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ML20236H531 | |
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Site: | North Anna ![]() |
Issue date: | 07/01/1998 |
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ML20236H449 | List: |
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PROC-980701, NUDOCS 9807070250 | |
Download: ML20236H531 (149) | |
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MONTHYEARML20211H4311999-08-27027 August 1999
[Table view]Revised Bases for TS 2.2.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation Setpoints ML20211D9201999-08-20020 August 1999 Revised Pages to Third Ten Year ISI Program & Relief Requests ML20210L1631999-08-0404 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Ack Establishment of Seal Injection for RCP in Isolated & Drained Loop as Prerequisite for vacuum-assisted Backfill Technique & Extending Drained Loop Verification to 4 H Prior to Commencing Backfill Operation ML20212J3041999-06-22022 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Revised Surveillance Frequency & Action Times Reactor Trip & ESFAS ML20195B5881999-05-14014 May 1999 Rev 8,Change 2 to Vepc North Anna Unit 2 IST Program Plan for Pumps & Valves Second Insp Interval,901214-001214 ML20195B5691999-05-14014 May 1999 Rev 8,Change 2 to Vepc North Anna,Unit 1 IST Program Plan for Pumps & Valves Second Insp Interval 901214-001214 ML20206N3691999-05-0606 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Surveillance Frequency for RTS & ESFAS Analog Instrumentation Channels & Modifying AOT & Action Times for RTS & ESFAS Analog Instrumentation Channels & Actuation Logic ML20206G8361999-05-0303 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting &/Or Relocating Addl primary- to-secondary Leak Rate Limits & Enhanced Leakage Monitoring Requirements Imposed Following 1987 SG Tube Rupture Event ML20206H0301999-05-0303 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page B 3/4 6-1,allowing Use of NRC Staff Approved/Endorsed Integrated Leak Test Methodologies to Perform Containment Leakage Rate Testing ML20206G8811999-05-0303 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing Allowable Leakage from ECCS Components,Establishing Consistent Licensing Basis for Accidents Requiring Dose Analysis & Clarifying Requirements of CREVS ML20205P2511999-05-0101 May 1999 Rev 0 to Vepc North Anna Power Station Unit 1 ISI Program Plan for Third Insp Interval:Components & Component Supports ML20205P2341999-05-0101 May 1999 Rev 0 to Vepc North Anna Unit 1 ISI Program for Third Insp Interval Vol 1:ISI Program for Components & Component Supports for Interval 3 990501-090430 ML20203C8251999-02-0505 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Allowed Outage Time for PORV Nitrogen Accumulators & Separate Actions for PORV Operability ML20205P2651999-02-0404 February 1999 Rev 0 to Vepc North Anna Power Station Unit 1 ISI Plan for Third Interval for Sys Pressure Tests ML20198J0971998-12-22022 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Changes Re EDG Steady State Frequency to Be Incorporated Into TS During Implementation of Amends 216 & 197 ML20196K1971998-12-22022 December 1998 Rev 0 to NE-1176, North Anna Unit 1,Cycle 14 Startup Physics Tests Rept, Dec 1998 ML20206N8851998-12-14014 December 1998 Rev 0 to ASME Section XI Sys Pressure Test Program,Second Insp Interval ML20206N8711998-11-30030 November 1998 Rev 11,Vol I to ISI Plan for Second Insp Interval for Components & Component Supports ML20195J4431998-11-18018 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Revs to Allowable Groundwater Elevations & Removal of Piezometer Device Numbers Associated with Svc Water Reservoir ML20195C9461998-11-10010 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Operability Requirements for Pressurizer Heaters & Emergency Power Source for Pressurizer Heaters ML20154P2831998-10-16016 October 1998 Marked-up & Typed Tech Spec Pages to Revise EDG Section to Be Consistent with Station Procedures Associated with Steady State Conditions & W NSAL 93-022,for 980728 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-4 & NPF-7 ML20153H5341998-09-24024 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5.1 Re Safety Injection Accumulator Boron Concentration Verification ML20236U8411998-07-28028 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs &,revising Testing Acceptance Criteria to Demonstrate Operability of Casing Cooling & Outside Recirculation Spray Pumps ML20236U8711998-07-28028 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising EDG Section to Be Consistent W/ Station Procedures Associated W/Steady State Conditions & W Nuclear Safety Advisory Ltr NSAL 93-022 ML20236U8651998-07-28028 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.1.2 & 3/4.5.5,re RWST & Boron Concentration Ph Range Bases Change to Address Discrepancies Between Previous NRC Issued Ser,Ts Bases & Applicable Sections of SRP ML20236H5311998-07-0101 July 1998 Draft Nuclear Control Room Operator Development Program NAPS Module NCRODP-78 Spent Fuel Dry Storage Cask System. Draft Lesson Plans & Job Performance Measures Included ML20236U8891998-06-25025 June 1998 Rev 0 to NE-1163, North Anna Unit 2 Cycle 13 Startup Physics Tests Rept ML20249C7211998-06-19019 June 1998 Proposed Improved Tech Specs for North Anna ISFSI ML20236H5541998-06-0404 June 1998 Rev 5 to Procedure VPAP-0810, Crane & Hoist Program ML20236H5391998-06-0404 June 1998 Rev 1 to Procedure VPAP-0809, NUREG-0612 Heavy Load Program ML20206N8581998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 5,Vol 1 to ISI Program for Second Insp Interval & Components & Component Supports,For 901214-010430 ML20236H5701998-04-0202 April 1998 Rev 8 to Procedure VPAP-1901, Industrial Safety & Health ML18152A3651998-03-25025 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Station Mgt Titles to Reflect New Positions Approved by Vepc Board of Directors on 980220 ML20217E9011998-03-25025 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Configuration Risk Mgt Program for risk-informed Allowed Outage Times & Insp Frequency of EDGs ML20236H5631998-02-10010 February 1998 Rev 11 to Procedure VPAP-0105, Fitness for Duty Program ML20202E1551998-02-0909 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re EDG Allowed Outage Time ML20202C5871998-02-0303 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Insps & Loop Flow Straightener Insps ML20202C3381998-02-0303 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Testing Requirements for Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker ML20210Q2051997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Severe Accident Management Tabletop (Scenario 1) Drill Manual ML20203G5191997-12-29029 December 1997 Ultrasonic Exam Technique for Detection of Microbilogically Induced Corrosion in North Anna Stainless Steel Service Water Piping ML20199G4161997-11-18018 November 1997 Revised Proposed TS Pages,Establishing 14 Day AOT Applicable Whenever EDG Is Inoperable ML20199H4001997-11-18018 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Permitting Quarterly Testing of Turbine Governor & Throttle Valves ML20199A1481997-11-0505 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Providing Administrative Controls in TS 3/4.9.7,to Permit Spent Fuel Pit Gate Movement Over Irradiated Fuel ML20198G5401997-08-31031 August 1997 Rev 0 to NE-1133, North Anna Unit 1,Cycle 13 Startup Physics Tests Rept, Aug 1997 ML20199G5681997-06-30030 June 1997 Rev 5 to VPAP-2001, Station Planning & Scheduling. Even Numbered Pages of Incoming Submittal Not Included ML20210Q1991997-06-10010 June 1997 Rev 0 to VPAP-2604, Severe Accident Mgt Guideline (SAMG) Program Administration ML20141F3741997-05-14014 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Wording in Surveillance Requirement to Clarify Testing & Insp Methodology of Turbine Governor Control Valves.Clarification Also Provided for TS 3/ ML20137C8581997-03-18018 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Containment Gaseous & Particulate Radiation Monitors ML20134J4141997-02-0404 February 1997 Revised Pp of Proposed TS Changes Re Intermediate Range Trip Setpoints & Allowable Values for Units 1 & 2 ML20134F1231997-02-0303 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Use of Lead Test Assemblies in Plant,Units 1 & 2 1999-08-04 Category:TEST/INSPECTION/OPERATING PROCEDURES MONTHYEARML20211D9201999-08-20020 August 1999
[Table view]Revised Pages to Third Ten Year ISI Program & Relief Requests ML20195B5881999-05-14014 May 1999 Rev 8,Change 2 to Vepc North Anna Unit 2 IST Program Plan for Pumps & Valves Second Insp Interval,901214-001214 ML20195B5691999-05-14014 May 1999 Rev 8,Change 2 to Vepc North Anna,Unit 1 IST Program Plan for Pumps & Valves Second Insp Interval 901214-001214 ML20205P2341999-05-0101 May 1999 Rev 0 to Vepc North Anna Unit 1 ISI Program for Third Insp Interval Vol 1:ISI Program for Components & Component Supports for Interval 3 990501-090430 ML20205P2511999-05-0101 May 1999 Rev 0 to Vepc North Anna Power Station Unit 1 ISI Program Plan for Third Insp Interval:Components & Component Supports ML20205P2651999-02-0404 February 1999 Rev 0 to Vepc North Anna Power Station Unit 1 ISI Plan for Third Interval for Sys Pressure Tests ML20206N8851998-12-14014 December 1998 Rev 0 to ASME Section XI Sys Pressure Test Program,Second Insp Interval ML20206N8711998-11-30030 November 1998 Rev 11,Vol I to ISI Plan for Second Insp Interval for Components & Component Supports ML20236H5311998-07-0101 July 1998 Draft Nuclear Control Room Operator Development Program NAPS Module NCRODP-78 Spent Fuel Dry Storage Cask System. Draft Lesson Plans & Job Performance Measures Included ML20236H5541998-06-0404 June 1998 Rev 5 to Procedure VPAP-0810, Crane & Hoist Program ML20236H5391998-06-0404 June 1998 Rev 1 to Procedure VPAP-0809, NUREG-0612 Heavy Load Program ML20206N8581998-04-30030 April 1998 Rev 5,Vol 1 to ISI Program for Second Insp Interval & Components & Component Supports,For 901214-010430 ML20236H5701998-04-0202 April 1998 Rev 8 to Procedure VPAP-1901, Industrial Safety & Health ML20236H5631998-02-10010 February 1998 Rev 11 to Procedure VPAP-0105, Fitness for Duty Program ML20210Q2051997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Severe Accident Management Tabletop (Scenario 1) Drill Manual ML20199G5681997-06-30030 June 1997 Rev 5 to VPAP-2001, Station Planning & Scheduling. Even Numbered Pages of Incoming Submittal Not Included ML20210Q1991997-06-10010 June 1997 Rev 0 to VPAP-2604, Severe Accident Mgt Guideline (SAMG) Program Administration ML20199G4461996-08-29029 August 1996 Rev 28 to 1-MOP-6.90, Emergency Diesel Generator 1-EE-EG-1H. Page 35 of 72 in Attachment 4 of Incoming Submittal Was Not Included ML20236H5561996-08-0202 August 1996 Rev 3 to Procedure TRCP-0009, Instructional Staff Training & Qualifications ML20134J9601996-05-31031 May 1996 /Unit 2 Fuel Assembly Insp Program ML20138B5421996-05-16016 May 1996 Rev 7 to VPAP-2103, Odcm ML20217K4481995-10-31031 October 1995 Seismic Design & Evaluation Guidelines for DOE HLW Storage Tanks & Appurtenances ML20084U1811995-04-30030 April 1995 Rev 5 to Second 10-yr Interval ISI Program Plan ML20069A7971994-03-29029 March 1994 Second Interval ISI Plan, Rev 5 ISI Program,Rev 3 ML20065H9221993-11-30030 November 1993 ISI Program General Second Insp Interval ML20058N4911993-11-0505 November 1993 Rev 7 to North Anna Units 1 & 2 IST Program Plan Second Insp Interval 901214-001214 ML20092M9061991-09-0101 September 1991 Rev 2 to VPAP-2103, Odcm ML20081F3501991-05-28028 May 1991 Rev 1 to North Anna Unit 1 Inservice Insp Plan for Components & Component Supports,Second Insp Interval ML20082K8211991-05-0303 May 1991 Rev 1 to Station Administrative Procedure VPAP-2104, Radwaste Process Control Program ML20065S7201990-11-21021 November 1990 Rev 1 to Vol 1 to North Anna Power Station Unit 1 Inservice Insp Program for Components & Component Supports ML18151A6551990-11-14014 November 1990 Revised Corporate Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, Including Rev 0 to CPIP-1.0,CPIP-2.0,CPIP-2.1,CPIP-2.2, CPIP-2.3,CPIP-2.4,CPIP-2.5,CPIP-2.6,CPIP-3.0,CPIP-3.1 & CPIP-3.2 ML20058C1151990-10-17017 October 1990 Inservice Testing Program Plan for North Anna Unit 1 ML20065P2741990-09-30030 September 1990 Rev 1 to Vol 1 of VEPCO North Anna Power Station Unit 2 Inservice Insp Plan for Second Insp Interval:For Components & Component Supports 901214-001214 ML20065P2711990-09-30030 September 1990 Vol 1,Rev 0 to VEPCO North Anna Power Station Unit 1 Inservice Insp Plan for Second Insp Interval:For Components & Component Supports Dec 1988 - Dec 1998 ML20058G0551990-08-31031 August 1990 Inservice Insp Program for Second Insp Interval,Vol 1,Inservice Insp Program for Components & Component Supports ML20055D4931990-06-14014 June 1990 Rev 6 to VEPCO North Anna Power Station Unit 1 Inservice Testing Program Plan for Pumps & Valves Second Insp Interval 901214-001214 ML20055D4941990-06-14014 June 1990 Rev 6 to VEPCO North Anna Power Station Unit 2 Inservice Testing Program Plan for Pumps & Valves Second Insp Interval 901214-001214 ML20043B1091990-04-27027 April 1990 Rev 0 to Station Administrative Procedure VPAP-2103, Odcm ML20043B1111990-04-27027 April 1990 Rev 0 to Station Administrative Procedure VPAP-2104, Radwaste Process Control Program ML20248E9201989-10-0303 October 1989 Inservice Testing Program Plan for Pumps & Valves First Insp Interval 780606 - 901214, Rev 5 ML20248E9231989-10-0303 October 1989 Inservice Testing Program Plan for Pumps & Valves First Insp Interval 801214 - 901214, Rev 5 ML20197F1261988-03-31031 March 1988 Rev 0 to Inservice Insp Program Plan for Second Insp Interval,Vol 1,Inservice Insp Program Plan for Components & Component Supports,880606-980606. W/92 Oversize Drawings ML20235U3391987-06-12012 June 1987 Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 1.00 to 1-ES-3.1, Post-STGR Cooldown Using Backfill (W/No Attachments) & Rev 1.00 to 1-EP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection (W/No Attachments). Related Info Encl ML20215K2681985-12-19019 December 1985 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual,North Anna Power Station Units 1 & 2 ML20215K2731985-11-27027 November 1985 Process Control Program,North Anna Power Station Units 1 & 2 ML20108A1041985-03-0404 March 1985 Proposed Methodology for Implementing Mechanical Cleaning of Svc Water Piping & Repair of Svc Water Isolation Valves ML20108B5801985-02-28028 February 1985 VEPCO Proposed Program,Mechanical Cleaning & Valve Repair Svc Water Sys,North Anna Power Station,Feb 1985. W/One Oversize Drawing.Aperture Card Available in PDR ML20112G3771984-11-15015 November 1984 Emergency Exercise 841115,Exercise Manual ML18141A5301984-03-0101 March 1984 Control Room Design Review Program Plan for North Anna & Surry Power Stations, in Response to Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737 ML20079L5361983-12-21021 December 1983 Public Version of Rev 5 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-3.04, Activation of Emergency Operation Facility 1999-08-20 |
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