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Rept of Site Visit to Inspect Faulting.Concludes That Area Bedrock Faults Are Not Capable W/In Meaning of 10CFR100, Displacement of Astoria Formation Is non-tectonic, & Faults Are at Least 300,000 Years old.W/12 Oversize Drawings in CF
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 10/31/1978
From: Lefevre H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Denise R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-WNP-1286 NUDOCS 7811140060
Download: ML20197B990 (4)


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g ocr s t am MDDRANDUM FOR: Richard F. Denise, Assistaat Director for Site Technology, DSE PROM: Barold E. Lafavre, Coologist Coology and Seismology Section Geoeciensee Branch, DSE

] TEEUs J. Carl Stepp, Chief, Geoeciences Branch, DSE Robert E. Jackson, Leader, Geology and Seismology Section, Geosciences Branch, DSE SUBJECT SITE VISIT TO INSFECT FAULTING AT tCP 5 DOCKET NUMBER: STN 50-509 FACILITY: WFFSS Nuclarer Ptoject, No. 5 PERMITTEEt Washington Public Power Supply System Backaround On Friday, September 29, 1978, David D. Tillson of Washington Public Power Supply System (WFFSS) notified Harold E. Lefevre of the NRC that (1) the excavation for Unit No. 5 had been completed, (2) that the walle had been geologically mapped and subsequently covered with a thin coating of concrete (guaits) and, (3) that within one to two weeks mapping of the escavation floor for Unit 5 should be corplete.

Mr. Tillson indicated that several faults, similar to those inspected by the NRC on earlier visite (October 26,1977 ::.d March 9,1970),

had been encountered in the excavation. The floor had not yet been prepared for mapping.

In order to esamine WFFSS's documentation of the Unit 5 faults and to observe available rock exposures in the exenvation floor, a site visit was conducted on October 17, 1978 by Harold E. Lefevre of the NRC and representatives of WFFSS. EBASCO, the Unit 5 architect-encineer, and WFFSS's geologic consultant, WoodwardeClyde Consultants OEC). A list of the site visit attendeem is attached as Enclosure "A".

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  • h R. P. Denise OCT 311978 -

Meeting Discussion Before ====4=ing the uncovered portion of the Unit 5 excavation,

,i D..McCrumb of WCC described the faults mapped in the excavation, the;tmpping status, and procudures utilised by WCC in conducting

this mapping. As described by Mr. McCrtsub, five northwesterly-trending reverse faults (fanit sones) with characteristics similar to those graviously identified, reported,and later examined by the NRC staff have been found within the Unit 5 excavation.

Since the excavation walls and the floor (with the exception of a sen11 area in the southwesttrcrtion of the excavation) have been obscured by a cover of concrete,a detailed office examination was made of color photographs of bedrock wall exposures and available preliminary geologic maps of the excavation walls and floor.

Copies of the preliminary geologic wape (4) of the walls will be placed in the Montesano, Washington and NRC Public Document Rooms.

These unpo are attached as Enclosure "B". The geologic map of the exenvation floor was neither complete nor assembled. Consequently copies of the map ens not available for reproduction.t "Our preview of these maps indicates that five WP-5 faults, identified as Faults IV, V, VI, VII-VIII, and IX, with the exception of Fault V, dip to the northeast with apparent displacements ranging from 0.1' (Fault IX) to 5.9' (Fault IV) . Pault V dips to the southwest.

Only three (Faults IV, VII-VIII, and IX) of the five faults extend scress the entire azcavation. Fault Vils found only on the east un11, is limited to the upper 20 ft of the excavation and does not offset the underlying rock units. Fault IX, with a 0.1' apparent displacement, was mapped on the west ws11 and extends along the excavation floor a short distance before dying out. !!y exanination

' of the above information indicated that the WPN-5 faults were as described by Mr. McCrumb of WCC. The faults appeared similar to those examined by the NRC staff on two previous occasions (see the trip reports of H. E. Lefevre of October 27, 1977 and R. E. Jackson of March 9, 1978). 4 . I. Lefevre inspected the UPN-3 faults while R. E. Jackson viewed faults inunediately overlying and imediately adjacent to what is now the WPN-5 excavation and elsewhere in the site area. As a result of both previous visits, the staff concluded that the WP-3 and WP-5 faults observed on those occasions were not capable within the meaning of Appendix A to 10 CFR. Part 100.

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l l OCT' 31 Y .

R. P. Denise -

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! Following the review of the photos and the available preliminary geologic maps a visit was made to the following areas:


1. WNF-5 emeavation l'
2. Circulating water pipe trench near WFN-3 j 3. Itailroad fault
4. Purgatory 3 and Helm Creek 1 and 2 WFN-5 Excavation

. , The entire escavation, with the exception of a scull (approximate 1/

70 ft by 130 ft) area in the southwest corner of the floor, has been covered with a thin layer of concrete. A small portion of this area had just been cimanad prepatory to geologic mapping. I observed I a single well-lithifted fault in this area. The fault has a si uous northwesterly trend. Insufficient reliabic czposures were available to determine the dip of the fault. WCC's mapping of the west wall of the escavation identified this as Fault VI, a reversa fault striking

, N22' W to N 40' W and dipping approximately 80* to the northeast.

l Dip separation is approximately 0.3 ft. The characteristics of the exposed fault are similar to those observed by the NRC ctaff of other locations on the earlier site visite.

i Circulating Water Pipe Trench This trench is located i==adiately to the west of the UNP-3 excavation.

A northwestward continuation of Fault I-III (first identified in the WNP-3 excavation) was noted in the west wall of the trench. This exposure of Fault I-III la consistent with that seen on the October:27, j  ; 1977 NRC staff visit.

i i

! '2ailroad ?ault This fault exposure had been previously examined by R. E. Jackson '

. on his March, 1978 site visit.

I i

Ny observations were similar to those of Dr. Jackson in that the

well-lithified fault zone does not displace the overlying well-bedded fielm Creek Terrace imits. Based on regional relationships this terrace deposit is approximately 300,000 years old.


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R.'?. Densie - 4-Helm Creek 1 and 2, and Pu g go_ry 3 Areas

, The faults within these areas (previously seen by Dr. Jackson on l

. his March,1978 visit) are no longer visible because of vegetative l i cover and/or subsequent construction actisity.



Conclusiou .

Doctusentation provided by WPPSS (photographs and preliminary c6 pies

! of geologic mappiang of the UPN-5 excavation) confires and strengthens the earlier staff positions that the WPN-3 and WNP-5 arae bedrock faults are not capable within the meaning of 10 CPR Part 100, Appendi:: A. The WNP-5 faults are sinilar in orientation and charneter to the bedrock faults pravionaly seen in the kTN-3 and Plant Island area. The limited nature of two of the UNP-5 faults (Fault V and 17.)

indicates strongly that displacement of the Astoria formation is of not-tectonic origin, occurred prior to lithification, and is of l

' Crest age (at the least 300,000 years old).


Harold E. Lefevra, Geologist Geology and Seisnology Section Geosciences Branch l

Divisica or Site Safety and l -

-< - Envirorrie'ntal A.nalysis Enclosuse: '-

( As stated cc w/ encia. "A" and "B":

cc w/enci "A":

I '

R. Boyd Docket File (HRC)

, R. DeYoung PDR

- D. Vassallo Local PDR O. Parr

. A. Bournia D. Budge

; P. J. Williams l  ! J. Greeves I I J. McGurren

! D. Svenson l N. Strand (WPPSS) .

j D. T111 son (WPPSS) l l K. Othberg (Wash. Dept of Natural Resources)~

l ACES (13)'

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MAY 141981 5) g'y/

QAB Chron. File WJohnston, DE JConway,QAB MEMORANDUM FOR: Robert L. Tedesco. Assistant Director for Licensing, Division of Licensing FROM: William V. Johnston, Assistant Director for Materials &

Qualifications Engineering, Division of Engineering


REQUEST FOR SUBMITTAL OF REVISED QA PROGRAMS FOR WNP 1/4 AND WNP 3/5 In the Bouchey/Schwencer letter dated May 1,1981, Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) submitted a revised QA program description for the design and con-struction of WNP-2 for the staff's evaluation. Substantial changes both at the corporate and project offices to the organization and the QA program, including the selection of new construction management organizations, will also effect the other four projects - WNP l/4 and WNP 3/5.

Accordingly, to assure that the revised design and construction QA programs for WNP 1/4 and WNP 3/5 remain in confomance with Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, it is requested that WPPSS submit a description of these programs, including those of their principal contractors, by July 1,1981 for staff review and acceptance.

Jim Conway (X27741) is the reviewer for the WPPSS projects in the QAS.

kl William V. Johnston, Assistant Director for Materials & Qualifications Engineering Division of Engineering cc: B. Fauikenberry, RV F. Miraglia E. Adensam M. Peranich R. Auluck

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