ML20154B062 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | University of Virginia |
Issue date: | 09/29/1998 |
To: | Alexander Adams NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned) |
Shared Package | |
ML20154B066 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9810050088 | |
Download: ML20154B062 (19) | |
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Senior Project Manager No -power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate gWa r "r..Ifha U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442 M.S. 0-11-B-20 804/924-7421 FAX: 804/982-2037 Rockville mD: 804/982. HEAR MD 20852-2738
Proposed Set of Amendments to UVAR Technical Specifications (TS); University of Virginia Reactor, Docket No 50-62, License R-66.
Dear N idams:
Enclosed please find a series of proposed amendments to UVAR Technical Specifications. These changes are being requested to permit the evolution of the status of the UVAR from an operational facility to one that has been permanently shut down in preparation for decommissioning.
As was previously communicated to the NRC, the University of Virginia Reactor was operated at power for the last time on June 30,1998. Currently all reactor fuel elements have been unloaded from the gridplate and spent fuel shipments to Savannah River are in an advanced stage of preparation. Given these developments, a number of TS changes are needed in short order to relieve the reactor staff from surveillance and other license requirements which either are no longer possible or necessary. Additional amendment requests address changes the University wishes to make to Reactor Facility administrative controls.
Details concerning these amendments are presented in the enclosures. Please find in attachment a i
listing of and justifications for the proposed changes, together with a charter for the new UVAR /
Decommissioning Committee and a copy of the desired UVAR TS should they be amended as requested. Please contact me at (804) 982-5440 or by e-mail sent to rum @ Virginia.EDU should you have eed for additionalinformation. /b7#
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S,mc ly, cemmanusseh of Virginh
l O I heneby cert #y that the attached d<xument is a true and
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/ esact copy of a $U _ presented befort 3 w ar n u m Robert U. Mulkr, Director U.Va. Reactor Facility & rne inn Mp day of M .19bg .
j Assoc. Prof. of Nuclear Eng. ny bOhd kh/
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! cc: Mr. Craig Basset, NRC Region II, Atlanta, Ga. I, ,
Document Control Desk, NRC, Washington DC !
[ 5 %' N 9810050088 9so929 My commissien expires ~ ?F
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DR p ADOCK 05000062 l PDR l
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LISTING OF AND JUSTIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED CHANGES TO l UVAR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Definitions Section of UVAR TS It is proposed that four new definitions be adJad to the UVAR Technical Specifications (TS) to support present and future changes to the TS expected to be related to UVAR permanent shutdown, decontamination and decommissioning. The propose > TS ,
changes are expressed in bold italic print immediately below: l l
Note: Definitions have been added to Section 1 (in hold and italic print) for use durine the time the reactor is perinanently shutdown and subject to or in the process ofdeconunissionine.
Deconunissionine: Deconunissioning means to reinore afacility or site safelyfrom senice l and reduce residual radioactivity to a level thatpermits: (1) release ofthepropertyfor unrestricted use and termh.ation ofthe license; or (2) release oftheproperty under restricted conditions and termination ofthe license (10CFR50.2). Deconunissioning does not include storage or removal offuel, or non-radiological demolition activities.
i Decontamination: Decontamination are the activities employed to reduce the levels of radioactive and/or ha:ardous contamination in or on material, structures and equipment.
Reactor Facility: Reactor Facility refers to the inunediate site-area surrounding and including the reactor building which houses the University of Virginia Reactor (UVAR).
The site boundary is demarcated by a chain linkfence andgates.
Permanent Reactor Shutdown: A reactor is in a permanent shutdown state when all reactor fuel elements have been removedfrom the reactor gridplate and an administrative order is in place to prevent a reloading ofthe core.
The definition for " decommissioning" is a standard definition taken from NRC regulations. The definition for " decontamination" is in common use. The definition for " Reactor Facility" codifies the historical use of that phrase which had not previously been l
defined formally. The concept of " permanent reactor shutdown" is l used in the proposed TS changes and needed definition.
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- - 2 Cobalt-60 Facility The Cobalt-60 facility heretofore has been used and stored in the UVAR pool. Eventually the reactor pool will have to be drained,
, in which case the cobalt first should be removed from the pool l
for dry storage in shielded containers or in a shielded location, as appropriate. It is anticipated that the cobalt will be held by U.Va. for decay until it is shiprad offsite as waste at some future time. Once removed from the UVAR pool, the cobalt will not be used in experiments under the UVAR licenset rather, it will be held for decay and eventual disposal. The modifications to the present TS shown below in bold italic print would permit removal of the cobalt from the pool for shielded storage.
3.6.6. QLbalt Facility The Co-60 rods possessed under the UVAR Operating License when used and stored in the UVAR pool shall be at distances greater than 5 feet from the operating UVAR reactor.
Gamma irradiation facilities utilizing the Co-60 rods shall be designed to prevent physical damage to the Co-60 rods. IVhen the Co-60 rods are in thepool, UVAR pool water samples shall be subjected to gamma spectroscopy for the presence of Co-60 on a monthly frequency, (interval not to exceed six weeks) to assure that substantial leakage of Co-60 from the rods to reactor pool water does not occur.
Bases: (TS 3.6.1 - 3.6.5) The limitations on experiments specified in TS 3.6.1 through TS 3.6.5 are based on the irradiation program authorized by Amendment No. 3 to License No. R-66 dated August 13,1962. The reactivity ofless than 0.13$ that can be inserted or removed with the reactor in operation is to accommodate experiments in the rabbits.
(Co-60 Facility) When the Co-60 rods are in the UVARpoolthey shall be kept a safe distance away from the UVAR reactor when it is operated, to avoid neutron activation and possible failure of the rod cladding, which may result in leakage of Co-60 to the reactor pool water. The Co-60 rods and the gamma irradiation facilities in which they are used will not be used in conjunction with the UVAR.
The monthly reactor pool water sampling frequency, adopted to monitor possible Co-6u leakage from the rods,is the same as that used in the U.S. AEC Safety Evaluation that was performed for these rods by the Division of Reactor Licensing on August 4,1971. This is a reasonable frequency, for the most likely damage to the rods would be caused by cladding corrosion leading to pin holes. Co-60 leakage under these circumstances would proceed very slowly, into a large pool of water. Therefore, a monthly water sampling and analysis frequency should be adequate to indicate contamination levels before they become significant. UVAR poolwater need not be sampled and analyzedfor Co-60 leakage if all rods have been remoredfrom thepool.
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Emergency Decay Heat Removal Tanks The justification for the change (deletion) of TS 3.10 is self-documented in the proposed text.
3.10. Emercency Removal of Decav Heat This TS has been deleted because the reactor core has beenpermanently unloaded. The emergency decay heat removal system is designed to only cool elements located on the gridplate. Asfuel will never beplaced on the gridplate again, this TS is no longer needed.
UVAR Primary Coolant It is proposed that TS 3.11 not be applicable following removal of the Cobalt-60 facility and all UVAR fuel from the pool because its purpose then will no longer exist. The basis for this TS has been expanded to justify the change in applicability.
3.11. Primarv Coolant Condition Avolicability: TechnicalSpecification 3.11 applies until all reactorfuel elements and Co-60 pins have been removedfrom the UVARpool. Following their removal, TS 3.11 is not applicable during thepermanent shutdown and deconunissioningperiod. A substitute TS for thisperiodis unnecessary. This speci0 cation applies to the quality of the primary coolant in contact with the fuel cladding.
Obiectives: The objectives are (1) to minimize the possibility for corrosion of the cladding on the fuel elements and (2) to minimize neutron activation of dissolved materials.
Speci0 cations:
3.11.1. Conductivity Conductivity of the pool water shall be no higher than 5 x 104 mhos/cm.
3.11.2. Water oH The pH of the poolwater shall be between 5.0 and 7.5.
Bases: A small rate of corrosion continuously occurs in a water-metal system. To limit this rate, and thereby extend the longevity and integrity of the fuel cladding, a water cleanup system is required. Experience with water quality control at many reactor facilities has shown that maintenance within the specified limits provides acceptable control.
By limiting the concentrations of dissolved materials in the water, the radioactivity of neutron activation products is limited. This is consistent with the as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA) principle, and tends to decrease the inventory of radionuclides in the entire coolant system, which will decrease personnel exposures during maintenance and operations.
@ .q o' 4 Following rensoral ofallfuel elements and Co-60pinsfrom thepool, fuel cladding and Co-60pinjacket corrosion due to improperpoobrater conditions is no longerpossible Also, activation ofdissoh ed minerals in thepoobrater cannot occur ifthe reactor does not operate. Consequently, primary water quality conditions can be relaxed and need not be specified in the TechnicalSpecifications once allfuel element and cobaltpins are removed from thepool.
Surveillance Requirements It-is proposed that TS.4.1 through TS 4.9 be deleted, with the adoption of the following text to self-document and justify the deletions:
4.0. SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS TS 1.1 through 1.3 and TS 1.5 through 1.9 have all been deleted. Thejustificationfor each deletion is given below. TS 1. l has been modified with respect to its applicability.
4.1 This TS has been deleted because surveillance requirements on shim rod operation, rod drop times, reactivity measurements and rodphysical condition are notpossible, necessary nor appropriate ofthe reactor has been permanently and completely unloadedfrom the core gridplate.
4.2 This TS has been deleted because a reactor safety system only is necessaryfor an operating or operable reactor. Safety system channeltests, checks, calibrations, and a core heat balance are notpossible, necessary nor appropriate ofthe reactor has been permanently and cmnpletely unloadedfrmn the core gridplate.
4.3 This TS has been deleted because the emergency core spray system does not need to be checked and itsflow rate measured ifthe reactor has been permanently and completely unloadedfrom the coregridplate.
4.4 The wording as to the applicability ofthis TS has been changed to recogni:e that once the reactorfuelhas been completely removedfrom the Facility, and the Co-60 pins are no longer storedin the UVARpool, an area radiation monitoring system willno longer be needed because it will then be impossible to generate very high radiation levels.
4.5 This TS has been deleted because maintenance and surveillance ofreactor control or safety systems is notpossible, necessary or appropriate ifthe reactor has been permanently and completely unloadedfrom the core gridplate.
4.6 This TS has been deleted because surveillance ofthe reactor room closure equipment operability is not necessary or appropriate ifthe reactor has been permanently shut down and completely unloadedfrom the core gridplate. Fueled experiments cannot be run, and thefission product levels in thefuel arefar below the levels in an operating reactor.
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. 5 4.7 This TS has been deleted because surveillance of the airborne effluent monitor ofthe ventilation ductfront the groundfloor experhnental area is not necessary or appropriate seith the reactorperinanently and completely defuelled. No experinsents producing airborne effluents in association with the reactor can be run.
4.8 This TS has been deleted becauseprhnary coolant condition requirements are set in TS 3.11, and those requirements will remain only until allfuel elements have been removed from thepool. The surveillancefrequency ofcoolant quality conditions is appropriately addressedhs UVARSOPs.
4.9 This TS has been deleted because secondary system coolant surveillance is notpossible or needed ifthe reactor is permanently shut down. The surveillance relics on the regular production ofNa-21in theprhnary coolant by an operating reactor. At this time, allNa-2-1 has decayed away. Also, with the reactor shutdown a leak in the heat exchanger would result in secondary coolantJIow into the prhnary coolant, and not the other way around as is the case when the reactor is being operated with theprhnary coolantpump on.
Area Radiation Monitoring Equipment It is' proposed that the applicability section of TS 4.4 be amended as shown below. Now that the UVAR fuel elements have been unloaded permanently, only the bridge radiation monitor of the area radiation monitoring equipment will still be useful during the removal of Co-60 pins from the pool and for the shipment of UVAR fuel. There will be no use for the bridge radiation monitor once these radiation sources are gone, 4.4. Area Radiation Monitoring Eauipment I
Anolicability: TS 4..I applies to the bridee radiation nmnitor referenced in Table 3.1. This TS will cease to annh' once all UVAR fuel elements have been renmved frmn the Reactor Facility and all Co-60 vins have been taken from the UVAR v001 for shleided storage elsewhere.
UVAR Confinement It is proposed that TS 5.2 be deleted, with the adoption of the following text to self-document and justify the deletion:
l 5.2. Reactor Building TS 5.2 has been deleted,for the specifications on confinement, ventilation and reactor roomfree vohune have been required to restrict leakage ofradionuclides produced i during reactor operation atpower. The UVAR is no longer operated.
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6 UVAR Fuel Use and Storage 1
It is proposed that the applicability of TS 5.3 be amended, with the adoption of the text shown below which will cover the period i before and after completion of spent reactor fuel shipments. '
Following shipment of the reactor fuel NRC permission is nee'ed d j for the possession of small amounts of plutonium on-site under I the UVAR license which is in the form of start-up sources, sources, irradiation targets, flux foils and fission chambers.
5.3. Fuel Use and Storage Applicability: IVith the exception of TechnicalSpecification S.3.2. TS 5.3 avnlies until all i reactor fuelelements have been ru:tored from the UVAR Facility. Followine their removal, i TS 5.3 is not avalicable during the permanent shutd<nvn and decomndssioning periott A \
substitute for TS 5.3.2 for this period. TS S.3.2.A. is presentect The specifications below apply
! to University of Virginia Reactor fuel used and/or stored at the University of Virginia Reactor l Facility.
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S.3.2.A. Plutonium Possession Lindt Avalicability: TS 5.3.2.A. is applicable during theperiodfediowing the renwval ofall reactor fuel elementsfrenn the Reactor Facility.
l Allplutoniumpresent in start-up sources, sources, irradiation targets,fluxfinis andfission chambers may bepossessed and useil Changes to Facility Administration It is proposed that TS 6 be amended as suggested below to take into account new changes in administrative controls desired by i the university. These changes are necessary now that the UVAR has been permanently shutdown and the university prepares for its decommissioning. During the pre- and decommissioning periods, additional university administrators will be assigned roles and responsibi'.ities as described below. The roles of the reactor
! staff, reactor director and the Reactor Safety Committee need to be modified as the preparatory steps for decommissioning are l completed. For example, administrative functions related to an
- operational or operating reactor are no longer relevant with the reactor in permanent shutdown.(Obs: Safety limits cannot be exceed with the UVAR in permanent shutdown.) Others functions t
related to reactor safety will cease once all reactor fuel has been shipped off-site.
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.6.1. Oreanization Anolicabilitv; The specifications listed below in TS 6.1.1 through TS 6.1.4. apply to the organizational structure of the University of Virginia as it relates to the actiiities conducted at the Reactor Facility during thepermanent shutdown and deconunissioningperlocL Obiective: The objective is to describe the chain of command having responsibility for the safe -
shutdown, defueling, decontandnation and deconmassioning of the Reactor Facility. At the various administration levels, the functions, assignments, responsibilities and associated professional background, training and requalification requirements are listed, as applicable.
6.1.1. Structure The Reactor Facility shall be an integral part of the University of Virginia. The organizational structure of U.Va.. relating to the Reactor Facility is shown in Figure 6.1. The Fice Presidentfor Research and Public Senice (Level 1) shall have overall responsibilityfor management ofthe Facility.
The UVAR Decommissioning Committee Chai-(Leve/ 2) shall be responsible for advising the Vice Presidentfor Research and Puldic Senice (Level 1) on all matters pertaining to the decommissioning and decontamination of the University of Virginia Reactor Facility. The committee members shall be appointed by the U.Va. Provost and may include reactor stagfrom Levels 2 and 3 and employees from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. The Chair of the UVAR Decommissioning Committee also serves as the Director of the Office of Environmental I Health and Safety and as Chair of the Radiation Safety Committee.
6.1.2. Resoonsibility During the UVARpernwnent shutdown and deconunissioningperiod, the Chairman ofthe Reactor Deconunissioning Conmdttee (Level 2) shall be responsiblefor the direction of deconmdssioning activities at the Reador Facility.
The Reactor Director shall be responsiblefor the overallfacility operation (Level 2), After permanent shutd<m'n ofthe reactor, the Reador Director shall also assist the DC Chairman.
Duringperiods when the Reactor Facility Director (Level 2) is absent, the Director's responsibilities are automatically delegated to the Reactor Supenisor (Level 3).
I- The Reactor Facility Director shall have at least a bachelor's degree in science or engineering and L have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the nuclear field. A graduate degree may fulfill 4 years of experience on a one-for-one time basis.
The Reactor Supervisor shall be responsiblefor the day-to-day activities at the UVAR and ensuring that these are conducted in a safe manner and within the finats prescribed by the
- facility license. During periods when the Reactor Supervisor is absent, his responsibilities are
,_ delegated to a person holding a Senior Reactor Operator license (Level 4).
'A Reactor Supervisor shall have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in science or engineering and
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have at least 2 years of experience in Reactor Operations at this facility, or an equivalent facility, l or at least 6 years of experience in Reactor Operations. Equivalent education or experience may be substituted for a degree. Within nine months after being assigned to the position, the Reactor Supervisor shal1 obtain and maintain an NRCSenior Reactor Operator license ifreactorfuelis still at the Facility, or an NRC Reactor Operator license ifall reactorfuel has been shipped ofsite.
6.1.3. Staffina -
l A licensedSenior Reactor Operator shallsupervise any nsoventent ofreactorfuel. One or more l health physicists, organizationally independent of the Reactor Staff as shown in Figure 6.1, shall be responsible for radiological safety at the Reactor Facility.
6.1.4. Selection and Trainine of Personnel The selection, training and requalification of personnel shallftdlow the American National Standard for Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors, ANSI /ANS-15.4-1988, Sections 4-6, to the extent applicable to the deconunissioning status ofthefacility. The selected criteriafor thepersonnel will be contained in the NRC-approved Operator Requahfication
- Progrant, as amended.
Rasgs: Sections 6.1,6.1.1,6.1.2,6.1.3 and 6.1.4 of the American National Standard ANSI /ANS l 15.1-1990 "The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors," describe a generic and generally acceptable organizauonal structure for U.S. research reactors. They provide the bases for TS 6.1 above. Sonw ofthe ANSI standard reconunendations apply to operable or operating reactorfacilities, and are not necessarily validfor staffhired to perform deconmdssioning activities.6.2 6.2 Reactor Safety Conunittee and Reactor Deconunissionine Conunittee
- 6. 2.A. Reactor Safety Committee Apolicability: The specifications 6.2.A.] through 6.2A.3 apjdy to the expert group who will provide specific reviews and audits ofReactor Facility operations.
Obiective: To describe the makeup, responsibilities, and authority of the Reactor Safety Committee.
l j 6.2.A.J. Comoosition and Oualification
. There shall be a Reactor Safety Conunirtee (ReSC) to review and audit reador operations and ensure that the Reactor Facility is operated in a safe manner within the terms ofthe reactor license However, reactor safety concerns will end once all reactorfuel elements have been i
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permanently shippedfrom the Reactor Facility. At that time the needfor a Re SC shah cease, i and any remaining radiation safety issues shall be referred to and be addressed by the \
University's Radiation Safety Conunittee. The TechnicalSpecification requirenwntfor a Reactor Safety Conunittee shall ceasefollowing the shipment ofall reactorfuel elements off-site. 1 The Reactor Safety Conunittee shall bepart ofthe Radiation Safety Conmattee (Ra SC) and report to its Chairman, who is the coordinatorfor alllicenses involving the use ofradioactive materials and radiation producing equipment. The Conmattee 3 hall be composed ofat least I four nwmbers, and shallinclude the Radiation Safety Oficer ofthe University and the Director ifthe Reactor Facility. The Reactor Director shall be the sole reactor staff representative on the C<mmdttee. Collectively, the conmattee nwmbers shall represent a broad spectrum ofexpertise in the research-reactorfield. The nwmbership ofthe Conmattee shall be such as to maintain a degree oftechnicc! proficiency in areas relating to reactor safety. The nwmbers may be drawnfrom within or outside the operating organization.
The Re SC shall advise the l' ice Presidentfor Research and Public Service and the Director of
the Reactor Facility on reactor safety concerns in the operation ofthefacility. The Re SC reviews and audits are designed to uncm'er deficiencies that affect reactor safety, i
6.2.A.2. Charter and Rules (1) A quorum of the Committee shall consist of not less than the majority of the full committee The Chair can designate another member from the Committee to preside in his absence.
l (2) The Committee shall meet at least semiannually and shall be on call by the Chair. Minutes of all meetings shall be disseminated as designated by the Chair.
(3) The Conunittee shall have a written civ.rter defining such matters as the authority of the Conunittee, the subjects within its pm view, and other administrative provisions as are required for effective functioning o rthe Committee.
6.2.B. Reactor Deconunissionine Conunittee Avelicabilitv: The specifications 6.2.B.1 through 6.2B.3 apply to the expert group who will have responsibility and oversightfor deconmassioningplanning and execution activities at the Reactor Facility.
Objective: To describe the makeup, responsibilities and authority ofthe Reactor Deconunissioning Conmattee.
6.2B.J. Conuwsition and Oualification There shall be a Reactor Deconmdssioning Conunittee (Re DC) to plan and execute the deconmdssioning ofthe Reactor Facility in a safe, legal and tinwly manner. Collectively, the
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10 i conmattee members shall represent broad spectrum ofexpertise in the research-reador and health-physicsflekts, whoprmIde experience in reactor operations, radiochendstry, radiologicalsafety.utd university adndnistration. Conwdttee members may be drawnfrom within or outside the University of Virginia. The Conmattee shall be composed ofat leastfour members, and shallinclude the Radiation Safety ODicer ofthe University and the Director of the Reactor Facility.
The Reactor Deconwdssioning Conmattee shall report to the Vice Presidentfor Research and Ptablic Service (Level 1), and advise hhn on all matters impacting the deconwdssioning ofthe Reactor Facility. Charter and Rules (1) A quorum ofthe Deconwdssioning Conwittee shall consist ofnot less than the umjority ofthefullconmuttee. The Re DC Chair can designate another memberfrom the Conmattee topresidein his absence.
(2) Ilse Deconmdssioning Conmattee shall meet at least quarterly and shall be on call by the Chair. Meeting nanntes shall be dissendnated as requiredin the DC Charter.
(3) The Deconurdssioning Conmattee shall have a written charter defining such matters as the authority ofthe Ccmmattee, the subjects within its purview, and other adndnistrativeprovisions as are requiredfor effectirefunctioning ofthe Conunittee.
6.2.B.3. Decanurdssioning Conunittee Functhm As a ndninmm the responsibilities ofthe Reactor Deconmdssioning Conmattee include:
(1) Review and approval ofprojiosed changes to the Reactor Facility in accordance with 10CFR50.59(a).
(2) Review and apprm al ofproposed changes to TechnicalSpecifications and the reactor license, with the exception ofchanges to the organi:ationalstructure The responsibility and authorityfor the organi:ational structurefor the Reactor Facility resides with the Vice President andPrmost.
(3) Adndnistration ofthe Deconunissioning Plan, including the selection, control and auditing ofdeconmassioning work subcontractors.
(4) Maintain congdete decoormassioning records.
See enclosed revised Figure 6.1 Organi:ational Structure of U. Va. Relating to Reactor Facility
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Lines ofResponsibility
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6.3.2. Chances to SOPS l
Substantive changes to approved procedures shall be made only with the approval of the Reactor
! Safety Committee (or the Reador Diredor and the Radiation Safety Officer aper the Re SC ceases to exist) l Basis: Section 6.4 of American National Standard ANSI /ANS 15.1 1990, "The Development of ,
- l. Technical Specifications for Research Reactors," suggests acceptable procedural controls to '
applied to operating U.S. research reactors.
6.6. Reauired Actions l Apolicability: The specifications below apply to instances where radiologically unsafe situations
!- have been, or were likely to have been, generated.
Obiective: The objective is to report unsafe conditions, study their causes and consequences, !
determine their effect on the health and safety of personnel and the public, and take corrective l action to prevent recurrence.
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! Specifications:
6u6.1. Action To Be Taken in the Event ofa Reportable Occurrence l A reportable occurrence is any ofthefcalowing conditions:
(1) An observedinadequacy in the inydementation ofeither adnanistrative orprocedural controls, such that the inadequacy couh.'have causedthe existence or development of an unsafe condition at the Reactor Facility.
(2) Abnormal and significant degradation in reactorfuel, and/or cladding, coolant boundary, or containment boundary (excluding udnor leaks) where applicable that could result in exceedingprescribed radiation-erposure finats ofpersonnel andfor environment.
(3) Major damage to the Co-60 rods resulting in Co-60 concentrations in reactorpool water in eccess of1 x 1(l' ndero-curies /nd.
In the event ofa reportable occurrence, thefollowing action shall be taken:
(a) Ongoing activities shall cease untilthe occurrence has been resolveti (b) The Director ofthe Reactor Facility or his designee shall be notified as soon as possible and corrective action taken asforeseen in theprocedures.
(c) A written report ofthe occurrence shall be made which shallinclude an analysis ofthe cause ofthe occurrence, the corrective action taken, and reconmsendationsfor measures to preclude or reduce theprobability ofreoccurrence This report shall be subndtted to the Director and the Reactor Safety Conmattee andfor the Radiation Safety Officerfor review.
(d) A report shall be subndsted to the Nuclear Regulatory Conmassion in accordance with Section 6. 7 ofthese specifications.
Bases: National Standard ANSI /ANS-15.1-1990, "The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors," describes in sections 6.6 and 6.7 acceptable specifications for required actions related to safety limits violations, actions to be taken upon their discovery, and reporting requirements. These form the bases for the above specifications.
6.7.1. Reoortine ofIncidents (1) Immediate notification should be made by telephone, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Headquarters Operations Center of:
(a) Personnel total effective dose equivalent of 25 rem or more.
i4 (b)- The release of radioactive material, inside or outside of a restricted area, that results, or could result, over a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period, in personnel intake of 5 times the annual limit on intake specified in 10 CFR 20.
(2) A special report should be made by telephone as soon as possible, but no later than the next working day, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission Headquarters Operations Center of:
l (a) Personnel exposures or releases of radioactive material greater than the limits in l 10 CFR 20.
(b) Reportable occurrences as defined in Section 6.6.2 of these specifications (c) Violation of a safety limit.
l (3) A special written report should be sent by mail within 14 days to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C. 20555 (a) Accidental off-site release of radioactivity above 10 CFR 20 limits, whether or not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury, or exposure.
1 (b) Reportable occurrence as defined in Section 6.6.2 of these specifications.
(c) Violation of a safety limit.
l (4) A special written report should be sent by mail within 30 days to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C. 20555, of:
(a) Accidental off-site release of radioactivity above 10CFR20 limits, whether or not j the release resulted in property damage, personnel injury, or exposure.
(b) Reportable occurrence as defined in Section 6.6.2 of these specifications.
(c) Changes in personnel serving as lice President For Research and Public l Service, Deconmdssioning Conunittee Chairnnan, Reactor Facility Director, or ReactorSupervisor.
6.7.2. Routine Reports i
- A routine report will be made by March 31 of each yearfollowing aycar during wh/ch the l reactor was operated The report should be sent ; %
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C. 20555, i roviding the following information:
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l September 11,1998 l
I. AUTIIORITY l The Reactor Decommissioning Committee (hereafter called the Decommissioning Committee or Committee) is appointed by the Vice President and Provost of the University of Virgima and reports to the Vice President for Research and Public Service.
The organizational chart for the University of Virginia Reactor Facility is shown in the attached Figure 6.1 taken from the UVAR Technical Specifications.
II. PURPOSi' The purpose of the Decommissioning Committee is to review, audit and controllicensed activities and decommissioning work conducted at the Reactor Facility so as to ensure that the UVAR and CAVALIER reactors are shut down, defueled, decontaminated and decommissioned in a manner consistent with public safety, federal regulations and within the terms of the reactor and materials licenses.
The general requirements and functions of the Decommissioning Committee are specified in Section 6.2.B of the Technical Specifications for the two reactors. The purpose of this Charter is to provide guidance concerning the functions and responsibilities of the Committee as required by the reactor licenses (specifically, the Technical Specifications).
I Page 2 of 4 III. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES A. Mer bership As a minimum, the Reactor Decommissioning Committee is composed of at least four members and includes the Radiation Safety Officer and the Reactor Director. The membership of the Committee shall be such that technical proficiency is maintained in areas relating to radiation safety and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The Chair of k the Decommissioning Committee (DC Chair) shall appoint a Secretary to the Committee charged with making, distributing and keeping written minutes of all meetings.
B. Meetings The Committee shall meet at least quarterly. Additional meetings can be called at any time by the DC Chair, provided that members are informed of the meeting by written notice, telephone call or e-mail message sent out at least one day prior to the meeting. Typed minutes of all meetings will be disseminated to the Vice President and Provost, the Vice President for Research and Public Service, all Committee members, and to any other people as requested by the Committee Chairman.
C Action on Reconunendations Items which require approval from the Committee will be reviewed and voted on at a meeting of a quomm of the Committee. A quorum of the Committee shall consist of not less than a majority of the full committee and shall include the Chairman or his designee.
Normally, action to approve items brought before the Committee requires a favorable vote by a majority of the full committee. When a quorum is not present, items may be approved if members provide prior written or electronic medium approval of an item to the DC Chair, and a) the number of favorable votes by members present and absent is a
) majority of the entire committee, b) comments included in written approvals are incorporated or resolved, and c) changes to the original item requested by the members present are more conservative than the original item.
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Page 3 of 4 l C Action on Recommendations (cont.)
l However, items of a minor nature with respect to the decommissioning activities at the i Reactor Facility may be approved by letter votes without a formal meeting of the Committee, provided no member of the Committee requests in writing that a meeting be held for the purpose of taking action on the item in question.
1 D. Reconunendations Approved by DC Chair As noted in Section IV of this Charter, recommendations for changes to work procedures, equipment, etc... not requiring a change to the facility licenses, not adversely affecting the safety or cost oflicensed and decommissioning activities at the facility, and not violating the intent of controls specified by the Committee in this document or in the Technical Specifications, can be approved by the DC Chair without prior Committee approval. All such approvals shall be documented and subsequently reviewed by the Committee.
IV. RESPONSIBILITIES A. Audits Members of the Committee, or qualified personnel appointed by the Committee, will perform periodic audits as necessary to ensure quality and compliance with applicable regulations and license conditions.
B. Review and Approval ofDecornmissioning Work Procedures The Committee shall review and approve selected decommissioning work procedures prior to use.
C. Review and Approval of Changes to the Reactor Facility The Committee shall review and approve changes to the Reactor Facility during reactor shutdown and decommissioning.
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' D. Review and Approval ofDocuments Requiring NRC Approval The Committee shall review and approve documents requiring NRC approval prior to their remittal to the NRC. The following documents, and changes thereto, require NRC approval:
- 1. Reactor Licenses and associated Facility Licenses l
- 2. Technical Specifications l l
- 3. Emergency Plan i
- 4. Security Plan l S. Changes to the Facility involving unreviewed safety questions (10CFR50.59).
l E. Review of Unusual and Reportable Occurrences l The Committee shall review unusual occurrences and, if warranted, recommend corrective actions. Unusual occurrences include the following: ;
- 1. Reportable occurrences as identified in the Technical Specifications
- 2. Unexpected release of radioactive materials to the environment or releases in excess of NRC limits .
- 3. Significant abnormalities or deviations from normal performance ofFacility J equipment that may affect radiation or personnel safety
- 4. Possible items of noncompliance with license requirements as identified by j
NRC inspectors or other audits and proposed corrective actions.
F. Record-Keeping and Reporting to the NRC The Committee shall be responsible for the collection and maintenance of complete records of decommissioning activities. The Committee shall also see to it that annual or other necessary repoits are prepared and remitted to the NRC as ;
per license and regulatory requirements.