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Forwards Meteorology & Effluent Treatment Branch Draft SER Input Re Meteorological & Radiological Effluent Treatment Sections of Fsar.Addl Info & Analysis Required to Close Out Listed Items
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 02/24/1984
From: Muller D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19283C868 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-926 NUDOCS 8403060488
Download: ML20132B791 (4)


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Dccket(No.' 50-412 MFMnRANDUM FOR:

Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing, DL FROM:

Daniel R. Muller, Assistant Director for Radiation Protection, DSI Stin.1r.r.T :





val !.EY UNIT NO. 2 FINAL SAFFTv anni vcte neonor r

o'.a'IT NAME : Reaver Valley, Unit No. 2 L'ICENSING STAGE: DL applicant 00CKET *!UPAED: sn_41?


LBf 3; Lisa Lazo, PM REVIEW STATUS: Draft SER imput complete with sone open items Enclosed is the input to the draft Safety Evaluation Report (SER) regarding the meteorological and radiological ef fluent treatment sections of the l

i Beaver ~ Valley Unit 2 Final Safety Analysis Report.

At this time, some additional infonnation and analysis is required td close out several open i

items. These items are listed below:


Unresolved items in Section 2.3 are the rate of pressure drop for the jg/*. 4*

design basis tornado, the 100-year return period snow pack, extreme c

temperature design of HVAC systems, representativeness of the location 2 ?t, 3 of the meteorological tower, and routine effluent release locations, gj hjy characteristics and composition.

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Section 6.5, ESF filtration systems, unresolved issue rogarding testing of ESF filter systems.

(ection 11.3, Gaseous Waste Processing Systems, unresolved issues 3.

pertaining to the containment vacuum system exnaust filt ration (i.e., unsatisfactory iodine removal filtration system).

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Section 15.7.3, radioactive release due to liquid tank :ailures, the staff is presently performing a verification analysis reoarding dose consequences of a liquid radwaste tank or component rupt ure.

This analysis will be completed by April 1984 for incorporation into the final SER.

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Section 11.3, Gaseous Waste Processing Systems, the staff is presently performing a verification analysis for site boundary doses due to gaseous effluents.

This analysis will be completed by April 1984 for incorporation into the final SER.

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6 T. I*. flovak FG 2 4 W This review was performed by Earl Markee (x27635), Meteorolony Section, and Robert Fell (x27642), Ef fluent Treatnent systens section, tieteorology and Ef fluent Treatnent Branch.

Please contact the respective reviewers for any que stions.,

original signed byt Daniel R. Miller, Assistant Director for Radiation Protection Division of Systems integration


As stated cc:

tt. 9 ttson W. r,an,ill L. Lazo C. Willis I. Spickler E. "a rkee R. Fell DISTRIBtlTION:

Docket File 50-412 METB Docket File METB Reading File

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I Heavy snowf alL is not uncommon in the region, and roof Loads may accumulate due to a wintertime precipitation mixture of snow, ice, and rain.

Maximus j

monthly snowf alL obse rved a t Greater Pittsburgh Airport wa s 1021 mm (40.2 i nch es) in Janua ry 1978, i

and the maximum snowf alL in a 24-hour period at Pittsburgh was 373 mm (14.7 inch es) in Ma rch 1962.

Ice storms, which can plug drains and scuppers as welL as disrupt offsite power, are rela tively f requent.

The applicani estima tes that ice pellets or f reezing c

rain may occur about 8 times pe r year in the Beave r


Valley region, wi th a g Laze ac cumulation of 0.5 inch es or greater expected about once per year.

The applicant has estima ted t he weight on the ground of t he 100-ye a r return period snowpack to be 19.5 psf.

To de t e rm i ne the probable maximum snowload f o r consideration in the


design of saf ety-t ela ted s ti uct ur es, t he applicant has added the weight rf the 48-hour probable maximum winter precipitat ion (equivalent to 71.2 p s f) to the weight of the 100 <e ar return snowpack for a total weight of 90.7 psf _

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t The staff's estimate of the snowpack based on


ANSI 58.1-1982, extrapolated from the 50 year


return period in the standard to a 100 year return 1

I period, produces a weight of near 30 psf.

This snowp'ack weight, when added to the weight produced by t he 48-hour probable maximum winter precipitation (about 70 psf) produces a design 1

snowtoad of 100 ps f.

This will be an open issue only if the design of the ca tego ry I structures c a nnot a c c o,m mo da t e a snowt oad of 100 ps f.

The ib6 jM, g [h &" f, g

acceptability of the appli ca nt 's de s ign of safety



related structures, with respect to the staff's estimate of design snowtoed and load combinations, i s di s cu s sed i n Sec t io n 3.8.1.

,J Large-scale episodes of a tmos pheric s tagnation oceur in the region. About 41 atmospheric stagnation cases tot ati ng a t least 164 days were


rei orted in the area in the pe riod 1936-1975.

As discussed above, the staff has reviewed av.itable inf ormation rela tive to the regional meteorological conditions of impo rtance to t he

' safe design and siting of this plant in accordance M