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Amended Page 94 of Jm Farley Nuclear Plant Annual Radioactive Effluent Rept for 1997
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1997
Shared Package
ML20237C982 List:
NUDOCS 9808240285
Download: ML20237C984 (1)


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There was a deviation from the requirements of ODCM Table 3-1 on Unit 1 during the second half of 1997 in that the Auxiliary Building ventilation lineup was not recorded once per four hours during a period when the Plant Vent Stack flowrate recorder and its bhckup were inoperable. This occurred due to personnel failing to recognize the requirement to estimate flow once per four hours l

when the flowrate monitor was inoperable. There were no changes to the Auxiliary Building ventilation during this time period, and flowrates from prior to and after the affected time period were used to estimate the flow during this time span.

There was a deviation from the requirements of ODCM Table 2-3 on Unit 2 during the fourth quarter of 1997 in that Turbine Building l

Sump releases were made without obtaining samples for composite. An auto sampler failed to draw samples during releases on TBS 2A for a one day period of time.

Grab samples were obtained during the period of time the auto sampler was under repair. An Occurrence report, 2-98-025, was written for documentation of this event.

6.4 Major Changes to the Radwaste Treatment Systems There were no major changes to the Radwaste Treatment Systems during 1997.



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9808240285 980820 PDR ADOCK 05000348 R

PDR Amended.

August 1998

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