above referenced-3 facilities NPDES perinit, we are providing a writtr n report addressing a.

a non-compliance which occurred'at the Miscellaneous cooling waters (DSNO34) discharge point.

On the morning of May 17, 1989, it was discovered a Tota Residual Chlorine (TRC) value of 0.7 mg/l had been obtained on May 16, 1989 at DSH034. The high TRC concentration was verified on May 17, 1989 by J

Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP) personnel upon notification of the result obtained on May. 16, 19.89.

The measured TRC value on May-17, 1989 was.85 mg/1. The TRC limit for DSNO34 is 0.5 mg/1.

In order to satisfy t

the twenty-four hour notification, Mr. Kurt Johnson was contacted on May 17, 1989 at approximately 3:00 p.m. and made aware of the TRC value which had been obtained.

Cause of Noncompliance The service building air conditioner cooling tower sump level control valve has not operated properly for over a year. As a result, a i

constant makeup feed has been used which has resulted in a constant overflow from the sump. Also, the makeup source was changed from l

demineralized water to potable water in order to. increase the system pH and 1

conductivity to improve corrosion control.

The potable chlorinated to a nominal TRC level of I-2 mg/l in accordance with the FNP drinking water permit.

The potential for the chlorinated potable water to 1

cause the cooling tower sump overflow to exceed the applicable NPDES permit limit was not fully considered when the system lineup was changed. Since potable water makeup was put in service, the quarterly samples taken-from the sump overflow have not shown detectable TRC levels. Subsequent to the L

quarterly sample taken March 12, 1989 the potable water makeup flow was increased, resulting in a higher TRC residual in the system water.

Period of Noncompliance The period of noncompliance is known to have lasted from May 16, 1989 until May 17, 1989;- the TRC concentration in the overflow was within d

limits (0.35 mg/1) at MC ;iours on May 17, 1989.

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Mr.' James'W. Warr Page two May:22, 1989L u

Steps to Prevent' Recurrence A. 'The potable water system-inlet valve was immediately closed and the demineralized water inlet valve opened. ;The TRC. level in the; system

overflow was within the;11mit' in approximately one hour.


The sump ' level control: valve will~ be repaired prior?to using potable water as the sole makeup source.


In the interim, demineralized water.will be used for makeup water as necessary to maintain the, sump overflow. within the-TRC= limit.

. Should you' have any questions, please contact;Mr. Mike Godfrey' at 250-4194.

. Sincerely,

.h I'

'_ John D. Grogan,,Hanager Environmental Compliance -

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