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Annual Operating Rept for Oct 1986 - Sept 1987
Person / Time
Site: Kansas State University
Issue date: 10/16/1987
From: Faw R
NUDOCS 8710200402
Download: ML20235Y537 (2)


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'E"ANSAS . Ward Hall g Man Kansas 665% yONRC-gg


O l%1 16 OcI20 A 9 39 October 1987  ;

'U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk

' Washington, D.C. 20555 RE: Docket 50-188 License R-88 i Gentlemen: 10CFR50.59(b)', the following items are submitted for the Kansas State University TRICA Mk II Nuclear Reactor Facility'for the period 1 October 1986 - 30 September 1987.

A. Changes in the Facility On 24 Sep 1987 the Reactor Saleguards Committee approved plans for installation and testing of new area radiation monitors in a replacement program. -The new monitors were obtained from the j vendor that supplied the old and were selected to be as nearly

-direct replacements as possible. The Safeguards Committee found that execution of the plans involved no unreviewed safety questions and did not constitute a significant hazard to the safety of petsonnel or the integrity of the reactor system.

i' p B. Changes to Procedures i

On 13 Feb 1987 the Reactor Safeguards Committee approved revisions )

in the following procedures:

3. Area Monitors
8. Continuous Air Monitors
13. Survey Meters ,

l The change in No. 3 permitted calibration at 1 mR/h rather than 0.1 mR/h. That in No. 8 covered calibration of a second continuous air monitor now used at the Reactor Facility. That in No. 13 added new requirements for recording of calibration data.

Also on 13 Feb 1987 the Reactor Stfeguards Committee approved the following new procedures:  ;

19. Camma-Ray Assay
20. Liquid Scintillation Assay Methods
21. Alpha Particle Assay of Reactor Liquids j; I $hofbfg (f PDk \ Q t

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 16 October 1987 i

These procedures were adopted in order to formalize surveillance of l reactor liquids and assay of " swipe" specimens.

None of the new or revised procedures involves the reactor core, tank, console, or any other safety-related equipment. The Reactor Safeguards Committee found that their implementation involved no unreviewed safety questions and involved no significant hazard to the safety of personnel or the integri.y of the reactor system.

C. Changes to Tests and Experiments NONE Sincerely, Richard E. Faw. Director KSU Nuclear Reactor Facility REF/cs cc: U.S. N.R.C. (Region IV)

KSU Reactor Safeguards Committee

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