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City of Austin,Tx Comprehensive Annual Financial Rept for Yr Ended 960930
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1996
From: Dunkerley B, Garza J
Shared Package
ML20217H818 List:
NUDOCS 9710170095
Download: ML20217H828 (220)


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l Photo courtesy of Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Comptehensive 1

Annual Financial Report

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City of Austin, Texas For the year ended September 30,1996 Prepared by:

Financial Services Department Betty Dunkerley, CPA Director John Stephens, CPA Controller l


. ________.___.m _


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s City Council Bruce Todd Mayor Gus Garcia Mayor Pro Tem Councilmembers Daryl Slusher j

Ronney Reynolds Jackle Goodman Beverly Griffith Eric Mitchell Jesus Garza City Manager



- l Liutter of Transmittal C:rtificate of Achievement

- xil City Organization Chart

- xil FIN ANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors' Report

- xv CENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS All Fund Types and Account Groups Combined Balance Sheet A1 2 All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds - Combined Statoment of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances A2 8 General Fund, Special Revenue Funds and Debt Service Fund - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual-Budget Basis A-3 10 All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings / Fund Balances A-4 12 All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds Combined Statement of Cash Flows A-5 14 Notes to Combined Financial Statements

- 17 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION COVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund Balante Sheet B-1 73 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual-Budget Basis B-2 74 Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual-Budget Basis B-3 75 Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual-Budget Basis 84 76 Schedule of Transfers - Buoget and Actual-Budget Basis B-5 79 Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet C-1 82 Combining Statament of Hevenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances C-2 83 Combining Balance Sheet All Special Revenus Grants C-3 84 Combining Schedule of Expenditures - All Special Revenue Grants C-4 86 Enterprise Related - Combining Balance Sheet C-5 88 Enterprise Related Combining Schedule of Expenditures C-6 89 Other - Combining Balance Sheet C-7 90 Other - Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances C-8 92 Other - Combining Schedule of Ravenues, Expendituros and Transfers - Budget and Actual-Budget Basis C-9 93

CITY OF AUSDN,TUtAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Ended September 30,1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS FINANCIAL SECTION, Continued Exhibit Eage Debt Service Fund Balance Sheet D1 97 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Budget and Actual Budget Basis D2 96-Capital Projects Funds Combining Balance Sheet E1 100 Combin!ng Statement of Revenues, Expoulitures and Changes in Fund Balances E2 101 Combining Balance Sheet E3 102 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances E4 108 PROPRIETARY FUNDS Enter.nrise Funds Combining Balance Sheet F1 116 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings F2 122 Combining Statement of Cash Flows F3 124 Combining Schedule of Changes in Fixed Assets and Accumplated DepreciaWA F 4- 130 Internal Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet _ _ _

G1 136 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings G2 140 Combining Statement of Cash Flows G3 142 Combining Schedule of Char.ges in Fixed Assets and Accumulated Depreciation G4 146 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Trust and Agency Funds Combining Balance Sheet H1 149 Expensable Trust Funds Combining Balance Sheet H2 150 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances H3 151 Pension Trust Funds Combining Balance Sheet H4 152 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances H-5 153 Agency Funds

' Combining Balance Sheet . H6 154

- Combhing Statement of Changes in Asset:; and Liabilities H7 155 D




TADLE OF CONTENTS FINANCIAL SECTION, Continued Ex_hkl! EAgt ACCOUNT GROUPS GeneralFixed Assets 11 157 Schodulo of Changes in General Fixed Assets General Long Term Debt 12 158 Schodulo of Changes in General Long Term Dobt SUPPLFuENTAL SCHEDULES Scheduto of G,noral Obligation Bonds Authorized and Unissued J1 159 Scheduto of Rovenue Bonds Authorized, Doauthorized and Untssued J-2 160 STATISTICAL SECTION UNAUDITED Exhibit Enge General Governmont Total Expendituros and Expondituros Por Capita 1 164 2 165 General Oblgation Not Debt and Not Dobt Por Capita 3 166 City of Austin Employoos Por Capita Ratio of General Fund Untosorvod Ending Balanco to General Government 4 167 Annual Expenditutos Illdt E199 Gonoral Government Expondhuros by Function 1 168 General Government Exponditures by Function (Constant Dollars) 2 170 Gonoral Fund Revenuos and Othor Financing Sourcos by Source 3 171 Assessed Valuation, Estimated Market Value, Tax Ratos, Tax Lovies, and Tax Colioctions 4 172 5 173 PrincipalTaxpayors Ratio of Not General Bonded Dobt to Assessed Value and Not Bonded Debt Por Capita 6 174 Ratio of Annual Dobt Service Expendituros for Gonoral Bonded Debt to Total General 7 175 Fund Expondituros Computation of Legal Debt Margin 8 176 9 177 Computation of Direct and Overlapping Debt Property Tax Ratos and Tax Lovios for Direct and Overlapping Governments with Applicablo Porcentages Over 10% 10 178 City Satos Tax Tax Lovied Ettoctive January 1,1968 11 179 12 100 Electric Fund and Wator and Wastowater Fund Miscoltanoous Statistics Electric Fund and Water and Wastewater Fund Fivo-Year Comparativo Onorating Statomont 13 181 Electric Fund and Water and Wastowater Fund Plant Cost and Equity in Utility Systems 14 183 Scheduto of Combined Utility Systems Revenue Bond Coverage 15 184 16 185 Transfors from Electric Fund and Water and Wastowater Fund to General Fund Electric Fund and Wator and Wastewater Fund Statistk,al Data 17 186 Electric Fund and Water and Wastowater Fund Largo Customers 18 187 19 188 Scheduto of Insuranco in Force


Hotel Motel Occupancy Tax Tax Levled f!'fective January 1,1971 20 190 Miscellaneous Statistical Data 21 191 Miscellaneous Statistical Data . Economic and Growth Ind6catora 22 192 Miscellaneous Statistical Data Employment Characteristics 23 193



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City of Austin nnuulc<lliy C4nwrew. ItcInablii ol'temis, IKlo Itn isos lotu4. Austlin, icuss 7H707 p

March 17,1997 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers City of Austin, Texas We are pleased to submit to you the 1996 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Austin, Texas. The report tas prepared by the Controller's Office of the Financial Services Department. The combined innancial statements and related notes have been jointly audited by the independent firms of Certified Public Accountants, KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, and Martinez, Mendoza & Colmenero, P.C., whose report is included herein. This audit satisfies Article Vll, Section 15 of the City Charter, which requires an annual audit of all accounts of the City by an independent Certified Public Accountant.

Additionally, the administrative and accounting controls over Federal financial assistance received by the City directly from Federal agencies or passed through by the State of Texas or other governmental entities during 1990 are being audited under the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984. This report (the " Single Audit Report") will be available under separate cover.

Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness of the presentations, including all disclosures, rests with the City. We believe the data, as presentod, arc accurate in all material respects and are preter.ted in a manner which fairly sets forth the financial position and results of operatiens of the City. Furthermore, we believe that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain an understanding of the City's financial activity have been included.

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generalN accepted accounting principles for local Govemments as prescribed by the Govemmental Accoonting Standards Board and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

The City recoNed a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Govemmer,t Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its 1995 Comorehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

City management believes that this 1996 CAFR conforms to the Certificate of Achievement Program requirements, and we cre submitting it to GFOA for their review.

This CAFR consists of three parts. The introductory section includes an organization chart and this transmittal letter, which highlights significant aspects of financial opnrations during the year and particular financial issues faced by the City. The financial soction includes the independent auditors' report, combined financial statements and related notos, and supplemental financial data. The statistical section includes several exhibits and tables of unaudited data depicting the financial history of the City, as well as demographic and other miscellaneous statistics.


Reporting I'nthy The City of Austin, chartered in 1839, has a Council-Manager form of govemment with six Councilmembers and the Mayor.

A chartet amendmorit approved in January 1985 changed the terms of off6ce from two year terms that expire concurrently to three-year staggered terms. The City Manager, appointnd by the City Council, is responsib!e to them for the rnanagement of all City employees and the administraton of all City affairs.

This report includes financial statements of the funds and account groups required to account for those activities, organizatons and functions that relate to the City and are controlled by or dependent upon the City's governing body, the City Council. Criteria used by the City for including activities in preparing its financial statements are in conformity with Statoment No,14 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, The Financialneporting Entery. On the basis of these criteria, the following activities are included in the City's 1990 financial statements: all municipal services (at listed below).

pension trust funds, City of Austin Deterred Compensation Plan for City employees, and the Austin Housing Finance Corporation, whose activities are reported in the Housing Assistance Fund, a special revenue fund. The City provides a full range of municipal services including police and fire, sanitaton, parks, libraries, public health and social services, public improvements, street maintenance, elecino and water and wastewater utilities, planning and zoning, and general administrativw services.

Year in Review in 1990 city management introduced its Affordability 2000 strategy. This strategy consists of four major components and is intended to ensure that the City can continue to provide its citizens with quality, affordable services. The first component of this strategy is to benchmark the Cit /s basic services against other entities, to identify areas wtwre the City needs to improve its quall'y or efficiency of services, The second component is to convert the City to a program budget, to see more clearly how the Cit /s resources are ellocated to Individual activities. The third component is to perform an evaluation of overy City program over the next five years, to see whether the nbjectives of the governing body are being carried out efficiently and to priontize service deirvery. The fourth component is to evaluate and streamline the organizational structure, to allow the City to reduce unnecessary layers of management and to push decision making downward.

The City is taking steps to deal with the possibility of the partial deregulation of the electric utility industry, in 1996, the City recolved the results of a study that showed that its electric utility prices may not be competitive in a deregulated environment. The City has recently developed a business plan and engaged a marngement consulting firm to assist it in achieving operational efficiencies and cost reduction.

Construction of the now Austin-Bergstrom infomational Airport continues on schedule and within budget. In 1996, construction began on the passenger terminal facility and the terminal parking lot. The airport will open with 20 gates, and the terrninal building will be a split level facility of approximately 450,000 square feet. A

  • marketplace area' within the terminal building will offer a variety of products provided by local vendors and an area for musical entertainment. The new airport is scheduled to open in May 1999.

Fiscal year 1996 was a banner year for the Austin Conventon Center (ACC), which has become a catalyst for Austin's growing hospitality industry since its grand opening in July 1992. In keeping with Austin's reputation for excellence in high technology, the ACC has established itself as an industry leader in providing its customers with high-toch services. For the second year in a row, the center has received the Prime Site Award presented by Facihties Magazine for excellence in service.

Economic Outlook The U.S. economy turned in a surprisingly good performance in the last half of 1996, particularly in the fourth quarter. Wall Street economists had forecast modest growth of 1.8 percent on an annual basis in the gross domestic product (GDP) for the third quarter of 1996; however, actual growth in GDP on an annual basis for the third quarter was 2.1 percent. Growth in the GDP for the fourth quar 1er on an annual basis was a healthy 4.7 percent, almost a full percentage point higher than the 3.8 percent growth rate that had been forecast. This stronger-than-expected performance translated into solid gains in il

personalincome for 1996: for the full year, personalincomes increased by 5.5 percent . The unemployment rate at the end of 1996 was 5.3 percent, with rnore than 2 6 million new jobs created during the year. The outlook for the economy in 1997 r: mains optimistic: inflation appears to be contained and modest growth in GDP is expected.

Economic growth in Texas moovrated shghtly in 1996, due to a coohng of activity in the semiconductor industry and a modest performance in the agricultural sector. However, the overall Texas economy was growing and healthy. The cmployment growth rate in Texas slowed in comparison to 1995, but the unemployment rate at the end of the year was 5.4 percent, the lowest in 15 years. The good news for Texas workers, however, was that income growth, relative to cmployment growth, increased by 5.8 percent for 1996. The outlook for the Texas economy for 1997 is for overall cmployment growth of 1.9 percent, with continued gains in personal income. The gross state product is expected to increase by 2.7 percent for both 1997 and 1998.

The Austin economy continued to outperform other major cities in Texas in 1996, but it ciearly slowed in comparison to 1995. Austin's rate of growth in employment in 1995 was a sizzling 6.5 percent; its rate of growth in 1996 cooled to 4.8 percent. Austin's economy L expected to remain healthy in the future, but it is expected to grow at a more modest pace.

The employment growth rate for 1997 is forecast at 3.8 percent.

t.lfe in Austin Austin is a unique city known for its auty, its dynamic style, and its dryerse comitiunity. Located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, the Austin area is blessed with panoramic views, an abundance of th/ers and takes, and a climate thet is conducive to outdoor acttvity.

Austin is a great place to enjoy the outdoors. With winter temperatures rarely dipping below freezing and often reaching into the 70's and 80's and with long summers, Austin's city, enunty, and state parks and recreation f acilities are busy year round.

AUlllfLW9Albtf Moan temperature 69 Mean kw temperaturo 58 Mean high ternparature 78 Clear days 116 Average rainfall 32 Average days of sunshine 300 Austin's Parks and Recreation Department is acknowledged as one of the finest in the country. The city has a number of outdoor recreational facilities, including 23 greenbelts,84 athletic fields,70 neighborhood parks,5 golf courses,106 tonnia courts, and 54 swimming poots, including renowned Darton Springs, where as many as 400,000 people a year enjoy its constant 68 degree spring-fed water, Austin is home to a number of outdoor events and festivals, including the Dallas Cowboys summer training camp, the Capitol 10,000 Race, the Annual Texas Hill Country Wine and Food Festival, the Pecan Street Arts Festival and the Annual Spam-O Rama, where hundreds of devotees of SPAM converge for cooking and sculpting contests.


in addmon to outdoor recreational oror:ttonities, Aur, tin has a wide variety of indoor recreational activities to choose from.

Austin ranks first in Texas and sixth in the U.S. In the number of artists and musicians per capita and has long been recognized as the

  • live music capital of the world,* with rnore than 120 live music vonves nightly offenng a complete range of musical styles. Austin also has a number of museums and art galleries to choose from and has a wide variety of restaurants and bars offering all types of food and drink.

With its seven Institutions of higher learning, education is a significant aspect of life in the Austin area. Access to these institutions, especially the University of Texas at Austin, has attracted many of the high technology industries that now drive most of the growth in the city's economy. The University of Texas has the fifth largest academic library in the United States and its academic programs and professional schools rank largely among the top 20 programs and schools in the country Austin is the most highly educated community in U.S. cities with a population of over 250,000, with 35% of its adults having 16 or more yeers of schooling. The city may also have the most computer. literate populace in the country; according to a recent survey of the Austin area, $2% of area residents own a home computer.

Industry and Business Austin's red hot boom tapered off somewhat in 1996, due at least in part to a downturn in the computer chip industry early in the year. Nevertheless, its economy continues to be one of the strongest in the country: the January 20,1997 edition of Trne Magazine rates Austin as the third

  • hottest
  • place in the U.S. for job seekers. Housing sales for 1996 were up almost 12% over 1995, and new home construction proceeded at a record pace, with more than 9,000 new houses started for the year. More than one million square feet of retail space wat added in the Austin area in 1996, adding to the unprecedented growth of the past two to three years in retall square footage.

As the capital of Texas and the home of the University of Texas, Austin has long been considered a govemment and university town. However, this image is changing because of the computer and software industries, wh;ch have put Austin on the map of high technology hot spots. While government employmont is still a stabilizir:g force in the Austin economy, it now accounts for a much lower percentage of the make-up of Austin's total employment. As the comparison below shows, since 1970, government employment has decreased substantially relative to the other large employment sectors in the Austin area.

Austin'a Changing Employment Profile l 40 0 %



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i Dunng 1990,33 cortpanies announced plans to relocate to the Austin area, which will potentially add more than 2,000 }obs to the economy, included in this list Afe:

i e AIM Management, a mutual fund call center expoeted to add approximately 250 jobs to the Austin area economy; e Netspeed, a telecommunications hardware and software company expected to add appoximately 250 new jobs to the local economy; and

  • First International Computer Corporaton, adding approximately 220 jobs to the local ocenomy, in addition,22 Austin area companies announced expansion plans during 1990, which will potentially add 3,700 more jobs to the economy. Topping this list with the addition of 2,000 now jobs in 1990 was Doll Computer, a home grown Fortune 500 personal computer manufacturer, whose stock price tripled in 1996, making its founder, Michael Dell, Austin's first billionaire.

The outlook for Austin's high-technology industry remains very promising and the crty's ability to attract new businesses and individuals remains strong, as Austin is a unique place that offers an abundance of recreational and cultural activities and extollent municipal st. tices. The large student population of rnore than 100,000, hatt of them at the University of Texas, help keep the city intellectually active and provide a valuable resource to companies locating to tne area.

The Accounting System and Budgetary Control The Financial Services Department is responsible for providing all cMraltzed City financial services including financial accounting and reporting, payroll and accounts payable disburs.ement functions, cash and investment managemont, dobt management, budgeting, purchasing, contract administration, utility customer services, regulatory affairs, and special financial and policy analyses for City management. The Director of Financial Services, appointed by the City Manager, supervises the department's operations.

The City employs a computerized financial accounting system that includes a system of internal accounting controls. These controls have been designed and are continually being re-evaluated to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance for the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorlied use or disposition and the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets.

The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived, and the evaluaton of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. All intemal control evaluatons occur within this framework and are believed to adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financialtransactions.

Accounting records for govemmental fund types are maintained on a modified accrual basis, with revenues being recorded when available and measurable and expenditures being recorded when services or goods are received and the liabilities are incurrod. Accounting records for proprietary fund types and similar trust funds are maintained on the accrual basis.

The annual operating budget, or financial plan, is proposed by the City Manager and enacted by the City Council after public discussion. Subsequent intradepartmental budget transfers must be approved by the City Manager, Interdepartmer tal transfers and any increase or decrease in total appropriations must be approved by the City Council. Management control for the operating budget is maintained at the departmental level. During 1996, the Municipal Court onceeded its authorized appropriaton by $55.298. No other General Fund departments exceeded their authorized appropriations.

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Generel Fund The Cit /s General Fund is used to account for expenditures for traditional governmental services as well as all financial resources other than those required to be accounted for in other funds, Sources of revenue for this fund are widely diverssfeed and include property tax, sales tax, transfers from the City owned utility system, and other sources as shown below:

O*neral Fund Sources and Uses (Dottore in Millione) increcee 1996 1996 (Decreano) 8 8 8  %

SOURCES OF FtHDs Property tares 71 44 6626 8.19 12 Bales taaos 83 68 80 48 320 4 Other taxes 2 28 2.16 0.12 6 Frarchise fees 13.34 12.18 1.16 10 F6nes, forfenures, and penaltes 12.16 10 97 1,19 11 Ucenses, permits, and inspections 14.31 13.07 1.24 9 Charges for servkes, goods 8.17 8 02 0.15 2 interest and other 6 02 6.09 (0.07) (1)  :

Transfer and other sources 73 93 71.31 2 62 4_

Total ,

2ss.33 270.s3 7 USES Of' FUNDS Adm6nistrason 6.30 6 40 0.90 17 Urten growth managemord 10.67 11.40 (0.83) (7)

Public safety 141.14 131.74 9 40 7

. Publec services and utilites 11.90 16 $5 (3.65) (23)

Pubic health 43 65 40 43 322 8 PutAc recreation and culture 30 09 29.87 0.22 1 Soc 6al services management 729 7.34 (0.o5) (1)

Nondepartmental expenditures 31.84 23.76 8.08 34 Operating transfers out 6 93 9 30 (3 37) (36)

Total 2ss.71 274.79 13.92 s increase (decrease)in fmd balance (0.38) (426) 3 88 (91)

Total fund balance, beginning of year 31 47 35 73 (426) (12)

Total fund balance, end of year _

31.0e 31.47 (0.3s) (1)

For the year ended September 30,1990, actual revenues on a budget basis were $4.8 million more than amended budget, primarily due to tax ($1,092,842), permit ($1,065,985), and other revenue ($1,011,856) collections that were higher than antmipated. Actual expenditures on a budget basis were $3.3 million lower than amended budget, with significant sayings achieved by the Planning Department and the Health Department. Overall, the General Fund stayed within the amended budget, maintained emergency reserves of $t2.475,984 and contingency reserves of $202.729 and achieved an undesignated fund balance in excess of 4% of total expend:tures.


Special Revenue F1nds s

The speulal revenue funds include the Federal grants funds, State granth funds, other special revenue grants funds, other special revenue funds, which include the Hotel Motel Occupancy Tax Fund, and the Housing Assistance Fund. Collectively, these funds expended $82,294,176 during 1996.

federal grants $30,427,387 State grants 4,017,806 Other special reverve grants 034,312 Other specialrevenue funds 44,668,223 Houwng Assistance Fund 2.246.448 Total $82,294,176 The grant programs have an important etiect on the Austin community by allowing the City to operate community centers, provide services to the elderly, provide health services to women and children. and provide assistance in construction of J port improvements, in 1996, the Hotel-Motel Occupancy Tax Fund transferred $2,037,726 to the Parks and Recreation Department Cultural Projects Fund for cultural arts programs, $9,166,205 to the Convention Center Tax Fund, and $3,055,677 to the Austin Convention Center Visitors Bureau for promotion of the tounsm industry, General Obligation Debt Administration The City maintains a separate fund, the Debt Service Fund, to administer debt associated with its general obligation bonds, certificates of obhgstion, and contractual obligations. A separate ad valorem tax is levied and collected to provide funds to retire such debt issued for general govemment capital projects (debt service on general obligation debt issued for enterprise fund capital projects is paid from related enterprise fund revenues), For 1996, this tax was $ 2269 per $100 assessed valuation.

The fund balance designated for debt service at September 30,1996, was $8,475,146 or 13.3% of 1996 budget-basis debt service expenditures. At September 30, 1996, the City had $451,722,180 in tax supported general obligation bonds, certificates of obligation, and contractual obligations outstanding (not including amounts supported by enterprise funds).

Authorized but unissued general obligation bonds at Septemoer 30,1996, totaled $67,200,000.

The ratio of net bonded debt to assessed valuation and the amount of bonded debt per capita for 1996 and 1995 are shown below.

1996 1995 Net bonded debt $443.247.034 $436,867,901 Ratso of debt to assessed value 1.9% 2.08 %

Debt per capita $817.97 $834.75 Assested valuatxm (000's) $23,303.0t 5 $20.958.589 Debt service tax rate per

$100 assessed valuason $0.2269 $0.2493 The City's outstanding Deneral obligation debt is rated Aa by Moody's, and AA by Standard & Poor's and Fitch.


l Capital Projects Funds The City rnaintains capital projects funds to account for general government capital improvements, which are funded primarity by general obligation bond procoods. When projects are completed, they are recorded as additions to the General Fixed Asset Account Group. Capital projects for propriotary funds that uso general obhgation bonds as a funding source (primarily Hospital, Airport and Sohd Waste Serv 6cos) are accounted for within the enterpnse or intemal serv 6ce funds rather than within the capital projects funds.

During 1990, a total of $43,593,534 was exponded in the capital projects funds, primarity for street and drainage improvements, flood provention, parks improvemonts and fire facihtes. At September 30,1990, total fund balance was

$89,962,311 consisting of a reserve for encumbrancos of $18,789,476 and an unreserved balance of $71,172,835, s

Utilltles The City owns and operates its oloctr6c, water, and wastewater systems and issues revenue bonds for the majority of its capital esponditures for its electric, water, and wastewater facihties, Doth Moody's and Fitch rate the City's outstanding prior hen Combined Utility Systems Revenuo Donds and subordinate lien bonds A, while Standard & Poor's ratos the prior lion bonds A and the subordinate lion bonds A.

At September 30,1990, authorized but unissued revonue bonds totaled $562,380,000 for electric projects, $311,947,000 for {

water projects, and $220,679,000 for wastowater projects. Activity relating to revenue bonds is summarited in the following table (in thousands of dollars):

Subordinate Prior Lien

. Lien Bondo BoMe Total Balance payable, not d discount and inclusive of premium . Octoter 1, t 995 $223,382 2,250,991 2,400,373 Dett lasued, not of dscourt and trolutive of prendum - 245,256 245.256 Dett repakt, doisased, or rotunded, riot of discount (24,810) (249,122) (273,932)

Amorturason of tend discount and premeum PIB. 4.576_ , 4.796 Dalance payable, not of discount and inclusive of premium September 3o,1996 $198,790 2,257,703 2,456,493 The Electnc Fund anC the Water and Wastowater Fund transferred $59,936,700 sad $13,646,139, respectively, to the General Fund in 1990.

I Vill

Electric Fund Electric operating revenues for 1996 were $613,648,422, an increase of 17.4% over the prior year. Operating expenses before depreciation f or 1996 were $303,557,594, an increase of 10.9% f rom the prior year.

Water and Wastewater Fund The City owns and operates three water treatmont plants with an average daily consumption of 113 million gallons per day (mgd), and fou* wastowater treatment plants with an average dally volume of 77 mgd. The City also owns and operates its own distribution and collection systems.

Total Water and Wastewater operating revenues for 1996 were $186,429.126 an increase of 10.9% over the prior year, Operating expenses before deprociation for 1996 were $76,849,508 a decrease of 2% over the prior year.

The City has certain contractual commitments with several municipal utility districts (MUDS) for the construction of certain cdditions, improvements, and extensions of the City's water and wastewater delivery systems. These MUDS are authorlied to issue contract revenue bonds to finance the construction of such irnprovements. The City will become the (,wner of these irmfovements and will make debt service payments on the MUDS' bonds. This arrangement will enable the City to expand its system in a manner that prevents the proliferation of stand alone utilities, which would ultimately nood to be integrated into a regional system upon annexation. Under these contracts, the MUDS had issued and outstanding $116,840,000 City of Austin, Texas, Contract Revenue Bonds as of September 30,1996.

Altport Fund The Airport Fund accounts for the operation of the Robert Mueller Municipal Airport. The airport is currently self sustaining, providing for operating expenses incluoing depreciation, an amount equivalent to the airport's interest on debt, payment for support services from other City departments, and funding of capitalimprovement projects, Operating revenues for the year onded September 30,1996, were $33,847,006. After deducting operating expenses of $24,440,953 the airport had operating incomo of $9,406,053 and not income of $9,931,419. Effectrve November 1,1993, the .\irport Fund began to charge each ermlaned passenger a $3 passenger facility charge, as allowed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Airport Fund 1996 operating revenues included passonger facildy charges of $8,016,774, which are dedicated solely for the construction of the Austin-Bergstrom Intornational Airport.

Pension Funds The City has three con *sibv' vy defined benefit retirement plans. Since August 26,1991, and pursuant to State legislation, the City of Austin Employoos' Retirement and Pension Fund and the City of Austin Police Officers' Retirement and Pension Fund have been governed and administered by their respective eleven-member boards. The third plan, the Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund of Austin, Texas was established by State statute and is governed and administered by a board. Together the three plans cover substantially all fulHime em.Ayees.

During the year onded September 30,1996, the Cny contnbuted 7%,16%, and 18.05% of salaries to each of thee fund %

respectively. Total contributions by the City to those funds wore $27,207,000 for 1996. Total assets in excess oi :..<

pension benefit obligation at December 31,1995 (latest available date) for the Employees' Fund were $78,518,000. The unfunded pension benefit obligation at December 31,1995 (latest available date) for the Police Officers' Fund and the Fire Fighters' Fund was $14,104,000 and $46,350,000, respectrvoly.

i ix

The City's pension plans are qualified under IRS regulations allowing pre tax status for employee contributions to the plans, (

Cash Management Cash balances of all City funds are invested in consideration of five factors: safety, term, liquidity, market exposure, and rate of return. Cash balances of all funds except the debt service, revenue bond retirement reserve, and pension trust funds are pooled for investment purposes. Those investrnents are made in accordance with the Texas City Depository Act and the Public Funds investment Act of 1995, and are restricted primarily to obligations of the United States, the State of Texas, the County, the City, certificates of deposit issued by Texas state and national banks, local govemment investment pools, )

bankers' acceptances, prime commercial paper, money market mutual funds, share cert!ficates issued by the Nation Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, and fully collateralized direct repurchase agreements meeting the requirements of the above-mentioned statutes.

During 1996, the City's cash resources were primarily invested in U.S. Treasury and Agency issues. The average yield on pooled investments during the year was 6.60%

Hisk Management The City is exposed to employce related risks for health benefits and workers' compensation, as well as to various risks of lose related to torts, including medical malpractice; theft of, damage to, of destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters. The City continues to be self insured for liabilities for most health benefits, third party claims, and workers' compensation. The City purchases commercial insurance for coverage for property loss or damaDe, commercial crime, fedelity bond, and alrport operations, in addition, the City purchases a broad range of insurance coverage for contractors woiking at selected capital improvement project sites. The City does not participate in a risk pool.

The City uses internal service funds to account for risks related to health benefits, third party liability, and workers' compensation, as well as for reswrces for these risks. Liabilities are reported when it is probable that a loss has been incurred at the dets of the financial statements and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. Liabilities include an amount for claims that have been incurred but not reported (IBNRs). Claim liabilities for the Employee Benefits Fund are calculated considering recent claim settlement trends;liabildes for the Uability Reserve and Workers' Compensation funds are calculated based on outstanding claims.

Acknowledgments R

The preparation of this report on a timely basis could not have been accomp';shed without the dedicated services of a highly qualified staff. The City of Austin has such a staff in the Controller's Office of the Financial Sewices Department. We would like to express our appreciation to all the staff of the Controller's Office whe assisted and contributed to the preparation of this report,



l i

Other departments and offices of the City have also contributed directly or indirectly to the preparation of this report. In paliscular, the Dudget Office of the Financial Services Departmot i and the Office of the City Auditor have boon instrumental in ensunng that good financial management practicos are maintained, and their cooperation and continued assistance is appreciated. We also acknowtedge the efforts of the City departments in following good financial management practices and in providing information and assistance during the preparation of the report.

We acknowledge the thorough, professional, and timely manner in which the audit was conducted by our endependent auditors, KPMG Peat Marwick LLP and Martiner, Mendora & Colmonoro, P.C.

Finally, we acknowledge the Mayor and Councilmembers who have consistently supported the City's goal of excellence in all aspects of financial managernent. Their support is greatly appreciated.

\ Jesus barra City Manager M-Betty Du 3rley, CPA Director of Financial Services xi j l

Cer:1::1Ca':e O::


/Or Exce. ence p.

The Oovernment Finance Officers Association of the United States <

k.1 Canada (OFOA) awarded a Certifcate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to tho City of Austin, Texas for its gg Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended City O: Austin, September 30,1995.

in order to be awarded a gg '

Certifceto of Achievertent, a governmental unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently FOr itS Comprehensive Annual orgt.nited Conprehensive Annual Financial Report, whose contents Financial ReEOrt conform to program standards. for the Fiscal Year Ended Such reports must satisfy both September 30,1995 prir cipi s and pplicab a A Certificate of Achievement for Exce!!cnce in Financial requirements. A Certificate of Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Achievement is valid for a period Association of the United States and Canada to of one year only. City govetnment units and public employee retirement managemont bebeves thet this systems whose comprehensive annual financial 1996 CAFR conforms to the reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest Certificate of Achevement standards in government accounting Program requirements, and we and financial reporting, are submitting it to GFOA for their review.

,4 ,\ ~ .

t I

gp '

Preside Executive Director xil

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Organization Chart Cittrensof Austi Mayor and Council Boards and MunicipalCourt City l Clerk l CityManager l City Audito' Commissions h

Director, Law -

EWtric Assistant Financial & to the Adrninistrative City

- Public Manager Services " ' "

' intonnaton l

l I I l

intormaton Smalland ' Financialand ' Hurmn ] Parks ard Systems Minority Administrate Resources j Recreation Business , Services

< Resources ,

Essistant City) Assistant City] Assistant City Manager j Manager j Manager i

Austn Developrrent Convention Aviation Rovew and and Visitors inspection Bureau , <

Emergency Austin Medcal Drainage Conventon _ <

Services Utility Center intergovernrrunta:

Health and Fire Relatons Hurmn Services ,

"" 9' Police ECSD Library -

, Public Works '

Neighborhood and Housing and - Transportation Conservaton Water and Wastewater

( SolidWaste '


[ Services xiil

i 1

k .


!g__vj ,

Y. %D t. O xlv i

1 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Austin, Texas:

We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the City of Austin, Texas (' City *) as of and for the year ended September 30,1990, as listed in the accompanying table of contents under

  • General Purpose Financial Statements' and the following indrvidual fund supporting financial statements included in Exhibit F 1. Exhibit F 2, and Exhibit F 3: Electr6c Fund Balance Sheet, Electric Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings, Electric Fund Statement of Cash Flows, Water and Wastewater Fund Datance Sheet, Water and Wastewater Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Eamings, Water and Wastewater Fund Statement of Cash flows, Airport Fund Datance Sheet, Airport Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings, and Airport Fund Statement of Cash Flows. These general purpose financial statements and Individual fund supporting financial statements Irted above are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements and individual fund supporting financial statements listed above based on our audit. We did not aud!t the financial statements of the Police Officers' Retirement and Pension Fund or the Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund which are included in the Pension Trust Funds, which represent 30 percent and 37 percent, respectively of the assets and revenues of the Fiduelary Fund Type. Those financial statements wers audited by other auditors whose reports thereon have been fumished to us, and out opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts included in the Police Officers' Retirement and Pension Fund and the Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund of the Fiduciary Fund Type,is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.

We conducted our 3udit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Thor * .andards require that we plan cnd perform the r udit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements and individual fund supportiry financial statements listed above are free of material misstaternent. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, ev6&ece supporting the amounts and disclosures in the general purpose financial statements and individual fund support".g financial statements listed above. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and s6gnificant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overell financial statement presentation and the presentation of the individual fund supporting financia! statements listed above. We believe that our audit and the reports of other auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

in out opinion, based on our audit and the reports of other auditors, the general purpose f6nancial statements referred to above present fa!rly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Austin, Texas as of September 30,1996, Cnd the results of its operations and cash flows of its proprietary fund types and similar trust funds for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principios. Also, in our opinion, the Individual fund supporting financial stateraants referred to above present fairly, in all material respeets, the financial position of each of the individual funds as of September 30,1996, and the results of operations of such funds and the cash flows of such funds for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole and on the individual fund supporting financial statements referred to in the first paragraph. The accompanylng combinlag, individual fund and individual account group financial statements and schedules, other than those referred to in the first paragraph, and schedules of general obligation bonds authorized and unissued and revenue bonds authorized, deauthorized, tnd unissued, as listed under " Supplemental Information" in the accompanying table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of tho general purpose financial statements of the City of Austin. Texas.

Such information, other than those individual fund supporting financial statements referred to in the first paragraph has boon subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in out opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole.

The schedules listed under "S'atistical Section* in the accompanying table of contents were not audited by us, and, accordingty, we exprsss no opinion on them.

kpt u*f A, b N& f& MfMepy:$ /4P fOf $

January 24,1997 xy








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_With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Governrnental Fund Types Special Det4 Capital General Revenue Service Projects ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Current assets:

Cash 8 79,373 190,136 - -

Pooled investmer ts and cash investments, at amortised cost 29,493,803 35,392.270 4,320,322 8,398,016 88,181,528


J Working capital advances - - - -

Cash and investments held by tustee - - - -

Receivables,notof allowances:

Property taxes 3,273,767 - 2,654,142 -


Accounts and other taxes recewatne 17,140,656 1,678,783 - 3,764,135 Receivatdes from other govemments - 0,312,157 - -

Due from other funds - 7,235,627 - 3,089,143 inventornos, at cost 1,147,756 - - -

Real pr(porty held for resale -

5.010.198 - -

Other assets 190,756 1,544.297 - 204.007 Total current assets 51,326,111 64.683.690 11.052,158 95238.873 Restricted assets:

Revenue bond debt service a3 count - - - -

Revenue bund retroment reserve account - - - -

Tax and revenue tund debt service account - - - -

Capitallred hterest ao:ourd - - - -

Constructon account - - - -

Construction account due from other funds - - - -


Construction account advances to other funds - - - -

J Decommissioning account - - - -

Capitalirrprovement account - - - -

Operabng reservo account - - - -

Hotel occtpancy tax account - - - -

Revenue account - -

Renewal and replacement account - - - -

Capital lease rebrement reserve account - - -

investments and cash held by trustee - - - -

Nuclear fuelinventory acqu6sition account - - - -

Passenger facehty charge account - - -

Mueller disposebon accomt - - -

Customer and escrow deposits - - - -

Total restricted assets .. - -

Fixed assets, at cost Property, plant and equipment - - -

Less accumulated deprecialon - -

Net property, plant and exppment 7 - - -

Investment in muncpal utikty distncts - .. - -

Advances to other funds Deferred costs and expenses, not of amorttration - - - -

Other detnts:

Amount availatde in Dett Serwce Fund - - - -

Amount to be provided for accrued cortpersated absences - - - -

Amount to be prowded for retirement of generallong-term debt - - - -

Total assets 5 51.326.111 64.683.690 11.052.158 95238.873_

The accortpanying notes are an integtal part of the inancal statemen!s.


CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit A 1 Fiduciary Totals Proprietary Fund Types Fund Types Account Otoup6 ,

(Memorandum Only) _

intomal Trust and General Fired General Long.

Enterprise service Agency Assets Term Debt 1996 1995 49,300 22,691 5,655.357 - - 5,996,857 5,952,344 175,462,625 36,640,078 6,043,202 - - 371,214,406 311,667,909

- - 941,120,847 - - 953,839,186 861,782,373 2,352,430 - - - - 2,352,430 3,643,871

- 160,131 66,038.542 - - 86,198.673 78,906,256

- - - - - 5,927,909 5,823,926 87,864.803 689,526 - - - 111,037,903 128,360,653 24,634 - - - - 9,336,791 13,576,594 298,581 764,253 - - - 11,387,504 23,514,810 49,859.587 1,390,352 - - - 52,397,695 54,352,354

- - - - - 5.010,198 3,563,918 1,500,129 52,520 8.995.648 - - 12,487,417 11,580,183 31620.451 1,047.853,596 - - 1,627,188,968 1,500,915,191 317.412.C99 95,278.801 - - - - 95,278,861 100,278,710 198,106,341 - - - - 198,106,341 198,470,429 20,548 - - - -

20.548 27,862 56,961,194 - - - - 56,961,194 69,220,569 397,207,907 415,322 - - - 397,623.229 402,328,541 384,424 - - - - 384,424 384,424 1,806,419 - - - - 1,806.419 2,190.043 31,788.778 - - - - 31,788,778 24,808,284 18,105,312 - - - - 18,105,312 9,864,826 6.963,597 - - - - 6,063,597 4,755,958 1,188,741 - - - - 1,188,741 447,249 3.678,536 - - - - 3.676,536 1,521,341 5,368,659 - - - - 5,368,659 5,212,379 3,434,207 - - - - 3,434,207 3,200,761 5,000,000 - - - - 5,000,000 412,253 21,857,601 - - - - 21,857,601 14,719,771 1,068,327 - - - - 1,068,327 1,573,343 1,857 - - - - 1,857 -

9,448,452 - - - - 9,448.452 5,151,345 857,667,761 415.322 - -- - 858,083,083 844,738.886 4,568,680,922 42,652,472 1,477,344 454,091,120 - 5,066,901,858 4,823,780,066 0,226,732,349) (21,903.809) - - - (1.248.636,158) (1,139,183.381) 3,341,948,573 20,748,663 1,477,344 454,091,120 - 3,816.265,700 3,684,596,685 19,612,403 - - - - 19,612,403 21,806,472 103.656 197,878 - - - 301,534 757,947 522,690,324 159,227 - - - $22,849,551 473,347,254

- - - - 9,475,146 8,475,146 8,934,818

- - - - 33,179,727 33,179,727 36,278,253

- - - - 443.247,034 443,247,034 438,867,901 5.059.434.806 61,141,541 1,049,330.940 454,091,120 484,901,907 7.331,201,146 7,008,243.407 (conbnued) i 3

K ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS COMBINED DALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparativa totals for September 30,1995 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital General Rever ue Servlee Projects LIADluTIES, EQUITY AND OTHER CFIEDITS Cunont kabilthet:

Accounts payatde $ 3,688.038 4,367.2$3 - 1,820,920 Accrued payroll 9,497,302 926,425 - -

Accrued cortpensated absences 2,383227 237,207 - -

Claims payatAo - - - -

Constna.1on contracts payatAe - - - -

Contfset revenue bonds payable - - - -

Due to other govemments - - - -

Due to other lunds 39,933 7.033,789 - 3,055,612 l Interest payatAs on oter debt - - - -

Gereal(tdgation bonds payable and other tan supported debt - - - -

Wawr irrprovertent distr 6ct bonds payatAs - - - -

Capitallease (tdgalons payath - - - -

Over habilites 4.626.974 33.455.187 2.577,012 400.030 Total current liabdites 20235.474 46.023.861 2,577,012 5 276,562 LlatAhDes payatAo from rettreted assets:

Accounts and totaanage payatne - - - -

Accrued interest payatne - - - -

Geeetal otdigaton bonds and over tan supported debt payatdo - - - -

Revenue bonds payatAe witin one year - - - -

Decomrrussloring expense payat9e - - - -

Nuclear fuel eapense payable - - - -

Other batMhtles - - - -

Totat hatAlibes payatAo from restrcted assets - - -

Long term otAigabons, not of current portion:

Accrued compensated absences - - - -

Claims payable -- -- - -

Construction contracts payatde - -- - -

Contract revenue bords payatde - - - -

Advances from other funds - - - -

Capital appruciation bond intorest payable - - - -

Commercial paper notes payatdo - - - -

General otA69 atum bonds payable, not of discount, and other tax supported debt - - - -

Revenue bonda payable, ret of discountprervvum -- - - -

Water improvement distret bonds payable - - - -

Capitallease oldgabons payatie - - - -

Decommisstoning assessment payable - - - -

Accrued landfdl closure and postclosure costs - - - -

Totai llabilities $ 20235.474 46.023.861 2.577.012 5276.562 The acconpanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

4 i

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit A 1 i (Continued)

I riduclery Totals Proprietary Fund Types Fund Types Account Groups (Memorandum Only)

Internal Trustand General fined Generallong.

Enterprise Service Agency Assets Term Debt 1996 1995 42,242,007 4,255,802 1,404,740 - - 57,761,700 47,393,108

- 18,192,793 18.057,353 5.675,492 2,093,574 - -

3,723,350 - 17,565,819 19,485,615 11,222,035 - --

- 7,601,001 11,251,984

- 7,001,001 - -

- - 274.698 857,294 274,698 - -

- - 4,365,000 3,015,000 4,365,000 - -

33,612 - 1,143,727 - - 1,177,339 1,332,666 33,531 - 11,771,928 EJ.899,234 551,859 1,057204 -

10,006 - - 3,816,604 4264,120 3,805.998 -

139,452 - - 2,441,825 5,855,615 2,302,373 -

- - - - 122,000 113 000 122.000

- - 1,655,933 2,811,151 1,655,933 - -

4,315,000 713,941 89.552,552 - - 135 A44,696 120 425 662 92,134,550 - 262,391,396 258.781,811 76,560,007 19.577,930 -

- - - 20,551,515 2,055,140 20,550,840 675

- - - 65,350,550 65,146,271 65,350,550 -

- - 2,044,178 1,654,735 2,044,178 - -

- - - 82.540,581 75.520,329 D2,540581 -

- - - 31,788,778 24,898 284 31,788,778 -

- - 21,857,601 14,719,771 21,857,601 - -

- 9,607,357 7,633,710 9 007,357 - - -

- 233,740,560 201,628,240 233,739 S85 675 - -

1,144,885 33,179,727 39,874,911 44,963,562 5,550 299 - -

- 13,985,675 - - - 13,985,675 11,603,802 2,997,817 - - -- - 2,997,817 2,585,180

- 112,475,000 118.780,000 112,475.000 - - -

321,179 1,786.774 - - - 2,107,953 2,948,790 95,993209 - - - - 95,993,209 80,408,964 132,918,000 - - - - 132,918,000 78,'84.000 34,105,498 380,810 - - 451,722,180 486208,488 514.414.029 2,826,321,975 - - - - 2,826,321,975 2,855,914,789 613,000 - - - - 613 000 735,000

- - 25,225229 26,881,162 25225229 - -

3,014,901 - - - - 3.014,901 3.524,510 7,751,392 - - - - 7.751,392 7,922,81!:

3,557,593,391 36,876,749 484.901,907 4,245,619,506 4,209.956,6!4 92.134 A50 -

(contarn1) l 5

l l


" g iTi n 30,I MS With comparative totale for September 30,1996 nevernmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital General Revenue serv 6ee _Prokets UASIUTitt, toutTY AND OTHER CREDff t, Continued EquNy and other credes:

Cor*tdons from municipaldy $ - - -

Cor*twone from State and Fedwat govwnments - - - -

Contr8 Mons in aid of construction - - . -

Corstmons from the prtvote sectcv- - -

trweetment in general flued essete - - -

f%tained oamings:

Reserved for renewal and replacement - - - -

Reserved ice passenger facety chargo - - - -

Urvesened - -

fund balances:

Reserved for encurrtrancee 6.669,497 3,715,640 - 18,789,476 Reserved for inventories and prepaid items 1,338,512 - - -

Reserved for rcles receivable - 1,411,403 - -

Reserved for real property held for resale - 5.010,198 - -

Reserved for nonemendable tuet - - - -

Reserved for rearement systems - - - -


Deeegnated for emergercy reserve 12,475,984 - - -

Designated for contngercy reserve 202,729 - - -

Dee4gnated for *Aure use - 8,522,586 - -

Desgnated for debt serv 6ce - - 8,475,146 -

Des 6gnated for purposes of tuet - - - -

Undesignated 10.403.915 - - 71,177,835 Total equity and other credite 3 t.090.637 18.659.829 8.475,146 89.982.311 Total liabilMles, equity and other cred6ta 8 51.326.111 64.683,690 11.052,158 , 95,238.873.

The acconpanying notes are an integral part of the hnarcial statements.

l I

6 3 = - - _ ~

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit A 1 (Continued)

Fiduciary Totals Proprietary Fund Types Fund Types Account Groups (Memorandum Ontv)

Intemal Trust and General Fixed General Long-Enterprite Service Agency Assets Term Debi 1996 1995 33,415,784 - - - 72,659,750 67,754,743 39.243.966

- - 101,454,114 81.242,025 101,454,114 .. -

312,038,020 - - - - 312.038,820 292,210,794

- - 3,775,344 J,775.344 3,775.344 - -

- - - 454,091.120 - 454,091,120 426,363,307

- - 5,368,659 5,212,379 5,368,659 - -

- - 1,068,327 1.573,343 1,068,327 - -

1,038,892,185 (9,150,992) - - - 1,029,741,193 916,762,753

- - - - - 29,174,613 38,137,405

- - - - - 1,338,512 1,468.946

- - - - 1,411,403 2,125,324

- .- - - - 5,010,198 3,553,918

- - 76,374 - - 76,374 76,374

- 954,596,106 - - 954,596,106 600,258,865

- - - - - 12,475,984 12,189,927

- - - - 202,729 832,175

-- - .. - 8,522,588 9.559,006

- - - - 8,475,146 8,934,818

- - 2,523,910 - - 2.523,910 2,137,605

- - - 81,576,750 64,117,622 1.501,841,415 24,264,792 957,196.390 454,091,120 - 3.085.581,640 2,798.286,753 61,141.541 1,049.'LW940 454.091.120 484.901.907 7.331,201,146 7,008,243.407 5.059 434.806 7



~ AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year entled September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended S0ptember 30,1995 Government .I Fund Typee Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects REVENUES Taxes $ 160,405,219 - 53213,806 -

- Franchise fees 13,337,896 - - - +

.-- Fines, forioitures and penaltes 12.159.358 - - -

Licenses, permte and inanectons 14,311,481 - - - G Charges for serv 6ces/goou 8,174,721 - - -

Intoryivemmentai revenues - 35,379,505 - 4,371,626 Propoicy owners' partcpaton and contrbutons - - -

652.900 Contrbutions to trusts - - - -

I interest and oher 6.0152 53 42,339,006 2,603.029 6.238,44:

Total revenues 214.403,928 77,718,511 55,816.835 11262,%8 EXPLNDRURES Curtent, including capital outt.4y in the General Fund ,

of $3,153,957 Admnistraton 6299lM8 44,668 223 - -

Urban growth management 10,567,446 - - -

l PutAc safety 141,140,763 - - -

Pubhc services and utlities 11,903,772 - - -

Public health 43,647,282 - - -

Pubhc recreaten ard cuttre 30.092,171 - - -

Social services management 7265,563 - - -


Nondepartmental expenditures 31,836,942 - - -

1 Special prolects - 37,625,953 - -

. Capital outlay for constructon - - - 43,593.534 Dobt service:

Poncpal retwement - - 22,722,983 -

Interest, commissions and other - - 35,038,577 -

Trust - - - -

Total expenditures 282.773,007 82294,176 57,761,560 43,593.034 Excess (defoency) of revenues over expenditures (68,369,079) (4,575,665) (1,944,725) (32,330,566)


Proceeds from issuance of general obhgation bonos and other tax stoported dnbt - - -- 35,005,000 Operaung transfers in 73,925.240 C,420,512 1,485,053 23,935,156 Operating tra"sfers out (5,932.110) (17,332,104) - (19.017,930)

Total other financing sources (uses) 67,993,130 5.088.408 1,485.053 39.922 226 Excess (defoency) of re,enues and other sources over expendtures attd other uses (375,949) 512,743 (459,672) 7,591.660 Fund balarces at begirvung of year 31,466,586 18.147,086 8,934,818 82.370,651 l Residual equsty transfers out - - - - >

t Fund balances at end of year S 31,090,637 18,659.829 8,475.146 89,962,311 1

The accompanytng notes are an integral part of the Rnancial statements. /


i l

l CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit A 2 Fiduciary Totals Fund Type (Memorendum only)

Expendable Trust 1996 1995

- 213.619,025 201,567,3 %

- 13,337,896 12,183,178

- 12,159,358 10,966,311

- 14,311,481 13.074,490

- 8,174,721 8,021,247 39,751,131 35,244,435

- 652,900 207,139 387,486 387,486 1,047,094

- 57,195,730 76.376.776 38?,486 359.589.728 358.688.066

- 50,967,291 52,218 182

- 10,567,446 11,40',778

- 141,140,763 131,742,620

- 11,903,772 15,550,020

- 43,647.282 40,431,597

- 30,092,171 29,874,687

- 7,285,563 7,334,861

- 31,836,942 22,896,301

- 37,625,953 31,230,813

- 43,593 0 4 59,461,915

- 22,722,983 22,023,089

- 35,038,577 32,214,134 282.434 282.434 400,533 282,434 406,704,711 456,780,430 105,052 (107,114,983) (98,092,364)

- 35,005,000 38,565,000 298,578 122,064,499 94,620.555 (17,365) (42,299,509) (34,295,236) 281,173 114.769.990 98.890,319 386225 7,655,007 797,955 2,137,685 143,056,826 153,319,053

- - (11.060,182) 2,523.910 150,711,833 143.056.826 9


Budget Favorable Budget Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basta Budget (Unfavorable)

REVENUES Taxes $ 160,405,219 159 it ",'177 1,092,842 - - -

Franchise fees 13,337,896 12,661,000 676,896 - - -

Fines,lorfettures and per'attes 12,159,358 11,976,662 182,696 - - -

Licenses, permits and inspectons 14.311,481 13.245,496 1,065,985 .. - -

Charges for services / goods 8,174,721 7,412,840 761,881 - - -

trArest and other 6,015253 5.003.397 1,011.856 39,386258 39.666,780 (280.522)

Total revenues 214.403.928 209 611,772 4,792,156 39.386258 39.666.700 (280.522)

EXPENDITURES Admnstraton 6 267,438 6,211,510 (55,928) 43.890,353 48,948,631 5,058,278 U$an growth mar.agement 10,727,957 11,437,108 709,151 - - -

Pubhc safety 138,447,670 139,574,339 1,126,669 - - -

Pubic services and ubittie+ 11,907,908 12,004.736 96,828 - - -

Pubhc hearth 45,125,717 46,031.761 906.044 - - -

Pubic recreatkm and culture 29,880,890 29,919,128 38,238 - - -

Social services management 7,292.012 7,292,695 683 - - -

Nondepartmental eFpenditures 6,950,580 7,434,543 483,963 - - -

Pnncipal redemption - - - - - -

Interest and other - - - - - -

Fees and commissions - - - - - -

Total expenditures 256.600.172 259.905.820 3.305.648 43.890,353 48.948.631 5,058.278 Excess (denciency) of revenues over experdtures (42,196,244) (50294,048) 8,097,804 (4,504,095) (9,281,851) 4,777,756 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES)

Operabng transfers in 73,925,240 73,925240 - 22,260,512 24,409,267 (2,148,755)

Operahng transfers out (31,400,045) (31.553,163) 153.118 (17,046.354) (15.935,546) (1,110,808)

Total other financing nources (uses) 42,525.195 42.372.077 153.118 5.214,158 8.473.721 (3.259.563)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other sources over expenditures and other uses 328,951 (7,921,971) 82'r',922 710,063 (808,130) 1,518,193 Fund balances at beginning of year 32.327,305 15.314.953 17,012,352 3.508,303 3,508.3r3 -

Fund balances at and of year 5 32.656.256 7,392.982 25263,274 4.218.366 2,700.173 1,518,193 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.




CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit A 3 Debt Service Fund Totals (Memorandurn Only)

Actual. Variance - Actual- Variance -

Gud9et Favorable Budget Favorabie Basle Budget (tJnfavorable) Baels Budget (Unfavorable) 53,213,806 52,949,631 264,175 213,619,025 212,262.008 1,357,017

- - - 13,337,896 !2,661,000 676,836

- - - 12,159,358 11,976,662 182,696

- - - 14,311,481 13.245,496 1,065,985

- - - 8,174,721 7,412,840 761,881 3,143,760 3.162.582 (18.822) 48,545.271 47,832,759 712.512 56.357,566 56,112213 245,353 310,147,752 305.390,765 4,756,987

- - - 50,157,791 55,160,141 5,002,350

- - - 10,727,957 11,437,108 709,151

- - - 138,447,670 139,574.339 1,128,669

- - - 11,907,908 12,004,736 96,828

- - - 45,125,717 46,031,761 906,044

- - - 29,880,890 29,919,128 38238

- - - 7292,012 7,292.695 683

- - - 6,950,580 7,434.543 483,963 25,862,234 31,362234 5,500,000 25,862,234 31,362,234 5,500,000 37,824,319 40,368,973 2,544,660 37,824,319 40,368,979 2,544,660 3,363 5.322 1,9 39 3,363 5,322 1,959 63.689.910 71,736,535 8,046.819 364,100.441 380.500.986 16.410.545 (7,332,350) (15,624.322) 8.291,972 (54,032,689) (75200,221) 21,167,532 3

6,872,678 14,631,874 (7.759,196) 103.058,430 112,906,381 (9,907.951)

- - (48,446.399) (47,488,709) (957,690) 6,872,678 14,631.874 (7.759,196) 54.612,031 65,477,672 (10.865.641)

(4%9,672) (992,448) 532,776 579.342 (9,722,549) 10,301,891 8.934.818 8,279.984 654,834 44,770.426 27,103.240 17,667,186 8.475,146 7,287,536 1,187,610 45,349.768 17,380,691 27,969.077_




Yeer ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Proprietary Fund Types internal Enterprise Service REVENUES Electric services 5 613.648,422 -

Water and wastewater servoes 186,429,126 -

Hosprtal patent servces, not -

User fees and rentats 102,645271 -

Dalkngs to departments - 110,628,344 Erroloyee contrixJtons - 12,786.961 Pension contitxatas -

Interest and other - 242,447 Operahng revenues 902,722,8'9 123.657,752 EXPENSES Electric oporations 303,557,594 -

Water and wastewater operations 76,849,508 -

Hospital operations 5,875,620 -

Other eriterpnse operations 72,815.692 - a intemal service operabons - 122,668.228 Deprecianon 127,076,490 2,014.371 Donefit payments ContrtxJtma refunded .

Total oporating expenses 586,174,904 124,682.599 Operating income (loss) before nonoperating revenues (expenses) and operating transfers 316.547.915 (1,024,847)


Interest and other revenues 59,115.630 560,120 intorest on revenue borx1s and other debt (227,369,646) (27,580)

Interest capitalized dunng construction 2,958.049 - )

Amortization of bond issue costs - (957.800)

Loss on desposal of assets (227,848) (98.615)


Total nonoperanng revenues (expenses) (166,48',615) 433.925 Costs to be recovered in future years 41.939,099 - 1 income (loss) before operating transiers 192,005.399 (590.922)

Operahng transfers:

Operahng transfers in 9.672,805 -

Operaang transfers out (87,797.913) (1.639.882)

Income (loss) before extraordinary ions 113,880,291 (2,230.804)

Extraordinary loss on cash defeasance of debt (4.691.673) -

Netincome (toss) 109,188,618 (2,230.804)

Add depreciaton transferred to contntnJtions 5.671.890 -

Not increase (docrease) in retained earningsMund balances 114,860,508 (2,230.804)

Retained eamingrAund balances at begorung of year 930,468.663 (6.920,188)

Residual equity transfer out - -

Hetained earningm#und balances at end of year 5 1.045.329.171 (9.150.992)

The accompanymg notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

i 12


Totals Fiduciary Fund Type (Memorandum Only)

Nonexpendable Pension Trust Trusts 1996 1995

- - 613,648,422 522,751.114

- - 186,429,126 168,080,760

- - - 1 A5,967,644

- 102,645,271 94,572,524

- - 110,628,344 114,050,195

- - 12,786,961 13.944,4P 4

- 53,326,021 53,326,021 50,520,970

- 83.891,563 84,134,010 90,508,339

- 137.217.584 1,163.598,155 1 220,396,030

- 303,557,594 273,574,769 76,849,508 78.427,870

- - 5,875,G20 161,064,135

- 72,815,692 65,090,543 122,668.228 126,247,870

- - 129,090,861 125,263,776

- 34,063,743 34,063,743 30,614,140

- 8.816,600 8,816,600 4,816,796 42.880.343 753,737,846 865,099,899 94,337241 409.860,309 355296,131

., - 59,675,750 35,195,712

- (227,397226) (208,938,908)

- 2,958,049 806,126 (957,800) (903,950)

- (326,463) (13,334,051)

- (166,047,600) (187,175,071)

- 41,939.099 -31,592,089 94,337241 285,751,718 229,713.149

- - 9,672,805 15,654,577 (89,437,795) (75,979,896)

- 94,337241 205.986,728 169,387,830

- - (4.691,673) -

- 94,337241 201,295,055 169,387,830

- - 5,671,890 3,911,379

- 94,337,241 206,966,945 173,299209 76,374 860,258,865 1,783,883,714 1,611,211,642

- - (627,137) 76,374 954,596,106 1,990.850,659 1,783.883.714 13

I ALL PROPRik ir1Y FUND TYPES AND SIMILAR TRUST FUNDS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEAAS COM8lNED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Exhibit A 5 Yeer ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 ]

Fiduciary Totals Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type (Memorandum Only) internal Nonexpendable CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES:

Cash received from customers $ 926,992.615 123,292,057 - 1,050,284,672 1,075,870,668 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (278,759,049) (43,764,923) - (322,523,972) (382,107,400) 3 Cash payments to errpioyees for services (144,945,122) (48,119,059) - (193,064,181) (248,524,188)

Cash payments to clarnants/ beneficiaries - (30,792,189) - (30,792,189) (31,254,329)

Cash received from other governrrents - - - - 17,017,704 Taxes cosected and remmed to other governments (11,514,030) - - (11,514,030) (11,533,596)

Other operating revenues - - - - 372,623 Nel cash provided by operating ac1'vities 491.774.414 615.886 - 492,390.300 419.835.482 CASH FLOWS FROM NONC/ PffA8, j

FINANCING ACTIVITIES: j Operatng transfers in 9,672,805 - - 9,672,805 15,654,577 Operabng transfere out (87,797,913) (1,639,882) - (89,437,795) (75,979,896)

Cash received from other funds - 444,957 - 444,957 16,387,246 1 interest pad on revenue notes and other debt (192,554) - - (201,445)


Decrease in deferred assets 905.802 - - 905,802 684,488 Loan (to) from other funds 40,773 (444,957) -

(404,184) (200,000) .

Contributons (to) from muncipality -

(1,412) - (1,412) 11,687,319 Contnbutions from pnvate sector - - - - 279,523 Residual equity transfer out - - - - (627,137)

Net cash used by noncepital financing activities (77.371,087) (1,641,294) - (79.012,381) (32,315.325)



Proceeds fromlong-term debt issues 116,144,000 - - 116,144,000 478,159,000 Pnnchalpad on long term debt (84,717,320) (388217) -

(85,105,537) (47,355,044)

Proceeds from the sala of I" ed assets 900,485 - - 900,485 10,612,764 Purchased interest receeved 1,987,756 - -- 1,987,756 4.611,057 Interest pad on revenue bonds and other debt (200,094.824) (30,191) -

(200,125,015) (178,304,134) l Acquishm and construction of capital assets (221,172,034) (8,078.120) -

(229250,154) (201,558,403)

Contnbutions from municipality 21,068 7,005,493 - 7,026,561 3.364,158 Contnbubons from State and l'$deral govemments 31,783,188 - - 31,783,188 15,467,322 Contnbubons in ad of construenon 23,406.037 - -

23.406.037 19.648202 Bond discounts and issuance costs (6,918.280) - - (6,918,280) (26,071,660)

Bonds issued for advanced refurengs of debt 249,235,000 - - 249,235,000 325,368,632 Cash pad for bond refundings/defeasances (323.074,774) - -

(323,074,774) (321,306,392)

. Proceeds from municipal utinty distnct reserves 2,040,257 - - 2,040257 -

Cash paid for nuclear fuelinventory (6.680.569) - -

(6.680.569) (2231,553)

Not cash provided (usod) by capital eel related financing activities S (417,140,010) (1.491,035) (418,631.045) 80.403.049 (continued)

The accortpanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

I l




With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Fiduciary Totale Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type (Memorandum Only)

Internal Nonexpendable Enterprise Service Trust (1) 1996 1995 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES:

Purchase of investrrent secunt es 8 (811,150,819) - - (811,150,819) (1,ii M9,272)

Proceeds from sale and rnatuntos of investment 824,983,970 - - 824,983.970 923,872,720 securit es

$8,897,900 560,120 - 59,458,029 25,653,448 interest on investments Net cash providad (used) by investing activities 72,731,060 $60.120 - 73291,180 (331,603.104)

Net increase (decrease) in cash afd cash equivalents 69,994.377 (1,956,323) - 68,038,054 136,320,102 Cash and cash equivalents October 1 322.082,361 39,195.445 76,374 361,954,180 225,634,078 (including $188,443,770 in restricted accounts)

Cash and cash equivalents, September 30 392,676,738 37239,122 76,374 429.992 234 361,954,180 (including $217,580,135 in restricted accounts)


316.547,915 (1,024.847) - 315,523,068 267,088,085 Operating income (loss)

Adi ustments to reconcile oporating income to not cash provided by operating actvmes:

127,076,490 2,014,371 - 129,000,861 125,263,776 Deprecianon (6.663,671) (10.093) - (6,673,764) (1,622,454)

Allowance for uncollectble accounts 13.818,400 - - 13,818,400 13,353,921 AmortlJabon Change in assets and liab&tes:

1,246,607 - - 1,246,607 2.521,445 Decrease in working capital advances 19,851,067 (355,602) - 19,495.465 (12,317,328)

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable Decrease in receivable from other govemments 4,336,645 - - 4,336,645 5,330,547 19,504 - - 19,504 285.961 Decrease in due from other funds Decrease in inventory 1,340,391 296,829 - 1,637220 1,747,898 (increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and deterred costs 3,698,996 4260 - 3,703256 (1,569,091) 300,974 - - 300,974 400,108 Decrease in other assets increase in accounts payable 12,183,652 660207 - 12,843,859 11,319,420 increase (decrease) in accrued payroll and corrpensated absences (7,457,311) 386,383 -- (7,070,928) 73,281 160,944 - - 160,944 (190,824) increase (decrease) in deferred revenue Decrease in urvecovered fuel revenue (509.609) - - (505,609) -

(171,423) - - (171,423) 329,728 Increase (decrease) in accrued landSil closure costs Increase (decrease)in claims payable - (1269,110, - (1,269,110) 1,808,849 herease in due to other govemments 33,612 - - 33,612 -

201,738 (62,031) - 133,707 172,63S Increase (decrease) in due to other funds Decrease in advance from other funds - (38,179) - (38,179) -

Increase in other fataistes 6,702,178 13,698 - 6,715,876 6.566,414 Decrease in customer deposos (942,685) - -

(942.685) (726,892)

Total adjustments 175226,499 1,640,733 - 176.867232 152,747,397 Net cash provided by operating activities S 491,774,414 615.886 - 492,390,300 4 t 9.835,482 (condnued)

(1) Nonexpendable trust fund cash and cash equivalents of $76,374 at end of year are reported on the balance sheet with all trust and agency funds' pooled investments and cash of $6,043202.

The accortpanyng notes are an integral part of the finaricial statements, 15


W comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995

_ith Fiduciary Totale Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type (Mornorandum Only)

Internal Nonexpendable Enterprise Service Trust (1) 1996 1995 NONCASH INVESTING, CAPITAL AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES:

Increase in deferred assets /expermes 8 55,024271 - - 55,024271 57,855,528 Unamortged bond discountsAssue costs on advance returdngs (8,223,209) - - (8223,209) (1,877,752)

Increase in capital appreciahon bond interest payatde (22,279,694) - - (22,279,694) (18,439,144)

Fixed assets contrtwted ;1o) frorn other funds 284,501 (2,671,115) - (2,386.614) (24,347)

Fined assets acqtAred twough interfund advance / payable - - - - (141,835) increase in contrtiuted facihties 6,790,416 797,100 - 7,587,516 9,973278 Arnwtuation of bond discountaAssue costa (6.474,510) - --

(8.474.510) (1,197,779)

Amnttrabon of deferred loss on refundings (2,033,381) - -- (2,033,381) (693,048)

Loss on disposal of assets (228,333) (74,268) - (302,601) (12.991,333)

Costs to be recovered in future years 41,939,099 - - 41.939,099 61,768,188 Loss on ontmguishnent of debt (20,466,510) - - (20,466,510) (8,698,481) increase in decomnissioring assessment payable - - - - (56,056)

Due to other funds for flued assets (154,127) - - (154,127) (243,117)

Contitutxxis from private sector - - - -- 1,200277 Deerease in inventones uue to market adjustmnnt - - - - (1297,244)

Due from other funds - 319,296 - 319,296 -

Advances to other funds *- 197,878 -- 197,878 616,112 increase in deferred revenue - (517,174) - (517,174) (616,112)

Adjustment for a chaage in accountng pnncipal - - - - 6,024,196 batAtios assumed from other funds - - - -


The accortpanytng notes are an ritogral part of the f nancial statements.

I 16

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 Note Page 1 Reporting Entity 18 2 Significant Accounting Policies 19 3 Buriget Basis Reporting 29 4 Deficits in Fund Balance and Fund Equity 31 5 Pooled investments and Cash 32 6 Investments and Deposits 32 7 Property Taxes 35

8. Fixed Assets 36 9 Retirement Plans 37 10 Rental Revenue 46 11 General Long Term Debt 46 12 Enterprise Funds - Revenue Bonds and Other Long Term Debt 50 13 Debt Service Requirements 54 14 Interfend Receivables and Payables 58 15 Interfund Transfers 60 16 Segment Information 62 17 Joint Operations 63 18 Litigation 65 19 Commitments and Contingencies 65 20 Other Post-Emp' yment Benefits 69 21 Subsequent Events 70 l

l 17

l NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 1 - REPORTING ENTITY The City of Austin, Texas (the City) is a municipal corporation incorporated under Article XI Section 5 of the Constitution of the State of Texas (Home Rule Amendment). The City operates under a Council Manager form of government, with a City Council composed of a Mayor and six Councilmembers, all of whom are elected at large for three-year staggered terms.

As required by ger. orally accepted accounting principles, these financial statements present the Citv and its component units, entities for which the City is considered to be financially accountable. Blended component units, although legalty separate enhties, are,in substance, part of the Ody's operations and so data from these units are combined with data of the City.

The City's major activities or functions include police and fire protection, emergency medical services, parks and libraries, public health and social services, planning and Zoning, and general administrative services. In addition, the City owns and operates certain major enterprise activities, including an electric utility system, water and wastewater utility system, airport, convention center, and otner enterprise actrvities. These activities are included in the accompanying financial statements.

Blended Component Units The Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) is a legally separate entity from the City. AHFC serves all the citizens of AJstin and is governed by a board composed ci the City Councilmembers, its activities, other than its outstanding conduit debt, are reported in the Housing Assistance Fund, a special revenue fund.

Pension Trust Funds City management be!ieves that the three pension plans that operate for the benefit of City employees and that are discussed below do not meet the criteria of financial accountability for inclusion in the City's reporting ontity. Nevertheless, the nature and significance of their relationship with the City is such that it would be misleading to exclude them from the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and accordingly, they nave been included in this report as pension trust funds.

The pension trust funds included in this report are:

City of Austin Employees' Retirement and Pension Fund (Employees' Fund)

City of Austin Police Officers' Retirement and Pension Fund (Police Officers' Fund)

Fire Fighters' Rehof and Retirement Fund of Austin, Texas (Fire Fighters' Fund).

Since August 26,1991, and pursuant to State legislation, the operations of the Employees' Fund and the Police Officers' Fund have been administered by their respective eleven-member boards, each of which consists of one City Council Member; the City Manager or designee; the Director of the Financial Services Department; four active employee members of the system elected by the members of the system; three legally qualified voters of the city, two of which are designated by the City Council, and one that is designated by the board; and a retired member elected by the retired members of the system.

The Fire Fighters' Fund is governed pursuant to State legislation by a five-member board that includes the Mayor and the City Treasurer, The board administers all of the fund's operations.

The City and pension p!an participants are obhgated to fund liabilities of the pension funds based upon actuarial valuations.

Expenses for administration and operation of the funds are paid entirely by the funds.

The fiscal years differ for the City (September 30) and the pension funds (December 31). The separately available audited financial statements of the pension funds for the year ended during the City's fiscal year (December 31, 1995) have been included in the City's 1996 financial statements in order that accurate data may be presented in a timely manner. Significant events occurring subsequent to the pension funds' year end are disclosed in Note 9.

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NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 1 - REPORTING ENTITY, continued City of Aastin Deferred Compensation Plan for City Employees The City offers its employees a deferred compensatior, plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457.

The plan, availablo to all City employees. pertaits them to defer a portion of theit salary until future years. The City does not make any contributions to the p!an. The deferred compensaton is not available to employees until termination, retirement, or untcroseeable emergency. Deferred compensation is available to amployees' beneficiaries in case of death.

All amounts of cormpensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income cttributable to those emounts, property, or rights are (until paid or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property and rights of the City (without being restricted to the provisions of benefits under the plan), subject only to the claims of the City's general creditors. Participants' rights under the plan are equal to those of general creditors of the City in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred account for each participant.

In management's opinion, the City has no liabihty for losses under the plan. However, the City does have the duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The City believes !! is unlikely that it will use the assets to s;tisi the f claims of general creditors in the future.

All assets of the plan are held by an independent adtrdnistrator whose activity is monitored by a L,,ard consisting of City cmployees. It is appropriate to include this entity in the City's 1996 financial sL,tements since the CMy has title to these tssets The deferred compensaton plan is reported as an agency fund, and its assets are presented at market value at September 30,1996. See also Note 21 S 4bsequent Events.

Related Organizations The City Council appoints certain members of the boards of the Capital Metropolitan Transit Authority and all members of the Austin Housing Authonty, but the City's accountabihty for these organizations does not extend beyond making the tppointments, in addition, City Councilmembers appoint themselves as members of the board of the Austin Industrial Development Corporation and the ABIA (Austin Bergstrom International Airport) Development Corporation; however, their functon on these boards is ministerial rather than substantive. The City has no f nancial accountability for any of these fo'Jr cntities.

2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTtNG POLICIES The accounting and reporting policies of the City relating to the funds and account groups includeo in the accompanying financial statements conform to generally accepted accounting principles apphcable to state and local governments.

Generally accepted accounting principles for local governments include those principles prescribed by the Govemmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in its pubhcaton GASB Statement t entitled Authoritative Status of NCGA Pronouncements and AICPA Industry Auditng Gude, and all subsequent GASB statements, interpretations, concept statements, and technical b*illetins; tne National Council on Goverr mental Accounting (NCGA) in the pubhcation entitled Govemmental Accounting, Aud>bng, and Financie' Reporting, including NCGA Statements 1 through 7 and interpretations thereof; and by the American institute of Certified Public Accountants in the pubhcation entitled Audits of State and Local Govemmental Units. The following represent the more significant accounting and reporting policies and practices used by the Olty, Dasis of Presentation The accounts of the City are organized and operated on the basis of funds or account groups, each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a self-balancing set of accounts that comprise its assets, liabihties, fund balances or retained eamings, revenues, and expenditures or expenses. The various funds are grouped by category and type in the hnancial statements. The City maintains the following fund types within three broad fund categones and the account groups:

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NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued Governmental Funds Oovemmental funds are those through which most governmental functions of the City are financed. The acquisition, uso and balances o' '.ho City's expendable financial resources and the related current liabikties (except thoso, if any, which should be accounted for in proprietary funds) are accounted for through governmental funds. The measurement focus is on dotormination of financial position and changes in financial position rather than on determination of not incomo. The following govemmental fund typos are maintained by the City:

General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City, it is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accountod for in another fund. All general tax revenues and other receipts that are not allocated by law, ordinance, or contractual agreement to other funds are accounted for in this fund.

Special Rev)nue Funds - Special revenue ' ids are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenuo sources (other than expendable trusts or major capital proje ) that are legally rostricted to expenditures for specified purposes. There are four major groups of funds within the special revenue funds in addition to the Housing Assistance Fund. Of these groups, throo account for the activitios related to grant programs and one accounts for activities for which expenditures are legally re-stricted. The groups are: Fodoral grant funds (both direct and indirect funds), State grant funds, other special revenue grant funds, and other special revenue funds.

Debt Service Fund - The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long torm debt pnncipal, interest, and related costs.

Capital Project Funds - Capital project funds are used to account for financial resources for the acquisition or construction of major capital facihties (other than those reported within propnotary funds and trust funds). Capital projects are funded pnmanly by general obhg_ ion debt, other tax supportt.J debt, interest income, and other intergovernmental revenues.

In 1981, the City Council passed an ordinance that requires the estabhshment of a separate fund for each bond proposition approved in each bond election. There are twelve major groups of funds within the capital projects funds that account for the activities related to various capital improvement projects as follows:

funds authonzod prior to 1981; funds authonzod August 29,1981, for street and drainage, fire stations, traffic signals and emergency medical service projects; funds authonzod September 11,1982, for various purposes; funds authorized October 22,1983, for Jollyville Road Improvements; funds authorized September 8,1984, for various purposes; funds authoriznd January 19,1985, for cultural arts; funds autnoruec. July 26,1985, for parks and recreation; funds authorized September 26,1985, for art in pubbe places; funds authonzed December 14,1985, for vanous purposes; funds authorized September 3,1987, for stroot improvements; funds authonzed August 10,1992, for various purposes; and other funds estabhshed for various purposes.

Proprietary Funds Propriotary funds are used to account for the City's ongoing organizations and activities that are similar to those found in the pnvate sector. The measurement focus is on capital maintenance and on determination of not incomo, financial position, and changes in financial position.

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NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued Enterprlss Funds - Enterprise funds are used to account for operations: (1) that are financeJ and operated in a manner sitolar to prNate business enterprises, where the intent of the goveming body is that the costs (expanses including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general pubhc on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges, or (2) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues eamed, cxpenses incurred, or not incomo is appropriate for capital maintenance,'public policy, management control, accountabihty, or other purposes. The City's enterprise funds are the following:

Fund Accounts For Electric System Activities of the City owned electric utihty Water and Wastewater Syst m Activities of the City-owned water and wastewater utikty Hospital Activities of the City owned Brackenridge Hospital Airport Operations of the Robert Mueller Municipal Airport and construction of the Austin-Bergstrom international Airport Solid Waste Services Solid waste collection and disposal activities Convention Center Operations of the Convention Center, Palmer Auditorium, and the City Coliseum Drainage Drainage management actrvities Transportation Street maintenance actrvities Golf Pubhc golf courses Parks and Recreation City-sponsored softball and recreation programs internal Service Funds - Internal service funds are used to account for the fk ancing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other City departments of agencies or to other governmental units on a cost-reimbursement basis.

The City maintains eight intemal service funds as follows:

fund Accounts For Fleet Maintenance Fund Maintenance costs of City-owned vehicies and related revenues Support Services Fund Activities of the City's supoort service departments information Systems Fund Activities of the information Systems Department Utahty Customer Service Fund Activities of the Utility Customer Service Office Employos Benefits Fund Activities related to the health, dental, and life insurance costs of City employees Liabihty Reserve Fund Coverage of the City's major claims liabilities Workers' Compensation Fund Workers' compensation costs Radio Communication Fund Radio communication services for City departments and area agencies Fiduciary Funds Fiduciary funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, or other funds. Fiduciary funds include expendabie and nonexpendable trust funds, pension trusts, and agency funds.

Expendable Trust Funds - Expendable trust funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as govemmental funds. The measurement focus is on determination of changes in financial position rather than on net income.

Nonexpendable Trust and Pension Truct Funds - These funds are accounted for in the same manner as proprietary funds, with the measurement focus on determination of net income and capital maintenance.

Agency Funds - Agency funds are purely custodial (assets equalliabilities) and thus do not invoNe measurement of results of operations, 21


2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued Account Groups Account groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for the City's general fixed assets and general long term liabihties, The following are the account groups maintained by the City:

General Fixed Assets Account Group - This account group accounts for all fixed assets of the City other than those accounted for in the proprietary and pension trust funds.

Generallong Term Debt Account Group - This account group accounts for and provides control over all long-term liabilities other than those accounted for in the proprietary funds, including unmatured general obligation bonds.

Dasis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to the time at which reveiws and expenditures (govemmental funds) or expenses (proprietary funds) are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements.

Govemmental funds, expendable trust funds, and agency funds are accounted for on the mod:fied accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, certain revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual (i.e.,

both measurable and available). Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay habihties of the current period. Expenditures, if measurable, are generally recognized on the accrual basis of accounting when the related habihty is incurred. Exceptions to thic general rule include the unmatured principal and interest on general obhgation long-term debt, which is recognized when due. This exception is in conformity with generally accepted governmentat acc .unting principles. Agency funds use the modified accrual basis of accounting to recognize assets and habahties.

Prope;ty tax revenues are recognized wher, they become available in accordance with the National Council on Govemmental Accounting (NCG A) Interpretation 3, Eevenue Recogo/ tion - Property Taxes. In this case, availabb means when rive or past due, and receivable within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay habilities of the current period (within 60 days). Tax collections expected to be received after the 60 day availability period are reported as deferred revenue. Sales taxes are also recognized when they become available in accordance with the GASB Statement 22, Accounting for Taxpayer-Assessed Tax Revenues in GovemmentalFunds.

Mixed drink taxes a,1d certain franchise fees are recorded when susceptible to accrual, i.e., both measurable and available.

Money collected for licenses and perm'ts, charDes for services, fines and forfeitures, and miscellaneous revenues (except earnings on investments) is recorded as revnnue when received because it is generally not measurable until then.

Investment earrdngs are recorded on the accrual basis in all funds, in applying the susceptible to-accrual concept to intergovemmental revenues, the legal and contractual requirements of the individual grant programs are used for guidance. For most of the City's grants, ioney must be expended for the specific purpose or project before any amounts will be paid to the City. For all grants, revenues are recognized based upon the expenditures recorded.

Proprietary funds, nonexpendab!e trust funds, and pension trust funds use the accrual basis of accounting, under which revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they are earned and become measurable. Expenses are recorded in the accounting period incurred,if measurable.

Revenues in the Electric Fund, Water and Wastewater Fund, Sohd Waste Services Fund. Drainage Fund, and Transportation Fund are recognized as they are billed to customers on a cychcal basis. Electric rates include a fixed rate and a fuel recovery cost adjustment factor that allows recovery of coal, gas, purchased power, and other fuel costs. Unbilled revenues are recorded if actual fuel costs differ from amounts billed to customers, and any over collections or under-collections are appitd to the cost-adjustment factor two months later.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL. STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued Revenues for the Airport Fund are recognized as they are billed to customers. Effective November 1,1993, the Airport began to charge each emplaned passenger a $3 passenger facility charge, as allowed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Airport Fund 1996 operating revenues included passenger facility charges St $8,016,774. These funds have been approved by the FAA for use in the construction of the Austin-Bergstrom Intemational Airport.

Revenues for the Convention Center are recognized as they are billed to customers upon completion of events held at the Crnventon Center facilities.

Rates The City Council has exclusrve original jurisdiction over utility rates and other services. The determination of utility rates is based on the cost of operations and a debt service coverage approach.

Budget in accordance with the City Charter, the City adheres to the following procedures in establishing its operating budgets:

(1) At least thirty days prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year, the City Manager submits a proposed budget to the City Council. The budget represents the financial plan for the new fiscal year and includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them.

(2) Public hearings are conducted on the budget.

(3) Tho budget is legally enacted by the City Council no later than the twenty-seventh day of the last month of the old fiscal year, through passage of an appropriation ordinance and tax levying ordinance.

(4) The City Manager has the authority to transfer appropriation balances from one expenditure account to another within a single office, department, or agency of the City. The City Council must approve amendments to the budget and transfers of appropriations from one office, department, or agency to another. The budgetary d .a presented in these financial statements have been revised for amendments authorized dunng the year. A reconciliation of original to amended budget for the General Fund is presented in Note 3.

(S) Formal budgetary control through the accounting system is employed as a management control device during the year for the General Fund, certain non-grant special revenue funds, Debt S vice Fund and propnetary funds. Management control for the operating budget is maintained at the office, department or agency level. Formal budgetary control through the accounting system is employed as a management control device in the special revenue grant funds and capital pfvjects funds for the life of the related grants or projects.

(6) Annual budgets are legally adopted for the General Fur'd, certain special revenue funds, the Debt Service Fund, certain trust funds, and proprietary funds. Budgets for the grant-related special revenue funds are established pursuant to the terms of the related grant awards. A comparison of budget to actual is presented in tne financial statements for all governmental funds that adopt annual budgets. A companson of budget to actual for other fund types is prepared for budget purposes, but is not legally required and is not presented in the financial statements.

Capital project fund appropriations are increased on an annual basis through the budgetary process. However, the budgets are not binding on an annual basis. Rather, budgets are long-range and are used for planning purposes.

Accordingly, no companson of budget to actual is presented in the financial statements for such funds.

(7) The City Charter does not permit a deficiency of anticipated revenues over apf repriations. If at any time during the fiscal year the City Manager determines that available revenues plus beginning fund balance will be lass than total appropnations for the year, he or she shall reconsider the work programs of tha departments and agencies and revise them to prevent deficit spending. Expenditures rnay not legally exceed budgeted actrvities at the depsrtme ital level.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL. STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued (8) At the close of each fiscal year, any unencumbered appropriation balances (appropriation less current year expenditures and encumbrances) its the General Fund and certain special revenue funds lapse or revert to the undesignated fund balance, in the proprietary funds, unencumbered appropriatons also lapse but do not revert to fuld balance for accounting purposes because of the differences in methods of accounting. Unencumbered appropnation b stances in the grant related specia; revenue funds and capital projects funds do not lapse at year end.

Certain differences exist between the basis of accounting used for budgetary purposes (budget basis) and that used for reporting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP basis). These differences, as well as other information regarding budgetary control, are described in Note 3.

Encumbrances Encumbrances represent commitments for unperformed (executory) contracts for goods or services. Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts, and other commitments are recorded to reserve appropnations,is used in the govemmental funds.

Encumbrances outstanding at year end are reported as reservations of fund balance and do not constitute GAAP basis expenditures or liabilities, since the commitments will be honored during the subsequent year.

For budgetcry purposes, unencumbered appropriations lapse at year end. Encumbrances outstanding at year end and the related appropriation are available for expenditure in subsequent years. For governmental funds, encumbrances constitute the equivalent of expenditures for budgetary purposes and accordingly, the accompanying financial statements present comparisons of actual results to the budgets for govemmental funds on a budget basis (see Note 3).

Pooled investments and Cash Cash balances of all City funds (except for certain funds shown in Note 6 as having non-pooled investments) are pooled and invested. Investments purchased with pooled cash, consisting primarily of U.S. govemment obligations and U.S. agency obligations, are stated at amortized cost. Interest eamed on investments purchased with pooled cash is allocated monthly to each participating fund based upon the fund's average daily balance. Funds that incur a negative balance in pooled cash and investments are not allocated interest earnings nor charged interest expense, investments All investments owned by the City, except for those of the City's deferred compensation plan (which are stated at market value), are stated at amortized cost. Premiums and discounts on investments are amortized or accreted by the straight line method, which approximates the interest method, over the terms of the related secunties, except for discounts on mortgage loans owr.ed by the pension trust funds, which are accreted at the rate of eight percent (Fire Fighters' Fund) and ten percent (Employees' Fund) per year of the unaccreted portion of the 6scount for each respective loan.

Realized gains or losses resulting from the sale of investments are determined by the specific cost of the securities sold.

The market values of the funds' investments (see Note 6) are based on quoted market prices with the exception of mortgage loans of the pension trust funds, whose market values were determined based on estimated realizable value.

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NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIA1. STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 2 - SIGNIFIC ANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued inventories inventories ara valued at cost, which is determined as follows:

fund Inventory Vaiumilgahlethod

) Gonoral Fund Electric Fund Average cost (prodominantly); somo first in, first out Fool oil ar,d coal Last in, firat out Otner inventories Avorago cost All other funos Avorago cost invtntories for all funds use the consurmtion method and record expenditures when issued. Inventorios reported in the General Fund are offset by a fund balanco reservo, which indicatos they do not represent 'available spondable resources "

Property, Plant and Equipment - Proprietary Funds Property, plant and equipment owned by the proprietary funds are stated at historical cost Maintenanco and repairs are charged to operations as incurred, and improverrents and bottorments that extend the usefut livos of fixed assets are capi-tatized, interest paid on long term debt in the entorpnso funds is capitalized when it can be attributed to a specific project and when it motorialty exceeds the into'ost revenue gonorated by the bond proceeds issued to fund the project. Depreciation of plant and equipment classified by functional components is provided by the straight line rnothod over their estimated

< usefulIrves, Estimated usefullives are as follows:

Electric Fund and Water and Wastowater Fund:

Plant 3650 years improvements to grounds 30-50 years Transmission and distnbution syttom 12 50 years Other machinery and equipment 7 30 years Vehicles 7 years Other Enterprimo Funds ud intomal Servico Funds:

Buiklings and improvements 40 years improvements to grounds t 5 years Machinery and equipment 712 years Vehicles 7 years Dopreciation of comploted but unclassified fixe' asots is provided by the straight lino method, using a composito fat 6, The Etoctric Fund accelerated depreciation for cortain assets at the Holly and Decker generating stations. Units 1 and 2 of the Holly generating station are scheduled to close in 1998 and 2005, respectively. Units 1 and 2 of the Docker generatog station are scheduled to cicso in 2000 and 2007, respectively. The increase to Electric Fund 1998 depreciation expense for this accoloration is $1,003,010.

hs spreciation for bu4dmgs and improvements and improvements to grounds has boon as ;olorated for Robert Mueller hM@al Airport to four years to reflect the 1999 closure and the move to the Austin-Bergstrom intomational Airport. The inMIOo to Airport Fund 1996 depreciation expense for this accoloration is $6 9P,843.

Wy1 timod assets of proprietary funds, other than debt financed asso? tl ib utliity funds, are retired from service or ott c wise disposed of, a gain or loss on disposal of assets is recognized.

Conk!butions of fund + from Federal, Stato or local grath; wthi are rest ickd for the purpose of purchasing property, plant and equipment and contnbutions in aid of construction, are recorded as mr. w Nontributions when received. Deprociation on contributed assets is recorded as an expenso in the statomont of oportfMs and then transferred to the related contribution

j. accounta. Contributions of funds from the municipality are recorded as mity contnbut ons when roccived. 1

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l NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Septernber 30,1996 (Continued) 2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued General Fixed Assets General fixed assets have been acquired for general govemmental purposes. Assets purchased or constructed are recorded as expenditures in the govemmental funds and capitahzed at historical cost in the General Fixed Assets Account Group.

h r.

Contnbuted fixed assets are recorded in the General Fixed Assets Account Group at estimated fair market value at the time received.

The City does not capitahze pubhc domain general fixed assets (infrastructure) and, accordingly, no such assets are recorded in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. Infrastructure consists of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems and lighting systems. Such assets normally are immovable and are of value only to the City. Therefore, the responsibility for stewardship for capital expenditures is satisfied without recording these assets.

No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. No interest has been capitalized on general fixed assets.

Long Terrn Debt The debt service for general obbgation bonds and other general ubhgation debt issued to fund general govemment capital projects is paid from tax revenues and interfund transfers. Such general obhgation debt is recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group.

The debt service for general obhgatton bonds and other general obhgation debt issued to fund proprietar) fund capital projects is normally pa:d from net revenues of the applicable propnetary fund, although such debt will be repaid from tax revenues if necessary. Such general obligation debt is shown as a specific liabihty of the apphcable proprietary fund, which is appropriate under generally a:cepted accounting principles and in view of the expectation that the proprietary fund wil!

provide resources to service the debt. _

Revenue bonds that have been issued to fund capital projects of ce tain enterpnse funds are to be repaid from not revenues of these 1 ands. Such debt is recorded in the funds.

The City defers and amortizes gains or losses that its proprietary funds realize on refundings of debt and reports both the new debt liabihty and the related deferred amount on the funds' balance sheets. The City recognizes gains or losses on debt defeasance when funds from current operations are used.

Compensated Absences All full time employees accumulate vacation benefits in varying annual amounts up to a maximum allowable accumulation of six weeks. Sick leave benefits are earned by all full time employees at a rate of twelve days per year and may be I accumulated without limit. Upon termination, an empicyee is reimbursed for all accumulated vacation days. If the terminating employee was employed prior to October 1,1986 and leaves in good standing. reimbursement is also made for all accrued sick leave up to ninety days. Certain employees are also allowed to accumulate credit for compensatory time in heu of overtime pay up to 120 hours0.00139 days <br />0.0333 hours <br />1.984127e-4 weeks <br />4.566e-5 months <br />. Compensatory time accrued by employees is taken into consideration when calculating accrued compensated absence habihties. The compensated abssnce habihty includes employment related taxes.

For govemmental funds, the estimated current portion of the accrued vacation and sick pay liabihty is recorded as an expenditure and liabibty in the General Fund, or special revenue fund, with the non-current portion of the liability recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. The current portion is estimated based on amounts paid to terminating employe3s during the most recent fiscal year. Actual vacation and sick benefits paid during the year are recorded as expenditures in the governmental funds.

For proprietary funds, vacation and sick pay are recorded as an expense and related hability in the year eamed. The current portion is estimated based on an analysis of the histencal use of benefits by the employees.

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2 - SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued R2k Management The City is exposed to employee-related risks for health benefits and workers' compensation, as well as to various risks of loss related to torts, including medical malpractice; theft of, damage to, or destruction of assets; errors and omissk ns; and naturri disasters. The C6ty continues to be self insured for liabilities for most health benefits, third-party claims, and workers' compensation.

The City purchases commercial insurance for coverage for property loss or damage, commercial crime, fidelity bond, and cirport operations. In addition, the City purchases a broad range of insurancti coverage for contractors working at selected capital improvement project sites. The City does not participate in a risk pool. The City has implemented GASB Statement 10, Account ng and Reporting for Risk Financing and Related Insurance issues.

Pension Plans it is the policy of the City to fund pension costs annually. Pension costs are composed of normal cost and, where applicable, amortization of unfunded actuarial accrued liability and of unfunded prior service cost (see Note 9).

Federal and State Grants, Entitlements and Shared Revenues Grants, entitlements and shared revenues may be accounted for within any of the seven tund types. The purpose and requirements of each grant, entitlement, or shared revenue are analyzed to determine the proper fund type in which to record the related transactions. Grants, entitlements and shared revenues received for activities normally recorded in a particular fund type may be accounted for in thnt fund type, provided that applicable legal restrictions can be satisfsd.

Revenues received for activities normally recorded in other govemmental funds are accounted for within these special revenue fund groups: Federal grant funds, State grant funds, and other special revenue grant funds. Capital grants r:stricted for capital acquisitions or construction, other than those associated with proprietary type funds, are accounted for in the applicable capital projects funds. Revenues mceived for operating actrvities of proprietary funds or revenues that may be useo for either operations or capital expenditures at tne discretion of the City are recognized in the applicable proprietary fund. Grant money restricted for acquisition or construction of capital assets is recorded as contnbuted equi 1y in the applicable proprietary f and.

Intergovernmental Revenues, Receivables and Liabilities intergovernmental revenues and related receivables arise pt,marily through funding received from Federal and State grants.

These revenues and are camed through expenditure of money for grant purposes. Intergovernmentalliabilities crise primarily from funds held in an agency capacity for other local govemmental units.

Transactions Between Funds During the course of normal operations, the City has numerous transactions between funds. Short term advances between funds are accounted for in the pooled investments and cash accounts. Transactions between funds that would be treated as revenues, expenditures, or expenses if they involved organizations extemal to the governmental unit are accounted for as revenues, expenditures, or expenses in the funds involved. Transactions between funds that constitute reimbursements for cxpenditures or expenses are recorded as expenditures or expenses in the reimbursing fund and as reductions of the cxpenditure or expense in the iund that is reimbursed.

Nonrecurring or nonroutine transfers of equity between funds are treated as residual equity transfers and are reported as cdditions to or deductions trom the fund balance of governmental funds. Residual equity transfers to proprietary funds are tr:ated as contributed capital, and such transfers from proprietary funds are reported as reductions of retained eamings or contributed capital as appropriate in the circumstances. All other legally authorized transfers are treated as operating transfers and are included in the resdts of operations of both governmental and proprietary funds.


i NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AljSTIN. TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 2 - SIGNIFIC %NT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued Comparative Data Comparatrve data for the prior year have been presented in the accompanying financial statements in order to provide an understanding of changes in the City's financial position and operations. However, complete comparativo data, (i.e.,

presentation of prior year totals by fund type) have not been presented in each of the statements since their inclusion would make the statements unduly complex and difficutt to read.

Reclassifications Certain comparative data have been reclassified to present them in a manner consistent with the current year's financial statements, Total Columns on Combined Financial Statements Total columns on the combined financial statements are captioned 'Memoran6 Only" to indicate they are presented only to facil: tate financial analysis Data in these columns do not present financial position, resutts of operations, or cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. No consolidating or other eliminations of interfund balances or transactions were made in arriving at the totals. Such data arc not comparable to a consolidation.

Deferred items a The City's utility systems are reported in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71, Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation. Certain utility expenses that do not currently require funds are deferred to future periods in wh6ch they are intended to be recovered by rates. Likewise, certain credits to income are deferred to perioos in which they are matched with related costs. Deferred expenses will be recovered in these future periods by setting rates sutticient to provide funds for the related debt service requirements. If rates being charged will not recover deferred expenses, the deferred exps'ses will be subject to write off.

Retail deregulation of electric rates in the future may affect the City's current accounting treatment of its electric utility revenues and expenses. However, City management believes that deregulation and its effects are now uncertain and do not warrant a change in accounting policy.

Statement of Cash Flows g For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the City considers cash and cash equivalents to be currency on hand, cash held by trustee, demand deposits with banks, and all amounts included in pooled investment and cash accounts.

Landfill Closure and Postclosure Care Costs The Caty has implemented the GASB Statement 18, Accounting for Municipal Solid Waste Landfdl Closure and Post:losure Care Costs, which estabi des the standards of accounting and finecial reporting for municipal solid waste landfill closure and postelosure costs that are required to be incurred by federal, state, or local laws or regulations. The liability for landfill closure and postclosure costs is reported in the Solid Waste Services Fund, an enterpnse fund, Governmental Accounting Standards Boarr1(GASB) Statement 20 In accordance with GASB Statement 20, the City is required to follow all Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) pronoueements issued pior to November 30, 1989, including FASB Statement No. 71, unless those pronouncements conflict with or contradict GASB pronouncements, The City has elecWd not to follow FASB pronouncements issued subsequent to that date.



Septernber 30,1996 (Continued) 3 - BUDGET BASIS REPORTING a - General The City of Austin prepares its annual operating budget on a basis (budget basis) that differs from generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP basis). In order to provide a meaningful comparison of actual results with the budget, the Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual-Budget Basis for the Generrl Fund, certain special revenue funds, and Debt Service Fund presents the actual and budget amounts in accordance with the City's budget basis, b- Reconcillation of GAAP Basis and Budget Basis Amounts The pnmary differences between GAAP and budget reporting for the General Fund are the reporting of encumbrances, the recording of compensated absences on the accrual basis (GAAP), as opposed to the cash basis (budget), and the reporting of certairs operating transfers. The differences for those special revenue funds that have a legally adopted annual budget are the reporting of encumbrances and the recording of payroll and compensated absences on the accrual basis (GAAP), as opposed to the cash basis (budget). General Fund accrued payrott is recorded at the department level on the accrual basis cnd in nondepartmental expenditure ^3 on the actual-budget basis. Adjustments necessary to convert the excess of revenues cnd other sources over expenditurus and other uses on a GAAP basis to a budget basis for the General Fund and these special revenue funds are provided as follows:

General Special Fund Revenue Funds (1)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other sources over expenditures and other uses GAAP basis $ (375,949) 512,743 Adjustment:

Excess revenues and other sources over expenditures and other uses for nonbudgeted funds GAAP basis -- 1.200.472 Adjusted excess (deficiency) of revenues and other sources over expenditures and other uses GAAP basis (375,949) 1,713.215 Other adjustments:

Increase due to unbudgeted payroll accrual -- 67,478 Increase due to net compensated absences accrual 803,554 74,158 Decrease due to outstanding encumbrances established in 1996 (6,230,787) (3,382,458) increase due to payments against prior year encumbrances 6.132.133 2.237.670 Excess revenues and other sources over expenditures and other ut es - budget ba.!s $ 328.951 710.063 (t) The special revenue funds that have legally adopted budgets are Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau, Aviation Asset Forfeiture, Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan, Child Safety, Disproportionate Share, Energy Conservation Rebates and incentives, Environmental Conservation Services, Environmental Remediation, Federally Qualified Health Center, Hotel-Motel Occupancy Tax, Neighborhood Housing and Conservaten, PARD Cultural Projects, Police Drug Education, Police Federal Seized Funds, Police

/ Seized Money, and Public Improvement District.


Municipal Court reported expenditures in excess of appropriations of $55,928.

The Disproportsnate Share fund, a budgeted Special Revenue fund, reported expenditures in excess of appropriations of

$ t 4,368. This ,und did not report a deficit fund balance.

1 29



Mthough the Debt Service Fund is prepared on a budget basis, no differences exist between GAAP basis and budget basis fund balance for this fund except for the amount of enterprise related aa t certain departmentahrelated debt payments

($5,387,625) budgeted as operating transfers.

c - Budget Amendments .

The original budget of the General Fund was amended several times during 1996. The following table compares original to amended budgets:



Original increcee Arnended )

Budget (Decrease) Budget REVENUES Tames 8 159,312,377 - 159/112,377 Franchise fees 12,661,000 - 12,661,000 Flnes, forfeitures and penalties 11,976,662 - 11,976,662 Licenses, permts and inspections 13,245,496 - 13,245,496 Charges for sennces/ goods 7,606,982 (194,142) 7,412,840 Interest and other 5,003,397 - 5,003,397 Total revenues 209,805,914 (194,142) 209.611,772 EXPENDtTURES Admnistrason 6,136,924 74,586 6,211,510 Urt>an growth management 11,135,108 302.000 11,437,108 Put*c safety 138,546,172 1,028,167 139,574,339 Putsc services and utihhos 12,004,736 - 12,004,736

< Putse healtre .

Physcian sapendCharity care 10,282,965 - 10,282,% 5 Medical Assistance Program-hospital contracted sonnces/ patient services 5,804,176 939,903 6,744,079 Other pubic health 29,805,102 (800,385) 29,004,717 Pubhc recreaton and culture 29,895,210 23,918 29,919,128 Social services rnanagement 7,251,522 41,173 7,292,695 Noisyndi i,Aal expenditures 7,253,152 181,391 7,434,543 Total expendtures 258.115,067 1,790,753 259.905,820 TRANSFERS Operahng transfers in 73,875,240 50,000 73,925.240 Operating transfers out (31,177,408) (31,553.163)


Totat o afers 42,677,832 42,372.077 -1



Defciency of revenues and other sources over expend;tures and ether *Jses S (5.631,321) (2.290.650) (7.921.971)

The amended budget is presented in the accompanying financial statements The General Fund budget includes other requirements, which are presented here in the nondepartmental category. _The original budget for these nondepartmental requirements includes the following: tuition reirnbursement ($85,000), accrued payroll ($949,000), workers' compensation

($3,519.152), hability reserve ($2,600,000) and public improvement district ($100,000).

- 30

. NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Septernber 30,1936 (Continued) 3 - BUDGET B ASIS REPORTING, continued There were budget amendments to the following special revenue funds during 1996:

Arnendments Original increase Amended Budget (Decrease) Budget REVENUES Fedotally Quai 6ed HeaNh Corter $ 13,341,466 (172,092) 13,169,374 Neighborhood Housing and Conservation - 50,000 50,000 Ptblic inprovement District - 779,476 779,476 EXPENDITURES Autun Cuwenta and Voltors Bureau 3,225,365 351,891 3,577,256 Cruid Safety 1,162,407 190,000 1,352,407 Disproportmnate Share 146,772 631,200 777,980 Energy Conservaton Rebates and incentives 11,199.751 (300,000) 10,899,751 Environer.ertal Conservation Services 12.515,409 385,000 12,900,409 Federally QualMed Health Center 14,733,280 (68,060) 14,665,220 Pubic improvement D6 strict - 779,476 779,476 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN Energy Conservate Rebates and incenhves 10,061,700 (300,000) 9,761,700 Enwonmental Conservation Servicee 5,696,179 385,000 6,081,179 There were no significant budget amendments to the Debt Service Fund.

4 - DL*CITS IN FUND BALANCE AND FUND EQUITY At September 30,1996, the funds below reported defeits in fund balance or fund equity, Management intends to recover these defeits through future operating revenues or transfers; the Central City Entertainment Center deficit will be funded by a loan which has been approved, but not yet drawn down.

Deficit Deficit Fund Fund Equity Balance Capital Pr sects Funds:

Library $ 44,470 Public works service center 70,319 Parks /Old Bakery 876,619 Police FACS 13,785 Street lights 1,721 Build Austin 19,484 Central City Entertainment Center 306,802 Loan Star improvements 349,027 Internal Service Funds:

Liability Reserve Fund S 5,547,000 Radio Communication Fund 333,277 31


_ September 30,1996 (Continued) 5 - POOLED INVESTMENTS AND CASH The following summarizes the amounts of pooled investments and cash by fund type at Setember 30,1996: l Pooled Investments and Cash General Fund $ 29,493,803 Special Revenue Funds 35,392,270 Caprtal Projects Funds 88,181,528 Enterprise Funds - current:

Electric 126,967,433 Water and Wastewater 21,009,888 Hospital 10,565,346 Solid Waste Services 2,598,694 Airport 2,356,676 Convention Center 5,642,217 Other 6,322,371 Enterprise Funds - restricted:

Electric 59,316,621 Water and Wastewater 49,938,534 Hospital 5,000,000 Solid Waste Services 14,452,728 Airport 52,536,575 Convention Center 6,563,511 Other 19,758,759 Internal Service Funds:

Current 36,640,978 Construction account - restricted 4 h 322 Fiduciary Funds 6,043.202 Total pooled investments and cash $ 579,196.456 6-INVESTMENTS AND DEPOSITS INVESTMENTS Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code (The Public Funds investment Act), authorizes the City to invest in the following:

(1) obligations of the U.S. Treasury or its agencies and instrumentalities; (2) direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies; (3) other obligations, the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the State of Texas or the United States; (4) obhgations of states, agencies, counties, or cities rated A or better by a nationalinvestment rating firm; (5) certificates of deposit that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan insurance Corporation or its successor, or secured by obligations described in (1) through (4) above, and having a market value of at least the principal amount of the certificates; (6) fully collateralized direct and roverse repurchase agreements. State statutes require that securities underlying repur-chase agreements must have a market value of at least 100% of the repurchase agreement's cost. Money received by the City under the terms of a reverse security repurchase agreement may be used to acquire additional authorized securities, but the term of the authorized security acquired must mature not later than the expiration date stated in the reverse security repurchase agreement; (7) bankers acceptances accepted by a domestic bank maturing in 270 days or less from the date of its issuance and is rated at least A 1, P-1 by a nationalinvestment rating fir.a; 32  !




- September 30,1996 (Continued) 6-INVESTMENTS AND DEPOSITS, continued 1

(8) commercia' paper with a stated matunty of 270 days or less from the date of its issuance and is either (a) rated not less than A 1, P 1 by at least two national investment rating firms, or (b) is rated at least A 1. P 1 by one national investment rating firm and is fully secured by an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank organized and existing under the laws of the United States or any state thereof; (9) SEC regulated, no load money market mutual funds with a dollar weighted average portfolio maturity of 90 days or less, f whose assets consist exclusively of securities described in (1) through (8) above and whose investment objectives include seeking to maintain a stable net asset value of $1 per share; (10) local govemment investment pools organized in accordance with Chapter 791, Texas Govemmant Code (The interlocal Cooperation Act), whose assets consist of the obligations described in (1) through (8) above, A public funds investment pool must be continuously rated no lower than AAA, AAA m or at an equivalent rating by at least one nationalty recognized rating service; and (11) Share certificates issued by sutte or federal credit unions domiciled in Texas that are guaranteed or issued by the National Credit Union Share insutance Fund or its successor, or secured by obligations described under (1) through (4) above having a market value of at least the principal amount of the certificates.

Ecch pension trust fund is authorized by a state statute to invest in the aforementioned, described in (1) through (8), in cddition, the statute goveming each pension trust fund authorizes investment in stocks, investment grade corporate bonds rited A or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation or by Moody's Bond Ratings, commercial paper rated A 1 by Standard &

, Poor's Corporation and P 1 by Moody's Bond Ratings, and investment grade intemational equities (limited to 10% of the l

fund portfolio for the Employees' and Police Officers' Funds and 5% of the fund portfolio for the Fire Fighters' Fund).

The Texas statutes permit the City to enter into certain securities lending agreements or certain reverse repurchase -

l cgreements, that is, a sale of secunties with a simultaneous agreement to repurchase them in the future at tne same price l plus a contract rate of interest. Currently, the City does not participate in any securities lending agreements, ,

The pension trust funds participate in securities lending agreements. As of December 31,1995, pension-owned investments l of $93,057,807 in obligations of the U.S. govemment and its agencies, $10,635,171 in corporate bonds, $64,161,674 in corporate stocks, and $10,849,542 in intomational equity secunties were in possession of a borrowing financial institution.

The lending agreement requires securities on loan be collateralized by cash and/or secunties with a total market value of at letst 102% of loaned fund securities. (For global securities pledged as collateral, total market va'ue shall not be less than 105 % )

The City's investments (with exceptions noted above) are categorized below to give an indication of the level of risk (Category 1 lowest level of risk to Category 3-highest level of risk) assumed by the City at year end. Category 1 includes investments that are insured or registered or for which the securities are held by the City's agent in the City's name.

Citegory 2 includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the secunties are held by the counterparty's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category 3 includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the broker or dealer, or by the City's trust department or agent, but not in the City's name.

Category Carrying 1 2 3 Amount IDyggtments Money market mutual funds 5 51,518,288 - -- 51,518,288 Obligations of the U.S. govemment and its agencies 1,271,096,648 - -- 1,271,096,648 Corporate bonds 124,911,152 - - 124,911,152 Corporate stocks 388.971,678 - -- 388.971,678

Commercial paper - 70.149,834 - -- 70,149,834 Intemational equity securities 55,775,446 -- - 55,775,446 1,962,423,046 - +- 1,962,423.046 l investments held bvfrmtag Obligations of the U.S. govemment and its agencies 29.516.640 -- - 29.516.640

$ 1.991.939,686 -- - 1,991,939.686 Total (1) -

(1) Excludes investments in pools managed by other govemments of $107,623,223, andinternational mutual funds of $8,171,842.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 6-INVESTMENTS AND DEPOSITS, continued investments owned by the various funds of the City at September 30,1990, are as follows:

Carrying Market Unrealized Description Yields Amount Value Gain (Loss)

NON-POOLED INVEST MENTS Obhgations of the U.S. govemment and its agencies 4.57% 14.30% $ 480.160,507 480,384,733 224,220 Commercial paper 5.42% - 5.64 % 59,126,378 58,984,465 (141,913)

Toxaa Local Govemment invs. Dent Pool 5.62% 95,436.366 95.436,366 --

Total nordpcoled investments 634,723.251 634.805,564 82,313 POOLED INVESTMENTS Money market mutual funds 5.19% 51,518,288 51,518,288 -

Othgations of the U.S. govemment and its agencies 4.64% - 7.60% 514.026,842 513,021,553 (1,005,289)

Commercial paper 5.34 % 11.023.456 11,002,186 (21,270)

Texas Local Govemment investment Pool 5.62% 12,186.857 12,186,857 --

Total pooled investments 588,755.443 587,728.884 (1,026.559)


Othgations of the U.S. govemment and its agonoes 306,425,939 323,515,393 17,089,454 Corporate bonds 124,911,152 129,152,581 4,241,429 Corporate stocks 388.971,678 514.538,643 125,566,965 FHA & VA insured real estate mortgages 391,526 438,935 47,409 Real estate partnership interest 11,648,158 12,844,303 1,1 %,145 Intemationalinvestments 55,775,446 67,585,230 11,809,784 International short-term inestments 9,929,496 10,067,654 138,158 Short term investment funds 43.067,452 43.069,504 2,052 Total pension funds 941,120.847 1,101,212.243 160.091,396 TOTAL ALL INVESTMENTS $ 2,164,599.541 2,323,746.691 159,147,150 (1) Amounts shown represent investments owned by the Pension Funds as of December 31,1995.

Assets of the City's employee deferred compensation plan totahng $86,038,542 at September 30,1996, consist of mutual funds held by the plan trustee.

DEPOSITS The September 30,1996, carrying amount of deposits is as follows:

Cash Unrestncted S 5,996,857 Cash held by trustee Unrestncted 160,131 Restricted 9,383,227 Pooled cash (10.638,465)

Total deposits S 4.901,750 All bank balances were either insured of collateralized with sectrities held by either the City or a pension fund or by its age in the City's or the pension fund's name.

1 34

- - - - .- . .-- - . - - . ,. - . . ~


" i"- A 30,1996 (Continued)

T - PROPERT1f TAXES The City's property tax is levied each October 1 on the ast,essed value listed as of January 1 for all real and personal property located in the City. The adjusted assessed value for the roll as of January 1,1995, upon which the 1996 levy was based, was $23,303,015,047.

Taxes are due by January 31 following the October 1 levy date. During the year ended September 30,1996,99.03% of the current tax levy (October 1,1995) was collected. The statutory tien date is January 1.

The methods of pro,merly assessment and tax collection are determined by Texas statute. The statutes provide for a property tax code, county wide appraisal districts, a State property tax board, and certain exemptions from taxation, such as intangible personal property, household goods, and family owned automobiles.

The appraisal of property within the City is the responsibikty of the Travis Central Appraisal District. The appraisal dtstrict is required under ine Property Tax Code to assess all property within the appraisal district on the basis of 100% of its appraised value and is prohibited from applying any assessment ratios. The value of property within the appraisal district must be revewed every five years; however, the City may require more frequent reviews of appraised values at its own expense. The Travis Central Appraisal District has chosen to review the value of property every two years, The City may

- challenge appraised values established by the appraisal district through various appeals and, if necessary, legal action.

The City is authorized to set tax rates on property within the City limits. However, if the effective tax rate, excluding tax rates for bonds, certificates of obligation, and other contract:ial obligations, and adjusted for new Irnprovements and revaluation, cxceeds the rate for the previous year by more than 8%, qualified voters of the City may petition for an election to determire

- whether to limst the tax rate increase to no more than 8%.

Through a contractual arrangement, Travis County bills and collects property taxes for the City, as well as for severa' other governmental entities.' The City is permitted bf Article 11, Section 5 of the State of Texas Constitution to levy taxee, up to

$2.50 per $100 of assessed valuation for general govemmental services, including the payment of principal and interest on general obhgation long-term debt. Under the City Charter, a limit on taxes levied for general govemmental services, exclusive of payments of principal and interest on general obligation long term debt, has been estabhshed at $1.00 por $100 casessed valuation. A practical limitation on taxes levied for debt service of $1.50 per $100 of assessed valuation is established by referring to the State Statute and City Charter limitations.

The tax rate to finance general governmental purposes, other than the payment of principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt, for the year ended September 30,1996, was $.3117 per $100 assessed valuation, The City has a t x margin for general governmental purposes of $.6823 per $100 assessed valuation, and could levy approximately

- $158,996,472 in additional taxes from the assessed valuation of $23,303,015,047 before the legislative limit is reached.

4 i

f 4 35

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 3-FlXED ASSETS Components of the City's fixed assets (excluding Pension Fund net fixed assets of $1,477,344 at September 33,1996, are summarized as follows (in thousands of dodars):

Weier a sold Wests Convere6an other internet General flottric Westemeter Hospnal serv 6ces Atpcr1 corner interprise service Fised fed fed Fed Fund Fed Fmd Fede Funds Assets Totat Lauf ardlarvf r$fte i 29.067 41459 7 60 10.462 1547 12h41 1.114 3A20 133.IN3 240.061 adtrigs wid empfwomems s % 164 1583301 73181 487 81.9r 0 80162 7,346 20.964 129.701 2.013 879 IAuMory wwf appme*1 1.f41JM 295.924 -

14100 7.804 f.896 6203 68 687 58.321 f.104.8t*0 cernsseimi a66 sis rol ciewfio1 100 900 119140 7N 3M6 4 70s P316  ? Dr.4 P1 %4 -

Pth 452 f tid plailin terne 2J15 856 1$40.4J4 74,781 28.806 96 006 9?A'4 16,729 106.103 328 425 4 422.242 less atomuisioi degnanakn (745 FA9) (il M1) (51 16m (11 441) (ivo) (eit) -


(176??Q (?? 679) f#1 prvert) M*11 ww.1 Fppmpd er serves 1 $40.796 1.1M W st it? 17 9r.2 44 017 84073 17M9 it.4 792 3?9 fl?$ 3344 fpA Cue ructmin psyress 80 107 70285 -

9462 125A96 1 A25 11.M4 - 120.D66 443A00 Nsl er fuel, rud d arntwtzatan 79479 - - - - - - -

29479 Pian fold for fulwe hae 32fe4 - - - - - .- 32 6M TW 4 pft4*eT ptwW wd eppment $ 1.741 nl8 1.P41490 + 2152  ?? A nd 173415 85 t40 P170.s 104 P92 454.091 3100211 The following table summarizes the changes in components of the General Fixed /.ssets Account Group for the year ended September 30,1996; improvemerce Machinery Other Than and Constructen Land Buildings Dulldings Equiprnord in Progress Total Datance. Septenter 30.1995 as sweviously reporlod $ 136.864.423 88.233.216 34.759.827 55.o34.322 124 650.9?6 439 542.713 Adjustmord tat theestx*1 change -

(198) (975) (817.216) - (0,8 989)

Mystment for af tecieve recronents -

(103 891) (12 256 356) (170) - (12,300 417)

Dalance, Septenter 3o.1995.

as restated 13&B64,423 88.128.526 22.502.496 64,216.936 124.060926 426.363,307 Add 4ons + - - -

28.725.743 28,725.743 Retvemonts '144) - -

(3.530.653) (118,837) (3.f49.634)

Coreted conviruction s,1W 114 13.596.926 5.472,848 7.643,136 (?9,842.124) -

Transf ers trom other tunds _

- - - 1.735 2 f.49 969 2 651 704 Balance, Septenter 30,1990 $ 139 493 493 101.725 452 27.9753.; f 1331.154 126 Ons 677 454 091.120 The City do6s not capitalize pubbe domain general fixed assets. This accounting pokcy affects only the General Fixed Asset Account Group. Dunng 1996, the City did not capitalize completed infrastructure ast,ets amounting to $ t 9.357,603.

Construction in progress includes vanous capital projects that are funded primarily by general obligation and revenue bonds.

Tho General Fixed Asset Account Group includes as construction-in-progress certain completed capital projects in service at September 30,1996, which have f.ot bee t unitized or captalized pending classification to the proper fixed asset in-service categories. In all other funds, completed construction unclassified is included in property, plart and equipment.

The City anticipates the need for numerous additional utdity related projects over the next several years. However, the City has no formal commitments to projects ott,er than thoce currently under construction. Estimated unfunded future expenditures for capita 1 projects will be funded from opm rtions, issuance of additional general obhgation or revenue bonds, of from afternative rnethods of financing.


. .. .. = .

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  • ? It r 30,1996 (Continued) 9 - RETIREMENT PLANS a - General I

The City participates in funding three contribFry, defmod beneftt retirement plans: City of Austin Employees' Retirement '

cnd Pension Fund, City of Austin Pohco Officers' Hettrement and Pensbn Fund, and Fire Fighters' Relet and Retirement Fund of Austin, Texas. These plans are City wide single temployer funded plans that cover substantially all full time cmployees. Membership of the plans and payroll (in thousands of dollars) at December 31,1995 is as follows:

Total City Police Fire (Memorandum t

[ F6ghtete Only) I

/ Employees Off6cere fletrees arwj boneficiaries currenttp roceMng benefits and terntnated engdoyees ensued to benefits but not 1,956 166 272 2,394 yet receMng fiem Current oradoyees 4,185 452 424 5,061 Vested Nonvested 3.005 500 419 Q3_2

. . . . . . 'A *8 _. YP! . 3"5 . .

- ..." 307 Total papos for the year ended Decent >er 31,1995 35.596_, 382.051

$ _ _303.522 _ 42.931 _ ._

Paroll for ergdoyoos covered by the plan for the ,

year ended Decentier 31,1995 $ 37.341 3,2,496 290.839

. 22 {002 City and erryloyee contributior,s are govemed by State law. The City's total retirement plan expense for the year onded September 30,1990, was approximately $27,207.000, Contributions and contribution requirements to the plans for the y:ar ended September 30,1996, and not assets available for benefits at December 31,1995, are as follows (in thousands):

Total City Police Fire (Memorandum Eme)icyees Officero Fighters Only)

! Contrtautions for the year onded Sg,stenter 30,1996

$ 15.390 5.872 5.945 27,207 Cry Eradoyeen 15.404 3.303 4.512 23.219 30.794 9.175 10.457 50.426 Total contrt)utions i

Contrt)uton requirer ' . its (donars) for the year ended Septentier 30,1996 Unfunded actuartal accrued I ability - 2,156 1,129 3.285 Normal costs 30,794 7.019 9.328 47.141 50 I . 2 :734_ . . __3:.1!.5 . __J0 457 _ _ __ f6 Contnbuson requirements (a . a percentage of covered payroll) for the yewt ended Septentjer 30,1996 Unfunded actuarial accrued liat*ty - 5.77% 3.47% 1.13% .

Normal costs 13 93% 18 80% 28.71 % 16 21%

13 p _ 245 1 __ y _8 { _ _ 1J;3M

. Contrt)usona (as e percertage of covmod payroit)

for the year ended Septent>er 30,1996 Cty 6.96 % 1632% 18.30% 9.36 %

Ensdoyee 697% 885% -13 88% 7.98%

Total 13 93% 24 57% 32.18 % 17.34 %

Not assets available for beriefits at Decent)er 31.,1995 $ 642.173 121.599 190;824 954.596

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 9 - RETIREMENT PLANS, continued b - Contribution Method and Benefits The following is a summary of contribution methods and benefits.

I City of Austin City of Austin Employees' Police Officers' Retirement and Rett.ement and Fire Fighters' Rollef Pension Fund Pension Fund and Retirement Fund Authority estabbshing contrbutions otegation State Legislation State Legsjation State Legslaton Frequency of cont,butan Deweeldy htweekly D#weeAly Engbyee's contrbution (gercent of eamings) 7.0% 90% 13.70%

C#ty's contrbut6on 7.0% (1) 14 0% beginning October 1994 16 05% beginning October 1994 (percent of earrungs) 16 0% teginning October 1995 18.05% beginring October 1995 Penod requa0:1 to vest 6 years 10 years 10 yeart Elgtxlity for distribution of Age 62, regard 6ess of nunte of Age 65 with 20 years of codtable Age 50 with at least 10 years of retirement benefits to morrt>er service years, or service, or cred table seryce, or or benefcary 25 years of credtatie servce, 25 years of creditatae servce, 25 years of credtable serv 6ce, regardless of age,or regardless of age, or regardless of age,or Elegble for reduced earty rebrement Ago 62, regardess of nuntier of Elgble for reduced earty rebrement tenefits at age 55 w$120 years of service y=ars beneflts at the age of 48 with 10 creditable serves. years of service or 23 years of credtab6e servce, regardless of age.

' areases in tenefits Denefits may tie increased annualy Donefits may te increased annually Denefits may be increased annually by to annunt of increase in te based on the Consumer Prce based on the amomt of increase in Consuner Pree inden, up to 6% Index, to to 6% the Consumer Prce Inden, increases must te approved by se increases rnust te amroved by te increases must to approvod by te Doard and actuanes of the Fund. Board and actuarios of the Fund. Doard and actuanes of the Fund.

1995 6% 1995 2% (2) 1995 2 6%

1994 0% 1994 0% 1994 2 8%

Terms of benefds for el three funds, terms of tenehts are determined by certain elecsons made by the r errt>er, the menta's level of eamsngs, and lorgth of seryce, Denefits are @strbuted in equal rnonthly installments ove. a penod of time, or in a lu.ip sum in the event of death. Distrbutions are also available 6n the event of total and permanent d sability.

(1) Tre City contrbutes twt > thros of the cost of poor servce benefit paymonts.

(2) Ettective January 1,1996.


' 9- RETIMEMENT PLANS, continued o - A ttuarlal Procent Value of Voeted Benefits While ths %ntribution requirements are not actuarlaPy determined, state law requires that each plan of benefits adopte1 be approved by a qualified actuary. The actuary certifies that the contributen commitment by the participants and thu City provides an adequate financing arrangement. Using the entry a@ actuarial cost method, the normal cost is deterrnined as a poecentage of payrott. The excess of the total contributon rate over the normal cost rate is used to arriortizz the unfunded cctuarial accrued liability, if any exists, over the number of years needed to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liabiltty.

Coi Sution requirements have been made in accordance with this method for s!! years for which trend Information is shown. The amortizaten periods for the Police Officers' Fund and Firefighters' Fund are approximately 17.3 years and 20.9 f years, respectively, The Employees' Fund ;s fully funded. Calculations of the actuanally computed value of vested benefits were performed by actuaries for all funds as of December 11,1996.

f The following actuarial cost method and significant assumptlJns underlying the actuarial calculation were used in the determination of the required plan funding level. Significant actuarial assumptions used to compute contribution r:quirements are substantialty the same as those used to compute the standardi2ed measure of the pension beneiit obligation.

City Employees Police Officera Fire Fighters ActuarlalCost Method Entry Age Actuartal Cost Entry Age Actuarlai Cost Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method Method Method Assumed Rate of R:tum on investments 8% 8% 8%

R:tirement Age Dependent on entry age and Dependent on entry age and Dependent on entry age arrt length of service length of service length of service Asset Valuaton Basis 5-year smoothed market Gains and losses in the Smoothed Market Value market value of assets, based on the difference between the actual rate of return and the e

aqumed rate of return, are ret agnized in the actuarial value over five years. The actuarial value will not be less than 80% or more than 120%

of the market value of assets Other significant as:tumptioM used for all pension funds are the assumed employee turnover, salary increases and mortality r;tes, which are paseri on pubilshed statistical data.

The amount shown below as the ' pension benefit oblegation" is a standardized measure of the present value of pension benefits estimated to be payable in the future as a result of employee service to date. These benefits have been adjusted for

< the effects of projected salary increases.

The pension benefit obligation is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits and is htended to help users cssess the system's funding status on a going-concern basis, assess progress made in accumulatmg sufficient assets to

" pay bei.efits when due, and make comparisons among public employee retirement systems. This measure is independent

. of the actuarial funding method used to perform the actuarial valuation.

39 I

NOTES TO COMDINED NJANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 9 - FIETIREMENT PLANS, continued Tie pension benefit obigation is based on actuanal valuations as of December :.1,1995. Signifcant acarial assumptions used include:

City Pollce FUe Employees Officers Fightere Hate of return on the investment of pret,ont and future ansets 8.00 % 8 00 % 8,00 %

(compounded annually)

Avorage projocted sMary increases, attributable to inflation 4.25 % 4.00 % 5.50 %

(compounded annually)

Additional projected adary increases, attnbutable to rnerit. 4 75% 14.75 % 2.40% 1.50 %

promotion, and longevity Post retirement tenefit increases 6.00% offoctive None 2.8% off active January 1,1997 January 1,1996 and 5% each January thereafter through 2002 Pension tenefit obigation as of December 31,1995, is as follows (in thousands):

Total City Police Fire (Memorandum Employees Officers Fighters Only)

Hetireen and teneficiarios currontly recoving bonofits and Iorminated employees not yet recuving benefita $ 267,739 60,045 111,689 439,373 Currerd ornploynes.

Accumulated employee contnbutions 142,840 27,105 51,157 221,102 Employer financed vested 134.321 42,000 63,488 240,409 Employor.f 6nanced nonvestod 19,344 5.953 10,940 38.237 Total pension benefit othgation 564,244 135,703 237,174 937,121 Not assota availatde for tenot,ts (at book value) ,

642,173 121,599 190E24 954.596 Unf undal (assets in excess of) penson benefit otdigation $ (77 929) 14,104 46,350 (17,4751 Not assets availatdo for benefits (at rnarket value) _5 743,356 136p1 234.430 1.114 f>8 7_

l l

40 1

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 9 - RETIREMENT PLANS, continued d- Changes Related to Actuarial Ass amptions City of Austin Employees' City of Austin Police Officers' Fire Fighters' Rollef ,

Retirement and Pension Fund Retirement and Pension Fund and Retirement Fund 1995 _

1. Average projected salary 1. The rate of inflation has changed 1. The 5% anticipated cost of living increases 4.76% + 14.75 % to 4.00% por year. Increase was extended through includes inflation increase of 2002.

4.25 %

2. Cost of living adjustments are 2. The sala.ry increase due to 6% ad hoc at January 1.1997. general wege increases has changed to 4.00% per year.
3. The salary increase due to promotion and longevity increases has changed to 2.40% per year.
4. The total salary increase has changed to 6.40% per year.
5. The interest on officer's accumulated contributions has changed to 5.00% per year.
6. The mortality table has changed from the UP 1984 mortality table with no adjustment for males and 7 year age setback for females to the UP 1994 mortality tables for males and females with no projections.

1994 ,_ _

No changes. No enanges. 1. The 5% antcipated cost of living increase was extended through 2001.


l l

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (ConJnued) 9 - RETIREME NT Pl.ANS, continued e - Changes in Plan Provisions City of Austin Employees' City of Austin Police Officers' Firo Fighters' Relief Retirement and Pension Fund Retirement and Pension Fund and Retirement Fund 1995

1. Effective October 1995, the benefit 1. Participants may retire witn 25 1, A 2.0% cost increase was muttiplier was increased f roi,1 years of service, regardless of approved effective January 1,1995 2.2% per year of service to 2.3% ago. followed by a 2.8% cest-ot*ving por year of service. increase effective January 1,1sn.


2. Effecttve October 1995, current 2. Effective September 1, 1995, 2. The normal retirement age was '

retirees received an increase in retirees and beneficiaries will reduced from 52 to 50 years of age the benefit amount to bnng the receive an increase in benefits with ten years of service or upon retiremen' benefit amount up to based on the relationship of the completion of 25 years of service what it would be currently if they new 2.8% benefit level with the regardless of age, down from 27 had retired under the 2.3% benefit formula used in years of service.

multiplier. determining each retiree's benefit at retirenwnt.

3. The death benefit was increased 3. Effective September 1,1995, the 3. Early retirement age was reduced from $2,000 to $10,000. death benefit was increased from from 50 to 48 years of age with ten

$2,000 to $5,000. years of service or upon completion of 23 years of service regardless of age, down from 25 years of service.

4. The six month service requirement 4. City's contnbution rate is 16% 4. A deferred retirement option plan l for participation was eliminated. efiectrve October 1995. The feature was added providing eligible j Current active members were contnbution rate increases to 18% participants the ability to designate, granted service for the six month effectrve Octuber 1996. subject to limitations, benefits to be penod between their date of hire disbursed in a single payment or in l and their date et participation, not more than four payments upon l leaving active service on a date not later than the second anniversary of the option election.

1994 No changes. No changes. 1. A 2.8% cost of-living increase was approved effective January 1,1994, followed by a 2.6% cost-of living increase effectrve January 1,1995.

2. The minimum monthly benefit for current annuitants was increased from $1.000 to $1.200.
3. The retirement formula was increased from 2.9% to 3% of average monthly salary times years of service.

. 42

NOTES TO COM81NED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 9 - RETIREMENT PLANS, continued f - Federallncome Tsues The pension funds are public employees' pension plans and are exempt from Federal income taxos and the provisions of the Employee Hetirement income Security Act of 1974.

g - Plan Administration Costs PION administration costs include audit fees and actuarial fees (valuations performed in alternating years). Each pension fund is responsible for all administrattve costs. e h- HistoricalTrend information Unaudited historical trend information required by GASD Statement 5, designed to provide details regarding each fund's progresJ in accumulating assets to pay benefits when due and to summarize operating results, is presented in separately issued retirement fund financial statements.


NOTES TO COMBINED FIN ANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSilN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 9 - RETIRE MENT PLANS, continued Analysis of funding progress for the plar s at December 31 is as follows (in tYusands):


( Assets in l Unfunded excess of) I (Assets in Benefit Emptopt excess of) Obligation Contribution Het Assets Pension Pension Annual as a Percent as a Percent Available f or Denefil Percentage penefit Employer Covered of Covered of Covered


Benefits Obilgation Funded Obligation Contribullon Payroll Payroll Payroll C6ty Lmployons f 1995 642,173 504,244 113 8 % (77,929) 10,983 221,002 (35 3%) 7.7% I 1994 587.025 521,198 112.0% (b! 827) 17,000 254,419 (25 9%) 0.7%

1993 529,137 454,710 110 4% (74,4e 1) 15,045 235,227 (31.0%) 0.7%

1992 457,454 389.220 117.5 % (08,228) 14.200 203,602 (33.5%) 7.0%

1991 414,570 353.028 117.2 % (00,942) 12,000 180,853 (33 7%) 7.0%

1990 305,319 317,848 114 9 % (47,471) 11.425 103,210 (29.1%) 7.0%

1989 329,325 279.030 117.8% (49,089) 10,598 151,400 (32 8%) 7.0%

f,1,240 175,720 '

1988 297,040 259,914 114.0 % (37,932) (21.0%) 0.4%

1987 202,909 230,140 111.4 % (20,tl23) 11,909 175,128 (15 3%) 08%

Police Officera 1995 121,599 135,703 89 0 % 14.104 5.444 37,341 37.8% 14 0 %

1994 102,574 112,487 91,2 % 9,913 4,410 30,790 209% 12.0 %

1993 89,238 101,453 880% '3,215 3,004 32,35 37.5% 12 0 %

1992 75,080 89,275 84 8% 13,595 3,555 29,021 45 9% 12.0 %

1991 71,223 70,159 93 5% 4 930 3,301 28,000 17 0 % 12.0 %

1990 02,209 08,854 90.4 % 0,585 3,140 20,219 25 1 % 12.0 %

1989 55,226 00,500 91 2 % 5,340 2,915 24,291 22 0 % 12.0 %

1988 47,558 53,442 89 0 % 5.884 3,004 25.032 23 5 % 12.0 %

1987 41,571 42,004 98 8 % 493 2,755 22,950 2.1% 12.0 %

Dre nghlors 1995 190,824 237,174 80 5% 40,350 5,367 32,490 142 0% 10 5 %

i 1994 170,000 213,247 800% 42,587 4.421 30,315 140.6% 14 0%

1993 153,075 182,080 84.4 % 28,411 4,071 29,018 97.9 % 14 0 % l 1992 125,340 159,071 78 5 % 34,325 3,900 28,731 119.5% 13 0 %

1991 110,350 141,527 78 0 % 31,177 3,735 20,595 117.2 % 14.0 %

1990 07.233 124,997 77.8 % 27,704 3,508 25,395 109 3% 14.0 %

1989 82,847 112,391 73.7 % 29,544 3.370 24,034 122.9 % 14.0 %

1988 73,711 98,989 74 5 % 25,278 3.379 24.053 105.1 % 14 0 %

1987 63,470 82,702 70.7% 19,292 2,989 21,271 90 7 % 14.1 %

1 44



9 - RETIREMENT PLANS, corittnued AnaYsis of revenues and expenses for the plans for the years ended December 31 is as follows (in thousands):

Revenues by Source Expenses by Type General and Employee Employer Investment Benefit Benefit Administrative Contributions Contributions Income Total Payments Refunds Expenses Total City Employees 1995 17,421 16,983 137,708 172,112 23,691 7.992 497 32,180 1994 17,310 17,000 49,709 84,025 21,292 4,340 505 26,137 1993 16,108 15,654 00,564 92,326 17,073 3,277 293 20,643 14,424 14,266 33,615 62,305 14,764 4,265 391 19,420 1992 1991 12,665 12,660 42,724 68,049 14,205 4,119 475 18,799 1990 11,427 11,425 33,234 56,086 14,304 5.579 209 20,092 10,626 10.598 29,091 50,315 13,394 6,438 88 19,920 19E9 11.246 28,275 50,791 9,088 6,782 44 15,914 190's 11.270 1987 11,900 11,909 23,607 47,422 7,637 4,120 17 11,774 Police O'ficers 1995 3,085 5,444 13,656 22,785 3.205 243 311 3,759 3,220 4,416 8.858 16.494 2,000 294 265 3,159 1994 1993 3,906 9.835 16,045 2,176 138 172 2,486 2.304 1992 1,837 3,555 1,409 6,801 1,912 279 154 2,345 1991 1,733 3,361 5,904 10.998 1,615 307 122 2,044 1990 1,595 3,140 4,329 9,070 1,544 165 317 2,026 1,485 2,915 5,107 9,507 1,399 215 225 1,039 1989 1988 1,040 3,004 3,290 7,334 1,054 114 178 1,346 962 2,755 5,229 8,946 769 74 168 1,011 1987 nre Rghters 1995 4,426 5,367 18,291 28,084 7,653 96 171 7,920 1994 4,148 4,421 15,004 24,073 6,723 183 183 7,089 1993 3,968 4,071 20,185 34,224 5,756 5 135 5,896 1992 3,808 3,906 12,673 20,387 5.040 192 159 5,391 1991 3,64) 3,735 10,531 17,907 4,492 159 138 4,789 1990 3,479 3.568 11,583 18,630 3,850 237 158 4.245 1989 3,293 3,377 6,011 12,681 3,331 93 120 3,544 1988 3,298 3,379 6,540 13,217 2.894 40 42 2,976 1987 2.915 2,989 4,794 10,698 2,503 29 49 2,581 45 _

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN,TEXAG Septembe# 20,1996 (Continued) 10 - HENTAL REVENUE Effectrve October 1,1D95, the City entered into a long term lease arrangement with the Daughters of Charity Health Services of Austin. This lease agreement quahfios as an oporating lease for accounting purposes. Hospdal Fund 1996 revenues included minirNm losse payments of $2,032,344.

The City han entered into certain lease agreements as lessor for concessons at the Airport. These lease agreements quakfy as oporating leases for accounting purposes. Airport Fund 1996 revenues included minimum concession guarantoes of $10,059,242.

Following is a schedule by year of minimum future rentals on noncancelable operating leases as of September 30, 1996.

Fiscal Year Ended Hospital Airport September 30 Fund Fund 1997 $ 1,864,764 8,657,b69 1998 1,864.764 7,293,560 1993 1,864,764 180,868 2000 1,864,764 -

2001 1,864,764 -

Thoroattor 44,754,338 -

Totals $ 54,078,156 If',131.997 11 - GENERAL LONG TERM DEDT a - General Ob 'gation Debt - Capital Projects Funding Capital projects funds are used to account for the acquisition and construction of general fixad assott Capital projects are funded primarily by the l$suance of general obhgation debt, other tan supported debt, interest income and intergovernmenW1 revenuos.

General obhgation debt is collaterahred by the full faith and credit of the City and is reported as an obligation of the General Long Term Debt Account Group (GLTDAG), except as desenbod below. The City intends to retire its general obhgation debt, plus interest, from future ad valorem tax levios, and is required by ordinance to creato from such tax revenues a sinking fund sufficient to pay the current lntorest due thereon and each installment of principal a,s it becomes due, General obbgation debt sold to fund fixed assets of proprictary funds is reported as an obbgation of these propnetary funds, altMugh they are not obhgated by the apphcable bond indentures to ropay any portion nf principal and interest on outstandil.; generat obkgation dsbt. However, the City intends for the propnetary funds to moot the debt service requiroments.

As describod in Note 7, State Statute and the City Chador estabhsh a practical kmitat:on of $1.50 per $100 of assessed valuation on the debt service tax rate levied to service general obhgation debt, including interest. The tax rate to finance the payment of pnncipal and interest on generai obhgation long term debt for the year ended September 30,1996, was $,2269 per $100 assessed valuation. At September 30,1996, allowable taxes related to debt service (assuming the rate of $1.50 por $100 assessed valuation) are approximately $349,545,226, providing potential additional taxes for debt service of

$296,670,684 from the asso:: sed valuation of $23,303,015.047, 46

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 11 - GENERAL LONG. TERM DEBT, continued There are a number of hmitations and restrictionu contained in the various general obhgation bond indentures. The City is in comphance with all kmitations and testrictions.

The following table summarizes significant facts about general obhgation bonds, certAcates of obhgation, and contractual obhgat#0ns outstanding at September 30,1996, including those (0 ported in Certain enterprise funds:

Interest Rates Arnount Aggregate interest Of Debt Outstanding et Requirernents at Outstanding at September 30 September 30, September 30, Maturity Dates Date lasued Originallssue 1996 1998 1996 Of SerialDet4 8 8 8  %

Sortet 1905A Ocuer,1985 229.048.455 17,532,047 (2) 37,767,952 (1) 870 900 9/1/1997 2000 Serks 1980 Jdy,1986 100.000,000 1,940.000 147,440 (1) 7 60 W1/1997 Senes 1986A August,1988 14,710.000 875.000 63,875 (1) 7.30 W1/1997 Senes 1987 July,1987 53.000.000 2,050.000 174.250 (1) 8 50 W1/1997 Sones 1988 Saptarttier,1988 24.860.000 1,055.000 74.005 (1) 7.10 W1/1997 Genes 1989 Ockter,1989 24,995.000 3.990,000 768.880 (1) 7.00 10 00 9/1/1997 2000 Senes IDWA&D Jaruary,1990 122,368,032 39.663.632 (3) 22.871,656 (1) 600 7.00 9/1/1997 2005 Penes 1990C tbrerrt>er,1990 25 E O.000 4,775,000 1,021,873 (1) 650 950 W1/1997 2001 Senos 1991 A rewerrt>er,1991 25.000,000 22,285,000 14,385,039 (1) 586 888 W1/1997 2011 Genes 19910 t4went>er,1991 2.900,000 1,320.000 109.780 (4) 520 5 40 11/1/1996 1998 Senes 1992 May,1992 114.858,765 80,973,741 (5) 36,290,179 (1) 570 625 9/1/1997 2008 Serles1992 Ocktier,1992 52,400,000 50.490,000 31,855,750 (1) 425 7.25 9/1/1997 2012 Series 1992 Octter,1992 5.405 000 4,900.000 2.880.725 (1) 525 825 9/1/1997 2012 Senes 1992 Ocuer,1992 4.195.000 2,425.000 247,100 (4) 460 500 W1/19961999 Series 199J February,1993 71,600.000 67,030,000 34.093.658 (1) 440 575 9/1/1997 2009 Sones 1993 Octuber,1993 25.000.000 24.120,000 11,529,182 (1) 4.13 7.00 W1/1997 2013 Senes1993 Ockter,1993 8.435.000 6.210,000 2.968.256 (1) 413 7,00 W1/1997 2013 Senes 1993 Ocuer 1993 8,820,000 2.820,000 207,168 (4) 330 3.70 Q/1/19971998 Sertos 1933A Ochtier,1993 70.230.000 67.645,000 24.914,925 (1) 380 500 9/1/1998 2010 Senes 1994 Ockt*,19M 33.260.000 33.200,000 24,138.050 (1) 520 7.00 W1/1997 2014 Genes 1p M Ocktier,1941 3 550.000 3 b50.000 2.308,775 (1) 510 850 W1/1997 2014 Senes 1994 Octtier,1994 5.025.000 3.655,000 342,115 (4) 425 675 11/1/1996-1999 Sonen 1995 Oett>er,1995 30,250.000 28 900,000 22,621.605 (1) 480 7.75 W1/1998 2015 Sones 1995 Ocktier,1995 8 660.000 8,660.000 5.639.585 (1) 475 600 W1/1998-2015 Seees 1995 Octher,1995 8,205.000 7,475.000 009,586 (4) 375 500 11/1/1996-2000 (1) Interest is pad semiannualty on March 1 and Septentier 1.

(2) Represeds capital apprecianon tords (3) includsa $14,158.632 of cetat apprecinton bords, whch lave interest payable at rnatunty kom 9/1/1997 2000.

(4) Interest h pad Semiannudy on May 1 and Nwenter 1.

(5) includes $13.281,765 of cgmal appreciaton txnts, whch tuvo interest payable at rnaturity kom 9/1/19971999.


- 47_

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 11 - GENERAL t.ONG TERM DEBT, continued in Or.ober 1995, the City issued Pubbe improvement Bonds, Series 1995, in the amount of $30.250,000. Of the proceeds from the issue, $1,050,000 will be used for street improvements, $1,150,000 will be used for drainage and ilood control,

$335,000 will be used for park land acquisition, $118,000 will be used for park improvements, $1,105,000 will be used for f 6re stations, $1,598,000 will be used for health, safety and welf are renovations, $1,868,000 will be used for erosion and flood control, $3,609,000 will be used for street reconstruction and traffic signals, $1,100,000 will be used for parks and recreati:n facihties, $2,529,000 will be used for libraries, and $15,690,000 will be used for land for the Barton Creek Greenway, These bonds will be amortired serially on September 1 of each year from 1996 to 2015. Certain of these bonds are callable beginning September 1,2005. Interest is payable on March 1 and September 1 of each year, commencing March 1,1996. Total interest requirements for tnese bonds, at rates ranging from 4.3% to 7.75%, are $24,317,040 in October 1995, the City is+ued Pubhc Property Finance Contractual Obhgations, Series 1995,in the amount of $8,205,000.

Of the proceeds from the issue, $2.225,000 will be used by the Information Systems Department for the Greater Austin Area Telecommunications Network (GAATN) and PBX, $2,535,000 will be uud by the Sohd Waste Services Department for carts, $545,000 will be used by the Floct Department for equipment, and $2,900,000 will be used by the Water and Wastewater Department for capital equipment. These contractual cbbgations will be amortized serially May 1 and November 1 of eact year from 1996 to 2000. The contractual obligations are not subject to optional redemption prior to their maturity, Interest is payable on May 1 and November 1 of each year, commencing May 1,1996. Total interest requirements for these contractual obligations, at rates fenging from 3.75% to 6.75%, aggregate $1,053,680, in October 1995, the City issued Certificates of Obhgation, Series 1995, in the amount of $8,660,000. Of the procoeds from trie issue, $1.400,000 will be used by the Health and h_ man Services Department for an animal shelter, $585,000 will be used by the Fleet Department for renovations, and $6,675,000 will be used by the Sohd Waste Services Department for f acihties. These certificates of obligation will be amortized serially September 1 of each year from 1998 to 2015. Certain of these obhgations are callable beginning September 1,2005. Interest is payable on March 1 and September 1 of each yest, commencing, March 1,1996. Total interest requirements for these obhgations, at rates ranging from 4.75% to 6.0%,

aggregate $6,113,645.

In 1996, the City defensed $51,969,886 of Hospital Fund general obkgation debt, including $6,700,711 in accreted capital appreciation bond interest payabie, with a cash payment of $50,355,270 After paying $117,020 in transaction costs, the remaindair of the Cash was used to purchase U S. govemment obhgations, which were placed in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future debt service payments on the defeased bonds. The City is legalty released from the obbgat6on for die defeated debt.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN TEXAS September 30,1999 (Continued) s 11 - GENERAL LONG TERM DEBT, continued The following is a summary of general obtigation bonds, certificates of obligation, and contractual obligation transactions of the City (including certain enterprise funds)Ior the year ended September 30,1996 (in thousands of dollars):

General Obligation Bonde and Other Tan Supported Debt General Long Term Proprietary

_ Debt Account Oroup Funde Balance peyeble-september 30,1995 8 445,803 73.902 OJatandwg debt defensed (6.363) (46.990)

Balarce payat 4 assaquent to defeasarce 439,440 26.907 Debt issued.

Drainage ard Bood controf Irtyrovements 1,150 -

Parks and recreation construction 118 Stset irrgrovoments 1,058 -

Fira Department construc6on 1,10f -

Park land acquisitai 335 -

1,868 -

Erosion and flood control Honith Department safety and welfare renovatons 1,598 -

Street and trafhc signals 3.699 Parks and recreation factisties 1,t00 -

Lsirary inprovenents 2,529 -

Darton Creek Greenway land purchase 15.690 Health Deptstment animal shelter 1,400 -

Sohd Wasta Deparsnent for equipment - 2,535 Informsson Systems 2,225 -

Fleet Department for equiprnent and renovahons 1,130 -

Water and Wastewstar Department equgnant - 2,900 Sohd Waste Depariment for fac6tites - 6.675 35,005 12,t t o Debt tasued dunng the par Debt retved during the year (22.723) (3.140)

Balanse payable-September 30,1996 $ 451.722 35.877 General obligation bonds suthorized and unissued amount to $87,200,000 at September 30,1996.



11 - GENER AL LONG TERM DEBT, continued b - Other Long Term Debt in addition to g(neral obhgation bonds, certificates of obhgation, and contractual obbgations, the General Long Term Debt Account Group includes all liabihties of the City (other than those reported in the proprietary funjs) which are not due in the current period. Compensated absences hability was $36,278,253 in 1995 and decreased $3,090,526 to a balance of

$33,179,727 in 1996.

12 - ENTERPRISE FUNDS - REVENUE DONDS AND OTHER LONG TERM DEDT a - General . Combined Utility Systems Debi The City's Electne Fund and Water and Wastewater Fund compnse the " Combined Utikty Systems,* which issue Combined Utihty Systems revenue bonds to fund Electne Fund and Water and Wastewater Fund capital projects, Pnncipal and interest on these bonds are payable solely from the combined not revenues of the Electnc Fund and Water and Wastewater Fund The following table summarites Combir,od Utikty Systems revenue bonds and other long term financing transactions for the year ended September 30,1996 (in thousands of dollars):

Subordinate Prior Lien Llen Bonds Bonds Total Balance payable, not of discount and inclusive of premium-October 1,1995 $ 223,382 2,256,991 2,480,373 Debt issued, not of discount and inclusive of premium - 245,256 245,256 Debt repaid, defeased, or refunded, net of discount (24,810) (249,122) (273.932)

Amortization of bond discount and premium 218 4,8i78 4,796 Dalance payable, not of discount and inclusive et premium -

September 30,1996 $_198.790 2.257,703 2,456.493 The total Combined Utihty Systems obhgations at September 30, 1996, consist of $2,311,982,955 pnor hen bonds and

$199.370,000 subordinate hon bonds. Aggregate interest requirements for all poor hen end subordinate hen bonds are

$2,217,910,058 at September 30,1996. Revenue bonds authorized and unissued amount to $1,095,014,000 at that date.

b - Revenue Dond Refunding issues - Combined Utility Systems Debt The Combinou Utihty Systems have refunded vanous issues of revenue bonds, notes, and certificatet of obligation through refundmg revenue bonds. Principal and interest on these refunding bonds are payable solely from the combined not revenues of the City's Electric Fund and Water and Wastewater Fund. The prior hen bonds are subordinate only to the prior hen revenue bonds outstanding at the time of issuance, while the subordinate hen bonds are subordinate to pnor lien revenue bonds and to subordinate tien revenue bonds outstanding at the time of issuance.

Some of these bonds are callable prior to matunty at the option of the City. The term bonds are subject to a mandatory redemption pnor to the matunty dates as defined in the respective official statements.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) s 12 - ENTERPRISE FUNDS- REVENUE BONDS AND OTHER LONG TEF.M DEBT, continued The not proceeds of each of the refunding bond issuances were used to purchase U.S. government secunties, Those securities were depostted in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service. As a result, the

( r;iunded bonds are considered to be legally defeased and the liability for the refunded bonds has been removeo. The cccounting gains and losses due to the refunding of debt have teen deferred and are being amort l2ed over the life of the refunding bonds by the straight line method. However, a gain or loss on defeased bonds is recognized when funds from current operations are used. The folluwing schedule shows all original and refunding revenue bonds outstanding at September 30,1996 (in thousands of dollars):

Original Amount Outstanding at

( Series Donds Dated issued September 30,1996 8 $

1982 Rofunding March 1982 598,000 190,590 1985 March 1985 225,000 13,110 1985A November 1985 162,000 8,175 1986A April 1986 3H,000 15,075 1986C November 1986 137,915 12,045 1986 Refunding March 1986 545,145 115,740 1987 May 1987 65,000 4,940 1988AB Refunding October 1988 369,901 301,064 1989 July 19M 65,800 47,775 1990 August 1990 6.395 5,385 1990AD Refunding February 1990 236.009 118,162 1991 Refunding March 1991 143,740 36,540 1991 A Refunding June 1991 57,080 40,670 1992 Refunding March 1992 265,806 256,996 1992A Refunding May 1992 351,700 346,726 1993 Rofunding February 1993 203,166 196,486 1993A Refunding June 1993 263,410 254,915 1994 May 1994 3,500 3 ,

1994 Refunding October 1994 142,5f 9 142,o69 1995 Refunding June 1995 151,770 151,770 1990A0 Refunding September 1996 249,235 249.235

$ 2,511.353 I

I o

h NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL 31'ATEMENTfJ CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS i ;i d r 30,1856 , (Continued) 12 - ENTEMPRISE FUNDS - REVENUE SONDS AND 0"HER LOWO TERM DEST, continued The following bonds were refunded in September 1996 by Series 1990A Refunding (in thousands of dollars):

Serlan Amount 1988A Refunding 20.875 1990A Refunding 44,775 ]

1990B 15.620 19g1 102,000 in September 1996, the City issued $249.235,000 of Combined Utility Systems Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 1996 A &

B to refund $183.270,000 of previously issued Cornbined Utility Systems Revenue Bonds and $50,000,000 of Combined

. Utikty Systems Commercial Paper Notes, Senes A. The refunding of the Refunded Bonds will accomplish a restructuring of a portion of the debt attributable to the Electric, Water and Wastewater Systems in order to more closely match debt service ]

with the service hfe of the assets. The refunding of the Refunded Notes will convert a port!on of the Commercial Paper Notes currently outstanding to long term debt. The refunding resulted in an increase in cash flow requirements to service the )

- debt of $10,717.516. An economic gain of $8,712.318 was recognited on this transaction. An accounting loss of j

$18,674,652, which will be deferred and amo'11:ed in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71, was recognized on the refunding, s

in September 1996, the City defensed $22,210,000 of Combined Utility Systems revenue bonds, with a $22,995,011 cash payment. $22,962,511 was placed in an irrevocable escrow account and used to purchaw U.S. government obligations to .

provide for all future debt service payments on the defensed bonds. The City is legally released from the obligation for the .

defensed dobt. The following bonds were defensed in September 1996 (in thousands of dollars):

Series Amount

$ t 1986 Refunoing -3.245 19880 Refunding 6,775 ,

1991 A R$ funding 8,645 1992 Refunding 3,545

. -.:----. , . - . . ._ _ =_. _ - . - - - - . - - _ - - -. .


L 12 - ENTERPRISE FUNDS - REVENUE BONDS AND OTHER LONG TERM DEBT, continued r c - Revenue Bond indenture Requirements - Combined Utility Systems Debt The City is required by bond indentures to pledge the not revenues of the Combined Utility Systems for debt service, and is required to maintain debt service funds and bond reserve funds for all outstanding revenue bonds. The debt service funds, with assets of $92,U53,462 incluoing accrued interest at September 30,1996, are restricted within the utility systems and require that the not revenues of the systems, after operating and maintenance expenses are deducted, be irrevocably pledgod by providing equal monthly installments that will accumulate to the semiannual principal and interest requirements cs they become dae.

The bond reserve fund for revenue bond retirement, with assets of $100,000,333 of investments at amortized cost at September 30,1996,is also restricted w* thin the utility systems. The City is required to maintain a combined reserve fund for the benefit of the holders of prior tien bonds and subordinate lien bonds, which mu t contain cash and investments of ne'.

less thta $85,000,000 and which shall be increased upon the issuance of any additional bonds to the greater of sucri cmount or the average annual principat and interest requirements on all prior lien bonds and subordinate lien bonds.

Additional amounts required to be deposited in the reserve fund must be funded from bond proceeds or accumulated in the r:sorve fund in equal monthly installments within 60 months from the date of delivery of the additional bonds. The City also covenants under the bond indentures that the custodian of the reserve fund shall be an official City depository and investment of the reserve fund shall be in direct or guaranteed obligations of the United States of America (USA), including obligationa guaranteert by the USA, and certificates of deposit of any bank or trust company, the deposits of which are fully secured by a pledge or obligation of the USA of guaranteed by the USA. The reve9ue bond indentures also provide for a number of other limitations and restrictions. The City is in compliance with all significant limitations and restrictions contained in the reverue bond indentures.

d - Commercial Paper Notes - Combined Utility Systems Debt The City is authorized pursuant to Ordinance No. 930316 A adopted by the City Ccuncil on March 18, 1993, to issue commercial paper notes, (the notes'), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $250,000,000 outstanding at any one time. Proceeds from the notes are used to provide interim financing for capital project costs for additions, improvements cnd extensions to the City's Water and Wastewater System and the City's Electric System and to refinance, renew, or refund maturing notes and other obligations of the systems. The notes will be in denominations of $100,000 or more and rnatu's not more than 270 days from the date of issuance. Principal and interest on the notes are payable from the combined net revenues of the City's Electric Fund and Water and Wastewater Fund.

At September 30,1996, the Electric Fund had outstanding commercial paper notes of $88,000,000, and the Water and Wastewater fund had $44,918,000 of commercial paper notes outstanding. Interest rates on the Notes range from 2.8% to 4.25%, aad subsequent issues cannot exceed the maximum rate of 15%. The City intends to refinance maturing commercial paper notes by issuing additional commercial paper notes or by issuing long term debt.

o- Refunds Payable on Construction Contracts - Water and Wastewater Fund Refunds payable on construction contracts of approximatel/ $3,272,515 at September 30,1996, excluding accrued interest, represent centractual obligations of the Water and Wastewater Fund to refund a percentage of certain construction costs incurred ty developers. The contracts vary as to terms and conditions. Most of the contracts p; ovide for the City to pay interest at 3% per annum on the unpaid Dalance. Generally, the Water and Wastewater Fund has agreed to pay annestly to the developers a sum equal to 75% of the amount of revenues realized (based on rates in existence at the contract date) from sales and service relating to the water and wastewater facihties constructed by these developers. Such payments are made in March of each year based upon the revenues for the previous calendar year; huwever, the total number of payments is limited, ranging pnmarily from 20 to 25 years, at which time the unpaid principal balance, if any, reverts to the Water and Wastewater Fund as a contribution in aid of construction.


i I


September 30,1996 (Continued) 13 - DEST SERV)CE REQUIREMENTS The follomeg e a schedute of det:t sennce reg.arements for the Generat (MTerm Dett Account Grixo (c thousands):

General Otgiganon Bonds and Otner Tax Supported Debt Fiscal Year Putdic Property Finance contractual Obt.gebons Certim:stes of Otdigstier= Totm8 Ended General Otdigetion Bores a Principal interest Total Principal Interest Total Prmeipal arrterest Total Pnncipal klerest Total Septentber 30 57.252 3.630 731 4.361 550 1285 1.835 24E55 39.593 63.448 1997 20.675 36.577 54.57: 5.670 545 6.215 845 1244 2.069 24.983 37.832 62.875 1953 18.468 36.103 55.022 4.765 302 5.067 910 1.187 2.097 24.775 37.411 62.186 1999 19.100 35.922 118 2.833 955 1.131 2.26 26.112 34.497 60.009 2000 22.442 33248 55 F30 2.715 55.741 915 18 933 1.020 1.076 2.096 37.055 21.715 58.770 2001 35.120 20.621 330 779 100248 .431.027 - - 19.040 7.874 26_914 349 819 1T.122 457.941 Thereafter -

5 446.564 202.719 709.303 17.695 1.714 19,409 23.320 13.797 37.117 457.599 278.230 765E29 Less: Entegnse Funds batxtey reported in Water and Y'astewater net d $scount of 5 45E08 (8.326) (1.602) (9.928) batntey reported vi Sold waste, net of escount d 5 6.301 (18.841) (8.613) (27.454) batxhty reported rs Arport, net of escourt of 517.825 (979) (970) (1.949) babdey reported r Goir (7211) (3.800) (11.019)

Irderrial Sennce Fund batakty repored in Fleet Ma-tenance (520) (53) (573)

TW requiremeras reported in dher funds N877) (15.046) (50.923)

General Long-Term Dett Group requwements at Saptember 30, t996 s 451.722 263.184 714.906_


S vi-at,sr 30,1996  !

l j

13 - DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS, continued The foRounng summentes the pmpnetary funds debt sennce regurements at Sectember 30.1996 (n thousandsk General Ot6genon Bonds Fhcal Year Revenue Bonds Commercial Paper Notes (1) and Other Tax Supported Debt (2)

Ended interest Totsi Interest Total FA@l Interest Total Pr W S.,a...ber X FA -A--2 6.717 82.540 176.463 259.003 1.300 1~,4 218 4.486 2231 1997 $ 132.918 94242 173.348 267.590

- - 4.993 1.997 6.990 1998 -

6.370 100219 167246 267.465

- - 4.649 1.721 1999 4235 104.805 165.989 270J94

- - 2.756 1.479 2003 -

3.352 108.358 158.501 266.859

- - 2.177 1.175 2001 27224 2.497 358 1.920.982 4.418 340

- - 19.981 7243 Thereaner -

15.846 54.888 2.987.722 2.762.529 5J50 3 1 132.918 1.300 134218 39.042 (70) (87.612)


Unamortred bcod descount (70)

Less: - -



Uns w. loss on revenue bond refundng

- - - '.9347 - 19347

$ Ad1 (; seed bondpremum 38.972 15.846 54.818 2.9til 862 2.7E2.529 5.671.391 Murucipal Utility Total wa ser ;....,m. . at Debt Sennce Hegsarements Destnct Bonds District Contracts Interest Total Prtnerpel Interest Total FA Q interest Total FA- 4 2 411.664 7205 11.570 224.431 187233 122 34 156 4.365 1997 11.923 104.385 182275 286.660 27 157 5 C20 6.903 1998 130 175.545 286240 5.695 6.557 12252 110.605 132 21 153 1999 12.427 113.913 173.665 287.578 107 15 122 6245 6.182 2000 12.721 117.606 165.476 283.082 9 150 6.930 5.791 2001 141 4 363.036 106 88385 28381 117.166 2.606227 f f36.809 Thereafter 103 3 61219 178.059 3277257 2.841.003 6.118200 735 109 844 116.840 (87.682)


Less: UnamJrtized bond discount -



Unamortized loss on revenue bond refurdng 19347 19347 -

Add' Un.:wcstzed bond premum 6.039.330 5 3.198.327 2.841.0CI)

Net debt senace requremmts a.mW paper notes or by asung bng4erm debt.

(1) The Csty stends to refnance matunng w m<nM paper notes by ssung addmonal (2) inciudes assurned tax and revenue bond prrepar or $940.000 and interest of $499.050. sced Waste senness revenue cercheates of abiganon d $2.105.000 and interest of $300,695 and $120.000 cf Water and Wastewater notes payable

NOTES TO COMDINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 13 - DEBT SERYlCE REQUIREMENTS, continued 1 he foscate.J smantes the prconetary funds debt service requirements at Septent>er 30,1996 by funo (in thousands):

Fiscal Year Ended Electric (1) Water and Westewater (2)

September 30 Principal Interest Total Principal interest Total 1997 8 159,872 106.218 266.09(, 61.463 51,158 112.621 19^8 75,891 102,090 177,981 23.177 50.537 73.711 1999 82,372 96,553 178.925 23,175 49,631 72,006 2000 83.336 95,524 178,860 26,249 49,060 75,309 2001 83,133 89.832 172,965 30,122 46,957 77,079 Ttereafter 1,326.693 910.655 2.237.348 795.749 634 421 1,430,170 1,811,297 1,400,872 3.21**,169 959.935 881,764 1,841,699 Less: Unamortised tiond discount (47,346) - (47,346) (27,107) - (27,107)

Unamortlied bss on revenue bond returdng - - - - - -

Add. Unamortred t,,;nd premium 14.063 14.063 5.484 - 5.484 1,778,014 1,400.872 3.178.896 938.312 881.764 1.820.076 Fiscal Year Ended Solid Waste Services Airport September 30 Principal Interest Total Principal Interest Total 1937 2,570 1,183 3,753 110 24,173 24.283 1998 2,910 1,045 3,955 91 24,166 24,257 1999 2,652 881 3,533 71 24.146 24.217 2000 1,293 740 2.033 58 24,132 24.190 200? 898 627 1 8.*

  • 179 23.999 24,178 Trereafter 10.623 4.440 15.063 394.715 366.507 761,222 d 20,946 8,916 29.862 395,224 487,123 n02,347 Less: Unamortired bond discount (6) -

(b) (10.682) - (10,682)

Unamortized loss on revenue bond refundin9 - - - (2,012) -


Add Unamorsted bond prem,,Jm . - - - - -

20.940 8 916 29.856 382.530 487,123 869g (1) included in the debt service requirements of Electnc a $88,000,000 pnncipal aad $723,546 interest for commercial paper notes.

(2) includod in the debt service requtrements of Water and Wastewstor is $44,918,000 pnnepal and $576.025 interest for commercial paper notes.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL S f ATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN. TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) i 13 - DEBT SERVICE REQUlllEMENTS, continued Fiscal Vent Ended Convention Center Golf _

September 30 Principal Interont Total Principal interest Total 1937 - 4.091 4,091 277 386 663 1998 1,885 4,055 5,940 286 365 651 1999 1,960 3,979 5,939 309 345 654 2000 2,575 3,B82 6,457 322 325- 647 2001 2,930 3,754 6,684 344 307 651 72,774 38,707 111.481 5.673 2,079 7,752 Thereafter 82,124 58,468 140,592 7,211 3,807 11,018 Less: Unamortuod bond discount (2,541) - (2,541) - - -

Unamorttrod loss on revenue bond returdng (8,783) -


Adi Unamortred bond premium - -

70.000 58,468 129268 7,211 3.807 11,018 Flocal Year Fnded Fleet Maintenance Total September 30 Principal interont Total Principal interest Total 139 24 163 224,431 187,233 411,664 1997 145 17 162 104,385 182,275 286,660 1998 156 10 166 110,695 175.545 286,240 1999 80 2 82 113.913 173,665 287,578 2000

- - - 117,606 165,476 283.082 2001 Thoreafter - - - 2.606227 1.956 809 4.563.036 520 53 573 3277,257 2,841,003 6,118260 Less: Unamortred bond discount - - - (87,682) - (87,682)

Unamortred loss on revenue bond refundir,g - - - (10,795) - (10,795)

Add Unamortred bond premium - - -

19.547 - 19.547

$ 520 53 573 3,198,327 2,841.003 6.039,330 57 i

NOTES TO COMSINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 14 -INTERFUND RECElVA8LES AND PAYA8LES Interfund receivables and payables at September 30,1996, are as follows:

Current Long Term Due From DueTo Advance To Advance From Other Funde other Funds Other Funds Other Funde MCEIYASLEli Special Moyenue Fund Recekable from Special Revenue Fund $ 7,033,789 - - -

ReceWeble from Hosplal f und 201,738 - - -

CapMalProjects Fund Recekable frorn Capital Projects fund 3.055,612 - - -

Recekable from Trust and Agency Funds 33,531 - - -

Enterprise Fundo Electric Furd.

Receivable from Sokd Waste Servees Fund 12.385 - 49.540 -

Receivable from Airport Fund 1,455 - 6.820 -

Receivable from Oratnage Fund 3.045 - 12.180 -

Internal Service Funds-Recekable from Fleet Maintenance Fund 13.875 - $5.500 -

. Recekable from Informahon Systems Fund 124.932 - 499,730 -

Water and Wastewater Fund.

Recolvable from Sohd Wa$ta Services Ford 10,225 - 40,900 -

Receivable from Airpor1 Fund 1,201 - 4,805 -

Receivabie from Dra6nage Fund 2.514 - 10.056 -

Internal Service Funds:

Recekable from Floot Maintenance Fund 11.455 - 45.821 -

Recekable from Information Systems Fund 203,337 - 1,082,067 -

Airport Fund Receivable from Generaf Fund 39.933 - - -

internal Serv 6ce Funds.

Recekable from Support Services Fund 258.648 - 103.656 -

InternalService Fundo Fleet AWntenance Fund .

Recolvable from Water and Wastewater Fund 220.356 - - -

Rece#vable from Solid Waste Services Fund 98,940 -

197.878 - -

Intemal Serv 6ce Funds-Recekable from Rah Commurication Fund 444.957 - - -

(continued) i 58.



14-INTERFUND RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES, continued Current Long Term Due From Duelo Advance To Advance From Other Funds Other Funds Other Funds Other Funde PAYABLES; General Fund Payable ;J A@or1 Fund - 39,933 - -

Speelal Revenue Fund Poyabla from Special Revenue Fund - 7,033.789 - -

CapitalPro}ects Funde Payable from Capital Projects Fund - 3.055.812 - -

Enterprise f unde Water ard Wastewater Fund.

Intetnal Service Funds-Payable to Fleet Maintenance Fund - 220,356 - -

Hosprtal Furd.

Payable to Special Revenue Fund - 201,738 - -

Sold Weste Servkos Fund:

Psychte to Eluctric Fund - 12,385 -

49.540 Payarde to Water ard Wastewater Furd - 10.225 - 40,900 Internal Serv 6ce Funds:

Payable to Fleel Maintenarco Fund - 98,940 - 197,878 AJrport Fund.

Payatdo to Electric Fund - 1,455 - 6,820 Payatdo to Water ard Wastewater Furd - 1,201 - 4.805 Drainage Fund.

Payatdo to Electric Fund - 3,045 - 12.180 Payatdo to Water and Wastewater Fund -

2.514 - 10,056 Internal Service Funds fleet Maintenance Fund.

Payatde to Electric Fund 13.875 - 55,500 Payatde to Water and Wastewater Furd - 11,455 - 45,821 Support Services Furvi Payable to Airport Fund - 258.648 - 103.656 inbrmation Systems Fund Payat.le to Electric Furd -- 124,932 - 499,730 Payatdo to Water nnd Wastewater Fur.d -

203.337 - 1,082,067 Radio Commurucaton Furd.

Intomal Servce Funds:

Payable to Fleet Maintenance Fund -- 444,957 - -

Trust and Agency Funde Agency Fmds:

Payable to Capital Propets Funds - 33.531 -- -

5 11.771,928 11.77 t ,628 2,107.953 2.107.953 59 t

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Con'inued) 15 -INTERFUND TRANSFERS a - Operating Transfers Operating transfers betwoon funds during the year were as follows:

Operating Transfers in Operstirg Transfere Out Amount General Fund SpecW Revenue Furds' Dalcanes Canyortyds Consnrvaton Furd $ 275 036 Entesprise Funds Electic Furd $9.936,700 Water ard Wastewater Fund 13.646.133 Parks and Recreation Fund $0.000 Trust ard Agency Funds. Miscellanmus 17.365 73 92$ 240 Specialitevenue Funds. Other Austm Corwentkm ord Visnors Dureau Furd General Fund 121,730 Special Flevenue Furds- HoteFMAel Occtparty Tax Fund 3.055,877 Dalotvies Carepantands Conservaton Fund General Fund 131,000 Enterprise Ftsds. Drainage Fund 287,640 Energy Conservation Rebains & Irrentives Fund Special Revenue Funds: RMD Conservaton Fund 275,000 Enterprise Funds. Electric Fund 7,338,517 Erwnforvnental & Cornervaton Services Furd General Fund 429,011 Enterpnse Funds- Electric Fund 5.230,381 Erwirorvnental Romeuistion Fund Enterprise Funds Wator and Westewater Fund 120,000 Solid Waste Furd 120.000 Drainage Fund 120,000 Irwerrvd Serv 6ce Funds: Fleet Mainterwice Furd 460,000 Federesy Quabfied Health Canter Furd Special Revenue Funds: Disproportonate Share ill Fund 1,600.000 Capnal Prosect Funds- Interest income Fund $9.890 Negrtortvxd Housing and Conservaton Furd General Fund 970,231 PARD 4utural Protec13 Furd Specnal Revenue Funds: HotetMotel Occtpancy Tax Fund 2,037.726 Pohce Drug Educaton Furd Special Revenue Funds Polog Fedoral Sa2ed Money Fund 3,500 Voluntary Utility Assetarco Fund General Fund 160 000 22.420.512 Debt Service Fund Spe:lal Revenue Funds: Dalcones Canyonlands Cory.ervaton Fund 12,604 Fodoralty Quabfied Health Center Fund 285,406 Caprial Project Funds: Interest income Fund 840.000 interrul Serwce Funds: Fleet Mantenance Fund 91.718 Inforrnation Systems Fund 255.325

$ 1,485 053 i

s NOTES TO COM81NED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 15 -INTERFUND TRANSFERS, continued Operating Transfere in Operating Transfera Out Amount Capital Projects F unde General Fund 3 3.938.538 Specisi nevenue F unds E rMronmental namedaten Fund 460.000 Fiscat Surety Furd 10,750 Capital Project Funds: Funds Auttertred Prior to 1981 22,218 Funds Auttertred 1981 472,923 Funds Auttorued 1985 6,578,352 Funds Auttorised 1992 22.200 Other Funds 6,407,338 Interest Ircome Fund 4.542,000 Enterpree funds. Floctric Fund 406.827 Water & Wantewater Fund 202,061 Sobd Weste Services Furd 20.170 Dranage Fund 12.024 Transportalon Fund 8.016 Internal Service Funds- Syport services Fund 682.639 Rado Commur9caton Fund 150 000

_ 23.935.156 Ervterprise Fundo:

General F und 181,600 SoM Weste Fund Spec 6al Revenus Funds: Environmental namedation Fund 250.000 SPElal Revenuo Funds Hotel-Motet Occuparty Tau rund 9,166.205 Convention Conter Furd Drahage Fund Captial Prgect Funds: Funds Authorued 1984 75.000 9 672 805 Trust and Agency Funde. Espondable Trust:

FaWrey RA1ge Enterprise Funds: Water and Wastewater Fund 298 $38 29R538 Total Operating Teensfere $ 131.737.304 61

__._-__m_ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 16 - SEGMENT INFORMATION a - Enterprise Fund Activities im Cry maintains ten enterprise funds, which provide electric, water and wastewater, health care, solid w3ste Services, ahort, convention, drainage, transportation services, golf, and parks and recreation actrvities, Segment information for the ynt ended September 30,1996,is as follows (in thousar.ds of dollars):

Water & Solid Weste Convention Other Total Electric Wastewater Hospflal Services AS port Center Enterprise Enterprise Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Funds Operating revenues $ 613.648 186.429 2.142 26.607 33.847 7,731 32,319 902.723 Decrockiton and anurtitaton expens e 73.405 3 868 2124 2,581 10,441 2,498 1,017 128,034 Operstmg income (bas) 237207 73.978 (5,958) 2267 9,406 (4,186) 3.834 316.548 Operatng transfers en - - -

432 - 9,166 75 9.673 Operabrig transfers out (72.912) (14268) -

(140) - -

(478) (87,798)

Nel inconis (k a s) 71,947 28,880 (9264) 2,246 9.931 1,076 4,373 109,189 Cunent assets 244.461 36,747 14.832 3,727 3,719 5.723 8203 317,412 Cunenlistases 49,687 14.497 4 881 3 864 1,328 446 1,863 76.566 Not working capul sur;4us YefscP) 194.774 22250 9.951 (137) 2,391 5.277 6,340 240.846 Pvtporty, plant and equpnuint.

Adhms 97200 F0254 4 4,103 75.547 1,867 5,190 244,165 Retironents (9,990) (1,118) -

(564) (77) (885) (922) (13,556)

T ransf ers f rom (to) (Wher f unds (106) (13) - -

(16) (8) 36 (107)

Not prcoerty, plant and eggment 1,741,037 1 243.489 52,152 22,535 173,435 85.598 23,703 3.341,949 Total assets 2,616.865 1,588,345 76.984 41,246 572,814 111.486 51,695 5.059.435 Dored, restrKied, and other kmg term inbilities 1,967,701 995,169 2,694 27.635 401.879 77,319 8 MO 3.481,027 Cunoni capital contrtiutions 10.637 19.623 - ;27) 27,481 - 1,384 59,098 Total equ4 599.477 578 679 69.408 9 747 169.607 33,721 41,202 1,501,841 b - Proprietary Fund Contributed Capital The following table summari2es actrvity in contributed capital for the year ended September 30,1996:

Balance Contribution Type Balance Septenter 30, (To) From from From Other in Aid or Depreciation September 30, 1995 LAunicipality Donors Governenent s Construction Taken 1996 Enterprise Funds:

Electnc Fund $ 57,514 835 (11,973) -

10.649.132 (2,977292) 65,174,702 Water and Wastewater Fund 269,099,129 - - - 19,622,983 (10 645.867) 278,076.245 HospaalFund 12,615.015 - - - - - 12,615.015 Solid Waste Services fund 1 287,968 (26.939) - - - - 1 261,029 Aupor1 Fund 42.885.778 (20.050) - 27,500,910 (5,006,412) 64,760,226 Corwnton Center Fund 21,498.615 - - - -

(65.478) 21,433,137 Drasuigo Fund 9 542,634 (6 626) - 1,378,358 - - 10,914,366 Transportaton Fund 248.634 30.940 - - - - 279,574 Got Fund 947,074 (19,100) - - - - 927,974 Parks and Recreaton Fund 1,069,976 - - - - - 1,069,976 Internal Service Funds:

Fleet M,wntenante Fund 8.770,062 4242,706 - - - - 13.012,768 Support Services Fund 1,832.270 81,490 - - 1,913,760 informaton Systema Fund 5.374 6M 797.101 - - - - 6,171,767 Utdity Customer SerWe Fund 608.931 (8,159) -- - - - 600,772 Enplope Denefits Furti 9.244,036 - - - - - 9.244.036 Workers' Convensaton Fund 2,443.283 - - - - - 2,443283 Rado Communcation F urid --

29 398 - - -

29.398 Total s 444 982 906 5.059,390 -- 28 879 Pf,8 30 272,115 (19 295.049) 489.898 Gr 62



, 17 - JOINT OPERATIONS The City has entered into several participating agreements on joint projects. As required by generally accepted accounting pnnciples, such it operations have been evaluated to determine if they fall within the definition of the reporting entity. The fohowing joint opvrations meet the Criteria of an undivided interest as defined in GASB Statament 14 and, accordingly, the City's share of assets, liabilities, and expenses is included in the City's financial statements.

a - Fayette Power Project The Fayette Power Project (the ' Project *, Units I and il) is jointly owned by the City and the Lower Colorado River Authonty (LCRA Project fAanager) each participant has an undtvided intorest in the Project. The Project is a joint operation of two coal fired electric power generation units with a not capacity of 1,140 megawatts, Each participant's actual equity in the Project may vary from 50% depending on the percentage of kilowatt hours produced by the Project and used by each.

The Projec* is governed by a management committee whose four members are administratively appointed, two each, by the participants. As managing partner, LCRA la responsible for the operation of the Project and appoints the Project's management. However, the City has the ability to influence significantly the operation of the Project through approval of major contracts and new major expenditures by its appointees to the management committee. Each participant issued its own debt to finance its share of construction costs. The City's portion is financed through revenue bonds to be repaid by the Electric Fund. in addition, each participant has the obligation to finance its portion of any deficits that may occur.

The following is a summary of financial information taken from the Project's audited financial statements, dated June 30, 1990, and 1995, the Project's fiscal vaar end (in thousands of dollars) These statements include Unit 111, which is 100%

owned by LCR A. These statementt 4,',or 0xamined by the City's auditors.

June 30,1936 June 30,1995 Total COA LCRA Total COA LCRA Assets $ 83,609 36,075 47,534 83.393 35,590 47,803 Liabikties 10,284 3.805 6,479 12,778 4,670 8,108 Equity 73,325 31,838 41,487 70,615 30,920 39,695 Revenues 3,051 448 2,603 1,123 434 689 Expenses 166,991 58,778 108,213 175,016 57,009 118,007 Not Expenses Incurred $ 163,940 58,330 105,610 173,893 56,575 117,318 b - South Texas Project The South Texas Project (STP) was formed for the purpose of licensing, constructing and operating two 1,250 megawatt nuclear generating units. The City was admitted to the STP in December 1973, with a 16% ownership in generating units and common facilities. The City is a tenant in common with Houston Lighting and Power Company (HL&P, tne project man-ager), City Pubt.c Service of San Antonio (CPS), and Central Power and Light Company (CP&L).

An STP management committee was formed pursuant to the participation agreement to secure effective cooperation and interchange of information and to provide consultation among the participants. Each participant appoints one primary representative and an altemate to the management committee. The project manager is responsible for the construction, op-eration, and maintenance of the project. Each participant is responsible for its debt related to STP, with the City's portion being financed through revenue bonds, repaid by the Electric Fund (see Note 12). In addition, each participant has the obhgation to finance any deficits that may occur, The City's portion of Units 1 and 2 of the South Texas Project is classified as plant in arvice. Nuclear fuelincludes fuelin the reactor as well as nuclear fuel in process.



(Continued) 17 - JOINT OPERATIONS, continued The following is a summary of financial;nformation taken from the Sou'n Texas Project's audsted financial statements dated September 30,1995 (in thousands of dolbrs):

San HL&F Antonio Central Austin Total Cut,:;truction $ (3) (3) (3) (1) (10) 83,747 53,172 332,328 s eons 102,357 93,052 2.809 Dirt Nuy insuranice 863 789 706 451 3,944 3,586 3,227 2,049 12,806 Nuclear fur.i 5,868 5*.48 4,609 3,004 18,729 Nuclear fusi disposal fees

!13 462 293 1,833 Nuclear fuei D & D fees 565 b astinghouse Stoam Generation litigation E.978 2,707 2,437 1,547 9.61 S 116.572 105,892 95.185 60,515 J78.164 Total 1995 funding c - South Texas Project Decommissioning The South Texas Project (STP) is subject to regulation uy the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), The NRC requires that each holder of a nuclear plant operating license submit information to the NRC indicating the minimum amount of funds '

inat will be required tu decommission the plant while demonstrating reasonable assurance that sufficient funds are being accumulated to provide the minimum amount at the time the plant is decommissioned. This minimum amount must be /

adjusteo annually in accordance with an adjustment factor as required Dy the NRC. At September 30,1996 and 1995, the f City had funded its share of tne Sstimated decommistioning lebility as follows:

1996 1995

$163,830,008 $155,777,377 EstimateG cost to decommission STF Restncted decommissioning fund assets 31,788,778 24,898,284 The City of Austin ar d other STP participants have ;w avided he required information to the NRC, and the City of Austin has established an exiemal irrevocable trust for decommissioning and has been collecting through its rates since 1989 aufficient amounts to provide for its share of the estimated decommissioning costs. For fiscal year 1996 and 1995, the City cohected $4,958,221 each year for decommissioning expenses, d - Municip-il Utility Districts The City has certain contractual commitments %h several municipal utility districts (MUDS) for the construction of additions and improvements to the City's water and westewater system that serves the MUDS and surrounding areas. These additions and improvements are funued by the issuance of City contract revenue bonds, whose principal and interest are payable primanly from the net revenues of the Watst and Wastewater Fund.

The City reports the ucnd proceeds as " investment in municipal utility districts" on the balance sheet of the Water and Wastowalt Fund. As facilities funded by the contract revenue bonds are completed, the City's investment in r'iunicipal utility districts is reduced and plant in service is increased. The City records the contract revenue bonds as a I; ability on the balance sheet of the Water and Wastewater Fund.


64 l

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCI AL STATEVE,1TS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 17 - JOINT OPERATlONS, continued e - Brushy Creek in 1988, the City entered into a contract with the Brushy Creek Water Control and improvement District No.1 and the City of Round Rock to fund, construct, and operate a regional wastewater collection and treatment system (the project) serving tho upper Brushy Creek watershed. That agreement and all amenoments to it have been terminated by the parties. The cities of Round Rock and Austin entered an agreernent in 15h dividing the essets and assuming the remaining obligations of the project. The cities of Round Rock, Austin, and Cedar Park are currenti, negotiating with the Lower Colorado River Authonty (LCRA) and the Brazos River Authority (BRA) for the puNhase of oarts of the project and additional wastewater facilities by LCRA and the operation of the project by BRA. Round Rock has entered into an agreement to sell its portions of the project to LCRA.

18 - LITIGATION a - Water and Wastewater Litig; tion The City is invo'ved in a number of lawsuits involving the operation of its water and wastewater system. Some of the cases involve failure to provide sewer service on a timely basis; some small lawsuits involve various property claims. The City

,t believes these suits will not have a material adverse eff act on these financial statements.

b - Other Litigation A number of claims against the City are pending with respect to various matters arising in the normal course of the City's operations. Legal counsel and Ody managemen; are of the opinion that the settlement of these claims and pending litigation will not have a material adverse effect on the City's financial statements. The City has accrued liabilities in the Llabihty Reserve Fund for claims payable at September 30,1996. These habild,es include amounts for lawsuits settled subsequent \(

to year end.

19- COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES a - Certificates of Participation The City has entered into several capitalleaso arrangements through the issuance of Certrficates of Participation as follows:

$23.060.000 Certificates of Participation, City of Austin, Texas Electric Utih,y Office Project, Series 1987;

$t 4,C00,r9) Certificates of Participation, City of Austin, Texas Water and Wastewater Utikty Office Project, Senes 1987; The certifx.ates represent proportionate interests in lease payments to be made by the City to a third party lessor. The City tws title to the office projects, pursuant to general warranty deeds; however, the trustee maintains a vendor's lien and superior title to the properties until all sums due are paid in full.

The City % obligation to make laase payments and any other obligations of the City under the lease agreements are subject to and dependent upon annual appropriations for auch purpose being made by the City Council. The City's obligation to make lease payments under the lease agreement does not constitute an obligation for which the City is obligated to levy or pledge any form of taxation or for which the City has levied or pledged any form of taxation. Thus the certificates are treated as cap td Icase obligat;ons rder than long-term bonds and are recorded as a liability in the funds.

65 a

l NOTES TO COMCINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) I 19 - COMM11MENTS AND CONTINGENCIES, continu+d The following table presente infoimation regarding these certrfcates:

Water and Electric Fund Wastewater Fund Office Project (1} OffigPro}ect (1)

Date issued February 1987 Auguct 1987 Amount issued 23,060,000 14,000,000 Interest rates 4.00 % 7.00 % 5.25% B 00%

interest payable on March 15 and May 15 and September 15 November 15 Mate ,ty dates September 15 November 15 1988 2007 1989 2007 Present value of lease payments 15,940,000 10,825,000 Reserve fund (2) 2,000.000 1,250,000 (1) Subject to mandatory redemption upon the occurrence of certain events.

(2) Held by trustee, to be used to make final payments.

b- Federal Financial Assistance Programs The City participates in a number of federal firmncial assistance programs. Although ths City grant programs have been aucited in accordance with the provisions of the Sirigle Audit Act of 1984 through September 30,1996, these programs are sub}ect to financial and comphance audits and resolution of previously identdied questioned costs. The amour 1, if any, of expenditures which may be disallowed by the granting agerties cannot be determined at this time, althouoh the City expects such amounts, if any, to be immaterial.

c - Arbitrage Rebate Payable The City's financial advisor has determmed that the City may have eamed interest revenue on unused bond proceeds in eveess of amounts allowed by apphcable Federal egulations, which may have to be rebated to the Federal govertiment.

Estimated amounts payable at Septe nber 30, 1996, as arbitrage rebates are $148,700 for the enterprise funds and

$350,000 for the capital projects funds which are recorded as liabihties of these funds.

d - Capitalimprovement Plan As requireo by the City Charter, the City has a Five Year Capitallmprovement Plan that is an anticipated spendsg plan for projects in tbs upcoming year (a Capital Budget) as well as for future years. The City's 1997 Capital P Net includes new appropriations of $110.849,900 for the City's enterprisc funds, new appropriations of $38.277,416 for generm govemment projects and appropriativn reductbns of $11,182,490 for general government projects. The City has substantial contractual commitments relating to ita capital improvement plan.

e - Operating lease with Daughters of Charity Health Services of Austin Effective October 1,1995, the City entered into a loryterm lease arrangement with the Daughters of Charity Health Snrvices of Austin (" Seton"). Under the terms of the teace, Seton will provide all necessary medical services for all residents of Austin regardless of their ability to pay. The City will fund those se vices through payments to Seton for threu programs. Under the Charity Care Program, the City will reimburse Seton up to a maximum of $5.6 million annually for providing care to the me+cally indigent; provided, however, that Seton must first satisfy its requirement unoer State law to provide chanty care in the amount of 4% of net revenues. Under the Medical Assistance Program, the City will pay Seton a maximum of approximately $6.9 millicn annually (adjusted annually for inflation for each of the next four years) for providing services to patients enrolled in the City's Medical Assistance Program. Under the Physician Services Program, the City will pay Seton approximately $4.8 million a.inually (adjusted annually for each of the r :xt nine years) for providing physician services to patients in the first two programs.


es  :


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cl1Y OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Corninued) f - Landfill Closut e and Postclosure Liability The City has implemented the G ASB Statement 18, Accounting Icr Municipal Sohd Waste LandM Closure and Postclosure C:re Costs, which establishes the standards of accounting and financial reporting for municipal solid waste landfill closure tnd postclosure costs that are required to be incurred by federal, state, or local laws or regulations. These laws and regulations require the City to place a final cover on the City of Austin landfill when it stops accepting waste and to perform certain maintenance and monitoring functions at the site for thirty years after closure. Although closure and postclosure care costs will be paid only near or after the date that the landfill stops accepting waste, the City toports in the Solid Waste Services Fund a portion of these closure and postclosure care costs as an operating expense in each period, based on 1:ndfill capacity used as of each balance sheet date. The $7.751,392 reported as accrued landfill closure and postclosure costs at September 30,1996, represents the cumulative amount reported to date based on the use of 64 percent of the estimated capacity of the landfill. The Solid Wasta Services Fund will recogn!2e the remaining estimated cost of closure and postclosure care of $4,360,158 as the remaining estimated capacity is filled. The total estimated costs of $12,111,550 include costs of closure in 2010 of $2,675,035 and postelusure costs over the next thirty years of $9,426,515. Theso cmounts are based on what it would cost to perform all closure and postclosure care in 1996. Actual costs may be higher due to inflation, changes in technology, or changes in regulations.

State and federal laws and regulations to demonstrate financial assurance for closure, postclosure, and/or corrective action become effective in April,1997. The City plans to satisfy tt's financial and public notice components of the local govemment financial test and government guarantee of the test.

g - Risk-Related Contingencies The City uses internal service funds to account for risks related to health benefits, third party liability, and workers' compensation. The funds are as follows:

Fund name Descriction

  • Employe( Benefits ApprNimately 29% of City employees use one of three HMOs; approximately 71% use the City's program, which is self insured. Premiums are charged to other City funds through a charge per employee per pay period.

Liability Reserve Self insured. includes losses and claims related to liability for bodily injury, property damage, professional liability, and certain employment liability. Excludes losses and claims related to health benefits or workers' compensation. Premiums are charged to other City funds each year based on historical costs.

Workers' Compensation Self insured. Premiums are charged to other City funds each year based on historical corts.

The City purchases excess loss insuranice for the Employee Benefits Fund. This stop loss insurance covers claims that exceed $150,000 per calendar year, up to a maximum of $1 million. Tho City coes not subscribe to workers' compensation insurance.

The City purchases commercial insurance for coverage for property loss or damage, commercial crime, fidelity cond, and cirport operatinns. The City also purchases a broad range of insurance coverage through the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP). The program provides auto and commercial general liability covr. rage for the City and for contractors working at selected capital improvement sites; it a!so provides workers' compensation, employers' liability, and cxcess liability for contractors at these sites. The City purchases medical malpractice insuranct coverage for physicians in the City's Health and Human Sewices Department clinics. The City does not participate in a risk pool.

No claims paid or payable from insurance covorage in any of the past three years have exceeded the related insurance coverage amount. There are no significant reductions in insurance coverage ir, fiscal year 199f, Uabihtics are reported when it is probable that a loss has been incurred at the date of the financial statements and the amount of the loss care be reasonably estimated. Liabilities include an amount for claims that have been incurred but not renotted (IBNRs). Claim liabilities for Employee Bersofits are calculated considering recent claim settlement trends; liabilities fsr the Uability Reserve and Workers' Con pensation funds are c&alated based on outstanding claims. The amount to be paid out ultimately may be more or less than the amount ace" ed at September 30,1996. The City contributes amounts to an internal service fund based on 6,n estimate of the cost of cla

  • iected to be incurred each year.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIA1. STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 19 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES, continued Changes in the t,alances el claims liabihty are as follows:

Current Year Beginning of Claims and Balance at FiscalYear Changes in Claim Fiscal Year Liability Estimates Payments End Employee Benehts 1995 2,657,000 2,867,000 2,482,000 3,042,000 1996 3,042,000 2,661,000 2,874,000 2,829,000 Uabihty Reserve 1995 13,391,937 3.205,090 1,403,241 15,193,786 1996 15,193,786 3,060,545 4,679,655 13,574,676 Workers' Compensatior 1995 4,998,000 3,103,000 3,481,000 4,620,000 1996 4 620.rW 3,391,345 2,828.345 5,183,000 The Uability Reserve fund claims liability balance at fiscal year end includes liabilities of $6,028,000 discounted at 5.83% in 1996 and $6,778,000 discounted at 6.14% in 1995, h - Other Commitments and Contingencies The City 's committed under various leases for building and office space, tracts of land and rights of way, and various equipment. These leases are considered for accounting purposes to be operating leases, Lease expense for the year ended September 30, 1996, amounied to $9,932,367. The City expects these leases to tu replaced in the ordinary course of business with similar leases. Future minimum lease payments for these leases should be approximately the same amount.

The Olty has entered into certain lease agreements, including the certificates of participation, as lessee for financing the purchase of equipment used in the Electric Utikty and Water and Wastewater Utihty funds. These lease agreements quahty as capital leases fcr accounting purposes and, therefore, have been recorded at the present value of the future minimum lease payments as of the date of their inception.

The following summarizes assets recorded at September 30,1996, under capitallease obligations:

Water &

Electric Wastewater Fund Fund Total Assets Machinery and equipment $ 235,940 - 235,940 Building 20,198,960 12,750,000 32,948,960 Total assets 20,434,900 12,750,000 33,184,900 Accumulated Depreciation 4.860,897 2.167.500 7,028,397 Net assets S 15,574,003 10.582,500 26,156,503 68



The following it an analysis of the future minimum lease payments under these capital leases and certif cates of part cipation and the present value of the net minimum lease payments, as of September 30,1996:

Fiscal Water and

! Year Ended Electric Wastewater September 30 Fur d Fund Total 1997 $ 2,178,737 1,391,231 3,569,968 1998 2,179,877 1,398,919 3,578,796 1999 2,128,652 1,402.2C 3,530,915 2000 2,117,715 1,400,306 3,518,321 2001 2,119,635 1,393.775 3.513.410 Later years 12,691,434 9.699.129 22.390.563 Total mMimum toase paymonts 23,416.050 16,685,923 40,101,973 Less:

Amount representing interest 7,359.888 5,860,923 13,220.811 Prosent value of not minimum lease paymonts _ 16,056,162 10.825.000 26.881,162 Current portion 1,080.933 575.000 1,655.933~

Long-ter 11 portion S 14.975.229 10.250,000 25.225229 The City guarantees certain energy improvement loans made by two banks. The maximum contingent habihty of the RMO Loan Fund, a speclat revenue fund, is $7.6 million, which City mmagement does not anticipate having to fulhil.

Th OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS in addition to making contributions to the three pension systems, the City provided certain other post-employment benefits to its retirees. Other post-employment benefits incude access to medical and dental insurance for the retiree and the retiree's Iamily and $1,000 of life insurance on the retiree only.

All retirees who are eligible to receive ponsion benefits under any of the City's three pension systems are eligible for other post employment benet ts. Retirees may also enrull chgible dependents under the medical and dental plan (s) in which they participate. Eligible dependents of the retiree include a legally married spouse, unmarried children under age 19 (under ago 24 if an ehgible student) who are dependent upon ',he retiree for support, quahfied children placed pending adoption, grandchildren who quahty as a dependent on the retiree's or retiree's spouse's federal income tax return, and ehgible disabled children. Surviving depenrients of a deceased retiree may continue medical and dente8 coverage for 36 months by paying the entire premium plus a two-percent administrative fee.

The City is under no obligation, statutory or otherwise, M offer other post employment benefits or to pay any portion of the mst of other post errployment benefits 10 any retirees. Allocation of City funds to pay oths.r post-employment benefits or to ke other post employment benefits available is determined on an annual basis by the City Council as part of the budget ess,

'tre City pays a portion of the retiree's medical insurance premium and a portion of the retiree's dependents' medical insurance premium. The portion paid by the City varies according to age, coverage selection, and years of service. The percentage of the medical insurance premium paid by the City ranges as follows:

Years of Service Retiree only Dependent only

. Lesa than 5 years 16% - 20% 9%

3 to 10 years 24 % - 30 % 14 %

10 to 15 years 32 % 40 % 18% 3 15 to 20 years 48% - 60% 27%

20 to 25 years 64 % 80 % 36 %

Greater than 25 years - 80 % 100 % 45%

09 l

NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 (Continued) 20 - OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS, continued The City pays 100% of the retirce's life insurance premium. Group denta' : overage is available to retirees and their eligible dependents. The full cost of the dental premium is paid by the retiree, Other post employment benefits are expensed and funded on a pay-as you-go basis. The City recognizes the cost of providing these benefits as a payroll expense / expenditure in an operating fund with a corresponding revenue in the Employee Benefits Fund. Medcal and dental premiums and claims and life insarance premiums are reported in the Employee Benefits Fund. The cost of providing these benef ts i for 1,509 retirees and 8,975 active employees in 1996 and 1,51C retirees and 10,512 active employees in 1995 is not separable and cannot be reasonably estimated. Total payments to the Employee Benefits Fund for retirees and ac ive employees were $22,595,726 in 1996 and $24,836,224 in 1995.

As more fully desenbed in Note 17, the City is a participant in the South Texas Project (STP) and as such is liable for certain post employment bemfits for STP employees. At September 3C 1996, the City's portion of this obligation, $2,163,548, is not reflected in the firmncial statements of the Electric Fund.

21 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS a - General Obligation Bonds issuance in October 1996, the City issued Pubhc Improvement Bonds, Series 1996 in the amount of $30,550,000. Of the proceeds from the issue, $8,953,000 will be used "or street improvements, $2,720,000 will be used for drainage and flood control,

$123,000 will be used for parks improvements, $1,995,000 will be used for fire stations, $1,705.000 will be used for pohce substations, $3,200,000 will be used for health, safety and we!f are renovations, $1.950,000 will be used for erosion and flood control, $5,008.000 will be used for street reconstruction and traffic signals, $1,599,000 will be used for parks and recreation facihties, $2,917,000 will be used for libraries, and $380,000 will be used for neigtt rhood sidewalks. These bonds will be amortized serially on Septernber 1 of each yoar from 1997 to 2016. Certain of these bonds are callable beginning September 1,2006. Interest is payable on March 1 and September 1 of each year, commencing March 1,1997. Total interest requirements for these bonds, at rates ranging from 4.4% to 6.0%, are $26,544,075.

b - Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations issuance in October 1996, the City issued Pubhc Property Finance Contractual Obbgations, Senes 1996, in the amount of

$11,755,000. Of the proceeds from the issue, $2,020,000 will be used by information Systems Department for the Greater Austin Area Telecommunications Network (GAATN), $565,000 will be used by the Sohd Waste Services Department for recychng trucks, $7,680,000 will be used by the Police Department for telecommunications 9-1 1 CAD /MDT, and $1,490,000 will be used by the Water and Mstewater Department for capital equipment. These contractual obhgations will be amortized serially May 1 and November 1 of each year from 1997 to 2003. The contractual obhgations are not subject to cptiona! redemption prior to their maturity. Interest is payable on May 1 and November 1 of each year, commencing May 1, 1997. Total interest requirements for these contractual obhgations, at rates ranging from 4.3% to 7.0%, aggregate


c - Commercial Paper Notes, Series A The City is authorized pursuant to Ordinance No. 961121-A adopted by the City Council on November 21,1996 to issue commercial paper notes, (the " notes"), in an aggregate principal amount not te exceed $350,000,000 outstanding at any one time. Proceeds frem the notes are used to provide interim financing for capital project costs for additions, improvements and extensions to the City's Water and Wastewater System and the City's Electric System; and to refinance, renew or refund maiuring notes and other obligations of the systems. The notes will be in denominations of $100,000 or more and mature not more than 270 days from the date of issuance. Pnncipal and interest on the notes are payable from the combined net revenues of the City's Electric Fund and Water and Wastewater Fund.


NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF AUSTIN TEXAS Septer6er 30,1996 (Continued) 21 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS, continued d - City of Austin Deferred Compensation Plan for City Ereployee t The Ody of Austin Deferrad Compensation Pl n for City Empicyees is a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. In August 1996, federal legislation was signed which significantly amended regutations affecting Section 457 plans. The legislation provides that all assets and income of a plan may be held in a trust "

trrangement to ensure assets are protect 9d and used exclu'.ively for plan participants and beneficiaries. Such an action protects plan assets from an employer's creditors in case of bankruptcy. On December 18,1996 the board of directors of the City of Austin Deferred Compensation Plan approved the transfer of ownership of the assets from the City to a custodial cccount. Therefore, the plan assets and liabilities will not be reported as City assets and liabilities subsequent to fiscal year 1996.

o- Austin Cor vention and Visitors Bureau For the last several years, the City has promoted tourism in the Austin area through a City department, tne Austin Cortvention and Visitors Bureau. On November 1.1996, the City entered into a contract to provide tourism and promotk)n functions with a newly fo:'ned nonprofit corporation, the Austin Conventen and Visitors Bureau. Payments to the corporation will be reported in future years in the City's Comprehensive Anrua! Financial Report as a part of the City's r: porting entity.

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rv .

d k DED 1


GENERAL FUND The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City, it is used to account for all financial resources except for those required to be accounted for in another fund.


September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 s

1996 1995 ASSETS Cash $ 79,373 79,623 Pooled investmenth and cash 29,493,803 25,550204 Property taxes tv, enable 4,226,787 4,241,640 Less atowance for uncoDectbie taxes (953,020) (1,033.622)

Net taxes receivable 3,273,767 3 208.018 Accounts and other taxes receivable 42,228,592 38,562,771 Less allowance for doubtful accounts (25,087,936) (20.623.963)

Net accounts receivable 17,140,656 17,938,808 inventories, at cost 1,147,v,J 1,465,195 Prepad items and other assets 190,756 , 3.751 Total assets 51.326,111 4A245.599 LIABlWTIES AND FUND BALANCES LiabMes:

Accounts payable 3,688,038 3,460,550 Accrued payroll 9,497,302 7.229,821 Accrued cormensated absorces 2,383227 1,579,673 Due to other funds 39,933 -

Deterred revenue 3,300,768 3,188,232 Performarce, escrow and other deposits 1,236,186 1,322,737 Total hab& ties 20.235,474 16,779.013 Fund balances:

Reserved for encuntmances 6,669,4J7 6.068,752 Reserved for inventories and prepaid items 1,338,512 1,468,946 Unreserved.

Desgnated for emergency reserve 12,475,984 12,189,927 Desgruited for conangency reserve 202,729 832,175 Undesignated 10.403.915 10.906.78G Total fund balances 31,090,637 31.466.586 Total liabilities and fund balances $ 51,326,111 48245,5 1 ,


i GENERAL FUND CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES Exhibit B 2 IN FUND BALANCES- BUDGET AND ACTUAL BUDGET BASIS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended Se ptember 30,1995 1996 1995 Actual- Variance- Actual.

Adktments Budget Favorable Budget Actual (1) Basis Budget ('Jnfavoiable) Pasis REVENUES Taxes $ 160,405219 - 160,405219 159,312lJ77 1,092,842 148,888,824 Franchise fees 13,337,896 - 13,337,896 12,661,000 676,896 12,183,178 Fries, forfeitures and penalties 12,159,358 - 12,159,358 11,976 662 182.696 10,966,311 Ucornes, permits and inspectons 14,311,481 - 14,311,481 13,945,496 1,065,985 13,074,490 Chargos for services / goods 8,174,721 - 8,174,721 7,412,840 761,881 8,021247 Interest and other 6.015253 - 6.015253 5.003.397 1.011,856 6.086,132 Totai revenues 214.433.928 - 214.403 928 209.61",772 4.712,156 199 220,182 EXPENDITURES Adrrunistration 6,299,068 (31,630) 6,267,438 6211,510 (55,928) 5,415292

'.'rt>an growth mt nagement 10,567,446 160,511 10,727,957 11,437.108 709,151 11,050,096 Put4c safety 141,140,763 (2,693,093) 138,447,670 139,574,339 1,126,669 131,744,119 Ptbac services and utleties *1,903,772 4,136 11,907,908 12,004,736 96,828 15,306,381 Pubhc heaNh:

Physdan stip.nd/ chanty care 10252,143 - 10252,148 102t12,965 30.817 4,830.040 Medcal Assistanct PrograrrWpital contracted services /patwnt services 6,471,999 - 6,47 t999 6,744,079 272,000 6,700,000 01her pubhc health 26,923,135 1,478.435 28,401,570 29,004,717 603,147 28.920,529 Pubhc recreation and culture 30,092,171 (211,281) 29,880.890 29.919,128 38238 29,780,832 Social services management 7,285,563 6.449 7292,012 7,292.695 683 7.334218 Nondepartmental expondtures (2) 31,836.942 (24,886.362) 6.050,58) 7,434.543 483.963 7,682.857 Total expenditures 282.773.007 (26.172,835) 256.600.172 259.905.820 3,305,648 248,764,364 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (68,369,079) 26,172,835 (42,196244) (50,294.048) 8,097,804 (49,544,182)


Operstng transfers in 73,925240 - 73,925240 73,925240 - 71,513,929 Operating transfers out _ 5,932,110)

( (25.467,935) (31,400.045) (31,553.163) 153.118 (26,682,744)

Total other financing sources (uses) 67,993.130 (25.467.935) 42,525.135 42,372.077 153,118 44.630.185 Excess (dehciency) of revenues and other sourcos over expenditures and other uses (375,949) 704,900 328,951 (7,021,971) 8251922 (4,913.997)

Fund balances at begrining of year 31,466,588 860.719 32,327,705 15.314,953 17.012.352 37,241,302 Fund belances at end of year 1,565.619 7,392.982 25263274 32.327.305 ,

_$ 31.090.63/ 32.656f56 (1) tricludes adjustments br 1996 encumbrances, payments against prior year er'cumbrano rs, accrued p(yroll, cornpensated atrences, and amounts budgeted as opera'irig transfers.

(2) Actual expenses include errpioyee irairang costs and amounts budgeted as land 4evel expenses or operatng transfels. Actual-budget basis expenditures include employee training costs, budgeted payroll accrual, and amounts budgeted as fund-levet expenses,




CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF F.EVENUES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL-BUDGET BASIS Exhibit B-3 Year ended September 30,1996 L ~ With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 1996 1995 Actuab Variance- Actual-Budget Favorable Emdget Actual Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Taxes Property tases:

Cunent 5 73,426,017 73,426,017 72,792,377 633,643 65,095,013 Debnquert 558,454 558,454 722,000 (163,546) 728,248 Penalty and interest 456,962 456,982 436,000 20,982 429,499 Sales taxes 83,681,314 83,681,314 83,234,000 447,314 80,*74,693 Other taxes 2 282.452 2282,452 2,128,003 154,452 2,161.371 Total taxes 160,405219 16C,405219 159.312,377 1,092,842 148,888,824 Franchise fees 13.337,896 13.337,896 12,661,000 676.890 12,183,178 Fines, forfeitures and penalties Library fines 330,905 330,905 300,000 30,905 362,329 TrafDc fines 5,260,962 5 280,962 5,123,543 157,419 4,521,025 Parking v6olatons *

,,862,334 2,862,334 3,176,181 (313,847) 2,796,013 Weights and rneasures 156,418 156,418 67,200 89,218 113,429 Other 't.528,739 3.5*8,739 3.309.738 219,001 3,173,515 Total fnes, forfeitures and ponalt:es 12,159,358 12,159,35E 11,976.662 182,696 10,966,311 Ucenses, permits and inspectione PCrking rneters 1,686,918 1,686,918 1,679,754 7,164 1,699,626 Alarm permts 618,896 618,896 547,360 71,536 472,419 Comtrecciai sod waste 487.874 487,874 475,000 12,874 464,298 Fubhc health 606,851 606,851 674,859 (68,000) 577.240 Deveinpmont 3,277,336 3,277,336 3,154,860 122,476 3,423,382 Budding safety 7,171,187 7,171,187 6,291,840 879,347 6,004.847 Beer and wine permits 201 2 93 201,293 181,000 20,293 175,481 Other 261,126 261,126 240.823 20,303 257,197 Total beensos, peemts and inspections 14.311,481 14.311.481 13.245,496 1,065,985 13.074,490 Charges .or services / goods Recreation and culture 1,745,297 1,745,297 1,657,626 87,671 1,451,752 Pubbe health 859219 859,219 848,004 11,125 1,385,586 Emergency rnedical serMces 5,068,866 5,068,866 4,478,342 590,524 4,412,138 General pvemment 501,339 501,339 428,778 72.561 771,771 Total charges for servkes/ goods 8,174.721 6,174,721 7,412 7 761,881 8,C'21,247 Interest and other interest 4,180,708 4,180,708 3,866,781 313,927 3,906,132 Rentalincome 520332 520,232 455,582 64,650 587,324 Sale of property 371,983 371,983 340,000 31,983 426,437 Other 942,330 942,330 341C04 601 296 1,166.239 Totalinterest and other 6.015,253 6.015,253 5,003.397 1.011,856 6,086,132 Total revenues S 214.403,928 214,403.928 209,611,772 4.792,156 199220.182 75

GENERAL FUM CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES - Exhibit B-4 BUDGET AND ACTUAL-BUDGET BASIS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparathis totals for year ended September 30.1995 1996 1995 Actual- Variance- Actual-Adjustrnents Budget Favorab!e Budget Actual (1) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Administration Murac4>al Court Sa:anos and fmge benefits 5 4.974,582 (44,463) 4,930,119 4.816.085 (114,034) 4,405,915 Contractual .ervices 941,666 17,655 959,321 983,973 26,652 737,563 CommMtes 159286 564 159,850 131,152 (28,698) 155,270 Expense refunds (29.813)

(29,813) (3,000) 26,813 (2,615)

Capital outiay 253,347 247,961 281,300 33 139 119,151 (5.386)

Total administration 6.299.068 (31.630) 6,267,43r 6.211,510 (55,928) 5.415.292 Urban growth management Planting-Salanes and fringe benefits 9 288,727 (167,447) 0,121,280 9,509,le91 'B 1 '11 10,241,697 Contractuai servces 1,578,446 176,466 1,754,912 1,712,429 (42,483) 1,657,706 Commodties 231.7 % 27,167 258,963 497,062 238,099 416.014 Expense refunds (900,405) - (900,405) (894,562) 5,843 (1,562,021)

Capital outtay 368.882 124.325 493 207 612.188 118.981 096.500 Total urban growth management 10,567,446 160.511 10,727.957 11.437,108 709,151 11.050.096 Public safety Pollce-Salanes and innge bene 6ts 67,783,% 9 (439,487) 67,344,482 67,708,169 363,687 64,785,766 Centractual services 9.881,991 (150,196) 9,731,495 8,882,686 (848,809) 7,704,580 Commodties 1,165,090 47,252 1,212,342 1,380,426 168,084 1,426,257 Expense retunds (2,784,721) - (2,784,721) (1,668,833) 1,11S,888 (1,808,772)

Capetal outlay 811,882 845.575 378.850 (466.725) 882,954 76.858,211 33.693 _ 76.349.173 (509,038) 76.68:,298 332,125 72.990,785 Fire:

Satanes and innge bene'its 48.945,462 (2,071,299) 46,874,163 47,495,310 021,147 45,072,875 Contractual servces 4,094,662 (19,224) 4,075,438 3,981,013 (94.425) 3,049215 Commodtes 1,694,765 86,747 1,781,512 1,662,716 (118,796) 1,491,266 Indirect cost 57,889 - 57,889 72,138 14249 55,606 Expense refunds (2,390,705) - (2,390,705) (2,432,986) (42,281) (2,312,943)

Capital outlay 244,809 (67,987) 176.822 166.769 (10,053) 231,579 52.646.882 (2,071,763) 50.575,119 50.944.960 369A41 47,587,598 Emergency Medcal Services:

Salanes and inngo benefits 9,019,735 30,416 9,050,151 9,329,222 279,071 8,944.995 Contractual services 1,309,59C (181) 1,399.415 1,397,866 (1,549) 1,056,021 Commodties 756.388 34,273 790.661 684292 (106,369) 865,664 Expense refunds (357,384) -


-- 357,384 (153,612)

Capital out',ay 817.335 (17f.800) 640.535 536.701 (103.834) 452,768 11,635.670 (112.292) 11,523.379 11,948,0C 6 424,703 11.165,736 Total public safety 5 141,140.763 (2.693.033) 138 447,670 139.574.339 1,126.669 131.744,119 (1) includes adjustments for 1906 encuntrances, payments against prior year encumbrances, accrued payroll, componsated absences and amounts budgeted as operating transfers.

(continued) 76



{ Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 199f. 1995 fi ~



Variance- Actual-Adjustments Budget Favorable Budget Actuel (1) Basis Budget _ (U_ntavorable) Basis Public services and utilities Transportatum and PtMc Services:

S4sries and fringe benefitt $ 1# 207,491 (80,209) 14,127282 14.476 292 349,010 17,135,129 2,811,537 1&tB53 2,996,390 3,067,013 70,623 4.811,678 Cur *actua! services I 849,324 (19,973) 829,351 999,828 170.277 1 282,444 Commodities 4,579.911 4,579.911 5.043/ds's 466,962 4,994,592 Indirect cost -- .

Egense refunds (15,101,409) - (15,181,489) (16,146,251) (966,762) (17,823,566) 238,842 (80,535) 150,307 164,181 5,974 506,104 Captal outlay 4.398.1M 4.398,1 % 4,400.000 1,844 4,400,000 Sreet nghting -

Total public 11,903,772 4,136 11,907,908 12,004,736 96.828 15.306,381 and utilities Putdic health g 10252.148 10252,148 10282.955 30,817 4.830,040 Physician stpo,Wehanty care - 6 Modcal Assistance Program-hospital contracted sersices/

6.471,999 6,471.999 6.744,079 272,080 6,700,000 patient servces -

Other pubic health-PutAc health and Medica!

Assistance Program exduding panent services:

Salaries and fringe benefits 15,516,590 (203,667) 15.312,923 15,327,514 14,591 16,814,199 20,452,855 1,612,128 22,064,983 22,822,611 757,628 15.423,978 Contractaat servces 8 %,937 30297 927,224 762,655 (164,579) 1,102,642 Cormwxitwis Expense refundr. (10,071,424) - (10,071,424) (9.963,824) 107,600 (4,585,501)

Captal outtsy 128,177 39,677 167,854 55,761 (112,093) 165211 26.923,135 1,470.415 28,-401,570 29.004,717 603.147 28,920,529 Other public health

$ 43.647282 1,478 435 45,125.717 46,031,761 906,044 40.450,569 Total public health (Ontinued) i 77


Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 1996 1995 Actual- Variance- Actual-Adjusunents Budget Favorable Budget Actual (1) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Public recreation and culture Parks and Recreatiort Salanes and tringe benefits $ 14,883,795 (45,590) 14,838205 15221,580 383,375 14,781,787 Contractual services 5,100231 (183,138) 4,917,093 4,406,711 (510,382) 5,564,763 Commodtios 1,925,457 94,942 2.020,399 1,577,307 (443.092) 1,642,035 Indirect cost 208,162 -- 208,162 242262 34.100 151,365 Expense refunds (2,840,524) - (2,840,524) (2,298,965) 541,559 (3.011,356)

Captal ounay 133.991 1,022 135.013 141,003 5.990 200,484 19,411,112 (1M,764) 19.278,348 19.289.898 11,550 19,329,078 lbraries:

Salanes and frtnge benefits 7,654,513 (58,132) 7,596,381 7,676,453 80,072 7,903,377 7'Jntractual services 1,690,155 (10,081) 1,680,074 1,708,930 28,856 1,685,043 Commodtes 1,416,816 (11,272) 1,405,544 1,345,872 (59,672) 1,360,468 Ind rect cost - - - - - 482 Expense refunds (237,117) - (237,117) (225,967) 11,150 (516227)

Capita! outlay 156.692 968 157,C60 123.942 (33.718) 18.611 10.681.059 (78,517) 10.602,542 10.629.230 26.688 10.451,754 Total public receeation and culture 30.092,171 (211,281) 29.880.890 29,919,128 38.238 29,780,832 Social services managennnt 7,285.563 6.449 7 292,012 7 292.695 683 7,334.218 Nondepartmental expenditures (2) 31,836.942 (24,886.362) 6.950.580 7,434.543 483.963 7,682,857 Total expenditures 282.773.007 (26.112.835) 2F S,600.172 259.905.820 3.305.648 248,764.364 General fund expenditures by cost category Salanes 192,274,864 (3,079,878) 189,194,986 191,500,616 2,365,630 190,085,840 Contractuals 64,675,286 1,627,982 68,303268 65,992276 (310,992) 53220,587 Commodhes 9,095,859 289,997 9,385.856 9,041,110 (344,746) 9.742,068 indrect cost 4.845,9 % - 4,845,962 5,360273 514.311 5202,045 Expense refunds (34,793,582) - (34,793,582) (33.636,388) 1,157,194 (31,776,613)

Captal outlay 3.15J,957 (131,023) 3,022,934 2,460,693 (562 239) 2,873,362 Street ligMing 4,398,156 - 4.398,156 4,400,000 1,844 4,400,000 -

Social servces management 7,285,563 6,449 7 292,012 7,292,695 683 7,334,218 i Nondepar*.nental expenditures 31,836 942 (24.886,362) 6,950,580 7,434.543 483.963 7,682.857 Total expenditures $ 282,773.007 (26,172.835) 256.600.172 259.905,820 3,305.648 248,764,364 (2) Actual expenses include ermioyen trainsng costs and amounts budgeted as fund 4evel expenses or operating transfers. Actual 4xadget basis expendtures include erroloyee training costs, budgeted payroll accrual, and amounts budgeted as fund-level expenses.


78 1

I GENERALFUND CITY OF AUST!N, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF TRANSFERS . Exhibit B-5 BUDGET AND ACTUAL BUDGET BASIS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended S(9tember 30,1995 1996 1995 Actuab variance- Actual-Adjustroents Budget Favorable Budget k Actual (1) Basis Budget (tJnfavorable) Basis Operating transfers in Special revenue funds:

Bakones Canyorgands Conservaton Plan S 275,036 - 275,036 275,036 - 203248 Enterprise funds:

Electric 59,936,700 - 59,936,700 59 S36.700 - 57,936,700 Water and Wastewater 13,646,139 - 13,646,139 13,646,139 - 13,173,981 Parks and Hecteation 50,000 - 50.000 50,000 - -

Trust arvj agency funds:

Misce 8aneous Expendable Trust 17,365 - 17,365 17,365 -- -

  • Total operating transfers in 73,925,240 - 73,925,240 73.925.240 - 71,313.929 Operating transfers out Soccial revenue funds:

Ausen Convention and Vetors Bureau 121,730 - 121,730 121,730 - -

Batones Canyonlanda Conservation Plan 131,000 - 131,000 131,000 - 161,000 Ermronmental Conservatm Services 429,011 - 429,011 582,129 153,118 455,330 Neighborhood Housing and Conservaton 970.231 -

970231 970,231 - -

. Plus One Prograrn it10,000 - 160,000 160,000 - 160,000 Capital propet funds 3,938,538 - 3,938,538 3,938,538 - 2,756,469 Enterprise funds:

Hospttal - - - - - 5,600,000 Solkt Waste Services 181,600 - 181,600 181/A0 - 162,010 internal service fundr Fleet Maintenart.;e - 6,614,235 6,614235 6,614.235 - 2,367,739 Support Services - 14,669,560 14,669,560 14,669,560 - 11,149,223 Information Systems - 4,184,140 4,184,140 4,184,140 - 3B71,973 Total oowating transfers out 5.932,110 25.467,93'5 31,400,045 31,553.163 153,118 26.683.744 Not transfers $ 67,993.130 (25,467.935) 42.525,195 42,372.077 153,118 44 6'30,185 (1) includes adjustmen's to actual transfers required for adjusted budget basis presentation.



O 4 O p. D


l 80


Special revenue funds ars used to account for the proceeds of L

specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendsle trusts or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specife purposes, included in the special revenue funds are:

Federal grants funds; -

State grants funds; Other specialrevenue grants funds; Other special revenue funds see next page for descriptions of the individual funds; Housing Assistance Fund - accounts for administrative costs .and financing ownership and development and providing housing, f

I i

Other Special Revenuo Funds Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau Accounts for tne FiscalSurety Land Development Fund Escrow funds received promotion of tourism in Austin as both a leisure and business from contractors for hydromulchterosion centrol.

destination. Funded by a portion of bed tax receipts.

Friends of East Austin Youth Fund Accounts for donations Auslin Industrial Development Corporation Fund (AIDC) . from the Friends of East Anstin Youth Golf Tournamnt to fund Accounts for the administrative costs related to the Corporation. programs benef; ting the youth of East Austin.

Austin inner City Redevelopment Corporation - Accounts for the Health Miscellaneous Accounts for contnbutions for Strategic actrvity of this entity. Interventon for High Risk Youth.

Austin Trunsportation Study Fund Accounts for a transportaton HoteiMotel Occupancy Tax Fund - Accounts for hotellmotel study regarding the Austin metropoktan roadways, bicycle occupancy tax revenues and transfers of these revenues to areas, and pedestrian walkways. participating funds.

Avation Asset Forfeiture Fund Accounts for the rednstribution Housing Miscellaneous Fund - Accounts for donations to the-of proceeds genera'ed by airport police enforcement activities. Housing program to be ured for specified purposes.

Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan (BCCP) - Accounts Leveraged Loan Pool Fund Used to leverage private capitar for the City's and county's management of preserve systems. and state or federal resources to stimulate business Barbara . Jordan Memorial Fund Accounts for donations for a future memorial. Library City Literacy Program Fund Accounts for fundraising Cable TV Fund - Payments from the Austin Cablevision Com-pany and disbursement to Aust:n Access Television Music Channel Fund Established as a pilot program with Austin Music Channel Company to manage and promote Austin Campaign Financing Fund Accounts for donations and fees for as "The Liva Music Capital of the World."

the Austin Fair Campaign Ordinance.

Neighborhood Housing and Cor"3rvation Office Established in Child Safety Fund Accounts for certain fines and fees used to 1996 to lead economic development, affordable housing, and provide sch?ol crossing guard programs a* City schools. neighborhood revnahzation efforts.

Disp *oportionato Share Fund - Used to purchase medical PARD Cultural Projects Fund - Records activities for cultural equipment and fund structural changes for the clinic system of project purposes, the Austin /Travis County Health Depar* ment in order to serve indigent patients. Pohce Drug Education Fund- Provides drug education activities by the Austin Police Department.

Economic Development Fund - User: *nt economic development programs. Police Federa! Seized FuMs Fund - Records all federal seized funds generated by pohce eniorcement activities per State Code Energy Conservation Robates and incentives Fund - Used for of Cnminal Procedures (Chapter 59).

energy loans and rebates / incentbes to customors; funded primanly by Electric Fund. Pohce Seized Money Fund Accounts for the redistribution of Enwonmental Conservation Services Fund - Accounts for enorgy and water consor,ation services and environmental Pubhc Improvement District Fund- Accounts for the downtown protec* ion activities; funding provided by transfers from General, pubbc improver..ent district which will provide services, security, Electric, Water and Wastewater and other funds, and improvements for the downtown Austin arca.

Enwonmental Remediation - Accounts for remediation of sites Railroad Right of Way Fund - Accounts for management of the which affect ground and surface water quality or public health Austin and Northwestern Railroad right of way, and safety for which the City has either partial or total liability. RMD Conservation Fund- Amounts contributed by the Electric Federally Ouahtied Health Center - Accounts for services Fund to be used for energy loans and rebates / incentives.

provided to Medical Assistance Program (MAP) and non-MAP RMD Loan Fund- Accounts for energy loans to customers.

clients at the City's Health Department.

' **' * **** ?

  • FEMA Flood Disaster Fund - Accounts for costs related *o * #

repairs for damage done to City property by the 1991 flood. streets, sidewalks, drainage facilities, etc.

Fire Miscellanoovs - Accounts for contributions specified Voluntary Utihty Assistanco Fund - Contnbutions for the beneht purposes and for "The Firehouse." a pubhc safety awareness of indigent utikty customers.

exhibit which is transported to different sites througaout Austin.

I 1


$V .


CITY OF AUSTIN TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Exhibit C-1 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 other ottwr Special Special State Revenue Revenue Housing Totals Federal Grants Funds Assistance 1996 1995 Grants Grants ASSETS  :.45.962 11.150 178.986 190.136 Cash 5 -

35.392.270 28.584,003 ,

2.318.603 309 234 89.871 32 674.562 -

Pooled investments and cash 4.320.322 4.320.322 5.108.768 ]

investments, at amortued cost -


- - 1.513.587 165.196 1.678.783 2.604.597 Accounts recervable, net -

1.411.403 1.411.403 2.125.324

%tes rece;vable. net -

1.321.374 174.588 - -

9.312.157 9.215.315 Rece#vables from other govemments 7.816.195 7.235.527 -

7.235.527 6.5dS.324 Due from other fund

- - - - 5.010.198 5.010.198 3.553.918 Real property held for resale 5.489 35.795 132.894 183.527 Other assets 91.610 - -

1.E30.600 264.459 41.440.315 11.121.900 64.683 690 58.167.738 Total assets 10 226.408 LIABILI7IES AND FUND BALANCES Liabdities: 4.334,773 1,844.900 257.994 4.032 2.056 945 203.382 4.367.253 Accounts payable 926.425 -

926.425 850.090 Accrued payrc4 237207 -

237207 88.130 Accrued compensated absences 5.430,41S 1.038.190 170.758 394.423 -

7.033.789 6.546.324 Due to other funds 2.951.090 334.424 89.669 27.705.016 2.378.986 33.459.187 28201.335 Deposas and other liabiltbes 10.226.408 1.630.608 264.459 31.320.016 2.582.370 46.023 861 40.020.652 Total Eabdeties Fund balances' 3.715.640 -

3.715.640 2.908.838 Reserved for encumbrances 1.411.403 1.411.403 2.125.324 Reserved for notes receivable 5.010.198 5.010.198 3.553.918 Reserved for real prmerty held for resale -

6.404.659 2.11/.929 8.522.588 9.559.006 Unreserved, designated for future use 10.120299 8.539.530 18.659.829 18.147.006 Total fund balances 10226.408 1.630EOB 264.459 41.440.315 11.121.900 64.683,690 58.167.738 Totalliabilities and fund balances 5 t



Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 i Other Other Spedal Special State Revenue Revenue Housing Totals FedersJ Funde Assistance 1996 1995 Grants Grants Grants REVENUES Intergovemmental. 30.518.965 4.017 806 934.312 - - 35.379.505 Grants S 30.427.387 Otner 42.339.006 56.912.024 40.814.514 1.524.492 interest and other 77,718.511 87.430.989 30.427.387 4.017.806 934.312 40.814.514 1.524.492 Total revenues EXPENDITURES 44,068.223 46,813.792

- - - 44.668223 -

Administraton 31 230.813 4.017.806 934.312 -

2246.448 37.625.953 Special projects 30.427.387 934.312 44.668.223 2246.448 82294.176 78.044.005 Total expenditures 30.427.387 4.017.806 8 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over

- - - (3,853,709) (721.956) (!. 575.065) 9.388,384 expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 9,913.524

- - - 22,420.512 - 22.420.512 Operatmg transfers in j - - - (17,332.104) - (17,332.104) (17.0G9.409) l Operateg transfers out (7,155.885)

- - - 5.088.408 - 5.088.408 Tetal other financing sources (uses) f Excess (deficiency) of revenues arw* %er 2,230,499

- - 1 234.699 (721.956) 512.743 sources over expenditures ar1 other uses -

8.885.600 9 261.486 18.147.086 15.916.587 i Fund balances at begwnng of year

- - 10,120299 8.539.530 18.659.829 18.147.086 Fund batances at end of year $ -

I CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Exhibit C-3 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET- ALL SPECIAL REVENUE GRANTS September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Assets Uabilities and Fund Balances Total Receivables .

LlaNiities P M ed from O mer Total Accounts Due to Other Total Fund and Fund investments Other Assets Payable Other Funds UaN!ities Uabilities Balarces Balances and Cash Governments Assets FEDERAL GRANTS 458.483 32.741 425.742 -

458.483 -

458.483 U.S. Department of AgricuMure 5 -

458.4PO -

230.378 16.941 213,437 - 230.378 -

230.378 U.S. Department of EducaW -

230.378 -

I Equal Ernployment Opporturdy

- 113,873 -

113.873 -

113.873 - 113.873 -

113.873 Comrrussion 514.164 19,118 495.046 - 514.164 -

514.164 U.S. Department of Justice 5.395 508.769 -

1.448 160 - 1288 1,448 -

1.448 U.S. Department of Labor 1.448 - -

104.496 6.007 4.415 94.074 104.496 -

104.496 U S. Env;u is.tal Protect on Agency 100.081 4.415 -

190.469 -

190.469 - 190.469 -

190.469 U.S. Department of Transportation -

190.469 -

62.531 CA 9 56.982 - 62.531 -

62.531 U.S. Federal Emergency Management 350 62.181 -

2,931 212 13.816 3.086.833 1.185.032 1.766.581 135220 3.086.833 -

3.086.833 U.S. Health & Human Services 141.805 503.597 2.073.160 2.387.463 4.964 220 -

4.964.220 g U.S. Housingthban Developtrent 1.660,724 3225.702 77.794 4.964220 U S. Natonal Foundation on the 33.565 2.335 - 31230 33.565 -

33.565 Arts and Humanities 33.565 - -

375235 73.420 - 301.815 375 235 - 375 235 U.S.Departmentof Veterans Affa:rs 375235 - -

90.713 90.713 - 90,713 - 90.713 U.S. Department of intetior -

90.713 - -

2.318,603 7.816.195 91.610 10226.408 1.844.900 5.430.418 2.951.090 10226,408 -

10226.408 Total Federal Grants _

(u,& ed) l I


_ _ __ - ~

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Exhibit C-3 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET- ALL SPECIAL REVENUE GRANTS (Continued) l September 30,1996 l With compamtive totals for September 30,1995 l Assets Umbilities and Fund Batances Total Receevables Umbilities Pooled from and Fund Accounts Due to Other Total Fund investments Other Other Total Payable Other Funds Umbilities Usbilities Balances Balances and Cash Governments Assets Assets STATE GRANTS

. Texas Govemor's Othce Crrnmal 67,914 169,313 3.7th 240.927 -


- 240.927 - 210.927 Justee Division 70.813 306264 - 3862 64 345248 - 3862 64 75.573 239.878 Texas Health Department 41.016 -

141.904 141.904 9.998 131.906 -

141.904 Texas State Ubrary 141.904 156.632 - 15G.632

- 156.632 - 156.632 - 156.632 -

Texas Parks and Wildhfe 2.926 - 2.926

- 2.926 - 2.926 - 2.926 -

Texas Water Ccow@ 143 - 10.064 10227 - 1C227 10.227 - - 10.227 Texas Comptroner of Puthc Axounts 2.325 2.325 -

2.325 -

2.325 -

Te-as Forest Service 2.325 -

( 1.743 -

1.743 -

1.743 -

1.743 -

1.743 l

Texas Youth,. -

! Texas Altemative Fuels Couned 2.947 - 2.947 2.947 -

2.947 76 2.871 -

Texas Employment Commission

$ Texas Department of Human Services 257.9c - -

257.991 8.164 - 249.827 257.991 - 257.991 l

TexasDepartmentof Protective 327.831 l 327.831 96.076 231.755 -

327.831 -

and Reguta'ory Attairs

- 327.831 -

93.891 ~ 98.891

- 98.891 -

98.891 50 98.841 -

Texas Department of Transportaten - - - - - -

Texas Historical Commission - - - - - - -

Texas State Energy Conservation Texas Natural Resource - - - - - - -

Conservation Cornmission - - - - - - -

Texas Water Developmerd Board 1.630.608 1.630.608 257.994 1.038.190 334.424 1.630.008 -

Total State Grants 309234 1321374 -

OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE 4.032 170.758 89,669 264.459 - 264.459 89.871 174.588 - 264.459 GRANTS _

2.106.926 6.639.366 3 375.183 12.121.475 - 1?.121.475 2.717.708 9312.157 91.610 12.121.475 Total All Grants 10.336,942 1.755.516 6.113.668 2.467.758 10336.942 - 10336.942

$ % 5.589 9.215315 156.038 1995 Total g

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES - ALL SPECIAL REVENUE GRANTS Exhibit C From inception to September 30,1996 Total Expenditures at Total Es@.47=.o at September 30,1995 Current Year September 30,1996 Budget in-Kind tr> Kind in-Kind in-Kind Grant Match Total Grant Match Grm ' Match Total Grarut Match Total i

FEDERAL GRANTS U.S. Department of AgncuMure $ 3.950.083 407.193 4.357276 3.066.869 (382.425) 7.016.952 24.768 7.041.720 7.346.581 -

7 A 581 U.S. Departmer4 of Educaton 605.502 88 605.590 621.986 425 1227.488 513 1228.001 1.788.046 -

1.788.046 Equal Employment Opportunity 204.137 204.137 207.923 -

412.060 -

412.060 4122f4 - 412250 Cu. maw -

U S. Department of Justre 1.072.537 643.199 1.715.736 1,671.594 890,525 2.744.131 1.533.724 4 277.855 6.722.333 3.042.482 9.764.815 U.S. Department of Labor 303.685 79384 383.569 222.062 55.714 525,747 135.598 661.345 768.077 165.536 933.613 U.S.ErmronmentalProtecton Agency 295.905 318.430 614.335 121.431 46.452 417.336 3G4.882 782218 667.831 340.000 1.007.831 U.S. Department of Transporta!on 324.831 129 270 454.101 267.372 154.781 592203 284.051 876254 653.858 290.850 1.144.708 285.182 772.549 124.362 124.362 611.729 409.544 1.021273 894,341 478.096 1.372.437 U.S. Federal Emergency Management 487.367 12247.843 1.035.069 13282.912 14.095.943 956.108 26.343.786 1.991.177 28.334.963 41.731,820 1.638.763 43.370.583 U.S. Health & Human Services U.S. Housingtfrban Development 41,819.567 635.757 42.455.324 9.728.354 29231 51.547.921 664.988 52212.909 72.652.539 700.000 73.352.539 U.S. National Foundation on the 85.508 14,684 246.212 14.684 260.896 442.218 98208 540.426 l g Arts and Humarwties 160.704 -

160.704 86.831 123270 210.101 - 2;0.101 '06.656 -

496.656 U S. Department of 'feterans Affairs 86.831 - -

U.S. Department of intener - - -

90.713 10.079 90.713 10.079 100,792 267.000 67.000 334.000 l

Total Federal Grants 61.558.992 3.534.072 65.093.064 30.427.387 1.899.936 91.986.379 5,434.008 97.420.387 135.043.550 6.820.935 141.864.485 (continued) l l



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Teemi Fuyennestustps et .

Total Esponditmos at Sapeensber 38.1996 Budget f- ' 30,1995 Current Year

~ -

erwond in4Gnd kwond m Totef Grant miseth Tessi Grant Match Total Grant haasch Grant IAmect-STATE GRANTS '

Texas Govemor's OMice Crrninal 22,824 1.423,746 2.002.690 52.335 '2.055.025 19370 522,510 898.382 2AS4 1.400,922 Justee O(vtson 502.f40 5,ip46281 5.946281 1,928.774 - 4.085,890 3,995 4.089,885 -

TexasHeathDup Le-4 2.157.116 3.995 . 2.161.111 -

1254.672 389,362 814200 - 614.200 1 254.672

. Texas State terary 42# 638 - 424.838 -

- 1.456.531 1.456,531 2.913.062 1.456.531 1.456.531 2.913.CS2 Texas Parks gru1W#dhfe ' 1.456,531 f 456.531 2.913.062 -

126.700 61,651 St.801 113.452 6J.600 57.100 ,

50.212 .J,345 93.560 11.439 8.453 '

l Texas Water Cw -. 11.032 - 11.032 '21.116 -

21.116 11.032 -

Texas Corrstroter of Fttihc Accourts 25254 2S.000 24200 49200 9.412 23298 3.439 (1.483) 17.325 7.929 Texac Forest Service 13.886 71200 l - 3.434 3.523 -

6.937 - 6.937 71.h c -

Texas Youtn Conmsson 3.414 11.352 56.700 l - - - - - - - - 45.408 l' Texas A!!emetrie Fuels Counci 4,887 20,00G 8.960 28.960 11.197 4,887 11.197 16.064

. Texas Employment Corrmsren -

702.739 l

122.466 -

122.466 - 122.466 702.739 -

l Texas Departmert of Htanan Services -

Texas Department of Prote:: tree -

$ aid Hegulatory Affairs - - - 327.831 17.8 % 327.831 17.852 345.683 1.10n.0CD 20.000 1.120.000 188,056 54.653 242.709 4.684.964 1.717.761 3.402.725 Texas Department of Trarsportation 61.717 14.690 76,407 126 "39 39.9E3 900 - 900 900 900 1.800 900 - 900 - -

l Texas ilistoncal Commissicha 178.115 2.965,054 -


- - - 178.115 -

178.115 -

! . Texas State Energy Conseevahon Texas Natural flesource 60.000 60.000 - 60.000 60,000 -

60.000 - -

60.000 -

Cor$servation Ccensssion 140.176 '265.000 156.000 421.000 134269 - 84,150 56.026 Texas Water Developmert Board 78243 56.0<6 5.90_~

j 20.691.155 3.505.139 24.19G.294 4.809,397 1.603.972 8.827203 1.676.493 10.503.701 Total State Grants 6.413.369 4.017?. _ 72.526 OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE 2.047229 3.135.948 305.826 3.441.774 1.051.664 32.80G 1.084.469 934.312 28.448 1.985.976 61253 GRAN73 35.379.505 2.000.910 102.799.558 7.171.759 109.971.317 158.870.653 10.631.900 169.502.553 Total All Grants 67.420.053 5.170.849 72.590.902


l l


~ With comparative totais for September 30,1995 Assets

  • Uebelies ami Fund Balonces Receivables Advanced Total Poosed frorn Pooled a lawgies investrnents Other Total inweetments Other Total Fund and Ft1wi and Cash Governments Assets and Cash LlatMTities Liabilities Beinnees Balonces ,

. ELECTRIC RELATED u.S. Department of Energy $ - - - - - - - -

' WATERWORKS AND SEWER RELATEL U.S. Envuonmar. tat Protecten Agency Texas Water Development Board 182.325 182.325 182.325 182.325 -

182.325 SOLID WASTE RELATED U.S. Enwonmentat Protection Agency 1.281 4.101 5.382 5.382 S.382 -

5.382 Texas NanaalResource Conservation Commesson 1.04G 1,040 1.040 1.040 - 1,040

@ Capvtal Area Plantwy Council -

20.533 20.533 20.135 396 20.533 -

20.533 Traves County - - - - - - - -

Total Solid Waste 2.321 24.634 26.955 20.135 6.320 26.955 26.955 AIRPORT RELATED U.S. Depado a of Transportaten -

485.786 485.786 485.786 485,786 485.786 Texas Comptroner of Pubhc Accounts 788 788 788 788 -

788 Total Airport 788 485.786 486.574 485.786 788 486.574 -

486.574 Total grants, enterprise related 185.434 510.420 695.854 505.921 189.933 695.854 -

695.854 1995 Total $ 1.741.4 0 4.800.472 6.541.912 4.792.97G 1,748.93G ' 6.541.952 -

6.541.912 NOTE: These grants have best: *eported in the enterprise fund financial state %

~ " ' ~ .,

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - ENTERPRISE RELATED Exhibit C-6 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES From inception to September 30,1996 Total Expenditures at Total Experdtures at ,

Current Year September 30,1996 Sudget -!

September 30,1995 f

in-Kind in-Kind In-Kind I In-Kind Grant Match Grant Match Total Grant Match Grant Match Total ELECTRfC RELATED 714.013 1.459273 2.173.291 j

- 14.400 6.848 14.400 6.848 21243 U.S. Departmeri of Energy $ - -

WATERWORKS AND SEWER RELATED US.EnvironmentalProtedon Agency 3.500.000 1.462 229 1.EA't 964 - 3.015.493 - 3.015.493 3.500.000 -

Texas Water Developnent Board 1.462229 -

SOLID WASTE RELATED 175.563 55,176 91,789 21.128 32,148 57,741 87.324 145.065 70.000 105.563

- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 36.613 Texas Natural Resource Conservatson 231 52.164 53.093 17,701 105.026 17.932 122.958 117,817 36204 154.021 Cw. =as. 51.933 20.533 - 20.533 43273 - 43273 Captal Area Plannog Councd - - -

20.533 -

28.949 -

28.949 30.150 - 'O.150 Trav's County 28.949 - 28.949 - -

212249 105256 317.505 261240 141,767 4G3.007 117.495 55.407 172.902 94.754 49.849 co Total Solid Waste o

AIRPORT RELATED 66.608.480 20.952.829 87,5*1.317 19.460.942 6.491,982 25.952.924 27.500,910 9J61,968 46,961,852 15.653.950 62.615.802 US. Depanmant of Transportaton 776

- - - - - - 776 -

Texas Comptrollerof Pubhc Accounts - -

25,952.924 27.590.910 9.161.968 46.961.852 15.653.950 62.615.802 66.609264 29.95'?.829 87362.093 Total Altport 19.460.942 6.491.982 29.163.328 9218.665 50203,994 15 766.054 65.970.048 71.084.517 22.553.874 93.638.391 Total grants, enterprise retet ,d $21.040.666 6.547.389 27.588.055 NOTE- These grants have t mn reported in the enterpnse fund financial sta'ements, f

_ U.-


COMBINING BALANCE SHEET Septemiser 30,1996 ,

With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Ij Assets Pooled Not investments Accounts Due from Other Total Cash- and Cash Receivable Other Funds Asse's Assets Aushn Conventen and Voitors Bureau $ 650 1,466,656 - - - 1,467,306 Austin Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) - 109,070 - - - 109,070 1,102 Austn inner City Redevolcpment Corporation AusenTransportanon Study 1,102

- 407,269

- 407,269


Adacon Asset Forteiture - 107,526 - - - 107,526 Laicones Canyonlands Conservation Plan (BCCP) - 182,914 - - - 182,914 Barbara Jordan Memorial Fund - 1,281 - - - 1,281 .

Cable TV - 99,806 - - 397 100,203

- Carroaign Financing Fund - 25,588 - - - 25,588 Cnid Safety Fund - 528,723 - - - $28,723 Disproportenate Share . - 1,933,183 63,750 201,738 - 2,198,671 Econome Development - - - - - -

Energy Conservahon Rebates and incentives - 2,149,915 - - - 2,149,915 Environmental Conservation Services 1,400 649,078 436 - 5,092 656,006 Environmentaf Remedaton - 205,343 - - - 205,343 Federally Qualifed Health Certer 500 578,000 721,181 - - 1,299,761 i FEMA Flood Disaster - 97,466 - - - 97,466 Fire Miscellaneous - 2,972 - - - 2,972 Fiscal Sureti Land Development - 16,777,010 - 7,033,789 - 23,810,799 Friends of East Ausen Youth - 9,829 - - - 9,829 Health Mecollaneous - 18,904 - - - 18,904 Hotel-Motel Occupancy Tax Fund - 764,314 - - - 764,314 Housing Miscellaneous - - 30,216 - - - 30,216 Leveraged Loan Pool - - 336.166 320,951 - - 657,117 Lt>rary City Uteracy Program - 2,079 - - - 2,079 Muncipal Court Miscellaneous - 748 - - - 748

{l Muse Channel - 366 - - - 366 l - Neighborhood HouMrq and Conservabon Fund 500 727,846 - - - 728,346 i PARD Cultural Projects - 558,870 - - - 558,870 l Police Drug Educstai - 8,051 - - - 8,051 l Police Federal Seized Funds 8,100 207,945 - - - 216,045 l Police Seized Money Fund 126,364 - - - 126,364

- Public improvement District - 486,120 - - - 486,120 Rattroad Right of Way - 3,920 - - - 3,920 RMD Conservaton - 97,421 - - - 97,421 RMD Loan Fund - 813,106 - - - 813,106 Subdivision Partmipation - 3,376,882 - - - 3,376,882 Voluntary Unlity Assistance - 189.702 - - - 189.702


1996 Total 11.150 32.674.562 1,513.587 7.235,527 5.489 41.440,3 t 5 1996 Total $ 11,717 27,618.414 2.004,570 6.546,324 2,646 36,183.671 l

t 90


Liabilities Fund Balances Accrued Due Deposits Reserved Total Compen. to and for Unreserved Total Unbilities Accounts Accrued sated Other Other Total Encum- Undesig Fund and Fund Payable Payrot Absences Funds Wabilities Liabilities brances Designst d nated Balances Balances 138,887 57,319 64,891 - 66 261,163 393,698 812,445 - 1,206,143 1,467,306

- - - - - - - 109,070 - 109,070 109,070

- - - - - - - 1,102 - 1,102 1,102 12.076 - - 394,423 - 406,499 770 - - 770 407,269 1,742 - - - 3,322 5,064 - 102.462 - 102,462 107,526 222 4,518 - 7,504 12.244 20,041 150,629 - 170,670 182,914

- - - - - - - 1,281 - 1,281 1,281 5.877 94,326 - " $203 100203

- - - - 25,588 25,5a8 - - - - 25,588 4,039 27,643 - - - 31,682 117,622 379,419 - 497,041 528,723 111,254 - - - 201,738 312.992 627,669 1,258,010 - 1,885,679 2,198,671 651,240 - - - - 651,240 1,498,675 - - 1,498,675 2,149,915 230,453 334,120 52,256 - 39,177 656,006 - - - - 656,006

- - - - 49,572 49,572 - 155,771 - 155,771 205,343 185,998 479,202 108,029 - - 773,229 226,599 299,933 - 526,532 1,299,761 6,195 - - - 90,796 96,991 475 - - 475 97,466

- - - - - - - 2,972 -

2.972 2,972 682,862 - - - 23,127,937 23,810,799 - - - - 23,810,799

- - - - 7,356 7,356 - 2,473 - 2,473 9,829

- - - - 18,132 18.132 -

712 -

772 10,904 774 - - - 763,540 764,314 - - - - 764,314

- - - - - - - 30,216 - 30,216 30,216

- - - - - - - 657,117 - 657,117 657,117

- - - - - - - 2,079 - 2,079 2,079

- - - - - - - 748 - 748 748

- - 337 29 - 366 366 1,454 23,623 12,031 - - 37,108 220,075 471,163 - 691,238 728,346 7,078 - - - -

7.078 179,900 371,892 - 551,792 558,870

- - - - - - 8,051 - 8,051 8,051 22,671 - - - - 22,671 4.663 188,711 - 193,374 216,045 271 126.093 - 126,364 126,364

- - - - 383 383 418,968 66,769 - 485,737 486,120

- - -. - 3,920 3,920 - .- - - 3,920

- - - - - - - 97,421 - 97,421 97,421

- - - - - - - 813,106 -

813.106 813,106

- - .- - 3,365,985 3,365,985 - 10,897 - 10,897 3,376,882

- - - - - - - 189,702 -

189.702 169,702 J._056,945_ 926,425 237,207 394.423 27,706.016 31,320,016 3,715.640 6,404.659 - 10,120291 41,440.315' 1,9 U,369, 850,090 88.130 432.658 23.949,828 27298 071 2,908,838 5,976,762 - 8,885,600 36,183,671_

4 91

_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - a

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SPECIAL FIEVENUE FUNDS- OTHER . Exhibit C-8 COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year ended September 30,1996 With cc,T.parative to*.a!s for year ended September 30,1995 l Residual Fund Fund Operating Operating Equity Ba:ances B4ances Transfers Transfers Transfers September 30, ceptember30 Expenditures in Out in (Out) 1996 1995 Reve wes (1) 3257.738 3.177.607 - - 120G.143 AusunCcnvenban and Visdors Burseu 5 1.186.000 100.194 - 109.070 Avsan Industnal Deveicpment Cp (AIDC) 103.401 5.669 -

- - 1.102 Ausan inner Cry Redevet:pmer4 Co porntx:n 1.067 35 - -

- 770 Ausun TranspMatrA S!udy

- 604 218 603.448 -

- - 102.462 131226 13.430 4?.1 03 -

Avation Asset Fedesture 418.640 (237.640)

- 170.670 146265 - 106.595 Bak:ones Canverknds Conservaton Plan (BCCP) - - - - 1261 Barbars Jordan Memenal Fund 1.281 625f;46 789.973 - - - 100203 Cable TV 264.530 - - -

Campaign Fina:ncrg Fund - - - 497,041 Ciwo Serery Fund 396E89 1.264.997 1.164.845 - 1,885 679 1.125.918 2.624.385 364.624 -

11.500.000) ry.y%wse Share Econorruc Development 1.781 72 1.853 -

- 1,49e.675 1.392.761 9%.558 8.46G.161 7.613.517 -

Energy CorservaDon Rebates and incerhes - -

5.9f 6.522 11.575.914 5.659.392 -

Envronmental Conservecn Sennces - 155.771 67.649 12.006 33.88G 820.000 (710.000)


1.559.839 (285,406) - 526.532 652.704 13.115.729 14.516.394 g Feoeracy Ouatted Heafth Center FEMA Flood Disaster 12255 20.806 32.586 - - - 475 5.392 - - -

2.972 Fire M:scenaneous 120 8244 - -

10.750 - -


Fisca. Surety- Land Devebpment - - 2.473 2,473 - - -

Fnwes of East Austm Youth - - 772 Hentm *.Asce#aneous 113 659 - -

i Hot (4-Motet OccuparefTax Fund -

14259.808 - -

(14 259.808) l - - - -

30216 bousing Mrscetareous 28.645 1.571

( 103.402 - - - 657.117 Leretaged Lean Poof /31288 29231 l

1.971 108 - - - -

2f79 l Ubrary Cry Laeracy Program - - 748 Mimicipal Court Miscenaneous

- 748 - -

l 19 - - - - 306 Music Channel 347 297.169 970231 - - 691.238 Negitotcod houang and Conservson Fund 18.176 i 1.897.982 2.(X)7.726 - -



PARD Curval Protects 412.048 -

3.500 - - 8.051 Ponce Drug Education 4204 347 -

275.171 -


- 193.374 Police Federal Seized Funds 242.053 229.992 92.048 - - - 126.364 Police Sened Money Fund 140.895 77.517 796.474 - - -

485.737 Public tmprovement Distrd 487.622 794.589 - -

Railroad fUght of Way - - l275,000) -

97.421 RMD Comervation 372.421 -

- 813,106 RMD Loan FurrJ 793250 19 850 -

10.897 SubdrAsicn Partscspaton 10.897 -

244.365 16ft000 - - 189.7C2 Vc+.antary Utdey Assrstance 174.727 99.340 40 814,514 44.608 223 22.420.512 (17.332.104) -

10.120299 1996 Total 8.8t35.600

$ 55.382.450 46.811792 9.913.524 (17.069.409) (230.907) 8.885 60 _0 1995 Total 7.703.734 (1) Experwures inctoda capdal outlay of 5777251


1 BUDGET AND ACTUAL-BUDGET BASIS Year ended September 30,1996 Excess of Fund  ;

Ftmd I Operstmg Operating Sotrees Botences l, Ehdances Transfer Transfer Over September 30, September 30 Out Uses 1996 1995 Revenues Expenditures in l l Austin CowsnDon and

!' ' Vissors Bureau (123.610) 741.708 865 318 100.194 3.401.411 3.177.607 -

Ac ualbudget basu $ 281.751 54.450 3.577.256 2.339.239 -


Gudget 865.318 238.368 - 459.957 #59.957

- 45.744 175.845 Wnarte Avicon Asset For'eaure - -

(8.774) 102.419 111.193 13.439 22.213 Actualbudget basis 99.593

3200 44.800 - -


Budget 111.193

- 28"S 2A26 (19.761) 22.587 -

Vartance Bak:ones Canyordands 8 Consenrotion Plan (DCCP) 129,479 - 106.711 418.640 287.640 24.209 153.708 Actusf budget basis ' 59.028 14.000 215.451 410.640 287.643 (70.451)

Budget 129.473 94,740 108.740 - - 94.740 Va/ance (14.000)

Child Safety Fund - 15.951 375.529 Actualbudget basis 359.578 1 264.997 1249.046 (189.407)- 170.171 359.578 1.163.000 1.352.407 Budget - - 205.358 205.358

- 101.997 133.361 Variarce D:sproporbonate Share 1,17C.940 .

844,903 2.624,385 792.348 - 1.500.000 J32.037 Actua' budget basis 1.366.923 2.800.000 777.900 -

1.500.000 522.020 Budget 844.903 (14.368)

(189.983) (199.983)

Wnance (175.615)

Erergy Conservation Rebates and incer*ves - - -

- 958.558 8.572.075 7.613.517 Actualbudget basis - -

1.138.051 10.899.751 9.761.700 -

BudDet - - -

- (179,493) 2.327.676 (2.148.183)

Variance '

Ermronmental<vahon Servces - -

S -

5.916.519 11.575.911 5.659.392 -

Actualbudget basis - -

- 6.819.230 12.900,409 6.081.179 -

BJdget - -

(902.711) 1,324,498 (421,787) -

Vertance (corrhed)

.b m

+ .. .. . .. - .. ..

PI l



Year ended September 30,1996 I

Fund Excess of Fund

, Balances Operating Opers-Jng Sources Balances j September 30 Transfer Transfer Over September 30 1995 Revenues Expenditures in Out Uses 1996 l

Enwonrnantal Remedstion Fund

$ 67.649 12.008 33.886 820.000 710.000 88.122 155.771 Actual budget basis 50.000 820.000 710.000 62.000 129,649 Dudget 67.649 2.000 vanance -

10.00e 16.114 - -

26.122 26.t22 Federally Qua!6ed Health Center Actual budget tsasis 388.848 13.115.729 14,527.358 1.559.899 285.406 (137.136) 251.712 Budget 388.848 13.169.37d 14.665.220 1.536.000 285,406 (245252) 143.5?S Vanance -

(53.645) 137.862 23.899 -

108.116 108.116 l

Hotel-Metet Occupancy Tax Fund Actual budget bases -

14.259.808 - -

14.259.308 -

$ 13.147.500 - -

B miget -

13.147.500 - -

Vanancs -

1.112.308 - - (1,112.3'16) - -

N4hi?M Ncusog and Conservatxm Actual buoget basis -

18.176 481.590 970.231 -

506.817 506.817 Budget - 50.000 1.020 231 970 231 - -

Vanance -

(31.824) 538.641 - -

506.817 506.817 PARD Cu!! ural Prciects Actuat budget bas;s 306.399 -

1.980.047 2.037.726 -

57.679 364.078 Budget 300.399 -

2.025.797 1.878.778 -

(147.019) 159.300 Vartance - - 45,750 1SS 948 -

204.698 203.698 l Police Orts Education Actual budget basis 4204 347 -

3.500 --

3.847 8.051 l 4204 150 4.700 3.500 -

(1.050) 3.154 l

Budget Vanance - 197 4.700 - - 4.897 4.897 PoGce Federal Seized Funds Actual budget basis $ 238.452 229.992 276233 -

3.500 (49.741) 188.711 f 446.350 501.153 5.000 (59.803) 178.649 Budget 238.452 -

Vanance -

(216.358) 224.920 -

1.500 10.062 10.062 (corenued)


BUDGET AND ACTUAL-BUDGET BASIS Year ended September 30,1996 l

Excesscf Ftand Fund Operiming Operating Sources h ,

Basances Transfer Transfer Over September 30 l E+ptember 30 in Out Usse 1996 l 1995 Revenues E,., -4 m


PoEca Seized Money Fund 126.093 92.048 - -


Actualbudge! basis 5 140.624 77.517 (84.001) 56fs23 140.024 49.999 134.000 --

Budget - 69.470 .. 69.470

- 27.519 41.952 -

Vanance PutAic Livisvi.,re 4 Districi 66.769 779.476 - - 15.113 Actual budget basis 51.656 794.589

- - 51.656 51,6S6 779.476 779.476 -

Dudget - - 15.113 15.113 Vanance

- 15.113 Total 17,046.354 710.0E3 4 218.366

$ 3.5U8223 39,386258 43.890.353 22260.512 Actualtxmiget basis - 2.700.173 3.508,303 39,666,780 48,948.631 24.409.267 15.935.546 (808.130) 8 Budget

- (280.522) 5.058278 (2.148,755) (1,110.006) 1.518.193 1.518.193 Variance l-l 4

l l





t i

l r.iy%.


DEBT SERVICE FUND The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resourcec for and tne payment of general long term debt principal, interest and related costs, h

f i



With comparative totals for September 30,1995 1996 1995 ASSETS

. Cash ' $ -- 158 investments, at amortized cost 8,398,016 8,W ,154 Property taxes receivable 3.415,305 3,458,752 Less allowance for uncollectible taxes (781,163) (842,844)

Net taxes receivable 2,654,142 2,615.908 Total assets 11,052.158 11.457,520 LIABILmES AND FUND BALANCES

. Liabilities:

Deferred revenue 2,577,012 2,522,702 Totalliabilities 2,577,012 2,522,702 Fund balances (unreserved):

Designated for debt service 8,475,148 8.934,t,18 Tota' fund balances 8,475,146 8,934.818 Totalliabilities and fund balances $ 11.052,158 11,457,520 97 e

DEBT SERVICE FUND CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES Exhibit D-2 IN FUND BALANCES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL BUDGET BASIS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 1996 1995 Actual. Variance- Actual-Adjustments Budget Favorable Budget Actual (1) Basis Budget (Unfavc able) Basis REVENUES General property taxes $ 53,213,806 53,213,806 52,949,631 264,175 52,678,572 Interest 2.056,867 -- 2,056,867 1,806,472 250,395 2,544,078 Other revenue 546,162 540,731 1,086,893 1,356,110 (269,217) 559,819 Total revenues 55,816,835 540,731 56,357,566 56,112,213 245,353 53,782,469 EXPENDITURES Principal retirement 22,722,983 3,139,251 25,862,234 31,362,234 5,500,000 28,249,174 Interest and other 35,035,214 2,789,105 37,824,319 40,368,979 2.544,660 38,631,188 Fees and commissions 3.363 - 3,363 5,322 1,959 2,773 Total expenditures 57,761,560 5,928,356 63,689,916 71,736,535 8,046,619 66,683,135 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (1,944,725) (5,387,625) (7,332,350) (15,624,322) 8,291,972 (11,100,666)


Operating transfers in 1,485,053 5,387.625 6,872,678 14,631,874 (7.759,196) 13,512,664 Total other financing sources (uses) 1,485,053 5,387,625 6,872,678 14.631,874 (7,759,196) 13.512,664 Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other sources over expenditures and other uses (459,672) -

(459,672) (992,448) 532,776 2,411,998 Fund balances at beginning of year 8,934,818 -- 8,934,818 8,279,984 654,834 6,522,820 Fund balances at end of year S 8,475,146 - 8.475,146 7,287,536 1,187,610 8,934,818 (1) Revenue and expenditure adjustmersts represent amount of certain enterprise fund and intemal service fund debt payments budgeted as operating transfers.

J 98



CAPEAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital projects funds are used to account for financial =

resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major

) capital facilities other than those financed by proprietary funds .

and trust funds. There are twelve major groups of funds that J

. account for the activities related to the capital improvement L. projects:

Funds authorized prior to 1981:

Funds authorized August 29,1981 for street and drainage, .

fire stations, tratfic signals and emergency medical service projects:

Funds authorized September 11,1982 for various purposes; Funds authorized October 22, 1983 for Jollyville Road improvements and energy improvements for City f acilitics:

Funds authorized September 8,1984 for various purposes; Funds authorized January 19,1985 for cultural arts; Funds authorized July 26,1985 for parks and recreation; Funds authorized September 26, 1985 for art in public places; Funds authorized December 14,1985 for various purposes; Funds authorized September 3- 1987 for street improvements; Funds authorized August 10,1992 for various purposes; and


s Other funds established for various purposes.

O ' nA ' 4,/,

< p e
  1. 4 99


%~-th comparative totals for September 30,1995 Summary of Funds from General Ob!!gation Bonds other by Year of Authorization Funds lotals 1984 1985 1987 1992 1996 1995 l Prior to 1981 1981 1982 1983 ASSETS 503.490 21.334.707 12.6'8.834 515.133 27.399.079 22.0G8,403 88.181.528 79.305.064 Pootedinvechrerds and cash 5 1.444,706 1.348.366 888.760 2.072 2 -

414.519 -

1.462.919 3.949.833 6.953247 Accourts recewatde

- (185.698) - -

(185.698) (780.611)

Less a8cwance for doubtftd acaxmts -

6,172.636 2.072.395 -

228.821 -

1.462.919 3.764.135 fJet accounts recewalde 3.055.612 - - 33,531 -

3.089.143 16.647.807 Due from other furds 39.513 1,691 25.790 159.228 - - - 16.520 204.067 Other assets 838 -

914.550 503.490 26.621.942 12.678.884 743.954 27.432.610 23.547.842 95.238.873 102.165.020 Total assets 1.445.544 1.350.057 _

LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabihties-1,687 383 5.610 125.942 30258 227.877 849.4M 564 628 1.820.920 2.675222 15.113 8 Accounts rayable 42.783 -

70.319 - 890.169 - - -

2.052.341 3.055.612 16,647.807 Due to other funds 7.469 9.327 33200 350.034 400.030 471.340 Other habAtes -

7').702 5.610 1.016.111 37.727 237204 882.622 2.967.003 5 276.562 19.794.369 Total Eabihties 44.470 15.113 Fund bafances:

3.581.818 66* 589 80.544 7.342218 6.752.042 18,789.4M 29.159.815 Heserved for encumbrances 44.119 110.797 151.961 62.388 1,356.955 691.887 435.492 22.024,013 11.9 7.568 426206 19207.770 13.828.797 71.172.835 53210.836 Unreserve1 undesgnated 1.224J. 1

( 12.641.157 506.750 26.549.988 20.580.839 89.962.311 82.370.651 l Totalfund balances - 1.401.074 1 334.944 843.848 497.880 25.605.831 5 1.445.544 1.350.057 914.550 503.490 26.621.942 12.678.884 743.954 27.432,610 23.547.842 95238.873 102.165.020 l Total HabiHties and fund balances

! J l


- ~- -



! Year ended September 30,1996 '

With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995



' Summary of Funds from General Ooligation Bonds other Funds Totals try Year of Authorization 1967 1992 1996 1995 Prior to 1981 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 REVENUES 64.558 4'324.487 4J71.626 4.725.470 282.581 Intcy.m -s4al revenues $ - -

Prope@ owneet partcpahon ard 652.900 207.139 320.000 318.006 12.000 -

contnbutiores 2.894 -

35.542 244200 5.352.972 6238.442 10.420.518 200 - - - 180 605.348 Interest ard other 9.377.459 11262.968 15.353.127 2.894 - 180 925.348 636.129 320.758 Tctal revenues 200 -

EXPENDITURES 381,641 19.133.867 102-C.973 43.593.534 59 461.815 357.706 48380 334.530 573.631 12.058.309 4A6.497 Capet outtay for construchon Excess (defoency)of revenues (357.506) (45,486) 478.851 254.488 (18.813.109) (881.514) (32.330.566) (44.108.688) over expenditures (334.5%) (573.631) (12.058.129) o" OTHER FIN #NCING SOURCES (USES)

Proceeds frorn issuance or tax 35.005.000 38.565.000 2.661.000 -

- 27.589.000 4.755.000 sped debt -

27.000 1.651.000 - -

548.550 6.412.428 -

472.923 14.823255 23.935.156 12.380.555 Operating transfers in (22218) (472.923) - -

(75.000) (6.576.352) -

(22 2005 (11.849237) (19.017.930) (7.063279)

Operating transfers out 7,729.018 39.922226 43.882 276 4.782 1.*'8.077 - -

3.134 550 (163.924) - 28.039.723 Total other financing sources (uses)

Excess (defoency) of revenues and orher sources over experdtures and 314 *27 254,488 9 226,614 6.847.504 7.591.660 (226.412) omer uses (35?.724) 1.132.591 (334.530) (573.631) (8.923.579) 12326230 2522ts2 17.323.374 13.733.335 82 370.651 82.597.063 Fund balances at beginrung of year 1.753.798 202J53 1.178.378 1.071.511 34.529.410 89.962.311 Fund balances at end of year 5 1.401.074 1 334.944 843.848 497.880 25.605.831 12.641.157 506.750 26.549.988 20.500.839 82 370 {


A 1



. September J0,1996 With comparative totals for %ptember 30,1995 Assete Pooled Allowance Not invoetmente Accounts for Doubtful Accounto Due from Other Total and Ceeh Receivable Accounts Receivable Other Funde Aseste Assets ]

Funde Auti.ortaed j Prlor to 1981 Parks and recreaton 8 914,862 .. - - - 838 915,700 Ponce and courts 2,469 - - - - - 2,489 Ctreetirrprovernents $18,185 - - - - - 518,18" Lbrary - - . - -

Health centers 9,190 - - - - - 9,190 1,444,706 - - - - 838 1,445,544 Funde Authortred August 29,1941 Street and dainage 210,6 3 - - - - - 210,05 Fire statone 24,184 - - - - 604 24,788 EMS b, klings 1,113.547 - - - - 1,087 1,114.634 1,348.366 - - - - 1,691 1,350,057 Funde Authorized September 11,1982 Street and drainage 13,112 - , - - - 13,112 Flood prevenson 704,478 - - - - - 704.478

. Pubhc woeks parking 142 - - - - - 142 Publ6c works serv 6ce center - - - - - - -

. Traffic signals 4 - - - - - 4 Parka-various 112,042 - - - - 25,790 137,832 Environmentai resources 15.723 - - - -. 15,723 Fire / EMS bunding 43.259 - - - - - 43,259

. 888.760 - - - - 25.790 914.550 Funde Authorlaed October 22,1941 Jollyville road Inprovements 56,748 - - - - - 56,748 Energyinprovements cityfacihties 446.742 - - - - - 446,742 503.490 - - - - - 503,400 Funds Authorized September 8,1964 Zilker land acquisition -9 - - - - - 9 PARD poole 32,414 - - - - - 32,414 Parkland acquisihon 361,588 - - - - - 361,588

- Parksold Bakery .- - - - -- - -

j Dramge and ilood improvements 7,413,378 -- -. - - - 7,413,376 1 Streetimprovements 12,154,130 2,072.395 - 2.072,395 3,055,612 159,228 17,441,365 Fire riprovements - 69,088 - - - - - 69,088 l Libraries 841 - - - - -

841 Polce FACS - - - .. -- -

Traffic signals 1,299,732 - - - - - 1,299,732

- EMS' Fire facihty 3.529 -- - - - - 3,529 5 21,334,707 2.072,395 - 2,072,3M 3,055.612 159,228 26,621,942


, - . . . . - - . . _ _ _ _ -. ~


Umbilities Fund Balances Total Unreserved. Total . Uabiliths Accounts Due to Other Total Reserved for Undesignated Fund and Fund Payable Other Funde Umbilities Uebilities Encumbrances (Deficit) Balances Balances _

- - - - 915,700 915,700 915,700

- 2,469 2,469 2,469

- - - 5M,185 518,185 518,185 1,667 42,783 - 44,470 44,119 (88,589) (44,470) ~

- - 9,190 9,193 0,190 1,087 42,783 - 44,470 44 119 1,356.955 1,401,074 1,445,544

- - 15,113 1,649 193,873 195,522 210.635 15.113 .

.. - - 24,788 24,789 24,788

- - 109,148 1,005.486 1,114.634 1,114,634 15,113 - - 15,113 110,797 1,224.147 1,334,944 1.350,057

- . 110,002 (96,890) 13,112 13,112 383 - 383 9,745 694,350 704.095 704,478

- 142 142 142 70.319 - 70,319 795 (71,114) (70,319) -

- - - - - 4 4 4

- - - - 18,158 119,674 137,832 137,832

- - 13.261 2,462 15,723 16,723

- - 43,259 43.259 43,259 383 70,319 - 70,702 151,961 691,887 843.848 914.550

- - - - 56,748 56,748 56,748 5.610 - - 5.610 62,388 378.744 441,132 446.742 5.610 - - 5.610 62.388 435.492 447,880 503.490

- - - - - 9 9 9

- - - 32,414 32,414 32,414 4,500 - - e,500 - 357,088 357,088 361,588 235 876,384 - 876,619 81,621 (958,240) (876,619) -

82,569 - - 82,569 1,987,776 5,343,031 7,330,807 7 413,376 16,975 - - 16,975 1,502.485 15,921,905 17,424,390 17,441,365

- - - - 9,936 59,152 69,088 69,088

- - - - Si 841 641

- 13,785 - 13,785 (13,785) (13,785) -

21/43 - - 21,663 - 1,278,069 1,278,069 1,299,732

- - - - 3.529 3.529 3.529 125.942 890,169 - 1,018.11'. 3,581.618 22.024,013 25.605,831 26.621,942 (continued) 103 mmm -


CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET Septerf+/7 30,1996 With c Gmparative totals for September 30,1995 Assets Pooled Allowance Not investments Accounts for Doubtful Accounts Due frorn Other Total and Cash Receivable Accounts Receivsble Other Funds Assets Assets Funds Authortred January 19,1985 Cultural Arts $ 3.625,680 - - -- - - 3,625,680 Domuown art museum 6.364.010 - - - - -- 6.364.010 9.989.690 - - - - -

9.989.690 Funds Authorized Juty 26,1985 Nev/borhood park and recreabon 2,308.909 - - - - - 2,308.909 Funds Authort.tsd Septembe" 24.1985 Ar16n pubhc places 152.421 - - - - - 152.421 Funds Authorized December 14,1985 Senior actvity center 13,135 - - - - - 13,135 South Austin parkland 10,903 - - - - - 10,903 Parks G.,k Hdi 203.826 - - - - - 203,828 227,864 - - -- - - 227,864 Total Funds Authorized in 1985 12.678.884 - - - - - 12.678.884 Funds Authorized September 3,1987 Street resurfacing 515,133 414.519 (185.698) 228.821 - - 743.954 Funds Authorized August 10,1992 EMS fac$ty 556.985 - - -- - - 556,985 Fire statons 1,693,501 -- - - - - 1,693,501 Police substations 90,369 - - - - - 90,369 Asbeslos abatomerWADA corTpliance/

East Ausun hootth clinc 3,539,112 - - - - - 3,539,112 Erosion & flood controt 7,045,188 - - - -- - 7,045,188 Street & trattic signals 2/942.881 - - - - - 2,942,881 Neighborhood sidewaks 107,106 - - -- - -

107.106 Parks and recreason faciates 4,704,354 - - - - - 4,704,354 Lt>rarios 5.310,104 - - - - - 5,310.104 Dalconet Canyonlands Conservation P',an 941,103 - - -- 33,531 -

9743 14 Barton Creek greenway 468.296 - - - - - 468,2 %

$ 27,399.079 - - - 33.531 - 27,432.610 i

s 104

s CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit E-3 (Continued) f Llabnities Fund Balances Total Unreserved, Total WaNiities Accounts Due to Other Total Reserved for Undesignated Fund and Fund Payable Other FEAde Uebilities Usbilities Encumbrances (Def6 cit) Balances Balances 15,350 - 7,469 22,819 356,852 3,246,009 3,602,861 3,625,680

- - - - - 6.364.010 6,364,010 6,364,010 15,350 - 7,469 22.819 356,852 9.610,019 9.966,871 9.989.690 7,97 - - 7,973 116.241 2,184.695 2.300,936 2,308.909 2.187 - - 2,187 56,103 94,131 150.234 152,421

- - - - - 13,135 13,135 13,135

- - - - - 10,903 10,903 10.903 4.748 - - 4,748 134.393 64.685 190.078 203.823 4,748 - - 4,748 134.393 88.723 223,116 227.864 30,258 - 7,469 37,727 663.589 11,977,568 12.641,157 12,678.884 227,877 - 9.327 237,204 80.544 426.206 506,750 743,954 173,545 .- - 173,545 460,931 (77,491) 383,440 556,985

- - - - 650,680 1,042.821 1,693,501 1,693,501 6,440 - - 6,440 72.186 11,743 83,929 00,369 58,878 - - 58,878 546,823 2,933,411 3,480,234 3,539.112 218,542 - - 218,542 2,822,881 4,003,765 6,826,646 7,045,188 48,688 - - 43,688 300,709 2,593,484 2,894,193 2,942,881

- - - -- - 107,106 107.106 107,106 162,227 - -

162.227 972,700 3,569,427 4,542,127 4,704,354 181,102 - - 181,102 1,492,872 3,636,130 5,129,002 5,310,104

- - 33,200 33,200 22,236 919,278 941,514 974,714

- - - - 200 468.096 468.296 468.296 849.422 - 33,200 882.622 7,342,218 19.207,770 26,549.988 27.432.610 (continued' 105

. .. . -. . _ . .s ._ . . _ __ . . . _ _ . _. _ . _ -

CAPRAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 - 3 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 ]

Aseets Pooled Allowance Not invoetments - Accounts for Doubtful Accounto Dies from Other Total and Ceeh Recolvable Accounto - Recolveble Other Funde Aseste Asecte Other funde - .

street rghts s - - - - - -

Plannin9 & developmert improverretts 847,107 - - - - - 847,107 TPSD generalimprovements 2,784,333 - - - - - 2,784,933 Parks 1992 787,289 - - - - - 787,289 Ltxary automaton system 92,915 - - - - 9,150 102,065 fira/ EMS /NW Aus6n MUD #1 193,561 - - - - - 193.561 Coneral governmort pro}ects 3,341,868 - - - - - 3,341,868 Health prelects 6,313,744 .- - - - - 6,313,744 Budd Austin - 1,462,919 - 1,462,919 - - - 1,462,919 Forsythia Detve 434,671 - - - - - 434,671


Central City Entertainment Center - - - - -

J New Ba8 Park - -- -

Pouco and courts 34,497 - - - - - 34,497 Healtn centers - 2,092,774 - - - - 1,193 2,093,967 Neighborhood centers 128,321 - - - - - 128,321 Loan star inprovements - - - - - - -

Fire 9eneral 3,938,538 - - - - - 3,938,538 Cep#tal reserve - - - - - - -

Interest income fund 1,078,185 - - - - 6,177 1,084.362 Total other funde 22,068.403 1,462.919 - 1.462.919 18.520 23.547,842 1998 Totals 88,181.528 3,949.833 (185.698) 3.764,135 3.089.143 204.061 95238.873 Funde authorized:

prior to 1981 1,765,750 320 - 320 - 838 1,766,908 August 29,1901 255,664 - - - - 1,691 257,355 -

September 11,1982 1,285,628 2,658 - 2,658 - 30,807 1,319,093

, October 22,1083 1,164,478 - - - .- - 1,164,478 Septer2er 8,1984 16,063,547 2,'10,177 - 2,710,177 16,647,007 - 35,421,531

6 1985 12,408,155 - - - - - 12,408,155 Septer$er 3,1967 - 1,799,288 (780,611) 1,018,677 - - 1,018,677 August 10,1992 31,612,714 - - - - - 31,612,714 Other funds 14.749,128 2.440.804 - 2.440.804 - 8,177 17,196,109 1996 Totale $ 79.305.064 6.953 247 (780.611) 6.172.636 16.647,807 39.513 102.165.020 i

i 106

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhlblt E 3 (Continued) l

( .____

Uabilities Fund Ba!ances I Total i Unreserved, Total Usbilities Accounts Goeto Other Total Reserved fof UndesignatsJ Fund and Fi;r,d Payable Other Funds Liabilities Umbilities Encumbrances (Defielt) Balances Balances

- 1,721 - 1,721 - (1,721) (1,721) -

- - - - - 847,107 847,107 847,107 131,288 - - 137,288 496,595 2,151,050 2,647,645 2,784,933 105.717 - - 105,717 367,130 314,442 681,572 787,289

- - - - 59,725 42,340 102.065 102.065

- - - - - 193,561 193,561 193,561

! 166,561 - - 166,561 1,719,596 1,455,711 3,175.307 3,341,868 51,067 - - 51,067 1,387,120 4.875,557 6,262,677 6,313,744 37,521 1,444,882 - 1,482,403 1,258,3u (1,277,788) (19,484) 1,462,919

- - - - - 434,671 434,671 434,674

- 306,802 - 306,802 976,570 (1,283 372) (306,802) -

.. - - - 33,622 875 34,497 34,497

- - - 182,385 1,911,582 2,093,967 2,093,967 16,383 - - 18,383 24,907 87,(XII 111,938 128,321 50,091 298,936 - 349,027 246,088 (595,115) (349,0P7) -

- - - - - 3,938,538 3,938,538 3,938,538

- - 350,03S 350,034 - 734,328 734,328 1,084,362 564,628 2,052.341 350,034 2.967,003 6.752,042 13,828.797 20,580.839 23.547,842 1.820,920 3.055.612 400,030 5,276.562 ,1P.789,476 71,172,835 89.962,311 95238,873 5,167 - 7,943 13,113 135,526 1,618 272 1,753,798 1,766,908 15.113 39,889 - 55,002 23,358 178,995 202,353 257,355 73,000 67,715 - 140,715 221,570 956,808 1,178,378 1,319,093 92.967 - - 92,967 514,703 556,808 1,071,511 1,164,478 355,678 536,443 - 892,121 A,660,481 2!,,868.929 34,523,410 35,421,531 74,009 -

7.916 81,925 520,202 11,8ne,028 12,326,230 12,408,155 274,629 386,564 105,222 766,415 469,269 (217,007) 252,262 1,018,677 957,069 13,332,046 225 14.289,340 12,174,056 5,149,318 17,323,374 31,612,714 827,590 2,285,150 350,034 3.462,774 6,340,650 7,292.685 13.733.335 17,196,109 2.675222 16,647,807 471,340 19,794,369 29.159,815 53210.836 82.370.651 102.165,020 107




With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Revenues Encess Property Owners' (Deficiency)


inter- Participation interoet Empenditures of Revenues j governmental and and Total Capital Over Revenuee Contributions Other Revenues Outley Expenditures Funde Authorised J

Prior to 1981 Parks and recreaton $ - - - - 47,343 (47,343)

Police and courts - - - - 22 (22)

Steet improvomants - - - - 3,448 (3,448)

I.trary - - 200 200 306,893 (306,693)

Health centers -

- - 200 200 357,706 , (357,506)

Funde Authortaed August 29,1981 Street and drainage - 2,894 - 2,894 23,739 (20,845)

Fire stations

- EMS buildings - - - - 24.641 (24.641)

- 2.894 - 2 394 48.380 (45.486)

Funde Authortaed September 11,1982 Street and drariage - - - - 7,508 (7,598)

Flood preventon - -- - - 44.334 (44,334)

Public works parking P@lic works service conter - - - - 2,604 (2,604)

Traffic cignals - - - - 2,472 (2.472)

!= Parks-various - - - - 245,083 (245,083)

Environmontairesources - - - - 32,439 (32,439)

Fire / EMS building - - - .

- - - - 334.530 (334.530)

Funde Authorized October 22,1983 l- Jo#yville road irrprovements - - - -

Energyimprovements cityfacihties - - - - 573.631 (573.631) .


- - - - 573.631 (573.631)

Funds Authortaed September 8,1964 Zilker land acquisitim - - - - - -

PARD pools - - - - -

Parkland acquisition - - - - 370,367 (370,367)

Parksold Baley - - - - 429,642 (429,642)

Drainage and Sood irrprovements - - 180 180 3,732,304 (3,732,124)

Steetimprovements -- - - - 7,417,000 (7,417,000) j Fire impvmments - - - - - 30,963 (30,963) l Ubraries - - -

Police FACS - - - -

Traffic signals - - - - 78,033 (78,033) l EMS / Fire fa%ty - - -

S - - 180 180 12.058.309 (12,058.129) 108

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit E.4 Excuss (Deficiency)

Other Financing Sources (Uses) of Revenues Total and Other Fund Fund,ce Operating Operating Other Sources over Balances Balances of Tax Transfers Transfers Financing Expenditures Beginning End Supporied Debt in Out Sources (Uses) and Other Uses of Year of Year

- - - - (47,343) 963,043 g15,700 (22) 2,491 2,469

- - - - (3,448) 521,633 518,185

- 27,000 (22,218) 4,782 (301,911) 257,441 (44,470)

- -- - - - 9,190 9,100

- 27,000 (22,218) 4,782 (352,724) 1,753,798 1,401.074

- - - - (20,845) 216.367 195,522

- - - - - 24,788 24,788

- 1,651,000 (472,923) 1,178.077 1,153.436 (38.802) 1,114.634

- 1.651,000 (472,923) 1,178,077 1,132,591 202,353 1,334,944

- - - - (7,599) 20,710 13,112

- - - - (44,334) 748,429 704,095

.- - - - - 142 142

- - - - (2,604) (67,715) (70,319)

- - - - (2,472) 2,476 4

- - - - (245,083) 382,915 137,832

- - - - (32,439) 48,162 15,723

- - - - - 43,259 43.259 (334.530) 1,178,378 843.848

- - - - - 56,748 56,748 (573.631) 1,014,763 441,132 (573.631) 1,071,511 497.880

- - - - - 9 9

- - - - - 32,414 32,414 335,000 - - 335,000 (35,367) 392,455 357,088 118,000 - - 118,000 (311,642) (564,977) (876.619) 1,150,000 - (75,000) 1,075,000 (2,657,124) 9,987,931 7,330,807 1,053,000 548.550 - 1,606,550 (5,810,450) 23,234,840 17,424,390

- - - - (30,963) 100,051 69,088

- .. - - - 841 841

- - - - - (13,785) (13,785)

- - - - (78,033) 1,356,102 1,278,069 3.529 3.529 2,661.000 548.550 (75,000) 3.134.550 (8.923,579) 34.529.410 25.605.831 (consnued) 109

CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year endet! September 30,1995 Resinues Excess Property Owners' (Deficiency)

Inter- Participation interest Erpenditures of Revenues governmental and and Total c.apital Over Revenues Contributions Other Revenues outtay Expenditures Funds Autsuttaed January 19,1985 Cultural Arts $ - - 212,342 212,342 41,756 170,586 Downtown art mur,eum -- - -- - - -

- - 212,342 212,342 41,756 170,586 Funds Authortred July 28,1985 Neigtterhood park and recreabon - - 393.006 393.006 296.035 96.971 Funds Authort;ed September 26,1985 Art in pubic places - - - - 50.901 (50,901)

Funds Authorlied December 14,1985 Senior actMty center - - - - - -

South Austn pr.rkland - - - - 167 (167)

Parks Oak Hill - 320,000 - 320.000 57.638 262,362 320.000 - 320,000 57,805 262,195 Total funds authorized in 1985 -

320.000 605.348 925.348 446.497 478,851 Funds Authorized September 3,1987 Street resurfacing 282,581 318,006 35.542 636.129 381,641 254,488 Funds Authorized August 10,1992 EMS facihty - - - - 414,287 (414,287)

Fire stations - - - - 167,369 (167,369)

Police substations - .. - - 57,455 (57,455)

Asbestos abatement /ADA comrdiance/

East Ausun health ohne - - 84,158 84,158 1,923,460 (1,839,302)

Erosion & Sood conti04 - - 40 40 1,082,763 (1,082,723)

Street & traftc signals - - 158,377 158,377 5,558,598 (5,400,221)

Nethborhood sdewalks - - - - 6,118 (6,118)

Parks and recreabon facihties 64,558 12,000 1,500 78,058 4.315,271 (4237,213)

Ltwartes - - 125 125 2,447,641 (2,447,516)

Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan - - - - 1271,247, (1,271,247)

Barton Creek gro,,nway - - - - 1.889.658 (1.889.658) 5 64,558 12.000 244.200 320.758 19.133.867 (18.813.109) 110

-.- . . - - . _ . .. . _ - ~ -

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhib!t E (Continued)

-Esooes (Deflolouy)

Other Financing Sources (Usee) of Revenuse Total and Other Fund Fund


L leeuence Operating Opersiang Other Sources over Selences Selences of Ten - Trenefore Trenefore Financing Expenditures Seginning End Supported Debt in Out Sources (Usee) and Other uses of Yeer of Year L

- - (6,576.352) (6,576.352) (6,405,766) 10,006,627 3,602.861

< - 6,364,010 - 6,364,010 6,364,010 - 6,364,010

- 6.~ ;4.010 (6.576.352) .. ./,342) (41,756) 10,008,627 9,966.871

- - - - 96,971 2,203.965 2,300,936

- 48,418 - 48,418 (2,483) 152,717 150,234

- - - - - 13,135 13,135 l

(167) 11,070 10,903 l

- - - - 262,362 (63,284) 199,078

- - - 262,195 (39,079) 223,116 l - 6,412,428 (6,576,352) (163,924) 314,927 12,326,230 12,641,157

- - - - 254,488 252,262 506.750

- 472,923 - 472,923 58,636 324,804 383,440 1,105,000 .- - 1.105,000 937,631 755,870 1,693,501

- - - - (57,455) - -141,384 83,929 1,596.000 - - 1,598.000 ' (241,30 4 3,721,536 3,480,234 1,868,000 ' - - 1,868,000 785,277 6.041,369 6,826,646 3,699,000 - - 3,699,000 (1.701121) 4,593,414 2,894,193

- - - - (6,118) 113.224 107.106 1.100,000 .- (500) 1,099,500 (3,137,713) 7,679,840 4,542,127 2.529,000 - - (21,700) 2,507.300 59,784 5,069.218 5,129,002

-- - - - (1,271,247) 2,212,761 941,514 15,690,000 ' - - 15,690.000 - 13.800,342 (13,332,046) 468.296 ~

27,589,000 472,923 (22,200) 28,039,723 9226,614 17,323,374 26,549.988 (continued) 111

~. - . - _ .

j l '


Year ended September 30,1996

- With comparative totels for year ended September 30,1995 Revenues _

Escoes Property Owners' (Deficiency)

Inter. Participation Interset Expenditures of Revenues  ;

governrnental and and Total Capital Over Revenues - Contributione OtMt Revenuee Outley Expenditures Other funde Street bghts $ - - - - -

Planrung & devokpment improvements - - - - 47,924 (47,924)

TPSD generalltrprovements - - 25 25 916,346 (916,321)

-- Parks project 1992 108,288 - - 108,288 223,367 (115.079)

Ltarary automaton system - - .- - 290,716 (290,716) -

Fire / EMS /NW Auste MUD e1 - - 10.049 10,049 - 10,049 -

General govemment prosts' - 250 250 3,345,442 (3,345,192)

Health projects - - - - 560,385 (560,385)

Belid Austin 3.083,084 - 200 3,083.284 3,182,574 (99,290)

Forsy1hia Drive - - 22,590 22.590 - 22,590 Central City Entertainment Center 655,000 - - 655,000 769.400 (114,400)

New Ball Park - - - - -

Police and courts . - - - 22,472 (22,472)

Health conters - - - - 181,254 (181,254)

Neighborhood centers - - - 191,951 (101,951)

Loan star irrprovements 178,115 - 178,115 527,142 (349.027)

Fire general - - - - - -

Capitai reserve - - - - - -

Interest income fund - - 5.319.858 5.31 A858 - 5,319.858 Total other funde 4,024.487 - 5.352.972 9.377.450 10258,973 (881,514) 1996 Totale 4.371,626 652,900 6.238.442 11.262,968 43.593.534 (32,330,566)

Funds authonted:

prior to 1981 - - 75 75 176,580 (176,505)

August 29,1981 - - - - 436,929 (436,929)

September 11,1982 - - - - 685,620 (685,620)

October 22,1983 - -

100 100 636,491 (636,391) l September 8,1984 - 10,000 9,330 19,330 13,432,858 (13,413,528) 1985 133,359 105,000 1.565,208 1,803,567 470,983 1,332,584

_. September 3,1987 935,264 23,568 1,034,670 1,993,503 1,089,587 903,916 -

August 10,1992 - -

506.298 506,298 30,397,955 (29,891,657)

Other funds 3.656,846 68.571 7,304.837 11.030.254 12,134.812 (1,104.558) 1995 Totale $ - 4.725.470 207,139 10,420.518 15.353.127 59,461.PiS (44.108.688) .


CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit E.4 (Continuer')

Excess (Deficiency)

Other Financing Sogs (Usee) of Revenuee 1otal and Other Fund Fund lotuance Operating Operating Other Sources over Balances Belarret of Tan Transfers Transfers Financing Esponditures Beginning End '

Supported Detet in Out Bources (Uses) and Other Uses of Year of Year

- - - - (1,721) (1,721)

- - - - (47,924) 895,031 047,107

- 2,035,000 - 2,035,000 1,118,679 1/a28,966 2,641,645

- 916,000 - 916,000 000,921 (119,349) 681,572

- - (27,000) (27,000) (317,716) 419,781 102,065

- - - - 10.049 183.512 103,561

' JC 3,782,837 (787,800) 6,350,037 3,004,845 170,462 3,175,307

- - - - (560,385) 6,823,062 6262,677

- - - (99290) 79,80G (19,484)

- - - - 22,590 412,081 431,671

- .. - - (114,400) (192,402) (306,802)

- (1,650,000) (1,650,000) (1,650,000) 1,650,000 -

. - - (22,472) 56,969 34.497 1,400 000 .. - 1,400,000 1,218,746 875,221 2.093,967

- - (4,000) (4,000n (195,951) 301,889 111,938

- .. . - (340,027) - (349,027) 3,938,538 - 3,938,538 3,938,538 - 3,938,538

- 3,938,538 (3,938,538) - - -

212.342 (5.441,899) (! 229.557) 90.301 644,027 734.328 4,7 % 000 14.823255 (11,849,237) 7,729,018 8.847,504 13.733.335 20 680.839 3b.005.000 23.935,156 (19.017,930) 7,591. tan) 82,370.651 89 % 2.311

____ 39.922Z'6 (176.505) 1,930,303 1,753,798

- - (1,700) (1,700) (438,629) 640,982 202,353 136,000 - (313,000) (177,000) (862,620) 2,040,998 1,178,378

- 15,000 - 15,G10 (621,391) 1,692,901 1,071,511 3,794,000 2,620,594 (1288,750) 5,125,844 (8,287,684) 42,817,094 34,529,410

- 251,050 (328,249) 1,004.335 11,321,895 12.326,230 (579299)

- - - - 903,916 (651,654) 252,262

    • w5,000

, 1,355,888 (228,970) 30.571,918 680,261 16,643,113 17,323,374 8.676,463 7.571,905 6,161.430 13,733.335 J,t90,000 8,138.023 (4j51,500) .

tM 65.000 12.380.555 (7,063279) _ 41882,276 (226,412) 82,597,063 82,370.651 13

- se


% O l' D 114-

l i

  • i I

f ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise funds account for the acquisition, operations and maintenance of the Crt/s f acilities and services that are entirely or predominan"y suppor1ed by user charges or those for which the City has decided that periodic determination of the revenues earned, expenses incurred, andor net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability or other purposes. All activities nocessary to provide services are accounted for in these funds, including, but not limited to, administration, operations, and maintenance, Debt service for the Electric Fund, the Water and Wastewater Fund, the Hospital Fund, the Solid Waste Services Fund, tre Airport Fund, and the Convention Center Fund is also included.

The enterprise funds are as follows:

The Electric Fund; The Water and Wastewater Fund; t The Hospital Fund; The Solid Waste Services Fund; The Airport Fund; The Convention Center Fund; The Drainage Fund; The Transportation Fund; The GoH Fund; and The Parks and Recreation Fund.


, STATISTICAL SECTION Financial presentatione included in the Section

, provide data on the financial, physical and oconomic characteristics of the City. These tablos cover multiple fiscal years and provide users with a broader and more complete r

understanding of the City and its financial affairs, l

l l

l 4

i .

1 2



-- - -- -- -- m-- - - - - - _ - _ - _ - _ -


i tia e

(8 hil! _

isc_ :..

I 1

1 E' g y %n, r'

  • l .. .

115 j

I ENTERPRISE FUNDS l COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comp 8tative totals for September 30,1995 l

Water and Solid Waste Electric Wattewater Hospital Services ASSET 8 Cunent anets-Cash $ 30,000 10,750 - 1,350 Pooled investnents and cash 128,967,433 21,009,888 10,565,346 2,598,694 l Accrued interest on irrvestments - - - l Wo&ing car #tal adverces 2,273,423 - - -

Accounts towvable 69,193.507 16,365,373 12.200,099 2,434,838 Less allowarce for dotA>ttui accounts (3.547,394) (1,435,0?4) (0.658.575) (1,332.37 3 Net accounts receivalAs 65,646,113 14 959.549 3,547,524 1.102,481 Flecervatde from other governnenta - - - 24,634 Due from other funds - - - -

Inventones, at cost 48,810,039 766,810 - -

Ptopaid exponses and other assets 734,445 - 718.680 -

Total current assets 244.461,453 36.746.997 14.83,1,550 3.727,139 flestracted assets:

Flevenue bond detA service account 69,991,007 22,961,555 - 53,137 Flavenue band retremere reserve account 109,876,305 51,024,028 - -

Tax and revenue bond debt service accourt -

20.548 - -

Capitahted interest account - - - -

Construction account 34,555,725 49,396.002 - 14,452,720 Constructon account due from other funds 155,692 228,732 - -

l Construction account advancos to other furxts 622,770 1,183,649 - - I Decomrrissiorung account 31,788,778 - - -

Captalinprovement account - - - ..

C4*rabng reserve account - - - -

Hotel occupancy tax account - - - -

Flevenue accotst - - - ~

fienewal and replacement account - - -

l Captallease retirement reserve account 2,004,314 1,429,893 -

I investtrerits and cash hold by trustee - - 5,000,000 Nuclear fuel inventory acquisition account 21,857,601 - - -

Passenger facility charpe account - - - -

Mueller deposit,.m account - - - -

Customer doposits 2,066,989 807,109 - 133,166 Escrow deposits 1210.631 171,400 5 000,000 -

l Total restrcted asseis 274,130,712 127222,996 10.000.000 14.639.031 Ftrod assets, at cost, Prtverty, plart and equipment in servce 2,335,855,106 1,540,423,592 74,780,562 28,805,424 Less accumtAated depreciation (22,628.508) (15.852,744) '

(745.058.632) (375222.408)

Net property, plant and eqaprnont in serv 6ce 1,590,796,554 1,165,201,184 52,152,054 12,952.680 Constructon in pogtess 88,107,493 78,288,097 - 9,582,152 Nuclear fuel, net of amortntion 29,478,659 - - -

Plant held for future use 32.653.983 - - -

Not property, plant and egopment 1,741,036,689 1,243,489281 52,152,054 22,534,832 investment in murweipal unisty districts - 19,612,403 - -

Advances to other funds - - - ..

Deterred costs and expenses, irrtuding bond j tasue cost, not of amortsaton 357236 230 1612 73,194 - 345.439


Total assets $ 2.616.865.084 1,588 444.871 76.983.604 41246.441 l 116 s

s CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit F 1 Conventtori Parks end Totale Airpots Center Transportation Golf Recreation 1996 1995 Draina9e __

3,550 2,000 350 - 1.300 - 49,300 58.908 2,356,676 5.642,217 4,289,161 935,022 437,617 660,571 175,462,625 134,713.110 46,504 - - - - - 46,504 39,237

.. 79,007 - - - - 2,352,430 3,643,871 1,162,724 - 1,078.164 814.730 - - 103255,435 123,390,596 (150,000) -

(148 885) (147,577) - - (15,390,632) (22.054.303) 1,012,724 - 929,279 667,153 - - 87,864,803 101,336,293

- - - - - - 24,C44 4,361,279 i>98,581 - - - -- - 298.581 320,679

- - 16.320 266,412 - - 49.859,587 51,199,978

- - - 1,453.625 1,673,791 500 - -

5,723 224 5.235,110 1,869.587 438,917 660,571 317.412.089 297,347,234 3.718.535 _

737,052 1,534,310 - - - - 95.278.861 100,278,710 30,341,433 6,864,575 - - - - 198,106,341 198,470,429

- - - - - - 20.548 27,862 56,961,194 - - - - - 56,961.194 69,220,569 277,680,876 1,363,817 18,180,002 - 1,578,757 - 397207,907 401,795,020

- - - - - - 384,424 384,424

- - - - - - 1,806,419 2,190,843

- - - - - - 31,788,778 24,896,284 18,105,312 - - - - - 18,105,312 9,864,826 3,064,889 3,899,708 - - - - 0,063,597 4,755,958

- 1,188.741 - - - - 1,188,741 447249

- 3,676,536 - - - - 3.676,536 1,521,341 5,000,000 368,659 - - - - 5,368,659 5,212,379

- - - - - - 3,434 207 3,280,761

- - - - - - 5,000,000 412.253

- - - - - - 21,857,601 14,719,771 1,068,327 - - - - - 1,068,327 1,573,343 1,857 - - - - - 1,857 -

59,077 - - - - - 3,066,341 3,988,534

- - - - - - 6.382.111 1,162.811 393.020.917 18.895,318 18,180,002 - 1,578.767 - 857,667,761 844205,371 96,005,749 97,514,325 3,163,220 3,351,000 0,143,143 71,432 4,189,113,693 4,025.670,822 (51,168 928) (13,441,319) (856,798) (810,435) (1,674,415) (18,162) (1,226,732,349) (1,112,328,164) 44,836,821 84,073,006 2,306.422 2,540,625 7,468,728 53,270 2,962,381,344 2,913.342,658 120,598,031 1,524,562 - 10,623216 - 711,0:16 - 317,434,587 257,796,116

- - - - - - 29,478.659 36,616,489

- - - - - - 32.653.9S3 31.913,591 173,434,852 85.597.508 12,929,638 2,540,625 8,179,764 53,270 3.341,948,573 3,239,668,854

- - - - - - 19.612,403 21,806,472 103,656 - - - - - 103,656 141,835 2,536239 1.270,069 - - 29 153 - $22,690.324 473,1472 54 572,814,19 111.486 207 36,344,756 4,409 212 10.226.591 713.841 5.059.434.806 4.876.317,020

-~~-------.9 . .


I 117

ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Water and Solid Weste Electric Wastewster Hospital Services L1 ABILITIES Af40 FUND EQUITY Current tabilaw Accounts payetAs $ 35,085.921 991,350 4,316.398 238,192 Acensed payr (A 2,567,874 1,608,733 00,718 515,269 Accrued coripensated abserces 5,541,436 3,296,911 268,775 828,G37 Construction contracts payable - 274,698 - -

Contert roverus tm)s psydAe - 4,365,000 - -

Due to other governrreras - - 33,t:12 -

Due to ottc funds - 220,356 201.738 121,550 Intrvest payeble on other det4 545,259 2,805,489 - 233,322 Detened revenue 672.224 - - -

Generat obagatlan txnis payatAs and other tan aggerted debt - - - 1,915,146 Water treproverrett district bonds payatAo - 122,000 - -

Capitallease etAgatons payatde 1,000,033 575,000 - -

Other liet**es 3,393.000 237,426 - 12,350 Totat eureent liabilities 49.C M fA7 14,406.963 4.881,241 3 064,468 Liabutties payatAo it orn restrcted asnets:

Accounts and retainage payatde 2,696,004 4,400,989 2,500,000 184,014 Accrued tr:terest payatde 38,996,701 15,836,238 - 6,112 General otegetai bonds payatde and other taa supported detA - 139,178 - 655,000 Revenue boruts payable within ora year 71.672,010 10,668,571 - -

Custorrer deposits 2.066,989 807,109 - 133,166 Escrow deposits 1,2'O,631 171,480 - -

Decomrnssioning expense payable 31,788,778 - - -

Nalcar fuel suponse payatda 21,857,001 - - -

Other liabihtes - - - -

Total teateties payatdo trom restricted assets $ 170.480,714 33,333.565 2,500.000 978,292 118

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit F.1 (Continued)

Convention Parks and Totale Airport Center Drainage Transportation Gotf neereation 1998 1991 289,538 85,115 181,363 172,050 41,587 40,493 42,242,007 32,654,149 302,142 170,509 123,379 215,697 60.812 50,359 5.675,492 8,112,011 190,700 172,483 340,298 03,885 54,465 11.222,035 14,269,915 434439

- - - - - - 274,698 857,294

- - - - - - 4,305,000 3.015,000

- .. .. 33,612 -

2,656 - 5,559 - - 551,859 30,825 183,779 - - - 32,149 - 3,805,998 4.244,730

- - - - - 672,224 511,280 109,770 - - - 277,457 - 2,302,373 5,721,527

- - - - 122,000 113,000

- - - - .. - 1,655,933 1.568,105

- - - - - 3.642,778 4,304,541 1,328.324 448,330 482,784 728,045 60B.890 14!,317 78,568.007 75,490,377 9,815.068 30,193 857,035 - 7,537 - 20,550,840 12.054,305 8,977264 1,534,235 - - - - 65,350,550 65,140,271

- - - - - - 2,044,178 1,654,735

- - .. - - - 82,540,581 75,520,329 59,077 585,689 283,840 - - - 3,935,870 5,093,072

- - - - - - 1,382,111 1,162,811

- - .. - - - 31,788,778 24898,284

- - - - - 21,857,001 14.719,771 9,788 4,279,588 - - - 4 289,378 1,377,827 18.861,197 6,429,705 1,140.875 - 7,537 - 233,739.885 201,627,405 (conunued) 119

ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Watet and Solid Waste Electric Wastewater Hospital Services LIABlullES AND FUND EQUITY, CONTINUED Long term natutes:

Accruod cortpensated atmareos payable $ 3.092,440 1,249.226 194.008 133,637 Constnrton contracts payable - 2.997,817 - -

Cortract revenue bonds payable - 112,475.000 - -

Advances from other funds - - - 288,318 Capnal apprecation bond interest payatde 69,988.039 25.570,744 - 113.457 Commercial paper notes payatde 88,000,000 44,918,000 - -

Gerersi oldigation bords payatWe, not of discount, and other tat sugported detA - 7,95C,896 - 18,369,794 fievenue txands payatde, net of discount and irritsive of pretrium 1,618,141,708 755.810.697 - -

Water irroroverrent district bonds payable - 613,000 - -

Cantallease otAgatKns payable 14,975229 10.250,000 - -

Decomrvussioning assessment payable 3.014,901 - - -

Accrued landfill closuro and postclosuro costs - - - 7.751,392 Total kmg term hatubties 1,797.212.317 961.835.380 194.008 26.656.598 Totalliabilities 2.017.387,678 1.009.665.908 7.575249 31,499.356 Fund equity Contributions from muncipahty 300.398 3,913,619 8,053.972 1,261,029 Contrixetons trom State and F ederal goverrrnents 263.330 35,838,356 874,135 -

ContrbAans in aid of construction 64.610,974 238.324.270 - -

Contrt>utons from the prNate sector - - 3.tiB6.908 ,

Total cettutions 65.174.702 278.076.245 12.615.015 1 261.029 flatmned earnings-Aenerved for renewal and replacement - - - -

Reserved for passenger facihty charge - - - -

Unreserved $34.302,704 300.602.718 56.793.340 8.486.056 Total retaired earrvngs 534.302,704 300.602.718 E6.793.340 8.486.056 1otal fund equity 599.477,406 578.678.963 69.408,355 9.747.085 Total liabilitiee and fund equity $ 2.616.865.084 1.588.344,871 76.983.604 _

di 246.441 1


CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit F 1 (Continued) s Convention Parks and Totale Altport Center Draina9e Transportation Golf Recreation 1998 1995 265,749 88,669 162,464 209.585 127,693 26,828 5.550.299 7,523.211

- - - - 2.997,817 2.585,100

- .. - 112,475,000 118,780,000 10,025 - 22,230 - - - 321,179 770.238 320,909 - - - - - 95,903,209 80.408.964

. - 132,918.000 78,884,000 851,380 - - - 6,933,428 - 34,iOS,498 68,091,048 381.569,306 70,800,264 - - - . 2,826,321,975 2,855,914,789

.. - - - 613.000 735,000

.. - - - 25,225,229 28,881,162

- - - - - 3,014,901 3,524,510

- - - .. - 7,751,392 7.922.815 383.018,029 70.888.933 104.700 209.585 7,061,121 26.828 3 247,287.499 3252.020.917 403 207.550 77,764.966 1,808.350 937,630 7.574.548 172,145 3.557,593.391 3 529.138 699 G70,204 18,954,158 3,913,062 279,574 927,974 1,069,976 39,243,966 39,481.495 64,190,022 288,271 - - - - 101,454,114 81,242,025

- 2,102,272 7,001,304 - - - 312,038.820 292,210,794

.. 68.436 - - 3.775.344 3.775,344 64.760226 21.433.137 10.914,366 279,574 927,974 1,069.976 456.512.244 416,709.658 5.000,000 368.659 - - - 5,368.659 5,212,379 1,068,3?7 - - - .. - 1,068,327 1,573,343 98.778.096 11.919.443 23.622.031 3,192,008 1,724.069 (528280) 1,038.892.185 923,682.941 12283.102 23.622.031 1.724.069 (528280) 1.045.329,171 930,468,663 104.846,423_ 3.192.00S _

169.606.649 33.721,239 34,536.397 3.471,582 2.652,043 541,696 1,501,841,415 1,347,178.321 572,8;4.199 111.486 207 36.344,756 4,409.212 10 226.591 5.059,434.006 4,876,317.020 713.641_


l ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Year ended Septernber 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Weter and Solid Waste Electric Wastewater Hospital Sorylces REVENUES Utiitty servir.6s 8 613,648,422 186,429.126 - -

Hosptalpatrer4 servtces net - - -

User feet and renta's - - 2,142,348 26.007,393 Operating revenues from other govemments - - - -

Operating revenues 613.648.422 2.142,348 26M7.393

_186.429.126 EXPENSES Oreraang aspenses beforo tierteclation 303,557,594 76.849.508 5,875,620 21,770,106 Depre:iation 72.883.945 35.002.029 2.224.232 2.570.239 Yotal #4erating egenses 376.441.539 112.451.537 8.099,852 24.340.345 Operating income (toes) before nonoperating revenuse (esponses) and operating tiansfers 237.206.833 73.977.589 (5.957,504) 2.267.C 8 NONOPERATING HEVENUES (EXPENSES)

Interest and other revenues 21.041,086 9.451,992 2,114,831 974,023 Interest on revenue bonds mud other debt (135,880,083) (59.610.987) (729,230) (1,258.607)

Interest capitahred dur6ng construction - .. - -

Amortiration of bond issue cost (520.885) (265,758) - (10,445)

Loss on disposal of assets (10.217) (121.779) - (17,460) l otal rmaperating revenues (egenses) (114.570,099) (50,546,530) 1,385,595 (312,48F' Cost to be recovered in future years 22.222.641 19,716.458 - -

Incorne (loss) twfore ope < sting transfers 144.859.425 43.147.517 (4.571.909) 1.954.559 Operasng transfera:

Ogerasng transfers in - - - 431,600 Operatng transfers out (72.912,425) (14.267.638) - (140,170)

Income (noss) Letore entraordinary loss 71,947,000 28.879,879 (4,571,909) 2,245,989 Extraordinary loss on cash defeasarre of det4 - -

(4.691.673) -

Not income (loss) 71,947,000 28.879.679 (9,263,582) 2,245,989 Add depectation tansforred to contnbutes - - - -

Not incread (decrease) in retained osmings 71,947,000 28,879.879 (9.263,582) 2,245.989 Retaned enmings at begnrung of year 462.355.704 271.722.839 66.056.922 6.240,067 Retained earnings at end of year $ 534.302.704 300.602,718 56.793.340 8.486.056 i



Convention Parkeerd Totale Airport Center Drainage fransportapon Gott Recreation 1998 1996

- - - - - - 000,077,648 890.831,874

- - - - - - 16$,967,644 33.847,006 7,731,076 10.049,867 9,778,134 3,768,663 2.73r',684 102,646,271 94,672,$24

- - - - - - - 17.017,704 338347,006 7,731.076 16.049.667 9.778.134 3.768.863 2,730.584 902.722,819 968.399,746 14,087.958 9,483.919 13,0n3,496 8,895,447 2.912.114 2,696,652 459,098,414 678,167,317 10.352t95 2.427,446 249.414 417.001 344.823 3.f,66 127.076.490 123.195.177 2 4.440,9M 11.917.365 13.312.910 9.313.248 3,2fA937 2,600,218 686,174.904 701,352,494 9.406.053 (4,163.289) 2,736.957 464.886 501.948 130.366 318,547.916 267,037,252 22,391,926 909.810 1,176,349 65.499 109,112 31,003 $9,116,630 34.834,o79 <

(24.695,593) (4,784,739) (8.812) - (401,589) - (227,309,646) (200,762.429) 2,958,049 - - - - - 2,958,049 000,126 (88,239) (70,725) - - (1,750) - (957:8v0, (903.950)

(40.776) (17,784) (1,055) (3,220) (13.307) (1,450) (227.848) (13.406.835) 525,360 (3,903,438) 1,155,682 52,279 (307,b34) 29,553 (166,481,616) (137,432,509)

- - - - - - 41,939.099 81.592.089 9.931,419 (8.089.727) 3.902.639 517,165 194.392 169.919 192.005.399 141,196g

- 9,160,205 75,000 - - - 9,672,80$ 14,766,717 (419.664) (8.016) - (50.000) (87,797.913)

(75.784.7Q 9.931,419 1,076,478 3,557,975 509,149 194,392 109.919 113.880,291 00,178,774 (4.691.673) 9,931,419 1,076,478 3,557,975 509,149 194,392 109,919 109,188,618 00,178,774 6.606 412 65.478 - - - - 6.671,800 3,911.379 16,537,831 1,141,956 3.557,975 509,149 194,392 109,919 114.860,508 84,090,153 89.308.592 11,146.148 00,064,056 2 f,82.859 1,529.677 (638,190) 930,468.fe3 846,378.610 104.046.423 12.208.102 23 622.031 3,192.008 1,724 069 (528.280) 1,045.329.171 930.468.663 123

ENTEFIPRISE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Water and Solid Weste Electric Wastewater Hospital Services CACH FLOWS . ROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES:

Cash tuceived from customers $ 612,459,322 185,061.545 27,292,769 26.603,779 Cash paynents to suppliers far goods and serv 6ces (193,664,459) (37,133,007) (7,215,759) (10.453,508)

Cash paynets to envoyees for services (62,877,576) (38,545,513) (11,409,542) (11,195,610)

Cash taceived from other govertvients -- -

Taaos cohocted and renWttod to other goverrvrents (11,514.030) - - -

Het cash provided (used) by operating activit6es 344,403257 110.180 025 8,667,468 4.954.661 C ASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACCVITIES:

Operating transfors in - - - 431,600 Oguseating transfers out (72,912,425) (14,267,638) - (140,170) tr4erest paid on reverue notes and other det4 (139,238) (53,316) + -

Decrease in detened assets 905,002 - - -

Loan (to) from other funds Contr4>utions from prNate 6ector Not cash provided (uaed) by noncepital financing activltiot (72.145.861) (l4.3?O.954) - 291,433 CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES:

Proceeds itom the sale of conmercial paper notes 64,000,000 39,234,000 - -

Proceeds Irom the sale of genoral otAgation bonde and other tan st45mried det4

- 2,000,000 - 9,210,000 Proceeds trom the sale of revenue bontis -

Prsocpal pad on long term debt (65.901,913) (16,247,991) - (2,201,727) proceeds trom the sale of fined assets D00,485 - - -

Purchased interest received 1,436,209 551,547 -- -

Interest pad on revenun tmda and other debt (116,950,843) (50,851,217) (7,409,779) (1,242,981)

Acquisition and construction of capital assots (90,219,081) (50,302,972) (4,353) (4,113.998)

Contotutions from rnuncipahty - 21,068 - -

Contrtutons from State and Federal9ovemments - - -

Contntutons in ad of construction 9,378,529 12,863,668 -- --

Dond decounts and lasuance costs (5,041,340) (1,914,740) (117,020) -

Cash pad for tend deleasance - (22,995,011) (49,537,545) 4 Donds issued for advanced rotundings of debt 182,461,407 66,773.593 - -

Cash pad for bord refunding escrow (182,971,531) (67,570,687) - -

Proceeds from munecpal utility distnct reserves - 2,040,257 - -

Cash pald for ruclear tuollnventory (6.680,569) - - -

Not cash provided (used) by capital and related financing activities 5 (?08,788 648) (85.408.485) (57,068.697) 1,651294 l

124 j i


Convenuon Parks and Totale Airport Center Transportation Gott Recreation 1996 1995 Drains 9e 34,509,720 7,519.549 18,622,331 9.634,153 3.758,663 2 730,584 926,992,615 947,973,400 (7,054,230) (5,324,464) (10,676,685) (4,611,972) (1,505,613) (1,059,152) (278,759,049) (338,879,950)

(6,888,205) (3,709,363) (2,617,492) (4,635,221) (1,507,384) (1,556.216) (144,945,12?) (200,039,378)

- - - - .. - 17.017,704

- - - - - (11,514,030) (11,539.596) 20,567,205 3,327.954 326.960 745.866 110,216 491,774.414 414,b32,188 (1.514.278)

- 9,166.205 75,000 - - - 9,672,805 14.766,717

- - (419,664) (8,016) - (50,000) (87,797,913) (75,784,775)

- - - - - .- (192,554) (201,445)

- - - - - - 905,802 6P4.488 40,773 - - - - - 40,773 (200,000) 279.523..

40,773 9,168.205 (344,664) -

(50.000) (77,371,087) (60,4~4.492)


- - - - - - 104,034,000 112,684,000

- - - - - 12.110,000 3,270,000

- - - - - - 362,205,000 (132,867) - - - (232,822) - (04,717,320) (47,045,768)

.. - - - - 900,485 10.477,741

- - - - - - 1,987,756 4,611,057 (19,136,873) (4.091,294) (8,812) - (403,025) .. (200,094,824) (178,123,767)

(09.952,785) (1,840,959) (3,234,943) (882,276) (613,759) (6,908) (221,172,034) (196,834,226)

- - - - - - 21,068 -

31,783,188 - - - - - 31,783,188 15,467,322

- - 1,163,841 - - - 23,406.037 19,648,202 154,820 - - - - - (6,918,280) (26,071,660)

- - - - - - (72,532,556) (12,281,391)

- - - - - - 249,235,000 325,368,632

- - - - - - (250,542,218) (309,025,001)

.. 2,040,257 -

-. .. - - - - (6.680.569) (2.231.553)

(57,284.517) (5,932.253) (2,079.914) (882 276) (1,249,606) (6.908) (417,140.010) 82.118.588 (continued) 125

ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENY OF CASH FLOWS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Water and Solid Weste Electric Westewater Hospital Services CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES:

Purchase of investtrent securflies $ (462,308,318) (104,778,910) - (600,549)

Proceeds from sale and netuntios of investrrent securitups 460,712,570 105,140,990 *. 798,632 Interest on investnents 19.417,761 9,131,121 2,114.831 974.023 Not cash provided (used) by investing activiles 17,822,013 9.493,201 2,114,831 972,106 Not increase (doctease) in cash and cash eq evAlents u1290,761 19,853,787 (46,206,398) 7,869,491 Cash and cash equivalents, October 1 (arcluding $187,910,255 ln restrcted accounts) 107,591,199 53.002,398 66.851,744 9.316,447 Cash and cash equivalents, September 30 (including $2;1.164,813 in restricted accounts) 168.881.90n 72,856,125 20.565.346 17,185.938 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES:

Operetng income (loss) 237,206,883 73,977,589 (5,957,504) 2.207,048 Adjustments to reconcile operating Ircome to not cash provided by operatn3 activtties:

Depreciation 72,883,945 35,602,029 2,224 232 2,570,239 Allowerce for doubtful accants (31,667) 115,507 (6,665,907) 162,269 Arrortration 13.818,400 - - -

Change h assets und liatWlmes:

Decrease in wortung capital advances 1,075,614 - - -

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivatde (8,581,989) 28,364 21,485224 140,354 Decrease in recesvable from other governrnents .- - 4,328,871 7,774 Decrease in duo f om other funds - - -

(Increase) decrease in inventory 1,331243 (125,185) - -

(inctease) decrease in prepaid expenses and deteerd costs 4,411,709 - (712,213)

Decrease in other regulatory assets 300.974 - - -

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable 16,286,477 241,276 (3,600,703) (14,946) increase (decrease) in accrued payroli and cortpensated absences (467,794) 53260 (7,444,079l 133,697 inctease (docrease) in deferred revenue 394,061 - (233,117) -

Decrease in utvecovered fuel reverme (509,609) - -

Increase (decrease) in accrued landfill closure costs - - - (171,423)

Increase in due to other govemmnnts - - 33,612 -

Increase ln due to other funds .- - 201,738 -

Increase (doereas4 in other liabilities 7.257294 93.837 (992,626) 11,391 increase (docroate) in customer deposits (972284) 193.348 - (151,742)

Total adjustments 107,106.374 36,202.436 14.624.972 2.687,613 Nel cash provided (used) Q operating activities 5 344.403257 110,180,025 8.667,468 4.954.661 i


l CITY OF AUSTIN. TEXAS Exhibit F 3 l (Continued) ,

l ConvenWon Perheend Totale Airport Center Dre6nege Treneportet6en Golf Rectoselon 1988 1998 t

(232,693,417) (10,569,825) - - - - (811,150,819) (1,281,129,272) 245,912,577 12.419,201 - - - - 824,983,970 923.872,720 24,861,296 1,024.914 1,176,349 55499 100,112 31.003 58,897,909 25,292,315 30,000.456 2,876,490 1,176,349 $5.499 100,112 31,003 72,731,060 (331,964,233 1,403,997 4,596,164 2,079,725 (507,833) (394,628) 89,311 69,994,377 104,231,047 53,492.804 7,611,564 20,389,788 1,442,855 2,412,302 571,260_ 322 684361 218.451,314 4

54,896.801 12,207,725 22,489.513 935,022 2,017,674 660,671 392,676,738 322,682,361,,

9,406,063 (4,186,289) 2,736,957 464.886 501.926 130,,46 318,547,915 26/,037,252 10,352,995 2,427,446 249,414 417,801 344,823 3,566 127,076,490 123,195,177

- - (336,720) 92,847 - - (6.663,671) (1,574,382)

- - - - - 13,818,400 13,353.921

- 170,993 .. - - - 1,246,607 2,521,445 634,725 (191,035) 572,464 (143,981) (93,059) - 19,851,067 (12,267,981)

- - - - - - 4.336,645 5.3M,547 19,504 -- - - - - 19,504 285,961

- - - 134,333 - - 1 *40,391 2,046,853

- - - - - 3.698,996 (1,792,666)


- - - - - - 300,974 400,108 39,155 (101,387) 40,720 (692,017) - (14,863) 12,183,652 9,637,100 106,868 54,204 65,119 53,091 (7,824) (3,853) (7,457,311) (151,041)

- - - - .- - 160,944 (190.824)

- - (509,609) -

- - - - - - (171,423) 329,728 .

- 33,612 -

- - - - - 201,738 --

-- - 332,282 - - - - 6,702,178 - 7,097,882 $

8,485 - -(20,492) - - .- (942,685) (726,892) 11.181,232 2,672,011 500,997 (137,926)- 243,940 (15,150) 175,226.499 147,494,9 %

20,567,285 (1,514.278) 3,327,954 326.960 745.866 115.216 49',774.414 - -414,532,188  ;

(:ontnued) s 127 i

ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBININO STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Water and Solid Waste Electric Westewater Hospital Services NONC ASH INVEtitNG, CAPITAL AND FINANCING ACTMflES:

tre ease h delerred assetveiponses $ 43,901J,22 10 325,831 - 296.018 Unamortised bord discountsbue costs on advarre refundings (6,673,257) t i,649,95') - -

(Irceease) decrease h capital nivrecean txrd 6rderest payatdo (14,843,924) (7,021,623) ($45,023) 34,*A3 Fined assets ctriteuted (to) trons Ottww furuts (11,973) - - -

Increase in carittuted facilmes - 6,790,416 - -

Awwtiration of tiond discountsissue costs (3,791,355) (1,001.063) -


Arrertisatkin of deferred loss avi retur. dings - - (1,433,221) -

Loss ou d,toosal of assets (10,702) (121,779) - (17,400)

Costs to to recovered h future years 22,222.641 19,716,458 - -

t oss on artingu6hhrrerd of det4 (17,518,444) 1,626,587 (4,574,653) -

treresse h decortwrisskrieng assessrtent psyntAo - - ..

Due to otter funds far tuod assets - - - (113,051)

Contitutions from prtvale sector - - -

Decrease m iriventones due to rnarket adystnvint . - -

h 128


( (Continued) .

1 1

i J


!-_ - Comenton Parks and Totale Airport - ConW Drainage Trenoportellon Golf Roerset6en 1988 1996 l

- - - - - - $5,024.271 67,655,$28

= - - - - (8,223,209) (1,877,752) ,

9Fy.3 - - - - - (22,279,694) -(18,439,144) )

16,900 - - C79,674 - - 264,601 233,40$ l

- - - - - - 6,790,418 9,176,178 i (247,380) - - (1,750) - (6,474,610) (1,197,779)

'(622.467) . ,

_(618,5i0) - - - - (2,031,381) (893,046)


P0,7h). 117,7bd) (3,220) (13,307) (1,460) (228,333) (12,929,094)

(1.866) -

< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 41,939,099 61,768,188 r+ - - - - - (20,466,610) (8,698,481) >

  • - - - - - - (56,056)

(13,281). (27,795) - - - (154,127) (164,952) 1,2eo,2n (1,297,244) j 4


f L\

'7w pe -F w-m' g* y >-- p.. m.wws+ -- r- F Dgrt st -

'F v -P 7



Trenefors )

Selence Transfers from from (to) Delence September 30, Construction Other September 30 j

1995 Additione Retiremente in Progrees Furge (1) 1888 J Property, plant and equipment in servicei Electric 5 2,273,534,347 10,851,986 (9.694,751) 61,269,635 (106,031) 2.335,855,186 Water 679,686,571 4.331,502 (431,800) 52,277,553 271.923 736.135,689 Wastewater 768,237,863 4,523,712 (8 3,865) 32,497,371 (285,178) 804,287,903 74,041310 4,353 734,399 74,780,562 Hor,pital - -


Sold Waste Services 25,198.910 231,233 (563,770) 3,939,051 - 28,805,424 4 port 92,629.804 1,731,788 (77,277) 1,737,481 (16,047) 96,005,749 Corwenton Center 96,914,851 1,317,585 $885,215) 175.519 (8,415) 97,514.325 Drasnn96 2,347,976 680,695 (1,855) 136,404 - 3.163,220 Transportation 2,441,064 882,276 (3.220) - 30,940 3,351,060 Golf 10,577,749 91,810 (1,655,220) 128,804 - 9,143,143 Parks and Recreahon 59.877 6.000 (1,834) - 6.281 71,432 4,0?$.670.822 24 653.848 (14,000,667) 152.896.217 (100.5/7) 4,189,113.693


Construction in progrees:

Electric 70,005.108 79,607,569 (295,547) (61,269,635) - 88,107,493 Water 71,896,423 20,689,838 - (54,277,553) - 40,300,708 Wastewater 39/67,728 30,7C9,032 - (32.497,371) - 37,979,389 Hospital 734,399 - - (734,399) - -

Sold Waste Services 9,649,774 3,871,429 - (3.939,051) - 9,582,152 hport 56,519,838 73.815,676 - (1,737,481) - 128,598,031 Convanhon Center 1,150,512 549,569 - (',75.519) - 1,524,562 Drainage 7,720,253 3,039,367 - (136,404) - 10,023.216 Golf 3A2,085 487,755 -

(128.004) - 711,036 257,796,118 212,830.235 (295.547) (152,896.217) - 317,434,587 Electr6c-riuclear fuel 96,157,692 6,680,569 - - - 102.838,261 Electnctiant heid for future use 31,913,591 740.392 - - 32.653.983 Total 8 4.411.538.221 244.164.652 (13.555.822) - (106.527) 4.642,040.524 4




Aseumulated Depreciation Bolence Current Translere Bolence September M. t4 'T-- and September M,

,'a888 & Amettlesteon plotteemente Adiustments 1988 680,744,173 72.M3,945 (0,339,203) (230,283) 746,058,632 160,767,889 17.146,193 (365 977) (13,255) 165,534,850 188,861,891 20,455,836 (629,969) - 209,667,758 20,404,276 2.224,232 + - 22,628,508

-13,828.814 2,570,239 (546,310) 1 15,852,744

" 40,851,580 10,352,995 (36,501) 854 61.168,928 l 11,889,720 2,427,446 (867,432) (8.415) 13,441,319 807.383 249,414 - 1 850,798 392,634 417,801 - - 810.435 344,823 1,674,415

( 2.971,505 (1,641,913) -

18,162 8.499 3.566 (184) 6281 1,112,328,164 127.076,490 (12.427,489) (214,816) 1,226,732,349 l-L .

.a e.

59,541,203 13,818,399 - - 73,359,602 1,171,869.367 140,894,889 (12,427,489) (244,816) 1,300,08* 951 (contnued)

L I-131-

1 I

ENTEFtPRISE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN FlXED ASSETS AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year ended September 30,1996 Solid Weste Electric Water . Wastewater Hospital Gervices Proporty, plant and equipment:

Land and land rghts 8 29,057,443 30,903,414 10,655,254 759,502 10,461,629 DLadngs $26,730,881 501.198,679 $53,413,594 73,267,728 483,718 inoroverrents to grourwis 9,433,417 16,720,367 12,368,613 14,500 3,369 lAactwrery and equiprred 1,642,440,381 107,839,774 171,752,014 - 1,356233 Vet *.les 19,283,638 0,182,960 10,149,019 - 12,924,829 Conplated assets not clansded 108,409,428 73290,495 45,949.409 738,752 3,575.646 2,335,855,186 736,135,689 804,287,003 74,700,562 28,805,424 Lt>ss accumulated depreciaton 745.058.632 165.534.650 209.687,750 22,628,508 15,852,744 Net proporty, plant and equiprrerd in service 1,590,796,554 570,601,039 $94,000,145 62,152,054 12.952,680 Construction in progeoss 80.107,493 40,308,708 37,979,309 - 9,582,152 Nta:lcar Nol, not of amtstzation 29,478,659 - - - -

Plant held for future use 32,653.983 - - - -

Total proporty, plant and equipment 1,741,038,689 610.909.747 632.579.534 52,152,054 22,534,832 (1) Transfers from (to) other funds and account groups are as follows:

Generalfixed Assets (32,769) - - - -

Electric - - - - -

Water - .- (285,178) - -

Wastewater 285,178 - -

Airport (853) .. - - ..

Fleet Maintenarre 8,773 - - - -

Stwort Servicss (79,182) . - - -

Informabon Systems - (13,255) - -

$ (i,031) 271.923 (285,178) -

132 I

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit F4 (Continued) l

\ Convention Parks and Altport Connet Drainese Trenoportation Golf Meeteet6en Total i 1,546,757 12,040.579 789,961 - 324,265 - 96,538,804 43,107,297 80,261,594 - - 1,027,771 - 1,779,491,262 38,842,248 . - -

6,316,877 2,999 83,702,470 ',

6.497,502 2,541,879 65,659 9J,574 358,277 14.445 1,932,959,738 1,307,053 354,667 1,489,306 2,932,565 242,628 6,281 54,872,946 4,704.892 2,315.606 818.294 324,921 873,325 47,707 241,548,473 96,005,749 - 97,514,325 3,163,220 3,351,000 9,143,143 71,432 4,189,113,893 51,188.928 13,441,319 656.798 810,435 1,674.415 18,162 1,226,732,349 44,836,821 84,073,006 k,306,422 2,540,625 7,468,728 53,270 2,962,381,344 128,598,031 1,524,562 10,623,216 - 711,(D0 - 317,434,587 f - - - - 29,478,659

- - - - - - 32,653.983 173,434.A52 85.597,568 12.929.638 2.540.625 8,179,764 $3.270 3.341,948.573 f

(16,900) .- - 30,940 - 6,281 (12,448) 8M - - - - - BM

- - - - - - (285,178)

- .. -

  • 85,178 t i

- - - - - (853) ,

- (8,415) - - - - (1,642)


- - - - - - (13.255)

- 30.940 - 6,281 (106.527)

(16.047) (P.415) l t 133-

-- _ . . ~ _ _ . _ - . _ . _ _ __ _


A e DED 134

INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Intemal service funds are used to account for the financing of goods or. services previded by one department to other departments of the City and other agencies on a cost-r reimbursement basis.

k The internal service f unds are as follows:

The Fleet Maintenance Fund, which includes vehicle and

[ equipment services; The Support Services Fund, which includos the actMties of -

the various support service departments; The Information Systems Fund, which includes data

( systems services:

The Utikty Customer Services Fund, which includes the utility billing and collection activities for the City; The Employee Benefits Fund, which includes actMties

( related to the health, dental, and life insurance costs of City employees; The Liability Reserve Fund, which provides coverage of the '

City's major claims liabilities; The Workers' Compensation Fund, which accounts for workers' compensation costs; and The Hadio Communication Fund, which includes communication support actMties.


9 sk



l m$y -kt y

l d


INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Fleet Support information Maintenance Services Systems Fund Fund Fund ASSETS Current assets:

Cash 7,566 12.950 375 5

3,091,732 3.591,014 2,100212 lg Pooled investtrents and cash Cash held by trustee - -

AccoJnts recelvable 255,507 11,382 1,793 Less allowance for doubtful accounts (243.588) 1,793 =

Not accourts ree+hrable 11,919 11,382 Due from Other fur'os 764253 - -

Inventones, at cost 1202.283 - -

l Prepaid expenses - 48.088 - l Total cunont assets 5.077,753 3.664.054 2,102.380 Aestrcted assets:

Coristruction account _

415.322 - -

Total restricted assets 415.322 - - I Fixed assets, at cost-Property, piars and equipment in seryce 24,341,336 4285,116 11/80,419 Less accumulated depreciation (13.658,064) (1 290.000) (6261,123)

Not proporty, piard and equipment 6n servce 10,683,272 2,994,316 5,219296 Construchon in progress 810.557 - -

Not property, plant and equipment 11,493,829 2,994.316 5,219296 Advances to other fJnds 197,878 - -

Detened costs and expenses - 159227 -

Total assets 8 17,184.782 6.817397 7,321.678 (1) The Radio Communication Fund was reported in Fleet Maintenarr.e Fund in fiscal year 1995.

I l

I 1



CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit G 1 Utility Customer Employee Llobility Workers' Radio  :

Service Benefits Reserve Compensation Communication Totals Fund Fund Fund Fund Fend (1) 1996 1995 1,000 - - - 400 22,691 28.025 38,459,858 l 3,753,781 6,306,589 160,131 8,237,655 9,559,375 36,640,978 160,131 174,047 2 110 457,170 - - 107,262 835,224 479,622 (2,110) - - - - (245.698) (255,791J r, - 437,170 - - 107,262 589,526 223,831

- - - - - 764,253 -

- - - - 188,069 1,300,352 1,687,181

- - - - 4,432 52,520 10,007 3.754.781 6.923,890 8,237,655 9.559,375 300.563 39,620.451 40,588.949,

- - - - - 415,322 533,515

- - - - - 415.322 533,515 1,704,234 - - - 30,810 41,841,915 43,702,430 ,

(6Lt,t21) - - -

(2.201) (21,903,809) (26,855,21 7 1.012,613 - - - 20,609 19.938,106 16,847,213

- - - - - 810,557 725,761 1,012,613 - - - 28,609 20,748,663 17,572,974

- - - - - 197.878 616,112

- - - - - 150.227 200.000 4.767.394 6,923 600 8.237.665 9.559.375 329,172 61,141,541 59,511,550 (continued)



l INTERNAL CERVICE FUNDS COMB!NING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Fleet Support Information Maintenance Services Systems Fund Fund Fund UABR.ITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current i,abilit>es:

Accounts payable $ 1,034,733 1,529,150 271,195 Accrued peyroil 344,323 1,189,539 208.649 Ac ued compensated absences $62.237 2,001,857 336,263 Clavns payable Due to other funds 25,330 258,648 328,269 interest payable on other debt 10,606 - - a Deterred revenue 517,174 - -

General obhgation bonds payable and other tax supported debt 139,452 - -

Capitallease obligations popble - -

Other liabilit es - 31,710 -

Total current liabdities 2.633,855 5.010,904 1,144,376 Datunitjes payable from restricted asse'a : l Accounts payable 675 - -

Total habilrt S payable from restricted assets 675 - -

Long termilabilities:

Accrued cormensated absences - 799,652 286,956 Clans payable - -

Advances from other funds 101,321 103,656 1,581,797 l

General obligation bonds payable and other tax l supported dobt 380.810 - -

Totaliong-term liabilities 482.131 903,308 1.868.753 Totaillabilities 3.116.661 5,914,212 3.013.129 Fund equity Contnbutions frorn municipality 13.012,768 1,913,760 6,171.767 Retarwd earrungs . unreserved 1,055,353 (1,010.375) (l.863.220)

Total fund equity 14.068,121 903.385 4.308,547 Totalliabitrties and fund equity $ 17,184,782 6,817,597 7,321.676 (1) The Rade Communication Fund was reported in Fleet Maintenance Fund in fiscal year 1995, I

l 1



) Exhibit G 1

) (Continued) s Utility Customer Employee unbluty Worirers' Radio Service Benefits Reserve Compensation Communication Totals Fund Fund' Fund Fund Fund (1) 1996 1995 207,727 788,491 209,979 156,146 41,381 4,238,802 3,055.637

'409,694 - - - 41,369 2,093,574 1,865,431 746,528 - - - 76,465 3,723,350 3,547,897

- 2.829,000 3,061,311 1,710.390 - 7,601,001 11.251,984

- - - - 444,957 1,057,204 674,278

- - - - - 10,606 19,399

- - 517,174 616,112

- - - - - 139,452 134,088

- - - - - - 1,045,048 4,926 160,131 - - - 196,767 183,069 1,268.875 3,777,622 3271,590 1,866,536 604.172 19.577 930 22.692,941

- - - - 675 835

- - - - - 675 835

- - - - 58,277 1,14(885 1,162,098

- - 10.513,065 3,472,610 - 13,985,675 11,603,802

- - - - - 1,786,774 2,178,552

- - - - - 380.810 520.262

- - 10,513,065 3.472,610 58.277 17,298.144 15,464,714 1,268,875 3,777,622 13,784,655 5,339,146 662,449 36,876,749 38,158,490 600,772 9,244,036 - 2,443,283 29,398 33,415,784 28,273,248 2,897,747 (6.097,768) (5,547,000) 1,776.946 (362,675) (9.150,992) (6,920,108) 3,438.519 3.146 268 (5,547,000) 4220229 (333,277) 24 264,792 21,353,060 4,767.394 6,923,890 8,237,655 9,559,375 329,172 61,141,541 59,511,550 139

INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, l AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS I Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Fleet Support information Maintenance Services Systims f Fund Fund Fund l REVENUES Bi!!ngs to departments 8 13,519,250 35,014,417 8.848,201 Errpioyee contreautions -

u Othnt revenues -

Operatng rovenues 13 519250 35.014.417 8.848.201 EXPENSES Operabng expenses before depreciabon 12,247,595 33,334,922 7,775,669 Depreciabon 600,192 245.598 1.027.016 Total operahng expenses 12,847,787 31.580.520 8,802,685 Operating income (loss) betocs nonoperating revenues (expenses) and operating transfers 671,463 1,433.897 45,516 NONOPCRATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)

Iriterest revenues 216,749 - 56,578 Interest on other debt (27,580) - -

Oain (loss) on disposal of assets (38.348) (27,254) (22,807)

Total nonoperabng revenues (expenses) 150.821 (27.254) 33.771 income (k>ss) belnre oporating tran.sters 822,284 1,406.643 79,287 Operatog transfers:

Operating transfers in -

Operatng transfers out (551,718) (682.839) (255.325) 270,566 723,804 (176,038)

Net income (loss)

Retained eamings at beginning of year 784,787 (1,734,179) (1,687,182)

Residual equity transfers out - - -

I Retained earnings at end of year 1 1.055.353 (1.010.375) (1,863.220)

(1) The Radio Commurvcation Fund was reported in Fleet Maintenance Fund in fiscal year 1995.

I l

I 140


CITY OF AUSTIN TEXAS Exhibit G 2 Utility l Customer Employee umbility Workers' Radio Service Benefits Reserve Compensation Communication Totals Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund (1) 1996 1995 16,526,542 22,595,727 6,129,641 6,631,404 1,363,162 110,628,344 114.050,195

- 12,786,961 - - - 12,786,961 13,944,484

- - - - 242,447 242,447 322,623 16,526,542 35,382,688 6,129.641 6,631,404 1,606,609 123.657,752 128,317,302 17,076,294 38,700,062 4,687.108 7,030,495 1,816,083 122,668,228 126,247,870 139,364 - - - 2.201 2,014,371 2,068.599 17,215,658 38,700.062 4,687,108 7,030,495 1,818284 124,682,539 128.316,469 (689,116) (3,317,374) 1,442,533 (399,091) (212,675) (1,024,847) 833 286,793 - - - - SM,120 361.133

- - - - - f,580) (176.479)

- - - (98,615) 72,784 (10206) -

278,587 - - - - 433,925 257,438 (3,317,374) 1,442,533 (399,091) (212,675) (590,922) 258,271 (412.529)

- - .. 887,660

- - - - (150,000) (1,639,882) (195,121)

(412,529) (3,317,374) 1,442,533 (399,001) (362,675) (2,230,804) 951,010 3,310.276 (2,780,394) (6,989,533) 2,176,037 - (8,920,108) (7,244,061)

- - - -. - - (627,137) 2,897,7=7 (6,097,768) (5,547,000) 1,776,946 (362,675) (9.150.992) (6,920,188) 141

_ _ . _ _ _ ._ . _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - _ . _ _ . . ~ _ ___



Year ended September 30,1996 :

With comparative totals for year onded September 30,1995

. Fleet Support information Maintenance Services Systems Fund Fund Fund CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES:

Cash recebed from customers $ 13,731.162 35,003,035 8,846,408 .

Cash payments la nWiers for goods and services (5,432,342) (4,426.824) (3,129.236)

Cash paymente to ortployees for services (6,973,087) (27,446.647)- (4,283,145)

Cash payments to claimantsbenenciaries - - -

Other operetng revenues -


Not cash provided (uesd) by operating activities 1,325,733 3,129,564 1,434,027 -)


Operating transfers in - - -

Operasng transfers out (551,718) (682,839) (255,325)

Cash received from other funds - - -

Loan to other funds (444,957) - -

Contributions (to) from municpality - - -


Residual equity transfers out - - -

Not cash provided (ueed) by noncepital financing activities (996.675) (682,839) (255,325)


Pnncipal paid on long-term dev (134,088) - (254,129)

Proceeds from the sale of equipmere - - -

Interest paid on other debt (30,191) - -

Acquisition and construction of capital assets (5,880,120) (1,025,837) (T30,491)

Contnbutions from rnunicpahty 7,005,493 - -

Not cash provided (used) by capital and related Rnencing activities 961,094 (1,025.837) (984.620)


Interest on investments 218,749 - 56.578-Not caeh provided by Investing activities 218,749 -

56.578 Net increase (decrease)in cash and cash equivalents 1,506,901 1,420,888 250,660 Cash and cash equivalents October 1 (ine.ludog $533,515 in restricted acwunts) 2.007,719 2,183.696 1,849.927 Cash and cash equivalents, September 30

- (includ6ng $415,322 in teatricted accounts) - S 3.514.620 3.604,584 2,100,587 l

(1) The Radio Communication Fund was reported in Fleet Maintenance Fund in fiscal year 1995, 1

si l

142 l

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit G-3 unitty Customer Employee Liabliity Workers' Radio Service Benefits Reserve Compensation Communcation Totale Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund (1) 1996 1995 16,526,542 34,925,518 6,129,641 6.631,404 1,498,347 123 292,057 127,897260 (9,018,358) (17,998,166) (1,014,478) (1,916,633) (838,886) (43,764,923) (43,227,450)

(8,463.974) - - - (952,206) (48,119,059) (48,484,810)

- (20,902.105) (5,367,583) (4,522,501) - (30,792,189) (31,254,329)

- - - - - - 322,623 (955,790) (3,964,753) (252,420) 192.270 (292,745) 615,886 5,253.294

- - - - - - 887,860

- - - - (150,000) (1,639,882) (195,121)

- - - - 444.957 444,957 16,387,246

- - - - - (444,957) -

- - - - (1,412) (1,412) 11,687,319

- - - - - - (627,137)

- - - - 293,545 (1,641.294) 28,140,167

- - - - - (388,217) (310,176)

.- 135,023

- - - - - (30,191) (180,367)

(441,672) - - - - (8,078,120) (4,724,177)

- - .. . - 7,005,493 3,364,158 (441.672) - - - (1,491,035) (1,715.539) 206.793 - - - - 560,120 361,133 286.793 - - - - 560,120 361,133 (1,110,669) (3,964,753) (252,420) 192,270 800 (1,956,323) 32,039,055 4,865.450 10.431.473 8,490,075 9.367,105 - 39,195.445 7.156.390 3.754.781 6.466,720 8.237.655 9.559.375 800 37,239.122 39.195.445 (contnued) 1 143 l

I INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS l COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year ended September 30,1996 With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Fleet Support Information Maintenance Services Systema RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES:

Operating income (loss) 671,463 1,433,897 45,516

$ l Adjustments to reconcile oporating income to not cash l prov6ded by operahng activities:

Depreciallon 600,192 245,599 1,027,016 Mowance for doubtful accounts (10,393) - -

Change in assets and liabiliber (Increase) decrcc*e in accounts recen able 222,005 (11,382) (1,793)

(Increase) decrease in inventory 484,898 - -

(increase) decrease in prepaid experses - (32,081) -

Decrease in deferred expenses - 40,773 -

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (307,131) 1,053226 130,577 increase (decrease) in accrued payroll and compensated absences (335,601) 468,033 232,711 Increase (decrease) in clairns payable - - -

Increase (decrsase) in due to otler funds - (62,031) -

Decrease in advarce from other funds - (38,179) -

Increase (decrease) in other liabilites

- 31.710 -

Total adjustments 654.270 1,695.667 1,388.511 Not cash provided (used) by operating activities $ 1.325.733 3.129,564 1.434.027 NONCASH INVESTING, CAPITAL AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase in deferred expenses $ - - -

Flued assets contrbuted (to) from other funds (2,791,575) 81,490 -

Due to other funds for fixed assets - -

Advance from other funds for fixed assets -

Contributons for capitallease - -

797.100 Loss or disposalof assets (38,348) (2,007) (22,807)

Advances to other funds 197,878 - -

Deferred revenue (517,174) - -

Adjustment for a chango in accounting principle - -

Liabilities assumed from other funds - -

Due from other funds 319296 - -

(1) The Radio Communcabon Fund was reported in Fleet Maintenance Fund in fiscal year 1995, j 144

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Exhibit G-3 (Continued)

Utmty 1 Customer Employee Umbility Workers' Radio Service ' Senefits Reserve Compensation Communcation Totals Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund (1) 1996 1995 (689,116) (3,317,374) 1,442,533 (399,091) (212,675) (1,024,847) 833 139,364 - - - 2,201 2,014,371 2,068,599

- - - - - (10,093) (48,072)

- (457,170) - - (107,262) (355,602) (49,347)

- - - - (188,069) 296,829 (298,055)

- - - - (4,432) (36,513) 223,575

- - - - - 40,773 -

(247,071) 36,707 (75,843) 28,361 41,381 660,207 1,682,320 (154,871) - - - 176,111 386,383 224,322

- (213,000) (1,619,110) 563.000 - (1,269,110) 1,808,849

- - - - - (62,031) 172,638

- - - - - (38,179) -

(4,096) (13,916) - - 13,698 (531,468)

(266,674) (647,379) (1,694,953) 591,361 (80 070) 1,640,733 5,252,461 (955,790) (3.964,753) (252,420) 192.270 (292,745) 615.886 5,253,294

- - , - .. - 200,000 8,160 - - - 30,810 (2,671,115) (257,752)

- - -- - - - (58,165)

- - - - - - (141,835)

- - -- - - 797,100 797,100 (10,206) - - - - (74,268) (62.239)

- - - - - 197,878 616,112

- - - - - (517,174) (616,112)

- - - - - - 6,024,196

- - - - - - (22,411,442)

- - - - - 319,296 -


INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN FlXED ASSETS AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year ended September 30,1996 Assets Transfers Transters Balance from from (to) Balance September 30, Construction Other September 30, 1995 Additions Retirements in Progress Funds (1) 1996 Proporty, plant and equiprnent in service:

Fleet Maintenance $ 22,488,147 5,992,795 (1.398,588) - (2,741,018) 24,341,336 Support Services 3,191,106 1,025,836 (118,814) - 186,988 4,285,116 Information Systoma 16,650,249 402,223 (5,585,308) - 13,255 11,480,419 Utsty Cusbmer Servk:e 1,372,928 441,669 (75.151) - (35,212) 1,704,234

- - 30,810 30,810 Radio Comr1unication (2) 43,702,430 7.862,523 (7,177,851) - (2,545,177) 41,841,915 Construction in progress:

725,761 84,796 - - - 810,557 Fleet Mantenance 725,761 84,796 - - - 810.557 Total $ 44,428,191 7,947,319 (7,177,861) --

(2.545177) 42.652.472 utnity Fleet Support Inforrnation Customer Radio Maintenance Services Systems Service Communication Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund (2) Total Property, plant and equipment:

Lary* $ - 485,463 - - - 485,463 e ' 3,528,426 - - - - 3,528,426

( ad equipment 5,404,865 1,365.736 6.621,000 189,408 - 13,581,009 h ... 6,167,062 442,285 42,040 720,707 30,810 7,402,904 9.240,983 1,991.632 4.817,379 794,119 - 16,844,113 Cor$eted construction unclassifel 24,341,336 4,285,116 11,480,419 1,704,234 30,810 41,841,915 Less accumulated deproclanon 13.658,064 1 290,800 6,261,123 691,621 2,201 21,903.809 10.683,272 2,994,316 5,219,296 1,012,613 28,609 19,938,106 Construchon in progress 810.557 -- - - - 810,557 Net property, plant and equipment $ 11.493.829 2,994,316 5,219,296 1.012,613 28,609 20.748 663 (1) Transfers from (to) other funds and account groups are as follows:

General Fixed Assets $ (2,665,885) 26.629 - - - (2,639,250)

Electric (6,773) 79,182 - - - 72,409 Water - - 13,255 - - 13,255 Convention Conter 8,415 - - - - 8,415 Fleet Maintenance - 66,095 - (20,130) 30,810 76,775 Suppor1 Somces (66,095) - - (15,082) - (81,177)

Uthty Customer Servce 20,130 15.082 -- - - 35,212 Radio Communicaton (30.810) - - - - (30,810)

$ (2,741,018) 186,988 13.255 (35.212) 30,810 (2,545,177)

(2) The Radio Commurucatnn Fund was reported in Fleet Maintenance Fund in fiscal year 1995, 146


, _ Accumulated Depreciation Balance Transfers Balance September 30, Current and September 30, 1996 Depreciation Retirements Adjustmer.'.s 1990 14,396,340 600,192 (1,360,240) 21,772 13.658,064 1,031.265 245,598 (91,560) 105,497 1,200,800 10,783.354 1,027,016 (5,562,501) 13,254 6,261,123 644,258 1N,364 (64,945) (21,056) 691,621

~ 2.201 - ~ 2201 26.855217 2,014.371 (7,079246) 113.467 21.903.809 34 4e M .8 26.855217 2,014.371 (7.070246) 113.467 21,903.809 147

-_-x_______--___-___---__-__-__ . . - _ . -

..--- -- -- -_., m,-,-..---- -.-- -.- - , - - - -- - . - - ---- - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - - - - . - - - - , . , - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - --

v 148

FIDUCIARY FUNDS F'duciary funds are used to accoun' for assets held by the City

- in a trustee capacity or as an agent for otner agencies, individuals, private organizations or governmental units.

.. Included in the fiduciary funds are expendable and l nonexpendable trust funds, pension trust funds, and agency funds.

The expendable trust funds include _ a varioty of activities, as described on the following page.

The nonexpendable trust fund includes contributions for various governmental purposes, including purchase of library books and cemetery and preserve maintenarn,e.

The pension trust funds include the City of Austin Police Offcers' Retirement and Pension Fund, Fire Fighters' Relief and Retirement Fund of Austin, Texas, and the City

. of Auctin Employees' Rotirement and Pension Fund.

The agency funds include the Municipal Utility Districts Fund, Water improvement District Funds, Deferred Componsation Fund, and various others, See next page for descriptions of the individual funds.

.___m.-.____-___.- _-.--_ _. ---.-- -- .- .----------A- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

ExpendableYrust Funds Nonexpendable Trust Funds Adaptive Programs Fund Accounts for programs and acwities Interest income from contributions may be used for specified sponsorod by the t' arks and Recreation Department. purposes, such as purchase of hbrary books or maintenance of cemeteries and preserves.

Brackenridge imaging Accounts for partcipation in and support of programs which will provide health care services. Pension Trust Funds Bcontennial Affairs Fund - Donations to be used for bicen- Pohce Officers' Retiremsnt and Pensi,>n Fund Accounts for tennlat/ sesquicentennial type activities. pension fund activity related to civil se vice pokce officers.

Cemetery Fund Revenues to be used for maintenance and Fire Fighters'Relef i and Returement Fund Accounts for pension care of Cemeterios. fund activity related to civil service fire fighters.

Fairway Ridge Accounts for deposits for Fairway Ridge Empbyees' Retirement and Pension Fund Accounts for Subdivision. pension fund activity related to all City employees other than pohce officers and fire fighters.

HospitalMemorialDonations Fund Donations for memorials for former patients. Agency Funds Meadows of Trinity Crossing Deposits received for Meadows of Municipal Utihty Districts Funds . Recorves revenues from Trinity Crossing Subdivision. municipal utility districts whien are used to make debt service Miscellaneous Fund Various donations and revenues to be used tor specified purposes. Waterimprovement Districts Funds Collects billings from water control and improvement customers which are periodically FARD Miscellaneous Fund Various donations and revenues to remitted to the districts.

be used for specified purposes for Parks and Recreation Department act:vities. Neighborhood Revitakzation Funds Accounts for various loans related to revitahzation pograms.

Planting for the Future Fund Donations to be used for plantings in the City of Austin. Munic/ pal Courts Fund Holds fees collected by the City to be remitted to the State.

Police Benefit Fund Donations for the benefit and improvement of the Pohce Department BCCP Permit Fund - Receives permit fees to support City of Austin and Travis County preserve administration for the Recycle Bins Fund - Donations and receipts to be used to Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan.

purchase rocycle bins for the recychng program.

Deterred Conpensation Fund Used to rocord the amount of Speciallibrary Fund Donatons received to purchase books or compensation deferred by City employees and held by an special equipinent in memory of an individual. independent administrator.

Summer Musicalfund- Donations and revenues to t,e used for the annual summer musical production that is administered by PARD.

Town Lake Beautdcation Fund - Donations to be usod for the beautfication t,f Town Lake.




TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET Exhibit H 1 September 30,1996 4 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Espondable Nonexpendable Pension Trust Trust Trust A9ency Totale Funde Funds Funds (1) Funde 1996 1995 ASSETS

- - 5,655,357 - 5.655.357 5,539,588 Cash $

3,047.413 76,374 - 2.919,415 6.043,202 5,255,662 Poolod investments and cash investments, at amorttred cost - - 941,120,B47 - 941,120,847 B47,832,151

- 86,038,542 06,038,542 76.732,209 Cash and investments hold by trustee - -

- - - - - 84,488 Accounts receivable

- 8,995,648 - 8,995,648 7,499,033 Other assets -

Furniture and equipment, at cost, 1,477,344 - 1,477,344 991,550 not of accumulated deprecinton - ..

3.047,413 76.374 957,249,196 88,957,957 1,049,330.940 943,934,681 Total assets L1ADIUTIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities 6,009 - 1,364,074 34,657 1,404,740 912,77' Arrounts payable Due to other governnents:

- - - 106,671 106,671 64,963 Municipal utihty dietrk:ts

- - -- - - 171,240 Water irrprovement d,stricts

- - - 1,037,056 1.037,056 1,096,463 Others

- - - 1,143,727 1,143,727 1,332,666 Total due to other govemmentu

- - - 33,531 33,531 -

Due to other funds

- 87,746,042 87.746,042 78,381,908 Escrow and other doposits - -

517,494 - 1,289,016 - 1,806,510 834,406 Other hab$ ties

$23,503 2,653.090 68,957,957 92,134,550 81,461,757 Total habiht,es -

Fund balances 76,374 - - 76,374 76,374 fleserved for nonexpendable trust -

- 954,596,106 - 954,596,106 860,258,865 Fteserved for retroment systems -


2,523,910 - - - 2,523.910 2,137,685 Designated for purposes of trust ,

2,523,910 76.374 954,506,106 - 957,196,390 862,472,924 Total fund balances 3.047,413 76.374 957,249,196 88,957,957 1,049,330,940 943.934,681 Totalliabillties and fund belances $

(1) Pension trust funds information presented la autted information as of December 31,1995 and 1994.


TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS Exhibit H-2 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Ascets Liabilities Unreserved Total Pooled Fund Balances Liabihties investments Total Accounts Other Total Designated and Fund and Cash Assets Payable Llabilities Liabilities for, Trust Datances Adapttvo Programs $ 15,616 15,616 - - - 15,616 15,616 Drsckenndge imaging 642,597 64?E97 - - - 642,597 642,597 Bcentennial Afters - - - - - - -

Comotary 974,843 97,1843 - - - 974,843 974,843 Fairway Ridge 298,538 298,538 - - - 298,538 298,538 Hospital Memonal Donatxins - - - - - - -

Meadows of innity Crossing 395,194 395,194 - 384,795 384,795 10,399 395,194 Miscellaneous 173,637 173,637 - 132,699 132,699 40,938 173,637 PARD Miscellanaous 131.781 131,781 5,869 -

5.869 125,912 131,781 Plantng for the Future 155,258 155,258 - - -

155.258 155,258 Ponce Denefit 34,358 34,358 50 -

50 34,308 34,358 Recycle Bins 3,922 3,922 - - - 3,922 3,922 Special Lairary 163,019 163,019 90 -

90 162,929 163,019 Summer Musical 25,648 25,648 - - - 25,648 25,648 Town Lake Deautrhcation 33,002 33.002 - - -

33.002 33,002 1996 Total 3.047,413 3.047,413 6,009 517,494 523.503 2.523,910 3.047.413 1995 Total $ 2.257,508 2,257,508 11.985 107.838 119.823 2,137,685 2,257,508 150 f



Fund Residual Fund Balances Operating Equity Balances Septernber 30, Revenues Expenditures Transfer 7 Transfers Sr ptember 30, 1995 Contributions (1) in (Out) in (Out) 1996 15,616 - - - - 15,616 Adame Programs $

33,397 - - - 649,597 Brackenr6dge imaging 609.200 Scontordal Affaks 17,25 - -

(17.365) 074,275 50,923 50,355 - - 974,843 Comutory

- - - 299,538 - 298,538 Fasway Ridge Hospital Memortal Donabane 14,256 - 14.256 10,399 - - - 10,399 Mee%ws of Trtnity Crossang -

43,906 9,106 - - 40,938 MinceRaneous 6.138 121,351 145,086 - - 125,912 PARD M.scenaneous 147.647 83,256 85,842 13.840 - -

155.258 Planbng for the Future 18,139 16.592 423 - - 34,308 Polce Denent 32,987 933 29.998 - - 3,922 Recyde Bins 154,968 12,393 4,432 - - 162,929 Special Lbrary 20,646 6,325 1,323 - - 25,648 Summer Musical 31,720 16,897 15,615 - - 33,002 Town Lake Beautiflcation 1996 Total 2,137.685 387,486 282,434 281,173 -


12.55:,306 1.047,094 400,533 - (11,060,182) 2,137,685 1995 Total 5 (1) Experxstures include capital outay of $8,158.



_With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Pol 6ce Fire Officers' Fighters' Employees' Retirement Relief and Retirement Totals (1) and Fension Retirement and Pension Fund Fund Fund 1996 1995 ASSETS Cash $ 43,958 390,770 5,220,629 5.655,357 5,539.588 inve ,tnents, at a"ot1ered cost 120.351,385 187,157,388 f,33.612,074 941,120,847 847,832,151 Other assets 919,524 3,479,588 4,596.536 8.995,648 7,499,033 Property and equipment, at cost, net of accumulated depreciate. 589,232 11.247 876.865 1,477,344 991.550 Total assets 121.904.099 191,038.993 644.306.104 957,249.196 861.862,322 UABluTIES AND FUND EQUITY Umbilities Accounts payable 222,075 215,454 926,545 1,364.074 879,177 Othet habilities 82.577 - 1206.439 1,289.016 724.280 Total habelstes 304.652 215.454 2,132,984 2.653,090 1,603.457 Fund balances Reserved for retiremont systems 121,599,447 190,823,539 642,173.120 954.596,106 860.258.865 Total fund balances 121,599.447 190.823.539 642.173.120 954.596,106 860.258,865 Totalliabihties and fund balances $ 121,904,099 191.033 993 644.306.104 957,249,196 861,862,322 (1) Pension trust funds informat4on presented la audited information as of Decentwr 31,1995 and 1994.




. Year ended September 30,1996

_With comparative totals for year ended September 30,1995 Police Fire Officers' Fighters' Employees' Retirernent Relief and Retirement Totals (1) and Psnsion Retirernent art J Pension Fund Fund Fund 1996 1995 REVENUES Penske contrtiutions $ 9,129.327 9,792,591 34.404.103 53X6,021 50,520,970 13,344.647 18,120,077 52,426,839 83,891,563 73.118,012 interest and other 22,473.974 27,912,668 86.830,942 137,217,584 123,638,982 C'perating revenues EXPENSES Denotit paymerts 3.205,464 7,653,236 23,205,043 34.063.743 30,614,140 243,120 95,648 8,477,832 8.816,600 4,818,796 Contrbullons refunded Total operatrig expenses 3,448,584 7,748.884 31,682,875 42,880,343 35,430,336 19,025,390 20,163,784 55,148,067 94,337,241 88,208,046 Not income Fund balances at beginning of year 102,574.057 170,659,755 587,025.053 860,258,865 772,050,819 Fund belances at end of year $ 121,599,447 190.823,539 642,173,120 954,596,106 860,250.865 (1) Penaton trust ftrids informatkm presented is av . A information for the years ended December 31,1995 and 1994, i



. COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30,1996 With comparative totals for September 30,1995 Municipal Water

. . m.- . 4 Neighbortmod Municipal BCCP Defuted Totale Utility Revitalization Courts Permit Fund Corpatico 1996 1995 Districts Districts ASSETS 109.968 1.926.076 67.062 -

2.919.415 2.921.780 Pooled ovestments and cash $ 816.312 -

86.038.542 86.038.542 76.732.209 Cash anid rwestments held by trustee -

- - - - - - - 84.488 Accounts recesvath 016.3s2 - 109.965 1.926.076 67.t.W2 86.038.542 88.957.957 79.738.477 Total assets LIABiUTIES 34.657 - -

34.657 2it.615 Accounts payable 1.003.525 33.531 -

1.143.777 6 332.666 Due to other govemments 106.671 -

33.531 --

h 531 -

Due to cther funds 709,641 - 109.065 887.891 - 86.038.542 87As3.042 '8,381.908 Escrow and other daposits

- - - - - - 2.298 Other f.ateties -

5 816.312 109.%5 1.926.076 67.062 86.038.542 88 957.957 79.739.477 Total liabilities l

l l

i t

4 l

l l

TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS AGENCY FUNJS Exhibit H 7 COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Year ended September 30,1998 Assets Balance Balance September 30, September 30, 1995 Debits Credits 1996 8.lunicipal utility d6ettleta Pooled investmmts and cash $ 520,317 555,785 259.790 816.312 Total 520.317 55!,,785 259.790 816.312 Oster improvement districts Poo6ed investments and cash 89,437 70,72ti 160,163 -

. Accomts receivable 84.488 12.493 96,M1 -

Total 173.925 83.219 257,144 -

Neighborhood rovitalisation Pooled investments and cash 106.100 291,062 287,197 ,J9.965 Total 106.100 291,062 287,197 100.965 Municipal courts Pcoled investments and cash 2.205,926 4,873.321 5.1f 3.171 1.906.076 Total 2.205,926 4,873,321 5,153.17' 1.926.076 3CCP Permit Fund Pooled investments and cash - 67,062 - 67,082 Total - E 7,062 - 67.062 Deferred compensation Cash and investments held by trustee 76.732,209 9.306,333 - 86.038,542 Total 76,732,209 - 9.306,333 - 86.038,542 Combined totals . all agency funds Pooled investments and cash 2,921,780 5,857.956 5,860,321 2.919,415

' Cash and investments held by trusteo 76,732.209 9.306,333 - 86,038,542 Accounts receivable 84.488 12.493 96.961 -

Total S 79.738.477 15,176.782 5.957,302 88,957.957 (continuad)



Year ended September 30,1996 Llabilities

-Balance Salance September 30, "Wernber 30, 1995 Debite Credite tievo Municipal utility districts Due b other govemments S 64,963 226,300 268,008 106,671 Escrow and other deposits 455,354 33.385 287.672 709.C41 Total __ __.317,._

  • 20 ____.685_____,___

259 555,680 _ _ _, ___.312.

816 Water improvement districte Due to other governments 171,240 171.240 - -

Escrow aryl other deposits 397 397 - -

Other habthtes 2,288 2.288 - -

Total 173.925 173.925 - -

1 Neighborhood revitalization Escrow and other deposits 106,100 544,207 548,072 109.965 Total 106.100 544.207 548.072 109.965 Municipal courts Accounts payable 21,615 207,562 220,604 34,657 Due to other govemments 1,096,463 5,622,674 5,529,736 1,003.525 Escrow and other depoorts 1,087,848 877,246 677.292 887,894 Total 2.205.926 6,707,482 6.427,632 1,926.076 OCCP Permit Fund Due to other govemments - - 33,531 33,531 Due to oth6, bnds - - 33.531 33.531 Total - - 67,062 67.062 Deferred compensation l Escrow and other deposits 76.732.209 - 9.306,333 86.038.542 Total 76,732.209 - 9,306.3- 86.038.542 Combined totale all agency funds Accounta payable 21,515 207,562 220,604 34,657 Due to other govemments 1,332,666 6,020,214 5,831,275 1,143,727 Due to other funds - -

33.531 33,531 Escrow and other deposits 78,381,908 1,455,235 10.819,369 87,746,042 Other liabdite 2,288 2.2ra .. .

Totat $ 79.738.477 7.685 299 16.904.779 88.957.957 156

ACCOUNT GROUPS Account groups are self balancing sets of accounts established to provide accounting control over certain fued assets and long.

term debt The General Fixed Asset Account Group is used to account for all fixed assets of the City other than those accounted for in the proprietary funds.

The General Long Term Debt Account Group is used to account for all long terrn debt of the City except for that accounted for in the proprietary funds, 1


v.- - - -- - -, . - -n . ---,-,-,------- - -v_. - -



. . . . -. -- ~ -

GENERAL FIXED ASSETS l CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS- Exhibit 11 Year ended September 30,1996 Transfers Belance from(to) Betance September 30, Completed Other September 30, 1995 Additions Retiremer_ts - Construction Funds (1) 1996 Property, plant and equipment in service:

Land and bulidngs:

Land and easerrents S 136,864,423 3,129,214 - 139,993,493 (144)

Buildngs - 88,128,526 - - 13,596.926 - 101,725,452 l 16,726,140 - 241,718,945 l 224.992.949 -

(144) trrprovements other than tJdngs:

Grounds 2,033,686 - -. 147,451 - 2,181.137 Parks 16,226,962 - - 5.316,153 - 21,543.11S Ltrary book stock 60,661 - - - - 60,661 4,181,187 - 9.244 - 4,190.431 Other -

22,502,406 - - 5.472.848 - 27,975.344 Mactwnery and equipment Mactinery 35,304,087 - (2,547.550) 4,685,709 (12,633) 37,429,613 Park equipment 1,139,864 -- (40,142) - - 1,099,722 Fumiture and fixtures 2,212,922 - (176,562) 174,285 - 2.210,645 Barges- 105,451 - (31,377) - 14,368 88,442 Conununscaten equipment 8,089,949 - (217,537) 810,284 - 8,682,696 Corrputer ecppment 7,364.663 - (517,485) 1,972,858 - 8.820.036 54.216.936 - (3,530.653) 7,643,136 1,735 58.331,154 Votal property, plant and equipment in service - 301,712,381 - (3,530,797) 29,842,124 1,735 328,025,443 Construction in progress 124.650.926 28.725.743 (118.837) (29.842,124) 2,649,969 126.065.677 Totals S 426,363.307 28,725,743 (3.649.634) - 2.651,704 454,091,120 General Fixed Assets (1) Transfers from (to) other funds:

Enterpnse funds:

Electric $ 32,769 Airport 16,900 Transportation ' (30,940)

Parks and Recreation (6,281)

Intemal service funds:

I- Fleet Maintenance 2,665,885 i- Support Servicas (26.629) l- Total transfers s 2,651,704 i

i-157 I



Year ended September 30,1996 Bolence incrosoe (Decrosee) ' Debt LeqTerm Debt - Incromos(Decrease) ' Dets Service Bolence September 30, : In Other Long-Term Iseund Reelred in Long-Term Debt . Fund September 30. -

1995 UstWheios During Year . During Year Due To Defoseance Activity 1998 AABOUNT AVAR.A8LE AND TO BE PROVIDED Amount availabir. in Debt Service Fund S . 8.934.818 - -- .- -

(459.672) 8.475.146 -

Amourt to be pr wided for accrued corTversatM absences 36278253 (3,098.526) -

33.179.727 '

Ann.rt to be prov%d for retrement of general long4ermdebt - 436.867.901 -

35.005.000 (22.722.983) -(6.362.556) 459.672 443.247.034' Totalsvalieble and to be provided 482.080.972 (3.098.526) 35.005.000 (22.722.983) (6.362.556) '- 484.901.907 GENERAL LONG-TTRAA DEBT PAYABLE

,; Accrued svMed absences 36278.253 (3,098.526) - - - -

33.179.727 g General ob6gation bonds and ather tax supported debt 445.802.719 -

35.005.000 (22.722.983)- (6.362.556) -

451.722.180' Total general long-term debt peyeble $ 482.000,972 (3.098.526) 35. N .000 (22.722.983)- 16WSM) -

- 484.901.907 1



- " 'W X / b..


Unlesued Date Original Previously lesued During September 30, I Authorized Purpose Authorized issued (1) Current Year 1996 09-11 82 Parks and recreason 5 27,800,000 26,463.000 - 1,337,000 09-11 82 Lbrary 3,100,000 3,000,000 - 100.000 10 22-83 Brackenndge 2000 50,000,000 40,785,000 - 9,215,000 00 08-84 200,070,000 178287,000 1,058,000 22,725,000 Streetirmrovements 0908-84 Dralnage and Good control 48,535,000 40,062,000 1,150,000 7,323,000 09 4 84 Parkland acquisson 7225,000 6,890,000 335,000 -

09 M 64 9,975,000 9,025,000 118,000 832,000 Parks irmrovements 01 19 85 Cultural erts 20285,000 14,890 000 - 5.395,000 08-10-92 Fire Statons 8,760,000 4A60,000 1,105,000 2.995,000 08-10-92 Police Stbstatons 5,580,000 3,875,000 - 1,705,000 08 10-92 Asbestos Abatement,ADACormhance

& East Air 5'i Health Clinic 18,800,000 5,632,000 1,598,000 11,570,000 08-10-92 Eroeic xW Control 21,570,000 10,843,000 1,868,000 8.8M,000 08-10 92 Street Constructon & Traffic Signals 27,500,000 16.128,000 3,699,000 ~/,673,000 08-10-92 Neigttorhood Sidewalks 500 000 120,000 - 380,000 08 10-92 Parks & Recreation Facihties 17,350,000 13.851,000 1,100,000 2,399,000 08-10-92 lbrarles 16.395,000 9,174,000 2,529,000 4,692,000 08-10-92 Land for Barton Creek Greenway 20.000.000 4,310.000 15,690,000 -

87,200,000 I... _503f453_ _,38{999,,_ 30 250.000 Source: Dord Sale 0191 Statements (1) This schedule displays only those previously issued bonds that relate to bond authorizatons included heren it does not display all debt previously issued and stil outstarcting.

159 l___-__.____.___________________________________ _ ______



-1 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE BONDS AUTHORIZED, CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS O DEAUTHORIZED AND UNISSUED Exhibit J-2 Year ended September 30,1996 Unieeued Date Original Previounty leeued During September 30,

' Authorimod Purpose Authorland Deauthorized leaved (1) Current Year 1996 ELECYRIC UTlWTY 10-2243 Hydrogeneration power plant and electric system $ 39,000,000 - 10,620,000 - 28,380,000 030144 Electric system, South Texas Nuclear Project . 605,000,000 - 315,232,000 - 289,768,000 0948-84 Electric improvements (gas turtnnes) 32,775,000 - 31,237,000 - 1,538 000 094844 Doctric improvements (westem coal plant) 47,725,000 - 31,199,000 - 16,526,000 0948-84 Electric improvements (refuse fueled plant) 80,000,000 64 669,000 15,331,000 - -

094644 Electric transtrussion and rehatnhty improvements 39,945,000 - 20,040,000 - 19,905,000 121445 Transmission Enes and substatons 175,130,000 - 96,017,000 - 79.113,000 121445 Overbecd and underground dratribution 76,055,000 - 46,845,000 - 29,210,000 12 1445 Ms:ellaneous 25,891,000 - 10,443,000 - 15,448,000 08-10 92 Electrical distrt>ution and street Aghting 82,500.000 - - - 82,500,000 1,204.021,000 64.669.000 576.964,000 - 562,388,000 -

WATEFI UTILITY 1142 Green water treatment pbnt, water Enes and reservoir 40,300,000 - 28,885,000 - 11,415,000 09-1142 Ullrich water treatment plant, water Enes and reservoir 49,100,000 - 42,210,000 - 6,890,000 091142 Davis water treatment plant, water knes and reservoir 40,800,000 - 32,274.000 - 8,526,000 09-1142 Waterworks system rehabihtabon and

. hiprovements 12,800,000 - 9,164,000 - 3,636,000 09 08-64 Waterworks north central, northeast, and east service area 39,3P5,000 17,000,000 3,990,000 - 18,395,000 0908-84 Waterworks nor1hwest service area 14,970,000 - 11,430,000 - 3,540,000 090844 Wate, impovements in north central and northwest service area 14,470,000 - 2,745,000 - 11,725,000 0948-84 Watervorks system irrpevements 141,110,000 - 36,513,000 - 104.597,000 094844 Ullrich wator treatment plant improve.nonts to South Ausbn 47,870,000 - 23,245,000 - 24,625,000 09-0844 Water hnes, reservoir improvoments to south co,ridor aree 12,570,000 - 6,585,000 - 5,985,000 09-08-84 Water bnes, pump stahon improvements to North Ausun area 7,945,000 - 7,765,000 - 180,000 09-08-84 Waterworks system rehabilitation and hprovements 26,500,000 - 3,665,000 - 22,835,000 12-1445 Northeast area improvements 37,950,000 10,000,000 7,493,000 - 20.457,000 121445 South / southeast area imptovements 42,090,000 3,000,000 6.035,000 - 33,055,000 12 14-85 Improvements / extensions 9,775,000 - 3,689,000 - 6,086,000 08-10-92 Improvements to moet EPA safe drinking water act 23,000,000 - - - 23,000,000 ,

08-10-92 improvements and replacement of detertoated water system facilises 5,000,000 - - - 5,000,000-08-10-92 General uhhty relocahon 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000

$ 567,635,000 30.000,000 225,688,000 - 3t l,947,000 (1) TNs schedule displays only those previously issued bonds which relate to bond authorizations included herein. It does not display all I debt previously issucJ and stil outstandng, refunding bonds, or corr.mercial paper.


L 160 L



Unise,ved Date Original Previously lasued During Reptember 30 Authorlaed Purpose Authortred Deauthorl ed lasued (1) Curren1 Yest 1 9'36 CASTEWATER UTILITY 11 20 78 Sewer optern Ingvovements 8 46,920,000 - 38,920,000 - 8.000,000 09 11 82 Govatie sewage teatnent plant, sewer hnes and inpovements to Canterbury lift station 20,300,000 - 24,658,000 - 3.642,000 09 11 82 Onion Cree sewage Westment plant and sewer knee t7,000,000 - 49,345,000 - 7 ($5,000 00 11 82 Sewer lines for north cential and northwest Austin 20,700,000 - 17,975,000 - 2 725,000 09 11 82 Walrd Creek suwage treatment plant addrons 20,400,000 - 17,971,000 - 2 429,000 09 11 02 Sewer system tchatetation and mgwovements 4,800,000 - 3,930,000 - 870,000 09-08 84 Sewer sptem rehablittalion wnd tryovements 43,515,000 - 36,950,000 - 6.635,000 09 08 84 Orson Creek and Walnut Creek sewage teatment piard inpovements 41,795,000 - 42,284,000 - 2.511,000 09 00 84 Sewer system rchabilitation and trgwovemente 46,230,000 - 14,925,000 - 31,305,000 05 00 85 Sewer sptom irrgrovements 54,000,000 - 33,106.000 - 20,894.000 12 14-05 Advanced wastewater teatmunt 34,500,000 - - - 34,500,000 12 14 85 Northeast area invrovements 47,035,000 14,000,000 1,857,000 - 31,178,000 12 14 85 Southeast neoa ingvovonents 9,.00,000 - 757,000 - 8,443,000 24,725,000 - 12,621,000 - 12,104,000 12 14 85 Introvements/outerm6ans 12 14-05 Walnut Creek WWTP espansion 46,000,000 - 13,717,000 - 32,203,000 12 14 85

Dear Creek interceptor L840,

000 - 265,000 - 1,575,000 08-10 92 Inpovemnot to Homoby Dend Leneficial ressse program 11,000,000 - - - 11,0CO,(00 06 10-92 Replacement and rehat@taton of dotarorsted wastewater f acilmes 3.000.000 - - - 3,000.000 643.960.000 t iOOC. 000 309.281.000 - 220,679.0C0 Totat utibty 2,315.616.000 108 669F.C ,1;111,933.000 - 1,09f,,014.000 AIRPORT 11 03 87 RelocatsoeVConstEton of new airport 728,000;c 30 - 30,000,000 - 690,000,000 0541 93 ConstructKw1 of new municeal awport 362,205.000 37,795.000 at Bergstrom AFD site 400.000.000 y -

Total Anport 1,128.000,000 - - 735,795.000 392.20{000 1

CONVENTION CENTER 07 29 89 New conventon center 69.000.000 - 68.'i 40,000 - 760.000 Total revenue bonds $3M2.616,000 108.669.000 1,572,378.000 - 1.831.560.000 Source: Dond sak official statenents 161 J

k mr:y T 8



F i



i l ,h


, 9

i k

L ev



In nomina; and constant 1987 dottars 300.000JD00 - -(100 I'

i 250.000.000 A f500 I P p#

o 200.000.000 f 1 400 j i


D 150.000.000

  • 3X2 E

+ D



a .

l f 100.000,000 '+^ I 200 s , ,


t a

.c '

, 3 .

50.000.000 4 s .; 7. .  ;. 4 100 p 4.  !

. s.

O + " " ' + ' ' ' + '+ + ' ' ' '

+ ' ' ' ' '

+ '+ '- + ' '+ '-"-D 1987 1988 1989 1930 1991 1992 1993 (1) 1994 1995 1996 I M General fund em o nomrta! domars C Genarai furd expendmses in w N

+ Experdtures per capta n norrN docars -O-Expendeures per capda e constant donars Population 445.000 448.000 450.000 451,000 467.000 475.000 478.000 507,000 523,000 542.000 (1) Certan experdtures shown n the General Fund pnor to 1993 are now reported e intemal serw;e furds but are eduded m ths exhbt for cmparanve purposes ony. See Table 1 for more nformation.

_ ____d ___ ____ __ __

_ _ . s - cv s ,

- r CITY OF AUST:N, TEXAS GENERAL OBUGATION NET DEBT AND NET DEST PER CAP!TA Exhibit 2 1987-1996 in nominal and constant 1987 do!!ars i

I T 1m 450.000,000 - p m g i 400.000 JCC + / I

% /

i -

I p l - LOO

! P l

350.000.000 4 ,

c; W, -



T g -.

y u o 300.0010C0 t'

%W" i . . .

s NC ,.


! C a

i t -2


qq '

,g P


, l N I '

i i 250.000.000 } _.

500 a

f i

D "




- l 200.0C0,000 + '-

  • D 5 C2 !

3 + 400 ,

W f


J ,

, j a 4 j l r 150.000 000 6 -

,t L

) 300 ,

s  ;-- &:

l I s.


5, 100.000.000 + 1 4

_u . - t i

50.000.000 + .

t100 i


t i

0+ -

1995 19 %

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1967 1988 1989

-j detA e ce & dos!ars (t)!

I Gerwa! otAga'aon net bonded dett n roTmas dolta - 4 5 3 I !e !e !e l i j i.


,g j . i. . B. l.' .


GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS 1987-1996 caos to-244 Table 1 EMDomMES SY FUNCTKW Pumac Servese Ptade Ancese5ese ** Urtuess Fiscut Year Tetsi recent Pashdie arr3 PtstAs and Cuphure Soestese Suppertree Grourm 8 esse Ended A-

-'~ - " ^

Se9s'y tP"" tee Hes'm Peres Liqurwoo Serveses r, _ -- ^

C4 Sept. 30 ft) 5 8 t- 5 S S S 5 5 5 5 1967 198.895.513 5.32.347 9.C79.174 77.607Aa4 17 673.828 36.C20.tS9 16249 440 7248.659 E433fEt 12.967,352 736396 -

tSe8 198.676 512 5,034.869 9 088.523 es 669.015 17.927.875 37579.1$6 17.182J79 7,095 979 5.3996t2 12.ss3J22 8T5.t21 -

t999 195J36206 4.900 234 8.937.389 82.996239 14245.343 34t10274 15.342.5t2 63382et 5395267 t t.863.014 t3J7s.941 m tJ3e2?8 1990 202.191.862 6.147227 7.421.498 88 483.349 14.684 845 36247269 18.010,550 6.471 481 4571095 10.354256 82902s2 (3) 2.CC41X30 94A98.950 12.559 047 38_955.333 16.801 559 7 E *JS $418.179 11 394.880 7,b15249 t.?*g aco 1991 209 905.019 6.335.9fB 7223267 106.094.779 18 639.352 34.492.CN (4) 17.177.196 7570.736 $7c7872 8 932_C90 (53 8.C79338 992.OC8 1932 220 426.372 7.159.457 7.391J95 111,994.491 13 888.153 40.539 900 17.569271 8 G15.657 &_821339 18 8'2.908 9246 220 1.673294 1993 248204.122 m 9.102.518 tc,496.320 1994 267,435219 10.013.499 13.117.145 122.433,C78 14.087.484 39 454.664 (6) 18196265 9.974 542 7.152Eet 2t.944 061 19.960.524 (318.99 9 12.499259 131J42.620 15550.020 40 431.587 19257E77 to.616E0 7.334.9st 20 450.561 11.401 778 8.05!L105 1995 2e6.525.640 9.186.152 1996 298 411863 10530.3C9 tidt9357 141.140JS3 11,9c3772 43.647292 19 411.172 13.581.059 7265.563 21.356 193 ttS67.446 5.4"2.007 (1) Total does not mceuos trartsfors b cther funds.

A Pterirurg. EhJddrig Sawy. and Envirorvrasreas Promocear, comeriod to Canerag s%snd from Cme @t Services Ereerpree Fund m tseni year t99649.

l '

(3) Er=worrnertal Premetre cemersed to Erwerpnoe Ftrus ir:ms Genruf Ftrwf s18ecad year 1959-90.

(4) Emergency lAedcal Services was cor emed under Pti S Sefery n Becad year 1991-92.

(5) Cornriurveances awas caribmed under L e.:;,.e m Secal year 1991-92_

g (6) kt 1994.the ederney m so,r r Oumfand Hoenh Cente was onesed and ce%n emporgst:ses shours previousya in Pubsc Heer.h are none taccrted a r.cther sceauf vesenue hndL

.t tm c w. e .,es to,-- a,e e r,. e.r.,ce ond, w,s seen .,ciuond e. ns e e, c.,e, e - %

(The reader should miso note that s@ port serueco er9eures shower pnar to 1993 a o net ci sacenses settandst l

The tarde trece shcws by Nnctors risomst eerwece bndo empenses tus are .icsuded above et 1996.

Fiscas suppereve Adredn.sersease


_ - . . ." Services Tates Dfgert= smit tasyer'Councf S 722.456 722 454 RAanageert 2.008.835 2.0C8.335 Cry Cert 1.499 950 1.499 350 Orace of the Cry Audbr 1.174202 1.174202 Fwuricsas Sennces 14245.355 14245.355 H.pnen Resourcas 6.433.773 6.433J73 Smas and RAnorty Busnese Resources 981.532 951332 CerA30'ney 6.1658t9 6.165.819 we.v ra :ew.res 12.000 et o00 tes o00 Total % rirvt Services Fund 4241241 15 AM.bsJ t 3 ta2. tire 3.1334 W2 Disormedirm Sysserre Fund 7.775 669 7.7'S 869 Tetaf 5 424?241 t5 431.557 2t 437.75t3 41.1 tc.591


EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AS A PEACENT OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES Puesse Putree L - M Urban Serwees Fkcas Year ered Castwo Sarweces Sepperewe Crowtse Dean Fiscal Putes and Putse - . . -

Ended Teemi -

y g ,. ... _ . . _ .. .m . -.

%  % 0 39 -

9 35 19 07 8 87 1 84 2.88 4 86 1987 100 00 2 84 4 81 41 09 8 65 357 272 & 48 C 41 -

2 54 4 58 43 12 9.02 18 91 1988 100 00 6 03 5 48 (23 C 88 4 54 4217 724 1733 720 320 2 84 1989 100.00 ' 2 49 5.12 4.10 (3) 129 43 76 726 t818 7182 320 2 48 1990 100 00 3 04 3 67 3 79 C.56 5 98 1956 7Dt 3 52 2.58 5 43 1991 100 00 3 02 3 44 4521 0.40 7 76 3.57 2.56 4 C6 (5) 367 325 3.35 48.13 7.55 15 65 (4) 1992 100 00 736 3 72 0 65 422 45 03 5 59 16.30 707 3*S 214 1993 100 00 (7) 3 66 4 05 -0.15 4538 525 14 75 (6) TD4 3 73 167 821 1994 100.00  : 3 74 4 90 2 81 l 14 11 6 72 3 70 2.56 7.14 3.96 100.00 321 436 45 98 5.43 1995 2 44 7.16 3 54 217 5 17 4730 3 99 14 63 6.50 3 58 1J96 100.00 3 53 (f) Total ooes not incbde transiers to other funds.

(2) P'ammg. Ebk>g Safety, and Enwwo wnental Protoden corwied to Generaf Fund fmm Grewm Senaces Erserpetse Fsed ei tscad year 1988-69.

^ rs) Enveenrnereaf Protocean converted to Ernerpnse Fund Inyn General Fund m tscai year 1983-90.

8 (4) Emergency Medcas Servtes was correnned under Ptesc Saiety e escas year 1991-92.

(5) Communcatens was corrtmed under Aerunestraban in Escal year 139142.

(6) kt 1994, the Federary Quakhod Hea r :h Center was created and certam .m.av.:: shoum precousry si P@he Heelm are rew W m snother specw revenue Py.

brai (7) Begmng in 1993, coetam emenditures Scr succcat sernces see sported in entemat sorwice bnds but have been ecluded an this tatse for conternovo purpesos er:

j (The tender should siso note that supgnet sernce amounts shown paar to 1993 are not of econses rebnds).

The table on the facmg rage shows by functson intamal senace funds egenses that are inciuoed above et 1996.

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS GENERt.L GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Table 2 1987-1996 In Constant 1987 dollars 1901 tee 2 19e3 19e4 1995 1996 toe 7 1ess 198e 1990 5 332.992 5.783.330 7.124207 7.510.t24 6.647266 7.342.112 Ae J.e,.. $ 5372.347 4.889.389 4.607.502 5.537.138 6.079.886 5.962.932 8215.095 9.837 859 9.044.600 10.757.073 Fecal management 9.079.174 8,825.915 8.367223 6.664.942 79 877265 85.702.190 87.653.980 91.824.909 95.331.343 98.408.447 P@ec safe"y 77,807.844 83.193.654 77.8M.306 79.701.710 13.441.093 10.869.748 10.565.613 tt s 8299.741 Putec sonness and atet es 17.670 825 17.409.665 13.X4 431 13227.429 10.571.057 36.02t109 36.493287 32.010.943 33,100241 32.789.034 27.862.320 (4) 3tJ29.147 29 500.998 (6) 29257.035 30.432.4G4 Putsc heasm 13.534.130 16,749 440 14.421.563 13.973.674 13.827.082 t,L750.824 14.097.199 13.935.348 Parks 16 696.389 14.398.061 5.832.814 6220A45 6.357.409 6.743.154 7.480.944 7.682.576 7.447221 Ltennes 7248.659 6.873.944 5.901.188 4.479 534 4.560.528 4.6ttL756 5.341 942 5.364.661 5.3C7.638 5.079.758 Soomi services . c

---4 5.433.001 52 43.593 5250.829 14.890,729 11.132.753 9.326.644 9.591.168 7263.711 (5) 14.724.171 16.458.061 14.798.336 S@ port sennons 12.967.352 12.511.454 736,696 7.467.503 (3) 6.690.533 6.526.561 7236.677 8.145.393 8.250.533 7.368.3M Urban growm .--, .a 791.569 10.115.413 f2) 991 860 720 603 1262 658 (299246) S 829 B20 4.512.517 Ntedaperimentaf - - 1631.217 2.345.583 187125 ont 176 678 sea 178 057 w 7 194 651 9 3 877 M 576 ** 5 207 335 M1 2 Ora tM W9 17293589 1M t4s1 W3 Total (1) {B6894510 (t) Total does not sicstase trarsters to other Ands.

(2) Pfarrung. Budeng Safety. and Ertwironrnertal Pectschon converted to Generaf Furus from Growth Services Erearpnse Fund m escal year 198S49

(?) Envecrimentaf Protection careeted to Ereerpnse Fund from General Fund a Socid year 19t%90.

(4) Ernergency SAndical Serv 6ces was ceremed urssor Putsc Safe ry in Secal year 1991-92.

(5) C-. ~.a was ceremed under t.G M Am in tocal year 1991-92.

(6) In 1994, the Federary Quataed Heerm Center was created and certan expendtees showri prenous#y e PLhec 94eedh are now repcr9s $ m another speami revenue Onct

, (7) Beg!nnmg in 1993, certan espondmures for s@ port sonnoes are reperted m eneemmi sonnce bnds but have been octucard m this tabse be cornparatewe purposes onPy.

g (The reader shmed atso aces that support senace amounts shown prior to 1993 are not at esponses refunds).

ne iaus b. tow . nows e, tuna,on e.em. - iunds e- e. a,e e,ctuded abo.e in 19.

Flocal Supparewe Adenerdstrothm ^^ .. _


Servecee Terme D999dmff$

MayorCounce 5 503.722 503.722 SAanagemori Sonnees 1,400.634 1.400.634 Cay Oerst 1.045.819 1.045.819 Omco at the Cfy Austor 818.696 818.696 F*mancsal fannces 9.932.377 9.932.377 Paman Resources 4.de5.859 4.485.F59

.aB arts AAner#y Busmess Resources 664.360 654.360 cry Aftomey 4 299.032 4 2 99.032 Nondepartmentalexpendtures 6 972 8 367 56 4?6 71 815 Totaf Si4 port Sennces Fund 2 957.147 toTW 440 9525.727 73242.314 kiformanon Systems fund S 42t 47s s.421 478 Total S 295T147 10.750 440 14947205 78 883 792 Note Numbers are actual expendEuros e@Jsted by a Consumer Pnce inden (CPf) based on the U.S. CPI are! oc4usted br Austet

~ -


- 1987-1996 Tassie 3 REVENUES AND OTIER FWGANCING SOURCES Opereshie Tewissare be Charges Fiesef Year U58ty 1% Cay need Frasiefiles Fees Phoes Usenses sur Ended Tatef Syeese Osier Fisade -

Property Tea Sense Ortnk and Grues and med Serotooef W 88essen-Sept. M Fuseds Tea Ten Steesepts Teo Forteensees Feriame Geeste easienanmel einese

$ 5 & & & S $ 5 & & $ $ &

1987 206.630.498 60203227 19.305.662 127.121.5e9 51.888.822 393s8228 f.379.584 9126KM 8.064.350 2.3BCJ79 102 27.312 3.440 3.552.129 1988 218,854.640 63J40J68 11.608.042 143.505.830 83.5s0J78 42A24St3 1.303299 8.493295 8,553J27 2.444E74 11338298 (2.371) 4.809.847 1989 210.323.t32 64,459.956 9 150,483 136.092.693 48.827J08 47.172.111 1 2 005 7J8t282 7.057.143 624239 (t) 11.8c7.t25 490 5.891.590 1990 220.402.149 63.665.887 3.883,415 152.852.847 54 701.835 51.540 272 1.373.993 7.972.ECT 8.124.047 5.935.001 11JB30.625 - 17.374.367 1991 217244.562 83.054.576 2.488.63E 15tJ01.354 51.617232 55.403.E29 1.555.304 e 569,452 7.140.*t2 6.486.418 7.826200 - 12J05A78 1992 232.688J38 73237J18 2.147248 157.303.772 55.243.842 58255.348 1.636M7 11 008.628 7.*S9J80 7.891.542 8 M 5.4t0 -

7J53.145 1993 239.998.195 68.581.868 -

171.416.328 58155.948 67.054207 1J24.069  % 247.961 9 W1.04' 10hN 7238.465 - 5.593.879 1994 255.510.874 67.914,376 25.000 198.571.498 63.567.361 75.780.061 1.809240 12.187.668 9394.442 12.850.578 6.518.502 -


- 1995 270.534.111 71.110.681 2032 48 199220,182 66252J60 80.474.693 1 327.844 12,416J05 10.966Jt t 13E74.490 8.C21247 -

6.0185.13 2 1996 . 268.329.168 73.582A39 342.401 214.403.928 74.441.453 83.681.314 2.041.643 13.578.705 12.159358 14311,481 8.174J21 - 6 315.253

, REVENUES AND OTHER FWANCMG SOURCES AS A PERCENT OFTOTAL IEVENUES AND SOURCES Operegne Trene8ere In Charges Flecat Year tJusey 1% Cay mood FrericNee Fees Finse Usenese ter

' j Enood System other Property Sales Drtnk and Groom and and Servieser hitoryse.- tassese-Sept. 38 Totaf Fisnes Funess Subutotal Ten Tes Toa Itocompts Tem U -__ perindse (*-ada ersisswetal geoeue 1987 100 00 2914 9.34 6152 2111 19 30 0 67 4 71 3 90 1.16 4 95 - 122 1968 100 00 29 12. 531 65 57 2903 19 61 0 80 3 88 3 95 t.t2 Sc18 - 220 1989 100 00 10 65 4 64 64 71 2322 2243 0 63 37D 3 38 2_PG (1) 5 61 - 2 80 1990 10000 2889 126 6935 24 82 2338 0 62 3 82 3 69 26s 5.37 - 5.16 1991 100 00 29 02 1.15 69 83 2376 25.50 0.72 4 40 329 2 99 3 51 - 5.66 1992 10000 3147 0 92 6761 23 74 2504 0 70 4 73 321 339 3 46 - 3.34 11P73 100.00 28 58 - 7' A2 24 48 27.94 0 72 4 68 3 96 429 3M - 2.33 1994 100.00 26 48 0 01 7351 24.78 2954 0.70 4 75 ist 5 01 2L54 - 138 1995 t00 00 2629 0 OS 73 63 24 49 29 75 011 4$9 4 05 4 83 2 96 - 225 t996 100 00 25 52 0.12 74 36 25 82 2902 011 All 422 4 98 1 83 - 2 09 (1) Planrung. Budk$ng Su9ety.and E;- - . G Protectan convenet to General Fumf si encos year 1988-89 i'




1987-1997 i Tea Rate (per $100 VakssGon)

Fiscal Ratio of Percent of Dret Year Valuatte Assessed Estimated Growth ir, General Serv 6ce Fnded Date Value to Assessed Maritet Yahse Fund Fund Totat Market Ya*ue Vebation Marir M Vatue Sept. 30 (Jan.sary 1) $

5 $  % 5 S 23,453.5 2 .705 36.7 02226 0.1547 040'3 19C' 1986 100 23.453.566.7CS 02964 02353 0 5317 1987 100 21 289.060.006 21289.000.006 (92) 1988 C1779 0.5300 19.167.564379 19.167.564379 (1C0) 02521 1989 1988 100 03069 02681 05750 1990 1989 100 17.764.618.446 17.764.618.446 (73)

(32) 02964 0.2711 C L'95 1991 1990 100 17.189.792203 17.189.792203 l 03265 0 2762 0 6027 1991 100 16.925.074265 16.926.074 265 (1.5) 1992 02950 0.6410 16.977.306.423 16.97i.306.423 03 03460 1993 1992 100 74 03462 02763 0.2 1993 100 18237.532.094 18237.532.094 1994 024?3 0.5625 20.958.589300 20.958.589300 14.9 03132 1995 1994 100 0.5446 23J03.C15.047 11 2 03177 02269 1996 1995 100 23303.015.047 l 11 2 03117 02134 0.5251 1996 100 25,908211.198 25.908211.193 1997 (1) 4 to Percent of Percent of Fiscal Dearemnt Percent of Deranquent Totat Tax 0u62 4%

Year Yaluation DeGr:quert Tates to Current Tax Levy Tax Totaf Tax Conect6 ens Ended Date TotalTax Levy Conections Coneccons to Tau Levy Tames Tar Levy Sept. 3J (January 1) (October 1) C-:-%R Conected

$  % 5  %

5 5  % 5 92.693.628 97 C3 2.074.738 2.17 1986 95.526377 91.786.519 96 08 907.109 1987 3,164.877 2.80 9623 2.468.420 111.394,480 96 41 1988 1987 113.193.932 108.926.000 99.53 4.708.65 t 4 64 101.588.001 98.500.815 97.02 2.546.885 101.107.700 1989 1988 533 9736 2.142.423 101.590.807 99 46 5.443/K)6 1990 1989 102.146.5 % 99.448384 97200E51 9930 5.827.042 5.95 1991 1990 97.695,806 95259.049 9731 1.9E E2 97.81 1.830 ^GC 101.610.912 99 60 6,419.300 629 1992 1991 102.013.450 99.780.652 98.03 t.594.988 105272sv 9949 6.765.751 622 1993 1992 108.824.534 106.677219 113.610322 100.07 6300.WO 5 87 1994 1993 113.528.637 112.118.783 98.76 1.491.539 118.007.482 100.10 6.554.774 S.56 1995 1994 117 K .065 116.714.522 99 00 1 292.960 99 03 1.124.436 125.795.800 99 91 6 497.489 5.t2 1996 1995 126.908220 125.670.964 ~ " "

" " ~

1997 (1) 1996 136.044.017


infon,aton not yet avadatse for tax yea,1996.

(1) Assessed vaustaan for tax year 1996 is subjeci to c.hanga pendng addconal enernstons and apoeais. Accon2ngry, the taz levy represents an estrWe.



" . tzt:: 30,1996 Table 5 Percent of January 1 Total Aseeeeed


1996 Aseeeeed Valuation of Temperor Type of Property Valuation 823.2 3,016.047 8  % 1



Motorola, tre. Manufactunng 1,017,862,316 4.37 IBM Cor;xtstran Manutacturing - 665,372.374 2.80 Advanced Moro Dences,Inc. Manufacturin0 640.098,426 2.32 Bo#westem Boa TeWdene Corry.any Telephone Utility 252,874.262 1.09 Det Cormuter Corporaton Manufacturing 169,675,562 0 73 3M Mmdacturing 167.106.940 0.72 -

4(Aed MaterialInc. Concercial ' 139,802,662 0 60 -j ZW. Connercial 113.656,465 0 49

-Texa61nstruments Manufactunng 107,487,097 0.40 i Securett Capital Pactic Trust Constercial 82,061,474 0.35 3.266.897.667 13 99 i.

8 i

l  ?

1 Source: TrsWe Centeal Aftwarsal DeWt l l

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l RATIO OF NET OENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS AND NET BONDED DEBT PER C APITA Table 6 1987 1996 Amount Fiscal Available natio of Not Year Gross in Debt Net Not Bonded Debt to Debt Ended Population Assessed Donded Service Bonded Assessed Market Per Sept. 30 Estimate Value Debt Fund Debt Value Value Capita 1987 444.684 23,453fA,0,705 443.648,455 (1) 6 200,963 437,44i,492 1.87 1.87 933.73 1988 447,582 21,289.000,000 447200,455 (1) 0.086.980 441,121,475 2.07 2.07 985.56 1989 450,107 19,167,564,379 424,7C,455 (1) 8.645,716 416.037,733 2.17 2 17 924 44 19 % 450,B30 (2) 17,704.618.446 389,476,509 (3) 8,069.923 381,406,586 2.15 2.15 B46 01 1991 406.530 17,189,792.203 387 2 08,567 (3) 7 298,835 379,909,732 221 221 814.33 19'12 474,715 16,926,074 265 391,025.000 (3) 5,996.676 385,028,924 2.27 2.27 611.07 1993 478.254 16,977,306,423 424 686,831 (3) 6,453,738 418233,093 2 46 2 46 874 50 1994 607,468 18,237,537,094 429260,808 (3) 6.522.820 422,737,988 2.32 2.32 833 03 1995 573,352 20.958,589,300 445,002,719 (3) 8.934.818 436.867,901 2.08 P.08 834.75 1996 541,809 23,303,015,047 451,722,180 (3) 8,475,146 443247,034 1.90 1.90 817.97 (1) includes general obigation tr>nds for entorpnse funds. Excludos revenue bonds.

(2) Estmate based on U.S Census Bureau data modified for full.purmse area.

(3) E ackrJes gonoral otAgation bonds, pubhc prtWy finance contractual otegations, and certrfcates of obhgation issued for enterpose funds Encludes revenue bonds.

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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1v96 (U"3 Net Debt Por Capita -+-Ratio of Not Debt to Assessed Valvoj i 174


 ,       Year                                 and Paying                       Total                    Total                           Total                       Ratio of Inded                                   Agente'                        Debt                General Fund                General Fund                      Debt Service Sept,30          Principal (2)       Commlealons (2)                   Service            Espenditures (3)              Expenditures                       to Total (1) 1987              19,250,000         31,760,018                    51,010,018               188,885,510                   239,895,528                         21.26 1980              21,300,000         33,599,343                    54,899,343               198,676.512                   253,575,855                         21.65 1989              22,465,000         33,507,358                    55,972,356               190.796,200                   252,768,562                         22.14 1990              24,210,000         32,494,854                   $6,704,854                202.191,862                   258.896,716                         21.90 1991              21,607,9-12        30,491,982                    b2,099,924               209,905.019                   262.004,943                         'J89 1992              22,412,341         29,645,676                    52,058,017               220,426,372                   272,484,389                          19.10 1993              26,479,680         25,676,027                   $2.155,707                215,064,378                   267,220.085                         1952 1994              28,329,565         24,604,771                   52,934,336                227,410,704                   280,345,040                          18 88 1995              22,023,089         32,214,134                   54,237,223                249,615.058                   303,852,281                         '17.85 1990              22,722,983         35,038,577                   57,761,500                280,773,007                   340,534,567                          16.96 (1) Ratio of total debt service to total det4 6ervice plus total General Fund.

(2) Prtor to 1991, includes payments for enterprise fund general obhgation debt. Subsequent to 1990, excludes such payments. (3) Amounts shown prior to 1993 Include certain expenditures now shown in internal service funds. See Table I for more information. 1 25 00%

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                                                                                                                                                                + O Om                      b           +                 -+-                          +              -+-            +-               -+-                                  H 1987          1968          1989             1990             1991             1992           1993             1994           1995              1996 (O Re.a of Annual DotA Servce Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Tval General Fund Expendeures ]


COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN CIT ( OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 Table 8 Assessed value (100% of eshmated rnarket wh' a) as of Jaruary 1,1935 $ 23.303.015.047 OctA hrrut $ 3260,293,081 Amount of detA ap;#catAo to ddA hrfit. Total general obigaton bonds, contractual otegations, and certificates of otAgation oncluding ente <ptse fund balances of $35,877,240 $ 451,722,160 Less: Amourt evallatd,in Debt Service rund 8.475.146 Dett appicatie to dott krrut 443.247,034 Legal dobt trwgin S 2,817,040.047 Note Ad valorem tas hrrv'atkins: The CW ne permitted ty Article ll, Section 6 of the State of Texas Coretttution to levy taxes up to $2.50 por

                                                 $100 of assessed valuation for general governmental serWces, includrg payment of principal and intorest on general atigation long-term debt. However, undet the CW Charter, a hrrutation on taxes leeed for general goverrvraital services, exclusive of payments of pnncipal and interest on general oblgation long-term debt, has been establ$hed at $1.00 per $100 of assessed valuahon. A practical limitation on taxes leved for dott service of $1.50 ger $100 of assessed valuation is established ty refemng to the State Statute and CW Charter lirfvtatborn.

Assuming the manirrum tax rate for debt serytco of $1.5* on January 1,1995 and assessed valuation of

                                                 $23,303,015.147 at 95% collection, tax revenues of $322,067,964 would te produced. Thas tevenue could service the debt on $3200,293,001 lasued as 8% . 20 year senal tends with level debt service payments.

I 176 j

COMPUTATION OF DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS September 30,1996 , Table 9 Total Debt Percent Amount Narne of Outstanding se Applicable to Applicable to Governmental Unit of September 30,1998 City of Austin (1) City of Austin Cryof Auste 443,247,034 100.00 443.247,034 Auste Indoperdent Scioch Detret 341,032,033 82 70 282,033,491 7tovie Courty 249.755,417 79 00 197,306,779 Rourd Rock truerordant School Ostrict 222.836,167 24 53 54.661,712 g g Leardot independent Scicol Datnct 94.000,936 8 77 8,251,775 Pflugervme trvaegerdent Sctool Detrict 75.009.357 147 1,402,675 E' anes indeperdere School Distrtct 54,108.1;9 2.71 1,466.330 Auttn ConmJnity Conege 32,395,000 9380 30,366.510 North Austm MUD #1 28,770,000 1.18 339,486 Manot indeporrient School Datnct 20,697234 1.17 242.158 Wimamson County 13.340,000 620 835.084 Nc1hwest Trevis County RD #3 7,535,000 100 00 7,535.000 Del Valle Indepardent School Dettlet 7,325,000 fi3 20 4,629,400 , Norttwest Aushn MUD #1 4,700,000 99 90 4.695.300 Ande6 son Mill MUD #1 3,090,000 1.49 46,041 Austin MUD #2 1,865,000 100.00 1,865.0^i0 Total direct and overlasping debt 1.038.943.775_ Rano of total direct and overlapping ddA to assassed valuabon (2) 4 40 % Per capita overlapping debt (3) $ 1,91726 (1) Source: Taningjurtadec'Jons (2) Based on assessed valuabon of $23.303.015,047 (3) Dased on 1996 estimated pcpuide of 541,809 l 177

PROPERTY TAX RATES AND TAX LEV!ES CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS FOR DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNat ...., .Tn APPUCABLE PERCENTAGES OVER 10% Table 10 1987-1996 _e ; Ten Roems (Per $1a0 of Aeosened Vatue) Fiscal Year ' Rouric Austm NurTrevis Erided City of Ausers Travis Rock Communey County DelVsAs Nur Assert Ausen Sept 30 Augeh ISD. County (1) LSD_ Catoge M3 83 LS.D. SSUD 61 38UD 82

5. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1987 0.4073 0.7490 0.1913 1.D400 - -

G6000 - - 1988 05317 09520 02789 1.1100 0_0475 - G3000 - - 1989. 03300 1.0723 0 3862 12200 0 0475 - 0.8700 Q4000 - 1990 03750 1.1935 0.38G2 1.4133 0.0500 0 82]O 0.9653 Q4 J00 - 1991 0?>395 12060 0 4W 13550 0 0500 1 C217 1.1100 04300 C.8980

     - 1992             0.6027              1.4696           GS132             12981              0D500           2.0695            12'D0         0.4300         0.7700 1993             0.6410              155Ce            03762             08961              10482           12562             1.3208        O4000          07900 1994             06225               tA623            0.5966            15738              0.0482          .17500            1.4411        03800          a7700 1995             0'A25               13450            05552             1.4326             0.04C4          0.4500            1.4328        0.4003         n9400 1996             05446               1 2832           03186             1f209              0.0482          03541             14900         03926          0.9400 Tam Levies N
 # Fiscal Year                                                                 Round              Ausein         NW Travis Ended              City of             Austin           Trevis             Rock           Communty           County           DelVene      Nur Austin       Ausen Sept. 30            Austh                LSD.          County (1)           LSD.             Comoge            RD #3             LSD.        teUD et        teUO #2 5                   5                $                 $                  $                $                 $            $              3 1987             95.526.377         169.738.196        56.630.048        41.708.745               -                   -

5.715348 - - 1988 113.193.932 194.064.513 74296.499 43.754.994 10.432.520 - 7.345.408 - - 1989 101.588.u91 197246J556 87.076.637 46.408.672 9224.134 - 7.387.472 39.224 - 1990 102.146.556 199.0G2.522 88310.400 48.168.410 8.753590 459.002 9.301.791 65.438 - 1991 97E95.806 211.411J87 89.173.677 49.443.940 8.510.148 229.041 9,464.343 102380 124.734 1992 102.013.450 225211.608 1Gd.44322.1 51.910286 8.510.157 739.443 9.056.989 157.384 130.969 1993 1m.824.534 239317.335 121E93.526 28.183227 7E24.4tG 741.724 9266.941 198.469 127.482 1994 113.528.637 251E13206 135.026.733 57.627.799 8.640.553 342.622 11082.906 322.716 217,110 1995 117.892.065 272.094.412 143.659.154 64.136296 9.457.674 388 340 11.836.(IIS 434.431 347.006 1995 - 126,908.220 277.255?26 149.800.934 86.487.509 11.950265 427.730 14.546373 509269 348.004 Note- Ireal tax levies were as foEows: Aushn Coremursty Conege - 1988. Northwest Travis Courty RD*3 - 1990. Northwest Ausbn MUD #1 - 1989 and Austri MUD #2 - 1991. (1) Irdudes taxes and levies for Travis Courfy and Familo Ma ket Roads. Source- Travts Central Agorassal Destnc2 and taxmg erety. _ . . w

CITY SALES TAX CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS , TAX LEVIED EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,1948 TABLE 11 l 19661996 ) Annual  ! FleeslYear ist and 3rd 4th Percent Percent Ended Overter Quarter Quarter Quarter Percent incrosee of Tau Equivalent Sept. 30 Oct.. Doc, Jan.*Mer, Apt, . Jun. Jul. . Sept, Total Beee Year (Deeresse) Levy Tes Mete 5 5 5 5 5  %  %  % e 1968 (1) = - - 1,457,9$7 1,457,957 100.00 0.00 14.58 19.54 1969 875,8',8 206,029 851,768 917,593 3,551,248 243.58 143.58 3f.07 43 90 r 1970 973,702 1,088,570 951,522 1,041,129 4,054,923 278.12 14.18 35.08 4525 , 1971 1,128,941 1.245326 1,137,359 1,234,512 4,746,038 32543 17.04 34 41 44.39 1972 1,308,930 1,464J87 1,339,f'68 1,414J87 5.528,042 379.16 16.48 35.50 45.80 1973 1,569,320 IJ15,523 1,591,553 1,69IJp4 6,568,190 450.51 18 82 38 37 48 73 1974 1J30,025 1,946,199 1,695,218 1,887,840 7.259,280 497.J1 1052 38.45 48 82 i 1975 1,961,267 1,972,355 2,327,542 1,644,231 7,905,3<>5 542.22 8.90 36.05 42.89 1976 2341,741 2,318,177 2,045.637 2,500,000 0,165,643 628 68 15.94 36.17 45.94 f 1977 1,797,941 3,173,023 2,653,062 3,867337 11,491263 788.18 25.37 35.92 45 62 1978 3,022,385 3,500,951 3,154,677 3,852,911 13.530,924 928.07 17,75 40.00 49.60 f 3,486,853 1047,88 1979- 3,815,525 3,908J96 4,066,500 15,277.674 12.91 45.75 41.92 1480 3J92.600 4,269364 3,721,919 6,000,029 17J83.812 1219.78 16.40 49.42 47,44 1981 3,792,139 5,652,320 5,033,5'io 1,102,891 21,580,905 1480.22 21,35 56.20 32.03 1982 4,483,423 6,283,622 5.625,486 8,024,660 24,417,191 1674.75 13.14 53 80 33.39 - 1983 5,170,854 7,089,595 6,784,754 9,051J52 28,096,955 1927,15 15.07 $3.02 29 81 1984 6,331,036 8,823,690 8,962,819 12.755,753 36,873.298 2629.1 31.24 57,00 37.05 1985 7,916,721 11,289,037 10,921,876 14,506,719 44,634,353 3061.43 21.05 61.53 28.98 1986 8,378,407 11,393.785 10,435,305 13,741,340 43,948,837 3014.41 1.54 4924 26.00 1987 7,668,943 10,352,615 9,677,073 12,189,597 39,888,228 2735 90 -924 35.23 17.01 1988 7,317,701 10,596,174 10,651,574 14,359,464 42,924,913 2944.18 7.61 37.92 20.16 1989. 8,038,526 9.426,849 14,140,172 15,566,564 47,172.111 3235.49 9 89 46.43 24 61 1990 12,381,190 13,276,731 8,918,588 18,963J63 51,540,272 3535.10 926 50 46 29.01 1991 12,762,277 10,538,818 13,577,375 18.522.158 55,400,628 3799 88 7.49 56.59 3223 1992 9.303.794 14.712,861 14,231,541 20,007,152 58,255,348 3995 68 5.15 57.11 34.42 1993 10,868.639 17,392.838 15,971,215 22,821.515 67,054,207 4599.19 15,10 61.62 39.50 1994 11,896,613 19,225,170 18.072.107 26.586.171 75,780,061 $197.69 13.01 66.75 41.55 1995 13,198,475 21,627,680 18,836,109 26,812,429 80,474,693 5519 69 6 20 6826 38.40 1996 5,643,150 22.055,837 20,293,85't 35,688,474 83,681.314 5739 63 3.98 65.94 35.91 (1) 1Y CWy sabe las leM effectwo January 1,1968 Ttus tas is collected and terrutted to the City by the State Comptroner. I L 1 179

          -   -               -       , -       -     -                              , -              ..--          ,         -~       - ,             , .

ELECTR6C FUND Af!D CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND Table 12 MISCELLANEOUS GTATISTICS September 30,1996 ELECTR8C PUND Plant capacity - 2 plants with a corrtdnod capacity of 1,450 not MW and two joint venture power plants with a capacity of 970 not MW at 100% power factor. . Service area peak dunand - mammum 1,011 Destrt>ution - 6,477 rniles overhead distrt>uBA knes (12KV) 2,814 rniles underground distrt>ution hnes (12KV) } 55 nilesiranstrissk,1hnes (Fayette Power Protect 345KV) J 81 tviles transmission hnes (Fayette Power Project 345KY) (50% ownership witiLCRA) 94 miles transtressio.11ines (South Texas Power Project 345KV) 300 trvles tanstrussion tinos (69KV and 138KV) WATEM AND WASTEWATEM FtElO Source of supply- 150 trale long network (4 lakes created a!ong the Colorado Not by six dams with a combined storage capacity in excess of 3,300,000 acro feet of wstor, Water treatment planta Rated peak daily capacity 215,000,000 gallons Average daily consurypten 113.219,153 gallons Average da#y consuription per capita 194 gallone (based on 1995 population) Water distribution - 3,050 triles of mains 25 booster purrp stations Water conrections - 153,357 metered services 19,267 frohydrants Wastewater teatment plants 4 Cont > red 4ady capadty 120,000,000 gallons Average dad) volume 76,BP4,385 gallone Colleebon i Sarvtary sewer mains 2,200 miles I Connectona 140,278 Uft statens 78 180 ,i - . - - . u

i l ( ELECTRIC FUND AND CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS l WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND Table 13 FlVE YEAR COMPARATIVE OPERATING STATEMENT 1992 1996 Fiscal Year Ended September 30 1996 1995 1964 1993 1992 REVENUE Electric Dorrestic and rurairesklential 227,156,9/7 207,675,076 194,393,328 191.032.872 161,387,61b j Corrrnercialgeneral 301,859,452 281,744,433 267,759,691 264,992,435 234,463,453 City utsty departments 11,865,185 10.962,725 10,906,744 9,762.405 8,444,235 Pubhc street Eghting 4.460,674 4 274,329 4,361,900 4,371264 4,358,334 City general9avemment deps.tments 3,856.689 3,847,215 3,902,358 4,068,812 3,261,744 r Sales to otter voittes )ncluding capacity coreact) 35,603.644 6,746,380 6,868,747 7.323,624 6,424,205 f Rw4 from elecine property 580,053 838,786 220,277 235,110 239,329 Customers' forfeited decounts and penalties 3,880,369 3,42),037 3,543,024 3,423,835 3.123,235 Miscenaneous 24.385.379 3.141,133 3;654,194 3.634,117 4,368,395 [ l Total electre 613.648.422 522,751,114 495,610,273 499,844,474 426.070.449 Cater Urtian 79,983,878 70.647,422 70,222,144 66,789,866 62,726,778 Rural 6.440,999 5,180,951 9,192.290 6,702,559 6,111,573 City utmty departments 322,100 380,833 631,7/3 529,933 523,257 cry general 9ovemment departmente 1,286,521 917,740 1,004.193 1,071,625 937,644 Sales to o:bar water utsties 8,435,906 6.061,370 6,489,951 5,962,207 6,147.122 Water connections 270,584 255,349 287,179 272,882 295203 Customers' forfeited decounts and penatties 636,517 568,874 617.625 584,784 566.911

M,scellaneous 1,246.025 664,393 613,342 545208 241,4?6 Total water 98.622.530 84,676,932 89.058.497 82.459164 77,549.914 l

Castewater Urban 76,258,100 73,231,305 67,922,637 64,347,563 65,038,093 Rura, 1,989.925 1,885,000 2,624,495 2,812,407 2,719,489 City ut$ty departments 664,106 508,948 49,019 49,110 45,203 cry general govemment departments 48,714 45,497 296,653 381.179 421,397 Saw to other sewer utilmes 3,191,700 3,221,366 2,938,854 2,067.325 2,481,548 Sewer connections 251,256 237,110 266,666 262,384 274,117 Customers' fortelted dscounts and penalties $48,926 529,122 527.483 517,839 549,748 Mecellaneous 4,853.869 3,745.480 3.611.971 3.333,658 3.128,325 Total wastewater 87.806,596 83.403.828 78,137,784 73 771,465 74.655,920 Interest - 31293 078 26,399.616 21,753,329 25202,489 31,727.063 i Total operating and Interest revenues 831,370.626 717.231,490 684.559,883 670.277,492 610.003.346 (contnued) l l t 181

ELECTRIC FUND AND CITY OF AUSTIN,TEXA5 WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND Table 13 FlVE YEAR COMPARATIVE OPERATING STATEMENT (Continue') 1992 1996 rl. cat year Ended september 30 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 8 5 $ $ $ EXPENSE j Electric (1) J Producton, suctuding joint faceties 106.264,915 (2,277,286 102,973 982 106,313,842 50,157.544 Joard facates ptoriuction 127,827,485 132.500,524 128 816,894 123,882,600 113,584.693 System cor*of 4.723,237 5,005,167 6,390,464 4,730.721 4.380,384


Trarstms6cn and d:stibution 27,932,260 27,346.986 23,104,220 21 231,748 19,400,847 J MMng and contact work 84.577 178,327 361,567 4.442 16,883 interdepartmentaf services - - 700,000 700,000 700,000 Cu6lomu accountng and cohection 14,074 658 13,956,115 13,00C,641 12,456,931 11,357,826 Costomer services 1,499,284 16,237,044 13.545,000 11,1 74,740 3.816,929 AdtrarWatratve ard general 21,151,178 18.073.327 12,887.902 9.961.818 8.305.789 Total electrie 303,557.594 273.574.769 297,878/ 70 290.417,B42 211.770.895 Water Purifcaton 12,431,682 11.377,660 11.470,681 9f43,141 9,167,925 Distrisutson 14,349,046 13,803,750 13,952,863 13.107,860 12,816,603 Customer accounbrg and cohecton 3.489,300 5.892.612 5.629,303 5,428,541 5,247,294 Jotpro and cor*act work 30,877 (35263) 98,994 (131,410) (56,032) Detign onnineenng 1,041,740 856,405 750,820 1,398,699 1,000,287 Adrrirestate ard general 9.898.132 10.581.975 9.716.688 6.635.824 5.090,376 Total water 41,240.777 42,459.139 #1,619,349 36.102.655 33.866.453 Westewder Sewer knes 7,022,371 7,500.057 7,075.877 7,254,420 7,734,044 Sewago treatmore plant 14,769,358 14,771,800 14,530.522 13,934,414 12.092,846 Customer accounhng and conection 2,438,384 3,658,869 3,469,234 3285,101 3 268.692 , Jotung and contact work 15,927 6,073 119,996 (22.017) 20.321 Design ergineenng 2.344,178 2281,647 2,277,044 1,317,656 1,117,129 Adnnstatvo ard general f 018.513 7.670.025 6.023.989 5.989.948 4.869.827 Total wastewater 35.608,731 35.968.731 33.496.662 31,759 422 29.102.E'1 Total espensee (2) 380,407,102 352.002.639 372,994.6 6 f 358.279,919 274.749.207 Net revenue available for debt service 450.963.524 365228.851 311.565202 311.997.573 335.254.139 (1) Electic operating expenses were tentlocated to different categones an Septervter 1995. (2) Interest expense, deprecinton, amortization and other nonoperatng atoms are not included in toti expense. L 182

ELECTRIC FUND AND CITY OF AUSTIN. TEXAS WATEM AND WASTEWATER FUND - Table 14 PLANT COST AND EQUITY IN UTILITY SYSTEMS 1992 1998 Fiocal Year Ended September 30 1998 1996 1994 1993 1992 8 $ $ $ $ PLANT COST J U w y.ysi -  ; Electric 2,486,095,321 2,412,069,533 2,328,409,045 2,243,467,689 2,174,902,238 ' Water 776,444397 751,582,994 731,965,029 708,564,910 681,187,337 , Wastewater 842.267292 808.005.591 777,812,345 758.983,390 738.870,563 j Total cost 4,104.807.010 3.971,658.118 3,838,186.419 3.711,015.989 3,592,960,138 s t

                                                                                                                                                                              ,t Mowance for depeciation:

Electric 745,058,632 680,744,173 018,810.266 556,085,187 490,858,341 Watet 165,534,650 150,767.689 137,501,864 124,765,045 113,235,229  ! Wastewater 209.687,758 189 861,891 171.052.554 152,073.540 134 231,054 , Total depreciaton 1,120.281,040 1,021.373.753 925.364,684 832,923,772 748,324.624 Cost after depreciaton 2,984,525.970 2,950.284,365 2,912,821,735 ._ 2.878,092217 2.846.635,514 EQUITY IN UllLITY SYSTEMS Unidy systerns 4,104,807,010 3,971,658,118 3,8J8,186.419 3,711,015,989 3,592,900,138 Plus: Inventories.rmtenals and swhos (1) 31,374,457 31,758,310 30,745,970 28.058,508 28,014,756 Not constructwan assets and 113.231,834 103.174.715 85.627,761 91,163.044 158.949,362 urwmortied bond issue cost (2) 4,249,413,301 4,106.591.143 3.954,560,150  ? 8'10.237,541 3.779,924.256 Less: Mowance f(v depreciaton - 1,120,281,040 1,021,373,753 925,364,684 832,323,772 746.324.624 , Construtnon contracts pays ble 3,272,515 3.442,474 ' 4,578,337 5.788,407 6,390.299 1,123,553.555 1,024.816227 929.943.021 838,710,179 752,714.923 Uthty systems, not 3 125,859,746 3.081,774,916 3.024.617,129 2.991,527,362 3.027,209,333 Revenue bonde and otter debt outstanding (3) 2,743,087,222 2,717,900,775 2,629,709,310 2,577,223,424 2,515f41,233 Less: 160.900.333 181,593.286 166,319,664 170.555.973 171,068,602 Dond retironent and teserve funds (4)  ; Net debt 2,582,186.889 2,556.367,489 2,463.,s69.646 2.406.667,451 2,344,592,631 682.618,702 h N "Y"I'** . .__..$43$I2'0$[., __525f07,4(( _,56],22f,483n, _584 85g11 Percentage of equity in utility systems 17.39% 17 05% 18 56 % 10 55% 22.55 % (1) Does not include fuel oil or coalinventories of agwonimately $18,202,392 at Septenter 30,1990. Consists primanty of spare parts inventory at Fayette Plant and South Texas Project (2) includes investmmt in rmnicipal utdity districts of $19,612,403. (3) includes Revenue Bonds .N Tax and Revenue Bonds of $2,457,415,132 (not of discounts and inclusive of premiums); Contract Revenue Donds of $116,840,000; Capdal Lease Obhgabons of $26.881,162; Water District Bonds of $735,000; Commercial Paper of $132,918,000, Generat Obhgation Donds of $2,949,242; and Contractual Obhgatxm Donds of $5,348.688. . j (4) includes MUD Reserves of $340,564 that are not Irduded elsewhere in the financial statements. ' f-l_ L l-l 183 L l

SCNEDULE OF COMBINED UTILITY SYSTEMS CITY OF AUSTIN,TEXA8 RefENUE BOND COVERAGE Tabb 15 1947 1996 , Not Revenue Avaltable to ')ebt Servios Debt Service Requiremente (3) Fiscal Year Total Operating Not Revenue Total Revenue Bond Ended Moyenue Esponses Avellable for Debt Covenge  ! Sept.30 (1) (2) Debt Service Principal interest Servloe (4) 1987 581,487,123 247,139,094 334,348,029 18,555,000 189.270,374 207.825,374 1.61 1988 599,228,991 247,019,686 352,209,305 23,500,000 194,635,962 218,195,962 1.01 1989 592,746,498 229,429,411 363,317,087 32,780,000 191,114,545 223,894,545 1.62 1990. 638,931,733 255,122,157 383,809.578 33,650,000 183,148,383 218,798,383 1,77 1L 91 614.691,145 271,461,552 343,229,593 22,020,000 181,868,568 203,888,568 1.68 1992 610,003,346 274,749,207 335,254,139 29,005,000 190.946,822 219,951,7 4 1.52 1993 670,277,492 358,279.919 311,997,573 19,810,000 170.224,959 190,034 59 1.64 1994 684.559,883 372,994,681 311,565,202 14,885,000 145,844,823 160,729.d23 1.94 1995 717,231,490 352,002,639 365,228,851 34,547,200 150,951,667 185,498,867 1.97  : 1996 831,370,626 380,407.102 450,963 %24 75,520,330 154,727.958 230,248,288 1.96 i (1) Operatng 'evenue and hterest incorre. (2) Operatn9 expenses other than interest on debt, depreciate and amortitaflon. f (3) Debt service calculatwns are done on a cash basis raf er than tre accrual bas 4 used in preparate of the  ! fnencial statements (4) Hevenue bond coverage is equal to not revenue available for debt service div6ded by total princpal and interest payments made iuring each fiscal year, Coverage includus prior and stbordinate ben bonds only. UTILITY REVENUE BOND COVERAGE 500,000 -- - - - - 3.00  ; 450,000 . _ _ _ 400,000 - . T 5

                                                     -                                                                                                 -              "VI   '

h 350,000 - - - - m - 3; ,,,,, m 2.00 0 ;w30,000 _ _ - N _ l,- """' M - - R f s a u  %

                       ,                                                                 --a 3                 y e 250,000 -           -           -
                                                                       - - - - - - -       P    -

bd , 4 - _- 1.50 1 200,000 -


J  ; ,.;;;;;- - d 150,000

                                                                                                                                                -       q                               1.00

[ , 100,000 k ed

                                                                                                                      /                                f,
  • g
          . 50,000 -                r                                                     I!          y               .m I                 -

2I b 2 d . I 1

                     -      -     m                , -     -    , -   _ ,               -      - , -       _     ,   -             .  -         _    e -    -     ,.,,,-      -      .

o00 1987 1988 1969 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 [tl':l3 Net Revenue C""*3 Total Debt -+- Revenue Bond l 184

s TRANSFER $ FROM ELECTRE FUND AND CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS CATER AND WASTEWATER FUND Table 16 TO GENERAL FUND 1977 1996 Percente9e Placel 0,4<ste! Other- Total Tronstore to of Total ( Vest Reverc.,+ hvenue Revenue General F. , Revenue 1977 147,978,441 4,231,350 152,209,797 16,400,000 10.77 (' -1978 180,995,700 6,671,451 187.667,161 20.188,190 10.76 1979 176,240,453 27,117,853 203,358,306 17,330,000 8.52 1980 242,003,693 16 e32,350 258,986,043 25,428,000 9 82 1981 322,290,425 11,504,342 f,33,794.767 30,293,933 9.06 1962 388,676,515 17,855,612 406,532,127 37,082.911 9.12 1983 364,644,307 24,715,181 389,259,488 40,838,300 10.49 j 1964 451,145,965 31,330,815 482.476,780 46,057,000 9,55 l 1965 447,699,487 42,189,950 489,889,437 50,624,900 10.31 1980 516,724,133 51,724,247 568,448,380 58,099,577 9.87 1987 525,349,519 56,13?,604 581,487,123 60,203,227 10.35 1968 556,355,820 42,873,171 $99,228,95 i 63,740,768 10 64 1989 $42,516,706 60,230,792 592,746,d 98 64,459,956 10.87 1990 685,184,149 53,747,684 638,931,s33 63,665,887 9.96 1991 571,816,378 42.874,767 614,691,145 63,054,578 10 *6 1992 578,276,283 31,038,077 609,314.360 73.237,718 12.02 f 1993 645,075,00? 25,202,489 670,277,492 68,581,868 10.23 1994 662,806,554 21,753,329 684,559,883 67.914,376 9.92 1995 690,831,874 28,399,616 717,231,490 71,110,681 9 91 1998 800,077,548 31,293,078 831,370,626 73.582,839 8.85 < l l-i 185-l;

ULECTRIC FUND AND CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS ] WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND Table 17 STATISTICAL DATA ) Year ended September 30,1996 j With comparative totale for year ended September 30,1995 Number el Metered Electric Seles (KW1 Customers 1998 1995 1998 1995 Electrict fles&dential rnuin fuel i 23,s/9,410 1,917,680,047 188.311 188,310 Residential. sing & fuel 1,011,316,738 878,644,754 37,486 88,231 General terne 4,844,572,458 4,528,846,758 32,977 31,413 PiMc street 6ghting 28,318,801 27,719,684 7 5 Other ptMc auttmties 65/d2,462 65,094,681 489 480 Irderdepartrnental 195.929,006 179,725,515 218 211 Sales to other utsbes 1,312,273.000 305.219.000 30 20 9.481,771,933 - 7,900,930,439 319,518 308,670 1996 1996 Average Thousand Average Thousand _ Customers Gallone Customere Gallone Water and Westoweter! Thousand a of gallons punped 45,835,430 39,541,897 Less: Se es to other utAbes 4.397,220 3,458,003 Thousand gallons to syatem 41,438,210 38.083.894 Water sales: Vitan 140,110 32,597,081 137,435 29,292,003 Rural 11,180 2,157,102 10.957 1,709,970 lb1,290 34,754,183 148,392 31,001,973 City departments 467 734.304 466 561,098 151,757 35,488,487 148,858 31,563,069 Used by utihty 1,404,264 1,335,535 Losa and unaccounted for 4.545,460 3 i85290 Thousand gallons to system 41,438,211 38,083,894 Max dGy use 205,170 191,305 186

                                                                                                              -               -.           -        ~ ~                 ~           - . . m      --

ELECTRIC FUND AND CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND Tatne 18 - LARGE CUSTOMERS FIVE-YEAR COMPARATIVE DATA (1992-1996) 03e510:34a Fiscal Year Ended September 30 (doliers in thousands) 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 afWh Revenue afWh Rever.Je arWh Revenue SNPh Revenue SNPh Revenue 5 5 $ S S LARGE ELECTReC CUSTOteERS Maeorota. Inc.(Ed Bluesteen)(1) 217.535 9.847 133.836 8.691 178276 8.986 163.120 8.497 152.968 7.168 Motorota. Inc. (U. S. 290) (2) 12*162 5.009 131.825 5.507 108,466 4.629 86.579 3.547 76.463 2.978 Advanced Mcro Devres (4)(5) 14-J77 5210 82.176 3.437 - - - - - - Motorota.Inc. (Ed Bluestem)(1)(5) 113.481 4.922 41.870 1.956 - - - - - - Advanced Mcro Devces(4) 112.18f, 5.081 113.801 5.027 119.011 5.945 95.679 5.059 1 5947 4378 IBM Corporabon (South)(3) 105.949 4265 109.990 S.340 113.953 6.089 116233 6.420 116,130 5.829 Motorota. Inc. (U. S. 290) (21 88.544 '.134

                                                                           .             59.646          2.708       56.598          2.879        49.071          2.589      37.891        1.524 UT- Sematedi                                            54.615           2345           62.033          2.526       63.629          2.733        64.413          2.689      69.187        2.719 IBM Corporaten (North)(3)                               50.533           2.443         S2.073           2.455       64227           3J86         71.934           '342      74 727        3.657 Texas instrumorts                                       49.691           2,415          46.543          2262        47368           2.569        41.194          2.336      39.505        2.071 1.032.772         46.671         893.794 39.959     751.52S          37266       688223           35.479    673.518        31224 (1) Both Motorola tacshbes are at the same locaban tiut are t$ed 5 y=.eep.

5 (2) Both Motomia facitees tre at the same Itcation but are tded separately. (3) Both IBM facd bes are at the same locaban but are t2ed 5cy.edj. (4) Both Advanced Mcro Devces facikbes are at the same locabon tNE are 14ed separately (5) Facimes that have no - p.Lve data prior to 1995. Fesca! Year Ended Sepbmber 30 (doliers in 15%; 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 Gallons Revenue Gallons Revenue Gallor's Sevenue Gemons Revenue Gelsons Reve,ue S $ 5 $~ $ LARGE WATER CUSTOGAERS Motorcia. Inc. (1) 1.887.195 4.036279 1.640.673 3.645.501 1,3C8.50t 2.933260 1.135.0E8 2.569.435 1.111.937 2.548,158 Advanced Mcro Devces 1.114.446 2.384.586 904.760 2.010.875 594.090 1.339.156 580203 1243.659 599.333 1.355.5 M Unrversey of Texas (2) 909263 2.002.578 738,400 1.656.721 870.750 1.980.947 914.0CS 2.071.911 700.987 1.631.692 Travis County Water Controland Improvement Distnc1 #10 754.505 1J80 a6 537.982 901,136 573.62G 935208 501.42' 956.996 479.982 1.087.998 Anderson Md! Muncipal Uhlity Distnct 485.628 802.936 509.011 804,454 495216 771.336 515.607 902.308 452.572 1.027.090 Wens Branch Munscapal Ubkty Drstnct 482.172 827.891 372.745 598.785 380218 601.487 312.624 569.888 305.762 688.720 IBM Corporabon 7 662 773.817 305.338 860295 406.809 922.996 333.t31 899.373 449.705 1.025.451 Cwcle C Muncipal Ubhty D stnc2 333323 699.517 223.593 422.596 212.727 400309 155.414 326.460 95242 244J17 Lost Creek Munscpal Ubkty Distrd 321.987 659413 FN 485.030 277.899 569.185 245.800 474.9'9 231.481 524,603 Abbott Laboratones 237.65C 509.407 255.607 $68.680 9 251 581.714 238.765 541.c 4 227.832 516 356 6,d83.837 14 076.987 5.820.554 11.954.043 5.379.177 11.C35.598 4.992.139 10.556.004 4.654.833 10.t>S9.939 (1) Totals for Motorola. Inc. irclude their east Ausan plant see and their west Ausan paara s:te. (2) Totals for The University of Texas at Ausbn am crt) wide for 199EL Pnmous years include the certral area campus only.

CITY OF AUSTIN CITY OF tiUSTIN, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE Table 19 _ September 30,1996 Annual Limits of Department Policy Empires Premium insurer Coversoe Covera 2e Overview City Wido AILRisk WO1/96 $1,478,063 Arkwright *2,284,722,000 Provides replacement cost Property covo age for loss or damnge to city buildings, cordonts due to fire, wind storn, hall, or other perils. Subjact to a $100,000 per L occcrrence deductible. Provides coverage for fine arts owned or on loan subject to $1,000 dedxtt)le per claim, Covers Cable TV equ pment with $1,000 deductible. City Wde Dollor and 10/01/06 $536,096 Arkwright Up to $2.284,772,000 Cosera damages .om Machinery based on locatiorV boiler and fired pressure equipment; maxtrnern vehic!e accidents, and

                                                                                                       $40,000,MO per loss ele:treal apparatus and equipnent used to generate, tran:arrvt, or use electncal power (electric utility). Subject to a
                                                                                                                              $100,000 deductible at powerplants. Aar conditoners and otner truchines at all other to:abons have a $10,000 doductible, City Wide     Commercial          1720/96   $21,301                   Westchester            $5,000.000             Covers loss of funds Crime                                                   Fire Coripany                                 through public artployee dishonesty. Subject to r                                                                                                                           $5,000 deductible.

7 Westchester Fire Coripany $1,000 000 Covers loss of funds m through forgery or alteration of, on, or in any covered instrument.

  -                                                                                                                            Subject to $5,000 I                                                                                                                            deductble Acanon        Airport LILbility  03/24/97  $99,318                     Amercan Eagle         $100,000,000 per       Provkies liabihty protection occurrence             for operabons at the airport. $100,000 aggregate deductble.

Personalinjury limits of


Finance Fr%hty Bond 090697 $500 Colonial $100,000 Covers loss of funds Amencan through employr e Caaualty & dishonesty. No deductible Surety aWicable. Polce Akplane Liability O&"21/97 $650 Signal Avtabon $100,000 per person, Aircraft physical damage; Underwnters, $1,000,000 per liability to others; medcal Inc, occurrence expense. (continued) l 188

k L CITY OF AUSTIN CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE lN FORCE Table 19 September 30,1996 (Continued) Annual Limits of _ Department Policy Erpires Premium insurtf Coversy Coverage Overview City Wde Hrod and 12/31/96 $1,000 St. Paul $1,000,0@ per Provides bodify Irky and Selected CapRat Nonowned Auto Premlurn is for insurance occurrence property damago coverage irrpovement a 4 year term to the City and contractors Projects signeo up in the Rolling Owner Controller Insurance Program (ROCIP). Coverageis provided for no,1 owned and hired vehicles and is intended to be excess over pnmary auto coverage. City Wide Commercial 12/31/96 $1,064,172 St. Paul $250,000 per Provides bodily injury, Selected Capnal General Uabittty Premlum is for insurance occurrence; property damage, and irrpovement a 4 year term. $2,000,000 cortpieted operabons Projects Premium may aggregate coverage to the City and { very based on contractors signed up in ( the ROCIP program. exponence. Coverage is provided only at specified Capital [ Improvement project sites l partcipating in the program. City WMe Workers 12/31/96 $3.472,733 St. Paul Workers' Provides Workers' Selected Caprtal Conpensaton Premium is for insurance compensatiort Compensation and trrprovement and Enployers a 4 year terrn Statutory Errployers' Errpioyers' Uabiltty Pqects Liabihty Pierrvum may Uatallty- coverage to all contractors vary based on $1,000,000 each working on specified exponence. accident Capitalinprovement

                                                                                                                                                                                  $1,000,000 policy    protect sites particpating lirtut                in the ROC;P program.
                                                                                                                                                                                  $1,000,000 each enployee Cay Wde                                           Excess Liabihty                                           12/31/96    $556,560         St. Paul          $20,750.000             ProWes excets coveraga Selected Capital                                                                                                       Premium is for Insurance                                   over the pnmary auto, improvement                                                                                                            a 4 year term,                                              ertployers'liabihty, and Pqects                                                                                                                                                                             genoralliabihty coverage.

Self-insured retenton is


Health and Medical 5/2097 $86.427 Texas Medical $200.000 per Provides medcal Human Servtces Malpractce Liability Trust occurrence; malpractre coverage for Department $600,000 aggregate physicians. Coverageis (HMSD) on a claims made basis and is offered as a benefit for physcians errpio)ed by the City in the HHSD chnics. 189

1 HOTEL-MOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS TAX LEVIED EFFECTIVE JANUAFlY 1,1971 TABLE 20 1971 1996 Fiscal Year Annual Ended 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Ou.or 4th Quarter Percent increase Sept. 30 Oct, . Doc, Jan. . Mar, Apr, . Jun. Jul. . Sept. Total Base Year (Decrease) 1971 (1) - - 69,071 73,184 142,255 100.00 - 1972 76,984 66,993 72,548 79,457 295,982 208.06 108.06 1973 81,045 72,409 86,576 92,679 332,709 233.88 12.41 1974 93,177 80,532 86,948 99,453 360,110 253.14 8 24 1975 99.215 94,190 96,739 113,131 403,275 283 49 11.99 19'8 117.374 102,840 123,474 148,508 492,196 346.00 22.05 1977 (2) 151,065 136,046 185,907 138,515 612,133 430.31 24.37 1978 184,781 214,007 237 216 293.1 % 929,200 653.19 51.80 1979 288,919 272,772 307,652 353,143 1.222,486 859.38 31.56 1980 341,993 321,15? 361,385 401,138 1,425,669 1,002.19 16.62 1981 409,762 362,559 443,138 481,192 1,696,651 1,192.68 19.01 1982 548,825 435,653 507,105 602,974 2,094.557 1,472.40 23 45 1983 630,231 519,503 648,948 699.246 2,497,929 1,755.95 1926 1964 (3) 689,264 641,817 767,887 917,109 3,016,077 2,120.19 20.74 1985 941,893 1,491,967 1.557,235 1,923,513 5,914,608 4,157.75 96,10 1986 1,705,665 1,438,165 1,597,429 1,554,359 6,295,618 4,425.59 6.44 1987 1,674,558 1 223,621 1,681,665 1,569,008 6,148,852 4,322.42 (2.33) 19BS 1,379,099 1,329,160 1,522,765 1,709,054 5,940,078 4.175.65 (3.40) 1989 1,674,823 1,683,558 1,907,258 2,126,998 7,392,637 5,196.75 24.45 1990 1,878,569 1,620,368 1,918,927 2,151,947 7,569,811 5,321.30 2.40 1991 1,942,450 1,860,253 2,154,340 2,350,986 8,308,029 5,84024 9.75 1992 2,224,053 1,957,134 2,317,423 2,622,315 9,120,925 6,411 67 9.78 1993 2,463,470 2 260,375 2,778,975 3.011,457 10.514,277 7,391,15 1528 1994 2,727,486 2,40S,591 2,896,697 3,443.893 11,476,667 0,067.67 9.15 1995 3,115,451 2,869,919 3,500,988 3,653,908 13,140266 9,237,12 14.50 1996 3,494,394 3,202,865 3,762,935 3,799.614 14,259,808 10,024.12 8.52 (1) 3% tax levied ef'octhe January 1,1971. Section 32-32(a) of Artcle V of Chapter 32 of the 1967 Code of the City of Austin, (2) Tax levy increased to 4% effective October 1,1977, Ordinance No. 770901 1 amended Section 32-32(a) of Artcle V of Chapter 32 of de 1967 Code of the City of Austin. (3) Tax levy increased to 7% efrective October 1,1984. Ordinance No. 840712 U amended Secton 5-3-2(a) of Chapter 5-3 of Title V of the 1981 Code o ..e City of Austin. I i 190

MISCELLANEOUS STATISTK:AL DATA CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS Table 21 Date of incorporatsort Decer ter 27,1839 Police protectort Date $rst Charter adopted. December 27,1839 Nuriter of ermioyees 1,505 Date prount Charter adopted. January 31,1953 Number of law offenses 100,903 Form of Govemment Courd . Mviager Number of arrests (3) 37,R76 Nu rter of Ermloyees: 10,160 Vehicle patrol units 241

                                                                                                      - Nuriter of employees per
    . Enocoons:                                                                                  ,

1,000 population (1) 2.8614 Number of registered voters, November 15,1996 459,414 Travis County Lbrary: Central and branch libranes 3) Volumes in collection 1,450,046 Matenals circulated 2,284,449 Number of votes cast irt Registered borrowers 355,282 Last general electon, Noverrter 5,1996 247,874 Recreation: District parks 12 Last bond election, October 7,1995 49,111 Metropolitan parks 9 Last municipal election, June 1,1996 46,364 Natural preserves 10 Greenbelts 23 Pe<centage of registered voters voting in: Neighborhood parks 70 Last general electon, Special parks (museums and Noventer 5,1996 53.95 % rrnsceaaneous) 22 Last bond election, October 7,1995 16.07% Oolf courses 5

      - Lcat murncipal election, June 1.1996                 1226%                                      Swimming pools                                     54 Recreation centers                                 15 Fire protectort                                                                                Senior actvity sites                               20 Number of statons                                        35                                     Athletic fie!ds                                    84 Number of err #oyees                                   860                                     TerWe courts                                     106 Number of alarms answered                           32,746                                     Open fields                                        88 Nurrber of ermioyees per                                                                        Senior activity centers                             3 1,000 population (1)                           1.6432 EDfNLallQMANALYSE Austin (1)                   Travis County (1)                       Texas (2)                         United States (2)

Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Year Population Change Population Change Population Change Population Change 1940 87,1K10 - 111,053 - 6,414,824 - 132,165,000 - 1950 P ,459 50.64 160,980 44.96 7,711,194 20.21 151,326,000 14.50 E 1960 t6t,545 40.83 212,136 31.78 9,579,677 2423 179,323,000 18.50 l 1970 253,9 9 35.91 295,516 39.30 t 1,198,655 16.90 203.302,000 13.37 1960 345,496 36.27 419,573 41.98 I t,228,383 27.05 222,110,000 9.25 1983 375,000 0.54 486,847 16.03 15,345,000 7.85 234,545,000 5.60 1984 403,723 7.66 511,588 5.08 15,989,000 4 20 237,457,000 124 1985 406,584 ' O,71 527,120 3.04 16,370,000 2.38 238,740,000 0.54

1. 1986 431,851 6.21 551,101 4.55 16,685,000 1.92 241,078,000 0.98 I

1987 444,C84 2.97 563,787 2.30 16,790,000 0.63 243,249,000 0.90 1988 447,582 0.65 569,700 1.05 16,841,000 020 247,031,000 1.55 1989: 450,107 0.56 573,805 0.72 17.451,000 3 62 N7,732,000 C28 1990= 450,830 0.16 576,407 0.45 16,986,510 (2.66) 24Q 12,692 0.77 l 199: 466,530 3.48 585 '31 1.62 17,349,000 2.13 U4',i t7,000 1.02 1992 474,715 1,75 534,560 1.51 17.615,745 1.54 255,020,000 1.13 l 1993 478,254 0.75 600,427 0.99 17,805,f66 1.08 257,592,000 1.01 I - 1994 507,468 6.11 636,931 6.09 18,291,000 2.73 261,212,000 1.41 1995 523,352 3.13 656,979 3.14 18,724,000 2.37 262,755,000 0.59 [ l -- 1996 541,889- 3.54 681,654 3.76 19,128,000 2,16 265,410,000 1.01

      . (1) All years are estimates from the City's Department of Planning based on full purpose area as of Decerrter 31. Census years are modified to (L

j conform to UA Dureav of the Census data. Estmates for 1985 through 1989 were revised in 1990 based on the 1990 census. l (2) U.S. Bureau of the Census estimates as of July 3i, except for census years. L (3) Nur.ber shown is for 6 scal year 1995; 1996 data not available. l l 191


MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS ECONOMIC AND C.ROWTH INDICATORS Table 22 1987 1996 Effective Buying . Income (EBI)(3) Area of Medhn Per incorporation Utility Connection (2) Household Capita Year (Sq. Meles) Population (1) Electric Water Gee EBI EBl

                                                                                                                    $                $        'j 1987                          183.35           444.684       254,840        133,738              122,212         22,958         ~ 13,342 1988                          188.52           447,582       255,470        133,471              121.041         24,869          13,167 1989                          185 29           450,107       257,525        136,233              109,366         22,977          12,118        .

1990 186 44 450,830 275,840 137,936 111,114 22,711 13,917 1991 189.98 466,530 281,926 142,721 131,713 24,809 14,585 1992 190.12 474,715 286,413 141,210 139.529 28,679 15,475 1993 193.15 478.254 291,896 146,396 143,088 29.662 ' 16,965 1994 192.16 507,468 298,662 14f,148 142,373 32,062 17,487 1995 19668 523,352 306,670 149,867 147,023 33,981 18,490 1996- 195.74 541,889 319,518 151,757 148,124 29,803 16,685 19671996 Change 6.76% 21.86 % 25.38 % 13 47% 21.20% 29.82 % 25.06% - Building Permite Austin Area Home Sales (5) Federal, State and Retail Sales Average Number of Year Municipal Tanable Total ( Austin)(4) Sale Price Homes Sold 8 8- 8- $ 8 1987 33,243,846 401,020,594 434 264,440 3,945,195,503 101,826 5,430 1988 26,174,678 352,811,070 378,985,748 4,115,834,592 90.587 5,914 1969 12,516,321 361,440,727 373,957,048 4,682,139,494 85,562 6,746 l 1990 48,312,493 309,999,799 358,312,292 4,804,199274 84,744 7,672 1991 33.619,419 327,777,503 361.396,922 5,063,115,033 89,263 8.336 1992 5,162,800 435,053,697 440216,497 5,o44,034,689 106,265 8,914 1993 70,976,449 607,717,144 678,693,593 6,253,828,689 114,908 11,104 1904 19 643,501 840,043,119 859,686,620 6,784,452,526 120,161 10,833 1995 11,007,831 870,446,315 881,534,146 7,286,274,112 126,726 8,436 1996 89,945,847 1.246,232,619 1,336,178,466 7,932,937,305 132,699 9,773 19871996 Change 170.56 % 210.77 % 207.69 % 101.08 % - 30.32 % 79.98 % 1 Note: All numbers are as of fiscal year ended Septerrber 30, except where noted. (1) . Fbures represent fuit purposa populaton as of December 31. (2) Fl9uros 1991 through 1996 are as of September 30. (3) Source: 1996 survey of Buying Power, Sales and Marketing Managoment, (4) Source: Staw of Texas Cormtroller's Office. Amountis an esemate based on State of Texas Cormtroller's Office data. (5) Source: Aushn Board of Realtors. 192

                                                                      - -              .__.________._____________J


                                                           % of                         % of                      % of                     % of Industrial Cteselfication                  NJmber        Total          Number        Total        Number       Total      Number        Total Manufacturing                                13,300         103            62,900        132         68,300        12.9       71,500        13.1 covammerd                                     $1,150         39.5          128,100        26.1       133,700        05.3     130,400         23.8 Trade                                         26,100         202           101,500        21.0       112,900        213      122,700         22.4 Servtces and truecetaneous                    19,800         15.1          125,500        26.0      140,100         26.5     148,800 -       27.1 Finance. Insurance and real estate               6,150          4.7         2~1,100        5.6        29,800         5.6       29.100         53 Contract construccon                             8.750          6.8         21.700         4.5        26,900         5,1       26.800         4.9 Transportaton and utiates                        4,000          3.1         15,000         3.1        16,200         3.1       17,500         3.2 Mnwng                                              450          03             900         0.2         1,000         02          1,100        0.2 Totals                                       129.500       100.0           482,700       100,0      528.700       100.0      547,700        100.0 -

Source: Texas Ermioynwnt Commssion (1) Aueen MSA includes Travts, Bastrop, Caldwes, Hays, and Wilnamson Counties. Nunters for 1996 are an eetmate based on TEC and Bureau of Labor Statutics, U.S. Department of Labor data as of Decentar 31,1996. AVERAGE ANNUAL UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 8.7 % Source: Texas Ermioyment Comrrassion 7.5% - 6,4% ~5-- Austin MSA

                          ,                                                                                                  -*-Texas 5.3%                           -

g,__ y34 4.1% -

                                                                                                       %_     ~

3.0% ~ 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 0 93 1994 1995 1996 TEN LARGEST EMPLOYERS September 30,1996 Number of % of Employer Product or Service Employees Total (2) University of Texas Educat6cn and research 19,000 3.5 Motorola, M Electronic corm 11,000 2.0 Cityof Austin City gew.sent 10,160 1.9 Austin independent School District Educaton 8,920 1.6 Dea Cormuter Corporetion Compute s 0,300 1.5 IBM Corporabon Office mac:hmes 7,000 13 Texas Department of Hearth State govemment 5,634 1.0 ) Irtemal Flevenue Service Federal agency 4,200 0.8 U.S. Postal Sendce Federal agency 3,879 0.7 , Texas AttorneyGenerars Omco State govemment 3.585 0.7 81,678 15.0 Source: Ausan Chanter of Commera (2) Total refers to total work force of 547,7tM as stated in the 'Ermioymnt by industry' Table, above. 193

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