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Affidavit of ED Robinson Supporting New Reception Ctrs Identified in 860918 Rev 8 to Offsite Emergency Plan. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1986
From: Edward Robinson
Shared Package
ML20215B013 List:
OL-3, NUDOCS 8610060359
Download: ML20215B081 (9)





Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )


) (Emergency Planning

) Proceeding)

(Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, )

Unit 1) )


1. My name is Elaine D. Robinson. My professional qualifi-cations are at Tab 15 after page 4068 of the hearing transcript in this proceeding.
2. I managed the Local Emergency Response Implementing Organization team that is responsible for incorporating outside organizations, including the Red Cross,,into the emergency plan-ning effort. I have previously participated in discussions with ,

( the Hyatt Management Corporation of New York, Inc., which leases i

and manages the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, that led to the letter of agreement between LILCO and the Hyatt Management Corporation for use of the Coliseum as a reception center.

3. On April 7, 1986, the Nassau County Board of Supervisors renewed the lease of Hyatt Management Corporation for the Nassau Coliseum. In so doing, the Board declined to include a provision that would have barred the facility from being used for evacua-tion drills for the Shoreham emergency plan.
4. Following the Chernobyl accident, the Board of Supervi-sors reopened its consideration of the Nassau Coliseum. Among 0610060359 860930 PDR ADOCK 00000322 O PDR

c; k

u those appearing before the Board urging denial of the Coliseum to LILCO for advance inclusion in the Shoreham Offsite Emergency Plan were Suffolk County Legislator Jane Devine and Richard Kessel, the head of the New York State Consumer Protection Boaro.

See attached newspaper reports. These efforts were successful.

On June 16, 1986, the Nassau County Board of Supervisors passed a new resolution which declared LILCO's letter of agreement with Hyatt Management Corporation void and which removed the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum from use in the Shoreham emergency plan without the Board of Supervisors' prior approval.

5. In place of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Revi-sion 8 to the Shoreham Offsite Emergency Plan, filed September 18, 1986 designates the LILCO Operations Centers at Hicksville, Bellmore, and Roslyn as receptions centers. A map showing the location of these centers is provided in Figure 4.2.1 of the Plan. EPZ residents are assigned to a given reception center based on the emergency planning zone in which they reside. Indi-vidual planning zones are paired with single reception centers.

Roughly 50% of the EPZ residents are assigned to the Hicksville Reception center, 30% to the Bellmore Reception Center, and 20%

to the Roslyn Reception Center.

6. The Hicksville Operations Center is located on a 77 acre tract south of Old Country Road to the east of Broacway (Route 107) and to the west of New Soutn Road. The facility is approxi-mately 37 miles from the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station and 27 miles from the 10-mile EPZ boundary. For decontamination, the f acility has 20 anowers and a similar number of sinks tnat could be used to clean evacuees with localized contamination.


7. The Bellmore Operations Center is located on a 10 acre tract south of Sunrise Highway to the west of Newbridge Roaa.

The facility is 41 miles from the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station and 31 miles from the 10-mile EPZ boundary. For decontamination, the facility has 10 showers and a similar number of sinks.

8. The Roslyn Operations Center is located on a 15 acre tract south of the Long Island Expressway Soutn Service Road just to the east of Willis Avenue. The facility is 42 miles from the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station and 32 miles from the 10-mile EPZ boyndary. For decontamination, the facility has 10 showers and a t /

similar number w.

of sinks.

  • y .% , j . .. , , , ,

. 9. For comparis,on purposes, the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum is located 43 miles from the Shoreham Nuclear Power Sta-tion and has locker rooms and dressing rooms with approximately 30 showers.

10. Further details on the Hicksville, Roslyn and Bellmore Reception Centers are set forth in Revision 8 to the Shoreham Offsite Emergency Plan.

Elaine D. Robinso N Subscribed and sworn before me this J? -ru day of JYtr4dtA a 1986.

My commission expires: /n Mc H 70 /7/7 .

W Notary Public

+, .

nN THOMAS S. DAMICO NOTAlW PUBUC, State of New York No.524612214 Qual.In suNelk osenty Comaussion Empires Med 41927 m



. 4 Nassau Board Is Moving Lto Ban Use of Arena in d-Plant. Crisis

~ ~

ByImrry Light -


ClariMuse, an NBC _

- . whead to

  • Ihe Nassau County Board of" = _ mer. -

epeculate en what the esset'of the soliseum's removal  ;

ing toward banning the use of the Rass,au Coliseum thun the would be."We're waiting to see what

- decides about the [workabuity of the) as an evacuation esater he the Shoreham nuclear power plant, and County Executin Francis Pureeg the entireplah__*+p", abesaid."It'sawhat.ifaituat anye he went oppose the ban. guese what it means to take out one pises ofit."

Imag Beach - -.: Brase Nyman, a Shesw.

... as lieThe action in byweeks,would the supervisors, mark b bo == par *==8 as eMarl ham opponset ami part of the board's Democratic 5 EW. vedintgShor hemeon. ',minorityfibaur.d t.he colic um rewreal as "s.triking

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.. b *h.s at the very heert'e.'Ptvwbru It sho.wa a new asser.N

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Y ' tivensc; sn W'; the r'it d'1hm

a. who bbdJdetr traditionally - to the i

stead Presiding Superrhor h 'Ih*

! board's ma sounty asemitin, haw been edging W

,e.te, day dority leader, said,st a news esabremosnew e- - a. een.eum. I se Apru, aey p h.,a aAerwerd, Oysta Bay " '

-- Jo. anti lhereham activists calling on thema to law asse barring eo seuen the IAst study of how our roads would hanella en 6 month, bewever, Gulotta personally ensne out to b Coliseum, he said. To renUy han no Was against using the souseum br evacuation, but still what itinvolves.= insisted that the saatter was up to Pureelt His sole d "

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n*2iu*,"a***:"dq';o,J on! o ee " '
  • llll" "J'c2"ty 4J'r"i ll'BdMdil*'"a""' - '

l sorJohn Kiernan. .

M h U m had desigastal the souses. '*

Island Lighting Co., which owns the plant, inc! the Coliseum in its Shoreham evacuation plan at the suggestion of Purcell, a longtime therw. . ""bevaeustion sitiJuncement ease aAer before the ham su t 's[a Suffolk eeun fires the Noting how the Suffolk had woe N=* pporter.

neguato LI!40 y Cwn,uon la seeking o 7m"e",'an. wh. a i,,si o,h, with u, ,,uniy emutin o- *

.M ah r the stJte and ht!.aik County ren; sed te p. . .. , u .. .;.e Devir.e (D-Partu.Me .t emergney planning. Hhi,r.h.$,,, told the supervisors the Yor'antsy, however, Purceu sa!d he would not anthorit to rule on the cellseum. A court thwarted gPose the supervisors if they voted to bar use of the Suffolk ounty Executive Patar Cohalan's move to lineum. "If the board decides it doesn't want commit county employees to LIILO's evacuation LUf,0 to mer the Coliseum,I can't get excited about drill on the ground that eveeustion planning was a J

tly  ; legislatin maner.

Noting tYe aseident at b Soviet nuclear tant in tae Ukraine, he said,"Chernobyl has de hr 6w years, se all this may be moot."

. . LD40 -- '- - Bul Sherrard said he did not believe b 6 card's action would have much impact.

If there were as - .- at ihoreham he co W Pureell - using his sawrgency p,owers n. -

would certainly commanniaar b Couseum to house evacuees."In a real ney situation,it wouldn't saatter"what the board said Sherrard.

He added that LIILO and Hyatt Corp., whleh 8perates the arena under a lease with tlw eeunty, han a sentract to pertait the utility to use the soli.

asum he drills at no cost to the utility which the board's action would l nat be r==rhart for=== aa=pr==umahly e ,,

cancol. Nysts could ,

I l

- . - _- - - - _ . . --. ~




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r e - - . m .-<.. .; ,p ,. (s ( M %k%,-)$.p ! M,w.h.a: ,_ wA,l,_ . b i Dedne, a.Sullok County legislamr, speeldng to the Nassau Board of Supervisors yesterday i I . i

                                                                                                                                                                                                         .                                                    I I

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I i NEWSPAPER 8LO3C C 1 DATE h) b b PAGE h j l- . . . . _ TIow LIILO ' Lost' the Nassau Coliseum t.

                                                              ..o-                     _.  . .w.      . . . , . , , , _, . ,

A .c. . . . T h first osert sign of moveement t Somepolitientienderewere even no. D M M' -l Nassee County's move toward ban-

                                                                ' came a week later, at another supervi-sore' meeting at which the protestere ticing a Pureelt,they in Pureell's support.

letitbe knownthat ning use of the Nassau Coliseum as a appeared. Gulotta asked County At- because of.Chernobyl, he t Shoreham evaeustion senter was a ' torney Edward O'Brien hr an opinion Shoesham's lisensing would be deciadosprompted the real-  : en whether Hyatt or LH40 could do. . he several years and that he that Shoreham becomea i elare the (%31=== an evacuation site. notoppose aColiseumhanifthe tiaalissue la Nassau, helped along . (YBries said that eeuM enly be does superiveers voted for one. last weekend, Sufhik Iagia. t de- seat m't uelear Jame* (D.Huntington), was Regula th=====ia=la= which is eso. majori , the solely stead Presiding Supervisor Thomas - - - -mw., 's .hopointadouttbat Gulotta, ==--a d the supervisoraf which also noted th'a t the eeunty never the Iagiala+==e had bestem its decision - to be analia=d in a voto a had o8leially approved the (%31==== eeunty asseutive, Peter Cebalan, la a week tems Monday - the beerd heA as eva-a+ia= sits, e . -

                                                                                                                         ) esart               latt e=mmer ever who son-                 l trolVi bec. re.luetent to oLpes Counts En                            'Ibe         fora interstra:t this to                                        %s emeestica            .
       ' eentive Francis Purcell er, the Ic us,                      maan       t ths Hyatt.LIIf0 agrec..                I Tiv.C kl dren wec ruc i et a Purcell, a supper'.or'ef the               had             amont was void. O'Brien dityner,this,                ' E aby morda: a                      ' et+ permitted            Island                    to          but has not comunested on it publicly.               Fall supervisare.

include the t' i== in Sho. sham Shortly theresAer, Gulotta told re. ' The : .; . esecluded that

                       , pies aner the state and                    portersthathe               y feltthatthe                                withPureellentheissuewee 8mfbDL County renamed to participate                      ali-                notbein usedla LIL.                                   "Wehadtodeit,andwehad in such                                              , CO's            but i=aia*=d the matter was             g to de it them," said one partisipeat, s Por mantha,               board had reelsted               up to                                                       'Ibo westh theirpuhuc pressure fireen opponents of the nucle.                       Board members were moved a little                'essaism,'whe' rib                            and was           I ar power plant who had crowded.its                        ihrther toward action two wooks ago,                 >                                                  Go-
       ,. meetings,'and flrom John Matthews,                       when SuSolk "-*"- - decided not                     / act hetachauenced.

hew a'!sembransehen, et which the Demoerst who lost to Purcell in to beek the re election bid of Wil- he =='ia===amd the ben. Noveenhor. llam Carney GL.Hauppauge), had said,"I As resently as April, only the saidShoreham abould openifthe NBC t won't Pureen, battle the bond en this."

       ; board's two Democrats, Bruce Nyman                        deemed it sah. N Shoreham oppo.                     ...

meats, sa #

  • Beach and Vincent Suessi of had smettheirgoals A, of len , the Coliseum's ~ in said would shift their . State Consener Protection Board
         ' role in the              plan. On April 7,             ==phda to Nassau.                -

chief Richard Kessel called on the the board brushed aside the protesta Meanwhile, Nassau Decamerata Nassau County Board of Supervisore and renewed the mounty's lease with - were gearing up to make the Shore-Hyatt Corp., which manages the ham question a majorlaeusin the fall [ yesterday deres he thetoShoreham ask that licensing n'- - preer i Uniondale entertainment comples, campaign. And U.S. Sea. Alfonas FA- plant be ter'aina'ad without ines% a clause Sho:nham mato,an Island Park Warnhat== seek. Eessel noted that the board was en- ! epponents wantes barriag ewacuation lag reelestled, was beesadas snore i postedsberti toreaneveNasseuVeter-

     ,. drills there. Technienlly, the,                       , venalin his asti.Shoreham stause.                           ans                       Coliseum 6em the sneat to use the Coliseum as a                               'the message to the n r.: . wee                        morehamevacuationplan.Hesaidthe 8tupid                                                                          I i

essas the seeiQ st the Soviet Union's Chernobyl nucle. hwhen 88 8(W other politici en Long sit's time forthe mise thatlangIslandcannotbe evece to

                                                                                           '      8
  • Presiding ties as W and letter to sende a powerhal to the su* hian .

Yanking t$e Coliseum aum the '.. . visor h p ~ parvisore that a accident plan Nes a wies political move h try ' l bdsht not be an emelusivel Suffolk kDemocrats blunt use h as %ublicans, t sh Bep - g'~ emasern. "I used 14ht to think,,g'ould__ said Demoerotic Nyman.

          - ai.tmeronha,tioni. h 1

I g . * - 8 g j

.i NEWSPAPER  ![ $dO,\f DATE I N I PAGE b y . - , . . .E . . . ..- ~. .. . . . , , .. . . . _ , , . , Xassau Bars AllIts , Facilities;From Use in Shorehain Crisis ~ By Celeste Hadrick After unonths ofi=Amelaiaa, the Nee. l Kiernan. "Ibey're er theissues carefkil to seasid l i seu County Board W 0 ' :--/ . yes. . . But Chernobyl Ipod tarday adopted a Audi new stand the Anetthat amstbe a . pr6 . the Shmbsa nuclear power . ority,"Gulotta .

 ;                           p         voting umniawualy to bar the                                .

N resolution adopted by the Nam. Nassau Collaeuis - and all other ~ seu Supervisore yesterday ' signals a county fbeitties- fhun use as evacua- sharp break with County Eneastive tion sites. Francia T. Puroen over Shoreham. Unlese dramatie ner..evideneeofthe Purnall, a support & cc the plant's - piant's safety rad affordability can be eretion t the - provided, Shoreham should not- ' soum'a, hadopcts.ter originally urgt Facility - I w._- Supervi. --> Corp. et York Ine., open," nor mmas Hampetead Gulotta am qid a n Joint ' to oSE use a(the anna as an naena-statement fhan all six suped. aire. . . tion alte after LIIEG.stisd - -~ - With this vote, the Nassau supervi- i sore join the Suffolk County lasiala , fhlly to include SufBalk PaE===ity ture and Gov. Mario Cuosoo in College and then the State University the . at Stony Br. A laits plan. ti activista tsiled u Gulotta ams.3mised at the board resolution as a " key ILW' in keepind meeting and a a 1*ter news seasse-Shorehamclosed. AndIcogPetSu - once that only the board could antbo-porvisor Bruce Nyman prodkwi, "I rise the use of thee diaw= unless an think thisisthe oftheeadof actuauy occurred and that the Shoreham a plant." "no authoriantion was givenwith men for the longIsland Co., to use of the Coliseum." ownerof theplant,and the res. - " 'y at adr.*s with Purosu, ulatory agencies involves with lisano. Gulotta at Aret sidestepped aguestions ing the facility did not attach the same about whether he was saying the signine==a= to the move.__ ,, county executive had e_scoeded his au-The resolution as ertstna11 pre- thority. Iater ne said tant : uromu nas i ad h h alb ~ ' - - But lobbying by G@len Cove Mayer/Su-(' no~t had the right to authorias its use. parvisor Vincent Suces8 and ===h==e' - Purcell, who was at a ihneral in of the anti 8boreham caued the

  • New York City and did not attend the

, Imag Island Coalition for Living .(board meeting, had no aa====+ about ! - as won as news that the Nuclear . Gulotta's remarks and pla==d no ao-Regulatory P===laalaa planned 11- . tion to voto the resolution. eensing hearings this summer - . "Why shouldI?"he said."It reallyis prompted the board og adopt the stron- < a nullity. In an asnergency, I would ger statessent berring use of any coun-  ! use the soliseum. There is no such

                         , ty bili *iam                  .
                                                                --         .                          thing as barring anything in an emer'.
                         '      Althougif'tb.bosal had ignored in                                     88"'T-
  • Apru roguests by the coalition to take
  • ofFaculty ct,us :g;; f,a;te;e,e ::",l; I "o"EarlSumerlin,w

ui7n'o"e" iloGCd:'

               .             following a            step learning pre-                         i      could no , longer be used.,, ,,,,

ones about authorit and not'=naking a politicall eat naove in reaction to the au-cleardiensterin the Soviet UnLm. -

                                "IAgialative bodies are not sutPosed do things by gut instinct, said Hempstead Supervisor John
                       -         . -n    . .. e    , , . . . ..                .      ..


                                                                                ~85 007 -3 All :31 In the Matter of LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY               OFFICE or a (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1) 00CKETjsG N MjN' Docket No. 50-322-OL-3                     DRANCH I hereby certify that copies of LILCO'S MOTION TO REOPEN RECORD and AFFIDAVIT OF ELAINE D. ROBINSON ON NEW RECEPTION CENTERS were served this date upon the following by Federal Express as indicated by one asterir,k, or by first-class mail, postage prepaid.

Morton B. Margulies, Chairman

  • Atomic Safety and Licensing
  • Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 East-West Towers, Rm. 407 4350 East-West Hwy. Bernard M. Bordenick, Esq.
  • Bethesda, MD ;0814 Oreste Russ Pirfo, Esq.

Edwin J. Reis, Esq. Dr. Jerry R. Kline

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing 7735 Old Georgetown Road Board (to mailroom)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, MD 20814 East-West Towers, Rm. 427 4350 East-West Hwy. Herbert H. Brown, Esq.

  • Bethesda, MD 20814 Lawrence Coe Lanpher, Esq.

Karla J. Letsche, Esq. Mr. Frederick J. Shon

  • Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Atomic Safety and Licensing Eighth Floor
Board 1900 M Street, N.W.

l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20036 East-West Towers, Rm. 430 l 4350 East-West Hwy. Fabian G. Palomino, Esq.

  • l Bethesda, MD 20814 -

Special Counsel to the Governor [ Executive Chamber Secretary of the Commission Room 229 Attention Docketing and Service State Capitol Section Albany, New York 12224 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i 1717 H Street, N.W. Mary Gundrum, Esq. Washington, D.C. 20555 Assistant Attorney General 2 World Trade Center Atomic Safety and Licensing Room 4614 Appeal Board Panel New York, New York 10047 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 f

I Spence W. Perry, Esq.

  • Ms. Nora $ redes General Counsel Executive Coordinator Federal Emergency Management Shoreham Opponents' Coalition Agency 195 East Main Street 500 C Street, S.W., Room 840 Smithtown, New York 11787 Washington, D.C. 20472 Gerald C. Crotty, Esq. l Mr. Jay Dunkleberger Counsel to the Governor i New York State Energy Office Executive Chamber l Agency Building 2 State Capitol Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12224 Albany, New York 12223 Martin Bradley Ashare, Esq.
  • Stephen B. Latham, Esq.
  • Eugene R. Kelly, Esq.

Twomey, Latham & Shea Suffolk County Attorney 33 West Second Street H. Lee Dennison Building P.O. Box 298 Veterans Memorial Highway Riverhead, New York 11901 Hauppauge, New York 11787 , Jonathan D. Feinberg, Esq. Dr. Monroe Schneider New York State Department of North Shore Committee Public Service, Staff Counsel P.O. Box 231 Three Rockefeller Plaza Wading River, NY 11792 Albany, New York 12223 William E. Cumming, Esq.

  • Associate General Counsel Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C Street, S.W.

Room 840 Washington, D.C. 20472


O t' e6.B. Zeu g Hunton & Williams

707 East Main Street P.O. Box 1535 Richmond, Virginia 23212 DATED: September 30,1986 1

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