ML20133N393 | |
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Site: | Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png |
Issue date: | 10/22/1985 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
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ML20133N387 | List: |
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NUDOCS 8510290370 | |
Download: ML20133N393 (3) | |
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SAFFTY EVALUATION BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOP PEGULATION SUPPORTING AFFNPPEt:T f 0. 79 TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE N0. DPR-6 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY BIG ROCK POINT PLANT DOCKET N0. 50-155 1.0 INTD0 DUCTION By letter dated June 27, ICES, Consumers Power Company (CPC, tLe licensee) submitted an application for an amendment to the Technical Specifications appended to Big Peck Point (the facility) Operating License DPR-6. The
, amendment proposes changes to several Technical Specification surveillance frequercias. The changes would provide for continued operation of the facility bett!cen refueling shutdowns without the potential of surveillance test parformances interrupting continued power operation. These char consistent with existing Standard Technical Specification (STS) ges are surveillance intervals.
A flotice of Consideration of Issuance of Arendment to License and Proposed No Significant Fazards Consideratien Cetermination and Opportunity for Hearing related to the requested action was published in the Federal Register on September 11, 1985 (50 FR 37077). Ne public corments or requests for hearing were received.
2.0 EVALUATION The proposed changes to Technical Specification Section 6.1.5 and 7.6 surveillance requirements for the reactor safety system scram circuits, containment sphere isolation trip circuits, and emergency condenser trip circuits, are identical. The testing surveillance intervals for this equipment would be changed from "each refueling shutdown but not less frequently than once every 12 months," to, "each refueling shutdown but not less frequently than once every 18 months." These changes are consistent with STS surveillance intervals for equivalent equipment. The new surveillance irtervals for these items would provide for the cases in which a planned 12-month fuel cycle was completed in 13 months (due to unplanned delays cr circumstances causing middle of fuel cycle outages). Current requirements fcurd in Technical Specifications Sections 6.1.5 and 7.6, would force a plant shutdown for performance of these surveillance tests (since the beunding limitisIPeenths). The STS definition for an "R" surveillance interval is "at least once per 18 months." The system circuitry fcr the reactor safety systam scram circuits, contefonent sphere isolation trip circuits and enercency condenser trip circuits must be tested vihile the facility is shut dovr. The above surveillance intervals remain coincident with refueling shutdowns; however, 8510290370 851022 PDR ADOCK 05000155 P PDR
the bounding limit is established at 18 months. Therefore, at minimum, the conservatism ircerporated in the existing STS is established. The staff has reviewed these surveillance frequency changes and has cercluded that the rer,ults of the changes are within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or component specified in the Standard Review Plan (SPp).
Therefere, the staff finds the changes to be acceptable.
The licensee has proposed changes to the surveillerce and replacement frequencies for the scuib primar and trigger assenbly components of the liquid poison system. The serve 111ance frecuency fer cne squib primer and trigger asserbly located on the equalizing line is proposed to be changed from, "at least every 12 months and repleced cvery 24 months "
to "at least every 10 terths and replaced every 36 rionths." Also, "One squib primer and trigger assembly from the rerefning five units shall be removed and test-fired et least every 18 months" rather than every 12 months as currently required. The proposed change still recuires that these valves contir.ue te be replaced at least every 5 years.
Although these surveillance fraquencies have been decreased, they are consistent with the surveillance specifications provided in the Standby Liquid Control System STS. Also, the repiccement frequency currently existing for these valves has rrreined at 5 years. This continues to limit the valves' longest service life to thc manufacturer's recommended limit. Also, the provision for an 18-month surveillance for these units allcws for testing to be perfomed durirg any cold shutdown, rather than a refueling shutdown as current specifications require. The staff has evaluated these proposed changes and hes cencluded that the results of the changes are within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or component specified in the SPP, and therefore, finds these changes to be acceptable.
A change is proposed to the surveillance frequency for functional testing of the control rod permissive circuits. The current Technical Spec Hication surveillance frequency provided in section 6.2.2 and in section 7.C, recuires functional testing of the pennissive circuits to be "not less frequent than once every 12 months." The proposed change allows the functirrel testing to be performed "no less frequent than every 18 months." Also, since the capability exists to accomplish this testing while at pcerr. there,is no need to tie the furetional testing to a refueling shutdown (as doas current Technical Specifications). Consequently, the proposed change provides for testing prior to each ra.ior refueling shutdown. The staff has evclutted these proposed changes and has determired that these changes brino the
surveillance frequency for this circuity in line with the current surveillance frequency established in the STS fcr ecuivalent equipment. The staff has also determined that the results of the chenges are within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or component specified in the SFP, and
therefore, finds these changes to be acceptable.
This amendment involves a change to a requirement with respect to the installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 and changes to the surveillance requirements. The staff has deternined that the amendment involves no significant increase in the amounts, and no significant change in the types, of any effluents that may be released offsite and that there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation errnsure. The Commission has previously issued a proposed finding that this amendnent involves no significant hazards consideration and there has been no public comment on such finding. Accordingly, this amendment meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b) no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the issuance of this amendment.
The staff has concluded, based on the considerations discussed above, that: (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, and (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the ennron defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.
5.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This evaluation was prepared by Thomas S. Rotella.
Dated: October 22, 1985 4
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% p W ASHINGTON, D. C. 20555
%,,,,,# October 22, 1985 Docket No. 50-155 .
LS05-85-10-029 Mr. Kenneth W. Berry Director, Nuclear Licensing Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201
Dear Mr. Berry:
SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCIES Re: Big Rock Point Plant The Commission has issued the enclosed Amendrrent No. 79 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-6 for the Big Rock Point Plant. This amendment is in response to your application dated June 27, 1985.
The amendment changes several Technical Specification surveillance frecuencies. These surveillances are currently required to be performed at ~various intervals regardless of scheduled refueling shutdowns. The changes will provide for operation of the facility between refueling shutdowns without the potential surveillance test performances interrupting continued pcwer operation.
A Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to License and Proposed
.No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination and Opportunity for Hearing related to the reouested action was published in the Federal Register on September 11, 1985 (50 FR 37077). No public comments or requests for hearing were received.
A copy of our related Safety Evaluation is also enclosed. This action will appear in the Commission's biweekly retice publication in the Federal Register.
' N John . Zwolinski, Chief Opera ing Reactors Branch #5 Division of Licensing
- 1. Amendment No. 79 to License No. DPR-6
- 2. Safety Evaluation cc w/ enclosures:
See next page
i Mr. Kenneth W. Berry Consumers Power Company Big Rock Point Plant cc:
Mr. Thomas A. McNish, Secretary -
Consumers Power Company ;
212 West Michigan Avenue '
, Jackson, Michigan 49P01
, Judd L. Bacon, Esquire Corsumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Big Rock Point Plant ATTN: Mr. David P. Hoffman Plant Superintendent Route 3 Post Office Box 591 Charlevoix, Michigan 49720 Mr. I. Lee Moerland
- Chainran, Board of Comissioners P. O. Box 218 Charlevoix, Michigan 49720 Office of the Governor Doom 1 - Capitol Building Lansing, Michigan 48913 Regional Administrator Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III 799 Roosevelt Poad Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Nuclear Facilities and Environmental Monitoring Section Office Division of Radiological Health P. O. Box 30035 Lansino, Michigan 48909 Resident Inspector Big Rock Point Plant c/o U.S. NRC PR #3, Box 600 Charlevoix, Michigan 49720
-l W ASHINGTON, D. C,20555 g,
j CONSUMEPS POWER COMPANY DOCKET NO. 50-155 BIG ROCK POINT PLANT AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE Anendment No. 79 License No. DPR-6 1.'The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found thet:
A. The application for anendment by Consumers Power Company (the licensee) dated June 27, 1985 conplies with the standards and requirements o' the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, es amended (the Act), and the Comission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; 4
B. The facility will operate in confornity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Comission; C. There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this anendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public; and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compli-ance with the Commission's regulations; D. The issuance of this amendment will not be ininical to the comon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Conmission's regulations and all l applicable requirements have been satisfied.
- 2. Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the attachnent to this license amendment and Paragraphs 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. DPR-6 are hereby amended to read as follows:
(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A as revised through Amendment No. 79, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical i Specifications.
- 3. This license amendment is effective as of the date of its issuance.
"" r John . Zwolinski, Chief Operat'ng Reactors Branch #5 Division of Licensing
Changes to the Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: October 22, 1985 1
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1 Revise Appendix / Technical Specifications by removing the pages identified below and inserting the enclosed pages. The revised peces are identified by the captioned amendment nunber and contain marginal lines indicating the 4 area of change.
4 i
REMOVE INSERT l 5-16a 5-16a 6-7 6-7 6-7a --
6-7b --
6-9 6-9 7-9 7-9 i
l i
- l l
l l
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5.2.3 Liquid Poison System The liquid poison system shall be available for operation at all time during refueling and power operation. The reactor shall be shutdcwn in any situation where the poison solution tank level drops below an equivalent of 850 gallons 19 weight percent sodium pentaborate or where the poison solution storage temperature drops to less than 5"F above saturation temperature. The maximum allow-able concentration shall be 30 weight percent of sodium pentaborate.
The minimum worth of the liouid poison system (based on normal water level) shall be 25% A k f Components of the system shall be checked at one to two mont0 fn.tervals for proper creration except for actuation of the injection valves. The liquid poison system shall be used at any time when subcriticality cannot be assured by the normal shutdown mechanism. Iniection shall te continued until a minimum shutdown margin of 0.Olok / keff is assured in the most reactive core. Thereactorshaiffnot be operated after poison has been infected until the baron concentration ir the reactor water has been reduced to 100 ppn or less. Ona squib primer and trigger assembly from the ecurlizing line shall be rer.oved and test-fired at least every 18 months. These shall be tested on an alternate basis ensuring valve replacerent every 3C mor.ths. One squib primer and trigger assenbly from the remaining five units shall be removed and test-fired at least every 18 months.
These shall be tested on an alternate basis. In no case shall a squib prirer and trigger assembly remain in service longer than five years. The tests shall consist of monitoring of the input firing current and shearing of the integral inlet cap.
m l
l 5-16a Amendment No. )(, jW, 79, I
6.1.3 (Contd.)
(c) With the mode switch in the " shutdown" position, both the scram circuit and the control rod withdrawal circuit are open. The ventilating duct circuit power supply is transferred to a point which provides penetration closure protection through signals fron "high containment sphere pressure" and " low water level in reactor vessel." This permits rermal ventilation in the containment sphere during shutdown when the control rods are held in the full-in pcsition. P;one of the reactor safety system signals are bypassed since there is no need to vithdrew control rods.
(d) With the mode switch in the refuel position ard the crane positioned over the reactor vessel, crane operation is a preverted if any one rod is withdrawn from full-in position.
(e) High condenser pressure reactor trip is automatically bypassed any time steam drun pressure is below a set point raximum of 500 psig.
6.1.4 Related Systems (a) Emergency Condenser Control I A pressure switch shall initiate automatic operation of the emergency condenser if the reactor pressure reaches 10010 psi abnve the reactor operating pressure.
6.1.5 Operatino Requirements 1
fa) Except as otherwise provided in these Technicel Specifications,
. the reactor safety system shall be operable during power operation as indicated in Section 6.1.6 This system shall be
, functionally tested during each major rafueling shutdowr, but not less frequently than once every 18 months and in addition shall he tested not less frequently then once a month using the switches provided to simulate sensor trips.
(b) The condenser system control initiation sensors shall be functionally tested at each major refueling shutdown but ret less frequently than once every 18 months.
6-7 Amendment flo. M, /, 79,
6.2 CONTROL R0D WITHDRAWAL PERMISSIVE SYSTEM 6.2.1 Interlocks Interlocks shall prevent control rod withdrawal when any of the following conditions exist:
(a) When any two of the thirty-tuo scram accumulators are at pressure below 700 psig.
(b) When two of the three power range channels read below 5 percent en their 0 to 125 percent scales (or below 2 percent on their 0-40 percent scales) when reactor power is above the minimum operating range of these channels. This interlock rey be bypassed when all three of the power range channels are set on the ninimum operable range.
(c) When the scram dump tank is bypassed.
(d) L' hen the mode selector switch is in the shutdown position.
6.2.2 Operating Pecuirements The control rod withdrawal permissive interlocks shall always be operable. No further withdrawal of control rods will be pennitted if one of these circuits is found to be inoperable.
Permissive circuits shall be functionally tested prior to each ra.ior refueling but no less frequently than every 18 nonths. However, the refueling interlocks will be functionally tested prior to each refer refuelino.
6.3 REFUELING OPERATION INTERLOCK SYSTEM 6.3.1 Reactor Refueling System All of the trip devices not bypassed by the mode selector switch in the refuel position shall be operative during all refueline operations. This shall include the sensors and trip devices of the reactor safety systen as specified for power operation as follows:
High Reactor Pressure Low Reactor Water Level Hinh Containment Sphere Pressure Figh Scram Dump Tank Level Loss of Auxiliary Power Supply High Neutron Flux Short Period Manual Scran 5-9 AmendmentNo.g,79
c 7.6 (Contd)
System or Function Reference Procedure Frequency of Within These
. Undergoing Test Routine Tests Specifications Containment sphere access 6 months or less airlocks leakage rate Control rod performance At each major refueling Section 5.2.2 shutdown **
Liquid poison system Two months or less during Section 5.2.3 cocponent operability power operation. One equalizing line squib and one remaining squib assembly test fired at least every 18 months.
Reactor safety system At each major refueling Section 6.1.5 scram circuits requiring shutdown
- plant shutdown to check Reactor safety system scram One month or less Section 6.1.5 circuits not requiring plant shutdown to check Containment sphere isola- At each major refueling Section 6.1.5 tion trip circuits shutdown
- Emergency Condenser At each major refueling Section 6.1.5 Trip Circuits shutdown
- Centrol rod withdrawal per- Prior to each major Section 6.2.2 missive interlocks function refueling shutdown
- Refueling operation At each major refueling controls function Section 6.3.3 shutdevn Calibration and functional Per Table 13-2 Section 13.2 test of air ejector off-gas and stack-gas monitors Calibration of emergency One month or less Section 6.4.1 condenser vent monitors Calibration of process Per Table 13-2 liquid monitors Section 13.2 l
- But no less than once every 18 months
- But no less than once every 20 months 7-9 Amendment No. A9, 73, 77,79
r l
- E WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 s
By letter dated June 27, 1985, Consumers Power Company (CPC, the licensee) submitted an application for an amendment to the Technical Specifications appended to Big Peck Point (the facility) Operating License DPR-6. The amendment proposes changes to several Technical Specification surveillance frequercias. The changes would provide for continued operation of the facility betwcen refueling shutdowns without the potential of surveillance test rarformances interrupting continued powar operation. These char consistent with existing Standard Technical Specificatien (STS) ges are surveillance intervals.
A Notice of Consideration of Issuance of hendment to License and Proposed No Significant Pazards Consideration Determination and Opportunity for Hearing related to the requested action was published in the Federal Register on September 11, 1985 (50 FR 37077). Ne public connents or requests for hearing were received.
2.0 EVALUATION The proposed changes to Technical Specification Section 6.1.5 and 7.6 surveillance requirenents for the reactor safety system scram circuits, containment sphere isolation trip circuits, and emergency condenser trip circuits, are identical. The testing surveillance intervals for this equipment would be changed from, "each refueling shutdown but not less frequently than once every 12 months," to, "each refueling shutdown but not less frequently than once every 18 months." These changes are consistent with STS surveillance intervals for equivalent equipment. The new surveillance irtervals for these items would provide for the cases in which a planned 12-month fuel cycle was completed in 13 months (due to unplanned delays cr circumstances causing middle of fuel cycle outages). Current requirements fcurc' in Technical Specifications Sections 6.1.5 and 7.6, would forca a plant shutdown for performance of these surveillance tests (since the beunding limit is 17 months). The STS definition for an "R" surveillance interval is "at least once per 18 months." The system circuitry for the reactor safety systam scram circuits, conteirnent sphere isolation trip circuits ard enerpency condenser trip circuits must be tested while the facility is shut dovr. The above surveillance intervals remain coincident with refueling shutdowns; however,
the bounding limit is established at 18 months.
conservatism ircorpnrated in the existing STS is established.Therefore, The staff at minimum has reviewed these surveillance frequency changes and has cercluded that the results of the changes are within all acceptable criteria with res Therefere, the staff finds the changes to be the .
The licensee has proposed changes to the surveillerce and replacement frequencies liquid poison for the souib primer and trigger assembly components of the system.
The serveillance frecuency fer cne squib primer and trigger asscrbly located on the equalizing line is proposed to be changed from, "at least every 12 months and replecad cvery 24 months,"
to "at least every le rerths and replaced every 36 nonths." Also, "One squib primer and trigger assembly from the receining five units shall be removed as andrequired.
currently test-fired et least every 18 months" rather than every 12 months continue te he replaced at least every 5 years.The preposed change still r Although these surveillance frequencies have been decreased, they are Liquid Control System STS. consistent with the surveillance spacifications pro existing for these valves has rcreined at 5 years.Also, the replacement freq This continues to limit the valves' longest service life to the manufacturer's recommended limit.
allows for testing to be perfomed durirc any cold shutdow a refueling shutdown as current specifications require. The staff has changes are within ali acceptable criteria with respect corrponent specified in the SPP, and therefore, finds these changes to be acceptable.
A change is proposed to the surveillance frequency for functional testing cf the control rod permissive circuits. The current Technical Specification functioral testing of the pennissive circuits to be "not le once every I? months."
be performed "no less frequent than every 18 months."The Also, sinca the proposed chan capability exists to accomplish this testing while at pcwr, there is no Technical Spacifications).need to tie the fureticnal testing to a refueling sh testing prior to each raior refueling shutdown. Consequently, the proposed chan these proposed changes a,nd has deteraired the.t these changes brino theThe frequency established in the STS fcr ecuivalent The staff has equiprent.sur also deterrrined that the results of the changes are within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or component specified in the SFP, and therefore, finds these changes to be acceptable.
1 l
This amendment involves a change to a requirement with respect to the installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 and changes to the surveillance requirements. The staff has deternined that the amendment invclves no significant increase in the amounts, and no significant change in the types, of any effluents that may be released offsite and that there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation expnsure. The Commission has previously issued a proposed finding that this amendment involves no significant hazards consideration and there has been no public connent on such finding. Accordingly, this amendment meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b) no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the issuance of this anendment.
j The staff has concluded, based on the considerations discussed above, that: (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, and (2) such activities will be conducted in conpliance with the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the corren defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.
5.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This evaluation was prepared by Themas S. Rotella.
Dated: October 22, 1985
. nr l
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