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Quarterly Rept on Nondisclosure of Safeguards Info for Apr-June 1983
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1983
NUDOCS 8703130032
Download: ML20212N462 (2)


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-Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, prohibits the unauthorized disclosure'of specific types of Safeguards Information' .

This section also directs the Nuclear Regulatory Commissin (NRC) to E prescribe such regulations as ~ necessary to prohibit the unauthorized ,

disclosure of Safeguards Information. . NRC's regulations implementing

-Section 147 were published in the Federal Register on October 22, 1981-

! (46 FR 51718). The attachment to this report identifies the-specific types of information, documents, and reports.that are protected from

unauthorized disclosure.

'l Section 147 also requires that the NRC report on a quarterly basis the Commission's application during that period on every regulation or order prescribed or issued under this section. As required by Section 147, the following items indicate the Safeguards Information regulations ,

during the period April 1,1983 through June 30, 1983.

I. Type of Information Withheld On one occasion information, which identified the location of i vital areas, was withheld from public disclosure. This information was contained in an internal NRC document which was prepared in connection with an ~ investigation of an abnormal incident.

Unauthorized Disclosure Could Have Adverse Impact The public disclosure of this type of information could reasonably

, be expected to significantly decrease the effectiveness of the

access control system used to insure that only authorized individuals having work related needs are permitted access to vital areas.

Assurance that Only the Minimum Amount of Information was Withheld l- '

The remainder of the document was released for public disclosure.

The withholding of this type of Safeguards Information does not deny the public information concerning the facility but .

j does leave information gaps. A line-by-line review of the document was conducted to ensure that only the minimum amount of information was withheld, i II. Type of Information Withheld -

On one occasion information was withheld from public disclosure which identified local law enforcement response capabilities, safe havens for use during safeguards emergencies, and comunications i shortcomings along particular routes used to ship irradiated nuclear reactor fuel (spent fuel).

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B703130032 870313 PDR MISC QO'515003JlL PDR ,

2 Unauthorized Disclosure Could Have Adverse Impact The public ' disclosure of local law enforcement agency (LLEA) capabilities, the safe havens, and the information identifying communications shortcomings could reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on the health and safety of the public, because public disclosure could significantly increase the likelihood of theft, diversion, or sabotage of spent fuel shipments. The LLEA response capabilities contain detailed information about the expected timing and extent of LLEA response to an incident or emergency involving a spent fuel shipment. LLEA response is an important aspect of the safeguards measures required for spent fuel shipments to protect the public, and knowledge of LLEA capabilities" could be of considerable value to a potential saboteur in considering or planning a sabotage attempt. Furthennore, public release of information

.concerning LLEA capabilities that was obtained in confidence by NRC could reduce the effectiveness of local police with regard to their response to other crimes. The listing of safe havens could reveal to a potential saboteur an aspect of a licensee's contingency planning in case of emergency, as well as potential route vulnerabilities revealed by the absence of nearby safe havens. Communications shortcomings reveal specific vulnerabilities in the route which could be of significant assistance to a saboteur in planning an attack.

Assurance that Only the Minimum Amount of Information was Withheld The withholding of infonr.ation about LLEA response capabilities, safe havens, and communication vulnerabilities does not deny the public basic information about spent fuel transportation, but does leave information gaps for a potential saboteur. The potential saboteur may risk detection in attempting to discover the additional information. The documents which contain the withheld information were reviewed on a line-by-line basis to ensure that. the minimum amount of information necessary to prevent possible diversion was withheld. .
