ML20129D737 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry ![]() |
Issue date: | 09/22/1995 |
From: | Leaver D, Mccamy D, Metcalf J POLESTAR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY, INC. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19353D888 | List: |
References | |
PSAT-04000U.03, PSAT-04000U.03-R02, PSAT-4000U.3, PSAT-4000U.3-R2, NUDOCS 9610250115 | |
Download: ML20129D737 (14) | |
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l i
' PSAT 04000U.04 l
PSAT 04000U.03
" Design Data Base for Application of the Revised DBA Source Term to the TVA Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant"
9610250115 961018
DR ADOCK 05000259 PDR
TVA TECH CONT Print / Sign h
Print /Sinn M
Print / Sign h
Jam's Metcalf /s Dave leaver /s Don McCamy /s REV: 0 e
9/1/95 By fax direction By fax direction (on file) 9/1/95 (on file) 9/1/95 Reason for Revision:InitialIssue REV: 1 James Metcalf /s Dave Leaver /s Don McCamy /s 9/22/95 By fax direction By fax direction (on file) 9/22/95 (on file) 9/22/95 Reasons for Revision:
- 1. General - Added revision numbers to PSAT cale references.
- 2. Item 1 - Added NUREG reference.
- 3. Item 2 - Finalized reference and removed exception (based on deletion ofItem 2.4, see 5 below).
- 4. Item 2.3 - Corrected typo in note and added clarification that "Other" could be included in dose calculation of record if contribution negligible.
- 5. Item 2.4 - Deleted because power purge is not being used to model Case 2 SGTS bypass.
- 6. Item 3.7 - Provided steamline/drainline volume and reference.
- 7. Item 3.8 - Changed MC volume to be slightly more conservative.
- 8. Item 3.20 - Finalized reference, changed value, and removed option for flow from torus (not needed because Case 2 SGTS bypass is being modeled using a specific flowpath from drywell - see 5 above).
- 9. Item 3.23 - Provided "two-step" drywell leakrates to steamline and clarified reference.
- 10. Items 3.24 and 3.25 - Provided values for steamline and MC volumetric flows and references.
l l
PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 2 of13 Revision: 2 1
PROJECT MGR REVIEWER TVA TECH CONT Prmt/ Sign Dalg Print / Sign Data Print /Sinn Dals REV: 1 Reasons for Revision (continued)
- 11. Items 3.27 and 3.28 - Added " free" for clarification.
- 12. Item 3.29 - Added "per line" MSIV test limit.
- 14. Item 4.1 - Clarified " bid" spec.
- 15. Items 4.3 and 4.4 - Added clarification that values are medians over cited intervals.
- 16. Items 4.7 and 4.8 - Changed "DF" to " filter efficiency", provided values and references for Item j
4.7, and deleted item 4.8 because Item 4.7 particulate removal is so high that Item 4.8 not needed.
- 17. Item 5.1 - Made fumigation X/Qs 1.5 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> instead of 0 to 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.
- 18. Item 5.4 - Changed reference to TVA cale.
- 19. Items 7.3,7.4, and 7.5 - Added steamline ID, effective steamline length, and approximate containment dimensions.
- 20. Item 8.9 - Added use: steamline initial temperature determination.
- 21. Item 8.15 - Added site-specific " standard conditions" reference pressure for converting drywell to steamline volumetric flow.
REV: 2 James Metcalf /s Dave Leaver /s Don McCamy /s 6/16/96 By fax direction By fax direction (on file) 6/16/96 (on file) 6/25/96 Reasons for Revision:
- 1. " Controlled Copy" designation removed - Data Base revisions to be issued only with Cale Package.
- 2. Item 4.7 Unnecessary parenthetic expression deleted, name changed to "... / Main Condenser".
- 3. Item 6.4 - Value chan8ed and reference added.
PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 3 of13 Revision: 2 PROJECT MGR REVIEWER TVA TECH CONT Print / Sign Dalg Print /Sinn Dalg Print /Sinn Dats REV: 2 Reasons for Revision (continued)
- 4. Item 7.6,7.7,7.8, and 7.9 - Added generic flow area to HP turbine, minimum flow area of drainline pathway, elevation of LP turbine / main condenser bellows centerline, and elevation of hotwell bottom.
i i
PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 4 of13 Revision: 2
- 1. Radionuclide Data (References - Ci Inventories: TVA Bid Spec, except Cs and Te from UE Iater BFSE 95-023 and "Other" is PSAT Calc 04011H.05, Rev 0; Decay Constants and DCFs: TACT 5 data file MLWRICRP.30 from NUREG/CR-5106 except l
Kr-90, Cs-134, Cs-137 and "Other" are PSAT Calc 04011H.05, Rev 0) l Core Inventory @ t=0 (per sec)
(10 Rem-m /Ci-sec)
(10' Rem /Ci) 2 2
Nuclide 10'Ci DKlambda WB DCF Skin DCF Thvroid DCF i
l-Kr-83m 1.127 1.04E-04 0.00127 0.0 0.0 s
Kr-85m 2.351 4.39E-05 2.3 4.97 0.0 Kr-85 0.136 2.04E-09 0.0331 4.84 0.0 Kr-87 4.481 1.52E-04 13.3 33.6 0.0 i
Kr-88 6.303 6.89E-05 33.8 7.76 0.0 Kr-89 7.653 3.63E-03 30.3 34.7 0.0 l
Kr-90 2JM Xe-131m 0.105 6.68E-07 0.125 1.33 0.0 3
Xe-133m 0.596 3.49E-06 0.429 2.96 0.0 Xe-133 18.47 1.52E-06 0.496 0.967 0.0 j
Xe-135m 3.761 7.40E-04 6.37 2.14 0.0 J
Xe-135 6.610 2.09E-05 3.59 6.32 0.0 Xe-137 16.55 2.96E-03 2.83 45.9 0.0 Xe-138 15.52 6.80E-04 18.7 14.7 0.0 I-131 9.378 9.96E-07 5.59 3.07 110.0 s
j I-132 13.55 8.27E-05 35.5 11.0 0.63 I-133 18.98 9.22E-06 9.11 8.90 18.0 1
I134 20.81 2.23E-04 41.1
'14.2 0.11 l
I-135 17.78 2.86E-05 24.9 7.86 3.1
Cs-134 2.508 9.55E-09 25.8 11.5 0.0
Cs-137 1.503 7.29E-10 9.3 12.7 0.0 Te-132 13.33 2.51E-06 35.5 11.0 0.63 Other 496.7 7.05E-05 16.8 0.0 0.0 l
- 2. Source Terms (Reference Calo PS AT 04011 H.06, Rev 0) 1 2.1 Fraction of core inventory,0 - 30 seconds: no releases i
j 2.2 Fraction ofcore inventory,30 - 1830 scoonds: Gases -
Xe, Kr - 2.8E 5 /sec (0.05 total) l Elemental 1 - 1.3E-6 /sec (2.4E-3 total)
Organic I - 4.2E-8 /sec (7.5E-5 total)
}i Aerosols -
Iodine - 2.6E-5 /sec (0.0475 total)
Cesium - 2.8E-5 /sec (0.05 total) 4 2.3 Fraction of core inventory, 1830 - 7230 seconds: Gases - Xe, Kr - 1.8E-4 /sec (0.95 total) i
PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 5of13 Revision: 2 Elemental I - 2.2E-6 /sec (1.2E-2 total)
Organic I - 6.9E-8 /sco (3.8E-4 total) l E
Aerosols -
Iodine - 4.4E-5 /sec (0.2375 total) 4 j
Cesium - 3.7E-5 /sec (0.2 total) i Tellurium - 9.3E-6 /sec (0.05 total)
Other - 1.9E-6 /sec (0.01 total) j Note that the Other is specified only to verify the assumption that its inclusion in the dose calculation j
will have little or no impact - should not be included in calculations of record unless contribution is negligible.
i 2.4 - DELETED f
- 3. Volumes and Volumetdc Flowrotes 2
3.1 Volume of Drywell-159000 ft5 (Reference NEDO-24580, Rev 2, Table BF 4.1.1-1) 3.2 Volume ofTorus Airspace - 124000 ft' (Reference TVA Bid Spec total containment lj volume of 283000 ft5 less drywell volume) 3.3 Volume of Suppression Pool - 127800 ft' (Reference BFNP UFSAR Table 5.2-1, Amendment 9 and given as 123000-128000 ft' in TVA Cale ND-Q0999 880163, Rev 1) 4 j
3.4 Volume of Reactor Building (RB) - 1.932E6 ft' (Reference TVA Bid Spec) 3.5 Volume of Stack Room (SR)- 34560 ft' (Reference TVA Bid Spec - 1/2 volume of 69120 ft2 used to account for 50% mixing) 3.6 Volume of Control Room (CR)- 210000 ft)
(Reference TVA Bid Spec) i 3.7 Volume of Main Steamlines and Associated Drainlines - 692 ft' (Steamlines only used - 692 =
4 steamlines x 68.25 ft length x
{21.562" diameter}2 x
n/4/144, see Items 7.3 and 7.4) 3.8 Volume of Main condenser (MC)- 122400 ft' (Reference TVA Bid Spec - for conservatism j
only 90% of condenser volume credited) i 3.9 Volume of Water in the Hotwell - 25400 ft2 (Reference TVA Bid Spec as 190000 gallons) i
i PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 6 of13 Revision: 2 l
3.10 Volumetric Flowrate, Drywell to Torus (Filtered).
(Reference Calo PSAT 04011H.01, Rev 0)
From t=0 to t=1830 seconds - 0 ofh From t=1830 to t=7230 seconds - 1.6ES cfh From t=7230 seconds to end 1.2E6 ofh l
3.11 Volumetric Flowrate, Toms to Drywell (Unfiltered):
(Reference Calc PSAT 04011H.01, i
Rev 0) i From t=0 to t=7890 seconds - O cfh From t=7890 seconds to end - 1.2E6 cfh 3
3.12 Volumetric Flowrate, Drywell to RB - 132.5 cfh (Reference TVA Bid Spec total primary I
containment leakrate of 235.8 ofh apportioned between drywell and torus volumes) 4 3.13 Volumetric Flowrate, Toms to RB - 103.3 cfh (Reference TVA Bid Spec total primary i
containment leakrate of 235.8 cfh apportioned 2
between drywell and torus volumes) l 3.14 Volumetric Flowrate, RB to Stack (Filtered)- 1.32E6 cfh for Case 1 (Reference TVA Bid Spec)
- 9.0E5 ofh for Case 2 3.15 Volumetric Flowrate, RB to SR (Filtered)- 300 efh (Reference TVA Bid Spec)-
s 3.16 Volumetric Flowrate, Toms to Stack (Unfiltered) - 10 cfh (Reference TVA Bid Spec)
I 3.17 Volumetric Flowrate, Torus to Stack (Filtered): (Reference TVA Bid Spec for CAD flow *)
From t=0 to t=10 days - 0 ofh i
From t=10 to t=11 days - 8340 cfh i
From t=11 to t=20 days - 0 ofh From t=20 to t=21 days - 8340 ofh l
From t=21 to t=29 days - O cfh l
From t=29 to t=30 days - 8340 cfh
- CAD flow not specified to be from toms, but j
primary containment is well mixed at this time 3.18 Volumetric Flowrate, Torus to SR (Filtered):
(Reference TVA Bid Spec for CAD flow **)
0.033% of the CAD flowrates given above
" CAD flow bypassing the stack not given, but assumed to bypass with same fraction as SGTS flow = 300 cfh/9.0E5 cfh = 0.00033 max 3.19 Volumetric Flowrate, SR to Environment - 300 cfh (Reference TVA Bid.ipec - assumed to be same as leakage into SR from stack) i l
PSAT 040000.03 Page: 7 of13 Revision: 2 3.20 Volumetric Flowrate, I3rywell to Eny'ronment Via Reactor Building (Reference C fo PSAT 04011H.07, Rev 0)
(Unfiltered - Case 2 CR Only)
From t=0 to t=105 seconds - 3.1E-3 cfh From t=105 sooonds to end - O cfh 3.21 Volumetric Flowrate, Environment to CR (Filtered) - 1.8E5 cfh (Reference TVA Bid Spec as 3000 ofm) 3.22 Volumetric Flowrate, Environment to CR (Unfiltered) - 2.23E5 cfh (Reference TVA Bid Spec as 3717 cfm) 3.23 Volumetric Flowrate, Drywell to Main Steamlines/Drainlines
- 120 ofh from t=0 to t=7230 seconds (Reference Calo PSAT 04001H.02, Rev 0*")
- 177.5 cfh from t=7230 seconds to end
- " Rates developed in this calculation are for one steam line at 100 sofh. 'Ihese rates are multiplied by 2.5 to obtain the values given in this data base for total flow. See Item 3.28.)
3.24 Volumetric Flowrate, Main Steamlines/Drainlines to MC - 475 ofh (Reference 250 sofh from Item 3.28 corrected for reference temperature in ='eamlines versus standard conditions from Calo PSAT 04002H.08, Rev 0;i.e.,250 x (558.5 K x 9/5)/529.67 R}= 475) 3.25 Volumetric Flowrate, MC to Environment - 250 cfh (Based on Item 3.28 with observation that flowto main condenserthrough drain lines will be at near-standard temperature after approximately 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> - see Exhibit 1 ofCalo PSAT 04002H.09, Rev 0) 3.26 Free Volume In-Vessel, below BAF - 4100 ft)
(Reference TVA Calo MD-Q0063-920470 Rev 0, Attachment A) 3.27 Free Volume In-Vessel, within Core Shroud, BAF-TAF - 1759 ft' '
(Reference TVA Calc MD-QOO63-920470 Rev 0, Attachment A as 5077.7 ft'- 4099.7 ft' + 486.6 ft' + 294.5 ft* = 1759.1 ft')
.f PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 8 of13 Revision: 2
3.28 Combined MSIV Tested Leakrates - 250 sofh (Reference TVA Fax McCamy to Metcalfdated 9/1/95) i 3.29 Per Line MSIV Tested Leakrate - 100 sofh (Reference TVA Bid Spec) 1 3.30 Non-SGTS Volumetrio Exchange when RB Pressure Positive - 1540 ofh 1
l (Reference TVA Calo ND-Q0065 900052, Rev 2) j
- 4. Filter EfHelencies, Removal Lambdas, and Decontamination Factors j
4.1 Filter Efficiency - All Filtered Flowpaths Except Drywell to Toms:
1 (Reference Tech Spoos 3.7.B and 3.7.E, Amendment i
j 231 and TVA Bid Spoo - Charooal Filters Assumed Removed from SGTS and CREVS)
For Particulate Iodine, Cesium, and Other - 99%
e j
For Elemental and Organic Iodine, Tellurium, and Noble Gasses 0%
e 4.2 Filter Efficiency - Drywell to Torus:
(Reference Calo PSAT 04011H.04, Rev 0)
From t=0 to t=7230 seconds:
e For Particulate and Elemental Iodine, Cesium, Tellurium, and Other - 72%
j e
For Organic Iodine and Noble Gasses - 0%
j From t=7230 to t=7890 seconds:
i e
For Particulate and Elemental Iodine, Cesium, Tellurium, and Other - 95%
e For Organic Iodine and Noble Gasses - 0%
j From t=7890 seconds to end:
l For All Species - 0%
4.3 Removal (Sedimentation) T mm% in Drywell:
(Reference Calo PSAT 04001H.02, Rev 0 -
l values are medians over oited intervals)
For Particulate and Elemental Iodme, Cesium, Tellurium, and Other.
l From t=0 to t=30 M - 0/ hour e
From t=30 to t=2400 seconds - 0.35/ hour From t=2400 to t=3200 seconds - 0.45/ hour e
i e
From t=3200 to t=4000 seconds - 0.55/ hour i
e From t=4000 to t=4885 seconds - 0.65/ hour e
From t=4885 to t=6300 seconds - 0.75/ hour l
From t=6300 to t=7360 seconds - 0.85/ hour e
e From t=7360 to t=8570 seconds - 0.95/ hour e
From t=8570 to t=9840 seconds - 0.85/ hour e
From t=9840 to t=11760 seconds - 0.75/ hour From t=11760 to t=14530 seconds - 0.65/ hour e
j From t=14530 to t=18650 seconds - 0.55/ hour e.
PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 9 of13 Revision: 2 e
From t=18650 to t=24980 seconds - 0.45/ hour e
From t=24980 to t=35570 seconds 0.35/ hour e
From t=35570 to t=57220 seconds - 0.25/ hour e
From t=57220 to t=100000 seconds - 0.162/ hour e
From t=100000 seconds to end - 0/ hour For Organic Iodine and Noble Gasses From t=0 to end - 0/ hour 4.4 Removal (Sedimentation) lambdas in Toms:
(Reference Calo PSAT 04001H.02, Rev 0 -
values are medians over cited intenals)
For Particulate and Elemental Iodine, Cesium, Tellurium, and Other:
e From t=0 to t=7890 seconds - 0/ hour e
From t=7890 to t=8570 seconds - 0.95/ hour e
From t=8570 to t=9840 seconds - 0.85/ hour e
From t=9840 to t=11760 scoonds - 0.75/ hour e
From t=11760 to t=14530 seconds - 0.65/ hour e
From t=14530 to t=18650 seconds - 0.55/ hour e
From t=18650 to t=24980 seconds - 0.45/ hour e
From t=24980 to t=35570 seconds - 0.35/ hour e
From t=35570 to t=57220 seconds - 0.25/ hour i
e From t=57220 to t=100000 seconds - 0.162/ hour e
From t=100000 seconds to end - 0/ hour For Organic Iodine and Noble Gasses From t=0 to end - 0/ hour 4.5 Maximum DF for Elemental Iodine in Drywell-8000 (Reference Cale PSAT 04011H.03, Rev 0) 4.6 Maximum DF for Elemental Iodine in Toms - 8000 (Reference Calo PSAT 04011H.03, Rev 0) 4.7 Filter Efficiency for Flowpath From Drywell to Main Steamlines/ Main Condenser:
(Reference Calos PSAT 04002H.08, Rev 0 and.09, Rev 0)
For Particulate Iodine, Cesium, and Other - 99.85%
e For Elemental Iodine and Tellurium - !0%
For Organic Iodine and Noble Gasses - 0%
PSAT 04000U.03 1
Page: 10 of13 Revision: 2
- 5. X/Q Values, Breathing Rate and Occupancy Factors EAB LP.I CR 5.1 Stack Release X/Q (sec/m'):
(Reference TV'A Bid Spec - data presented as " Top of Stack" -
3 modified by telecon with TVA's Tech Contact Don McCamy 9/13/95) j From t=0 to t=1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> 9.7E-7 8.0E-7 5.9E-15 From t=1.5 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 2.4E-5 1.3E-5 3.31E-5 4
From t=2 to t=8 hours 8.0E-7 3.8E 15 From t=8 to t=24 hours 4.0E 7 3.0E-15 From t=24 to t=96 hours 2.0E-7 1.9E-15 From t=96 to t=720 hours 6.'5E-8 9.6E-16 i
5.2 SR Release X/Q (sec/m'):
(Reference TVA Bid Spec - data presented as Base of Stack")
j From t=0 to t=2 hours 1.22E-4 5.65E-5 8.89E-4 From t=2 to t=8 hours 5.65E-5 7.30E-4 i
From t=8 to t=24 hours 2.24E-5 6.60E-4 j
From t=24 to t=96 hours 7.94E-6 5.40E-4 From t=96 to t=720 hours 1.71 E-6 4.00E-4 5.3 MC Release X/Q (sec/nf) (Reference TVA Bid Spec - data presented as " Turbine Building" - CR i
X/Qs decreased by a factor oftwo to account for intakes being on.
either side of Turbine Building as described in TVA Bid Spec) s From t=0 to t=2 hours 2.70E-4 1.32E-4 1.74E-4 From t=2 to t=8 hours 6.02E-5 1.47E-4 i
From t=8 to t=24 hours 4.07E-5 1.27E-4 From t=24 to t=96 hours 1.73E-5 1.01 E-4 From t=96 to t=720 hours 5.10E-6 7.20E-5 5.4 RB Ground-1.evel Release X/Q (sec/nf)"" - 1.12E-3 (Reference TVA Calc ND-Q0065-900052, Rev 2)
""From t=0 to t=105 seconds, Case 2 CR Only 5.5 Breathing rates:
(Reference TVA Bid Spec) 0 - 8 hour-3.47E-4 m'/sec 8 - 24 hour-1.75E-4 m'/sec i
24 - 720 hour-2.32E-4 m'/sec 1
7 5.6 Occupancy Factors:
(Reference TVA Bid Spec)
From t=0 to t=1 day - 1.0 From t=1 to t=4 days - 0.6 From t=4 to t=30 days 0.4 4
PSAT 040000.03 Page: 11 of13 Revision: 2
- 6. Chemistry Data 6.1 Initial Pool pH - 6.0 (Reference TVA Memo Ricketts to McCamy dated 8/30/95 stating range 6.0 - 6.3) 6.2 Initial Hotwell pH - 7.0 (Reference TVA Memo Ricketts to McCamy dated 8/30/95 stating range 7.0 - 7.7) 6.3 Mass of Chloride-Bearing Cable Insulation in Containment (Reference TVA QIR BFEBFN95038) e Hypalon-333 lbm o
PVC - 3472 lbm 6.4 'Ihickness of Cable Insulation - 60 mils (Reference telecon D. haver to D. McCamy, September 29,1995) 6.5 Mass of B-10 Needed for Reactor Shutdown - 186 lbm (Reference TVA Calo MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0) 6.6 Mass B-10 per Lbm ofEnriched Sodium Pentaborate - 0.108 lbm (Refersnoe TVA Calo MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0) s 6.7 Formula ofESPB - Na20-5B O -10H O.(Reference TVA Calo MD-Q0063 920470, Rev 0) 2 3 2
6.8 Formula Weight of ESPB - 585.9 lbm/lbm-mole (Reference TVA Calo MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0) 6.9 Reactor Coolant Mass Excluding Suppression Pool - 1.22E6 lbm (Reference TVA Calo MD-Q0063 920470, Rev 0) 1
- 7. Fission Product Transport Data 7.1 Sedimentation Area in Drywell-8183 ft' (Reference TVA Calo ND-Q0999-950021, Rev 0) 7.2 Sedimeritation Area in Torus - 13635 ft2 (Reference TVA Calo ND-Q0999-950021, Rev 0) e 10859 ft2 wet 4
2776 ft2 dry e
7.3 Steamline ID - 21.562" (Reference TVA Calo ND-Q0031-920075, Rev 6)
1 PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 12 of13 i
Revision: 2 7.4 Length of Steamline from Outboard MSIV to Drain Line Tap - 68.25' (Reference TVA Cale ND-Q0999 950021, Rev 0) 7.5 Approx Containment Dimensions:
(Reference TVA Browns Ferry Dwg, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 2) e Diameter of Drywell Cylinder - 38.5 feet e
Height of Drywell Cylinder-55 feet e
Height of Drywell Sphere Sidewall - 50 feet e
Diameter of Drywell Sphere - 67 feet e
Major Toms Diameter - 111.5 feet e
Minor Torus Diameter - 31 feet 7.6 Generic Flow Area to HP Turbine - 0.0288 in2 (Reference Attachment 3 to DRF A00-04146, Section C, Rec # R92-920904-001, Page B-6) 7.7 Min Flow Area of Drainline Pathway = 5.41 in (Reference Attachment 2 to DRF A00-04146, 2
Section C, Rec # R92-920904-001, Page 2-1, for diameter of 2.624")
7.8 Elevation of LP Turbine / Main Condenser Bellows 0 - 609'1" (Reference Attachment 2 to DRF A00-04146, Section C, Rec # R92-920904-001, Page 2-2)
7.9 Elevation of Bottom of Main Condenser Hotwell - 564'9" (Reference Attachment 2 to DRF A00-04146, Section C, Rec # R92-920904-001, Page 2-2 for elevation of surface = 567' with 27" of waterin hotwell)
- 8. Thennal-Hydraulic Data 8.1 Drywell State after 30 Seconds, but Prior to Start of Containment Heat Removal (End of Debris Quench)
- 27 psig
- 275 F (Reference TVA Cale ND-Q0031-920075, Rev 6) 8.2 Drywell State after Start of Containment Heat Removal
- 10 psig
- 175 F 8.3 Core Power - 3458 Mw(t)
(Reference TVA Bid Spec)
PSAT 04000U.03 Page: 13 of13 Revision: 2 8.4 Core Spray Flowrate - 6250 gpm (two pumps)
(Reference BFNP UFSAR Thle 14.6-3, Amendment 7) 8.5 ID of Core Shroud - 203" (Reference TVA Calc MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0, i
Attachment A as 207" OD minus 2x thickness of 2")
8.6 Elevation ofTAF-Approx 360" (Reference TVA Calo MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0 Attachmeat A) 1 8.7 Elevation of BAF-Approx 216" (Reference TVA Calo MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0, Attachment A) 8.8 Inside Radius of Vessel and IAwer Head - 125.5" (Reference TVA Calc MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0, Attaohment A) 8.9 Reference Pressure for Detennination ofCoolant Mass""* - 1015 psia (Reference TVA Calc MD-Q0063-920470, Rev 0, Attaohment A)
"***Also used ts reference pressure for detennining initial steamline temperature (saturation temperature at the pressure specified) 8.10 Liquid Specific Volume at Reference Pressure - 0.02166 ft'/lbm (Reference TVA Calc MD-Q0063-920470, Rev0, Attachment A) 8.11 Test Basis for Drywell-to-Torus Vaouum Breakers -
leak rate less than 1" orifice equivalent (Reference BFNP UFSAR QS.1 Response, Amendment 24)
A//K approx 0.0033 ft2 8.12 Maximum Suppression Pool Teiwi4are - 173 F (Reference BFNP UFSAR Table 14.6-3, Amendment 7, and Figure 14.6-12, Amendment 7) 8.13 Minimum ECCS Injection Temperature Post Blowdown - 150 F (Reference BFNP UFSAR Figure 14.6-12, Amendment 7) 8.14 Vent Submergence -3.5 ft (Reference NEDO-24580, Rev 2, Table BF 4.1.1-1) 8.15 Reference Pressure for Drywell to Steamline Volumetric Flow Conversion - 14.4 psia (Reference TVA Cale ND-Q0031-920075, Rev 6)