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Forwards Rept on First Metrix Test to Be Performed at Facility in Italy to Acquire Data for Development & Validation of W Accident Analysis Computer Codes
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 02/22/1994
From: Levin A
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Mcpherson G
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20217C479 List:
NUDOCS 9803270047
Download: ML20217C514 (21)





\....."/ February 22, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR: G. Donald McPherson, Senior Thermal Hydraulics and Testing Expert Division of Systems Safety and Analysis THRU: Robert C. Jones, Chief k[ Reactor Systems Branch f Division of Systems Safety and Analysis FROM:

Alan E. Levin, Senior Reactor Engineer Advanced Reactor Systems Section Reactor Systems Branch Division of Systems Safety and Analysis


REPORT ON AP600 MATRIX TEST N0. 3 IN THE SPES-2 FACILITY Enclosed is a report on the first matrix test to be performed in the SPES-2 facility at SIET Laboratories, Piacenza, Italy. The test chosen by Westinghouse for the initial SPES-2 experiment was Test #3 in the SPES-2 matrix, a 2" (nominal) scaled small break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA),

with the break location at the bottom of a cold leg pipe on the "CMT" side (i.e., the non-pressurizer side) of the plant.

The purpose of this test program is to acquire data for the development and validation of Westinghouse's accident analysis computer codes, including MCOBRA/ TRAC, NOTRUMP, and LOFTTRAN/LOFTTR2.

SPES-2 is a I:395 volume-scale, full-height, high-pressure integral test facility, which includes representation of all AP600 safety systems and key non-safety systems, plus ,

actuation logic for these systems based on the AP600 control systems. The procedure for Test #3 called for safety systems only to respond to the SBLOCA, and for a single active failure of one 4th stage automatic depressurization system valve to be simulated.

Alan Levin of NRR and David Bessette of RES monitored testing activities from i

February 3-8,1994 (Bessette left on February 7). We were accompanied through February 8 by Mr. Giuseppe Marella of ANPA (formerly ENEA/ DISP). We observed pre-test preparations on February 3-4, the performance of the test on February 5, and post-test data review on February 8. Our pre-test review included checks of test procedures, instrument layouts, instrument calibration procedures and record-keeping, and quality assurance. With the exception of some housekeeping practices, we were favorably impressed with the competence and performance of the SIET staff. We also found the Westinghouse representatives on-site at SIET to be cooperatM and very helpful.

The lead test engineer for Westinghouse is Larry Conway. Dr. C. Medich is the testing and managerroles.

operations at SIET, and Mr. O. Vescovi has the lead facility engineering Other key SIET personnel are Mr. M. Rigamonti, Mr. S.

Gandolfi, and Ms. M. Bacchiani.

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9803270047 980116 PDR ADOCK 03200003 A, ,


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G. Donald McPherson February 22, 1994 Any questions on this report should be directed to Alan Levin, at 504-2890, or to David Bessette, at 492-3572.

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Alan E. Levin, Sr. Reactor Engineer Advanced Reactor Systems Section Reactor Systems Branch Division of Systems Safety and Analysis


As stated

.cc: A. Thadani M. Virgilio 4

i o .


Introduction This test was the initial test in the SPES-2 high-pressure, full-height integral systems test facility at SIET Laboratories in Piacenza, Italy.

Although it is designated Test #3 in the matrix, it is the so-called

" reference" break for the AP-600: a scaled 2" cold leg small-break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) at the bottom of the a coolant inlet pipe on-the "CMT" side of the plant. A single active failure of one 4th stage automatic depressurization system (ADS) valve (corresponding to the "old" AP600 configuration that had a single 4th stage depressurization line on each hot leg) was simulated, so that only a single 4th stage ADS valve was actuated.

Westinghouse chose to perform this test as the first matrix test in the SPES-2 loop primarily due to a relative lack of complicating effects that are expected in subsequent tests, in order for the results to serve as a benchmark for future tests.

A description of the test and procedures is provided in Attachment 1. The test was monitored by Alan Levin, SRXB lead AP600 test reviewer, and David Bessette, Section Leader, RES/RPSB. The NRC monitors were also accompanied by Mr. Giuseppe Marella, ANPA (formerly ENEA/ DISP), as part of the cooperative agreement for test monitoring between the NRC and ANPA. Preliminary indications based on direct observation of the test and post-test review of selected test data are that the test was almost completely successful in accomplishing its objectives. However, Westinghouse has decided to re-run the test, as a result of (1) failure to achieve scaled break flow calculated for a 2" break (see discussion below) and (2) design changes to the AP600 ADS system ,

and its actuation logic--related to core makeup tank (CMT) level-and other hardware and control changes related to safety system operation. Detailed observations of the reviewers are included below.

Pre-test Briefino and Facility Tour We arrived at SIET Laboratories two days prior to the planned date of the test. - We were given a brief presentation on the facility by M. Rigamonti of-SIET, followed by a presentation on SIET's quality assurance (QA) program by Mr. A. Musa. The QA program and record-keeping appear to be comprehensive and extremely thorough. Westinghouse has also audited SIET's QA and found it to be satisfactory. We then reviewed with Larry Conway, Westinghouse's test engineer, some results from the cold and hot shakedown tests in SPES-2, especially. hot shakedown test H06, which simulated an inadvertent opening of the 1st stage ADS valves (in SPES-2 both ADS trains are represented by a single train, so that opening of one SPES-2 valve simulates opening two AP600 valves). The results from that test were quite close to expectations, and in fact corresponded quite closely to RELAP5 pre-test predictions performed by

' ANSALDO for Westinghouse and SIET, until very late in the transient, which ran for approximately 6000 seconds. One problem that occurred in H06 was the failure to open fully (if at all) of either of the 4th stage ADS valves.

However, the-facility _ still reached a pressure low enough for' injection flow

to' be established from the simulated in-containment refueling water storage

2 tank-(IRWST).' Unexpectedly, though, the CMTs refilled partially from flow through the cold leg pressure balance line, and then injected again, which cut off IRWST flow for. several minutes. Maintenance performed after test H06 included repairs to the 4th stage ADS system to prevent recurrence of the problem.- Westinghouse also described a slight problem in a discharge line check'. valve. for one of the CMTs (denoted as CMT "A"). Pressure drop measurements have shown that the valve's resistance is too high, which reduces CMT flow through the injection line; the other, unaffected, CMT ("B") drains noticeably faster. Westinghouse has procured a new check valve to install in the discharge line, but it could not be put in the line for Test #3.- The effect of_ this valve should be readily apparent in thc test results, but the problem does not appear to be serious enough to invalidate the test results.

We next toured the SIET instrumentation calibration laboratory, and spot-checked records for various SPES-2 instruments. SIET's record-keeping and QA appear to be excellent, with traceability back to primary standards, where applicable, which are either kept at SIET or at external laboratories. The SIET staff conducting this tour could not answer all of the questions that we asked, especially relating to calibration of thermocouples, but these issues were cleared up the following day, when we spoke to the director of the instrument laboratory, Mr. Cavanna. In all, the instrumentation staff appeared to be fully competent and thorough.

At the beginning of our second day at SIET, we were given a thorough facility tour by Mr. Conway and Mr. O. Vescovi, who is SIET's responsible test engineer for:SPES-2. Instrument locations were checked against P&ID's, with no problems discovered. Both Mr. Conway and Mr. Vescovi demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the facility layout, instrumentation, and operation.

The SPES-2 facility is now completed, fully insulated, and checked out per the shakedown test objectives. Minor pre-test preparation activities were in progress during our tour. We were able to see all of the facility except a few piping runs that are hidden under insulation.

Afte- the tour, we spent most of our time checking test procedures and instrumentation, and resolving questions that arose regarding loop operation, especially with regard to comparisons to the AP600 safety system control logic. . All of our questions were answered promptly and completely. Our

~ impression of the facility staff and their preparation was very favorable.


. As discussed previously, we reviewed instrument calibration procedures and record-keeping, and spot-checked facility instruments, with no problems discovered.~ We reviewed the full list of approximately 460 instruments. All have'been determined to be operational, with the exception of a number of thermocouples (TC's) in the power channel (i.e., the simulated core), most of

'which were failed during SPES-I testing of the same rod bundle. There are also some TC's that exhibit' interference during high-power (5 MW) operation, but appear to work acceptably in the decay power regime; Westinghouse believes

that this'is due to the high-power supply, and that the TC's should be considered operational'once decay power is reached (no more than a' couple of

3 minutesintomosttests). We also reviewed Westinghouse's list of " critical" instruments.that must be operational to validate the test. Per the above discussion, the only real concern at this stage is the number of operational TC's in the. power channel. At the highest elevation in the rod bundle, rimarily to detect 1 Westinghouse core uncovery and requires at least dryout, two _TC' and also for facilitybe operational, p(to shut off the protection l

_ power if rod temperatures rise too high). For this test, 4 TC's were l operational at the highest elevation. Westinghouse has some concern that additional TC's may be damaged and force'a prolonged shutdown to repair or

' replace the rod bundle, but no plans are in place at this time to effect any

such repairs due to the potential. for resulting major schedule delays.

Prior to beginning the transient, instruments are checked, and in particular,

' differential-pressure instruments are checked on the day of the test.

-immediately after the facility is filled and vented, to make sure that all of the air has been purged from the vent lines. This procedure took about an hour to complete.

We believe that the facility instrumentation should provide very good coverage and data for code validation. The TC operational problems should be carefully monitored in future tests.

Facility and Control Room Housekeepina While most of the aspects of SPES-2 operation were impressive, housekeeping is one area that is below par, even allowing for the considerable age of the SIET buildings. The facility is in much better condition than it was during a visit in April 1993 (when construction activities were still in progress), but the area is still somewhat messy and smoking is allowed in and around the facility when it is not operating. Smoking is also' allowed in the control room, and we also observed control room personnel eating and drinking during

~ facility operations, and putting partially-filled drink cans on the control panel. While nothing occurred to threaten the test, these practices--

particularly placing food, drink cans, and other' objects on the control panel during facility operation, despite a sign on the panel prohibiting such actions-seem somewhat at odds with proper control room decorum.


' Attachment 1 is the written test procedure for SPES-2 matrix test #3. It contains a statement of objectives, a step-by-step pre-test checklist, and a test _ operations checklist. We arrived at SIET on Saturday, February 5 at approximately 8:30 a.m. Loop filling and venting was underway and was proceeding with.few problems, although some time was needed to urge the air from all of the instrument lines. Initial power operation of the loop was initiated at 10:38 a.m. by energizing the pressurizer heaters.

Test Conduct and Data Recordina-

The. control-room staff operated smoothly throughout pre-test operations and the test ~itself. Dr. C. Medich oversaw operations, with S. Gandolfi, G.

Visconti~, and M.:Bacchiani operating the VAX data acquisition system. O.

o 1 4

Vescovi was the chief control room operator, with assistance from A. Boiardi, M.- Rigamonti, and other members of the SIET staff. Observers were also present from ENEA, ANSALDO, and the University of Pisa. Mr. Vescovi was responsible for signing off the steps of- the test procedure check list. We were able to monitor test operations in the control room, and also by use of monitors showing key instrument data.. '

Initial operations with power on involved boiling the pressurizer to purge air from the vapor space. The pressurizer reached saturation at 11:10 a.m., with the 1st stage ADS valve open. After a few minutes, the valve was closed, and

'the main coolant pumps were turned on to establish about 40% flow (9 kg/s).

At 11:40, power to the rod bundle was switched on at about 700 kW (about 14%

of full power). Power went off briefly at 11:43, but was restored almost immediately. Flow was raised to slightly above its nominal value of 23 kg/s.

At noon, power had reached 1 MW and the loop had begun to heat up. Pressure was 3.0 MPa, and average loop temperature was 290'F. Loop heatup continued smoothly for slightly more than two additional hours. At 2:13 p.m., power was raised to its nominal value of 4.99 MW, and we waited for stable pre-test steady-state conditions to be achieved. 'It took some tens of minutes to get the key initial conditions within the tolerances specified in the test procedure, with the main sources of difficulty apparently being the steam generator level controller and the pressurizer level controller.

At 2:37 p.m., the computer sequence to begin the test was initiated, but the only small problem of the day occurred when the break valve failed to open automatically. Mr. Boiardt went out to the facility to open the valve manually (with a large wrench), which he completed at 2:42 p.m. The loop began to depressurize almost immediately, reaching the power trip setpoint at about 1 minute into the test. An "S" signal was then generated, tripping the pumps and opening the CMT discharge isolation valves. CMT recirculation began, with the flow coming up slowly; recirculation continued for approximately 10-11 minutes, after which the CMT began to drain at a rate corresponding to a level decrease of about 2/3 ft/ min. The ADS valves fired on their appropriate CMT levels as programmed. The loop had depressurized to less than 700 psia by about 26 min, and accumulator injection began. CMTs and  ;

accumulators injected simultaneously for about 10 minutes, with CMT flow  !

stopping only when the nitrogen in the accumulators was injected into the '

system at a high flow rate, sufficient to shut the CMT discharge check. valves i for a ;.ef period. At about 36 min, CMT levels had dfopped low enough to actuate ADS stage 4, and IRWST injection followed at about 37 min. The test was continued for about another 40 minutes to ensure that the IRWST was  :

injecting at.a stable flow rate. IRWST injection flow appeared to be very I stable. We also noted that enough water had accumulated in the primary system to begin to refill the CMTs. Each CMT showed about a 5-6" rise in level

-during the IRWST injection period. The test was terminated at approximately 4

.p.m. i Data were recorded at a rate of 2 readings per second for the entire instrument list for the duration of the test. We did not observe any instrumentation or data acquisition problems.

I l

j 5

Our initial impression of the test was that it was successful in achieving its objectives. Some questions arose as a result of post-test examination of data,'as will be explained below.

Data Processino and Quick-Look Reports M. Bacchiani processed the data from the experiment on Monday, February 7, and we review d preliminary data at SIET on February 8. Quick-look reports are planned u,' issuance about 30 days after each series of tests in SPES-2.

Post-Test-Data Examination On Tuesdoy, February 8, Alan Levin returned to SIET, along with Mr. Marella of ANPA, to participate in a post-test data review.

G. Visconti performed a post-test instrument check. A discrepancy in catch

.. tank weight measurement was found, affecting estimates of break flow rate;

.however. .this problem has apparently been resolved satisfactorily. Aside from that, preliminary indications are that the loop instrumentation functioned

' properly.

M. Bacchiani provided copies of the converted data in engineering units on 3.5" floppy disks to SIET staff and to representatives from ENEL who also participated in the data review. Both disks were used to prepare plots of the data.

Our observations during testing of an approximate 2-minute discrepancy between predicted (by ANSALDO) and actual CMT recirculation time were explained by the fact that the break mass flow, as derived from (corrected) catch tank measurements, was a make the apparent (pproximately scaled) half about break diameter that predicted for'athought 1.4". It was 2" break; this would at first that the manual opening of the break valve might have caused the valve to fail to open fully. The break module was therefore removed and checked to see it the valve was open completely. Examination showed that the valve had, in fact, opened ful y. Upon further discussion with SIET and Westinghouse, the reason for. the < :repancy was determined to be most likely related to the configuration ( .he break orifice. ANSALD0's calculations assume essentially a sharp-edged on .fice at the break location (i.e., a hole in a pipe). 'In fact .the SPES-2 orifice width was 10 mm, compared to a diameter of 2.56 mm, which results in a short nozzle (L/D=4); this tends to decrease the critical flow from the orifice.

Once this issue was--apparently--resolved, further examination of the data confirmed the observations we made during the test. CMT flow continued

,through accumulator injection, shutting off when the nitrogen was injected, and resuming almost.immediately thereafter, then decreasing slowly as IRWST flow came on. No' system pressurization effect from the nitrogen was noted.

Once the 4th stage ADS valve opened (only one valve of two was opened), the system dropped almost.immediately to atmospheric pressure and remained there.

As noted previously, the CMTs refilled slightly near the end of_ the test.

General Observati.01 9

. - . . . . - . ~ _ . _ . .

6 Overall, we were impressed by the competence of the SIET staff in all phases of: test preparation and operation (with the noted exception in the area of

' housekeeping), and -in post-test activities. The test went as scheduled, and it appears that loop turn-around time may, for this test, be fairly short.

Westinghouse appeared generally pleased with the test results, but the break

~ flow issue caused some concern. In addition, Westinghouse has made several design changes in ADS configuration and valve sizes, .in the DVI line configuration, and in several safety system actuation signals, especially stage 2.and 3 of the ADS. As a result, Westinghouse plans to have SIET rerun the test, with loop modifications to represent both hardware and software-(control logic) changes, and with a thinner orifice to try to achieve the expected break flow.. This test was attempted on February 12, 1994; preliminary information on that test is that there was a failure .in the power channel seals that prevented completion of the test. It is expected that

- Westinghouse will rerun the test again after loop repairs are cempleted.

Based on the experience of the test monitors, future observation trips to SPES-2 should prove very useful and interesting. It is recommended that sufficient time be allowed after the completion of testing for a post-test data review with the SIET staff and Westinghouse representative (s),' keeping in

- mind that Monday is given as a day off in lieu of Saturday. The rapidity with which SIET can turn the data around and have preliminary plots available for review makes this exercise quite enlightening. Overall, we believe that SPES-2 has the potential to provide substantial insight applicable to high-pressure accident response of the AP600.


e  : , j. 8

[2 a. t,.g:b

~ATTACNMENT 9.3 AP600. SPES 2 FHFP Integral System Test _2" CL Break Matrix Test N. 3.


9.3.1 Purpose / description DATE:

The test N. 3 is referred in the test matrix as " Reference Cold Leg Break" and will be the first test to be carried out on SPES 2 facility The purpose of this test is to investigate about the plant behasicur during a 2" (d=2.56 mm in SPES 2) Cold Leg Break on loop B (the CMT side of the plant) with the intervention of the passive safety systems. The break is located to the bottom of the loop B Cold L B2 between the CL B2 to CMT-B balance line and the PC vessel.

The test will be performed with the facility in its final configuration starting from full pressure full operating power conditions.

The test will be initiated by opening the break. When the Reactor trip'"R" (PR pressure P 027P = 12.41 MPa = 1800 psia)is achieved the heater rod power be controlled to match the sc~aled AP600 decay heat (see par. S.4) and 2 s ader the SG's MSIV will be closed. When the "S" signal condition (PR pressure P-027P =

11.72 MPa = 1700 psia)is reached,2 s aner the CMTIVs will be opened, and the MFWIVs will be closed and 16.2 s after the RCP's coastdown will be i The PRHR isolation valves will be opened by the Protection System (either SG's low narrow range level L A'05/L B20S = 0.15 m = 0.492 ft plus a delay time of 45 s.

The CVCS, NRHR and SFW will be off throughout the whole transient.

The test will be carried out simulating the failure of I of 2 4th stage valves; there-fore only ADS 4 th/A will be opened.

, The ADS valves will be opened versus either CMT's level L A40E/L B40E with the delay time here after reported:

Delav Time gQS Onfice d CMT volume L-A40E1-B40E stage - (mnvin)  % (nvft) (s) 75 4.596/15.079 0 first 5.0/0.197 60 3.671/12.044 60 after 1st stage second 10.8/0.425 120 after 2nd stage -

third 10.8/0.425 50 3.052/10 013 20 1.192/3.911 120 after 3rd stage fourth 20.68/0.81


The accumulators will start to inject water into DVI when primary pressure will be lower than 4.8 MPa (696.1 psia).

The IRWST will dicharge waterby gravity into DVI when primary pressure will be lower than 018 MPa (26.1 psia).

The test will be stopped when the flowrates (F-A60E/F-B60E) discharged by IRWST reach a stable flow (without fluctuations).

TIN: S . 03 9.3.2. Pretest checklist for matrix Test N. 3 DATE:

A) Verify that the plant consguration is complete and suitable to pedorm the matrix test N. 3 and verify that at the inlet of the ball valve simulating the break in cold leg B2 has been inserted an orifice with a hole diameter of 2.56 mm (0.1006 in).

B) Verify that the DAS is'oYerational for all the plant instrument channels and that all the instrumentation is operating .

C) Verify that the PLC is operational for SPES-2 plant.

D) Verify that all plant alarms and guard actions are operat-ional, simulatirg by means of a signal generator the afarm condition and verifying that the guard action is performed, this includes:

- PC electrical power complete (S .\nV - 4 hBV generators) shut off when one wall thermocouple of the heater rod bundle reaches 590 *C (1094 'F);

- PR internal heater turn off when the PR level is lower than 2 m (6.562 ft);

- 8 hnV electrical power generator switch orTwhen the speed of either PCP's is lower than 600 RPM;

- PC electrical power complet,e (8 ADV - 4.\nV generators) shut off when primary pressure reaches 17.2 MPa (2494.5 psia);

- 8 hnY electrical power generator switch off when the level of either SG's is lower than 2 m (6.562 ft)

- Pressurizer PORY (ADS 1st) opening when the PR pressure reaches 16.2 hfPa (2349.5 psia);

- SG's PORV opening when the SG's secondary side pressure reaches 7.0 hfPa (1015.2 psia);

- ChfT's PORV opening when the Chit's secondary side pressure reaches 6.7 StPa (971,7 psia).

E) Verify that the DAS test procedure is able to perform and to control the trips required for the matrix test N. 3 simulating the safety signals and the trip setpoints.This includes the following veri 5 cations:

- Break opening at time zero (transient beginning);

Scram initiation (time zero of the core power transient reported in paragraph 8.4) when the PR pressure reaches the Reactor trip signal"R" (P 027P= 12.41 hfPa=1800 psia) with an acceptance criie?fon of- 0.7/-0.1 hIPa;

- hiSLIVs closure (BV-05 A, BV-05B) at Reactor trip "R" plus a delay time of: 2s;

- AfFWIVs closure (BV OSA, BV.0SB) at "S" signal (PR pressure P-027P= 11.72 5fPa=1700 psia) with an acceptance criterion of-0.9/-0.1 hiPa plus a delay time j


of 2 2s;



- Heated rod power reduction at time 5.75 : 0.25 s and power control to match the power curve reported in l

paragraph 8.4; l

SOTE: the heat losses compensation (150 kW) is added from time 14.5 s until first stage ADS actuation.

- ChiTIVs opening (BV-09 A, BV-010A/BV-09B, BV-010B) when pressurizer pressure reaches "S" signal plus a delay time of 2 2 s; i

PCP's trip at "S" signal plus a delay time of 16.2i 1 s;  !

SOTE: the pressure difference between "R" signal and "S" 1

signal must be in the range of 0.35+ 1 hiPa.

l l



o ..

- PRHR.HX return valve (B%11) opening when SG's narrow range level reaches the low low level condition of 5.6% (either SG's low narrow range level L-A20S /

L-B20S = 0.15 m = 0 491 ft) with an acceptance criterion of=0.15 m plus a delay time of 45 s;

- Opening of the various ADS stages versus either ChfT's level as follows:

Delav Time E CMT volume L-A40E/L-B40E stage  % (m/ft) (s) first 75 4 596/15.079 0 ,

second 60 3.671/12.044 60 after 1st stage third 50 3.052/10.013 120 after 2nd stage fourth 20 1,192/3.911 120 after 3rd stage NOTE: Only ADS 4tWA diifbe opened in this test. The acceptance criterion for ADS actuation is : 5% of the here reported CMT level.

F) Verify that all the safety valves insta!!ed in SPES-2 have been verined to open at the required pr' essure, this includes:

- PR safety valve S%01 (opening set point at 20 MPa =

2900.6 psia),

- SG's safety valves SV-02A/SV 02B (opening set point at 10 MPa = 1450.3 psia);

- ACC's safety valves SV-03 A/SV-03B (opening set point at 6.9 MPa = 1000.7 psia).

- CMT's safety valves SWO4A/S%04B (opening set point at 7.1 MPa = 1029.7 psia).

G) Verify that RT-2 tank is full of water to assure sufEcient water supply for the test.


H) Verify that the steam coming from ESEL power station used to heatup the SG's MFW is available and verify that the PHL valves CV-10, CV-9 are operational.

. o. .

' SOTE: Prior to heatup the MFW the valves CV-10 and CV-9 are closed.

I) Verify that all required plant control system and support system are operational, this includes:

- PCP auxiliary systems (lubrication oil, cooling water, seal injection, etc...);

PCP's speed control system;

- CVCS primary circuit make up water pump;

- Hi 35 pressure and low pressure air supply systems;

- PR level control system; PR internal heater pressure control system;

- PC heater rod electrical power control system;

- SG's main steam line pressure control system;

- SG's level control system;

- SG's main feedwater supply system;

- SG's main feedwater heat up system;

- SG's SFW pump / supply and control system (if required); ,

- PR to CMT balance line heat tracing temperature control system;

- CL to CMT balance line heat tracing temperature control system;

- PC electrical power generator (8 hBV,4.\nv generators) auxiliary systems (cooling / insulation oil tiow, cooling air flow, etc...); .

- PC electrical power bus bar cooling system;

- Bus bar to heater red connection cooling system; e

. ]

y :


- MFW pump auxiliary systems (lubrication oil, cooling water);

- SC cooling river pump; -

- Turbine's pick up and gammadensitometers cooling system;

- Catch tank condenser cooling system;

- NRHR pump / supply and control system (if required).

NOTE: SFW and NRHR will not be used in this transient.

J) Verify that the 8 MW group booster transformer has been insened.

K) Verify that bus-bar sectionalizing switch (COET) has been closed on SPES 2 position.

L) Verify that the heater rod' power circuits are properly insulated (no shon circuit) by measuring the resistance to ground; the measured resistance value is . . O.

M) Verify that the CMT extemal tanks (for both CM1'-A/ B)-

have been pressurized with air to 6.6 MPa (957.2 psia).

N) Verify that the accumulators are filled so that 85% of their volume contains water (L A20E/L-B20E=2.33 m = 7.64 ft) and pressurized by air (P A20E /P B20E=2 9 MPa=

710.5 psia) with accumulator isolation valves (HV-01 A, HV-01B) and charging valves (HV-22, HV 23, HV-24, HV-25) closed.

NOTE: The ACC manualisolation valves (HV-Ol A, HV-OlB) in the discharge lines will be opened during plant heatup when primary pressure is about 10.0 MPa (1450 psia).

O) Verify that the IRWST is filled so that L-060E=8.5 m (27.89 ft) with the IRWST isolation valves (HV-10A. HV-10B) and filling valve (HV 17) closed. ,

'l E B

SOTE: The IRWST manualisolation valves (HV 10A, HV-10B) in the discharge lines will be opened during plant heatup when primary pressure is about 10.0 SIPa (1450 psia).

P) Verify that the ADS stage 2,3,4 and the break valves are closed.

Q) . Verify that the cold leg to CMT balance he (BV-09A, BV-09B), CMT discharge line (BV-10A, BV-10B) and PRHR supply (HV-09) and return (BV-11) isolation valves are opened so that they can be filled with water.

R) Verify that the SG's isolation valves (BV-05A, BV-08A.

BV-05B, BV-OSB) are opened and PORV's (BV-06A, BV-06B) are closed.

9.3.3 Test procedure for matrix Test N. 3 TIN: S . 03 DATE:

A) Open all the component vent valves (upper header VI, PRHR HX V1, the stage 1 of-ADS, the top of pump turbines V2, V3) and allthe possible vents of the system (SG's U tubes VS, V6, CMTs V7, V8 and balance lines V9, V10), to provide a vent path for n!!ing the facility. Start up the booster pumps.

B) Turn on DAS and power to allinstrument channels of the facility.

- C) Start up the CVCS pump and fill up the primary circuit, reclosing the vents one by one when water drains.

D) Start up the auxiliary systems of the PCP's and pressurize the primary circuit up to 1+ 3 MPa (145 + 435 psia).

E) Fill completely the SG's secondary side and pressurize up to ~1 MPa (145 psia). ,

' F) Perform 5nal vent of the instruments, turn off CVCS and BP 1 pumps and verify DP's elevation "zero's" Record the DP's elevation zeroes and obtain an hard copy printout of all DP's "zero's".



SOTE: The instrument will be considered well vented when the measured DP's "zero" will be equal to its calibration zero = 20 mV. .

G) Close the CL to CafT balance line (BV-09A, BV-09B),

CafT injection line (BV-10A, BV-10B) and PRHR HX retum line (BV-11) isolation valves.

H) Open the ADS 1 stage valve and depressurize the system.

Drain the facility until P?. water level reaches about the value of$ m.

1) Tum on the pressurizer intemal heaters, leaving the ADS 1 stage valve opened to purge steam from the pressurizer to remove all air, as the PR pressure begins to increase (the PR heat up rate must be < 100 *C/h).

NOTE: The PR intemal heaters will be tumed ofiduring the transient when the PR level reaches the setpoint of 2 m (5.58 A)

J) When the PR is heated up to 100 *C, maintain the ADS 1 stage valve open for a few minutes, then reclose it.

Activate the PR pressure controller to open the ADS 1 stage valve at 16.2 hiPa (2349.5 psiat Stan CVCS pump and set the PR level and pressure controller in automatic mode with i

l the following setpoints.

- PR level setpoint = 3.78 m (12.4 R);

I - PR pressure setpointy 15.51 AIPa (2249 psia).

I j

K) Start up the PCP's at a speed of - 1500 rpm and verify that the cold legs and downcomer flowrneters are able to measure correctely the flow; if this is not true open the upper header vent (VI) and purge until to have a conect measure of the flowmeters.

4 L) Increase PCP's speed velocity to about their nominal value

(~ 3100 rpm); the downcomer flowrate (F-003P) must be

>23 kg/s (51 lbs/s). Regulate,the DC-CH bypass flowrate in order to have F-Ol*P E 0.18 kg/s (0.4 lbs/s).


31) Stan up all the cooling auxiliary systems, this includes:

Steam condenser cooling river pump;

- PC electrical power bus-bar cooling pump;

' - Catch tank condenser cooling system:

- Turbine's pick up and gammadensitometers cooling systems;

- MFW pump cooling systems;

- 8 MW group auxiliary cooling systems;

- 4 MW group auxiliary cooling systems;

- Bus-bar to heater rod connection cooling system.

N) Turn on the 8 MW power group and measure the heater rod resistance; the measured resistance is . .mO (should be - 1.9 mO).

NOTE: The booster transforider is inserted and therefore the voltage drop across the heater rod bundle should be about 37 V.

G) Turn on the 4 MW group and increase the generated current until about 60% (~ 14 kA) of the hominal current (the PC power should be - 900 kW).

P) Heat up and pressurize the facility maintaining this PC power until the hot leg temperature reaches 200 'C (392 'F),

being sure to always maintain sufficient pressure margin to assure that the primary system is subcooled and doncomer flowrate (F-003P) > 23 kg/s (51 lbs/s).

Q) When primary pressure is about 10.0 MPa (1450 psia) open the IRWST (HV-10A, HV-10B) and Accumulator (HV-01 A, HV-01B) manual isolation valves.

R) Set the SG's level and pressure controllers in automatic mode with the following setpoints:

- SG's narrow range level setpoint = 1.4S m (4 856 ft)

SG's pressure set peint = 4.9 MPa (710.6 psia) _

S) When the SG levels decrease and reach about the nominal value of 1.48 m (4 856 ft) stan up the booster pump BP-1

and the MFW pump and begin to feed the SG's.

T) Open the PHL valves (CV-10, CV 9)in order to feed by

' steam the heat exchanger HE 2 and heatup the MFW to the nominal temperature value of 226.1 *C (439 'F).

U) Turn on the electrical power to the CMT balance line heat tracings and control the temperatures of these lines so that:

- the PR to CMT balance line temperature is between 345 and 370 *C (653 and 698 'F);

- the CL to CMT balance line temperature is beetwen 260 'C and 270 'C (500 'F and 51S 'F).

V) Increase slowly the heater rod power by means of the 8 MW group and hold the facility in steady state full power pressure conditions (primary and secondary side).

SOTE. During the PC powerincrease control the grid voltage changing the CEM transformer ratio to maintain the nominal CEM output vcitage (~ 3000 V).

W) When steady state ncminal conditi.ons are reached stop CVCS pump, close valve HV 35 and set the PR pressure controller in manual mode.

X) Ad,iust the experimental conditions in order to satisfy the fo!!owing acceptance Criteria:

O r

La _m

e PRDIARY CIRCL'IT Heated rod power '(W-00P) 4.9916 :0.1 - (MW)

Pressurizer pressure (P-027P) 15.51 i 0.2 (MPa)

Average HL Temp. (T-A03PO/T-A03PL 315.5 i 3 ('C)

T-B03PO/T B03PT i Coreinlet temperature (T-003P) 276.4 2 ('C) 23.25 0.25 (kg/s)

Core flowrate (F-003P) 5.86 0.1 (kg/s)

Cold leg flowrate (F-A0lPMA02P F-B01P/F B02P) 0.18 0.05 (kg/s)

DC-LH bypass flowrate (F-014P)

Pressurizer level (L-010P) 3.78 0.38 (m)

ACC level (L-A20E/L B20E) 2.33 0.11 (m) l ACC water temp. (T A22E(T.B22E) 20 t 5 ('C)

ACC pressure (P A20EiP B20E) 4.9 0.1 (MPa) ,

IRWST level (L-060E) 8.5 0.1 (m) ,

IRWST remperature (T-063E) 20 5 ('C)

PRHR supply line temp. (T-A82E) 175 25 ('C)

LH average temperature (T-015P/T-016P) 29665 (*C)

PR to CMT b.1, temp. (T-A28P/T B28P) 340 + 25/-0 (*C)

CL to CMT b.1. temp. (T-A142PH/T-B142PH) 265 5 ('C)

CMT level . (L-A40E/L-B40E) full CMT temperature (T A411ETT-B411E) 20 5 ('C)

SECOND ARY CIRCL*IT SG's level (L-A205/L B205) 1.48 0.15 (m) 226 -7 ('C)

SG's hiFW (T A01S/T-B01S)

SG's pressure (P A04S/P-B045) 4.9 0.2 (MPa)

Y) When the plant has reached steady state at full power and just prior to the initiation of the transient open the drain line (D7, D8) on the CMT side of each CL to Chit balance line isolation valve in order to purge these lines and reclose.

Z) Input the TIN into the DAS and begin to record the data recording for at least 300 s the steady state initial conditions, then start the transient by opening the break. The following actuations are to be made:

- Scram initiation (time zero of the heated rod power transient reported in paragraph S.4) at "R" signal (P-027P = 12.41 + 0.7/-0.1 hiPa);

- hiSLIVs (BV-05 A, BV-05B) closure at Reactor trip "R" plus a delay time of2 2s;

- Heated rod power reduction at 5.75 : 0.25 s after "R" signal and power control to match the power curve reported in paragraph 8.4. The heat losses compensation (150 kW) are added from time 14.5 s until f:rst stage ADS actuation; SOTE: Just after the heated rod power reduction (at 5.75 s) adjust the CEhi transformer ratio to maintain the nominal CEhi output voltage (~ 3000 V).

- MFWWs (BV-08 A, BV-08B) closure at "S" signal (P-027P = 11.72 + 0.9/

-0.1 hiPa) plus a delay time of 2 2 s;

- CMTIV's (BV-09A, BV-10A/BV-09B, BV-10B) opening at "S" signal plus a delay time of 2 c 2s;

- PCP's trip at "S" signal plus a delay time of 16.2 1s; SOTE: After the PCP's trip reduce span of Cold Leg DP flowTneters (F-A0lP/

F-A02P/F B01P/F B02P) from 0 + 60 kPa to 0 + 5 kPa and tubular

Downcomer DP flowmeter (F-003P) from O_+ 80 kPa to 0 + 6 kPa.

PRHR HX return valve (BV-11) opening when either SG's narrow range level (L-A20S/L B205 = 015 i 0.15 m) plus a delay time of 45 s;

- ADS stage 1st opening when either CMT !cvel(L.A40E/L B40E = 4.596 0.23 m);

- ADS stage 2nd opening when either CMT level (L A40E/L-B40E = 3.671 0.18 m);

- ADS stage 3rd opening when either CMT level (L-A40E/L-B40E = 3.052 0.15 m);

- ADS stage 4th/A opening when either CMT level (L-A40E/L-B40E = 1.192

= 0.06 m),

NOTE: ADS stage 4tWB will remain close.

- Accumulator's injectionsvhen primary pressure will be ~ 4.9 MPa.

Zl) IRWST injection should begin when the primary circuit pressure will be lower than 0.18 MPa.


Z2) Stop the test when the flowrate's (F-A60E/F B60E) discharged by IRWST reach a stable flow (without fluctuations).



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