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Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Tech Specs 3.0.4,4.0.3 & 4.0.4 Per Generic Ltr 87-09
Person / Time
Site: South Texas STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/1987
Shared Package
ML20237B811 List:
GL-87-09, GL-87-9, NUDOCS 8712170176
Download: ML20237B819 (40)


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6 6 . E *

  • L 5 5 BS AE ,

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                -                       x                                                                      o               -

u u u t l n L i H l l u F l l F F F e o - ) - e) N n r - 7 - v7 n n n o t e- e e-p o o o , r u rP r LP i r re re e t e T u u r tt tt tt g u N A sh s rh unt ua ua n e st s et T eR a N , e ei e ti eR r ei n Noi N N R e r rw r aw o po e e , n g u P P W t ,t p ,v ,v e epw n t T d d c eet ei ei t guo a a A re r re T a gS e gt gt a ntd R r ek e ek I e n S ni na i art e- r zc z zc N R ah as ag d R au d p e i o i io U Rgw Ro R e e th e m w rl r rl l io P N m eSS d e o ur u ur L a rHL r r r c n t p se s se r r s e r e st st A u e eh eh wg e e en e en _ N n w wg t u t v r O a o . . oi oi n o . . x v rI P rI P( O E P(

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nro ro eo erm SE i eo get ps 23 MLL pl pl 3 3 UEB po po .o g MNA o g o g m - INR ohn ohn thn . NAE l ci l ci scin N IHP / at /at / ate3eag O MCO 2ea 2ea I T A s T p p -

   )       N                   n-    o    n-     o      .r d       E      S          iro         i ro         ne epm e      M      LP pp el pp el u      U      EI oog         oog got s

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       . S           S                                .

3 .L n P OE e E I NN g L R N p p s s B T LA o o . u u A AH o o m b


b T R TC l l t / O O / / s 1 1 T TF 3 3 / - - C O 4 4 4 - 34 A ) E 9 R - P t e n h r d t a td u

                               )            n                          n)    l)  ii        s 8            a                          a7 l -

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t ow cw a lT r V a oA ey l( b a cd ed

ATTACHMENT l TABLE 3.3-1 (Continued)

                                                                                                                                ' kGE    Oy TABLE NOTATIONS l
                                                      *When the Reactor Trip System breakers are in the closed position and the                       i Control Rod Drive System is capable of rod' withdrawal.                                        j nhe p= ; iavvf Sp-ci'icetion SMM ara not epplicible.


                                                   ##Below the P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Interlock) Setpoint.                              l l
                                                 ###Below the P-10 (Low Setpoint Power Range Neutron Flux Interlock) Setpoint.

J (1)The applicable MODES and ACTION statement for these channels noted in Table 3.3-3 are more restrictive and, therefore, applicable. ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 1 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 48 hours or be in HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours. ACTION 2 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channelt, STARTUP and/or POWER OPERATION may proceed provided the following conditions are satisfied:

a. The inoperable channel is placed in the tripped condition within 6 hours,
b. The Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement is met; however, the inoperable channel may be bypassed for up to 4 hours for surveillance testing of other channels per Specification, and
c. Either, THERMAL POWER is restricted to less than or equal to 75% of RATED THERMAL POWER and the Power Range Neutron Flux Trip Setpoint is reduced to less than or equal to 85% of RATED THERMAL POWER within 4 hours; or, the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is monitored at least once per 12 hours per Specification

l b

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SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-6

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                                                                                                       #         #          2 AE                                     3             3          3      3          3         3 CD                                                                                    .

IO , , , , , , N LM 2 2 2 2 2 2 # O P # I P , , , , , , T A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A T N m E ea M ne U it R l s n p T SE i o S MLL mh o N UEB ac p l I MNA - ea o I NR 2 2 3 2 3 t ee o h M NAE s n l c E IHP / ni / a T MCO 2il 2 e S Y e S n ei N nl 3 O i

      -     I                                                                                                    l m          n 3      T         S                                                                                                 a   i p 5+.    . A         LP                                                                                           me at         p o o

U EI W 3 T NR 1 1 2 2 2 t es o o l E C NT sy y L A A - l B HO / n / n A S CT 2 a 2 a T E R U T A S E .L e F OE n NN i Y N - l T LA 2 2 3 3 4 E AH m p F TC a A O e o S TF t o O s l D / / E . 3 3 R ) E r E , yr e N rn b o t d I . oo dt , a n e G N ti ct yaar ncsW n i o mw Dc k E aacteeg o t s 1 ao Lo el nSRl n i a y - eL Ol Roe ,oi t u a h t - Cr ( s gt ol a t l g w o Se r T e I rrsCo i c e i t n ear o t A R tH rL du d n ormtonC i n- e- es e i) i eESta n c n e- z- ts t (5 tt ,aFl I i o me ie ae a 1 cam r a t a i t nr rr uu sr nP s n oP w- - ewoneti l i u T jdoonnt a u mc a u as t s ss ss e pe e L p - h _ I neRieen oi N I e tGme n t g t ne ee mn m wt U Fl a ns a uo c or rr oi o oi - L y t ,rieaE olli s M AL A CP PP CL C Lw A e pt t s t N fi nnend

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k> s d n N ' n o O a i I 6 2 2 d 9 9 t T 2 2 2 2 s n 1 1 c C n a n A o u i s f t n c o g n i n u t i E f c 4 4 t L n a BS g u , , i AE 3 3 3 3 n f 3 3 t CD i i IO , , , , t g , , n N LM 2 2 2 2 a n 2 2 i O P i i I P , , , , t t , , n T A 1 1 1 1 i a 1 1 o A n i i T i t t N i c E n n e M o i j U i n R t r I T SE p 2 3 . c e S MLL m n e w n n y N UEB u e . j o i i t I MNA p g n n P a a e I NR / h e I r r f M NAE 1 .cg f t t a E I HP ma y o / / S

       )     T         MCO                                              t e       . t                        1       1 d

e S s m e s s l Y /nt f l u S 3is a o a n S L i N r t O l l o n I l l f o a a T S %,]{. w (C A U LP EI 1 2 . . r r i n i n e . vs T NR p nm o o a r a r ot 3 C NT m et f f bn

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                                                                    - rv         v e           sv e    ce i m oia t gl T

S if ne U a n t t mwaidi f si t n uoe W 9a i a u c t ot rnr a or ai ALR R CS L l M A A SLSDaD S LD ma A i ot N x t n O u . . . . . . uo . . m~fe. I A a b c d e f AC a b T C N U . . F 6 7 gedE aRE i c5[ wl wg

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  • I 0 0 1 1 3 1 T 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C -

A E 4 4 4 L - BS , , , AE 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CD , , , , , IO , , N LM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _ O P _ I P , , , , , , , T A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A - T N - E . M U R T SE S MLL N UEB 2 3 2 3 I MNA 's s s INR u u u M NAE b b b _ E IHP / / / _ ) T MCO 3 3 3 d S ' e Y _ u S n _ i N t O n I

   ' ,:.._   o     T          S C      A          LP Cs      (        U        EI s             s T          NR              s                                                   2     2         1     2 3        C        NT              u                      u             u
              -    A          A              b                      b             b             -

3 HO / / /

                . S        CT             2                     2              2 3        E R

E U L T B A S A E . L T F OE NN _ Y N T LA 3 4 2 4 E AH s s s F TC u u u A O b b b S TF / / / O 4 4 4 D 5 E 1 R e e-E - g - - s vP E ra r r sk , i N ' et e e- ec e s , I dl d dd ro r nsn G no n I ne ul u 2 oeo N UV U e S Un t r s 1 4 rci E l e ie ae s - - t xt sf ~s b gh sag et e P P uEc uo uaat ut a F n r e e B B rti Bst I P , , Not

                                                 . s           el w            ul         y                   g p              t o F s         Fl o            FS o            t m       r          y
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             . -                  ..                . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .       .        ~:.  =--.==w ATTACHMENT I ST.HL AE. aVV3             i TABLE 3.3-3 (Continued)

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 Each radiation monitoring instrumentati'on channel for plant operations shall-be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and DIGITAL CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST.for the MODES and at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3-3. 4 ( I


SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-50 i

a. ...g . - . . - . . . . . - . - , , . . .- , =- - . - . = = - :: ; a::az=w ATTACHMENT I-  !
                                                                                                            - ST HL AE 2443 PAGE la OF 40             {


                  ?3s3.3:2~~The Movable Incore Detection System shall be OPERABLE with:                                          .,
a. At least 75% of the detector thimbles' ,
b. A minimum of two detector thimbles per core quadrant, and
c. Sufficient movable detectors, drive, and readout equipment to map these thimbles.

APPLICABILITY: When the Movable Incore Detection System is used for:

a. Recalibration of the Excore Neutron Flux Detection System, or
b. ' Monitoring the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO, or N
c. Measurement of F3g, Fq(Z) and Fxy, ACTION:

SU- With the Movable Incore Detection System inoperable, do not use the system for W the above appljcable monitoring or calibration functions. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 u ^ 0 a eee not applicable. e ' m. SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS The Movable Incore Detection System shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 24 hours by normalizing each detector output when required for:

a. Recalibration of the Excore Neutron Flux Detection System, or
b. Monitoring the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO, or N
c. Measurement of F AH, Fq (Z) and F xy, l

b SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-54

ATTACHMENT I ST HL.AE 2443 PAGE /3 OF 40 INSTRUMENTATION (49'TmSEISMIC INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3;3.3:3 ,The seismic monitoring instrumentation shown in Table 3.3-7* shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTION:

a. With one or more of the above required seismic monitoring instruments inoperable for more than 30 days, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 10 days outlining the cause of the malfunction and the plans for restoring the instrument (s) to OPERABLE status.


b. The provisions of Specifications %3.0.3 c::d 3. 0M us. not applicable.

are. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above required seismic monitoring instruments shall be ,- demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL CALI-i:'" BRATION, and ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3-4. Each of the above required seismic mo'nitoring instruments actuated during a seismic event shall be restored to OPERABLE status within 24 hours and a CHANNEL CALIBRATION performed within 10 days following the seismic event. Data shall be retrieved from actuated instruments and analyzed to determine the magnitude of the vibratory ground motion. A Special Report shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 14 days describing the magnitude, frequency spectrum, and resultant effect upon facility 4 features important to safety. I l l

                     ^The instrumentation may be shared with additional units at a common site provided seismic instrumentation and corresponding Technical Specifications

! .. meet the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.12, Revision 1, April 1974. i 9 SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-55

y;zazm a _,,r.. . . . ,.; ,- .___.__..__.__.__._____a.__..

                                                                      .                                   .     . ._,._a ATTACHMENT I
                                                                                                 . ST HL-AE RWJ INSTRUMENTATION
                         . METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTATION-LIMITING' CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.3;43 The meteorological monitoring instrumentation' channels shown in Table-3.3-8 shall be OPERABLE.


a. With one or more required meteorological monitoring channels inoperable for more than 7 days,. prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 10 days outlining the cause of the malfunction and the plans for restoring
                                       .the channel (s) to OPERABLE status.
b. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 M 3.0 A a"cernot applicable.

ase. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS .Each of the above meteorological' monitoring instrumentation channels shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of.the CHANNEL CHECK and

   ,                      CHANNEL CALIBRATION at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3-5.

{,J.4 - 4 I e h SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-58

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         ' LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.3;7" Two independent Chemical Detection' Systems shall be OPERABLE with their Alarm / Trip Setpoints adjusted to actuate at the following concentrations:
a. Vinyl Acetate 5,10 ppm
b. Anhydrous Ammonia / -< 5 ppm ,

Ammonium Hydroxide / Hydra 7' toe APPLICABILITY: All MODES. ACTION:

a. With one Chemical Detection System inoperable, restore the inoperable system to OPERABLE status within 7 days or within the next 6 hours initiate and maintain operation of the Control Room Emergency Venti-lation System in the recirculation mode of operation.
b. With both Chemical Detection Systems inoperable, within 1 hour initi-ate and maintain operation of the Control Room Emergency Ventilation e System in the recirculation mode of operation.

er The g evisions. o' SpeciMcetien 3-tb4 3: e :e t- *ppli ra h 4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each Chemical Detection System shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by per-formance of a CHANNEL CHECK at least once per 12 hours, an ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST at least once per 31 days and a CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months. 1 L l% SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-75

w : -. ,; .:. . . ..- -.=.w.=.. .. -. -. . . . .- , i ATTACHMENT I l

                                                                                 - ST.HL-AE. aW3                 ,

PAGE /60F 40 l

           .I, INSTRUMENTATION RADI0 ACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING. INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION                                                                      .
                                                                                                                 } The radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels i shown in Table 3.3-12 shall be OPERABLE with their Alarm / Trip Setpoints set to ensure that the limits of Specification are not exceeded. The Alarm / Trip Setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (0DCM). APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTION:

a. With a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel  !

Alarm / Trip Setpoint less conservative than required by the above specification, immediately suspend the release of radioactive liquid effluents monitored by the affected channel, or declare the channel inoperable'.

b. With less than the minimum number of radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.3-12. Restore the inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status within the time specified in the ACTION, or explain in the J..~

next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specification why this inoperability was not corrected within the time specified.

c. The provisions of Specification [3.0.3 * ' ^ 4 not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Each radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, and DIGITAL CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3-8. I i l l l (.. . . l SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-79 ____________a

                                                        - _ .2    u--. ._    . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . .                 __...-..._.-._m i
       ...                                                                                                                         r ATTACHMENT                            i
                                                                                  . ST.HL.AE. WG PAGE 17 0F 40                           _

INSTRUMENTATION RADI0 ACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION {h i LIMITING CONDITION F0R OPERATION  ; T3. F. 3.'11 The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels - shown in Table 3.3-13 shall be OPERABLE with their Alarm / Trip Setpoints set t'o 1 ensure that the limits of Specifications and are not exceeded. The Alarm / Trip Setpoints of these channels meeting Specification shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and param- I etersintheOD(M. APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3-13 ACTION:  ! i

a. With a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel Alarm / Trip Setpoint less conservative than required by the l above specification, immediately suspend the release of radioactive i gaseous effluents monitored by the affected channel, or declare the channel inoperable. .
b. With the number of OPERABLE radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.3-13. Restore the inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status within the time specified in the

(]g. (. ACTION, or explain in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specification why this inoperability was not corrected within the time specified,

c. TheprovisionsofSpecification[3.0.3end53a not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Each radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and ANALOG CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST or DIGITAL CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST, as applicable, at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3,-9. l l I c: . (s SOUTH TEXA'S - UNIT 1 3/4 3-84 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a

_;- .g.. . . :_.m . . __.__ c - =~ _ - a_. L. .~ - - . . .. .2 2 2 r u-. --1-- = a -as - ATTACHMENT l

                                                                                                    . ST.HL AE DV43 PAGE IR OF t/0      ,


                          '0VERPRESSUREPROTfCTION_3YSTEMS LIMITING CONDITIO ( M M N                       __
                         "3:4:9.3 At of the following Overpressure Protection Systems shall be OPERABLE:
a. Two power-operated relief valves (PORVs) with lift settings which do not e>.ceed.the limit established in Figure 3.4-4, or
b. The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) depressurized with an RCS vent of greater than or equal to 2.0 square inches.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 4 and 5, and MODE 6 with the reactor vessel head on. ACTION:

a. With one PORV inoperable, restore the inoperable PORV to OPERABLE status within 7 days or depressurize and vent the RCS through at least a 2.0 square inch vent within the next 8 hours.

b.. With both PORVs inoperable, depressurize and vent the RCS through ., at least a 2.0 square inch vent within 8 hours. l w ~

c. In the event either the PORVs or the RCS vent (s) are used to miti-gate an RCS pressure transient, a Special Report shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission purs.uant'to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 days. The report shall describe the circumstances initi-ating the transient, the effect of the PORVs or RCS vent (s) on the transient, and any corrective action necessary to prevent recurrence.

e T6 pc:= huns ef Sp="'= tion 370;* c: = =t ppliceble. I f: f SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 4-36

. . _ - . - . - . . . . . - . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . = . - : -- -- : x- -- ---- - ATTACHMENT I ST-HL AE- M3 PAGE 19 OF yo REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM h.f@ 3/4.4.10 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY ' _ LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.10' The structural integrity of ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 components - shall be maintained in accordance with Specification 4.4.10. APPLICABILITY: All MODES. ACTION:

a. With the structural integrity of any ASME Code Class 1 component (s) not conforming to the above requirements, restore the structural integrity of the affected component (s) to within its limit or isolate i the affected component (s) prior to increasing the Reactor Coolant System temperature more than 50 F above the minimum temperature required by NDT considerations.
b. With the structural integrity of any ASME Code Class 2 component (s) not conforming to the above requirements, restore the structural integrity of the affected component (s) to within its limit or isolate the affected component (s) prior to increasing the Reactor Coolant System temperature above 200 F.
c. With the structural integrity of any ASME Code Class 3 component (s)

(; y

   .                                                                      not conforming to the above requirements, restore the structural integrity of the affected component (s) to within its limit or isolate the affected component (s) from service.
  • TMr;*-:=i = m ot 5peci r N 4na 3;C;4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.4.10 In addition to the requirements of Specification 4.0.5, each reactor coolant pump flywheel shall be inspected per the recommendations of Regulatory Position C.4.b of Regulatory Guide 1.14, Revision 1, August 1975. e SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 4-39 l l


p :2. . z z - - . . . . - .- . - - [ SJl - - - -  :-f") - j s

r - L ATTACHMENT i ,s j
                                                                                                                            . ST-HL AE JM
                                                                         ?,                ,
                                                                                         "                                                                              i
                                                                                                                            . PAGE Ao OF 40


        ):          3/4.7.10 SEA $EDSOU_RCEC(TAMINATION                      ,.       ;

() N% *%.


LIMITING C0 g , I~OR F OPgRal E / _ 3,7.10: Each sealed source r$ntiaNing radioactive material either in exccss of [; .) 100 microcuries of b' era and/or'ptma emitting material or $ microCaries of P l alpha emitting material shall bef ree of greater than pr ded! to 0.005 microcurie of removable contamination. o l q r~4 ,

                   , APPLICABILITY: At511 times.

1 i , A.C. TION: ,' '}

a. With 'a sefl'ed source having remvable contamination in excess.of the '

ahove limits, immediately withdrau A.he sealed source from use and . J either: s' 3.0 t

1. Decontaminate and repair' tr.9 Yealed sourci, or i . c., . p
2. Disposeofthhsealedsourceinacicordanc'ewithCommission '"

l- , , Regulations.

b. The provisions of Specifications,I 3.0.3 an& M i-4 N not applicable.

m , l SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS g_ _ _ Test Requirement.s Each sealed source shall be tested for leakage . t and/or contamination by: *

a. The licenw. or i i l
b. Otherpersonss$cificallyauthorizedbytheCommissionoran ~ \

i Agreement State. The test method shail a detection sensitivity or dt least 0.005 i microCbrie per test sample.- g H, Test Frequencies - Each cate' gory of sealed sources (excluding startup sources and fissien detectors previously subjected to core flux) shall be tested at the frequency described below.  ; l' a. Sources in' the At least once per.6 months for all, sealed sof rces l containing radioactive materials: . .' y

1) With a half-life greater than 30 days (excluding Hydroder 3),

and s

2) In any form other than gas.

l V. w . 1 SOUTH TEX S - UNIT 1 3/4.7-27 , __ _. _ J

w .- - - - ~ .n ~, a w.+ ~~.- ...u u . ..- .

                                                                                      . n::. :. z axua.auw:rn ATTACHMEHT I
                                                                              . ST HL AE aW3 PAGE al 0F 40_               j PLANT SYSTEMS G

@6" 3/4.7.13 AREA TEMPERATURE MONITORING LIMITING M QJ,IION F0_RJPERATION , _ ,, _, 3.7;13 The temperature of each area shown in Table 3.7-3 shall not be exceeded for more than 8 hours or by more than 30*F. APPLICABILITY: Whenever the equipment in an affected area is required to be UFERABTE. ACTION:

a. With the temperature inside any QDPS auxiliary proce:: sing cabinet exceeding 110 F for more than 12 hours, prepare an engineering evalu-ation within the next 24 hours to determine the temperature effects 1 on QDPS OPERABILITY and service life. The provisio'nf of Specifica- <I tion 3.0.3 aw=L GA are.not applicable.


b. With one or more areas exceeding the temperature limit (r) shown in Table 3.7-3 for more than 8 heers, prepare and to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that provides a record of the cumulative time and the amount by which the temperature'in the affected area (s) exceeded the limit (s) and an analpis to demonstrate the continued OPERABILITY of the affected equipment. The provisiona of Specifi-('T- l
   .                catiorts' 3. 0. 3 am 3.0.4 are not applicable.

Me With one or more areas excee. ding the t'emperature limit (s) shown in c. Table 3.7-3 by more than 30 F, prepare and submit a Special Report as required by ACTION a. above auf within 4 hours either restore the area (s) to within the temperature limit (s) or declare tM equip-ment in the affected area (s) inoperable. l SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS j 4.7.13 The temperature in each of the arean shown in Table 3.7-3 shall be determined to be within its limit at least once per 12 hours. I l i I i l l b l l l l SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 7-31  !

p ,..- g, .

                                           -.         ....n...._.._.----                       -  a-     -- = ca - -   - ---


l. '


" . ST HL-AE 2W3 '



I I ! LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3 4.4.1' For each containment penetration provided with a penetration conductor overcurrent protective device (s), each device shall be OPERABLE. N ' APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. ACTION: With one or more of the containment penetration conductor overcurrent protective device (s) inoperable:

                                .a.      Restore the protective device (s) to OPERABLE status or deenergize the circui.t(s) by tripping the associated backup circuit breaker
                                  <  s   or racking out or removing the inoperable circuit breaker within I   72 hours, declare the affected system or component inoperable, e >-         and verify the backup circuit breaker to be tripped or the inoper-able circuit breaker racked out or removed at least once per 7 days

,, thereafter; . m pra i .. . .: c-f S:;i+icnier. 3.0.' :n ;mi .ppi koLic, pb :w trr c ::- m =t f: ice: :- d :;d u - hict heve +"*- 5::b; ! bre"k^~ tripp;d, t!~ . . . . ws . ob 'i s J. cd o m skers reded set er refMW4Mj, or a l

b. Be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6. hours and in COLD l SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours, e .,


                    -pj]RVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS

Y8.4.1 Protective devices required to be OPERABLE as containment penetration conductor overcurrent protective devices shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

7 a. At.least once per 18 months
1) By verifying that the medium voltage 13.8 kV circuit breakers l are OPERABLE by selecting, on a rotating basis, at least 10% of l the circuit breakers, and performing the following:
c a) A CHANNEL CALIBRATION of the associated protective relays, b) An integrated system functional test which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system and verifying that each
                  ,                                  relay and associated circuit breakers and control circuits a             :'

function as designed, and {: , SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 8-17


[ i

w=  :: : - , :. .. - ..a . a - . . . - . . . . - . - . . . . ..... - . _ _ _ ATTACHMENT l l- . ST.HL.AE 2'/U l

                  ' REFUELING OPERATIONS.                                                             PAGE 23OF 4/D L .,;                3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL - FUEL HANDLING BUILDING LIMITING' CONDITION FOR OPERATION
l. 3.9.7' Loads in exces's of 2,500 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over -

l fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool except when carried'by the single-failure proof.15-ton hoist of the FHB crane.

With fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool.


a. With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, place the crane load in a safe' condition.

i b. TheprovisionsofSpecificatiod3.0.3and3.0.4 not applicable. are. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS _ _ __ l 4.9.7 Loads shall be verified less than or equal to 2,500 pounds prior to 1 movement over fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool unless they are carried by the single-failure proof 15-ton hoist'of the FHB crane. l l l e e SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 9-7 t

               -j  n .. . ..-- - _ :.. .         .      ..  .. . >. s . .- a -...:a;       :                  a.a.--- . ..a .. :a--_;.-m


                                                                                   . ST.HL AE- .2443 PAGEayOF 40                                         4 1


 &-        3/4.9.9 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION ISOLATION SYSTEM                                                                     .,


          ~3..9 9T The Containment Ventilation Isolation System shall be OPERABLE.

i APPLICABILITY: During CORE' ALTERATIONS or movement of irradiated fuel within  ! the containment. ACTION:

a. With the Containment Ventilation Isolation System inoperable, close each of the purge and exhaust penetrations providing direct access from the containment atmosphere to the outside atmosphere.
b. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 e:' ' ^ 4 N not applicable.

ne. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.9.9 The Containment Ventilation Isolation System shall be demonstrated l OPERABLE within 100 hours prior to the start of and at least once per 7 days during CORE ALTERATIONS by verifying that containment ventilation isolation

 . ;;      occurs on manual initiation and on a High Radiation test signal from each of

>(f. ; ; the RCB purge radiation monitoring instrumentation channels. l e ,d)'r o SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 9-10 . . a- . . _ ;; . - ,;= -- - _

                                                                  .                                                     ' ATTACHMENT i     !

ST.HL AE dW3 J PAGE arOF 4'O j REFUELING OPERATIONS py ~3/4.9.11 ~ WATER LEVEL - STORAGE POOLS gy' SPENT' FUEL POOL , t LIMITING CONDITION FO'R OPERATION 3:9.1U1 "At least 23 feet of water shall be maintained over the top of irradiated fuel assemblies seated in the storage racks. APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel assemblies are in the spent fuel pool. ACTION:

a. With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, suspend all movement of fuel assemblies and crane operations with loads in the fuel storage areas and restore the water level to within its limit within 4 hours.


b. TheprovisionsofSpecificatio[3.0.3end3^4acenotapplicable.
                                     .                                                                              am SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS The water level in the spent fuel-pool shall be determined to be at least

. its minimum required depth at least once per 7 days when irradiated fuel W:7 essemblies are in the spent fuel pool. SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 9-12

p .- . _ .- . . . _w. . _ . _

                                                                                                             . m    m=-   - - - - -=---   ==wq

{ ' ~ ATTACHMENT . l

                                                                                                                 . ST-HL-AE JW3 REFUELING OPERATIONS.


      -                                                                                                                                   ~

LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9;11;2 At least 23 feet of water shall be maintained over the top of . l' .. irradiated fuel assemblies seated in the storage racks. APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel assemblies'are in the in-containment' storage pool. ACTION: l l a. With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, sus-l' pend all movement of fuel assemblies and crane operations with loads in the fuel storage areas and restore the water level to within its l limit within 4 hours. l b. The provisions of Specification [3.0.3 er-j 3.0 A 'e not applicable. oto . SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The water level in the in-containment storage pool shall be deter-l mined to be at least its minimum required depth at least once per 7 days when (- irradiated fuel assemblies are in the in-containment storage pool. lb l l l - i N.i SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 9-13

                                                                                                        - ST.HL AE 2443 PAGE J7 0F 40
       ' LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3;9.12?The FHB Exhaust Air System comprised of the following components shall be OPERABLE:                                                                    -
a. Two independent exhaust air filter trains,
b. Three' independent exhaust booster fans,
c. Three independent main exhaust fans, and
d. Associated dampers.

APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel'is in the spent fuel pool. ACTION:

a. With less than the above FHB Exhaust Air System components OPERABLE but with at least one FHB exhaust air filter train, two FHB exhaust booster fans, two FHB main exhaust fans, and associated dampers OPERABLE, fuel movement within the spent fuel pool or crane operation with loads over the spent fuel pool may proceed provided the OPERABLE FHB Exhaust Air System components are capable of being powered from 1 an OPERABLE emergency power source and are in operation and discharg-

[4 ing through at least one train-of HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers.

b. With no FHB exhaust air filter train, or less than two FHB exhaust booster fans, or less than two FHB main exhaust fans and associated dampers OPERABLE, suspend all operations involving movement of fuel
                                         . within the spent fuel pool or crane operation with loads over the spent fuel pool until at least one FHB exhaust air filter train, two FHB exhaust booster fans, two main exhaust fans, and associated dampers are restored to OPERABLE status.
c. The provisions of Specification [3.0.3 e= 3.u.' not applicable.

w e. SUByEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.9.12 The above required FHB Exhaust Air Systems shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by initiating, from the control room, flow through the HEPA' filters and charcoal adsorbers and verifying that the system operates for at least 10 continuous hours with the heaters operating with two of the three exhaust booster fans and two of the three main exhaust fans operating to maintain adequate air flow rate; SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 9-14 L - - - _ - - - - - -

=;;m::: ::: . . . . a n. . , x - . . . . . . . . . . . z z.a . ...z . x.~.+. ., .. w T .* -

                                                                                                     '- ATTACHMENT' I
                                                                                                       . ST.HL.AE #443
    .o l&                                                                                 .

LIMITING' CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.11:1:2:. The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid- effluents released, from each unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 5.1-4) shall be limited:

a. During any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 mrems to the whole body and to less than or equal to 5 mrems to any organ, and
b. During any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 mrems to the whole body and to less than or equal to 10 mrems to any. organ.


a. With the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials i in liquid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding

the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the' releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with L {. the above limits. This Special Report shall also include: (1) the results of radiological analyses of trie drinking water source, and (2) the radiological impact on finished drinking water supplies with regard to'the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141, Safe Drinking Water Act.*

b. The provisions of Specification 3. 0. 3 =t92-* not applicable.

mT_ SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with the. methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least once per 31 days.

                 "The requirements of ACTION a.(1) and (2) are applicable only if drinking water                              ,

supply is taken from the receiving water body within 3 miles of the plant discharge. In the case of river-sited plants, this is 3 miles downstream only. l av SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 11-2

p:at % R w 2.a..w..~.~..c.w w . u a La.w.;u, s G : . .. . .- : . w ,, L.. GL O.. Dr

          *l~                                                                                             ATTACHMENTS 1
                                                                                                        . ST.HL.AE MG PAGE Rf 0F 40 RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS hm-) l LIQUID WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3;11;1:3 ' The Liquid Waste Processing System shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portions of the system shall be used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses due to the liquid effluent, from each unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (seekFigure 5.1-4)'would exceed 0.06 mrem to the whole body or 0.2 mrem to'any organ in a 31-day period.


a. With radioactive liquid waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits and any portion of the Liquid Waste Processing System not in operation, prepare and submit to the Commis-sion within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report i that includes the following information:
1. Explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without l- treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for the inoperability,
 ?'1                                          2. Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE V                                                 status, and
3. Summary description of action (s) 'taken to prevent a recurrence.


b. The provisions of Specification 73.0.3 awJ 3.0. ; ak not applicable.

e 1 I SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Doses due to liquid releases from each unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the methodology l and parameters in the ODCM when Liquid Waste Processing Systems are not being fully utilized.'2 The installed Liquid Waste Processing System shall be considered OPERABLE by meeting Specifications and 1 SOUTH TEXAS' - UNIT 1 3/4 11-3

p ::x.::zL. a.- - :. j ..  ;.x . .. x .- . .- - a ~ . . a. : a. - - -- -.a

            .                                                                                                         ATTACHMENT I ST.HL AE 2W3 PAGE 30 OF 4o


            #3.11.1;4 The quantity of radioactive material contained in each of the following -

unprotected outdoor tanks shall be limited to less than or equal to 10 Curies, excluding tritium and dissolved or entrained noble gases:

a. Outside temporary tank APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With the quantity of radioactive material in any of the above listed tanks exceeding the above limit,-immediately suspend all additions

! of radioactive material to the tank, within 48 hours reduce the tank i contents to within the limit, and describe the events leading to this condition in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release l Report, pursuant to Specification L b. The provisions of Specification [3.0.3 a= 3.0.4 not applicable. j as j ., , SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS N (O' The quantity of radioactive material contained in each of the above listed tanks shall be determined to be within thb above limit by analyzing a representative sample of the tank's contents at least once per 7 days when radioactive materials are being added to the tank. 1 i I l t-I l

                                                                                                                                                  )2 CTanks included in this specification are those outdoor tanks that are not                                                             i surrounded by liners, dikes, or walls capable of holding the tank contents                                                           )

and that do not have tank overflows and surrounding area drains connected j to the Liquid Waste Processing System.  ! 1 ..  ! N.' { l  : ! i SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 11-4



                                                                                                           . ST-HL AE MV3 RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS                                                                                   PAGE3) OF 40 y,         00SE - NOBLE GASES

.w LIMITING' CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3r11:2.2 The air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents, from each unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 5.1-3) shall be limited to the following:

a. During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 5 mrads for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 10 mrads for beta radiation, and
b. During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 10 mrads for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mrads for beta radiation.


a. With the calculated air dose from radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to r , assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above
v. . limits,
b. TheprovisionsofSpecification[3.0.3and3.0.s not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for noble gases shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least once per 31 days. \s s.

     \ SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1                          3/4 11-6

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i


ATTACHMENT I ST HL.AE. JW3 PAGE &70Fc/o RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS  ! " DOSE - 10 DINE-131, 10 DINE-133, TRITIUM, AND RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL IN l Us. PARTICULATE FORM LIMITING CONDITION FOR DPERATION l I The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from Iodine-131, Iodine-133,  ! tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluer.ts released, from each unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 5.1-3) shall be limited to the following:

a. During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 7.5 mrems to any organ and,
b. During any calendar year: Less than or equal to 15 mrems to any organ.


a. With the calculated dose from the release of Iodine-131, Iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit the the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s)

L' for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to refuce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to an ure that subsequent' releases will be in compliance l with the above litcits. I Y de

b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.e an not applicable.

we. gURVEILLANCEREOUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for Iodine-131, Iodine-133, tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least once per 31 days. t ., SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 11-7 (

g:w a - . . . a: e.u.a:a - . ~ .- . +.:a . w . a a ~ . .. , - . - - - . - . a_ _a .w

              ^         ~


                                                                                             . ST.HL.AE. DW3 PAGE33OF 40 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS

\ hrs i GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.1L 2,4h The GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portions of this system shall be used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in 31 days due to gaseous effluent releases, from each unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE B0UNDARY (see Figure 5.1-3) would exceed:

a. 0.2 mrad to air from gamma radiation, or
b. 0.4 mrad to air from beta' radiation, or
c. 0.3 mrem to any organ of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC.


a. With radioactive gaseous waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that includes the following information:
1. Identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and

'.-{s-the reason for the inoperability,

2. Action (s) taken to restore the inbperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and
3. Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence.
b. TheprovisionsofSpecification[3.0.3ad3.0.- not applicable.

cae. SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Doses due to gaseous releases from each unit to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordande with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM when the GASE0US WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM is not being fully utilized. -The installed GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM shall be considered OPERABLE by meeting Specifications and or l 1 SOUTH TEXA'S - UNIT 1 3/4 11-8

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                             .                                                                                                                                      ATTACHMENT I
                                                                                                                                                 .                . ST.HL.AE. 2VV3 PAGE gy OF 40 RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS EXPLOSIVE GAS MIXTURE

[a.V4 ,, LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION - The concentration of oxygen in the GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING- ' SYSTEM inlet shall be limited to less than or equal to 3% by volume. APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTION:

a. With the concentration of oxygen in the GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM inlet exceeding the limit, restore the concentration to:

within the limit within 48 hours. t- .it '

b. The provisions of Specificatiorts' 3.0.3 end 3.0.4 see not applicable.

w e. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The concentration of oxygen in the GASEOUS WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM shall be determined to be within the'above limits by continuously monitoring the waste gases entering the GASE0US WASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM with the oxygen monitor required OPERABLE by Table 3.3-13 of Specification

., b '

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                                                                                                                    . ST.HL.AE- .?W3 PAGEFf0F 4'o RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS


                                                                                                                           .                                ]

[IMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3:11:2 1 : The quantity of radioactivity cont ined in each gas storage tank - i shall be. limited to less than or equal to 1.0 x 105 Curies of noble gases ' (considered as Xe-133 equivalent). APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTION:

a. With the quantity of radioactive material in any gas storage tank exceeding the above limit, immediately suspend all additions of radioactive material to the tank, within 48 hours reduce the tank contents to within the limit, and describe the events leading to this condition in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, pursuant to Specification
b. The provisions of Specificatiort/~3.0.3 ha 3.^. " M not applicable.

ort. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS [s The quantity of radioactive. material contained in each gas storage tank shall be determined to be within the above limit at least once per 24 hours when radioactive materials are being added to the tank.  !


SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 11-10

                                      ".                                                                                ATTACHMENT' /.
                                                                                                                      . ST-HL.AE OW3 RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS

% v3/4.1113- SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTES h[h LIMITING 'ONDITION C FOR OPERATION 3.11.3 Radioactive w'astes shall be solidified or dewatered in accordance with the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM to meet shipping and transportation requirements

                                   .during transit, and disposal site requirements when received at the disposal site.


a. With SOLIDIFICATION or dewatering not meeting disposal site and shipping and transportation requirements, suspend shipment of the inadequately processed wastes and correct the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, the procedures,'and/or.the Solid Waste System as necessary to prevent recurrence,
b. With SOLIDIFICATION or dewatering not performed in accordance with the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, test the improperly processed waste in each container to ensure that it meets burial ground and shipping requirements and take appropriate administrative action to prevent recurrence. Q.- g
c. The provisions of Specificatiorv/ 3.0.3 er ^ ^' 4 are not applicable.
   -                                                                                                           a e.


   - +

SURVEILLANCE RE00IREMENTS 4.11.3 SOLIDIFICATION of at least one representative test specimen from at least every tenth' batch of each type of wet radioactive wastes (e.g., filter sludges, spent resins, evaporator bottoms, boric acid solutions, and sodium sulfate solutions) shall be verified in accordance with.the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM:

a. If any test specimen fails to verify SOLIDIFICATION, the SOLIDIFICATION i of the batch under test shall be suspended until such time as additional test specimens can be obtained, alternative SOLIDIFICATION parameters can be determined in accordance with the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, and a subsequent test verifies SOLIDIFICATION. SOLIDIFICATION of
                                                    . the batch may then be resumed using the alternative SOLIDIFICATION parameters determined by the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM;
b. If the initial test specimen from a batch of waste fails to verify SOLIDIFICATION, the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM shall provide for the collection and testing of representative test specimens from each consecutive batch of the same type of wet waste until at least three consecutive initial test specimens demonstrate SOLIDIFICATION.

The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM shall be modified as required, as provided in Specification 6.13, to assure SOLIDIFICATION of subsequent batches of waste; and (3

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ST.HL.AE .m3 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS PAGE37 OF e/ o w. g58 ~3/4.'11.4' TOTAL DOSE LIMITIEG CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.11.4 The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to less than or equal to 25 mrems to the whole body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or-equal to 75 mrems. l APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTION:

a. With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits of Specifi-cation,,,,, or , calculations shall be made including direct radiation contributions from the units and from outside storage tanks to deter-mine whether the above limits of Specification 3.11.4 have been exceeded. If such is the case, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that defines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent releases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits and I t? includes the schedule for achieving conformance with the above limits. '

This Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR 20.405(c), shall include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sou'rces, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release (s) covered by this report. It shall also describe levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved, and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations. If the estimated dose (s) exceeds the above limits, and if the release condition result-ing in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall include a request for a variance in accor-dance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete.

b. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 and l4 b not applicable.

cut. SURVEILLANCE REONIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluents shall be determined in accordance with Specifications,, and, and in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH. Cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation from the units. and from radwaste storage tanks shall be determined in accordance with the - {h/ methodology and parameters in the ODCM. This requirement is applicable only under conditions set forth in ACTION a. of Specification 3.11.4 SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 11-13

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   '..'.                                                                       ATTACHMENT ~ l.
                                                                              . ST.HL AE- aW3 PAGE 3f 0F 40 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING


      ' ACTION' (Continued) _
c.  : With milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples unavailable from one or more of the sample locations required by the REMP, identify specific-locations for obtaining replacement samples and add them within-30 days to the Radiological Environment 1' Monitoring Program given in the ODCM. .The specific locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deleted from the monitoring program. Pursuant to Spe- ,

cification 6.14, submit in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent i Release Report documentation for a change in the ODCM including a re-vised figure (s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new location (s) with supporting information identifying the cause of the unavailabil-ity of samples and justifying the selection of the new location (s) for obtaining samples,

d. TheprovisionsofSpecificatio[3.0.3m:d?^1 not applicable.
                                  .                                     cee, SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS 4.12.1 The radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to the REMP from the specific locations given in the table and 7)7 L

figure (s) in the ODCM, and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of

 ..u   and the detection capabilities required by the REMP.

6 h SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 12-2

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                 -                                                                              ATTACHMENT        l-
                                                                                              . ST HL AE JW3 PAGE_SpOF 40 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING
             '3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS

!~ LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3:12f2EA' Land Use Census shall be conducted and shall identify within a - ! distance of 8 km (5 miles) the location in each of the 16 meteorological l sectors of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest i garden

  • of greater than 50 m 2 .(500 ftz) producing broad leaf vegetation.

, APPLICABILITY: At all times.

              ' ACTION:                                                                                                               4
a. With a Land Use Census identifying a location (s) that yields a calculated' dose or dose commitment greater than the values currently being calculated in Specification, pursuant to Specifica-tion, identify the new location (s) in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.
b. With a.Larid Use Census identifying a location (s) that yields a calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) 20%. greater than at a' location from which samples are currently being obtained in accordance with Specification 3.12.1, add the new location (s) within 30 days to the Radiological Environmental Moni-w toring Program given in the ODCM. -The sampling location (s), exclud-Oa~'

ing the control station location, having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (s), via the same exposure pathway, may be deleted from this monitoring program after October 31 of the year in which this Land Use Census was conducted. Pursuant to Specification 6.14, submit in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report documentation for a change in the ODCM including a revised figure (s) and table (s) for the ODCM reflecting the new location (s) with informa- I tion supporting the change in sampling locations.

c. The provisions of Specification [3.0.3 = 3.0 3 not applicable.

ocL !

  • Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in each of two different direction .

1 sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of the garden census. Speci-  ! Le

h. fications for broad leaf vegetation sampling in the REMP shall be followed, including analysis of control samples.  ;

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                                                                                                               , ST.HL.AE 09V3 PAGE foOF VD RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL' MONITORING-gen                            3/4.12.3' INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM-l                      . LIMITING. CONDITION FOR OPERATION

U12FAnalyses shall b'e performed on' all radioactive materials, supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that has been approved by the Commission, that correspond to samples required by the REMP.

At all times.


                                   - a.        With analyses not being' performed as required above, report the l                                               corrective actions.taken to prevent a the Commission-in the, Annual Radiological Environmental . Operating Report pursuant' to Specification 6.9.1.'3.
b. - The provisions of' Specification'n [3.0.3 er2 ^.4 not applicable.

o.e SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.12.3 The Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be described in the ODCM. A summary.of the results obtained as part of the above required Interlaboratory

                      -Comparison Program shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental


Operating Report pursuant to. Specification

kl . 4 s g.

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