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Forwards Insp Rept 70-0133/98-02 on 980223-26 & 0323.No Violations Noted
Person / Time
Site: 07000133
Issue date: 04/07/1998
From: Jorgensen B
To: Cronmiller J
Shared Package
ML20216B145 List:
70-0133-98-02, 70-133-98-2, NUDOCS 9804130378
Download: ML20216B140 (3)


o e: 3 4

April 7 -1998 4

Mr. James F. Cronmiller Director, Corporate Environmental Affairs i . Gould Electronics, Inc.

34929 Curtis Boulevard

Eastlake, OH 44095-4401 ,



. REPORT 070-00133/98002(DNMS)

Dear Mr. Cronmiller:

"This refers to the specialinspection conducted on February 23-26,1998, at the facility formerly

occupied by the Clevite Corporation located at 540 East 105th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. The analyses of soil and wipe samples taken during the onsite inspection were completed on March 23,1998. None of the wipes or soil samples were found to be above the NRC release guidelines for unrestricted use. The preliminary results of the inspection were discussed with ~

Messrs. Kim Lickfield and Rory Grube of Sevenson Environmental Services Inc., at the conclusion of the inspection. Sample analysis results were discussed with Mr. Grube on March 23,'1998. A copy of our report of this inspection is enclosed for your information.

The purpose of the inspection was to confirm your remediation of the former Clevite facility in accordance with NRC release criteria for unrestricted use. We evaluated your final survey of -

i o the faci _lity, and conducted a confirmatory survey of all affected areas, especially areas in which remediaton had occurred.- We were unable to . survey the area in which radiological waste drums were stored. When this material has been removed from the site, a survey will be 1 performed of this area and you will be notified of the survey results.

' Based on the results of this inspection and with the exception of the radiological waste drum storage area, we have determined that the residual radioactive material from formerly licensed activities conducted by the Clevite Corporation at the above named location has been remediated to levels less than the NRC's release guidelines for unrestricted use. These

guidelines are found in the NRC's, Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment
Prior to Release for Unrestncted Use or Termination of Ucenses for Byprodact, Source, or Specia/ NuclearMaterial, dated August,1987.


9804130378 980407 PDR C

-ADOCK 07000133 PDR j

_ g a

e .,

.L J. Cronmiller -2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and the enclosure will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.

We will gladly discuss any questions you have conceming this inspection.

Sincerely, Original Signed by .

Bruce L. Jorgensen, Chief Decommissioning Branch Docket No. 070-00133 (Terminated)

License Nos. SNM-183 (Terminated)

C-3692; C-3790 (Terminated) 34-00653-01/02 (Terminated)


Inspection Report 070-00133/98002(DNMS)

See Attached Distribution -

l DOCUMENT NAME: G\SEC\CLE98002.DNM To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box:*C" = Copy without enclosure "E* = Copy with enclosuro*N"= .No copy OFFICE Rill 4d/,,) lE Rlli m l6 NMSS $/hh lL7 NAME House:ib ,7 Jorge$n BuckleyPM DATE 04/'7/98 04/7/98 04/r//98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

I J. Cronmilier 3 cc w/ encl:

H. Weinstein, Esq. Ms. Mara Cushwa i Squire, Sanders & Dempsey. Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP 4900 Society Center 1400 Mcdonald Investment Ctr.

127 Public Square 800 Superior Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44114 Cleveland, OH 44114 i Mr. John Schoeniger Mr. William Skoronski Shorebank Enterprise Group Ohio Environmental Protection Agency 540 East 105th Street 2110 East Aurora Road Cleveland, OH 44108 Twinsburg, OH 44087-1969 l

Mr. John C. Heussner, Executive Director Mr. Kim W. Lichfield Environmental, Health & Safety Project Manager Tennaco Automotive Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc.

l 111 Pfingsten 2749 Lockport Road Deerfield,IL 60015 Niagara Falls, NY 14302 Ms. Ruth Vandegrift Mr. Mark Seifert -

Radiological Health Program ' Cuyahoga County Board of Health i

Ohio Department of Health One Playhouse Square l 246 North High Street 1375 Euclid Avenue - 5th Floor P.O. Box 1'i8 Cleveland, OH 44115 Columbus, OH 43266-0118 I

Distribution )

PUBLIC (IE-07) w/enct Rlli Enf. Coordinator w/enci )

OCFO/LARFB w/enci Greens w/o enci ,

l A. B. Beach, Rlli w/ encl IEO w/enci (e-mail)  ;

J. L. Caldwell, Rill w/enci DOCDESK w/enct (e-mail)

C. D. Pederson, Rlli w/ enc!

1 1 i l

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